RNS Number : 9213F


22 June 2012


(formerly European Nickel PLC)

Annual Report

for the year ended 31 March 2012


   Mr Peter Rowe                  Chairman 
   Mr Robert Gregory           Managing Director 
   Mr Mark Hanlon              Finance Director 
   Mr Paul Lush                    Non Executive Director 
   Mr Neil Herbert                Non Executive Director 
   Mr Guy Walker                 Non Executive Director 

Company Secretary

Mr Mark Hanlon

Registered Office


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  9226 1011             1656 
                        Fax: +63 2 815 



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Chairman's statement

Dear Shareholders,

On behalf of your Board of Directors I am pleased to report on your Company's activities and achievements over the past financial year.

On one hand it has been a year of considerable change for the Company, while on the other, we have stuck closely to our stated plans for developing the Company's flagship Acoje atmospheric leach project in the Philippines.

From an economic perspective the world continued to tentatively recover from the global financial crisis during the past year with commodity prices remaining volatile though generally on an upward momentum for much of the year, and world stock markets generally improving throughout the period. The recovery was always likely to be hesitant, while Europe struggles to prevent parts of the eurozone falling deeper into crisis and China showing signs of slowing, albeit to growth levels that are still considerably more robust than the rest of the world.

Within this macro framework your Board and management have kept focus on the delivery of ENK's stated objective to be a nickel development company, focused on the economic processing of nickel laterite ores. To do so however required a consolidation of past activities and assets to ensure that management kept focus on our strategic objectives.

During the first part of the year the Company determined that the most appropriate way to realise full value from its Calda project in Turkey, which had been on care and maintenance since December 2010, was to sell this asset outright. An arms-length sales process was conducted by the Company's financial advisors which culminated in the sale of the project for US$40 million cash, which completed on 17 November 2011. These funds have enabled the Company to stick to its objective of not raising further capital from shareholders to fund the completion of the Acoje Bankable Feasibility Study ('BFS') and the Company's working capital requirements.

In addition to the sale of the Calda project the Company recently announced that it has sold its 18.7% interest in Berong Nickel Corporation ('BNC') for US$6.55 million as well as its remaining shares held in Toledo Mining Corporation ('TMC') for US$0.7 million. The BNC sale agreement is conditional upon the other current shareholders not exercising their pre-emption rights. The sale is expected to settle in early July 2012.

In addition to the sale of non-core assets the Acoje direct ore shipping venture with DMCI Mining ('DMCI') continued throughout the year with over 500,000 tonnes of ore shipped which raised approximately US$2 million in profits for ENK.

The primary focus of the Company during the year was the Acoje project. There have been four main activities occurring at Acoje, being the heap leach trial, DSO mining, downstream processing at the Acoje Test Centre and the Acoje BFS.

The heap leach trial commenced in early April 2011 and ran to completion in the final part of the year. Its primary role was the production of pregnant leach solution to enable testing to continue in our downstream processing facility. In addition to this the trial also tested the leaching characteristics of tropical laterite ores as well as rain mitigation methodologies for the heap leach pad. All of this test work was successful and the information gathered enabled the Company to move forward into the feasibility study with an enhanced knowledge of the atmospheric processing of laterite ores. In addition, it highlighted the logistical difficulties that would be encountered in stacking heap leach pads during the wet season. As a consequence the Company made the decision to run an atmospheric tank leach trial. The enhanced recoveries of tank leaching, over very short time periods, together with lower up front capital expenditure and better economics meant the Company was able to determine that tank leaching was the preferred process to be taken through into the BFS.

The pilot downstream processing plant was successfully commissioned in October 2011 when it produced the first nickel product from pregnant leach solution produced from the heap leach trial. The plant has now produced in excess of 400 kilograms of nickel hydroxide product which is being sent to potential off-takers for suitability test work. The downstream plant incorporates ion exchange and resin in pulp technology which separate out the various metals to enable the production of a low contaminant product which will have a wider market appeal than the mixed hydroxide product previously produced at the Company's Calda project in Turkey.

Much of the year was spent working on the Acoje BFS. The initial work comprised the heap leach trial which lead to the tank leach study and a decision to take tank leaching into the BFS as the preferred upstream process. By the beginning of 2012 Jacobs Engineering of Perth had been appointed to complete the BFS and by the end of the period under review, all of the vendor components and sub-consultants of the study had been appointed. A number of these studies are quite advanced and the Company is working towards a completion date of the end of September 2012.

In addition to the test work at our research facility, the Company embarked on drilling campaigns at both the Acoje and nearby Zambales tenements. The Acoje drilling program, completed in late October 2011, was designed to convert Joint Ore Reserves Committee ('JORC') Inferred resources to JORC Indicated status to enable these resources to be included in the BFS. The Company announced an upgrade to the JORC resource in mid March 2012. In addition to this upgrade, the Company recently announced that it would undertake a further drilling program designed to convert a proportion of the further JORC Inferred resources uncovered in the recent drill program to Indicated status. This program is currently underway.

The Zambales drilling program, which was designed to move existing JORC Inferred material to JORC Indicated status and to test the previously undrilled saprolite horizon, was completed during March 2012. The Company recently announced that the historic Falconbridge test pit data collected in the 1970's, which was used to calculate the previous JORC Inferred resource estimate, is of insufficient detail to be used in the calculation of a JORC Indicated resource estimate due to the lack of ancillary elements and detailed logging data that the newer drilling data has provided. As such the Company will now undertake the drilling of additional holes, adjacent to the historic test pits, to collect the missing data. The Zambales resource update is now expected to be available by the end of September 2012.

There were several changes to the composition of the Board during the year with David Whitehead and John McManus stepping down. I was appointed during the year and Guy Walker was appointed subsequent to the end of the year.

I would like to thank all of our shareholders for their support over the past year and I look forward to a very busy and exciting period ahead. Once the Acoje BFS is complete your Company will be seeking to finalise the financing structure for the project and to commence construction as soon as it can. Of course there are no givens in these current turbulent economic times. However, I can assure you that we will be working with diligence and determination to ensure the best possible outcome for all stakeholders.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Rowe



Business review


The past 12 months has been a time of considerable change for your Company. To some extent this has been a continuation of the previous period which precipitated these changes. This included the merger acquisition of Rusina Mining NL, reorganisation at Board level, and the sale of the Company's Calda project in Turkey.

The consolidation of the Company's business is now largely complete. The majority of changes over the past year have occurred at the corporate level, with the sale of the Calda project and other non-core tenements. The Company also changed its name to ENK and closed the London office. These steps have been positive and necessary for the Company to move forward in its goal of being a low cost developer of nickel in the near future.

At the operational level the Company continued its focus on finalising process development at its ENK Research Facility ('ERF'). This included a comparative study between heap leaching and tank leaching as alternative upstream process, which resulted in tank leaching being chosen as the preferred process to be taken into the Acoje Bankable Feasibility Study ('BFS').

Acoje project

The Acoje project is situated on the island of Luzon, Philippines, approximately 250km north of Manila. A preliminary feasibility study was completed in late 2008 however the BFS was delayed due to the merger acquisition of Rusina Mining NL and the need to focus on the Calda project in Turkey at that time. Work on the Acoje BFS recommenced this year following the sale of Calda .

The principal activities being undertaken at Acoje during the past year include the direct shipping of nickel laterite ore ('DSO'), operation of the ERF, drilling of the Acoje ore body in order to upgrade the JORC resource and field work associated with the BFS such as geotechnical and environmental studies.

ENK research facility

A fully functional advanced metallurgical research facility has been established on the old airstrip at Acoje. The ERF consists of a heap leach pilot plant with crushing, agglomeration, irrigation pads and solution ponds. In addition there is functional downstream testing facility that tests precipitation, ion exchange, filtration and tank leaching. Several metallurgical laboratories, built and designed by BHP Billiton, conduct a myriad of tests from large scale column tests to analytical chemical analysis.

The heap leach trial, which commenced in mid April 2011, has run to completion and is in the process of being decommissioned and rehabilitated. Nickel extraction reached 65% during the trial and a further 5-10% extraction is forecast to occur during the rinse phase. Cobalt and iron extraction reached 78% and 21% respectively which was in line with expectations based on column test data.

While the heap leach trial demonstrated that the technology worked successfully in a tropical environment, the 5.2 metres (double the annual average) of rainfall that occurred during the trial made the logistics of operating of a full scale heap leach project less than optimal.

Concurrent to the heap leach trial the Company undertook tank leach trials, initially at the ERF and subsequently with BGRIMM in China. The tests were very positive with nickel and cobalt recoveries of 92% and 97% respectively over a 22 hour period. A bridging study was conducted comparing the economics of heap leaching to tank leaching that highlighted the significant economic advantages of tank leaching.

The other key technology tested at the ERF has been the use of Ion Exchange ('IX') to produce separate nickel ('NHP') and cobalt products rather than the Mixed (nickel+cobalt) Hydroxide Product ('MHP') produced with standard precipitation. Solution from the heap leach trial was run through an IX plant and to date over 400 kilograms of NHP has been produced. The NHP was assayed on a washed basis by the Company at 52.6% nickel. The product is currently being analysed by the Natural History Museum in London and the report to be produced will be sent to potential end users and future off-take partners.

Bankable feasibility study

The BFS is progressing well. Key decisions on how the project will be implemented have been made. A staged approach has been chosen, where a 1.5 million tonne per annum plant will be constructed and operated with elevated head grades to produce 15,000 tonnes of contained nickel, followed by an expansion to a 3 million tonnes per annum plant which is forecast to produce 24,000 tonnes of nickel. Construction of an acid plant will be delayed until the second stage, while the sulfuric acid will be trucked or piped to site during stage 1. The project is being constructed within the same boundaries as the existing Environmental Compliance Certificate ('ECC') that was obtained in early 2010 that covered a 3 million tonne per annum heap leach facility.

Many of the project components from the original approval of the ECC remain unchanged during the migration from heap leaching to tank leaching however an amendment to the ECC will be required to be submitted to cover those areas that have altered. The BFS is being overseen by Jacobs Engineering (formerly Aker Solutions). A number of sub-consultants are working on specialised components including: Outotec Oyj for leaching circuit and solid/liquid separation design, Puritech for continuous ion exchange design, GHD for the spent ore storage, environmental and geotechnical studies, Gorham & Partners for the marketing study, Orway Consultants for the comminution circuit and Transammonia for the acid study.

The BFS is expected to be completed by the end of September 2012 at which time the Company will publish the report and announce the Board's decision with respect to project implementation.

Acoje resource upgrade

The Acoje resource upgrade drilling program to convert Inferred material to Indicated category was undertaken during the year completing a total of 124 holes for 1,736 metres. Only the Indicated category resource can be used for reserves for the BFS.

Snowden Mining Consultants of Perth calculated an Indicated and Inferred JORC (2004) resource estimate (at a cut-off of 0.8% Ni) of:

                                   Indicated:              40.9 million tonnes grading 1.08% Ni, 0.05% Co 
                                   Inferred:                                29.0 million tonnes grading 0.96% Ni, 0.06% Co 

This represented an increase of 36% in contained nickel from the November 2008 resource estimate. In addition to the material that was converted to Indicated status an additional 13 million tonnes of new Inferred material was delineated. A further drilling program to convert as much of the additional Inferred material to Indicated status is currently underway.

Table 1 - Resource estimate for the Acoje project (March 2012)*

 Property            JORC         Million   Ni     Co     Contained   Contained 
                      (2004)       Tonnes    (%)    (%)    Metal       Metal 
                      Category                             Ni (t)      Co (t) 
------------------  -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
 Acoje Limonite      Indicated    15.9      0.96   0.08   152,640     12,720 
                    -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
  Inferred                        21.5      0.93   0.08   199,950     17,200 
 ------------------------------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
 Acoje Saprolite 
  / Rocky 
  Saprolite          Indicated    17.9      1.22   0.03   218,380     5,370 
------------------  -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
  Inferred                        4.8       1.08   0.04   51,840      1,920 
 ------------------------------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
 Acoje Saprolitic 
  Rock               Indicated    7.1       0.98   0.02   69,580      1,420 
                    -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
  Inferred                        2.6       0.98   0.02   25,480      520 
 ------------------------------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
 Total Acoje         Indicated    40.9      1.08   0.05   441,720     20,450 
                    -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
  Inferred                        29.0      0.96   0.07   278,400     20,300 
 ------------------------------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
 Grand Total         Ind. 
  Acoje               + Inf.      69.9      1.03   0.06   719,970     41,940 
------------------  -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 

*This represents a 100% project interest - ENK's current economic interest is 92%. Cut off grade 0.8%

Direct shipping ore

A new mining agreement was entered into with partner DMCI Mining Corporation ('DMCI') during the year. The mining agreement requires DMCI to undertake all the financial risk, mining, trucking, shipping and marketing associated with the mining and sale of nickel laterite ore and pay ENK a royalty fee on each shipment made. The royalty is based on the LME nickel price and grade of ore sold.

DMCI, operating out of their own port at Santa Cruz, shipped a total of 520,096 tonnes of ore during the period under review at an average grade of 1.8% nickel. Post reporting date, a further 191,441 tonnes of ore have been shipped.

Due to the onset of the wet season DMCI has now completed its mining operations at Acoje with final stockpiles currently being moved to the port.

It is intended that new DSO operations will be commenced at the Zambales project, upon that tenement obtaining all necessary approvals and licenses to enable mining operations to occur.

Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation

The Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation ('Zambales') tenement is located approximately 5km north of Acoje and is likely to be an extension of the same nickel laterite deposit that hosts the Acoje resource. ENK has a 40% economic interest in Zambales with the remainder being held by local partner, Montemina Resource Corporation ('MRC').

A drilling program to upgrade the Zambales JORC Inferred resource estimate to Indicated status and drill the previously untested saprolite ore horizon commenced in November 2011 and was finalised in March 2012. The Company, in conjunction with Snowden Mining Consultants of Perth recently determined that the exiting test pit data is of insufficient detail to enable the calculation of a new Inferred resource estimate. A new drilling program has been planned to provide the data to enable Snowden Mining Consultants to calculate an Indicated resource estimate. The drilling will commence around the beginning of July 2012 and the revised Indicated resource estimate should be finalised by the end of September 2012.

Table 2 - Resource estimate for the Zambales project (December 2007)*

 Property          JORC         Million   Ni     Co     Contained   Contained 
                    (2004)       Tonnes    (%)    (%)    Metal       Metal 
                    Category                             Ni (t)      Co (t) 
----------------  -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
  Laterite         Inferred     23.5      1.18   0.05   277,300     11,750 
 Total Zambales    Inferred     23.5      1.18   0.05   277,300     11,750 
----------------  -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 
 ENK Interest*     Inferred     15.0      1.18   0.05   177,472     7,520 
----------------  -----------  --------  -----  -----  ----------  ---------- 

*ENK has an economic interest in Zambales of 64%. Cut off grade 0.75%.


The Company continued to work on the consolidation of its business after its merger acquisition of Rusina Mining NL in mid 2010. This entailed a review and rationalisation of its assets, including surplus mining tenements and investments. As a result of the sale of its non-core assets and investments the Company has sufficient cash resources in order to finalise the Acoje BFS and provide adequate working capital into the medium term. It also provides the Company with the option of commencing preliminary works at Acoje while the full financing structure is being finalised.

There were several changes at Board level during the year. David Whitehead and John McManus both retired from the Board while Peter Rowe has been appointed to the Board as non-executive Chairman, and Guy Walker, was appointed to the Board at the request of our major shareholder. Peter has a strong background in the management of mining operations as well as experience in nickel and the Philippines and we are pleased to have a director with his operational experience join the Board.

In addition to the changes at director level, the Company began a process of strengthening its management team as we seek to fast track the BFS and subsequently seek to commence preliminary construction works. In mid 2011 we appointed our BFS Study Manager, Rudi Rautenbach, as well as several other key staff. In early 2012 Dean Stuart was appointed as Chief Operating Officer in order to oversee the BFS as well as the subsequent construction of the project. His operating experience with Avocet Mining and in Indonesia and Malaysia will be valuable as the Company seeks to expand its interests beyond the Acoje and Zambales projects.

During mid 2011 management determined that, as the Calda project was in the process of being sold and the primary focus of the Company would be on its Philippine projects, it no longer made financial or operational sense to maintain an office in London. The Company moved all of its head office functions to its Perth office, which is on the same time zone as the Philippines, and sub-let its London office for the remaining term of its lease.

In June this year the Company announced the Philippine mining company, Golden Harvest Global Corporation ('GHGC'), had purchased a 60% interest in local partner Montemina Resources Corporation ('MRC'), which owns a 60% interest in the Zambales tenement and a 20% interest in the Acoje tenement. A total of US$11m, which will be used to repay loans from ENK, and will be paid over a maximum period of 2 years with US$2m already received post year-end. In addition to the purchase of shares in MRC, GHGC also entered into agreements to explore and mine the underground chromite ore on the Acoje property and to mine the nickel laterite ore on the Zambales tenement.

Other assets


During the early part of 2011 the Company undertook a review of the Calda project, which had been placed on care and maintenance in late 2010, with a view to determining the most appropriate way to maximise its value for shareholders. This was determined to be an outright sale of the asset and in mid 2011 a sales process was undertaken on an arms-length basis which resulted in the sale of the Turkish holding companies for US$40 million cash. The sale was completed in November 2011.


In 2010 the Board determined that there was no strategic or financial advantage to be gained from remaining invested in Albania. Subsequent to the end of the period under review the Company has sold its 100% interest in Adriatic Resources Sh.p.k for a nominal sum and is currently in the process of selling its 50% interest in Devolli Resources Sh.p.k., a joint venture with Balkan Resources Inc., also for a nominal sum.

Berong/ Toledo

The Company holds a minority stake in Berong Nickel Corporation ('BNC'), owner of the Berong tenement on the island of Palawan in the Philippines. This stake was originally acquired in order to utilise the Company's heap leach technology at the Berong project however AIM-listed Toledo Mining Corporation ('TMC'), 56% owner of Berong, rejected the use of this process and thus there was no strategic, technical or operational reason to continue to maintain this investment and a small holding in TMC shares.

Subsequent to the end of the financial year the Company announced the sale of its 5.01% interest in TMC for US$698,000 and the conditional sale of its 18.7% interest in BNC for US$6,552,000 to World Fund Pte Limited ('WFP').

The sale of the BNC shares is conditional upon the other shareholders of BNC, being TMC and Atlas Consolidated Mining Corporation ('Atlas') not exercising their pre-emption rights. In the event TMC or Atlas decide to exercise their pre-emption right they have to match the price offered by WFP. Atlas and TMC have 60 days to exercise their pre-emption rights. The BNC sale is expected to settle in early July 2012.


In early March 2011 the Company signed a Deed of Assignment of the Abogado exploration permit located in Sultan Kudarat, southern Philippines to Mineral Development Corporation. An initial payment of US$200,000 was paid however, due to the state of world equity markets, the Company agreed to amend the terms for the second payment of US$300,000 and provision of US$2.0m in listed company shares, to be payable by early July 2012.

The Company signed sale documents with Arena Resources Limited ("Arena") for its Barlo, Pan de Azucar and Guimeras exploration permits (EPs) in March 2011. An initial payment of US$50,000 has been paid. Further consideration of US$550,000 cash and 5,000,000 shares is payable by Arena upon the listing of Arena on the ASX within 6 months of the completion of the assignment process. Two additional payments of US$1,000,000 in shares or cash are payable upon Arena attaining a JORC resource of 50kt and 100kt of +1.0% copper equivalent. A payment of US$5,000,000 in shares or cash is payable upon completion of a bankable feasibility study at each of the three EPs.

Due to a moratorium on the approval or transfer of EPs and tenements the assignment process has not been able to be completed. The Company has modified the sale agreement with Arena to enable the sale of the corporate entity that holds the EPs. This new agreement has now been completed and it is anticipated that the 6 month time frame will commence by no later than the beginning of July 2012.

The information in this report that relates to Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Mr Robert Gregory, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Gregory is Managing Director of ENK PLC and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr Gregory consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it appears.


Directors' report

The directors present their report together with the annual report of ENK PLC (formerly European Nickel PLC) ("the Company") and of the consolidated entity, being the Company and its subsidiaries, and the consolidated entity's interest in associates and jointly controlled entities for the year ended 31 March 2012.


