Downing Planned Exit VCT 2011 plc 
   Second Half-Yearly Report for the twelve months ended 30 November 2014 
                                                      30 Nov  30 Nov 
                                                       2014    2013     Initial 
                                                      pence   pence     pence 
General pool 
Net asset value per General Ordinary Share              75.8    78.0       88.4 
Net asset value per General 'A' Share                    6.0     6.2        6.1 
Cumulative dividends per General Ordinary Share         17.5    12.5          - 
Total return per General Ordinary Share and 'A' 
 Share                                                  99.3    96.7       94.5 
Structured pool 
Net asset value per Structured Ordinary Share           78.2    80.1       88.4 
Net asset value per Structured 'A' Share                 6.2     6.3        6.1 
Cumulative dividends per Structured Ordinary Share      17.5    12.5          - 
Total return per Structured Ordinary Share and 'A' 
 Share                                                 101.8    98.9       94.5 
Low Carbon pool (per GBP1 invested) * 
Net asset value per 1.0695 Low Carbon Ordinary 
 Shares                                                 88.9    89.7       94.5 
Cumulative dividends per 1.0695 Low Carbon Ordinary 
 Shares                                                 18.7    13.3          - 
Total return per 1.0695 Low Carbon Ordinary Shares     107.6   103.0       94.5 
   * Low Carbon Ordinary Shares were originally issued at 93.5p per share. 
The above figures have been expressed in terms of an original investment 
of GBP1, which equates to a holding of 1.0695 shares. 
   I am pleased to present a Shareholder update for the 12 month period 
ended 30 November 2014. 
   The Company has moved its year end from 30 November to 31 May. In order 
to keep shareholders up to date, this report has been prepared covering 
the twelve month period ended 30 November 2014. 
   General Share pool 
   At 30 November 2014, the net asset value ("NAV") of a combined holding 
of one General Ordinary Share and one General 'A' Share stood at 81.8p, 
an increase of 2.6p or 3.1% after adjusting for the dividend paid in the 
period. The Total Return (NAV plus dividends paid to date) now stands at 
99.3p compared to the initial cost to subscribers in the share offer, 
net of income tax relief, of 70.0p. 
   Since the period end the share pool has realised the non-qualifying 
investment in Hoole Hall Hotel Limited at a sum equal to carrying value 
   A full review of the General Share pool is presented below. 
   Structured Share pool 
   At 30 November 2014, the NAV of a combined holding of one Structured 
Ordinary Share and one Structured 'A' Share stood at 84.3p, an increase 
of 2.9p or 3.3% after adjusting for the dividend paid during the period. 
The Total Return (NAV plus dividends paid to date) now stands at 101.8p 
compared to the initial cost to subscribers in the share offer, net of 
income tax relief, of 70.0p. 
   A full review of the Structured Share pool is presented below. 
   Low Carbon Share pool 
   The Low Carbon Ordinary Share NAV at 30 November 2014 stood at 83.1p. 
Shareholders will recall that Low Carbon Ordinary Shares were originally 
issued at 93.5p per share. Rebasing for an original investment of GBP1, 
Total Return (NAV plus dividends paid to date) now stands at 107.6p 
compared to the initial cost, net of income tax relief, of 70.0p. 
   A full review of the Low Carbon Share pool is presented below. 
   VCT qualification levels 
   At 30 November 2014, the Company had 79.5% of its funds invested in VCT 
qualifying investments, comfortably in excess of the minimum level of 
70% required by the VCT regulations. 
   In line with the historic financial calendar, the Company will pay 
interim dividends of 2.5p per share for each of the General Ordinary 
Shares, Structured Ordinary Shares and Low Carbon Ordinary Shares in 
   Each of the dividends will be paid on 29 May 2015 to Shareholders on the 
register at 1 May 2015. 
   Share buybacks 
   The Company operates a share buyback policy across all pools whereby, 
subject to certain restrictions, it intends to buy in any of its own 
shares that become available in the market for cancellation. In its 
first five years, the Company has a policy of undertaking any buybacks 
at a price equal to the latest published NAV i.e. at nil discount. 
   No shares were bought back in the period. 
   Although the Company is currently of a reasonable size for a VCT, the 
Board is conscious that size will reduce as the Company starts to return 
funds to investors, scheduled to start in 2016. 
   Future Developments (continued) 
   The Board is currently in discussions with other parties that may or may 
not lead to a merger with one or more other VCTs. If a merger is to go 
ahead, it will be achieved by means of a scheme (or schemes) or 
arrangement under Section 110 of the Insolvency Act. 
