RNS Number:2182K
Dipford Group PLC
19 December 2007


Dipford stabilises after tough first half

Dipford Group plc, a consolidator in the business broking market, today
announces its interim results for the six-month period ended 31 October 2007.

Financial highlights (compared to 6 months ended 31 October 2006):

*        Operating profit  �258,999 (2006: �246,160)

*        Profit before tax  �153,700 (2006: �166,390)

*        EPS 1.13p per share (2006: 0.96p)

Chris Pople, Non-Executive Chairman, said:

"We are now most of the way through what has been a difficult period for the
Group. We are beginning to see the benefits of improvements made to staffing and
procedures, although we still have some way to go."

- ends -

For further information please call:

Jonathan Custance Baker - Chief Executive, Dipford Group plc     Tel:  01392 256800
Mike Coe - Director, Corporate Finance, Blue Oar Securities Plc  Tel:  01179 330020

Interim Results for 6 months to 31 October 2007

The Board is pleased to present the six months results for the period to 31
October 2007.

Trading Results

This has been a mixed six month period. A steady first quarter has been followed
by difficult market conditions resulting in a subdued second quarter.  These are
the first results prepared using International Financial Reporting Standards ('
IFRS') and comparative figures have been restated accordingly.

Redwoods Dowling Kerr (RDK)

We are very pleased with the appointment of Dave Fergus as the new Chief
Executive. Following his initial assessment, Dave has embarked on a programme of
restructuring which, while not yet compete, has already had a significant
positive impact on the business. It is frustrating that the delays in completing
the recruitment have meant, that while the outlook is now more positive, we are
six months behind in the development plans for the division.

Kings Business Transfer (Kings)

Led by Chris Rowlands, Kings has met overall growth expectations. However, the
slower than expected improvement in the quality of the revenue streams - as
evidenced by the higher cost of debt provisions - has led to reduced returns
from the business. The management of debtors has been tightened considerably
with the expectation that this area of concern will continue to diminish.

The division continues its geographic expansion which is heavily dependent on
finding good quality business development professionals in each new region.

Bruce & Company Limited (Bruce)

The Group's Scottish division is led by Derek Burgoyne and Gordon Mair. In an
ever more competitive environment, the division continues to meet all its
targets. Plans continue for Bruce to extend its services to a wider range of
sectors leveraging off the expertise of other parts of the Group.


All divisions are now fully up and running on our internally developed software
- Unite. Continued improvements now make this a very valuable management as well
as operational tool.


Recent internal restructuring has allowed a greater emphasis on PR, a key area
of our business. The function of the PR Manager is not to publicise Dipford
Group but to promote the individual divisions in their respective market places.
A sustained programme of communication to both trade and regional press will
undoubtedly raise our profile and bring clear growth opportunities.

Market environment

Our second quarter was hampered by two main factors. The first was the 'credit
crunch' and the subsequent general market uncertainty. While this has not had a
direct impact, it has led to prospective purchasers being more circumspect in
their decisions. Secondly, the very wet summer extended the holiday period well
into September, which further delayed our deal flow.

While we believe that these problems are now moving behind us, the outlook for
the rest of the year remains conservative. Longer term, we see the trends being
positive in every sector of our business.


While it is the intention of the Board in due course to ensure that shareholders
benefit from the success of the Group with a progressive dividend policy, the
need to balance this with continuing investment in the business means that the
Board is not recommending an interim dividend for the period.


The business cycle in the SME business broking market is fairly lengthy. As
such, the current weak market climate will result in modest performance for the
first half of calendar 2008. Thereafter, we expect a pick up, in both activity
levels and profitability, as improvements to our business activity and cost
structures work through to enhanced revenues and margins.

