First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. 2005 Year End Results


    CALGARY, March 21 /CNW/ - First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. (FCP or the

Company) announces its results for the year ended December 31, 2005.




    - Commercialisation and gas marketing discussions on the MLE field

      progressing with Sonatrach with target of field declaration of

      commerciality in 3rd quarter 2006

    - Reserves independently assessed at gross proved and probable reserves

      of approximately 4 Tcfe (FCP share 0.7 Tcfe) - in line with 2004

    - New 7 well exploration/appraisal programme underway on Ledjmet Block

      405b; first well LES-3 logged, cased and currently testing, with very

      encouraging results to date

    - 2 additional drilling rigs due to commence drilling on Block 405b in


    - Target of significantly increasing proved and probable reserves on

      Block 405b

    - ZCH-2 well on Yacoub Block 406a penetrated a small hydrocarbon pool

      separate from ZCH-1 discovery - decision on future activity on the

      Block to be made by August 2006

    - Management strengthened with appointment of new COO and CFO, and other

      senior technical staff


    Richard Anderson, President and CEO, commented:


    "FCP has entered 2006 with renewed energy. The strategy is      

straightforward. The Company has discovered reserves which are recognized as

world class in size. The focus now is to turn FCP into a full cycle

exploration and production company in order to maximize shareholder value. We

are pleased and excited with the calibre of people we are recruiting to assist

in the growth of the Company. We believe 2006 is going to be a year of great



    There will be an analyst presentation on Tuesday March 21, 2006 at the

offices of Pelham PR starting at 8:15 a.m. GMT. The updated corporate

presentation will be available from the Company's website at


    FCP has scheduled a conference call on March 21, 2006 for 9:00 a.m. ET,

2:00 p.m. GMT for investors and analysts. To participate in the conference

call, please dial:


    UK:             +44 (0) 208 515 2379 (2:00 p.m. GMT)

    North America:  +1 416 644 3416 (9:00 a.m. ET)


    An archived recording of the conference call will be available for 30

days by calling:


    UK:             +44 (0) 208 515 2499 Passcode: 611692 followed by the

                     number sign

    North America:  +1 416 640 1917 Passcode: 21181900 followed by the number





    For further information, contact: First Calgary Petroleums Ltd., Richard

    G. Anderson, President and CEO or John van der Welle, Finance Director

    and CFO, Tel: (403) 264-6697, Website:


    Other contacts: James Henderson, Pelham Public Relations,

    Tel: +44 (0) 207 743 6673; Carina Corbett, 4C - Burvale Limited,

    Tel: +44 (0) 207 907 4761.


    Note: Throughout this press release, $ refers to the U.S. dollar and C$

    refers to the Canadian dollar.





    The decision was made in mid-2005 to commence a new phase in the

Company's development, transforming FCP from a pure exploration company into

an exploration and production company, initially focusing on the

commercialisation of the MLE reserves on Ledjmet Block 405b. Excellent

progress has been made to date in this regard, as well as with the drill-bit,

as the Company embarks on a further period of intense drilling and testing





    In late 2004 and the first half of 2005, FCP undertook an evaluation of

its strategic alternatives to determine the best way of maximizing shareholder

value following its earlier exploration successes in Algeria. A corporate

sales process was undertaken with the support of financial advisors; however

no acceptable commitments were received from interested third-parties and the

Board determined that the best way forward was to continue to explore,

appraise and develop its interests in the country.

    Accordingly the strategy of the Company incorporates two principal



    - commercialise Block 405b with a staged development plan initially based

      on the MLE area of the Block; and

    - increase proved and probable reserves through a programme of

      exploration, appraisal drilling and completion activities.


    In addition, looking at the longer term, FCP will seek to deploy its

existing exploration skills, knowledge and relationships to add value to its

asset base, such as by seeking other exploration opportunities in Algeria and

in the region.




    The Company has commenced a seven well drilling programme that, in

conjunction with a completion programme of recently drilled wells, will have

the goal of significantly increasing the gross proved and probable reserves of

approximately 4 trillion cubic feet equivalent (Tcfe) as established by

independent engineers DeGolyer and MacNaughton. The first well of the new

drilling programme, LES-3, has been logged and cased and is currently being

production tested, with very encouraging results to date. The drilling rig has

moved onto the next location, LEW-2. Two additional rigs are expected to

arrive on Block 405b and commence drilling during April.




    The commercialisation of the MLE field involves approval by the Algerian

authorities of the Final Discovery Report already submitted, leading to the

eventual approval of a development. A gas sale contract for dry gas will be

required, and discussions with Sonatrach on transportation and marketing,

amongst other matters, are now underway. In tandem, further engineering work

will be undertaken ahead of the award of an engineering, procurement and

construction (EPC) contract to a major upstream services company for the

development. FCP is targeting MLE development approval by the authorities -

the declaration of commerciality - in the third quarter of 2006, leading to an

EPC contract award in the first half of 2007 and first production in 2009.




    The Company had working capital of $92.9 million at the end of 2005 -

sufficient to fund the current drilling programme. As stated in the 2005

quarterly reports to shareholders, beyond the current planned expenditures and

obligations, FCP will require additional capital to finance future capital

spending and operations. Financing alternatives are currently being

investigated to enable the Company to proceed to the development phase.




    To progress FCP from a pure exploration company to a full cycle

exploration and production company requires the strengthening of management

and staff. To this effect, FCP is pleased to report the new additions

effective January of this year.

    Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Shane O'Leary, joins FCP with prior

experience with Encana, BP and Amoco. Mr. O'Leary has focused the majority of

his career in the international arena and brings valued leadership to the

commercialisation and project management processes.

    Chief Financial Officer, Mr. John van der Welle, joins the FCP Board with

prior experience with Premier Oil, Hardy Oil and Gas, and Enterprise Oil; all

UK based international exploration and production companies. Mr. van der Welle

has considerable experience in business development and upstream financing and

will be based in the UK.

    London: Mr. van der Welle has been joined in London by Mr. Martin

Layzell, formerly Vice President Exploration and now Senior Vice President and

Algeria Country Manager. As well, it is expected that additional professional

staff will be located in London, primarily involved in the commercialisation


    CalgaryStaff: Mr. Roger Whittaker has assumed the position of Vice

President Exploration and FCP is actively recruiting exploration, development

and support staff to continue the technical work on the projects in Calgary.




    As stated, the Company is entering a period of increased operational

activity with three drilling rigs active from next month, and with multiple

testing and fraccing of wells as part of the ongoing testing programme. This

will generate considerable amounts of new data to be interpreted. It is

understood that shareholders and the market are interested in receiving

regular updates on progress. In addition to our quarterly and annual reports,

periodic press releases on operational matters will be made in accordance with

stock exchange disclosure rules. However, due to the complexity of the

operational programme, and the need to properly interpret and understand the

significance of drilling and testing data, individual well results will

normally only be released following completion of all drilling, fraccing and

testing operations on the well.




    FCP has entered 2006 with renewed energy. The strategy is

straightforward. The Company has discovered reserves which are recognized to

be world class in size. The focus now is to turn FCP into a full cycle

exploration and production company in order to maximize shareholder value. We

are pleased and excited with the calibre of people we are recruiting to assist

in the growth of the Company. We believe 2006 is going to be a year of great





    2005 saw continued activity on Blocks 405b and 406a in the Berkine Basin

onshore Algeria.




    To date, FCP has drilled 12 wells on Block 405b with a 100 percent

success rate.

    During the year, extensive geological studies were conducted which

assimilated the considerable amount of technical data acquired during the

drilling programmes of the previous two years. These included examinations of

the sedimentology, reservoir modelling and seismic attributes analysis. This

provided a detailed geological picture of the prolific and extensive

reservoirs of Block 405b.

    Drilling activity on Block 405b during 2005 was minimal, as the rig was

utilized on Block 406a. However, site preparation and road construction work

continued throughout the year. To date, FCP has built 105 km of access road to

facilitate drilling operations. The LES-3 well commenced drilling in November

2005 and continued into early 2006. The rig then moved across to LEW-2, which

is currently drilling, and which is a step-out to the LEW-1 discovery.

