RNS Number : 7918X

Berkeley Energia Limited

28 April 2023


NEWS RELEASE | 28 April 2023

Quarterly Report March 2023


   --     Project Update 

Subsequent to the end of the quarter, Berkeley Energia Limited ("Berkeley" or "Company") announced that following notification from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge ("MITECO") in relation to the rejection of the administrative appeal filed by the Company's wholly owned Spanish subsidiary, Berkeley Minera España ("BME"), against MITECO's rejection of the Authorisation for Construction for the uranium concentrate plant as a radioactive facility ("NSC II") at the Salamanca project, BME had submitted a contentious-administrative appeal before the Spanish National Court.

MITECO's rejection of BME's administrative appeal concluded the administrative process however, in accordance with the law in Spain, BME has now submitted its contentious-administrative appeal in the Spanish Courts in an attempt to overturn the MITECO decision denying NSC II.

In the Company's strong opinion, MITECO has rejected the NSC II application and the administrative appeal without following legally established procedure, including taking into account the various 'Improvement Reports' that supplemented BME's initial NSC II application, which implies the rejection is not legal.

Whilst the Company's focus is on resolving the current permitting situation, and ultimately advancing the Salamanca project towards production, the Company and BME will continue to strongly defend its position and take all necessary actions to preserve its rights.

Initiation of the contentious-administrative appeal is necessary to preserve BME's rights however, the Company reiterates that it is prepared to collaborate with the relevant authorities and remains hopeful that the permitting situation can be resolved amicably.

   --     Global Nuclear Power and Uranium Market: 

Spain's Nuclear Safety Council ("NSC") published a manifesto during the quarter setting out the strategic importance of the country's nuclear power plants and warned that there will be no turning back if current closure plans are allowed to go ahead.

"I applaud the initiative of the NSC and the professionals that make it up," World Nuclear Association Director General Sama Bilbao y Léon said. "It is time for Spain to recognise the extremely important role that nuclear power has played for decades, as well as the absolutely essential role that it continues to play today. At a critical moment worldwide, in which more and more countries plan to use nuclear energy as a pillar of decarbonisation, energy independence and economic development, it makes no sense for Spain to get rid of this clean and reliable source of energy."

The International Energy Agency ("IEA") has criticised European Union ("EU") Member States opposed to nuclear energy, including Spain. "When the war in Ukraine is over, the anti-nuclear EU member states will have to sit down and do some serious self-criticism," said the Director of the IEA, at a conference in Paris in April 2023. "...the mistake was being cold on nuclear matters. As for the [EU] Member States, some are guilty of putting their eggs in the same basket, namely Russia."

The outlook for nuclear power and the uranium market continued to strengthen during the quarter. Demand for nuclear power is stable to growing through life extensions and new construction as follows:

   --      France 

o Due to a long-standing policy based on energy security, 70% of France's electricity is now from nuclear energy.

o In March, President Macron's office announced funding for six reactors across the country, a US$50bn proposal for the nation's new-build reactor program which will be presented to the government by the end of 2023.

   --      Finland 

o Five operating reactors and another planned which will take nuclear contribution to 60%.

o In February, Finland's government issued operating license extensions until the end of 2050 for Units 1 and 2 at the Loviisa nuclear plant, which had previously been set to expire in 2027 and 2030.

   --      Sweden 

o Swedish state run utility, Vattenfall, is considering adding up to 2,800 MWe to the Ringhal nuclear power plant's current capacity of 2,190 MWe.

o Vattenfall is also advancing plans for small modular reactors, each with an output power between 300 MWe to 400 MWe.

   --      Belgium 

o The Belgian federal government announced that an agreement had been reached to extend the operating life of two reactors which had been scheduled for final shut-down in 2025. Both reactors will now be allowed to operate for a further ten years.

   --      Netherlands 

o In 2021, Netherlands announced plans to build two nuclear reactors by 2035, which should supply up to 13% of the country's total electricity production.

o The government has earmarked US$5.3bn in funding, and construction for reactors is expected to commence in 2028.

   --      Japan 

o In February, Japan's Cabinet approved nuclear reactors to operate beyond the current 60-year statutory limit.

o Further, Japan is aiming to restart an additional seven reactors by mid 2023.

   --      South Korea 

o Nuclear power plants currently account for 30% of South Korea's total power generation with the government aiming to increase this to 32.4% by 2030.

o In line with this policy, South Korea has taken the decision to pursue restarting construction of two reactors. Construction activities were suspended in 2017 in accordance with the previous administration's nuclear phase-out policy which has been reversed by the recently elected Yoon Suk Yeol government.

   --      India 

o Installed nuclear capacity is set to more than triple by 2031, and nuclear power plants are likely to generate about 9% of the country's electricity by 2047, according to Minister of State Jitendra Singh.

Other developments in the nuclear power and uranium market during the quarter included:

-- Spain's Centrales Nucleares Almaraz-Trillo announced it will apply to MITECO for the renewal of the operating license of the Trillo nuclear power plant to extend it by ten years, to November 2034. It said the studies that accompany its application, specifically the Integrated Management Plan and the Periodic Safety Review, show the good condition of the plant from a safety point of view for the extended period of use.

-- Uranium has been included in a list of mineral deposits deemed to be of strategic importance for the sustainable development of Ukraine's economy that are to be offered for development under the terms of production sharing agreements.

-- Ramp up at Cameco's McArthur River project continues with target annual output of 15 million pounds of U(3) O(8) in 2023 and 18 million pounds in 2024 (vs 1.1 million pounds in 2022).

-- Spot market activity reportedly increased in the March quarter with the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust purchasing a total of 2.3 million pounds of U(3) O(8) in February alone. This saw the uranium spot increase to US$51.00 per pound in February before settling at US$50.00 per pound by the end of March.

Spot uranium prices ended the quarter at US$50.00 per pound. Longer-term uranium price indicators continued to remain stable and closed at the end of March 2023 at US$53.00 per pound (Long-Term); US$57.00 per pound (3-year forward price); and US$61.00 per pound (5-year forward price).

   --     Balance Sheet 

The Company is in a strong financial position with A$78 million in cash reserves and no debt at 31 March 2023.

Classification: 2.2 This announcement contains inside information

For further information please contact:

   Robert Behets                                            Francisco Bellón 
   Acting Managing Director                            Executive Director 
   +61 8 9322 6322                                          +34 923 193 903 


Salamanca Project Summary

The Salamanca project is being developed in a historic uranium mining area in Western Spain about three hours west of Madrid.

The Project hosts a Mineral Resource of 89.3Mlb uranium, with more than two thirds in the Measured and Indicated categories. In 2016, Berkeley published the results of a robust Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") for Salamanca confirming that the Project may be one of the world's lowest cost producers, capable of generating strong after-tax cash flows.

In 2021, the Company received formal notification from MITECO that it had rejected the NSC II application at Salamanca. This decision followed the unfavourable NSC II report issued by the NSC in July 2021.

Berkeley strongly refutes the NSC's assessment and, in the Company's opinion, the NSC has adopted an arbitrary decision with the technical issues used as justification to issue the unfavourable report lacking in both technical and legal support.

Berkeley submitted documentation, including an 'Improvement Report' to supplement the Company's initial NSC II application, along with the corresponding arguments that address all the issues raised by the NSC, and a request for its reassessment by the NSC, to MITECO in July 2021.

Further documentation was submitted to MITECO in August 2021, in which the Company, with strongly supported arguments, dismantled all of the technical issues used by the NSC as justification to issue the unfavourable report. The Company again restated that the project is compliant with all requirements for NSC II to be awarded and requested its NSC II Application be reassessed by the NSC.

In addition, the Company requested from MITECO access to the files associated with the Authorisation for Construction and Authorisation for Dismantling and Closure for the radioactive facilities at La Haba (Badajoz) and Saelices El Chico (Salamanca), which are owned by ENUSA Industrias Avandas S.A., in order to verify and contrast the conditions approved by the competent administrative and regulatory bodies for other similar uranium projects in Spain.

Based on a detailed comparison of the different licensing files undertaken by the Company following receipt of these files, it is clear that Berkeley, in its NSC II submission, has been required to provide information that does not correspond to: (i) the regulatory framework, (ii) the scope of the current procedural stage (i.e., at the NSC II stage), and/or (iii) the criteria applied in other licensing processes for similar radioactive facilities. Accordingly, the Company considers that the NSC has acted in a discriminatory and arbitrary manner when assessing the NSC II application for the Salamanca project.

In Berkeley's strong opinion, MITECO has rejected the Company's NSC II Application without following the legally established procedure, as the Improvement Report has not been taken into account and sent to the NSC for its assessment, as requested on multiple occasions by the Company.

