RNS No 2710j
12th May 1998

                       DELTRON ELECTRONICS plc

Deltron  Electronics,  the  Pan-European specialist  distributor  and
manufacturer of electromechanical components, announces  its  Interim
Results for the period ended 31st March 1998.

Key Points

*  Interim pre-tax profits up 34.7% at #1.4m
*  Underlying organic growth of 17% on a like for like basis
*  Earnings per share up 26.3% to 4.8p
*  Dividend up 18% to 1.18p
*  Steady progress in the UK
*  Europe continues to perform well
*  Activity   levels   at   Conelec  and  Freber   have   increased
   substantially since acquisition

Paul Gourmand, Chairman said... "We are delighted with these results
which  reaffirm  our  corporate strategy of concentrating  on  growth
opportunities in the electromechanical components market  in  Europe.
The   fact   that  we  are  not  involved  in  the  distribution   of
semiconductors  and only sell some 2% of turnover to  Asia,  sets  us
apart from the other suppliers in the electronics sector."

Christopher Sawyer, Chief Executive commented.."We are a stronger and
more  broadly based business today than at the time of the flotation.
As  we have previously reported the order book continues to build and
we look forward to the future with confidence."
                        CHAIRMANS STATEMENT


I  am  delighted to report that interim pre-tax profits, for the  six
months ended 31 March 1998 have risen to #1.4m, an increase of  34.7%
over the same period last year.  Another indication of performance is
earnings  per  share which rose by 26.3% to 4.8p.   Sales  of  #18.0m
(+46.0%),  included  a  first time contribution  of  #4.9m  from  the
acquisition  of  Conelec  and  Freber.  If  these  acquisitions   are
excluded,  organic growth was 6.4% (14% when adjusted for  currency).
However,  if the acquisitions are included, on a like for like  basis
during  Deltrons stewardship, organic growth would have been  closer
to  17%.  Despite industrial growth in the UK being restricted due to
the  strong  currency, we have made steady progress. Our subsidiaries
in  Europe are enjoying excellent growth with Euroindustrie in France
showing  the  expected  benefits  following  last  years  investment
programme.   Conelec in Denmark and Freber in Sweden  are  performing
well and have increased activity substantially since acquisition.

Strategic developments

Since  flotation, we have successfully acquired businesses in Denmark
and  Sweden  for  a total of #6.7m utilising some of  the  new  money
raised on flotation supplemented by surplus cash flows generated from
operations. There remains plenty of opportunity for further selective
expansion  in  Europe and we have set ourselves a  goal  of  reaching
#100m   of   sales  within  the  next  three  years  with  additional
representation in Europe.

We also operate in enduring growth markets. For the electromechanical
components we supply the available European market for distrbutors is
worth #1.5bn and growing at 5.5% per annum. Virtually every piece  of
electrical  or electronic equipment which is made needs one  or  more
switches, many need potentiometers to control levels of light,  sound
or  temperature  and  many rely on audible or visible  indicators  to
alert users to particular aspects or functions (Source: AFDEC).


In  common with most other expanding companies, the reported  balance
sheet  reflects  the  reduction of goodwill  following  acquisitions.
Since  the  formation  of the company in 1991, we  have  written  off
#10.3m in goodwill reducing net assets to #2.6m.

At  the  half year stage, net debt stood at #4.4m - gearing of  172%.
More importantly, interest cover remains comfortable at 6.7 times and

#1.96m  of  positive  cash  was generated  in  the  first  half  from
operations.   With our higher than average industry  stock  turn  and
gross  margins  we  have  generated cash to support  our  acquisition
programme and expect this to continue.


The board has declared an interim dividend of 1.18p net per share, up
18%  on last year, which is covered more than 4 times by earnings  of
4.8p to be payable on 14 August 1998 to shareholders registered on 10
July  1998.   It is our intention to continue to follow a progressive
dividend policy, supported by robust earnings per share growth.

Trading outlook

With operations in four European countries - UK, France, Denmark  and
Sweden - we are a stronger and more broadly based business today than
at the time of flotation. This view is reinforced by the fact that  a
large  part  of  the  growth generated in the first  half  came  from
outside the UK. Currency issues will continue to influence the  short
term,  although  we are not too disheartened, particularly  when  Yen
based products have become increasingly price competitive.

