Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc 
Half Yearly Report 
for the six months ended 31 August 2011 
Investment Objective 
The Company's principal objectives for investors are to: 
- invest in a portfolio of Venture Capital Investments and Structured 
Products that will provide investment returns sufficient to allow the Company 
to maximise annual dividends and an interim return by way of a special 
dividend or cash offer for shares on or before an interim return date; 
- generate sufficient returns from a portfolio of Venture Capital 
Investments that will provide attractive long-term returns within a tax 
efficient vehicle beyond an interim return date; 
- review the appropriate level of dividends annually to take account of 
investment returns achieved and future prospects; and 
- maintain VCT status to enable qualifying investors to retain their income 
tax relief of up to 30 per cent. on the initial investment and receive 
tax-free dividends and capital growth. 
Investment Policy 
Asset allocation 
It is intended that approximately 75 per cent. of the monies raised by the 
Company will be invested within 60 days in a portfolio of Structured Products. 
The balance will be used to meet initial costs and invested in cash or near 
cash assets (as directed by the Board) and will be available to invest in 
Venture Capital Investments and to fund ongoing expenses. 
In order to qualify as a VCT, at least 70 per cent. of the Company's assets 
must be invested in Venture Capital Investments within approximately three 
years. Thus there will be a phased reduction in the Structured Products 
portfolio and corresponding build up in the portfolio of Venture Capital 
Investments to achieve and maintain this 70 per cent. threshold along the 
following lines: 
Average Exposure per Year       Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6+ 
Structured Products and            85%    75%    35%    25%    25%      0% 
cash/near cash 
Venture Capital Investments        15%    25%    65%    75%    75%    100% 
Note: the investment allocation set out above is only an estimate and the 
actual allocation will depend on market conditions, the level of opportunities 
and the comparative rates of returns available from Venture Capital 
Investments and Structured Products. 
The combination of the Venture Capital Investments and the Structured Products 
will be designed to produce ongoing capital gains and income that will be 
sufficient to maximise both annual dividends for the first five years from 
funds being raised and an interim return by an interim return date by way of a 
special dividend or cash tender offer for shares. After the interim return 
date, unless Investec Structured Products are requested to make further 
investments in Structured Products, the relevant fund will be left with a 
portfolio of Venture Capital Investments managed by Calculus Capital with a 
view to maximising long-term returns. Such returns will then be dependent, 
both in terms of amount and timing, on the performance of the Venture Capital 
Investments, but with the intention to source exits as soon as possible. 
The portfolio of Structured Products will be constructed with different 
issuers and differing maturity periods to minimise risk and create a 
diversified portfolio. The Structured Products may also be collateralised 
whereby notes are issued by one issuer (such as Investec Bank plc) but with 
the underlying investment risk being linked to more than one issuer (as 
approved by the Board) reducing insolvency risks, creating diversity and 
potentially increasing returns for shareholders. If the Company invests in a 
collateralised Structured Product, the amount of the exposure to an underlying 
issuer will be taken into account when reviewing investments for 
diversification. The maximum exposure to any one issuer (or underlying issuer) 
will be limited, in aggregate, to 15 per cent. of the assets of the Company at 
the time of investment. Structured Products can and may be sold before their 
maturity date if required for the purposes of making Venture Capital 
Investments and Investec Structured Products have agreed to make a market in 
the Structured Products, should this be required by the Company. 
The intention for the portfolio of Venture Capital Investments is to build a 
diverse portfolio of primarily established unquoted companies across different 
industries. In order to generate income and where it is felt it would enhance 
shareholder return, investments may be structured to include loan stock and/or 
redeemable preference shares as well as ordinary equity. It is intended that 
the amount invested in any one sector and any one company will be no more than 
approximately 20 per cent. and 10 per cent. respectively of the Venture 
Capital Investments portfolio (in both cases at the date of the investment). 
The Board and its Managers review the portfolio of investments on a regular 
basis to assess asset allocation and the need to realise investments to meet 
the Company's objectives or maintain VCT status. Where investment 
opportunities arise in one asset class which conflicts with assets held or 
opportunities in another asset class, the Board will make the 
investment/divestment decision. 
Under its Articles of Association, the Company has the ability to borrow a 
maximum amount equal to 25 per cent. of the aggregate amount paid on all 
shares issued by the Company (together with any share premium thereon). The 
Board will consider borrowing if it is in the shareholders' interests to do 
so. In particular, because the Board intends to minimise cash balances, the 
Company may borrow on a short-term to medium-term basis (in particular, 
against Structured Products) for cashflow purposes and to facilitate the 
payment of dividends and expenses in the early years. 
The Company will not vary the investment objective or the investment policy, 
to any material extent, without the approval of shareholders. The Company 
intends to be a generalist VCT investing in a wide range of sectors. 
Risk diversification 
The Board controls the overall risk of the Company. Calculus Capital will 
ensure the Company has exposure to a diversified range of Venture Capital 
Investments from different sectors. Investec Structured Products will ensure 
the Company has exposure to a diversified range of Structured Products. The 
Board believes that investment in these two asset classes provides further 
Co-investment policy 
Calculus Capital has a co-investment policy between its various funds whereby 
investment allocations are generally offered to each party in proportion to 
their respective funds available for investment, subject to: (i) a priority 
being given to any of the funds in order to maintain their tax status; (ii) 
the time horizon of the investment opportunity being compatible with the exit 
strategy of each fund; and (iii) the risk/reward profile of the investment 
opportunity being compatible with the target return for each fund. The terms 
of the investments may differ between the parties. In the event of any 
conflicts between the parties, the issues will be resolved at the discretion 
of the independent Directors, designated members and committees. It is not 
intended that the Company will co-invest with Directors or members of the 
Calculus Capital management team (including family members). 
In respect of the Venture Capital Investments, funds attributable to separate 
share classes will co-invest (i.e. pro rata allocation per fund, unless one of 
the funds has a pre-existing investment where the incumbent fund will have 
priority, or as otherwise approved by the Board). Any potential conflict of 
interest arising will be resolved on a basis which the Board believes to be 
equitable and in the best interests of all shareholders. A co-investment 
policy is not considered necessary for the Structured Products. 
Calculus Capital Limited has been appointed to manage the Venture Capital 
Investments portfolio of VCT Qualifying Investments. 
