RNS Number : 1399O 
American Capital, Ltd. 
02 March 2009 

American Capital Announces Q4 and 2008 Earnings 
Bethesda, MD -- March 2, 2009 -- American Capital ("ACAS" or the "Company") 
(Nasdaq: ACAS) announced net operating income ("NOI") for the quarter and year 
ended December 31, 2008 of $44 million, or $0.21 per diluted share, and $493 
million, or $2.42 per diluted share, respectively. Earnings (loss) less 
appreciation and depreciation ("Realized Earnings (Loss)") for the year was $525 
million, or $2.58 per diluted share. For the quarter, Realized Earnings (Loss) 
was $(3) million, or $(0.01) per diluted share. For the quarter and year ended 
December 31, 2008, there was a net loss of $(1.7) billion, or $(8.13) per 
diluted share and $(3.1) billion, or $(15.29) per diluted share, respectively. 
  *  $493 million of NOI earned in 2008 
  *  $32 million of realized gains in 2008 
  *  $383 million of cash flow from operations in 2008 
  *  $2.2 billion of realizations in 2008 
  *  $15.41 NAV per share 
  *  $44 million of NOI earned in Q4 2008 
  *  $(47) million of realized losses in Q4 2008 
  *  $144 million of cash flow from operations in Q4 2008 
  *  $246 million of realizations in Q4 2008 
NOI decreased 72% to $0.21 per diluted share for the quarter ended December 31, 
2008, compared to $0.74 per diluted share for the prior quarter. NOI before 
one-time charges totaled $0.41 per diluted share for the fourth quarter of 2008. 
These one-time charges included $35 million or $0.17 per diluted share for a 
valuation allowance on our deferred tax assets, $16 million or $0.08 per diluted 
share for restructuring charges and a deduction of $11 million or $0.05 per 
diluted share for reversal of bonus accruals. NOI decreased 28% to $2.42 per 
diluted share for the year ended December 31, 2008, compared to $3.36 per 
diluted share for the prior year. 
Realized Earnings (Loss) decreased to $(0.01) per diluted share for the quarter 
ended December 31, 2008, compared to $0.72 per diluted share for the prior 
quarter. Realized Earnings (Loss) decreased 44% to $2.58 per diluted share for 
the year ended December 31, 2008, compared to $4.57 per diluted share for the 
prior year.  The decline in 2008 is a result of the economy falling into a 
severe recession including the tremendous reduction in liquidity in most markets 
leading to a reduction in acceptable offers for our assets. 
Earnings (loss) decreased to $(8.13) per diluted share for the quarter ended 
December 31, 2008, compared to $(2.63) per diluted share for the prior quarter. 
Earnings (loss) decreased to $(15.29) per diluted share for the year ended 
December 31, 2008, compared to $3.96 per diluted share for the prior year. 
For the quarter and year ended December 31, 2008, net unrealized depreciation of 
portfolio investments totaled $(1.5) billion and $(3.5) billion, respectively. 
The primary components of the net unrealized depreciation for the quarter ended 
December 31, 2008 were as follows: 
  *  $40 million of reversals of prior depreciation associated with net realized 
  *  $(961) million of net depreciation of American Capital's private finance 
  portfolio of which approximately $280 was due to performance and credit related 
  depreciation and the balance due to widening investment spreads; 
  *  $(305) million of net depreciation of American Capital's investment in European 
  Capital due primarily to a decrease in its traded stock price; 
  *  $(206) million of net depreciation from structured products, of which 
  approximately $55 million was due to performance and credit related depreciation 
  and the balance due to widening investment spreads; and 
  *  $(141) million of depreciation of American Capital, LLC, an alternative asset 
  fund manager, due largely to declines in the trading multiples of comparable 
  public companies and reduction of its projected management fees. 
"We know this is an extraordinarily difficult time for our shareholders, many of 
whom have been relying on our dividends," said Malon Wilkus, Chairman and Chief 
Executive Officer. "However, these are tumultuous times when liquidity is 
precious and we must conserve our capital resources to support our portfolio 
companies while reducing our debt. In 2008, we reduced our headcount by 32%, our 
offices by 29% and bonus payments by 93% from 2007 to maximize operating 
efficiencies. And, we remain aligned with our shareholders, as our employees and 
directors are also significant shareholders owning approximately 11 million 
shares of our common stock and approximately 34 million options that are deeply 
underwater. So, along with you, we have been personally devastated by the 
decline in our stock price. It will be a challenge to navigate through this 
terrible recession, but we have a diverse and high quality portfolio, an 
entrepreneurial spirit and an exceptional team who are working passionately to 
rebuild shareholder value." 
"When in a severe recession of unknown dimensions, it's all about the 
portfolio," continued Mr. Wilkus. "Considering the economic and liquidity 
crisis, our portfolio is performing reasonably well. We experienced 
approximately $440 million of performance and credit related depreciation out of 
$1.7 billion of net depreciation during the quarter. The balance of the 
depreciation is due to widening spreads, a portion of which is reflecting trades 
of illiquid assets in distressed markets. Today there are very few willing 
sellers of assets and most buyers are offering fire sale prices. Despite that, 
we generated $2.2 billion of realizations in 2008 and $246 million in the fourth 
quarter; perhaps the worst quarter in middle market M&A history. The proceeds of 
these realizations were only 1.9% lower than the prior quarter's valuation, 
evidencing that we are not a forced seller, but a patient long-term investor. We 
have reduced our debt by $943 million since the peak in the second quarter of 
2007 and are making good progress reducing our credit exposure." 
As of December 31, 2008, net asset value ("NAV") per share was $15.41, down from 
$24.43 as of September 30, 2008 and $32.88 as of December 31, 2007. Based on 
anticipated realizable value ("Realizable Value") upon settlement or maturity, 
"Realizable NAV" per share was $20.63 as of December 31, 2008. 
In the fourth quarter of 2008, $246 million of proceeds were received from 
realizations of portfolio companies which included $32 million of net realized 
losses. There was $337 million in new committed investments in the quarter. The 
weighted average effective interest rate on the Company's debt investments as of 
December 31, 2008, was 10.7%, 50 basis points lower than as of September 30, 
2008, and 130 basis points lower than December 31, 2007. 