    In addition to the drilling of new wells, completions and testing

operations have continued steadily since the fourth quarter of 2005. This

activity has included testing operations on the LES-2 and -3 appraisal wells,

the MLE-5 and -6 appraisal wells, and on the LEW-1 and LEC-1 discoveries.

Hydraulic fracturing of tighter zones has also been done on four wells (MLE-6,

LEW-1, MZLN-1 and MZLS-1). The programme is still in its early stages but some

encouraging results have been seen on certain wells. On the basis of these

results, the techniques being applied will be modified for future operations.

The data arising from all this activity continues to be analysed and

incorporated into the overall geological model.

    Readers are referred to the map of Block 405b which is available on the

Company's website at




    The overall operational activity level on Block 406a in 2005 was

significant. The 610 km2 3D seismic programme started in 2004 was completed in

January 2005. This survey focused on the south-eastern part of the Block, in

the area of the ZCH-1 gas and condensate discovery which was drilled and

tested in 2004. The interpretation of the seismic survey identified two

suitable exploration locations: ZCHW-1 and RTN-1. These wells represented the

final two commitment wells required to be drilled under the terms of the

Rhourde Yacoub joint venture agreement.

    The ZCHW-1 exploration well commenced drilling in April 2005 and reached

total depth in early June. Initial review of the petrophysical logs indicated

that several potential pay zones had been encountered but due to mechanical

problems during the cementing of the liner in this wellbore, the well was

abandoned without testing.

    RTN-1 was the final commitment well on Block 406a and was drilled in late

summer 2005. No appreciable hydrocarbon shows were seen on logs and the well

was abandoned in September 2005.

    With the end of the exploration period approaching and all commitments

completed, FCP decided to drill an appraisal well, ZCH-2, approximately 3 km

east of the ZCH-1 discovery well. In parallel with the operational programme,

a request was made of the Algerian authorities for an extension beyond

November 10, 2005 (the end of the exploration phase according to the contract)

to allow time for data analysis and evaluation of the ZCH field area.

    The scheduled relinquishment of Block 406a, with the exception of a

112 km2 Appraisal Area around the ZCH-1 discovery, occurred on November 10,

2005. Following an initial three month extension, a further six month

extension was granted early in 2006, to August 10, 2006, by Sonatrach and the

Ministry of Energy and Mines.

    The ZCH-2 well was tested in the first quarter of 2006. The logging and

testing results from ZCH-2 confirmed hydrocarbons in one zone, however the

data also indicated the well to be isolated from the ZCH-1 discovery well.

This essentially means that each well had penetrated a small, independent

hydrocarbon pool as opposed to a large areal accumulation. The results of the

Rhourde Yacoub drilling programme are being evaluated together with Sonatrach

and a decision will be made regarding future activity on the Block prior to

the end of the extension period.

    Readers are referred to the map of Block 406a which is available on the

Company's website at




    The MLE field on Block 405b is now defined by six wells and has a large

proved and probable reserves base attributed to it. Late in 2005 discussions

were held with Sonatrach regarding the best approach to bringing the MLE field

into production. A key step in the process of commercialising a field in

Algeria is the presentation of a Final Discovery Report which covers the

following areas: geological mapping and reserves assessment; reservoir

modelling; conceptual engineering studies; economics; and gas markets.

    The MLE field Final Discovery Report has been prepared in co-operation

with Sonatrach and submitted to the Algerian authorities for their review and

finalisation. FCP has also commenced discussions with Sonatrach regarding

either jointly (with Sonatrach) marketing the gas directly to an end buyer, or

contracting with Sonatrach for it to market our interest in the MLE gas on our

behalf, as part of its overall gas marketing process. FCP's development staff

are working closely with Sonatrach and the Algerian Ministry of Energy and

Mines on how best to bring the MLE field on production. The anticipated

timeline for the project leading to first production in 2009 is shown below.

To achieve this timing, it is planned to award a front end engineering and

design (FEED) contract by mid year. Following FEED, an EPC contract is planned

to commence in early 2007.

    Readers are referred to the Production Timeline which is available on the

Company's website at

    Although the MLE field is often referred to as a gas field there is a

significant amount of hydrocarbons in liquid form that will also be produced.

The liquids component is split predominantly into condensate and LPG. These

products are valuable components to the production stream, and may eventually

yield about 50 percent of the total revenue from the field. It is envisaged

that the field would initially produce at: dry gas 328 million cubic feet per

day; hydrocarbon liquids 40,000 barrels per day.

    Eastern Algeria, where the Ledjmet Block is located, has been a petroleum

province for many years and has an extensive pipeline system to handle

production of liquids and gases from the region. Gas and liquids pipelines run

approximately 120 km west of the Block carrying hydrocarbons for export and

domestic use through a national grid extending from the eastern deserts to the

Mediterranean coast and the Algerian borders. The system is under constant

expansion by Sonatrach and plans are already in place for further increases in

capacity to handle the MLE production.

    In addition to the detailed analysis of the MLE field characteristics,

the Final Discovery Report looks beyond the field boundaries at the other

significant discoveries made by FCP on Block 405b. The 'Block Plan' as

outlined in this document shows that the MLE field is only a starting point

for the region's gas production. Before the MLE field is on production, work

is planned to commence on the commercialisation of the other discoveries on

Block 405b to the west of MLE. This area will require further delineation

drilling before new field development activity can be initiated.




    The gross and FCP net recoverable reserves attributable to its interests

in Block 405b and 406a estimated by independent engineers DeGolyer and

MacNaughton as at December 31, 2005 are set out in the table below. A further

analysis by Block is shown in Management's Discussion and Analysis.

    Reserves have remained broadly the same as at the end of 2004, mainly due

to the limited drilling activity on Block 405b, which constitutes the major

portion of total reserves from the two Blocks.



                      RESERVES AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2005


                    Gross Recoverable Reserves      Net Recoverable Reserves

                    --------------------------      ------------------------

                                     Total Gas                     Total Gas

                    Gas     Liquids  Equivalent    Gas    Liquids  Equivalent

                   (Bcf)    (MMBbls)     (Bcfe)   (Bcf)   (MMBbls)     (Bcfe)



     Undeveloped    636          81      1,122     131         19        245

    Probable      1,539         250      3,039     187         48        475


    Proved and

     Probable     2,175         331      4,161     318         67        720

    Possible      4,727         676      8,783     525        126      1,281



     Probable and

     Possible     6,902       1,007     12,944     843        193      2,001



    (1) See explanatory notes in the Block 405b and Block 406a reserves

        tables in Management's Discussion and Analysis.

    (2) FCP's net reserves allocations are based upon the terms of the

        contracts relating to each Block. The Ledjmet Block 405b reserves are

        allocated annually based upon a sliding scale formula that considers

        capital investment, production levels, product prices and rates of

        inflation. Accordingly, the net allocation can vary annually and will

        be dependant upon the costs, production levels and product prices

        realised. For Yacoub Block 406a, FCP is allocated the equivalent of

        49 percent of the gross production on an equivalent barrel basis.

    (3) Gross development costs used in the determination of the future net

        revenues were $619 million, $1.46 billion and $2.99 billion, on a

        proved, proved plus probable, and proved plus probable plus possible

        basis, respectively.  FCP's share of these costs are $452 million,

        $1.07 billion and $2.18 billion.


    The net present value of future net revenues attributable to FCP's

interests in Blocks 405b and 406a as at the end of 2005 are shown in the table

below, at various discount rates and in constant prices. The prices used were

based on the Brent crude oil reference price of $58.21 per barrel at the end

of 2005. This represents a 44 percent increase from the price used as at the

end of 2004 ($40.47 per barrel). The Company's net present value has increased

significantly as at the end of 2005, predominantly as the result of the higher

prices assumed.