Investec Structured Products (a trading name of Investec Bank plc) has been 
appointed to manage the Structured Products portfolio of non VCT Qualifying 
Ordinary Share Fund 
                                     6 Months to     13 Months to    7 Months to 
                                  31 August 2011 28 February 2011 31 August 2010 
Total return 
Total return                           GBP(133,000)        GBP308,000         GBP2,000 
Total return per ordinary share             (2.8p)            8.3p           0.1p 
Net loss after tax                      GBP(37,000)       GBP(112,000)      GBP(42,000) 
Revenue return per ordinary share           (0.8p)           (3.0)p         (1.3)p 
                                         As at 31         As at 28        As at 31 
                                           August         February          August 
                                             2011             2011            2010 
Assets (investments valued at bid 
market prices) 
Net assets                             GBP4,450,000       GBP4,836,000      GBP3,657,000 
Net asset value ("NAV") per                  93.9p           102.1p           94.6p 
ordinary share 
Mid market quotation 
Ordinary shares                              99.5p            99.5p           99.5p 
Premium/(discount) to bid price               6.0%            (2.5)%           5.2% 
C Share Fund 
                                                         6 Months to 
                                                     31 August 2011* 
Total return 
Total return                                               GBP(16,000) 
Total return per C share                                       (0.8)p 
Net loss after tax                                         GBP(21,000) 
Revenue return per C share                                     (1.1)p 
                                                              As at 
                                                     31 August 2011 
Assets (investments valued at bid market prices) 
Net assets                                               GBP1,806,000 
NAV per C share                                                93.5p 
Mid market quotation 
C shares                                                      94.00p 
Premium to bid price NAV                                        0.5% 
*The C shares were issued in three tranches, on 1 April 2011, 5 April 2011 and 
4 May 2011. 
I am pleased to present your Company's financial results for the six months 
ended 31 August 2011. This report marks the first nineteen months of the 
Company which has been a period of progress. In this period, a number of 
notable achievements occurred. 
- Completion of the C share offer which raised GBP1.93 million. 
- Payment of the first tax-free annual dividend of 5.25p per share to 
ordinary shareholders. 
- Investment in a portfolio of Structured Products on behalf of the C Share 
- Progress towards building a well-diversified portfolio of predominantly 
unquoted Qualifying Investments. 
The Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc is a joint venture between 
Investec Structured Products (part of Investec plc which is a member of the 
FTSE 100) and Calculus Capital Limited, and brings together both Managers' 
award-winning expertise in their respective fields of Structured Products and 
venture capital. A net total of GBP6.35 million has been raised to date, with 
your Board and Managers committing over GBP1 million of this, demonstrating 
their confidence in the Company and the product offering. The C share 
fundraising undertaken earlier in the year has increased the size of the 
Company over which the annual running costs can be spread and will provide 
greater opportunities for diversification. Moreover, the Company charges some 
of the lowest annual management fees in the VCT sector. 
The past six months have been a time of unusually high volatility for stock 
markets and challenging economic conditions for business as many western 
countries struggle to come to terms with excessive debt burdens and low 
growth. This can create attractive investment opportunities for those willing 
to take a medium-term view but it can sometimes seem a turbulent ride. I am 
pleased to say that your Company has continued to make good progress. As at 31 
August 2011, the unaudited net asset value per ordinary share was 93.9p, and 
the unaudited net asset value per C share was 93.5p. The decline in the net 
asset value of the ordinary shares since the end of your Company's last 
financial year in February reflects the ex-dividend value of the net assets 
following payment of the tax-free annual dividend in July, but also reflects 
the fall in FTSE 100 Index (on which the majority of the Structured Products 
are based) during the period. 
Structured Products Portfolio 
Our non-qualifying investments are managed by Investec Structured Products, 
who to date have invested approximately GBP3.39 million in a range of Structured 
Products of varying durations and counterparties. Of this, GBP2.54 million is 
attributable to the Ordinary Share Fund and GBP850,000 is attributable to the C 
Share Fund. At a general meeting held on 4 August 2011, shareholders approved 
an investment in a collateralised Structured Product issued by Investec Bank 
plc on behalf of the C Share Fund. 
Venture Capital Investments 
Calculus Capital manages the portfolio of Venture Capital Investments made by 
the Company. It is intended that approximately 75 per cent. of the Company's 
funds will be invested over a three year period in a diversified portfolio of 
holdings in unquoted VCT qualifying companies. In order to achieve this, there 
will be a phased reduction in the Structured Products portfolio and a 
corresponding increase in the portfolio of Venture Capital Investments. 
Calculus Capital has made Venture Capital Investments in three unquoted 
companies to date, totalling approximately GBP1 million. Of this, approximately 
GBP900,000 is attributable to the Ordinary Share Fund and GBP90,000 is 
attributable to the C Share Fund. The Ordinary Share Fund and the C Share Fund 
are managed separately, although they both have the same investment remit and, 
therefore, both have very similar portfolios. 
During the period, several further investments were made on behalf of the 
Ordinary Share Fund. In March, an additional GBP50,000 was invested in Terrain 
Energy Limited ("Terrain") as ordinary equity, followed by GBP300,000 in 
MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited ("MicroEnergy") during April. 
MicroEnergy is a company setup to acquire renewable, microgeneration 
facilities, including (but not limited to) wind, anaerobic digestion, hydro 
and micro CHP (Combined Heat and Power). This investment was provided as 
GBP150,000 of ordinary equity and GBP150,000 in the form of long-term loan stock 
with a coupon of 7 per cent. 
The first Venture Capital Investment was made on behalf of the C Share Fund 
during August, when GBP90,000 was invested in Terrain. Half of this investment 
was provided as ordinary equity, with the other GBP45,000 provided as long-term 
loan stock with a coupon of 7 per cent. The recent investments in Terrain form 
part of a fundraising programme intended to give the company visibility over 
its funding needs to meet development, appraisal and exploration commitments 
until the end of 2012. 
A more detailed analysis of the investment portfolios can be found in the 
respective Investment Managers' Reviews that follow this statement. 
Developments Since the Period End 
The Company is in the process of completing an investment in Heritage House 
Media Limited which provides services to the domestic and inbound tourism 
industry, with particular emphasis on the heritage sector. Key brands are 
Hudson's and Open Britain. The Company is in negotiations on a number of other 
Qualifying Investments. 
Notwithstanding recent Government initiatives, access to finance for smaller 
UK companies remains tight and valuations have reached more realistic levels, 
providing an attractive investment scenario for your Company. The Company 
continues to build a diversified portfolio of investments which we believe 
will deliver sustained long-term performance. Small companies are an important 
source of growth for the UK economy and we are seeing a number of interesting 
opportunities across a variety of sectors at the present time. 
Michael O'Higgins 
31 October 2011 
Portfolio Developments 
Calculus Capital Limited manages the VCT's portfolio of Qualifying 
Investments. It is intended, over a three year period, to invest approximately 
75 per cent. of the Company's funds in diversified portfolio of unquoted 
qualifying companies. In general, we prefer to take stakes of sufficient size 
to enable us to play a more influential role in helping the companies develop. 
Investments may be by way of loan stock and/or preference shares. This 
provides income for the Company to help pay regular dividends and provides a 
measure of risk mitigation. 
The Ordinary Share Fund and the C Share Fund are managed separately although 
they both have the same investment remit and, therefore, both have very 
similar portfolios. 
As at 31 August 2011, three Qualifying Investments had been made relating to 
the Ordinary Share Fund, in Terrain Energy Limited ("Terrain"), Lime 
Technology Limited ("Lime") and MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited 
("MicroEnergy"). One Qualifying Investment had been made on behalf of the C 
Share Fund, in Terrain. 
Terrain Energy Limited 
Terrain holds a portfolio of oil and gas assets onshore in the UK. Its main 
producing well is at Keddington in Lincolnshire from which oil is shipped 
weekly by tanker to the Immingham oil refinery. The Company initially invested 
GBP250,000 in Terrain in July 2010, followed by another GBP50,000 of ordinary 
equity in March 2011. Both of these investments were on behalf of the Ordinary 
Share Fund. In August 2011, GBP90,000 was invested in Terrain on behalf of the C 
Share Fund. Half of this investment was provided as ordinary equity, with the 
other GBP45,000 provided as long-term loan stock with a coupon of 7 per cent. 
