RNS Number:9800L
Brait S.A.
05 June 2003


Reviewed group results
for the year ended 31 March 2003

- Earnings

The company has reported its results using the USD as its measurement currency
for the year ended 31 March 2003. As this is the first period it has reported on
this basis, summarised Rand measurement currency results have been presented to
assist users in this transitional year.

Previous presentation                                     New presentation
Rand measurement                                          USD measurement
currency                                                  currency
(R cents per share)                                       (USD cents per share)

                                                                                                      Pro forma
           2002            2003                                                        2003                2002
          148,1         (174,4) Headline (loss)/earnings                              (4,8)               (2,2)
           89,1         (312,3) Attributable (loss)/earnings                         (19,0)               (8,4)
        1 312,1           955,7 Net asset value                                       121,4               115,6

- Secure balance sheet: 35% of net assets held in cash
- Proposed extraordinary special dividend payments
- Deregistration of banking licence
- Substantial completion of business rationalisation

 "This has been a challenging year which has seen the group overcome many
hurdles, not least the closure of its banking structure and a substantial
rationalisation of its operations. Importantly, it has emerged from these with a
renewed focus on its core strengths and a committed purpose to deliver on its


group income statements
For the years ended 31 March

        2002          2002            2003                                      2003        2002            2002
     Audited    Pro forma*        Reviewed                                  Reviewed  Pro forma*        Reviewed
          Rm            Rm              Rm                                      US$m        US$m            US$m
       386,3         233,6           110,9 Revenue                              11,4        24,5            40,6
       379,8         227,1           104,1 Continuing operations                10,7        23,8            39,9
         6,5           6,5             6,8 Discontinuing operations              0,7         0,7             0,7
     (306,4)       (306,4)         (206,3) Operating expenses                 (21,2)      (32,2)          (32,2)
     (193,3)       (193,3)         (145,0) Continuing operations              (14,9)      (20,3)          (20,3)
     (113,1)       (113,1)          (61,3) Discontinuing operations            (6,3)      (11,9)          (11,9)
        79,9        (72,8)          (95,4) (Loss)/profit from                  (9,8)       (7,7)             8,4
       186,5          33,8          (40,9) Continuing operations               (4,2)         3,5            19,6
     (106,6)       (106,6)          (54,5) Discontinuing operations            (5,6)      (11,2)          (11,2)
      (10,4)        (10,4)          (12,6) Finance costs                       (1,3)       (1,1)           (1,1)
         8,3           8,3             4,9 Income from associates                0,5         0,9             0,9
         6,7           6,7             1,9 Income from joint                     0,2         0,7             0,7

                                          Amortisation and
       (7,6)        (7,6)          (75,9) of goodwill                         (7,8)       (0,8)           (0,8)
        76,9       (75,8)         (177,1) (Loss)/profit before               (18,2)       (8,0)             8,1
       186,3         33,6         (122,6) Continuing operations              (12,6)         3,5            19,6
     (109,4)      (109,4)          (54,5) Discontinuing operations            (5,6)      (11,5)          (11,5)
         3,5          3,5            11,7 Taxation                              1,2         0,4             0,4
         3,5          3,5            11,7 Continuing operations                 1,2         0,4             0,4
           -            -               - Discontinuing operations                -           -               -
        80,4       (72,3)         (165,4) (Loss)/profit after                (17,0)       (7,6)             8,5
       189,8         37,1         (110,9) Continuing operations              (11,4)         3,9            20,0
     (109,4)      (109,4)          (54,5) Discontinuing operations            (5,6)      (11,5)          (11,5)
        80,4       (72,3)         (165,4) Attributable (loss)/               (17,0)       (7,6)             8,5