The Company also announced that as a result of continuing asset value declines, 
it is currently in breach of certain financial covenants under its $2.3 billion 
of unsecured credit arrangements outstanding as of December 31, 2008. The 
Company also has $2.1 billion of securitized non-recourse debt outstanding, 
which has no covenant violations and no cross?default provisions to the 
unsecured debt. The breached covenants include minimum consolidated tangible net 
worth covenants, asset coverage covenants and an available debt asset coverage 
covenant. The Company also announced that its auditors, Ernst & Young LLP, while 
issuing an unqualified opinion on the Company's financial statements, included a 
going concern explanatory paragraph in their opinion as a result of the covenant 
breaches under the Company's unsecured credit agreements. 
"We began working with our lenders in December to revise our covenants," said 
John Erickson, Chief Financial Officer. "While we have traded a number of 
proposals and ideas including restructuring our credit facilities from unsecured 
to secured, we have not yet reached agreement. If we collateralize our credit 
facilities, we need to establish covenants that we are confident we can meet 
when we have little control over the fair value of our assets due to widening 
spreads. We do not want to place our shareholders in a position where a future 
covenant violation can allow our secured lenders to force us to sell illiquid 
assets at fire sale prices and destroy our $20.63 of Realizable NAV per share. 
We hope to continue to make progress with our lenders and reach a mutually 
acceptable amendment that will preserve shareholder value." 
Asset value declines have also caused the Company to be below the 200% asset 
coverage ratio set forth in the Investment Company Act of 1940, which generally 
restricts the Company from issuing any new debt except to refinance existing 
debt. This does not restrict the use of cash from operations, allowing the 
reinvestment of proceeds from realizations of portfolio exits. The Company 
believes that it has sufficient liquidity to meet its currently scheduled debt 
amortization and the investment needs within its portfolio. 
"We have been working with other leading business development companies on 
legislative, regulatory, tax and accounting solutions to address some of the 
challenges our industry currently faces," said Samuel Flax, Executive Vice 
President and General Counsel. "We have made some progress and raised the 
awareness of the BDC industry and are hopeful that these efforts will have 
further positive results." 
"We generated $144 million of operating cash flow and $246 million of liquidity 
from our portfolio in the fourth quarter," said Steven Burge, President North 
American Private Finance. "Given the size, diversity and quality of our 
portfolio, we continue to see opportunities to generate liquidity despite the 
significant decline in the economy and M&A markets. However, during the fourth 
quarter, we ended the sale process on approximately six companies as we believed 
bidders began assuming that anyone selling in the fourth quarter was a forced 
seller. Since we are a long-term, patient investor, we elected to wait rather 
than sell at distressed prices, which is fundamental to our investment success. 
In 2009, we have had four realizations from portfolio companies and are 
currently marketing approximately eight companies and continue to be optimistic 
that we will enjoy substantial liquidity during the year." 
As of December 31, 2008, loans with a fair value of $150 million were on 
non-accrual. The $150 million fair value of non-accruing loans represented 2.9% 
of total loans at fair value as of December 31, 2008, compared to the $122 
million fair value of non-accrual loans representing 2.1% of total loans at fair 
value as of December 31, 2007. 
"We are not pleased with the level of non-accruing loans and credit 
impairments," said Gordon O'Brien, President, Specialty Finance and Operations. 
"Our Investment Teams, Operations Team, Human Resource Department and Legal 
Department are working hard to provide operational and managerial assistance to 
help maintain the high quality results of the well-performing companies and to 
turn around the faltering businesses. To optimize capital utilization in 2008, 
we had realizations from approximately 12 underperforming portfolio investments 
generating approximately $200 million of liquidity, resulting in a relatively 
clean portfolio." 
The Company's Board of Directors is responsible for determining the fair value 
of its portfolio investments on a quarterly basis. In connection with the 
Company's quarterly valuation process to determine the fair value of its 
portfolio investments, the Board of Directors engages independent third-party 
valuation firm(s) to obtain assistance and advice as additional support in the 
preparation of its internal valuation analysis for the Company's investment 
portfolio each quarter. 
Prior to the fourth quarter of 2008, the Company's Board of Directors engaged 
independent third-party valuation firm(s) to perform certain procedures that the 
Board of Directors identified and requested the respective third-party firm(s) 
to perform on a predetermined selection of the Board of Director's fair value 
determinations. During the fourth quarter of 2008, the Board of Directors 
revised the valuation process to obtain quarterly assistance, advice and current 
market data from third-party valuation firm(s) by participating in the Company's 
quarterly valuation meetings and to perform independent procedures on specific 
portfolio companies, as requested. 
|  AMERICAN CAPITAL LTD                             |                                                   | 
|                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                                                    | 
|                      As of December 31, 2008 and 2007                                                 | 
|                               (in millions)                                                           | 
|                                                                                                       | 
|                                                                                                       | 
|                                                          2008 Versus 2007                             | 
|                                         2008      2007       $        %                               | 
|                                                                                                       | 
| Assets                                                                                                | 
| Investments at fair value (cost of                                                                    | 
|  $10,691 and $10,667, respectively)    $7,427   $10,928   $(3,501)   -32%                             | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                 209       143        66     46%                             | 
| Restricted cash and cash equivalents       71       401      (330)   -82%                             | 
| Interest receivable                        44        56       (12)   -21%                             | 
| Other                                     159       204       (45)   -22%                             | 
|           Total assets                 $7,910   $11,732   $(3,822)   -33%                             | 
|                                                                                                       | 
| Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                                                                  | 
| Debt                                   $4,428    $4,824     $(396)    -8%                             | 
| Derivative and option agreements                                                                      | 
|  (cost of $(20) and $1, respectively)     222        77      145     188%                             | 
| Accrued dividends payable                 -         195      (195)  -100%                             | 
| Other                                     105       195       (90)   -46%                             | 
|           Total liabilities             4,755     5,291      (536)   -10%                             | 
|                                                                                                       | 
| Commitments and contingencies                                                                         | 
| Shareholders' equity:                                                                                 | 
|      Undesignated preferred stock,                                                                    | 
|       $0.01 par value,                                                                                | 
|       5.0 shares authorized, 0                                                                        | 
|       issued and outstanding              -         -         -        -                              | 
|      Common stock, $0.01 par value,                                                                   | 
|       1,000.0 and 1,000.0 shares                                                                      | 
|       authorized,                                                                                     | 
|       214.3 and 201.4 issued and                                                                      | 
|       204.7 and 195.9                                                                                 | 
|       outstanding, respectively             2         2       -        0%                             | 
|      Capital in excess of par value     6,550     6,020       530      9%                             | 
|      Notes receivable from sale of                                                                    | 
|       common stock                         (5)       (7)        2     29%                             | 
|      Undistributed net realized                                                                       | 
|       earnings                             76       254      (178)   -70%                             | 
|      Net unrealized (depreciation)                                                                    | 
|       appreciation of investments      (3,468)      172    (3,640)    NM                              | 
|           Total shareholders' equity    3,155     6,441    (3,286)   -51%                             | 
|           Total liabilities and                                                                       | 
|            shareholders' equity        $7,910   $11,732   $(3,822)   -33%                             | 
NM = Not meaningful. 
