RNS No 3701h
7 June 1999
                        BANDT PLC
Bandt plc, a provider of scaffolding and other industrial
services to construction and manufacturing businesses
throughout the UK, today announces preliminary results
for the year ended 4 April 1999.
                              1999      1998      Change
                                 #         #
*    Operating profit         7.9m      6.1m      +29%
*    Profit before tax        7.7m      5.4m      +43%
*    Earnings per share       5.1p      3.5p      +46%
*    Dividend per share       1.7p      1.4p      +21%
*    Gearing              ungeared       12%        -
Bill Andrews, Chairman, comments:-
"It  is pleasing to be able to report another encouraging
year  for the Group, with improved profits, earnings  and
cash  flow  and also the completion of the reorganisation
of   our   continuing  activities  into   two   operating
companies,  Kwikform focussed on the Construction  Sector
and FK Multiservices on the Industrial Sector.
"With    this    new   ability   to   offer    integrated
multidiscipline  industrial  services  packages  to   our
clients  and continuing firm demand from the construction
market for Kwikform, we have entered the new trading year
with confidence."
For further information, please contact:-
Bandt plc
Richard Wilson, Chief Executive  On 7 June: 0171 253 2252
Dick Rutter, Finance Director   thereafter: 01256 477 760
Ludgate Communications
Tim Davis                                   0171 253 2252
It  is  pleasing to be able to report another encouraging
year  for the Group, with improved profits, earnings  and
cash  flow  and also the completion of the reorganisation
of   our   continuing  activities  into   two   operating
companies,  Kwikform focussed on the Construction  Sector
and FK Multiservices on the Industrial Sector.
Trading profit increased this year by 10% to #7.9 million
on   comparable  turnover  5%  ahead  at   #78   million.
Operating  profit  increased by 29%  due  mainly  to  the
absence  this year of any charge to increase  the  vacant
property   provision  leaving  profit  before   tax   and
exceptional items ahead 31% at #7.4 million.
With the added benefits of the exceptional profit arising
from  the  sale of the Dundee property and the continuing
low  tax charge, earnings moved forward significantly  to
5.1p  per  share (1998: 3.5p per share).  Operating  cash
flow  at  #12.9  million (1998: #12.4  million)  remained
strong.  Capital expenditure at #10.5 million (1998: #8.1
million)  was largely offset by #7.8 million inflow  from
property sales, such that after #3.2 million (1998:  #2.7
million)  spent on acquisitions the Group had  net  funds
thereby  sustaining  its capacity to  pursue  its  growth
The Board will recommend to the Annual General Meeting  a
final  dividend of 1.2p per share (1998: 1.0p per share),
which,  together with the interim dividend  of  0.5p  per
share already paid, would bring the total for the year to
1.7p compared to 1.4p last year.  The final dividend will
be  paid  on  17  August,  1999 to  shareholders  on  the
register at 16 July, 1999.
During  the year, Mr Tom Sooke joined the Board  bringing
the  Non-Executive membership to three.  With  his  broad
financial background I am sure Tom will make an important
contribution  to our deliberations whilst  improving  the
overall balance of the team.
This  year, in particular, I wish to thank the  whole  of
the team in the Group, my Executive Board colleagues, the
management and all employees alike, not only for the hard
work behind this year's results, but also for the special
effort  that  was required to successfully integrate  the
Industrial Services Division of Kwikform with Fincham  to
form  FK Multiservices which has been launched with  such
With   this  new  ability  to  offer  integrated   multi-
discipline  industrial services packages to  our  clients
and  continuing firm demand from the construction  market
for  Kwikform we have entered the new trading  year  with
W G Andrews
4 June 1999
Kwikform  is  a  major,  nationwide  supplier  of  access
services  to  the  construction  and  industrial  markets
through traditional and system scaffolding products,  and
also supplies formwork/falsework solutions, predominantly
for  the  civil engineering sector, and a range of  light
access products for hire and sale.
In  its  third  full  year  of ownership  by  the  Group,
Kwikform's  operating  profit  prior  to  Group   charges
increased  further despite the fact that the  prior  year
figures  benefited from the project in Korea for  Daewoo.