                                                 Discounted at (%/year)


                                              0            5           8

                                           (M US$)      (M US$)     (M US$)

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


    Proved Undeveloped                     1,316,249     807,967     599,229

    Probable                               2,701,914   1,734,001   1,336,998

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable             4,018,163   2,541,968   1,936,227

    Possible                               7,134,754   4,346,750   3,285,517

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable

     Plus Possible                        11,152,917   6,888,718   5,221,744

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------



                                                 Discounted at (%/year)


                                              0            5           8

                                           (M US$)      (M US$)     (M US$)

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


    Proved Undeveloped                       488,370     283,303     149,947

    Probable                               1,125,280     729,575     466,343

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable             1,613,650   1,012,878     616,290

    Possible                               2,739,855   1,757,798   1,130,791

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable

     Plus Possible                         4,353,505   2,770,676   1,747,081

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


    (1) See explanatory notes in the Block 405b and Block 406a net preset

        value tables in Management's Discussion and Analysis.




    The operational plan for 2006 is an active one, as FCP plans to have

three drilling rigs operating on Block 405b before the end of April. The

principal aim of this programme is to generate additional proved and probable

reserves. Wells have been located in such a way as to maximize the probability

of achieving this goal. With LES-3 now undergoing production testing, the next

six wells have been approved by Sonatrach and comprise three appraisal and

three exploration wells. The Drilling Timeline below shows the currently

anticipated drilling schedule in respect of the programme.

    Readers are referred to the Drilling Timeline which is available on the

Company's website at


    Management's Discussion and Analysis


    The discussion and analysis that follows is intended to provide a summary

of First Calgary Petroleums Ltd.'s (FCP, First Calgary or the Company)

activities and results over the past two years as well as its financial

position and future prospects. It should be read in conjunction with the

audited financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004.

All of the numbers in this discussion and analysis are expressed in U.S.

dollars unless otherwise indicated. Additional information is available on

FCP's website at or on SEDAR's website at




    First Calgary is an international oil and gas company currently operating

in the Republic of Algeria. Through hydrocarbon agreements with Sonatrach, the

national oil company of Algeria, FCP holds rights to explore, appraise and

develop two large acreage Blocks in the hydrocarbon bearing Berkine Basin;

Menzel Ledjmet Block 405b and Rhourde Yacoub Block 406a. The Company is in the

development stage, and as a result, currently has no revenue from oil and gas


    Since acquiring the Blocks in late 2000 and 2001, First Calgary has made

a number of significant oil and gas discoveries. Independent reserve engineers

have assigned between 4.2 and 12.9 Tcfe(1) of reserves to the Blocks as at

December 31, 2005 (2P and 3P basis, respectively) (2 ).

    FCP's share of the potential future net revenues(3) from these reserves

are estimated to be $1.9 billion to $5.2 billion, in present value terms

discounted at eight percent.

    In creating these assets for its shareholders, First Calgary has spent

approximately $374 million of capital in Algeria. This capital was invested



    - Establishing the Company to do business in Algeria;


    - Acquiring lease interests;


    - Acquiring and processing over 2,000 km2 of three dimensional (3D)

      seismic data providing complete coverage of FCP's lands;


    - Drilling 17 wells, of which 13 were successful (76 percent). Eight of

      the wells drilled were exploration, while the other nine were appraisal

      wells; and


    - Completing appraisal activities and a development plan for the first

      segment to be commercialised (MLE field).


    The ultimate commercialisation of the discoveries will transform the

Company into a significant oil and gas production company.



    (1) Tcfe means trillion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent.

    (2) 2P means Proved plus Probable reserves, 3P means Proved plus Probable

    plus Possible reserves as defined by NI 51-101, Standards of Disclosures

    for Oil and Gas Activities

    (3) Net present value of future net revenues determined in accordance

    with NI 51-101, Standards of Disclosures for Oil and Gas Activities,

    using an 8 percent discount rate. Refer to the Company's Annual

    Information Form (AIF) for details on the assumptions made in determining

    the future net revenues. The estimated future net revenues do not

    represent fair market value.




    In 2001, First Calgary entered into a Production Sharing Contract (PSC)

with Sonatrach to explore and appraise Block 405b. The PSC consists of the

following periods:


    - a five year exploration and appraisal period where FCP is required to

      conduct certain drilling and seismic activities and identify any oil

      and gas discoveries;


    - an additional appraisal period that is extendable up to two years to

      complete appraisal activities on oil and gas discoveries made during

      the exploration period; and


    - an exploitation period for each commercial oil and gas discovery of 25

      to 30 years, respectively.


    Exploration and Appraisal Activities


    The five year exploration period of the PSC ends on December 29, 2006 at

which time First Calgary is required to have drilled its last commitment well

under the PSC. FCP's next well to be drilled, ZER-1, is scheduled to commence

in April and will satisfy this commitment.

    During 2005, First Calgary spent $24.7 million on the following

exploration and appraisal activities on the Block:


    - ongoing geological and geophysical analysis and studies;


    - completed and production tested the LES-2 well;


    - finished drilling and cased the MLE-6 well;


    - prepared access roads and drill platforms for future drilling



    - commenced drilling the LES-3 well; and


    - initiated various testing and reservoir stimulation activities.


    FCP's 2006 currently planned exploration and appraisal activities for

Block 405b are budgeted at approximately $80 million and includes a seven well

drilling programme, continued geological and geophysical analysis and a

testing and reservoir stimulation programme. These seven wells, including 

LES-3 that commenced drilling in November 2005, are shown as proposed drilling

locations in the Block 405b map which is available on the Company's website at The goal of the 2006 drilling programme is to further delineate

existing discoveries and explore undrilled structures before the end of the

exploration period, to retain the maximum area for appraisal and development.

    The work completed on Block 405b to date has significantly exceeded the

minimum work obligations in the PSC. Exploration wells were spread out over

various locations in order to explore the Block as effectively as possible

within the five year exploration window provided by the PSC, and to maximize

acreage retained for appraisal and possible exploitation.


    Exploitation Activities


    Following the appraisal of each oil and gas discovery, FCP and Sonatrach

will obtain exploitation permits for any reserves determined to be commercial.

All areas not subject to an exploitation permit will be returned to the

Algerian government.

    The PSC will allocate hydrocarbon production between FCP, Sonatrach and

the Algerian state in accordance with a sliding scale formula based on such

factors as production levels, product prices and project investment. Pursuant

to the formula, First Calgary's annual share of production will range from

27.72 percent to 8.16 percent. FCP will be allocated the 27.72 percent of

production until the Block's cumulative return on investment exceeds six

times. Once the Block's cumulative return on investment exceeds eight times,

FCP will be allocated 8.16 percent of production. Return on investment is

calculated in 2001 dollars based on the ratio of gross revenues to gross

capital investment on the entire Block. All Algerian state royalties and

income taxes are paid by Sonatrach from its share of hydrocarbon production.

The PSC provides Sonatrach with the right to participate in any field

development with a 25 percent interest.

    The MLE field is the first discovery that has been appraised by FCP and

will be the first stage in the development of the Block. During 2005, reserve

analysis, reservoir modeling and conceptual engineering work continued in

order to evaluate various development scenarios. A development plan has been

outlined and submitted to Sonatrach as part of the MLE field Final Discovery

Report, for review. Subject to finalizing marketing and financing

arrangements, First Calgary expects to obtain a declaration of commerciality

from Sonatrach and apply to the Ministry for an exploitation permit.

Simultaneously, FCP will move forward on front end engineering and design

(FEED), the next step towards commercialisation, in order to accelerate the


    The reserves, and associated potential future net cash flows of a staged

Block development attributable to FCP, are as follows:



                 BLOCK 405B RESERVES AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2005


                    Gross Recoverable Reserves      Net Recoverable Reserves

                    --------------------------      ------------------------

                                     Total Gas                     Total Gas

                    Gas     Liquids  Equivalent    Gas    Liquids  Equivalent

                   (Bcf)    (MMBbls)     (Bcfe)   (Bcf)   (MMBbls)     (Bcfe)



     Undeveloped    622          77      1,084     131         16        227

    Probable      1,468         227      2,830     187         30        367


    Proved and

     Probable     2,090         304      3,914     318         46        594

    Possible      4,504         599      8,098     525         69        939



     Probable and

     Possible     6,594         903     12,012     843        115      1,533



    (1) The gross and net recoverable reserves volumes are estimated under

        the constant price case.

