RNS No 2762n
5th August 1998


                         INSPEC GROUP PLC


Chairman's Statement

The first half of 1998 has been a busy and challenging time for
Inspec Group plc ('Inspec').  At the beginning of May we completed
the disposal of Inspec Belgium to an MBO team led by Jim
Ratcliffe, our former Managing Director.  The proceeds from this
transaction enabled debt to be reduced significantly and removed
the commodity element from our portfolio of products, thereby
sharpening the Group's focus on speciality and fine chemicals.

Despite a positive start to the year, we encountered challenging
trading conditions in some of our businesses, which suffered from
the continuing strength of sterling and the weakness of Far
Eastern markets.  We estimate that these factors reduced operating
profits from continuing operations by around UK PDS 2m and UK PDS
1m respectively compared to the same period last year.

As a result of the above factors, coupled with increased
competition and phasing of Fine Chemicals orders, our Specialities
and Fine Chemicals divisions turned in results below 1997.
Performance Products benefited from cost restructuring at the end
of last year and moved into profit - an encouraging performance.
Overall, we enter the second half of 1998 confident that the
actions we have taken throughout our business will deliver an
improved performance.

Today, 5th August, 1998, the Boards of Inspec and Laporte plc
('Laporte') announced the terms of a recommended cash offer by
Laporte for Inspec at a price of 340p per share.  Further
information on the terms of the Offer will be sent to shareholders

                              1998      1997      1997
                              6 months  6 months  12 months
                              UK PDS    UK PDS    UK PDS
                              '000      '000      '000
Continuing operations
Specialities                  45,724    48,479    99,560
Fine Chemicals                63,752    67,063    126,251
Performance Products          15,197    14,195    28,026
                              124,673   129,737   253,837
Discontinued operations       36,582    66,637    140,491
                              161,255   196,374   394,328
Operating profit
Continuing operations
Specialities                  6,159     7,343     14,637
Fine Chemicals                11,017    14,705    24,316
Performance Products          658       (1,328)   (2,928)
                              17,834    20,720    36,025
Discontinued operations       5,805     8,296     19,450
                              23,639    29,016    55,475

Profit before tax             21,278    24,652    47,069
(before exceptional item)

Adjusted earnings per share   9.89p     11.62p    22.20p

Dividend per share            -         2.25p     6.75p


Despite difficult trading conditions, the Group's operating margin
(excluding the discontinued business) remained high at 14.3 per
cent. (1997: 16.0 per cent.).  Operating profit from continuing
operations fell by 13.9 per cent. over 1997 or 5 per cent. after
adjusting for adverse currency movements.

Excluding the exceptional item, the net interest cost was covered
10 times for the half year.  Group net debt fell to UK PDS 37.5m
as a result of the disposal, leaving gearing at 37.6 per cent. of
net assets (after deducting ESOP loans receivable).

The effective rate of tax for the Group was 19 per cent.

Earnings per share (before exceptional item) fell by 14.9 per
cent. to 9.89p (1997: 11.62p) reflecting the effect of the
disposal of Inspec Belgium in May, 1998.

The Group generated net cash flow of UK PDS 4.1m (before disposal

Capital expenditure amounted to UK PDS 10.0m (1997: UK PDS 10.2m).
This included new phenolics capacity at Knottingley, additional
antioxidant capacity in Spain and a significant investment in new
R&D laboratories at Hythe.

Operating Review

Inspec Specialities

Inspec UK had a difficult first half of 1998 with sales volumes of
its core businesses nearly 7 per cent. lower than last year.  The
business was impacted by sterling strength, reduced Far Eastern
markets and increased competition from Continental European
producers.  We expect some relief from lower raw material prices
in the second half of the year.

Inspec USA was affected by plant operating problems that reduced
production significantly.  The plant is now fully operational and
sold out which should underpin a stronger second half.

Inspec Fine Chemicals

Most of our Continental European businesses performed well during
the period.  Although the UK businesses suffered from currency
strength, weak Far East demand and increased competitive
pressures, sales in the second half will benefit from planned
increases in off-take by several major customers.  A realignment
of antioxidant manufacture from Brazil to Spain also adversely
impacted the first half with raw materials supplied from
Knottingley also affected.  This action should improve the
profitability of Inspec Spain.

Unlike last year, we expect the performance of this division to be
slightly weighted towards the second half of the year due to
phasing of key orders.

Inspec Performance Products

Our Foams and Mining Chemicals (Chile) businesses both achieved a
significant improvement in profitability, benefiting from the
restructuring which took place at the end of 1997.  Inspec Fibres
traded profitably but marginally lower than last year due to
delayed orders from the Far East.  However, the Mining Chemicals
business in the USA continues to run at a loss, albeit at a
reduced rate from 1997.  This improvement is expected to continue as our
new low cost process allows the business to compete more
effectively in the market place.