This improvement was achieved in a year during which  the
construction  market  as a whole  has  been  satisfactory
although  demand from the civil engineering  sector  fell
back  in  the second half and is not expected to pick  up
again  until  work  on  the  Channel  Tunnel  Rail   Link
Much  of  the  progress made during the year arises  from
management  actions taken to improve  specific  areas  of
performance.  Last year's report highlighted a number  of
key  objectives  for the year under review  and  in  most
areas good progress was made as follows:
* In the industrial sector a new operational base was
  opened to cover the Midlands from Burton-on-Trent,  and
  close  cooperation  with Fincham, backed  by  extensive
  market  research, established a service format  in  the
  Teesside area which is the template for the creation of
  FK Multiservices as outlined below.
* The  company's logistics structure was reviewed  in
  conjunction with external consultants as the result  of
  which   a  small  in-house  logistics  team  has   been
  established to tighten control over the significant spend
  in this area and build on the initial savings generated
  in the year.
* Coverage  of  the scaffolding townwork  market  was
  extended by the opening of a depot in Bristol during the
  second   half  of  the  year,  from  which  a  positive
  contribution is expected in the current year.  Expansion
  of  coverage  through acquisitions  proved  not  to  be
  successful due to high vendor price expectations but we
  are  hopeful of progress in this respect in the current
  Also  in the townwork sector we targeted growth of  10%
  in  our proprietary 'Kwikstage' system product.  In the
  event  revenues  actually grew by over  18%  driven  by
  further   investment   in   equipment,   training   and
* In  order  to  expand  the range  of  products  and
  services offered to the civil engineering sector, a new
  range of formwork panel systems was successfully launched
  under the brand names 'Athlete', 'Logo' and 'Trapeze' and
  these  have been well received by the market.   Further
  significant investment will be made in the current year
  in both existing and new products.
With  some confidence returning to the forecasts for  the
construction sector as interest rates have been  reduced,
the   outlook  for  the  company's  townwork  scaffolding
services  is, again, reasonably good with a strong  order
book  at  the year end.  The order intake since the  year
end   has   also   been  good.   The  outlook   for   the
formwork/falsework  division is largely  predicated  upon
building on the initial success of the new panel  systems
and  the  level of work to be generated from the  Channel
Tunnel  Rail  Link.   In addition, we  expect  to  derive
better  returns  from  our  Kwikstage  revenues  due   to
increased experience in the use of the product, and  from
other townwork services due to improved work practices.
Fincham Industrial Services Ltd is a leading supplier  to
industrial  processing businesses of thermal  insulation,
contract  scaffolding,  sheeting and  cleaning  services,
with  much  of its revenue derived from term  maintenance
In  its  first  full  year  of ownership  by  the  Group,
Fincham's  prorated revenues grew by 47% and  its  profit
contribution   by   17%,   the   former   figure    being
substantially  in excess of the declared target  of  20%.
The   profit  contribution  grew  exactly  in  line  with
expectations, reflecting the investment in support  costs
as  the platform for further growth.  The success of  the
business  in  the  year was derived  from  combining  the
entrepreneurial flair of the former owners and their  key
managers with the resources available within the group, a
formula  that  will  continue to underpin  the  company's
growth aspirations in the future.
In  the  year  under review we committed to  two  further
specific  objectives and in both there was a considerable
degree of success:
* We  committed  to  making bolt-on  acquisitions  to
  strengthen  the  company's presence in  the  industrial
  services sector, to which end we invested a total of #3.6
  million in purchasing:
  -  certain  assets and liabilities of  Brian  Willey
     Limited which gave us a presence in the south  coast
     market  for  industrial painting, shot-blasting  and
     corrosion proofing
  -  THK  Insulation  Limited, a provider  of  thermal
     insulation and scaffolding services in the East Midlands,
     together with its subsidiary company, Remflex Covers
     Limited, a specialist supplier of insulation covers and
  -  Global Protect Limited, a specialist supplier  of
     industrial painting, shotblasting and corrosion proofing
     services based in the North East
  These businesses, purchased in the last quarter of  the
  financial year, have high quality management teams with
  the   entrepreneurial  flair  that  characterises   the
  existing  business,  and  are  expected  to   make   an
  important  contribution in the current  year.   Due  to
  their  purchase so close to our year end no significant
  contribution  was  made  in the  financial  year  under
* We also committed to the establishment of a trading
  operation in the North East in conjunction with Kwikform
  to  benefit  from  the  complementarity  of  Kwikform's
  strength  in  scaffolding  and  Fincham's  in   thermal
  insulation in particular.
