Soci�t� d'Investissement � Capital Fixe
    R.C. no. B 55.584
     Unaudited Half-Yearly Report 
     September 30th, 2008 
     Table of Contents 
     Organisation of the Fund 
     General Information 
     Interim Management Report 
     Statement of Net Assets 
     Shareholders' Equity 
     Statement of Operations 
     Statement of Changes in Net Assets 
     Statistical Information about the Fund 
     Statement of Changes in Shares Outstanding 
     Statement of Investments and Other Net Assets 
     Currency, Geographical and Industrial Classification of the Fund 
     Notes to the Financial Statements 
 Organisation of the Fund
 ALEXANDER E. ZAGOREOS               Jermain Hill Lane
                                     U.S.A.-Eagle Bridge, NY 12057
 MICHAEL BECKETT *                   Northcroft Dulwich Commons
                                     U.K.-London SE21 7EW
                                     NBE Tower
                                     1187 Corniche El-Nile
                                     EGYPT, Cairo
                                     50 Broad Street, Suite 1609
                                     U.S.A.-New York, NY 10004
 MOHAMED KAMAL EL-DIN BARAKAT *      151 Mohamed Farid Street
                                     EGYPT, Cairo
 Chairman of the Audit Committee     8 Chalcot Crescent
                                     U.K.-London NW1 8YD
 Advisory Board                      HERBERT GULLQUIST
 Registered Office                   11, rue Aldringen
                                     L-1118 Luxembourg
 Manager                             LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC
                                     30 Rockefeller Plaza
                                     U.S.A.-New York, NY 10112
 Investment Adviser                  NATIONAL BANK OF EGYPT
                                     NBE Tower
                                     1187 Corniche El-Nile
                                     EGYPT, Cairo
     * Member of the Audit Committee
 THE EGYPT TRUST                        
 Organisation of the Fund (continued)
 Custodian and Paying Agent               KBL European Private Bankers S.A.
                                          43, boulevard Royal
                                          L-2955 Luxembourg
 Domiciliary, Registrar, Transfer         KREDIETRUST LUXEMBOURG S.A.
 and Administrative Agent                 11, rue Aldringen
                                          L-2960 Luxembourg
 Independent Auditor                      DELOITTE S.A.
                                          560, rue de Neudorf
                                          L-2220 Luxembourg
 Financial Adviser and Broker             Arbuthnot Securities Limited
                                          Arbuthnot House
                                          20, Ropemaker Street
                                          U.K.-London EC2Y 9AR
     General Information 
    1. Shareholders will be sent audited annual accounts relating to THE EGYPT TRUST (the "Fund" or the "Corporation"),
which will include a report by the Manager, made up to the last day of March in each year. Shareholders will also be
sent an unaudited half-yearly report covering the six-month period ending September 30th in each year.
    2. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in Luxembourg each year at 4 p.m. on the third Tuesday of
August in each year (or, if such day is not a business day in Luxembourg, on the next following business day). Notices
convening each annual general meeting, including agenda, time and place, and details of attendance, quorum and majority
requirements under Luxembourg law, will be sent to the registered addresses of Shareholders together with the annual
report and accounts not less than 21 days before the date of such meeting.
    3. The investment policy of the Corporation is to achieve medium to long-term capital growth through investment
principally in the equities of companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange.
    4. The Corporation intends to distribute annually to Shareholders substantially all of its income (including
dividends and interest) available for distribution after deducting fees and expenses.
    5. Dividends will only be paid to the extent that they are covered by income received from underlying investments,
shares of profits of associated companies being unavailable for this purpose unless and until distributed to the
Corporation. The Articles of Incorporation provide that dividends shall not be paid out of surpluses arising upon the
realisation of investments.
    6. A dividend declared but not claimed by a Shareholder after twelve years from the declaration thereof shall lapse
and revert to the Corporation.
    7. The Net Asset Value is expressed in US Dollars and is published on a weekly basis in the "Financial Times".
    8. The Shares of the Fund are listed on the London Stock Exchange.
     Interim Management Report 
     Responsibility Statement 
    We, the Directors of the Egypt Trust, confirm to the best of our knowledge that:
    a) the financial statements which have been prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards
(being the legal and regulatory requirements in Luxembourg relating to investment funds) give a true and fair view of
the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Fund;
    b) the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by the U.K. Disclosure and
Transparency Rules 4.2.7R; and
    c) the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by the U.K. Disclosure and
Transparency Rules 4.2.8R.