Inspec Belgium

The result of the discontinued business represents only three
months' trading prior to its disposal.  The exceptional loss of UK
PDS 17.5m primarily arises from the requirement to write-back
goodwill from the original acquisition of this business in 1995.


Assuming that the recommended cash offer of 340p per share
announced by Laporte today becomes unconditional, the directors do
not intend to pay an interim dividend in respect of the six months
ended 30th June, 1998.


As a consequence of the continuing strength of sterling and
subdued Far East markets, we expect trading conditions to remain
broadly similar to those experienced in the first half of 1998.

After the disposal of Inspec Belgium, we are in a much stronger
financial position with high interest cover and low gearing.  We
have initiated a company-wide cost reduction programme, which,
together with improved plant reliability and increased capacity
should improve second half performance.

Overall, we are cautiously optimistic about prospects for the next
six months.  Although this has been a difficult period for the
Group, we continue to retain high market shares and good margins
in the majority of our businesses and we believe their prospects
remain attractive through the medium term.

Group Profit and Loss Account
                              6 months ended 30th June, 1998
                            Continuing  Dis-      Total
                              UK PDS    UK PDS    UK PDS
                              '000      '000      '000

Turnover                      124,673   36,582    161,255
Cost of sales                 (94,700)  (28,836)  (123,536)
Gross profit                  29,973    7,746     37,719
Net operating expenses        (12,139)  (1,941)   (14,080)
Operating profit before
exceptional item              17,834    5,805     23,639
Exceptional item (2)          -         (17,510)  (17,510)
Operating profit after
exceptional item              17,834    (11,705)  6,129
Net interest payable                              (2,361)
Profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                                   3,768
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities (3)                           (4,043)
Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation                         (275)
Equity minority interest                          108
Profit attributable to shareholders               (167)
Dividends                                         -
Amount transferred (from)/to reserves             (167)
Earnings per share (4)                            (0.10)p
Adjusted earnings per share (4)                   9.89p

                              6 months  12 months
                              30/6/97   31/12/97
                              UK PDS    UK PDS
                              '000      '000

Turnover                      196,374   394,328
Cost of sales                 (149,267) (301,762)
Gross profit                  47,107    92,566
Net operating expenses        (18,091)  (37,091)
Operating profit before
exceptional item              29,016    55,475
Exceptional item (2)          -         -
Operating profit after
exceptional item              29,016    55,475
Net interest payable          (4,364)   (8,406)
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation    24,652    47,069
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities (3)       (4,437)   (8,472)
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation                20,215    38,597
Equity minority interest      53        140
Profit attributable to
shareholders                  20,268    38,737
Dividends                     (3,925)   (11,787)
Amount transferred (from)     16,343    26,950
  /to reserves
Earnings per share (4)         11.62p    22.20p
Adjusted earnings per share (4)11.62p    22.20p

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                              6 months  6 months  12 months
                              ended     ended     ended
                              30/6/98   30/6/97   31/12/97
                              UK PDS    UK PDS    UK PDS
                              '000      '000      '000

Profit for financial period   (167)     20,268    38,737
Translation adjustments on
  foreign currency
  net investments             (1,491)   396       (845)
Total recognised gains 
  and losses                  (1,658)   20,664    37,892

Group Balance Sheet
                            As at 30/6/98   As at 31/12/97
                                            (as restated -
                                            note 5)
                            UK PDS '000     UK PDS '000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets             121,658         192,241
Investments                 27,485          28,522
                            149,143         220,763
Current assets
Stocks                      39,521          49,028
Debtors                     43,686          71,318
Cash at bank and in hand    20,011          24,368
                            103,218         144,714
Amounts falling due
within one year             (54,796)        (113,007)

Net current assets          48,422          31,707

Total assets less
current liabilities         197,565         252,470

Amounts falling due after
more than one year          (87,963)        (150,841)

Provisions for liabilities
and charges                 (9,908)         (14,584)

Net assets                  99,694          87,045

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital     3,534           3,494
Share premium account       192,522         188,933
Profit and loss account     (96,617)        (105,620)

