RNS No 0851m
1st December 1997

             Pre-tax Profit up 17% to #2.7 million

Deltron   Electronics  plc,  a  specialist   electromechanical
component distributor and manufacturer, announces its  results
for  the  year  ended 30 September 1997, the first  full  year
results following flotation.

*     Profit  before taxation up 17% to #2.7 million  (1996  :
      #2.3 million)

*     Earnings  per  share  up 4.2% to 9.9p  (1996  pro  forma
      adjusted : 9.5p)

*     Operating  margins improved to 11.1%  of  turnover  from
      10.4% in 1996

*     Proposed  final  dividend 2.0p per share,  making  total
      payment for the year of 3.0p

*     Further European acquisitions completed

Commenting on the results, Paul Gourmand, Chairman said:

"Deltons  activities have little exposure  to  the  turbulent
semi-conductor  market which attracts so much attention.   Our
companies  are  specialists and operate in industrial  markets
which are relatively stable.....  The current uncertainties in
the Far East, and in particular Japan, are unlikely to have an
adverse effect on our businesses.

"Our   planned  strategic  development  in  Europe  ...    has

"During the year, the management team have had to wrestle with
the  well  publicised currency issue.. .  However,  it  is  an
indication of the strength of the Group that we can still make
good progress.

"The  outlook  is  for  further solid progress...   Deltron  is
rapidly becoming a truly pan-European company, a fact which is
expected  to  give  us  a  strengthening  position  with   our
suppliers  and  a  well  balanced  business  better  able   to
withstand downturns in individual markets.

"...  I  am  pleased  to report that the new year  has  started

For further information contact:
Christopher  Sawyer, Chief Executive, Deltron Electronics  plc
Tel. No. 01638 561156
M     Alex     Borrelli,     Director,    Granville     Davies
Tel. No.0171 488 1212
Michael   Padley   /   Zena  Bates,  Buchanan   Communications
Tel. No.0171 466 5000


I  am  pleased to report after our first full year as a listed
company   that  the  Groups  profits  before  taxation   have
increased  to #2.7 million from #2.3 million, an  increase  of
17% despite turnover being marginally lower due to the effects
of  currency.  Earnings per share rose  to                9.9p
(1996  9.5p).  During this period the resources raised at  the
time  of  flotation have been used as planned to  develop  the
Groups  activities.  Two further European  acquisitions  have
now been completed (one immediately after the year end).


The  Groups  business has been focused  into  two  divisions,
namely    Deltron    Manufacturing   and   Deltron    European
Distribution, in order to improve performance further by cross-
fertilisation  of  products and better utilisation  of  common

Deltrons  activities have little exposure  to  the  turbulent
semi-conductor  market which attracts so much attention.   Our
companies  are  specialists and operate in industrial  markets
which are relatively stable.

During the year, the management team have had to wrestle  with
the   well  publicised  currency  issue,  which  involved  the
unexpected  and unusual strengthening of sterling referred  to
in  my Interim Statement.  This has been a distraction and has
reduced  the reported profit for the year. However, it  is  an
indication of the strength of the Group that we can still make
good progress.

The  current uncertainties in the Far East, and in  particular
Japan, are unlikely to have an adverse effect on our business.

Strategic development

Our  planned  strategic development in Europe,  which  started
with  the  acquisition of Euroindustrie in France  in  October
1995,  has continued.  In April this year, the Group  acquired
Conelec  A/S, a distributor of electromechanical  products  in
Denmark.  In October (after the year end) Freber AB, a leading
distributor  of  electromechanical  products  in  Sweden,  was
acquired.   These acquisitions not only increase our  presence
in   Europe,  they  also  strengthen  product  knowledge   and
management  experience  in  our  specialist  electromechanical

Balance sheet

The  financial  condition of the Group  remains  healthy  with
gearing  at  the year end of 27% and interest  cover  at  10.7
times.   Cash flow from operating activities during  the  year
was  a  positive #3.2m.  The acquisition of Freber  after  the
year  end has increased gearing on the balance sheet  to  187%
but  prospective  interest  cover  remains  healthy.   In  the
absence of further acquisitions, the Groups strong cash  flow
will result in this gearing figure being substantially reduced
by the end of the current financial year.

The  Board  is recommending a final dividend for the  year  of
2.0p  per  share, which will bring the total payment  for  the
year to 3.0p.