In this regard, the Company believes that MITECO have infringed regulations on administrative procedures in Spain but also under protection afforded to Berkeley under the Energy Charter Treaty ("ECT"), which would imply that the decision on the rejection of the Company's NSC II Application is not legal.

During the quarter, BME submitted a contentious-administrative appeal before the Spanish National Court in an attempt to overturn the MITECO decision denying NSC II .

Whilst the Company's focus is on resolving the current permitting situation, and ultimately advancing the Salamanca project towards production, the Company and BME will continue to strongly defend its position and take all necessary actions to preserve its rights.

Initiation of the contentious-administrative appeal is necessary to preserve BME's rights however, the Company reiterates that it is prepared to collaborate with the relevant authorities and remains hopeful that the permitting situation can be resolved amicably.

Salamanca Project Update

During the quarter, the Company continued with its commitment to health, safety and the environment as a priority.

An assessment of the Environmental Aspects ("EA") according to ISO 14001 Standards and Sustainable Mining Management Indicators ("SMMI") according to UNE 22470/80 Standards of the Company's activities was carried out during the quarter, and work continued on the achievement of the Sustainability Goals set in 2022. Significant progress and improvements continue to be made and the conclusions of the assessment will be reported in detail in the Annual Sustainability Report planned to be published in late June.

As previously reported, Berkeley has initiated a study evaluating the design, permitting, construction and operation of a solar power system at the Project.

The Project's location has a natural abundance of sunlight which is conducive to solar power generation, which will become a reliable source of low cost and carbon-free energy for the Project. In addition to making a significant contribution to reduce carbon emissions, the proposed solar power system will potentially contribute to reducing the Project's power related operating costs.

The proposed facility will have an installed power of 20.1 MW and be able to supply up to 75% of the power requirements at the Project. Detailed analysis is underway, evaluating storage capacity versus capital and operational costs, to ensure the optimal outcome for the Project.

During the previous quarter, contracts for the engineering and design, and environmental studies were awarded to Salamanca based companies who specialise in the design of solar power systems and environmental studies, and work commenced.

Engineering and design is now at 60% completion. This work, as well as preparation of all documentation required for submission to relevant authorities, is forecasted to be completed during the June quarter, after which the permitting process can commence.

The decision to pursue a solar power system is in line with Berkeley's ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability and to continue to have a positive impact on the people, environment and society surrounding the mine.

Additional Information on the Global Nuclear Power and Uranium Market

The outlook for nuclear power and the uranium market continued to strengthen during the quarter, with a number of important recent developments, including:

-- A poll conducted by Estonia's State Chancellery found that 75% of Estonians support the construction of a nuclear power plant in the country. Of those who support the construction of a nuclear power plant, 47% cited energy security as the reason of support while 46% cited cheaper electricity prices.

-- The majority of Belgians support the use of nuclear energy, according to a polls which found that 7 out of 10 Belgians say they are in favour of the continued operation of two reactors, 6 out of 10 prefer an extension of all Belgian nuclear power plants, while 5 out of 10 support the construction of new reactors in Belgium. In response to the poll's findings, the Belgian Nuclear Forum called on the government to "take the necessary decisions as a matter of urgency in order to adapt or even abolish the 'Nuclear Exit Law' dating from 2003", under which the country's three remaining operating reactors are scheduled to shut down in 2025.

Further, the Belgian government has requested an investigation into whether the operation of the country's three oldest reactors can be extended until 2027. The reactors are currently scheduled to shut down in 2025.

-- According to the latest survey by Energiateollisuus (Finnish Energy), support for nuclear power in Finland is currently at its highest level for the past 40 years. The poll showed that 68% of Finns are supportive of nuclear power, up from 60% in 2022. The main factor behind the popularity of nuclear power is climate reasons, with 69% of respondents considering nuclear power to be an important means of combating climate change. Only 6% of respondents had a negative opinion of nuclear power, down from 11% last year.

-- The USA and the EU intend to work together to reduce dependency on Russia for nuclear materials, they said in a joint statement issued after the tenth meeting of the US-EU Energy Council in Brussels in April. "The Council intends to intensify cooperation to reduce dependency on Russia for nuclear materials and fuel cycle services, and it supports ongoing efforts by affected EU Member States to diversify nuclear fuel supplies, as appropriate," they said. The statement also said the USA and EU will later this year co-organise a High-Level Small Modular Reactors Forum on transatlantic cooperation in the field of SMRs and other advanced nuclear reactors.

-- France's parliament voted with a large majority in favour of the government's plan for nuclear investment in March, according to EU Reporter. With 402 votes for and 130 against, the nuclear renewal plan was approved. Its key component is the construction of six reactors. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne tweeted: "After the Senate last month, the lower house tonight by a large majority voted for the nuclear plan ... the result of a co-construction, which aims to combat climate change and ensure our energy sovereignty".

-- Nuclear 'partially' included in EU's Net-Zero Industry Act. The European Commission has proposed the Net-Zero Industry Act to scale up manufacturing of clean technologies in the EU and make sure it is well-equipped for the clean-energy transition.

-- Energy ministers from 11 EU member states have called for a strengthening of European cooperation in the field of nuclear energy. The call came during an informal Council of Energy Ministers in Stockholm, Sweden, to discuss the energy market and energy supply, focusing on preparations for next winter and beyond.

-- The UK government is committed to a programme of new nuclear projects beyond Sizewell C, giving the industry and investors the confidence they need to deliver projects at speed, according to a new policy paper Powering Up Britain. It describes nuclear as "the critical baseload of the future energy system."

-- Britain's Rolls-Royce has signed memorandums of understanding to explore the deployment of its small modular reactor in Finland and Sweden, as well as to help post-war recovery in Ukraine.

-- The Canadian budget underlines government support for inclusion of nuclear in clean energy with an investment tax credit plus making it eligible for a range of other tax incentives which show the Government of Canada's "clear and strong" support for nuclear's indispensable role in the clean energy transition, according to the Canadian Nuclear Association.

-- For the first time since the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, the majority of respondents in an annual survey conducted were in favour of Japan's nuclear power reactors being restarted. Rising energy costs following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 was a factor that influenced their opinion.

-- Brazil will establish a new body within the Ministry of Mines and Energy to coordinate the nuclear sector, Minister Alexandre Silveira told a meeting of nuclear industry representatives. Silveira said that the focus is on the "efficient management of public resources, working, for example, on the conclusion of important structuring works so that we can advance in the balance of the Brazilian energy matrix". The new body will come under the Ministry's Executive Secretariat.

-- Texas-based enCore Energy Corporation has secured its fourth uranium sales agreement with the addition of a multi-year purchase sales agreement with a US utility commencing in 2027. It covers firm deliveries of 650,000 pounds of uranium, with an option to acquire up to 400,000 pounds of uranium under a two year extended term, if exercised. enCore said the agreement supports its business strategy to provide a domestic uranium supply commencing at its 100%-owned South Texas In-Situ Recovery uranium processing plants

-- BHP Group's Xplor programme to support promising minerals explorers will expand to include prospective uranium and lithium projects from September 2023, Reuters has reported. "We will be looking not just at copper and nickel, but at uranium and lithium and so on," Xplor programme head Sonia Scarselli told a commodities conference in Singapore.


During the quarter, the Company continued with its initial exploration program focusing on battery and critical metals in Spain.

The exploration initiative is targeting lithium, cobalt, tin, tungsten, rare earths, and other battery and critical metals, within the Company's existing tenements in western Spain that do not form part of Berkeley's main undertaking being the development of the Salamanca uranium project. Further analysis of the mineral and metal endowment across the entire mineral rich province and other prospective regions in Spain is also being undertaken, with a view to identifying additional targets and regional consolidation opportunities.

Investigation Permit Conchas

The Investigation Permit ("IP") Conchas is located in the very western part of the Salamanca province, close to the Portuguese border.

The tenement covers an area of 31km(2) in the western part of the Ciudad Rodrigo Basin and is largely covered by Cenozoic aged sediments. Only the north-western part of the tenement is uncovered and dominated by the Guarda Batholith intrusion. The tenement hosts a number of sites where small-scale historical tin and tungsten mining was undertaken. In addition, several mineral occurrences (tin, tungsten, titanium, lithium) have been identified during historical mapping of stream sediment sampling programs.

Billiton PLC undertook exploration on the IP Conchas between 1981 and 1983, with a focus on tin and tantalum (lithium was not taken into account). Billiton's work programs comprised regional and detailed geological mapping, geochemistry, trenching and limited drilling.

Soil sampling programs completed by Berkeley in the northern and central portions of the tenement during 2021 (200m by 200m) and 2022 (100m by 100m) defined a tin-lithium anomaly covering approximately 1.1km by 0.7km which correlated with a mapped aplo-pegmatitic leucogranite.

Based on the results of the Company's soil sampling programs and information gleaned from a review of the available historical data, a small initial drilling program was designed and implemented to test the tin-lithium anomaly.