The names and details of the directors of the Company during or since the end of the financial year are:

Peter Rowe - Chairman

Peter has extensive mining industry experience gained over a 35 year career in Australia and South Africa. Following 20 years with Anglo American and De Beers, he moved to Australia in the early 1990's where he held a number of senior managerial positions including Project Director of the Fimiston expansion (Kalgoorlie Superpit) General Manager of the Boddington Gold Mine and of the Boddington Expansion Project and Managing Director and DEO of Bulong Nickel. He joined AngloGold Ashanti in 2004 as head of AngloGold Ashanti Australia and transferred to Johannesburg in 2006. He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering, is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He was appointed to the Board on 27 July 2011 and was appointed Chairman on 30 August 2011.

Robert Gregory - Managing Director

Robert has over 20 years experience in the mining industry, initially as a mining engineer, where he gained extensive experience in mine development and operation, and, later, in more executive roles including Vice President of Mine Development - Climax Mining's Didipio Project in the Philippines (1996 - 2000), General Manager of Operations - Giants Reef Mining (2003 - 2005), Managing Director of Rusina Mining NL (2005-2010). He was appointed to the Board on 16 June 2010.

Mark Hanlon - Finance Director & Company Secretary

Mark has over ten years of experience in commercial and merchant banking, having worked for Partnership Pacific Ltd, Westpac and the Bank of New Zealand before entering commerce in 1994. He has a broad background of senior executive experience across a wide range of industries, including mining services, electricity distribution, electronics contract manufacturing, packing and insurance. Mark has previously held the position or equivalent position of CFO with other publicly listed companies such as Century Drilling and International Contract Manufacturing Limited. He holds a Bachelor of Finance and Accounting Degree and a Master Degree in Banking and Finance. He was appointed to the Board on 16 June 2010.

Paul Lush - Non Executive Director

Paul is a lawyer and executive with more than 20 years' experience in the mining industry, including time at Rio Tinto PLC where he served, inter alia on the board of Rio Tinto's principal exploration company, and at BHP Billiton where he was group legal counsel and a director of a number of group companies. He then joined the law firm CMS Cameron McKenna as a partner in their mining and projects group before joining Alterra Partners Ltd as senior vice-president and General Counsel. He is currently executive chairman of Churchill Airports Limited. He was appointed to the Board on 21 March 2003. He is also a member of both the Company's Remuneration and Audit Committees.

Neil Herbert - Non Executive Director

Neil is currently the Executive Co-Chairman and Managing Director of Polo Resources Ltd (AIM, TSX: POL), the mining and exploration group focused on investing in or acquiring and developing advanced stage coal and uranium projects. Prior to joining Polo Resources in May 2008, he has held a number of senior executive roles, including Finance Director for UraMin Inc, until its acquisition by Areva NC for US$2.5 billion and Group Financial Controller for Antofagasta PLC. He has over 20 years experience in finance and has worked in the management of mining and exploration companies for over 12 years. He is a Fellow of the Associated Chartered Certified Accountants. He was appointed to the Board on 29 June 2010. He is also a member of both the Company's Remuneration and Audit Committees.

Guy Walker - Non Executive Director

Guy is a former fund manager and Chief Operating Officer of Talisman Global Asset Management Limited and former Group Treasurer of the William Pears Group. He joined Talisman in March 2000 and held the positions of Fund Manager and Chief Operating Officer until April 2006. He is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Financial Analyst and holds a Bachelor of Commerce & Administration in Accounting. Guy is a nominee of major shareholders Montoya Investments Limited and D&A Income Limited. He was appointed to the Board on 18 April 2012.

The above named directors held office during the whole of the financial year and since the end of the financial year except for:

-- Peter Rowe - appointed as Non Executive Director on 27 July 2011, and then appointed Chairman on 30 August 2011.

   --      Guy Walker - appointed as Non Executive Director on 18 April 2012. 
   --      David Whitehead - resigned as Chairman on 30 August 2011. 
   --      John McManus - resigned as Non Executive Director on 13 January 2012. 

Change of company name

Effective 1 September 2011, European Nickel PLC changed its name to ENK PLC following shareholder approval at the Company's AGM, held 30 August 2011.

Principal activities

The principal activities of the consolidated entity are the identification, acquisition, development and exploitation of nickel assets in the Philippines and are further disclosed within the Business Review.

Business review

A review of the consolidated entities activities and future developments are set out in the Business Review on pages 3 to 7.

Results and dividends

The consolidated entity made a net loss attributable to the parent company for the year ended 31 March 2012 of US$('000)30,620 (for the eighteen month period ended 31 March 2011: loss of US$('000)73,975).

No dividends have been paid by the Company during the year ended 31 March 2012, nor have the directors recommended any dividend to be paid.

Financial risk management

The consolidated entity's approach to the management of financial risks is set out in note 28 to the financial statements.

Post balance sheet events

There has not been any matter or circumstance occurring subsequent to the end of the financial year that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect, the operations of the Company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Company in future financial years except for the following:

1. On 8 May 2012, the Company announced the sale of its 5.01% interest in AIM-listed Toledo Mining Corporation ('TMC') for US$('000')686 in cash and the conditional sale of its 18.7% interest in Berong Nickel Corporation ('BNC') for US$('000')6,552 in cash to World Fund Pte Limited. Both assets were considered non-core assets by the directors. The Company's interest in these non-core assets are disclosed in the statement of financial position as available for sale financial assets. In the prior year the Company's interest in BNC was held in the financial statements at US$3.48 million, the revaluation of the interest in BNC to the conditional sale value has resulted in a change in the fair value of US$('000')3,072 disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

The sale of the BNC shares is conditional upon the other shareholders of BNC, being TMC and Atlas Consolidated Mining Corporation ('Atlas') not exercising their pre-emption rights. In the event TMC or Atlas decide to exercise their pre-emption right they have to match the price offered by World Fund Pte Limited. Atlas and TMC have 60 days to exercise their pre-emption rights. The BNC sale is expected to settle in early July 2012.

2. On 6 June 2012, the Company announced that Montemina Resources Corporation ('MRC'), 60% owner of the Zambales Project, has entered into an agreement with Philippine company, Golden Harvest Global Corporation ('GHGC') wherein GHGC will acquire 60% interest in MRC for a total consideration of US$11m. The proceeds will be used by MRC to repay loans from members of the consolidated entity which will result in all of the funds (less taxes and costs) being available for use by the Company. The payment terms for the sale are:

   -       US$2m upon signing; 
   -       US$2m by no later than 15 August 2012; 
   -       US$2m by no later than 15 November 2012; and 

- US$5m linked to the Direct Ship Operations ('DSO') revenues from the Zambales tenement, but in any event, payable no later than the second anniversary of signing.

GHGC has also entered into a mining agreement with Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation ('ZCMCI'), 40% owner of the Zambales tenement. This agreement provides for the mining of nickel laterite ore for Direct Ship Operations ('DSO') on the basis that GHGC provides all mining equipment, capital labour, trucking, marketing and port facilities in return for a 50% profit share of ore sales. DSO will commence once Zambales and GHGC obtain the required permits for this operation.

In addition to the above agreements, GHGC has entered into an Exploration Services Agreement ('ESA') with Zambales Diversified Metals Corporation ('ZDMC'), holder of the Acoje tenement and a subsidiary of ENK, for the exploration of chromite and other underground minerals on the Acoje tenement. The ESA is for a period of 2 years with annual options to extend thereafter, subject to minimum performance requirements and payment of advance royalties.

If a decision to develop the chromite or other underground minerals is made by GHGC then ZDMC has, at its option, the ability to require a payment of US$20m to enable GHGC to acquire 100% of the rights to these minerals, or, to elect to have a free carry for ZDMC for a 20% interest in this project. In the event the lump sum payment is chosen, mining royalties at a rate to be agreed, will also be payable to ZDMC.

Substantial shareholdings

As at 31 May 2012 the following had notified the Company of a substantial shareholding of 3% or more of the nominal value of the Company's shares:

                                      No. ordinary     % 
===================================  =============  ====== 
 Pershing Nominees Limited              47,805,809   18.24 
 W B Nominees Limited                   31,810,917   12.14 
 AAA Australian Control Account         30,654,796   11.70 
 Hanover Nominees Limited               19,500,000    7.44 
 Vidacos Nominees Limited               18,370,327    7.01 
 Goldman Sachs International            13,321,513    5.08 
 Chase (GA Group) Nominees Limited       8,041,869    3.07 
===================================  =============  ====== 

Directors' interests

The directors who held office during the financial year and their interests in the share capital of the Company at 31 March 2012 was as follows:

                               Ordinary shares                Unlisted options 
                      =================================  ========================= 
      Directors         31 March         31 March 2012/    31 March       31 March 
                            2011    Date of resignation        2011          2012/ 
                                                                           Date of 
====================  ==========  =====================  ==========  ============= 
 Peter Rowe(1)               N/A                      -         N/A        400,000 
 Robert Gregory        1,210,000              1,235,000   2,000,000      2,000,000 
 Mark Hanlon             476,800                776,800   1,500,000      1,500,000 
 Paul Lush               441,355                441,355     230,000        530,000 
 Neil Herbert            900,000                900,000           -        300,000 
 David Whitehead(2)       26,250                 26,250     210,000              - 
 John McManus(3)         100,000                100,000           -        300,000 
====================  ==========  =====================  ==========  ============= 

(1) Appointed 27 July 2011

(2) Resigned 30 August 2011

(3) Resigned 13 January 2012

Directors' remuneration

The consolidated entity remunerates the directors at a level commensurate with the size of the Company and the experience of its directors. The Remuneration Committee has reviewed the directors' remuneration and believes it upholds the objectives of the Company with regard to this issue.

The following tables disclose the compensation of the directors of the consolidated entity during the financial year and the previous eighteen month period. This information has been audited.

     Year ended        Salary    Bonus*    Post-employment   Share-based    Total 
       31 March         & fees                 benefits        payments 
====================  ========  ========  ================  ============  ======== 
      Directors        $US'000   $US'000       $US'000         $US'000     $US'000 
====================  ========  ========  ================  ============  ======== 
 Peter Rowe(1)              45         -                 5            70       120 
 Robert Gregory            433       151                 2             -       586 
 Mark Hanlon               309       108                27             -       444 
 Paul Lush                  54         -                 4            52       110 
 Neil Herbert               55         -                 4            52       111 
 David Whitehead(2)         38         -                 -             -        38 
 John McManus(3)            36         -                 -            52        88 
====================  ========  ========  ================  ============  ======== 
 Total                     970       259                42           226     1,497 
====================  ========  ========  ================  ============  ======== 

(1) Appointed 27 July 2011

(2) Resigned 30 August 2011

(3) Resigned 13 January 2012

* Bonuses were paid pursuant to performance targets being successfully achieved.

      18 months         Salary    Bonus**   Post-employment    Consultancy    Share-based   Compensation    Total 
         ended           & fees                 benefits           fees         payments      for loss 
       31 March                                                for services                   of office 
         2011                                                    rendered 
=====================  ========  ========  ================  ==============  ============  =============  ======== 
      Directors         $US'000   $US'000       $US'000          $US'000        $US'000       $US'000      $US'000 
=====================  ========  ========  ================  ==============  ============  =============  ======== 
 David Whitehead            176         -                 -               -             -              -       176 
 Robert Gregory(1)          283       107                 -               -           624              -     1,014 
 Mark Hanlon(1)             192        77                17               -           468              -       754 
 Paul Lush                  112         -                 -              52             -              -       164 
 Neil Herbert(2)             34         -                 -               -             -              -        34 
 John McManus(3)             34         -                 -               -             -              -        34 
 Simon Purkiss(4)           380         -                 -               -             -            240       620 
 Andrew Lindsay(5)          182         -                44               -             -            489       715 
 Euan Worthington(5)         71         -                 -               -             -             12        83 
 Sir David 
  Logan(5)                   74         -                 -               -             -             11        85 
 Chris Pointon(6)            18         -                 -               -             -              -        18 
=====================  ========  ========  ================  ==============  ============  =============  ======== 
 Total                    1,556       184                61              52         1,092            752     3,697 
=====================  ========  ========  ================  ==============  ============  =============  ======== 
   (1) Appointed 16 June 2010             (3) Appointed 24 August 2010 
   (2) Appointed 29 June 2010             (4) Resigned 31 January 2011 
   (5) Resigned 16 June 2010                (6) Resigned 29 March 2010 

** Bonuses were paid pursuant to performance targets being successfully achieved prior to the merger acquisition in accordance with previous director's agreements with Rusina Mining NL.

Options are granted at an exercise price above the existing share price as at the date of grant. The value of options granted during the period has been calculated using the Black-Scholes formula method using the inputs set out in note 29.

Corporate governance

A statement on Corporate Governance is set out on page 20 to 28.

Operating environmental, principal risks and uncertainties

Operating risks

In addition to the usual economic conditions, share market fluctuations and general business and investments risks involved in investing in a listed company, the Company is subject to a number of specific risks, which include:

Exploration, mining, development and processing risks

The business of mineral exploration, project development, mining and processing by its nature contains elements of risk. The success of these activities is dependent on many factors such as:

   (i)            the discovery and/or acquisition of economically recoverable ore reserves; 
   (ii)           successful conclusions to bankable feasibility studies; 
   (iii)         access to adequate capital for project development; 

(iv) design and construction of efficient mining and processing facilities within capital expenditure budgets;

   (v)           securing and maintaining title to tenements; 
   (vi)          obtaining consents and approvals necessary for the conduct of exploration and mining; 

(vii) access to competent operational management and prudent financial administration, including the availability and reliability of appropriately qualified employees, contractors and consultants;

(viii) the ability to procure major equipment items and key consumables in a timely and cost-effective manner;

(ix) access to road and port networks for shipment of the mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide product; and

(x) favourable weather conditions for importation of sulphur and exploration and mining activities.

In common with other enterprises undertaking business in the mining sector, the Company's exploration, mine development and related activities are subject to conditions beyond its control that can reduce production or increase costs. These conditions include abnormal weather conditions and natural disasters, unexpected maintenance or technical problems, key equipment failures and variations in geological and metallurgical conditions.

The Company's development plans for the Acoje project represents a significant increase in the scale and complexity of its business. This increase in scale and complexity will have a marked impact on the Company's business processes, systems and information technology. Unless these development plans are able to be adequately resourced and managed, and the appropriate people hired and retained, the Company's performance could be adversely affected.

Reserve and resource estimates

Reserve estimates are expressions of judgement based on knowledge, experience and industry practice. Estimates, which were valid when made, may change significantly when new information becomes available. In addition, reserve estimates are imprecise and depend to some extent on interpretations which may prove to be inaccurate. The actual reserves may differ from those estimated which may result in the Company altering its plans which could have either a positive or negative effect on the Company's operations.

In addition, the inclusion of mineral resource estimates should not be regarded as a representation that these amounts can be economically exploited and no assurances can be given that such resource estimates will be converted into reserves.

Production estimates

Actual production may vary from estimates of future production for a variety of reasons, and there is a greater likelihood that actual production will vary from estimates of production for properties not yet in production although such estimates are based upon considered evaluation by the Company and, in certain instances, by qualified independent consultants.

Capital cost estimates

The capital cost estimates for the Acoje project is dependent on a number of variable factors, including:

   (i)            major equipment costs; 
   (ii)           the cost of construction items such as steel and cement; 
   (iii)         the accuracy of engineering designs; and 

(iv) certain assumptions regarding financial parameters including exchange rates and applicable import taxes.

Delays to the construction of the Acoje project

Planned construction of the Acoje project may be delayed by a number of factors, which include:

(i) delays in procuring new equipment - the lead times for major equipment may have a material effect on the anticipated commencement of a project;

   (ii)           delays in receiving requisite government approvals; and 
   (iii)         delays in obtaining funding. 

Delays to the construction of the Acoje project may lead to cost overruns.

Development funding requirement risk

External financial and credit markets are subject to numerous influences so there can be no assurance that equity or debt funding will be available to the Company and whether credit approvals for the Acoje project development will be forthcoming. Any additional equity financing may be dilutive to shareholders and debt financing, if available, may involve restrictions on financing and operating activities. There is no assurance that development funding will be available on terms acceptable to the Company. If the Company is unable to obtain development funding as needed, it may be required to reduce or terminate its operations, scale back its exploration, development and production programs, forfeit its interests in some of its properties and incur financial penalties.

Project financing of the Acoje project may expose the Company to adverse interest rate movements and also potentially nickel and cobalt price movements (depending on the type and quantity of commodity hedging entered into as a requirement of the project financing) that may significantly increase the financial risk inherent in its business and could have a material impact on profitability and cash flow.

Country risk

The Company will operate predominantly in the Philippines. There is a sovereign risk involved with investing in foreign countries, including the risk that mining concessions may be revised or cancelled by new laws or changes in direction by the government in question. These are matters over which the Company has no control. Whilst these risks are always present, the Company directors have no present reason to believe that the current exploration and mining concessions held by the Company in the Philippines will be varied or cancelled.

Regulatory, consenting and permitting risks

The business of mineral exploration, project development, mining and processing is subject to various national and local laws and plans relating to:

   (i)            permitting and maintenance of title; 
   (ii)           environmental protection; 
   (iii)         taxation; 
   (iv)          employee relations; 
   (v)           heritage / historic matters; 
   (vi)          health and safety; 
   (vii)         royalties; 
   (viii)       land acquisition; and 
   (ix)          other matters. 

There is a risk that the necessary land acquisitions, permits, consents, authorisations and agreements required to implement planned exploration, project development, or mining may not be obtained under conditions or within time frames that make such plans economic, that applicable laws, regulations or the governing authorities will change or that such changes will result in additional material expenditures or time delays.

The permitting and consent process in the Philippines requires extensive consultation and enables many interested third parties to participate in the process. This imposes additional risk that permits and consents may be delayed or rejected.

Tenement applications

The Company has been granted some mining tenements and has applications for other mining tenements over particular exploration properties. There can be no assurance that the Company will be granted all the mining tenements for which it has applied.

Operating risks

The Company's operations may be affected by various factors, including failure to locate or identify mineral deposits; failure to achieve predicted grades in exploration and mining; operational and technical difficulties encountered in mining; difficulties in commissioning and operating plant and equipment; mechanical failure or plant breakdown; unanticipated metallurgical problems which may affect extraction costs; adverse weather conditions; industrial and environmental accidents; industrial disputes; and unexpected shortages or increases in the costs of consumables (particularly sulphur), spare parts, plant and equipment.

Furthermore the hydrometallurgical treatment of Acoje nickel laterite ores has not been tested at commercial scale. While indications from laboratory and large scale test-work are positive the scale up of the use of a heap leaching process route on low grade nickel laterite ores remains a risk. The failure to achieve the necessary leach recoveries would have a serious impact on the financial performance of the Company and the ability to treat the Acoje deposits.

The Company intends to have in place risk management plans in order to minimise the potential damage flowing from these possible events.

Environmental risk

The Company's projects and operations are subject to significant regulation regarding environmental hazards and the storage and discharge of hazardous waste and materials. Open pit mining and processing nickel laterite ores, as planned at the Acoje project, are subject to such risks and hazards, including environmental hazards, industrial accidents and discharge of toxic chemicals. The occurrence of any of these events can halt production, increase production costs or result in liability to the Company. Such incidents may also result in a breach of the conditions of a mining privilege, resource or other consent, or relevant regulatory regime, with consequent exposure to enforcement procedures, including possible revocation of a mining privilege.

Reliance on key personnel

The Company's prospects depend in part on the ability of its executive officers and senior management to operate effectively, both individually and as a group. Further, the success of the Acoje project partly depends on the Company's ability to attract and retain additional qualified management and operating personnel.

The Company will have in place employment contracts with key employees and will have the objective of providing attractive employment conditions in general to assist in retaining key employees. However, there can be no guarantee that the Company can retain its key employees. If the Company cannot attract and retain suitably qualified management and operating personnel, the Company's business and future growth may be adversely affected.

Commodity price risk

If the Company commences production, revenues will be derived from the sales of mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide product, the value of which will be directly related to nickel and cobalt prices in the world market. Commodity prices fluctuate widely and are affected by numerous industry factors beyond the Company's control. These factors may include the demand for stainless steel, nickel production levels (quantity and cost) in major nickel producing regions, and industrial production levels. Any variation in the market price of nickel and cobalt for a sustained period would have a material impact on the profit and cash flow of the Company's future operations.