    By order of the Board
     Alexander E. Zagoreos 
    November 28th, 2008
     Investment Policy 
* Asset Allocation:    The Fund invests primarily in equity securities of Egyptian companies listed on Cairo and
Alexandria Stock Exchanges as well as other exchanges.
    We use a bottom-up, fundamental company analysis to identify companies that have strong earnings-generation ability
but are inexpensively priced.
    We continuously monitor potential and existing holdings in the Fund, in addition to the overall macro-economic
environment in Egypt. The asset allocation and security selection changes accordingly.
* Risk Diversification:    The Fund will run a fairly concentrated portfolio subject to exposure limits detailed below;
but in the meanwhile aims to provide broad exposure to the market through holding a diversified portfolio.
    The liquidity of the Egyptian market is fairly limited compared to developed markets. When making an investment
decision, liquidity concerns weigh in. We aim to keep 90 percent of the Fund's NAV in highly liquid securities and cash.
The remaining 10 percent would provide the flexibility to invest in attractively priced securities with low liquidity or
in pre-IPO companies.
* Exposure Limits:    Maximum weighting in any single security should not exceed 10 percent of NAV - Passive breaches
should be brought back in line with the policy in manner consistent with the best interest of the shareholders, and
    Maximum weighting in any single sector should not exceed 25 percent of NAV. The Fund treats Real Estate & Property
Development as a separate sector and not part of financials.
* Gearing:    The Fund Manager is not allowed to use gearing.
     Portfolio Performance & Market Overview: 
 (Price Only - Net of Fees)     Q endingSeptember 30     Q endingJune 30     6 Months     1 Year
 Egypt Trust Fund NAV                 -28.10%                -6.93%          -32.97%      -14.88%
 IFC Egypt Investable USD*            -30.28%                -10.32%         -37.48%      -18.86%
    The Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges set new records during the six months period ending September 30th 2008.
During early May, the stock market managed to reach new life highs before switching course to record its largest
quarterly loss ever during the quarter ending
    September 30th 2008.
    We had a conservative view earlier in the year that stock prices were at or in some cases exceeded their fair
valuations and consequently we shifted the portfolio to a defensive approach including raising cash levels. As the
market continued to drop until it reached what we believed was an attractive valuation later in the summer, we started
adjusting the portfolio again. During September, the whole world fell victim for the crises in the United States and its
far-reaching implications. This caused September to be one of the worst months globally with all markets on the MSCI
index recording losses.
    While generally during this period we outperformed the market by nearly 450 bps, we still recorded our worst
quarterly performance in Quarter ending September 30th as panic took over the markets. The chart below shows the
quarterly performance of The Egypt Trust vs. the IFC Index for the past three years.
     Portfolio Structure 
    The Egypt Trust's portfolio remains fairly concentrated subject to the general investment guidelines. As of
September 30th 2008, The Egypt Trust held 27 names.
    The top 10 holdings in the portfolio now constitute 64.76% of NAV, up from 55.45% at the end of March. Details of
the top 10 holdings could be found in the table below.
           Top 10 Holdings                                          Portfolio (%)
 Telecom Egypt                                                           8.8
 Orascom Construction Industries                                         8.3
 Egyptian Financial & Industrial Company                                 7.9
 EFG-Hermes                                                              6.8
 Orascom Telecom Holding                                                 6.7
 National Soci�t� G�n�rale Bank                                          5.7
 Commercial Intl Bank Ltd                                                5.7
 Egyptian International Pharmaceuticals Industries Company               5.7
 Alexandria Mineral Oils Company                                         5.2
 Talaat Moustafa Group Holding                                           4.0
 TOTAL                                                                  64.8%
    Currently, no stocks exceed the 10% single issuer limit.
    Sector allocation was fairly stable from March 31st with the exception of Industrial as we were raising the weight
of Orascom Contruction, which fell to very attractive levels, and Real Estate, mainly as a result of other stocks
defending better. Financials and Telecoms remain the two largest sectors in the Trust.