  This  joint enterprise has proved to be very successful
  with  considerable work being won in the last  quarter,
  bolstered   by  key  new  recruitments  to  add   local
  knowledge  and  experience.  The medium term  objective
  for  this business unit is to build the credibility  of
  the  range  of services being offered to the  point  at
  which multiservice term contracts can be secured.
At  the  beginning  of  May 1999 the industrial  services
division  of Kwikform was merged with Fincham  Industrial
Services  under  the name FK Multiservices  Limited.  The
recently acquired businesses referred to above are  being
integrated  into the same company so that the group  will
have  a  single brand presence in the industrial  sector,
supplying  all  of  the  core  services  to  the   market
nationwide through the one trading entity.
The  establishment  of  FK Multiservices  has  been  well
received  in  the  market  and  has  been  backed  by  an
appropriate investment in marketing.  In this first  year
of  trading the key objectives for the business  will  be
- grow  revenues by over 20% by building new customer
  relationships and developing more business with existing
  customers through the provision of the wider  range  of
  services now available
- make  further bolt-on acquisitions to  develop  the
  company's geographic coverage and critical mass
- establish a trading operation in the North West  to
  serve the large industrial base in that region
The  small,  non-core  property  portfolio  generated  an
operating  profit  of #0.4 million on  revenues  of  #0.9
million,  reflecting the benefit of some of the  10  year
leases which commenced in the latter part of the previous
The  main contribution of the business, however,  was  in
the  cash  generated from property disposals  which  were
very much in line with the expectations published in this
report last year.  The sale of properties at Basingstoke,
Dundee,  Aintree,  Greenford and Renfrew  were  completed
during  the  year, generating net cash proceeds  of  #7.8
million.  We are reasonably confident of generating  cash
proceeds of #0.7 million from the sale of the property at
West  Gorton, Manchester in the first half of the current
financial year.
As  ever,  the  remaining properties  in  the  portfolio,
currently  valued  at #6.7 million, will  be  managed  to
maximise  cash.  They are all occupied, in  whole  or  in
part, by the purchaser of the Brown & Tawse business sold
in January 1997.  In terms of that transaction the tenant
has  entered into 10 year leases, commencing  in  January
1998,  but with the right to surrender all, or parts,  of
the  properties  until  January 2000  subject  to  giving
notice  by  October 1999.  Once this date has  passed  we
will explore the possibility of selling these properties.
The year as a whole has seen a significant improvement in
the  performance  of the Group.  While  the  second  half
result  was  lower than the equivalent period last  year,
due  primarily to non-recurring costs and the  very  mild
winter  of 1997/98, the year-end order position  in  most
activities is strong and there is confidence that further
progress will be made in the new financial year.
