The Clarkson Hill Group Plc (the "Group")                   

      Half Yearly Report for the period 1 August 2007 to 31 January 2008       

Chief Executive Officer's Statement

I am pleased to present the interim statement for the six months to 31 January


  * Profit before tax �6,439 (2007 �11,591)
  * Turnover increased by 26 per cent. to �10.681 million (2007 �8.476 million)
  * Operating efficiency improved to 16.7 per cent.* (2007 20.3%) retaining the
    Plimsoll ranking of sixth most efficient IFA (February 2008).
  * Number of advisers increased by 17 per cent. to 354 as at 31 January 2008
    (31 January 2007 303 advisers)
  * Total funds under management approximately �874 million (not calculated for
*See operating efficiency below

**Plimsoll Top 200 IFA, February 2008

Financial Results

                                                  6 months to          Restated
                                                  31 Jan 2008       6 months to
                                                      (�'000)       31 Jan 2007
Turnover                                               10,681             8,476
Gross profit                                            1,809             1,753
Administrative Expenses                                 1,788             1,726
Operating Profit                                           21                27
Profit before tax for the group                             6                12
Cash and cash equivalents                                 599               469



The Group's progress has resulted in first half pre-tax profits of �6,439
compared with �11,591 for same period to 31 January 2007.


Turnover for the six months to 31 January 2008 increased by 26 per cent. to 
�10.68 million (2007 �8.47 million) with gross profit increasing by 3 per cent.
to �1.8 million (2007 �1.75 million).

Funds under Advice

A comprehensive review of the Group's current funds under advice is underway,
with a view to the introduction of an overall `Assets under Management'
strategy that will be introduced to each Clarkson Hill client and adviser. The
roll out of this project is designed to enhance the level and quality of advice
provided to our clients and enable ongoing reviews and valuations to take

These funds continue to grow with �874 million now under management. The Board
are confident that the implementation of this project will significantly
enhance the Group's growth prospects.

Operating Efficiency

The Board continues to focus on operational efficiency; this has improved to
16.7 per cent. in the half year (2007 restated 20.3 per cent.). The Board
determine this by way of the administration costs as a percentage of the gross
income. The Board's success in this area is demonstrated by the Group's
appearance yet again in the independently determined Plimsoll Top 200 IFA
report, dated March 2008. In the latest report, the Group is rated as the sixth
most efficient IFA, based on sales returns as a percentage of employee


It is the intention of the Board to establish the payment of dividends to
shareholders as soon as is appropriate. In last year's interim report it was
stated that the Board was considering a proposal to reduce the company's share
premium account thereby eliminating the deficit created by goodwill impairment
and accumulated losses from previous years. This proposal is still under

Segmental Analysis

The business segment performance highlights:

- Single Premium Investments up by  44 per cent.

- Pension Investments up by         12 per cent.

- Fees (including mortgages) up by  22 per cent.

- Protection up by                  3 per cent.

Financial Year End

It is the intention of the Board to change the financial year-end of the Group
from 31 July to 31 December. This will then fall in line with the budgeting,
targeting and operational processes operated by the Company. This change is
intended to take place in the current year and will result in a seventeen month
trading period to 31 December 2008.

Treating Customers Fairly

The Board continues to give full regard for the requirements determined by the
FSA for Treating Customers Fairly.


The Board is pleased to confirm that Bill Moncrieff, previously Director of
Strategy and Development has been appointed as Managing Director, Adviser
Sales. Mr Moncrieff has been with the Company for five years.

Current Trading

Trading continues in line with the Board's expectations.


Since January 2008 the Group has recruited a further 25 advisers. The Board
believes that having established an effective and efficient administrative
processing system, the Group has the foundations in place to continue
recruitment of professional advisers leading to improved profitability. In
addition, the focus on assets under management will be beneficial both to our
clients and the Company.