The drill program comprised only five broad spaced reverse circulation ("RC") holes for a total of 282m. Drill samples were submitted for multi-element analysis with the assay results recently received and verified. The multi-element suite included 51 elements, with anomalous results (which are not considered material) for lithium ("Li"), tin ("Sn"), rubidium ("Rb"), cesium ("Cs"), niobium ("Nb") and tantalum ("Ta") reported in Appendix 5.

The occurrence of these six elements is observed to be largely associated with a sub-horizontal muscovitic leucogranite unit that locally outcrops at surface. The muscovitic leucogranite has a mapped extent of approximately 2km (in a NE-SW orientation) by 0.4km (in a NW-SE orientation) and varies in thickness from 7m to over 70m in the drill holes.

Mineralogical studies are currently being undertaken on samples from the drilling to determine the mineral species present and understand their characteristics and properties.

Select intercepts include:

 Hole            Down Hole Intercept          From Depth 
  No.                                        (Down Hole) 
 CCR0001       7m @ 0.12% Li(2) O & 0.14%        surface 
                                  Rb(2) O 
           ------------------------------  ------------- 
 CCR0002      25m @ 0.56% Li(2) O & 0.22%        surface 
                                  Rb(2) O            28m 
              10m @ 0.20% Li(2) O & 0.11%            41m 
                                  Rb(2) O 
               7m @ 0.18% Li(2) O & 0.12% 
                                  Rb(2) O 
           ------------------------------  ------------- 
 CCR0003      70m @ 0.14% Li(2) O & 0.15%        surface 
                                  Rb(2) O 
           ------------------------------  ------------- 
              17m @ 0.29% Li(2) O & 0.13% 
                                  Rb(2) O 
                  incl. 11m @ 0.41% Li(2)             3m 
 CCR0004                O & 0.17% Rb(2) O             7m 
           ------------------------------  ------------- 
 CCR0005      44m @ 0.31% Li(2) O & 0.19%        surface 
                                  Rb(2) O 
           ------------------------------  ------------- 

All intersections returned from the drill holes, along with the details of the collar positions, drilling orientations and depths, are summarised in Appendix 5.

Subject to the results of the mineralogical studies currently underway, further work at the IP Conchas may include follow-up drilling focused on improving confidence in the geology, continuity, and grade distribution of the zone of multi-element mineralisation.

Oliva and La Majada Projects Acquisition

During the quarter, the Company acquired the rights to three new tenements within two project areas in Spain which are considered prospective for tungsten, cobalt, antimony and other metals.

Oliva Project

The Oliva project is located 65 km south of the city of Badajoz, near the border with Portugal and approximately 370km southwest of Madrid.

The project comprises the granted IP "Los Bélicos" with an area of 5km(2) and the IP application ("IPA") "Ampliación los Bélicos", with an area of 44km(2) , which is pending grant approval.

The IP "Los Bélicos" contains the historical Virgen de Gracia tungsten and bismuth mine and there are other indications of small-scale historical mining activity and mineral occurrences of tungsten, bismuth, cobalt, copper and gold reported within the area.(1)

The mining history of the area dates back to Roman times, and the Virgen de Gracia mine is first described in literature in 1912. Tungsten and bismuth were exploited by underground mining from the mid-20(th) century, reached a peak in the 1960's, and ceased in the mid-1970's.

Mineralisation was observed to be hosted in quartz stockworks and sub-horizontal quartz dykes, interpreted to be associated with subsurface greisenised granite domes. The mineralisation may be located above or near granitic cupolas in flat or sheeted veins in the exocontact zones of metamorphic rocks.(1)

Historical exploration activities have included geological mapping, soil sampling, panel sampling of underground workings, and limited drilling. The Company is compiling and verifying this historical data.

The initial phase of exploration work planned for the IP "Los Bélicos" includes soil sampling on a 100m by 100m grid covering the entire tenement, with subsequent infill soils over defined areas of anomalism. Once granted, the Company plans to undertake geological mapping and soil sampling on the "Ampliación los Bélicos" tenement.

La Majada Project

The La Majada project is located 70km southeast of the city of Ciudad Real and 220km south of Madrid.

The project comprises the IPA "La Majada" which has an area of 6km(2) , is centered on the historical "La Nazarena" antimony mines, and is pending grant approval.

The discovery and extraction of antimony (stibnite) in the area dates back to the Renaissance period. The La Nazarena deposit was subsequently discovered in 1784 however, industrial scale mining operations were not developed until the mid-20(th) century when economic interest in antimony heightened due to its use in military industry applications. Mining activity in the area ceased in the early 1960's.

At the La Nazarena mine, disseminated stibnite mineralisation is hosted within a series of alternating quartzites and sandy shales of Ordovician age. The mineralisation is associated with intraformational breccias and appears to be strongly lithostratigraphically and structurally controlled. The mineralised zones have a stratiform shape but also appear like veins due to remobilisation towards extensional fractures.(2)

Other antimony mineral occurrences, showing similar characteristics to the La Nazarena mineralisation and associated with the same controlling structure, have been reported within the project area.(3)

Following grant of the IP, the Company plans to undertake an exploration work program comprising of acquisition, compilation and verification of all available historical data, geological mapping, soil sampling, and ground geophysical surveys to generate drill targets.


Antimony is a silvery, lustrous grey metal that exhibits poor heat and electrical conductivity. It is most commonly used with other metals to form antimony alloys or combined with oxygen to form antimony trioxide (ATO; Sb(2) O(3) ). Metallic antimony is used as a hardening agent for lead and its use in lead storage batteries accounts for around one third of global use. Antimony alloys are also used for manufacturing solder, sheet and pipe metal, ammunition, bearings, castings and pewter.

ATO is used in non-metallic products such as paint (pigment and fire retardant), ceramics (opacifier), enamels, rubber, paper, plastics and textiles (fire retardant) and glass (de-gassing). ATO's use as a fire retardant also accounts for about one third of global antimony use. In its purest forms, antimony is used in semiconductor technology, infrared detectors and diodes.(4)

Recent innovation has found a new use for antimony with it now playing an essential role in large-scale renewable energy storage, which is critical to the clean energy movement.

China dominates global production and processing of antimony, essentially controlling both the upstream and downstream ends of the commodity supply chain.(5)

Antimony is regarded as a critical mineral by many advanced economies and has been listed in the European Commission's 2023 Critical Raw Materials for the European Union list, the United States Geological Survey's List of Critical Minerals 2022, Australia's Critical Minerals List 2022, and the British Geological Survey's Critical Minerals List 2021.

Commercial Terms of Acquisition

Exploración de Recursos Minerales, S.L. ("ERM"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, has entered into a Tenement Sale and Purchase Agreement and Royalty Deed with Consultores De Proyectos Mineros, S.L. ("COPROMI"), to acquire 100% of IP Los Belicos, IPA Ampliacion Los Belicos, and IPA La Majada for upfront consideration of EUR10,000 and contingent consideration by granting a 1.5% net smelter royalty on any future production from the Oliva project and La Majada project.

ERM has the absolute right to withdraw from each IP or IPA individually provided that ERM has satisfied the minimum spend requirements as follows: (a) EUR20,000, in respect of IP Los Bélicos; (b) EUR60,000, in respect of IPA Ampliación Los Bélicos (once granted); and (c) EUR20,000, in respect of IPA La Majada (once granted).

Forward Looking Statements

Statements regarding plans with respect to Berkeley's mineral properties are forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that Berkeley's plans for development of its mineral properties will proceed as currently expected. There can also be no assurance that Berkeley will be able to confirm the presence of additional mineral deposits, that any mineralisation will prove to be economic or that a mine will successfully be developed on any of Berkeley mineral properties. These forward-looking statements are based on Berkeley's expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward looking statements are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Berkeley, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. Berkeley makes no undertaking to subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements made in this announcement, to reflect the circumstances or events after the date of that announcement.

Competent Persons Statement

The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on, and fairly represents, information compiled by Mr Enrique Martínez, a Competent Person who is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr Martínez is Berkeley's Geology Manager and a holder of shares and options in Berkeley. Mr Martínez has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Martínez consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this report that relates to the Mineral Resource Estimate is extracted from the announcement entitled 'Annual Report 2022' dated 31 August 2022, which is available to view on Berkeley's website at www.berkeleyenergia.com. Berkeley confirms that: a) it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original announcement; b) all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the Mineral Resource Estimate in the original announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed; and c) the form and context in which the relevant Competent Persons' findings are presented in this announcement have not been materially modified from the original announcement.


(1) Gumiel P. (1981). Essai sur la classification typologique des principaux gisements de Sn-W d'Estremadure (Espagne). Chr. Rech. Min. 463, 5-26.; Gumiel P. et al (1983). Contribución al conocimiento de las mineralizaciones de W, Bi del distrito de Oliva de la Frontera (Badajoz), Rev, Mat. Proc. Geol. V. 1, pp 229-248.