Jonathan Custance Baker

Chief Executive

19th December 2007

Consolidated interim income statement

                                                      6 months to        6 months to        Year ended
                                                  31 October 2007    31 October 2006     30 April 2007
                                                      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)      *(Unaudited)
                                                                �                  �                 �

Revenue                                                 2,760,919          2,921,381         5,704,207

Cost of sales                                           (542,698)          (587,105)       (1,058,970)

Gross profit                                            2,218,221          2,334,276         4,645,237

Net operating expenses                                (1,984,210)        (2,088,116)       (3,920,281)

Other operating income                                     24,988                  -            33,763

Operating profit before exeptional items                  258,999            246,160           758,719

Exceptional items                                               -                  -       (1,892,590)

Operating profit/(loss) after exceptional                 258,999            246,160       (1,133,871)

Interest receivable                                        14,016              9,900            21,002
Interest payable                                        (119,315)           (89,670)         (194,152)

Profit/(loss) on before income tax                        153,700            166,390       (1,307,021)

Income tax (expense)/credit                              (22,500)           (54,850)           135,000

Profit/(loss) for the period                              131,200            111,540       (1,172,021)

Earnings/(loss) per share (pence)                            1.13               0.96           (10.08)
Earnings/(loss) per share (pence) - fully                    1.13               0.96           (10.08)

*The UK GAAP income statement was audited for the year ended 30 April 2007.

Consolidated interim balance sheet

                                                    At 31 October      At 31 October       At 30 April
                                                             2007               2006              2007
                                                      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)
                                                                �                  �                 �
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                             136,512            204,480           176,236
Goodwill                                                6,853,857          8,552,402         6,853,857
Other intangible assets                                   188,957            176,622           195,376
                                                        7,179,326          8,933,504         7,225,469
Current assets
Trade and other receivables                             1,085,333          1,098,424         1,432,476
Cash and cash equivalents                                 548,000            500,300           527,664
                                                        1,633,333          1,598,724         1,960,140

Total assets                                            8,812,659         10,532,228         9,185,609

Capital and reserves attributable to the
Company's equity holders
Share capital                                             581,126            581,126           581,126
Share premium account                                   5,117,259          5,117,259         5,117,259
Retained earnings                                       (833,338)            319,023         (964,538)
Total equity                                            4,865,047          6,017,408         4,733,847

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings                                              1,594,405          1,756,808         1,941,843
Provisions - deferred taxation                              4,190              4,190             4,190
                                                        1,598,595          1,760,998         1,946,033

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                1,700,961          2,042,110         1,911,790
Current income tax liabilities                             69,312            255,225            25,000
Borrowings                                                578,744            456,487           568,939
                                                        2,349,017          2,753,822         2,505,729

Total liabilities                                       3,947,612          4,514,820         4,451,762

Total equity and liabilities                            8,812,659         10,532,228         9,185,609

Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity

                                                           6 months to                    Year ended
                                                 31 October 2007  31 October 2006      30 April 2007
                                                     (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                                               �                �                  �

Profit/(loss) for the period                             131,200          111,540        (1,172,021)

Opening equity                                         4,733,847        5,905,868          5,905,868

Closing equity                                         4,865,047        6,017,408          4,733,847

Consolidated interim cash flow statement

                                                      6 months to        6 months to        Year ended
                                                  31 October 2007    31 October 2006     30 April 2007
                                                      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)
                                                                �                  �                 �

Cash flow from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                            345,808            247,366           705,561
Interest paid                                           (119,315)           (89,670)         (194,152)
Income tax received / (paid)                              143,126          (169,781)         (327,281)
Net cash generated from / (used in)
  operating activities                                    369,619           (12,085)           184,128

Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and
  equipment (PPE)                                        (20,820)           (47,040)          (68,908)
Purchase of intangible assets                            (10,513)           (19,437)          (53,861)
Proceeds from sale of PPE                                  10,000             23,947            30,813
Payment of deferred consideration                        (50,000)           (33,000)         (291,118)
Interest received                                          14,016              9,900            21,002
Net cash used in investing activities                    (57,317)           (65,630)         (362,072)

Cash flow from financing activities
Proceeds of borrowings from directors                           -                  -            75,000
Repayments of borrowings                                (197,997)          (187,231)         (248,206)
Capital element of finance lease
  rental payments                                        (10,729)           (43,699)          (58,216)
Net cash used in financing activities                   (208,726)          (230,930)         (231,422)

Net increase/(decrease) in net cash
(including bank overdrafts)                               103,576          (308,645)         (409,366)

Cash and bank overdrafts at beginning
  of period                                               353,106            762,472           762,472
Cash and bank overdrafts at end of period                 456,682            453,827           353,106

Cash and cash equivalents include client
  account balances of                                     548,000            500,300           521,775


1.             Basis of reporting

The interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the
historic cost convention and are covered by IFRS 1, First-time Adoption of
International Financial Reporting Standards.  The accounting policies are those
which the group intends to adopt for the year ending 30 April 2008 and are in
accordance with the IFRS that are either adopted by the European Union and
effective, or are expected to be effective, at 30 April 2008.