These recent investments form part of a fundraising programme intended to give 
Terrain visibility over its funding needs to meet development, appraisal and 
exploration commitments until the end of 2012. 
Latest Audited 
Period ended                     Investment                  Ordinary     C Share 
31 December 2010                 Information               Share Fund        Fund 
Turnover                GBP271,257 Total cost                  GBP300,000     GBP90,000 
Pre-tax loss          GBP(158,185) Total valuation             GBP307,000     GBP90,000 
Net assets                       Income recognised in 
                      GBP1,952,887 period                        GBP7,000           - 
                                 Total voting rights*            2.49%       1.05% 
Valuation basis: Fair value based on cost of recent investment supported by 
discounted cash flow 
* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital have an interest in this company and 
have a combined equity holding of 19.2 per cent. This follows the additional 
investment in Terrain in August 2011. 
Lime Technology Limited 
Lime was founded in 2002 and is a leader in renewable lime and hemp based 
building products for the mainstream construction industry. At the time of 
investment, Lime's main product was Tradical® Hemcrete® which is a negative 
carbon bio-composite product comprised of hemp and a lime based binder. This 
was supplied as raw materials for mixing on site. The very bad winter in 
2010/11 severely impacted drying on site. Consequently, the company 
accelerated its launch of Hembuild® which is supplied as precast panels to 
site. Through its subsidiary, Hemp Technology, the company controls the hemp 
supply chain from seed to finished wall. Lime's products are being used in the 
construction of Marks & Spencer's flagship Cheshire Oaks store and have 
previously been used in the construction of 16 houses at David Cameron's 
constituency at Stanton Harcourt, an Adnams distribution centre and in a 
temperature controlled warehouse for the Wine Society. The Company has 
subscribed under two rights issues during the year to maintain its percentage 
As a small company, Lime is exempt from filing full accounts. 
Latest Audited 
Period ended                                                   Ordinary 
4 November 2010                  Investment Information      Share Fund 
                                 Total cost                    GBP304,000 
Net assets            GBP1,358,275 Total valuation               GBP280,000 
                                 Income recognised in period     GBP9,000 
                                 Total voting rights*              0.60% 
Valuation basis: Fair value based on cost of recent investment 
* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital have an interest in this company and 
have a combined equity holding of 15.59 per cent. 
MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited 
In early April, GBP300,000 was invested in MicroEnergy on behalf of the Ordinary 
Share Fund. MicroEnergy is a company set up to acquire renewable, 
microgeneration facilities, including (but not limited to) wind, anaerobic 
digestion, hydro and micro CHP (Combined Heat and Power). The investment was 
provided as GBP150,000 of ordinary equity and GBP150,000 in the form of long-term 
loan stock with a coupon of 7 per cent. MicroEnergy has acquired five 5kW wind 
turbines to date in East Anglia and has plans to acquire approximately 
thirty-five by 5 April 2012. 
As a relatively new company, MicroEnergy has not yet filed statutory accounts. 
Latest Audited Results:          Investment Information                Share Fund 
No statutory accounts have been  Total cost                              GBP300,000 
                                 Total valuation                         GBP300,000 
                                 Income recognised in period                    - 
                                 Total voting rights*                        8.67% 
Valuation basis: Fair value based on cost of recent investment 
* Other funds managed by Calculus Capital have interest in this company and 
have a combined equity holding of 9.89 per cent. 
Developments Since the Period End 
The Company is in the process of completing and investment in Heritage House 
Media Limited with provides services to the domestic and inbound tourism 
industry with particular emphasis on the heritage sector. Key brands are 
Hudson's and Open Britain. 
The Investment Manager believes that the current market remains attractive for 
investment as access to finance for smaller UK companies remains tight and 
valuations have reached more realistic levels. Although the UK economic 
outlook remains uncertain, we are seeing a number of interesting opportunities 
across a variety of sectors. Any improvement to the economic climate will 
assist small companies which are an important source of growth for the UK 
Calculus Capital Limited 
31 October 2011 
In line with the Company's strategy set out the original Offer documents, a 
large percentage of the initial cash raised has been used to build a portfolio 
of Structured Products. The portfolio of Structured Products has been 
constructed with different issuers and differing maturity periods to minimise 
risk and create a diversified portfolio. The FTSE 100 Initial Index Levels for 
these investments range from 4,805.75 to 5,718.13. 
Except for the RBS Autocallable product, all of the Structured Products 
investments to date have potential returns that are by way of a fixed amount 
payable as long as the Final Index Level is higher than the Initial Index 
Level (e.g. for the Abbey National Treasury Services Structured Product the 
fixed amount is 85 per cent. (plus 100 per cent. of the initial notional 
amount) if the Final Index Level is higher than the Initial Index Level of 
4,940.68). All of the products have capital at risk on a one-to-one basis if 
the FTSE 100 falls by more that 50 per cent. and fails to recover at maturity. 
The RBS Autocallable will mature early with a fixed payout of 10.5 per cent. 
per annum if, on any anniversary of the strike date, the closing level of the 
Index is above the Initial Index Level. Capital is at risk on a one-to-one 
basis if the FTSE 100 falls by more than 50 per cent. and fails to recover at 
At the end of the reporting period the FTSE 100 closing level was 5,394.53. 
The amount invested in Structured Products during the period was GBP950,000, of 
which GBP100,000 was invested in the Ordinary Share Fund and the rest in the C 
Share Fund. The total amount to date invested in Structured Products stands at 
GBP2,543,000 for the ordinary shares and GBP850,000 for the C shares, representing 
56 per cent. and 47 per cent. of the net funds raised respectively. As at 31 
August 2011 the Structured Products portfolio was valued at GBP2,928,000 for the 
ordinary shares and GBP861,000 for the C shares. At the time of writing, the 
FTSE 100 closing level was 5,488.65 (close 21 October 2011) which has had a 
small positive effect on the performance of the Structured Products portfolio. 
The Investment Manager constantly reviews the portfolio of investments to 
assess asset allocation and the need to realise investments. 
Ordinary Share Fund Structured Products Portfolio as at 31 August 2011 
                                   FTSE 100 
                                    Initial                              Price as at  Valuation as  Return/ 
                          Maturity    Index   Notional Purchase            31 August  at 31 August  Capital 
Issuer      Strike Date       Date    Level Investment    Price      Cost       2011         2011  at Risk 
                                                                                                   if FTSE 
                                                                                                    CAR if 
The Royal                                                                                         FTSE 100 
Bank of                                                                                           falls by 
Scotland                                                                                              more 
plc          05/05/2010  12/05/2015 5,341.93  GBP275,000     GBP0.96 GBP264,000    GBP1.0309     GBP283,498 than 50% 
                                                                                                   185% if 
                                                                                                    CAR if 
                                                                                                  FTSE 100 
                                                                                                  falls by 
Investec                                                                                              more 
Bank plc     14/05/2010 19/11/2015 5,262.85   GBP500,000    GBP0.98 GBP489,550     GBP1.1349     GBP567,429 than 50% 
                                                                                                   185% if 
                                                                                                    CAR if 
Abbey                                                                                             FTSE 100 
National                                                                                          falls by 
Treasury                                                                                              more 
Services     25/05/2010 18/11/2015 4,940.68   GBP350,000    GBP0.99 GBP346,430     GBP1.2373     GBP433,055 than 50% 
The above investments have been designed to meet the 43.75p per ordinary share 
interim return by 14 December 2015. A total of GBP1,099,980 (24.72 per cent. of 
net monies raised) was invested in the above Structured Products. Assuming no 
issuer defaults and if the FTSE 100 Final Index Level is higher than the 
Initial Index Level, then these investments will return GBP2,019,375, equivalent 
to 46.62p per ordinary share. 