(2) Antimony Deposits of the Iberian Peninsula. P Gumiel and A Arribas, Economic Geology, Vol. 82, 1987, pp 1453-1463

(3) Gumiel P. (1982). Metalogenia de los yacimientos de antimonio de la Península Ibérica. Tecniterrae, 54, pp 120

(4) Australian Resource Reviews: Antimony 2020, Allison Britt and Anthony Senior, Geoscience Australia

(5) Antimony: A Mineral with a Critical Role in the Green Future, Visual Capitalist 2021

To view this announcement in full, including all illustrations and figures, please refer to https://app.sharelinktechnologies.com/announcement/asx/4938359d8c611e1c4da0f6eae1cfb2cc .

Appendix 1: Mineral Resource at Salamanca

  Deposit                     Resource      Tonnes    U(3) O(8)    U(3) O(8) 
   Name                                      (Mt)       (ppm)        (Mlbs) 
--------------------------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Retortillo                  Measured        4.1        498          4.5 
  Indicated                                 11.3        395          9.8 
  Inferred                                   0.2        368          0.2 
 ---------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Total                                     15.6        422          14.5 
 ---------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Zona 7                     Measured        5.2        674          7.8 
                              Indicated      10.5        761         17.6 
  Inferred                                   6.0        364          4.8 
 ---------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Total                                     21.7        631          30.2 
 ---------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Alameda                     Indicated      20.0        455          20.1 
  Inferred                                   0.7        657          1.0 
 ---------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Total                                     20.7        462          21.1 
 ---------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Las Carbas                  Inferred        0.6        443          0.6 
 Cristina                    Inferred        0.8        460          0.8 
 Caridad                     Inferred        0.4        382          0.4 
 Villares                    Inferred        0.7        672          1.1 
 Villares North              Inferred        0.3        388          0.2 
--------------------------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total Retortillo 
  Satellites                 Total           2.8        492          3.0 
--------------------------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Villar                      Inferred        5.0        446          4.9 
 Alameda Nth Zone 2          Inferred        1.2        472          1.3 
 Alameda Nth Zone 19         Inferred        1.1        492          1.2 
 Alameda Nth Zone 21         Inferred        1.8        531          2.1 
--------------------------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Total Alameda Satellites    Total           9.1        472          9.5 
--------------------------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Gambuta                     Inferred       12.7        394          11.1 
--------------------------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
 Salamanca Project 
  Total                      Measured        9.3        597          12.3 
  Indicated                                 41.8        516          47.5 
  Inferred                                  31.5        395          29.6 
 ---------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------- 
  Total (*)                                 82.6        514          89.3 
 =======================================  ========  ===========  =========== 

Appendix 2: Summary of Mining Tenements

As at 31 March 2023, the Company had an interest in the following tenements:

 Location         Tenement Name                  Percentage    Status 
---------------  -----------------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Salamanca        D.S.R Salamanca 28 (Alameda)      100%       Granted 
                  D.S.R Salamanca 29 (Villar)       100%       Granted 
                  E.C. Retortillo-Santidad          100%       Granted 
                  E.C. Lucero                       100%       Pending 
                  I.P. Abedules                     100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Abetos                       100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Alcornoques                  100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Alisos                       100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Bardal                       100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Barquilla                    100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Berzosa                      100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Campillo                     100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Casta ñ os              100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Ciervo                       100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Conchas                      100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Dehesa                       100%       Granted 
                  I.P. El Á guila              100%       Granted 
                  I.P. El Vaqueril                  100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Espinera                     100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Horcajada                    100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Lis                          100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Mailleras                    100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Mimbre                       100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Pedreras                     100%       Granted 
                  E.P. Herradura*                   100%       Granted 
 C á ceres   I.P. Almendro                     100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Ibor                         100%       Granted 
                  I.P. Olmos                        100%       Granted 
---------------  -----------------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Badajoz          I.P. Los Bélicos             100%      Granted** 
                  I.P.A. Ampliación            100%      Pending** 
                   Los Bélicos 
 Ciudad Real      I.P.A. La Majada                  100%      Pending** 
---------------  -----------------------------  -----------  ---------- 

*An application for a 1-year extension at E.P. Herradura was previously rejected however this decision has been appealed and the Company awaits the decision regarding its appeal.

** During the period, ERM, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a Tenement Sale and Purchase Agreement and Royalty Deed with COPROMI, to acquire IP Los B é licos, IPA Ampliación Los B é licos, and IPA La Majada.

Appendix 3: Related Party Payments

During the quarter ended 31 March 2023, the Company made payments of $179,000 to related parties and their associates. These payments relate to existing remuneration arrangements (director and consulting fees plus statutory superannuation).

Appendix 4: Exploration and Mining Expenditure

During the quarter ended 31 March 2023, the Company made the following payments in relation to exploration and development activities:

 Activity                                           $000 
-------------------------------------------------  ----- 
 Radiological protection and monitoring               37 
 Permitting related expenditure (including legal 
  dispute expenses)                                  332 
 Consultants and other expenditure                   303 
 Solar Farm initiative                               141 
 Payment/(return) of VAT in Spain                    120 
 Total as reported in the Appendix 5B                933 
-------------------------------------------------  ----- 

There were no mining or production activities and expenses incurred during the quarter ended 31 March 2023.

Appendix 5: Summary of RC Drilling Intercepts

 Drill    Easting    Northing    Elevation   Azimuth    Dip    Depth   From          Interval           Li(2)   Rb(2)    Rb(2)   SnO(2)   SnO(2)   Cs(2)    Cs(2)   Nb(2)    Nb(2)   Ta(2)    Ta(2) 
  Hole                                                                         To              Li(2)        O       O        O                         O        O    O(5)     O(5)    O(5)     O(5) 
   ID       (m)         (m)         (m)        ((o)     ((o)    (m)     (m)             (m)             (ppm)     (%)    (ppm)      (%)    (ppm)     (%)    (ppm)     (%)    (ppm)     (%)    (ppm) 
                                                )        )                     (m)               (%) 
         --------  ----------               --------                  -----                    -----           ------           -------           ------           ------           ------ 
CCR001   684,349   4,492,848       766        360      -90      52      0      7        7       0.12    1,163    0.14    1,357     0.02      197    0.01       83   0.007       68   0.004       43 
         --------  ----------               --------  ------  ------  -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 
CCR002   684,225   4,492,895       766        360      -90      48      0     25       25       0.56    5,584    0.22    2,193     0.07      730    0.02      163   0.009       95   0.005       52 
-------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 
                                                               and     28     38       10       0.20    2,003    0.11    1,069     0.04      351    0.01      101   0.005       47   0.002       21 
                                                              incl.    29     33        4       0.41    4,069    0.18    1,774     0.08      776    0.01      126   0.009       93   0.005       47 
                                                                      -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 
                                                               and     41     48        7       0.18    1,812    0.12    1,164     0.02      240    0.01      101   0.005       49   0.002       24 
                                                              Incl.    43     46        3       0.33    3,330    0.17    1,714     0.03      350    0.02      153   0.007       67   0.004       36 
-------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 
CCR003   684,585   4,492,925       762        360      -90      70      0     70       70       0.14    1,446    0.15    1,511     0.01       67    0.01       87   0.007       71   0.004       40 
         --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 
CCR004   684,475   4,492,796       766        360      -90      60      3     20       17       0.29    2,871    0.13    1,306     0.03      344    0.01      140   0.006       55   0.002       23 
-------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 
                                                              incl.     7     18       11       0.41    4,071    0.17    1,729     0.05      468    0.02      192   0.007       73   0.003       32 
-------  --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 
CCR005   684,412   4,492,233       765        360      -90      52      0     44       44       0.31    3,061    0.19    1,853     0.05      546    0.01      112   0.009       91   0.006       60 
         --------  ----------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  -----  -----  ---------  -----  -------  ------  -------  -------  -------  ------  -------  ------  -------  ------  ------- 

Appendix 6: JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1 Report

Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data

(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections.)