Ron Pritchard
Chief Executive Officer
24 April 2008

Group Income Statement

Unaudited Interim Results to 31 January 2008

                                        6 months to       Restated     Year ended
                                    31 January 2008    6 months to    31 July 2007
                                          Unaudited   31 January 2007    Audited 
                                                  �              �            �
Revenue from continuing operations       10,681,852      8,476,474   18,300,143
Cost of sales                          (8, 872,441)    (6,723,406) (14,649,130)
Gross profit                              1,809,411      1,753,068    3,651,013
Net operating expenses (see note 1)     (1,788,584)    (1,725,711)  (3,595,257)
Operating profit from continuing             20,827         27,357       55,756
Interest receivable and similar              12,293          9,408       18,631
Finance costs                              (26,681)       (25,174)     (49,108)
Profit on ordinary                            6,439         11,591       25,279
activities before taxation                                                     
Taxation on profit on                       (6,298)       (11,279)     (24,576)
ordinary activities                                                            
Profit attributable to shareholders             141            312          703
Earnings per share - basic                     0. p           0. p          0.p
- diluted                                       N/A            N/A          N/A

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the profit or loss for the
above financial periods.

None of the group's activities were acquired or discontinued during the above
financial periods.

Group Balance Sheet

Unaudited Interim Results at 31 January 2008

                                          31 January       Restated     31 July
                                                2008                       2007
                                                         31 January            
                                           Unaudited           2007     Audited
                                                   �              �           �
Non-current assets                                                             
Intangibles (see note 1)                     174,217        126,959     136,820
Property, plant and equipment                181,084        182,677     193,533
Investments                                    7,000          7,000       7,000
Deferred tax                                 333,900        353,495     340,198
                                             696,201        670,131     677,011
Current Assets                                                                 
Trade and other receivables                3,294,894      3,088,125   3,400,452
Cash and cash equivalents                    599,004        469,149     663,026
                                           3,893,898      3,557,274   4,063,478
Total Assets                               4,590,099      4,227,405   4,740,489
EQUITIES & LIABILITIES                                                         
Equity attributable to equity holders                                          
of the parent                                                                  
Called-up share capital                      482,154        482,154     482,154
Share premium                              2,140,073      2,140,073   2,140,073
Merger reserve                              (99,000)       (99,000)    (99,000)
Retained earnings (see note 1)           (1,391,825)    (1,392,357) (1,391,966)
Total equity                               1,131,402      1,130,870   1,131,261
Non-current liabilities                                                        
Long-term borrowings                         200,000        269,320     206,584
Total non-current liabilities                200,000        269,320     206,584
Current liabilities                                                            
Trade and other payables                   2,933,429      2,385,800   2,631,468
Short term borrowings                        160,430        166,818     555,457
Current portion of long-term                 120,000        139,591     125,000
Current tax payable                           44,838        135,006      90,719
Total current liabilities                  3,258,697      2,827,215   3,402,644
Total equity & liabilities                 4,590,099      4,227,405   4,740,489

Group Cash Flow Statement

Unaudited Interim Results to 31 January 2008

                                         6 months to       Restated  Year ended
                                          31 January    6 months to     31 July
                                                2008                       2007
                                                         31 January            
                                           Unaudited           2007     Audited
Cash flows from operating activities                                           
                                                   �              �           �
Profit before taxation                         6,439         11,591      25,279
Adjustments for :                                                              
Depreciation                                  25,200         24,000      52,994
Impairment                                   (1,775)          8,734      31,242
Interest net                                  14,388         15,766      30,477
Operating profit before working               44,252         60,091     139,992
capital changes                                                                
Decrease/(Increase) in trade and             105,558      (200,120)   (514,177)
other receivables                                                              
Increase in trade and other payables         256,080        165,052     366,433
Cash generated from operations               405,890         25,023     (7,752)
Interest paid                               (26,681)       (25,174)    (49,108)
Net cash outflow from operating              379,209          (151)    (56,860)
Cash flows from investing activities                                           
Taxation                                           -              -       1,730
Purchase of intangibles                     (36,162)       (60,000)    (91,829)
Purchase of property, plant and             (12,751)       (28,714)    (68,564)
Interest received                             12,293          9,408      18,631
Net cash used in investing activities       (36,620)       (79,306)   (140,032)
Cash flows from financing activities                                           
Proceeds from long term borrowing            360,000              -           -
(Repayment of) long term borrowings        (375,046)       (62,627)   (134,629)
Movement in short term borrowings          (385,899)         70,724     460,167
Payment of hire purchase and finance         (5,666)        (6,128)    (12,257)
Net cash (used in)/from financing          (406,611)          1,969     313,281
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and         (64,022)       (77,488)     116,389
cash equivalents                                                               
Cash and cash equivalents at the             663,026        546,637     546,637
beginning of the period                                                        
Cash and cash equivalents at the end         599,004        469,149     663,026
of the period                                                                  

