DENSITRON TECHNOLOGIES PLC                           

                        ("Densitron" or the "Company")                         





Company Highlights                                          
                                         2006           2005
                                   � millions     � millions
Revenue                                  20.3           19.6
Operating loss                          (0.8)          (1.0)
Loss before taxation                    (0.3)          (1.0)
Loss per share                        (0.56)p        (2.19)p
Gearing                                   62%            41%
Order Book (continuing operations)       5.1m           5.9m



> The Public Information Displays Division sold for a total of �1 million.


> The Gaming Division sold in January 2007.


> A further �291,000 received in respect of the disposal of Hitech Electronics


> Increase in turnover from �19.6 million to �20.3 million.


> Reduction in administrative expenses to �7.0million from �7.3 million.




The year to 31 December 2006 has seen the Group undergo further changes and
rationalisations as the Board seeks to create maximum value for Shareholders. 
I reported in my statement in last year's Annual Report that the operating
businesses had been reorganised under a divisional structure in order "to bring
greater clarity, visibility and above all accountability".  This strategy has
been successful in that it enabled the senior management of each division to
focus on their specific performance and results.  It also had the effect of
highlighting a number of issues within the divisions that has ultimately
resulted in the Board taking the decision to sell two of the operating
businesses.  This now leaves the Group with a single operating division and two



VBestElectronics Co Ltd - VBest, as many Shareholders will know, is a high
volume LCD and LCM manufacturer with Headquarters in Taiwanand factories in
both Taiwanand mainland China. Densitron owns 24.48% of the share capital in
VBest.  Turnover is currently in the region of �40m and management expects this
to grow significantly in 2007.  In addition, net assets are in excess of �24m. 
VBest remains a significant investment for the Group and the Directors are
committed to looking at ways of maximizing the value of this investment.  Your
Board considers that the value represented by this investment on the Company's
balance sheet of �6.8m is reasonable.


BlackheathLand - The Company continues to own a sports ground of approximately
5.5 acres at Blackheath in the London Borough of Greenwich.  I am pleased to
report that the Company has successfully resisted the claim by the Old Addeyans
Football Club (OAFC) to take possession of the land.  The trustees of the OAFC
had claimed rights by adverse possession.  I reported last year that the advice
that the Company had received was that its case was sound and this was
vindicated when the OAFC withdrew its claim the week before the case came to
Court in December 2006.  The OAFC settled with a contribution towards the
Company's legal costs of �48,650.  Negotiations continue with the Local
Authority and others over the terms of a proposed land swap and when there are
further developments Shareholders will be informed.



DensitronPublic Information Displays - The public information displays division
(Densitron Ferrograph Limited) had been centred on providing information
displays for the Bus sector for several years.  The Board recognised that it
needed to move into the Rail sector and to that end recruited an experienced
sales professional in that market place during 2005.  During 2006 in-roads were
made into the Rail sector but market research carried out suggested that the
market for information displays in the Rail and Bus sectors was far smaller
than had been previously perceived. In order to generate significant returns
from the division the Group would have needed to expand into other markets or
geographically.  The Board investigated this possibility but concluded that a
return on the investment would only be made in the long term and was
exceedingly uncertain.  Consequently it was decided that disposal would be the
preferred option giving a return on the investment already made.  The business
was sold on 31 December 2006 to Trueform Engineering Limited for cash.


DensitronGaming- The gaming division had required significant investment over a
number of years but the market has been growing and the Computer Boards
developed by Densitron Gaming had been very well received by the major
manufacturers of gaming machines.  As reported in the Annual Report last year a
substantial order had been won from a leading Russian manufacturer for delivery
during 2006.  Due to legislation issues in Russia little of this order was
delivered in the year and further business expected to be won in Russia was
delayed.  Lead times in this business can be in excess of 12 months and as the
Board did not see sufficient evidence that the business was going to deliver a
return in the short term and in order to stem the ongoing losses, the Board
took the decision to sell the business.  The business was sold on 31 January
2007 for the value of its net operating assets plus goodwill of �500,000 and a
royalty based on the level of turnover for the following 5 years.


Future Strategy

The remaining Displays Division has traditionally been the core business within
Densitron generating around � of the overall annual turnover.  In 2006 the
division generated sales of �15.4 million and an operating profit before group
charges of approximately �800,000.  Until the move to a Divisional structure it
had been perceived as a business that did not offer the same opportunity for
growth as the Public Information Displays and Gaming divisions.  Following the
reorganization to a Divisional structure it became evident that the Displays
division was a well organized, well run, profitable and growing business. 
Consequently your Board is committed to focusing on the Displays division and
growing it further, both through organic growth and by strategic acquisition.


