RNS No 8029t
7th January 1999

                           THE CARDIFF PROPERTY PLC
   (The group specialises in property investment and development activities
located close to Heathrow Airport and the western sector of the M25 and the M4
                               and M3 motorways)


*    Net asset value per share 391p* (1997: 317p)                        + 23%

*    Profit before tax #498,114 (1997: #474,417)                         + 5%

*    Earnings per share 14.7p (1997: 13.7p)                              + 7%

*    Dividend for the year 3.5p (1997: 3.1p)                             + 13%
*    Gearing 46% (1997: 50%)

*    Group net interest covered 2.5 times by
     gross rental income of #775,116

*    Dividend cover 4.2 times

Richard Wollenberg, Chairman, commented:

"It is generally acknowledged that office and industrial rents and residential
values,  having risen in excess of 25% and 20% respectively, may  now  soften.
Tenant demand will ease, allowing the investment market to consolidate a  fair
proportion of the gain achieved over the past few years. The UK has  certainly
entered  a  low  inflationary environment and a slow down is evident.  However
with  an income differential of 2-3% over gilt yields, property values  should
remain underpinned in these uncertain times."

*Refer to chairman's statement for further details.

For further information

The Cardiff Property Plc       Richard Wollenberg        01784 437444
Capel-Cure Sharp               Will Martin               0171 638 7275
Binns & Co Public Relations    Brian Coleman-Smith       0171 786 9600
                           THE CARDIFF PROPERTY PLC
   (The group specialises in property investment and development activities
located close to Heathrow Airport and the western sector of the M25 and the M4
                               and M3 motorways)

Chairman's statement and property review

The  group's property portfolio including Campmoss Property has performed well
during the year resulting in an increase in profits and a substantial rise  in
net assets per share.

Pre-tax  profits  for the year ended 30 September 1998 increased  to  #498,114
(1997:  #474,417).  This  figure includes #68,655 (1997:  #59,147)  being  the
group's  share  of profits from Campmoss Property Company Limited  our  47.62%
owned  joint  venture  undertaking and profits from  the  sale  of  investment
properties and other investments amounting to #302,527 (1997: #91,569).

Group turnover amounted to #840,866 (1997: #2,923,539) comprising gross rental
income  of #775,116 (1997: #807,304) and sale of development property  #65,750
(1997:  #2,116,235).  In accordance with Financial Reporting  Standard  9  the
accounts  now  also indicate our share of turnover from Campmoss  Property  of
#542,542  (1997:  #268,999)  making a combined  figure  of  #1,383,408  (1997:
#3,192,538).  Net  profit attributable to shareholders  amounted  to  #488,887
(1997:  #453,046). Earnings per share on a net basis were 14.7p (1997:  13.7p)
an increase of 7.3%.

Your  directors recommend a final dividend of 2.4p per share (1997:  2.1p)  an
increase of 14.3%.

Shareholders may be aware that changes to the Advance Corporation  Tax  regime
mean  that dividends paid after 5 April 1999 no longer attract ACT. Since your
directors  do not anticipate any ACT paid on the final dividend for  the  year
being recoverable in the near future they recommend that the final dividend be
payable  on  the  6  April  this year, as against  12  March  last  year.  The
recommended increased final dividend has taken into account the short delay in
receiving this year's final dividend payment. The total dividend for the  year
amounts to 3.5p (1997: 3.1p) an increase of 12.9%.

The  group's  commercial  and residential investment property  portfolios  are
valued annually by Healey & Baker and Aitchison Raffety Buckland respectively.
At  the year-end the value attributable to the commercial portfolio was #9.22m
and  the residential portfolio #0.44m, totalling #9.66m. These properties plus
investments  and  other  tangible assets amounted to #10.13m  (1997:  #10.45m)
which  when  added  to  the  share  of net assets  of  #3.18m  (1997:  #1.87m)
attributable  to our shareholding in Campmoss Property, totals #13.31m  (1997:

Net  assets  as  per the balance sheet totalled #12.47m (1997:  #10.53m).  The
group's accounting policy is to value stock and work in progress at the  lower
of  cost  or market value. The current value in the balance sheet attributable
to  these assets is #3.14m. During the year however, the value of our site  at
Windsor  rose significantly following a residential planning consent and  your
directors  consider  it  appropriate  to  take  into  account  this  increase,
estimated  at #0.50m, when assessing underlying net assets. On this basis  net
assets would increase to #12.97m, equivalent to 391p (1997: 317p) per share.

At  the  year-end,  the group's borrowings amounted to #5.77m  (1997:  #5.27m)
resulting in gearing of 46% (1997: 50%). Borrowing facilities remain available
to  complete the cost of the group's current development programme and to take
advantage  of  new opportunities as they arise. The rate of  interest  on  our
borrowings  remains variable, linked to bank base rate, with interest  payable
at  current  rates well covered by gross rental income. Any further reductions
in interest rates would prove beneficial.