Group Statement of Changes in Equity

Unaudited Interim Results to 31 January 2008

                               Share      Share    Merger    Retained     Total
                             Capital    Premium   Reserve    Reserves          
                                   �          �         �           �         �
At 1 August 2006 -           482,154  2,140,073  (99,000) (1,392,669) 1,130,558
Profit for the six months          -          -         -         312       312
At 31 January 2007 -         482,154  2,140,073  (99,000) (1,392,357) 1,130,870
Profit for the six months          -          -         -         391       391
At 1 August 2007             482,154  2,140,073  (99,000) (1,391,966) 1,131,261
Profit for the six months          -          -         -         141       141
As at 31 January 2008        482,154  2,140,073  (99,000) (1,391,825) 1,131,402

1. Basis of Preparation and Accounting Policies

The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS). It does not include all the information required for full
annual financial statements. Full details of the accounting policies adopted
will be included in the financial figures for the period ending 31 December
2008 and are not expected to be materially different from those set out in the
Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2007. The comparative
figures for the six months to 31 January 2007 have been restated to reflect the
income recognition policy adopted in the Audited financial statements to the 31
July 2007.

2. Nature of Financial Information

The financial information contained in this report does not constitute the
Group's Statutory Accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of The Companies
Act 1985. The financial information shown in respect of the year ended 31 July
2007 has been extracted from the Audited Financial Statements which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' Report on those Financial
Statements was unqualified and did not contain any statement under Section 273
of the Companies Act 1985.

3. Earnings per share

The earnings per share is calculated on the profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders of �141 (period ended 31 January 2007: profit �312 and year ended
31 July 2007: profit �703) divided by 24,107,677 being the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during each of these periods.

During the periods reported on, the share warrants and options in issue were
antidilutive and accordingly there is no dilution of profit/(loss) per share.
However, they could potentially dilute basic earnings per share in the future.

4. Segment Analysis

The Group's primary reporting segment is by business type and as all business
is carried out in the UK a secondary geographical segment is not considered
relevant. The business segments can be analysed to the gross profit level;
other costs, assets and liabilities are not directly attributable to any of the
segments and apportionment is not considered meaningful.

               6 months   6 months   Restated   Restated Year ended Year ended
                  to 31      to 31                          31 July    31 July
                January    January   6 months   6 months       2007       2007
                   2008       2008      to 31      to 31                      
                                      January    January                      
                                         2007       2007                      
              Unaudited  Unaudited  Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited    Audited
               Turnover      Gross   Turnover      Gross   Turnover      Gross
                            Profit                Profit                Profit
                  �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000      �'000
Investments       4,035        709      2,797        586      6,880      1,253
Pensions          2,992        479      2,674        568      5,314        967
Fees/             1,765        270      1,317        248      2,674        560
Protection        1,804        266      1,640        303      3,186        625
Other                85         85         48         48        246        246
                 10,681      1,809      8,476      1,753     18,300      3,651

5. Copies of the Interim Report

Copies of the Interim Report will be sent to shareholders and are also
available from the Company Secretary at the company's registered office:
Alexandra House, 33 Alexandra Road, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE13 1HQ.


Ron Pritchard, Director

The Clarkson Hill Group Plc

Telephone 01945 585721

Liam Murray, Nominated Adviser

Dowgate Capital Advisers Limited

Telephone 020 7492 4777


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