RNS Number:5129B
Downing Healthcare Protectd.VCT PLC
26 November 1999

Preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 1999

The Directors are pleased to announce the preliminary results, subject
to audit, of the Company for the year ended 30 June 1999.

The Company's investment objective is to provide shareholders with  an
attractive  dividend return on their investment,  whilst  providing  a
protected "asset backed" environment for their capital.

Investments in care home businesses are funded through realisations of
fixed  income securities.  The Company had invested over #7.4  million
in  eight  such  businesses by 30 June 1999,  thereby  satisfying  the
Inland  Revenue  requirement  that  at  least  70%  of  the  company's
investments should be in qualifying holdings.  It is anticipated  that
in  due  course  at least 85% of the Company's funds  raised  will  be
invested in care home businesses.

The  Company  makes  investments  in  the  form  of  ordinary  shares,
preference  shares and loan stock in special purpose companies,  which
own  and  operate  care  homes.  Each company owns  freehold  or  long
leasehold  property  and has little or no borrowings  i.e.  an  "asset
backed"  investment.  Typically, the Company owns 50% of the  ordinary
shares  in  each investee company with the balance owned  by  a  third
party,  who is a selected partner with proven experience in the sector
or  the  previous  owner of the care home.  A professional  care  home
manager is appointed under contract to manage each care home.

Financial highlights

                                         Total        1999        1998
                                        return       pence       pence
Net asset value per ordinary              94.1        94.1        94.4
Total dividends per ordinary                                          
share including Tax credits where         10.9         4.6         6.3
reclaimable)                           -------      ------     -------
Total shareholder value                  105.0        98.7       100.7
                                       -------      ------     -------
Revenue return per ordinary share                      3.7         5.4
Net assets                                          #9.2 m       #9.3m

Chairman's statement

I  am pleased to present the Company's second Report and Accounts  for
the  year  to  30  June 1999.  Details of the forthcoming  AGM  on  22
December 1999 are set out below.

During the year ended 30 June 1999, the Company has continued to  make
good  progress  in  building  up  and  developing  its  portfolio   of
investments in quality care home businesses.  During the current  year
the  directors  and managers of each of the care home  businesses,  in
which  the  Company has invested, intend to improve  their  respective
homes.   They  will focus on the level of care provided and  improving
facilities and financial performance.  Consequently this year will  be
one of consolidation after two years of significant investments.

Venture capital investments

In  the  year to 30 June 1999, approximately #3.5 million was invested
in  four  care home businesses and top-up investments of #1.4  million
were  made in three of the existing businesses.  This brings the total
invested  by  the  Company to over #7.4 million  in  eight  care  home
businesses,  thereby satisfying the Inland Revenue qualification  rule
for  VCT companies.  Subsequent to the year end a further #900,000 has
been  invested  in  a ninth care home business, bringing  total  funds
invested in care homes to approximately 85% of funds raised.

It  is  the  policy of each care home business, in which  the  Company
invests,  to  establish  appropriate care and  maintenance  standards.
This  process can affect profitability in the short term, particularly
during  the  first  year  following each acquisition.   However,  your
Directors consider this policy will enhance the value of each business
over  the  medium  term  and recognise that  the  performance  of  the
contracted  care manager is a key ingredient to the achievement  of  a
successful   outcome.    The  care  home  companies'   directors   are
responsible for the performance and standards at each home and,  where
necessary,  take appropriate action, which in some instances  has  led
to the appointment of new managers.

The  homes,  in  which the Company has an interest, generally  operate
with  a  high  level  of  occupancy and the current  strength  of  the
property  market, particularly in the south east, should give  support
to the underlying property asset backing of the Company's investments,
which for accounting purposes are stated at cost.  However, care  home
companies for the elderly operate in an increasingly difficult trading
environment.   On the one hand, room rates are held down  by  Councils
and  Social  Security  offices that are reluctant  to  increase  their
costs,  while on the other hand regulatory controls in the  healthcare
sector  are  on the increase, inevitably leading to higher  wages  and
other costs.

Listed investments

Fixed  income  securities  continue to be  managed  by  Cazenove  Fund
Management  Limited.  The returns to date from these investments  have
been in line with our expectations.

Results and dividend

Gross  revenue for the year was #586,000.  Net revenue after  taxation
was #367,000 and net assets per share were 94.1p.