 Criteria            JORC Code explanation                        Commentary 
 Sampling            Nature and quality of sampling               Berkeley reverse circulation (RC) 
  techniques          (eg cut channels, random chips,              drill samples are collected over 
                      or specific specialised industry             1m intervals. All samples are placed 
                      standard measurement tools appropriate       into individually labelled, consecutively 
                      to the minerals under investigation,         numbered sample bags. The RC samples 
                      such as down hole gamma sondes,              obtained are considered representative 
                      or handheld XRF instruments,                 of the material drilled. 
                      etc). These examples should 
                      not be taken as limiting the 
                      broad meaning of sampling. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Include reference to measures                Field duplicate samples are inserted 
                      taken to ensure sample representivity        into the sample stream to assess 
                      and the appropriate calibration              the variability of the mineralisation. 
                      of any measurement tools or                  Approximately 15% of all samples 
                      systems used.                                relate to quality control. Given 
                                                                   the preliminary nature of the exploration 
                                                                   drilling in the area, no blanks 
                                                                   or standards have been included 
                                                                   in the samples sent. In addition, 
                                                                   the laboratories undertake their 
                                                                   own duplicate sampling as part of 
                                                                   their internal QA/QC processes. 
                                                                   Examination of the QA/QC, sample 
                                                                   data indicates satisfactory performance 
                                                                   of field sampling protocols and 
                                                                   assay laboratories providing acceptable 
                                                                   levels of precision and accuracy. 
                                                                   Drill hole collar locations are 
                                                                   surveyed by qualified surveyors 
                                                                   using standard differential GPS 
                                                                   (DGPS) equipment achieving sub decimetre 
                                                                   accuracy in horizontal and vertical 
                                                                   Down-hole surveys are not undertaken 
                                                                   due to the terrain conditions that 
                                                                   do not allow the vehicle transporting 
                                                                   the equipment to reach the location 
                                                                   of the drill holes. Down-hole surveys 
                                                                   will be undertaken as soon as the 
                                                                   ground conditions allow it. 
                                                                   Given the drill holes are vertical, 
                                                                   drilled through very hard rocks 
                                                                   and at low drilling speeds, significant 
                                                                   deviations are not expected. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Aspects of the determination                 RC drill samples are collected over 
                      of mineralisation that are Material          1m intervals. The entire sample 
                      to the Public Report. In cases               is placed in a properly named and 
                      where 'industry standard' work               numbered plastic bag and transported 
                      has been done this would be                  to the Berkeley warehouse. Samples 
                      relatively simple (eg 'reverse               are manually homogenised before 
                      circulation drilling was used                being split using a three-tier riffle 
                      to obtain 1 m samples from which             splitter to provide an approximate 
                      3 kg was pulverised to produce               3-5kg sample. Wet samples are split 
                      a 30 g charge for fire assay').              using a cone and quarter method. 
                      In other cases more explanation              Samples are further split using 
                      may be required, such as where               a one tier riffle splitter such 
                      there is coarse gold that has                that 0.7-1kg samples are sent to 
                      inherent sampling problems.                  the preparation laboratories of 
                      Unusual commodities or mineralisation        ALS (Seville, Spain) and analytical 
                      types (eg submarine nodules)                 laboratory of ALS (Loughrea, Ireland). 
                      may warrant disclosure of detailed           Samples are dried, fine crushed 
                      information.                                 down to 70% below 2mm, split to 
                                                                   obtain 250g and pulverised with 
                                                                   at least 85% of the sample passing 
                                                                   75um. 10g of sample is used for 
                                                                   51 elements analysis by ICP-MS method 
                                                                   with results corrected for spectral 
                                                                   inter-element interferences. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Drilling            Drill type (eg core, reverse                 Drilling comprised RC drilling using 
  techniques          circulation, open-hole hammer,               a 140mm diameter face sampling hammer. 
                      rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, 
                      sonic, etc) and details (eg 
                      core diameter, triple or standard 
                      tube, depth of diamond tails, 
                      face-sampling bit or other type, 
                      whether core is oriented and 
                      if so, by what method, etc). 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Drill               Method of recording and assessing            Berkeley RC drill samples are collected 
  sample              core and chip sample recoveries              over 1m intervals through a cyclone. 
  recovery            and results assessed.                        Plastic sample bags are strapped 
                                                                   to the cyclone to maximise sample 
                                                                   recovery. Individual sample bags 
                                                                   are not weighed to assess sample 
                                                                   recovery but a visual inspection 
                                                                   is made by the Company geologist 
                                                                   to ensure all samples are of approximately 
                                                                   equivalent size. Overall sample 
                                                                   recoveries in excess of 90% were 
                                                                   typically recorded in mineralised 
                                                                   zones, which is considered acceptable. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Measures taken to maximise                   The RC drilling rigs utilised suitably 
                      sample recovery and ensure representative    sized compressors to ensure dry 
                      nature of the samples.                       samples where possible. Plastic 
                                                                   sample bags are strapped to the 
                                                                   cyclone to maximise sample recovery. 
                                                                   Sample logs record whether the sample 
                                                                   is dry, moist or wet. 
                                                                   When the drill holes past through 
                                                                   zones with a significant water inflow, 
                                                                   the sample bags are pierced to release 
                                                                   the amount of water from the cyclone. 
                                                                   In this operation, a part of the 
                                                                   finest fraction is lost, resulting 
                                                                   in a poorer recovery. Future studies 
                                                                   will be undertaken to determine 
                                                                   whether the loss of fines influences 
                                                                   the grade however, no material grade 
                                                                   variation was observed across mineralised 
                                                                   intervals that went from dry to 
                                                                   wet in this drilling campaign. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Whether a relationship exists                There is no current known relationship 
                      between sample recovery and                  between sample recovery and grade. 
                      grade and whether sample bias                The RC sample recoveries are of 
                      may have occurred due to preferential        an acceptable level and no bias 
                      loss/gain of fine/coarse material.           is expected from any sample losses. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Logging             Whether core and chip samples                Berkeley geological logging of RC 
                      have been geologically and geotechnically    chip samples included recording 
                      logged to a level of detail                  descriptions of lithology, weathering, 
                      to support appropriate Mineral               alteration and mineralisation. 
                      Resource estimation, mining 
                      studies and metallurgical studies. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Whether logging is qualitative               Geological logging is qualitative 
                      or quantitative in nature. Core              in nature. 
                      (or costean, channel, etc.)                  Berkeley RC samples and chip trays 
                      photography.                                 are photographed. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     The total length and percentage              All RC drill holes are logged in 
                      of the relevant intersections                full by Company geologists. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Sub-sampling        If core, whether cut or sawn                 Drilling is RC. 
  techniques          and whether quarter, half or 
                      all core taken. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 and sample          If non-core, whether riffled,                Berkeley RC drill samples were collected 
  preparation         tube sampled, rotary split,                  at 1m intervals. RC intervals were 
                      etc and whether sampled wet                  sampled by splitting dry samples 
                      or dry.                                      in the core shed to 3-5kg using 
                                                                   three tier riffle splitter and further 
                                                                   split to 0.7-1kg using a one tier 
                                                                   riffle splitter. Wet samples were 
                                                                   split using a cone and quarter method. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     For all sample types, the nature,            Samples were sent to ALS laboratory 
                      quality and appropriateness                  (Seville, Spain) for preparation 
                      of the sample preparation technique.         and analysis. Samples were dried, 
                                                                   fine crushed down to 70% below 2mm 
                                                                   and pulverised with at least 85% 
                                                                   of the sample passing 75um. 10g 
                                                                   of sample was used for multi element 
                                                                   analysis by ICP-MS method. This 
                                                                   method is considered appropriate 
                                                                   for this style of mineralisation. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Quality control procedures                   Routine sample preparation and analyses 
                      adopted for all sub-sampling                 of RC samples were carried out by 
                      stages to maximise representivity            ALS, who operates an independent 
                      of samples.                                  sample preparation laboratory in 
                                                                   Seville (Spain) and an analytical 
                                                                   laboratory in Loughrea (Ireland). 
                                                                   QA/QC procedures involve the use 
                                                                   of duplicates which are inserted 
                                                                   into sample batches at a frequency 
                                                                   of approximately 15%. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Measures taken to ensure that                Duplicate splits of RC samples are 
                      the sampling is representative               taken every 7m down hole within 
                      of the in situ material collected,           the sampled intervals. The results 
                      including for instance results               from these duplicates generally 
