RNS Number : 1128G

Carpetright PLC

26 June 2012

Carpetright plc

Preliminary Results Announcement for the 52 weeks ended 28 April 2012

Carpetright plc, Europe's leading specialist and floor covering retailer, today announces its preliminary results for the 52 weeks to 28 April 2012.



   --  Total Group Revenue decreased by 3.1% to GBP471.5 (2011: GBP486.8m). 
   --  Underlying 1 profit before tax of GBP4.0m (2011: GBP16.9m) 
   --  Profit before tax of GBP13.5m (2011: GBP6.6m) 
   --  Underlying earnings per share of 4.5p (2011: 18.0p) 
   --  Basic earnings per share of 16.4p (2011: 6.8p) 
   --  No final dividend (2011: Nil) 
   --  Net debt reduced by GBP46.6m to GBP19.1m (2011: GBP65.7m), significantly better than previous guidance. 


   -- Total revenue decreased by 3.8% to GBP381.6m (2011: GBP396.6m), with like-for-like sales down 0.2% (first half 
      decline of 2.4%; second half increase of 1.9%). 
   -- Gross margin reduced by 330 bps to 58.9% reflecting higher levels of promotional discount (first half down 430 
      bps; second half down 210 bps). 
   -- Costs reduced by GBP6.7m, a 2.9% decline in the year. 
   -- Underlying 1 operating profit of GBP2.8m (2011: GBP17.8m) 
   -- The number of stores decreased by 49 to 490 in the year. 

The Rest of Europe

   -- Total reported revenue decreased by 0.3% to GBP89.9m (2011: GBP90.2m).  In local currency this was a decline of 
      2.0% with like-for-like sales down 1.2% 
   -- Underlying 1 reported operating profit increased to GBP5.2m (2011: GBP3.4m) 
   -- The number of stores increased by 2 to 142 
   1.   'Underlying' excludes exceptional items 

Lord Harris, Chairman commented :

"In my statement last year I said I expected the coming year would be challenging, with an extended period of economic uncertainty and fragile consumer confidence, and this proved to be the case. As a result, the Group faced difficult trading conditions leading to a reduction in sales volume, but we remain profitable and continue to generate strong operating cash flows."

Darren Shapland, Chief Executive commented:

"I am excited to have joined Carpetright as its Chief Executive. Whilst it has been seven years since I was previously in an executive role here, Carpetright is a business I know well. Notwithstanding the on-going challenges of the difficult consumer environment, I have been encouraged by what I have seen so far in the six weeks since becoming Chief Executive."


Looking forward, fragile consumer confidence continues to produce a weak and volatile floor coverings market. We are encouraged to see a positive impact from the self-help actions taken during the year, whilst recognising within our plans that economic conditions will remain difficult. The Group is well positioned to deliver future profitable sales growth once consumer demand improves.

For further enquiries please contact:

Carpetright plc

Darren Shapland, Chief Executive

Neil Page, Group Finance Director

Tel: 01708 802000

Citigate Dewe Rogerson

Kevin Smith / Lindsay Noton

Tel: 020 7638 9571

There will be a presentation today at 9.00am to analysts and investors at Deutsche Bank AG London, Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London, EC2N 2DB.

A "listen only" dial in facility will also be available: The dial in number is +44 (0) 1452 560 297 with the passcode 93776594#

A copy of this trading statement will be available on our website www.carpetright.plc.uk today from 7.00am


   1.   All sales figures are quoted after deducting VAT. 
   2.   Underlying' excludes exceptional items and related tax. 

3. Like-for-like sales calculated as this year's net sales divided by last year's net sales for all stores that are at least 12 months old at the beginning of our financial year. Stores closed during the year are excluded from both years. No account is taken of changes to store size or introduction of third party concessions. Sales from insurance and house building contracts are supplied through the stores and included in their figures.

4. Certain statements in this report are forward looking. Although the Group believes that the expectations reflected in these forward looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that these expectations will prove to have been correct. Because these statements contain risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Business Review

Our business in the UK has been operating in a very difficult market, but has remained profitable with underlying operating profits down 84.3% to GBP2.8m. We were encouraged by a return to growth in like-for-like sales in the second half of the financial year, an improving gross margin and the results of our continuous programme of cost reduction.

In this environment, customers are looking harder than ever for value before making their purchasing decisions. Based on our experience, we are adapting our ranges and promotional activity to continue to offer the best prices, whilst simultaneously working with our suppliers to reduce the level of margin investment.

The underlying operating profits in the Rest of Europe have increased by 52.9% to GBP5.2m. The Netherlands and Belgium businesses are continuing to gain market share as competitors struggle in the current economic conditions. In this climate our focus has been similar to the UK business as we look to improve our range, operational efficiency and reduce costs. As part of this we took the decision to consolidate our European Central Support Office functions into the Netherlands and this will deliver a full year saving of GBP0.5m per annum.

The previously announced actions taken in our business in the Republic of Ireland delivered an improvement in underlying performance. The product range continues to be refined and adapted to align it more closely to the local market, and promotional campaigns have also been restructured. It is encouraging to report three consecutive quarters of like-for-like growth and this, combined with actions taken on reducing costs, has halved the losses over the last 12 months.

In common with many other businesses, we consider it appropriate to reduce our debt requirements in an uncertain economic environment with tighter credit conditions. In addition to the business continuing to create strong operating cash flows, we have completed the sale and leaseback of nine freehold properties from which we trade. Of these, four were located in the UK, four in Belgium and one in the Netherlands. The combined net proceeds were GBP32.0m, realising a profit on disposal of GBP14.5m. This was a significant factor in the reduction of the net debt during the year by GBP46.6m to GBP19.1m (2011: GBP65.7m).

Our Strategy

The Group remains committed to delivering long term sustainable growth in earnings per share and cash flow through the following five strategies:

   1.         Improving and developing our flooring product ranges and services. 
   2.         Developing our bed proposition. 
   3.         Managing and investing in our store portfolio. 
   4.         Reaching more customers through additional channels. 
   5.         Ongoing focus on cost control and cash management. 

