RNS Number:8292T
Capital Radio PLC
9 November 2000

Part 2
                      Group Profit and Loss Account                         

  For the year ended 30th September 2000        Note        2000       1999 
                                                            #000       #000 
  Continuing operations                                  130,063    105,846  
  Discontinued operations                                  4,862     19,555  
                                                  2      134,925    125,401  
  Operating profit                                                            
  Continuing operations                                                       
  Before goodwill and exceptional operating       2       41,373     38,374  
  Post acquisition restructuring costs            2       (1,685)         -  
  Amortisation of goodwill                        2       (4,246)    (2,487) 
                                                          35,442     35,887  
  Discontinued operations                         2       (4,982)   (19,456) 
  Operating profit                                3       30,460     16,431  
  Share of operating profit of associated                  2,309        628  
  Profit on ordinary activities before            2       32,769     17,059  
  Net interest payable and similar items          7       (2,418)    (1,263) 
  Underlying profit before taxation from          5       41,264     37,739  
  continuing operations                                                       
  Goodwill, post acquisition restructuring        5      (10,913)   (21,943) 
  costs and discontinued operations                                           
  Profit on ordinary activities before                    30,351     15,796  
  Taxation on profit on ordinary activities       8       (9,828)   (11,107) 
  Profit on ordinary activities after                     20,523      4,689  
  Minority interest in profits for the year -               (368)      (438) 
  Profit for the financial year                           20,155      4,251  
  Dividends                                      10      (14,807)   (12,386) 
  Retained profit/(loss) for the financial year  23        5,348     (8,135)  
  Basic Earnings per share                       11         26.3p       5.7p 
  Loss per share on goodwill, post acquisition                               
  restructuring costs and discontinued                      13.0p      29.5p 
  operations after taxation                                                   
  Underlying basic earnings per share from       11         39.3p      35.2p 
  continuing operations                                                       
  Diluted earnings per share                     11         26.1p       5.6p 
  Group Balance Sheet 
  30th September 2000                                                         
                                                Note        2000       1999 
                                                            #000       #000 
  Fixed assets                                                                
  Intangible assets - goodwill                   12      222,490     32,806  
  Tangible fixed assets                          13       26,077     19,059  
  Investments (including associates)             14        3,790      2,791  
                                                         252,357     54,656  
  Current assets                                                              
  Stock                                                      383        177  
  Debtors                                        19       23,722     21,970  
  Cash at bank and in hand                                     -      2,597  
                                                          24,105     24,744  
  Creditors: amounts falling due within one      20      (74,342)   (37,007) 
  Net current liabilities                                (50,237)   (12,263) 
  Total assets less current liabilities                  202,120     42,393  
  Creditors: amounts falling due after more      21      (61,063)         -  
  than one year                                                               
  Net assets                                             141,057     42,393  
  Capital and reserves                                                        
  Called up share capital                        22        2,040      1,862  
  Share premium account                          23       72,084      5,691  
  Merger reserve                                 23       31,856          -  
  Profit and loss account                        23       34,737     33,612  
  Equity shareholders' funds                             140,717     41,165  
  Minority interest - equity                                 340      1,228  
                                                         141,057     42,393  
  Group Cash Flow Statement 

