1 July 2014 
Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc ("the Company") announces its 
Interim Management Statement for the period from 1 March 2014 to 31 May 2014. 
This Statement also includes relevant financial information between the end of 
the period to the date of this Statement. 
The Company is a tax efficient listed company which aims to achieve a regular 
tax free dividend stream together with capital growth for private investors. 
The Company brings together Investec Structured Product's award winning 
expertise in Structured Products and Calculus Capital's award winning expertise 
in venture capital. 
  * The unaudited net asset value ("NAV") per ordinary share as at 31 May 2014 
    was 95.59 pence. Taking into account dividends paid to date, the year to 
    date total return at the period end was 111.34 pence. 
  * The unaudited NAV per C share as at 31 May 2014 was 93.52 pence. Taking 
    into account dividends paid to date, the year to date total return at the 
    period end was 102.52 pence. 
  * At the Annual General Meeting held on 1 July 2014, shareholders approved 
    the payment of dividends of 5.25 pence per ordinary share and 4.5 pence per 
    C share. These dividends will be paid on 24 July 2014. 
The total returns are stated before the inclusion of VCT tax reliefs which are 
intended to mitigate the higher risk of investing in smaller companies and the 
constraints imposed by VCT legislation. The income tax reliefs applicable at 
the time of subscription were 30 per cent. VCT dividends are tax free. 
In line with the Company's strategy set out in the original offer documents, 
part of the initial cash raised has been used to build a portfolio of 
Structured Products. The portfolio of Structured Products was constructed with 
different issuers and differing maturity periods to minimise risk and create a 
diversified portfolio. The majority of this portfolio has now reached full term 
and paid a positive return, with all products which have reached full term 
paying their maximum return. The recent changes are listed below. 
There have been no significant changes to either the Ordinary or C Share 
portfolios in the past few months. The next maturity in the Ordinary share 
portfolio is May 2015. 
There is now one product in the C share portfolio left which is due to mature 
in 2017; the strike of this is 5,246.99. 
The continued strong performance of the FTSE 100 has supported valuations in 
the Structured Products portfolio. The FTSE 100 has remained far above all of 
the product's strike levels. As at 31 May 2014, the FTSE 100 was 6,844.51. Over 
the past three months, swap rates have increased slightly and volatility has 
remained low, mainly due to improvements in the UK economy as a whole. 
No new investments were made in Structured Products during the period. 
The Structured Products will achieve their target return subject to the Final 
Index Level of the FTSE 100 being higher than the Initial Index Level. The 
capital is at risk on a one-for-one basis ("CAR") if the FTSE 100 Index falls 
more than 50 per cent any time during the investment term and fails to fully 
recover at maturity such that the Final Index Level is below the Initial Index 
Level. As at 31 May 2014, the following investments had been made in Structured 
Ordinary Share Fund: 
Issuer        Strike  FTSE 100   Notional    Purchase  Price     Maturity  Return/ 
              Date    Initial    Investment  Price     as at     Date/     Capital at 
                      Index                            31 May    Date      Risk (CAR) 
                      Level                            2014      Sold 
The           05/05/  5,341.93   GBP275,000    GBP0.96     GBP1.5827   12/05/    162.5% if 
Royal         2010                                               2015      FTSE 100 
Bank of                                                                    higher*; 
Scotland                                                                   CAR if FTSE 
plc                                                                        100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
Investec      14/05/  5,262.85   GBP500,000    GBP0.98     GBP1.7418   19/11/    185% if 
Bank plc      2010                                               2015      FTSE 100 
                                                                           CAR if FTSE 
                                                                           100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
Abbey         25/05/  4,940.68   GBP350,000    GBP0.99     GBP1.7670   18/11/    185% if 
National      2010                                               2015      FTSE 100 
Treasury                                                                   higher*; 
Services                                                                   CAR if FTSE 
                                                                           100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
HSBC Bank     01/07/  4,805.75   GBP500,000    GBP1.00     Returned  06/07/    125.1% if 
plc           2010                                     GBP1.2510   2012      FTSE 100 
                                                                           higher*; CAR 
                                                                           if FTSE 100 
                                                                           falls more 
                                                                           than 50% 
The Royal     18/03/  5,718.13   GBP50,000     GBP1.00     Returned  19/03/    Autocallable 
Bank of       2011                                     GBP1.1050   2012      10.5% p.a.; 