1. Improving and developing our flooring product ranges and services

We believe the foundations of Carpetright's success rests on the provision of market leading product choice which offers great value, backed by excellent customer service. As well as our experience over many years, this view is supported by externally conducted market research which indicates that Carpetright benefits from both strong brand recognition and a reputation for being the 'first choice' for fitted carpet.

In the UK, the roll out of our new laminate offering has continued and, as at the end of April 2012, this was available in 185 stores. We expect this will provide an extra area of sales growth, supported by the strength of our value and service proposition.

To increase our understanding and to monitor performance against our key customer objectives, we introduced a mystery shopper programme during the first half of the year. Initial results have enabled us to identify areas of service which we can improve and will deliver a better sales performance. These are being addressed through a coaching and development programme. As we enter the new financial year, we have also increased the sales related incentives which enable the store teams to gain a higher reward on delivering great service.

In the Rest of Europe, we continued to introduce new products, and adapted our promotional offer to suit consumer demand. Our growth in laminate sales, a product area where we have had a low market share historically, has been encouraging. This has been achieved through the introduction of a comprehensive range, with a competitive offer supported by our high service standards.

   2.   Developing our bed proposition 

Beds provide an important complementary revenue stream to our core floor coverings business. We have developed and expanded the bed business during the year, and at the end of April 2012 our bed offer 'Sleepright by Carpetright' was trading from 272 stores (2011: 238). This area of the business delivered an increase in sales of 13.2% in the year and now represents 6.1% of UK sales revenue (2011: 5.1%). We believe this business has significant further growth potential in the coming year and we will be focusing on range development, improving customer awareness of our bed offer and reducing delivery times.

   3.   Managing and investing in our store portfolio 

At the end of April we had 490 stores trading in the UK. During the last year, we opened 12 new stores and closed 61 stores, inclusive of the 16 concessions in Focus DIY, following that business entering administration. This resulted in a net store decline of 49 stores and translated to a reduction in net space of 244k sq ft, a decrease of 5.4% since the start of the year.

We continue to see an increasing trend for customers to use the internet to complete a significant proportion of pre-purchase research online. With growing numbers of customers prepared to travel further to make their single physical store visit to complete their purchase we believe that, over time, this will result in a shift in the required geographic density of our store estate. With leases on 88 stores due to expire in the next five years there is a natural opportunity to further reshape the portfolio in a cost effective way, reducing the size of the store footprint and lowering our ongoing rent roll.

During the second half we began a programme of store refurbishments to update and refresh our UK estate. This has involved improving natural light, updating signage, replacing floor coverings and upgrading in-store lighting. The response to an initial trial of 34 stores was encouraging with sales up around 10% compared to the rest of the like-for-like estate, delivering a pay back on the investment within one year. The new format is now in 62 stores and we are currently developing our plans for the continuation of this programme in the coming year.

In the Rest of Europe, we opened three new stores during the year and closed one store. This translated into a net increase of 12k sq ft of selling space, to a total of 1,570k sq ft in 142 stores (2011: 140).

Two of the new locations were 'sample only' stores, building on the successful trial opening of a similar store in the prior year. This new smaller format is expected to provide an opportunity for future growth in the store estate.

4. Reaching more customers through additional channels

In the UK, the internet has become a vital research tool for many of our customers and we continued to invest in our online presence during the year. On a weekly basis we are now achieving an average of over 70,000 unique visitors to our website, a 16% increase on the prior year and this has produced corresponding increases in both sample requests and appointment leads. We are investing in a larger team, recruiting individuals with the necessary skills and experience to ensure we maximise the opportunity. We have also focused activity to improve our conversion to sales ratio with the opening of a call centre manned by knowledgeable Carpetright people and by improved follow up at store level. This demonstrates the importance of having an effective and integrated multi-channel proposition.

We have continued to focus on gaining additional sales through the insurance replacement business. This has proved to be a challenge as we understand there has been a reduction in insurance renewals associated with the current economic conditions and a structural change in the procurement of goods and services by the agents of the insurers. The volume of business through this channel is currently small relative to the Group's total revenue, although we believe it offers an opportunity for profitable sales growth.

5. Ongoing focus on cost control and cash management

We are committed to an ongoing focus on cost control. This ensures we have an appropriate cost base for the current economic conditions.

We have a flexible sourcing policy and work closely with our suppliers to ensure we achieve the most competitive product costs.

We anticipate inflationary pressures to come from energy and business rates but expect to offset these with favourable negotiations with landlords, maintaining a flexible approach to matching store staff costs to the level of sales and continuing our programme of tendering for all non-merchandise goods and services.

The cash generative nature of the business has been supplemented by the sale and leaseback of nine freehold properties, enabling the year end net debt to be reduced by GBP46.6m to GBP19.1m. We intend to continue to reduce the level of debt within the Group.


Total sales decreased by 3.1% to GBP471.5m, reflecting the tough consumer environment in all the geographic markets where we operate. During the year, the Group opened 15 stores and closed 62 which gave a net decrease of 47 stores and a total store base of 632. Total store space declined by 3.8% to 5.8 million square feet.

Weak consumer demand was a significant contributor to the decline in underlying operating profit to GBP8.0m, a decrease of 62.2% on the prior year. Underlying net finance charges were GBP0.3m lower at GBP4.0m. These combined to generate an underlying profit before tax of GBP4.0m, a decrease of 76.3% on the prior year.

Exceptional items generated a surplus of GBP9.5m (2011: a charge of GBP10.3m), being net property profits partially offset by a combination of restructuring costs, non-cash store impairment and onerous lease charges.

As a result, profit before tax increased by 104.5% to GBP13.5m (2011: GBP6.6m). Basic earnings per share increased by 141.2% to 16.4p reflecting the increase in post tax earnings.

The combination of cash flow from continued underlying profitability, effective management of working capital, the control of capital expenditure and proceeds from the disposal of freehold properties, enabled net debt to be reduced by GBP46.6m to GBP19.1m (2011: GBP65.7m). The cash flow strength of the Group is highlighted by the fact that in the past three years net debt has been reduced by over 80% from GBP97.1m as at April 2009, in the most demanding of consumer environments.