Trading outlook

The  outlook is for further solid progress in sales and profit
in  the current year.  Whilst the rate of growth may vary,  we
do  expect the markets in which we operate to continue to grow
and  our  policy of carefully evaluating both those components
and  markets  in  which we trade should provide  a  relatively
stable environment in which we can maintain our expansion.

We   have  recently  invested  in  new  products,  people  and
facilities   and  this  will  continue.   We  undertake   this
investment because we believe all our business units have  the
opportunity  and ability to achieve further growth  both  with
existing  and new products.  Accordingly, we will be providing
the resource necessary to enable this.

We  intend,  when  prices can be justified,  to  continue  our
policy  of  acquiring other businesses engaged  in  activities
similar  or complementary to our existing businesses  in  line
with our strategic objectives.

Turnover   in   the  current  year  is  likely   to   increase
substantially as a result of a full year contribution from our
Danish  and  Swedish  subsidiaries.  Whilst  the  proportional
benefit to pre-tax profits will be lower than the increase  in
turnover  to accommodate interest costs associated with  their
acquisition,  I am confident that the benefit to shareholders,
together with an improving outlook and Deltrons proven strong
cash  flow,  will  deliver continued growth  in  earnings  per


Shareholders, many of whom are employees, will be  aware  that
the  continued  progress  of the Group  is  dependent  on  the
dedication and support of our staff across Europe.  On  behalf
of the Board, I wish to express my thanks to our staff in what
has been a very demanding year.


Deltron is rapidly becoming a truly pan-European group, a fact
which is expected to give us a strengthening position with our
suppliers  and  a  well  balanced  business  better  able   to
withstand  downturns in individual markets.   Plans  for  1998
include   continued  organic  growth  supported   by   further
investment in products, facilities and people, both in the  UK
and abroad.

The  Groups  underlying strength is  such  that  it  is  well
positioned  to  continue its growth in the  current  financial
year and beyond.

In  conclusion, I am pleased to report that the new  year  has
started well.

Paul. R. Gourmand


The  Deltron Group is a specialist electromechanical  business
involved  in the distribution of third party products  in  the
UK,   France,  Denmark  and  Sweden.   It  also  carries   out
manufacturing activities in London and Scunthorpe in  the  UK.
Deltron has strong long standing commercial relationships with
many of the worlds leading component manufacturers, including
Alps  Electric, Star Micronics and C & K Switches and provides
an  agency  style  representation.    Complementary  and  long
standing  customers are widely spread throughout  industry  in
all  the  areas where the Group operates.  The Group  operates
primarily as a technical selling organisation, having products
specified and designed into new applications and as  a  result
enjoys an order book equivalent to some three months sales at
any time.

The  Groups  strategy  is to focus on  its  electromechanical
skills  and  operating  base  but within  this  specialism  to
control  its exposure to any single influence so  that  it  is
better  able  to  take  advantage of changes.   We  intend  to
concentrate our efforts in this sector.

Accordingly,  1996/97  has  seen a  further  consolidation  of
activities  in  the  UK and France, with  one  acquisition  in
Denmark  and  another  in Sweden after  the  year  end.   Both
acquisitions  are of specialist electromechanical distribution
businesses which add useful value to the Group.  The result of
these  acquisitions is that in the current financial  year  we
expect  that less than 50% of Group sales will be made in  the

As   mentioned  in  the  Chairmans  Statement,  the   Groups
operations  have  now been grouped into  two  divisions.   The
results  of  these divisions for this year and  last  were  as

                            Distribution     Manufacturing

                             1997   1996     1997     1996
                             #000   #000     #000     #000

Turnover *                 15,699 15,155   10,761   10,801

Operating profit margin     11.4%   9.9%    10.6%    10.0%

* 1996 turnover adjusted for discontinued operations


Despite  the currency issues mentioned below and the  year  on
year  reduction in turnover, profit before tax  for  the  year
ended  30 September 1997 exceeded that of 1996 by some 17%  as

                               1997        1996
                               #000        #000

Turnover                     26,460      26,604
                             ______      ______
Operating Profit              2,936       2,776
Interest (net)                (275)       (503)
                             ______      ______
Profit before Tax             2,661       2,273
Taxation                      (833)       (751)
                             ______      ______
Profit after Tax              1,828       1,522
                             ______      ______

After  eliminating discontinued operations, turnover including
acquisitions  increased  by  2%  and  gross  profit  by  5.3%.
Operating  margins  during the year rose to  11.1%  (10.4%  in

The  Group  drew down the seven year fixed rate term  loan  of
#3.5   million  mentioned  in  the  Interim  Statement.   This
resulted  in a higher net interest cost than would  have  been
normal, but has also provided additional liquidity and part of
the funding for the acquisitions mentioned above.