    (2) Liquids consist of Oil, Condensate and LPG.

    (3) FCP's net reserves allocations are based on the PSC where production

        is allocated annually based upon a sliding scale formula that

        considers capital investment, production levels, product prices and

        rates of inflation. Accordingly, the net allocation can vary annually

        and will be dependant upon the costs, production levels and product

        prices realized.

    (4) Gas equivalents have been calculated by the Company at one barrel for

        six thousand cubic feet of gas equivalent. Using gas equivalent units

        may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A conversion

        ratio of one barrel to six thousand cubic feet of gas is based on an

        energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the

        burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the


    (5) Bcf means billion cubic feet of gas, Bcfe means billion cubic feet of

        gas equivalent and MMBbls means millions of barrels of liquid.

    (6) Net recoverable reserves assumes Sonatrach exercises its right to

        participate in the developments.





                                                   Discounted at (%/year)


                                               0           5           8

                                            (M US$)     (M US$)     (M US$)

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


    Proved Undeveloped                     1,239,467     755,016     556,844

    Probable                               2,412,482   1,553,503   1,199,786

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable             3,651,949   2,308,519   1,756,630

    Possible                               6,187,123   3,740,018   2,817,379

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable

     Plus Possible                         9,839,072   6,048,537   4,574,009

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


                                                   Discounted at (%/year)


                                              10          15          20

                                            (M US$)     (M US$)     (M US$)

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


    Proved Undeveloped                       451,832     258,120     132,649

    Probable                               1,010,582     655,446     417,709

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable             1,462,414     913,566     550,358

    Possible                               2,344,826   1,496,902     956,379

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable

     Plus Possible                         3,807,240   2,410,468   1,506,737

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


    (1) The net present values of future net revenues are estimated under the

        constant price case using prices based on the Brent crude reference

        price of $58.21 per barrel at the end of 2005.

    (2) Refer to the Company's AIF for further details on the assumptions

        made in determining the future net revenues. Gross development costs

        used in the determination of the future net revenues were

        $569 million, $1.37 billion and $2.75 billion, on a proved, proved

        plus probable, and proved plus probable plus possible basis,

        respectively. Assuming Sonatrach exercises its right to back-in for

        25 percent, FCP will be responsible for 75 percent of these costs.

    (3) The estimated future net revenues do not represent fair market value.

    (4) Calculated as at the end of 2005.




    In 2000, First Calgary entered into a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with

Sonatrach to explore and appraise Block 406a. The Block was exploratory in

nature, but adjacent to existing oil production. The JVA's five year

exploration period ended on November 10, 2005 and was extended to August 10,

2006 to complete appraisal activities. The Block acreage has been relinquished

except for that portion surrounding the ZCH discovery.

    During 2005, First Calgary spent $27.4 million on the following

exploration and appraisal activities on the Block:


    - completed the acquisition and interpretation of the 2004 3D seismic



    - drilled and cased the ZCHW-1 commitment well;


    - drilled and abandoned the RTN-1 commitment well; and


    - drilled and cased the ZCH-2 appraisal well.


    Pursuant to the JVA, exploitation periods for each commercial oil and gas

discovery are 15 and 20 years, respectively, plus a five year extension

option. During the exploitation period, the JVA allocates to the Company

49 percent of the hydrocarbon production (as gas and liquids value or as

equivalent liquids value). FCP is responsible for paying Algerian state

royalties and income taxes on its share of production. A portion of the total

recoverable natural gas reserves will be considered strategic reserves and

excluded by Algerian law from the JVA.

    The Block 406a 2006 capital programme is budgeted at approximately $5

million and includes completing and production testing the ZCH-2 well,

reprocessing the ZCH 3D seismic data and evaluating potential development

scenarios. A decision on the way forward with this Block is planned by

August 2006.


                 BLOCK 406A RESERVES AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2005


                    Gross Recoverable Reserves      Net Recoverable Reserves

                    --------------------------      ------------------------

                                     Total Gas                     Total Gas

                    Gas     Liquids  Equivalent    Gas    Liquids  Equivalent

                   (Bcf)    (MMBbls)     (Bcfe)   (Bcf)   (MMBbls)     (Bcfe)



     Undeveloped     14           4         38       -          3         18

    Probable         71          23        209       -         18        108


    Proved and

     Probable        85          27        247       -         21        126

    Possible        223          77        685       -         57        342



     Probable and

     Possible       308         104        932       -         78        468



    (1) The gross and net recoverable reserves volumes are estimated under

        the constant price case.

    (2) Liquids consist of Oil, Condensate and LPG.

    (3) FCP's net reserves allocations are defined as the volume of oil,

        condensate and LPG that comprise First Calgary's 49 percent joint

        venture interest in the estimated recoverable reserves of the Block,

        on a barrel of oil equivalent basis.

    (4) Gas equivalents have been calculated by the Company at one barrel for

        six thousand cubic feet of gas equivalent. Using gas equivalent units

        may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A conversion

        ratio of one barrel to six thousand cubic feet of gas is based on an

        energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the

        burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the


    (5) Bcf means billion cubic feet of gas, Bcfe means billion cubic feet of

        gas equivalent and MMBbls means millions of barrels of liquid.




                                                   Discounted at (%/year)


                                               0           5           8

                                            (M US$)     (M US$)     (M US$)

    -----------------------------------  ------------ ----------- -----------


    Proved Undeveloped                        76,782      52,951      42,385

    Probable                                 289,432     180,498     137,212

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable               366,214     233,449     179,597

    Possible                                 947,631     606,732     468,138

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable

     Plus Possible                         1,313,845     840,181     647,735

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------



                                                   Discounted at (%/year)


                                               10          15          20

                                            (M US$)     (M US$)     (M US$)

    -----------------------------------  ------------ ----------- -----------


    Proved Undeveloped                        36,538      25,183      17,298

    Probable                                 114,698      74,129      48,634

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable               151,236      99,312      65,932

    Possible                                 395,029     260,896     174,412

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

    Total Proved Plus Probable

     Plus Possible                           546,265     360,208     240,344

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------

                                         ------------ ----------- -----------


    (1) The net present values of future net revenues are estimated under the

        constant price case using prices based on the Brent crude reference

        price of $58.21 per barrel at the end of 2005.

    (2) Refer to the Company's AIF for further details on the assumptions

        made in determining the future net revenues. Gross development costs

        used in the determination of the future net revenues were

        $50 million, $96 million and $238 million, on a proved, proved plus

        probable, and proved plus probable plus possible basis, respectively.

        FCP's share of these costs is 49 percent.

    (3) The estimated future net revenues do not represent fair market value.

    (4) Calculated as at the end of 2005.





    The Company's 2005 capital expenditures on Blocks 405b and 406a totaled

$64.1 million compared to $108.6 million in 2004, reflecting a decreased level

of exploration and appraisal activity.


    2005 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES             Block 405b  Block 406a       Total


    Drilling, completion and testing      $   24,266  $   26,251  $   50,517

    Geological and geophysical                   336       1,269       1,605

    MLE commercialisation                      5,501           -       5,501

    Training bonuses                             161         168         329


                                          $   30,264  $   27,688  $   57,952

    Block management and administration                                6,158


                                                                  $   64,110




    2004 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES             Block 405b  Block 406a       Total


    Drilling, completion and testing     $    81,265  $   10,330  $   91,595

    Geological and geophysical                 5,697       4,993      10,690

    MLE commercialisation                        823           -         823

    Training bonuses                             152         156         308


                                         $    87,937  $   15,479  $  103,416

    Block management and administration                                5,193


                                                                  $  108,609



    There are a number of factors that impact drilling costs, including the

well location and access, surface condition, well depth and availability of

services and supplies. The Block 406a wells are being drilled to depths

averaging 3950 metres and the Block 405b wells to 4500 metres. Ongoing

drilling costs are expected to range between $6 and $7 million per well on

Block 406a and between $7 and $8 million per well on Block 405b. In addition,

testing and completion costs on the Block 405b wells have averaged $2 to $3

million per well due to multiple zones being tested and to maximize the data





    Without revenue from oil and gas operations, FCP relies upon equity to

fund its short-term operations and capital programmes.  In 2005, FCP raised

$104.6 million, net of issue costs, from the sale of 16,925,000 common shares.