                                     FTSE 100 
                                      Initial                              Price as at  Valuation as     Return/ 
                            Maturity    Index   Notional Purchase            31 August  at 31 August     Capital 
Issuer        Strike Date       Date    Level Investment    Price     Cost        2011          2011     at Risk 
                                                                                                    137% if FTSE 
                                                                                                    100* higher; 
                                                                                                     CAR if FTSE 
                                                                                                    100 falls by 
Nomura Bank                                                                                            more than 
International  28/05/2010 20/02/2013 5,188.43   GBP350,000    GBP0.98  GBP343,000    GBP1.1455     GBP400,925          50% 
                                                                                                    134% if FTSE 
                                                                                                    100* higher; 
                                                                                                     CAR if FTSE 
Morgan                                                                                              100 falls by 
Stanley                                                                                                more than 
International  10/06/2010 17/12/2012 5,132.50   GBP500,000    GBP1.00 GBP500,000     GBP1.1452     GBP572,575          50% 
                                                                                                       125.1% if 
                                                                                                       FTSE 100* 
                                                                                                     higher; CAR 
                                                                                                     if FTSE 100 
                                                                                                        falls by 
                                                                                                       more than 
HSBC Bank plc  01/07/2010 06/07/2012 4,805.75   GBP500,000    GBP1.00 GBP500,000     GBP1.1533     GBP576,650          50% 
                                                                                                     10.5% p.a.; 
The Royal                                                                                            CAR if FTSE 
Bank of                                                                                                100 falls 
Scotland                                                                                               more than 
plc**          18/03/2011 20/03/2017 5,718.13    GBP50,000    GBP1.00  GBP50,000       GBP0.93      GBP46,315          50% 
                                                                                                    126% if FTSE 
                                                                                                    100* higher; 
Abbey                                                                                                CAR if FTSE 
National                                                                                               100 falls 
Treasury                                                                                               more than 
Services**     03/08/2011 05/02/2014 5,584.51    GBP50,000    GBP1.00  GBP50,000      GBP0.96       GBP48,010          50% 
The above investments are aimed to provide additional return as dividends. 
These investments may be sold prior to maturity if it is deemed that a greater 
return can be made by Calculus Capital investing in Qualifying Investments. 
C Share Fund Structured Products Portfolio as at 31 August 2011 
                                   FTSE 100                                                            Return/ 
                                    Initial                              Price as at  Valuation as     Capital 
                          Maturity    Index   Notional Purchase            31 August  at 31 August     at Risk 
Issuer      Strike Date       Date    Level Investment    Price     Cost        2011          2011    ("CAR")| 
                                                                                                  182% if FTSE 
                                                                                                  100* higher; 
                                                                                                   CAR if FTSE 
                                                                                                     100 falls 
Investec                                                                                             more than 
Bank plc **  05/08/2011 10/03/2017 5,246.99   GBP450,000    GBP1.00 GBP450,000     GBP1.0739     GBP483,237          50% 
The above Investec Structured Product investment in the C Share Fund 
(GBP450,000) is a collateralised product. The collateral comprises a portfolio 
of securities issued by each of HSBC Bank plc (Aa2), Nationwide Building 
Society (A2), Santander UK plc (A1), The Royal Bank of Scotland plc (A2) and 
Lloyds TSB Bank plc (A1), and/or cash and/or UK government debt (Moody's 
Ratings as at 21 October 2011 in brackets). Insolvency risk to Investec is 
replaced with a risk spread across these named institutions. 
A total of GBP450,000 (25.92 per cent. of net assets) was invested in the above 
Structured Product of the C Share Fund. Assuming no issuer defaults and if the FTSE 100 Final 
Index Level is higher than the Initial Index Level, then this investment will 
return GBP819,000, equivalent to 42.4p per C share. Further investments into the 
Structured Products portfolio will be required to produce an interim return of 
47.5p per C share by 14 March 2017. 
                                  FSTE 100                                                            Return/ 
                                   Initial                              Price as at  Valuation as     Capital 
                         Maturity    Index   Notional Purchase            31 August  at 31 August     at Risk 
Issuer     Strike Date       Date    Level Investment    Price     Cost        2011          2011    ("CAR")| 
                                                                                                  10.5% p.a.;The Royal                                                                                         CAR if FTSE 
Bank of                                                                                             100 falls 
Scotland                                                                                            more than 
plc **      18/03/2011 20/03/2017 5,718.13   GBP200,000    GBP1.00 GBP200,000     GBP0.9263     GBP185,260          50% 
                                                                                                 126% if FTSE 
                                                                                                 100* higher; 
Abbey                                                                                             CAR if FTSE 
National                                                                                            100 falls 
Treasury                                                                                            more than 
Services**  03/08/2011 05/02/2014 5,584.51   GBP200,000    GBP1.00 GBP200,000     GBP0.9602     GBP192,040          50% 
The above investments target an average return of 9.58 per cent. per annum. 
These investments may be sold prior to maturity if it is deemed that a greater 
return can be made by Calculus Capital by investing in Qualifying Investments. 
* The Final Index Level is calculated using `averaging', meaning that we take 
the average of the closing levels of the FTSE 100 on each business day over 
the 2 - 6 months of the Structured Product plan term (the length of the 
averaging period may differ for each plan). The use of averaging to calculate 
the return can reduce adverse effects of a falling market or sudden market 
falls shortly before maturity. Equally, it can reduce the benefits of an 
increasing market or sudden market rises shortly before maturity. 
| All of the investments in Structured Products in respect of the two funds 
will either be capital protected or capital at risk on a one-to-one basis 
where the FTSE 100 Index falls by more than 50 per cent. and the Final Index 
Level is below the Initial Index Level. If the FTSE 100 Index does fall by 
more than 50 per cent. at any time during the investment period and fails to 
recover at maturity, the capital will be at risk on a maximum one-to-one basis 
(Capital at Risk ("CAR")) (i.e. if the FTSE 100 Index falls by more than 50 
per cent. during the investment period and on maturity is down 25 per cent., 
capital within that Structured Product will be reduced by 25 per cent.). 