   Sector Allocation         March 08      September 08
 Financial                     16.1            19.7
 Telecom                       18.8            19.3
 Material                      13.2            16.3
 Industrial                    4.2             10.9
 Real Estate                   14.8            10.8
 Petrochemicals                8.0             8.9
 Consumer Discretionary        7.3             6.4
 Healthcare                    6.0             6.2
 Other                         11.6            1.7
         TOTAL                 100.00%       100.00%
     Economic Overview: 
    The rising inflation in Egypt dominated the macro-economic scene for the large part of 2008. Inflation exceeded 25%
in August. The inflation level, which was one of the highest amongst the peer group, made investors question the
sustainability of Egypt's growth story. Naturally attention now is focused on how the Egyptian economy may weather the
global economic recession.
    The Egyptian banking sector remains healthy with virtually no exposure to the "toxic assets" and is also fairly
liquid with loan to deposits ratios under 50%. Additionally, the Egyptian banking sector remains dependant on retail
banking. This should make the Egyptian banking system relatively safe from the liquidity crises in global financial
    The Egyptian economy however will suffer from a drop in demand primarily in Europe, as this is the main destination
of Egyptian exports as well as the main origin of tourists. Global recession would also mean lower revenues from the
Suez Canal as global trade slows down. Despite this, Egypt could come out of this crises with minimum damage if it
manages to maintain the strong domestic demand we have been seeing for the past few years. This would necessitate the
adoption of expansionary policies (both fiscal and monetary), shifting the focus from fighting inflation (which will
ease considerably as the global decline in commodities filters through the economy) to preventing growth from falling
considerably. We believe Egypt could achieve a real growth rate of around 4-4.5% in 2009.
    The value we see today in Egyptian equities is the largest in the past 15 years. Unfortunately, volatility will
likely continue to dominate the market in the short term (6-12 months) preventing any significant recovery. On the
slightly longer term (12 months +) we will probably see a meaningful rebound from current levels. We will continue our
disciplined approach of investing in value by focusing on fundamentals.
    Overview of events September 30th 2008:
    Following its worst quarterly performance on record, the Cairo and Alexandria Stock Exchanges continued to suffer,
losing 44.57% for the quarter to November 21st. This brings the year to date decline to 63.13%, as measured by the IFC
S&P Investable index. The Egypt Trust to record a loss of 36.83% for the quarter to November 21st and 55.37% year to
    The decline was largely in line with the performance of global equity markets that are witnessing unprecedented
volatility as fears of a global recession continue. While Egypt was relatively shielded from the effects of the global
liquidity crunch given its reliance on the local market (which remains highly liquid), it will not escape the effect of
a recession particularly in Europe, its main trading partner. This said, we believe the current valuation of equities
assumes a doomsday scenario and consequently offers significant value for the medium to long-term investor.
    Luxembourg, November 28th, 2008 The Board of Directors
     Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
    The success of the fund may be affected by general economic and market conditions, such as interest rate changes,
availability of credit, inflation rates, economic uncertainty, changes in laws, and national and international political
circumstances. These factors may affect the level and volatility of securities that the fund invests in. The manager
actively monitors these factors and, to the degree possible, attempts to mitigate their negative impact on the fund.
    Note: The information in this report represents historical data and is not an indication of future results.
