15 March 2016 
                          Crystal Amber Fund Limited 
                         (the 'Fund' or the 'Company') 
             Interim Results for the period ended 31 December 2015 
The Company announces its interim results for the six months ended 31 December 
  * Net asset value ("NAV") per share fell 7.3 per cent over the six-month 
    period to 155.9p per share at 31 December 2015. Including the dividend paid 
    in August 2015, NAV total return per share over the six months ended 31 
    December 2015 was -5.9 per cent.  Over the 2015 calendar year, NAV rose 2.1 
    per cent and NAV total return per share was 3.7 per cent. 
  * Net realised gains over the six months to 31 December 2015 were GBP3.1 
  * Dividends of 2.5p per share were paid in August 2015 and February 2016, in 
    line with the revised dividend policy announced in December 2014. 
  * Continued engagement with the Fund's main investee companies, particularly 
    Grainger plc, Hurricane Energy plc and Pinewood Group plc. 
  * Significant positive contributions to NAV from Dart Group plc, STV Group 
    plc and Leaf Clean Energy Company. 
  * The Fund continued its share buyback programme as part of its discount 
    management policy. Over the six months to 31 December 2015, the shares 
    traded at an average 0.7 per cent premium to NAV. 
  * After the period end, the 6.1 million shares held in treasury were sold at 
  * In February 2016 Pinewood Group plc announced a strategic review to 
    evaluate ways to maximise value. 
  * Following the Fund's request to Grainger plc for a strategic review, the 
    outcome was announced in January 2016. The Fund's active engagement is 
William Collins, Chairman of Crystal Amber Fund, comments: 
"In the six months to 31 December 2015, we intensified our engagement with our 
main investee companies and this resulted in significant progress toward 
realisation of value in some of our biggest holdings, progress which we expect 
to continue in 2016.  Though market conditions have been and remain 
challenging, the Fund will continue to focus on predominantly asset backed 
special situations and our activist approach which has proved its 
effectiveness. The Fund continues to maintain a cautious stance, undertaking 
portfolio hedging as insurance against a significant fall in markets. 
Crystal Amber Fund Limited 
William Collins (Chairman)                               Tel: 01481 716 000 
Allenby Capital Limited - Nominated Adviser 
David Worlidge/James Thomas                              Tel: 020 3328 5656 
Numis Securities Limited - Broker 
Nathan Brown/Hugh Jonathan                               Tel: 020 7260 1426 
Crystal Amber Advisers (UK) LLP - Investment Adviser 
Richard Bernstein                                        Tel: 020 7478 9080 
Chairman's Statement 
I hereby present the interim results of Crystal Amber Fund Limited ("the 
Company" or "the Fund"), for the six months to 31 December 2015 ("the period"). 
Over the period, net asset value ("NAV") per share fell 7.3 per cent to an 
unaudited 155.9p per share at 31 December 2015 (168.26p at 30 June 2015). Total 
return over the period, including the dividend paid, was -5.9 per cent. This 
compares to a total return of -2.0 per cent for the FTSE All Share Index and 
-0.9 per cent for the Numis Smaller Companies Index. Over the 2015 calendar 
year, the Fund's total return was 3.7 per cent, which compares to a total 
return of 1.0 per cent for the FTSE All Share and 8.8 per cent for Numis 
Smaller Companies Index. 
The economic backdrop was one of fragile recovery in advanced economies, led by 
the US, and slowdown and uncertainty in emerging markets, led by China. 
Geopolitical instability in the Middle East triggered a refugee and 
humanitarian crisis. The Eurozone continued to experience problems, although 
there were signs of economic recovery. The US Federal Reserve's first interest 
rate rise for seven years did not improve confidence, and falling oil and metal 
prices added to nervousness about global economic prospects.  The Fund's 
outlook and portfolio positioning remained cautious, with portfolio hedging in 
place as insurance against a significant fall in markets. 
At 31 December 2015, the Fund held GBP13.7m cash, equivalent to 13.8p per share 
or 8.8 per cent of NAV. Cash and accrued income amounted to 14.8p per share, 
9.5 per cent of NAV; this gives the Fund scope to take advantage of new 
investment opportunities. 
The discount management policy continued, with further share buybacks. The 
Fund's share price traded at an average premium to NAV of 0.7% over the period. 
During the period, 250,000 shares were purchased into treasury at an average 
cost of 156.85 pence, with a total of 295,000 shares held in treasury being 
sold during the period at an average price of 171.56 pence. After the period 
end, the 6,118,486 shares held in treasury were sold at NAV. 