   It is intended that any merger will not have any impact on the Company's 
existing exit plans.  The benefits are expected to be reduced running 
costs and additional flexibility in unwinding the various share classes. 
There may also be some other benefits that the Board is exploring. I 
hope to be in a position to bring you further news in the near future. 
   Progress has continued to be satisfactory over the 12 months to 30 
November 2014 and has continued since that date. The Manager is now 
starting to look ahead and beginning to do some early work on 
formulating exit plans. 
   The Board believes that a merger with other VCTs may be able to deliver 
some good benefits to Shareholders, even though the exits are planned to 
commence in 2016. We are continuing to formulate a merger proposal which 
I hope to be able to present to Shareholders shortly. 
   Sir Aubrey Brocklebank 
   The General Share pool continued to make further VCT qualifying 
investments during the 12 months ended 30 November 2014, partly funded 
by realisations of non-qualifying investments. 
   Portfolio activity 
   At the period end, the pool held a portfolio of 16 VCT qualifying or 
part qualifying investments and 9 non-qualifying investments. One new 
qualifying investment was made at a cost of GBP400,000 into Oak Grove 
Renewables Limited. One further investment was made in Vulcan Renewables 
Limited at a cost of GBP44,000. GBP128,000 was received to pay down the 
existing loan in Kidspace Adventures Limited, these proceeds were 
reinvested into Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited. Details are below: 
   Oak Grove Renewables Limited is developing a 2.0MW maize fed biogas 
plant in Norfolk. Biogas is produced through an anaerobic digestion 
process, which is then used to generate electricity. GBP400,000 was 
invested in to the company during the period. 
   Vulcan Renewables Limited is developing a similar 2.0MW maize fed biogas 
plant near Doncaster. At this plant, biogas is produced though an 
anaerobic digestion process and then goes through additional processing 
so that it can be injected in to the National Gas Grid. Some of the gas 
is also used to produce electricity. A further GBP44,000 was invested in 
to this company in the period. 
   Additionally a small further investment of GBP50,000 was made in to 
London City Shopping. 
   During the period, several non-qualifying loan stock investments were 
realised at par: GBP350,000 from Future Biogas (SF) Limited, GBP150,000 
from Antelope Pub Limited and GBP55,000 from South-Western Farms Solar 
   A loan in Dominions House Limited was refinanced in the period which 
returned GBP80,000 to the pool. 
   Proceeds of GBP2,000 were received in respect of Helcim Limited, an 
investment which was realised in a previous period. The proceeds were in 
excess of the amount previously accrued. 
   Portfolio performance 
   The pool is generally performing satisfactorily and, in time, we expect 
to see these investments deliver growth, in particular, the various 
renewable energy investments in the portfolio. There were several 
valuation movements in the period with a total value decrease of 
   Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited is the holding company of Kidspace 
Adventures Limited, which owns three children's play centres. Continued 
good performance at all three sites has resulted in an increase in value 
of GBP129,000. 
   Wickham Solar Limited owns a ground mounted solar farm in Lincolnshire. 
The company is expected to perform to plan and a small uplift of 
GBP28,000 has been recognised in the period. 
   Residential PV Trading Limited owns solar panels on the rooftops of over 
260 domestic properties in the south of the UK. Performance continues to 
be good and an increase in value of GBP18,000 has been recognised in the 
   Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs Limited owns and manages two health clubs: 
The Shrewsbury Club, in Shrewsbury; and Holmer Park in Hereford. It also 
provides gym and spa management services to hotels, universities and 
corporate clients. Both Holmer Park and the Shrewsbury club have 
underperformed against expectations throughout the period and the value 
has been reduced by GBP111,000. 
   Performance at the nightclub owned by City Falkirk Limited continues to 
be significantly below expectations and a reduction in value of 
GBP61,000 has been made. 
   A reduction of GBP50,000 has been made to Cheers Dumbarton Limited 
following a period of below budget trading at the Cheers nightclub in 
Dumbarton, Scotland. 
   South-Western Farms Solar Limited owns a portfolio of ground mounted 
solar panels in the southwest of the UK. Significant remedial costs have 
been incurred in order to get all sites generating electricity and, 
consequently, a valuation reduction of GBP45,000 has been made. 
   Snow Hill Developments LLP developed the Holiday Inn Express Hotel in 
Snow Hill, Birmingham. The hotel has been partly funded by The 
Co-operative Bank and, due to a later opening than planned, the company 
may now breach banking covenants. The business is trading satisfactorily 
and the Board believes it remains appropriate to continue to hold the 
investment at cost, however the investment is not without risk while 
arrangements with the bank are addressed 
   Details of the General Share pool portfolio and investment activity 
during the period is shown below. 