  For the year ended                 2000        2000       1999       1999 
  30th September 2000      Note      #000        #000       #000       #000   
  Net cash inflow from      24                 44,419                45,025  
  operating activities                                                       
  Dividends from associated                     1,241                   885  
                                               45,660                45,910  
  Returns on investments and                                                  
  servicing of finance   
  Interest received                  114                      50              
  and similar income                                                          
  Interest paid                   (1,781)                 (1,220)             
  Dividends paid to                 (768)                   (160)             
  minority interests                                                          
  Returns on                                   (2,435)               (1,330) 
  investments and                                                             
  servicing of finance                                                        
  Taxation paid                               (12,433)              (12,497)
  Capital expenditure  
  Proceeds from sale                 471                     867              
  of tangible fixed                                                           
  Purchase of tangible            (6,048)                 (5,931)             
  fixed assets                                                                
  Purchase of own                 (1,825)                      -              
  Cash outflow on                              (7,402)               (5,064) 
  capital expenditure                                                         
  Acquisitions and          25               (145,478)               (1,911) 
  Cash outflow from                           (13,163)              (11,608) 
  equity dividends                                                            
  Cash                                       (135,251)               13,500  
  before financing                                                            
  Cash                      26                129,224                (9,521) 
  from financing                                                              
  (Decrease)/increase                          (6,027)                3,979  
  in cash in the                                                              
  Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt  
  (Decrease)/increase in                       (6,027)                3,979
  cash in the period
  Cash flow from (increase)/                  (68,500)               10,000  
  decrease in debt 
  Change in net debt arising from cash flows  (74,527)               13,979  
  Finance leases acquired with subsidiary      (1,104)                    -  
  Repayment of finance leases                     305                     8  
  Net debt disposed of with subsidiary              -                    27  
  New loan notes issued                       (24,354)                    -  
  Repayment of loan notes                         200                   928  
  Movement in net debt in the period          (99,480)               14,942  
  Net debt at 1st October                      (1,243)              (16,185) 
  Net debt at 30th        27                 (100,723)               (1,243) 
  Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
  For the year ended 30th September 2000                 2000          1999 
  GROUP                                                  #000          #000 
  Profit for the financial year                        20,155         4,251  
  Dividends                                           (14,807)      (12,386) 
  Retained profit/(loss) for the financial year         5,348        (8,135) 
  New share capital issued                             62,348         1,415  
  Merger reserve movement                              31,856             - 
  Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds       99,552        (6,720) 
  Shareholders' funds at beginning of year             41,165        47,885  
  Shareholders' funds at end of year                  140,717        41,165  
  For the year ended 30th September 2000                 2000          1999 
  COMPANY                                                #000          #000  
  Profit/(loss) for the financial year                  5,283        (3,305) 
  Dividends                                           (14,807)      (12,386) 
  Retained loss for the financial year                 (9,524)      (15,691) 
  New share capital issued                             66,571         1,415  
  Merger reserve movement                              31,856             - 
  Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds       88,903       (14,276) 
  Shareholders' funds at beginning of year             84,518        98,794  
  Shareholders' funds at end of year                  173,421        84,518  
  Statement of Group Total Recognised Gains and Losses 
  For the year ended 30th September 2000                 2000          1999 
  GROUP                                                  #000          #000 
  Profit for the financial year:                                              
  Group                                                18,470         3,767  
  Share of associates                                   1,685           484  
  Total gains and losses recognised since last annual  20,155         4,251  
  Company Balance Sheet  
  30th September 2000                                                         
                                               Note      2000          1999 
                                                         #000          #000 
  Fixed assets                                                                
  Tangible fixed assets                         13     11,929        13,105  
  Investments                                   14    293,738        98,926  
                                                      305,667       112,031  
  Current assets                                                              
  Stock                                                     -            26  
  Debtors                                       19     58,369        39,734  
                                                       58,369        39,760  
  Creditors: amounts falling due                20   (129,815)      (67,273) 
  within one year                                                             
  Net current liabilities                             (71,446)      (27,513) 
  Total assets less current liabilities               234,221        84,518  
  Creditors: amounts falling due after more     21    (60,800)          -  
  than one year                                                               
  Net assets                                          173,421        84,518  
  Capital and reserves                                                        
  Called up share capital                       22      2,040         1,862  
  Share premium account                         23     72,084         5,691  
  Revaluation reserve                           23        429           429  
  Merger reserve                                23     45,331        13,475  
  Profit and loss account                       23     53,537        63,061  
  Equity shareholders' funds                          173,421        84,518  
  Notes Forming Part of the Accounts 
1.Accounting Policies 
  A summary of the principal Group accounting policies, all of which have
  been applied consistently throughout the year, except as noted in paragraph
  a, is set out below. 
a.Basis of Accounting 
  The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost accounting
  rules, modified to include the revaluation of certain fixed assets, and in
  accordance with applicable accounting standards, including for the first 
  time Financial Reporting Standard 16, which has no effect on this year's 
b.Basis of Consolidation 
  (i)   The consolidated accounts include the accounts of the Company and its
        subsidiary undertakings made up to 30th September 2000. 
        Unless otherwise stated, the acquisition method of accounting has been
        adopted. Under this method, the results of subsidiary undertakings 
        acquired or disposed of in the year are included in the consolidated 
        profit and loss account from the date of acquisition or up to the date
        of disposal. 
        An associate is an undertaking in which the Group has a long term     
        interest, usually from 20% to 50% of the equity voting rights, and    
        over which it exercises significant influence. The Group's share of   
        the profits less losses of associates is included in the consolidated 
        profit and loss account and its interest in their net assets is       
        included in the consolidated balance sheet. 
        Other fixed asset investments in the Group accounts, and all fixed    
        assets in the accounts of the Company, are stated at cost less        
        amounts written off in respect of any impairment in value. 
        Under section 230(4) of the Companies Act 1985 the Company is exempt  
        from the requirement to present its own profit and loss account. The  
        profit for the financial year dealt with in the financial statements  
        of the holding company was #5,283,000 (1999: loss #3,305,000). 
  (ii)  Purchased goodwill (both positive and negative) arising on            
        consolidation in respect of acquisitions before 1st October 1997, when
        Financial Reporting Standard 10, Goodwill and intangible assets, was  
        adopted, was written off to reserves in the year of acquisition. When 
        a subsequent disposal occurs any related goodwill previously written  
        off to reserves is written back through the profit and loss account as
        part of the profit or loss on disposal. 