Outlook- The Board is confident that the decisions to sell the two loss making
divisions will enable a more focused approach for the Group.  The Displays
business offers significant opportunity to grow organically in the long term as
markets which are currently being addressed become more developed. Business at
good margins remains the key driver and areas of potential cost savings have
been identified and are being progressed.  Organic growth together with a plan
to make certain strategic acquisitions means that the remaining business is in
a strong position to capitalize on its strengths and the outlook is one of
cautious optimism.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the directors and staff at
Densitron for their continuing commitment and efforts particularly during a
period of change for the Company. I would also like to thank our Shareholders
for their ongoing support.


Ralph Baber

Interim Chairman

25 April 2007


Consolidated profit and loss account

For the year ended 31st December 2006


                       2006         2006     2006       2005         2005     2005
                 Continuing Discontinued    Total Continuing Discontinued    Total
                       �000         �000     �000       �000         �000     �000
  Turnover           15,441        4,873   20,314     19,606        1,221   20,827
  Cost of sales    (10,807)      (3,346) (14,153)   (13,572)        (538) (14,110)
  Gross profit        4,634        1,527    6,161      6,034          683    6,717
  Distribution         (54)          (4)     (58)       (72)            -     (72)
  Administrative    (4,525)      (2,443)  (6,968)    (7,275)        (534)  (7,809)
  Other                  52           50      102        319           10      329
  Operating             107        (870)    (763)      (994)          159    (835)
  Share of                -            -        -         44            -       44
  Profit on               -          748      748          -        1,623    1,623
  sales of                                                                        
  (Loss)/profit         107        (122)     (15)      (950)        1,782      832
  on ordinary                                                                     
  interest and                                                                    
  Interest               53            -       53         47            -       47
  receivable and                                                                  
  Interest            (245)         (79)    (324)      (373)          (1)    (374)
  payable and                                                                     
  (Loss)/profit        (85)        (201)    (286)    (1,276)        1,781      505
  on ordinary                                                                     
  Tax on (loss)/       (66)            -     (66)      (102)         (39)    (141)
  profit on                                                                       
  (Loss)/profit       (151)        (201)    (352)    (1,378)        1,742      364
  on ordinary                                                                     
  after taxation                                                                  
  Minority             (11)            -     (11)       (38)         (87)    (125)
  for the                                                                         
  financial year      (162)        (201)    (363)    (1,416)        1,655      239
  Basic and                                                                       
  diluted (loss)                                                                  
  /earnings per                                                                   
  share             (0.25)p      (0.31)p  (0.56)p    (2.19)p        2.56p    0.37p


Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses

For the year ended 31st December 2006


                                                                         2006   2005
                                                                        Total  Total
                                                                         �000   �000
Group (loss)/profit for the financial year                              (363)    201
Associated undertakings' profit for the financial year                      -     38
Foreign exchange adjustments                                            (111)    212
Total recognised gains and losses for the year                          (474)    451


Consolidated and parent company balance sheets

As at 31st December 2006


                                                    The Group        The Company   
                                                    2006     2005     2006     2005
                                                   �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000
  Fixed assets                                                                     
  Intangible assets                                  160      184        -        -
  Tangible assets                                    364      388      293      305
  Investments                                      6,917    6,917    7,957    9,102
                                                   7,441    7,489    8,250    9,407
  Current assets                                                                   
  Stocks                                             931    1,311        -        -
  Debtors - due after more than one year             651      540        -        -
  Debtors - due within one year                    4,198    4,150      544    1,545
  Total debtors                                    4,849    4,690      544    1,545
  Cash at bank and in hand                         1,292    2,382       11       11
                                                   7,072    8,383      555    1,556
  Creditors: amounts falling due within one      (6,021)  (8,037)  (2,739)  (3,101)
  Net current assets/(liabilities)                 1,051      346  (2,184)  (1,545)
  Total assets less current liabilities            8,492    7,835    6,066    7,862
  Creditors: amounts falling due after more      (1,741)    (609)    (102)    (400)
  than one year                                                                    
  Provisions for liabilities                       (325)    (325)    (325)    (325)
  Net assets                                       6,426    6,901    5,639    7,137
  Capital and reserves                                                             
  Called up share capital                          3,233    3,233    3,233    3,233
  Share premium account                           21,204   21,204   21,204   21,204
  Revaluation reserve                                  -        -      117      117
  Profit and loss account                       (18,063) (17,589) (18,915) (17,417)
  Total equity shareholders' funds                 6,374    6,848    5,639    7,137
  Minority interests                                  52       53        -        -
                                                   6,426    6,901    5,639    7,137


