Downing Planned Exit VCT 3 plc 
Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
 'C' Share pool                             31 Jul       31 Jan       31 Jul 
                                              2012         2012         2011 
                                             pence        pence        pence 
 Net asset value per 'C' Share                90.8         91.5         88.6 
 Net asset value per 'A' Share                 0.1          0.1          0.1 
 Cumulative distributions per 'C' Share       15.0         12.5         10.0 
                                          ----------   ----------   --------- 
 Total return per 'C' Share and 'A' Share    105.9        104.1         98.7 
                                          ----------   ----------   --------- 
 'D' Share pool                             31 Jul       31 Jan       31 Jul 
                                              2012         2012         2011 
                                             pence        pence        pence 
 Net asset value per 'D' Share                80.3         83.3         91.6 
 Net asset value per 'E' Share                 0.1          0.1          0.1 
 Cumulative distributions per 'D' Share       10.0          7.5          5.0 
                                          ----------   ----------   --------- 
 Total return per 'D' Share and 'E' Share     90.4         90.9         96.7 
                                          ----------   ----------   --------- 
 'F' Share pool                  31 Jul       31 Jan       31 Jul 
                                   2012         2012         2011 
                                  Pence        pence        pence 
 Net asset value per 'F' Share     94.4          n/a          n/a 
                               ----------   ----------   --------- 
I  am pleased to  present my report  for the six  months ended 31 July 2012. The 
Company's  'C' Share  and 'D'  Share pools  have now  completed their investment 
phase  and so  have seen  little investment  activity in  the period. This is in 
contrast  to the new 'F'  Share pool which has  continued to raise new funds and 
has been a very active investor during the period. 
As  at  31 July  2012, the  'F'  Share  offer  for  subscription with its sister 
company,   Downing  Planned  Exit  VCT  2 plc,  had  raised  gross  proceeds  of 
approximately   GBP18  million  or   GBP8.9  million  per  company. The offer has been 
extended from the original closing date and will now close on 28 September 2012. 
Net asset values 
'C' Share pool 
At  31 July 2012, the net asset value ("NAV")  for a combined holding of one 'C' 
Share  and one 'A' Share was 90.9p, an  increase of 1.8p (1.9%) over the period. 
Total  Return (NAV  plus dividends  paid to  date) is  now 105.9p for a combined 
'D' Share pool 
At  31 July 2012, the net asset value ("NAV")  for a combined holding of one 'D' 
Share  and one 'E' Share  was 80.4p, a decrease of  0.5p (0.6%) over the period. 
Total  Return (NAV  plus dividends  paid to  date) is  now 90.4p for  a combined 
'F' Share pool 
At 31 July 2012, the net asset value ("NAV") per 'F' Share was 94.4p, a decrease 
of 0.1p from the initial NAV after issue costs. 
In  line with the Company's  stated policies, interim dividends  will be paid as 
'C' Shares                          2.5p per share 
'D' Shares                         2.5p per share 
'F' Shares                          5.0p per share 
Each  of these dividends will be paid on 30 November 2012 to Shareholders on the 
register at 2 November 2012. 
Ordinary Share pool 
The  Company's original share pool, the Ordinary Share pool, completed returning 
funds  to Shareholders  in 2010. Proposals  to wind  up the Ordinary Shares were 
approved  by Shareholders at  a meeting on  25 July 2012 and they  have now been 
Share buybacks 
The  Company has a general  policy of buying in  for cancellation its own shares 
that  become available in the market. No shares were purchased in the period for 
The  current policy is that the Company will  buy in any 'C' Shares, 'A' Shares, 
'D' Shares or 'E' Shares at approximately a 10% discount to the latest published 
NAV  of those share  classes. In respect  of the 'F'  Shares, any such purchases 
will  be undertaken at  a price equal  to the latest  published NAV (i.e. at nil 
discount)  until 1 October 2016. Buybacks are subject to regulatory restrictions 
and other factors such as availability of liquid funds. 
With  approximately two  years to  go until  the 'C'  Share pool  seeks to start 
realising  investments and returning  funds to shareholders,  and three years in 
the  case of the 'D'  Share pool, any new  investment activity by these pools is 
now expected to be very limited. 