A summary of the reported financial results for the year ended 28 April 2012 is set out below:

                                     2012     2011 
--------------------------------                    --------- 
                                     GBPm     GBPm     Change 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Revenue                            471.5    486.8     (3.1%) 
 Underlying(1) operating profit       8.0     21.2    (62.3%) 
 Net finance charges                (4.0)    (4.3)       7.0% 
 Underlying(1) profit before 
  tax                                 4.0     16.9    (76.3%) 
 Exceptional items                    9.5   (10.3) 
 Profit before tax                   13.5      6.6     104.5% 
 Earnings per share (pence) 
 - underlying(1)                      4.5     18.0    (75.0%) 
 - basic                             16.4      6.8     141.2% 
 Dividends per share (pence)          Nil      8.0 
 Net debt                          (19.1)   (65.7)   GBP46.6m 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  --------- 

1. Where this review makes reference to "Underlying" these relate to profit/earnings before exceptional items.

Performance by Business

For year to 28 April 2012

                                                   Year on Year Movement 
----------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------- 
----------------------------          ----------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                GBPm    Reported   Local Currency   Like-for-like(2) 
----------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------------  ----------------- 
 UK                            381.6      (3.8%)                              (0.2%) 
 Rest of Europe                 89.9      (0.3%)           (2.0%)             (1.2%) 
----------------------------  ------  ---------- 
 Total Revenue                 471.5      (3.1%) 
----------------------------  ------  ---------- 
 Underlying Operating 
 UK                              2.8     (84.3%) 
 Rest of Europe                  5.2       52.9%            65.0% 
----------------------------  ------  ---------- 
 Total Underlying Operating 
  Profit                         8.0     (62.3%) 
----------------------------  ------  ---------- 
 Underlying Operating 
  Profit % 
 UK                             0.7%   (3.8ppts) 
 Rest of Europe                 5.8%     2.0ppts 
----------------------------  ------  ---------- 
 Total Underlying Operating     1.7%   (2.7ppts) 
  Profit % 
----------------------------  ------  ----------  ---------------  ----------------- 

1. Underlying operating profit is operating profit before exceptional items.

2. Like-for-like sales growth - calculated as this year's net sales divided by last year's net sales for all stores that are at least 12 months old at the beginning of our financial year. Stores closed during the year are excluded from both years. No account is taken of changes to store size or the introduction of third party concessions. Sales from insurance and housebuilders' contracts are supplied through the stores and included in their figures.

UK - Performance Review

The key financial results for the UK were:

                                                             2012       2011 
---------------------                        ---------                        ---------- 
                                                             GBPm       GBPm      Change 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 
 Revenue                                                    381.6      396.6      (3.8%) 
 Like-for-like sales                                       (0.2%)     (6.0%) 
 Gross Profit                                               224.8      246.5      (8.8%) 
 Gross Profit %                                             58.9%      62.2%   (3.3ppts) 
 Costs                                                    (222.0)    (228.7)      (2.9%) 
 Underlying Operating Profit                                  2.8       17.8     (84.3%) 
 Underlying Operating Profit %                               0.7%       4.5%   (3.8ppts) 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 
  The UK portfolio is now as follows: 
                                      Store Numbers                     Sq Ft ('000) 
                        30 April                         28 April   30 April    28 April 
                            2011   Openings   Closures       2012       2011        2012 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 
 Standalone                  495         12       (33)        474      4,410       4,241 
 Concessions                  44          -       (28)         16        104          29 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 
 Total                       539         12       (61)        490      4,514       4,270 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 

Total UK revenue decreased 3.8% in the year to GBP381.6m. This performance can be attributed to three key factors:

   i)    the underlying retail flooring performance was down 2.7%; 

ii) the focus on developing our bed offer and introducing it into more stores contributed 0.6% to growth;

iii) a fall in sales to the insurance and house builder businesses accounted for 1.7% of the decline.

After taking into account the movement in the number of stores the like-for-like sales for the year declined by 0.2%, with the first half down 2.4%, predominantly offset by a stronger second half, being an increase of 1.9%.

Gross profit declined by 8.8% to GBP224.8m, representing 58.9% of sales, a decrease of 3.3 percentage points. This movement is a combination of:

i) the decline in the underlying floor covering margin with demand higher in periods of stronger promotional activity, particularly in the first half of the year, contributing an adverse movement of 3.2 percentage points;

ii) a decline in the insurance business resulted in a change in the overall sales mix. This accounted for an increase of 0.3 percentage points (as this part of the business operates on a lower gross margin than retail floor coverings);

iii) the impact of fuel inflation on delivery costs accounted for an adverse movement of 0.4 percentage points.

The total UK cost base decreased by 2.9% compared with the prior year to GBP222.0m (2011: GBP228.7m). Store payroll costs continue to be managed closely to the volume of sales and reduced by 7.5% to GBP57.6m (2011: GBP62.3m). Store occupancy costs fell 1.7% to GBP127.5m (2011: GBP129.7m) due to a reduction in the number of stores, successful rent negotiations and reduced depreciation, although this was partially offset by increased utility and business rates inflation. The underlying rent in like-for-like stores decreased marginally by 0.2% (2011: 0.4%), reflecting a continued weakening of the property market in the current economic climate. Marketing and central support costs were up 0.3% at GBP36.9m (2011: GBP36.8m), primarily the result of one-off income received in the prior year relating to a successful VAT reclaim. The underlying movement was a decline of 2.7% with the largest element being the reduction in management and administrative headcount.

Underlying operating profit decreased by 84.3% to GBP2.8m.