Richard Wilson
Chief Executive
4 June 1999
          Consolidated Profit and Loss Account(Unaudited)
               for the year ended 4 April 1999
                                           1999      1998
                                           #000      #000
Turnover (notes 1 & 2)
  Continuing operations                  78,389    74,306
  Discontinued operations                     -     3,019
                                         ------    ------
                                         78,389    77,325
                                         ======    ======
Operating profit before
exceptional costs (notes 1 & 2)
  Continuing operations                   7,857     7,122
  Exceptional operating costs:
  Vacant property provisions (note 1)         -     (980)
                                         ------    ------
                                          7,857     6,142
  Discontinued operations                     -      (60)
                                         ------    ------
Operating profit                          7,857     6,082
Exceptional items
Loss on disposal of businesses:
  - net tangible assets                       -     (212)
Profit on disposal of fixed assets:
  - Sale of investment properties           372         -
                                         ------    ------
Profit on ordinary activities
before interest                           8,229     5,870
Net interest payable and similar
charges                                   (487)     (472)
                                         ------    ------
Profit on ordinary activities before tax  7,742     5,398
Tax on ordinary activities                (588)     (537)
                                         ------    ------
Profit on ordinary activities after tax   7,154     4,861
Dividends                               (2,376)   (1,956)
                                         ------    ------
Retained profit for the year              4,778     2,905
                                         ======    ======
                                Pence/share   Pence/share
Basic/diluted earnings
per ordinary share (note 4)             5.1           3.5
                                     ======        ======
Earnings per ordinary share
before exceptional items (note 4)       4.9           4.3
                                     ======        ======
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses (Unaudited)
                                           1999      1998
                                           #000      #000
Profit on ordinary activities after tax   7,154     4,861
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of
properties                                    -       649
                                         ------    ------
Total recognised gains and losses
relating to the year                      7,154     5,510
                                         ======    ======
               Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
                    as at 4 April 1999
                                           1999      1998
                                           #000      #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                         2,910         -
Tangible assets                          35,047    37,376
Investment in own shares                    574       582
                                        -------   -------
                                         38,531    37,958
                                        -------   -------
Current assets
Stocks                                    1,858     1,881
Debtors                                  26,214    22,506
Cash                                      5,395       276
                                        -------   -------
                                         33,467    24,663
Creditors due within one year          (30,650)  (24,819)
                                        -------   -------
Net current assets/(liabilities)          2,817     (156)
                                        -------   -------
                                        -------   -------
Total assets less current liabilities    41,348    37,802
                                        -------   -------
Creditors due after one year            (1,808)   (2,803)
Provisions for liabilities and charges  (1,640)   (1,856)
                                        -------   -------
Net assets                               37,900    33,143
                                        =======   =======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                   7,109     7,108
Share premium account                         3         -
Revaluation reserve                       5,660    10,338
Special reserve                          27,954    27,979
Profit and loss account                 (2,826)  (12,282)
                                        -------   -------
                                         37,900    33,143
                                        =======   =======
Comprising :
Equity shareholders' funds               37,830    33,073
Non-equity shareholders' funds               70        70
                                        -------   -------
                                         37,900    33,143
                                        =======   =======
Gearing %                                     -        12
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Profit for the year                       7,154     4,861
Dividends                               (2,376)   (1,956)
                                        -------   -------
                                          4,778     2,905
Other recognised gains and losses
relating to the year                          -       649
Issue of ordinary shares                      4         -
Goodwill arising on acquisition            (25)   (7,377)
                                        -------   -------
Net addition to/(reduction in) funds      4,757   (3,823)
Opening shareholders' funds              33,143    36,966
                                        -------   -------
Closing shareholders' funds              37,900    33,143
                                         ======   =======
   Consolidated Summary Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)
              for the year ended 4 April 1999
                                           1999      1998
                                           #000      #000
Net cash inflow from operating
activities (note 6)                      12,923    12,385
Net cash outflow from returns on
investments and servicing of finance      (375)     (275)
Taxation                                  (655)     (888)
Capital expenditure and financial
investment                              -------   -------
  Capital expenditure                  (10,509)   (8,107)
  Fixed asset disposals                   8,946     1,141
                                        -------   -------
                                        (1,563)   (6,966)