|                         AMERICAN CAPITAL, LTD.                                                       | 
|                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS                                               | 
|        Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007                                      | 
|                  (in millions, except per share data)                                                | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|                                                          Three Months                                | 
|                                         Three Months         Ended                                   | 
|                                            Ended       December 31, 2008                             | 
|                                         December 31,     Versus 2007                                 | 
|                                        2008      2007      $       %                                 | 
|                                    (unaudited)(unaudited)                                            | 
| OPERATING INCOME:                                                                                    | 
| Investing operating income(1)            $204    $283     $(79)   -28%                               | 
| Asset management and advisory                                                                        | 
|  operating income(2)                       14      71      (57)   -80%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|       Total operating income              218     354     (136)   -38%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| OPERATING EXPENSES:                                                                                  | 
| Interest                                   59      73      (14)   -19%                               | 
| Salaries, benefits and stock-based                                                                   | 
|  compensation                              41      77      (36)   -47%                               | 
| General and administrative                 31      27        4     15%                               | 
|       Total operating expenses            131     177      (46)   -26%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| OPERATING INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES       87     177      (90)   -51%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| Provision for income taxes                (43)     (3)     (40) -1333%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET OPERATING INCOME                       44     174     (130)   -75%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| Net realized (loss) gain on                                                                          | 
|  investments                                                                                         | 
|       Portfolio company investments       (32)     41      (73)    NM                                | 
|       Taxes on net realized gain           (1)     (2)       1     50%                               | 
|       Foreign currency transactions         1       5       (4)   -80%                               | 
|       Derivative agreements               (15)    -        (15) -100%                                | 
|         Total net realized (loss) gain    (47)     44      (91)    NM                                | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| REALIZED (LOSS) EARNINGS                   (3)    218     (221)    NM                                | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| Net unrealized (depreciation)                                                                        | 
|  appreciation of investments                                                                         | 
|     Portfolio company investments      (1,548)   (443) (1,105)   -249%                               | 
|     Foreign currency translation          (24)     37      (61)     NM                               | 
|     Derivative and option agreements     (109)    (55)     (54)   -98%                               | 
|     Total net unrealized depreciation (1,681)   (461)   (1,220)  -265%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS                                                                | 
|  RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS ("NET                                                                     | 
|  (LOSS) EARNINGS")                    $(1,684) $(243)  $(1,441)   -593%                              | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET OPERATING INCOME PER COMMON                                                                      | 
|  SHARE*:                                                                                             | 
|     Basic                               $0.21   $0.91   $(0.70)   -77%                               | 
|     Diluted                             $0.21   $0.91   $(0.70)   -77%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| REALIZED (LOSS) EARNINGS PER COMMON                                                                  | 
|  SHARE*:                                                                                             | 
|    Basic                              $(0.01)   $1.14   $(1.15)      NM                              | 
|     Diluted                           $(0.01)   $1.14   $(1.15)      NM                              | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET (LOSS) EARNINGS PER COMMON                                                                       | 
|  SHARE*:                                                                                             | 
|     Basic                              $(8.13) $(1.27)  $(6.86)   -540%                              | 
|     Diluted                            $(8.13) $(1.27)  $(6.86)   -540%                              | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES OF COMMON                                                                    | 
|  STOCK OUTSTANDING:                                                                                  | 
|     Basic                               207.1   190.6     16.5      9%                               | 
|     Diluted                             207.1   190.6     16.5      9%                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| DIVIDENDS DECLARED PER COMMON SHARE      $-     $1.00   $(1.00) -100%                                | 
NM = Not meaningful. 
|                                                         Fiscal Year Ended                            | 
|                                                             December 31,                             | 
|                                        Fiscal Year Ended        2008                                 | 
|                                           December 31,       Versus 2007                             | 
|                                           2008    2007        $       %                              | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| OPERATING INCOME:                                                                                    | 
| Investing operating income(1)             $943    $980      $(37)     -4%                            | 
| Asset management and advisory                                                                        | 
|  operating income(2)                       108     260      (152)    -58%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|       Total operating income             1,051   1,240      (189)    -15%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| OPERATING EXPENSES:                                                                                  | 
| Interest                                   220     287       (67)    -23%                            | 
| Salaries, benefits and stock-based                                                                   | 
|  compensation                              206     254       (48)    -19%                            | 
| General and administrative                  95      99        (4)     -4%                            | 
|       Total operating expenses             521     640      (119)    -19%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| OPERATING INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES       530     600       (70)    -12%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| Provision for income taxes                 (37)     (6)      (31)   -517%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET OPERATING INCOME                       493     594      (101)    -17%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| Net realized (loss) gain on                                                                          | 
|  investments                                                                                         | 
|       Portfolio company investments        132     198       (66)    -33%                            | 
|       Taxes on net realized gain           (54)     (6)      (48)   -800%                            | 
|       Foreign currency transactions         (6)      5       (11)     NM                             | 
|       Derivative agreements                (40)     17       (57)     NM                             | 
|       Total net realized (loss) gain        32     214      (182)    -85%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| REALIZED (LOSS) EARNINGS                   525     808      (283)    -35%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| Net unrealized (depreciation)                                                                        | 
|  appreciation of investments                                                                         | 
|       Portfolio company investments     (3,480)   (126)   (3,354)  -2662%                            | 
|       Foreign currency translation         (41)     98      (139)     NM                             | 
|       Derivative and option agreements    (119)    (80)      (39)    -49%                            | 
|       Total net unrealized depreciation (3,640)   (108)   (3,532)  -3270%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS                                                                | 
|  RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS ("NET                                                                     | 
|  (LOSS) EARNINGS")                     $(3,115)   $700   $(3,815)     NM                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET OPERATING INCOME PER COMMON                                                                      | 
|  SHARE*:                                                                                             | 
|       Basic                              $2.42   $3.42    $(1.00)    -29%                            | 
|       Diluted                            $2.42   $3.36    $(0.94)    -28%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| REALIZED (LOSS) EARNINGS PER COMMON                                                                  | 
|  SHARE*:                                                                                             | 
|       Basic                              $2.58   $4.65    $(2.07)    -45%                            | 
|       Diluted                            $2.58   $4.57    $(1.99)    -44%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| NET (LOSS) EARNINGS PER COMMON                                                                       | 
|  SHARE*:                                                                                             | 
|       Basic                            $(15.29) $4.03   $(19.32)     NM                              | 
|       Diluted                          $(15.29) $3.96   $(19.25)     NM                              | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| WEIGHTED AVERAGE SHARES OF COMMON                                                                    | 
|  STOCK OUTSTANDING:                                                                                  | 
|       Basic                              203.7   173.9      29.8      17%                            | 
|       Diluted                            203.7   176.9      26.8      15%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| DIVIDENDS DECLARED PER COMMON SHARE      $3.09   $3.72    $(0.63)    -17%                            | 
  NM = Not meaningful. 