The  'C' Share portfolio has reasonable prospects for continuing to make further 
progress as it moves towards the exit date. The 'D' Share portfolio has suffered 
from  specific issues with  two investments. These  have now stabilised although 
some  value has been lost. The Board is  satisfied with the remainder of the 'D' 
Share  portfolio and believes there are reasonable prospects for NAV growth from 
It  is  early  days  for  the  'F'  Share  pool  and the process of building the 
investment  portfolio  has  some  way  to  go.  The  Manager  reports that it is 
continuing  to see  a steady  flow of  promising investment  opportunities so we 
should expect a significant level of activity over the remainder of the year. 
Hugh Gillespie 
26 September 2012 
Investment activity 
The  'C'  Share  pool  is  now  fully qualifying; accordingly, no new qualifying 
investments were made during the period. 
The majority of the 'C' Share portfolio has performed well during the first half 
of  the year with  a net valuation  uplift of  GBP76,000  recognised at the interim 
At the interim stage, the 'C' Share pool commissioned independent valuations for 
Atlantic  Dogstar Limited, East Dulwich Tavern  Limited and Westow House Limited 
which  all operate pubs in  South London. The valuations  resulted in uplifts in 
value  of   GBP50,000,   GBP41,000  and   GBP64,000  respectively.  All  three  pubs  are 
performing well and are significantly surpassing their original business plans. 
A  GBP79,000 write down in value was made to Honeycombe Pubs VCT Limited which owns 
a  bar in Burnley,  Lancashire. An independent  valuation was commissioned which 
indicated  that the value of  the property had fallen  below the loan stock cost 
and a reduction in value was recognised. 
Net asset value 
At  31 July 2012, the  NAV per  'C' Share  stood at  90.8p and per  'A' Share at 
0.1p, producing  a combined total  of 90.9p. This is  an increase of 1.8p (1.9%) 
since the previous year end of 31 January 2012 (after adjusting for dividends of 
2.5p per  'C' Share paid  during the period).  Total return (NAV plus cumulative 
dividends paid) was 105.9p per 'C' Share and 'A' Share at 31 July 2012. 
Results and dividend 
The  profit on ordinary activities  for the 'C' Shares,  after taxation, for the 
period was  GBP126,000, comprising a revenue profit of  GBP50,000 and a capital profit 
of  GBP76,000. 
The  Company will pay an interim dividend  of 2.5p per 'C' Share, on 30 November 
2012, to 'C' Shareholders on the register at 2 November 2012. 
We  are pleased with  the progress made  by the 'C'  Share portfolio to date and 
believe  that the there is potential for  further growth before we start to seek 
realisations  and  commence  returning  funds  to  Shareholders in 2014. Trading 
conditions  do, however,  remain challenging  for most  businesses and therefore 
close monitoring of all portfolio companies will remain a priority. 
Downing LLP 
26 September 2012 
as at 31 July 2012 
                                                        Unrealised    % of 
                                                        gain/(loss)   portfolio 
                                        Cost  Valuation in period     by value 
                                         GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Qualifying investments 
 Bijou Wedding Venues Limited             815       884           -       13.6% 
 Future Biogas (SF) Limited               627       703           -       10.7% 
 Atlantic Dogstar Limited                 429       654          50       10.0% 
 Domestic Solar Limited*                  500       500           -        7.7% 
 Redmed Limited*                          438       437           -        6.7% 
 Westow House Limited                     304       395          64        6.1% 
 East Dulwich Tavern Limited              344       385          41        5.9% 
 Quadrate Catering Limited                330       330           -        5.1% 
 Quadrate Spa Limited*                    323       323           -        5.0% 
 Ecossol Limited                          250       250           -        3.8% 
 The 3D Pub Co Limited                    267       187           -        2.9% 
 Mosaic Spa and Health Club Limited*      125       125           -        1.9% 
 Chapel Street Services Limited            50        50           -        0.8% 
 Chapel Street Food and Beverage           50        50           -        0.8% 
 Non-qualifying investments 
 Hoole Hall Country Club Holdings         581       581           -        8.9% 
 The Thames Club Limited                  500       500           -        7.7% 
 Honeycombe Pubs VCT Limited              175        96        (79)        1.5% 
 Vermont Developments Limited              25        25           -        0.4% 
 Commercial Street Hotel Limited            2         2           -        0.0% 
                                       ------- --------- ----------- ---------- 
                                        6,135     6,477          76       99.5% 
                                       -------           ----------- 
 Cash at bank and in hand                            44                    0.5% 
                                               ---------             ---------- 
 Total                                            6,521                    100% 
                                               ---------             ---------- 
for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
 Additions                GBP'000 
 Quadrate Spa Limited*      13 
* Partially qualifying investment 
Investment activity 
The  'D' Share  pool made  two new  qualifying investments  (including partially 
qualifying investments or investments that will become qualifying in due course) 
and  two  non-qualifying  investments  during  the  period  at  a  total cost of 
 GBP1,167,000, details of which are set out below. 