        Purchased goodwill (representing the excess of the fair value of the
        consideration given over the fair value of the separable net assets   
        acquired) arising on consolidation in respect of acquisitions since   
        1st October 1997 is capitalised. Positive goodwill is amortised to    
        #nil by equal annual instalments over its estimated useful life, being
        deemed to be 20 years. This is a change of amortisation rate from last
        year which resulted in a #976,000
        lower charge for the year, excluding the effect of the current year
        On the subsequent disposal or termination of a business acquired since
        1st October 1997, the profit or loss on disposal or termination is    
        calculated after charging/(crediting) the unamortised amount of any   
        related goodwill (negative goodwill). 
        As part of the acquisition of Border Television Plc, Capital Radio Plc
        signed a Put and Call Option with Granada Media Group Limited, whereby
        they have the option to acquire the television operation within three 
        years of the acquisition date for #50.5m. At the end of three years   
        Capital Radio Plc have the option to require Granada Media Group      
        Limited to purchase the television operation at the above price.  
        On the basis of the above option agreement the requirement of F       
        Financial Reporting Standard 10 to amortise goodwill on acquisition of
        the television operation has been rebutted. 
c.Tangible Fixed Assets 
  Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
  Depreciation is provided to write off the cost (less estimated residual
  value) of each asset on a straight line basis over its expected useful life,
  as follows: 