Scotland                                                                   CAR if FTSE 
plc                                                                        100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
Nomura        28/05/  5,188.43   GBP350,000    GBP0.98     Sold at   30/03/    137% if FTSE 
Bank          2010                                     GBP1.2625   2012      100 higher*; 
International                                                              CAR if FTSE 
                                                                           100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
Morgan        10/06/  5,132.50   GBP500,000    GBP1.00     Sold at   31/10/    134% if FTSE 
Stanley       2010                                     GBP1.3224   2012      100 higher*; 
International                                                              CAR if FTSE 
                                                                           100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
Abbey         03/08/  5,584.51   GBP50,000     GBP1.00     Sold at   21/06/    126% if FTSE 
National      2011                                     GBP1.1900   2013      100 higher*; 
Treasury                                                                   CAR if FTSE 100 
Services                                                                   falls more than 
C Share Fund: 
Issuer        Strike  FTSE 100   Notional    Purchase  Price     Maturity  Return/ 
              Date    Initial    Investment  Price     as at     Date/     Capital at 
                      Index                            31 May    Date      Risk (CAR) 
                      Level                            2014      Sold 
Investec      05/08/  5,246.99   GBP328,000    GBP1.00     GBP1.5710   10/03/    182% if 
Bank plc      2011                                               2017      FTSE 100 
                                                                           CAR if FTSE 
                                                                           100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
The Royal     18/03   5,718.13   GBP200,000    GBP1.00     Returned  19/03/    Autocallable 
Bank of       /2011                                    GBP1.1050   2012      10.5% p.a.; 
Scotland plc                                                               CAR if FTSE 
                                                                           100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
Nomura Bank   28/05   5,188.43   GBP350,000    GBP1.2625   Returned  20/02/    137% if FTSE 
International /2010                                    GBP1.3700   2013      100 higher*; 
**                                                                         CAR if FTSE 
                                                                           100 falls 
                                                                           more than 
Abbey         03/08   5,584.51   GBP200,000    GBP1.00     Returned  05/02/    126% if FTSE 
National      /2011                                    GBP1.2600   2014      100 higher*; 
Treasury                                                                   CAR if FTSE 100 
Services                                                                   falls more than 
* The Final Index Level is calculated using `averaging', meaning that the 
average of the closing levels of the FTSE 100 is taken on each Business Day 
over the last 2-6 months of the Structured Product plan term (the length of the 
averaging period differs for each plan). The use of averaging to calculate the 
return can reduce adverse effects of a falling market or sudden market falls 
shortly before maturity. Equally, it can reduce the benefits of an increasing 
market or sudden market rises shortly before maturity. 
** The Nomura Structured Product was sold prior to maturity with a return on 
initial investment of 28.8 per cent. This was sold to the C Share Fund. 
The total valuation of the amount invested in Structured Products in the 
Ordinary Share Fund as at 31 May 2014 was GBP1,924,603. 
The total valuation of the amount invested in Structured Products in the C 
Share Fund as at 31 May 2014 was GBP515,286. 
Calculus Capital manages the portfolio of VCT Qualifying Investments made by 
the Company. No new Venture Capital Investments were made during the period. 
The Company continues to meet its requirement for the combined Ordinary and C 
share portfolios to be at least 70 per cent. invested in Qualifying 
The Venture Capital Investments at 31 May 2014 are shown below. 
                          Sector       Cost          Valuation      % of total 
Terrain Energy Limited    Energy 
Ordinary equity                        GBP100,000      GBP164,060 
Total                                  GBP100,000      GBP164,060       3.68% 
Lime Technology Limited   Low carbon 
Ordinary equity           material     GBP57,386       GBP7,684 
Loan stock                             GBP250,000      GBP250,000 
Total                                  GBP307,386      GBP257,684       5.78% 
MicroEnergy Generation    Alternative 
Services Limited          energy 
Ordinary equity                        GBP150,000      GBP138,000 
Total                                  GBP150,000      GBP138,000       3.10% 
Heritage House Media      Digital 
Limited                   Media 
Ordinary equity                        GBP22,065       GBP0 
Loan stock                             GBP76,827       GBP0 
Deferred shares                        GBP26,196       GBP0 
Total                                  GBP125,088      GBP0             0.00% 
Human Race Group          Sports 
Ordinary equity                        GBP100,000      GBP86,793 