** These investments have been purchased during the 2011-2012 financial year. 
Investec Structured Products 
31 October 2011 
Sector                                        % 
Structured Products                         69% 
Unquoted - Qualifying Investments           21% 
Unquoted - other non-Qualifying 
Investments                                 10% 
Net Assets                                    % 
Structured Products                         66% 
Unquoted - loan stock                       13% 
Unquoted - ordinary and preference           7% 
Unquoted - other non-Qualifying 
Investments                                 10% 
Net current assets                           4% 
                     Nature of       Book Cost  Valuation   % of Net        % of 
Company              Business            GBP'000      GBP'000     Assets   Portfolio 
Structured Products 
Investec Bank plc    Banking               490       567        13%          13% 
The Royal Bank of 
Scotland plc         Banking               314       329         7%           8% 
Abbey National 
Treasury Services    Banking               396       481        11%          11% 
Nomura Bank          Banking               343       401         9%          10% 
Morgan Stanley 
International        Banking               500       573        13%          13% 
HSBC Bank plc        Banking               500       577        13%          14% 
Total Structured                         2,543     2,928        66%          69% 
Terrain Energy       Oil and gas           300       307         7%           7% 
Limited              production 
Lime Technology 
Limited              Construction          304       280         6%           7% 
Generation Services 
Limited              Energy                300       300         7%           7% 
Total Qualifying 
Investments                                904       887        20%          21% 
Other Non-Qualifying 
Fidelity Liquidity   Liquidity fund         81        81         2%           2% 
Goldman Sachs 
Liquidity Fund       Liquidity fund         50        50         1%           1% 
Scottish Widows 
Liquidity Fund       Liquidity fund        314       314         7%           7% 
Total Other 
Investments                                445       445        10%          10% 
Total investments                        3,892     4,260        96%         100% 
Net current assets 
less creditors due 
after one year                                       190         4% 
Net assets                                         4,450       100% 
Sector                                      % 
Structured Products                       51% 
Unquoted - Qualifying Investments          5% 
Unquoted - other non-Qualifying 
Investments                               44% 
Net Assets                                  % 
Structured Products                       48% 
Unquoted - loan stock                      2% 
Unquoted - ordinary and preference         2% 
Unquoted - other non-Qualifying 
Investments                               41% 
Net current assets                         7% 
                     Nature of       Book Cost  Valuation  % of Net        % of 
Company              Business            GBP'000      GBP'000    Assets    Portfolio 
Structured Products 
Investec Bank plc    Banking               450        484       27%          29% 
The Royal Bank of 
Scotland plc         Banking               200        185       10%          11% 
Abbey National 
Treasury Services    Banking               200        192       11%          11% 
Total Structured                           850        861       48%          51% 
Terrain Energy       Oil and gas 
Limited              production             90         90        4%           5% 
Total Qualifying                            90         90        4%           5% 
Other Non-Qualifying 
Fidelity Liquidity   Liquidity fund        251        251       14%          15% 
Goldman Sachs 
Liquidity Fund       Liquidity fund        100        100        6%           6% 
Scottish Widows 
Liquidity Fund       Liquidity fund        382        382       21%          23% 
Total Other 
Investments                                733       733        41%          44% 
Total investments                        1,673     1,684        93%         100% 
Net current assets 
less creditors due 
after one year                                       122         7% 
Net assets                                         1,806       100% 
Interim Management Report 
The important events that have occurred during the period under review, the 
key factors influencing the financial statements and the principal 
uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year are set out 
in the Chairman's Statement and Investment Managers' Reviews. 
The principal risks facing the Company are substantially unchanged 
since the date of the Annual Report and Accounts for the period ended 28 
February 2011 and continue to be as set out in that report. 
Risks faced by the Company include, but are not limited to, loss of 
approval as a venture capital trust and other regulatory breaches, risks of 
making Venture Capital Investments, risks attaching to investment in 
Structured Products, liquidity/marketability risk, changes in 
legislation/taxation, engagement of third party advisers, C shares versus 
ordinary shares, market price risk and credit risk. 
Responsibility Statement 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
with the Statement on Half Yearly Financial Reports issued by the UK 
Accounting Standards Board and gives a true and fair view of the assets, 
liabilities and financial position of the Company; and 
- this Half Yearly Financial Report includes a fair review of the 
information required by: 
a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the 
financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; 
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 
six months of the year; and 
b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the Company during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last Annual Report that could do so. 
This Half Yearly Financial Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 
31 October 2011 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its 
behalf by Michael O'Higgins, Chairman. 
                         6 Months Ended          7 Months Ended        13 Months Ended 
                         31 August 2011          31 August 2010       28 February 2011* 
                    Revenue     Capital       Revenue  Capital        Revenue  Capital 
                     Return     Return  Total  Return   Return  Total  Return   Return   Total 
                      GBP'000      GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Ordinary Share Fund 
Investment holding 
(losses)/gains            -        (78)   (78)      -    (55)     (55)      -      446     446 
Income                   23          -     23       5      -        5      20        -      20 
management fee           (6)       (18)   (24)     (4)   (11)     (15)     (9)     (26)    (35) 
Other operating 
expenses                (54)         -    (54)    (43)     -      (43)   (123)       -    (123) 
(Loss)/profit on 
ordinary activities 
before taxation         (37)       (96)  (133)    (42)    44        2    (112)     420     308 
Taxation on 
activities(Note 3)        -          -      -       -      -        -       -        -       - 
(Loss)/profit on 
ordinary activities 
after taxation          (37)       (96)  (133)    (42)    44        2    (112)     420     308 
Return per ordinary 
share - basic (Note    (0.8)p     (2.0)p (2.8)p  (1.3)p  1.4p     0.1p   (3.0)p   11.3p    8.3p 
C Share Fund 
Investment holding        -         11     11 
Income                    3          -      3 
management fee           (2)        (6)    (8) 
Other operating 
expenses                (22)         -    (22) 
Loss/(profit) on 
ordinary activities 
before taxation         (21)         5    (16) 
Taxation on 
activities (Note 3)       -          -      - 
Loss/(profit) on 
ordinary activities 
after taxation          (21)         5    (16) 
Return per C 
share - basic 
(Note 2)               (1.1)p      0.3p  (0.8)p 
* These figures are audited. 
The total column of these statements represent the Income Statement of the 
Ordinary Share Fund and the C Share Fund. 
The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns are both prepared 
in accordance with the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") Statement 
of Recommended Practice ("SORP"). 
No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period. 
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. 
The notes form an integral part of these Accounts. 
                        6 Months Ended        7 Months Ended        13 Months Ended 
                        31 August 2011        31 August 2010       28 February 2011* 
                    Revenue  Capital       Revenue  Capital       Revenue  Capital 
                     Return  Return  Total  Return   Return  Total Return   Return   Total 
                      GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Investment holding 
(losses)/gains            -    (67)    (67)      -       55    55       -      446     446 
Income                   26      -      26       5        -     5      20        -      20 
management fee           (8)   (24)    (32)     (4)     (11)  (15)     (9)     (26)    (35) 
Other operating 
expenses                (76)     -     (76)    (43)       -   (43)   (123)       -    (123) 
(Loss)/profit on 
ordinary activities 
before taxation         (58)   (91)   (149)    (42)      44     2    (112)      420    308 
Taxation on 
activities (Note 3)       -      -       -       -        -     -       -         -      - 
(Loss)/profit on 
ordinary activities 
after taxation          (58)   (91)   (149)    (42)      44     2    (112)      420    308 
Return per ordinary 
share - basic (Note    (0.8)p (2.0)p  (2.8)p   1.3p     1.4p  0.1p   (3.0)p    11.3p   8.3p 
Return per 
C share - basic        (1.1)p  0.3p   (0.8)p 
(Note 2) 
* These figures are audited. 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement. 