  Freehold buildings                      2%-4% per annum 
  Long leasehold premises                 4% per annum 
  Short leasehold premises                over the term of the lease, or
                                          where the lease is renewable, 5% 
  Restaurant fixtures and fittings        10% per annum 
  Office and studio equipment             10%-20% per annum 
  Computer equipment                      33% per annum 
  Motor vehicles                          25% per annum 
  Television plant and                    15%-25% per annum
  technical equipment 
  Freehold land is not depreciated. 
  In the Company's accounts investments in subsidiary companies are stated 
  at cost less provisions where, in the opinion of the Directors, there has
  been an impairment in the value of the investment. Dividends receivable from
  subsidiary companies are credited to the Company's profit and loss account.
  Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provisions where, in the
  opinion of the Directors, there has been an impairment in the value of the
  Stock is stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. 
f.Foreign Exchange 
  Loans to foreign subsidiaries in the nature of equity and the net assets
  and profit and loss account of foreign subsidiaries are translated at the
  closing rates of exchange. The differences arising on translation of the
  opening net assets and such loans are taken direct to reserves. 
  Corporation tax payable is provided on taxable profits at the current
  rate. Deferred taxation is provided using the liability method to take
  account of the timing differences between the recognition of income and
  expenditure for taxation and accounting purposes to the extent that it is
  probable that an actual liability or asset will crystallise. 
h.Operating Leases 
  Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the profit and
  loss account on a straight line basis. 
i.Finance Leases 
  Assets held under finance lease agreements are included in tangible
  fixed assets and are depreciated in accordance with the depreciation policy.
  Obligations under such agreements are included in creditors net of finance
  charges allocated to future periods. Finance charges are taken to the profit
  and loss account so that the annual rate of charge on the outstanding
  obligation at the end of each accounting period is approximately constant. 
  Turnover comprises income from the sale of advertising airtime,
  sponsorship and promotions (net of agencies' commissions), restaurant and   
  bar sales, franchise fees receivable and income from advertising on the     
  Internet. Turnover is stated excluding VAT, trade discounts, and intra group
  transactions and derives from goods and services provided in the normal
  course of business. 
  The Group provides for and funds pension liabilities on a going concern
  basis, on the advice of external actuaries. The amount charged to the profit
  and loss account is calculated to produce a level percentage of the current
  and future pensionable payroll. 

l.Capital Radio Restricted Share Plan ("the Plan") 
  Shares acquired by the Trustee of the Plan funded by the Company and
  held for the continuing benefit of the Company are classified as fixed asset
  investments until such time as the shares vest unconditionally in employees.
  The cost of the shares is amortised to the profit and loss account as an
  operating expense over three years. Any permanent diminution in value is
  recognised immediately and is charged as an operating expense. 
m.Restatement of Prior Year 
  The prior year has been restated to reflect the full year effect of the
  discontinued restaurant business. 
2.Segmental Information 
                          Turnover    Profit before Interest   Net Assets   
                                           and Taxation                       
                           2000     1999       2000    1999      2000   1999 
                                Restated           Restated         Restated
                           #000     #000       #000    #000      #000   #000
  Commercial Radio, all from UK:                                              
    Analogue - existing 119,274  105,175     45,484  39,702     
    Analogue -            4,661        -        (88)     -                    
    on acquisition                                                            