The Fund continues to purchase FTSE put options as insurance against a 
significant market sell-off. The net cost of these options amounted to 1.9 per 
cent. of NAV over the period to 31 December 2015. From the period end to 29 
February 2016, these options contributed 0.3 per cent. to NAV or 0.5p per 
The new dividend policy announced in December 2014 aims to distribute income 
and net realised gains from investments.  In keeping with the policy, a 
dividend of 2.5p per share in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2015 was 
paid on 14 August 2015 and an interim dividend of 2.5p per share in respect of 
the six months ended 31 December 2015 was paid on 19 February 2016, making a 
total of 5p per share for the 2015 calendar year.  Based on the NAV at 31 
December 2015, this represents a dividend yield of approximately 3.2 per cent. 
William Collins 
14 March 2016 
Investment Manager's Report 
Strategy and performance 
During the period, the Fund continued to engage closely with the boards of its 
major holdings. 
At 31 December 2015, equity holdings represented 90.5 per cent of net assets. 
Cash reserves at the period end were GBP13.7 million, and cash and accruals 
amounted to GBP14.7 million (14.8p per share). 
The table below lists the top ten holdings at 31 December 2015, with the 
performance contribution of each during the six month period.   The main 
positive contributions came from Dart Group plc (2.8 per cent), Leaf Clean 
Energy Co. (2.0 per cent) and STV Group plc (1.4 per cent).  Negative 
contributions over the period included Hurricane Energy PLC (-3.4 per cent), 
which has been affected by the continuing weakness of oil prices, and, outside 
the top ten holdings, from Tribal Group plc (-3.2 per cent). 
Net realised gains for the period were GBP3.1 million. This compares with GBP6.6 
million for the six months ended 31 December 2014 and GBP24.4 million for the 
year ended 30 June 2015 including an GBP8.7 million gain on its holding in Aer 
Lingus and GBP7.5 million on its holding in Thorntons as announced on 8 September 
2015, following the takeovers of these companies. While the Fund continues to 
work towards realising value from all its holdings, the timing of realisations 
is naturally uneven. 
Top ten holdings         Pence per   Percentage of  Total       Contribution 
                         share       investee       return over to NAV 
                                     equity held    the period  performance 
Grainger plc                    35.6           3.4%        2.7%         0.6% 
STV Group plc                   15.0           6.9%       18.5%         1.4% 
Dart Group plc                  14.9           1.6%       49.9%         2.8% 
Leaf Clean Energy Co.           14.1          29.9%       31.1%         2.0% 
Pinewood Group plc              10.9           4.1%       -4.6%        -0.3% 
Hurricane Energy plc            10.0          14.6%      -38.8%        -3.4% 
Sutton Harbour Holdings          9.1          29.3%      -11.4%        -0.7% 
Coats Group plc                  8.8           2.4%       -4.8%        -0.2% 
Hansard Global plc               5.1           3.1%       23.3%         0.5% 
NBNK Investments plc             4.7          28.2%        4.8%         0.0% 
Total of ten largest           128.2 
Other investments               12.9 
Cash and accruals               14.8 
Total NAV                      155.9 
Investee Companies 
Grainger plc ("Grainger") 
Grainger is the UK's largest listed residential property owner and manager. 
Since our initial engagement we have urged the board to streamline the 
business, cut its administration costs and reduce the quantum and cost of debt. 
In July 2015 we requested that Grainger carry out a strategic review. 
During the period, Grainger sold its stake in a German joint venture and 
announced its intention to sell its wholly-owned German portfolio. It also 
refinanced its UK syndicated bank debt, reducing its cost and extending its 
maturity, and implemented management changes, following which it now has a new 
chief executive officer and finance director. 
After the end of the period, on 4 January 2016, Grainger announced the exchange 
of contracts, subject to regulatory approval, to sell its Equity Release 
division on or before 30 May 2016 for an estimated gross consideration of GBP325 
million, comprising GBP175 million cash and the transfer to the buyer of GBP150 
million debt. Grainger said the sale would significantly reduce its financial 
and operational costs. 
On 28 January 2016 Grainger announced the outcome of its strategy review, which 
includes plans to reduce overheads through a streamlined structure, exit 
non-core development assets and reduce financing costs with a target of 4 per 
cent cost of debt. It also announced plans to invest over GBP850 million by 2020 
into the private rented sector to drive the growth of rental income and 
The Fund welcomes and supports Grainger's actions to streamline the business 

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and cut costs; however we remain concerned both with the pace and scope of cost 
cutting. We note that last year Grainger, with a GBP900 million market 
capitalisation, incurred administrative costs of GBP42 million. Mountview 
Estates, a company in the same sector with a market capitalisation of GBP450 
million, incurred administrative costs of GBP5 million. Neither is the Fund 
convinced of the merits of investing GBP850 million into the private rental 
sector rather than reducing debt, particularly at the time of global financial 
uncertainty for asset classes. 
We continue to believe that further significant value can be realised through 
either a spin-off of the regulated tenancies division or a sale of Grainger. 
