Société d'Investissement à Capital FixeLuxembourgR.C.S. Luxembourg B 55 584


Unaudited Half-Yearly Report


September 30th, 2010




Table of Contents Organisation of the Fund General Information Responsibility Statement Investment Policy Manager's Review Statement of Net Assets Shareholders' Equity Statement of Operations Statement of Changes in Net Assets Statistical Information about the Fund Statement of Changes in Shares Outstanding Statement of Investments and Other Net Assets Currency, Geographical and Industrial Classification of the Fund Notes to the Financial Statements


Organisation of the Fund

ALEXANDER E. ZAGOREOS              Jermain Hill Lane 
                                   Eagle Bridge, NY 12057, U.S.A. 
MICHAEL BECKETT *                  Northcroft Dulwich Common 
                                   London SE21 7EW, U.K. 
                                   50 Broad Street, Suite 1609 
                                   New York, NY 10004, U.S.A. 
MOHAMED KAMAL EL-DIN BARAKAT *     151 Mohamed Farid Street 
                                   Cairo, EGYPT 
Chairman of the Audit Committee    8 Chalcot Crescent 
                                   London NW1 8YD, U.K. 
(since August 17th, 2010)          NBE Tower 
                                   1187 Corniche El Nil 
                                   Cairo, EGYPT 
Advisory Board                     HERBERT GULLQUIST 
Registered Office                  11, rue Aldringen 
                                   L-1118 Luxembourg 
Manager                            LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC 
                                   30 Rockefeller Plaza 
                                   New York, NY 10112, U.S.A. 
Investment Adviser                 NATIONAL BANK OF EGYPT 
                                   NBE Tower 
                                   1187 Corniche El Nil 
                                   Cairo, EGYPT 
   *   Member of the Audit Committee 
Custodian and Paying Agent          KBL EUROPEAN PRIVATE BANKERS S.A. 
                                    43, boulevard Royal 
                                    L-2955 Luxembourg 
Domiciliary, Registrar, Transfer    KREDIETRUST LUXEMBOURG S.A. 
and Administrative Agent            11, rue Aldringen 
                                    L-2960 Luxembourg 
Réviseur d'entreprises agréé        DELOITTE S.A. 
                                    560, rue de Neudorf 
                                    L-2220 Luxembourg 
Financial Adviser and Broker        ARBUTHNOT SECURITIES LIMITED 
                                    Arbuthnot House 
                                    20, Ropemaker Street 
                                    London EC2Y 9AR, U.K. 



General Information


1. Shareholders will be sent audited annual accounts relating to THE EGYPT TRUST (the "Fund" or the "Corporation"), which will include a report by the Manager, made up to the last day of March in each year. Shareholders will also be sent an unaudited half-yearly report covering the six-month period ending September 30th in each year.


2. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in Luxembourg each year at 4 p.m. on the third Tuesday of August in each year (or, if such day is not a business day in Luxembourg, on the next following business day). Notices convening each annual general meeting, including agenda, time and place, and details of attendance, quorum and majority requirements under Luxembourg law, will be sent to the registered addresses of Shareholders together with the annual report and accounts not less than 21 days before the date of such meeting.


3. The investment policy of the Corporation is to achieve medium to long-term capital growth through investments principally in the equities of companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange.


4. The Corporation intends to distribute annually to Shareholders substantially all of its income (including dividends and interest) available for distribution after deducting fees and expenses.


5. Dividends will only be paid to the extent that they are covered by income received from underlying investments, shares of profits of associated companies being unavailable for this purpose unless and until distributed to the Corporation. The Fund's Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") provide that dividends shall not be paid out of surpluses arising upon the realisation of investments.


6. A dividend declared but not claimed by a Shareholder after twelve years from the declaration thereof shall lapse and revert to the Corporation.


7. The Net Asset Value (the "NAV") per Share is expressed in US Dollars ("USD") and is published on a weekly basis in the "Financial Times".