Additional funding is derived periodically from the exercise of stock options

and warrants.  In 2005, 2,835,919 common shares were issued from the exercise

of options and warrants, resulting in $2.3 million in proceeds.

    Development of the Ledjmet Block 405b reserves through to commercial

production will require significant funding. This funding is expected to be in

the form of debt, equity, joint ventures or some combination thereof. With the

current high commodity price environment, the capital markets appear receptive

to the oil and gas industry and the Company believes this environment will

continue into the foreseeable future. First Calgary has been approached by a

number of parties seeking to fund the Ledjmet development. To date, no

arrangements have been entered into, however the Company believes the

necessary funding will be available when required on reasonable commercial


    FCP's 2006 ongoing seven well exploration and appraisal programme will be

funded from the Company's 2005 year end working capital. The Company's year

end working capital was $92.9 million compared to $52.1 million in the prior

year. Changes in the Company's working capital are primarily a function of the

timing and magnitude of its equity financings and capital expenditures, as

detailed below:




    Working capital at December 31, 2004                          $   52,115

      Equity issues                                                  104,610

      Proceeds from the exercise of options and warrants               2,271

      Capital expenditures                                           (64,110)

      Net administrative costs                                        (1,966)


    Working capital at December 31, 2005                          $   92,920



    The Company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the AIM market of

the London Stock Exchange. The fully-diluted number of shares outstanding at

the following dates were:



    SHARES OUTSTANDING                             March 14,     December 31,

                                                      2006           2005


    Common shares                                 203,052,127    202,847,594

    Employee stock options                          9,638,500      9,132,033


    Fully-diluted shares outstanding              212,690,627    211,979,627






    The Company has the following contractual obligations outstanding as at

December 31, 2005:


    CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS                    Payments Due by Period


                                           less than    1 - 3   greater than

                                 Total      1 year      years      4 years


    Operating Leases          $      742  $      421  $      321           -

    Consulting Agreements          5,000       5,000           -           -

    Exploration Commitments(1)     7,000       7,000           -           -

    Drill Rig Contracts(2)         8,985       6,690       2,295           -


                              $   21,727  $   19,111  $    2,616           -


    (1) Relates to the last exploration well commitment under the Block 405b

        PSC, to be drilled in Q2 2006.

    (2) Amounts are the minimum payments required under the rig contracts.





    Selected Annual Information


    (000's of U.S. dollars)                     2005        2004        2003


    Interest income                       $    3,013  $    1,290  $      638



      General and administrative               4,746       4,027       2,604

      Stock-based compensation                 5,514       5,181       4,679

      Foreign exchange loss (gain)               208      (1,542)        578

      Write-off Yemen investment                   -           -       1,035

      Earthquake donation - Algeria                -           -       1,000

      Other expenses                             116         189         392


                                              10,584       7,855      10,288


    Net loss                                  (7,571)     (6,565)     (9,650)

    Net loss per share                         (0.04)      (0.04)      (0.07)


    Total Assets                          $  482,776  $  393,042  $  164,363



    Interest income increased $1.7 million in 2005 as a result of higher

average interest rates and higher average cash and term-deposit balances.

    General and administrative expenses increased $0.7 million in 2005 from

2004. The increase is primarily the result of incremental costs associated

with the strategic review process.

    FCP recorded a net foreign exchange loss of $0.2 million during 2005,

arising from the effects of exchange rate fluctuations on Canadian dollar and

British pound cash and accounts payable balances.


    Selected Quarterly Information



    (000's of U.S. dollars)        Q4          Q3          Q2          Q1


    Interest income           $      887  $    1,039  $      428  $      659



      General and

       administrative              1,192       1,001       1,414       1,139

      Stock-based compensation     3,892         373         503         746

      Foreign exchange loss

       (gain)                        (70)     (2,181)        932       1,527

      Other expenses                  54          49          46         (33)


                                   5,068        (758)      2,895       3,379


    Net income (loss)             (4,181)      1,797      (2,467)     (2,720)

    Net income (loss) per share    (0.02)       0.01       (0.01)      (0.01)


    Total Assets              $  482,776  $  478,103  $  475,286  $  375,384





    (000's of U.S. dollars)        Q4          Q3          Q2          Q1


    Interest Income           $      386  $      251  $      238  $      415



      General and

       administrative              1,165         904       1,048         910

      Stock-based compensation     1,442         975       1,375       1,389

      Foreign exchange loss

       (gain)                       (820)     (2,151)      1,137         292

      Other expenses                (102)        109          92          90


                                   1,685        (163)      3,652       2,681


    Net Income (loss)             (1,299)        414      (3,414)     (2,266)

    Net Income (loss) per share    (0.01)       0.00       (0.02)      (0.01)


    Total Assets              $  393,042  $  179,912  $  169,229  $  169,912



    Stock-based compensation increased in the fourth quarter of 2005 as a

result of the expense relating to a company-wide stock option grant and

options granted to new employees.

    During the third quarter of 2005 FCP realized a foreign exchange gain on

the conversion of the June equity financing proceeds into U.S. dollars. Those

financing proceeds were denominated in Canadian dollars and British pounds.




    The Company's business is subject to risks inherent in oil and gas

exploration and development operations. In addition, there are risks

associated with the Company's development stage of operations and the foreign

jurisdiction in which it operates. The Company has identified certain risks

pertinent to its business including: exploration and reserve risks, drilling

and operating risks, costs and availability of materials and services, capital

markets and the requirement for additional capital, loss of or changes to

production sharing, joint venture or related agreements, economic and

sovereign risks, possibility of less developed legal systems, reliance on

strategic relationships, market risk, volatility of future oil and gas prices

and foreign currency risk.

    FCP attempts to monitor, assess and mitigate certain of these risks by

retaining an experienced team of professionals and using modern technology.

Further, the Company has focused its activities in a known hydrocarbon basin

in a jurisdiction that has previously established long-term oil and gas

ventures with foreign oil and gas companies, existing infrastructure of

services and oil and gas transportation facilities, and reasonable proximity

to markets. The Company also retains consultants resident in Algeria to

monitor economic and political developments and to assist with operating,

administrative and legal matters. There are certain risks, however, over which

the Company has little or no control.




    First Calgary's strategy is primarily to commercialise Block 405b and

increase proved and probable reserves. The plan for 2006 is to make progress

with both of these, through its commercialisation discussions with Sonatrach

and capital investment programme. In addition, financing alternatives are

currently being investigated to enable the Company to proceed to the

development phase.




    Petroleum and Natural Gas Operations


    FCP follows the full cost method to account for its petroleum and natural

gas operations, whereby all costs of exploring for and developing petroleum

and natural gas reserves are capitalized and accumulated in country-by-country

cost centres. These capitalized costs will be depleted using the unit-of-

production method based on estimates of proved reserves. The costs in cost

centres from which there has been no commercial production are not subject to

depletion until commercial production commences. These capitalized costs are

assessed to determine whether it is likely such costs will be recovered in the

future. Costs which are not likely to be recovered in the future are written-


    Petroleum and natural gas reserves form the basis for a number of

accounting estimates and support for the carrying amount of petroleum and

natural gas properties. The estimation of reserves is a subjective process.

Forecasts are based on engineering data, projected future rates of production,

estimated commodity price forecasts and the timing of future expenditures, all

of which are subject to numerous uncertainties and various interpretations.

The Company expects that its estimates of reserves will change to reflect

updated information. Reserve estimates can be revised upward or downward based

on the results of future drilling, testing, production levels and economics of

recovery based on cash flow forecasts.