Pinewood Group plc ("Pinewood") 
Pinewood's studios are among the leading global facilities in the film 
industry. Against a very favourable backdrop of major film releases including 
the latest James Bond film, Spectre, and Star Wars Episode VII: - The Force 
Awakens, Pinewood's profit after tax for the six months to June 2015 rose just 
GBP0.5 million to GBP4.3 million. The Fund believes that the business could be run 
more efficiently, that running costs are too high and that consequently 
profitability is below potential. The Fund commissioned its own analysis from 
industry experts and this concluded that operating profits at Pinewood could be 
increased by more than 50 per cent. 
The Fund's Investment Adviser met the chief executive of Pinewood, Ivan 
Dunleavy, on 2 December 2015 and proposed to Pinewood that it would pay for 
management consultants to carry out work at Pinewood to recommend ways in which 
profitability could be improved.  In January 2016, the board of Pinewood 
rejected the proposal. 
The Fund believes that management incentives should be closely aligned with 
shareholders' interests.  Pinewood's chairman, Lord Grade of Yarmouth and chief 
executive Ivan Dunleavy, who have been in their posts since 2000, own only 
17,500 shares and 177,584 shares respectively, representing a combined 0.34 per 
cent of Pinewood's issued share capital. 
On 10 February 2016, after the period end, Pinewood said that management's 
expectations of performance for the year to 31 March were higher than at the 
time of the interim results.  Pinewood's board appointed Rothschild "to assist 
with a strategic review of the overall capital base and structure, which could 
include a sale of the company". The Fund believes that whilst the strategic 
review may result in the release of value at Pinewood through a possible sale, 
this would have been unnecessary had management run the business more 
At 29 February 2016 the Fund held 3.646 million Pinewood shares, equal to 6.35 
per cent of Pinewood's issued share capital, with a market value and a cost of 
GBP18.5 million and GBP14.4 million respectively. 
STV Group plc ("STV") 
STV broadcasts "free to air" TV in Scotland through the Channel 3 licence, 
which is served by ITV in most of the UK. 
On 27 August 2015, STV reported interim results in line with expectations, and 
increased its dividend.  On 24 February 2016, at its preliminary results, it 
announced plans to launch an enhanced digital news service in March 2016. 
The Fund regards STV as the holder of a valuable franchise with opportunities 
to expand its production activities.  Since the period end, the Fund has 
increased its holding to 7.07 per cent. 
Leaf Clean Energy Company ("Leaf") 
Leaf is an investment company focused on clean energy, largely in North 
We maintained frequent contact with the Leaf board during the period and are 
reassured by the speed and seriousness with which it has tackled the challenges 
it inherited. 
Since July 2014 Leaf's strategy has been to realise its assets at appropriate 
times and return capital to shareholders. On 28 September 2015, Leaf reported 
results for the year to June 2015, including the realisation of three 
investments and a capital return of 5 pence per share. 
In July 2015, Leaf 's main investee company, Invenergy Wind, agreed a disposal 
of assets to Terraform Power worth $3 billion. Leaf did not consent to the 
disposal and in December 2015 filed a complaint seeking a payment by Invenergy 
to Leaf of US$126 million.  Leaf expects Invenergy to contest the complaint. 
In its 30 June 2015 annual accounts, Leaf valued its 2.3 per cent investment in 
Invenergy at US$95 million. This currently equates to approximately 68 pence 
per share which compares to Leaf's share price as at 29 February 2016 of 37 
pence. The fund holds 35.3million shares in Leaf. 
To date, Leaf has been a successful investment for the Fund and an example of 
unlocking shareholder value through positive engagement. We support Leaf's 
board in its efforts to realise and return value. 
Hurricane Energy plc ("Hurricane") 
Hurricane is an oil exploration company which targets naturally fractured 
basement rock reservoirs in the West of Shetlands area, where it has made two 
The steep fall in the crude oil price inevitably affected Hurricane's share 
price over the period; the weakness of crude prices has persisted into 2016. 
The Fund has engaged with Hurricane and supported its efforts to "farm out" its 
To improve our understanding of Hurricane's assets we commissioned independent 
research, which has underpinned our view of their quality and potential value. 
The Fund is Hurricane's largest shareholder and firmly believes in the 
intrinsic long term value of its assets. 
Since the period end, Hurricane's chairman has been replaced, reflecting the 
wishes of the Fund. 
Dart Group plc ("Dart") 
Dart is the parent group of leisure airline Jet2 and fresh produce distributor 
Fowler Welch. 
On 19 November 2015, Dart reported strong increases in turnover and profits for 
the six months to 30 September 2015. During the period Dart announced orders 
for a total of 30 new Boeing 737-800NG aircraft. In our view this reflects 
confidence in the growth of the airline operation. 
We would welcome further engagement with Dart's board and management to provide 
a deeper understanding of the business and its potential.  We believe that a 
wider understanding of the business in the investment community would improve 
the shares' rating. 