8. The Shares of the Fund are listed on the London Stock Exchange.


Responsibility Statement


We, the Directors of The Egypt Trust, confirm to the best of our knowledge that:


a) the financial statements which have been prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards (being the legal and regulatory requirements in Luxembourg relating to investment funds) give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Fund as at September 30th, 2010 and for the financial period then ended; and


b) the Manager's Review includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Fund together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.


By order of the BoardAlexander E. ZagoreosChairman


Luxembourg, November 2010


Investment Policy

    -- Asset Allocations: 

The Fund invests primarily in equity securities of Egyptian

companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange (formerly Cairo

and Alexandria Stock Exchanges) as well as other exchanges.

We use a bottom-up, fundamental company analysis to identify

companies that have strong earnings-generation ability but are

inexpensively priced.

We continuously monitor potential and existing holdings in the

Fund, in addition to the overall macro-economic environment in

Egypt. The asset allocation and security selection changes


    -- Risk Diversification: 

The Fund will run a concentrated portfolio, subject to exposure

limits detailed below, but in the meanwhile aims to provide broad

exposure to the market through holding a diversified portfolio.

The liquidity of the Egyptian market is limited compared to

developed markets. When making an investment decision, liquidity

concerns weigh in. We aim to keep 90% of the Fund's NAV in highly

liquid securities and cash. The remaining 10% would provide the

flexibility to invest in attractively priced securities with low

liquidity, or in pre-IPO companies.

We seek to invest in undervalued assets trading at a discount

(absolute and/or relative). Such discounts could limit the

portfolio's downside risk, and add more value during rising


    -- Exposure Limits: 

Maximum weighting in any single security should not exceed 10% of

NAV - Passive breaches should be brought back in line with the

policy in a manner consistent with the best interests of the

shareholders, and

Maximum weighting in any single sector should not exceed 25% of

NAV. The Fund treats Real Estate & Property Development as a

separate sector and not part of Financials.

Gearing: The Fund's Manager is not allowed to use gearing.


Manager's Review


September 30th, 2010


Portfolio Performance & Market Overview

(Price Only -    Q ending  Q ending  6 Months toSEP 30  1 Year to 
Net of Fees)     SEP 30    JUN 30                       SEP 30 
Egypt Trust      9.50%     -11.20%   -2.77%             -2.41% 
Fund NAV 
S&P IFC Egypt    11.63%    -13.67%   -3.63%             -1.59% 
MSCI Egypt       9.98%     -14.2%    -5.60%             -2.24% 

The performance of the Egyptian exchange continued to exhibit high levels of volatility during the past six months as global economic conditions and stock market performances remain unsettled. During the quarter ending June 30th, 2010, global financial markets remained shaken by the possibility of sovereign defaults in Europe (mainly Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland) which overshadowed positive economic and corporate earnings data locally.


[Graph omitted]


As European worries receded and investors returned once more to fundamentals, the market was able to recover most of its losses in the quarter to September 30th, 2010.


Portfolio Structure


The Egypt Trust's portfolio remains fairly concentrated with the top 10 holdings, shown below, represents 51.07% of NAV. Stock selection is subject to our disciplined fundamental approach.

Top 10 Holdings                    Portfolio (%) 
National Société Générale Bank     7.73% 
Egyptian Intl Pharm Industr Co     6.32% 
Telecom Egypt                      6.23% 
Orascom Telecom Holding            6.14% 
Orascom Construction Industries    5.15% 
Talaat Moustafa Group Holding      4.81% 
EFG-Hermes Holding                 3.98% 
Citadel Capital Co                 3.89% 
Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals          3.55% 
Oriental Weavers Co                3.27% 
TOTAL                              51.07% 

Currently, no stocks exceed the 10% single issuer limit.


Real estate continues to overtake Telecom as our third largest sector as we find better value in that sector. Financials (banks and non-banks) continue to be our largest sector as we find good value in non-bank financials in particular.