* May not recalculate due to rounding. 
(1) The investing operating income consists of interest, dividends, 
prepayment fees and other investment fee income. 
(2) The asset management and advisory operating income consists primarily 
    of asset management fees and reimbursements, dividends from portfolio 
    company fund managers, transaction structuring fees, equity and loan 
    financing fees, portfolio company management and administrative fees 
    and other fee income. 
|                           AMERICAN CAPITAL, LTD.                                                     | 
|                        OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                   | 
|  Three Months Ended December 31, 2008 and September 30, 2008 and Twelve                              | 
|                  Months Ended December 31, 2008 and 2007                                             | 
|                    (in millions, except per share data)                                              | 
|                                (Unaudited)                                                           | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|                                                         Q4 2008 Versus Q3                            | 
|                                                                2008                                  | 
|                                         Q4 2008   Q3 2008    $       %                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Assets Under Management:                                                                            | 
|       American Capital Assets at Fair                                                                | 
|        Value(1)                          $7,910    $9,846 $(1,936)   -20%                            | 
|       Externally Managed Assets at Fair                                                              | 
|        Value(2)                           5,477     6,126    (649)   -11%                            | 
|            Total                        $13,387   $15,972 $(2,585)   -16%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Capital Resources Under Management:                                                                 | 
|       American Capital Assets at Fair                                                                | 
|        Value plus Available Capital                                                                  | 
|        Resources(1)                      $8,430   $10,366 $(1,936)   -19%                            | 
|       Externally Managed Assets at Fair                                                              | 
|        Value plus Available Capital                                                                  | 
|        Resources(2)                       5,956     6,606    (650)   -10%                            | 
|            Total                        $14,386   $16,972 $(2,586)   -15%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  New Investments:                                                                                    | 
|       Senior Debt                          $288      $99     $189    191%                            | 
|       Subordinated Debt                      16      317     (301)   -95%                            | 
|       Preferred Equity                       22        3       19    633%                            | 
|       Common Equity                          11       22      (11)   -50%                            | 
|       Common Equity Warrants                  -        -       -       -                             | 
|       Structured Products                     -        2       (2)  -100%                            | 
|            Total                           $337     $443    $(106)   -24%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|       Investments in Managed Funds         $250     $-       $250    100%                            | 
|       Financing for Private Equity                                                                   | 
|        Buyouts                               27      348     (321)   -92%                            | 
|       Direct Investments                      9       20      (11)   -55%                            | 
|       American Capital Sponsored                                                                     | 
|        Buyouts                              -        -        -        -                             | 
|       CMBS Investments                      -        -        -        -                             | 
|       CLO/CDO Investments                   -          3       (3) -100%                             | 
|       Add-on Financing for Working                                                                   | 
|        Capital in Distressed Situations      37       40       (3)    -8%                            | 
|       Add-on Financing for Growth            10        2        8    400%                            | 
|       Add-on Financing for Acquisitions       2       30      (28)   -93%                            | 
|       Add-on Financing for                                                                           | 
|        Recapitalizations                      2      -          2    100%                            | 
|            Total                           $337     $443    $(106)   -24%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Realizations(4):                                                                                    | 
|       Scheduled Principal Amortization      $11      $24     $(13)   -54%                            | 
|       Senior Loan Syndications                6       48      (42)   -88%                            | 
|       Principal Prepayments                 112      153      (41)   -27%                            | 
|       Payment of Accrued Payment-in-                                                                 | 
|        kind Interest and Dividends and                                                               | 
|        Original Issue Discount                4       24      (20)   -83%                            | 
|       Sale of CMBS Securities               -        -        -        -                             | 
|       Sale of Equity Investments            113      271     (158)   -58%                            | 
|            Total                           $246     $520    $(274)   -53%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Appreciation, Depreciation, Gain and                                                                | 
|  Loss:                                                                                               | 
|       Gross Realized Gain                    $8     $133    $(125)   -94%                            | 
|      Gross Realized Loss                   (40)     (60)       20     33%                            | 
|            Portfolio Net Realized                                                                    | 
|             (Loss) Gain                     (32)      73     (105)    NM                             | 
|       Taxes on Realized Net Gain             (1)     (49)      48     98%                            | 
|       Foreign Currency                        1      (13)      14     NM                             | 
|       Interest Rate Derivatives             (15)     (14)      (1)    -7%                            | 
|            Net Realized (Loss) Gain         (47)      (3)     (44) -1467%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|       Gross Unrealized Appreciation at                                                               | 
|        14, 40, 37, and 87 Portfolio                                                                  | 
|        Companies                             44      190     (146)   -77%                            | 
|       Gross Unrealized Depreciation at                                                               | 
|        153, 86, 192, and 85 Portfolio                                                                | 
|        Companies                         (1,632)    (722)    (910)   126%                            | 
|            Current Portfolio Net                                                                     | 
|             Unrealized (Depreciation)                                                                | 
|             Appreciation                 (1,588)    (532)  (1,056)   198%                            | 
|       Net Appreciation (Depreciation)                                                                | 
|        From the Recognition of Net                                                                   | 
|        Realized (Loss) Gain                  40      (67)     107     NM                             | 
|       Foreign Currency Translation          (24)     (90)      66     73%                            | 
|       Derivatives and Option Agreements    (109)      (9)    (100)  1111%                            | 
|            Net Unrealized Depreciation   (1,681)    (698)    (983)   141%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|            Net Gains, Losses,                                                                        | 
|             Appreciation and                                                                         | 
|             Depreciation                $(1,728)   $(701) $(1,027)   147%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Other Financial Data:                                                                               | 
|       Net Asset Value per Share          $15.41   $24.43   $(9.02)   -37%                            | 
|       Net Asset Value per Share Based                                                                | 
|        on Realizable Value(3)            $20.63   $27.95   $(7.32)   -26%                            | 
|       Financial Liabilities at Cost      $4,428   $4,542    $(114)    -3%                            | 
|       Financial Liabilities at Fair                                                                  | 
|        Value                             $3,172   $4,095    $(923)   -23%                            | 
|       Market Capitalization                $663   $5,285  $(4,622)   -87%                            | 
|       Total Enterprise Value             $4,882   $9,507  $(4,625)   -49%                            | 
|    Credit Quality:                                                                                   | 