Acquisitions and disposals              -------   -------
  Sale of businesses                        300     2,920
  Purchase of businesses (note 2)       (3,236)   (2,743)
                                        -------   -------
                                        (2,936)       177
Equity dividends paid                   (2,092)   (1,674)
                                        -------   -------
Cash inflow before management of
  liquid resources and financing          5,302     2,759
Financing                               -------   -------
  Issue of ordinary shares                    4         -
  Repayment of principal under
  finance leases                          (187)     (109)
                                          (183)     (109)
                                        -------   -------
Increase in cash in the year              5,119     2,650
                                        =======   =======
1. Profit and loss
   The analysis of the Group's turnover, operating profit
   and net assets, by class of business, is set out below:
                                     Operating        Net 
                           Turnover     profit     assets 
                               #000       #000       #000
 Continuing activities
 Contracting and hire        77,538      7,412     35,282 
 Property investments           851        445      4,971     
 Central net (liabilities)
 /assets                          -          -       (39)      
                             78,389      7,857     40,214    
 Discontinued activities
 Stockholding and distribution    -          -          -
Total activities             78,389      7,857     40,214    
 Tax and dividends                                (2,568) 
 Cash less loan notes and finance leases              718 
 Net deferred consideration (payable)/receivable    (464)
 Total assets employed                             37,900
 Half year analysis of continuing activities
                           1st Half   2nd Half       Year 
                               #000       #000       #000    
 Contracting and hire        38,973     38,565     77,538
 Property investments           507        344        851   
                             39,480     38,909     78,389   
 Operating profit/(loss)
 Contracting and hire         3,990      3,422      7,412  
 Property investments           287        158        445 
 Vacant property provision        -          -          - 
                              4,277      3,580      7,857   
 Half year analysis of profits before tax
                           1st Half   2nd Half       Year
                               #000       #000       #000
 Operating profit/(loss)
 Continuing activities        4,277      3,580      7,857  
 Discontinued activities          -          -          -   
                              4,277      3,580      7,857   
 Exceptional items
 Loss on disposal of
 businesses                       -          -          -   
 Sale of investment
 properties                       -        372        372
 Interest                     (267)      (220)      (487)   
 Profit before tax            4,010      3,732      7,742
                                     Operating        Net
                       Turnover  profit/(loss)     assets
                           #000           #000       #000
 Continuing activities
 Contracting and hire    73,626          6,796     26,451
 Property investments       680          (654)     12,561
 Central net
 (liabilities)/assets         -              -        147
                         74,306          6,142     39,159
 Discontinued activities
 Stockholding and
 distribution             3,019           (60)          -
 Total activities        77,325          6,082     39,159
 Tax and dividends                                (2,083)
 Cash less loan notes and finance leases          (3,959)
 Net deferred consideration (payable)/receivable       26
 Total assets employed                             33,143
 Half year analysis of continuing activities
                           1st Half   2nd Half       Year
                               #000       #000       #000
 Contracting and hire        35,616     38,010     73,626
 Property investments           252        428        680
                             35,868     38,438     74,306
 Operating profit/(loss)
 Contracting and hire         3,168      3,628      6,796
 Property investments            66        260        326
 Vacant property provision    (132)      (848)      (980)
                              3,102      3,040      6,142
 Half year analysis of profits before tax
                           1st Half   2nd Half       Year
                               #000       #000       #000
 Operating profit/(loss)
 Continuing activities        3,102      3,040      6,142
 Discontinued activities       (60)          -       (60)
                              3,042      3,040      6,082
 Exceptional items
 Loss on disposal of
 businesses                   (200)       (12)      (212)
 Sale of investment
 properties                       -          -          -
 Interest                     (162)      (310)      (472)
 Profit before tax            2,680      2,718      5,398
 Operating  profit for 1999 in contracting  and  hire  is
 after  charging  two material items: #353k  depreciation
 to  write  down leasehold improvements on  one  site  to
 nil,  and  a credit of #346k in respect of a release  of
 specific public liability accruals.
  The  results  of  the  contracting and  hire  activities
  include contributions from the acquisition of the  trade
  and  assets  of  Brian Willey (Southern) on  27  January
  1999,  and  the purchase of the issued share capital  of
  THK  Insulation Ltd and Remflex Covers Ltd on 1 February
  1999, and Global Protect Ltd on 23 February 1999.
  Total  consideration  for these  four  acquisitions  was
  #3,566,000  of which #2,271,000 was paid at  completion,
  #340,000  was paid in April 1999 and a further  #150,000
  represents  deferred  consideration  which  may   become
  payable   dependant  on  future  events.  #447,000   was
  satisfied   by  the  issue  of  loan  notes  which   are
  redeemable over a period of up to three years  from  the
  anniversaries of the completion dates. There were  total
  acquisition  costs  of  #358,000,  and  within  the  net
  assets  acquired  were  bank  loans  and  overdrafts  of
  The  Group's  tax  charge  should  be  reduced  by  #2.5
  million  over  the  next  three  years  due  to  capital
  allowances not claimed, general provisions becoming  tax
  allowable  and  the  recovery of ACT previously  written
4.Earnings per share
  The  earnings  per  share have been  calculated  on  the
  profit  after tax and preference dividends in each  year
  and   on   139,506,469  (1997/98  139,490,965)  ordinary
  shares,  being  the number of ordinary shares  in  issue
  and  ranking  for  dividend during the  year,  excluding
  those  held  in  the  ESOT (1,265,000 ordinary  shares).
