Downing Structured Opportunities VCT 1 plc 
(formerly Downing Protected Opportunities VCT 1 plc) 
Initial Half-Yearly Report for the period ended 30 September 2009 
Performance summary 
                                                30 Sept 2009 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                     100.3 
Net asset value per 'A' Share                            0.1 
Cumulative distributions per Ordinary Share              2.5 
Total return per Ordinary Share and 'A' Share          102.9 
I  am  pleased   to  welcome  shareholders   to  Downing   Structured 
Opportunities VCT 1 plc and to present the Company's first report. 
The Company has  had a successful  initial period from  launch to  30 
September  2009,   with  a   well-received  fundraising,   a   strong 
performance by the structured product portfolio and the completion of 
a number of VCT-qualifying investments. 
Change of name 
On 11  November 2009,  the  Company changed  its name  from  "Downing 
Protected  Opportunities   VCT   1  plc"   to   "Downing   Structured 
Opportunities VCT 1 plc".  The change of name arose from  discussions 
between the Manager  and the Board,  regarding a plan  to adjust  the 
branding of the Manager's series of  VCTs to bring them in line  with 
the latest  best practice.  The Board  believes the  new name  better 
reflects the Company's exposure to structured product investments. 
Original share offer 
The Company launched its  first fundraising in  January 2009 and  had 
raised gross proceeds of GBP10.5 million  by the time the offer  closed 
on 2  September  2009.   The  Company  issued 10.4  million  Ordinary 
Shares and  15.6 million  'A' Shares  producing net  proceeds,  after 
issue costs, of GBP9.9 million. 
Shareholders who subscribed under the offer received equal numbers of 
Ordinary Shares and 'A' Shares.  In accordance with the January  2009 
Prospectus, shares were allotted at  prices according to the  pricing 
formula based on  the latest published  NAV and grossed  up for  5.5% 
issue costs as follows: 
                 Subscription price 
               (for one Ordinary Share 
Allotment date    and one 'A' Share) 
6 March 2009           100.0p 
31 March 2009          100.0p 
1 April 2009           100.0p 
5 April 2009           100.0p 
30 April 2009          100.0p 
2 June 2009            102.7p 
3 July 2009            101.9p 
5 August 2009          106.3p 
2 Sept 2009            108.3p 
The  'A'  Shares  are  designed  to  facilitate  the  payment  of   a 
performance incentive to management should any such incentive  become 
payable in the  future.  The 'A'  Shares are expected  to have a  net 
asset value of 0.1p per share for the initial years of the  Company. 
This is only expected to change  if and when the performance  hurdles 
are met and a performance incentive becomes payable. 
Management 'A' Shares 
As noted in  the January 2009  prospectus, immediately following  the 
close of  the  Offers,  certain  of the  Management  'A'  Share  were 
effectively cancelled such  that the members  of the Management  team 
now hold 5,181,613 'A' Shares (excluding any 'A' shares that  members 
of the management  team acquired under  the offers for  subscription) 
which represents  one third  of the  total number  of 'A'  Shares  In 
New Director 
I am pleased  to report  that Russell Catley  joined the  Board as  a 
non-executive director  on  15 October  2009.   Russell has  over  25 
years' experience in the financial  sector and is a founding  partner 
at Catley Lakeman LLP, which specialises in structuring, advising  on 
and selling  structured  products  and  whose  clients  include  J.P. 
Morgan, Citigroup, Nomura and HSBC. He was previously with  Citigroup 
Global Markets  Limited  and AXA  Investment  Managers UK  Ltd,  also 
specialising in structured products. 
Russell's  appointment  brings  additional   skills  to  the   Board, 
particularly in the structured product area.  The Board now comprises 
four independent, non-executive directors. 
Structured Product portfolio 
In line with  the Company's investment  policy, predominantly all  of 
the Company's  funds  were  initially  invested  in  a  portfolio  of 
structured  products.  Investments  were  made  in  a  total  of   17 
structured products, all but one of which uses the FTSE 100 index  as 
its underlying index. 
The portfolio  produced realised  gains  of GBP126,000  and  unrealised 
gains of GBP794,000 over the period under review. 
Further details are given in the Investment Manager's Report below. 