   Net asset value 
   At 30 November 2014, NAV per General Ordinary Share stood at 75.8p and 
the NAV per General 'A' Share stood at 6.0p, producing a combined total 
of 81.8p. This is an increase of 2.6p per share (3.1%) since 30 November 
2013 (after taking into account the 5.0p dividend paid during the year). 
   The NAV plus cumulative dividends paid to date for one General Ordinary 
Share and one General 'A' Share amounts to 99.3p, compared to the 
initial cost to investors net of income tax relief of 70.0p. 
   Results and dividends 
   The portfolio delivered investment income of GBP1.1 million during the 
year. The profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the period 
was GBP403,000 (2013: GBP393,000), comprising a revenue profit of 
GBP550,000 (2013: GBP515,000) and a capital loss of GBP147,000 (2013: 
   The General Share pool will pay an interim dividend of 2.5p per General 
Ordinary Share on 29 May 2015 to Shareholders on the register at 1 May 
   The task of building the General Share portfolio is now complete and has 
resulted in a reasonably well-diversified portfolio which produces a 
steady ongoing yield and has growth potential. 
   Our focus will shift towards close monitoring of all portfolio companies 
so that we are well positioned to provide support if needed as the 
businesses develop and we work towards the planned exit, which is due to 
commence in 2016. 
   Downing LLP 
   as at 30 November 2014 
                                                       Unrealised      % of 
                                                       gain/(loss)   portfolio 
                                  Cost     Valuation    in period    by value 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
VCT qualifying investments 
Vulcan Renewables Limited         1,664        1,664             -       12.7% 
Kidspace Adventures Holdings 
 Limited                          1,116        1,334           129       10.2% 
Tooting Tram and Social 
 Limited*                         1,067        1,187             -        9.1% 
Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs 
 Limited*                         1,500        1,147         (111)        8.8% 
Residential PV Trading Limited      600          762            18        5.8% 
Westcountry Solar Solutions 
 Limited                            600          600             -        4.6% 
South-Western Farms Solar 
 Limited                            600          555          (45)        4.2% 
Odysian (Holdings) Limited          527          543             -        4.1% 
Avon Solar Energy Limited           505          505             -        3.8% 
Wickham Solar Limited               472          500            28        3.8% 
Fubar Stirling Limited              429          429             -        3.3% 
Oak Grove Renewables Limited        400          400             -        3.1% 
City Falkirk Limited                674          330          (61)        2.5% 
Angel Solar Limited                 300          300             -        2.3% 
Cheers Dumbarton Limited             76           26          (50)        0.2% 
Lochrise Limited                     20            -             -        0.0% 
                                 10,550       10,282          (92)       78.5% 
Non-qualifying investments 
Hoole Hall Hotel Limited          1,200        1,200             -        9.2% 
Snow Hill Developments LLP          750          750             -        5.7% 
Kidspace Adventures Limited         324          324             -        2.5% 
Antelope Pub Limited                150          150             -        1.1% 
Dominions House Limited              98           98             -        0.7% 
Clean Electricity Limited            70           70             -        0.5% 
UK Renewable Power Limited           55           55             -        0.4% 
London City Shopping Centre 
 Limited                             50           50             -        0.4% 
21(st) Century Energy Limited        22           22             -        0.2% 
                                  2,719        2,719             -       20.7% 
Total                            13,269       13,001          (92)       99.2% 
Cash at bank and in hand                         104                      0.8% 
Total investments                             13,105                    100.0% 
   * Part-qualifying investment 
   for the six months ended 30 November 2014 
VCT qualifying investments 
Oak Grove Renewables Limited               400 
Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited       128 
Vulcan Renewables Limited                   44 
Non-qualifying investments 
London City Shopping Centre Limited         50 
                                  value at                             Total 
                                   1 Dec                  Gain vs.    realised 
                          Cost      2013      Proceeds      cost        gain 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Future Biogas (SF) 
 Limited                    350        350         350           -           - 
Kidspace Adventures 
 Limited                    189        189         189           -           - 
Antelope Pub Limited        150        150         150           -           - 
Dominions House 
 Limited                     80         80          80           -           - 
South-Western Farms 
 Solar Limited               55         55          55           -           - 
Helcim Limited                -          -           2           2           2 
                            824        824         826           2           2 
   Of the investments above, Helcim Limited was realised in a prior period 
but received proceeds in the current period in excess of the amount 
previously accrued. 