*Refer to note 4 for explanation of the pro forma results

       Rand          Rand            Rand                                         US          US              US
      Cents         Cents           Cents                                      Cents       Cents           Cents
                                          (Loss)/earnings per share
      148,1        (21,2)          (46,6) - headline                           (4,8)       (2,2)            15,6
       89,1        (80,2)         (184,4) - attributable                      (19,0)       (8,4)             9,4
                                          Ordinary dividends per
       25,0                          25,0 - interim                              2,7                         2,5
       35,0                             - - final                                  -                         3,2

group balance sheets
At 31 March

         2002            2003                                                        2003             2002
      Audited        Reviewed                                                    Reviewed         Reviewed
           Rm              Rm                                                        US$m             US$m
      1 193,5           316,4 Long-term assets                                       40,2            105,2
      1 526,2           942,8 Current assets                                        119,8            134,6
      2 719,7         1 259,2 Total assets                                          160,0            239,8
                              Shareowners' funds
        802,1           960,9 Share capital and premium                             122,1            122,1
         13,7            20,5 Non-distributable reserves                              2,6              2,0
         24,0         (361,2) Foreign currency translation reserves                (45,9)           (74,0)
        342,4           236,1 Distributable reserves                                 30,0             54,1
      1 182,2           856,3 Total shareowners' interest                           108,8            104,2
        167,6            79,4 Long-term liabilities                                  10,1             14,8
      1 369,9           323,5 Current liabilities                                    41,1            120,8
      1 537,5           402,9 Total liabilities                                      51,2            135,6
      2 719,7         1 259,2 Total equity and liabilities                          160,0            239,8

            Rand             Rand                                                       US              US
           Cents            Cents                                                    Cents           Cents
                                  Net asset value per ordinary share
         1 312,1            955,7 - book value                                       121,4           115,6
         1 337,5            968,1 - directors' valuation                             123,0           117,9
         1 276,0            955,7 Tangible net asset value per ordinary              121,4           112,5

Financial statistics
           2002            2003                                                          2003            2002
                                Market capitalisation
          804,0           607,6 - 31 March (Rm)
                                - 31 March ($m)                                          77,3            70,9
           93,5            93,5 Shares in issue (m)                                      93,5            93,5
                                Weighted average shares in issue
           90,1            89,6 - basic (m)                                              89,6            90,1
           90,2            89,7 - fully diluted (m)                                      89,7            90,2
                                Closing share price
          860,0           650,0 - 31 March (Rand cents)
                                - 31 March (USD cents)                                   82,6            75,8
                                Rand/Dollar exchange rate
          11,34            7,87 - closing                                              0,1271          0,0882
           9,50            9,73 - average                                              0,1028          0,1052

group statement of changes in equity
For the years ended 31 March

                                     Share                           Foreign
                                   capital                          currency                             Total
                                       and                          transla-            Group           share-
                                     share            Legal             tion         retained          owners'
                                   premium         reserves         reserves         earnings         interest
                                  Reviewed         Reviewed         Reviewed         Reviewed         Reviewed
                                      US$m             US$m             US$m             US$m             US$m
Balance at 31 March 2001             122,2              0,8           (61,9)             54,2            115,3
Net exchange rate                        -                -           (12,1)                -           (12,1)
adjustments - current
Attributable earnings                    -                -                -              8,5              8,5
Dividends                                -                -                -            (6,5)            (6,5)
Treasury shares                      (0,1)                -                -            (0,9)            (1,0)
Transfer to/(from) other                 -              1,2                -            (1,2)                -
Balance at 31 March 2002             122,1              2,0           (74,0)             54,1            104,2
Net exchange rate                        -                -             27,4                -             27,4
adjustments - current
Attributable loss                        -                -                -           (17,0)           (17,0)
Dividends                                -                -                -            (5,8)            (5,8)
Transfer to/(from) other                 -              0,6              0,7            (1,3)                -
Balance at 31 March 2003             122,1              2,6           (45,9)             30,0            108,8