    Certain information with respect to the Company contained in this report,

including management's assessment of future plans and operations, contains

forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on

assumptions and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which

are beyond FCP's control, including the impact of general economic conditions,

industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, currency exchange rate

fluctuations, reserve estimates, environmental risks, competition from other

explorers, stock market volatility and ability to access sufficient capital.

FCP's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from

those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and,

accordingly, no assurance can be given that any events anticipated by the

forward-looking statements will transpire or occur.


    March 20, 2006





    Consolidated Balance Sheets


    December 31

    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)



                                                           2005         2004





    Current assets:

      Cash and short-term deposits (note 3)          $  107,882   $   81,874

      Accounts receivable                                   338          357

      Deposits and prepaid expenses                         387          758


                                                        108,607       82,989


    Property, plant and equipment (note 4)              374,169      310,053



                                                     $  482,776   $  393,042




    Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


    Current liabilities:

      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

       (note 5)                                      $   15,687   $   30,874


    Asset retirement obligations (note 6)                   436          339


    Shareholders' equity:

      Capital stock (note 7)                            484,694      377,288

      Contributed surplus (note 7)                       14,430        9,441

      Cumulative translation adjustment                   6,502        6,502

      Deficit                                           (38,973)     (31,402)


                                                        466,653      361,829


    Operations and commitments (notes 2 and 10)

    Contingency (note 12)



                                                     $  482,776   $  393,042




    See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.





    Consolidated Statements of Operations and Deficit


    Years ended December 31

    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)



                                                           2005         2004




      Interest                                       $    3,013   $    1,290




      General and administrative                          4,746        4,027

      Stock-based compensation (note 7)                   5,514        5,181

      Foreign exchange loss (gain)                          208       (1,542)

      Capital taxes                                          25          110

      Depreciation and accretion                             91           79


                                                         10,584        7,855



    Loss for the year                                    (7,571)      (6,565)


    Deficit, beginning of year                          (31,402)     (24,837)


    Deficit, end of year                             $  (38,973)  $  (31,402)




    Loss per share (note 7)                          $    (0.04)  $    (0.04)




    See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.





    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


    Years ended December 31

    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars)



                                                           2005         2004



    Operating activities:

      Loss for the year                              $   (7,571)  $   (6,565)

      Items not involving cash:

        Stock-based compensation                          5,514        5,181

        Unrealized foreign exchange loss (gain)             398       (1,612)

        Depreciation and accretion                           91           79


                                                         (1,568)      (2,917)

      Change in non-cash working capital                 (3,220)       1,430


                                                         (4,788)      (1,487)


    Financing activities:

      Proceeds from issuance of shares                  110,502       74,242

      Proceeds from exercise of warrants                    177        6,602

      Proceeds from exercise of options                   2,094        2,394

      Issue costs                                        (5,892)      (4,320)


                                                        106,881       78,918


    Investing activities:

      Capital expenditures                              (64,110)    (108,609)

      Change in non-cash working capital                (11,821)      16,255


                                                        (75,931)     (92,354)



    Increase (decrease) in cash and short-term

     deposits                                            26,162      (14,923)


    Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash

     and short-term deposits                               (154)       1,612


    Cash and short-term deposits, beginning of year      81,874       95,185



    Cash and short-term deposits, end of year        $  107,882   $   81,874




    See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.





    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements


    Years ended December 31, 2005 and 2004

    (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated)



    First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. (the "Company" or "FCP") is incorporated in

    Alberta under the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) and its primary

    business activity is the exploration for and development of petroleum and

    natural gas in Algeria.


    1.  Significant accounting policies:


        (a) Basis of presentation:


            The consolidated financial statements have been prepared using

            Canadian generally accepted accounting principles and include the

            accounts of the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries.


        (b) Petroleum and natural gas operations:


            The Company follows the full cost method of accounting for

            petroleum and natural gas operations, whereby all costs of

            exploring for and developing petroleum and natural gas reserves

            are capitalized and accumulated in country-by-country cost

            centres. Such costs include land acquisition costs, geological

            and geophysical costs, carrying charges on non-producing

            properties, costs of drilling both productive and non-productive

            wells, interest costs on major development projects and overhead

            charges directly related to acquisition, exploration and

            development activities.


            The costs (including exploratory dry holes) in cost centres from

            which there has been no commercial production are not subject to

            depletion until commercial production commences. The capitalized

            costs are periodically assessed, using a ceiling test, to

            determine whether it is likely such costs will be recovered in

            the future. To the extent there are costs which are not likely to

            be recovered in the future, they are written-off.


            Petroleum and natural gas properties are subject to a ceiling

            test in each reporting period to determine that the costs are

            recoverable and do not exceed the fair value of the properties.

            The costs are assessed to be recoverable if the sum of the

            undiscounted cash flows expected from the production of proved

            reserves and the lower of cost and market of unproved properties

            exceed the carrying values of the petroleum and natural gas

            properties. If the carrying value of the petroleum and natural

            gas properties is not assessed to be recoverable, an impairment

            loss is recognized to the extent that the carrying value exceeds

            an estimated fair value. The fair value estimate is normally

            based on the sum of the discounted cash flows expected from the

            production of proved and probable reserves and the lower of cost

            and market of unproved properties. The cash flows are estimated

            using forecast product prices and costs and are discounted using

            a risk-free interest rate.


        (c) Asset retirement obligations:


            The Company recognizes the estimated fair value of legal

            obligations associated with the retirement of petroleum and

            natural gas properties in the period in which they are incurred.

            The obligation is recorded as a liability with a corresponding

            increase in the carrying amount of the petroleum and natural gas

            properties. The capitalized amount will be depleted on a unit-of-

            production basis over the life of the proved reserves. The

            obligation is increased each period, or accretes, due to the

            passage of time and is recorded in the statement of operations.

            Revisions to the estimated fair value would result in an

            adjustment to the obligation and carrying amount of the petroleum

            and natural gas properties.


        (d) Foreign currency:


            All of the Company's operations are considered financially and

            operationally integrated. The U.S. dollar is the Company's

            functional currency. As a result, monetary assets and liabilities

            denominated in foreign currencies are translated at exchange

            rates in effect at the balance sheet date and non-monetary assets

            and liabilities are translated at rates in effect when the assets

            were acquired or liabilities incurred. Revenues and expenses are

            translated at rates of exchange prevailing on the transaction

            dates. Foreign exchange gains and losses are recorded in the

            statement of operations.


        (e) Stock-based compensation:


            The Company accounts for all stock options and warrants granted

            using the fair value method. Under this method, compensation

            expense is measured at fair value at the grant date using the

            Black-Scholes option pricing model and recognized over the

            vesting period with a corresponding credit to contributed



            Consideration received upon the exercise of stock options

            together with the amount of non-cash compensation expense

            recognized in contributed surplus is recorded as share capital.


        (f) Income taxes:


            The Company uses the asset and liability method of accounting for

            income taxes. Under this method current income taxes are

            recognized for the estimated income taxes payable for the current

            year. Future income taxes are recognized for temporary

            differences between the tax and accounting bases of assets and

            liabilities and for the benefit of losses available to be carried

            forward for tax purposes that are likely to be realized. Future

            tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted or

            substantively enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable

            income in the years in which those temporary differences are

            expected to be recovered or settled. The effect on future tax

            assets and liabilities of a change in tax rates is recognized in

            income in the period that includes the date of enactment or

            substantive enactment.


        (g) Use of estimates:


            The preparation of financial statements in conformity with

            Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires

            management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the

            reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.

            The ceiling test is based upon estimates of market values of

            unproved properties, proved reserves, petroleum and natural gas

            prices, future costs and other assumptions. These estimates are

            subject to measurement uncertainty and the effect on the

            financial statements of changes in such estimates could be



        (h) Per share amounts:


            Basic per share amounts are computed by dividing the earnings or

            loss by the weighted average shares outstanding during the

            reporting period. Diluted amounts are computed using the treasury

            stock method. The treasury stock method assumes that proceeds

            received from the exercise of in-the-money options and warrants

            are used to repurchase shares at the average market price for the

            period. The difference between the number of shares that could

            have been purchased at market prices in the period and the number

            of in-the-money options and warrants is added to the weighted

            average shares outstanding.