Sutton Harbour Holdings plc ("Sutton Harbour") 
Sutton Harbour owns and operates Sutton Harbour in Plymouth's historic old 
port, operates the King Point Marina and holds the lease on the 113-acre site 
of the former Plymouth Airport. 
On 1 December 2015 it reported increased profits for the six months to 30 
September 2015 and an increase in net asset value per share from 42 pence to 
43.1 pence, compared to the current share price (26.65 pence). 
Sutton Harbour supports the development of the former airport site, which could 
release further value.  The report of a government review into the future of 
the site is expected, but the date of the report is uncertain. 
The Fund continues to engage with Sutton Harbour's board and management and 
supports its efforts to release value. 
Coats Group plc ("Coats") 
Coats Group is the world's largest supplier of thread and the second largest 
maker of zips and fasteners. 
It has been seeking to resolve historic pension issues, as a resolution could 
free Coats to use its cash more productively.  The Fund supports Coats' board 
and management in these efforts. 
In November 2015, Coats announced plans to delist its shares in New Zealand and 
Australia in June 2016, following which the shares would trade only on the 
London Stock Exchange.  Over the two years to November 2015, New Zealand and 
Australian investors reduced their holdings from 55 per cent to 14 per cent of 
Coats.  We will be interested to see how the share price responds when this 
selling ends. 
Hansard Global plc ("Hansard") 
Hansard provides long term savings globally from its base in the Isle of Man. 
From our initial investment in 2012 we have engaged actively with Hansard and 
advocated the renewal of the board and a new commercial strategy to meet demand 
for offshore savings products. 
Since 2013 Hansard has appointed a chief executive, a new chairman, made other 
management changes and completed a review of its sales strategy with expansion 
plans in areas such as the Middle East and Asia.  We continue to engage with 
the board and support its sales strategy, which we see as having potential to 
deliver a lower risk book of business, with potential to scale up. 
The new strategy has taken time to implement but we believe the benefits are 
now beginning to come through.  During the period Hansard reported encouraging 
business growth and increased dividends.   Following the period end, in January 
2016, it reported further strong growth in new business. 
NBNK Investments plc ("NBNK") 
NBNK was formed in 2010 to seek to build a UK retail bank, primarily by 
acquisition. Its board has said that if this plan did not succeed it would 
consider whether to return surplus funds to shareholders.  On 10 August 2015, 
it reported cash of GBP19.8 million (36.8 pence per share). This compares to a 
share price on 29 February 2016 of 30 pence. 
On 7 January 2016 NBNK reported that it was in discussions with target 
companies with "a realistic prospect for an acquisition" and extended its 
deadline for considering a return of funds to 11 April 2016. 
Other holdings 
Outside the top ten holdings the most significant holding with negative 
performance was Tribal Group plc (-3.2 per cent) and the most significant 
positive contributor was 4imprint Group plc (+0.5 per cent). 
Tribal Group plc ("Tribal") 
Tribal provides student management systems to schools and colleges in the UK, 
Australia and elsewhere.  In March 2015 the Fund reduced its holding at 176 
pence per share. 
On 19 October 2015 Tribal warned that lengthening procurement timelines at its 
larger customers would significantly affect operating profits. The Fund then 
increased its holding to 6.4 per cent, paying 67 pence per share. 

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On 17 November 2015 Tribal announced board changes including a new chairman. On 
14 December 2015 it issued a further profit warning and announced plans to 
reduce debt through a rights issue of up to GBP35 million (of which GBP30 million 
is underwritten) in the first quarter of 2016. 
In February a new CEO was appointed at Tribal. 
The size and pricing of the rights issue have yet to be determined. The hiatus 
has contributed to a substantial fall in Tribal's share price to 44p, reducing 
its market capitalisation to GBP42 million. 
The Fund's holding in Tribal represents approximately 1.5 per cent of net asset 
Activist investment process 
The Fund originates ideas mainly from its screening processes and its network 
of contacts, including its institutional shareholders. Companies are valued 
with focus on their replacement value, cash generation ability and balance 
sheet strength. In the process, the Fund's goal is to examine the company both 
'as it is' and also 'as it could be' to maximise shareholder value. 
Investments are typically made after an initial engagement, which in some cases 
may have been preceded by the purchase of a modest position in the company, 
which allows us to meet the company as a shareholder.  Engagement includes 
dialogue with the company chairman and management, and normally also several 
non-executive directors, as we build a network of knowledge around our 
holdings. Site visits are undertaken to deepen our research and where 
appropriate, independent research is commissioned.  We attend investee company 
annual general meetings to maintain close contact with the board and other 
Wherever possible, the Fund strives to develop an activist angle and aims to 
contribute to the companies' strategy with the goal of maximising shareholder 
value. Where value is hidden or trapped, we look for ways to realise it. Most 
of the Fund's activism has taken place in private, but the Fund remains willing 
to make its concerns public when appropriate. The response of management and 
boards to our suggestions has generally been encouraging. We remain determined 
to ensure that our investments deliver their full potential for all 
shareholders, and are committed to engage to the degree required to achieve 
Over the period net realised gains amounted to GBP3.1 million. The Fund realised 
part of its holding in 4Imprint at a profit of GBP2.0 million. It realised GBP0.9 
million of profits from Leaf Clean Energy's share redemption. 