The financial information contained in this interim statement does not
constitute full accounts as defined in section 240 Companies Act 1985.  The
interim financial information in this statement has been neither audited nor
reviewed by the Company's auditors.

The financial information for the preceding year is based on the statutory
accounts for the financial year ended 30 April 2007.  Those accounts, prepared
under UK GAAP, and on which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion, have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

2.             Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit
attributable to ordinary shareholders for the period of �131,200 (2006 interim
profit: �111,540; 2007 final loss �1,172,021) divided by the average number of
shares in issue during the period of 11,622,512 (2006 interim: 11,622,512; 2007
final: 11,622,512).

3.             Cash generated from (used in) operations

                                                      6 months to        6 months to        Year ended
                                                  31 October 2007    31 October 2006     30 April 2007
                                                      (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)
                                                                �                  �                 �

Profit/(loss) for the period                              131,200            111,540       (1,172,021)
Adjustments for:
- tax charge/(credit)                                      22,500             54,850         (135,000)
- finance costs                                           105,299             79,770           173,150
- exceptional amortisation charge                               -                  -         1,732,360
- depreciation                                             49,181             54,263           104,373
- amortisation of intangible assets                        16,931             13,888            29,557
- loss/(profit) on sale of fixed assets                     1,364              3,432           (3,433)

Changes in working capital
- decrease/(increase) in debtors                          225,829          (105,902)         (223,849)
- (decrease)/increase in creditors                      (206,496)             35,525           200,424

Cash generated from operations                            345,808            247,366           705,561

4.             Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

4.1          Basis of transition to IFRS

Application of IFRS

The Group's financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2008 will be the
first annual financial statements which comply with IFRS.  These interim
financial statements have been prepared under IFRS.

Dipford Group plc's transition date is 1 May 2006, and the Group has prepared
its opening IFRS balance sheet at that date.  The reporting date of these
interim financial statements is 31 October 2007, and the Group's IFRS adoption
date is 1 May 2007.

The Group has taken advantage of the business combinations exemption in IFRS 1
and has not restated business combinations which occurred before the 1 May 2006
transition date.

Reconciliations between IFRS and UK GAAP

The following reconciliations quantify the effect of the transition to IFRS:

- equity at 31 October 2006            (note 4.3)
- equity at 30 April 2007              (note 4.4)
- net income 31 October 2006           (note 4.5)
- net income 30 April 2007             (note 4.6)

The adjustments from UK GAAP at 1 May 2006, as set out in the reconciliations,
comprise the reversal of goodwill which had been amortised in the relevant
periods in accordance with UK GAAP.  IFRS does not permit the systematic
amortisation of goodwill.  Goodwill is subject to an impairment review both
annually and where there are indications that the carrying value may not be

4.2                Summary of equity

                                                           1 May         31 October          30 April
                                                            2006               2006              2006
                                                               �                  �                 �

Total equity under UK GAAP                             5,905,868          5,827,075         4,529,627
Reversal of goodwill amortised                                 -            230,333           461,580
Corporation tax on reversal of goodwill                        -           (40,000)          (25,000)
Increase in exceptional impairment of goodwill                 -                  -         (232,360)
Total equity under IFRS                                5,905,868          6,017,408         4,733,847

4.3                Reconciliation of equity at 31 October 2006

                                                              UK          Effect of
                                                            GAAP      transition to
                                                       (Audited)               IFRS              IFRS
                                                               �                  �                 �
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                            204,480                  -           204,480
Goodwill                                               8,322,069            230,333         8,552,402
Intangible assets                                        176,622                  -           176,622
                                                       8,703,171            230,333         8,933,504
Current assets
Trade and other receivables                            1,098,424                  -         1,098,424
Cash and cash equivalents                                500,300                  -           500,300
                                                       1,598,724                  -         1,598,724

Total assets                                          10,301,895            230,333        10,532,228

Capital and reserves attributable to the
Company's equity holders
Share capital                                            581,126                  -           581,126
Share premium account                                  5,117,259                  -         5,117,259
Retained earnings                                        128,690            190,333           319,023
Total equity                                           5,827,075            190,333         6,017,408