cash flow statements
For the years ended 31 March

                                                                                    2003                 2002
                                                                                Reviewed             Reviewed
                                                                                    US$m                 US$m
Cash flows from operating activities                                               (4,5)                  3,2
Change in working funds                                                             17,9                 26,1
Cash generated by operating activities                                              13,4                 29,3
Cash outflows from funding activities                                              (7,7)               (10,7)
Cash from investing activities                                                     (0,2)                (0,3)
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                        4,4                    -
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                            9,9                 18,3
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                      27,7                  9,4
Balance at end of year                                                              37,6                 27,7

notes to the financial statements
For the years ended 31 March

1. Reviewed results

The results for the year ended 31 March 2003 have been reviewed by the company's
auditors, Deloitte & Touche, and their unqualified review opinion is available
for inspection at the company's registered office. The pro forma results have
not been reviewed nor the supplementary information presented in the Schedule of
supplementary information, consequently no opinion has been expressed thereon.

2. Basis of preparation

The financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standards (IAS). The accounting policies are consistent
with the previous financial year end.

3. Measurement currency

Due to a change over a period of time in the substance of the underlying
business and circumstances of the group's holding company, Brait S.A. the
company has changed its measurement currency from South African rands (Rand) to
United States dollars (USD). Accordingly, the group statements at 31 March 2003
have been prepared using the USD as the measurement currency.

4. Pro forma comparatives

As noted in 3 above, Brait S.A. has changed its measurement currency from Rand
to USD. If the measurement currency of Brait S.A. were USD for the year to 31
March 2002, $16,1 million of foreign currency translation gains would not have
been recognised. Pro forma results, which are not in compliance with IAS, have
been presented to enable users to assess the impact of this change. Accordingly,
pro forma results at 31 March 2002 have been presented to enable users to
compare results on a similar measurement basis to those at 31 March 2003. The
pro forma results have not been reviewed.

5. Supplementary Rand information

The results of the group have also been presented in Rand for the convenience of
South African stakeholders in the group. The supplementary Rand results have
been converted from the USD measurement results using a closing rate of R7,8651
to USD1 (2002: R11,34 to USD1) for the balance sheet and an average rate of
R9,7263 to USD1 (2002: R9,503 to USD1) for the income statement.

6. Headline (loss)/earnings

As International Accounting Standards do not recognise the concept of headline
earnings, a reconciliation between earnings and headline earnings has been
provided for illustrative purposes for South African users, based on adjustments
required by South African Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.

     31 March     31 March        31 March                                  31 March   31 March         31 March
         2002         2002            2003                                      2003       2002             2002
      Audited    Pro forma        Reviewed                                  Reviewed  Pro forma         Reviewed
           Rm           Rm              Rm                                      US$m       US$m             US$m
         80,4       (72,3)         (165,4) Attributable (loss)/               (17,0)      (7,6)              8,5
         53,2         53,2           123,6 Headline (loss)/earnings             12,7        5,6              5,6
          7,6          7,6            75,9 Amortisation and                      7,8        0,8              0,8
                                           impairment of goodwill
         45,6         45,6            52,5 Discontinuing termination             5,4        4,8              4,8
            -            -           (4,8) Profit on disposal of               (0,5)          -                -
                                           joint venture
        133,6       (19,1)          (41,8) Headline (loss)/earnings            (4,3)      (2,0)             14,1
        197,3         44,6          (39,8) - Continuing operations             (4,1)        4,7             20,8
       (63,7)       (63,7)           (2,0) - Discontinuing                     (0,2)      (6,7)            (6,7)
                                           Headline (loss)/earnings
        148,1       (21,2)          (46,6) per share (cents)                   (4,8)      (2,2)             15,6
        218,7         49,4          (44,4) - Continuing operations             (4,6)        5,2             23,0
       (70,6)       (70,6)           (2,2) - Discontinuing                     (0,2)      (7,4)            (7,4)