Rest of Europe - Performance Review

The key financial results for the Rest of Europe were:

                           2012     2011       Change             Change 
                           GBPm     GBPm   (Reported)   (Local Currency) 
----------------------  -------  -------  -----------  ----------------- 
 Revenue                   89.9     90.2       (0.3%)             (2.0%) 
 Like-for-like sales     (1.2%)   (4.0%) 
 Gross Profit              51.2     51.5       (0.6%)             (2.1%) 
 Gross Profit %           57.0%    57.1%    (0.1ppts) 
 Costs                   (46.0)   (48.1)         4.4%               6.7% 
 Underlying Operating 
  Profit                    5.2      3.4        52.9%              65.0% 
 Underlying Operating 
  Profit %                 5.8%     3.8%      2.0ppts 
----------------------  -------  -------  -----------  ----------------- 

The Rest of Europe portfolio is now as follows:

                                      Store Numbers                    Sq Ft ('000) 
                        30 April                         28 April   30 April   28 April 
                            2011   Openings   Closures       2012       2011       2012 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Netherlands                  92          2          -         94      1,079      1,094 
 Belgium                      28          -          -         28        334        329 
 Republic of Ireland          20          1        (1)         20        145        147 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Total                       140          3        (1)        142      1,558      1,570 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

Gross profit margin decreased marginally to 57.0% (2011: 57.1%), primarily due to the impact of the mix effect of selling more laminate at a lower than average margin, partially offset by improved rebates and effective management of the promotional mix. Reported operating costs decreased by 4.4% to GBP46.0m. In local currency terms, costs decreased by 6.7% despite inherent inflationary increases. The reduction came as a result of the negotiated salary and rent reductions, and the consolidation of central support functions. This reflects the tight management control and focus on achieving efficiencies within the whole operation.

The net result was an underlying operating profit of GBP5.2m, an increase of 52.9%. In local currency terms, the underlying profit increased by 65.0%.

Group Financial Review

Net Finance Costs and Taxation

Net finance charges were GBP4.0m (2011: GBP4.3m) reflecting lower average net debt and a reduction in the margin rates on borrowing. The effective tax rate on profits is 18.7% (2011: 30.4%). This decrease arises primarily from the impact of a change in tax rates and the release of previously held deferred tax provisions.

Exceptional Items

The Group recorded a net surplus of GBP9.5m (2011: charge of GBP10.3m) in the year.

--------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                           2012     2011 
                                           GBPm     GBPm 
--------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Profit on disposal of properties          13.4      0.5 
 Store impairment charge                  (1.0)    (2.0) 
 Onerous lease charge                     (0.3)    (8.8) 
 Restructuring costs                      (2.1)        - 
 Write off of unamortised refinancing     (0.5)        - 
                                            9.5   (10.3) 
--------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

We have continued to trade our property portfolio. In the year a profit of GBP13.4m was achieved (2011: profit of GBP0.5m). Of this, GBP14.5m was realised from the sale and leaseback of freehold properties from which we continue to operate. In the UK and the Netherlands these transactions were five individual stores sold to property investors. A group of four stores were sold to a single investor by way of the disposal of our Belgian property holding company, Infradis.

We have reviewed the carrying value of the store assets in our balance sheet, consistent with the approach in previous years. The models used to value these assets include a number of assumptions relating to market growth and inflationary expectations. The tests have led to a net impairment charge of GBP1.0m (2011: GBP2.0m).

In addition, there are seven leased properties which had previously been used as retail stores where an onerous lease provision has been made on the basis of the difference between the expected cash inflows and outflows and the re-assessment of previous positions.

In this difficult retail environment, the Group has focused on organisational changes aimed at enhancing our efficiency and leveraging our strengths to provide a solid framework for growth. This has involved a reduction in management headcount in the UK and the consolidation of our offices in Europe at a cost of GBP2.1m. Given the irregular nature and amounts associated with business restructuring these have been treated as exceptional items.

The unamortised costs associated with the previous refinancing, which amounted to GBP0.5m, were written off as an exceptional item.

Earnings per Share

Basic earnings per share increased to 16.4 pence (2011: 6.8 pence), reflecting a similar increase in post tax earnings. Underlying earnings per share decreased to 4.5 pence (2011: 18.0 pence).


The Board has decided not to pay a final dividend (2011: nil pence), resulting in no full year dividend (2011: 8.0 pence).

Balance Sheet and Cash Flow

The Group had net assets of GBP70.7m (2011: GBP67.0m) at the end of the year, an increase of GBP3.7m since 30 April 2011. The cash generative nature of the business remains one of the strengths of the Group, with operating cash flow of GBP29.1m in the year (2011: GBP32.1m). The decrease was predominantly attributable to the reduction in underlying profitability, partially offset by improving working capital management, of which GBP4.5m related to the timing of the April payroll falling on the first working day of the following financial year.

Cash flow

                                             2012     2011 
                                             GBPm     GBPm 
----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Underlying operating profit                  8.0     21.2 
 Depreciation and other non-cash items       14.8     15.3 
 Exceptional items                          (1.6)        - 
 (Increase)/Decrease in stock               (0.4)      2.9 
 (Increase)/Decrease in working capital       8.3    (7.3) 
----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Operating cash flow                         29.1     32.1 
 Net interest paid                          (4.9)    (4.9) 
 Corporation tax paid                       (3.0)    (2.7) 
 Net capital receipts/(expenditure)          22.8    (9.5) 
----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Free cash flow                              44.0     15.0 
 Dividends paid                                 -   (10.8) 
 Other                                        2.6      1.4 
----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Movement in net debt                        46.6      5.6 
 Opening net debt                          (65.7)   (71.3) 
----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Closing net debt                          (19.1)   (65.7) 
----------------------------------------  -------  ------- 

Net capital receipts/(expenditure) was an inflow of GBP22.8m (2011: outflow of GBP9.5m). This can be broken down into the following principal categories:

                                                2012    2011 
                                                GBPm    GBPm 
--------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Capital expenditure                           (6.9)   (9.7) 
 Purchase of freehold properties               (3.7)   (0.7) 
 Proceeds from freehold property disposals      32.0       - 
 Proceeds from leasehold property disposals      1.4     0.9 
                                                22.8   (9.5) 
--------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

After the repayment of borrowings, net debt decreased by GBP46.6m to GBP19.1m at the year end (2011: GBP65.7m).


The Group owns a significant property portfolio, most of which is used for trading purposes. This portfolio is estimated by management to have a market value of GBP86.4m at the year end (2011: GBP134.0m), compared to a net book value of GBP83.3m recorded in the financial statements (2011: GBP112.3m). The movement in the year is predominantly the result of sale and leaseback transactions.