An interim dividend of 2.4p per share net (3.0p gross) was paid during
the  year  and your Board is recommending a final dividend payment  of
1.6p  per  share.  This dividend can not be "grossed up"  due  to  the
abolition  of  ACT with effect from 6 April 1999.   Dividend  payments
total  4p net which, combined with the associated tax credits  on  the
interim  dividend,  means shareholders will  have  received  tax  free
dividends of 4.6p per share in respect of the year.  This falls  short
of  the  target  of  6.25p per share set out  in  our  prospectus  and
reflects both the slow start made at some of the homes, as well as the
loss of the repayment of tax credits on dividends.  Nevertheless, 4.6p
per  share represents a higher dividend yield than that paid  by  most
other  VCTs and is equivalent to 9.6% gross for a 40% taxpayer net  of
the initial income tax relief.

The  proposed  final  dividend will be paid,  subject  to  shareholder
approval, on 22 December 1999, to shareholders on the register  on  10
December 1999.

Annual General Meeting

The  third  Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held  at  69
Eccleston  Square,  London SW1V 1PJ at 11.00 am on 22  December  1999.
Notice  of  the meeting is at the end of this document.  One  item  of
Special Business is proposed as a Special Resolution in the Notice  of
Meeting,  seeking to renew the Company's authority to purchase  up  to
489,998  ordinary shares in the market, representing approximately  5%
of the current ordinary shares.

Share repurchase

Your Board is conscious that the Company's share price is affected  by
the  illiquidity  of  its  shares in the market,  resulting  from  the
requirement  that shareholders must retain their shares for  at  least
five  years  in  order  to  retain their tax  benefits.   The  Company
therefore  has  a policy of purchasing its own shares and  during  the
period repurchased 12,000 ordinary shares at 80p per share, which have
subsequently  been cancelled. A special resolution  to  continue  with
this  policy,  which was approved at last year's AGM, is proposed  for
the forthcoming AGM.

Cancellation of share premium

In  order  to facilitate share buy-backs, your Board will  shortly  be
submitting  proposals to shareholders, which will  be  subject  to  an
Extraordinary General Meeting. These proposals would, if  accepted  by
shareholders and subject to Court approval, enable the Company to  re-
designate  the  share  premium account as a  reserve  which  would  be
available  to  fund share purchases, without affecting  the  Company's
ability to pay dividends.


Having fulfilled its revised target of investing approximately 85% its
net  assets  in  care  home businesses, the  boards  of  the  investee
companies   continue  to  focus  their  attention  on  the  structural
development  of  the  properties and on  improving  their  operational
efficiency and contribution.

The  Company  is represented on the board of each care home  business,
and  in  conjunction  with  executive management  and  an  independent
chairman  seeks to develop the full potential of each  home.   We  are
pleased  with  the  quality and location of the  homes  that  we  have
acquired,  recognising that additional building  development  work  is
required  at some homes to maximise their asset value and full  profit

Future Plans

Your Board has identified three factors, which it considers may affect
your  Company.   These  comprise,  the abolition  of  ACT,  the  lower
overall  returns  available on bonds and gilts compared  to  when  the
Company was launched and the increasing standards demanded in the care
industry, coupled with increasing costs and limited fee increases.  As
a consequence, your Board would like, over a two or three year period,
to  increase  the  number of its investments in new or  newer  purpose
built  homes,  whilst  maintaining  a  reasonable  dividend  yield  to
shareholders.  Within these plans, your Board may consider one or  two
investments of up to #500,000 each in companies, which are allowed  to
borrow  funds.  This limited risk taking is intended to  improve  your
Company's mix of established and new-build care homes and provide some
opportunity for future capital uplift, given the reduced attraction of

Chris Kay
25 November 1999

Review of investments

Portfolio of investments
The following investments were held at 30 June 1999.

                                        Cost     Valuation    by value
                                        #000          #000           %
Venture capital investments                                           
Kimbolton Lodge Limited                  600           600         6.5
Evedale Care Home Limited              1,375         1,375        14.8
Downing Harnham Croft Nursing                                         
Home Limited                             950           950        10.3
Downing (Acacia House) Limited         1,000         1,000        10.8
Downing (Chertsey Road) Limited        1,000         1,000        10.8
Dovestone (The Gables) Limited           950           950        10.3
Downing (Meadows) Limited                575           575         6.2
Downing (Bon Accord) Limited             970           970        10.5
                                      ------        ------      ------
                                       7,420         7,420        80.2
Listed fixed income securities                                        
General Electric Capital Corp 7                                       
1/4%  bonds 1999                         250           250         2.7
Harvard University 67/8% bonds           248           253         2.7
Province of Ontario 67/8% bonds          493           507         5.5
Sainsbury 8 1/4% bonds 2000              511           517         5.6
                                      ------        ------      ------
                                       1,502         1,527        16,5
                                      ------        ------      ------
Cash deposits                            305           305         3.3
                                      ------        ------      ------
Total                                  9,227         9,252        100%
                                      ------        ------      ------

Statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account)
for the year ended 30 June 1999

                   Year ended 30 June    Period ended 30 June 1998
                 Revenue  Capita  Total   Revenue  Capital    Total
                   #'000       l  #'000     #'000    #'000    #.000
n investments          -       7      7         -     (60)     (60)
Income               586       -    586       808        -      808
incentive fees      (21)    (20)   (41)      (51)     (51)    (102)
Other expenses      (49)       -                               (36)
                  ------   -----   (49)      (36)        -   ------
                                  -----     -----    -----
Return on                                                          
activities           516    (13)    503       721    (111)      610
before tax
Tax on ordinary                                                    
activities                        (143)                 14    (176)
                   (149)       6 ------     (190)   ------   ------
                  ------   -----           ------
attributable to                                                    
shareholders         367     (7)    360       531     (97)      434
Dividends          (392)                                      (491)
                  ------       -  (392)     (491)        -   ------
                           ----- ------   -------    -----
(from)/ to          (25)     (7)   (32)        40     (97)     (57)
reserves         -------  ------ ------    ------   ------   ------
Return per                                                         
ordinary share      3.7p  (0.1)p   3.6p      5.4p   (1.0)p     4.4p

The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of
the Company.

All  revenue  and  capital items in the above  statement  derive  from
continuing operations.

No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

The   comparative   figures  for  1998  represent  the   period   from
incorporation on 27 January 1997 (the Company commenced trading  on  4
April 1997) to 30 June 1998.

Balance sheet  at 30 June 1999

                                                      1999        1998
                                                      #000        #000
Fixed assets                                                          
Venture capital investments                          7,420       2,535
Listed fixed income investments                      1,527       6,642
                                                   -------      ------
Total fixed asset investments                        8,947       9,177
                                                   -------      ------
Current assets                                                        
Debtors                                                502         477
Cash at bank                                           305         207
Creditors: amounts failing due within one            (532)       (597)
year                                               -------     -------
Net current assets                                     275          87
                                                   -------     -------
Net assets                                           9,222       9,264
                                                   -------     -------
Capital and reserves                                                  
Called up share capital                              4,900       4,906
Share premium accounts                               4,415       4,415
Capital redemption reserve                               6           -
Capital reserve                                      (104)        (97)
Revenue reserve                                          5          40
                                                   -------     -------
Total shareholders' funds                            9,222       9,264
                                                   -------     -------
Net asset value per ordinary share                   94.1p       94.4p

Venture capital investments are included at cost, which in the opinion
of the Directors also represents their market value at 30 June 1999.

Net  asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets at the year
end,  and  on 9,799,961 ordinary shares, being the number of  ordinary
shares in issue at the year end.

Revenue  return  per  ordinary share is based on the  net  revenue  on
ordinary activities after taxation, but before deduction of dividends,
of #367,000 (1998 - #531,000) in respect of 9,811,895 ordinary shares,
being  the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue  during
the year.

Capital  return per ordinary shares is based on net capital  loss  for
the  financial year of #7,000 (1998 -  loss of #97,000) in respect  of
9,811,895  ordinary  shares,  being the  weighted  average  number  of
ordinary shares in issue during the year.

The  proposed  final  dividend of 1.6p net will be  paid,  subject  to
shareholder  approval,  on 22 December 1999, to  shareholders  on  the
register on 10 December 1999.

The  preliminary  results for the year have not been  audited  by  the
Company's  auditors  and  do not constitute statutory  accounts.   The
comparative  figures for 1998 have been abridged  from  the  statutory
accounts for the period ended 30 June 1998.  The Auditors' opinion  on
these  accounts  was  unqualified and did not contain  any  statements
under  section 237(2) or (3) of the Act.  The statutory accounts  have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

Copies of the full report and accounts for the year ended 30 June 1999
will  be  printed and posted to shareholders on 29 November  1999  and
will  be filed with the Registrar of Companies shortly.  The Company's
Annual  General  Meeting will be held at 69 Eccleston  Square,  London
SW1V 1PJ at 11.00 am on 22 December 1999.

Copies  of  this announcement will be available to the public  at  the
registered office, 69 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PJ.

By Order of the Board

Tony McGing
25 November 1999



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