group segmental reports
For the years ended 31 March

        2002          2002            2003                                      2003        2002            2002
     Audited     Pro forma        Reviewed                                  Reviewed   Pro forma        Reviewed
          Rm            Rm              Rm                                      US$m        US$m            US$m
        76,9        (75,8)         (177,1) (Loss)/profit before               (18,2)       (8,0)             8,1
       186,3          33,6         (122,6) - Continuing operations            (12,6)         3,5            19,6
        61,4          34,9            38,9 Funds management                      4,0         3,7             6,5
        23,3           9,3          (22,4) Advisory                            (2,3)         1,0             2,5
        49,9        (26,1)            36,0 Investing                             3,7       (2,8)             5,3
        51,7          15,5         (175,1) Group capital                      (18,0)         1,6             5,3
     (109,4)       (109,4)          (54,5) - Discontinuing                     (5,6)      (11,5)          (11,5)
        76,9        (75,8)         (177,1) (Loss)/profit before               (18,2)       (8,0)             8,1
       186,3          33,6         (122,6) - Continuing operations            (12,6)         3,5            19,6
        37,4           1,2         (113,8) Europe                             (11,7)         0,1             3,9
         5,6           5,6           (9,7) South Africa                        (1,0)         0,6             0,6
       143,3          26,8             0,9 Other Africa                          0,1         2,8            15,1
     (109,4)       (109,4)          (54,5) - Discontinuing                     (5,6)      (11,5)          (11,5)
     (109,4)       (109,4)          (54,5) South Africa                        (5,6)      (11,5)          (11,5)

Schedule of Supplementary information

The following supplementary information reconciles the currently reported USD
measurement earnings of the group at 31 March 2003, to the results as they would
have been presented in the past on a Rand measurement basis. This information
has not been prepared in accordance with IAS nor has it been reviewed.

                                                                                      31 March         31 March
                                                                                          2003             2002
Attributable USD measurement (loss)/earnings                 (US$m)                     (17,0)              8,5
Add: Translation losses (on USD assets of the group)         (US$m)                     (11,8)                -
Adjusted USD measurement (loss)/earnings                     (US$m)                     (28,8)              8,5
Less: Headline (loss)/earnings adjustments                   (US$m)                       12,7              5,6
                                                             (US$m)                     (16,1)             14,1
HEPS Rand measurement (loss)/earnings                        (Rm)                      (156,4)            133,6
HEPS Rand measurement (loss)/earnings per share              (R cents)                 (174,4)            148,1


Group profile

Brait S.A is an international investment and financial services group focused on
private equity and alternative funds management, advisory and specialised
financial services, and proprietary investing. It is listed on the Luxembourg,
London and Johannesburg Stock Exchanges, with shareowners funds of US$108,8
million at 31 March 2003.

Brait's continuing earnings are derived from:
- fees from private equity and alternative funds management;
- fees from corporate and debt advisory services;
- returns on the group's proprietary investing; and
- direct returns from investment of the group's capital.


Brait relinquished its banking licence in September 2002 and has rationalised
all businesses in that structure. The costs of the rationalisation are within
the previously reported estimates. At the same time, Brait has undertaken to
implement a strategy of refocusing on the group's core operations of Private
Equity, Specialised Funds and Advisory Services, and to simplify the group
structure and reduce its cost base. As a consequence of this, Brait has also
disposed of its non-core investments in ipac and, subsequent to the year end,
African Alliance.

Financial results

The group financial statements have been measured and presented in US dollars
for the first time this year as reported in note 3 to the statements. The impact
of this change needs to be assessed for a proper appreciation of the results. In
addition, the results of both the current and prior years include some
significant abnormal items and currency gains and losses, which also need to be
considered to understand the relative performance of the group this year and its
normalised earnings.