Sector Allocation                 SEP 10     SEP 09 
Financials                        21.33      21.71 
Materials                         15.04      13.34 
Real Estate                       14.37      14.23 
Telecom                           13.59      11.74 
Industrial                        7.62       9.57 
Petrochemicals                    7.46       6.80 
Consumer Discretionary            7.18       6.59 
Healthcare                        6.76       7.93 
Cash & Other Net Current Assets   5.71       8.09 
Food                              0.94       0.00 
TOTAL                               100.00%  100.00% 

Economic Overview


Egypt's real GDP growth figure for the quarter ending June 30th, 2010 and the whole FY 09/10 was revised downward to 5.4% and 5.1% respectively from the previously stated figures of 5.9% and 5.3%. While slightly lower than our projections of 5.4%, we still view the figure as realistic and supportive of the stock market on the near term.


The GDP outlook is also in line with our thesis of sustainable domestic demand in Egypt causing GDP to continue to grow despite the global financial crisis. On the other hand, domestic demand alone could not help the economy to grow by more than 4-5% annually. To achieve the 7-8% growth rates targeted by the government, Egypt needs to attract more foreign direct investments.


Another revised figure was the budget deficit which was revised from 8.4% to 8.1% - slightly higher than our forecast of 8%; the widening deficit was generally expected as government revenues took a hit of around 26% while spending declined by around 6% only - partly because of the stimulus package during the second half of 2009. FY 2010/11 should witness an improvement though we expect it would be a slight improvement as the government is not likely to tighten its fiscal policy particularly as both the parliamentary and presidential elections are coming up in the next 12 months.


Inflation (both headline and core) remained high with CPI at 10.97% and core inflation at 7.59% by end of September. A positive development however was an easing in the monthly inflation in September after a sharp spike in August for both measures; CPI recorded 1.69% in September vs. 2.85% in August while core inflation was +0.22% vs. 2.82%.


Egypt's external position remained stable with a current account deficit of 2.0% - a slight improvement over 08/09 of -2.5% of GDP. External debt was a very comfortable 15.9% of GDP and only 8.8% of it is short term. This partially explains the strong demand by which Egypt's bond issue was received in the global financial markets.


Overall, we believe Egypt's macro picture remains favorable especially in light of what is going on the world following the financial crisis. Decent GDP growth - thanks to steady private consumption from un-levered consumers - and comfortable external position (even as current account goes into deficit as expected) are all helping encouraging factors.


Even the public debt, which we expect will exceed 86% of GDP at the end of the fiscal year, remains manageable thanks mainly to an overly liquid financial system. However, we do see medium term challenges that could cause some headwind:

    -- A low national savings rate makes Egypt highly dependent on FDI in 

order to grow at 7%+ which is needed to create enough employment

opportunities to reduce the unemployment rate.

    -- The widespread poverty and income inequality makes Egypt vulnerable to 

a high inflation environment.

    -- The public finances need to improve especially as growth might not be 

high enough to generate enough revenues (as well reduce the need for

higher public spending) to reduce the deficit. The large borrowing

needs of the government has crowded out the private sector.




Despite the short term headwind, we remain bullish on the prospects of Egyptian equities over the medium term and continue to find value for several reasons, mainly:

    -- Cheap valuation relative to Global Emerging Markets 
    -- Strong growth in corporate earnings (consensus forecast is 31% 

increase in 2010 and 22% in 2011) along with healthy balance sheets

and high quality earnings.

    -- Steady domestic private consumption, low per capita income, and one of 

the lowest incremental capital output ratios of any emerging market,

leaves significant room for upside surprises.


In the short term however, performance of the stock market will continue to be influenced by volatility in global markets as well as the Parliamentary elections in November 2010 and the Presidential election in 2011. More fundamentally, we think the current environment of high inflation and large budget deficits will negatively affect the sustainability of growth unless dealt with through concerted action between the fiscal and monetary policies.


For these reasons, we continue to position the Fund's portfolio defensively; and believe that our first line of defense lies in our disciplined investment strategy to invest in fundamentally undervalued shares.


Principal Risks and Uncertainties


The success of the Fund may be affected by general economic and market conditions, such as widening discounts, interest rate changes, availability of credit, inflation rates, economic uncertainty, changes in laws, and national and international political circumstances. These factors may affect the level and volatility of securities that the Fund invests in. The Manager actively monitors these factors and, to the degree possible, attempts to mitigate their negative impact on the Fund.