Consolidated cash flow statement

For the year ended 31st December 2006


                                                                   2006      2005
                                                                   �000      �000
  Net cash outflow from operating activities                      (953)   (1,748)
  Returns on investment and servicing of finance                                 
  Interest received                                                  53        46
  Interest paid                                                   (284)     (351)
  Interest element of finance lease payments                        (2)       (7)
  Dividends paid to minority interests                             (11)      (33)
                                                                  (244)     (345)
  Taxation paid                                                                  
  UK tax paid                                                         -         -
  Overseas tax paid                                               (146)     (369)
                                                                  (146)     (369)
  Capital expenditure and financial investment                                   
  Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                        (19)      (86)
  Receipts from the sale of tangible fixed assets                     2         -
                                                                   (17)      (86)
  Acquisitions and disposals                                                     
  Purchase of shares in subsidiary undertakings                       -      (76)
  Sale of shares in subsidiary undertaking                          291     4,059
                                                                    291     3,983
  Capital element of finance lease payments                        (25)      (30)
  Decrease in advances from factors                                   -       (2)
  Increase in advances from Invoice Discounting                   (225)       788
  Increase in letters of credit                                   (161)        15
  Repayments of bank loans                                        (470)     (476)
  New bank loans                                                  1,500       247
  Net cash inflow from financing                                    619       542
  (Decrease)/increase in cash                                     (450)     1,977






Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities


                                                      2006    2005
                                                      �000    �000
Operating loss                                       (763)   (835)
Depreciation and impairment of tangible fixed assets    79     172
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets        12      25
Decrease in stocks                                     193     332
Increase in debtors                                  (154)   (288)
Decrease in creditors                                (374)   (668)
Decrease in provisions for liabilities                   -   (207)
Currency adjustments                                    54   (279)
Net cash outflow from operating activities           (953) (1,748)


Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt


                                                        2006    2005
                                                        �000    �000
(Decrease)/increase in cash                            (450)   1,977
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and lease finance   (619)   (542)
Increase in net debt and lease finance               (1,069)   1,435
Inception of finance leases                             (59)       -
Disposal of subsidiary undertaking                         -   (648)
Foreign exchange movements                                15      44
(Increase)/decrease in net debt                      (1,113)     831
Net debt at 1st January                              (2,855) (3,686)
Net debt at 31st December                            (3,968) (2,855)


Analysis of net debt


                          1st         Inception       Foreign exchange     31st
                      January    Cash        Of              movements December        
                         2006    Flow   finance                            2006
                         �000    �000      �000                   �000     �000
Cash at bank and in     2,382   (967)         -                  (123)    1,292
Bank overdraft        (2,552)     517         -                    102  (1,933)
Net cash/(overdraft)    (170)   (450)         -                   (21)    (641)
Loans                 (1,019) (1,030)         -                     26  (2,023)
Finance leases            (9)      25      (59)                      -     (43)
Advances from Invoice   (788)     225         -                      -    (563)
Letters of credit       (869)     161         -                     10    (698)
Borrowings            (2,685)   (619)      (59)                     36  (3,327)
Net debt              (2,855) (1,069)      (59)                     15  (3,968)



Saleof business

The cash flow effect of the sale of Densitron Ferrograph Limited is shown


Net assets disposed of                 
Fixed assets                         19
Stock                                85
Debtors                             879
Creditors                         (440)
Profit on disposal                  457
Satisfied by:                          
Short term debt                     700
Amounts due in more than one year   300


The business sold during the year absorbed �518,000 from the group's net
operating cash flows, paid �24,000 in respect of net returns on investments and
servicing of finance and paid �4,000 in respect of capital expenditure.



Analysis of turnover and gross profit by class of business

                                             2006                     2005            
                                        Turnover    Gross    Turnover     Gross profit
                                            �000     �000        �000             �000
Display related products                  15,442    4,634      15,325            4,885
Gaming Boards                              1,650      286       1,436              289
Human machine interfaces                       -        -       1,123              380
Public information displays                3,222    1,241       2,943            1,163
                                          20,314    6,161      20,827            6,717




Basic earnings per share has been calculated on the Group loss attributable to
the ordinary shareholders on ordinary activities after taxation and minority
interest of �363,000 (2005: profit �239,000) and the average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the year being 64,669,106 (2005: 64,669,106).


There are no share options in existence at the end of either financial year so
the diluted earnings per share is the same as the basic earnings per share for
both years.




The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act
1985.  The 2006 figures are based on unaudited accounts for the year ended 31
December 2006.  The auditors do not expect to issue a qualified report on the
statutory accounts which will be finalised on the basis of the financial
information presented by the directors in the preliminary announcement and
which will be delivered shortly to the Registrar of Companies.


The 2005 comparatives are derived from the statutory accounts for 2005 which
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an unqualified
audit report and did not contain a statement under the Companies Act 1985, s237
(2) or (3).


Densitron Technologies plc, 5th Floor, 145 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 5BP


Telephone 020 7648 4200


For further details please contact:


Tim Pearson, Group Finance Director                    
Densitron Technologies plc          Tel:  0207 648 4200
John Wakefield, Director                               
Blue Oar Securities Plc             Tel:  0117 933 0020



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