                        123,935  105,175      45,396 39,702                   
    Digital                   -        -      (1,264)     -                   
  Total Commercial      123,935  105,175      44,132  39,702  204,841 46,477
  Radio, all from UK:                                                         
  Television, all         5,144        -       1,452       -   51,849      -  
  from UK:                                                             
  Interactive, all from     984      671      (4,211) (1,328)       -      -  
  all from UK:                                                              
  Continuing            130,063  105,846      41,373  38,374  256,690 46,477  
  operations before goodwill                                              
  and exceptional operating                                                
  Post acquisition            -        -      (1,685)      -        -      -  
  restructuring costs                                                      
  Amortisation of goodwill    -        -      (4,246) (2,487)       -      -  
  Restaurants             4,862   19,555      (4,982)(19,456)       - 11,938  
                        134,925  125,401      30,460  16,431  256,690 58,415
  Share of operating          -       -        2,309     628    3,115  1,745  
  profit of associated                                                    
  Cash, overdrafts,           -       -            -       - (100,723)  (197) 
  loans and other investments                                              
  Liabilities for taxation    -       -            -       -   (7,814)(9,006) 
  Proposed dividend           -       -            -       -  (10,211)(8,564)
                        134,925 125,401   32,769   17,059     141,057 42,393
3.Operating Profit                                                            
             Continuing   Total Dis-      2000  Continuing  Dis-       1999
             operations         continued       operations  continued
                                operations      Re-         Re-        Re-
       Existing Acquisitions                    stated      stated     stated 
           #000     #000   #000      #000   #000      #000     #000    #000
  Turnover 120,258  9,805 130,063   4,862 134,925  105,846  19,555  125,401
  Direct   (14,636)(1,648)(16,284) (1,256)(17,540) (13,302) (4,503) (17,805)
  Gross    105,622  8,157 113,779   3,606 117,385   92,544  15,052  107,596
  Staff    (29,221)(3,445)(32,666) (1,943)(34,609) (21,696) (7,549) (29,245)
  Other    (33,333)(4,020)(37,353) (6,349)(43,702) (29,011)(10,807) (39,818)
  Depre-    (5,191)(3,127)(8,318)    (296) (8,614) (5,950) (16,152) (22,102)
  tion and                                                                    
  of goodwill                                                                 
  Operating 37,877 (2,435) 35,442  (4,982) 30,460  35,887  (19,456)  16,431   
                                                              2000     1999 
  Operating profit is stated after charging the following     #000     #000 
  Hire of plant or machinery                                   849      922 
  Other operating lease charges                              1,951    2,879 
  Auditors' remuneration - audit fees                          105       75 
  Other fees paid to the auditors and their associates         286      202 
  Loss on disposal of fixed assets                              58       96 

  Fees paid to the auditors for the audit of the Company amounted to #25,000
  (1999: #25,000). Fees paid to the auditors and their associates in respect 
  of assistance with acquisitions amounted to #50,000 in addition to the      
  above. Auditors' fees have been reviewed by the Audit Committee. 
4.Impact of Acquisitions                                                      
                     Century     Border      Border      Beat 106    Total   
                     Radio       Television  Television  Limited     Acqui-   
                     Group                   Plc                     sitions
                        #000       #000        #000           #000     #000 
  Turnover             4,427      5,144       9,571            234    9,805  
  profit/(loss)           52      1,452       1,504           (140)   1,364  
  before goodwill                                                             
  and exceptional                                                             
  operating costs                                                             
  The above analysis represents the post acquisition operating profit/(loss) 
  of the acquired companies and as such excludes the amortisation of goodwill
  arising on acquisition of these companies of #2,526,000 and associated post
  acquisition restructuring costs of #1,273,000. 
5.Underlying Profit before Taxation from Continuing Operations 

  Underlying profit before taxation from continuing operations has been       
  calculated as follows:                                            
                                                          2000          1999 
                                                          #000          #000 
  Profit on ordinary activities before taxation         30,351        15,796 
  Continuing operations:                                                
     Post acquisition restructuring costs              (1,685)            - 
     Amounts written off goodwill - continuing         (4,246)       (2,487) 
  Discontinued operations:                                              
     Operating loss of restaurants                     (1,373)       (1,602) 
     Impairment of fixed assets                        (3,609)       (2,607) 
     Amortisation of goodwill                               -        (4,046) 
     Write-off of goodwill                                  -          (933) 
     Impairment of goodwill                                 -       (10,250) 
     Related interest on discontinued operations            -           (18) 
  Net excluded items                                   10,913        21,943 
  Underlying profit before taxation from               41,264        37,739 
  continuing operations                                                 

6.Staff                                                  2000          1999 
                                                         #000          #000 
  The aggregate payroll costs of the persons                            
  employed by the Group during the year were as follows:                      
  Wages and salaries                                   30,065        25,031 
  Social security costs                                 3,015         3,059 
  Other pension costs                                     865           639 
                                                       33,945        28,729 
  Redundancy costs                                        664           516 
                                                       34,609        29,245 
  The above analysis includes the costs relating to Directors. The figures
  exclude radio presenters engaged under short-term and part-time contracts.
  The total cost of these persons amounts to #6,886,000 (1999: #6,514,000). 