At  the time of the Interim Statement, shareholders attention
was  drawn  to  the effect of the very rapid strengthening  of
Sterling,   in  particular  against  the  Japanese   Yen   and
Continental  currencies  (especially  in  Deltrons  case  the
French   Franc).   Roxburgh  Electronics   in   the   UK   and
Euroindustrie in France have both been affected by this  which
is  estimated  to  have cost the Group some  #2.5  million  in
reduced  turnover and approximately #300,000 in  profits  this
year.   Its  impact is demonstrated either in reduced  selling
prices  and  gross  profit  or in  reduced  conversion  values
(reporting  French profits in Sterling).  However,  the  Board
has  taken  advantage  of the strength  of  Sterling  to  make
further overseas acquisitions economically.

Cash  flow from operating activities for the last three  years
has been as follows:

                   1995       1996       1997
                   #m         #m         #m
                   1.6        2.1        3.2   
Our confidence in the Groups ability to generate cash enables
us   to   continue  with  the  programme  of  investment   and
acquisition already mentioned.  Plans for 1998 include further
organic  growth,  supported  by investment  in  new  products,
facilities  and  people.  In the manufacturing division,  this
includes a new range of filters and other new products for our
expanding  pro-audio  business.  In the European  distribution
division  this  will  include  new  franchises  as   well   as
additional  sales staff.  Both Conelec and Euroindustrie  have
moved to larger premises in 1997 in order to accommodate  year
on year growth.

The  balance sheet shows the benefit of the term loan and  the
cash  flow mentioned above.  Gearing at the year end was  27%,
with  interest  cover  over 10.7  times.   The  results  of  a
determined  programme  to maintain and strengthen  control  of
working  capital  are now apparent.  Group stock  levels  have
been  reduced, despite the inclusion of Conelecs figures,  by
#697,000  during  the  year.  This  shows  an  improvement  in
stockturn  for the Group as a whole to over 4.8  times   (1996
4.1 times)


Subject  to  shareholders  approval  at  the  Annual  General
Meeting on 23 February 1998, it is proposed to make payment of
the  final  dividend  recommended of  2.0p  per  share  on  27
February 1998 to shareholders on the Register of Members on 23
January 1998.  This brings the total dividend payment for  the
year to 3.0p per share.

Group Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 30 September
                                    Audited     Audited
                                      1997        1996
                                       #000        #000
Continuing operations                24,679      25,956
Acquisitions                          1,781           -
Discontinued operations                   -         648
                                     ______      ______
                                     26,460      26,604
Cost of sales                      (16,077)    (16,519)
                                     ______      ______
Gross profit:
Continuing operations                 9,759       9,864
Acquisitions                            624           -
Discontinued operations                   -        221
                                     ______      ______
                                     10,383      10,085
Selling and distribution costs      (1,539)     (1,645)
Administrative costs                (5,908)     (5,664)
                                     ______      ______
Operating profit:
Continuing operations                 2,641       2,578
Acquisitions                            295           -
Discontinued operations                   -         198
                                     ______      ______
                                      2,936       2,776
Bank interest receivable                148           9
Interest payable                      (423)       (512)
                                     ______      ______
Profit on ordinary activities 
before tax                            2,661       2,273
Taxation                              (833)       (751)
                                     ______      ______
Profit on ordinary activities
 after tax                            1,828       1,522
Minority interest                         -        (94)
                                     ______      ______
Profit for the financial year         1,828       1,428
Dividends: non-equity                     -       (195)
                                     ______      ______
Profit attributable to equity 
shareholders                          1,828       1,233
Dividends: equity                     (565)        (72)
                                     ______      ______
Profit retained for the financial year1,263       1,161
                                     ======      ======
Earnings per share                     9.9p       11.7p
                                     ======      ======
Adjusted pro forma earnings per share   N/A        9.5p
                                     ======      ======
There  is  no  difference between profit before  taxation  and
profit  for the financial year on a historical cost basis  and
that disclosed in the accounts.