The impact of these items has been adjusted in the following analysis of loss
before tax so as to provide a measurable comparison of the underlying
performance of the group's operations.
                                                                                     31 March          31 March
                                                                                         2003              2002
                                                                                         US$m              US$m
Loss before taxation                                                                   (18,2)             (8,0)
Less/(add): Currency swap loss                                                           19,5                 -
Goodwill amortised
and impaired                                                                              7,8               0,8
Currency (gains)/losses
in income                                                                               (3,9)               8,6
Normalised earnings                                                                       5,2               1,4
Continuing operations                                                                    10,8              12,9
  Funds management                                                                        4,0               3,6
  Advisory services                                                                       0,6               1,4
  Investing                                                                                               (0,2)
  Group capital                                                                           6,4               2,1
Discontinuing operations                                                                (5,6)            (11,5)
Normalised earnings                                                                       5,2               1,4

From this analysis, the normalised earnings of the group at $5,2 million have
increased over the comparable $1,4 million. Continuing earnings at $10,8 million
are 16,3% down on the comparable result of $12,9 million. Group Capital profit
was ahead of the prior results, Funds management was marginally up while
Investing and Advisory income declined. This performance, reflecting the
stagnant trading conditions during the year, has fallen short of the targets the
group set itself. Market conditions as a whole have continued to be difficult
and investment opportunities have been limited.

The currency swap loss of $19,5 million relates to the loss arising on the
group's previously reported currency risk strategy of hedging the tangible net
asset value of its emerging markets subsidiaries into US dollars. The contrary
effect of this has been an equivalent translation gain on these assets, which is
recorded in the group's balance sheet as a foreign currency translation reserve.

The goodwill charge for the year of $7,8 million relates to the write off of all
intangibles which are principally the impairment of the group's investment in
Rabin, van den Berg & Pelkowitz Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd and rights held over
the group's private equity funds.

Currency gains for the year of $3,9 million recorded against income arise
primarily from the profit of private equity participations held by the group.
This compares to a loss of $8,6 million in the prior year. The group's policy of
hedging all assets into US dollars will minimise these fluctuations in future.

A deferred tax asset of $2,6 million has been raised in the year against losses
incurred on operations in the group.

Group net asset value has increased by 4,4% during the year from $104,2 million
to $108,8 million. The effect of operating losses for the year on net asset
value has been primarily offset by the movement on the foreign currency
translation reserve as reported above.

Segmental results

Funds management

Normalised earnings from Private Equity operations are in line with last year,
but still performing below its potential. They should, however, benefit from any
positive market trends. Specialised Funds is well placed to significantly
increase its third party funds under management. Income from associates,
including African Alliance and ipac, is up on last year due to the gain on
realisation of ipac immediately prior to the year end.

Advisory services

Normalised operating profits of the Advisory businesses, which exclude
amortisation and impairment of goodwill in Rabin, van den Berg & Pelkowitz
Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd, declined this year to $0,6 million.

The international and South African advisory market deal flows and merges and
acquisitions climate have been weak across all sectors, including the
'entrepreneurial' small to mid-cap sector, which is Brait's niche focus.
Corporate Finance and the group's Debt Advisory operations have contributed
positively to earnings in the year, but results from the Commercial Advice and
Execution function were disappointing.


Normalised earnings from investing activities, which excludes currency gains and
losses, declined significantly this year. However, despite the marked decline in
equity markets this year, the net value of the portfolio has remained relatively
unchanged. By nature, investing earnings are lumpy because of capital and
currency market volatility and also because of the group's policy of measuring
these assets on a fair value basis.

Group capital

Normalised group capital earnings includes, treasury activities net of corporate
expenditure, but excludes the loss for the year on the currency hedge of the
group's emerging market assets, and impaired goodwill charges. The increase in
income for the year has been derived from the substantial cash resources held in
group treasury.

The group continues to consistently apply its policy of either physically
holding or hedging a large portion of its tangible capital base in its
measurement currency, the US dollar. Currency volatility will continue to have
an impact on the group's earnings going forward, although Brait has capped a
portion of its exposure to Rand strength since the financial year end.