The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns are both prepared 
in accordance with the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") Statement 
of Recommended Practice ("SORP"). 
No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period. 
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. 
The notes form an integral part of these Accounts. 
                                               Share          Capital    Capital 
                                       Share Premium Special  Reserve    Reserve Revenue 
                                     Capital Account Reserve Realised Unrealised Reserve  Total 
                                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
Ordinary Share Fund 
For the 6 month period to 31 August 
1 March 2011                              47     752   3,729     (26)        446   (112)  4,836 
Loss for the period                        -       -       -     (18)        (78)   (37)   (133) 
Expenses of share issues                   -      (4)      -       -           -      -      (4) 
Dividends paid (Note 8)                    -       -    (249)      -           -      -    (249) 
31 August 2011                            47     748   3,480     (44)        368   (149)  4,450 
For the 7 month period to 31 August 
1 February 2010                            -       -       -       -           -      -       - 
(Loss)/gain for the period                 -       -       -     (11)         55    (42)      2 
Issue of redeemable non-voting            50       -       -       -           -      -      50 
Redemption of redeemable non-voting      (50)      -       -       -           -      -     (50) 
Issue of ordinary shares                  39   3,829       -       -           -      -   3,868 
Expenses of share issues                   -    (213)      -       -           -      -    (213) 
31 August 2010                            39   3,616       -     (11)         55    (42)  3,657 
For the 13 month period to 
28 February 2011* 
1 February 2010                            -       -       -       -           -       -      - 
(Loss)/gain for the period                 -       -       -     (26)        446    (112)   308 
Issue of redeemable non-voting            50       -       -       -           -       -     50 
Redemption of redeemable non-voting      (50)      -       -       -           -       -    (50) 
Increase in share capital in issue        47   4,740       -       -           -       -  4,787 
Expenses of share issues                   -    (259)      -       -           -       -   (259) 
Share premium cancelled during             -  (3,729)  3,729       -           -       -      - 
28 February 2011                          47     752   3,729     (26)        446    (112) 4,836 
C Share Fund 
For the 6 month period to 31 August 
1 March 2011                               -       -       -        -          -       -      - 
(Loss)/gain for the period                 -       -       -       (6)        11    (21)    (16) 
Increase in share capital in issue        19   1,912       -        -          -      -   1,931 
Expenses of share issues                   -    (109)      -        -          -      -    (109) 
31 August 2011                            19   1,803       -       (6)        11    (21)  1,806 
For the 6 month period to 31 August 
1 March 2011                             47      752   3,729      (26)       446   (112)  4,836 
Loss for the period                       -        -       -      (24)       (67)   (58)   (149) 
Increase in share capital issue          19    1,912       -        -          -      -   1,931 
Expenses of share issues                  -     (113)      -        -          -      -    (113) 
Dividends paid (Note 8)                   -        -    (249)       -          -      -    (249) 
31 August 2011                           66    2,551   3,480      (50)       379   (170)  6,256 
For the 7 month period to 31 August 
1 February 2010                           -        -       -        -          -      -       - 
Loss/(gain)for the period                 -        -       -      (11)        55    (42)      2 
Issue of redeemable non-voting           50        -       -        -          -      -      50 
Redemption of redeemable non-voting     (50)       -       -        -          -      -     (50) 
Issue of ordinary shares                 39    3,829       -        -          -      -   3,868 
Expenses of share issues                  -     (213)      -        -          -      -    (213) 
31 August 2010                           39    3,616       -      (11)        55    (42)  3,657 
For the 13 month period to 
28 February 2011* 
1 February 2010                           -        -       -        -          -      -       - 
(Loss)/gain for the period                -        -       -      (26)       446   (112)    308 
Issue of redeemable non-voting           50        -       -        -          -      -      50 
Redemption of redeemable non-voting     (50)       -       -        -          -      -     (50) 
Increase in share capital in issue       47    4,740       -        -          -      -   4,787 
Expenses of share issues                  -     (259)      -        -          -      -    (259) 
Share premium cancelled during            -   (3,729)  3,729        -          -      -       - 
28 February 2011                         47      752   3,729      (26)       446   (112)  4,836 
* These figures are audited. 
The notes form an integral part of these Accounts. 
                                                31 August      31 August      28 February 
                                                     2011           2010            2011* 
                                      Note          GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Ordinary Share Fund 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair value through        4          4,260          2,748            4,488 
profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                               302            157              214 
Cash at bank and on deposit                           147            911              326 
                                                      449          1,068              540 
Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year 
Creditors                                            (141)          (141)            (176) 
Due to C Share Fund                                  (100)             -                - 
Net current assets                                    208            927              364 
Non-current liabilities 
IFA trail commission                                  (18)           (18)             (16) 
Total net assets                                    4,450          3,657            4,836 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                  7             47             39               47 
Share premium account                                 748          3,616              752 
Special reserve                                     3,480              -            3,729 
Capital reserve - unrealised                          368             55              446 
Capital reserve - realised                            (44)           (11)             (26) 
Revenue reserve                                      (149)           (42)            (112) 
Total shareholders' funds                           4,450          3,657            4,836 
Net asset value per ordinary share       5           93.9p          94.6p           102.1p 
                                                31 August 
                                      Note          GBP'000 
C Share Fund 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair value through        4          1,684 
profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                55 
Cash at bank and on deposit                            29 
Creditors; amounts falling due 
within one year 
Creditors                                             (51) 
Due from Ordinary Share Fund                          100 
Net current assets                                    133 
Non-current liabilities 
IFA trail commission                                  (11) 
Total net assets                                    1,806 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                  7             19 
Share premium account                               1,803 
Special reserve                                         - 
Capital reserve - unrealised                           11 
Capital reserve - realised                             (6) 
Revenue reserve                                       (21) 
Total shareholders' funds                           1,806 
Net asset value per C share              5           93.5p 
                                                31 August      31 August      28 February 
                                                     2011           2010            2011* 
                                      Note          GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair value through        4          5,944          2,748            4,488 
profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                               357            157              214 
Cash at bank and on deposit                           176            911              326 
                                                      533          1,068              540 
Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year 
Creditors                                            (192)          (141)            (176) 
Net current assets                                    341            927              364 
Non-current liabilities 
IFA trail commission                                  (29)           (18)             (16) 
Total net assets                                    6,256          3,657            4,836 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                  7             66             39               47 
Share premium account                               2,551          3,616              752 
Special reserve                                     3,480              -            3,729 
Capital reserve - unrealised                          379             55              446 
Capital reserve - realised                            (50)           (11)             (26) 
Revenue reserve                                      (170)           (42)            (112) 
Total shareholders' funds                           6,256          3,657            4,836 
Net asset value per ordinary share       5           93.9p          94.6p           102.1p 
Net asset value per C share              5           93.5p 
* These figures are audited. 
The notes form an integral part of these Accounts. 