The IAS 19 valuation as at 28 April 2012 was a net deficit of GBP4.3m in relation to defined benefit pension arrangements (2011: GBP4.0m). The Carpetright scheme closed to future accrual on 30 April 2010. Plan assets increased to GBP18.3m (2011: GBP17.4m) driven by higher market values and additional Company contributions agreed with the pension trustees following the triennial valuation in April 2008. The present value of plan liabilities increased to GBP22.6m (2011: GBP21.4m) driven principally by a reduction in the discount rate to 4.6% (2011: 5.3%).

Current liquidity

At the year end the Group held cash balances of GBP9.6m (2011: GBP8.3m) in a combination of Sterling, Euros and Polish Zlotys.

Gross bank borrowings at the balance sheet date were GBP26.0m (2011: GBP70.9m) of which GBP5.4m is term based with the balance of GBP20.6m being drawn down from overdraft and revolving credit facilities. The Group had further undrawn, committed facilities of GBP40.6m at the balance sheet date.

In June 2011, the Group completed a refinancing arrangement of its principal facilities, split between amortising term loans, a revolving credit facility and overdrafts in a mixture of Sterling and Euro currencies. The term loans and revolving credit facilities mature in July 2015. As at 28 April 2012, the facilities provided debt capacity of around GBP66m. Arrangement fees and legal costs are amortised over the period to June 2014, although paid in cash at the outset. The facilities contain financial covenants which are tested on a quarterly basis.


Whilst the UK consumer environment is expected to remain difficult for all retailers in the discretionary spend sector, the move back into positive UK like-for-like sales in the second half was encouraging. While it is far too early to call the beginnings of a broader recovery, this performance gives some cause for optimism on the core UK floor coverings business. We have established a GBP23m revenue bed business in just three years and believe there is significant scope for us to grow this further, as we continue to develop the range, improve the proposition and introduce beds to more stores. In the Rest of Europe, we expect the economic conditions will remain challenging.

Against this backdrop, we will continue to drive the business towards long term growth by focusing on improving our product ranges and services, growing margins, focusing on cost reduction, reducing debt and promoting the reach of our brand. As a consequence, we believe the Group is well placed to capitalise on a strong value offer supported by a superior service proposition, when consumer demand in our sector improves.

Consolidated income statement

for 52 weeks ended 28 April 2012

                                                Group 52 weeks to                   Group 52 weeks to 
                                 Notes             28 April 2012                 30 April 2011 (restated) 
                                 -----  ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
                                              Before                              Before 
                                         exceptional  Exceptional            exceptional  Exceptional 
                                               items        items    Total         items        items    Total 
                                                GBPm         GBPm     GBPm          GBPm         GBPm     GBPm 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
Revenue                              2         471.5                 471.5         486.8                 486.8 
Cost of sales                                (195.5)               (195.5)       (188.8)               (188.8) 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
Gross profit                         2         276.0                 276.0         298.0                 298.0 
Administration expenses                      (270.2)        (3.4)  (273.6)       (280.2)       (10.8)  (291.0) 
Other operating income                           2.2         13.4     15.6           3.4          0.5      3.9 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
Operating profit                     2           8.0         10.0     18.0          21.2       (10.3)     10.9 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
Finance costs                                  (5.1)        (0.5)    (5.6)         (5.4)            -    (5.4) 
Finance income                                   1.1            -      1.1           1.1            -      1.1 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
Profit before tax                                4.0          9.5     13.5          16.9       (10.3)      6.6 
Tax                                  4         (1.0)        (1.5)    (2.5)         (4.8)          2.8    (2.0) 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
Profit for the financial 
 period attributable to equity 
 shareholders of the Company                     3.0          8.0     11.0          12.1        (7.5)      4.6 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 
Basic earnings per share 
 (pence)                             5           4.5         11.9     16.4          18.0       (11.2)      6.8 
Diluted earnings per share 
 (pence)                             5                                16.4                                 6.9 
-------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  -------  ------------  -----------  ------- 

All material items in the income statement arise from continuing operations.

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for 52 weeks ended 28 April 2012

                                                                    Group      Group 
                                                                 52 weeks   52 weeks 
                                                                       to         to 
                                                                 28 April   30 April 
                                                                     2012       2011 
                                                         Notes       GBPm       GBPm 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Profit for the financial period                                      11.0        4.6 
  Actuarial (loss)/gain on defined benefit pension 
   scheme                                                           (0.9)        0.4 
  Exchange (loss)/gain in respect of hedged equity 
   investments                                                      (7.5)        2.4 
  Tax on components of other comprehensive income            4          -      (0.4) 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Other comprehensive (expense)/income for the period                 (8.4)        2.4 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable 
 to equity shareholders of the Company                                2.6        7.0 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 

The notes on pages 16 to 20 form an integral part of this consolidated financial information.

Consolidated balance sheet

as at 28 April 2012

                                                            Group    Group 
                                                             2012     2011 
                                                   Notes     GBPm     GBPm 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                                            61.4     65.8 
Property, plant and equipment                               119.6    147.4 
Investment property                                          20.7     26.1 
Investment in subsidiary undertakings                           -        - 
Deferred tax assets                                           2.6      2.9 
Trade and other receivables                                   0.9      1.1 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Total non-current assets                                    205.2    243.3 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                                  38.3     38.7 
Trade and other receivables                                  24.1     32.8 
Current tax assets                                              -        - 
Cash and cash equivalents                                     9.6      8.3 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Total current assets                                         72.0     79.8 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Total assets                                           2    277.2    323.1 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                  (109.2)  (105.3) 
Obligations under finance leases                            (0.1)    (0.1) 
Borrowings and overdrafts                                   (9.5)   (21.3) 
Current tax liabilities                                     (1.0)    (2.1) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Total current liabilities                                 (119.8)  (128.8) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                   (33.8)   (35.4) 
Obligations under finance leases                            (2.6)    (2.9) 
Borrowings                                                 (16.5)   (49.6) 
Derivative financial instruments                                -    (0.1) 
Provisions for liabilities and charges                      (6.4)    (9.1) 
Deferred tax liabilities                                   (23.1)   (26.2) 
Retirement benefit obligations                              (4.3)    (4.0) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Total non-current liabilities                              (86.7)  (127.3) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Total liabilities                                      2  (206.5)  (256.1) 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Net assets                                                   70.7     67.0 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Share capital                                                 0.7      0.7 
Share premium                                                16.3     15.4 
Treasury shares                                             (0.3)    (0.3) 
Other reserves                                               54.0     51.2 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 
Total equity attributable to equity shareholders 
 of the Company                                              70.7     67.0 
-------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ------- 

