RNS Number : 2164Y 
Evolve Capital PLC 
28 August 2009 

Evolve Capital PLC ("Evolve" or the "Company") 
Acquisition of Whim Gully Capital LLP (as enlarged by the acquisition of the St 
Helen's Capital Business) and Notice of General Meeting 
Following the announcement of 21 July 2009, Evolve is pleased to announce that 
it has entered into an agreement pursuant to which it has agreed to acquire 100 
per cent. of the Membership Interests in Whim Gully Capital LLP ("WGC") for an 
aggregate cash consideration of GBP475,000, subject to the fulfilment of certain 
conditions including the passing of the Resolution. 
WGC has entered into a conditional agreement to acquire the St Helen's Capital 
Business from St Helen's Capital and the WGC Acquisition by Evolve is 
conditional, inter alia, on completion of the St Helen's Capital Acquisition. 
WGC is owned by Edward Vandyk, his wife, Oliver Vaughan and Oliver Cooke.  As 
Oliver Vaughan and Edward Vandyk are directors of Evolve, the non-executive 
directors of Evolve, being Michael Jackson, James Noble and David Snow, are 
independent directors for the purpose of approving the WGC Acquisition on behalf 
of Evolve and recommending the Resolution to Shareholders. 
If Shareholders approve the Resolution, following Completion Evolve will be the 
holding company of the following two subsidiaries: 
| (i)                                    | WGC (incorporating the St Helen's Capital Business), which will be a wholly owned subsidiary and following completion of the intended arm's length intra-group transfers outlined below will provide PLUS-market services and will have 39 clients listed on the PLUS-quoted market (based on the number of clients at the date of this announcement); and                                                                                                  | 
|                                        |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             | 
| (ii)                                   | Astaire, an AIM-listed investment banking group owned as to approximately 54 per cent. by the Company, which via its subsidiaries will, following completion of the intended arm's length intra-group transfers outlined below, continue to provide a range of corporate finance and broking services and will have 91 clients listed on AIM (based on the number of clients at the date of this announcement), in addition to its other financial services | 
1. Information on WGC 
WGC is a corporate finance business that is authorised and regulated by the FSA. 
The firm is also an accredited PLUS Corporate Adviser and broker. The firm's 
focus is on assisting successful private companies to raise new equity or loan 
finance and to join the PLUS-quoted market. 
WGC also provides corporate finance advice and support in connection with a wide 
range of other matters including acquisitions, corporate restructuring, 
secondary fundraising and transfers to and from other markets. WGC is currently 
appointed as PLUS Corporate Adviser to three PLUS-quoted companies. 
In the year to 30 June 2009, the audited results of WGC show a distributable 
profit of GBP64,612 on turnover of GBP307,067. Net assets at 30 June 2009 were 
GBP190,243, which included GBP176,620 in cash. 
2. Information on St Helen's Capital 
The St Helen's Capital Business, which is the subject of the St Helen's Capital 
Acquisition, is that of an independent institutional stockbroker and corporate 
finance adviser focused on companies in the small cap sector. The St Helen's 
Capital Business provides its services, including research, to corporate clients 
traded on AIM or PLUS or which are at the pre-IPO stage. As at the date of this 
announcement, the St Helen's Capital Business is broker to 8 AIM traded 
companies and PLUS Corporate Adviser to 20 PLUS-quoted companies. St Helen's 
Capital is authorised by the FSA and is a member of the London Stock Exchange. 
St Helen's Capital today announced its unaudited results for the financial year 
ending 31 March 2009. The results show a loss after tax of GBP1,305,990 on 
revenue of GBP1,065,532. The revenues derive almost entirely from the St Helen's 
Capital Business, the subject of the St Helen's Capital Acquisition. St Helen's 
Capital's unaudited balance sheet at 31 March 2009 showed net assets of 
GBP1,101,163. St Helen's Capital will retain a number of its existing assets 
following completion of the St Helen's Capital Acquisition which includes cash 
and a portfolio of quoted and unquoted investments. Further details of the St 
Helen's Capital Acquisition are set out below. 
Since the end of the financial year, St Helen's Capital has stated that trading 
conditions have continued to be extremely challenging for it. 