Venture capital investments 
Towards  the  end  of  the   period,  the  Company  made  its   first 
VCT-qualifying investments. A total of GBP2.45 million was invested  in 
four investments,  with part  of  one of  the investments  being  non 
Each of these investments has been valued at cost at the period-end. 
Further details are given in the Investment Manager's Report. 
Net Asset Value and Results 
At 30 September 2009, the Net Asset Value ("NAV") per Ordinary  Share 
stood at 100.3p and the NAV per 'A' Share stood at 0.1p, producing  a 
combined total of 100.4p.  After  taking into account, the  Company's 
inaugural dividend described below, the NAV plus cumulative dividends 
paid to  date for  one Ordinary  Share and  one A  Share amounted  to 
102.9p. This is  an increase  of 8.9% over  the initial  NAV (net  of 
issue costs) of 94.5p since March 2009 when the Company first  issued 
The profit on ordinary activities  after taxation for the period  was 
GBP743,000, comprising a revenue loss of GBP172,000 and a capital  profit 
of GBP915,000.   As  further  venture  capital  investments  are  made, 
investment income  is  expected to  increase  such that,  in  future, 
revenue column will show a lower loss or a profit. 
The Board intends to declare dividends of at least 2.5p per  Ordinary 
Share twice  each year.  The  Company's first  dividend of  2.5p  per 
Ordinary Share was paid on 25 September 2009. 
The next  dividend of  2.5p per  Ordinary Share  will be  paid on  29 
January 2010 to Ordinary Shareholders  on the register at 15  January 
Share buybacks 
The Company  operates  a share  buyback  policy whereby,  subject  to 
certain restrictions, it intends to buy in any of its own shares that 
become available in the market for cancellation at a 10% discount  to 
the prevailing NAV. 
No such shares were purchased in the period. 
Cancellation of Share Premium Account 
On 28 July 2009, the Company cancelled its Share premium account  and 
created a distributable  Special Reserve. The  Special Reserve  gives 
the Company flexibility to undertake share buybacks (if required) and 
also in paying dividends. 
New share offer 
On 15  October  2009,  the  Company  launched  a  new  share  offer. 
Subscribers to the new share offer will receive equal numbers of  'B' 
Shares and 'C' Shares. Funds raised under the new share offer will be 
maintained and  managed  separately from  the  existing  Ordinary/'A' 
share pool,  however the  new funds  will allow  the Company's  fixed 
running costs  to be  spread  over a  larger shareholder  base,  thus 
reducing running costs per share for all Shareholders. 
Risk and uncertainties 
Under  the  Disclosure  and  Transparency  Directive,  the  Board  is 
required in  the  Company's  Half-Year  Results,  to  report  on  the 
principal  risks  and  uncertainties  facing  the  Company  over  the 
remainder of the financial year. 
The Board has concluded  that the key risks  facing the Company  over 
the remainder of the financial period are as follows: 
(i) compliance risk of failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
(ii)  market,  liquidity  and   counterparty  risk  associated   with 
Structured Products, and 
(iii) investment risk associated with investing in small and immature 
The Company's  compliance with  the  VCT regulations  is  continually 
monitored by the Administration Manager, who reports regularly to the 
Board  on   the   current   position.  The   Company   also   retains 
PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and advice in  this 
area.  The Board considers that this  approach reduces the risk of  a 
breach of the VCT. 
In investing in structured products, the Company is exposed to market 
risk, liquidity risk and counterparty risk. The Company manages these 
risks as follows: 
* holding a portfolio of structured products, 
* limiting exposure to any one counterparty, and 
* monitoring credit ratings and other indicators relevant to 
With this approach, the Board believes that these risks are reduced. 
In order  to  make VCT-qualifying  investments,  the Company  has  to 
invest in small businesses which are  often immature.  It also has  a 
limited period in which  it must invest the  majority of its  funds. 
The Investment  Manager follows  a rigorous  process in  vetting  and 
careful structuring  of new  investments, including  taking a  charge 
over the  assets of  the  business wherever  possible and,  after  an 
investment is made,  closely monitoring  the business.  The Board  is 
satisfied that this approach reduces the investment risk described in 
(iii) above as far as is reasonably possible. 
The Company's structured  product portfolio has  benefitted from  the 
favourable market conditions since the Company's launch and has given 
your Company  an excellent  start.   The Company  still has  a  large 
exposure to structured products so their performance will continue to 
be highly significant to the Company over the remainder of this first 
financial period. 