                                               6 Months     7 Months    13 Months 
                                                  Ended        Ended        Ended 
                                              31 August    31 August  28 February 
                                                   2011         2010        2011* 
                                      Note        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Ordinary Share Fund 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                           10            -            7 
Deposit interest received                             2            3            6 
Investment management fees                          (23)           -          (24) 
Other cash payments                                 (64)         (54)        (169) 
Cash expended from operations            6          (75)         (51)        (180) 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of investments                            (455)      (2,693)      (4,042) 
Sale of investments                                 605            -            - 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
investing activities                                150       (2,693)      (4,042) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before                     75       (2,744)      (4,222) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Equity dividend paid                     8         (249)           -            - 
Redeemable non-voting shares issued                   -           50           50 
Redemption of redeemable non-voting                   -          (50)         (50) 
Shares issued                                         -        3,868        4,787 
Expenses of share issues                             (5)        (213)        (239) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from 
financing activities                               (254)       3,655        4,548 
(Decrease)/increase in cash at bank 
and on deposit                                     (179)         911          326 
C Share Fund 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                            1 
Other cash payments                                (155) 
Cash expended from operations            6         (154) 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of investments                          (1,673) 
Net cash outflow before financing                (1,827) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Redeemable non-voting shares issued               1,931 
Expenses of share issues                            (75) 
Net cash inflow from financing                   (1,856) 
Increase in cash at bank and on 
deposit                                              29 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                           11            -            7 
Deposit interest received                             2            3            6 
Investment management fees                          (23)           -          (24) 
Other cash payments                                (219)         (54)        (169) 
Cash expended from operations            6         (229)         (51)        (180) 
Cash flow from investing activities 
Purchase of investments                          (2,128)      (2,693)      (4,042) 
Sale of investments                                 605            -            - 
Net cash outflow from investing                  (1,523)      (2,693)      (4,042) 
Net cash outflow before financing                (1,752)      (2,744)      (4,042) 
Cash flow from financing activities 
Equity dividend paid                               (249)           -            - 
Redeemable non-voting shares issued                   -           50           50 
Redemption of redeemable non-voting                   -          (50)         (50) 
Shares issued                                     1,931        3,868        4,787 
Expenses of share issues                            (80)        (213)        (239) 
Net cash inflow from financing                    1,602        3,655        4,548 
(Decrease)/increase in cash at bank 
and on deposit                                     (150)         911          326 
* These figures are audited. 
The notes form an integral part of these Accounts. 
1. Nature of Financial Information 
Basis of accounting 
These Accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except 
for the valuation of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, in 
accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP"). These 
Accounts cover the six month period ended 31 August 2011. The comparatives 
cover the seven month period from incorporation on 1 February 2010 to 31 
August 2010, and the thirteen month period from 1 February 2010 to 28 February 
In determining the analysis of total income and expenses as between capital 
return and revenue return, the Directors have followed the guidance contained 
in the AIC SORP, as revised in 2009, and on the assumption that the Company 
maintains VCT status. 
The Accounts are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in 
the Annual Report and Accounts for the period ended 28 February 2011. 
The financial information contained in this report does not constitute full 
statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The 
financial information for the six months to 31 August 2011 and the period to 
31 August 2010 has not been audited or reviewed by the Company's Auditors 
pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board guidance on such reviews. 
The information for the period ended 28 February 2011 has been extracted from 
the latest published Annual Report and Accounts, which have been filed with 
the Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditors on those Accounts 
contained no qualification or statement under Section 498(2) or (3) of the 
Companies Act 2006. 
Going concern 
After making enquiries, and having reviewed the portfolio, balance sheet and 
projected income and expenditure for the next twelve months, the Directors 
have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate resources to 
continue in operation for the foreseeable future. The Directors have therefore 
adopted the going concern basis in preparing these Accounts. 
2. Return per Share 
                   6 Months Ended          7 Months Ended         13 Months Ended 
                   31 August 2011          31 August 2010         28 February 2011 
               Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue Capital Total  Revenue  Capital Total 
                 pence    pence  pence    pence   pence pence    pence    pence pence 
Return per 
ordinary share    (0.8)    (2.0)  (2.8)    (1.3)    1.4   0.1     (3.0)    11.3   8.3 
Return per 
C share           (1.1)     0.3   (0.8) 
Ordinary shares 
Revenue return per ordinary share is based on the net revenue loss on ordinary 
activities after taxation of GBP37,000 (31 August 2010: GBP42,000; 28 February 
2011: GBP112,000) and on 4,738,463 ordinary shares (31 August 2010: 3,121,857; 
28 February 2011: 3,721,530), being the weighted average number of ordinary 
shares in issue during the period. 
Capital return per ordinary share is based on the net capital loss for the 
period of GBP96,000 (31 August 2010: GBP44,000 gain; 28 February 2011: GBP420,000 
gain) and on 4,738,463 ordinary shares (31 August 2010: 3,121,857; 28 February 
2011: 3,721,530), being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
issue during the period. 
Total return per ordinary share is based on the net loss on ordinary 
activities for the period of GBP133,000 (31 August 2010: GBP2,000 gain; 28 
February 2011: GBP308,000 gain) and on 4,738,463 ordinary shares (31 August 
2010: 3,121,875; 28 February 2011: 3,721,530), being the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. 
C shares 
Revenue return per C share is based on the net revenue loss on ordinary 
activities after taxation of GBP21,000 and on 1,904,924 C shares, being the 
weighted average number of C shares in issue during the period. 
Capital return per C share is based on the net capital gain for the period of 
GBP5,000 and on 1,904,924 C shares, being the weighted average number of C 
shares in issue during the period. 
Total return per C share is based on the total loss for the period of GBP16,000 
and on 1,904,924 C shares, being the weighted average number of C shares in 
issue during the period. 
3. Taxation on Ordinary Activities 
The estimated effective tax rate at the year end is 0% for both share funds. 
This remains unchanged from the prior period. 
4. Investments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss 
                              31 August 31 August 28 February 
                                   2011      2010        2011 
                                  GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
Ordinary Share Fund 
Investment portfolio summary 
Investments in Structured         2,928     2,498       2,882 
Unquoted investments                887       250         556 
Other investments                   445         -       1,050 
                                  4,260     2,748       4,488 
C Share Fund 
Investment portfolio summary 
Investments in Structured           861 
Unquoted investments                 90 
Other investments                   733 
Investment portfolio summary 
Investments in Structured         3,789     2,498       2,882 
Unquoted investments                977       250         556 
Other investments                 1,178         -       1,050 
                                  5,944     2,748       4,488 
5. Net Asset Value per Share 
                              31 August 31 August 28 February 
                                   2011      2010        2011 
                                  pence     pence       Pence 
Ordinary shares of 1 pence         93.9      94.6       102.1 
C shares of 1 pence each           93.5 
The basic net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets of 
GBP4,450,000 (31 August 2010: GBP3,657,000; 28 February 2011: GBP4,836,000) and on 
4,738,463 ordinary shares (31 August 2010: 3,867,917; 28 February 2011: 
4,738,463), being the number of ordinary shares in issue at the period end. 