The Fund invests in securities issued primarily by companies located in Egypt. The Egyptian securities markets can be extremely volatile. The Fund's performance will be influenced by political, social and economic factors affecting companies in Egypt. As an emerging market country, Egypt can generally have an economic structure that is less diverse and mature, and a political system that is less stable, than those of developed countries. Further, a fund, such as the Fund, that invests substantially all of its assets in securities of issuers in one country may experience significantly greater volatility than a fund that invests in a more geographically diverse portfolio.

Luxembourg, November 2010      Lazard Asset Management 

Note: The information in this report represents historical data and is not an indication of future results.


Statement of Net Assets


(in USD)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                   September 30th, 2010   March 31st, 2010 
Securities' portfolio              60,414,060             63,862,228 
at market value 
Cash at banks                      4,064,775              3,128,164 
Income receivable on portfolio     430,818                88,621 
Interest receivable                328                    145 
on bank accounts 
Prepaid expenses                   3,036                  1,003 
Total assets                       64,913,017             67,080,161 
Bank liabilities                   683,287                388,356 
Payable on repurchases of Shares   34,390                 140,499 
Expenses payable                   99,507                 262,620 
Total liabilities                  817,184                791,475 
Net Assets at the End              64,095,833             66,288,686 
of the Period/Year 
Number of Shares outstanding       2,028,646              2,041,277 
Net Asset Value per Share          31.60                  32.47 

Shareholders' Equity represented by(in USD)

                             September 30th, 2010    March 31st, 2010 
Capital: 8,513,347           17,026,694              17,026,694 
Shares at USD 2.00 
Share Premium                73,633,306              73,633,306 
Legal Reserve                1,702,669               1,702,669 
Profit brought forward       64,952,884              68,699,528 
Cost of 1,663,837 Shares     -15,939,917             -15,939,917 
held in treasury 
Repurchase of 4,820,864      -73,660,405             -73,280,536 
Shares at the request 
of Shareholders 
Total Capital and Reserves   67,715,231              71,841,744 
Net realised gain/loss       3,178,251               -3,746,644 
for the period/year 
Unrealised depreciation      -6,797,649              -1,806,414 
on securities 
Total Shareholders' Equity   64,095,833              66,288,686 

Statement of Operations(in USD)

                            From April 1st, 2010to    From April 1st, 2009to 
                            September 30th, 2010      September 30th, 2009 
Dividends, net              2,118,280                 2,266,510 
Interest on bank            2,773                     7,315 
Received commissions        19,049                    318,969 
Total income                2,140,102                 2,592,794 
Management fees             317,567                   346,205 
Advisory fees               79,392                    86,551 
Custodian fees              12,037                    13,169 
Bank and financial          72,662                    88,987 
Central                     32,670                    35,068 
Audit                       24,803                    30,574 
and supervisory 
Printing and                29,082                    10,741 
Subscription                15,760                    17,187 
duty ("taxe 
Interest paid               26                        - 
Directors' fees             43,933                    155,991 
and expenses 
Other expenses              26,073                    49,468 
Total expenses              654,005                   833,941 
NET INVESTMENT              1,486,097                 1,758,853 
- on sale of                791,251                   -60,309 
(-1 year) 
- on sale of                918,408                   599,427 
(+1 year) 
- on foreign                -17,505                   -33,902 
REALISED GAIN               3,178,251                 2,264,069 
- on securities             -4,991,235                24,898,241 
INCREASE/DECREASE           -1,812,984                27,162,310 

Statement of Changes in Net Assets(in USD)

                            From April 1st, 2010to    From April 1st, 2009to 
                            September 30th, 2010      September 30th, 2009 
Net Assets at the           66,288,686                51,567,921 
of the Period 
Net investment              1,486,097                 1,758,853 
Net realised                791,251                   -60,309 
on sale 
of securities 
(-1 year) 
Net realised                918,408                   599,427 
gain on sale 
of securities 
(+1 year) 
Net realised loss on        -17,505                   -33,902 
foreign exchange 
Net realised gain           3,178,251                 2,264,069 
for the period 
Repurchases of              -379,869                  -6,394,748 
Shares at the 
of Shareholders 
Change                      -4,991,235                24,898,241 
on securities 
Net Assets                  64,095,833                72,335,483 
at the End 
of the Period 