3. Background to and Reasons for the WGC Acquisition 
Evolve was initially floated on AIM in 2007 to invest in companies on or 
intending to join the PLUS-quoted market and it has continued to pursue such 
opportunities. As envisaged at the time of Evolve's flotation, WGC has been the 
originator of Evolve's PLUS investments and other investment proposals. 
The Independent Directors' continued belief in the PLUS Market proposition and 
its future has led them to propose the WGC Acquisition which, with the benefit 
of the St Helen's Capital Acquisition will, they believe, make Evolve one of the 
largest advisers to PLUS-quoted companies, as measured by the number of 
corporate clients.  The WGC Acquisition provides Evolve with another established 
PLUS Corporate Adviser and broker in the form of the St Helen's Capital 
Business, which would otherwise be difficult and expensive for Evolve to acquire 
directly, particularly as Evolve does not have the requisite FSA and PLUS 
regulatory status. 
Evolve is also the parent company of Astaire, an AIM quoted company of which 
Evolve holds approximately 54 per cent. of the issued share capital.  Astaire 
owns Astaire Securities, which is focused on the provision of investment banking 
services to institutional and corporate clients, principally on AIM and the 
Official List. Astaire has also recently completed the acquisitions of Dowgate 
and Ruegg, which are (or were in the case of Ruegg) AIM Nominated Advisers and 
are both PLUS Corporate Advisers.  These acquisitions place the Astaire Group as 
one of the largest Nominated Advisers and brokers to AIM companies, as measured 
by the number of companies for which it acts, and it will continue to focus its 
activities on the AIM market. 
It is intended that once the WGC Acquisition is completed, arm's length 
arrangements will be made whereby all the AIM clients acquired with the St 
Helen's Capital Business will be transferred to Astaire Group and all of Astaire 
Group's PLUS-quoted clients, including those recently acquired with Dowgate and 
Ruegg, will be transferred to WGC, and thus Evolve. As at the date of this 
announcement, Astaire Group is the PLUS Corporate Adviser to 16 PLUS-quoted 
The Independent Directors believe that this rationalises the corporate 
businesses according to the PLUS and AIM markets and provides each of Astaire 
and WGC with a critical mass of clients for future operations. 
In order to service the respective client bases it is intended that certain 
employees of the St Helen's Capital Business will become employed by Astaire 
Group, whilst Evolve will retain those employees focussed on its PLUS 
activities. This and other cost cutting measures proposed by WGC will enable 
overheads in the current St Helen's Capital Business to be materially reduced. 
It is also proposed that Evolve will put in place a suitable share option based 
incentive scheme for its new employees. 
The Independent Directors believe that the WGC Acquisition is a particularly 
beneficial and strategic consolidation for Evolve as the scale and scope of the 
enlarged Evolve Group should enable it to take advantage of opportunities that 
arise in the small cap sector, whether that be via WGC and PLUS or through 
Astaire Group and its AIM focus. 
4. Related party transaction 
As the acquisition by the Company of the Membership Interests of each of Edward 
Vandyk and Oliver Vaughan (and their connected parties (as applicable)) each 
constitutes a substantial property transaction for the purposes of section 190 
of the CA 2006, the approval of Shareholders of such acquisition is required. 
Oliver Vaughan and Edward Vandyk, the Chairman and Executive Director of the 
Company respectively, are Sellers and also Directors and whilst they are able to 
vote on the Resolution, it is appropriate that they do not vote on, or take any 
part in, any Board recommendation to disapprove or approve the Resolution. 
The WGC Acquisition also constitutes a related party transaction for the 
purposes of Rule 13 of the AIM Rules for Companies. The Independent Directors 
consider, having consulted the Company's nominated adviser, Fairfax, that the 
terms of the WGC Acquisition are fair and reasonable insofar as Shareholders are 
5. Key terms of the WGC Acquisition Agreement 
The Company has conditionally agreed to acquire the Memberships Interest of each 
of the Sellers for an aggregate cash consideration of GBP475,000 which is due to 
be paid on Completion. 
Prior to Completion the Sellers have agreed to procure that WGC will carry on 
its business in the ordinary and usual course in accordance with certain 
restrictions set out in the WGC Acquisition Agreement. 