The proposed product from the Acoje project is a mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide. The treatment of this product has been discussed with various refineries, which currently have excess capacity. However, if there should be a downturn in the market, there may be no final market for this product, or the product could be sold at a significantly discounted rate. While the adoption of long term contracts may mitigate this position the reduction in revenue from the product would have a material impact on the profit and cash flow of the Company's future operations.

Exchange rate risk

The Company's forecast revenue from the sale of mixed nickel-cobalt hydroxide product from the Acoje projects will be in US dollars whilst its cost basis will be payable in Philippines pesos, British pounds, Australian dollars and Euros.

The exchange rates between the various currencies are affected by numerous factors beyond the control of the Company. These factors include economic conditions in the relevant country and elsewhere and the outlook for interest rates, inflation and other economic factors. These factors may have a positive or negative effect on the Company's exploration, project development and production plans and activities, together with the ability to fund those plans and activities.

The Company is also exposed to exchange rate risk in the conduct of its daily operations, for example where purchases are denominated in currencies other than US dollars and where these impacts are not mitigated through financial risk management programs such as local currency hedging.

Technology risk

The hydrometallurgical treatment of nickel laterite ores has only been tested in the laboratory and at the consolidated entity's demonstration facility, but has not been demonstrated on a commercial scale. It has been used commercially in uranium and gold projects. The failure to achieve the necessary leach recoveries would have a serious impact on the financial performance of the Company and the ability to treat the Acoje deposit.

Intellectual property rights

Securing rights to intellectual property, and in particular patents, is an integral part of securing potential product value. Competition in retaining and sustaining protection of intellectual property and the complex nature of intellectual property can lead to expensive and lengthy patents disputes for which there can be no guaranteed outcome.

The granting of a patent does not guarantee that the rights of others are not infringed or that competitors will not develop competing intellectual property that circumvents such patents. ENK's success depends, in part, on its ability to obtain patents, maintain trade secret protection and operate without infringing the proprietary rights of third parties.

There can be no assurance that any patents ENK may own, control or licence now and in the future will afford the Company commercially significant protection of the intellectual property, or that any of the projects that may arise from the intellectual property will have commercial applications.

Further, there is always a risk of third parties claiming involvement in technological discoveries, and if any disputes arise, they could adversely affect the Company.

Regulation in the Philippines

The Philippines Constitution provides that all natural resources are owned by the State which may enter into a co-production, joint venture or production sharing agreement with citizens of the Philippines or corporations or associations at least 60% of whose capital is owned by Philippine citizens.

Commonwealth Act No. 108, as amended (otherwise known as the "Anti-Dummy" Act), provides penalties for, amongst others:

(i) Filipinos who permit aliens to use them as nominees or dummies so that the aliens could enjoy privileges otherwise reserved for Filipinos or Filipino corporations; and

(ii) aliens or foreigners who profit from the adoption of these dummy relationships. It also penalises the act of falsely simulating the existence of minimum stock or capital as owned by citizens of the Philippines or any other country in cases in which a constitutional or legal provision requires that before a corporation or association may exercise or enjoy a right, franchise or privilege, not less than a certain percentage of its capital must be owned by such citizens.

The Anti-Dummy Act likewise prohibits aliens from intervening in the management, operation, administration or control of nationalised business or enterprises, whether as officers, employees or labourers, with or without remuneration, except that aliens may take part in technical aspects only, provided:

   (i)            no Filipino can do such technical work; and 
   (ii)           it is with express authority from the Secretary of Justice. 

The Anti-Dummy Act also allows the election of aliens as members of the boards of directors or the governing bodies of corporations or association engaged in partially nationalised activities in proportion to their allowable participation or share in the capital of such entities. Whilst the Company has received advice that its structure complies with all Philippine regulations, there is a risk that it could be questioned or challenged given limited precedents to date in country.

Likely future developments

The consolidated entity will continue to pursue its policy of increasing the asset value and market share of its major business sectors during the next financial year. The consolidated entity will focus on the exploration of its portfolio of mineral licenses and the evaluation, merger, acquisition and/or joint venture of new projects and assets.

Policy and practice on payment of creditors

The consolidated entity's strategy is to develop mutually beneficial relationships with key suppliers. The consolidated entity has agreed appropriate terms and conditions of supply with its longer term creditors and will abide by these terms and conditions, provided that it is satisfied that the supplier has also complied with them. Trade creditors of the consolidated entity at 31 March 2012 represent 15 days' purchases.

Disclosure of information to auditor

The directors who held office at the date of approval of this Directors' Report confirm that:

-- so far as each director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditor is unaware; and

-- each director has taken all the steps that he ought to have taken as a director in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company's auditor is aware of that information.


A resolution for the reappointment of PKF (UK) LLP as auditors of the Company will be proposed at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

Directors' responsibilities statement

The directors are responsible for preparing the Directors' report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the directors have, as required by the AIM Rules of the London Stock Exchange, elected to prepare the consolidated entity's financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union and have also elected to prepare the parent Company financial statements in accordance with those standards. Under company law the directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and the consolidate entity and of the profit or loss of the consolidated entity for that period. In preparing these financial statements the directors are required to:

   --      select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   --      make judgments and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 

-- state whether the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union; and

-- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company and the consolidated entity will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and the consolidated entity and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and the consolidated entity and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of the financial statements and other information included in annual reports may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

This report was approved by the Board on 21 June 2012

Mark Hanlon

Company Secretary


Corporate governance statement

Approach to Corporate Governance

ENK PLC (Company) has adopted comprehensive systems of control and accountability as the basis for the administration of corporate governance. Some of these policies and procedures are summarised in this statement.

The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom and listed on the Alternative Investment Market of London Stock Exchange plc (AIM). The Company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) on 28 June 2010. Following its listing on ASX, the Company commenced a process of reviewing its corporate governance policies and procedures. Since 30 September 2010, the Company has been acting in accordance with the policies and procedures as described in this statement however; these policies and procedures were not formally adopted by the Board until 17 June 2011.

Commensurate with the spirit of the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations 2nd edition (Principles & Recommendations), the Company has followed each recommendation where the Board has considered the recommendation to be an appropriate benchmark for its corporate governance practices. Where the Company's corporate governance practices follow a recommendation, the Board has made appropriate statements reporting on the adoption of the recommendation. In compliance with the "if not, why not" reporting regime, where, after due consideration, the Company's corporate governance practices depart from a recommendation, the Board has offered full disclosure and an explanation for the adoption of its own practice.

The following governance-related documents can be found on the Company's website at www.enk.co.uk, under the section marked "Who We Are" "Corporate Governance":



Audit Committee

Nomination Committee

Remuneration Committee

Policies and Procedures

Policy and Procedure for Selection and (Re)Appointment of Directors

Policy on Assessing the Independence of Directors

Diversity Policy (summary)

Code of Conduct (summary)

Policy on Continuous Disclosure (summary)

Compliance Procedures (summary)

Procedure for the Selection, Appointment and Rotation of External Auditor

Shareholder Communication Policy

Risk Management Policy (summary)

The Company reports below on how it has followed (or otherwise departed from) each of the recommendations during the 2011/2012 financial year (Reporting Period). The information in this statement is current at 1 June 2012.


Roles and responsibilities of the Board and Senior Executives

(Recommendations: 1.1, 1.3)

The Company has established the functions reserved to the Board, and those delegated to senior executives and has set out these functions in its Board Charter.

The Board is collectively responsible for promoting the success of the Company through its key functions of overseeing the management of the Company, providing overall corporate governance of the Company, monitoring the financial performance of the Company, engaging appropriate management commensurate with the Company's structure and objectives, involvement in the development of corporate strategy and performance objectives, and reviewing, ratifying and monitoring systems of risk management and internal control, codes of conduct and legal compliance.

Senior executives are responsible for supporting the Managing Director and assisting the Managing Director in implementing the running of the general operations and financial business of the Company in accordance with the delegated authority of the Board. Senior executives are responsible for reporting all matters which fall within the Company's materiality thresholds at first instance to the Managing Director or, if the matter concerns the Managing Director, directly to the Chair or the lead independent director, as appropriate.

As the Board Charter was not formally adopted until 17 June 2011, it was not available on the Company's website until this time.

Skills, experience, expertise and period of office of each Director

(Recommendation: 2.6)

A profile of each Director setting out their skills, experience, expertise and period of office is set out in the Directors' Report.

The members of the Board have a diverse range of skills, as evident from the profile of each director in the Directors' Report. The Board aims to have a mix of skills amongst its members, and considers that members with operational and technical skills, legal skills, corporate and financial skills and regional experience will benefit the Company at this stage of its development.

Director independence

(Recommendations: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6)

The Board does not have a majority of directors who are independent. During the Reporting Period, the Board comprised an equal number of independent and non-independent directors. The Board believes that its structure is appropriate and adequate for the Company's current size and operations, and is aligned with shareholder expectations. The Board will continue to monitor its composition and make appropriate changes to its composition as and when the Board deems fit.

The independent directors of the Company are Peter Rowe (Chair, appointed 30 August 2011), Neil Herbert and Paul Lush. David Whitehead was Chair until 30 August 2011 and was also independent. These directors are independent as they are non-executive directors who are not members of management and who are free of any business or other relationship that could materially interfere with, or could reasonably be perceived to materially interfere with, the independent exercise of their judgment.

The Board considers the independence of directors having regard to the relationships listed in Box 2.1 of the Principles & Recommendations, the following additional relationships and the Company's materiality thresholds:

-- has, or has had within the last three years, a material business relationship with the Company, either

directly or as a partner, shareholder, director or employee of a body that has a relationship with the Company;

-- has received or receives additional remuneration from the Company apart from a director's fee, participates in any share option or performance-related pay scheme, or is a members of the Company's pension scheme;

   --       has close family ties with any of the Company's advisers, directors or senior employees; 

-- holds cross-directorships or significant links with other directors through involvement in other companies or bodies; or

   --       has served on the Board for more than nine years from the date of first election. 

The Board has agreed on the following guidelines, as set out in the Company's Board Charter for assessing the materiality of matters:

-- Statement of financial performance items are material if they have a value of more than 10% of net assets.

-- Income statement items are material if they will have an impact on the current year operating result of 10% or more.

-- Items are also material if they impact on the reputation of the Company, involve a breach of legislation, are outside the ordinary course of business, could affect the Company's rights to its assets, if accumulated would trigger the quantitative tests, involve a contingent liability that would have a probable effect of 10% or more on the statement of financial performance or income statement items, or will have an effect on operations which is likely to result in an increase or decrease in net income or dividend distribution of more than 10%; or they would need to be announced to the market under either AIM Rules or ASX Rules.

-- Contracts will be considered material if they are outside the ordinary course of business, contain exceptionally onerous provisions in the opinion of the Board, impact on income or distribution in excess of the quantitative tests, there is a likelihood that either party will default, and the default may trigger any of the quantitative or qualitative tests, are essential to the activities of the Company and cannot be replaced, or cannot be replaced without an increase in cost which triggers any of the quantitative tests, contain or trigger change of control provisions, are between or for the benefit of related parties, or otherwise trigger the quantitative tests or they would need to be announced to the market under wither AIM Rules or ASX Rules.

The non-independent directors of the Company are Robert Gregory (Managing Director), Mark Hanlon (Finance Director), John McManus (resigned 13 February 2012), and Guy Walker (appointed 18 April 2012).

The independent Chair of the Board from the beginning of the Reporting Period until 30 August 2011 was David Whitehead. Mr Whitehead was replaced by Peter Rowe as independent Chair on 30 August 2011. The Managing Director, Robert Gregory, is not also Chair of the Board.

Independent professional advice

(Recommendation: 2.6)

To assist directors with independent judgement, it is the Board's policy that if a director considers it necessary to obtain independent professional advice to properly discharge the responsibility of their office as a director then, provided the director first obtains approval for incurring such expense from the Chair or independent non-executive director, the Company will pay the reasonable expenses associated with obtaining such advice.

Selection and (Re)Appointment of Directors

(Recommendation: 2.6)

In determining candidates for the Board, the Nomination Committee (or equivalent) follows a prescribed process whereby it evaluates the mix of skills, experience, expertise and diversity of the existing Board. In particular, the Nomination Committee (or equivalent) is to identify the particular skills and diversity that will best increase the Board's effectiveness. Consideration is also given to the balance of independent directors. Potential candidates are identified and, if relevant, the Nomination Committee (or equivalent) recommends an appropriate candidate for appointment to the Board. Any appointment made by the Board is subject to ratification by shareholders at the next annual general meeting.

The Board recognises that Board renewal is critical to performance and the impact of Board tenure on succession planning. A director (other than the Managing Director) must not hold office (without re-election) past the third annual general meeting following the director's appointment or three years, whichever is the longer. Re-appointment of directors is not automatic.

As the Company's Policy and Procedure for the Selection and (Re)Appointment of Directors was not formally adopted until 17 June 2011, it was not available on the Company's website until this time.

Board committees

Nomination Committee

(Recommendations: 2.4, 2.6)

The Board has not established a separate Nomination Committee. Given the current size and composition of the Board, the Board believes that there would be no efficiencies gained by establishing a separate Nomination Committee. Accordingly, the Board performs the role of the Nomination Committee. Items that are usually required to be discussed by a Nomination Committee are marked as separate agenda items at Board meetings when required. When the Board convenes as the Nomination Committee it carries out those functions which are delegated to it in the Company's Nomination Committee Charter. The Board deals with any conflicts of interest that may occur when convening in the capacity of the Nomination Committee by ensuring that the director with conflicting interests is not party to the relevant discussions.

The full Board, in its capacity as the Nomination Committee, held one meeting during the Reporting Period. All Board members attended. In addition, further nomination-related discussions occurred from time to time during the year as required.

The Company has adopted a Nomination Committee Charter which describes the role, composition, functions and responsibilities of the Nomination Committee. As the Company's Nomination Committee Charter was not formally adopted until 17 June 2011, it was not available on the Company's website until this time.

Audit Committee

(Recommendations: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)

The Board has established an Audit Committee, which is structured in compliance with Recommendation 4.2.

The Audit Committee held two meetings during the Reporting Period. Details of the directors' who are members of the Audit Committee, and their attendance at Audit Committee meetings are set out in the following table:

 Name                                          No. of meetings 
============================================  ================ 
 Neil Herbert (Chair) (independent 
  non-executive director)                             2 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Paul Lush (independent non-executive 
  director)                                           2 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 David Whitehead (independent non-executive 
  director) (resigned 30 August 2011)                 1 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Peter Rowe (independent non-executive 
  director) (appointed 30 August 2011)                1 
============================================  ================ 

The Company has adopted an Audit Committee Charter which describes its role, composition, functions and responsibilities of the Audit Committee. As the Company's Audit Committee Charter was not formally adopted until 17 June 2011, it was not available on the Company's website until this time.

Details of each of the director's qualifications are set out in the Directors' Report. All members of the Audit Committee are financially literate, and Neil Herbert is a Fellow of the Associated Chartered Certified Accountants.

The Company has established procedures for the selection, appointment and rotation of its external auditor. The Board is responsible for the initial appointment of the external auditor and the appointment of a new external auditor when any vacancy arises, as recommended by the Audit Committee (or its equivalent). Candidates for the position of external auditor must demonstrate complete independence from the Company through the engagement period. The Board may otherwise select an external auditor based on criteria relevant to the Company's business and circumstances. The performance of the external auditor is reviewed on an annual basis by the Audit Committee (or its equivalent) and any recommendations are made to the Board.

As the Company's Audit Committee Charter and Procedure for the Selection, Appointment and Rotation of External Auditor were not formally adopted until 17 June 2011, they were not available on the Company's website until this time.

Remuneration Committee

(Recommendations: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3)

The Board has established a Remuneration Committee, which is structured in accordance with Recommendation 8.2.

The Remuneration Committee held two meetings during the Reporting Period. Details of the directors' who are members of the Remuneration Committee, and their attendance at the Remuneration Committee meeting are set out in the following table:

 Name                                            No. of meetings 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Paul Lush (Chair) (independent non-executive 
  director)                                             2 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Neil Herbert (independent non-executive 
  director)                                             2 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 David Whitehead (independent non-executive 
  director) (resigned 30 August 2011)                   1 
----------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Peter Rowe (independent non-executive 
  director) (appointed 30 August 2011)                  1 
==============================================  ================ 

The Board has adopted a Remuneration Committee Charter which describes the role, composition, functions and responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee.

Details of remuneration, including the Company's policy on remuneration, are contained in the "Remuneration Report" which forms of part of the Directors' Report. Non-executive directors are remunerated at a fixed fee for time, commitment and responsibilities. Remuneration for non-executive directors is not linked to individual performance. The Company may consider it appropriate to issue unlisted options to non-executive directors, subject to obtaining the relevant approvals. This policy is subject to annual review. Pay and rewards for executive directors and senior executives consists of a base salary and performance incentives. Short term performance incentives may include cash bonuses, which is designed to encourage and reward superior performance. Long term performance incentives may include options granted at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee and subject to obtaining the relevant approvals. Executives are offered a competitive level of base pay at market rates and are reviewed annually to ensure market competitiveness.

There are no termination or retirement benefits for non-executive directors (other than for superannuation).

The Company's Remuneration Committee Charter includes a statement of the Company's policy on prohibiting transactions in associated products which limit the risk of participating in unvested entitlements under any equity based remuneration schemes.

The Company is incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom and is not required to comply with section 300A of the Corporations Act or AASB 124 Related Party Disclosures. However, the Company is required to and has included equivalent information in its annual report pursuant to the International Financial Reporting Standards. Please refer to note 30.

As the Company's Remuneration Committee Charter was not formally adopted until 17 June 2011, it was not available on the Company's website until this time.

Performance evaluation

Senior executives

(Recommendations: 1.2, 1.3)

The Managing Director is responsible for evaluating the performance of all senior executives (except the Finance Director). All Company personnel go through an annual performance review at which their performance is discussed in detail. The Company's country manager in the Philippines is responsible for his respective staff performance reviews. The Managing Director undertakes performance reviews of senior executives, including the country manager through a prescriptive process that evaluates their performance against a list of criteria that are relevant to their job description. The process determines areas where further training may be required and, utilising a skill-based review, looks at succession planning for key roles.

During the Reporting Period, the Managing Director evaluated the performance of senior executives in accordance with the process disclosed above. The process was not disclosed on the Company's website during the Reporting Period, as the process has not been formally adopted by the Board. The Remuneration Committee reviewed and approved of the process for performance evaluation of senior executives on 20 June 2012 and the Company is in the process of disclosing this on its website.

Board, its committees and individual directors

(Recommendations: 2.5, 2.6)

The Chair is responsible for evaluation of the Board and, when deemed appropriate, Board committees and individual directors. The Remuneration Committee is responsible for evaluating the Managing Director and the Finance Director.

The Board has not adopted a formal process for the evaluation of the Board, its committees and individual directors. However, it intends to put a formal process in place during the next financial year. The Board did intend for an evaluation of the Board, its committees and individual directors to take place during the Reporting Period, however there were further changes to the Board, including the appointment of a new Chair, and a change in direction for the Company. An evaluation of the Board, its committees and individual directors will take place during the next financial year.

The performance of the Managing Director and the Finance Director is reviewed annually by the Remuneration Committee against a list of key performance indicators, to determine whether or not the executive are performing according to their expected level. The Remuneration Committee takes into consideration external factors and changes in Company policy that may affect the ability of the executive directors to perform in accordance with their key performance indicators.

Ethical and responsible decision making

Code of Conduct

(Recommendations: 3.1, 3.3)

The Company has established a Code of Conduct as to the practices necessary to maintain confidence in the Company's integrity, the practices necessary to take into account its legal obligations and the reasonable expectations of its stakeholders and the responsibility and accountability of individuals for reporting and investigating reports of unethical practices.

As the Code of Conduct was not formally adopted by the Board until 17 June 2011, a summary of it was not available on the Company's website until this time.


(Recommendations: 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)

The Company has established a Diversity Policy, which includes requirements for the Board to establish measurable objectives for achieving gender diversity and for the Board to assess annually both the objectives and progress towards achieving them.