Previous profitable exits include Aer Lingus, Thorntons, Pinewood Shepperton, 
Norcros, 3i Quoted Private Equity, Delta PLC, Kentz Corporation, Tate & Lyle 
and Chloride Group. 
Hedging Activity 
The Fund continues to purchase FTSE put options as insurance against a 
significant market sell-off. The net cost of these options amounted to 1.9 per 
cent of NAV over the period to 31 December 2015. 
A year ago we stated: 'we believe that the underlying causes of the global 
financial crisis, including excessive debt, have not been addressed.  The key 
driver of asset prices has been unprecedented loose monetary policy. In our 
view markets remain vulnerable to significantly reduced liquidity when monetary 
policies normalise. Our views have not changed. Of late, markets have been weak 
amid renewed concerns of financial instability and growing concerns about the 
strength of emerging economies, particularly China. 
These issues make the global outlook uncertain and challenging. We believe that 
the Fund is defensively positioned and its investee companies can look to a 
combination of self-help and our active engagement.  Our hedging activity gives 
us some additional protection against a significant market sell-off. Over the 
period from 31 December 2015 to 29 February 2016 the options contributed 0.3 
per cent to NAV or 0.5p per share. 
Crystal Amber Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited 
Investment Manager 
Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited) 
For the six months ended 31 December 2015 
                          Six months ended 31 December       Six months ended 31 December 
                                      2015                               2014 
                                  (Unaudited)                         (Unaudited) 
                         Revenue     Capital       Total    Revenue      Capital        Total 
                 Notes         GBP           GBP           GBP          GBP            GBP            GBP 
Dividend income          923,915           -     923,915  1,573,199            -    1,573,199 
from listed 
Other income                   -           -           -      2,226            -        2,226 
Fixed deposit                 48           -          48          -            -            - 
Bank interest             10,471           -      10,471      2,117            -        2,117 
                         934,434           -     934,434  1,577,542            -    1,577,542 
Net gains on 
financial assets 
at fair value 
through profit 
or loss 
Net realised       4           -   3,102,272   3,102,272          -    6,645,943    6,645,943 
Movement in        4           - (8,957,963) (8,957,963)          - (12,822,335) (12,822,335) 
Money Market 
Realised gain      4           -           -           -          -        4,217        4,217 
Movement in        4           -       4,496       4,496          -      (4,190)      (4,190) 
unrealised gains 
Realised (loss)/   4           -   (190,420)   (190,420)          -      992,190      992,190 
Movement in        4           - (2,727,640) (2,727,640)          -    (131,995)    (131,995) 
Total income/            934,434 (8,769,255) (7,834,821)  1,577,542  (5,316,170)  (3,738,628) 
Transaction                    -     133,100     133,100          -      328,170      328,170 
Exchange                       -   (378,656)   (378,656)          -      636,460      636,460 
movements on 
revaluation of 
Management fees    8   1,314,947           -   1,314,947  1,080,166            -    1,080,166 
Directors'                57,500           -      57,500     57,408            -       57,408 
Administration            91,965           -      91,965     70,156            -       70,156 
Custodian fees            38,621           -      38,621     29,307            -       29,307 
Audit fees                10,091           -      10,091      9,911            -        9,911 
Other expenses            97,549           -      97,549     66,301            -       66,301 
                       1,610,673   (245,556)   1,365,117  1,313,249      964,630    2,277,879 
(Loss)/Return          (676,239) (8,523,699) (9,199,938)    264,293  (6,280,800)  (6,016,507) 
for the period 
Basic and          2      (0.73)      (9.20)      (9.93)       0.35       (8.27)       (7.93) 
diluted (loss)/ 
earnings per 
share (pence) 
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Statement of 
Comprehensive Income prepared in accordance with International Financial 
Reporting Standards. The supplementary income return and capital return columns 
are presented under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
Companies ("AIC"). 
The Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements below form part of 
these financial statements. 