|       Weighted Average Effective                                                                     | 
|        Interest Rate on Debt                                                                         | 
|        Investments at Period End          10.7%    11.2%    -0.5%     -4%                            | 
|       Loans on Non-Accrual at Face         $871     $602     $269     45%                            | 
|       Loans on Non-Accrual at Fair                                                                   | 
|        Value                               $150     $135      $15     11%                            | 
|       Past Due Loans at Face                $50      $80     $(30)   -38%                            | 
|       Past Due and Non-Accrual Loans at                                                              | 
|        Face as a Percentage of Total                                                                 | 
|        Loans                              14.5%    10.7%                                             | 
|       Non-Accrual Loans at Fair Value                                                                | 
|        as a Percentage of Total Loans      2.9%     2.4%                                             | 
|       Number of Portfolio Companies on                                                               | 
|        Non-Accrual and Past Due              35       27                                             | 
|       Debt to Equity Conversions at                                                                  | 
|        Cost                                $-       $-       $-        -                             | 
|    Return on Equity:                                                                                 | 
|       LTM Net Operating Income Return                                                                | 
|        on Average Equity at Cost           7.5%     9.6%                                             | 
|       LTM Realized Earnings Return on                                                                | 
|        Average Equity at Cost              8.0%    11.6%                                             | 
|       LTM (Loss) Earnings Return on                                                                  | 
|        Average Equity                    -60.0%   -28.5%                                             | 
|       Current Quarter Net Operating                                                                  | 
|        Income Return on Average Equity                                                               | 
|        at Cost Annualized                  2.6%     9.1%                                             | 
|       Current Quarter Realized (Loss)                                                                | 
|        Earnings Return on Average                                                                    | 
|        Equity at Cost Annualized          -0.2%     8.9%                                             | 
|       Current Quarter Loss on Average                                                                | 
|        Equity Annualized                -164.0%   -41.1%                                             | 
  NM = Not meaningful 
|                                                          2008 Versus 2007                            | 
|                                        2008      2007       $        %                               | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Assets Under Management:                                                                            | 
|     American Capital Assets at Fair                                                                  | 
|      Value(1)                          $7,910   $11,732   $(3,822)   -33%                            | 
|     Externally Managed Assets at                                                                     | 
|      Fair Value(2)                      5,477     5,372       105      2%                            | 
|         Total                        $13,387   $17,104   $(3,717)   -22%                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Capital Resources Under Management:                                                                 | 
|     American Capital Assets at Fair                                                                  | 
|      Value plus Available Capital                                                                    | 
|      Resources(1)                      $8,430   $13,285   $(4,855)   -37%                            | 
|     Externally Managed Assets at                                                                     | 
|      Fair Value plus Available                                                                       | 
|      Capital Resources(2)               5,956     5,896        60      1%                            | 
|         Total                         $14,386   $19,181   $(4,795)   -25%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  New Investments:                                                                                    | 
|     Senior Debt                        $1,007    $3,977   $(2,970)   -75%                            | 
|     Subordinated Debt                     920     1,224      (304)   -25%                            | 
|     Preferred Equity                      222     1,276    (1,054)   -83%                            | 
|     Common Equity                         307       629      (322)   -51%                            | 
|     Common Equity Warrants                 -          6        (6)  -100%                            | 
|     Structured Products                   151       816      (665)   -81%                            | 
|         Total                          $2,607    $7,928   $(5,321)   -67%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|     Investments in Managed Funds         $775      $474      $301     64%                            | 
|     Financing for Private Equity                                                                     | 
|      Buyouts                              484     1,756    (1,272)   -72%                            | 
|     Direct Investments                    192       843      (651)   -77%                            | 
|     American Capital Sponsored                                                                       | 
|      Buyouts                              303     3,273    (2,970)   -91%                            | 
|     CMBS Investments                      137       499      (362)   -73%                            | 
|     CLO/CDO Investments                    14       103       (89)   -86%                            | 
|     Add-on Financing for Working                                                                     | 
|      Capital in Distressed                                                                           | 
|      Situations                           125        99        26     26%                            | 
|     Add-on Financing for Growth           368         7       361   5157%                            | 
|     Add-on Financing for                                                                             | 
|      Acquisitions                          98       385      (287)   -75%                            | 
|     Add-on Financing for                                                                             | 
|      Recapitalizations                    111       489      (378)   -77%                            | 
|         Total                          $2,607    $7,928   $(5,321)   -67%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Realizations(4):                                                                                    | 
|     Scheduled Principal Amortization      $80       $74        $6      8%                            | 
|     Senior Loan Syndications              349     1,601    (1,252)   -78%                            | 
|     Principal Prepayments                 770     1,411      (641)   -45%                            | 
|     Payment of Accrued Payment-in-                                                                   | 
|      kind Interest and Dividends and                                                                 | 
|      Original Issue Discount               64        74       (10)   -14%                            | 
|     Sale of CMBS Securities               -         402      (402)  -100%                            | 
|     Sale of Equity Investments            913       975       (62)    -6%                            | 
|         Total                          $2,176    $4,537   $(2,361)   -52%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Appreciation, Depreciation, Gain                                                                    | 
|  and Loss:                                                                                           | 
|     Gross Realized Gain                  $295      $363      $(68)   -19%                            | 
|     Gross Realized Loss                  (163)     (165)        2      1%                            | 
|         Portfolio Net Realized                                                                       | 
|          (Loss) Gain                      132       198       (66)   -33%                            | 
|     Taxes on Realized Net Gain            (54)       (6)      (48)  -800%                            | 
|     Foreign Currency                       (6)        5       (11)    NM                             | 
|     Interest Rate Derivatives             (40)       17       (57)    NM                             | 
|         Net Realized (Loss) Gain           32       214      (182)   -85%                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|     Gross Unrealized Appreciation at                                                                 | 
|      14, 40, 37, and 87 Portfolio                                                                    | 
|      Companies                            192     1,073      (881)   -82%                            | 
|     Gross Unrealized Depreciation at                                                                 | 
|      153, 86, 192, and 85 Portfolio                                                                  | 
|      Companies                         (3,532)   (1,032)   (2,500)  -242%                            | 