    2.  Operations and commitments:


        The Company's operations are in Algeria where it has the rights to

        explore, appraise and develop two blocks, Ledjmet Block 405b ("Block

        405b") and Yacoub Block 406a ("Block 406a"). The Company's rights and

        obligations in each Block are set out in agreements with Sonatrach,

        the national oil company of Algeria.


        (a) Block 405b:


            In 2001 the Company entered into a production-sharing contract

            (PSC) with Sonatrach to explore and appraise Block 405b in the

            Berkine Basin. The five year exploration period of the PSC ends

            on December 29, 2006. FCP's remaining work commitment under the

            PSC is to drill one exploration well (ZER-1) prior to the end of

            the exploration period and is expected to cost $7 million. If the

            Company fails to satisfy this work obligation, the rights, other

            than for which an exploitation permit has been granted or

            requested, will be returned and the Company will be liable to pay

            Sonatrach a penalty of $6.25 million. In addition, the Company is

            obligated to pay an annual training bonus in the amount of $150

            for the duration of the contract, including exploitation periods.


            Each discovery made during the exploration period is subject to

            an appraisal work programme that may extend up to two years

            beyond the exploration period. Following the appraisal of each

            discovery, the Company and Sonatrach will obtain exploitation

            permits for any reserves determined to be commercial and all

            lands not subject to an exploitation permit will be returned to

            the government. During the exploitation period, the PSC allocates

            hydrocarbon production between FCP, Sonatrach and the Algerian

            State in accordance with a sliding scale formula based on such

            factors as production levels, product prices, project

            investments and rates of inflation. Pursuant to the formula, the

            Company's annual share of production may range from 27.72 to

            8.16 percent. All Algerian state royalties and income taxes are

            paid by Sonatrach from its share of hydrocarbon production.

            Exploitation periods for each commercial oil and natural gas

            discovery are 25 and 30 years, respectively.


            The PSC provides the Company with the right to appraise and

            develop the MLE reserves discovered with the MLE-1 well. As

            compensation for this right, the Company is committed to pay

            Sonatrach a reserve-based access fee of twenty-five cents per

            barrel of oil equivalent calculated on the total estimated

            recoverable MLE reserves. The access fee will be determined at

            the time MLE reserves are declared commercial by Sonatrach and

            will be payable as a deduction from Sonatrach's share of the MLE

            development expenditures.


        (b) Block 406a:


            In 2000 the Company entered into a joint venture agreement (JVA)

            with Sonatrach to explore Block 406a in the Berkine Basin. The

            five year exploration period ended on November 10, 2005 at which

            time the Block acreage, excluding the acreage surrounding the ZCH

            discovery, was returned to the Algerian government. All of the

            exploration work commitments on this Block were satisfied. The

            Company has been granted an extension to August 10, 2006 to

            complete its appraisal and delineation of the ZCH reserves and to

            submit a development plan.


            Pursuant to the JVA, exploitation periods for each commercial oil

            and natural gas discovery are 15 and 20 years respectively, plus

            a five year extension option. During the exploitation period, the

            JVA allocates 49 percent of the hydrocarbon production or

            equivalent volume thereof to the Company. FCP is responsible for

            paying Algerian state royalties and income taxes on its share of

            production. A portion of the total recoverable natural gas

            reserves above a certain threshold will be considered strategic

            reserves and excluded by Algerian law from the JVA. In addition,

            the Company is obligated to pay an annual training bonus in the

            amount of $150 for the duration of the contract, including

            exploitation periods.


        While the Company currently has sufficient resources to meet its

        required work commitments, these resources may be directed to other,

        optional capital programmes depending on the success of expenditures

        and other opportunities which become available to the Company. In

        addition, the development of the Company's reserves through to

        commercial production will require additional funding in the form of

        debt, equity, joint ventures or some combination thereof. FCP is

        currently evaluating several development scenarios for the MLE field.

        The estimated gross development costs of the various scenarios range

        up to $860 million (FCP net $645 million). To develop the Block 405b

        total proved, probable and possible reserves, gross development costs

        could reach an estimated $2.75 billion (FCP net $2.1 billion). FCP is

        obligated to finance 75 percent of the development expenditures,

        assuming Sonatrach will exercise its right to participate in a



    3.  Cash and short-term deposits:


        The Company considers deposits in banks, certificates of deposit and

        short-term investments with original maturities of three months or

        less as cash and short-term deposits. The components of cash and

        short-term deposits are as follows:



                                                           2005         2004



        Cash on deposit:

          U.S. dollars                               $    2,759   $    1,833

          Algerian dinars                                 1,614          577

          Canadian dollars                                  438          482

          British pounds                                    152        1,574


        Bank term deposits:

          U.S. dollars                                   98,454          506

          Canadian dollars                                3,672       22,079

          British pounds                                    793       54,823


                                                     $  107,882   $   81,874




        As at December 31, 2005, $1.8 million of cash was restricted until

        January 2006 for an inventory purchase.


    4.  Property, plant and equipment:



                                                      Accumulated  Net book

        2005                                  Cost   depreciation    value



        Petroleum and natural gas

         properties - Algeria             $  373,809  $        -  $  373,809

        Office furniture and equipment           626         266         360


                                          $  374,435  $      266  $  374,169






                                                      Accumulated  Net book

        2004                                  Cost   depreciation    value



        Petroleum and natural gas

         properties - Algeria             $  309,751  $        -  $  309,751

        Office furniture and equipment           504         202         302


                                          $  310,255  $      202  $  310,053




        During the year, the Company capitalized $6.1 million (2004 -

        $5.2 million) of overhead charges relating directly to the

        exploration and development activities in Algeria.


    5.  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities:



                                                           2005         2004



        Trade payables:

          U.S. dollars                               $    6,160   $   13,004

          Algerian dinars                                 2,760        3,746

          Canadian dollars                                  456        2,151

          British pounds                                    119          423


        Capital accrual:

          U.S. dollars                                    6,192       11,550


                                                     $   15,687   $   30,874




    6.  Asset retirement obligations:


        The Company has an obligation to plug and abandon its petroleum and

        natural gas wells at the end of their useful lives provided Sonatrach

        does not elect to continue production after the hydrocarbon contract

        expiry dates. The present value of this obligation has been projected

        using estimates of the future costs and the timing of abandonment. At

        December 31, 2005 the Company estimated the present value of its

        asset retirement obligations to be $0.4 million (2004 - $0.3 million)

        based on a future liability of $1.9 million (2004 - $1.6 million).

        These costs are expected to be incurred near the end of the

        exploitation phase under the Algerian hydrocarbon contracts. A

        credit-adjusted risk-free discount rate of seven percent and an

        inflation rate of two percent were used to calculate the present



    7.  Capital stock:


        (a) Authorized share capital:


            Unlimited number of common shares without nominal or par value

            Unlimited number of preferred shares without nominal or par value


        (b) Issued share capital:



                                                      Number of

                                                         Shares       Amount


        Common Shares:

        Balance, December 31, 2003                  163,056,686   $  165,181

          Acquisition of net profits interest (i)    10,150,000      132,600

          Issued on public offering (ii)              6,000,000       74,242

          Issued on exercise of share purchase

           warrants                                   1,844,424        6,602

          Issued on exercise of employee stock

           options                                    2,035,565        2,394

          Transfer from contributed surplus on

           exercise of stock options and warrants             -          589

          Issue costs                                         -       (4,320)


        Balance, December 31, 2004                  183,086,675      377,288

          Issued on public offering (iii)            16,925,000      110,502

          Issued on exercise of share purchase

           warrants                                      68,785          177

          Issued on exercise of employee stock

           options                                    1,867,134        1,576

          Issued on exercise of non-employee

           stock options (iv)                           900,000          518

          Transfer from contributed surplus on

           exercise of stock options and warrants             -          525

          Issue costs                                         -       (5,892)


        Balance, December 31, 2005                  202,847,594   $  484,694




        (i)   In October 2004, the Company issued 10,150,000 common shares to

              acquire an overriding five percent net profits interest that

              previously encumbered Blocks 405b and 406a.