In line with the Company's plans, the exposure to structured products 
will reduce steadily  over the next  two or so  years as the  Company 
makes further  VCT-qualifying  investments.  I  will  report  further 
progress in  building  the  Ordinary/'A'  Share  pool  VCT-qualifying 
portfolio, as well as news on the initial investments made by the new 
'B'/'C' Share pool,  in my  report with the  first year-end  results, 
which I expect to be published in July 2010. 
Howard Flight 
We are  pleased  to  report that  the  Company's  Structured  Product 
portfolio has  performed well  and  that we  have already  made  four 
VCT-qualifying investments. 
Structured Products 
Brewin Dolphin acts as the Company's Structured Products manager  and 
has  overseen  the  building  of  the  Company's  Structured  Product 
The Company invested in  a total of 17  Structured Products over  the 
period at  total cost  of GBP8.3  million.  Full  details are  included 
Four realisations took place as follows: 
                                          Cost Proceeds Realised gain 
                                         GBP'000    GBP'000         GBP'000 
BNP Paribas Harewood 12% Defensive         732      784            52 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive 
Auto-Call 2                                249      270            21 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive 
Auto-Call 3                                372      391            19 
Sienna (Morgan Stanley) 3Y FTSE Bonus 
Shares                                     573      608            34 
                                         1,927    2,053           126 
The Sienna and Citigroup products were sold in the market, while  the 
BNP Paribas product was realised as a result of a "kick-out", whereby 
its targets had been met and it paid out the planned returns. 
With further "kick-outs" anticipated, the Ordinary/'A' share pool may 
make further  new Structured  Product investments,  depending on  the 
timing of new VCT-qualifying investments. 
VCT-qualifying investments 
The Company's four VCT-qualifying investments are as follows: 
Atlantic Dogstar Limited         216 
Bijou Wedding Venues Limited * 1,415 
East Dulwich Tavern Limited      459 
Westow House Limited             405 
*GBP750,000  of  the  investment  in   Bijou  Wedding  venues  is   non 
Atlantic Dogstar Limited has acquired the freehold of the Dogstar pub 
in Brixton,  South London.  The  pub is  operated by  an  experienced 
operator Antic  Limited,  who  is  also  the  investment  partner  in 
Atlantic Dogstar Limited. 
The management team of Bijou Wedding Venues Limited owns and operates 
a number of wedding  venues. Your Company,  along with other  Downing 
VCTs, provided funding to allow  the company to acquire the  freehold 
of Botleys Mansion in Chertsey,  Surrey. The venue is now  undergoing 
refurbishment work, with  the first  wedding scheduled  to be  hosted 
there in December this year. 
East Dulwich Tavern Limited acquired the freehold of the East Dulwich 
Tavern. As with Atlantic Dogstar above, the pub is operated by  Antic 
Limited who has also invested in the company. 
Westow House Limited  owns the freehold  of the Westow  House pub  in 
Crystal Palace,  South  London, which,  again  is operated  by  Antic 
Limited, who is also the investment partner. 
Dealflow of potential VCT-qualifying investments has strengthened  in 
recent months, with evidence that stronger businesses now consider it 
to be the  right time to  take advantage of  opportunities that  have 
arisen as a result of the sustained period of economic deterioration. 
With bank funding generally still proving difficult to obtain, we are 
well-positioned to  be able  to  secure investments  with  attractive 
levels of asset-backing and returns. 