A  further  investment  of   GBP125,000  was  made  in  Kidspace Adventure Holdings 
Limited,  to redevelop  an indoor  and outdoor  children's play  centre known as 
Hobbledown Farm, which opened in July 2012. 
In  February 2012, a   GBP467,000 non-qualifying  investment was  made in Liverpool 
Nurseries  Holdings  Limited  to  purchase  the  assets  of one of the Company's 
existing  investments, Gingerbread Pre-Schools (UK)  Limited, after the original 
investment  encountered some difficulties and  went into administration. As part 
of  the reorganisation,  the existing  manager and  investment partner  has been 
dismissed.  A new manager has been appointed  and the nurseries are now starting 
to make progress. A loss against cost of  GBP181,000 arose on the reorganisation. 
A   GBP150,000  non-qualifying  loan  was  made  to  Aminghurst Limited to fund the 
continued build of the hotel and apartment development near Salcombe, Devon. 
The  majority of  the 'D'  Share pool  investments have  performed in  line with 
expectations  over the period and continued to be valued at original cost. There 
have, however, been two adjustments. 
An  uplift in  value of   GBP13,750 was  recognised on  the Alpha  Schools Holdings 
Limited, an independent primary school operator, to reflect that the business is 
performing well and in line with expectations. 
A  further reduction in value was made to Camandale Limited which owns two pubs, 
The  Riverbank and The  Monkey Bar, located  in Kilmarnock, Scotland. The Monkey 
Bar was closed in January 2012 and no buyer has yet been found for the property. 
The  Riverbank, which remains open, is still not performing to expectations and, 
accordingly, a cautionary  GBP46,000 write down in value was made at the interim. 
In  total, the portfolio  produced net unrealised  capital losses of  GBP31,500 for 
the six months. 
Net asset value 
At  31 July 2012, the  NAV per  'D' Share  stood at  80.3p and per  'E' Share at 
0.1p, producing  a combined  total of  80.4p. This is  a small decrease of 0.5p 
(0.6%)  since  the  previous  year  end  of 31 January 2012 (after adjusting for 
dividends  of 2.5p per 'D' Share paid during the period). Total return (NAV plus 
cumulative  dividends paid)  was 90.4p per  'D' Share  and 'E'  Share at 31 July 
Results and dividend 
The  loss on  ordinary activities  for the  'D' Shares,  after taxation, for the 
period  was  GBP51,000, comprising a revenue loss  of  GBP19,000 and a capital loss of 
The  Company will pay an interim dividend  of 2.5p per 'D' Share, on 30 November 
2012, to 'D' Shareholders on the register at 2 November 2012. 
The  problems with Camandale and Gingerbread Pre-Schools have been a setback for 
the  pool. After  a period  of intensive  management of  both investments, these 
businesses  have now been brought under control and  we do not expect to see any 
further  loss of value. The  remainder of the 'D'  Share portfolio is still at a 
relatively  early stage, but we are satisfied  with progress to date and believe 
there  is good potential  for growth ahead  of 2015, when the  pool will seek to 
start realising its investments. 