   The Structured Share pool continued to make further VCT qualifying 
investments during the year ended 30 November 2014. Funds for the new 
investments were provided by redemptions from the Structured Product 
portfolio which produced another solid performance. 
   VCT qualifying investment activity 
   At the period end, the pool held a portfolio of 16 VCT qualifying or 
part qualifying investments and 7 non-qualifying investments. One new 
qualifying investment was made at a cost of GBP545,000 into Oak Grove 
Renewables Limited. One further investment was made into Vulcan 
Renewables Limited for a cost of GBP82,000. One non-qualifying 
investment was transferred in from the General Share pool at a cost of 
GBP150,000, the Antelope Pub Limited. GBP85,000 was received to pay down 
the existing loan in Kidspace Adventures Limited, these proceeds were 
reinvested into Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited.  Details are 
   Vulcan Renewables Limited is developing a 2.0MW maize fed biogas plant 
near Doncaster. Biogas is produced though an anaerobic digestion process 
and then goes through additional processing so that it can be injected 
in to the National Gas Grid. Some of the gas is also used to produce 
electricity. A further GBP82,000 was invested in to this company in the 
   Antelope Pub Limited is a freehold pub in Tooting, South London. The 
pool invested GBP150,000 of non-qualifying loans into the company. 
   VCT qualifying investment performance 
   The pool is generally performing satisfactorily and, in time, we expect 
to see these investments deliver growth, in particular, the various 
renewable energy investments in the portfolio. There were few valuation 
movements in the period with a total value decrease of GBP52,000. 
   Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited is the holding company of Kidspace 
Adventures Limited which owns three children's play centres. Continued 
good performance at all three sites has resulted in an increase in value 
of GBP86,000. 
   Wickham Solar Limited owns a ground mounted solar farm in Lincolnshire. 
The company is expected to perform to plan and a small uplift of 
GBP28,000 has been recognised in the period. 
   Residential PV Trading Limited owns solar panels on the rooftops of over 
260 domestic properties in the south of the UK. Performance continues to 
be good and an increase in value of GBP12,000 has been recognised in the 
   Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs Limited owns and manages two health clubs: 
The Shrewsbury Club, in Shrewsbury; and Holmer Park in Hereford. It also 
provides gym and spa management services to hotels, universities and 
corporate clients. Both Holmer Park and the Shrewsbury club have 
underperformed against expectations throughout the period and the value 
has been reduced by GBP74,000. 
   Performance at the nightclub owned by City Falkirk Limited continues to 
be significantly below expectations and a reduction in value of 
GBP40,000 has been made. 
   A reduction of GBP33,000 has also been made to Cheers Dumbarton Limited 
following a period of below budget trading at the Cheers nightclub in 
Dumbarton, Scotland. 
   South-Western Farms Solar Limited owns a portfolio of ground mounted 
solar panels in the South West of the UK. Significant remedial costs 
have been incurred in order to get all sites generating electricity and, 
consequently, a valuation reduction of GBP30,000 has been made. 
   All other investments are performing satisfactorily and, in time, we 
expect to see these investments deliver growth, in particular, the 
various renewable energy investments in the portfolio. 
   Structured Product portfolio 
   Shareholders will recall that the strategy of the Structured Share pool 
has been to invest funds not utilised for VCT qualifying investments in 
a portfolio of defensive Structured Products. 
   The portfolio has performed in line with expectations over the period, 
producing unrealised gains of GBP96,000 and three redemption generating 
realised gains of GBP31,000. 
   Further Structured Products are likely to mature this year and next 
year. The intention is to reinvest the proceeds into shorter-dated 
Structured Products or alternative investments, depending on the 
opportunities available at the time. 
   Net asset value 
   The NAV per Structured Ordinary Share stood at 78.2p and per Structured 
'A' Share stood at 6.2p at the period end, producing a combined total of 
84.3p. This is an increase of 2.9p per share (3.3%) since 30 November 
2013 (after taking into account the 5.0p dividend paid during the 
period). The NAV plus cumulative dividends paid to date for one 
Structured Ordinary Share and one Structured 'A' Share amounts to 101.8p, 
compared to the initial cost to investors net of income tax relief of 
   Results and dividend 
   The pool's profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the period 
was GBP307,000 (2013: GBP326,000), comprising a revenue profit of 
GBP271,000 (2013: GBP171,000) and a capital profit of GBP36,000 (2013: 
   The pool will pay an interim dividend of 2.5p per Structured Ordinary 
Share on 29 May 2015 to Shareholders on the register at 1 May 2015. 
   The task of building the pool's VCT qualifying portfolio is now complete 
and has resulted in a reasonably well diversified portfolio which 
produces a steady ongoing yield and has growth potential. 