The  acquisition  of  further operations in Europe  is  high  on  our
agenda,   as   is   obtaining  additional   agencies   with   leading
international suppliers. We expect to remain strongly cash generative
and  we have capacity within the operating units to increase activity

We  are  delighted  with these results which reaffirm  our  corporate
strategy   of   concentrating   on  growth   opportunities   in   the
electromechanical components market in Europe.  The fact that we  are
not involved in the distribution of semiconductors and only sell some
2% of turnover to Asia, sets us apart from the other suppliers in the
electronics sector.

P.R. Gourmand

Group Profit and Loss Account (unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 March

                                                  Year ended
                                                 30 September
                                  1998      1997         1997
                            Note  #000      #000         #000
Continuing operations           15,274    12,296       26,460
Acquisitions                     2,681         -            -
                                ------    ------       ------
                                17,955    12,296       26,460
Cost of sales                  (11,370)   (7,409)     (16,077)
                                ------   --------     --------
Gross profit:
Continuing operations            5,850     4,887       10,383
Acquisitions                       735         -            -
                                ------    -------    --------
                                 6,585     4,887       10,383
Selling and distribution costs  (1,504)     (779)      (1,539)
Administrative costs            (3,429)   (2,938)      (5,908)
                                -------   -------    --------
Operating profit:
Continuing operations            1,326     1,170        2,936
Acquisitions                       326         -            -
                                ------    -------     -------
                                 1,652     1,170        2,936
Interest                          (248)     (128)        (275)
                                ------    -------     -------
Profit on ordinary activities 
  before tax                     1,404     1,042        2,661
Taxation                   2      (492)     (344)        (833)
                                ------    -------      ------
Profit on ordinary activities 
  after tax                        912       698        1,828
Dividends                  3      (224)     (185)        (565)
                                -------   -------      -------
Profit retained for the 
  financial period                 688       513        1,263
                                  =====     =====       =====
Earnings per share         4       4.8p      3.8p         9.9p
                                  =====     =====       =====
Dividend per share         3      1.18p     1.00p        3.00p
                                  =====     =====       =====

Total Recognised Gains and Losses (unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 March

                                            Year ended
                                           30 September
                                   1998    1997           1997
                                   #000    #000           #000

Profit for the period               912     698          1,828
Exchange differences               (265)   (198)          (259)
                                  ------   -----        ------

Total gains and losses recognised 
  during period                     647     500          1,569
                                   =====   =====         =====

Movement in Shareholders Funds (unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 March

                                                   Year ended
                                                 30 September
                                  1998    1997           1997
                                  #000    #000           #000

Opening shareholders funds      4,948   5,997          5,997

Profit for the period              912     698          1,828
Dividends                         (224)   (185)          (565)
Share capital issued               500       -            210
Goodwill set off                (3,293)    (11)        (2,263)
Exchange differences              (265)   (198)          (259)
                                 ------  ------       --------

(Decrease)/increase  in 
shareholders funds
for the period                  (2,370)    304         (1,049)
                                ------- -------       --------

Closing shareholders funds      2,578   6,301          4,948
                                 =====   =====          =====

Group Balance Sheet (unaudited)
as at 31 March

                                                  Year ended
                                                 30 September
                                 1998    1997            1997
                                 #000    #000            #000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                 4,696   4,146           3,961
                              -------  ------          ------

Current assets

Stocks                          4,340   3,477           3,331
Debtors                         8,435   6,227           7,810
Cash                            1,839   4,556           3,583
                               ------  -------        -------
                               14,614  14,260          14,724
Amounts falling due within 
  one year                    (10,698) (7,284)         (6,961)
                               ------   ------        -------
Net current assets              3,916   6,976           7,763
                               ------  -------        -------
Total assets less current 
  liabilities                   8,612  11,122          11,724

Amounts falling due after more 
  than one year                (5,721) (4,493)         (6,456)
Deferred income                  (313)   (328)           (320)
                                -----   -----           -----
                                2,578   6,301           4,948
                                =====   =====           =====