Statistical Information about the Fund(in USD)

                  September 30th, 2010  March 31st, 2010  March 31st, 2009 
Net Assets        64,095,833            66,288,686        51,567,921 
Net Asset Value   31.60                 32.47             21.23 
per Share 

Statement of Changes in Shares OutstandingFor the period ended September 30th, 2010

Number of Shares Outstanding at the Beginning of the Period   2,041,277 
Number of Shares repurchased held in treasury                 - 
Number of Shares repurchased at the request of Shareholders   -12,631 
Number of Shares Outstanding at the End of the Period         2,028,646 

Statement of Investments and other Net AssetsSeptember 30th, 2010(in USD)

Currency   Number / nominal value  Description                                    Cost          Market value    % oftotal netassets 
Investments in securities 
Transferable securities admitted to an official stock  exchange listing 
EGP        750,000                 Credit Agricole Egypt                          1,424,669     1,709,995       2.67 
EGP        750,000                 National Société Générale Bank Reg             1,126,344     4,953,452       7.73 
                                                                                  2,551,013     6,663,447       10.40 
Capital goods 
EGP        100,000                 El Sewedy Cables Hg Co                         1,756,599     1,243,281       1.94 
EGP        75,000                  Orascom Construction Industrie Reg             3,098,851     3,298,129       5.15 
                                                                                  4,855,450     4,541,410       7.09 
Consumer durables and apparel 
EGP        250,000                 Olympic Group Fin Inv Co SAE                   1,629,534     1,186,106       1.85 
EGP        361,897                 Oriental Weavers Co                            2,585,064     2,097,769       3.27 
                                                                                  4,214,598     3,283,875       5.12 
Diversified financial services 
EGP        2,000,000               Citadel Capital Co                             3,718,238     2,494,291       3.89 
EGP        500,000                 EFG-Hermes                                     4,568,119     2,554,014       3.98 
EGP        2,250,000               Pioneers Holding                               2,963,687     1,462,322       2.28 
                                                                                  11,250,044    6,510,627       10.15 
EGP        350,000                 Alexandria Mineral Oils Co                     3,582,012     2,505,884       3.91 
USD        120,000                 Maridive & Oil Serv                            344,160       340,800         0.53 
                                                                                  3,926,172     2,846,684       4.44 
Hotels, restaurants and leisure 
EGP        2,500,000               Talaat Moustafa Group Holding                  4,279,070     3,082,733       4.81 
EGP        375,000                 Delta Insurance                                746,842       492,052         0.77 
Investment companies 
USD        2,000,000               Al Arafa Inv & Consulting                      1,965,447     1,260,000       1.97 
GBP        500,000                 Centamin Egypt Ltd                             851,744       1,394,406       2.18 
EGP        600,000                 Egyptian Financial & Indust Co Reg             1,697,502     2,019,322       3.15 
EGP        450,000                 Ezz Steel                                      1,767,715     1,521,605       2.37 
EGP        200,000                 Paint and Chemical Ind                         1,282,264     2,037,590       3.18 
EGP        1,000,000               Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals                      3,557,373     2,276,480       3.55 
EGP        200,000                 Suez Cement Co                                 1,915,604     1,486,738       2.32 
EGP        225,000                 Tourah Cement Co                               1,865,343     1,177,762       1.84 
                                                                                  12,937,545    11,913,903      18.59 
Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology 
EGP        650,000                 Egyptian Intl Pharm Industr Co                 1,910,434     4,054,365       6.32 
EGP        50,845                  Memphis Pharmaceutic Chem Ind                  527,052       275,794         0.43 
                                                                                  2,437,486     4,330,159       6.75 
Real estate 
EGP        300,000                 Heliopolis Housing & Dev SA                    4,639,377     1,741,612       2.72 
EGP        125,000                 Namaa Dév Real Estate InvestCo                 292,053       254,699         0.40 
EGP        250,000                 Nasr City Housing & Dev SA                     1,452,326     1,360,443       2.12 
EGP        1,132,165               Palm Hills Devlopments SAE                     1,406,239     1,149,467       1.79 
EGP        100,000                 Sixth of Octob Dev & Inv Co SA                 2,453,577     1,617,600       2.52 
                                                                                  10,243,572    6,123,821       9.55 
EGP        100,000                 B-Tech                                         61,514        56,912          0.09 
Telecommunication services 
EGP        25,000                  Egyptian Co for Mobile Com                     792,520       779,642         1.22 
EGP        3,000,000               Orascom Telecom Holding                        532,791       2,655,893       4.14 
USD        295,000                 Orascom Telecom Holding GDR Reg repr 5 Shares  1,523,980     1,280,595       2.00 
EGP        1,300,000               Telecom Egypt                                  4,373,923     3,991,569       6.23 
                                                                                  7,223,214     8,707,699       13.59 
Total shares                                                                      66,691,967    59,813,322      93.32 
Other transferable securities 
Food, beverage and tobacco 
EGP        600,000                 Juhayna Food Industries                        519,742       600,738         0.94 
Total shares                                                                      519,742       600,738         0.94 
Total investments in securities                                                   67,211,709    60,414,060      94.26 
Cash at banks                                                                                   4,064,775       6.34 
Bank liabilities                                                                                -683,287        -1.07 
Other net assets and liabilities                                                                300,285         0.47 
Total net assets                                                                                64,095,833      100.00 