     Statement of Net Assets 
    (in USD)
 ASSETS                                    September 30th, 2008        September 30th, 2007
 Securities' portfolio at market value               76,157,420                  88,254,168
 Cash at bank                                         4,398,906                   3,596,174
 Receivable on treasury transactions                          -                     343,584
 Income receivable on portfolio                         209,196                   1,013,870
 Interest receivable on bank accounts                     4,997                       5,700
 Other receivables                                            -                      77,808
 Prepaid expenses                                         3,183                       3,421
 Total assets                                        80,773,702                  93,294,725
 Bank liabilities                                     2,610,396                     944,241
 Payable on treasury transactions                       557,394                           -
 Payable on repurchased of Shares                             -                     501,118
 Expenses payable                                       201,524                     281,884
 Total liabilities                                    3,369,314                   1,727,243
 NET ASSETS at the End of the Period                 77,404,388                  91,567,482
 Number of Shares outstanding                         2,438,782                   2,459,945
 Net Asset Value per Share                                31.74                       37.22
     Shareholders' Equity represented by 
    (in USD)
                                                  September 30th, 2008        September 30th, 2007
 Capital: 8,513,347 Shares at USD 2.00                      17,026,694                  17,026,694
 Share Premium                                              73,633,306                  73,633,306
 Legal Reserve                                               1,702,669                   1,702,669
 Profit brought forward                                     61,553,644                  33,192,484
 Total Capital and Reserves                                153,916,313                 125,555,153
 Cost of 1,663,837 Shares held in Treasury                 -15,939,917                 -15,939,917
 Repurchase of 4,410,728 Shares at the                     -60,919,585                 -59,959,021
 request of Shareholders
 Net realised gain for the period                            7,404,843                  10,484,396
 Unrealised appreciation/depreciation on                    -7,057,266                  31,426,871
 Total Shareholders' Equity                                 77,404,388                  91,567,482
     Statement of Operations 
    (in USD)
 INCOME                                       From April 1st, 2008        From April 1st, 2007
                                              to September 30th, 2008      to September 30th, 2007
 Dividends, net                                             3,465,172                    2,419,607
 Interest on bank accounts                                     72,370                       93,912
 Received commissions                                               -                       32,711
 Other income                                                       -                        4,246
 Total income                                               3,537,542                    2,550,476
 Management fees                                              507,955                      417,933
 Advisory fees                                                126,989                      104,483
 Custodian fees                                                19,833                       14,824
 Bank and financial services                                  215,072                      125,908
 Central administration costs                                  41,181                       29,059
 Audit and supervisory fees                                    34,377                       22,113
 Printing and publication expenses                             26,358                       37,499
 Subscription duty ("taxe d'abonnement")                       23,134                       21,742
 Interest paid                                                      -                          318
 Directors' fees and expenses                                 201,834                       78,945
 Other expenses                                               103,086                       14,095
 Total expenses                                             1,299,819                      866,919
 NET INVESTMENT INCOME                                      2,237,723                    1,683,557
 - on sale of securities (-1 year)                          4,847,367                      282,515
 - on sale of securities (+1 year)                            398,272                    8,484,191
 - on foreign exchange                                        -78,519                       34,133
 REALISED GAIN                                              7,404,843                   10,484,396
 - on securities                                          -45,445,736                    8,006,682
 INCREASE IN NET ASSETS AS A RESULT OF                    -38,040,893                   18,491,078
 Repurchase of Shares at the request of                             -                     -653,364
 TOTAL CHANGE IN NET ASSETS                               -38,040,893                   17,837,714
 TOTAL NET ASSETS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE                 115,445,281                   73,729,768
 TOTAL NET ASSETS AT THE END OF THE                        77,404,388                   91,567,482
     Statement of Changes in Net Assets 
    (in USD)
                                                  From April 1st, 2008        From April 1st, 2007
                                               to September 30th, 2008     to September 30th, 2007
 Net Assets at the beginning of the period                 115,445,281                  73,729,768
 Net investment income                                       2,237,723                   1,683,557
 Net realised gain/loss on foreign                             -78,519                      34,133
 Net realised gain on sale of securities                     4,847,367                     282,515
 (-1 year)
 Net realised gain on sale of securities                       398,272                   8,484,191
 (+1 year)
 Net realised gain for the period                            7,404,843                  10,484,396
 Repurchase of Shares at the request of                              -                    -653,364
 Change in unrealised                                      -45,445,736                   8,006,682
 appreciation/depreciation on securities
 Net Assets at the End of the Period                        77,404,388                  91,567,482
     Statistical Information about the Fund 
    (in USD)
                               September 30th, 2008     March 31st, 2008     March 31st, 2007
 Net Assets                              77,404,388          115,445,281           73,729,768
 Net Asset Value per Share                    31.74                47.34                29.75
     Statement of Changes in Shares Outstanding 
    For the period ended September 30th, 2008
 Number of Shares Outstanding at the Beginning of the Period     2,438,782
 Number of Shares repurchased held in Treasury                           -
 Number of Shares repurchased at the request of Shareholders             -
 Number of Shares Outstanding at the End of the Period           2,438,782
     Statement of Investments and other Net Assets 
    September 30th, 2008
    (in USD)
    Currency                      Number                    Description                 Cost        Market value       
% of total net
 EGP                                   600,000              Commercial Intl Bank      1,329,279        4,386,990                    
 EGP                                   200,000              Credit Agricole             610,904          502,389                    