Downing LLP 
26 September 2012 
as at 31 July 2012 
                                                        Unrealised    % of 
                                                        gain/(loss)   portfolio 
                                  Cost        Valuation in period     by value 
                                   GBP'000          GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Qualifying investments 
 Future Biogas (Reepham Road)             748       748           -        9.2% 
 Quadrate Catering Limited                441       441           -        5.4% 
 Quadrate Spa Limited*                    436       436           -        5.4% 
 Domestic Solar Limited*                  400       400           -        4.9% 
 Alpha Schools (Holdings) Limited         367       381          14        4.7% 
 Kidspace Adventures Holdings             375       375           -        4.6% 
 Mosaic Spa and Health Club (Shrewsbury)  350       350           -        4.3% 
 Avon Solar Energy Limited                250       250           -        3.1% 
 Ecossol Limited                          250       250           -        3.1% 
 Green Electricity Generation             250       250           -        3.1% 
 West Country Solar Solutions             250       250           -        3.1% 
 Slopingtactic Limited                    195       195           -        2.4% 
 Progressive Energies Limited             170       170           -        2.1% 
 Ridgeway Pub Company Limited             136       136           -        1.7% 
 Mosaic Spa and Health Club               125       125           -        1.5% 
 Camandale Limited*                       561       113        (46)        1.4% 
 Non-qualifying investments 
 Aminghurst Limited                     2,150     2,150           -       26.4% 
 Liverpool Nurseries (Holdings)           467       467           -        5.7% 
 Retallack Surfpods Limited               250       250           -        3.1% 
 Fenkle Street LLP                        147       147           -        1.8% 
 Kidspace Adventures Limited              135       135           -        1.7% 
 Commercial Street Hotel Limited          100       100           -        1.2% 
                                 ------------- --------- ----------- ---------- 
                                        8,553     8,119        (32)       99.9% 
                                 -------------           ----------- 
 Cash at bank and in hand                             8                    0.1% 
                                               ---------             ---------- 
 Total                                            8,127                  100.0% 
                                               ---------             ---------- 
* Partially qualifying investment 
for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
 Additions                                  GBP'000 
 Qualifying investments 
 Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited*       125 
 Quadrate Spa Limited*                        17 
 Non-qualifying investments 
 Liverpool Nurseries (Holdings) Limited      467 
 Liverpool Nurseries (House) Limited         203 
 Aminghurst Limited                          150 
 Liverpool Nurseries (Greenbank) Limited     138 
 Liverpool Nurseries(Cottage) Limited         67 
 Total                                     1,167 
                                                Market             Loss realised 
                                              value at Disposal against    gain/ 
Disposals                              Cost 01/02/12** proceeds    cost   (loss) 
                                       GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Qualifying investments 
Gingerbread Pre-Schools (UK) Limited    576        395      395   (181)        - 
Non-qualifying investments 
Liverpool Nurseries (House) Limited     203        203      203       -        - 
Liverpool Nurseries (Greenbank) 
Limited                                 138        138      138       -        - 
Liverpool Nurseries(Cottage) Limited     67         67       67       -        - 
Hoi Polloi Pub Co Limited                60         60       60       -        - 
Total                                 1,044        863      863   (181)        - 
* Partially qualifying investment 
**Adjusted for purchases in the year 
During  the  period,  8.9 million  'F'  Shares  were  issued under the offer for 
subscription,  generating net proceeds of  GBP8.4  million after share issue costs. 
The task of investing these new funds is now underway. 
Investment activity 
During  the 'F' Share pool's  initial period, 13 new investments  were made at a 
total cost of  GBP4.4 million. Of these investments, five were VCT qualifying. 
Brief  details of  the largest  of these  qualifying investments (or investments 
that will become qualifying in due course) are as follows: 
 GBP816,000  was invested in Tor  Solar PV Limited which  owns a portfolio of solar 
panels on farms in the south west of the UK. 
Three  investments were made in City Falkirk Limited, Fubar Stirling Limited and 
Cheers  Dumbarton Limited totalling   GBP737,000. Each of  these companies owns and 
operates  a Scottish nightclub. The clubs  are managed by Lochrise Limited which 
is  associated with  the Castle  Leisure Group,  an experienced  operator in the 
A   GBP560,000 investment was made in Vulcan Renewables Limited which is developing 
a  2MW gas injection biogas plant near Doncaster. Through an anaerobic digestion 
process,  biogas is produced which is  used to generate electricity. The company 
benefits  from  the  receipt  of  Feed-in  Tariffs  and payments for electricity 
exported to the National Gas Grid. 
 GBP200,000  was invested in Fresh Green Power Limited and  GBP100,000 was invested in 
Green  Energy Production Limited.  Both companies install,  own and manage solar 
panels on domestic rooftops. Both businesses benefit from the receipt of Feed-in 
Tariffs from solar energy generation. 
In  addition to the above,  a number of non-qualifying  investments were made in 
the  form of secured loans. These helped  to generate investment income on funds 
ahead of them being employed in VCT qualifying investments. 
At  this early  stage, the  investment portfolio  has a  disproportionately high 
exposure  to  a  small  number  of  business  sectors.  This  has  resulted from 
investment  opportunities  that  have  presented  themselves  and  we expect the 
portfolio  to  become  more  diversified  and  better  balanced  as  the task of 
investing funds continues. 
Results and dividend 
At  31 July 2012, the  net asset  value ("NAV")  per 'F'  Share stood at 94.4p, 
compared to an initial NAV of 94.5p, a fall of 0.1p (0.1%). 