Currency, Geographical and Industrial Classification of the FundSeptember 30th, 2010(in percentage of net assets)


Currency Classification

Egyptian Pound                       87.58 % 
US Dollar                            4.50 % 
Pound Sterling                       2.18 % 
Total investments in securities      94.26 % 
US Dollar                            5.75 % 
Pound Sterling                       0.59 % 
Total cash at banks                  6.34 % 
Egyptian Pound                       -0.01 % 
US Dollar                            -1.06 % 
Total bank liabilities               -1.07 % 
Other net assets and liabilities     0.47 % 
Total net assets                     100.00 % 

Geographical Classification

Egypt                                92.08 % 
Australia                            2.18 % 
Total investments in securities      94.26 % 
Cash at banks                        6.34 % 
Bank liabilities                     -1.07 % 
Other net assets and liabilities     0.47 % 
Total net assets                     100.00 % 

Industrial Classification

Materials                             18.59 % 
Telecommunication services            13.59 % 
Banks                                 10.40 % 
Diversified financial services        10.15 % 
Real estate                           9.55 % 
Capital goods                         7.09 % 
Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology     6.75 % 
Consumer durables and apparel         5.12 % 
Hotels, restaurants and leisure       4.81 % 
Energy                                4.44 % 
Investment companies                  1.97 % 
Food, beverage and tobacco            0.94 % 
Insurance                             0.77 % 
Retailing                             0.09 % 
Total investments in securities       94.26 % 
Cash at banks                         6.34 % 
Bank liabilities                      -1.07 % 
Other net assets and liabilities      0.47 % 
Total net assets                      100.00 % 

Notes to the Financial StatementsSeptember 30th, 2010




THE EGYPT TRUST (the "Fund" or the "Corporation") is a closed-end investment corporation incorporated as an investment corporation under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and qualifies as a "société d'investissement à capital fixe" under the amended law of December 20th, 2002 (the "2002 Law") regarding undertakings for collective investments and the law of August 10th, 1915, as amended regarding commercial companies. The Fund is governed by Part II of the Luxembourg 2002 Law.


The Fund was incorporated in Luxembourg on July 23rd, 1996 for an indefinite period.


The Articles have been published in the "Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations" and they have been filed with the Registrar of the Luxembourg District Court, where copies thereof may be obtained. In addition, a legal notice concerning the issue of the Shares is on file with the Registrar of the Luxembourg District Court.


The Fund's investment policy is to achieve medium to long-term capital growth through investments principally in the equities of companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange.




a)Presentation of Accounts


The financial statements are presented in conformity with Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirements relating to investment funds. The Fund keeps its books and records in USD.