                                                         2000          1999 
                                                       Number        Number 
  The average number of persons employed by the Group                         
  (including Directors) during the year was as follows:  
  Radio: Management and administration                    154           147 
         Sales                                            293           263 
         Programming                                      118            86 
         Engineering                                       19            13 
                                                          584           509 
  Television                                               49             - 
  Interactive                                              41            27 
  Restaurants                                             135           499 
                                                          809         1,035 

7.Net Interest Payable and Similar Items                 2000          1999 
                                                         #000          #000 
  Interest receivable and similar income:                                     
        Bank interest                                     208            50 
        Bank interest attributable to                      69            72 
        associated undertakings                                               
                                                          277           122 
  Interest payable and similar charges:                                 
        Bank loan and overdrafts, wholly               (2,214)       (1,265) 
        repayable within 5 years                                              
        Bank loan and overdrafts on                      (177)            - 
        Interest payable by discontinued                    -           (18) 
        Interest on Capital Radio plc                    (297)         (101) 
        loan notes                                                            
        Hire purchase, finance leases                      (7)           (1) 
        and other interest                                                    
                                                       (2,695)       (1,385) 
                                                       (2,418)       (1,263) 
8.Taxation                                               2000          1999 
                                                         #000          #000 

  Corporation tax at 30% (1999: 30.5%)                 11,392        11,494 
  Tax saving re Qualifying Employee                    (1,267)            - 
  Share Ownership Trust                                                 
  Share of associated companies' taxation                 693           216   
  Adjustment related to prior years                      (990)         (603) 
                                                        9,828        11,107   

  The effective rate of tax on underlying profit before taxation from
  continuing operations is 26.3% (1999: 29.4%).The amount of unprovided
  deferred tax, relating to short term timing differences and capital
  allowances, is asset #266,000 (1999: #nil). There is no unprovided deferred
  tax liability in the Company (1999: #nil).  
9.Profit for the Financial Year                                         
  The profit for the financial year dealt with in the accounts of the Company 
  was #5,283,000 (1999: loss #3,305,000).                       
10.Dividends                                             2000          1999   
                                                         #000          #000 

   Interim dividend of 6.0p (1999: 5.15p) per           4,596         3,822 
   share, paid on 3rd July 2000                                         
   Proposed final dividend of 12.5p (1999: 11.5p)      10,211         8,564 
   per share, to be paid on 31st January 2001                           
   Total dividend of 18.5p per share (1999: 16.65p)    14,807        12,386   
11.Earnings Per Share                                                   
   The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit after taxation
   and minority interest of #20,155,000 (1999: #4,251,000) and on the weighted
   average of 76,501,703 (1999: 74,329,757) Ordinary Shares in issue during   
   the year. The underlying earnings per share from continuing operations is  
   included to show the effect of adjusting for the impact of exceptional     
   items, post-acquisition restructuring costs, goodwill and discontinued     
   operations which result in increased earnings of #10,913,000. (1999:       
   #21,943,000).  After the effect of related tax credit    of #1,031,000     
   (1999: #nil), this results in earnings of #30,037,000 (1999: #26,194,000). 
   Dilution increases the weighted average number of shares to 77,241,648
   (1999: 75,452,143).  
12.Intangible Assets - Goodwill              
   Beginning of year                                                 77,799 
   Additions                                                        199,019 
   Disposals                                                        (42,634) 
   End of year                                                      234,184 
   Amortisation and impairment               
   Beginning of year                                                 44,993 
   Provided during the year                                           4,246 
   Disposals                                                        (37,545) 
   End of year                                                       11,694 
   Net book value                            
   Beginning of year                                                 32,806 
   End of year                                                      222,490 
13.Tangible        Land and  Long      Short      Fixtures,                   
   Fixed Assets    Freehold  Leasehold Leasehold  Fittings   Motor            
   GROUP           Property  Premises  Premises   Equipment  Vehicles Total   
                       #000    #000     #000       #000      #000      #000 
   Beginning of       1,847   1,217   11,200     14,801       398    29,463
   On acquisition         -   1,210    2,724      9,700       396    14,030
   of a subsidiary                                                            