 EGP                                   955,000              National Soci�t�          1,243,936        4,397,703                    
                                                            G�n�rale Bank Reg
                                                                                      3,184,119        9,287,082                   
 Capital goods
 EGP                                   107,500              El Sewedy Cables Hg       2,252,240        1,996,513                    
 EGP                                   110,000              Orascom Construction      5,278,365        6,411,613                    
                                                            Industrie Reg
                                                                                      7,530,605        8,408,126                   
 Consumer durables and apparel
 EGP                                   250,000              Olympic Group Fin         1,982,841        1,652,885                    
                                                            Inv Co SAE
 EGP                                   300,000              Oriental Weavers Co       2,737,204        1,653,804                    
                                                                                      4,720,045        3,306,689                    
 Diversified financial services
 EGP                                   850,000              EFG-Hermes                7,471,333        5,298,052                    
 EGP                                   350,000              Alexandria Mineral        5,001,061        4,031,239                    
                                                            Oils Co
 Hotels, restaurants and leisure
 EGP                                 3,000,000              Talaat Moustafa           6,080,476        3,114,664                    
                                                            Group Holding
 EGP                                   250,000              Delta Insurance             875,573          655,090                    
 Investment companies
 USD                                 2,000,000              Al Arafa Inv &            2,560,740        1,620,000                    
 EGP                                   666,664              Egyptian Financial &      1,348,665        6,130,075                    
                                                            Indust Co Reg
 EGP                                     3,000              El Ezz Aldekhela            808,807          733,738                    
                                                            Steel Alex Co
 EGP                                   450,000              El Ezz Steel Rebars       1,766,185        1,542,172                    
 EGP                                   200,000              Paint and Chemical        1,282,264        1,653,804                    
 EGP                                 1,000,000              Sidi Kerir                3,557,373        2,855,568                    
 EGP                                   150,000              Suez Cement Co            1,549,490          860,529                    
 EGP                                    75,000              Torah Portland            1,864,756        1,707,690                    
                                                            Cement Co
                                                                                     12,177,540       15,483,576                   
 Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology
 EGP                                   949,735              Egyptian Intl Pharm       3,045,759        4,380,439                    
                                                            Industr Co
 EGP                                    33,897              Memphis Pharmaceutic        526,830          450,527                    
                                                            Chem Ind
                                                                                      3,572,589        4,830,966                    
 Real estate
 EGP                                   262,000              Heliopolis Housing &      4,447,794        1,665,303                    
                                                            Dev SA
 EGP                                   250,000              Palm Hills                  733,276          664,278                    
                                                            Devlopments SAE
 EGP                                   150,000              Sixth of Octob Dev &      4,537,734        2,874,586                    
                                                            Inv Co SA
                                                                                      9,718,804        5,204,167                    
 Telecommunication services
 EGP                                   150,000              Egyptian Co for           3,918,555        2,936,880                    
                                                            Mobile Com
 EGP                                   700,000              Orascom Telecom           8,544,893        5,177,324                    
 EGP                                 2,500,000              Telecom Egypt             7,858,353        6,803,565                    
                                                                                     20,321,801       14,917,769                   
 TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES                                                     83,214,686       76,157,420                   
 CASH AT BANKS                                                                                         4,398,906                    
 BANK LIABILITIES                                                                                     -2,610,396                   
 OTHER NET ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)                                                                         -541,542                   
 TOTAL NET ASSETS                                                                                     77,404,388                  
     Currency, Geographical and Industrial Classification of the Fund 
    September 30th, 2008
    (in percentage of net assets)
     Currency Classification 
 Egyptian Pound                       96.30 %
 US Dollar                             2.09 %
 US Dollar                             5.68 %
 TOTAL CASH AT BANKS                   5.68 %
 Egyptian Pound                       -0.62 %
 US Dollar                            -2.75 %
 BANK LIABILITIES                     -3.37 %
 TOTAL NET ASSETS                    100.00 %
     Geographical Classification 
 Egypt                                98.39 %
 TOTAL NET ASSETS                    100.00 %
     Industrial Classification 
 Materials                              20.01 %
 Telecommunication services             19.27 %
 Banks                                  12.00 %
 Capital goods                          10.86 %
 Diversified financial services          6.84 %
 Real estate                             6.72 %
 Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology       6.24 %
 Energy                                  5.21 %
 Consumer durables and apparel           4.28 %
 Hotels, restaurants and leisure         4.02 %
 Investment companies                    2.09 %
 Insurance                               0.85 %
 TOTAL NET ASSETS                      100.00 %
     Notes to the Financial Statements 
    September 30th, 2008
     NOTE 1 - GENERAL 
    THE EGYPT TRUST (the "Fund" or the "Corporation") is a closed-end investment corporation incorporated as an
investment corporation under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and qualifies as a " soci�t� d'investissement �
capital fixe" under the amended law of December 20th, 2002 (the "2002 Law") regarding undertakings for collective
investments and the law of August 10th, 1915, as amended regarding commercial companies. The Fund is governed by Part II
of the Luxembourg 2002 Law.