1) The NAV per Share is calculated in accordance with Article 22 of the Fund's Articles on each Valuation Date (as defined in the Articles). "Valuation Date" means the date fixed by the Board of Directors (the "Board") for the valuation of the Shares being Friday of each week (or, if that day is not a business day in Luxembourg, on the next business day).


The NAV per Share is determined by dividing the Net Assets of the Fund, being the value of its assets less liabilities, by the number of Shares then outstanding.


2) In calculating the NAV per Share, income and expenses are treated as accruing from day to day and the Fund's Articles provide, inter alias, that:


(i) unquoted investments will initially be valued at cost price, which will include any expenses relating to their acquisition;


(ii) a revaluation of unquoted investments to a value in excess of or below cost may be made where, in the opinion of the Board, or in the opinion of the Fund's Manager (where the Board has delegated its powers), it is justified. Factors affecting such revaluations may include: the prices at which further issues of capital or dealings between third parties take place, the market value of comparable companies (making appropriate adjustments for such factors as limitation of marketability) or the price at which any agreement has been entered into, or is reasonably contemplated, for the sale of the investments;


(iii) securities which are listed on an official stock exchange or traded on any other regulated market will be valued at the last available price on the principal market on which such securities are traded, or by a pricing service approved by the Board;


(iv) assets or liabilities expressed in terms of currencies other than USD will be translated into USD at the prevailing market rate for such currencies at the Valuation Date.


3) First-in first-out method: Purchases of securities are recorded at cost. Realized gains and losses on securities sold are computed on the first-in first-out basis.


4) The value of cash in hand or on deposit, bills and notes payable on presentation, accounts due, prepaid expenses and dividends and interest declared and fallen due but not yet received consists of the nominal value of such assets, except, however, in the event that it seems improbable that such value can be realized, in which event the value is determined by deducting a sum which the Board considers appropriate to reflect the realizable value of such assets.


5) Foreign currencies monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies in the Statement of Net Assets are translated into USD at the exchange rates ruling at the date of the report. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in USD based on the exchange rates in effect at the date of transactions. The following significant exchange rates have been applied for the conversion as at the date of the report:

  1    EGP    Egyptian Pound    0.1756543 
  1    EUR    Euro              1.3646500 
  1    GBP    Pound Sterling    1.5756000 

c)Income Recognition


Interest is recorded on an accrual basis, net of any withholding taxes in the relevant country. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-date, net of any withholding taxes in the relevant country.


d)Net Realised Gain/Loss


The net realised gain/loss on sale of securities is split between two accounts depending on the fact that the securities have been owned during more than one year or not.




The Fund pays Lazard Asset Management LLC, the Manager, annual management fees of 1.00%, of the value of the gross assets of the Corporation, payable monthly in arrears and to National Bank of Egypt, the Investment Adviser, 0.25%, per annum, of the value of the gross assets of the Corporation, payable monthly in arrears.




As a Luxembourg investment company, under present laws the Fund is not subject to income taxes in Luxembourg. Taxes may be withheld at the source on dividends and interest received on investment securities.


According to the Luxembourg 2002 Law, the Fund is subject to Luxembourg subscription duty ("taxe d'abonnement") at the rate of 0.05% per annum of its Net Assets, such tax being payable quarterly on the basis of the Total Net Assets of the Fund at the end of the relevant quarter.




The Fund is not obliged to repurchase Shares at the request of Shareholders.


The maximum price at which Shares can be repurchased will be the NAV per Share. Under Luxembourg law, repurchases may only be made to the extent that the Corporation has distributable reserves available for the purpose, being Share premium or accumulated reserves.


Any Shares so repurchased will be held in treasury or will be cancelled by way of reduction of issued capital. The Shares held in treasury may be resold at any time, at the discretion of the Board, if a premium to the NAV per Share may be obtained. Details of such repurchases and sales will be communicated to all Shareholders as well as to the London and the Luxembourg Stock Exchanges and to the Egyptian Stock Exchange if the Shares are listed there.