The WGC Acquisition Agreement contains customary warranties from the Sellers to 
the Company. Furthermore, the Sellers have agreed not to allow or procure, and 
to procure that WGC will not allow or procure, any act or omission which would 
render any such warranties untrue, inaccurate or misleading if repeated at any 
time prior to Completion, save that this does not apply to all matters arising 
out of or and in connection with the St Helen's Capital Business Purchase 
Completion of the WGC Acquisition is conditional on: (a) receipt of the FSA's 
consent to the Company being a 50 per cent. or more controller of WGC as 
described under Part XIII of FSMA and such consent not having lapsed or been 
withdrawn (notwithstanding any subsequent renewal of the same) prior to 
Completion; (b) completion of the St Helen's Capital Business Purchase Agreement 
in accordance with its terms; and (c) the passing of the Resolution. 
Following Completion WGC will be a wholly owned subsidiary undertaking of the 
Company. The FSA has given its consent to Evolve becoming the ultimate 
controlling shareholder of WGC's regulated financial services business noted in 
condition (a) above. 
6. Key terms of the St Helen's Capital Business Purchase Agreement 
WGC has conditionally agreed to acquire the St Helen's Capital Business for an 
aggregate cash consideration of GBP200,000 which is due to be paid on completion 
of the St Helen's Capital Business Purchase Agreement. The St Helen's Capital 
Business comprises all the institutional stockbroking, corporate finance and 
PLUS corporate advisory work currently undertaken by St Helen's Capital. The St 
Helen's Capital Business Purchase Agreement also allows WGC to use the name "St 
Helen's Capital" or derivatives thereof, following completion of the St Helen's 
Capital Acquisition. 
Prior to completion of the St Helen's Capital Acquisition, St Helen's Capital 
has agreed to procure that it will carry on its business in the ordinary and 
usual course in accordance with certain restrictions set out in the St Helen's 
Capital Business Purchase Agreement. 
The St Helen's Capital Business Purchase Agreement contains customary warranties 
from St Helen's Capital to WGC. WGC has reserved the right to assign its right, 
title, benefit and interest in and to such Warranties and any claims arising 
under the St Helen's Capital Business Purchase Agreement to any member of its 
group. St Helen's Capital has agreed not to allow or procure, and to procure 
that it will not allow or procure, any act or omission which would render any 
such warranties untrue, inaccurate or misleading if repeated at any time prior 
to completion of the St Helen's Capital Business Purchase Agreement. 
Completion of the St Helen's Capital Acquisition is conditional, inter alia, on 
the despatch by St Helen's Capital to its shareholders of a circular convening a 
general meeting and the passing at that general meeting of certain resolutions 
approving, inter alia, the St Helen's Capital Acquisition. 
7. General Meeting and Circular to Shareholders 
A circular will be posted to Shareholders today containing a notice convening 
the General Meeting of the Company to be held at 11.00 a.m. on 14 September 2009 
at 223a Kensington High Street, London W8 6SG at which the Resolution will be 
proposed. Further copies of the circular will be available from the Company's 
website, www.evolvecapital.co.uk. 
8. Recommendation 
The Independent Directors consider that the terms of the WGC Acquisition are 
fair and reasonable and in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole. 
Accordingly the Independent Directors unanimously recommend that all 
Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolution at the General Meeting as they 
have undertaken to do so in respect of their own beneficial holdings of 
4,596,250 Ordinary Shares representing approximately 2.72 per cent. of the 
issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement. 