   Our focus will shift towards close monitoring of all portfolio companies 
so that we are well positioned to provide support if needed as the 
businesses develop and we work towards the planned exit, which is due to 
commence in 2016. 
   Downing LLP 
   as at 30 November 2014 
                                                       Unrealised      % of 
                                                       gain/(loss)   portfolio 
                                  Cost     Valuation    in period    by value 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
VCT qualifying investments 
Vulcan Renewables Limited           982          982             -       11.0% 
Kidspace Adventures Holdings 
 Limited                            744          889            86       10.0% 
Oak Grove Renewables Limited        545          545             -        7.2% 
Tooting Tram and Social 
 Limited                            533          613             -        6.9% 
Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs 
 Limited*                           920          685          (74)        6.6% 
Residential PV Trading Limited      400          508            12        5.7% 
Wickham Solar Limited               472          500            28        5.6% 
Westcountry Solar Solutions 
 Limited                            400          400             -        4.5% 
South-Western Farms Solar 
 Limited                            400          370          (30)        4.2% 
Odysian (Holdings) Limited          351          362             -        4.1% 
Avon Solar Energy Limited           336          336             -        3.8% 
Fubar Stirling Limited              286          286             -        3.2% 
City Falkirk Limited                450          220          (40)        2.5% 
Angel Solar Limited                 200          200             -        2.2% 
Cheers Dumbarton Limited             51           18          (33)        0.2% 
Lochrise Limited                     13            -             -        0.0% 
                                  7,083        6,914          (51)       77.7% 
Non-qualifying investments 
Kidspace Adventures Limited         216          216             -        2.4% 
Antelope Pub Limited                150          150             -        1.7% 
                                    366          366             -        4.1% 
Structured Product investments 
HSBC 7.1% Defensive 
 Worst-Of-AC                        401          426            13        4.8% 
RBS 6 Yr Dul Index Synthetic 
 Zero 10.16%                        251          372            26        4.2% 
Credit Suisse 10% Defensive 
 Worst-Of-AC                        267          281            13        3.2% 
Goldman Sachs 8.5% Defensive 
 Worst-Of-AC                        251          279            22        3.1% 
Credit Suisse 7% Defensive 
 Worst-Of-AC                        251          272            21        3.1% 
                                  1,421        1,630            95       18.4% 
Total                             8,870        8,910            44      100.2% 
Cash at bank and in hand                        (16)                    (0.2%) 
Total investments                              8,894                    100.0% 
   * Part-qualifying investment 
   for the six months ended 30 November 2014 
VCT qualifying investments 
Oak Grove Renewables Limited                         545 
Kidspace Adventures Holdings Limited                  85 
Vulcan Renewables Limited                             82 
VCT non-qualifying investments 
Antelope Pub Limited                                 150 
Structured product investments 
Credit Suisse 10% Defensive Worst Of Auto Call       267 
                                  value at                             Total 
                                   1 Dec                  Gain vs.    realised 
                          Cost      2013      Proceeds      cost        gain 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Kidspace Adventures 
 Limited                    125        125         125           -           - 
Helcim Limited                -          -           1           1           1 
                            125        125         126           1           1 
Structured Product 
Barclays 7.75% 
 Worst-Of-AC                351        360         374          23          14 
BNP Paribas Harewood 
 Abs Progression 2          253        262         270          17           8 
UBS 7.3% Defensive 
 Worst Of AC                251        261         269          18           8 
                            855        883         913          58          30 
                            980      1,008       1,039          59          31 
   Of the investments above, Helcim Limited was realised in a prior period 
but received proceeds in the current period in excess of the amount 
previously accrued. 
   The task of building the Low Carbon investment portfolio was completed 
at an early stage, ahead of deadlines for changes in the Feed-in Tariffs 
("FiTs") and other regulations. As a result, there has been no 
investment activity in the period. Some of the investee companies have 
now started to establish steady track records and have justified some 
initial uplifts in value. 
   Investment activity 
   At 30 November 2014, the share pool had a portfolio of seven investments 
with a total cost of GBP6.4 million. All of the investments in which the 
pool has invested own solar PV panels sited on a mix of commercial and 
residential rooftops, all of which receive FiTs. 
   There were no new or further investments in the period nor any 
   The majority of the investments are now valued above cost and are 
consistently generating electricity at the planned levels. Those where 
the track record is not yet sufficiently established have been held at 
original cost and one investment, Clean Electricity Limited, has been 
written down by GBP70,000 following issues with a number of cracked PV 
panels. The cause of this issue is being investigated and is expected to 
be resolved in the near future. 