The Board has not set measurable objectives for achieving gender diversity. In light of the Company's stage of development and the location and nature of the Company's operations, the Board does not consider it practical to formally establish measurable objectives for achieving gender diversity at this time. However, the Company is committed to actively managing diversity as a means of enhancing the Company's performance by recognising and utilising the contribution of diverse skills and talent from its directors, officers and employees.

The proportion of women employees in the whole organisation, women in senior executive positions and women on the Board are set out in the following table:

                              Proportion of women 
---------------------------  -------------------- 
 Whole organisation           50 out of 228 (22%) 
---------------------------  -------------------- 
 Senior Executive positions     0 out of 4 (0%) 
---------------------------  -------------------- 
 Board                          0 out of 6 (0%) 
===========================  ==================== 

As the Diversity Policy was not formally adopted by the Board until 17 June 2011, a summary of it was not available on the Company's website until this time.

Continuous Disclosure

(Recommendations: 5.1, 5.2)

The Company has established written policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with ASX Listing Rule and AIM Rules disclosure requirements and accountability at a senior executive level for that compliance.

As the Policy on Continuous Disclosure and Compliance Procedures were not formally adopted by the Board until 17 June 2011, a summary of the policy and procedure was not available on the Company's website until this time.

Shareholder Communication

(Recommendations: 6.1, 6.2)

The Company has designed a communications policy for promoting effective communication with shareholders and encouraging shareholder participation at general meetings.

As the Shareholder Communication Policy was not formally adopted by the Board until 17 June 2011, it was not available on the Company's website until this time.

It is the Company's policy to require the external auditor to attend its annual general meeting and be available to respond to shareholder questions.

Risk Management

Recommendations: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)

The Board has adopted a Risk Management Policy, which sets out the Company's risk profile. Under the policy, the Board is responsible for approving the Company's policies on risk oversight and management and satisfying itself that management has developed and implemented a sound system of risk management and internal control.

Under the policy, the Board delegates day-to-day management of risk to the Managing Director, who is responsible for identifying, assessing, monitoring and managing risks. The Managing Director is also responsible for updating the Company's material business risks to reflect any material changes, with the approval of the Board.

In fulfilling the duties of risk management, the Managing Director may have unrestricted access to Company employees, contractors and records and may obtain independent expert advice on any matter he believes appropriate, with the prior approval of the Board.

The Board has established a separate Audit Committee to monitor and review the integrity of financial reporting and the Company's internal financial control systems and risk management systems.

In addition, the following risk management measures have been adopted by the Board to manage the Company's material business risks:

-- the Board has established authority limits for management, which, if proposed to be exceeded, requires prior Board approval;

-- the Board has adopted a compliance procedure for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Company's continuous disclosure obligations; and

-- the Board adopted a corporate governance manual on 17 June 2011 which contains other policies to assist the Company to establish and maintain its governance practices.

The Company's risk management system includes the preparation of a risk register by management to identify the Company's material business risks and risk management strategies for those risks. In addition, the process of management of material business risks will be allocated to members of senior management. The risk register is reviewed quarterly and updated, as required. Periodically, the Company may engage an external party to facilitate risk management planning within the organisation. This took place during the Reporting Period, following the Company's move to focus on its project in the Philippines.

The categories of risk reported on as part of the Company's systems and processes for managing material business risk include: commodity price risk; development funding risk; sovereign risk; operational risk; environmental risk; and legal and compliance risk.

The Board has required management to design, implement and maintain risk management and internal control systems to manage the Company's material business risks. The Board also requires management to report to it confirming that those risks are being managed effectively. The Board has received a report from management as to the effectiveness of the Company's management of its material business risks for the Reporting Period.

The Managing Director and the Finance Director are not required to provide a declaration to the Board in accordance with section 295A of the Corporations Act as the Company is subject to the laws of the United Kingdom. However, these laws require a similar declaration to that required under section 295A of the Corporations Act. The Board requires the Managing Director and the Finance Director to provide a declaration in the terms of section 295A of the Corporations Act and assure the Board that the declaration is founded on a sound system of risk management and internal control and that the system is operating effectively in all material respects in relation to financial reporting risks. The Managing Director and the Finance Director have provided a declaration to the Board in the terms of section 295A of the Corporations Act and have assured the Board that such declaration is founded on a sound system of risk management and internal control and that the system is operating effectively in all material respects in relation to financial reporting risks.

As the Risk Management Policy was not formally adopted by the Board until 17 June 2011, a summary of it was not available on the Company's website until this time.


Independent auditor's report to the members of ENK PLC

We have audited the financial statements of ENK PLC for the year ended 31 March 2012 which comprise the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated and company statements of financial position, the consolidated and company statements of changes in equity, the consolidated and company statements of cash flows and the related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union and, as regards the parent company financial statements, as applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006.

This report is made solely to the company's members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditor

As explained more fully in the directors' responsibilities statement, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board's Ethical Standards for Auditors.

Scope of the audit of the financial statements

An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the consolidated entity's and the parent company's circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the directors; and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the annual report to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report.

Opinion on financial statements

In our opinion:

-- the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the consolidated entity's and the company's affairs as at 31 March 2012 and of the consolidated entity's loss for the year then ended;

-- the consolidated entity's financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union;

-- the company financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union as applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006; and

-- the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.

Opinion on other matter prescribed by the Companies Act 2006

In our opinion the information given in the directors' report for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the financial statements.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:

-- adequate accounting records have not been kept by the parent company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or

-- the company financial statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or

   --      certain disclosures of directors' remuneration specified by law are not made; or 
   --      we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. 

Stuart Barnsdall (Senior statutory auditor)

for and on behalf of PKF (UK) LLP, Statutory auditor

London, UK

21 June 2012

  Consolidated income statement 
=====================================          ============================================ 
 For the year ended 31 March            Note         Year ended               18 mth 
  2012                                                31 March                 ended 
                                                         12                  31 March 
                                                       US$'000                  11 
                                                                            * Restated 
                                               =====================  ===================== 
 Continuing operations 
 Administration expenses                                     (4,666)                (2,615) 
 Exceptional gain                        32                        -                 17,375 
 Impairment loss                         27                        -               (30,297) 
 Exploration and development 
  costs                                                      (6,973)                (5,128) 
 Other operating costs                                       (3,424)                (3,013) 
 Other operating income                   9                    2,139                      - 
                                               =====================  ===================== 
 Operating loss                                             (12,924)               (23,678) 
 Finance income                          10                       46                  1,209 
 Finance costs                           11                      (2)                (2,378) 
 Loss on disposal of investment 
  in associate                          15(b)                      -                (7,719) 
 Gain/(loss) on disposal of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets                                15(b)                     78                (1,278) 
 Share of loss of associates 
  and joint ventures                    15(a)                  (747)                   (40) 
 Loss before tax                                            (13,549)               (33,884) 
 Income tax credit                       21                    1,838                  1,953 
                                               =====================  ===================== 
 Loss for the year from continuing 
  operations                                                (11,711)               (31,931) 
 Discontinued operations 
 Loss for the year from discontinued 
  operations                             12                 (21,465)               (42,617) 
                                               =====================  ===================== 
 Loss for the year                        8                 (33,176)               (74,548) 
                                               =====================  ===================== 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity shareholders of the 
  parent company                                            (30,620)               (73,975) 
 Non-controlling interest                                    (2,556)                  (573) 
                                               =====================  ===================== 
                                                            (33,176)               (74,548) 
                                               =====================  ===================== 
 Loss per share (basic and 
 From continuing and discontinuing 
  operations                             24                  (0.013)                (0.041) 
 From continuing operations              24                (0.004)                  (0.017) 

* Restated in respect of classification of discontinued operations

  Consolidated statement of comprehensive 
==========================================  ======================= 
 For the year ended 31 March                 Year ended    18 mth 
  2012                                        31 March      ended 
                                                 12       31 March 
                                               US$'000       11 
                                            ===========  ========== 
 Loss for the year                             (33,176)    (74,548) 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense): 
 Exchange differences arising 
  on translation of foreign operations            1,772       1,277 
 Reclassification of exchange                       788           - 
  differences on disposal of subsidiary 
 Reclassified on disposal of                      (460)           - 
  available for sale financial 
 Reclassification arising on 
  acquisition                                         -       1,245 
 Change in the fair value of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets                                          3,072         243 
                                            ===========  ========== 
 Total comprehensive expense 
  for the year                                 (28,004)    (71,783) 
                                            ===========  ========== 
 Total comprehensive expense 
  attributable to: 
 Equity shareholders of the parent 
  company                                      (26,174)    (72,544) 
 Non-controlling interests                      (1,830)         761 
                                            ===========  ========== 
                                               (28,004)    (71,783) 
                                            ===========  ========== 
  Consolidated statement of 
  financial position 
  As at 31 March 2012 
===============================          ====================== 
                                  Note      As at       As at 
                                           31 March    31 March 
                                              12          11 
                                           US$'000     US$'000 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                 13        91,096      91,234 
 Property, plant and equipment     14         1,397      47,605 
 Investments accounted for 
  using the equity method         15(a)           -         747 
 Available for sale financial 
  assets                          15(b)       7,238       4,782 
 Other receivables                 16            21       7,808 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Total non-current assets                    99,752     152,176 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables       16         1,700       6,381 
 Inventories                       17             -          93 
 Cash and cash equivalents         18        33,710      10,910 
 Total current assets                        35,410      17,384 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Total assets                               135,162     169,560 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables          19         2,197       4,640 
 Total current liabilities                    2,197       4,640 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Net current assets                          33,213      12,744 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Provisions                        20            24       2,428 
 Deferred tax liability            21        18,643      20,527 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Total non-current liabilities               18,667      22,955 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Total liabilities                           20,864      27,595 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Net assets                                 114,298     141,965 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Ordinary shares                   22        17,538      17,531 
 Share premium account             22       233,720     233,708 
 Merger reserve                    23        18,641      18,641 
 Translation reserve               23         1,422       (412) 
 Fair value reserve                23         2,822         210 
 Accumulated losses                       (180,441)   (150,139) 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Equity attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent                      93,702     119,539 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Non-controlling interest                    20,596      22,426 
                                         ==========  ========== 
 Total equity                               114,298     141,965 
                                         ==========  ========== 

These financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 21 June 2012 and were signed on its behalf by:

Robert Gregory

Managing Director

  Company statement of financial 
  As at 31 March 2012 
=================================          ====================== 
                                    Note      As at       As at 
                                             31 March    31 March 
                                                12          11 
                                             US$'000     US$'000 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment       14             -          87 
 Investments in associates 
  and joint ventures                15(a)           -       1,169 
 Available for sale financial 
  assets                            15(b)       7,238       4,782 
 Investments in subsidiaries        15(c)      32,557      81,888 
 Long term receivables              15(d)      13,500       9,375 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Total non-current assets                      53,295      97,301 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables         16           304      43,052 
 Cash and cash equivalents           18        31,212       3,174 
 Total current assets                          31,516      46,226 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Total assets                                  84,811     143,527 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables            19         1,192       1,598 
 Total current liabilities                      1,192       1,598 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Net current assets                            30,324      44,628 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax liability              21             3           - 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Total non-current liabilities                      3           - 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Total liabilities                              1,195       1,598 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Net assets                                    83,616     141,929 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Ordinary shares                     22        17,538      17,531 
 Share premium account               22       233,720     233,708 
 Merger reserve                      23        17,865      17,865 
 Translation reserve                 23          (18)           4 
 Fair value reserve                  23         2,822         210 
 Accumulated losses                         (188,311)   (127,389) 
                                           ==========  ========== 
 Total equity                                  83,616     141,929 
                                           ==========  ========== 

These financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 21 June 2012 and were signed on its behalf by:

Rob Gregory

Managing Director


Consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the year ended 31 March 2012

                                 Share                             Fair                               Non-controlling 
                     Ordinary   premium   Merger    Translation    value    Accumulated                   interest       Total 
                      shares    account   reserve     reserve     reserve      losses       Total                        Equity 
                      US$'000   US$'000   US$'000       US$'000   US$'000       US$'000     US$'000           US$'000    US$'000 
 Balance at 1 
  2009                  8,480   207,496       776         (355)   (1,278)      (73,009)     142,110                 -    142,110 
 Loss for the 
  period                    -      -            -             -         -      (73,975)    (73,975)             (573)   (74,548) 
  arising on 
  of foreign 
  operations                -      -            -          (57)         -             -        (57)             1,334      1,277 
 Change in the 
  value of 
  for sale 
  financial assets          -      -            -             -       243             -         243                 -        243 
  arising on 
  acquisition               -      -            -             -     1,245             -       1,245                 -      1,245 
                    =========  ========  ========  ============  ========  ============  ==========  ================  ========= 
  for the period            -      -            -          (57)     1,488      (73,975)    (72,544)               761   (71,783) 
                    =========  ========  ========  ============  ========  ============  ==========  ================  ========= 
 Issue of shares        5,479   26,780          -             -         -             -      32,259                 -     32,259 
 Issue of shares 
  pursuant to 
  acquisition           3,572      -       17,865             -         -             -      21,437                 -     21,437 
 Expenses incurred 
  issuing shares            -    (568)          -             -         -             -       (568)                 -      (568) 
  interest arising 
  on business 
  combination               -      -            -             -         -             -           -            15,602     15,602 
 Change in 
  interest                  -      -            -             -         -       (6,063)     (6,063)             6,063          - 
  payments                  -      -            -             -         -         2,908       2,908                 -      2,908 
                    =========  ========  ========  ============  ========  ============  ==========  ================  ========= 
 As at 31 March 
  2011                 17,531   233,708    18,641         (412)       210     (150,139)     119,539            22,426    141,965 
                    =========  ========  ========  ============  ========  ============  ==========  ================  ========= 
 Balance at 1 
  2011                 17,531   233,708    18,641         (412)       210     (150,139)     119,539            22,426    141,965 
 Loss for the year          -         -         -             -         -      (30,620)    (30,620)           (2,556)   (33,176) 
  arising on 
  of foreign 
  operations                -         -         -         1,046         -             -       1,046               726      1,772 
  of exchange 
  on disposal of 
  (note 12)                 -         -         -           788         -             -         788                 -        788 
 Change in the 
  value of 
  for sale 
  financial assets 
  (note 15b)                -         -         -             -     3,072             -       3,072                 -      3,072 
 Reclassified on 
  disposal of 
  for sale 
  assets                    -         -         -             -     (460)             -       (460)                 -      (460) 
  for the year              -         -         -         1,834     2,612      (30,620)    (26,174)           (1,830)   (28,004) 
                    =========  ========  ========  ============  ========  ============  ==========  ================  ========= 
 Issue of shares            7        12         -             -         -             -          19                 -         19 
  payments                  -         -         -             -         -           318         318                 -        318 
                    =========  ========  ========  ============  ========  ============  ==========  ================  ========= 
 As at 31 March 
  2012                 17,538   233,720    18,641         1,422     2,822     (180,441)      93,702            20,596    114,298 
                    =========  ========  ========  ============  ========  ============  ==========  ================  ========= 
                                                        ENK PLC 
                                         Company statement of changes in equity 
                                            For the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                                  Share                                Fair 
                                      Ordinary    premium    Merger    Translation     value    Accumulated    Total 
                                       shares     account    reserve     reserve      reserve      losses      Equity 
                                       US$'000   US$'000     US$'000       US$'000    US$'000       US$'000    US$'000 
 Balance at 1 October 2009               8,480   207,496           -           (2)    (1,278)      (35,306)    179,390 
 Loss for the period                         -      -              -             -          -      (94,991)   (94,991) 
 Exchange differences arising 
  on translation of foreign 
  operations                                 -      -              -             6          -             -          6 
 Change in the fair value of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets                                     -      -              -             -        243             -        243 
 Reclassification arising on 
  acquisition                                -      -              -             -      1,245             -      1,245 
                                     =========  =========  =========  ============  =========  ============  ========= 
 Total comprehensive 
  for the period                             -      -              -             6      1,488      (94,991)   (93,497) 
                                     =========  =========  =========  ============  =========  ============  ========= 
 Issue of shares                         5,479    26,780           -             -          -             -     32,259 
 Issue of shares pursuant to 
  acquisition                            3,572      -         17,865             -          -             -     21,437 
 Expenses incurred issuing 
  shares                                     -    (568)            -             -          -             -      (568) 
 Share-based payments                        -      -              -             -          -         2,908      2,908 
                                     =========  =========  =========  ============  =========  ============  ========= 
 As at 31 March 2011                    17,531    233,708     17,865             4        210     (127,389)    141,929 
                                     =========  =========  =========  ============  =========  ============  ========= 
 Balance at 1 April 2011                17,531    233,708     17,865             4        210     (127,389)    141,929 
 Loss for the year                           -          -          -             -          -      (61,240)   (61,240) 
 Exchange differences arising 
  on translation of foreign 
  operations                                 -          -          -          (22)          -             -       (22) 
 Change in the fair value of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets (note 15b)                          -          -          -             -      3,072             -      3,072 
 Reclassified on disposal of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets                                     -          -          -             -      (460)             -      (460) 
 Total comprehensive expense 
  for the year                               -          -          -          (22)      2,612      (61,240)   (58,650) 
                                     =========  =========  =========  ============  =========  ============  ========= 
 Issue of shares                             7         12          -             -          -             -         19 
 Share-based payments                        -          -          -             -          -           318        318 
                                     =========  =========  =========  ============  =========  ============  ========= 
 As at 31 March 2012                    17,538    233,720     17,865          (18)      2,822     (188,311)     83,616 
                                     =========  =========  =========  ============  =========  ============  ========= 
   Consolidated statement of 
   cash flows 
   or the year ended 31 March 
===================================          ======================= 
                                      Note    Year ended    18 mth 
                                                31 Mar       ended 
                                                  12        31 March 
                                                US$'000        11 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Net cash used in operating 
  activities                                    (18,946)    (17,578) 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Cash acquired from acquisition        32              -       1,271 
 Proceeds from disposal of 
  discontinued operations, 
  net of cash disposed of               33        39,902           - 
 Proceeds from disposal of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets                              15(b)          234       1,031 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                    (288)     (3,546) 
 Interest and similar income 
  received                                            48       1,210 
 Net cash provided by/(used 
  in) investing activities                        39,896        (34) 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Proceeds from the issue 
  of share capital                                    19      32,259 
 Expenses incurred issuing 
  share capital                                        -       (568) 
 Interest and similar charges 
  paid                                               (2)     (1,556) 
 Repayment of long-term borrowings                     -     (4,000) 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Net cash provided by financing 
  activities                                          17      26,135 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Net increase in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                20,967       8,523 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of the 
  year                                            10,910       1,530 
 Effects of exchange rate 
  fluctuations on cash held                        1,833         857 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the year               18         33,710      10,910 
                                             ===========  ========== 

Cash flows from operating activities

 Loss for the year                     (33,176)   (74,548) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Income tax credit                      (1,838)    (1,953) 
 Share of loss of associates 
  and joint ventures                        747         40 
 Finance costs                                -      2,378 
 Finance income                            (48)    (1,209) 
 (Gain)/loss on disposal 
  of available for sale financial 
  assets                                   (78)      1,278 
 Loss on disposal of investment 
  in associate                                -      7,719 
 Impairment loss                         13,103     67,016 
 Intangibles                              (990)    (7,894) 
 Exceptional gain                             -   (17,375) 
 Depreciation and amortisation              202        520 
 Share-based payment expense                318      2,908 
 Net foreign exchange loss/(gain)           714      (394) 
                                      =========  ========= 
                                       (21,046)   (21,514) 
 Movements in working capital: 
 (Increase)/decrease in assets: 
 Trade and other receivables              2,229      2,360 
 Inventories                                  3          9 
 Increase/(decrease) in liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                 (132)      1,567 
                                      =========  ========= 
 Net cash used in operating 
  activities                           (18,946)   (17,578) 
                                      =========  ========= 


Company statement of cash flows

For the year ended 31 March 2012

                                      Note    Year ended    18 mth 
                                                31 Mar       ended 
                                                  12        31 March 
                                                US$'000        11 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Net cash used in operating 
  activities                                     (7,933)     (8,087) 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Investment in subsidiaries                            -     (8,676) 
 Loans to subsidiaries                           (5,309)    (10,816) 
 Loans to associates                               (223)           - 
 Proceeds from disposal of 
  discontinued operations, 
  net of cash disposed of               33        39,902           - 
 Proceeds from disposal of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets                              15(b)          234       1,031 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                        -         (5) 
 Interest and similar income 
  received                                         1,370       1,101 
 Net cash provided by/(used 
  in) investing activities                        35,974    (17,365) 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Proceeds from the issue 
  of share capital                                    19      32,259 
 Expenses incurred issuing 
  share capital                                        -       (568) 
 Interest and similar charges 
  paid                                                 -       (158) 
 Repayment of long-term borrowings                     -     (4,000) 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Net cash provided by financing 
  activities                                          19      27,533 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Net increase in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                28,060       2,081 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of the 
  year                                             3,174       1,105 
 Effects of exchange rate 
  fluctuations on cash held                         (22)     (12) 
                                             ===========  ========== 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the end of the year               18         31,212       3,174 
                                             ===========  ========== 

Cash flows from operating activities

 Loss for the year                     (61,240)   (94,991) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Finance costs                                -        979 
 Finance income                         (1,367)    (1,101) 
 Loss on disposal of available 
  for sale financial assets                 673    10,311 
 Impairment loss                         54,183    73,820 
 Depreciation and amortisation               72     146 
 Share-based payment expense                318    2,908 
                                      =========  ========= 
                                        (7,361)   (7,928) 
 Movements in working capital: 
 (Increase)/decrease in assets: 
 Trade and other receivables              (388)     649 
 Increase/(decrease) in liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                 (184)    (808) 
                                      =========  ========= 
 Net cash used in operating 
  activities                            (7,933)    (8,087) 
                                      =========  ========= 


Notes to the financial statements

For the year ended 31 March 2012

   1.        General information 

The consolidated entity's financial statements of ENK PLC ("the Company") for the year ended 31 March 2012 were authorised for issue by the Board on 21 June 2012 and the statement of financial positions signed on the Board's behalf by Robert Gregory. The Company's ordinary shares are traded on the AIM Market operated by the London Stock Exchange and on the Australian Securities Exchange (trading under the symbol "ENK").