Condensed Statement of Financial Position (Unaudited) 
As at 31 December 2015 
                                                     As at            As at                  As at 
                                               31 December          30 June            31 December 
                                                      2015             2015                   2014 
                                               (Unaudited)        (Audited)            (Unaudited) 
ASSETS                                 Notes             GBP                GBP                      GBP 
Cash and cash equivalents                        7,673,427       19,500,047              1,565,319 
Trade and other receivables                        347,738          295,487                932,733 
Financial assets designated at fair      4     137,009,952      142,663,130            112,682,338 
value through profit or loss 
Total assets                                   145,031,117      162,458,664            115,180,390 
Trade and other payables                           227,325        6,253,178                156,057 
Total liabilities                                  227,325        6,253,178                156,057 
Capital and reserves attributable to 
the Company's equity shareholders 
Share capital                            5         989,998          989,998                782,297 
Treasury shares                          6     (8,972,339)      (9,009,985)            (4,117,527) 
Distributable reserve                          111,941,615      114,181,017             82,543,503 
Retained earnings                               40,844,518       50,044,456             35,816,060 
Total equity                                   144,803,792      156,205,486            115,024,333 
Total liabilities and equity                   145,031,117      162,458,664            115,180,390 
Net asset value per share (pence)        3          155.90 
                                                                     168.26                 152.72 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised 
for issue on 14 March 2016. 
Nigel Ward 
14 March 
                14 March 2016 
The Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements below form part of 

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these financial statements. 
Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity (Unaudited) 
For the six months ended 31 December 2015 
                        Share    Treasury Distributable    Retained earnings                      Total 
                Notes Capital      Shares       Reserve     Capital     Revenue       Total      Equity 
                            GBP           GBP             GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
Opening balance       989,998 (9,009,985)   114,181,017  49,606,601     437,855  50,044,456 156,205,486 
at 1 July 2015 
Purchase of       6         -   (393,061)             -           -           -           -   (393,061) 
Company shares 
into treasury 
Sale of Company   6         -     430,707             -           -           -           -     430,707 
shares from 
Premium on sale             -           -        75,405           -           -           -      75,405 
of Company 
shares from 
Dividends paid    7         -           -   (2,314,807)           -           -           - (2,314,807) 
in the period 
Loss for the                -           -             - (8,523,699)   (676,239) (9,199,938) (9,199,938) 
Balance at 31         989,998 (8,972,339)   111,941,615  41,082,902   (238,384)  40,844,518 144,803,792 
December 2015 
                        Share    Treasury Distributable    Retained earnings                      Total 
                Notes Capital      Shares       Reserve     Capital     Revenue       Total      Equity 
                            GBP           GBP             GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
Opening balance       782,297 (2,483,196)    82,926,112  41,249,276     583,291  41,832,567 123,057,780 
at 1 July 2014 
Purchase of                 - (1,634,331)             -           -           -           - (1,634,331) 
Company shares 
into treasury 
Dividends paid              -           -     (382,609)           -           -           -   (382,609) 
in the period 
Return/(Loss)               -           -             -     264,293 (6,280,800) (6,016,507) (6,016,507) 
for the period 
Balance at 31         782,297 (4,117,527)    82,543,503  41,513,569 (5,697,509)  35,816,060 115,024,333 
December 2014 
The Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements below form part of 
these financial statements. 
Condensed Statement of Cash Flows (Unaudited) 
For the six months ended 31 December 2015 
                                                             Six months     Six months 
                                                                  ended          ended 
                                                            31 December    31 December 
                                                                   2015           2014 
                                                            (Unaudited)    (Unaudited) 
                                                                      GBP              GBP 
Cashflows from operating activities 
Dividend income received from listed investments                679,359        745,983 
Fixed deposit interest received                                      48              - 
Bank interest received                                           11,502          6,103 
Other income received                                                 -          2,226 
Management fees paid                                        (1,314,947)    (1,080,168) 
Performance fee paid                                          (653,962)    (1,747,285) 
Directors' fees paid                                           (57,500)       (48,271) 
Other expenses paid                                           (247,381)      (201,469) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                  (1,582,881)    (2,322,881) 
Cashflows from financing activities 
Purchase of Company shares into treasury                      (393,061)    (1,634,331) 
Sale of Company shares from treasury                            506,112              - 
Dividends paid                                              (2,314,807)      (382,609) 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                  (2,201,756)    (2,016,940) 
Cashflows from investing activities 
Purchase of equity investments                             (16,855,037)   (41,878,459) 
Sale of equity investments                                   14,722,108     42,442,053 
Purchase of derivative financial instruments                (4,845,800)    (3,453,005) 
Sale of derivative financial instruments                      5,069,846      3,900,550 
Purchase of money market investments                        (6,000,000)              - 
Transaction charges on purchase and sale of investments       (133,100)      (328,170) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities         (8,041,983)        682,969 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents during the       (11,826,620)    (3,656,852) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period             19,500,047      5,222,171 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                    7,673,427      1,565,319 
The Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements below form part of 
these financial statements. 
Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements 
For the six months ended 31 December 2015 
General Information 
Crystal Amber Fund Limited was incorporated and registered in Guernsey on 22 
June 2007 and is governed under the provisions of the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 
2008 as amended. The Company has been established to provide shareholders with 
an attractive total return which is expected to comprise primarily capital 
growth but with the potential for distributions. The Company will achieve this 
through the investment in a concentrated portfolio of undervalued companies 
which are expected to be predominantly, but not exclusively, listed or quoted 
on UK markets and which have a typical market capitalisation of between GBP100 
million and GBP1,000 million. 
The Company was listed and admitted to trading on the Alternative Investment 
Market ('AIM'), operated by the London Stock Exchange, on 17 June 2008. The 
Company is also a member of the Association of Investment Companies ('AIC'). 
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial 
statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied 
throughout the current period, unless otherwise stated. 
Basis of preparation 
The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the 
International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34, Interim Financial Reporting. 
The interim financial statements do not include all the information and 
disclosures required in the annual financial statements and should be read in 
conjunction with the Company's annual financial statements for the year to 30 
June 2015. The annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). 
The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed in the 
interim financial statements as in the annual financial statements for the year 
ended 30 June 2015. 
The presentation of the interim financial statements is consistent with the 
annual financial statements. Where presentational guidance set out in the 
Statement of Recommended Practice ("SORP") for Investment Trusts issued by the 
AIC in January 2003 (revised November 2014) is consistent with the requirements 
of IFRS, the Directors have sought to prepare the financial statements on a 
basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP. In particular, 
supplementary information which analyses the Statement of Comprehensive Income 
between items of a revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the 
total Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
The Company does not operate in an industry where significant or cyclical 
variations as a result of seasonal activity are experienced during the 
financial year. Income and dividends from investments will vary according to 
the construction of the portfolio from time to time. 
Going concern 
The Directors are confident that the Company has adequate resources to continue 
in operational existence for the foreseeable future and do not consider there 
to be any threat to the going concern status of the Company. 
The Directors have specifically considered the implications of the continuation 
vote scheduled to occur every two years on the application of the going concern 
basis. At the AGM held on 20 November 2015, an Extraordinary Resolution was 
proposed that the Company cease to continue as constituted; the resolution was 
not passed. Therefore the Directors conclude that there is no material 
uncertainty which may cast significant doubt on the ability of the Company to 
continue as a going concern. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going 
concern basis in preparing the financial statements. 
Segmental reporting 
The Board has considered the requirements of IFRS 8 'Operating Segments', and 
is of the view that the Company is domiciled in Guernsey and is engaged in a 
single segment of business, being investment mainly in UK equity instruments, 
and mainly in one geographical area, the UK, and therefore the Company has only 
one operating segment. The Board, as a whole, has been determined as 
constituting the chief operating decision maker of the Company. The key measure 
of performance used by the Board to assess the Company's performance and to 
allocate resources is the total return on the Company's Net Asset Value 
("NAV"), as calculated under IFRS, and therefore no reconciliation is required 
between the measure of profit or loss used by the Board and that contained in 
these financial statements. 
Basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data: 

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March 15, 2016 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

                                                         Six months          Six months 
                                                              ended               ended 
                                                        31 December         31 December 
                                                               2015                2014 
                                                        (Unaudited)         (Unaudited) 
Loss for the period                                    GBP(9,199,938)        GBP(6,016,507) 
Weighted average number of issued Ordinary               92,674,999          75,916,930 
Basic and diluted earnings per share (pence)                 (9.93)              (7.93) 
Net asset value per share is based on the following data: 
                                                   As at          As at           As at 
                                             31 December        30 June     31 December 
                                                    2015           2015            2014 
                                             (Unaudited)      (Audited)     (Unaudited) 
Net asset value per statement of            GBP144,803,792   GBP156,205,486    GBP115,024,333 
financial position 
Total number of issued Ordinary shares        92,881,276     92,836,276      75,318,703 
(excluding treasury shares) 
Net asset value per share (pence)                 155.90 
                                                                 168.26          152.72 
                                                      1 July          1 July                       1 July 
                                                     2015 to         2014 to                      2014 to 
                                                 31 December         30 June                  31 December 
                                                        2015            2015                         2014 
                                                 (Unaudited)       (Audited)                  (Unaudited) 
                                                           GBP               GBP                            GBP 
Equity investments                               130,701,056     139,350,130                  111,979,688 
Money market investments                           6,004,496               - 
Derivative financial instruments                     304,400       3,313,000                      702,650 