The basic net asset value per C share is based on net assets of GBP1,806,000 and 
on 1,931,095 C shares, being the number of C shares in issue at the period 
6. Reconciliation of Net (Loss)/Profit before Tax to Cash Expended from 
Operating Activities 
                                         31 August 31 August 28 February 
                                              2011      2010        2011 
                                             GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
Ordinary Share Fund 
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities          (133)        2         308 
before taxation 
Losses/(gains) on investments                   78       (55)       (446) 
Interfund receipt                               (2)        -           - 
Increase in debtors                            (85)     (159)       (214) 
Increase in creditors                           67       161         172 
Cash expended from operating activities        (75)      (51)       (180) 
C Share Fund 
Loss on ordinary activities before             (16) 
Gains on investments                           (11) 
Interfund payment                                2 
Increase in debtors                           (155) 
Increase in creditors                           26 
Cash expended from operating activities       (154) 
(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities          (149)        2         308 
before taxation 
Losses/(gains) on investments                   67       (55)       (446) 
Increase in debtors                           (140)     (159)       (214) 
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                (7)      161         172 
Cash expended from operating activities       (229)      (51)       (180) 
7. Called-up Share Capital 
                                                31 August 
                                       Number       GBP'000 
Ordinary shares of 1p each 
1 March 2011                        4,738,463          47 
Shares issued in period                     -           - 
                                    4,738,463          47 
The Ordinary Share Fund had 3,867,917 shares in issue (GBP39,000) on 31 August 
C shares of 1p each 
1 March 2011                                -           - 
Shares issued in period             1,931,095          19 
                                    1,931,095          19 
An offer for subscription for C shares of 1p each was launched in January 2011 
and the shares were issued in April and May 2011. 
8. Dividends 
For the period to 28 February 2011 the Ordinary Share Fund declared a final 
dividend of 5.25p per ordinary share on 4,738,463 shares amounting to 
GBP248,769. The dividend was paid on 29 July 2011 to ordinary shareholders on 
the register at 3 June 2011. 
9. Related Party Transactions 
Investec Structured Products is a related party in respect of its appointment 
as an investment manager to the Company and is entitled to a performance 
incentive fee. Investec Structured Products will receive an arrangement fee of 
0.75 per cent. of the amount invested in each Structured Product. This 
arrangement fee shall be paid to Investec Structured Products by the issuer of 
the relevant Structured Product. No arrangement fee will be paid to Investec 
Structured Products in respect of any decision to invest in Investec-issued 
Structured Products. Investec Structured Products has agreed not to earn an 
annual management fee from the Company. 
As at 31 August 2011, GBP81,000 (31 August 2010: GBP67,000; 28 February 2011: 
GBP81,000) was payable to Investec Structured Products in relation to the 
initial fee of 5 per cent. of the gross funds raised pursuant to the original 
ordinary share offer. GBP22,000 was payable to Investec Structured Products in 
relation to the initial fee of 5 per cent. of the gross funds raised pursuant 
to the C share offer. In addition, GBP230,000 (31 August 2010: GBP128,000; 28 
February 2011: GBP185,000) was owed to the Ordinary Share Fund by Investec 
Structured Products as claw back of costs in excess of the agreed expenses cap 
of 3 per cent. GBP33,000 was owed to the C Share Fund. 
Calculus Capital is regarded as a related party in respect of its appointment 
as an investment manager to the Company. For the period ended 31 August 2011, 
fees of GBP32,000 (31 August 2010: GBP15,000; 28 February 2011: GBP35,000) were 
payable to Calculus Capital, of which GBP20,000 (31 August 2010: GBP15,000; 28 
February 2011: GBP10,000) were outstanding as at 31 August 2011. Calculus 
Capital is also entitled to a performance incentive fee. 
John Glencross, a Director of the Company, has an interest in Calculus Capital 
and is a director of Terrain Energy Limited and Lime Technology Limited, 
companies in which the Company has invested. 
Calculus Capital receives an annual fee from Terrain Energy Limited for the 
provision of John Glencross as a director, as well as an annual monitoring fee 
which also covers the provision of certain administrative support services. In 
the period ended 31 August 2011, the amount paid to Calculus Capital which was 
attributable to the investment made by the Company was GBP4,200 (excluding VAT) 
(31 August 2010: GBPnil; 28 February 2011: GBP2,713). 
Calculus Capital also receives an annual fee from Lime Technology Limited for 
the provision of John Glencross as a director, as well as an annual monitoring 
fee. In the period ended 31 August 2011, the amount paid to Calculus Capital 
which was attributable to the investment made by the Company was GBP2,400 
(excluding VAT) (31 August 2010: GBPnil; 28 February 2011: GBP1,626). 
After the period end Calculus Capital received arrangement fees of GBP9,000 
(excluding VAT) (31 August 2010: GBPnil; 28 February 2011: GBPnil) in relation to 
the investment in MicroEnergy Generation Services Limited. 
No incentive fee accrued to either Investment Manager during the period. 
The following Directors are/were considered to be related parties due to their 
connection with one of the Investment Managers: John Glencross is a director 
of Calculus Capital, Ian Wohlman is a director of Investec Bank plc (of which 
Investec Structured Products is a trading division). Ian Wohlman retired as a 
Director at the Annual General Meeting held on 30 June 2011. Both Directors 
have agreed not to receive any remuneration from the Company. 
Directors                                Fund Administrator and 
Michael O'Higgins (Chairman)             Company Secretary 
Kate Cornish-Bowden                      Capita Sinclair Henderson 
John Glencross                           (Trading as Capita Financial 
Steven Meeks                             Group - Specialist Fund Services) 
Mark Rayward                             Beaufort House 
Philip Swatman                           51 New North Road 
                                         Exeter EX4 4EP 
Registered Office 
Beaufort House                           Auditors 
51 New North Road                        Grant Thornton UK LLP 
Exeter EX4 4EP                           30 Finsbury Square 
Telephone: 01392 477 500                 London EC2P 2YU 
Company Number                           Solicitors and VCT Status Adviser 
07142153                                 Martineau 
                                         No. 1 Colmore Square 
Structured Products Investment           Birmingham B4 6AA 
Investec Structured Products             Sponsor and Broker 
2 Gresham Street                         Singer Capital Markets Limited 
London EC2V 7QP                          One Hanover Street 
Telephone: 020 7597 4000                 London W1S 1YZ 
Venture Capital Investments Manager      Capita Registrars 
Calculus Capital Limited                 The Registry 
104 Park Street                          34 Beckenham Road 
London W1K 6NF                           Beckenham 
Telephone: 020 7493 4940                 Kent BR3 4TU 
Website: www.calculuscapital.com         Telephone: 0871 644 0300 
                                         (Calls cost 10p per minute plus 
                                         network extras. 
                                         Lines are open Monday to Friday 
                                         8.30 am to 5.30pm) 
A copy of the Investec Structured Products Calculus VCT plc 
Half Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 August 2011 can be found on the 
following websites: www.calculuscapital.com and www.investecstructuredproducts.com. 
For further information, please contact: 
Investment Manager to the Structured Products Portfolio 
Investec Structured Products 
Gary Dale 
Telephone: 020 7597 4065 
Investment Manager to the Venture Capital Portfolio 
Calculus Capital Limited 
Susan McDonald 
Telephone: 020 7493 4940 
National Storage Mechanism 
A copy of the Half Yearly Report 2011 will be submitted shortly to the 
National Storage Mechanism ("NSM") and will be available for inspection at the 
NSM, which is situated at: www.hemscott.com/nsm.do. 
Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents of 
any website accessible from hyperlinks on this announcement (or any other 
website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement. 

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