Heathrow, the western sector of the M25 and the M4 and M3 motorways
Commercial property to the west of London and in particular the Heathrow  area
is frequently tipped by property professionals as the sector to outperform the
market,  prompting  competition between institutions,  private  investors  and
development companies to seek opportunities in this area. The supply of modern
high  specification office buildings and industrial business units  with  over
20% of office area remains limited and the requirement for new space continues
to be occupier led.

It  is generally acknowledged that office and industrial rents and residential
values,  having risen in excess of 25% and 20% respectively over the past  two
years,  may  now soften. I regard this pause as a positive market reaction  as
well as reducing some of the speculative element from the market place.

New  residential  property  in the Surrey and Berkshire  area  above  #300,000
remains  in  short supply, mainly as a result of the difficulty  in  obtaining
planning permission.

Commercial investments
The  group's office investment portfolio is located near Heathrow  Airport  at
Windsor, Egham, and Hatton Cross. The majority of these properties are let  to
well  known  covenants on institutional leases securing a large  part  of  the
company's  income  for at least the next ten years. As planning  consents  are
achieved  and building works finalised our development portfolio  will  become
income  producing, increasing gross rental income. Your directors  are  always
aware  however that new buildings let to good covenants can generate a premium
value.  When  such opportunities present themselves your directors  will  take
appropriate action.

Our recently completed 8,000 sq ft net office building at Station Road, Egham,
was pre-let to Fairey Group plc at a stepped rental commencing at #165,000 per
annum.  Considerable  thought  and  effort  was  given  to  the  planning  and
construction  of  this  building  and as a  consequence  the  income-producing
investment  has attracted institutional interest. As indicated later  in  this
statement the property has now been sold.

At  Windsor, close to the town centre, our 8,000 sq ft office building is  let
to  Morganite International on an institutional lease expiring in 2015. Annual
rental is #250,000. The lack of new office space in Windsor makes it difficult
to  establish rent levels, but rents in excess of #24.00 per sq ft  have  been
achieved during the year.

At  Egham  our  shop and office building, known as The White  House,  produces
#161,000 per annum and is let to six well known covenants on long term leases.
Office rents in Egham have recently reached #25.00 per sq ft making the  5,000
sq ft of office space in the building capable of an increase in rent at review
in 2002.

Our  3,000  sq  ft  office  building at Hatton Cross  was  re-let  during  the
financial year to the existing tenant, annual rental being increased by 26% to

In  Cardiff  we retain a freehold 20,000 sq ft property currently let  to  The
Royal Mail as a postal sorting centre. The property produces #45,000 per annum
and terms for a new lease remain under discussion.

Commercial developments
The  group's  development activities have continued throughout the  year  with
various  buildings completed, new planning permissions secured and development

At  Windsor the major refurbishment of our 20,000 sq ft industrial and  office
building  is  virtually  complete. The building  has  been  divided  into  six
individual  business units offering a high office content.  Agents  have  been
appointed to seek either sales to owner-occupiers or suitable lettings.

During  the  early part of 1998 detailed planning consent for a 16,000  sq  ft
office  scheme at Brookwood, Woking, was obtained and development of the  site
is expected to be completed and the building available for letting towards the
end of November this year.

At  Redhill refurbishment and new-build work has now been completed.  The  two
buildings offer a total of 8,000 sq ft of office space and our retained agents
are seeking either an outright sale to an owner-occupier or suitable lettings.

At Hambledon, Surrey, an area of outstanding natural beauty, construction of a
new six bedroomed residence set in six acres has commenced. The house expected
to  be  completed  in August this year, will offer 7,000 sq  ft  of  luxurious
living  space  with  panoramic views over the South  Downs.  In  view  of  its
location the completed house is expected to attract considerable interest when
placed on the market for sale.

At  Clarence  Road, Windsor, our revised planning application  for  twenty-one
flats  proved successful. Towards the end of last year a planning  application
for  nine executive houses was also granted. Subject to agreeing final details
with the planning authority your directors will consider either developing the
site or disposing of it to parties who have already shown interest.

The development of seven flats at Egham has now been completed with four units
sold and the remaining three under offer.

No sites were acquired during the year.

Campmoss Property Company Limited
At  Woking, Surrey, the 28,750 sq ft modern office building known as Britannia
Wharf  is let to three well known covenants, the majority on long term leases,
producing #530,000 per annum. Rental levels in Woking have reached #25.00  per
sq ft giving the opportunity to increase rental income at review in 2001.