Loan stock                             GBP200,000      GBP200,000 
Total                                  GBP300,000      GBP286,793       6.44% 
Secure Electrans          E-commerce 
Limited                   security 
Ordinary equity                        GBP100,000      GBP0 
Loan stock                              GBP12,000      GBP12,000 
Total                                  GBP112,000      GBP12,000        0.27% 
Metropolitan Safe         Safe 
Custody Services          depository 
Limited                   services 
Ordinary equity                        GBP90,000       GBP129,609 
Loan stock                             GBP100,000      GBP100,000 
Total                                  GBP190,000      GBP229,609       5.16% 
Brigantes Energy          Energy 
Ordinary equity                        GBP125,000      GBP320,000 
Total                                  GBP125,000      GBP320,000       7.19% 
Corfe Energy Limited      Energy 
Ordinary equity                        GBP75,000       GBP137,250 
Total                                  GBP75,000       GBP137,250       3.08% 
Dryden Human Capital      Human 
Group Limited             Resources 
Ordinary equity                        GBP100,035      GBP14,005 
Total                                  GBP100,035      GBP14,005        0.31% 
AnTech Limited            Oil 
Ordinary equity                        GBP120,000      GBP105,155 
Loan stock                             GBP150,000      GBP150,000 
Total                                  GBP270,000      GBP255,155       5.73% 
Hampshire Cosmetics       Cosmetics 
Ordinary equity                        GBP100,000      GBP126,718 
Loan stock                             GBP150,000      GBP150,000 
Total                                  GBP250,000      GBP276,718       6.22% 
Tollan Energy Limited     Energy 
Ordinary equity                        GBP150,000      GBP150,000 
Loan stock                             GBP210,000      GBP210,000 
Total                                  GBP360,000      GBP360,000       8.09% 
Venn Life Sciences        Clinical 
Holdings plc              research 
Ordinary equity                        GBP120,033      GBP76,019 
Total                                  GBP120,033      GBP76,019        1.71% 
                          Sector       Cost          Valuation      % of total 
Terrain Energy Limited    Energy 
Ordinary equity                        GBP49,999       GBP76,164 
Loan stock                             GBP45,000       GBP45,000 
Total                                  GBP94,999       GBP121,164       7.14% 
Heritage House Media      Digital 
Limited                   media 
Ordinary equity                        GBP11,033       GBP0 
Loan stock                             GBP38,413       GBP0 
Deferred shares                        GBP13,098       GBP0 
Total                                  GBP62,544       GBP0             0.00% 
Human Race Group Limited  Sports 
Ordinary equity                        GBP50,000       GBP43,396 
Loan stock                             GBP100,000      GBP100,000 
Total                                  GBP150,000      GBP150,000       8.45% 
Secure Electrans Limited   E-commerce 
Ordinary equity                        GBP50,000       GBP0 
Loan stock                             GBP25,000       GBP25,000 
Total                                  GBP75,000       GBP25,000        1.47% 
Metropolitan Safe         Safe 
Custody Services Limited  depository 
Ordinary equity                        GBP40,000       GBP57,604 
Loan stock                             GBP50,000       GBP50,000 
Total                                  GBP90,000       GBP107,604       6.34% 
Horizon Discovery         Biotechnology 
Ordinary equity                        GBP50,022       GBP93,415 
Total                                  GBP50,022       GBP93,415        5.50% 
Pico's Limited            Leisure 
Ordinary equity                        GBP50,013       GBP64,367 
Total                                  GBP50,013       GBP64,367        3.79% 
Venn Life Sciences        Clinical 
Holdings plc              research 
Ordinary equity                        GBP80,000       GBP50,667 
Total                                  GBP80,000       GBP50,667        2.98% 
Quai Administration       Business 
Services Limited          Services 
Ordinary equity                        GBP150,158      GBP150,158 
Total                                  GBP150,158      GBP150,158       8.85% 
Scancell Holdings Plc      Biotech 
Ordinary equity                        GBP100,038      GBP146,700 
Total                                  GBP100,038      GBP146,700       8.64% 
The One Place Capital     Technology 
Limited (Money 
Ordinary equity                        GBP127,000      GBP127,000 
Total                                  GBP127,000      GBP127,000       7.48% 
Hampshire Cosmetics       Cosmetics 
Ordinary equity                         GBP50,000       GBP51,553 
Loan stock                             GBP100,000      GBP100,000 
Total                                  GBP150,000      GBP151,553       8.93% 
Events after the period end 
Since the period end, Tollan Energy has redeemed GBP210,000 of its loan stock 
from the Ordinary shares portfolio. The proceeds will be used towards paying 
the dividend in July. 
Other than as described in the paragraphs above the Board is not aware of any 
events during the period from 31 May 2014 to the date of this Statement which 
would have a material impact on the financial position of the Company. 
For further information, please contact: 
Gary Dale (Investec Structured Products)  020 7597 4065 
John Glencross (Calculus Capital Limited) 020 7493 4940 

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