Equity shareholders' funds  99,439          86,807

Equity minority interest    255             238

                            99,694          87,045

Group Cash Flow Statement

                              6 months  6 months  12 months
                              ended     ended     ended
                              30/6/98   30/6/97   31/12/97
                              UK PDS    UK PDS    UK PDS
                              '000      '000      '000
Net cash inflow from
operating activities (6)      21,039    37,752    69,520
Returns on investments
and servicing of finance
Interest received             2,721     1,125     1,860
Interest paid                 (4,554)   (5,999)   (11,311)
Net cash outflow from
returns on investments
and servicing of finance      (1,833)   (4,874)   (9,451)
Corporation tax paid          (1,962)   (1,128)   (3,391)
Capital expenditure
and financial investment
Purchase of tangible          (9,980)   (10,180)  (23,133)
fixed assets
Disposal of tangible          1,917     -         -
fixed assets
Net cash outflow for capital
expenditure                   (8,063)   (10,180)  (23,133)
Disposal and acquisition of
Disposal of subsidiary (7)    78,068    -         -
Acquisition                   -         (567)     (1,353)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
from disposal and
acquisitions                  78,068    (567)     (1,353)
Equity dividends paid         (5,111)   (7,278)   (10,665)
Net cash inflow before
financing (8)                 82,138    13,725    21,527
Net proceeds from
issue of share capital        520       -         -
Net repayment of loans (9)    (86,924)  (8,457)   (11,820)
Net cash outflow from
financing                     (86,404)  (8,457)   (11,820)
(Decrease)/increase in 
cash (9)                      (4,266)   5,268     9,707

Notes to the Interim Report:

1.        Nature of financial information
          The interim financial information has been prepared on
          the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
          Group's 1997 statutory accounts.  The taxation charge
          reflects the estimated effective rate for the full year.

2.        Exceptional item
          The exceptional item represents the loss on disposal of
          Inspec Belgium and includes the write back of UK PDS
          10.7 million of goodwill together with transaction

3.        Taxation
          The effective tax rate of 19 per cent. for the current
          year is lower than the UK standard rate primarily due to
          tax allowances arising on acquisitions.  The charge in
          the six months ended 30th June, 1998 comprises UK tax of
          UK PDS 1,825,000 and overseas tax of UK PDS 2,218,000.

4.        Earnings per share
          The earnings per ordinary share is based on 175,279,213
          ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of
          shares in issue throughout the period.  The adjusted
          earnings per share is calculated before deduction of the
          exceptional item.  The number of ordinary shares in
          issue at 30th June, 1998 is 176,693,045.

5.        In accordance with Financial Reporting Standard No.10,
          Goodwill and Intangible assets, goodwill on acquisitions
          which was previously written off to a goodwill reserve
          has now been eliminated against the profit and loss
          reserve.  The balance sheet at 31st December, 1997 has
          been restated to comply with this new policy.  There is
          no impact on the results of any period.

6.        Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow
          from operating activities.

                                        6 months  12 months
                                        ended     ended
                                        30/6/98   31/12/97
                                        UK PDS    UK PDS
                                        '000      '000

          Operating profit              23,639    55,475
          Depreciation                  6,865     16,109
          Loss on disposal of 
          fixed assets                  306       32
          Increase in stocks            (1,612)   (2,109)
          Increase in debtors           (1,482)   (6,263)
          (Decrease)/Increase in 
          creditors                     (6,677)   6,276
          Net cash inflow from          21,039    69,520
          operating activities

7.        Disposal proceeds

          Gross consideration           84,306
          Cash disposed of              (4,793)
          Costs of disposal             (1,445)
          Net proceeds                  78,068

8.        Effect of disposal on cashflow
          Inspec Belgium contributed UK PDS 3,506,000 to the
          Group's net operating cash flows, received UK PDS 34,000
          in respect of returns on investments and servicing of
          finance and received net UK PDS 344,000 in respect of
          tangible fixed assets.

9.        Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                                  UK PDS

          Decrease in cash in the period          (4,266)
          Cash outflow from decrease in debt      86,924
          Change in net debt resulting 
           from cash flows                        82,658
          Translation difference                  756
          Movement in net debt in period          83,414
          Net debt at 1st January, 1998           (148,261)
          Net debt at 30th June, 1998             (64,847)
          Net debt (including employee share
          scheme receivable) at 30th June, 1998   (37,504)

10.       Exchange rates

                              Average rates
                              6 months  12 months
                              ended     ended
                              30/6/98   31/12/97

          US Dollar           1.6507    1.6456
          German Mark         2.9900    2.8245

11.       Post balance sheet event
          It was announced today that Laporte had reached
          agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer for
          Inspec Group plc.

Review Report by the Auditors to the Board of Directors of Inspec
Group plc

We have reviewed the interim financial information for the six
months ended 30th June, 1998 which is the responsibility of, and
has been approved by, the Directors.  Our responsibility is to
report on the results of our review.

Our review was carried out having regard to the Bulletin 'Review
of Interim Financial Information', issued by the Auditing
Practices Board.  This review consisted principally of applying
analytical procedures to the underlying financial data, assessing
whether accounting policies have been consistently applied, and
making enquiries of Group management responsible for financial and
accounting matters.  The review excluded audit procedures such as
tests of controls and verification of assets and liabilities and
was therefore substantially less in scope than an audit performed
in accordance with Auditing Standards.  Accordingly we do not
express an audit opinion on the interim financial information.

On the basis of our review:

In our opinion the interim financial information has been prepared
using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by Inspec
Group plc in its financial statements for the year ended 31st
December, 1997, and we are not aware of any material modifications
that should be made to the interim financial information as

Chartered Accountants

5th August, 1998



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