        (ii)  In December 2004, the Company issued 6,000,000 common shares

              for gross proceeds of $74.2 million (4,637,192 common shares at

              pnds stlg 6.50 per share and 1,362,808 common shares at C$14.46

              per share). The issue costs were $4.2 million.


        (iii) In June 2005, the Company issued 16,925,000 common shares for

              gross proceeds of $110.5 million (10,577,100 common shares at

              C$8.10 per share and 6,347,900 common shares at pnds stlg 3.59

              per share). The issue costs were $5.9 million.


        (iv)  Relates to stock options granted to consultants in 2002. All

              options were exercised in 2005.


        (c) Employee stock options:


            The Company has 10,309,096 common shares reserved for issuance

            pursuant to its Stock Option Plan. Stock options granted under

            the plan have a term of five years and vesting terms are at the

            discretion of the Board. The exercise price of each option is

            equal to the closing market price of the shares on the date

            preceding the date of the grant.


            The following table summarizes the changes in stock options






                                                      Number of     Exercise

                                                        Options        Price



        Outstanding, December 31, 2003                9,018,401   C$    2.47

          Granted                                       880,000         9.83

          Exercised                                  (2,035,565)        1.45

          Cancelled                                    (233,335)        6.55


        Outstanding, December 31, 2004                7,629,501         3.47

          Granted                                     3,563,000         6.34

          Exercised                                  (1,867,134)        1.01

          Cancelled                                    (193,334)       10.03


        Outstanding, December 31, 2005                9,132,033   C$    4.95




        The following table summarizes information about the options

        outstanding and exercisable at December 31, 2005:



                                   Options Outstanding   Options Exercisable



                                      Average  Weighted             Weighted

        Range of                    Remaining   Average              Average

        Exercise                  Contractual  Exercise             Exercise

        Price            Options         Life     Price    Options     Price



        C$0.50-0.82      902,700   0.84 years    C$0.66    902,700    C$0.66

        C$1.25-1.25      505,000   1.42 years      1.25    505,000      1.25

        C$2.36-2.95      900,000   2.09 years      2.60    900,000      2.60

        C$4.72-4.72    2,497,333   2.83 years      4.72  2,497,333      4.72

        C$6.21-6.39    3,378,000   4.91 years      6.27  1,109,333      6.27

        C$7.45-8.59      610,000   3.77 years      7.68    383,333      7.65

        C$10.95-15.77    339,000   3.51 years     11.72    224,000     11.43


                       9,132,033   3.34 years    C$4.95  6,521,699    C$4.26




        (d) Common share purchase warrants:


            The following table summarizes the changes in common share

            purchase warrants outstanding:





                                                      Number of     Exercise

                                                       Warrants        Price



        Outstanding, December 31, 2003                1,913,209      C$ 4.70

          Exercised                                  (1,844,424)        4.76


        Outstanding, December 31, 2004                   68,785         3.15

          Exercised                                     (68,785)        3.15


        Outstanding, December 31, 2005                        -      C$    -




        (e) Stock-based compensation expense:


            For the year ended December 31, 2005, the Company recorded

            $5.5 million (2004 - $5.2 million) as stock-based compensation

            expense with a corresponding increase in contributed surplus. The

            fair value of the options granted in 2005 was estimated to be

            C$2.98 (2004 - C$5.34) per option and was determined using the

            Black-Scholes option pricing model with the following

            assumptions: expected volatility of 67 percent (2004 - 81

            percent), risk-free interest rate of 3.7 percent (2004 - 3.7

            percent) and expected lives of 3 years (2004 - 3 years).


        (f) Contributed surplus:


            The changes in contributed surplus balance are as follows:



                                                           2005         2004



        Balance, beginning of year                   $    9,441   $    4,849

          Options granted                                 5,514        5,181

          Options and warrants exercised                   (525)        (589)


        Balance, end of year                         $   14,430   $    9,441




        (g) Per share amounts:


            The loss per share is based on the weighted average shares

            outstanding for the year. The weighted average shares outstanding

            for 2005 were 192,873,482 (2004 - 167,749,193).


    8.  Income taxes:


        Income tax expense differs from the amount that would be computed by

        applying the Canadian federal and provincial statutory income tax

        rates to the loss for the year as follows:



                                                           2005         2004



        Loss for the year                            $   (7,571)  $   (6,565)


        Statutory tax rate                                 37.6%        38.6%


        Expected income tax recovery at statutory

         rate                                            (2,848)      (2,534)

        Increase (decrease) resulting from:

          Non-deductible stock-based compensation

           expenses                                       2,074        2,000

          Increase in valuation allowance                 1,263          498

          Other                                            (489)          36


                                                     $        -   $        -




        The components of the future income tax asset at December 31 are

        summarized below:



                                                           2005         2004



        Operating losses                             $    5,362   $    4,115

        Property, plant and equipment                     3,341        3,211

        Share issue costs                                 5,236        3,255


                                                         13,939       10,581

        Less: valuation allowance                       (13,939)     (10,581)


                                                     $        -   $        -




        The operating losses expire over the following years:



        2006                                                             425

        2007                                                             340

        2008                                                             880

        2009                                                           1,090

        Thereafter to 2015                                            13,215


    9.  Financial instruments:


        The Company is exposed to foreign currency fluctuations as it holds

        Canadian dollar and British pound cash and short-term deposits and

        accounts payable. In addition, a portion of the Company's costs are

        incurred in Canadian dollars. There are no exchange rate contracts in



        The fair value of the Company's financial instruments, including cash

        and short-term deposits, accounts receivable and accounts payable and

        accrued liabilities approximate their carrying values due to their

        short terms to maturity.


    10. Leases and other commitments:


        The Company is committed to office and equipment leases over the next

        five years as follows:



        2006                                                             421

        2007                                                             262

        2008                                                              40

        2009                                                              19


        In addition, as part of its Algerian operations, the Company has

        minimum contractual commitments for drilling rigs and consulting

        services totaling $11.7 million in 2006 and $2.3 million in 2007.


    11. Segmented information:


        The Company's activities are conducted in two geographic segments:

        Canada and Algeria. All activities relate to exploration and

        development of petroleum and natural gas in Algeria.



        2005                                Canada      Algeria        Total


        Revenue                         $    3,013   $        -   $    3,013

        Expenses                            10,584            -       10,584


        Loss for the year               $   (7,571)  $        -   $   (7,571)




        Capital expenditures            $       35   $   64,075   $   64,110



        Assets                          $  108,732   $  374,044   $  482,776






        2004                                Canada      Algeria        Total


        Revenue                         $    1,290   $        -   $    1,290

        Expenses                             7,855            -        7,855


        Loss for the year               $   (6,565)  $        -   $   (6,565)




        Capital expenditures            $       67   $  241,142   $  241,209



        Assets                          $   81,991   $  311,051   $  393,042




        Capital expenditures in 2004 include the non-cash acquisitions of the

        overriding five percent net profits interest of $132.6 million.


    12. Contingency:


        The Company has received a notification of a potential claim from a

        third party referring to a consultancy agreement and purporting to be

        entitled to a remuneration of 2.5 percent of the general revenue

        generated by the Company's Algerian oil fields, as a net profits

        interest and $250 thousand of fees payable. FCP disputes the validity

        of this potential claim.


    For further information: contact: First Calgary Petroleums Ltd., Richard

G. Anderson, President and CEO or John van der Welle, Finance Director and

CFO, Tel: (403) 264-6697, Website:; Other contacts: James

Henderson, Pelham Public Relations, Tel: +44 (0) 207 743 6673; Carina Corbett,

4C - Burvale Limited, Tel: +44 (0) 207 907 4761



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