   Additions              -     545      145      5,267        91     6,048  
   Disposals              -       -   (3,288)    (2,892)      (93)   (6,273)  
   End of year        1,847   2,972   10,781     26,876       792    43,268   
   Beginning            270     128      967      8,804       235    10,404
   of year                                                                 
   On acquisition         -     154        -      4,255       145     4,554   
   of a subsidiary                                                            
   Charged in year       38      84      401      3,726       119     4,368   
   Disposals              -       -   (3,283)    (2,390)      (71)   (5,744)
   Impairment             -       -    2,613        996         -     3,609  
   End of year          308     366      698     15,391       428    17,191   
   Net book value                                                             
   Beginning of year  1,577   1,089   10,233      5,997       163    19,059   
   End of year        1,539   2,606   10,083     11,485       364    26,077   
   The net book value of assets held under finance leases by the Group        
   amounted to #880,000 (1999: #12,000). The depreciation charge in respect of
   these assets amounted to #428,000 (1999: #10,000). The gross book value of 
   freehold property includes #1,488,000 (1999: #1,488,000) of depreciable    
   COMPANY                    Short        Fixtures,                        
                          Leasehold    Fittings and         Motor             
                           Premises       Equipment      Vehicles     Total 
                               #000            #000          #000      #000   
   Beginning of year          9,929          14,641           346     24,916  
   Additions                      -           3,268            68      3,336  
   Disposals                 (1,842)         (1,191)          (47)    (3,080) 
   End of year                8,087          16,718           367     25,172  
   Beginning of year            687          10,880           244     11,811  
   Charged in year              269           2,145            57      2,471  
   Disposals                   (276)           (737)          (26)    (1,039) 
   End of year                  680          12,288           275     13,243  
   Net book value                                                         
   Beginning of year          9,242           3,761           102     13,105  
   End of year                7,407           4,430            92     11,929  
14.Fixed Asset Investments                                                    
                         Associated           Other           Own            
   GROUP                  Companies     Investments        Shares     Total 
                               #000            #000          #000      #000 
   Book value                                                           
   Beginning of year          1,745           1,594           721     4,060  
   On acquisition of             -              138            -        138  
   a subsidiary                                                         
   Additions                    995              19         1,825     2,839  
   Disposal of                   -           (1,076)         (264)   (1,340) 
   Share of retained            375              -             -        375  
   End of year                3,115             675         2,282     6,072  
   Beginning of year             -              750           519     1,269  
   Provided during               -               -          2,027     2,027  
   the year                                                             
   Disposal of                   -             (750)         (264)   (1,014) 
   End of year                   -               -          2,282     2,282  
   Net book value                                                       
   Beginning of year          1,745             844           202     2,791  
   End of year                3,115             675             -     3,790  

   Fixed asset investments comprise:                                         
   At the beginning of the year                                              
   Unlisted investments       1,745             844             -     2,589  
   Listed investments           -                -            202       202  
   Total                      1,745             844           202     2,791  
   At the end of the year                                                    
   Unlisted investments       3,115             675             -     3,790  
   Listed investments            -               -              -        -  
   Total                      3,115             675             -     3,790  
   Market value of listed
   At beginning of year          -               -          1,207     1,207  
   At end of year                -               -          3,041     3,041  