Consolidated statements of cash flow

for 52 weeks ended 28 April 2012

                                                                       Group      Group 
                                                                    52 weeks   52 weeks 
                                                                          to         to 
                                                                    28 April   30 April 
                                                                        2012       2011 
                                                            Notes       GBPm       GBPm 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit/(loss) before tax                                                13.5        6.6 
Adjusted for: 
Depreciation and amortisation                                   2       14.6       15.5 
(Profit) on property disposals                                         (4.6)      (0.5) 
(Profit) on Property subsidiary disposal                               (8.8)          - 
Dividend received from subsidiaries                                        -          - 
Exceptional non-cash items                                               2.3       10.8 
Other non-cash items                                                     0.2      (0.2) 
Net finance costs                                                        4.0        4.3 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Operating cash flows before movements in working 
 capital                                                                21.2       36.5 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                                     (0.4)        2.9 
Decrease in trade and other receivables                                  7.9        5.9 
Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                          0.4     (13.2) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Cash generated by operations                                            29.1       32.1 
Interest paid                                                          (4.9)      (5.0) 
Corporation taxes paid                                                 (3.0)      (2.7) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Net cash generated from operating activities                            21.2       24.4 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchases of intangible assets                                         (0.1)      (0.5) 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment and investment 
 property                                                             (12.0)      (9.9) 
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment 
 and investment property                                                22.1        0.9 
Proceeds on property subsidiary disposal                                12.8          - 
Interest received                                                          -        0.1 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Net cash generated from/(used) in investing activities                  22.8      (9.4) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
Purchase of Treasury shares by Employee Benefit 
 Trust                                                                     -      (0.1) 
Issue of new shares                                                      0.9          - 
Repayment of borrowings                                               (42.9)     (13.2) 
New loans advanced                                                         -       12.5 
Intercompany loans                                                         -          - 
Dividends paid to Group shareholders                                       -     (10.8) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Net cash used in financing activities                                 (42.0)     (11.6) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents in the 
 period                                                                  2.0        3.4 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 
 period                                                                (0.7)      (5.0) 
Exchange differences                                                     0.2        0.9 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                       1.5      (0.7) 
----------------------------------------------------------  -----  ---------  --------- 

For the purposes of the cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents are reported net of overdrafts repayable on demand. Overdrafts are excluded from the definition of cash and cash equivalents disclosed in the balance sheet.

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for 52 weeks ended 28 April 2012


                                      Share     Share  Treasury   redemption  Translation   Hedging   Retained 
                                    capital   premium    shares      reserve      reserve   reserve   earnings   Total 
                                       GBPm      GBPm      GBPm         GBPm         GBPm      GBPm       GBPm    GBPm 
---------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  ---------  ------ 
At 1 May 2010                           0.7      15.4     (0.2)          0.1         10.2     (1.2)       46.2    71.2 
Total comprehensive 
 for the financial period                 -         -         -            -          2.4       1.1        3.5     7.0 
Purchase of own shares by 
 Benefit Trust                            -         -     (0.1)            -            -         -          -   (0.1) 
Share based payments and related 
 tax                                      -         -         -            -            -         -      (0.3)   (0.3) 
Dividends paid to Group 
 shareholders                             -         -         -            -            -         -     (10.8)  (10.8) 
---------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  ---------  ------ 
At 30 April 2011                        0.7      15.4     (0.3)          0.1         12.6     (0.1)       38.6    67.0 
---------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  ---------  ------ 
Total comprehensive 
 for the financial period                 -         -         -            -        (7.5)       0.1       10.0     2.6 
Issue of new shares                       -       0.9         -            -            -         -          -     0.9 
Share-based payments and related 
 tax                                      -         -         -            -            -         -        0.2     0.2 
---------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  ---------  ------ 
At 28 April 2012                        0.7      16.3     (0.3)          0.1          5.1         -       48.8    70.7 
---------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  -----------  -----------  --------  ---------  ------ 

Notes to the accounts

1 Accounting policies

Basis of preparation

The financial statements of the Group are made up to the Saturday nearest to 30 April. The financial year for 2012 represents the 52 weeks ended 28 April 2012. The comparative financial year for 2011 was 52 weeks ended 30 April 2011.

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) interpretations endorsed by the European Union, together with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

The information is derived from the full Group financial statements for the 52 week period to 28 April 2012 and does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The Group's Annual Report and Financial Statements on which the auditors have given an unqualified report which does not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006, will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies and posted to shareholders in due course.

The financial information for the 52 weeks to 30 April 2011 is derived from the Annual Report for that year which has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The independent auditors reported on those accounts, their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Foreign exchange rates

Financial assets and liabilities and foreign operations are translated at the following rates of exchange:

                Euro   Euro  Zloty  Zloty 
                2012   2011   2012   2011 
-------------  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Average rate    1.16   1.18   4.90   4.70 
Closing rate    1.23   1.12   5.12   4.42 
-------------  -----  -----  -----  ----- 

2 Segmental analysis

The operating segments have been determined based on reports reviewed by the Board that are used to make strategic decisions. From 1 May 2011 the Netherlands, Belgium and the Republic of Ireland were managed as a combined business by a single management team who had no other responsibilities, in the previous financial year the Republic of Ireland was combined with the UK. Prior year data in the statements that follow have been restated to reflect the change in reporting structure. The impact of the restatement is to reduce revenue in the UK by GBP7.9m and increase underlying operating profits by GBP3.4m, Europe moves by equal and opposite amounts. Information is presented to the Board of Carpetright plc (the Chief Operating Decision Maker) on a combined basis. As a result it is considered that the combined business forms a single reportable operating segment under IFRS 8.

The reportable operating segments derive their revenue primarily from the retail of floor coverings and beds. Central costs of the Group are incurred principally in the UK and are immaterial. As such these costs are included within the UK segment. Sales between segments are carried out at arm's length.