|         Current Portfolio Net                                                                        | 
|          Unrealized (Depreciation)                                                                   | 
|          Appreciation                  (3,340)       41    (3,381)    NM                             | 
|     Net Appreciation (Depreciation)                                                                  | 
|      From the Recognition of Net                                                                     | 
|      Realized (Loss) Gain                (140)     (167)       27     16%                            | 
|     Foreign Currency Translation          (41)       98      (139)    NM                             | 
|     Derivatives and Option                                                                           | 
|      Agreements                          (119)      (80)      (39)   -49%                            | 
|         Net Unrealized Depreciation    (3,640)     (108)   (3,532)    NM                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|         Net Gains, Losses,                                                                           | 
|          Appreciation and                                                                            | 
|          Depreciation                 $(3,608)     $106   $(3,714)    NM                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Other Financial Data:                                                                               | 
|     Net Asset Value per Share          $15.41    $32.88   $(17.47)   -53%                            | 
|     Net Asset Value per Share Based                                                                  | 
|      on Realizable Value(3)            $20.63    $33.80   $(13.17)   -39%                            | 
|     Financial Liabilities at Cost      $4,428    $4,824     $(396)    -8%                            | 
|     Financial Liabilities at Fair                                                                    | 
|      Value                             $3,172    $4,605   $(1,433)   -31%                            | 
|     Market Capitalization                $663    $6,456   $(5,793)   -90%                            | 
|     Total Enterprise Value             $4,882   $11,137   $(6,255)   -56%                            | 
|  Credit Quality:                                                                                     | 
|     Weighted Average Effective                                                                       | 
|      Interest Rate on Debt                                                                           | 
|      Investments at Period End          10.7%     12.0%     -1.3%    -11%                            | 
|     Loans on Non-Accrual at Face         $871      $338      $533    158%                            | 
|     Loans on Non-Accrual at Fair                                                                     | 
|      Value                               $150      $122       $28     23%                            | 
|     Past Due Loans at Face                $50      $150     $(100)   -67%                            | 
|     Past Due and Non-Accrual Loans                                                                   | 
|      at Face as a Percentage of                                                                      | 
|      Total Loans                        14.5%      7.9%                                              | 
|     Non-Accrual Loans at Fair Value                                                                  | 
|      as a Percentage of Total Loans      2.9%      2.1%                                              | 
|     Number of Portfolio Companies on                                                                 | 
|      Non-Accrual and Past Due              35        22                                              | 
|     Debt to Equity Conversions at                                                                    | 
|      Cost                                 $70       $-        $70    100%                            | 
|  Return on Equity:                                                                                   | 
|     LTM Net Operating Income Return                                                                  | 
|      on Average Equity at Cost           7.5%     11.3%                                              | 
|     LTM Realized Earnings Return on                                                                  | 
|      Average Equity at Cost              8.0%     15.3%                                              | 
|     LTM (Loss) Earnings Return on                                                                    | 
|      Average Equity                    -60.0%     12.2%                                              | 
|     Current Quarter Net Operating                                                                    | 
|      Income Return on Average Equity                                                                 | 
|      at Cost Annualized                  2.6%     11.4%                                              | 
|     Current Quarter Realized (Loss)                                                                  | 
|      Earnings Return on Average                                                                      | 
|      Equity at Cost Annualized          -0.2%     14.3%                                              | 
|     Current Quarter Loss on Average                                                                  | 
|      Equity Annualized                -164.0%    -14.9%                                              | 
  NM = Not meaningful 
  (1) Includes American Capital's investment in its externally managed 
  (2) Includes European Capital, American Capital Equity I , American 
Capital Equity II, ACAS CLO-1 and ACAS CRE CDO 2007-1. 
  (3) Realizable Value is a non-GAAP financial measure which does not 
      represent current fair value or net present value. Realizable Value 
      is the future value that we anticipate realizing on the settlement 
      or maturity of our investments. Refer to the table on the following 
      page for additional information and discussion regarding the use of 
      non-GAAP financial information. 
|                           AMERICAN CAPITAL, LTD.                                                     | 
|                        OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                   | 
|                          As of December 31, 2008                                                     | 
|                               (in millions)                                                          | 
The following table summarizes the current GAAP cost basis and fair value 
of our investments as of December 31, 2008 compared to the realizable 
value, which is the amount that we currently anticipate realizing on 
settlement or maturity of these investments, or realizable value: 
|                                                                Difference                            | 
|                                                                   Between                            | 
|                                                                Realizable                            | 
|                                                       Realizable    Value                            | 
|                                                         Value    and GAAP                            | 
|                                    GAAP Cost GAAP Fair (Unaud-       Fair                            | 
|             Asset Class              Basis     Value     ited)      Value                            | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  Private finance                    $8,285   $6,474    $6,921       $447                             | 
|  Managed funds                       1,381      583       583        -                               | 
|  Structured products                   956      186       870        684                             | 
|  American Capital, LLC                  69      175       175        -                               | 
|  Derivatives and option agreements,                                                                  | 
|  net                                  (20)    (213)     (276)       (63)                             | 
|       Total                        $10,671   $7,205    $8,273     $1,068                             | 
In addition to the results presented in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles ("GAAP"), this press release includes realizable value, a 
non-GAAP financial measure which management uses in its internal analysis of 
results, and believes may be informative to investors gauging the quality of the 
Company's assets and financial performance from a long-term perspective, 
identifying trends in its results and providing meaningful period-to-period 
comparisons. Realizable value is defined as the future value that American 
Capital currently anticipates realizing on the settlement or maturity of its 
investments as of the reporting date. It does not represent current fair value 
or net present value and is based on assumptions of future cash flows as of the 
reporting date. Accordingly, changes to expectations of future cash flows as a 
result of events subsequent to the reporting date are not adjusted in the 
realizable value as of the reporting date. American Capital believes that this 
non-GAAP financial measure provides information useful to investors because the 
Company generally intends to hold its assets to settlement or maturity, and 
there may be material differences between the GAAP fair values of its 
investments and the amounts the Company expects to realize on settlement or 
maturity as of the reporting date. This is primarily because the current lack of 
liquidity in the financial markets has caused investment spreads between the 
cost of funds and investment income to widen significantly on investments, 
resulting in current fair values under Statement of Financial Accounting 
Standards No. 157, Fair Value Measurements, that are materially lower than what 
the Company currently anticipates realizing on settlement or maturity. American 
Capital believes that providing investors with realizable value in addition to 
the related GAAP fair value gives investors greater transparency to the 
information used by management in its financial operational decision-making. 