The  loss on  ordinary activities  for the  'F' Shares,  after taxation, for the 
period was  GBP8,000, relating wholly to a revenue loss. 
In  accordance with the policy set out  in the 'F' Share prospectus, the Company 
will  pay an interim dividend  of 5.0p per 'F' Share  on 30 November 2012 to 'F' 
Shareholders on the register at 2 November 2012. 
The task of building the 'F' Share investment portfolio is at an early stage but 
we  are satisfied  with the  progress made  to date  in investing the funds. The 
general  economic  climate  remains  challenging,  but  we  continue to see good 
quality  deal flow which we believe will allow us to build a portfolio which can 
deliver the targeted returns to Shareholders over the life of the pool. 
Downing LLP 
26 September 2012 
as at 31 July 2012 
                                                      Unrealised    % of 
                                                      gain/(loss)   portfolio 
                                      Cost  Valuation in period     by value 
                                       GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Qualifying investments 
 Tor Solar PV Limited*                  816       816           -       10.1% 
 Vulcan Renewables Limited              560       560           -        7.0% 
 City Falkirk Limited*                  421       421           -        5.2% 
 Fresh Green Power Limited              200       200           -        2.5% 
 Green Energy Production UK Limited     100       100           -        1.2% 
 Non-qualifying investments 
 Baron House Developments LLP           625       625           -        7.8% 
 Clareville Street LLP                  500       500           -        6.2% 
 Holdland House Developments Ltd        300       300           -        3.7% 
 West Tower Holdings Limited            290       290           -        3.6% 
 Fubar Stirling Limited                 268       268           -        3.3% 
 Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited   250       250           -        3.1% 
 Cheers Dumbarton Limited                48        48           -        0.6% 
 Lochrise Limited                        13        13           -        0.2% 
                                     ------- --------- ----------- ---------- 
                                      4,391     4,391           -       54.5% 
                                     -------           ----------- 
 Cash at bank and in hand                       3,630                   45.5% 
                                             ---------             ---------- 
 Total                                          8,021                  100.0% 
                                             ---------             ---------- 
* Partially qualifying investment 
All of the above investments were additions in the period. 
                                       Market             Gain    Total 
                                     value at Disposal against realised 
Disposals                     Cost 01/02/12** proceeds    cost     gain 
                              GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Non-qualifying investments 
Baron House Developments LLP    75         75       75       -        - 
** Adjusted for purchases in the year 
as at 31 July 2012 
                                                             31 Jul   31 Jan 
                                     31 Jul 2012               2011     2012 
                                                     Total    Total    Total 
                                  'C'    'D'    'F'   (inc     (inc     (inc 
                               Shares Shares Shares  Ords)    Ords)    Ords) 
                                 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Unquoted investments            6,477  8,119  4,391 18,987   13,774   14,240 
Current assets 
Debtors                           108     26    399    533    1,164    1,391 
Cash at bank and in hand           44      8  3,630  3,682      949      672 
                          --------------------------------- -------- ------- 
                                  152     34  4,029  4,215    2,113    2,063 
Creditors: amounts falling 
due within one year 
                                (109)  (120)   (53)  (282)    (353)    (213) 
                          --------------------------------- -------- ------- 
Net current assets                 43   (86)  3,976  3,933    1,760    1,850 
                          --------------------------------- -------- ------- 
Net assets                      6,520  8,033  8,367 22,920   15,534   16,090 
                          --------------------------------- -------- ------- 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital            18     25      9    153      144      144 
Share capital to be issued          -      -      -      -        -    1,178 
Capital redemption reserve          4      -      -      5        5        5 
Special reserve                 5,993  8,726      - 14,719   15,480   15,148 
Share premium account               -      -  8,366  8,366        -        - 
Revaluation reserve               343  (616)      -  (273)    (133)    (317) 
Capital reserve - realised         53      -      -     48        -       53 
Revenue reserve                   109  (102)    (8)   (98)       38    (121) 
                          --------------------------------- -------- ------- 
Total equity shareholders' 
                                6,520  8,033  8,367 22,920   15,534   16,090 
                          --------------------------------- -------- ------- 
Basic and diluted net asset value 
'C' Share                       90.8p                         88.6p    91.5p 
'A' Share                        0.1p                          0.1p     0.1p 
'D' Share                              80.3p                  91.6p    83.3p 
'E' Share                               0.1p                   0.1p     0.1p 
'F' Share                                     94.4p             n/a      n/a 
                                                              31 Jul    31 Jan 
                                     31 July 2012               2011      2012 