   In the case of two investments: Progressive Energies Limited; and PV 
Generation Limited, yield has been sufficiently proven to justify 
increasing the carrying values by GBP120,000 and GBP60,000 respectively. 
   Net asset value 
   At 30 November 2014, the NAV per Low Carbon Ordinary Share stood at 
83.1p. This is an increase of 4.3p per share (5.1%) since 30 November 
2013 (after taking into account the 5.0p dividend paid during the year). 
   Low Carbon Ordinary Shares were originally issued at a price of 93.5p 
each. The equivalent Total Return (NAV plus dividend paid to date) for 
an original investment of GBP1 now stands at 107.6p. 
   Results and dividend 
   The share pool's profit on ordinary activities after taxation for the 
period was GBP347,000 (2013: GBP687,000), comprising a revenue profit of 
GBP268,000 (2013: GBP308,000) and a capital profit of GBP79,000 (2013: 
   The Company will pay an interim dividend of 2.5p per Low Carbon Ordinary 
Share on 29 May 2015 to Shareholders on the register at 1 May 2015. 
   The share pool remains fully invested in a portfolio of investments 
which have index-linked returns and significantly higher yields than 
potential alternative investments. We are satisfied with the progress 
made by the portfolio companies to date. 
   Downing LLP 
   as at 30 November 2014 
                                                        Unrealised     % of 
                                                           gain      portfolio 
                                    Cost     Valuation   in period   by value 
                                  GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
VCT qualifying investments 
Progressive Energies Limited *      1,400        1,520         120       22.0% 
Green Electricity Generation 
 Limited                            1,000        1,210           -       17.5% 
PV Generation Limited               1,000        1,150          60       16.6% 
Progressive Power Generation 
 Limited                              800          800           -       11.6% 
UK Renewable Power Limited            780          780           -       11.3% 
Clean Electricity Limited             780          710        (70)       10.3% 
21(st) Century Energy Limited         600          708           -       10.2% 
Total                               6,360        6,878         110       99.5% 
Cash at bank and in hand                            35                    0.5% 
Total investments                                6,913                  100.0% 
   * Part qualifying investment 
   There were no additions or disposals in the period. 
   as at 30 November 2014 
                                                                     30 Nov 
                                    30 November 2014                   2013 
                       General    Structured   Low Carbon 
                      Share pool   Share pool   Share pool    Total    Total 
                       GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments               13,001        8,910        6,878   28,789   28,806 
Current assets 
Debtors                      337          409           75      821      292 
Cash at bank and in 
 hand                        104         (16)           35      123    1,351 
                             441          393          110      944    1,643 
Creditors: amounts 
falling due within 
one year                   (459)        (180)        (254)    (893)    (920) 
Net current assets/ 
(liabilities)               (18)          213        (144)       51      723 
Net assets                12,983        9,123        6,734   28,840   29,529 
Capital and 
Called up Ordinary 
 Share capital                16           11            8       35       35 
Called up 'A' Share 
 capital                      18           13            -       31       31 
Revaluation reserve        (268)           66          518      316      254 
Capital reserve - 
 realised                      -          365            -      365      365 
Special reserve           12,863        8,648        5,821   27,332   28,613 
Revenue reserve              354           20          387      761      231 
 funds                    12,983        9,123        6,734   28,840   29,529 
Net asset value 
General Ordinary           75.8p                                       78.0p 
General 'A' Share           6.0p                                        6.2p 
Structured Ordinary                     78.2p                          80.1p 
Structured 'A'                           6.2p                           6.3p 
Low Carbon Ordinary                                  83.1p             83.8p 
   for the six months ended 30 November 2014 
                                Year ended                 Year ended 
                             30 November 2014           30 November 2013 
Company Total           Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                    2,132        -    2,132    2,027        -    2,027 
Gain on investments 
- realised                    -       39       39        -      168      168 
- unrealised                  -       62       62        -      429      429 
                          2,132      101    2,233    2,027      597    2,624 
Investment management 
 fees                     (398)    (133)    (531)    (401)    (133)    (534) 
Other expenses            (342)        -    (342)    (343)     (52)    (395) 
Return on ordinary 
 activities before 
 taxation                 1,392     (32)    1,360    1,283      412    1,695 
Taxation                  (304)        -    (304)    (289)        -    (289) 
Return attributable to 
 equity shareholders      1,088     (32)    1,056      994      412    1,406 
Return per: 
General Ordinary Share     3.5p   (0.9p)     2.6p     3.3p   (0.8)p     2.5p 
General 'A' Share             -        -        -        -        -        - 
Structured Ordinary        2.5p     0.3p     2.9p     1.6p     1.5p     3.1p 
Structured 'A' Share          -        -        -        -        -        - 
Low Carbon Ordinary        3.3p     1.0p     4.3p     3.8p     4.7p     8.5p 
   A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared 
as all gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as noted 
   for the six months ended 30 November 2014 
                                Year ended                 Year ended 
                             30 November 2014           30 November 2013 