   Fixed Asset Investments (continued)                                        
                     Subsidiary    Associated  Other         Own           
                      Companies    Companies   Investments   Shares   Total 
                          #000         #000       #000       #000      #000  
   Book value                                                             
   Beginning of year        142,989    1,802     1,585       721    147,097
   Additions                200,749      995        20     1,825    203,589
   Disposals                   -          -     (1,000)     (264)    (1,264) 
   End of year              343,738    2,797       605     2,282    349,422
   Beginning of year         45,937      965       750       519     48,171  
   Provided during the year   6,500       -         -      2,027      8,527  
   Disposals                   -          -       (750)     (264)    (1,014) 
   End of year               52,437      965        -      2,282     55,684  
   Net book value                                                             
   Beginning of year         97,052      837       835       202     98,926  
   End of year              291,301    1,832       605        -     293,738
   Fixed asset investments comprise:                                          
   At beginning of year                                                       
   Unlisted investments      97,052      837       835        -      98,724  
   Listed investments          -          -         -        202        202  
   Total                     97,052      837       835       202     98,926  
   At the end of the year                                                     
   Unlisted investments     291,301    1,832       605        -     293,738
   Listed investment           -          -         -         -        -  
   Total                    291,301    1,832       605        -     293,738
   Own Shares in both the Group and Company represents shares in Capital
   Radio plc acquired by the Trustee of the Capital Radio Restricted Share    
   Plan to satisfy potential future obligations to award shares under the     
   Plan. In accordance with guidance given by the Urgent Issues Task Force the
   cost of these shares is amortised over the period of service in respect of 
   which conditional awards have been made. 
   Capital Radio Plc has set up a Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust
   which, at the end of the year, holds 179,539 shares which have a market    
   value of #2,581,000. The dividend on these shares has been waived. 
15.Acquisition of First Oxfordshire Radio Company Limited 
   During May 2000 the Company purchased the remaining 42.2% of the issued
   share capital of First Oxfordshire Radio Company Limited for a             
   consideration of #7,629,000 in cash, bringing its total holding in First   
   Oxfordshire Radio Company Limited to 100% of the issued share capital. Of  
   this amount #6,220,000 relates to the acquisition of Thamesquote Limited   
   (see note 16) and #1,409,000 relates to remaining shareholders. After      
   taking into account the corresponding share of net assets, the goodwill on 
   this acquisition was #7,141,000. 
16.Acquisition of Thamesquote Limited 
   On the 24th May 2000 Capital Radio Plc completed its acquisition of
   Thamesquote Limited. The Group has used acquisition accounting to account  
   for this purchase. 

                         Book Values          Fair Value       Fair Value of
                                             Adjustments              Assets 
                                            Revaluations            Acquired 
                               #000                 #000                #000
  Fixed assets - Investments  1,124                6,218    a          7,342  
  Total fixed assets          1,124                6,218               7,342 
  Debtors                         -                    -                   -  
  Current assets                  -                    -                   -  
  Creditors due within       (1,122)                   -              (1,122) 
  one year                                                             
  Total net assets                2                6,218               6,220 
  Cash                                                                 6,213 
  Costs of                                                                 7 
  Goodwill arising on acquisition                                          - 
  Analysis of net outflow                                                   
  of cash                                                             
  Cash                                                                 6,213 
  Costs of acquisition                                                     7  
  The fair value adjustments relate mainly to the following item:             
  a. The revaluation of 34.4% of First Oxfordshire Radio Company Limited      
  The results of Thamesquote Limited for the periods directly prior to and    
  post acquisition were:                                                      
                                 Year to      Thirty four  Eighteen weeks to 
                           30th September       weeks to      30th September 
                                    1999        24th May                2000 
                                    #000            #000                #000 
  Turnover                           204             670                   - 
  Operating profit                   122             816                   - 
  Interest payable                  (47)            (66)                   - 
  Profit on ordinary                  75             750                   - 
  activities before                                                          
  Taxation                          (82)            (31)                     
  (Loss)/profit on                                                           
  ordinary activities                (7)             719                   - 
  after taxation                                                              
  There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit/(loss) for   
  the periods. 

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