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital           949     920             928
Reserves                        1,629   5,381           4,020
                                -----   -----          ------
Equity shareholders funds      2,578   6,301           4,948
                                =====   =====           =====

Group Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)
for the six months ended 31 March

                                                  Year ended
                                                 30 September

                                    1998    1997         1997
                              Note  #000    #000         #000

Cash flow from operating 
  activities                    5  1,956   1,887        3,245

Returns on investment and 
  servicing of finance              (254)   (156)        (281)

Taxation                            (328)   (156)        (616)

Capital expenditure                 (171)   (176)        (321)

Acquisitions                    6 (3,313)   (321)      (1,419)

Equity dividend paid                (379)      -         (186)
                                  -------   ------     ------
Cash flow before financing        (2,489)   1,078         422

Financing                           (332)   1,445       2,162

                                   -----    -----       -----
Change in cash                    (2,821)   2,523       2,584
                                   =====    =====       =====

Reconciliation of cash flow to 
movement in net debt
Opening net debt                  (1,349)  (1,199)     (1,199)
                                   -----    -----       -----
Change in cash                    (2,821)   2,523       2,584
Cash flow from change in debt        332   (1,840)     (2,535)
                                   -----    -----       -----
Change in net debt                (2,489)     683          49
Acquired with subsidiary            (409)       -         -
Inception of finance leases         (114)     (44)       (110)
Amortisation of issue costs           (3)      (7)        (15)
Exchange differences                 (67)     (47)        (74)
                                   -----    -----        -----
Movement in net debt              (3,082)     585        (150)
                                   -----    -----        -----

Closing net debt                  (4,431)    (614)      (1,349)
                                   =====    =====        =====

Notes to the Interim Accounts

1.  Basis of preparation
The  financial  information for the year ended 30 September  1997  is
derived  from  the  statutory accounts filed with  the  Registrar  of
Companies.   The  auditors  report on  the  statutory  accounts  was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237 of  the
Companies  Act 1985.  The interim accounts do not comprise  statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

2.  Taxation
The  taxation charge is based on the estimated effective rate for the
year ending 30 September 1998.  The amount included in this charge in
relation to overseas taxation is #378,000 (1997 #50,000)

3.  Dividend
The  interim dividend of 1.18 p (1997 1.00 p) per share for  the  six
months  ended  31  March  1998 will be paid  on  14  August  1998  to
shareholders on the register on 10 July 1998.

4.  Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per share is based on profit attributable
to  equity  shareholders of #912,000 (1997 #698,000)  and  18,968,973
(1997  18,405,726) shares being the daily average of  the  number  of
shares in issue during the period.

5.  Net cash flow from operations

                                                      Year ended
                                                    30 September
                                       1998    1997         1997
                                       #000    #000         #000

Operating profit                      1,652   1,170        2,936
Release of government grant             (7)     (8)          (16)
Amortisation of issue costs               3       8           15
Depreciation                            337     279          522
(Profit)/loss on disposal of 
   fixed assets                          (5)      2          (89)
Changes in:
     Stocks                            (328)    493          931
     Debtors                            263     353         (282)
     Creditors                           41    (410)        (772)
                                      -----   -----        -----
                                      1,956   1,887        3,245
                                      =====   =====        =====
Notes to the Interim Accounts

6.  Acquisitions
The  acquisition of the whole of the issued share capital  of  Freber
Electronik-Leasing AB (Freber) was completed on 3 October 1997.   The
consideration  for  the  acquisition comprised:   issue  of  ordinary
shares  to  the  value  of  #500,000, cash  of  #3,026,000  excluding
expenses  of  #140,000 and deferred consideration of  #409,000.   The
exact amount payable as deferred consideration depends on the average
pre-tax  profits  of  Freber in the three years ending  30  September

7.  Company information
Copies  of this statement are being sent to all shareholders and  are
also  available from the Company Secretary, Deltron Electronics  plc,
Suffolk House, Fordham Road, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7AA.

For further information contact:

Christopher Sawyer                           0171 466 5000 (today)
Chief Executive, Deltron Electronics plc  01638 561156(thereafter)

Tim Anderson/Kirsty Swan                     0171 466 5000
Buchanan Communications



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