General Share pool      Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                    1,038        -    1,038    1,003        -    1,003 
Gain/(loss) on 
- realised                    -        5        5        -       16       16 
- unrealised                  -     (92)     (92)        -     (45)     (45) 
                          1,038     (87)      951    1,003     (29)      974 
Investment management 
 fees                     (180)     (60)    (240)    (184)     (61)    (245) 
Other expenses            (155)        -    (155)    (158)     (32)    (190) 
Return on ordinary 
 activities before 
 taxation                   703    (147)      556      661    (122)      539 
Taxation                  (153)        -    (153)    (146)        -    (146) 
Return attributable to 
 equity shareholders        550    (147)      403      515    (122)      393 
Structured Share pool   Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                      581        -      581      463        -      463 
Gain on investments 
- realised                    -       34       34        -      152      152 
- unrealised                  -       44       44        -       66       66 
                            581       78      659      463               681 
Investment management 
 fees                     (126)     (42)    (168)    (129)     (43)    (172) 
Other expenses            (108)        -    (108)    (110)     (20)    (130) 
Return on ordinary 
 activities before 
 taxation                   347       36      383      224      155      379 
Taxation                   (76)        -     (76)     (53)        -     (53) 
Return attributable to 
 equity shareholders        271       36      307      171      155      326 
   for the six months ended 30 November 2014 
                             Six months ended              Year ended 
                             30 November 2014           30 November 2013 
Low Carbon Share pool   Revenue  Capital   Total   Revenue  Capital   Total 
                        GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Income                      513        -      513      561        -      561 
Gain on investments 
- unrealised                  -      110      110        -      408      408 
                            513      110      623      561      408      969 
Investment management 
 fees                      (92)     (31)    (123)     (88)     (29)    (117) 
Other expenses             (79)        -     (79)     (75)        -     (75) 
Return on ordinary 
 activities before 
 taxation                   342       79      421      398      379      777 
Taxation                   (75)        -     (75)     (90)        -     (90) 
Return attributable to 
 equity shareholders        267       79      346      308      379      687 
   for the six months ended 30 November 2014 
                                30 November 2014                 31 Nov 2013 
                   General    Structured   Low Carbon 
                  Share pool   Share pool   Share pool    Total      Total 
                   GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
 funds                13,365        9,372        6,792   29,529       29,865 
Dividends              (785)        (535)        (404)  (1,724)      (1,725) 
Shares bought 
 back                      -         (21)            -     (21)         (17) 
 gain for the 
 period                  403          307          346    1,056        1,406 
 funds                12,983        9,123        6,734   28,840       29,529 
   for the six months ended 30 November 2014 
                                                                                 30 Nov 
                                                30 November 2014                   2013 
                                  General  Structured   Low Carbon 
                               Share pool   Share pool   Share pool     Total      Total 
                            Note  GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 
and returns on investments       1    507        (150)          344        701      1,377 
Corporation tax paid                (155)         (53)         (93)      (301)       (81) 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments             (622)      (1,129)            -    (1,751)    (7,332) 
Sale of investments                   827        1,041            -      1,868      6,241 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
 capital expenditure                  205         (88)            -      (117)    (1,091) 
Equity dividends paid               (785)        (535)        (404)    (1,724)    (1,725) 
Net cash outflow before 
financing                           (228)        (826)        (153)    (1,207)    (1,520) 
Purchase of own shares                  -         (21)            -       (21)       (17) 
Net cash outflow from financing         -         (21)            -       (21)       (17) 
Decrease in cash                 2  (228)        (847)        (153)    (1,228)    (1,537) 
Notes to the cash flow statement: 
1 Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 
 and returns on investments 
Return on ordinary activities 
before taxation                       556          383          421      1,360      1,695 
Loss/(gain) on investments             87         (78)        (110)      (101)      (597) 
Increase in other debtors           (121)        (334)         (72)      (527)        (3) 
(Decrease)/increase in other 
 creditors                           (15)        (121)          105       (31)        281 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
operating activities                  507        (150)          344        701      1,376 
2 Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period                   332          831          188      1,351      2,888 
Net cash outflow                    (228)        (847)        (153)    (1,228)    (1,537) 
End of period                         104         (16)           35        123      1,351 
   1. The unaudited half yearly financial results cover the year 30 
November 2014 and have been prepared in accordance with the accounting 
policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 
November 2013, which were prepared under UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and in accordance with the Statement of 
Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies" revised January 2009 ("SORP"). 