                      for field duplicate/second-half              show acceptable repeatability. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Whether sample sizes are appropriate         Sample sizes are well in excess 
                      to the grain size of the material            of standard industry requirements. 
                      being sampled. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Quality             The nature, quality and appropriateness      All samples were routinely assayed 
  of assay            of the assaying and laboratory               by ALS for 51 elements using ICP-MS 
  data and            procedures used and whether                  method. This analytical method reports 
  laboratory          the technique is considered                  total content for each element. 
  tests               partial or total. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     For geophysical tools, spectrometers,        No geophysical down hole tools have 
                      handheld XRF instruments, etc,               been used. 
                      the parameters used in determining 
                      the analysis including instrument 
                      make and model, reading times, 
                      calibrations factors applied 
                      and their derivation, etc. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Nature of quality control procedures         Duplicate samples were regularly 
                      adopted (eg standards, blanks,               inserted into the sample stream 
                      duplicates, external laboratory              by Berkeley, with approximately 
                      checks) and whether acceptable               15% of all samples related to quality 
                      levels of accuracy (ie lack                  control. The external laboratories 
                      of bias) and precision have                  used, also maintain their own process 
                      been established.                            of QA/QC utilising standards, pulp 
                                                                   repeats, sample duplicates and blanks. 
                                                                   Review of the Berkeley quality control 
                                                                   samples, as well as the external 
                                                                   laboratory quality QA/QC reports, 
                                                                   has shown no sample preparation 
                                                                   issues, acceptable levels of accuracy 
                                                                   and precision and no bias in the 
                                                                   analytical datasets. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Verification        The verification of significant              Reported drill intersections have 
  of sampling         intersections by either independent          been checked and verified by Senior 
  and assaying        or alternative company personnel.            Geological management . 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     The use of twinned holes.                    No twinned holes were drilled for 
                                                                   the current exploration stage. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Documentation of primary data,               All primary data was recorded in 
                      data entry procedures, data                  templates designed by Berkeley. 
                      verification, data storage (physical         Assay data from the external laboratory 
                      and electronic) protocols.                   is received in spreadsheets and 
                                                                   downloaded directly into an Access 
                                                                   Database managed by the Company. 
                                                                   Data is entered into controlled 
                                                                   excel templates for validation. 
                                                                   The validated data is then loaded 
                                                                   into a password secured relational 
                                                                   database by a designated Company 
                                                                   geologist. Daily backups of all 
                                                                   digital data are undertaken. These 
                                                                   procedures are documented in the 
                                                                   Berkeley Technical Procedures and 
                                                                   Protocols manual. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Discuss any adjustment to assay              Lithium (ppm) assays received from 
                      data.                                        the external laboratory are converted 
                                                                   to Li(2) O (ppm) using the stoichiometric 
                                                                   factor of 2.153 and then passed 
                                                                   to percentage. 
                                                                   Rubidium (ppm) assays are converted 
                                                                   to Rb(2) O (ppm) using the stoichiometric 
                                                                   factor of 1.094 and then passed 
                                                                   to percentage. 
                                                                   Tin (ppm) assays are converted to 
                                                                   SnO(2) (ppm) using the stoichiometric 
                                                                   factor of 1.270 and then passed 
                                                                   to percentage. 
                                                                   Cesium (ppm) assays are converted 
                                                                   to Cs(2) O (ppm) using the stoichiometric 
                                                                   factor of 1.060 and then passed 
                                                                   to percentage. 
                                                                   Niobium (ppm) assays are converted 
                                                                   to Nb(2) O(5) (ppm) using the stoichiometric 
                                                                   factor of 1.431 and then passed 
                                                                   to percentage. 
                                                                   Tantalum (ppm) assays are converted 
                                                                   to Ta(2) O(5) (ppm) using the stoichiometric 
                                                                   factor of 1.221 and then passed 
                                                                   to percentage. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Location            Accuracy and quality of surveys              Drill hole collar locations were 
  of data             used to locate drill holes (collar           surveyed by qualified surveyors 
  points              and down-hole surveys), trenches,            using standard differential GPS 
                      mine workings and other locations            (DGPS) equipment achieving sub decimetre 
                      used in Mineral Resource estimation.         accuracy in horizontal and vertical 
                                                                   position. Down-hole surveys are 
                                                                   not undertaken due to the terrain 
                                                                   conditions that do not allow the 
                                                                   vehicle transporting the equipment 
                                                                   to reach the location of the drill 
                                                                   holes. Down-hole surveys will be 
                                                                   undertaken as soon as the ground 
                                                                   conditions allow it. 
                                                                   Given the drill holes are vertical, 
                                                                   drilled through very hard rocks 
                                                                   and at low drilling speeds, significant 
                                                                   deviations are not expected. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Specification of the grid system             The grid system is ETRS 1989 UTM 
                      used.                                        Zone 29N. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Quality and adequacy of topographic          Topographic control is based on 
                      control.                                     a digital terrain model with sub 
                                                                   metric accuracy sourced from the 
                                                                   Spanish Geographical Institute (Instituto 
                                                                   Geográfico Nacional) and is 
                                                                   verified through detailed drill 
                                                                   hole collar surveys by a qualified 
                                                                   surveyor using a DGPS. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Data spacing        Data spacing for reporting                   The objective of this drilling campaign 
  and distribution    of Exploration Results.                      is to check the results of previous 
                                                                   exploration works which were based 
                                                                   on soil sampling and geological 
                                                                   mapping. The results reported herein 
                                                                   relate to three sections with a 
                                                                   drill hole (CCR004) common to all 
                                                                   of them, with two or three holes 
                                                                   on each section, with plan distances 
                                                                   between drill holes from 130m to 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Whether the data spacing and                 The data spacing is not considered 
                      distribution is sufficient to                sufficient to assume geological 
                      establish the degree of geological           and grade continuity. 
                      and grade continuity appropriate 
                      for the Mineral Resource and 
                      Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) 
                      and classifications applied. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     Whether sample compositing                   No compositing of RC samples has 
                      has been applied.                            been undertaken. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Orientation         Whether the orientation of                   The lithological unit of interest, 
  of data             sampling achieves unbiased sampling          a muscovitic leucogranite, has a 
  in relation         of possible structures and the               mapped extent of 2km by 0.4km. The 
  to geological       extent to which this is known,               mineralised zone is interpreted 
  structure           considering the deposit type.                to be sub-horizontal following the 
                                                                   regional plutonic tendency. 
                    -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
                     If the relationship between                  All drill holes are vertical and 
                      the drilling orientation and                 perpendicular to the interpreted 
                      the orientation of key mineralised           mineralised body. Due to the interpreted 
                      structures is considered to                  sub-horizontal nature of the mineralisation, 
                      have introduced a sampling bias,             no sampling bias is considered to 
                      this should be assessed and                  have been introduced by the orientation 
                      reported if material.                        of the drilling so the reported 
                                                                   intervals approximate true widths. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Sample              The measures taken to ensure                 Chain of custody is managed by Berkeley. 
  security            sample security.                             Samples were transported from the 
                                                                   drill site by Company vehicle to 
                                                                   a logging core shed where samples 
                                                                   are prepared for dispatch. Samples 
                                                                   are sent directly from the core 
                                                                   shed to the laboratory using a certified 
                                                                   courier. Samples are included in 
                                                                   cardboard boxes conveniently closed 
                                                                   and strapping to prevent its opening. 
                                                                   The samples are taken directly from 
                                                                   the Berkeley facility to the external 
                                                                   laboratory. Sample submission forms 
                                                                   are sent in paper form with the 
                                                                   samples as well as electronically 
                                                                   to the laboratory. Reconciliation 
                                                                   of samples occurs prior to commencement 
                                                                   of sample preparation for assaying. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 Audits              The results of any audits or                 Sampling techniques and procedures, 
  or reviews          reviews of sampling techniques               as well as QA/QC data, are reviewed 
                      and data.                                    internally on an ongoing basis. 
                                                                   These reviews have concluded that 
                                                                   the sampling and analytical results 
                                                                   are to industry standards. 
------------------  -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 

Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results

(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections.)

 Criteria            JORC Code explanation                       Commentary 
 Mineral               Type, reference name/number,              The Conchas Prospect lies on the 
  tenement              location and ownership including          Conchas I Investigation Permit PI 
  and land              agreements or material issues             6930 which is 100% owned by Berkeley 
  tenure status         with third parties such as                Minera España, S.L., a wholly 
                        joint ventures, partnerships,             owned subsidiary of Berkeley Energia 
                        overriding royalties, native              Limited. 
                        title interests, historical 
                        sites, wilderness or national             The Conchas I Investigation Permit 
                        park and environmental settings.          was granted in October 2020 and 
                                                                  is currently in the first year of 
                                                                  a second three-year term. 
                                                                  No historical sites, wilderness 
                                                                  or national parks are located within 
                                                                  the Permit. The Conchas Prospect 
                                                                  is located adjacent to the village 
                                                                  of Fuentes de Oñoro and close 
                                                                  to the border with Portugal. 
                      ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
                       The security of the tenure                Tenure in the form of an Investigation 
                        held at the time of reporting             Permit has been granted and is considered 
                        along with any known impediments          secure. There are no known impediments 
                        to obtaining a licence to                 to obtaining a licence to operate 
                        operate in the area.                      in this area. 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Exploration           Acknowledgment and appraisal              Mining in the area goes back to 
  done by               of exploration by other parties.          the WWII years when, in an artisanal 
  other parties                                                   manner, tin and tungsten were obtained 
                                                                  by means of surface excavations 
                                                                  and washed by hand. 
                                                                  Modern exploration at Conchas I 
                                                                  were carried out by Billiton PLC 
                                                                  between 1981 and 1983. The investigation 
                                                                  was focused on tin and tantalum 
                                                                  with lithium, rubidium etc. not 
                                                                  taken into account. Billiton carried 
                                                                  out several exploration work programs 
                                                                  which resulted in a regional geological 
                                                                  map and another detailed geological 
                                                                  map, a leucogranite bottom isopach 
                                                                  map, geochemistry with 85 test pits, 
                                                                  trenches and 20 direct circulation 
                                                                  drill holes, and sectional interpretations 
                                                                  of the different magmatic facies. 
                                                                  SIEMCALSA (Mining Investigation 
                                                                  and Exploration Society of Castilla 
                                                                  y León, S.A.) within the European 
                                                                  Union project POCTEP, summarized 
                                                                  the Billiton data, making a review 
                                                                  of the land and a chip sampling 
                                                                  (14 samples) of the types of rocks 
                                                                  existing in the area. Mineralogical 
                                                                  and metallogenetic studies of samples 
                                                                  were carried out at the Universities 
                                                                  of León (Spain) and Porto (Portugal) 
                                                                  however, Berkeley has not yet obtained 
                                                                  access to these reports/results. 
                                                                  Only public domain historical data 
                                                                  has been obtained by Berkeley. 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Geology               Deposit type, geological                  Around the 70% of the permit area 
                        setting and style of mineralisation.      is filled by the Cenozoic cover 
                                                                  and, only in the NW, the Fuentes 
                                                                  de Oñoro granite can be found. 
                                                                  Cenozoic materials have Oligocene 
                                                                  Granites make up the Vilar Formoso-Fuentes 
                                                                  de Oñoro area, which in turn 
                                                                  belongs to the Guarda Batholith 
                                                                  whose origin is associated with 
                                                                  the Hercynian orogeny. Regionally, 
                                                                  coarse to very coarse-grained granodiorites 
                                                                  and porphyritic granites are found, 
                                                                  porphyritic and with a considerable 
                                                                  amount of biotite, arranged subparallel 
                                                                  to the edge of the batholith and 
                                                                  commonly considered as edge facies. 
                                                                  The monzogranite facies is the one 
                                                                  with the greatest superficial development 
                                                                  and constitutes approximately 50% 
                                                                  of the outcropping granites. They 
                                                                  are two-mica granites, with a predominance 
                                                                  of biotite, fine to coarse grain 
                                                                  size and sometimes porphyry, although 
                                                                  the potassium feldspar megacrystals 
                                                                  do not reach the size of those of 
                                                                  the previous edge facies. 
                                                                  Aplogranites constitute the mineralised 
                                                                  facies of aplo-pegmatitic leucogranites. 
                                                                  This occurs in the vicinity of Fuentes 
                                                                  de Oñoro and in front of the 
                                                                  Portuguese town of Poço Velho. 
                                                                  The mineralogy in which lithium 
                                                                  and rubidium occurs is not yet known. 
                                                                  Historical reports indicate the 
                                                                  presence of cassiterite and columbo-tantalite 
                                                                  distributed homogeneously throughout 
                                                                  the mineralized zone. Cassiterite 
                                                                  (tin) normally occurs in angular 
                                                                  and heterometric crystals of between 
                                                                  10<MU>m and 1mm. Tantalum and niobium 
                                                                  occur in the form of columbo-tantalite, 
                                                                  both in isolated crystals and in 
                                                                  inclusions within the cassiterite. 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Drill hole            A summary of all information              Details of all reported drill holes 
  Information           material to the understanding             are provided in Appendix 5 of this 
                        of the exploration results                release. 
                        including a tabulation of 
                        the following information 
                        for all Material drill holes: 
                        o easting and northing of 
                        the drill hole collar 
                        o elevation or RL (Reduced 
                        Level - elevation above sea 
                        level in metres) of the drill 
                        hole collar 
                        o dip and azimuth of the hole 
                        o down hole length and interception 
                        o hole length. 
                      ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
                       If the exclusion of this                  All information has been included 
                        information is justified on               in Appendix 5 of this release. 
                        the basis that the information 
                        is not Material and this exclusion 
                        does not detract from the 
                        understanding of the report, 
                        the Competent Person should 
                        clearly explain why this is 
                        the case. 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Data aggregation      In reporting Exploration                  Reported drill intersections are 
  methods               Results, weighting averaging              based on chemical assay data and 
                        techniques, maximum and/or                are calculated using a 500ppm Rb(2) 
                        minimum grade truncations                 O cut-off, no high grade cut and 
                        (eg cutting of high grades)               may include up to 2m of internal 
                        and cut-off grades are usually            dilution. 
                        Material and should be stated. 
                      ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
                       Where aggregate intercepts                Higher grade intervals that are 
                        incorporate short lengths                 internal to broader zones of mineralisation 
                        of high grade results and                 are reported as included intervals 
                        longer lengths of low grade               using a 1,000ppm Rb(2) O cut-off. 
                        results, the procedure used 
                        for such aggregation should 
                        be stated and some typical 
                        examples of such aggregations 
                        should be shown in detail. 
                      ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
                       The assumptions used for                  No metal equivalent values are used. 
                        any reporting of metal equivalent 
                        values should be clearly stated. 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Relationship          These relationships are particularly      All drilling was planned in such 
  between               important in the reporting                a way as to intersect expected mineralisation 
  mineralisation        of Exploration Results. If                in a perpendicular manner. Drill 
  widths and            the geometry of the mineralisation        holes are oriented to be orthogonal 
  intercept             with respect to the drill                 to the general strike of the interpreted 
  lengths               hole angle is known, its nature           mineralised structures. The zone 
                        should be reported.                       of mineralisation is interpreted 
                                                                  to be sub-horizontal dipping so 
                                                                  the drill holes are vertical. 
                                                                  Exploration results have been reported 
                                                                  as an interval with 'from' and 'to' 
                                                                  stated in summary table of drilling 
                                                                  intercepts. The reported down-hole 
                                                                  intervals approximate true widths. 
                      ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
                       If it is not known and only               The reported down-hole intervals 
                        the down hole lengths are                 approximate true widths. 
                        reported, there should be 
                        a clear statement to this 
                        effect (eg 'down hole length, 
                        true width not known'). 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Diagrams              Appropriate maps and sections             Appropriate diagrams, including 
                        (with scales) and tabulations             a drill plan and cross sections, 
                        of intercepts should be included          are included in the main body of 
                        for any significant discovery             this release. 
                        being reported These should 
                        include, but not be limited 
                        to a plan view of drill hole 
                        collar locations and appropriate 
                        sectional views. 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Balanced              Where comprehensive reporting             All results are reported in Appendix 
  reporting             of all Exploration Results                5 of this release. 
                        is not practicable, representative 
                        reporting of both low and 
                        high grades and/or widths 
                        should be practiced to avoid 
                        misleading reporting of Exploration 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Other substantive     Other exploration data, if                A check of the lithologies present 
  exploration           meaningful and material, should           in the area, especially associated 
  data                  be reported including (but                with the mineralised zone, in situ 
                        not limited to): geological               analysis using a portable XRF, and 
                        observations; geophysical                 two soil geochemistry campaigns 
                        survey results; geochemical               (203 samples collected) were carried 
                        survey results; bulk samples              out before the drilling reported 
                        - size and method of treatment;           in this release. 
                        metallurgical test results; 
                        bulk density, groundwater, 
                        geotechnical and rock characteristics; 
                        potential deleterious or contaminating 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 Further               The nature and scale of planned           Mineralogical studies are currently 
  work                  further work (eg tests for                being undertaken on samples from 
                        lateral extensions or depth               the drilling to determine the mineral 
                        extensions or large-scale                 species present, and understand 
                        step-out drilling).                       their characteristics and properties. 
                                                                  Subject to the results of these 
                                                                  mineralogical studies, further work 
                                                                  at Conchas may include follow-up 
                                                                  exploration drilling focused on 
                                                                  improving confidence in the geology, 
                                                                  continuity, and grade distribution 
                                                                  of the zone of multi-element mineralisation. 
                                                                  The zone of mineralisation remains 
                                                                  open along strike and at depth, 
                                                                  with both areas to be potentially 
                                                                  targeted in subsequent drilling. 
                                                                  Geological studies will include 
                                                                  detailed interpretation of lithology, 
                                                                  structure and weathering and an 
                                                                  assessment of potential relationships 
                                                                  between these factors and grade 
                                                                  distribution of the minerals of 
                                                                  Further work is also planned on 
                                                                  a number of other exploration targets 
                                                                  within the Salamanca II Region. 
                      ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
                       Diagrams clearly highlighting             The known boundaries of the lithological 
                        the areas of possible extensions,         unit of interest are shown in a 
                        including the main geological             geology plan included the main body 
                        interpretations and future                of this release. 
                        drilling areas, provided this 
                        information is not commercially 
--------------------  ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 