  Diluted earnings per share have been calculated  on  the
  same  profit  but  on 139,761,349 (1997/98  139,630,452)
  ordinary shares.
  An alternative measure of earnings per share, excluding
  exceptional items, is set out below:
                                           1999      1998
                                          Pence     Pence
                                      per share per share
 Earnings per share (net basis)             5.1       3.5
 Vacant property provisions                   -       0.7
 Profit on sale of investment properties  (0.2)         -
 Loss on disposal of business assets          -       0.1
                                         ------    ------
 Earnings per share excluding
 exceptional items                          4.9       4.3
                                         ======    ======
5.Insurance claims
  The  Group  has  restated its debtors and creditors  for
  1998  in  respect of recognising the gross liability  in
  respect  of  claims received for injuries  or  accidents
  and   also  showing  as  a  debtor  the  related  amount
  recoverable  under insurance policies.   The  impact  of
  this  policy  is to increase the figures in the  balance
  sheet as follows:
                                           1999      1998
                                           #000      #000
 Debtors                                  4,600     5,000
 Creditors due within one year          (4,600)   (5,000)
                                         ======    ======
6.Cash flow
  Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow
  from operating activities
                                                    1999    1998
                                                    #000    #000
 Operating profit                                  7,857   6,082
 Amortisation of goodwill                             26       -
 Depreciation on tangible fixed assets             5,577   4,757
 Write down of investment in own shares                8      42
 (Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible
 fixed assets                                        (6)      46
 Decrease/(increase) in stocks                        60   (211)
 Increase in debtors                             (3,052)   (777)
 Increase in creditors                             2,996   1,916
 (Decrease)/increase in provisions for                     
 liabilities and charges                           (543)     530
                                                  ------  ------
                                                  12,923  12,385
                                                  ======  ======
Analysis of net funds and movements
            Net debt                Other non  Net funds
                1998   Cashflow  cash changes       1999
                #000       #000          #000       #000
 Cash in hand,
 at bank         276      5,119                    5,395
 Increase in
 cash in the
 year                     5,119
 Debt        (4,200)                    (447)    (4,647)
 leases         (35)        187         (182)       (30)
             -------    ---------------------    -------
 Total       (3,959)      5,306         (629)        718
             =======    =====================    =======
 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
                                                    1999    1998
                                                    #000    #000
 Cash inflow before management of liquid
 resources and financing                           5,302   2,759
 Loan notes issued upon acquisitions               (447) (4,200)
 Issue of  ordinary shares                             4       -
 New finance leases                                    -    (24)
 Finance leases transferred on acquisitions        (182)     (9)
                                                 ------- -------  
 Movement in net debt in the year                  4,677 (1,474)
                                                 ======= =======
  This  Preliminary Report has been prepared in accordance
  with  the  accounting  policies adopted  in  the  latest
  published  accounts,  except that  goodwill  arising  on
  acquisitions  after  5  April 1998  is  capitalised  and
  written  off over its estimated useful lives of  between
  five  and  twenty years, and the restatement of  debtors
  and  creditors as described in note 5. The auditors have
  not yet completed their audit for the current year.
  The  figures  relating to the full year  ended  5  April
  1998  have  been  extracted from  the  latest  published
  accounts  which have been delivered to the Registrar  of
  Companies with an unqualified audit report.
  The  Preliminary  Report was approved by  the  Board  of
  Directors on 4 June 1999. It is available to the  public
  from  7  June  1999  at  the Registered  Office  of  the
  Company,  191  West George Street, Glasgow,  G2  2LB  or
  from   the   Company   Secretary  at   Armstrong   Road,
  Basingstoke,  Hampshire,  RG24  8NU.  It  will  also  be
  available from 7 June 1999, on Bandt's internet site  at
  The information given in this preliminary announcement
  complies  with the requirements of section  251  of  the
  Companies  Act 1985 and regulations made thereunder  and
  does  not  constitute  statutory  accounts  within   the
  meaning of section 240 of that Act.


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Burtonwood (LSE:BND)
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From Dec 2023 to Dec 2024 Click Here for more Burtonwood Charts.