The Company is a UK registered and domiciled public company whose registered office address is the 6(th) Floor, Kildare House, 3 Dorset Rise, London EC4Y 8EN.

The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have been applied consistently to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated.

   2.        Application of new and revised International Financial Reporting Standards 

There have been no changes to accounting policies as a result of standards and interpretations that became effective for this accounting period. Any standards and interpretations that have been issued but are not yet effective, and that are available for early application, have not been applied by the consolidated entity in these financial statements. Application of these Standards and Interpretations is not expected to have a material effect on the financial statements in the future.

   3.        Basis of preparation 

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

A separate statement of comprehensive income for the parent Company has not been presented as permitted by section 408 of the Companies Act 2006.

The financial statements are presented in US dollars and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand dollars (US$'000) unless otherwise stated.

   4.        Going concern basis 

The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis which contemplates the continuity of normal business activity and the realisation of assets and the settlement of liabilities in the normal course of business.

The consolidated entity has incurred a net loss after tax for the year ended 31 March 2012 of US$('000)30,620 (for the 18 month period to 31 March 2011: US$('000)73,975, and a net cash outflow from operations of US$('000)18,946 (for the 18 month period to 31 March 2011: US$('000)17,578. As at 31 March 2012, the consolidated entity had cash and cash equivalents available to it of US$('000)33,710 (2011: US$('000)10,910.

The directors have reviewed the business outlook and cash flow forecast for the period to 30 June 2013 and are of the opinion that the use of the going concern basis of accounting is appropriate as a result of the following:

   a)            The significant cash balances currently held by the consolidated entity; 

b) On 8 May 2012, the consolidated entity completed the sale of non-core assets being, its 5.01% interest in AIM-listed Toledo Mining Corporation ('TMC') for US$('000')698 in cash and the conditional sale of its 18.7% interest in Berong Nickel Corporation ('BNC') for US$('000')6,552 in cash to World Fund Pte Limited;

c) On 6 June 2012, the Company announced that Golden Harvest Global Corporation will acquire a 60% interest in Montemina Resources Corporation for a total consideration of US$11m.

d) The progression of development of the Acoje project or if necessary the ability to defer current levels of expenditure; and

   e)             The active management of the current levels of discretionary expenditure. 
   5.        Accounting policies 
   (a)           Consolidation and investments in associates and joint ventures 

These financial statements are the consolidated financial statements of ENK PLC and all of its subsidiaries ("the consolidated entity").

Subsidiaries are all entities over which the consolidated entity has the power to govern the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from their activities. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred until the date that the control ceases.

Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealised gains and losses on transactions between the consolidated entity companies are eliminated.

Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries are presented separately from the equity attributable to equity owners of the parent Company. Non-controlling shareholders' interest may initially be measured either at fair value or at the non-controlling interests' proportionate share of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets. The choice of measurement basis is made on each acquisition individually. Subsequent to acquisition, the carrying amount of non-controlling interests is the amount of those interests at initial recognition plus the non-controlling interests' share of subsequent changes in equity. Total comprehensive income is attributable to non-controlling interests even if this results in the non-controlling interests having a deficit balance.

Acquisitions or disposals of non-controlling interests which do not affect the parent Company's control of the subsidiary are accounted for as transactions with equity holders. Any difference between the amount paid or received and the change in non-controlling interests is recognised directly in equity.

An associate is an entity over which the consolidated entity has significant influence and that is neither a subsidiary nor an interest in a joint venture. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control over those policies. The investment in an associate is initially recognised at cost and adjusted for the consolidated entity's share of the changes in the net assets of the investee after the date of acquisition, and for any impairment in value. If the consolidated entity's share of losses of an associate exceeds its interest in the associate, the consolidated entity discontinues recognising its share of further losses.

A joint venture is an entity over which the consolidated entity has joint control. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when the strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. The investment in a joint venture is initially recognised at cost and adjusted for the consolidated entity's share of the changes in the net assets of the joint venture after the date of acquisition, and for any impairment in value. If the consolidated entity's share of losses of a joint venture exceeds its interest in the joint venture, the consolidated entity discontinues recognising its share of further losses.

   (b)           Subsidiaries, investments in associates and joint ventures 

Subsidiaries, investments in associates and joint ventures in the Company's financial statements are stated at cost less provision for impairment.

   (c)            Business combinations 

Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method. The consideration for acquisition is measured at the fair values of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the Company in order to obtain control of the acquiree (at the date of exchange). Costs incurred in connection with the acquisition are recognised in profit or loss as incurred.

Where a business combination is achieved in stages, previously held interests in the acquiree are remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date (date the consolidated entity obtains control) and the resulting gain or loss, is recognised in profit or loss

Adjustments are made to fair values and to bring the accounting policies of acquired businesses into alignment with those of the consolidated entity. The costs of integrating and reorganising acquired businesses are charged to the post acquisition profit or loss.

If the initial accounting is incomplete at the reporting date, provisional amounts are recorded. These amounts are subsequently adjusted during the measurement period, or additional assets or liabilities are recognised when new information about their existence is obtained during this period.

   (d)           Intangible assets 

Intangible assets acquired as part of an acquisition are capitalised at their fair value where this can be measured reliably. Mining rights and similar assets are capitalised where they are considered to have an enduring benefit, and are amortised over their useful economic lives from the date that they are capitalised. Other licences are written-off to the income statement as incurred.

Property, plant and equipment

Items of property, plant and equipment are stated at cost. Where parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items of property, plant and equipment.

Depreciation is charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis to write off the cost less the estimated residual value of property, plant and equipment in use over the estimated useful economic lives of each part of an item of property, plant and equipment. Land is not depreciated. The estimated useful economic lives are as follows:

   Plant and equipment                          - 10% straight line 
Furniture                                               - 20% straight line 
Computers and office equipment     - 20% straight line 
Buildings and improvements            - 20% straight line 
Leasehold improvements                   - 20% straight line 
Motor vehicles                                     - 20% straight line 

Useful economic lives and residual values of assets are reviewed annually and adjustments are made where appropriate.

Assets in the course of construction include pre-production and development expenditure incurred once commercial viability of the respective projects has been established. Depreciation will commence upon commercial production.

   (e)           Impairment of assets 

The carrying amounts of the consolidated entity's and Company's assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If there is any indication that an asset may be impaired, its recoverable amount is estimated. The recoverable amount is the higher of its net selling price and its value in use. In assessing value in use, the expected future cash flows from the asset are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. Impairment losses are recognised in the income statement. A previously recognised impairment loss is reversed if the recoverable amount increases as a result of a change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount but not to an amount higher than the carrying amount that would have been determined (net of depreciation) had no impairment loss been recognised in prior years.

Available for sale financial assets

Available for sale financial assets are initially stated at cost and subsequently measured at fair value. Fair values are derived by reference to market pricing and movements in fair values are taken directly to equity with the exception of impairment losses which are recognised directly in the income statement. When an investment is disposed, any cumulative gains and losses previously recognised in equity are included in the income statement.

   (f)            Trade and other receivables 

Trade and other receivables do not carry any interest and are stated at their nominal value as reduced by appropriate provisions for irrecoverable amounts.

   (g)           Cash and cash equivalents 

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances and call deposits. Bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the consolidated entity's and Company's cash management are included as a component of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of the statement of cash flows.

   (h)           Trade and other payables 

Trade payables are stated at their original invoiced value, as the interest that would be recognised from discounting future cash payments over the short payment period is not considered to be material.

   (i)            Equity instruments 

Equity instruments issued by the consolidated entity are recorded at the value of proceeds received, net of costs directly attributable to the issue of the instruments.

   (j)            Impairment of financial assets 

All financial assets, except for those at fair value through profit or loss, are assessed for indicators of impairment at each reporting date.

   (k)           Share-based payments 

Equity-settled share-based payments are measured at fair value at the date of the grant and expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on an estimate of the shares that will eventually vest. Fair values are determined through use of a Black-Scholes based model.

   (l)            Finance income 

Finance income is recognised in the period in which interest is earned. The amount of revenue is measured using the effective interest rate method.

   (m)          Inventories 

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

   (n)           Operating leases 

Operating lease rentals are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.


Income tax for the period is based on the taxable income for the year. Taxable income differs from profit as reported in the statement of comprehensive income for the period as there are some items which may never be taxable or deductible for tax and other items which may be deductible or taxable in other periods. Income tax for the period is calculated using the current ruling tax rate.

Deferred tax is the future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and tax bases of assets and liabilities shown on the statement of financial position. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recognised if they arise in the following situations: the initial recognition of goodwill; or the initial recognition of assets and liabilities that affect neither accounting nor taxable profit. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of recovery or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the statement of financial position date.

The consolidated entity does not recognise deferred tax liabilities, or deferred tax assets, on temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates where the parent Company is able to control of the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences and it is not considered probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future. It is the consolidated entity's policy to reinvest undistributed profits arising in the consolidated entities companies.

A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the asset can be utilised. The carrying amount of the deferred tax assets are reviewed at each statement of financial position date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered.

   (o)           Provisions 

Provisions are recognised when the consolidated entity has a present obligation as a result of an event that occurred in the past and the settlement of that obligation will result in an outflow of resources, but the timing of or amount that will be required to settle is uncertain. The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration which will be required to settle the obligation.

   (p)           Foreign currencies 

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency using the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency using the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date and the gains or losses on translation are included in the income statement.

The assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiaries and associates are translated to US dollars (the presentational currency) at the foreign exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date. The revenue and expenses of such undertakings are translated at the average rates of exchange during the year. Exchange differences arising on these translations are taken to the translation reserve.

The exchange differences are released in the income statement upon disposal. On consolidation exchange differences arising on the net investment in foreign operations are taken to equity.

Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign entity and are translated at the closing rate. The US dollar to sterling exchange rate as at 31 March 2012 was 1.59873 (2011: 1.60315) to the pound.

Accounting estimates and judgements

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the year.

The following estimates are considered by management to be the most critical for investors to understand some of the processes and reasoning that go into the preparation of the consolidated and Company's financial statements, providing some insight also to uncertainties that could impact the consolidated financial results.

   (q)           Key sources of estimation uncertainty 

Share-based payments

The consolidated entity calculates the cost of share-based payments using the Black-Scholes model. Inputs into the model in respect of the expected option life and the volatility are subject to management estimate and any changes to these estimates may have a significant effect on the cost. The assumptions used in calculating the cost of share-based payments are explained in note 29.


Note 20 contain information about environmental rehabilitation costs. The key assumptions and risk factors used in the calculation could lead to possible misstatement of environmental rehabilitation costs.

Impairment review

The consolidated entity's assets have been assessed for impairment.

Note 15(b) and 27 provides detail on the key estimates and assumptions that have been used in the impairment assessment.

   6.        Operating segments 

The consolidated entity's operating segments have been determined with reference to the monthly management accounts used by the chief operating decision makers to make decisions regarding the consolidated entity's operations and allocation of working capital. Due to the size and nature of the consolidated entity, the Managing Director and the Board of Directors as a whole have been determined as the chief operating decision makers. The consolidated entity identifies operating segments primarily according to the country of operations, Turkey and the Philippines with the remainder, including investments, being unallocated. The consolidated entity has not commenced production, the other operating income is royalty income derived via an agreement with DMCI. DMCI is conducting mining operations in a defined area covered by a Mineral Production Sharing Agreement ('MPSA') held by Zambales Diversified Metals Corporation ('ZDMC') until 31 December 2012.

The analysis of operating loss before taxation and the net assets employed by geographical segments of operation is shown below.

 Geographical                 Turkey              Philippines           Unallocated              Total 
  segments                 (Discontinued) 
=====================  ====================  ====================  ====================  ==================== 
                           31         31         31         31         31       31 Mar     31 Mar     31 Mar 
                           Mar        Mar        Mar        Mar        Mar        11         12         11 
                           12         11         12         11         12       US$'000    US$'000    US$'000 
                         US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000 
 Other operating 
  income                       -          -      2,139          -          -          -      2,139          - 
 Segment result         (21,465)   (43,941)   (10,729)    (7,429)    (4,334)    (3,401)   (36,528)   (54,771) 
  gain                         -          -          -          -          -     17,375          -     17,375 
  loss                         -          -          -          -          -   (30,297)          -   (30,297) 
 Finance income                -          -         14        101         32      1,108         46      1,209 
 Finance costs                 -          -          -        (1)        (2)      (979)        (2)      (980) 
 Loss on disposal 
  of investments 
  in associate                 -          -          -          -          -    (7,719)          -    (7,719) 
  on disposal 
  of available 
  for sale 
  assets                       -          -          -          -         78    (1,278)         78    (1,278) 
 Share of 
  loss of associates 
  and joint 
  ventures                     -          -          -          -      (747)       (40)      (747)       (40) 
=====================  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
 Loss for 
  the year              (21,465)   (43,941)    (8,576)    (7,329)    (4,973)   (25,231)   (35,014)   (76,501) 
=====================  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
 Geographical                Turkey              Philippines           Unallocated              Total 
  segments               (Discontinued) 
===================  =====================  ====================  ====================  ==================== 
                       31 Mar        31         31         31         31         31         31         31 
                          12         Mar        Mar        Mar        Mar        Mar        Mar        Mar 
                       US$'000       11         12         11         12         11         12         11 
                                   US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000    US$'000 
 Other information 
  assets                      -     50,931     92,505     14,631      7,247     86,614     99,752    152,176 
 Total assets                 -     55,897     95,616     16,005     39,546     97,658    135,162    169,560 
 Total liabilities            -    (2,730)   (20,562)    (4,518)      (302)   (20,347)   (20,864)   (27,595) 
===================  ==========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  =========  ========= 
   7.        Staff numbers and costs 

The average number of persons employed (including directors) during the year, analysed by category, were as follows:

                                  Number of employees 
                                 31 March    31 March 
                                    12           11 
 Administration                         45          12 
 Exploration, evaluation and 
  development                          183         123 
                               ===========  ========== 
                                       228         135 
                               ===========  ========== 

The aggregate payroll costs of these persons were as follows:

                                      31 March   31 March 
                                         12         11 
                                       US$'000    US$'000 
 Wages and salaries                      5,020      5,857 
 Social security and other pension 
  costs                                     52        304 
 Share-based payments                      318      2,516 
                                         5,390      8,677 
                                     =========  ========= 
   8.        Loss for the year 

Consolidated operating loss before tax is stated after (charging)/crediting:

                                   31 March   31 March 
                                      12         11 
                                    $US'000    $US'000 
                                  =========  ========= 
 Depreciation and amortisation        (201)      (520) 
 Operating leases                     (315)      (443) 
 Research and development                 -    (1,669) 
 Acquisition costs                        -      (431) 
 Exceptional gain (note 32)               -     17,375 
 Impairment loss (note 27)                -   (67,016) 
 Loss on disposal of investment 
  in associate                            -    (7,719) 
 Gain/(loss) on disposal of 
  available for sale financial 
  assets                                 78    (1,278) 
 Share of loss of associates 
  and joint ventures                  (747)       (40) 
                                  =========  ========= 
   9.        Other operating income 
                  Consolidated   Consolidated 
                    31 March       31 March 
                       12             11 
                     US$'000        US$'000 
                 =============  ============= 
 Royalty income          2,139              - 
                 =============  ============= 

Royalty income derived from mining operations being conducted within a defined area covered by a Mineral Production Sharing Agreement ('MPSA') held by Zambales Diversified Metals Corporation.

   10.      Finance income 
                             Consolidated   Consolidated 
                               31 March       31 March 
                                  12             11 
                                US$'000        US$'000 
                            =============  ============= 
 Bank interest receivable              46          1,209 
                            =============  ============= 
   11.      Finance costs 
                                         Consolidated   Consolidated 
                                           31 March       31 March 
                                              12             11 
                                            US$'000        US$'000 
                                        =============  ============= 
 Bank interest payable                              2              - 
 Interest payable on other borrowings               -          1,794 
 Share-based payments                               -            584 
                                                    2          2,378 
                                        =============  ============= 
   12.      Discontinued operations 

Turkish operations

On 17 November 2011, the consolidated entity finalised the sale of the entire issued capital of two Turkish subsidiaries being Sardes Nikel Madencilik A.S and Turmad Madencilik Ve Ticaret A.S, which includes its 100% Calda nickel project in Turkey for US$40m. The sale was announced in September 2011 and these assets were recorded as non-current assets held for sale at the period ended 30 September 2011. In accordance with IFRS 5 these assets were carried at the lower of cost and the fair value less of sale and, accordingly, an impairment loss of US$('000')13,103 was recognised at that date. At the prior year-end, the fair value less cost of sale was estimated to be US$50m and, as a result, an impairment of US$('000')36,719 was recorded.

Upon completion of the sale on 17 November 2011 a loss on disposal arose. Details of the assets and liabilities disposed of, and the calculation of the loss on disposal are disclosed in note 33.

Loss for the year from discontinued operations

The results of the discontinued operations included in the consolidated income statement are set out below. The Turkish operations were not classified as held for sale or as a discontinued operation at 31 March 2011 therefore, the comparative consolidated income statement has been restated to show the discontinued operations separately from continuing operations.

                                        31 March   31 March 
                                           12         11 
                                         US$'000    US$'000 
 Results of discontinued operation 
 Administration expenses                   (775)    (4,020) 
 Other operating costs                         -    (1,895) 
 Other operating income                        -         11 
 Finance income                                3          6 
 Impairment loss                        (13,103)   (36,719) 
                                       =========  ========= 
                                        (13,875)   (42,617) 
                                       =========  ========= 
 Loss on disposal of Turkish 
  including reclassification             (7,590)          - 
  of foreign exchange translation 
  reserves of US$('000)788 on 
  disposal (note 33) 
                                       =========  ========= 
 Loss for the year from discontinued 
  operations                            (21,465)   (42,617) 
                                       =========  ========= 
 12. Discontinued operations 
                                       31 March   31 March 
                                          12         11 
                                        US$'000    US$'000 
                                      =========  ========= 
 Basic and diluted loss per 
  share                                 (0.008)    (0.016) 
                                      =========  ========= 
 Cash flows provided by (used 
  in) discontinued operation 
 Net cash used in operating 
  activities                              (773)    (5,897) 
 Net cash provided by investing          39,902          - 
                                      =========  ========= 
 Effect on cash flows                    39,129    (5,897) 
                                      =========  ========= 
 Consideration received, satisfied 
  in cash                                40,000 
 Cash and cash equivalents disposed 
  of                                       (98) 
 Net cash inflow                         39,902 
   13.      Intangible assets 
                           Licenses     Goodwill    Total 
                          and similar 
                          and assets 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 
 As at 1 October 09             5,442      1,096     6,538 
 Exchange differences           5,677          -     5,677 
 Acquired on business 
  combination                  84,000          -    84,000 
 Impairment (note 27)           (968)    (1,096)   (2,064) 
 As at 31 March 11             94,151          -    94,151 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 
 Exchange differences           1,007          -     1,007 
 Disposals                    (4,062)          -   (4,062) 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 
 As at 31 March 12             91,096          -    91,096 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 
 As at 1 October 09             2,801          -     2,801 
 Charged in period                116          -       116 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 
 As at 31 March 11              2,917          -     2,917 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 
 Impairment (note 27)           1,145          -     1,145 
 Disposals                    (4,062)          -   (4,062) 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 
 As at 31 March 12                  -          -         - 
======================  =============  =========  ======== 

Net book value

 As at 31 March 12     91,096       -   91,096 
 As at 31 March 11     91,234       -   91,234 
====================  =======  ======  ======= 
 As at 30 September 
  09                    2,641   1,096    3,737 

An impairment of US$('000)1,145 (2011:US$('000)2,064) was recognised as at 31 March 2012 in relation to the above intangible assets (refer note 27).