The segment information provided to the Board for the reportable segments for the 52 weeks ended 28 April 2012 is as follows:

                                     52 weeks to 28 April       52 weeks to 30 April 
                                              2012                 2011 (restated) 
                                   -------------------------  ------------------------- 
                                         UK  Europe    Group        UK  Europe    Group 
                                       GBPm    GBPm     GBPm      GBPm    GBPm     GBPm 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Gross revenue                         387.1    89.9    477.0     402.2    90.2    492.4 
Inter-segment revenue                 (5.5)       -    (5.5)     (5.6)       -    (5.6) 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Revenues from external customers      381.6    89.9    471.5     396.6    90.2    486.8 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Gross profit                          224.8    51.2    276.0     246.5    51.5    298.0 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Underlying operating profit             2.8     5.2      8.0      17.8     3.4     21.2 
Exceptional items                      10.5   (0.5)     10.0     (5.1)   (5.2)   (10.3) 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Operating profit                       13.3     4.7     18.0      12.7   (1.8)     10.9 
Finance income                          1.1       -      1.1       1.1       -      1.1 
Intercompany interest                 (0.7)     0.7        -     (0.3)     0.3        - 
Finance costs                         (5.2)   (0.4)    (5.6)     (5.3)   (0.1)    (5.4) 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Profit before tax                       8.5     5.0     13.5       8.2   (1.6)      6.6 
Tax                                   (1.6)   (0.9)    (2.5)     (0.5)   (1.5)    (2.0) 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Profit for the financial 
 period                                 6.9     4.1     11.0       7.7   (3.1)      4.6 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Segment assets: 
Segment assets                        217.7   100.6    318.3     248.5   112.1    360.6 
Inter-segment balances               (20.2)  (20.9)   (41.1)    (26.0)  (11.5)   (37.5) 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Balance sheet total assets            197.5    79.7    277.2     222.5   100.6    323.1 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Segment liabilities: 
Segment liabilities                 (197.3)  (50.3)  (247.6)   (224.8)  (68.8)  (293.6) 
Inter-segment balances                 20.8    20.3     41.1      11.5    26.0     37.5 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Balance sheet total liabilities     (176.5)  (30.0)  (206.5)   (213.3)  (42.8)  (256.1) 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 
Other segmental items: 
Depreciation and amortisation          12.0     2.6     14.6      12.4     3.1     15.5 
Additions to non-current 
 assets                                 7.3     1.4      8.7      11.6     1.5     13.1 
---------------------------------  --------  ------  -------  --------  ------  ------- 

Carpetright plc is domiciled in the UK. The Group's revenue from external customers in the UK is GBP381.6m (2011: GBP396.6m) and the total revenue from external customers from other countries is GBP89.9m (2011: GBP90.2m). The total of non-current assets (other than financial instruments and deferred tax assets) located in the UK is GBP162.9m (2011: GBP187.6m) and the total of those located in other countries is GBP74.4m (2011: GBP90.3m).

Carpetright's trade has historically shown no distinct pattern of seasonality with trade cycles more closely following economic indicators such as consumer confidence and mortgage approvals.

3 Exceptional items

                                                         Group   Group 
                                                          2012    2011 
                                                  Notes   GBPm    GBPm 
-----------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ------ 
Property profits: 
   UK and the Netherlands                                  4.6     0.5 
   Sale of Belgian property subsidiary                     8.8       - 
UK impairment of property, plant and equipment           (1.0)   (2.0) 
Onerous lease provision                                  (0.3)   (8.8) 
Central support office restructuring                     (2.1)       - 
Write off of unamortised refinancing fees                (0.5)       - 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----  ------ 
                                                           9.5  (10.3) 
 ------------------------------------------------------  -----  ------ 

In order to facilitate the sale of properties in Belgium, the Group sold a subsidiary that owned those properties during the year. There were no other assets or liabilities owned by the subsidiary at the time of the sale. Cash proceeds have been allocated to '(Profit)/loss on Property subsidiary disposal' in the cash flow statement.

The onerous lease provision relates to 20 properties in the UK and Republic of Ireland that are not trading and are either empty or leased at below the passing rent. The provision covers the period until full cost recovery is expected.

4 Tax

                                           Group  Group 
                                            2012   2011 
 (i) Analysis of the charge in the period   GBPm   GBPm 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
UK current tax                               0.9    2.0 
Overseas current tax                         1.1    1.5 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Total current tax                            2.0    3.5 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
UK deferred tax                              0.7  (1.4) 
Overseas deferred tax                      (0.2)  (0.1) 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Total deferred tax                           0.5  (1.5) 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Total tax charge in the income statement     2.5    2.0 
-----------------------------------------  -----  ----- 

The tax charge for the year includes a charge of GBP3.1m in respect of exceptional items (2011: credit GBP1.7m). In addition, the impact of the change in tax rates on deferred tax liability has resulted in an exceptional tax credit of GBP1.6m (2011: GBP1.1m credit).

                                                           Group  Group 
                                                            2012   2011 
    (ii) Reconciliation of profit before tax to total tax   GBPm   GBPm 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Profit before tax                                           13.5    6.6 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Tax charge at UK Corporation Tax rate of 26% (2011: 28%)     3.5    1.8 
Adjusted for the effects of: 
   Overseas tax rates                                      (0.2)  (0.2) 
   Fall in UK tax rates                                    (1.6)  (1.1) 
   Non-qualifying depreciation                               0.6    0.6 
   Other permanent differences                               0.9    0.6 
   Losses recognised                                       (0.6)      - 
   Gains not subject to tax                                (1.1)      - 
   Capital gains                                             1.7      - 
   Adjustments in respect of prior periods                 (0.7)    0.3 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Total tax charge in the income statement                     2.5    2.0 
---------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 

The weighted average annual effective tax rate for the period is 18.7% (2011: 30.4%). The decrease arises primarily from one-off tax charges in the prior year not recurring, the decrease in UK tax rates, the disproportionate effect of permanently disallowable items on the reduced level of profit and one-off gains not subject to tax.