Group Balance Sheet
as at 30 September

                                   Audited     Audited
                                      1997        1996
                                       #000        #000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                       3,961       4,237
                                     ______      ______
Current assets
Stocks                                3,331       4,028
Debtors                               7,810       6,767
Cash                                  3,583       1,538
                                     ______      ______
                                     14,724       12,333
Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year                      (6,961)     (7,485)
                                     ______      ______
Net current assets                    7,763       4,848
                                     ______      ______

Total assets less current liabilities11,724       9,085

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year            (6,456)     (2,752)
Deferred income                       (320)       (336)
                                     ______      ______
                                     4,948       5,997
                                     ======      ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                 928         921
Share premium account                 4,328       7,721
Capital redemption reserve                -         600
Profit and loss account               2,517       1,513
Goodwill write-off reserve          (2,825)     (4,758)
                                     ______      ______
Equity shareholders funds            4,948       5,997
                                     ======      ======

Group Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 30 September
                                   Audited     Audited
                                      1997        1996
                                     #000        #000

Cash flow from operating activities   3,245       2,070

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received                      148           9
Interest paid                         (383)       (436)
Preference dividend paid                 -       (195)
Interest element of finance 
lease rental payments                  (46)       (40)
                                     ______      ______
                                      (281)       (662)
                                     ______      ______

Taxation                              (616)       (589)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets     (373)       (725)
Sale of tangible fixed assets            52         129
                                     ______      ______
                                      (321)       (596)
                                     ______      ______

Acquisitions                        (1,419)     (1,798)

Equity dividend paid                  (186)       (115)
                                     ______      ______
Cash inflow/(outflow) before financing  422     (1,690)

Financing                             2,162       4,590
                                     ______      ______
Increase in cash                      2,584       2,900
                                     ======      ======
Reconciliation of cash flow to
movement in net debt
Net debt at 1 October               (1,199)     (4,008)
                                     ______      ______

Increase in cash                      2,584       2,900
Cash (outflow)/inflow from increase in
debt and lease financing            (2,535)         264
                                     ______      ______
Change in net debt resulting 
from cash flows                         49        3,164
Inception of finance leases           (110)       (342)
Amortisation of issue costs            (15)         (4)
Exchange differences                   (74)         (9)
Movement in net debt                 ______      ______
                                      (150)       2,809
                                     ______      ______
Net debt at 30 September            (1,349)     (1,199)
                                     ======      ======

The 1996 comparatives have been adjusted in accordance with
FRS 1 (Revised)


1.   The  financial  information set out  in  the  preliminary
     results  for  the year ended 30 September 1997  does  not
     constitute  statutory  accounts  within  the  meaning  of
     section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

     The  statutory accounts for the year ended  30  September
     1996  have  been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
     The  auditors have made a report under section 235 of the
     Companies  Act  1985,  as amended,  in  respect  of  such
     accounts  which  was unqualified and did  not  contain  a
     statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Act.

2.   Earnings per Share

     Earnings  per  ordinary share are  calculated  using  the
     profit   after  taxation  of  #1,828,000  (1996    profit
     #1,233,000)  and the weighted average number of  ordinary
     shares  in  issue  during the year  of  18,467,052  (1996

     The  adjusted  pro  forma figure  has  been  produced  to
     illustrate the effect that the new capital structure  and
     debt  position, introduced on flotation on  30  September
     1996,  would have had if they had been effective  from  1
     October 1995 for the year ended 30 September 1996.    The
     calculation of earnings per share is based on the  actual
     profit attributable to equity shareholders adjusted for a
     reduction in interest of #349,000 an increase in taxation
     of  #115,000 and the elimination of the minority interest
     and preference share dividend and 18,405,726 shares being
     the  number  of  shares  in issue  immediately  following

3.   Copies of the audited financial statements will be posted
     to  shareholders on 3 December 1997.  Further copies  may
     be  obtained from the Company Secretary at the  Companys
     Registered Office:-

                           Suffolk House
                            Fordham Road
                              CB8 7AA

4.  The  Annual General Meeting will be held on 23  February
    1998 at the Companys Registered Office.



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