   14.      Property, plant and equipment 
                              Freehold          Leasehold        Assets         Plant      Furniture,     Total 
                                land,          improvements       under        equipment    computers 
                              buildings                        construction    and motor    and office 
                           and improvements                                    vehicles     equipment 
=======================  ==================  ==============  ==============  ===========  ============  ========= 
 As at 1 October 
  09                                    267             108          76,183        2,968           950     80,476 
 Additions                              121               -           3,420            -             5      3,546 
 Disposals                                -               -               -      (1,271)         (157)    (1,428) 
 Acquired on 
  business combination                    -               -               -          459             -        459 
 Exchange differences                     -               -               -         (19)           (1)       (20) 
  (note 27)                               -               -        (34,655)            -             -   (34,655) 
=======================  ==================  ==============  ==============  ===========  ============  ========= 
 As at 31 March 
  11                                    388             108          44,948        2,137           797     48,378 
 Additions                               98               -             860          163            82      1,203 
 Disposals                            (388)           (108)        (32,673)      (1,619)             -   (34,788) 
 Exchange differences                    61               -           (317)        (282)         (128)      (666) 
  (note 27)                               -               -        (11,958)            -             -   (11,958) 
=======================  ==================  ==============  ==============  ===========  ============  ========= 
 As at 31 March 
  12                                    159               -             860          399           751      2,169 
=======================  ==================  ==============  ==============  ===========  ============  ========= 
 As at 1 October 
  09                                     48              49               -        1,231           595      1,923 
 Charge for 
  period                                 49              32               -          207            39        327 
 Disposals                                -               -               -      (1,420)          (33)    (1,453) 
 Exchange differences                     -               -               -         (18)           (4)       (22) 
 As at 31 March 
  11                                     97              81               -            -           597        775 
 Charge for 
  year                                   22              27               -           75            78        202 
 Disposals                             (97)           (108)               -            -             -      (205) 
 As at 31 March 
  12                                     22               -               -           75           675        772 
=======================  ==================  ==============  ==============  ===========  ============  ========= 
 Net book value 
 As at 31 March 
  12                                    137               -             860          324            76      1,397 
 As at 31 March 
  11                                    291              27          44,948        2,137           202     47,605 
=======================  ==================  ==============  ==============  ===========  ============  ========= 
 As at 30 September 
  09                                    219              59          76,183        1,737           355     78,553 
                         Leasehold     Plant equipment   Furniture,     Total 
                        improvements      and motor       computers 
                                           vehicles       and office 
====================  ==============  ================  ============  ======== 
 Company                  US$'000          US$'000         US$'000     US$'000 
 As at 1 October 
  09                             108                19           351       478 
 Additions                         -                 -             5         5 
 Disposals                         -                 -          (35)      (35) 
====================  ==============  ================  ============  ======== 
 As at 31 March 
  11                             108                19           321       448 
 Disposals                     (108)              (19)         (185)     (312) 
 As at 31 March 
  12                               -                 -           136       136 
====================  ==============  ================  ============  ======== 
 As at 1 October 
  09                              49                19           159       227 
 Charge for period                32                 -           102       134 
====================  ==============  ================  ============  ======== 
 As at 31 March 
  11                              81                19           261       361 
 Charge for year                  27                 -            45        72 
 Disposals                     (108)              (19)         (170)     (297) 
====================  ==============  ================  ============  ======== 
 As at 31 March 
  12                               -                 -           136       136 
====================  ==============  ================  ============  ======== 
 Net book value 
 As at 31 March                    -                 -             -         - 
 As at 31 March 
  11                              27                 -            60        87 
====================  ==============  ================  ============  ======== 
 As at 30 September 
  09                              59                 -           192       251 
   15.      Investments 
                                Consolidated    Company    Consolidated    Company 
                                  31 March      31 March     31 March      31 March 
                                     12            12           11            11 
                                   US$'000      US$'000       US$'000      US$'000 
                               =============  ==========  =============  ========== 
 Investments in associates 
  (a)                                      -           -            747       1,169 
 Available for sale 
  financial assets (b)                 7,238       7,238          4,782       4,782 
 Investments in subsidiaries 
  (c)                                      -      32,557              -      81,888 
 Long term receivables 
  (d)                                      -      13,500              -       9,375 
                               =============  ==========  =============  ========== 
   a)             Investments in associates 
                                                            of                       of ordinary 
                                                                         Principal        shares       Effective 
                                                 incorporation            activity          held        interest 
 Devolli Resources                                                      Mining and 
  Sh.p.k(1)                                            Albania         exploration             -             50% 
 Heraan Holdings Incorporated                      Philippines             holding           40%               - 
 Asian Nickel Research 
  & Technology Corporation(2)                      Philippines   Mining technology           40%             64% 
                                               ===============  ==================  ============  ============== 
  (1) The 50% investment in Devolli Resources Sh.p.k 
  is held by the wholly owned subsidiary, Adriatic 
  Nickel Resources Sh.p.k which has been sold by 
  the consolidated entity subsequent to the end of 
  the financial year for a nominal value. 
  (2) As a result of 60% of Asian Nickel Research 
  and Technology Corporation being held by Heraan 
  Holdings Incorporated the directors have concluded 
  that control does not exist. As such Asian Nickel 
  Research and Technology Corporation has been treated 
  as an investment and accounted for using the equity 
  method. The consolidated entity's share of loss 
  of associates and joint ventures exceeded the investment 
  value resulting in the investment in associates 
  being reduced to nil as at 31 March 2012. 
                                                      31 March            31 March 
 Aggregate amounts relating                                 12                  11 
  to associates                                        US$'000             US$'000 
                                                ==============  ================== 
 Assets                                                  3,874               3,858 
 Liabilities                                           (3,925)             (2,571) 
 Revenues                                                    -                   1 
 Loss                                                    (747)                (40) 
                                                ==============  ================== 
   b)            Available for sale financial assets 
                              of                   of ordinary 
                                       Principal        shares 
                   incorporation        activity          held 
                 ===============  ==============  ============ 
 Toledo Mining 
  Corporation                         Mining and 
  Plc                         UK     exploration         5.01% 
 Berong Nickel                        Mining and 
  Corporation        Philippines     exploration         18.7% 
                 ===============  ==============  ============ 

Investment in Toledo Mining Corporation Plc

The investment in Toledo Mining Corporation Plc ('TMC') was originally recorded as investment in associate. During the prior 18 month period, the consolidated entity received proceeds of US$('000')1,031 and recognised a loss of US$('000')7,719 in the income statement following the disposal of 2,750,000 shares held in TMC. Subsequent to the disposal, the directors considered that the Company no longer exerted significant influence and reclassified the investment to an available for sale financial asset. An impairment of US$('000')7,875 was recorded at this time.

During the year, the consolidated entity received proceeds of US$('000)234 and recognised a profit of US$('000)78 in the income statement following the disposal of 440,000 share held in TMC.

   15.      Investments (cont'd) 

Subsequent to the end of the financial year on 4 May 2012, the consolidated entity sold the remaining interest of 5.01% in TMC for US$('000')686 in cash to World Fund Pte Limited. The closing share price on 4 May 2012 was 17.25p valuing the consolidated entity's interest at US$('000)686. The valuation of TMC is a level 3 fair value measurement, in the fair value hierarchy as set out in IFRS 7.

Investment in Berong Nickel Corporation

The investment in Berong Nickel Corporation ('BNC') was originally recorded as an investment in an associate. In the prior 18 month period, the directors considered that the Company no longer exerted significant influence and reclassified the investment to an available for sale financial asset. An impairment of US$('000')22,422 was recorded at this time.

The valuation in BNC, as an available for sale financial asset, was based on an economic value per tonne of US$40 and the directors concluded that it was appropriate to value the consolidated entity's interest in BNC at US$('000')3,480.

Subsequent to the end of the financial year on 4 May 2012, the consolidated entity conditionally sold its 18.7% interest in BNC for US$('000')6,552 in cash to World Fund Pte Limited. The sale of the BNC shares is conditional upon the other shareholders of BNC, being TMC and Atlas Consolidated Mining Corporation ('Atlas') not exercising their pre-emption rights. In the event TMC or Atlas decide to exercise their pre-emption right they have to match the price offered by World Fund Pte Limited. Atlas and TMC have 60 days to exercise their pre-emption rights. The BNC sale is expected to be completed in early July 2012.

As at 31 March 2012 the valuation is based on the conditional sale value of US$('000')6,552 resulting in a change in the fair value of US$('000')3,072 recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The valuation of BNC is a level 3 fair value measurement, in the fair value hierarchy as set out in IFRS 7.

   c)             Investments in subsidiaries 
                             Loans     Equity     Total 
                           US$'000    US$'000    US$000 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
 At 1 October 2009          27,246     54,074    81,320 
 Additions                       -     32,117    32,117 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
 As at 31 March 2011        27,246     86,191   113,437 
 Additions                       -      3,683     3,683 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
 At 31 March 2012           27,246     89,874   117,120 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
 Impairment loss at 31 
  March 2011                27,246      4,303    31,549 
 Impairment loss during 
  the year (refer note 
  27)                            -     53,014    53,014 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
 Impairment loss at 31 
  March 2012                27,246     57,317    84,563 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
 Net book value 
 At 31 March 2012                -     32,557    32,557 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
 At 31 March 2011                -     81,888    81,888 
========================  ========  =========  ======== 
   15.      Investments (cont'd) 

As at 31 March 2012 the subsidiary undertakings in which the consolidated entity has an interest, which are included in the consolidated financial statements, are as follows:

                                             Country         Principal   Effective 
                                    of incorporation          activity    interest 
===============================  ===================  ================  ========== 
 Adriatic Nickel Resources                                  Mining and 
  Sh.p.k.(1)                                 Albania       exploration        100% 
 European Nickel Holding                                    Investment 
  Iberia S.L.                                  Spain           holding        100% 
 European Nickel Spain                                      Investment 
  S.L.                                         Spain           holding        100% 
 European Nickel Holland                                    Investment 
  B.V.                                       Holland           holding        100% 
 European Nickel Philland                                   Investment 
  B.V.                                       Holland           holding        100% 
                                                        Mining project 
 Rusina Mining NL                          Australia        management        100% 
 Fil-Asian Strategic 
  Resources & Properties                                    Mining and 
  Corporation                            Philippines       exploration        100% 
 Montemina Resources                                        Mining and 
  Corporation                            Philippines       exploration         1%* 
 Zambales Diversified                                       Mining and 
  Metals Corporation                     Philippines       exploration      64.22% 
 Zambales Chromite Mining                                   Mining and 
  Corporation                            Philippines       exploration      64.36% 
 Fil-Euro Asia Nickel                                       Mining and 
  Corporation                            Philippines       exploration        100% 
 ZDMC Holdings Corporation               Philippines           holding     40.36%* 
                                                            Mining and 
 Mt. Lanat Metals Corporation            Philippines       exploration     40.60%* 
 Zambales Nickel Processing                                 Mining and 
  Corporation                            Philippines       exploration      80.20% 
 Zamnorth Holdings Corporation           Philippines           holding     40.60%* 
 Enickel Holdings Inc                    Philippines           holding        100% 
 Enickel Berhold Inc                     Philippines           holding        100% 
===============================  ===================  ================  ========== 

* For these subsidiaries control is exercised through the existence of potential voting rights that can be exercised at the discretion of the consolidated entity.

(1) Disposed subsequent to the end of the financial year for a nominal value.

   d)            Long term receivables 
                                  Company    Company 
                                 31 March   31 March 
                                       12         11 
                                   US$000     US$000 
                                =========  ========= 
 Amounts owed by subsidiaries      13,500      9,375 
                                =========  ========= 
   16.      Trade and other receivables 
                      Consolidated   Consolidated    Company     Company 
                        31 March       31 March      31 March    31 March 
                           12             11            12          11 
                         US$'000        US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
                     =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
 Other receivables              21          7,808           -           - 
                                21          7,808           -           - 
                     =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
   16.      Trade and other receivables (cont'd) 
                            Consolidated   Consolidated    Company     Company 
                              31 March       31 March      31 March    31 March 
                                 12             11            12          11 
                               US$'000        US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
                           =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
 Other receivables                 1,490          2,189         150         844 
 Term deposits                        24              -           -      42,150 
 Refundable deposits                 109          4,065         109           - 
 Prepayments and accrued 
  income                              77            127          45          58 
                           =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
                                   1,700          6,381         304      43,052 
                           =============  =============  ==========  ========== 

Consolidated other receivables includes an amount of US$('000)717 recoverable from DMCI in relation to royalty income derived from mining operations being conducted within a defined area covered by a Mineral Production Sharing Agreement ('MPSA') held by Zambales Diversified Metals Corporation.

 The term deposits are amounts held on trust and 
  are not convertible to cash within a 3 month 
   17.      Inventories 
                                  Consolidated    Consolidated 
                                     31 March       31 March 
                                        12             11 
                                     US$'000         US$'000 
                                 ==============  ============= 
 Raw materials and consumables                -             73 
 Stockpiled ore                               -             20 
                                 ==============  ============= 
                                              -             93 
 ==============================================  ============= 
   18.      Cash and cash equivalents 
                              Consolidated   Consolidated    Company     Company 
                                31 March       31 March      31 March    31 March 
                                   12             11            12          11 
                                 US$'000        US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
 Bank balances 
 Cash on hand and 
  balances with banks               33,710         10,910      31,212       3,174 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  in the statement 
  of cash flows                     33,710         10,910      31,212       3,174 
                             =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
   19.      Trade and other payables 
                               Consolidated   Consolidated    Company     Company 
                                 31 March       31 March      31 March    31 March 
                                    12             11            12          11 
                                  US$'000        US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
                              =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
 Trade creditors                        448            565         113         235 
 Amounts owed to associates             650            874         904       1,126 
 Taxation and social 
  security                              154            126          40          29 
 Other payables                         473          2,018           -          42 
 Accruals and deferred 
  income                                472          1,057         135         166 
                              =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
                                      2,197          4,640       1,192       1,598 
                              =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
   20.      Provisions 
======================================================  ============== 
 At 1 October 2009                                               2,400 
 Provided during the period                                         28 
======================================================  ============== 
 As at 31 March 2011                                             2,428 
 Reduction arising from payments                                   (4) 
 Reduction of environmental rehabilitation 
  due to disposal of Turkish operations                        (2,400) 
======================================================  ============== 
 At 31 March 2012                                                   24 
======================================================  ============== 
                               21. Taxation 
 Income tax recognised in year                31 March        31 March 
                                                  2012    2011 US$'000 
 Current tax: 
                                             =========  ============== 
 Current tax expense in respect                   (43)               - 
  of the current year 
                                             =========  ============== 
  Deferred tax: 
                                             =========  ============== 
 Deferred tax credit recognised 
  in the current year                            1,881           1,953 
                                             =========  ============== 
 Total income tax credit recognised 
  in the current year                            1,838           1,953 
                                             =========  ============== 

The income tax credit for the year can be reconciled to the accounting loss for the year as follows:

                                    31 March     31 March 
                                      2012      2011 US$'000 
 Loss before tax from continuing 
  operations                        (13,549)        (33,884) 
                                   =========  ============== 
 Tax at 26% (2011:28%)               (3,523)         (9,488) 
 Effect of expenses that are 
  not deductible in determining 
  taxable profit                         639           8,970 
 Effect of income not taxable           (56)         (6,818) 
 Effect of unused tax losses 
  and tax offsets not recognised 
  as deferred tax assets                 524           4,297 
 Effect of different tax rates 
  of subsidiaries operating in 
  other jurisdictions                    578           1,086 
 Income tax credit recognised 
  in loss                            (1,838)         (1,953) 
                                   =========  ============== 
  The tax rates used in the above reconciliations 
   is the UK corporate tax rate. For the 31 March 
   2012 year it was 26% and for the 31 March 2011 
   period it was 28%. The deferred tax credit has 
   been calculated using the corporate tax rate 
   of 30% applied in the Philippines. 
                                                                      21. Taxation (cont'd) Income tax recognised 
                                    directly in equity                                      31 March     31 March 
                                                                                           2012      2011 US$'000 
                                                                                 Exchange difference attributable 
                                                     to Company                              (28)           (930) 
                                                                                Exchange differences attributable 
                                                     to non-controlling interest                -           (523) 
                                                                                        =========  ============== 
                                                                                             (28)         (1,453) 
                                                                                        =========  ============== 
                                                                                            Deferred tax balances 
                                                                    The following is the analysis of deferred tax 
                                                               assets/(liabilities) presented in the consolidated 
                               statement of financial position:                             31 March     31 March 
                                                                                           2012      2012 US$'000 
                                                             Deferred tax assets                -               - 
                                                             Deferred tax liabilities    (18,643)        (20,527) 
                                                                                        =========  ============== 
                                                                                  Opening    Recognised   Closing 
                                                                                  balance     in loss     balance 
                                                                                  US$'000     US$'000     US$'000 
                                                                                Deferred tax assets/(liabilities) 
                                                                                                  in relation to: 
                                            Intangibles assets                   (19,074)        1,912   (17,162) 
                                                                                           Exchange difference on 
                                             foreign operation                    (1,453)         (28)    (1,481) 
                                                                                =========  ===========  ========= 
                                                                                 (20,527)        1,884   (18,643) 
                                                                                =========  ===========  ========= 
                                                                                          Unrecognised tax losses 
                                                                      Items for which no deferred tax assets have 
  been recognised are attributable to the following: Deferred tax assets in relation        31 March     31 March 
                                                   to:                                     2012      2011 US$'000 
                                                  Tax losses - revenue                      9,600          26,200 
                                                  Other short-term timing differences         370             680 
                                                                                        =========  ============== 

Tax losses

The above unused tax losses for which no deferred tax asset has been recognised will be subject to the relevant company satisfying the requirements imposed by the regulatory taxation authorities. The benefits of deferred tax assets will only be recognised if:

-- Future assessable income is derived of a nature and of an amount sufficient to enable the benefit to be realised;

-- The conditions for deductibility imposed by tax legislation continue to be complied with; and