   2. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from 
continuing operations. 
   3. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income 
from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
   4. The comparative figures are in respect of the year ended 30 November 
   5. Dividends 
                                 30 November 2014 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total 
                             GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
General Ordinary Shares 
2013 Final                       196      196      392 
2014 Interim                       -      393      393 
                                 196      589      785 
Structured Ordinary Shares 
2013 Final                       162      106      268 
2014 Interim                       -      267      267 
                                 162      373      535 
Low Carbon Ordinary Shares 
2013 Final                       202        -      202 
2014 Interim                       -      202      202 
                                 202      202      404 
   6. Reserves 
                                Special    reserve      Revaluation    Revenue 
                                reserve   - realised      reserve      reserve 
                               GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
At 1 December 2013               28,613          365            254        231 
Share buyback                      (21)            -              -          - 
Expenses capitalised                  -        (134)              -          - 
Gains on investments                  -           39             62          - 
Transfer between reserves       (1,260)        1,260              -          - 
Retained net revenue for the 
 period                               -            -              -      1,089 
Dividends paid                        -      (1,165)              -      (559) 
At 30 November 2014              27,332          365            316        761 
   The Special reserve, Capital reserve - realised and Revenue reserve are 
all distributable reserves. Revaluation reserve includes losses of 
GBP1,423,000 which are included in the calculation of distributable 
reserves. Total distributable reserves are GBP27,036,000. 
   7. Net asset value per share has been calculated on 15,679,241 General 
Ordinary Shares, 18,453,789 General 'A' Shares; 10,678,725 Structured 
Ordinary Shares, 12,572,817 Structured 'A' Shares; and 8,102,222 Low 
Carbon Ordinary Shares, being the shares in issue at the period end. 
   8. Return per share for the period has been calculated on 15,679,241 
General Ordinary Shares, 18,453,789 General 'A' Shares; 10,702,424 
Structured Ordinary Shares, 12,591,892 Structured 'A' Shares; and 
8,102,222 Low Carbon Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number 
of shares in issue during the period. 
   9. The unaudited financial statements set out herein do not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies 
Act 2006 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The 
figures for the year ended 30 November 2013 have been extracted from the 
financial statements for that year, which have been delivered to the 
Registrar of Companies; the Auditor's Report on those financial 
statements was unqualified. 
   10. Risk and uncertainties 
   Under the Disclosure and Transparency Directive, the Board is required 
in the Company's half year results to report on principal risks and 
uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of the financial 
   The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the 
remainder of the financial period are as follows: 
   (i) investment risk associated with investing in small and immature 
   (ii) market risk in respect of the various assets held by the investee 
companies; and 
   (iii) failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
   In order to make VCT qualifying investments, the Company has to invest 
in small businesses which are often immature. The Manager follows a 
rigorous process in vetting and careful structuring of new investments 
and, after an investment is made, close monitoring of the business. The 
Manager also seeks to diversify the portfolio to some extent by holding 
investments which operate in various sectors. The Board is satisfied 
with this approach. 
   The Company's compliance with the VCT regulations is continually 
monitored by the Manager, who reports regularly to the Board on the 
current position. The Company also retains PricewaterhouseCoopers to 
provide regular reviews and advice in this area. The Board considers 
that this approach reduces the risk of a breach of the VCT regulations 
to a minimal level. 
   11. Going concern 
   The Directors have reviewed the Company's financial resources at the 
period end and conclude that the Company is well placed to manage its 
business risks. 
   The Board confirms that it is satisfied that the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. For this 
reason, the Board believes that the Company continues to be a going 
concern and that it is appropriate to apply the going concern basis in 
preparing the financial statements. 
   12. The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the half 
yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the 
"Statement: Half Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the UK Accounting 
Standards Board and the half yearly financial report includes a fair 
review of the information required by: 
   a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an 
indication of important events that have occurred during the first six 
months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of 
financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and 
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and 
   b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related 
party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the 
current financial year and that have materially affected the financial 
position or performance of the entity during that period, and any 
changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual 
report that could do so. 
   13. Copies of the unaudited half yearly financial report will be sent to 
Shareholders shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's 
Registered Office and will be available for download from 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Downing Planned Exit VCT 2011 plc via Globenewswire 

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