We anticipate that  further VCT-qualifying investments  will be  made 
within  the  Ordinary/'A'  share  pool  over  the  remainder  of  the 
financial period, and also expect to see the start of development  of 
the Structured Products portfolio for the new 'B'/'C' share pool 
Downing Corporate Finance Ltd 
as at 30 September 2009 
                                               30 Sept 2009 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                           9,665 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                  12 
Cash at bank and in hand                                886 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year        (139) 
Net current assets                                      759 
Net assets                                           10,423 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                  31 
Share premium                                         2,794 
Special reserve                                       6,855 
Capital reserve - unrealised                            794 
Capital reserve - realised                              121 
Revenue reserve                                       (172) 
Equity shareholders' funds                           10,423 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                   100.3p 
Net asset value per 'A' Share                          0.1p 
for the period ended 30 September 2009 
                                      30 Sept 2009 
Opening shareholders' funds 
Issue of shares                       10,510 
Share issue costs                     (571) 
Distributions                         (259) 
Total recognised gains for the period 743 
Closing shareholders' funds           10,423 
for the period ended 30 September 2009 
                                                  Period ended 
                                                  30 Sept 2009 
                                            Revenue   Capital   Total 
                                              GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Income                                           14         -      14 
Gains on investments       - realised             -       126     126 
                           - unrealised           -       794     794 
                                                 14       920     934 
Investment management fees                     (61)         -    (61) 
Other expenses                                (125)       (5)   (130) 
Return  on   ordinary   activities   before   (172)       915     743 
Taxation                                          -         -       - 
Return attributable to equity shareholders    (172)       915     743 
Return per Ordinary Share                   (2.18p)    11.61p   9.43p 
Return per 'A' Share                              -         -       - 
A Statement  of  Total  Recognised  Gains and  Losses  has  not  been 
prepared as  all  gains  and  losses are  recognised  in  the  Income 
Statement as noted above. 
for the period ended 30 September 2009 
                                                         30 Sept 2009 
                                                  Note          GBP'000 
Cash inflow from operating activities and returns 
on investments                                     1             (82) 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                                      (10,797) 
Sale of investments                                             2,053 
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                     (8,744) 
Equity dividends paid                                           (259) 
Net cash outflow before financing                             (9,385) 
Proceeds from Ordinary Share issue                             10,500 
Proceeds from 'A' Share issue                                       5 
Proceeds from Deferred Share issue                                  5 
Proceeds from Preference Share issue                               50 
Redemption of preference shares                                  (50) 
Share issue costs                                               (539) 
Net cash inflow from financing                                  9,971 
Increase in cash                                   2              886 
Notes to the cash flow statement: 
1   Cash inflow from operating activities and 
returns on investments 
Return on ordinary activities before taxation                     743 
Gains on investments                                            (920) 
Increase in other debtors                                        (12) 
Increase in other creditors                                       107 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                        (82) 
2   Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period                                                 - 
Net cash inflow                                                   886 
End of period                                                     886 
as at 30 September 2009 
                                                                 % of 
                                                 Unrealised portfolio 
                                 Cost Valuation gain/(loss)  by value 
                                GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
Atlantic Dogstar Limited          216       216           -      2.0% 
Bijou Wedding Venues Limited *  1,415     1,415           -     13.4% 
East Dulwich Tavern Limited       459       459           -      4.4% 
Westow House Limited              405       405           -      3.8% 
                                2,495     2,495           -     23.6% 
Structured products 
Barclays 3 Year Semi-Annual 
Synthetic Zero                    476       552          76      5.2% 
Barclays 12.2% FTSE Autocall      859       970         111      9.2% 
Citigroup FTSE Defensive          488       551          63      5.2% 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive 
Autocall 1                        130       137           7      1.3% 
Elders Capital Accumulator 2      259       308          49      2.9% 
Elders Capital Accumulator 6      634       776         142      7.4% 
Elders Japan Capital Protected 
3                                 626       656          30      6.2% 
Goldman Sachs Defensive 
Autocall                          336       394          58      3.7% 
Goldman Sachs Reservoir 
Autocall                          401       418          17      4.0% 
Morgan Stanley FTSE Synthetic 
Zero                              449       559         110      5.3% 