    The Fund was incorporated in Luxembourg on July 23rd, 1996 for an indefinite period.
    The Fund's Articles of Incorporation (the "Articles") have been published in the " M�morial, Recueil des Soci�t�s et
Associations " and they have been filed with the Registrar of the Luxembourg District Court, where copies thereof may be
obtained. In addition, a legal notice concerning the issue of the Shares is on file with the Registrar of the Luxembourg
District Court.
    The Fund's investment policy is to achieve medium to long-term capital growth through investment principally in the
equities of companies listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange.
     a)  Presentation of Accounts 
    The financial statements are presented in conformity with Luxembourg legal and regulatory requirement relating to
investment funds. The Fund keeps its books and records in USD.
     b)  Valuation 
    1) The Net Asset Value per Share (the "NAV") is calculated in accordance with Article 22 of the Fund's Articles on
each Valuation Date (as defined in the Articles). "Valuation Date" means the date fixed by the Board for the valuation
of the Shares being Friday of each week (or, if that day is not a business day in Luxembourg, on the next business day).
    The NAV is determined by dividing the Net Assets of the Fund, being the value of its assets less liabilities, by the
number of Shares then outstanding.
    2) In calculating the NAV, income and expenses are treated as accruing from day to day and the Fund's Articles
provide, inter alias, that:
    (i) unquoted investments will initially be valued at cost price, which will include any expenses relating to their
    (ii) a revaluation of unquoted investments to a value in excess of or below cost may be made where, in the opinion
of the Board, or in the opinion of the Fund's Manager (where the Board has delegated its powers), it is justified.
Factors affecting such revaluations may include: the prices at which further issues of capital or dealings between third
parties take place, the market value of comparable companies (making appropriate adjustments for such factors as
limitation of marketability) or the price at which any agreement has been entered into, or is reasonably contemplated,
for the sale of the investments;
    (iii) securities which are listed on an official stock exchange or traded on any other regulated market will be
valued at the last available price on the principal market on which such securities are traded, or by a pricing service
approved by the Board;
    (iv) assets or liabilities expressed in terms of currencies other than US dollars will be translated into US dollars
at the prevailing market rate for such currencies at the Valuation Date.
    3) First-in first-out method: Purchases of securities are recorded at cost. Realized gains and losses on securities
sold are computed on the first-in first-out basis.
    4) The value of cash in hand or on deposit, bills and notes payable on presentation, accounts due, prepaid expenses
and dividends and interest declared and fallen due but not yet received consists of the nominal value of such assets,
except, however, in the event that it seems improbable that such value can be realized, in which event the value is
determined by deducting a sum which the Board considers appropriate to reflect the realizable value of such assets.
    5) Foreign currencies monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies in the Statement of Net
Assets are translated into USD at the exchange rates ruling at the date of the report. Transactions in foreign
currencies are recorded in USD based on the exchange rates in effect at the date of transactions. The following
significant exchange rates have been applied for the conversion as at the date of the report:
    1     EGP     Egyptian Pound     0.1837560
    1     EUR     Euro               1.4047500
     c)  Income Recognition 
    Interest is recorded on an accrual basis, net of any withholding taxes in the relevant country. Dividend income is
recorded on the ex-date, net of any withholding taxes in the relevant country.
     d)  Net Realised Gain/Loss 
    The net realised gain/loss on sale of securities is split between two accounts depending on the fact that the
securities have been owned during more than one year or not.
     e)  Payable on treasury transactions 
    The heading "Payable on treasury transactions" relates to foreign currency operations and foreign forward exchange
contracts transactions not yet recorded in "Cash at banks".