Although American Capital believes that this non-GAAP financial measure enhances 
investors' understanding of its business and performance, realizable value 
should not be considered as an alternative to GAAP basis financial measures. A 
reconciliation of non-GAAP realizable value to GAAP fair value is set forth 
| Portfolio Statistics (1)                                                                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  ($ in millions, unaudited)          Pre-2000     2000     2001     2002                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-All                                                                          | 
|  Investments(2)                          7.8%     8.0%    18.4%     8.3%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-All                                                                          | 
|  Investments(3)                          7.8%     8.0%    18.4%     8.3%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-Equity                                                                       | 
|  Investments Only(3)(4)(5)               2.9%    12.1%    46.9%    11.9%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-Exited                                                                       | 
|  Portfolio Companies(6)                  9.5%     8.0%    27.6%    15.8%                             | 
| Original Investments and Commitments     $780     $285     $375     $960                             | 
| Total Exits and Prepayments of                                                                       | 
|  Original Investments                    $689     $285     $336     $706                             | 
| Total Interest, Dividends and Fees                                                                   | 
|  Collected                               $301     $105     $148     $310                             | 
| Total Net Realized (Loss) Gain on                                                                    | 
|  Investments                            $(118)    $(39)      $9     $(51)                            | 
| Current Cost of Investments               $81       $-      $37     $234                             | 
| Current Fair Value of Investments         $47       $-       $7     $149                             | 
| Current Fair Value of Investments as                                                                 | 
|  a % of Total Investments at Fair                                                                    | 
|  Value                                   0.6%     0.0%     0.1%     2.0%                             | 
| Net Unrealized                                                                                       | 
|  Appreciation/(Depreciation)             $(34)      $-     $(30)    $(85)                            | 
| Non-Accruing Loans at Face                $20       $-      $46      $53                             | 
| Non-Accruing Loans at Fair Value           $6       $-       $3      $11                             | 
| Equity Interest at Fair Value(4)          $35       $-       $1       $4                             | 
| Debt to EBITDA(7)(8)(9)                   4.9      -         NM      6.8                             | 
| Interest Coverage(7)(9)                   4.0      -         NM      1.4                             | 
| Debt Service Coverage(7)(9)               3.3      -         NM      1.0                             | 
| Average Age of Companies(9)            63 yrs      -     24 yrs   45 yrs                             | 
| Diluted Ownership Percentage(4)           55%       0%      70%      38%                             | 
| Average Sales(9)(10)                     $135       $-      $56      $65                             | 
| Average EBITDA(9)(11)                     $11       $-       $1      $12                             | 
| Average EBITDA Margin                    8.1%       0%     1.8%    18.5%                             | 
| Total Sales(9)(10)                       $379       $-     $256     $254                             | 
| Total EBITDA(9)(11)                       $28       $-       $6      $30                             | 
| % of Senior Loans(9)(12)                  42%       0%       0%      66%                             | 
| % of Loans with Lien(9)(12)              100%       0%     100%     100%                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|                                                                                                      | 
| Portfolio Statistics (1)                                                                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|  ($ in millions, unaudited)              2003     2004     2005     2006                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-All                                                                          | 
|  Investments(2)                         21.5%    14.6%     4.8%    10.2%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-All                                                                          | 
|  Investments(3)                         21.4%    13.6%     4.3%     8.0%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-Equity                                                                       | 
|  Investments Only(3)(4)(5)              29.9%    27.4%    -8.6%    16.9%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-Exited                                                                       | 
|  Portfolio Companies(6)                 20.3%    22.8%    28.8%    20.9%                             | 
| Original Investments and Commitments   $1,432   $2,266   $4,527   $5,126                             | 
| Total Exits and Prepayments of                                                                       | 
|  Original Investments                  $1,083   $1,641   $2,005   $2,728                             | 
| Total Interest, Dividends and Fees                                                                   | 
|  Collected                               $370     $558     $856     $746                             | 
| Total Net Realized (Loss) Gain on                                                                    | 
|  Investments                             $142     $160     $322     $139                             | 
| Current Cost of Investments              $317     $617   $2,261   $2,047                             | 
| Current Fair Value of Investments        $378     $394   $1,409   $1,588                             | 
| Current Fair Value of Investments as                                                                 | 
|  a % of Total Investments at Fair                                                                    | 
|  Value                                   5.1%     5.3%    19.0%    21.4%                             | 
| Net Unrealized                                                                                       | 
|  Appreciation/(Depreciation)              $61    $(223)   $(852)   $(459)                            | 
| Non-Accruing Loans at Face                $14      $55      $70     $330                             | 
| Non-Accruing Loans at Fair Value           $3      $15      $23      $42                             | 
| Equity Interest at Fair Value(4)         $154      $70     $438     $534                             | 
| Debt to EBITDA(7)(8)(9)                   4.6      6.3      4.6      5.6                             | 
| Interest Coverage(7)(9)                   1.7      1.7      2.3      2.0                             | 
| Debt Service Coverage(7)(9)               1.7      1.3      1.6      1.7                             | 
| Average Age of Companies(9)            40 yrs   40 yrs   31 yrs   26 yrs                             | 
| Diluted Ownership Percentage(4)           52%      34%      50%      35%                             | 
| Average Sales(9)(10)                     $194     $115     $120     $139                             | 
| Average EBITDA(9)(11)                     $37      $24      $23      $31                             | 
| Average EBITDA Margin                   19.1%    20.9%    19.2%    22.3%                             | 
| Total Sales(9)(10)                     $1,385   $1,533   $2,692   $6,081                             | 
| Total EBITDA(9)(11)                      $191     $254     $382     $948                             | 
| % of Senior Loans(9)(12)                  61%      53%      66%      42%                             | 
| % of Loans with Lien(9)(12)              100%      93%      91%      95%                             | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|                                                                                                      | 
|                                                          Pre-2000 2004 -                             | 
| Portfolio Statistics (1)                                 - 2008    2008                              | 
|                                                           Aggre-   Aggre-                            | 
|  ($ in millions, unaudited)                2007    2008    gate     gate                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-All                                                                          | 
|  Investments(2)                            0.9%   -1.3%     8.9%     6.9%                            | 