Platinum Defensive FTSE 
Autocall                          656       704          48      6.7% 
Platinum 3 Year Callable          351       367          16      3.5% 
Symphony 3.5 Year FTSE 4.85 
Call                              710       777          67      7.4% 
                                6,375     7,169         794     68.0% 
Total                           8,871     9,664         794 
Cash at bank and in hand                    886                  8.4% 
Total Investments                        10,550                100.0% 
*partly non VCT-qualifying 
as at 30 September 2009 
Additions                                    GBP'000 
VCT-qualifying investments 
Westow House Limited                           405 
Atlantic Dogstar Limited                       216 
East Dulwich Tavern Limited                    459 
Bijou Wedding Venues Limited *               1,415 
Structured products 
Barclays 3 Year Semi-Annual Synthetic Zero     476 
Barclays 12.2% FTSE Autocall                   860 
BNP Paribas Harewood 12% Defensive             732 
Citigroup FTSE Defensive                       488 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive Autocall 1     130 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive Auto-Call 2    249 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive Auto-Call 3    372 
Elders Capital Accumulator 2                   259 
Elders Capital Accumulator 6                   634 
Elders Japan Capital Protected 3               626 
Goldman Sachs Defensive Autocall               336 
Goldman Sachs Reservoir Autocall               401 
Morgan Stanley FTSE Synthetic Zero             449 
Platinum Defensive FTSE Autocall               656 
Platinum 3 Year Callable                       351 
Sienna 3 Year FTSE Bonus Shares                573 
Symphony 3.5 Year FTSE 4.85 Call               710 
Disposals                                   Disposal   Total realised 
                                     Cost   Proceeds      gain/(loss) 
                                    GBP'000      GBP'000            GBP'000 
Structured products 
BNP Paribas Harewood 12%                         784               52 
Defensive                             732 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive                  270               21 
Auto-Call 2                           249 
Citigroup Gilt Backed Defensive                  391               19 
Auto-Call 3                           372 
Sienna 3 Year FTSE Bonus Shares       573        607               34 
                                    1,926      2,052              126 
* GBP750,000 of investment is non VCT-qualifying 
1. Basis of accounting 
The unaudited half-yearly  results cover the  period to 30  September 
2009 and  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  the  accounting 
policies set out in the initial accounts for the period ended 31 July 
2009 which  were  prepared  under UK  Generally  Accepted  Accounting 
Practice  ("UK  GAAP")  and  in  accordance  with  the  Statement  of 
Recommended  Practice  "Financial  Statements  of  Investment   Trust 
Companies" revised January 2009 ("SORP"). 
2. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive  from 
continuing operations. 
3. The Company has only one class of business and derives its  income 
from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
4. Net Asset Value per share at the period end has been calculated on 
10,371,225 Ordinary  Shares  and  15,556,838 'A'  Shares,  being  the 
number of shares in issue at the period end. 
5. Return per share for the  period has been calculated on  7,867,430 
Ordinary Shares and 16,194,621 'A' Shares, being the weighted average 
number of shares in issue during the period. 
6. Dividends 
                            Revenue   Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Paid in period 
Interim - paid 29 Sept 2009       -       259     259 
7. Reserves 
                                  Investment            Capital 
        Share premium   Special      holding   reserve-realised   Revenue 
              account   reserve        gains                      reserve 
                GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000              GBP'000     GBP'000 
At 12 January       -         -            -                  -         - 
Share issues   10,479         -            -                  -         - 
Share   issue   (571)         -            -                  -         - 
between       (7,114)     7,114            -                  -         - 
Distributions       -     (259)            -                  - 
Retained            -         -          794                121     (172) 
At 30           2,794     6,855          794                121     (172) 
The Revenue reserve, Special reserve  and Capital reserve -  realised 
are  distributable  reserves.  Investment  holding  gains  are   also 
considered to be distributable as at 30 September 2009. Distributable 
reserves at 30 September 2009 were GBP7,598,000 
8.  The  unaudited  financial  statements  set  out  herein  do   not 
constitute statutory accounts  within the meaning  of Section 434  of 
the Companies Act 2006 and have  not been delivered to the  Registrar 
of Companies. 
9. The Directors confirm  that, to the best  of their knowledge,  the 
half-yearly financial  statements have  been prepared  in  accordance 
with the "Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the  UK 
Accounting Standards  Board  and  the  half-yearly  financial  report 
includes a fair review of the information required by: 
a. DTR  4.2.7R of  the Disclosure  and Transparency  Rules, being  an 
indication of important  events that have  occurred during the  first 
six months of the  financial year and their  impact on the  condensed 
set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks 
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and 
b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related 
party transactions that have taken place  in the first six months  of 
the current  financial year  and that  have materially  affected  the 
financial position or performance of  the entity during that  period, 
and any changes in  the related party  transactions described in  the 
last annual report that could do so. 
10. Copies of  the Half-Yearly  Report will be  sent to  Shareholders 
shortly.  Further  copies  will be   available  from  the   Company's 
registered office or for download from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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