                                                 137,009,952     142,663,130                  112,682,338 
Equity investments 
Cost brought forward                             160,110,908     125,439,328                  125,439,328 
Purchases                                         11,492,838     126,294,308                   37,822,732 
Sales proceeds                                  (14,664,877)   (118,083,952)                 (40,720,310) 
Net realised gain                                  3,102,272      26,461,224                    6,645,943 
Cost carried forward                             160,041,141     160,110,908                  129,187,693 
Unrealised losses brought forward               (20,171,543)     (3,271,624)                  (3,271,624) 
Movement in unrealised losses                    (8,957,963)    (16,899,919)                 (12,822,335) 
Unrealised losses carried forward               (29,129,506)    (20,171,543)                 (16,093,959) 
Effect of exchange rate movements                  (210,579)       (589,235)                  (1,114,046) 
Fair value of equity investments                 130,701,056     139,350,130                  111,979,688 
Money Market investments 
Cost brought forward                                       -       1,543,438                    1,543,438 
Purchases                                          6,000,000      20,000,000                            - 
Sales proceeds                                             -    (21,554,308)                  (1,547,655) 
Realised gain                                              -          10,870                        4,217 
Cost carried forward                               6,000,000               -                            - 
Unrealised gains brought forward                           -           4,190                        4,190 
Movement in unrealised gains                           4,496         (4,190)                      (4,190) 
Unrealised gains carried forward                       4,496               -                            - 
Fair value of money market investments             6,004,496               -                            - 
Derivative financial instruments 
Cost brought forward                               1,078,000         582,051                      582,051 
Purchases                                          4,845,800       8,342,932                    3,453,005 
Sales proceeds                                   (4,936,340)     (5,767,065)                  (3,900,551) 
Realised (losses)/gains                            (190,420)     (2,079,918)                      992,190 
Cost carried forward                                 797,040       1,078,000                    1,126,695 
Unrealised gains /(losses) brought forward         2,235,000       (292,050)                    (292,050) 
Movement in unrealised gains/(losses)            (2,727,640)       2,527,050                    (131,995) 
Unrealised (losses)/gains carried forward          (492,640)       2,235,000                    (424,045) 
Fair value of derivative financial instruments       304,400       3,313,000                      702,650 
Total financial assets designated at fair value  137,009,952     142,663,130                  112,682,338 
through profit or loss 
At the reporting date the Company's derivative financial instruments consisted 
of 2 (2014:3) FTSE 100 Index put option positions, purchased as a protection 
against a significant market sell-off. The following table details the 
Company's positions in derivative financial instruments: 
                                                               Nominal Amount     Value 
31 December 2015                                                                      GBP 
Derivative financial instruments 
Puts on UKX P5700 (Expiry: January 2016)                                1,000    50,000 
Puts on UKX P5700 (Expiry: February 2016)                                 795   254,400 
                                                                        1,795   304,400 
                                                               Nominal Amount     Value 
30 June 2015                                                                          GBP 
Derivative financial instruments 
Puts on UKX P6450 (Expiry: July 2015)                                     800   608,000 
Puts on UKX P6700 (Expiry: July 2015)                                   1,000 1,975,000 
Puts on UKX P6450 (Expiry: August 2015)                                   500   730,000 
                                                                        2,300 3,313,000 
The authorised share capital of the Company is 300 million Ordinary shares of GBP 
0.01 each. 
The issued share capital of the Company is comprised as follows: 
                                                       31 December 2015          30 June 2015 
                                                            (Unaudited)             (Audited) 
                                                         Number       GBP     Number          GBP 
Opening balance                                      98,999,762 989,998               782,297 
Ordinary shares issued during the period/year                 -       - 20,770,097    207,701 
Allotted, called up and fully paid Ordinary shares   98,999,762 989,998 98,999,762 
at GBP0.01 each                                                                         989,998 
                                    Six months ended               Year ended 
                                    31 December 2015             30 June 2015 
                                         (Unaudited)                (Audited) 
                                   Number          GBP         Number         GBP 
Opening balance                 6,163,486                 1,707,856 
                                           9,009,985                2,483,196 
Treasury shares purchased         250,000    393,061      4,455,630 6,526,789 
during the period/year 
Treasury shares sold during     (295,000)  (430,707)              -         - 
the period/year 
Closing balance                 6,118,486  8,972,339      6,163,486 
During the period ended 31 December 2015, 250,000 (2014: 1,203,106) treasury 
shares were purchased at an average cost of 156.85p per share, and 295,000 
(2014: Nil) treasury shares were sold at an average price of 171.56p per share. 
On 7 July 2015 the Company declared an interim dividend of GBP2,314,807, equating 
to 2.5p per Ordinary share, which was paid on 14 August 2015 to shareholders on 
record on the register on 17 July 2015. 
Subsequent to the period end, on 13 January 2016, the Company declared an 
interim dividend of GBP2,474,994, equating to 2.5p per ordinary share, which was 
paid on 19 February 2016 to shareholders on record on the register on 22 
January 2016. 
Richard Bernstein is a Director and a member of the Investment Manager, a 
member of the Investment Adviser and a holder of 10,000 (2014: 10,000) Ordinary 

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