Appendix 5B

Mining exploration entity or oil and gas exploration entity quarterly cash flow report

 Name of entity 
 Berkeley Energia Limited 
 ABN                Quarter ended ("current quarter") 
---------------    ---------------------------------- 
 40 052 468 569     31 March 2023 
 Consolidated statement of cash                          Current quarter   Year to date 
                                                                  $A'000     (9 months) 
               1.   Cash flows from operating 
 1.1                Receipts from customers                            -              - 
 1.2                Payments for 
                    (a) exploration & evaluation                   (933)        (2,017) 
                    (b) development                                    -              - 
                    (c) production                                     -              - 
                    (d) staff costs                                (246)          (716) 
                    (e) administration and corporate 
                     costs                                         (161)          (704) 
 1.3                Dividends received (see note                       -              - 
 1.4                Interest received                                  9            277 
 1.5                Interest and other costs of                        -              - 
                     finance paid 
 1.6                Income taxes paid                                  -              - 
 1.7                Government grants and tax                          -              - 
                    Other (provide details if 
 1.8                 material) 
                     (a) Business Development                       (72)          (162) 
                     (b) Preparation of Prospectus                     -          (476) 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
 1.9                 operating activities                        (1,403)        (3,798) 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 2.                      Cash flows from investing 
 2.1                     Payments to acquire or for: 
                    (a) entities                                       -              - 
                    (b) tenements                                      -              - 
                    (c) property, plant and equipment                  -              - 
                    (d) exploration & evaluation                       -              - 
                    (e) investments                                    -              - 
                    (f) other non-current assets                       -              - 
 2.2                     Proceeds from the disposal 
                    (a) entities                                       -              - 
                    (b) tenements                                      -              - 
                    (c) property, plant and equipment                  -              - 
                    (d) investments                                    -              - 
                    (e) other non-current assets                       -              - 
 2.3                Cash flows from loans to other                     -              - 
 2.4                Dividends received (see note                       -              - 
 2.5                Other (provide details if                          -              - 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
 2.6                Net cash from / (used in) 
                     investing activities                              -              - 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 3.                 Cash flows from financing 
 3.1                Proceeds from issues of equity 
                     securities (excluding convertible 
                     debt securities)                                  -              - 
 3.2                Proceeds from issue of convertible 
                     debt securities                                   -              - 
 3.3                Proceeds from exercise of                          -              - 
 3.4                Transaction costs related 
                     to issues of equity securities 
                     or convertible debt securities                    -              - 
 3.5                Proceeds from borrowings                           -              - 
 3.6                Repayment of borrowings                            -              - 
 3.7                Transaction costs related 
                     to loans and borrowings                           -              - 
 3.8                Dividends paid                                     -              - 
 3.9                Other (provide details if                          -              - 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
 3.10               Net cash from / (used in) 
                     financing activities                              -              - 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 4.                 Net increase / (decrease) 
                     in cash and cash equivalents 
                     for the period 
                    Cash and cash equivalents 
 4.1                 at beginning of period                       78,860         79,942 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
                     operating activities (item 
 4.2                 1.9 above)                                  (1,403)        (3,798) 
 4.3                Net cash from / (used in) 
                     investing activities (item 
                     2.6 above)                                        -              - 
 4.4                Net cash from / (used in) 
                     financing activities (item 
                     3.10 above)                                       -              - 
                    Effect of movement in exchange 
 4.5                 rates on cash held                              700          2,013 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
                    Cash and cash equivalents 
 4.6                 at end of period                             78,157         78,157 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
               5.   Reconciliation of cash and           Current quarter   Previous quarter 
                     cash equivalents                             $A'000             $A'000 
                     at the end of the quarter 
                     (as shown in the consolidated 
                     statement of cash flows) to 
                     the related items in the accounts 
 5.1                Bank balances                                 78,107             78,810 
 5.2                Call deposits                                     50                 50 
 5.3                Bank overdrafts                                    -                  - 
 5.4                Other (provide details)                            -                  - 
                                                        ----------------  ----------------- 
                    Cash and cash equivalents 
                     at end of quarter (should 
 5.5                 equal item 4.6 above)                        78,157             78,860 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
               6.    Payments to related parties of the entity    Current quarter 
                      and their associates                                 $A'000 
                     Aggregate amount of payments to related 
                      parties and their associates included in 
 6.1                  item 1                                                (179) 
 6.2                 Aggregate amount of payments to related 
                      parties and their associates included in 
                      item 2                                                    - 
 Note: if any amounts are shown in items 6.1 or 6.2, your quarterly 
  activity report must include a description of, and an explanation 
  for, such payments. 
               7.   Financing facilities                      Total facility 
                     Note: the term "facility'             amount at quarter      Amount drawn 
                     includes all forms of financing                     end    at quarter end 
                     arrangements available to                        $A'000            $A'000 
                     the entity. Add notes as necessary 
                     for an understanding of the 
                     sources of finance available 
                     to the entity. 
 7.1                Loan facilities                                        -                 - 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.2                Credit standby arrangements                            -                 - 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.3                Other (please specify)                                 -                 - 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.4                Total financing facilities                             -                 - 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.5                Unused financing facilities available at                                 - 
                     quarter end 
 7.6                Include in the box below a description of each facility 
                     above, including the lender, interest rate, maturity date 
                     and whether it is secured or unsecured. If any additional 
                     financing facilities have been entered into or are proposed 
                     to be entered into after quarter end, include a note providing 
                     details of those facilities as well. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    Not applicable 
               8.    Estimated cash available for future operating                $A'000 
                     Net cash from / (used in) operating activities 
 8.1                  (item 1.9)                                                 (1,403) 
 8.2                 (Payments for exploration & evaluation classified 
                      as investing activities) (item 2.1(d))                           - 
 8.3                 Total relevant outgoings (item 8.1 + item                   (1,403) 
 8.4                 Cash and cash equivalents at quarter end                     78,157 
                      (item 4.6) 
 8.5                 Unused finance facilities available at quarter                    - 
                      end (item 7.5) 
 8.6                 Total available funding (item 8.4 + item                     78,157 
 8.7                 Estimated quarters of funding available 
                      (item 8.6 divided by item 8.3)                                 >10 
  Note: if the entity has reported positive relevant outgoings 
   (ie a net cash inflow) in item 8.3, answer item 8.7 as 
   "N/A". Otherwise, a figure for the estimated quarters 
   of funding available must be included in item 8.7. 
 8.8                 If item 8.7 is less than 2 quarters, please provide answers 
                      to the following questions: 
  8.8.1 Does the entity expect that it will continue to 
   have the current level of net operating cash flows for 
   the time being and, if not, why not? 
  Answer: Not applicable 
  8.8.2 Has the entity taken any steps, or does it propose 
   to take any steps, to raise further cash to fund its operations 
   and, if so, what are those steps and how likely does it 
   believe that they will be successful? 
  Answer: Not applicable 
  8.8.3 Does the entity expect to be able to continue its 
   operations and to meet its business objectives and, if 
   so, on what basis? 
  Answer: Not applicable 
  Note: where item 8.7 is less than 2 quarters, all of 
   questions 8.8.1, 8.8.2 and 8.8.3 above must be answered. 

Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared in accordance with accounting standards and policies which comply with Listing Rule 19.11A.

   2        This statement gives a true and fair view of the matters disclosed. 
   Date:                28 April 2023 

Authorised by: Company Secretary

(Name of body or officer authorising release - see note 4)


1. This quarterly cash flow report and the accompanying activity report provide a basis for informing the market about the entity's activities for the past quarter, how they have been financed and the effect this has had on its cash position. An entity that wishes to disclose additional information over and above the minimum required under the Listing Rules is encouraged to do so.

2. If this quarterly cash flow report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, the definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources and AASB 107: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report. If this quarterly cash flow report has been prepared in accordance with other accounting standards agreed by ASX pursuant to Listing Rule 19.11A, the corresponding equivalent standards apply to this report.

3. Dividends received may be classified either as cash flows from operating activities or cash flows from investing activities, depending on the accounting policy of the entity.

4. If this report has been authorised for release to the market by your board of directors, you can insert here: "By the board". If it has been authorised for release to the market by a committee of your board of directors, you can insert here: "By the [name of board committee - eg Audit and Risk Committee]". If it has been authorised for release to the market by a disclosure committee, you can insert here: "By the Disclosure Committee".

5. If this report has been authorised for release to the market by your board of directors and you wish to hold yourself out as complying with recommendation 4.2 of the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, the board should have received a declaration from its CEO and CFO that, in their opinion, the financial records of the entity have been properly maintained, that this report complies with the appropriate accounting standards and gives a true and fair view of the cash flows of the entity, and that their opinion has been formed on the basis of a sound system of risk management and internal control which is operating effectively.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 28, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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