                                                      Total    Total     Total 
                                 'C'    'D'     'F'    (inc     (inc      (inc 
                              Shares Shares  Shares   Ords)    Ords)     Ords) 
                                GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
Opening Shareholders' funds    6,574  8,333   1,178  16,090   16,033    16,033 
Issue of shares                    -      -   8,862   8,862        -         - 
Share issue costs                  -      -   (487)   (487)        -         - 
Total recognised gains/ 
(losses) for the year 
                                 126   (51)     (8)      62      110      (83) 
Share capital to be issued         -      - (1,178) (1,178)        -     1,178 
Dividends                      (179)  (250)       -   (429)    (609)   (1,038) 
                          ---------------------------------- -------- -------- 
Closing Shareholders' funds    6,521  8,032   8,367  22,920   15,534    16,090 
                              ------------------------------ -------- -------- 
for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
Company Total (including Ordinary Share pool) 
                           Six months ended         Six months ended      31 Jan 
                             31 Jul 2012               31 Jul 2011 
                         Revenue Capital  Total   Revenue Capital Total    Total 
                            GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000     GBP'000 
Income                       295       -    295       573       -   573      676 
Gains/(losses) on 
- realised                     -     (5)    (5)         -       -     -       53 
- unrealised                   -      44     44         -   (133) (133)    (317) 
                      -------------------------- ----------------------- ------- 
                             295      39    334       573   (133)   440      412 
Investment management                               (108)       - 
fees                       (145)       -  (145)                   (108)    (211) 
Other expenses             (110)       -  (110)     (109)       - (109)    (199) 
                      -------------------------- ----------------------- ------- 
Return on ordinary 
before taxation               40      39     79       356           223        2 
Taxation                    (17)       -   (17)     (113)       - (113)     (85) 
                      -------------------------- ----------------------- ------- 
Return attributable to 
shareholders                  23      39     62       243   (133)   110     (83) 
                      -------------------------- ----------------------- ------- 
Return per 'C' Share        0.7p    1.1p   1.8p      0.8p       -  0.8p     6.2p 
Return per 'A' Share           -       -      -         -       -     -        - 
Return per 'D' Share      (0.2p)  (0.3p) (0.5p)      1.9p  (1.3p)  0.6p   (5.3p) 
Return per 'E' Share           -       -      -         -       -     -        - 
Return per 'F' Share      (0.1p)       - (0.1p)       n/a     n/a   n/a      n/a 
A  Statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses has  not been prepared as all 
gains/losses are recognised in the Income Statement as noted above. 
 'C' Shares 
                             Six months ended        Six months ended     31 Jan 
                                31 Jul 2012             31 Jul 2011 
                           Revenue Capital Total   Revenue Capital Total   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income                         151       -   151       160       -   160     337 
Gains on investments 
- realised                       -       -     -         -       -     -      53 
- unrealised                     -      76    76         -       -     -     267 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
                               151      76   227       160       -   160     657 
Investment management fees    (44)       -  (44)      (45)       -  (45)    (88) 
Other expenses                (40)       -  (40)      (37)       -  (37)    (74) 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
Return on ordinary 
before taxation                 67      76   143        78       -    78     495 
Taxation                      (17)       -  (17)      (25)       -  (25)    (51) 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
Return attributable to 
shareholders                    50      76   126        53       -    53     444 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
'D' Shares 
                             Six months ended        Six months ended     31 Jan 
                                31 Jul 2012             31 Jul 2011 
                           Revenue Capital Total   Revenue Capital Total   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income                          85       -    85       413       -   413     339 
Losses on investments 
- realised                       -       -     -         -       -     -       - 
- unrealised                     -    (32)  (32)         -   (133) (133)   (584) 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
                                85    (32)    53       413   (133)   280   (245) 
Investment management fees    (56)       -  (56)      (63)       -  (63)   (123) 
Other expenses                (48)       -  (48)      (72)       -  (72)   (125) 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
Return on ordinary 
before taxation               (19)    (32)  (51)       278   (133)   145   (493) 
Taxation                         -       -     -      (88)       -  (88)    (34) 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
Return attributable to 
shareholders                  (19)    (32)  (51)       190   (133)    57   (527) 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
 'F' Shares 
                             Six months ended        Six months ended     31 Jan 
                                31 Jul 2012             31 Jul 2011 
                           Revenue Capital Total   Revenue Capital Total   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income                          59       -    59         -       -     -       - 
Gains on investments 