| Internal Rate of Return-All                                                                          | 
|  Investments(3)                          -13.9% -15.8%     5.6%     1.8%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-Equity                                                                       | 
|  Investments Only(3)(4)(5)                -9.8% -35.7%     5.3%     0.9%                             | 
| Internal Rate of Return-Exited                                                                       | 
|  Portfolio Companies(6)                    8.9%   69.0%    18.0%    23.7%                            | 
| Original Investments and Commitments     $7,310  $1,012  $24,073  $20,241                            | 
| Total Exits and Prepayments of Original                                                              | 
|  Investments                             $1,856     $15  $11,344   $8,245                            | 
| Total Interest, Dividends and Fees                                                                   | 
|  Collected                                 $610     $84   $4,088   $2,854                            | 
| Total Net Realized (Loss) Gain on                                                                    | 
|  Investments                               $(24)     $6     $546     $603                            | 
| Current Cost of Investments              $4,202    $895  $10,691  $10,022                            | 
| Current Fair Value of Investments        $2,722    $724   $7,418   $6,837                            | 
| Current Fair Value of Investments as a                                                               | 
|  % of Total Investments at Fair Value     36.7%    9.8%   100.0%    92.2%                            | 
| Net Unrealized                                                                                       | 
|  Appreciation/(Depreciation)            $(1,480) $(171) $(3,273) $(3,185)                            | 
| Non-Accruing Loans at Face                 $212     $71     $871     $738                            | 
| Non-Accruing Loans at Fair Value            $27     $20     $150     $127                            | 
| Equity Interest at Fair Value(4)           $728    $156   $2,120   $1,926                            | 
| Debt to EBITDA(7)(8)(9)                     6.4     5.9      5.9      5.9                            | 
| Interest Coverage(7)(9)                     2.0     1.8      2.0      2.0                            | 
| Debt Service Coverage(7)(9)                 1.8     1.6      1.7      1.7                            | 
| Average Age of Companies(9)              27 yrs 26 yrs   29 yrs   28 yrs                             | 
| Diluted Ownership Percentage(4)             48%     31%      43%      43%                            | 
| Average Sales(9)(10)                       $205    $128     $162     $163                            | 
| Average EBITDA(9)(11)                       $40     $34      $33      $34                            | 
| Average EBITDA Margin                     19.5%   26.6%    20.4%    20.9%                            | 
| Total Sales(9)(10)                      $15,044 $1,244   $28,868  $26,594                            | 
| Total EBITDA(9)(11)                      $2,653   $289    $4,781   $4,526                            | 
| % of Senior Loans(9)(12)                    60%     29%      54%      53%                            | 
| % of Loans with Lien(9)(12)                 94%     55%      90%      89%                            | 
(1) Static pool classification is based on the year the initial 
    investment was made. Subsequent add-on investments are included in 
    the static pool year of the original investment. Investments in 
    government securities and interest rate derivative agreements are 
(2) Assumes investments are exited at realizable based on anticipated 
    proceeds to be received upon settlement or maturity. 
(3) Assumes investments are exited at current GAAP fair value. 
(4) Excludes investments in Structured Products. 
(5) Excludes equity investments that are the result of conversions of 
    debt and warrants received with the issuance of debt. 
(6) Includes fully exited portfolio companies. Partially exited 
    portfolio companies are not included. 
(7) These amounts do not include investments in which we own only 
(8) For portfolio companies with a nominal EBITDA amount, the portfolio 
    company's maximum debt leverage is limited to 15 times EBITDA. 
(9) Excludes investments in Structured Products, investments in managed 
    funds and American Capital, LLC. 
(10)Sales of the most recent twelve months, or when appropriate, the 
    forecasted twelve months. 
(11) EBITDA of the most recent twelve months, or when appropriate, the 
     forecasted twelve months. 
(12) As a percentage of our total debt investments. 
American Capital invites shareholders, prospective shareholders and analysts to 
attend the shareholder call on March 2, 2009 at 11:00 am ET. The shareholder 
call can be accessed through a free live webcast at www.AmericanCapital.com or 
by dialing (800) 553-0273 (U.S. domestic) or +1 (612) 332-0107 (international). 
Please advise the operator you are dialing in for the American Capital 
shareholder call. 
An archived audio of the shareholder call combined with the slide presentation 
will be made available on our website after the call on March 2, 2009. In 
addition, there will be a phone recording available from 3:00 pm March 2, 2009 
until 11:59 pm March 16, 2009. If you are interested in hearing the recording of 
the presentation, please dial (800) 475-6701 (U.S. domestic) or +1 (320) 
365-3844 (international). The access code for both domestic and international 
callers is 982334. 
American Capital is a publicly traded private equity firm and global asset 
manager. American Capital, both directly and through its asset management 
business, originates, underwrites and manages investments in middle market 
private equity, leveraged finance, real estate and structured products. American 
Capital was founded in 1986; and currently has $14 billion in capital resources 
under management and has ten offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia. For further 
information, please refer to www.AmericanCapital.com. 
Persons considering an investment in American Capital should consider the 
investment objectives, risks and charges and expenses of the Company carefully 
before investing. Such information and other information about the Company is 
available in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 
10-Q and in the prospectuses the Company issues from time to time in connection 
with its offering of securities. Such materials are filed with the Securities 
and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and copies are available on the SEC's website, 
www.sec.gov. Prospective investors should read such materials carefully before 
investing. Performance data quoted above represents past performance of American 
Capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results and the investment 
return and principal value of an investment in American Capital will likely 
fluctuate. Consequently, an investor's shares, when sold, may be worth more or 
less than their original cost. Additionally, American Capital's current 
performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted above. 
This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking 
statements are based on estimates, projections, beliefs and assumptions of 
management of the Company at the time of such statements and are not guarantees 
of future performance. Forward-looking statements involve risks and 
uncertainties in predicting future results and conditions. Actual results could 
differ materially from those projected in these forward-looking statements due 
to a variety of factors, including, without limitation, the uncertainties 
associated with the timing of transaction closings, changes in interest rates, 
availability of transactions, changes in regional, national or international 
economic conditions or changes in the conditions of the industries in which 
American Capital has made investments. Certain factors that could cause actual 
results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking 
statements are included in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Annual 
Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 and the 
Company's subsequent periodic filings. Copies are available on the SEC's website 
at www.sec.gov. Forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press 
release, and are subject to change without notice. We disclaim any obligation to 
update or revise any forward-looking statements based on the occurrence of 
future events, the receipt of new information, or otherwise. Additionally, 
American Capital cannot give any assurance that the proposed acquisition will be 
completed or that it will be completed on the terms described in this press 
release. This press release does not constitute an offer or invitation to 
acquire or dispose of any securities or investment advice in any jurisdiction. 
Any statements herein regarding earnings enhancement are not a profit forecast 
and should not be interpreted to mean that American Capital's future earnings 
will necessarily match or exceed those of any prior year. 
Investors - (301) 951-5917 
Media     - (301) 968-9400 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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