Oliver Vaughan and Edward Vandyk took no part in the decision of the Independent 
Directors decision to recommend Shareholders to vote in favour of the 
Evolve Capital PLC 
Edward Vandyk 
James Noble 
Tel: 020 7937 4445 
Fairfax I.S. PLC - Nominated Adviser & Broker 
Jeremy Porter 
Tel: 020 7598 5368 
Maitland - Financial PR 
Neil Bennett / George Hudson 
Tel: 020 7379 5151 
The following definitions apply throughout this announcement, unless the context 
requires otherwise: 
| "AIM Rules for         | the rules of the London Stock Exchange       | 
| Companies"             | governing the admission of securities to     | 
|                        | trading on and the regulation and operation  | 
|                        | of AIM;                                      | 
| "AIM"                  | the AIM market operated by the London Stock  | 
|                        | Exchange;                                    | 
| "Astaire"              | Astaire Group PLC, a company incorporated in | 
|                        | England and Wales with registered number     | 
|                        | 01796133;                                    | 
| "Astaire Group"        | Astaire and its subsidiaries;                | 
| "Astaire Securities"   | Astaire Securities PLC;                      | 
| "Board" or "Directors" | the directors of the Company as at the date  | 
|                        | of this document;                            | 
| "CA 2006"              | the Companies Act 2006, to the extent in     | 
|                        | force;                                       | 
| "Completion"           | completion of the WGC Acquisition;           | 
| "Dowgate"              | Dowgate Capital PLC                          | 
| "Evolve Group"         | Evolve and its subsidiaries;                 | 
| "Evolve" or the        | Evolve Capital PLC;                          | 
| "Company"              |                                              | 
| "Fairfax"              | Fairfax I.S. PLC;                            | 
| "FSA"                  | Financial Services Authority;                | 
| "FSMA"                 | the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000; | 
| "General Meeting"      | the general meeting of the Company to be     | 
|                        | held at 11.00 a.m. on 14 September 2009 at   | 
|                        | 223a Kensington High Street, London W8 6SG;  | 
| "Independent           | Michael Jackson, James Noble and David Snow; | 
| Directors"             |                                              | 
| "London Stock          | London Stock Exchange PLC;                   | 
| Exchange"              |                                              | 
| "Membership Interest"  | in relation to a Seller, that Seller's       | 
|                        | interest of and in the capital of WGC;       | 
| "Membership Interests" | the aggregate of each Membership Interest;   | 
| "Nominated Adviser"    | an adviser whose name appears on the         | 
|                        | register of nominated advisers held by the   | 
|                        | London Stock Exchange;                       | 
| "Ordinary Shares"      | ordinary shares of 1p each in the capital of | 
|                        | the Company;                                 | 
| "PLUS Corporate        | a PLUS member firm which has been approved   | 
| Adviser"               | by PLUS to act in the capacity of corporate  | 
|                        | adviser and has been admitted to the         | 
|                        | register of such advisers;                   | 
| "PLUS"                 | PLUS Markets PLC, a recognised investment    | 
|                        | exchange;                                    | 
| "PLUS-quoted market"   | the PLUS primary market segment operated by  | 
|                        | PLUS;                                        | 
| "Resolution"           | the resolution of Shareholders to approve    | 
|                        | the WGC Acquisition to be proposed at the    | 
|                        | General Meeting;                             | 
| "Ruegg"                | Ruegg & Co. Limited                          | 
| "Sellers"              | Edward Vandyk, Susan Vandyk, Oliver Vaughan  | 
|                        | and Oliver Cooke and "Seller" shall be       | 
|                        | construed accordingly;                       | 
| "Shareholders"         | holders of Ordinary Shares from time to      | 
|                        | time;                                        | 
| "St Helen's Capital"   | St Helen's Capital PLC, a company            | 
|                        | incorporated in England and Wales with       | 
|                        | registered number 3515836;                   | 
| "St Helen's Capital    | the proposed acquisition by WGC of the St    | 
| Acquisition"           | Helen's Capital Business pursuant to and in  | 
|                        | accordance with the terms of the St Helen's  | 
|                        | Capital Business Purchase Agreement;         | 
| "St Helen's Capital    | the business and certain assets of St        | 
| Business"              | Helen's Capital which are the subject of the | 
|                        | St Helen's Capital Acquisition;              | 
| "St Helen's Capital    | the conditional sale and purchase agreement  | 
| Business Purchase      | dated 28 August 2009 between WGC (1), St     | 
| Agreement"             | Helen's Capital (2), Astaire (3) and the     | 
|                        | Company (4) relating to the St Helen's       | 
|                        | Capital Acquisition;                         | 
| "WGC Acquisition"      | the proposed acquisition of the Membership   | 
|                        | Interests in WGC by the Company pursuant to  | 
|                        | and in accordance with the terms of the WGC  | 
|                        | Acquisition Agreement;                       | 
| "WGC Acquisition       | the conditional sale and purchase agreement  | 
| Agreement"             | dated 28 August 2009 between the Sellers (1) | 
|                        | and the Company (2) relating to the WGC      | 
|                        | Acquisition; and                             | 
| "WGC"                  | Whim Gully Capital LLP, a limited liability  | 
|                        | partnership incorporated in England and      | 
|                        | Wales with registered number 313430.         | 
|                        |                                              | 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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