   --       No changes in tax legislation adversely affect the Company in realising the benefit. 
                                    22. Called up share 
                                         Ordinary shares                                    Share premium 
                         ==============================================  =================================================== 
                                   31 March                31 March               31 March                  31 March 
                                      2012                2011 US$'000              2012                   2011 US$'000 
                                    US$'000                                        US$'000 
  fully paid 
  ordinary shares 
  of 4p each 
 (2011:261,979,003)                            17,538            17,531                    233,720                   233,708 
                         ============================  ================  =========================  ======================== 
                                         Ordinary                                                Ordinary shares     Share 
                                          shares      Share premium                                                 premium 
                                                         account                                     US$'000        account 
                            No.           US$'000        US$'000                No.                                 US$'000 
                     ================  ============  ==============  =========================  ================  ========== 
 Fully paid 
 ordinary shares 
 Balance at 
 beginning of 
 financial period         261,979,003        17,531         233,708                470,727,857             8,480     207,496 
 Shares issued at 
 10p per share as 
 vested options 
 from the December 
 2008 series were 
 exercised                    125,000             7              12                          -                 -           - 
 Shares issued at 
 7p per share                       -             -               -                172,357,000             2,891      14,454 
 Shares issued to 
 pay penalty fee                    -             -               -                  1,345,571                22         135 
 1 for 4 
 consolidation                      -             -               -              (483,322,821)                 -           - 
 Shares issued on 
 merger to 
 shareholders                       -             -               -                 60,481,396             3,572           - 
 Shares issued at 
 32p per share                      -             -               -                 10,500,000               641       4,487 
 Shares issued at 
 20p per share                      -             -               -                 29,890,000             1,925       7,704 
 Expenses incurred 
 issuing shares                     -             -               -                          -                 -       (568) 
                     ================  ============  ==============  =========================  ================  ========== 
 Balance at end of 
 financial period         262,104,003        17,538         233,720                261,979,003            17,531     233,708 
                     ================  ============  ==============  =========================  ================  ========== 
  All fully paid ordinary shares entitle the holder to one vote and equal rights to dividends 
                                           23. Reserves 
                                        Consolidated                                    Company 
                       ==============================================  ========================================= 
                           31 March                31 March                     31 March             31 March 
                              2012                2011 US$'000                    2012                  2011 
                            US$'000                                              US$'000              US$'000 
                       ================  ============================  =========================  ============== 
 Merger reserve                  18,641                        18,641       17,865                        17,865 
  reserve                         1,422                         (412)         (18)                             4 
 Fair value 
  reserve                         2,822                           210        2,822                           210 
  The merger reserve arose at 30 September 2009 from the acquisition of certain minority interests 
  and the acquisition of Rusina Mining N.L. on 16 June 2010. The Company has utilised the provisions 
  of the Companies Act 2006 to account for the issue of the shares in accordance with the merger 
  relief principles. 
  The translation reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising from the translation 
  of the financial statements of subsidiaries that do not have a US dollar functional currency. 
  Exchange differences arising are classified as equity and transferred to the consolidated 
  entity's translation reserve. Such translation differences are recognised in the income statement 
  in the period in which the operation is disposed of. 
  The fair value reserve comprises the fair value adjustments on the revaluation of the Company's 
  available for sale investments. 
 24. Loss per share 
                                                                                       2012             2011 
                                                                                       Cents            Cents 
                         Loss per share (basic and diluted)                          per share        per share 
                                                                                   ============  ================= 
  From continuing operations                                                            (0.004)            (0.017) 
  From discontinuing operations                                                         (0.009)            (0.024) 
                                                                                   ============  ================= 
  Total                                                                                 (0.013)            (0.041) 
                                                                                   ============  ================= 
  The loss and weighted average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of basic and 
   diluted loss per share are as follows: 
                                                                                       2012             2011 
                                                                                      US$'000          US$'000 
                                                                                   ============  ================= 
  Loss used in the calculation of loss per share                                       (33,176)           (74,548) 
  Loss for the year from discontinued operations                                       (21,465)           (42,617) 
                                                                                   ============  ================= 
  Loss for the year from continuing operations                                         (11,711)           (31,931) 
                                                                                   ============  ================= 
  Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
   for the purposes of basic and diluted loss per share                             262,041,845        183,940,184 
                                                                                   ============  ================= 
   There is no difference in the basic and diluted loss per share as share options in existence 
   at 31 March 2012 (refer note 29) are considered anti-dilutive. As such existing share options 
   are not included in the calculation of diluted loss per share. 
 25. Contingent liabilities and contingent assets 

There were no contingent assets or liabilities at the year end.

 26. Commitments 
  Commitments under operating leases represent lease of the office premises and 3 car bays in 
  Perth expiring 30 November 2013, the lease of 2 floors of office premises and 4 car bays in 
  Manilla expiring 31 October 2012, lease of an office in Santa Cruz, Philippines for a period 
  of 10 years to 31 October 2019 with rental fixed for 5 years and then fixed for a further 
  5 years. 
  Lease payments in Perth are increased annually by approximately 4%. Lease payments in the 
  Philippines are fixed. 
                               31 March   31 March 
                                 2012       2011 
                                US$'000    US$'000 
   Payable in less than one 
    year                            106        293 
   Payable between one and 
    two years                       128         46 
   Payable between two and 
    five years                       16         49 
   Payable between five and 
    ten years                        26         25 

The minimum exploration commitments required to hold exploration permits in the Philippines are as follows:

                             31 March   31 March 
                               2012       2011 
                              US$'000    US$'000 
 Payable in less than one 
  year                            149         73 
 Payable between one and 
  two years                       297         73 
 Payable between two and 
  five years                      609        374 
      26. Commitments (cont'd) In addition to the above exploration commitments, the consolidated 
       entity has two years remaining on an agreed three year exploration and environmental work 
       program with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in relation to the Mineral 
       Production Sharing Agreements ('MPSA') held in Zambales Diversified Metals Corporation ('ZDMC') 
       & Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation Inc ('ZCMCI'). The agreed and approved expenditure 
       under the work programs is as follows. This expenditure can be varied should required funding 
       not be available to the consolidated entity.           Year 1     Year 2 
                  US$'000    US$'000 
        ZDMC        3,770        766 
        ZCMCI         438          - 
       27. Impairment review 
       The consolidated entity and Company has recorded impairment losses in the current and prior 
       periods in respect to the following assets: 
        *    Toledo Mining Corporation (previously associate 
             company) - refer note 15(b); 
        *    Berong Nickel Corporation (previously associate 
             company) - refer note 15(b); and 
        *    Turkish operations and related holding companies - 
             refer note 12. 
       The impairment losses have been allocated to assets as follows: Assets                   Consolidated   Consolidated    Company     Company 
                                   31 March       31 March      31 March    31 March 
                                     2012           2011          2012        2011 
                                    US$'000        US$'000      US$'000     US$'000 
        Goodwill                            -          1,096           -           - 
        Intangibles                     1,145            968           -          79 
        Property, plant 
         and equipment                 11,958         34,655           -           - 
        Investments in 
         subsidiaries                       -              -      53,014      27,744 
        Long term receivables               -              -           -      11,367 
        Investments in 
         associates                         -         30,297       1,169      34,630 
                                =============  =============  ==========  ========== 
                                       13,103         67,016      54,183      73,820 
                                =============  =============  ==========  ========== 

The related holding companies mentioned above held the share capital of the Turkish operations and on disposal of the shares there are no remaining assets within these entities. As a result a full impairment has been recorded in the current year in respect of the investments in subsidiaries.

   28.      Financial instruments 

The consolidated entity and Company's principal financial assets comprising loans and receivables being cash and cash equivalents and trade and other receivables; and available for sale financial assets. In addition the Company's financial assets include amounts due from subsidiaries. The consolidated entity and Company's financial liabilities comprise: trade and other payables.

All of the consolidated entity and Company's financial liabilities are measured at amortised cost. With the exception of available for sale financial assets, which are recorded at fair value, all of the consolidated entity and Company's financial assets are classified as loans and receivables.

The directors determine, as required, the degree to which it is appropriate to use financial instruments to mitigate financial risks. The main risks for which such instruments may be appropriate are interest rate risk, liquidity risk and foreign currency risk, each of which is discussed below.

Credit risk

Credit risk refers to the risk that the consolidated entity and Company's financial assets will be impaired by the default of a third party. The consolidated entity is exposed to credit risk primarily on its cash and cash equivalents as set out in note 18, and other receivables set out in note 16. The Company is also exposed to credit risk with related party debtors. Credit risk for cash and cash equivalents is managed by ensuring that surplus funds are deposited only with financial institutions with high quality credit ratings. The maximum exposure to credit risk is not considered to be different from the carrying values of the current other receivables detailed in note 16 and the cash and cash equivalents detailed in note 18.

Foreign currency risk

Foreign currency risk refers to the risk that the value of a financial commitment, recognised asset or liability will fluctuate due to changes in foreign currency rates. The consolidated entity is exposed to foreign currency risk due to the following:

(i) Transactional exposure relating to operating costs and capital expenditure incurred in currencies other than the functional currency of operations;

(ii) Translation exposures relating to monetary assets and liabilities, including cash and short-term investment balances, held in currencies other than the functional currency of operations; and net investments that are not denominated in US Dollars.

Exchange gains and losses on financial assets or future transactions are recognised in the income statement. A proportion of the consolidated entity and Company's costs are incurred in sterling, Philippine pesos, euros and Australian dollars. Accordingly, movements in the US dollar exchange rate with sterling, Philippine pesos, euros and Australian dollars could have a detrimental effect on the consolidated entity's and Company's results and financial condition.

Foreign exchange risk is managed by maintaining some cash deposits in currencies other than US dollars. The table below shows the currency profiles of cash and cash equivalents for the consolidated entity:

                         2012     2011 
 Currency              US$000   US$000 
====================  =======  ======= 
 Sterling                 375    1,736 
 US dollars            32,800    8,510 
 Euros                     37       77 
 Philippine peso          302      287 
 Turkish lira               -      127 
 Australian dollars       196      173 
====================  =======  ======= 
                       33,710   10,910 
====================  =======  ======= 
 28. Financial instruments (cont'd) 

In addition to cash and cash equivalents located in the UK, the consolidated entity and Company's principal assets are located in the Philippines (Philippine peso functional currency).

Movements in currencies against the US dollar do not have a material effect on the consolidated entity and Company's statement of financial position. Exchange gains and losses resulting from such currency fluctuations are recognised directly in the income statement. The consolidated entity and Company do not hedge their exposure to investments in foreign companies denominated in currencies other than US dollars.

The table below shows an analysis of net monetary assets and liabilities by functional currencies of the consolidated entity:

                         US dollars     Peso     Euro      Aud    Total 
 2012                        US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000 
======================  ===========  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
 Balances denominated 
 Sterling                       321        -        -        -      321 
 US dollars                  31,101    1,136       11      993   33,241 
 Euros                           24        -        1        -       25 
 Australian dollars             (5)        3        -       53       51 
 Philippine peso                  -    (404)        -        -    (404) 
                             31,441      735       12    1,046   33,234 
======================  ===========  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
                         US dollars     Peso     Euro      Lek      Aud    Total 
 2011                        US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000 
======================  ===========  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
 Balances denominated 
 Sterling                     2,987        -        -        -        -    2,987 
 US dollars                   1,278      192        -        -    7,025    8,495 
 Euros                           44       14       14        7        -       79 
 Australian dollars               1        9        -        -     (69)     (59) 
 Philippine peso                  -    1,300        -        -        -    1,300 
 Lek                              -        -        -      102        -      102 
 Turkish lira                 7,555        -        -        -        -    7,555 
======================  ===========  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 
                             11,865    1,515       14      109    6,956   20,459 
======================  ===========  =======  =======  =======  =======  ======= 

A 10 percent weakening of the US dollar against the Philippine peso at 31 March 2012 would have decreased equity and loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant. The analysis is performed on the same basis for 31 March 2011.

                         Loss             Equity 
                   ================  ================ 
                      2012     2011     2012     2011 
                    US$000   US$000   US$000   US$000 
                   =======  =======  =======  ======= 
 Philippine peso     (139)    (220)    (139)    (220) 
                   =======  =======  =======  ======= 

A 10 percent strengthen of the US dollar against the Philippine peso at 31 March 2012 would have had the equal but opposite effect to the amounts shown above, on the basis that all other variables remain constant. A 10% fluctuation is considered to be an acceptable level of exposure to the above currencies.

   28.      Financial instruments (cont'd) 

Commodity price risk

Commodity price risk is the risk that the consolidated entity's future earnings will be adversely impacted by changes in the market prices of commodities. The consolidated entity is exposed to commodity price risk as its future revenues are determined by reference to market prices of nickel at the delivery date. Fluctuations in the nickel price can affect the viability of the consolidated entity's projects.

The consolidated entity manages commodity price risk by considering the impact of fluctuations in the nickel price on the present value of the consolidated entity's projects. The consolidated entity will consider entering into forward sales contracts for the project off-take in order to protect future earnings.

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk relates to the ability of the consolidated entity to meet future obligations and financial liabilities. The consolidated entity monitors its risk to a shortage of funds using cash flow models, which consider existing financial assets, liabilities and projected cash inflows and outflows from operations.

The table below sets out the maturity profile of financial liabilities at 31 March 2012:

                             2012       2011 
                          US$'000    US$'000 
                        =========  ========= 
 Due in less than one 
  month                     (923)    (3,162) 
 Due between one and 
  three months              (308)    (1,478) 
 Due between three                         - 
  months and one year       (966) 
======================  =========  ========= 
                          (2,197)    (4,640) 
======================  =========  ========= 

Capital management

The consolidated entity's and Company's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the entity's ability to continue as a going concern so that it can continue to increase the value of the entity for the benefit of the shareholders.

Development of the consolidated entity's projects will be dependent upon the consolidated entity's ability to obtain further financing through joint ventures, equity or debt financing or other means. Although the consolidated entity has been successful in the past in obtaining equity financing there can be no assurance that the consolidated entity will be able to obtain adequate financing in the future or that the terms of such financing will be favourable.

Interest rate risk profile of financial assets

 Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument or cash flows associated 
  with the instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. Interest rate 
  risk arises from interest bearing financial assets and liabilities that the consolidated entity 
  uses. Interest bearing assets comprise cash and cash equivalents. 

Price risk

Investments by the consolidated entity in available for sale financial assets expose the consolidated entity to price risk. The directors do not consider this risk to be material as the consolidated entity does not have a significant portfolio of available for sale financial assets.

Fair values of financial assets and liabilities

The consolidated entity has performed a review (refer impairment review note 27) of the financial assets and liabilities as at 31 March 2012 and has concluded the fair value of those assets and liabilities is not materially different to book value. Available for sale financial assets are level 3 financial assets.

   29. Share based payments 
     Employee share options 
    The consolidated entity has Share Option Plans for executives and employees of the Company. 
     In accordance with the terms and conditions with the relevant Share Option Plan, as approved 
     by shareholders at a previous annual general meeting, executives and employees may be granted 
     options at the discretion of the directors. 
    Each employee share option converts into one ordinary share of ENK PLC on exercise. No amounts 
     are paid or payable by the recipient on receipt of the option. The options carry neither rights 
     to dividends nor voting rights. Options may be exercised at any time from the date of vesting 
     to the date of their expiry. 
    The number of options granted is at the sole discretion of the directors subject to the total 
     number of outstanding options being issued under the Share Option Plan not exceeding 5% of 
     the Company's issued capital at any one time. 

The exercise price is calculated with reference to a formula contained within the rules governing the Share Option Plan and which rewards employees against the extent of the Company's performance on the capital markets. Where appropriate the directors have established appropriate vesting conditions related to the employees employment to incentivise executives and employees to remain in the employ of the Company.

    Share based payment arrangements in existence at balance date 
     The following share options were in existence at 31 March 2012:    Option series       Number       Expiry      Exercise 
                                            date        price 
      Issued 31 March                      31 March 
       2004                    75,000          2014       1.28 
      Issued 24 December                24 December 
       2004                    27,713          2014       0.92 
      Issued 29 June                        26 June 
       2005                    25,000          2015       1.20 
      Issued 20 October                  20 October 
       2005                    18,499          2015       1.62 
      Issued 4 June                          4 June 
       2007                    25,000          2017       2.35 
      Issued 18 June                        18 June 
       2007                    45,773          2017       2.35 
      Issued 17 October                  17 October 
       2007                    40,871          2017       1.80 
      Issued 27 February                27 February 
       2008                    29,997          2018       1.60 
      Issued 12 March                      12 March 
       2008                   153,358          2018       1.60 
      Issued 16 December                16 December 
       2008                   125,000          2018       0.10 
      Issued 15 April                      15 April 
       2009                   370,940          2019       0.40 
      Issued 1 October                    1 October 
       2010                 3,500,000          2015       0.28 
      Issued 19 October                  19 October 
       2010                 1,851,000          2015       0.38 
      Issued 31 August                    30 August 
       2011                 1,300,000          2016       0.28 
      Issued 14 October                  15 October 
       2011                 2,973,000          2016       0.21 
     ====================  ==========  ============  ========= 
  29. Share based payments (cont'd) 
    Options issued during the year were priced using a Black-Scholes pricing model. Expected volatility 
     is based on the movement of the underlying share price around its average share price over 
     the expected term of the option. The directors have determined the expected period of exercise 
     to be similar to the option life based on historical experience. Inputs to the model        Option       Option 
                                  series      series 
     ========================  ==========  =========== 
      Grant date                31 August   14 October 
                                     2011         2011 
      Grant date share price 
       (GBP)                         0.14         0.15 
      Exercise price (GBP)           0.28         0.21 
      Expected volatility            124%         124% 
      Expiry date               30 August   15 October 
                                     2016         2016 
      Risk-free interest 
       rate                         1.44%        1.44% 
      Fair value at grant 
       date (GBP)                    0.11         0.12 
     ========================  ==========  =========== 
    The following reconciles the outstanding share options granted at the beginning and end of 
     the financial year: 
                                                 2012                                               2011 
                           ================================================  ================================================= 
                                                        Weighted average                             Weighted average exercise 
                                                         exercise price                                        price 
                              Number of options               GBP              Number of options                GBP 
    Balance at beginning 
     of the year                        10,419,708                   0.5149             24,191,919                      0.2653 
    Consolidation on a 1 
     for 4 basis                                 -                        -           (18,143,939)                      0.2653 
    Granted during the 
     year                                4,273,000                   0.2313              7,427,000                      0.3329 
    Exercised during the 
     year                                (125,000)                     0.10                      -                           - 
    Lapsed during the 
     year                              (4,006,557)                   0.6973            (3,055,272)                      1.1403 
                           =======================  =======================  =====================  ========================== 
    Balance at end of the 
     year                               10,561,151                   0.3359             10,419,708                      0.5149 
                           =======================  =======================  =====================  ========================== 
                                     The average remaining contractual life of the outstanding options as at 31 March 2012 was 
                                                                                                  4.1 years (2011: 5.2 years). 
    30. Related party transactions 
     (a) Equity interests in related parties 
     Equity interests in subsidiaries 
     Details of the percentage of ordinary shares held in subsidiaries are disclosed in note 15(c) 
     to the financial statements. 
     Equity interests in associates and joint ventures 
     Details of the interest in associates and joint ventures are disclosed in note 15(a) to the 
     financial statements. 
     b) Transactions with key management personnel 
     1. Compensation of directors 
     The remuneration of directors during the year was as follows and is further disclosed in the 
     directors remuneration section of the Directors' Report.                               2012       2011 
                                   US$'000    US$'000 
      Short-term employee 
       benefits                      1,228      1,740 
      Post-employment benefits          43         61 
      Consultancy fees for 
       services rendered                 -         52 
      Compensation for loss 
       of office                         -        752 
      Share-based payments             226      1,092 
                                 =========  ========= 
                                     1,497      3,697 
                                 =========  ========= 

2. Directors equity holdings

Fully paid ordinary shares in ENK PLC

      Directors         Balance    Increase       Balance        Balance 
         2012              at       during     on resignation       at 
                        1 April      year           No.           31 Mar 
                          2011        No.                          2012 
                          No.                                      No. 
====================  ==========  =========  ================  ========== 
 Peter Rowe(1)               N/A          -               N/A           - 
  Gregory              1,210,000     25,000               N/A   1,235,000 
 Mark Hanlon             476,800    300,000               N/A     776,800 
 Paul Lush               441,355          -               N/A     441,355 
 Neil Herbert            900,000          -               N/A     900,000 
 David Whitehead(2)       26,250          -            26,250           - 
 John McManus(3)         100,000          -           100,000           - 
====================  ==========  =========  ================  ========== 

(1) Appointed 27 July 2011

(2) Resigned 30 August 2011

(3) Resigned 13 January 2012

   30.      Related party transactions (cont'd) 
      Directors           Balance      Increase        Balance        Balance 
         2011                at          during     on resignation       at 
                         1 Oct 2009*      year           No.           31 Mar 
                             No.          No.                           2011 
=====================  =============  ==========  ================  ========== 
 David Whitehead              26,250           -               N/A      26,250 
  Gregory(1)                     N/A   1,210,000               N/A   1,210,000 
 Mark Hanlon(1)                  N/A     476,800               N/A     476,800 
 Paul Lush                   441,355           -               N/A     441,355 
 Neil Herbert(2)                 N/A     900,000               N/A     900,000 
 John McManus(3)                 N/A     100,000               N/A     100,000 
 Simon Purkiss(4)          2,222,440           -         2,222,440           - 
  Lindsay(5)                 134,780           -           134,780           - 
 Euan Worthington(5)          33,500           -            33,500           - 
 Sir David 
  Logan(5)                    10,288           -            10,288           - 
 Chris Pointon(6)             11,500           -            11,500           - 
=====================  =============  ==========  ================  ========== 

* Number of ordinary shares and unlisted options have been restated following the merger acquisition with Rusina Mining N.L and the related 1 for 4 consolidation on 16 June 2010.