- realised                       -       -     -         -       -     -       - 
- unrealised                     -       -     -         -       -     -       - 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
                                59       -    59         -       -     -       - 
Investment management fees    (45)       -  (45)         -       -     -       - 
Other expenses                (22)       -  (22)         -       -     -       - 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
Loss on ordinary 
before taxation                (8)       -   (8)         -       -     -       - 
Taxation                         -       -     -         -       -     -       - 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
Loss attributable to 
shareholders                   (8)       -   (8)         -       -     -       - 
                          ----------------------- ----------------------- ------ 
for the six months ended 31 July 2012 
                                                                31 Jul    31 Jan 
                                  31 Jul 2012                     2011 
                                                  Total          Total     Total 
                            'C'     'D'     'F'    (inc           (inc      (inc 
                         Shares  Shares  Shares   Ords)          Ords)     Ords) 
                    Note   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000           GBP'000      GBP'000 
Net cash 
inflow/(outflow)             57      69      19     145          (350)       519 
from operating 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
Corporation tax paid          -       -       -       -              -     (120) 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments    (13) (1,167) (4,466) (5,646)        (5,321)   (8,469) 
Sale of investments           -     863      75     938          4,636     7,187 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
Net cash outflow from 
capital expenditure        (13)   (304) (4,391) (4,708)          (685)   (1,282) 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
Equity dividends paid     (179)   (250)       -   (429)          (609)   (1,038) 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
Net cash outflow before   (135)   (485) (4,372) (4,992)        (1,644)   (1,921) 
Proceeds from share           -       -   8,489   8,489              -         - 
Share issue costs             -       -   (487)   (487) -       -         - 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
Net cash inflow from          -       -   8,002   8,002              -         - 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
(Decrease)/increase   2   (135)   (485)   3,630   3,010        (1,644)   (1,921) 
in cash 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
Notes to the cash flow statement: 
1 Cash inflow from operating activities and returns on 
Return on ordinary 
activities before           143    (51)     (8)      79            223         2 
(Gains)/losses on          (76)      32       -    (39)            133       264 
Decrease/(increase) in        6      72    (26)      52          (714)       238 
other debtors 
(Decrease)/increase in     (16)      16      53      53              8        15 
other creditors 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
Net cash 
inflow/(outflow) from        57      69      19     145          (350)       519 
operating activities 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
2 Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period         179     493       -     672          2,593     2,593 
Net cash                  (135)   (485)   3,630   3,010        (1,644)   (1,921) 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
End of period                44       8   3,630   3,682            949       672 
                        --------------------------------      --------- -------- 
1.     The  unaudited half-yearly results cover the  six months to 31 July 2012 
and  have been prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 
"Financial  Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 
revised  January 2009 and in accordance with  the accounting policies set out in 
the  statutory accounts for the year  ended 31 January 2012, which were prepared 
under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. 
2.     All  revenue  and  capital  items  in  the  Income  Statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
3.     The  Company has only one  class of business and  derives its income from 
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
4.     The  comparative figures are in respect of the six month period ended 31 
July 2011 and the year ended 31 January 2012 respectively. 
5.     Dividends 
                                        Six months ended             Year ended 
                                          31 July 2012              31 Jan 2012 
                    Per share   Revenue       Capital       Total         Total 
 Paid in year           pence      GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000          GBP'000 
 'C' Shares 
 2011 Final              5.0p         -             -           -           359 
 2012 Interim            2.5p         -             -           -           179 
 2012 Final              2.5p         -           179         179             - 
                              -----------   -----------   ---------   ---------- 
                                      -           179         179           538 
                              -----------   -----------   ---------   ---------- 
 'D' Shares 
 2011 Final              2.5p         -             -           -           250 
 2012 Interim            2.5p         -             -           -           250 
 2012 Final              2.5p         -           250         250             - 
                              -----------   -----------   ---------   ---------- 
                                      -           250         250           500 
                              -----------   -----------   ---------   ---------- 
No dividends have been paid or declared in respect of the 'A' Shares, 'E' Shares 
or 'F' Shares. 