At Burnham, Buckinghamshire, the headquarters office building totalling 26,000
sq  ft  was let on long term leases to two U.S. based, NASDAQ quoted, software
groups at an annual rental of #600,000. The average rent of #23.00 per  sq  ft
reflects  the high standard of the building. The value of this investment  has
increased substantially over the year.

At  Bracknell  revised planning permission was granted for the development  of
twelve  business units totalling 35,000 sq ft. Over half the scheme  has  been
let  producing #190,000 per annum and early letting of the remaining units  is

A  planning  application to demolish and rebuild the  existing  25,000  sq  ft
office  building at Bracknell was unsuccessful and an Appeal has been  lodged.
The  building  is multi-tenanted with the majority of space let and  currently
produces rental of #160,000 per annum.

Quoted investments
During  the  year Edge Property plc was taken over by Grantchester Group  plc.
Part  of  our  shareholding was sold which contributed  substantially  to  the
group's   profitability.  Grantchester  specialises  in  the  investment   and
development of retail warehouses.

We  also  retain  a  small shareholding in HACAS Group plc  (formerly  General
Industries  plc)  which resulted from our investment in that company  acquired
last  year. HACAS provides outsourcing and consultancy services to the growing
public  and social housing sector. I remain a non-executive director  of  that

Management and staff
It  has  been a very active year. The group's success is attributable  to  all
members achieving their objectives and I am sure therefore that you would wish
to  join  with me in expressing my thanks to them for their support  and  hard
work during the year.

Post balance sheet events and outlook
In  March  last  year we completed our pre-let development  at  Station  Road,
Egham.  In  December we accepted an offer of #2.4m net from  an  institutional
fund  which  represented  a  yield of 6.75% to the  purchaser.  The  sale  was
completed  on 11 December 1998 securing a satisfactory profit for  the  group.
Your directors continue to look for new opportunities.

Many opinions have been expressed as to the current and future state of the UK
property  market. Tenant demand will ease, allowing the investment  market  to
consolidate  a fair proportion of the gain achieved over the past  few  years.
The UK has certainly entered a low inflationary environment and a slow-down is
evident.  However,  with  an income differential of  approximately  3-4%  over
equity  yields  and  2-3%  over  gilt yields, property  values  should  remain
underpinned in these uncertain times.

The  group and Campmoss Property are in a strong financial position to benefit
from  opportunities in the market and completion of our development  programme
should increase both rental income and capital values. I am confident that  we
are well positioned to remain at the forefront of the market.

J Richard Wollenberg,


Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 30 September 1998
                                       1998          1997
                                        #             #
Group and share of joint                               
 venture undertaking                1,383,408     3,192,538
Less: share of joint                                   
 venture undertaking                (542,542)     (268,999)
                                    ----------    ----------
Group turnover                       840,866      2,923,539
Cost of sales                       (114,881)    (2,102,909)
                                    ----------    ----------
Gross profit                         725,985       820,630
Administrative expenses             (403,556)     (380,277)
Other operating income               120,559       108,982
                                    ----------    ----------
Operating profit                                       
Group                                442,988       549,335
Share of operating profit                              
 in joint venture undertaking        386,768       234,919
                                    ----------    ----------
Total                                829,756       784,254
Profit on sale of investment                           
property (group)                      14,256        5,019
Profit on sale of other                                
investments (group)                  288,271        86,550
                                    ----------    ----------
Profit on ordinary                                     
activities before interest          1,132,283      875,823
Interest receivable                                    
and similar income
Group                                106,001        90,640
Share of joint                                         
 venture undertaking                  4,023         3,353
Interest payable                                       
Group                               (419,057)     (316,274)
Share of joint                                         
 venture undertaking                (325,136)     (179,125)
                                    ----------    ----------
Profit on ordinary                                     
activities before taxation           498,114       474,417
Tax on profit on                                       
ordinary activities                  (9,227)       (21,371)
                                    ----------    ----------
Profit after taxation being                            
profit for the financial year        488,887       453,046
Dividends                           (116,112)     (102,842)
                                    ----------    ----------
Retained profit for                                    
the financial year                   372,775       350,204
                                     =======       =======

The  above  results relate entirely to continuing activities.  There  were  no
acquisitions or disposals of businesses in the year. Presentation of the  1997
results  and  balance sheet has been revised to further show the  contribution
from  the  joint  venture undertaking, Campmoss Property Company  Limited,  in
accordance  with  Financial  Reporting  Standard  9  -  Associates  and  Joint


Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 September 1998
                                 1998                        1997
                           #             #             #             #
Fixed assets:                                                         
Tangible assets:                                                      
Investment                           9,665,000                   8,310,000
Other                                  40,302                    1,643,614
                                    -----------                 -----------
                                     9,705,302                   9,953,614
Investment in joint                                                   
venture undertaking
Share of gross         7,545,986                   5,653,414          
Share of gross                                                        
liabilities           (4,366,452)                 (3,782,109)
                      -----------                 -----------         
                       3,179,534                   1,871,305          
Other investments       420,942                     500,327           
                      -----------                 -----------         
                                     3,600,476                   2,371,632
                                    ------------                -----------
                                     13,305,778                  12,325,246
Current assets                                                        
Stock and work                                                        
in progress            3,141,167                   1,018,395
Debtors                2,560,062                   3,144,819          
Investments                -                        50,332            
Cash at bank                                                          
and in hand              2,682                       6,076
                      -----------                 -----------         
                       5,703,911                   4,219,622          
Creditors: amounts                                                    
falling due within                                     
one year              (3,340,407)                 (2,874,937)
                      -----------                 -----------         
Net current assets                   2,363,504                   1,344,685
                                    -----------                 -----------
Total assets less                                                     
current liabilities                  15,669,282                  13,669,931
Creditors: amounts                                                    
falling due after                                                     
more than one year                  (3,200,000)                 (3,139,538)
                                    -----------                 -----------
Net assets                           12,469,282                  10,530,393
                                      ========                    ========
Capital and reserves                                                  
Called up share                       663,502                     663,502
Share premium                        4,810,427                   4,810,427
Investment property                  3,875,910                    165,050
revaluation reserve
Other revaluation                        -                        773,361
Other reserves                       1,969,031                   1,969,031
Profit and loss                      1,150,412                   2,149,022
account                             -----------                 -----------
Shareholders' funds                  12,469,282                  10,530,393
                                      ========                    ========


Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 30 September 1998
                                            1998          1997
                                              #             #
Cash outflow from                                           
operating activities                      (52,227)     (1,315,937)
Returns on investment and                                   
servicing of finance                      (267,706)     (250,572)
Taxation                                  (20,459)       (2,474)
Capital expenditure and                                     
financial investment                      (116,061)     (806,727)
Management of liquid resources             63,879           -
Equity dividends paid                     (106,160)     (97,866)
                                         -----------   -----------
Cash outflow before financing             (498,734)    (2,473,576)
Financing                                    12         1,300,000
                                         -----------   -----------
Decrease in cash in the year              (498,722)    (1,173,576)
                                          ========      ========
Reconciliation of net cash                                  
flow to movement in net debt                1998          1997
                                              #             #
Decrease in cash in the year              (498,722)    (1,173,576)
Cash inflow from disposal                                   
of current asset investment               (63,879)          -
Cash inflow from loan finance               (12)       (1,300,000)
                                         -----------   -----------
Changes in net debt resulting                               
from cash flows                           (562,613)    (2,473,576)
Increase in market value of                                 
current asset investment                   13,547         3,662
                                         -----------   -----------
Movement in net debt in the year          (549,066)    (2,469,914)
Net debt at beginning of year            (5,222,963)   (2,753,049)
                                         -----------   -----------
Net debt at end of year                  (5,772,029)   (5,222,963)
                                          ========      ========
Reconciliation of operating profit to                       
net cash outflow from operating             1998          1997
activities                                    #             #
Operating profit - group                   442,988       549,335
Release of diminution in value                              
of current asset investment                   -          (3,662)
Profit on disposal of current                               
asset investment                          (13,547)          -
Depreciation charges                       13,360        15,454
(Increase)/decrease in stock                                
and work in progress                     (1,057,772)     750,373
Decrease/(increase) in debtors             537,111     (2,855,901)
Increase in creditors                      25,633        228,464
                                         -----------   -----------
Net cash outflow from operating                             
activities                                (52,227)     (1,315,937)
                                          ========      ========


Summary preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 1998

                                            1998          1997
                                             #             #
Turnover - group                          840,866      2,923,539
Gross rental income                                         
(included in the turnover figure)         775,116       807,304
Profit on ordinary activities                               
before taxation                           498,114       474,417
Taxation                                  (9,227)       (21,371)
Profit for the financial year                               
attributable to shareholders              488,887       453,046
Dividend: Interim 1.1p (1997: 1.0p)        36,492        33,174
per share
Final  2.4p (1997: 2.1p) per share         79,620        69,668
Earnings per share  - basic                 14.7p         13.7p
                    - fully diluted         14.7p         13.6p


i)    Basic  earnings per share has been calculated using the weighted average
      number  of  ordinary  shares in issue during the year  3,317,514  (1997:
      3,317,514).  Fully  diluted earnings per share has  been  calculated  in
      accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 14.

ii)   The taxation charge represents principally irrecoverable ACT.

iii)  The  board  recommends  that the final dividend  be  increased  to  2.4p
      (1997: 2.1p) payable on 6 April 1999 to shareholders on the register  at
      5 March 1999, giving a total increase for the year of 12.9%

iv)    The annual general meeting will be held on 11 March 1999.



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