FORM 8.3






Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")



(a)  Full name of discloser:                                Barclays PLC. 
(b)  Owner or controller of interest and short 
     positions disclosed, if different from 1(a): 
(c)  Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose           NORTONLIFELOCK INC 
     relevant securities this form relates: 
(d)  If an exempt fund manager connected with an 
     offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of 
(e)  Date position held/dealing undertaken:                 15 July 2021 
(f)  In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the       YES: 
     discloser making 
     disclosures in respect of any other party to the       AVAST PLC 



If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.


(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:   USD 0.01 common 
                              Interests                      Short Positions 
                              Number                  (%)    Number      (%) 
      Relevant securities 
(1)   owned 
 and/or controlled:           1,962,800               0.34%  284,005     0.05% 
(2)   derivatives: 
                              24,339                  0.00%  1,279,498   0.22% 
      derivatives (including 
(3)   options) 
 and agreements to 
  purchase/sell:              500                     0.00%  2,100       0.00% 
 TOTAL:                       1,987,639               0.34%  1,565,603   0.27% 
                              Convertible Bond 
Class of relevant security:   US668771AA66 
                              Interests                      Short Positions 
                              Number                  (%)    Number      (%) 
      Relevant securities 
(1)   owned 
 and/or controlled:           129,000                 0.02%  0           0.00% 
(2)   derivatives: 
                              0                       0.00%  0           0.00% 
      derivatives (including 
(3)   options) 
 and agreements to 
  purchase/sell:              0                       0.00%  0           0.00% 
 TOTAL:                       129,000                 0.02%  0           0.00% 

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.


Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).


(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors' and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists: 
Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages: 



Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.


The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.


(a) Purchases and sales

Class of relevant  Purchase/sale  Number of   Price per unit 
security                          securities 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       23          25.6304 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       100         25.5700 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       100         25.5850 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       220         25.8187 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       225         25.7055 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       264         25.8700 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       589         25.8096 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       600         25.8450 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       600         25.5408 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       900         25.7811 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       1,400       25.7317 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       1,410       25.7804 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       1,500       25.9100 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       1,541       25.7449 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       1,600       25.6890 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       2,063       25.7232 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       2,173       25.8950 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       2,300       25.8156 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       2,515       25.7685 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       3,945       25.8467 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       3,960       25.7750 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       4,024       25.8293 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       4,670       25.8217 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       4,688       25.8363 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       4,800       25.7779 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       6,229       25.6565 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       8,200       26.5900 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       10,706      25.7369 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       10,808      25.7174 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       12,804      25.7516 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       13,614      25.8600 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       15,515      25.7364 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       19,381      25.8691 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       20,095      25.6670 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       21,600      25.5667 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       24,801      25.6953 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       39,821      25.7947 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       48,113      25.7414 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       58,062      25.7712 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       68,753      25.8045 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       69,043      25.7711 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       69,418      25.7520 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       83,223      25.8619 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       90,000      25.6566 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       100,000     25.6258 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       155,400     25.7547 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       249,094     25.7714 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Purchase       1,097,925   25.7863 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           2           25.8625 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           3           25.8366 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           12          25.8437 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           13          25.8592 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           13          25.8480 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           14          25.8800 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           15          25.8166 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           17          25.8752 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           17          25.8400 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           18          25.8816 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           21          25.8666 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           23          25.8521 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           27          25.8159 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           49          25.8900 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           100         25.9000 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           100         25.5700 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           100         25.8300 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           100         25.8200 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           100         25.7500 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           105         26.0271 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           146         25.4500 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           147         25.9466 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           183         25.4554 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           190         25.8390 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           198         25.8205 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           200         25.4725 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           200         25.4675 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           200         25.5000 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           201         25.8700 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           205         25.7804 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           265         25.7694 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           300         25.5316 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           300         25.5933 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           330         25.4630 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           400         25.6250 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           400         25.6675 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           400         25.4475 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           500         25.7600 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           500         25.6660 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           500         25.4550 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           600         25.4641 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           600         25.5408 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           649         25.7349 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           665         25.7142 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           669         25.6823 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           800         25.5381 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           900         25.8261 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           900         25.7655 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           900         25.6022 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           900         25.9377 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           900         25.8961 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           900         25.6344 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           900         25.4766 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           947         25.7404 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,054       25.6046 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,152       25.5359 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,198       25.7590 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,234       25.5958 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,308       25.6245 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,352       25.8481 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,400       25.8600 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,449       25.8165 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,481       25.7246 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,500       25.6506 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,564       26.0307 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,910       25.5517 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           1,962       25.7574 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           2,943       25.7436 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           4,100       26.5900 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           4,500       25.6485 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           4,621       25.5915 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           5,631       25.6634 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           9,303       25.7901 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           9,500       25.7910 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           10,287      25.8563 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           10,291      25.8221 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           11,752      25.7700 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           11,798      25.7748 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           12,180      25.7950 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           12,408      25.7138 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           13,056      25.8534 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           14,021      25.8189 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           14,579      25.6498 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           17,000      25.5612 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           19,108      25.8570 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           23,200      25.7242 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           24,048      25.7558 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           27,336      25.7565 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           30,655      25.7363 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           42,802      25.7734 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           45,432      25.9115 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           46,108      25.7633 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           49,399      25.7386 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           50,284      25.7637 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           60,479      25.7857 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           72,540      25.8156 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           79,459      25.7954 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           90,000      25.6567 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           100,000     25.6258 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           118,778     25.8141 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           132,500     25.8029 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           149,130     25.6736 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           155,400     25.7547 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           310,784     25.7576 USD 
USD 0.01 common    Sale           580,978     25.8132 USD 

(b) Cash-settled derivative transactions

Class of       Product        Nature of dealing    Number of     Price per 
relevant       description    e.g.                 reference     unit 
security       e.g. CFD       opening/closing a    securities 
                              a long/short 

(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)


(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class of  Product      Writing,     Number of   Exercise  Type e.g.  Expiry  Option 
relevant  description  purchasing,  securities  price     American,  date    money 
security  e.g. call    selling,     to which    per       European           paid/ 
          option       varying      option      unit      etc.               received 
                       etc.         relates                                  per 

(ii) Exercise

Class of        Product         Exercising/     Number of       Exercise price 
relevant        description     exercised       securities      per unit 
security        e.g. call       against 

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant       Nature of dealing      Details  Price per unit (if 
security                e.g. subscription,              applicable) 



(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or 
understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may 
be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person 
making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in 
concert with a party to the offer: Irrevocable commitments and letters of 
intent should not be included. If there are no such agreements, arrangements 
or understandings, state "none" 

(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, 
between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to: (i) 
the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or (ii) the 
voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to 
which any derivative is referenced: If there are no such agreements, 
arrangements or understandings, state "none" 

(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open 
Positions) attached?                      NO 
Date of disclosure:                       16 Jul 2021 
Contact name:                             Large Holdings Regulatory Operations 
Telephone number:                         020 3134 7213 

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.


The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.


*If the discloser is a natural person, a telephone number does not need to be included, provided contact information has been provided to the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit.


The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk.


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210716005199/en/



Copyright Business Wire 2021 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 16, 2021 08:06 ET (12:06 GMT)

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