6.     Basic and diluted return per share 
                                 'C'        'A'       'D'        'E'       'F' 
                              Shares     Shares    Shares     Shares    Shares 
Revenue return per share based on: 
Net revenue after taxation 
( GBP'000)                           50          -      (19)          -       (8) 
Capital return/(loss) per share based on: 
Net capital gain for the 
                                  76          -      (32)          -         - 
financial year ( GBP'000) 
Weighted average number of 
                           7,173,376 10,760,064 9,994,109 14,994,862 6,498,803 
shares in issue 
7.     Net asset value per share 
                     Shares in issue              Net asset value 
                                           per share         GBP'000 
 'C' Shares                7,173,376           90.8p        6,509 
 'A' Shares               10,760,064            0.1p           11 
 'D' Shares                9,994,109           80.3p        8,018 
 'E' Shares               14,994,862            0.1p           15 
 'F' Shares                8,862,142           94.4p        8,367 
 Ordinary Shares *        10,064,617               -            - 
* The Ordinary Shares have been cancelled since the period end. 
8.     Reserves 
                          Capital   Share                    Capital 
                       redemption premium Special Revenue    reserve Revaluation 
                          reserve reserve reserve reserve - realised     reserve 
                             GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
At 1 February 2012              5       -  15,148   (121)         53       (317) 
Issue of shares                 -   8,853       -       -          -           - 
Share issue costs               -   (487)       -       -          -           - 
Net (loss)/gain on              -       -       -       -        (5)          44 
Expenses capitalised            -       -       -       -          -           - 
Dividends paid                  -       -       -       -      (429)           - 
Transfer between                -       -   (429)       -        429           - 
Retained revenue                -       -       -      23          -           - 
At 31 July 2012                 5   8,366  14,719    (98)         48       (273) 
The  Special reserve,  Capital reserve  - realised  and Revenue  reserve are all 
distributable  reserves.  The  Revaluation  reserve  includes losses of  GBP607,000 
which   are  included  in  the  calculation  of  distributable  reserves.  Total 
distributable reserves are  GBP14,062,000 ( GBP14,416,000 at 31 January 2012). 
9.     The  unaudited  condensed  financial  statements  set  out  herein do not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies 
Act  2006 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The figures 
for  the  year  ended  31 January  2012 have  been  extracted from the financial 
statements  for  that  year,  which  have  been  delivered  to  the Registrar of 
Companies; the Auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
10.  The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the half-yearly 
financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the "Statement: Half- 
Yearly  Financial Reports" issued  by the UK  Accounting Standards Board and the 
half-yearly  financial report includes a fair review of the information required 
a)      DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication 
of  important  events  that  have  occurred  during  the first six months of the 
financial  year and their  impact on the  condensed set of financial statements, 
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
b)      DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions  that  have  taken  place  in  the  first six months of the current 
financial  year  and  that  have  materially  affected the financial position or 
performance  of the entity  during that period,  and any changes  in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
11.  Risks and uncertainties 
Under  the Disclosure and Transparency Directive,  the Board is required, in the 
Company's  half-yearly results, to  report on principal  risks and uncertainties 
facing the Company over the remainder of the financial year. 
The  Board concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the remainder of 
the financial period are as follows: 
(i)     Compliance risk of failure to maintain approval as a VCT; and 
(ii)     Investment  risk  associated  with  investing  in  small  and  immature 
The  Company's compliance with  the VCT regulations  is continually monitored by 
the  Manager, who reports  regularly to the  Board on the  current position. The 
Company has also appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and 
advice in this area. 
In  order to make VCT qualifying investments, the Company has to invest in small 
businesses  which are often immature.  It also has a  limited period in which it 
must invest the majority of its funds. The Manager follows a rigorous process in 
vetting  and careful structuring  of new investments,  including taking a charge 
over  the assets of the  business wherever possible and,  after an investment is 
made, closely monitoring the business. 
The  Board is satisfied that these approaches provide satisfactory management of 
the key risks. 
12.  Going concern 
The  Directors have reviewed the Company's financial resources at the period end 
and conclude that the Company is well placed to manage its business risks. 
The  Board confirms that it is satisfied that the Company has adequate resources 
to  continue in business for the foreseeable  future. For this reason, the Board 
believes  that  the  Company  continues  to  be  a  going concern and that it is 
appropriate  to  apply  the  going  concern  basis  in  preparing  the financial 
13.  Copies  of the  unaudited half-yearly  report will  be sent to Shareholders 
shortly.  Further copies can be obtained from the Company's registered office or 
will be available for download from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Downing Planned Exit VCT 3 PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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