(1) Appointed 16 June 2010

(2) Appointed 29 June 2010

(3) Appointed 24 August 2010

(4) Resigned 31 January 2011

(5) Resigned 16 June 2010

(6) Resigned 29 March 2010

Share options in ENK PLC

 Director           Balance    Granted   Exercised    Lapsed         Balance        Balance    Exercise   Expiry 
                       at                                         on resignation       at        price      date 
                     1 Apr                                                           31 Mar 
                      2011                                                            2012 
================  ==========  ========  ==========  ==========  ================  ==========  =========  ======== 
      2012            No.        No.        No.         No.            No.            No.        GBP 
 P Rowe(1)               N/A   400,000           -           -               N/A     400,000       0.28   30/8/16 
================  ==========  ========  ==========  ==========  ================  ==========  =========  ======== 
 R Gregory         2,000,000         -           -           -               N/A   2,000,000       0.28   1/10/15 
================  ==========  ========  ==========  ==========  ================  ==========  =========  ======== 
 M Hanlon          1,500,000         -           -           -               N/A   1,500,000       0.28   1/10/15 
 P Lush               75,000         -           -           -               N/A      75,000       1.28   31/3/14 
                      25,000         -           -           -               N/A      25,000       1.20   29/6/15 
                      25,000         -           -           -               N/A      25,000       2.35    4/6/17 
                      30,000         -           -           -               N/A      30,000       1.60   27/2/18 
                      75,000         -           -           -               N/A      75,000       0.40   15/4/19 
                           -   300,000           -           -               N/A     300,000       0.28   30/8/16 
================  ==========  ========  ==========  ==========  ================  ==========  =========  ======== 
 N Herbert                 -   300,000           -           -               N/A     300,000       0.28   30/8/16 
================  ==========  ========  ==========  ==========  ================  ==========  =========  ======== 
 D Whitehead(2)       25,000         -           -    (25,000)                 -           -       2.35    4/6/17 
                      60,000         -           -    (60,000)                 -           -       1.60   27/2/18 
                     125,000         -           -   (125,000)                 -           -       0.40   15/4/19 
================  ==========  ========  ==========  ==========  ================  ==========  =========  ======== 
 J McManus(3)              -   300,000           -           -           300,000           -       0.28   30/8/16 
================  ==========  ========  ==========  ==========  ================  ==========  =========  ======== 

(1) Appointed 27 July 2011

(2) Resigned 30 August 2011

(3) Resigned 13 January 2012

   30.      Related party transactions (cont'd) 
 Director           Balance   Granted    Exercised   Lapsed      Balance on        Balance at    Exercise  Expiry date 
                       at                                        resignation       31 Mar 2011    price* 
                     1 Oct 
=================  ========  =========  ==========  =======                                     ========= 
      2011           No.        No.         No.       No.            No.               No.         GBP 
D Whitehead          25,000          -           -        -                  N/A        25,000       2.35       4/6/17 
                     60,000          -           -        -                  N/A        60,000       1.60      27/2/18 
                    125,000          -           -        -                  N/A       125,000       0.40      15/4/19 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
R Gregory(1)            N/A  2,000,000           -        -                  N/A     2,000,000       0.28      1/10/15 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
M Hanlon(1)             N/A  1,500,000           -        -                  N/A     1,500,000       0.28      1/10/15 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
P Lush               75,000          -           -        -                  N/A        75,000       1.28      31/3/14 
                     25,000          -           -        -                  N/A        25,000       1.20      29/6/15 
                     25,000          -           -        -                  N/A        25,000       2.35       4/6/17 
                     30,000          -           -        -                  N/A        30,000       1.60      27/2/18 
                     75,000          -           -        -                  N/A        75,000       0.40      15/4/19 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
S Purkiss(4)         91,666          -           -        -               91,666             -       1.20      29/6/15 
                     78,500          -           -        -               78,500             -       2.35       4/6/17 
                    108,125          -           -        -              108,125             -       1.60      27/2/18 
                    275,000          -           -        -              275,000             -       0.40      15/4/19 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
A Lindsay(5)        125,000          -           -  125,000                    -             -       1.28      31/3/14 
                     75,000          -           -   75,000                    -             -       1.20      29/6/15 
                     71,000          -           -   71,000                    -             -       2.35       4/6/17 
                     97,813          -           -   97,813                    -             -       1.60      27/2/18 
                    250,000          -           -  250,000                    -             -       0.40      15/4/19 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
E Worthington(5)     75,000          -           -   75,000                    -             -       1.28      31/3/14 
                     25,000          -           -   25,000                    -             -       1.20      29/6/15 
                     25,000          -           -   25,000                    -             -       2.35       4/6/17 
                     30,000          -           -   30,000                    -             -       1.60      27/2/18 
                     75,000          -           -   75,000                    -             -       0.40      15/4/19 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
Sir D Logan(5)       75,000          -           -   75,000                    -             -       1.28      30/6/14 
                     25,000          -           -   25,000                    -             -       1.20      29/6/15 
                     25,000          -           -   25,000                    -             -       2.35       4/6/17 
                     30,000          -           -   30,000                    -             -       1.60      27/2/18 
                     75,000          -           -   75,000                    -             -       0.40      15/4/19 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
C Pointon(6)         27,500          -           -   27,500                    -             -       2.12     23/10/17 
                     30,000          -           -   30,000                    -             -       1.60      27/2/18 
                     75,000          -           -   75,000                    -             -       0.40      15/4/19 
                   ========             ==========           ===================  ============  ========= 
 * Number of options and expiry price have been restated following the merger acquisition with 
 Rusina Mining N.L and the related 1 for 4 consolidation on 16 June 2010. 
 (1) Appointed 16 June 2010 
 (2) Appointed 29 June 2010 
 (3) Appointed 24 August 2010 
 (4) Resigned 31 January 2011 
 (5) Resigned 16 June 2010 
 (6) Resigned 29 March 2010 
   30.      Related party transactions (cont'd) 

3. Transactions with other related parties

Other related parties include:

   --              subsidiaries 
   --              associates 
   --              consultancy services provided by directors 

Loans to related parties

                                                 31 Mar 2012  31 March 2011 
                                                   US$'000       US$'000 
Enickel Services (Philippines)*                        4,560          4,560 
Rusina Mining N.L                                     16,735          9,956 
Stratten Limited                                           -            648 
European Nickel Spain S.L.                                 -         29,958 
European Nickel Holding Iberia S.L.                        -            678 
Sardes Nikel Madencilik A.S.                               -            532 
European Nickel Philland B.V.                            236            217 
European Nickel Holland B.V.                             111             84 
Fil-Euro Asia Nickel Corporation                          49             49 
Adriatic Nickel Resources Sh.p.k                       2,594          2,583 
Asian Nickel Research & Technology Corporation         4,305          4,357 
Berong Nickel Corporation                                444            221 

* Enickel Services (Philippines trades as a branch of the Company)

Amounts receivable from related parties are unsecured, interest free, and have no fixed terms of repayment. The balances will be settled in cash. No guarantees have been given or received. The above amounts are stated before any provisions or the stated impairment charges below.

Provisions for doubtful debts have been raised against amounts owed by Adriatic Nickel Resources Sh.p.k. for US$('000)2,594 (2011:US$('000)2,583) and the Philippine subsidiaries totalling US$('000)3,336 (2011:US$('000)3,385).

Consultancy services provided by the directors:

            31 Mar 2012  31 March 2011 
              US$'000       US$'000 
Paul Lush        -            52 

Paul did not receive any consulting fees during the financial year to 31 March 2012. In the prior reporting period Paul received US$('000)16 and US$('000)36 through Churchill Resources a corporate entity in which he provided legal consulting services.

   31.      Auditors' remuneration 
                                                            31 Mar 2012  31 March 2011 
                                                              US$'000       US$'000 
Auditor of the Company - PKF (UK) LLP 
Audit of the financial reports of Company                       93            102 
Review of the financial reports of the Company                  47             46 
Audit fees payable to associates of the Company's auditor       15             22 
Auditor of Philippine subsidiaries - SGV & Co 
Audit and review of the financial reports of subsidiaries       57             95 
Auditor of Australian subsidiaries - Somes & Cooke 
Audit and review of the financial reports of subsidiaries        8             12 
Total audit fees                                                220           277 
Taxation services                                               18             69 
Other services                                                   -             20 
Total non-audit fees                                            18             89 
Total auditors' remuneration                                    238           366 
   32.      Business combination 

Prior year merger acquisition

Entity              Date of acquisition  Previous ownership  Current ownership  Consideration transferred 
Rusina Mining NL           16 June 2010                2.9%               100%                     21,246 

Rusina Mining NL ('Rusina') is a Philippines focused mineral exploration and development company. Its major asset is the Acoje Nickel Laterite Project. It also has a portfolio of exploration properties that are prospective for base metals, precious metals and chromite. The acquisition of Rusina will allow the consolidated entity improved access to development capital; a strengthened management team; the creation of a nickel development company of significant scale; geographical and project diversification and a platform for growth.

The purchase consideration was US$('000)21,246, being the fair value of the shares issued to the Rusina shareholders and option holders on 16 June 2010 the date the merger became binding and control was obtained. The fair value was determined by reference to the share price on the acquisition date. The premium of the shares issued was credited to the merger reserve.

Consideration transferred

                                               Fair values 
Cash and cash equivalents                            1,271 
Intangible assets                                   84,000 
Property, plant and equipment                          459 
VAT reclaimable                                        439 
Trade and other receivables                            831 
Trade and other payables                             (847) 
Borrowings                                         (1,427) 
Deferred tax                                      (21,027) 
Net identifiable assets                             63,699 
Previously held interests                         (18,062) 
Non-controlling interests                         (15,602) 
Purchase consideration                            (21,246) 
Exceptional gain arising on bargain purchase       (8,789) 
   32.      Business combination (cont'd) 

The fair value of the intangible assets were assessed by an independent expert using a discounted cashflow model and both the indicated and inferred resources of the underlying project. Non-controlling interests in the acquired entities were measured at their proportionate share of the acquiree's net assets. Key assumptions for the fair valuation of the assets and inputs were:

-- The expected value (EV) per tonne of contained nickel at Acoje and ZCMC was assessed using appropriate comparator companies. As ZCMC is at an earlier stage of development than Acoje a different set of comparator companies were used.

   --      EV per tonne of contained nickel 

o Acoje $131.50

o ZCMC $50.50

Exceptional gain

Exceptional gain arising on bargain purchase (as stated above)      8,789 
Rusina Mining N.L. (1)                                                472 
Fil-Euro Asian Nickel Corporation(2)                                5,230 
Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation(3)                             4,780 
Administration and other associated costs(4)                      (1,896) 
Exceptional gain arising on bargain purchase                       17,375 

(1) The consolidated entity recognised a gain of US$('000)472 as a result of measuring at fair value its 2.9% equity interest in Rusina Mining N.L held prior to the acquisition date.

(2) The consolidated entity recognised a gain of US$('000)5,230 as a result of measuring at fair value its 20% equity interest in Fil-Euro Asian Nickel Corporation ('FEANC') held prior to the acquisition date.

(3) The consolidated entity recognised a gain of US$('000)4,780 as a result of measuring at fair value its 40% equity interest in Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation ('ZCMC') held prior to the acquisition date.

(4) Directly attributable acquisition costs of US$('000)1,896 were incurred in the transaction. US$('000)1,270 of these costs are recognised within administration expenses in the current period as part of the operating result of the unallocated operating segment with the remainder being recognised within the translation reserve.

The directors believe that the bargain purchase resulted from the increased volatility in the share price at the time the transaction was completed. The gain arising would not have been recognised if, as anticipated at the time, the share price had reached a level whereby the valuation cap under the Merger Scheme of Arrangement had become operational.

Net cash inflow on merger acquisition

                                              16 June 2010 
Cash and cash equivalents balances acquired          1,271 

Impact of acquisition on the results of the consolidated entity

Included in the loss for the prior period is US$('000)3,200 attributable to Rusina Mining N.L. Had the business combination been affected at 1 October 2009, it is largely unknown what effect this would have had on the financial position of the consolidated entity.

   33.      Disposal of subsidiary 

On 17 November 2011, the consolidated entity disposed of the entire issued capital of two Turkish subsidiaries being Sardes Nikel Madencilik A.S and Turmad Madencilik Ve Ticaret A.S, which included its 100% Calda nickel project in Turkey.

Consideration received

                                                             17 November 
Total consideration received in cash and cash equivalents         40,000 

Analysis of assets and liabilities over which control was lost

                                 17 November 2011 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment             38,061 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables               10,109 
 Inventories                                   90 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     98 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                 (2,310) 
 Net assets disposed of                    46,048 
Gain on disposal of subsidiary          17 November 2011 
 Consideration received                           40,000 
 Less costs to sell                                (754) 
 Net assets disposed of                         (46,048) 
 Cumulative exchange differences 
  in respect 
  of the net assets of the subsidiary 
  from equity to loss of control 
  of subsidiary                                    (788) 
 Loss on disposal (note 12)                      (7,590) 

The loss on disposal is included in the loss for the year from discontinued operations in the income statement.

Net cash inflow on disposal of subsidiary   17 November 2011 
 Consideration received in cash 
  and cash equivalents                                40,000 
 Less: cash and cash equivalent 
  balances disposed of                                  (98) 

34. Post balance sheet events

There has not been any matter or circumstance occurring subsequent to the end of the financial year that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect, the operations of the Company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Company in future financial years except for the following:

1. On 8 May 2012, the Company announced the sale of its 5.01% interest in AIM-listed Toledo Mining Corporation ('TMC') for US$('000')686 in cash and the conditional sale of its 18.7% interest in Berong Nickel Corporation ('BNC') for US$('000')6,552 in cash to World Fund Pte Limited. Both assets were considered non-core assets by the directors. The Company's interest in these non-core assets are disclosed in the statement of financial position as available for sale financial assets. In the prior year the Company's interest in BNC was held in the financial statements at US$3.48 million, the revaluation of the interest in BNC to the conditional sale value has resulted in a change in the fair value of US$('000')3,072 disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

The sale of the BNC shares is conditional upon the other shareholders of BNC, being TMC and Atlas Consolidated Mining Corporation ('Atlas') not exercising their pre-emption rights. In the event TMC or Atlas decide to exercise their pre-emption right they have to match the price offered by World Fund Pte Limited. Atlas and TMC have 60 days to exercise their pre-emption rights. The BNC sale is expected to settle in early July 2012.

2. On 6 June, the Company announced that Montemina Resources Corporation ('MRC'), 60% owner of the Zambales Project, has entered into an agreement with Philippine company, Golden Harvest Global Corporation ('GHGC') wherein GHGC will acquire 60% interest in MRC for a total consideration of US$11m. The proceeds will be used by MRC to repay loans from members of the consolidated entity which will result in all of the funds (less taxes and costs) being available for use by the Company. The payment terms for the sale are:

   -       US$2m upon signing; 
   -       US$2m by no later than 15 August 2012; 
   -       US$2m by no later than 15 November 2012; and 

- US$5m linked to the Direct Ship Operations ('DSO') revenues from the Zambales tenement, but in any event, payable no later than the second anniversary of signing.

GHGC has also entered into a mining agreement with Zambales Chromite Mining Corporation ('ZCMCI'), 40% owner of the Zambales tenement. This agreement provides for the mining of nickel laterite ore for Direct Ship Operations ('DSO') on the basis that GHGC provides all mining equipment, capital labour, trucking, marketing and port facilities in return for a 50% profit share of ore sales. DSO will commence once Zambales and GHGC obtain the required permits for this operation.

In addition to the above agreements, GHGC has entered into an Exploration Services Agreement ('ESA') with Zambales Diversified Metals Corporation ('ZDMC'), holder of the Acoje tenement and a subsidiary of ENK, for the exploration of chromite and other underground minerals on the Acoje tenement. The ESA is for a period of 2 years with annual options to extend thereafter, subject to minimum performance requirements and payment of advance royalties.

If a decision to develop the chromite or other underground minerals is made by GHGC then ZDMC has, at its option, the ability to require a payment of US$20m to enable GHGC to acquire 100% of the rights to these minerals, or, to elect to have a free carry for ZDMC for a 20% interest in this project. In the event the lump sum payment is chosen, mining royalties at a rate to be agreed, will also be payable to ZDMC.


ASX additional information

Additional information has not been audited and does not form part of the financial statements. The information set out below has been provided as required by the Australian Securities Exchange Limited's Listing Rules and which have not been disclosed elsewhere in this report.

Shareholdings as at 31 May 2012

Class of shares and voting rights

a) at meetings of members or classes of members each member is entitled to vote and may vote in person or by proxy or attorney; and

b) on a show of hands every person present who is a member has one vote and on a poll every person present in person or by proxy or by attorney has one vote for each ordinary share held.

Quoted equity securities                              Number of shares           Number of Shareholders 
Ordinary shares of 4p                                      231,449,207                              566 
Chess Depositary Interests (CDI'S)                          30,654,796                            2,052 
                                                           262,104,003                            2,618 

Distribution of quoted equity securities

                                                                                       Number of 
Category (number of shares)                                                         Shareholders 
 1 - 1,000                                                                                 1,080 
1,001 - 10,000                                                                               988 
10,001 - 100,000                                                                             413 
100,001 - 1,000,000                                                                          135 
1,000,001 and over                                                                             2 
 The number of shareholders holding less than a marketable parcel is 1,420. The minimum parcel 
  size is 3,449 shares. 

Twenty largest shareholders as at 31 May 2012

                                                             Fully paid ordinary shares 
Name                                                               Number    Percentage 
Pershing Nominees Limited <KSCLT>                              47,805,809         18.24 
W B Nominees Limited                                           31,810,917         12.14 
AAA Australian Control Account                                 30,654,796         11.70 
Hanover Nominees Limited <HAYC2>                               19,500,000          7.44 
Vidacos Nominees Limited <FGN>                                 18,370,327          7.01 
Goldman Sachs International <CREPTEMP>                         13,321,513          5.08 
Chase (GA Group) Nominees Limited <GA>                          8,041,869          3.07 
TD Direct Investing Nominees (Europe) Limited <SMKTNOMS>        7,665,770          2.92 
The Bank of New York (Nominees) Limited <UKREITS>               7,333,000          2.80 
Lynchwood Nominees Limited <2006420>                            5,823,484          2.22 
Barclayshare Nominees Limited                                   5,213,126          1.99 
The Bank of New York (Nominees) Limited <BIL>                   4,782,257          1.82 
Pershing Nominees Limited <PSL981>                              4,025,100          1.54 
KBC Securities NV <CLIENT>                                      3,605,078          1.38 
L R Nominees Limited <NOMINEE>                                  3,554,701          1.36 
James Capel (Nominees) Limited <PC>                             3,244,393          1.24 
HSBC Client Holdings Nominee (UK) Limited                       2,950,464          1.13 
Investor Nominees Limited <NOMINEE>                             2,896,074          1.10 
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (PUBL)                         2,696,526          1.03 
Goldman Sachs Securities (Nominees) Limited <ILSEG>             1,975,000          0.75 
Total                                                         225,270,204         85.96 

Stock Exchanges

ENK Plc shares are dual listed on the AIM market and the Australian Securities Exchange. On the ASX they are traded as CDI's.


For more information or to view a copy of this document, please visit www.enk.co.uk or contact:

Mark Hanlon, Finance Director, ENK Tel: +61 (0)8 9226 1111

Robert Gregory, Managing Director, ENK Tel: +63 917 513 4970

Chris Sim or Neil Elliot, Investec Investment Banking Tel: +44 (0)20 7597 5970

Tim Blythe or Matthew Neal, Blythe Weigh Communications Tel: +44 20 7138 3204

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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