    The Fund pays Lazard Asset Management LLC, the Manager, annual management fees of 1.00%, of the value of the gross
assets of the Corporation, payable monthly in arrears and to National Bank of Egypt, the Investment Adviser, 0.25%, per
annum, of the value of the gross assets of the Corporation, payable monthly in arrears.
     NOTE 4 - TAXES 
    As a Luxembourg investment company, under present laws the Fund is not subject to income taxes in Luxembourg. Taxes
may be withheld at the source on dividends and interest received on investment securities.
    According to the Luxembourg 2002 Law, the Fund is subject to Luxembourg subscription duty (" taxe d'abonnement ") at
the rate of 0.05% per annum of its Net Assets, such tax being payable quarterly on the basis of the Total Net Assets of
the Fund at the end of the relevant quarter.
    The Fund is not obliged to purchase Shares at the request of Shareholders.
    The maximum price at which Shares can be repurchased will be the NAV. Under Luxembourg law, repurchases may only be
made to the extent that the Corporation has distributable reserves available for the purpose, being Share premium or
accumulated reserves.
    Any Shares so repurchased will be held in treasury or will be cancelled by way of reduction of issued capital. The
Shares held in treasury may be resold at any time, at the discretion of the Board, if a premium to the NAV may be
obtained. Details of such repurchases and sales will be communicated to all Shareholders as well as to the London and
the Luxembourg Stock Exchanges and to the Egyptian Stock Exchange if the Shares are listed there.
    The Fund did not repurchase any Shares during the period September 30th 2008. At the date of the report, a total of
1,663,837 Shares are held in Treasury for an amount of USD 15,939,917.
    Following to the Extraordinary General Meeting on November 17th, 2003 and to the circular resolution on December
24th, 2003 Shareholders may request the Corporation from December 29th, 2003 to redeem all or part of their Shares
quarterly at a redemption price equal to the NAV of the applicable Valuation Date, reduced by a redemption fee of up to
5% for the benefit of the Corporation to cover dealing charges. At the date of the report there is no "received
commissions" in the statement of operations. The Corporation shall redeem such Shares within the sole limitations set
forth by law, the Fund's Articles and the prospectus and subject to any event giving rise to suspension as referred in
the prospectus.
    If the total value of requests for redemption of Shares received on any specific redemption date exceeds 10% of the
total Net Asset Values of Shares in issue, the redemption requests will be reduced pro rata to the holdings of the
Shareholders who applied for redemption.
     NOTE 7 - CAPITAL 
    The authorized Share capital of the Corporation on incorporation of the Fund was USD 40,000,000 divided into
20,000,000 Shares with a par value of USD 2 each.
    On December 12th, 1997, a capital increase of 8,490,847 Shares has been registered with a par value of USD 2 each.
    The Fund is required by Luxembourg law to transfer at least 5% of its yearly net profits to a non-distributable
legal reserve until such reserve amounts to 10% of the Fund's nominal Share capital. This reserve is not available for
dividend distribution.
    According to the Fund's Annual General Meeting Minutes on August 19th, 2008, no dividend has been distributed.
    The Custodian will receive, under the terms of the Custodian Agreement, fees for its services at rates to be agreed
from time to time between the Fund and the Custodian in accordance with Luxembourg practice.
    Each of the Directors shall be paid a fee at such a rate (if any) as the Board shall determine provided that the
aggregate of such fees shall not exceed USD 200,000 per annum or such higher amount as may from time to time be decided
by resolution of the Corporation.
    The Directors shall also be entitled to reimbursement of all travelling, hotel and other expenses properly incurred
by them in attending and returning from meetings or otherwise in connection with the business of the Corporation.
    As of September 30th, 2008 the beneficial and non-beneficial interests of the Directors in the Share capital are the
    Alexander E. Zagoreos 2,500 Shares
    Alexander E. Zagoreos was a Managing Director of Lazard Asset Management LLC through December 31st, 2005 and became
a Limited Managing Director effective January 1st, 2006. He became a Senior Advisor on January 1st, 2008.
    All issued Shares of the Fund are on deposit with a registered clearinghouse and, accordingly, the Directors are not
in a position to state the exact size of any Shareholdings in the Fund.
    The changes of the investment portfolio referring to the period of the report are available free of charge at the
registered office of the Fund.
    The Board has resolved to amend the prospectus with a consolidated addendum to the prospectus dated August 2nd,
1996. The prospectus may not be distributed without the consolidated addendum dated December 2003.

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