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings                                             1,756,808                  -         1,756,808
Provisions - deferred taxation                             4,190                  -             4,190
                                                       1,760,998                  -         1,760,998

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                               2,042,110                  -         2,042,110
Current income tax liabilities                           215,225             40,000           255,225
Borrowings                                               456,487                  -           456,487
                                                       2,713,822             40,000         2,753,822

Total liabilities                                      4,474,820             40,000         4,514,820

Total equity and liabilities                          10,301,895            230,333        10,532,228

4.4                Reconciliation of equity at 30 April 2007

                                                               UK          Effect of
                                                             GAAP      transition to
                                                        (Audited)               IFRS              IFRS
                                                                �                  �                 �
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                             176,236                  -           176,236
Goodwill                                                6,624,637            229,220         6,853,857
Intangible assets                                         195,376                  -           195,376
                                                        6,996,249            229,220         7,225,469
Current assets
Trade and other receivables                             1,432,476                  -         1,432,476
Cash and cash equivalents                                 527,664                  -           527,664
                                                        1,960,140                  -         1,960,140

Total assets                                            8,956,389            229,220         9,185,609

Capital and reserves attributable to the
Company's equity holders
Share capital                                             581,126                  -           581,126
Share premium account                                   5,117,259                  -         5,117,259
Retained earnings                                     (1,168,758)            204,220         (964,538)
Total equity                                            4,529,627            204,220         4,733,847

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings                                              1,941,843                  -         1,941,843
Provisions - deferred taxation                              4,190                  -             4,190
                                                        1,946,033                  -         1,946,033

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                1,911,790                  -         1,911,790
Current income tax liabilities                                  -             25,000            25,000
Borrowings                                                568,939                  -           568,939
                                                        2,480,729                  -         2,505,729

Total liabilities                                       4,426,762                  -         4,451,762

Total equity and liabilities                            8,956,389            204,220         9,185,609

4.5          Reconciliation of net income for the six months ended 31 October

                                                              UK          Effect of
                                                            GAAP      transition to
                                                       (Audited)               IFRS              IFRS
                                                               �                  �                 �

Revenue                                                2,921,381                  -         2,921,381
Cost of sales                                          (587,105)                  -         (587,105)
Gross profit                                           2,334,276                            2,334,276
Net operating expenses                               (2,318,449)            230,333       (2,088,116)
Operating profit                                          15,827            230,333           246,160
Interest receivable                                        9,900                                9,900
Interest payable                                        (89,670)                             (89,670)
Profit/(loss) before income tax                         (63,943)            230,333           166,390
Income tax expense                                      (14,850)           (40,000)          (54,850)
Profit/(loss) for the period                            (78,793)            190,333           111,540

4.6                Reconciliation of net income for the year ended 30 April 2007

                                                              UK          Effect of
                                                            GAAP      transition to
                                                       (Audited)               IFRS              IFRS
                                                               �                  �                 �

Revenue                                                5,704,207                  -         5,704,207
Cost of sales                                        (1,058,970)                  -       (1,058,970)
Gross profit                                           4,645,237                            4,645,237
Net operating expenses                               (4,381,861)            461,580       (3,920,281)
Other operating income                                    33,763                  -            33,763
Operating profit before exceptional items                297,139            461,580           758,719
Exceptional items                                    (1,660,230)          (232,360)       (1,892,590)
Operating loss after exceptional items               (1,363,091)            229,220       (1,133,871)
Interest receivable                                       21,002                  -            21,002
Interest payable                                       (194,152)                  -         (194,152)
Loss before income tax                               (1,536,241)            229,220       (1,307,021)
Income tax credit/(expense)                              160,000           (25,000)           135,000
Loss for the period                                  (1,376,241)            204,220       (1,172,021)

5.             Exceptional items

Impairment of goodwill                                                                      1,732,360
Termination payment - director                                                                160,230

6.             Interim report

Copies of the interim report for the six months ended 31 October 2007 will be
sent to shareholders on 21st December 2007.  Further copies will be available
from the Company Secretary, Dipford Group plc, Narrow Quay House, Narrow Quay,
Bristol BS1 4AH and at the group's website at www.dipford.com.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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