                                                                     Group  Group 
           (iii) Tax on items taken directly to or transferred from   2012   2011 
                                                             equity   GBPm   GBPm 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 
Deferred tax on actuarial gains, recognised in other comprehensive 
 income                                                                  -    0.4 
Total tax recognised in equity                                           -    0.4 
-------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  ----- 

5 Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period, excluding those held by Equity Trust (Jersey) Limited (see note 25) which are treated as cancelled.

In order to compute diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all potentially dilutive ordinary shares. Those share options granted to employees and Executive Directors where the exerciseprice is less than the average market price of the Company's ordinary shares during the period, represent potentially dilutive ordinary shares.

                                          52 weeks ended 28               52 weeks ended 30 
                                              April 2012                      April 2011 
                                   ------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                               Weighted                        Weighted 
                                                average  Earnings               average  Earnings 
                                                 number       per                number       per 
                                   Earnings   of shares     share  Earnings   of shares     share 
                                       GBPm    Millions     Pence      GBPm    Millions     Pence 
---------------------------------  --------  ----------  --------  --------  ----------  -------- 
Basic earnings per share               11.0        67.2      16.4       4.6        67.2       6.8 
Effect of dilutive share options          -         0.3         -       0.1         0.4       0.1 
---------------------------------  --------  ----------  --------  --------  ----------  -------- 
Diluted earnings per share             11.0        67.5      16.4       4.7        67.6       6.9 
---------------------------------  --------  ----------  --------  --------  ----------  -------- 

Reconciliation of earnings per share excluding post tax profit on exceptional items:

                                                 52 weeks ended 28              52 weeks ended 30 
                                                     April 2012                     April 2011 
                                          ------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                                      Weighted                        Weighted 
                                                       average  Earnings               average  Earnings 
                                                        number       per                number       per 
                                          Earnings   of shares     share  Earnings   of shares     share 
                                              GBPm    Millions     Pence      GBPm    Millions     Pence 
----------------------------------------  --------  ----------  --------  --------  ----------  -------- 
Basic earnings per share                      11.0        67.2      16.4       4.6        67.2       6.8 
Adjusted for the effect of exceptional 
  Exceptional items                          (9.5)           -    (14.1)      10.3           -      15.3 
  Tax thereon                                  3.1           -       4.6     (1.7)           -     (2.5) 
  Exceptional tax benefit from tax rate 
   change                                    (1.6)           -     (2.4)     (1.1)           -     (1.6) 
----------------------------------------  --------  ----------  --------  --------  ----------  -------- 
Underlying earnings per share                  3.0        67.2       4.5      12.1        67.2      18.0 
----------------------------------------  --------  ----------  --------  --------  ----------  -------- 

The Directors have presented an additional measure of earnings per share based on underlying earnings. This is in accordance with the practice adopted by most major retailers. Underlying earnings is defined as profit excluding exceptional items and related tax.

6 Dividends

                                       2012           2011 
                                      Pence          Pence 
                                        per   2012     per   2011 
Group and Company                     share   GBPm   share   GBPm 
-----------------------------------  ------  -----  ------  ----- 
Prior year final dividend paid            -      -     8.0    5.4 
Current year interim dividend paid        -      -     8.0    5.4 
-----------------------------------  ------  -----  ------  ----- 
                                          -      -    16.0   10.8 
-----------------------------------  ------  -----  ------  ----- 

The directors decided that no final dividend will be paid (2011: No final dividend paid). This results in no dividend in the year to 28 April 2012 (2011: 8.0 pence; GBP5.4m).

7 Group movement in cash and net debt


                                                            2011                                       2012 
                                                          ------  -----  ------------  ------------  ------ 
                                                                   Cash      Exchange 
                                                           Total   flow   differences   Revaluation   Total 
                                                            GBPm   GBPm          GBPm          GBPm    GBPm 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ------------  ------------  ------ 
Cash and cash equivalents in the balance 
 sheet                                                       8.3                                        9.6 
Bank overdrafts                                            (9.0)                                      (8.1) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ------------  ------------  ------ 
Cash and cash equivalents in the cash 
 flow statement                                            (0.7)    2.0           0.2             -     1.5 
                                                          ------                                     ------ 
               Current borrowings                         (12.3)                                      (1.4) 
               Non-current borrowings                     (49.6)                                     (16.5) 
                                                          ------                                     ------ 
                                                          (61.9)   42.9           1.1             -  (17.9) 
Obligations under finance leases 
                                                          ------                                     ------ 
               Current obligations under finance leases    (0.1)                                      (0.1) 
               Non-current obligations under finance 
                leases                                     (2.9)                                      (2.6) 
                                                          ------                                     ------ 
                                                           (3.0)      -             -           0.3   (2.7) 
Derivative financial instruments                           (0.1)      -             -           0.1       - 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ------------  ------------  ------ 
Net debt                                                  (65.7)   44.9           1.3           0.4  (19.1) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  -----  ------------  ------------  ------ 
                                                            2010                                        2011 
                                                          ------  ------  ------------  ------------  ------ 
                                                                    Cash      Exchange 
                                                           Total    flow   differences   Revaluation   Total 
                                                            GBPm    GBPm          GBPm          GBPm    GBPm 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------------  ------------  ------ 
Cash and cash equivalents in the balance 
 sheet                                                       8.3                                         8.3 
Bank overdrafts                                           (13.3)                                       (9.0) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------------  ------------  ------ 
Cash and cash equivalents in the cash 
 flow statement                                            (5.0)     3.4           0.9             -   (0.7) 
                                                          ------                                      ------ 
               Current borrowings                          (8.9)                                      (12.3) 
               Non-current borrowings                     (53.3)                                      (49.6) 
                                                          ------                                      ------ 
                                                          (62.2)     0.7         (0.4)             -  (61.9) 
Obligations under finance leases 
                                                          ------                                      ------ 
               Current obligations under finance leases    (0.1)                                       (0.1) 
               Non-current obligations under finance 
                leases                                     (2.9)                                       (2.9) 
                                                          ------                                      ------ 
                                                           (3.0)       -             -             -   (3.0) 
Derivative financial instruments                           (1.1)       -             -           1.0   (0.1) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------------  ------------  ------ 
Net debt                                                  (71.3)     4.1           0.5           1.0  (65.7) 
--------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------------  ------------  ------ 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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