The Fund did not repurchase any Shares held in treasury during the period ended


September 30th, 2010 and at this date, a total of 1,663,837 Shares are held in treasury for an amount of USD 15,939,917.




Following to the Extraordinary General Meeting on November 17th, 2003 and to the circular resolution on December 24th, 2003, Shareholders may request the Corporation from December 29th, 2003 to redeem all or part of their Shares quarterly at a redemption price equal to the NAV per Share of the applicable Valuation Date, reduced by a redemption fee of up to 5% for the benefit of the Corporation to cover dealing charges. As of September 30th, 2010, such redemption fee amounts to USD 19,049 and is registered under the caption "received commissions" in the Statement of Operations. The Corporation shall redeem such Shares within the sole limitations set forth by law, the Fund's Articles and the prospectus and subject to any event giving rise to suspension as referred in the prospectus.


If the total value of requests for redemption of Shares received on any specific redemption date exceeds 10% of the Total Net Asset Values of Shares in issue, the redemption requests will be reduced pro rata to the holdings of the Shareholders who applied for redemption.




The authorized Share capital of the Corporation on incorporation of the Fund was USD 40,000,000 divided into 20,000,000 Shares with a par value of USD 2.00 each.


On December 12th, 1997, a capital increase of 8,490,847 Shares was registered with a par value of USD 2.00 each.


The Fund is required by Luxembourg law to transfer at least 5% of its yearly net profits to a non-distributable legal reserve until such reserve amounts to 10% of the Fund's nominal Share capital. This reserve is not available for dividend distribution.


Following the Fund's Annual General Meeting Minutes on August 17th, 2010, no dividend has been distributed.




The Custodian receives, under the terms of the Custodian Agreement, fees for its services at rates to be agreed from time to time between the Fund and the Custodian in accordance with Luxembourg practice.




Each of the Directors shall be paid a fee at such a rate as the Board shall determine provided that the aggregate of such fees shall not exceed USD 200,000 per annum or such higher amount as may from time to time be decided by resolution of the Corporation.


The Directors shall also be entitled to reimbursement of all travelling, hotel and other expenses properly incurred by them in attending and returning from meetings or otherwise in connection with the business of the Corporation.




As of September 30th, 2010, the beneficial and non-beneficial interests of the Directors in the Share capital are the following:

Alexander E. Zagoreos   2,500 Shares 



Alexander E. Zagoreos was a Managing Director of Lazard Asset Management LLC through December 31st, 2005 and became a Limited Managing Director effective January 1st, 2006. He became a Senior Advisor on January 1st, 2008.




As of September 30th, 2010, the Board was aware of the following interests in the Shares of the Fund:

                         Ordinary Shares  Percentage of 
                                          Issued Capital 
National Bank of Egypt   1,501,315        74.0% 
Banque Misr              391,384          19.3% 

On June 7th, 2010, the Fund announced that it had become aware that, as a result of the quarterly share redemptions offered by the Fund, two shareholders, National Bank of Egypt and Banque Misr (the "Major Shareholders") hold 1,501,315 ordinary shares and 391,384 ordinary shares, respectively, in the capital of the Fund, representing a combined holding of 92.7% of the Fund's issued share capital. Listing Rule 6.1.19 states that at least 25% of a listed company's issued share capital must be held in public hands and that shares held by any person or persons in the same group or persons acting in concert who have an interest in 5% or more of the shares are not deemed to be in public hands. In accordance with Listing Rule 9.2.16, the Fund has informed the UK Listing Authority ("UKLA") that, given the size of the combined shareholdings of the Major Shareholders, the Fund is currently not able to comply with the shares in public hands requirement and it remains in consultation with the UKLA regarding this issue. The Board confirmed to the market that it would be considering all possible and appropriate options for redressing the Fund's current free float position and will continue to engage with the Major Shareholders in seeking a resolution.




The changes of the investment portfolio referring to the period of the report are available free of charge at the registered office of the Fund.




The Board has resolved to amend the prospectus with a consolidated addendum to the prospectus dated August 2nd, 1996. The prospectus may not be distributed without the consolidated addendum dated December 2003.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Egypt Trust (LSE:EGP)
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