Discontinued operations

The group's trading operations, comprising trading in equities, interest rates,
securities, treasury, money market and margin activities, were terminated early
in the financial year. The loss for the year is attributable to termination
costs which are still within the announced estimate of R65 million. The majority
of assets and liabilities from these operations have been recovered or settled
during the year. The outstanding unrecovered net assets after provisions at the
year-end were approximately $20 million. The bulk of these are expected to be
realised by 31 March 2004.

The year ahead

Brait has been severely tested and has had to manage many substantial challenges
this past year. It has emerged from these with a renewed focus on its core
strengths and a committed purpose to deliver superior performance and returns.

The group's priorities for the new financial year are to: successfully complete
its investment programme in SAPEF III and make some strategic divestitures;
raise significant new funds under management in Specialised Funds; further
reduce the group's asset base; simplify its structure and reduce costs;
distribute surplus cash to shareowners, and deliver on its black economic
empowerment strategy in its South African operation.

Special Dividend

The board has proposed a first special dividend of 15 US cents per share to be
paid to shareowners on Monday, 14 July 2003. Members will be asked to approve
the dividend at an extraordinary general meeting of shareowners to be held on
Friday, 27 June 2003 in Luxembourg. A circular in this regard was posted to
shareowners on 2 June 2003. Subject to members' approval the record date for the
dividend is the close of business on Friday, 11 July 2003. The last date to
trade 'cum dividend' will be Friday, 4 July 2003 and the share will commence
trading 'ex dividend' on Monday, 7 July 2003. Shareowners on the South African
register will receive the Rand equivalent based on the currency conversion rate
at the close of business in Luxembourg on Friday, 4 July 2003.

As a consequence of these proposed special dividends and the losses reported for
the year ended 31 March 2003, the board will recommend to the shareowners at the
annual general meeting in July that no final dividend be declared in respect of
the financial year ended 31 March 2003.

For and on behalf of the board

ME King     AC Ball
Chairman     Group Chief Executive

5 June 2003


Registered Office
Brait S.A.
180 rue des Aubepines
L-1145, Luxembourg
Tel: +352-4590-4794
Fax: +352-4590-3642

Brait South Africa Limited
9 Fricker Road
Illovo Boulevard, Illovo, Sandton
Tel: +27-11-507-1000
Fax: +27-11-507-1001

Legal Advisors to the Company
Elvinger, Hoss & Prussen
2, Place Winston Churchill
L-2014, Luxembourg
Tel: +352-446-6440
Fax: +352-44-2255

Independent Auditors
Deloitte & Touche S.A.
3, route d'Arlon
L-8009 Strassen
Tel: +352-45145-2417
Fax: +352-45145-2407

Domiciliary and Listing Agent
Dexia Banque Internationale
a Luxembourg
69, route d'Esch
L-2953, Luxembourg
Tel: +352-4590-2180
Fax: +352-4590-3641

Dexia Banque Internationale
a Luxembourg
69, route d'Esch
L-2953, Luxembourg
Tel: +352-4590-2180
Fax: +352-4590-3641

Transfer Agents
United Kingdom
Capita IRG plc
Bourne House
34 Beckenham Road
Kent, BR3 4TU
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-208-639-2000
Fax: +44-208-639-2342

South Africa
Computershare Investor Services Limited
70 Marshall Street
Johannesburg, 2001


P O Box 61051
Marshalltown, 2107
Tel: +27-11-370-5000
Fax: +27-11-370-5487

JSE and LSE Issuer Name and Code
Issuer Long Name - Brait S.A.
Issuer Code - BRAIT
Instrument Alpha Code/
Ticker Symbol - BAT
JSE ISIN - LU 0011857645

To view these results, go to www.brait.com


M E King (Chairman)++*, R T Dalais (Deputy Chairman)++*, A C Ball*, J E Bodoni++
#,  F Z Haller++(S), R J Koch++-, A M Rosenzweig++**, C J Tayelor*, S J P Weber#, 
P L Wilmot++* ++Non-executive *South African #Luxembourgish (S)American -British 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange