RNS Number : 5056J

Axiom European Financial Debt Fd Ld

24 August 2021

24 August 2021

              Axiom European Financial Debt Fund Limited 
    Half-Yearly Report and Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements 
 Axiom European Financial Debt Fund Limited, a closed-ended Guernsey 
  investment fund listed on the premium segment of the London Stock 
  Exchange, which offers investors exposure to a diversified portfolio 
  covering the European banking and financials sector subordinated 
  debt market, today announces its Half-Yearly Report and Unaudited 
  Condensed Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 
                                                            30 June                 30 June          31 December 
                                                   2021 (unaudited)                    2020                 2020 
                                                                                (unaudited)            (audited) 
 Net assets                                           GBP94,637,000           GBP81,366,000        GBP87,350,000 
 Net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary 
  Share                                                     103.03p                  88.58p               95.10p 
 Share price                                                 94.00p                  88.00p               88.00p 
 Discount to NAV                                            (8.76)%                   0.65%              (7.47)% 
 Profit/(loss) for the period                         GBP10,043,000          GBP(7,162,000)         GBP1,577,000 
 Dividend per share declared in 
  respect of the period                                       3.00p                   3.00p                6.00p 
 Total return per Ordinary Share 
  (based on NAV) ([1])                                       11.49%                  -7.85%                1.73% 
 Total return per Ordinary Share 
  (based on share price) ([1])                               10.23%                  -3.19%                0.00% 
 Ordinary Shares in issue                                91,852,904              91,852,904           91,852,904 
 ([1])                                   Total return per Ordinary Share has been calculated by comparing 
                                          the NAV or share price, as applicable, at the start of the 
                                          period with the NAV or share price, as applicable, plus dividends 
                                          paid, at the period end. 
        *    Total returns for the six months were positive at 
             +11.49% (H1 FY20: -7.85%) 
        *    Returns driven by five consecutive months of positive 
             performance February through June 2021 
        *    Two quarterly dividend payments, each of 1.50p per 
             share, declared during the first half 
        *    The Company expects to be able to continue to meet 
             its 6.00p dividend target for the year 
        *    Asset class remains attractive underpinned by 
             positive market conditions and the Company remains 
             ideally placed to capture these opportunities 
        *    Board remains committed to restarting the Company's 
             Placing Programme and improving the liquidity of the 
 William Scott, Chairman, commented: 
  " The Company enjoyed an excellent first half with total shareholder 
  returns on a NAV basis of +11.49%. On a share price return basis, 
  the return was +10.23% as the rise in the share price lagged slightly 
  behind the increase in NAV per share and, as a consequence, the 
  share price discount to NAV per share widened marginally from 
  7.47% as at the end of December to 8.76% at the period end. 
  "The Company has declared two dividends in relation to the half-year 
  totalling 3.00p and the Company is therefore on track to meet 
  its target of at least 6.00p for the year. 
  "We look forward with renewed optimism for the market for regulatory 
  capital instruments issued by financial institutions in which 
  we operate and where we can benefit from the application of our 
  Investment Manager's specialist skills to a rich opportunity set 
  which is not easily accessible to more generalist managers." 
 Antonio Roman, Investment Manager, said: 
  "During the first half, extensive fiscal stimulus packages from 
  European Central Banks enabled consumers to save further, enhanced 
  liquidity and preserved corporate balance sheets and financing 
  conditions. This, together with the progress made in vaccination 
  campaigns across Europe, that led to the easing of various lockdown 
  restrictions and record consumer spending, created a very favourable 
  backdrop for bonds issued by financial institutions and helped 
  to drive our standout performance during the period. 
  "Looking ahead, policymakers will need to address both rising 
  financial stability risks and an uncertain outlook for the health 
  of businesses across the Eurozone. While this is complicated further 
  by the additional constraint of maintaining moderate issuance 
  spreads across European countries, we believe that there are plenty 
  of opportunities ahead despite these uncertainties. 
  "We anticipate lower but more flexible asset purchases, a tightening 
  of mortgage lending conditions, a shift in policies to support 
  businesses rather than consumers and, while interest margins remain 
  pressured by the excess of liquidity, the prospect of steeper 
  curves as inflationary pressures intensify, all of which will 
  support the ongoing performance of the fund. 
  "On the regulatory front, supervisors confirmed the alignment 
  of grandfathering periods for MREL and capital eligibility. The 
  EBA, in its fourth AT1 Monitoring Report, reminded banks that 
  all instruments within the same capital bucket, whether legacy 
  or new style, could not have different rankings in resolution. 
  Market activity was high, with calls at par and tenders from several 
  issuers, including BBVA, DZ Bank, RBI, NatWest, Nationwide and 
  Lloyds. We expect this trend to intensify as we approach the end 
  of the Basel III grandfathering period by December 2021 and continue 
  to see significant value in this legacy universe." 
 Enquiries to: 
 Axiom Alternative Investments   Elysium Fund Management        MHP Communications 
  SARL                            Limited                        Reg Hoare 
  David Benamou                   PO Box 650                     James Bavister 
  Gildas Surry                    1(st) Floor, Royal Chambers    Charles Hirst 
  Jerome Legras                   St Julian's Avenue             Charlotte Anstey 
                                  St Peter Port 
  www.axiom-ai.com                Guernsey                       axiom@mhpc.com 
  Tel: +44 20 3807 0670           GY1 3JX                        Tel: +44 7595 461 
                                  Tel: +44 1481 810 100 
 About Axiom European Financial Debt Fund Limited: 
 General information 
 Axiom European Financial Debt Fund Limited (the "Company") is 
  an authorised closed-ended Guernsey investment company with registered 
  number 61003. Its Ordinary Shares were admitted to the premium 
  listing segment of the FCA's Official List and to trading on the 
  Premium Segment of the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange 
  (the "Premium Segment") on 15 October 2018 ("Admission") (prior 
  to this, the Ordinary Shares traded on the Specialist Fund Segment 
  ("SFS") of the London Stock Exchange). 
 Investment objective 
    The investment objective of the Company is to provide Shareholders 
     with an attractive return, while limiting downside risk, through 
     investment in the following financial institution investment instruments: 
      *    Regulatory capital instruments, being financial 
           instruments issued by a European financial 
           institution which constitute regulatory capital for 
           the purposes of Basel I, Basel II or Basel III or 
           Solvency I or Solvency II; 
      *    Other financial institution investment instruments, 
           being financial instruments issued by a European 
           financial institution, including without limitation 
           senior debt, which do not constitute regulatory 
           capital instruments; and 
      *    Derivative instruments, being CDOs, securitisations 
           or derivatives, whether funded or unfunded, linked or 
           referenced to regulatory capital instruments or other 
           financial institution investment instruments. 
 Investment policy 
 The Company seeks to invest in a diversified portfolio of financial 
  institution investment instruments. The Company focuses primarily 
  on investing in the secondary market although instruments have 
  been, and may also in the future be, subscribed in the primary 
  market where the Investment Manager, Axiom Alternative Investments 
  SARL ("Axiom"), identifies attractive opportunities. 
  The Company invests its assets with the aim of spreading investment 
  For a more detailed description of the investment policy, please 
  see the Company's Prospectus, which is available on the Company's 
  section of the Investment Manager's website 
  ( http://axiom-ai.com/web/data/prospectus/ENG/AEFD-prospectus-UK.pdf 
 A copy of the Company's Half-Yearly Report and Unaudited Condensed 
  Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 June 2021 will 
  shortly be available to view and download from the Company's website, 
  . Neither the contents of the Company's website nor the contents 
  of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Company's website 
  (or any other website) is incorporated into or forms part of this 
 The following text is extracted from the Half-Yearly Report and 
  Unaudited Condensed Financial Statements of the Company for the 
  six months ended 30 June 2021: 
                            Chairman's Statement 
  The Company enjoyed an excellent first half with total shareholder 
  returns on a NAV basis of +11.49%. On a share price return basis, 
  the return was +10.23% as the rise in the share price lagged slightly 
  behind the increase in NAV per share and, as a consequence, the 
  share price discount to NAV per share widened marginally from 
  7.47% as at the end of December to 8.76% at the period end. 
  Overall, the Company reported a net profit after tax for the period 
  ended 30 June 2021 of GBP10.0 million (30 June 2020: loss of GBP7.2 
  million), representing earnings per Ordinary Share of 10.93p (30 
  June 2020: loss per Ordinary Share of 7.80p). The Company's NAV 
  at 30 June 2021 was GBP94.6 million (103.03p per Ordinary Share) 
  (31 December 2020: GBP87.4 million, 95.10p per Ordinary Share). 
  In part, performance was assisted by a continuation of the general 
  recovery in markets since the panic levels of March 2020 when 
  the financial markets struggled to price in the COVID-19 pandemic, 
  but it was also driven by an excellent performance from our Investment 
  Manager, Axiom Alternative Investments SARL, who were active and 
  able to use their key specialist skill set to exploit continuing 
  developments in the regulatory capital space among financial institutions. 
  Further details on the development of key market events and activity 
  in the portfolio are given in the Investment Manager's Report. 
  The Company has declared two dividends in relation to the half-year 
  totalling 3.00p and the Company is therefore on track to meet 
  its target of at least 6.00p for the year. 
  The first half of 2021 has continued the positive trend of the 
  end of 2020 both in terms of the global public health crisis and 
  the financial markets. The continued, successful, vaccine roll-out 
  has led to the tentative re-opening of borders in a number of 
  countries and a phased move to a "new normal" in business and 
  private lives. Different countries are moving at different rates 
  in large measure down to their relative progress on vaccination. 
  Sometimes there are set-backs but the trend is clear and, bar 
  some extremely adverse development, irreversible. Political and 
  economic realities dictate that it must be. 
  It could be said that the regulated financial sectors, especially 
  the banks, have been through the ultimate stress test as a consequence 
  of the COVID-19 crisis. Of course, some of the pain lies ahead 
  in the form of rising unemployment from some sectors where workers 
  will not necessarily be able to transition to the skill sets required 
  by those other sectors which have been the winners. Businesses 
  whose financial position has not been so robust may struggle to 
  survive the end of government support schemes and as a consequence, 
  non-performing loans are likely to tick up. Central banks appear 
  to understand this and, as several have openly said, they will 
  need to support the banks and the wider economy for some time 
  to come. De-stocking in supply chains and production disruptions 
  have led to some price pressures in commodities and intermediate 
  goods and a consequent presumption of rising inflation by some 
  market participants has been the catalyst for rising government 
  bond yields. However, the relationships between commodity prices, 
  general inflation and policy interest rates are more developed 
  and subtle than they were a generation or two ago. Short term 
  interest rates must inevitably normalise at some point but that 
  is not the same thing as a disruptive change to monetary policy. 
  Clearly, central banks will continue to be supportive and gradual 
  in managing the recovery. 
  That the European banking industry has recently passed very draconian 
  stress test assumptions from a starting point in the depth of 
  the pandemic public health crisis with no significant general 
  problems (apart from perhaps a single instance in Italy which 
  is in any event on a path to its own corporate solution) is a 
  testament to the capital resilience developed in the sector as 
  a result of the regulatory changes post the Global Financial Crisis 
  of 13 years ago. 
  We look forward with renewed optimism for the market for regulatory 
  capital instruments issued by financial institutions in which 
  we operate and where we can benefit from the application of our 
  Investment Manager's specialist skills to a rich opportunity set 
  which is not easily accessible to more generalist managers. 
 William Scott 
  23 August 2021 
                          Investment Manager's Report 
 1- Market Commentary 
  Bank stocks struggled to find a clear direction in January as 
  the resurgence of reflationary hopes after the Democrats won control 
  of the Senate was mitigated by the prospect of extended lockdowns 
  and the slow pace of vaccination rollouts. On the macro front, 
  the ECB maintained its monetary policy and reiterated its focus 
  on stimulus and the transmission channel to the real economy. 
  The SubFin widened slightly from 111bps to 118bps mainly due to 
  the political climate in Italy following the resignation of Prime 
  Minister Giuseppe Conte. 
  The start of the reporting season was quite upbeat. In the US, 
  better than expected results by the top 6 banks were driven by 
  the writeback of USD6 billion of COVID-19 provisions, bringing 
  the accumulated provisions down to USD40 billion for 2020. Investment 
  banks slowed down as expected in the quarter but were still up 
  in the year. In Europe, outperformance vs. consensus was driven 
  by better revenues and costs in retail in Spain, very strong wealth 
  and asset management results in Switzerland as well as bets on 
  cost of risk and new lending volumes for the Nordic banks. 
  There were a few consolidation and restructuring stories as well. 
  The planned exit of NatWest from Ireland continued to attract 
  interest from local competitors and private equity firms, such 
  as Permanent TSB and Lone Star. The appointment of Andrea Orcel 
  as head of UniCredit should accelerate the absorption of Monte 
  dei Paschi. In Germany, Commerzbank announced an aggressive restructuring 
  plan that aimed at a 30% reduction in headcount, coupled with 
  a reduction in the number of branches, half of which were to be 
  closed. In Spain, Unicaja and Liberbank finalised the terms for 
  their merger, creating the fifth largest bank in Spain with circa 
  EUR110 billion in assets. 
  On the regulatory front, the ECB published the results of its 
  Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process ("SREP") for 2021. It 
  kept capital requirements unchanged, leaving room for manoeuvre 
  for banks. The EBA published its scenarios for the upcoming stress 
  tests. The regulator validated the most aggressive shock assumptions 
  ever tested. In terms of GDP, a 12.9% downward deviation in GDP 
  was assumed compared to a 7.8% deviation in 2018. The review of 
  the restrictions on dividends was expected to take place following 
  the results of the stress tests, expected in July. 
  The clean-up of the Legacy stock continued on an ongoing basis. 
  The German bank DZ Bank announced on 12 January 2021 it would 
  call 8 Legacy instruments at par. BBVA was authorised to call 
  its CMS in advance. The regulatory capital infection risk (see 
  our note on this subject at https://axiom-ai.com/web/en/2020/10/22/analysis/ 
  ), as defined at the end of 2020 by the EBA and confirmed since 
  then by the PRA, prompted issuers to clean-up their Legacy instruments, 
  including those with the lowest coupons. 
  Finally, the primary market for Additional Tier 1 ("AT1") securities 
  remained active, with Abanca (EUR375 million at 6%), Standard 
  Chartered (USD1.25 billion at 4.75%) and Banco BPM (EUR400 million 
  at 6.5%) issuing the most notable deals. 
  Bank stocks outperformed the market in February on the back of 
  rising growth and inflation expectations. As investors started 
  to question the ability of central banks to maintain ultra low 
  rates for longer, banks were sought for their strong positive 
  sensitivity to a steepening of the curves. The SX7R index was 
  up by 15.76% vs. 1.67% for the SXXR. The SubFin index ended the 
  month flat at 118bps. 
  Results continued to exceed analysts' expectations with all major 
  banks but one reporting higher adjusted profits than expected. 
  On balance, net interest margins, commissions and provisions surprised 
  materially to the upside. HSBC unveiled a strategic update which 
  focused on growing the global markets and wealth management businesses 
  in Asia. 
  In Italy, Mario Draghi managed to secure support from the main 
  parties and started to outline key structural reforms, including 
  a revamp of corporate insolvency law, potentially leading to shorter 
  proceedings and ultimately lower non-performing loans ("NPLs") 
  for Italian banks. Political support for a merger between UniCredit 
  and Monte dei Paschi seemed strong. 
  On the M&A front, Aviva sold its French operations at a higher 
  price than expected (EUR3.2 billion). NatWest confirmed its intention 
  to exit Ireland, leading to a more concentrated local market. 
  AIB seemed interested in the SME loan portfolio while Permanent 
  TSB could buy its mortgage portfolio. In Austria, Bawag acquired 
  Depfa Bank, which specialises in real estate loans. In Greece, 
  Bank of Piraeus' CFO announced they were preparing a capital increase 
  of EUR1 billion. 
  The clean-up of Legacy bonds continued. UniCredit Bank Austria, 
  a subsidiary of UniCredit, announced on 19 February 2021 the call 
  of its Legacy BACA bonds, which were priced at 95. This was a 
  perfect illustration of infection risk as raised at the end of 
  2020 by the EBA and confirmed since by the UK regulatory authority 
  (the PRA) and by the transcription of BRRD 2 into French law. 
  This risk prompted issuers to recall numerous Legacy securities, 
  including those with the lowest coupons. Issuers were still working 
  on the interpretation of the EBA opinion and the preparation of 
  their Legacy processing plans, which had to be submitted before 
  31 March 2021. 
  Finally, UBS (USD1.5 billion at 4.375%) and BNP (USD1.25 billion 
  at 4.625%) came to issue AT1 securities on the primary market. 
  March was a good month for Financials, buoyed by hopes of higher 
  growth due to rapidly advancing vaccine campaigns in several countries. 
  This, combined with the Fed's announcement to let the bank leverage 
  exemption expire this month, resulted in further upward pressure 
  on rates, which reached 1.75% in March. Large US banks would have 
  to resume holding an additional layer of loss-absorbing capital 
  against US Treasuries and central bank deposits starting next 
  month. The SubFin, before the roll to the 35 series, tightened 
  from 117 to 94bps. The volatile episodes experienced by the Turkish 
  Lira, which had jumped more than 5% in mid-March, only to fall 
  back after President Erdogan fired the central bank governor had 
  a limited impact on prices. 
  Credit Suisse was back in the headlines after the collapse of 
  Archegos Capital, a highly leveraged US family office which defaulted 
  on margin calls. The poor handling of the fire sales combined 
  with stretched valuations, position concentration and lack of 
  risk limits on nominal exposures led to sizeable losses at the 
  bank. Though this event would certainly lead regulators to review 
  counterparty risk modelling practices, we would highlight that 
  banks did not take extensive losses on hedge fund exposures over 
  the COVID-19 sell-off last year, which should bring comfort over 
  their capacity to weather a future market stress. 
  Early indicators pointed to a very strong first quarter for investment 
  banks, driven by record fees from IPOs, SPACs and high-yield debt 
  issuance activity. We expected an excellent reporting season overall, 
  characterised by low defaults, provisions fine-tuning, further 
  build-up in CET1 as well as strong revenues from asset and wealth 
  management, insurance and capital markets. 
  On the M&A front, Amundi was emerging as the leading bidder for 
  Lyxor (EUR160 billion assets under management). Chubb, the world 
  largest publicly traded P&C insurer, made an offer for US commercial 
  specialist Hartford, which valued the transaction at USD23.4 billion. 
  Markets expected more M&A activity in Italy in the coming months, 
  involving a game of musical chairs around Banco BPM, BPER, BMPS 
  and UniCredit. 
  On the regulatory side, the latest consolidated EBA data for quarter 
  4 2020, showed capital ratios continuing to improve (+40bps to 
  15.5%). The NPL ratio, which declined by 20bps to 2.6%, also indicated 
  a continued trend of balance sheet strengthening. 
  In other notable news, the clean-up of the Legacy instruments 
  continued. Cofinoga (a subsidiary of BNP) announced on 15 March 
  2021 the call at par of its CFNG float legacy, which was worth 
  95.16 at the previous day's close. NatWest announced a buyback 
  offer on legacy step-up securities with a make-whole, following 
  the offer from last October, providing a low premium exit option 
  for these securities, subject to rate volatility. 
  April was another good month for the financial sector, buoyed 
  by good results and signals of inflationary pressure. The SubFin 
  index remained unchanged, closing at 108bps. 
  Following the heavy losses related to the Archegos bankruptcy, 
  Credit Suisse issued CHF1.7 billion of mandatory convertibles 
  to shore up its CET1 ratio to around 13%. The Swiss bank also 
  had to deal with losses related to the residual exposure of CSAM 
  funds to Greensill amounting to about CHF4.8 billion. 
  Previously reported results were generally good, including Deutsche 
  Bank and Sabadell. In terms of pre-tax profit, all banks beat 
  the consensus. For the third quarter in a row, provisions were 
  moderate with some reversals. Stage 2 and stage 3 ratios were 
  generally lower. Investment banking activity was strong, particularly 
  in equity trading, high-yield and equity capital markets activities. 
  We expect these trends to continue to drive positive earnings 
  per share revisions. 
  On the regulatory side, the Bank of England is proposing a consultation 
  on the CRR regulations to simplify the standard approach for smaller 
  After Cofinoga and NatWest last month, Deutsche Bank announced 
  the call at par of one of its Legacy bonds, which was paying a 
  variable coupon (CMS formula). This was increasing the call probability 
  for its other two SPVs. Soci é t é G é n é 
  rale announced the call of a perpetual "discounted" bond as well 
  as the introduction of a call option on its TMO bond. These operations 
  were part of the trend of Legacy bond buybacks that had been accelerating 
  over the previous few months as the end of the Basel II to Basel 
  III transition period for banks approached. 
  Red hot consumer demand, expanding vaccine coverage and growing 
  unease over the inflation trajectory fuelled the reflation trade 
  further in May. European banks outperformed, with the SX7R delivering 
  +5.83% vs. +3.09% for the SXXR. The 10-year French government 
  bond rose above 0.2%. Risk assets performed very well, especially 
  AT1s which returned to their all-time highs. Central banks reiterated 
  that they were in control of the situation. The SubFin remained 
  unchanged, closing at 108bps. 
  In Italy, the government requested an extension of tax benefits 
  for M&A transactions. Unipol strengthened its position in Banca 
  Popolare di Sondrio, increasing the chances of a merger between 
  BPER and Sondrio. Generali expressed its interest in buying Cattolica 
  di Assicurazioni in a deal valuing the latter at EUR1.5 billion. 
  On the NPL front, Intesa sold EUR4 billion of NPLs to Bain. In 
  Greece, Alpha Bank was considering a capital increase following 
  the lead of Piraeus Bank. 
  On the regulatory front, the transition period under MREL was 
  aligned with that under the CRR2 directive, which was expected 
  to simplify analysis when considering eligibility. We saw the 
  first Regulatory par call, exercised on an AT1 by Cr é dit 
  Among other notable news, the clean-up of the Legacy instruments 
  stock continued despite the disappointment on UniCredit Euribor 
  cashes +450bps. The Italian bank announced on 20 May 2021 its 
  decision not to pay a coupon, arguing that the financial year 
  2020 statutory loss registered at group level allowed them to 
  take such a course of action despite the payment of a dividend. 
  This unexpected decision was contrary to what was announced during 
  the quarterly results investor call and resulted in a drop in 
  the Cashes instruments of about 10 points. To address infection 
  risk, Jyske Bank obtained the authorisation from its regulator 
  to call 2 perpetuals with a CMS coupon. NatWest exercised the 
  call option on a Tier 2 ("T2"). 
  In the primary market, Permanent TSB and Fidelidade issued new 
  T2s. In AT1s, we noted the issuances of Danske Bank (USD750 million 
  at 4.375%), Santander (USD1 billion at 4.750%) and SocGen (USD1 
  billion at 4.750%). 
  Financial credit markets extended their upward trajectory throughout 
  the month of June as central banks maintained their accommodating 
  rhetoric. To quote Beno ît Coeuré, a former member of 
  the ECB's executive board, "[Central banks] must prepare to support 
  the economy for a long time". The SubFin index closed at 102bps. 
  Andr é a Enria pointed to a rapid lifting of the ECB's cap 
  on banks' dividend payments. An official announcement was expected 
  on 23 July 2021. Following comforting stress test results, American 
  banks were allowed to resume normal distributions, which led to 
  spectacular announcements like that of Morgan Stanley which doubled 
  its dividend and disclosed an ambitious share buyback programme 
  of USD12 billion. 
  On the regulatory front, the EBA published its "monitoring report" 
  with an important section on Legacy instruments. In short, the 
  EBA advised banks not to simultaneously recognise within the T2 
  bucket both old T1 instruments that could still qualify as T2, 
  and genuine T2 instruments. They argued that all instruments within 
  the same capital sleeve should have the same ranking in resolution. 
  This was very positive for the Legacy bond asset class, as recalls 
  by issuers of old T1 instruments were increasingly likely. NatWest 
  made a tender offer in May 2021 on several Legacy securities with 
  a premium of around 5 points. Despite the premium, the offer had 
  very little success (only 15% contributed) as investors valued 
  the high yield to perpetuity in a liquidity-rich world. 
  The primary market continued to be active with T1 issues from 
  MACIF (first issue of RT1), Commerzbank, NatWest and UniCredit. 
  Consolidation of the sector continued both in France, with the 
  takeover of the French HSBC network by My Money Bank (motivated 
  by the search for critical size which would relaunch its activity 
  under the new CCF brand), and in Ireland, with the sale by Permanent 
  TSB of its corporate loan portfolio to AIB (Allied Irish Bank). 
  On a more exotic note, the Basel Committee started to impose a 
  full capital charge on any crypto investment by banks (for EUR1 
  invested, EUR1 of capital was required). 
 2- Investment Objective and Strategy 
 The Company is a closed-ended fund investing in liabilities issued 
  by European financial institutions, predominantly legacy T1s, 
  T2s, and AT1s across five sub-strategies: 
   *    Liquid Relative Value: instruments issued by large 
        and strong quality institutions, with significant 
        liquidity. These can be purchased on either primary 
        or secondary markets. 
   *    Less Liquid Relative Value: instruments issued by 
        large and strong quality institutions, with limited 
        liquidity due to past tenders or complex features 
        (secondary market). 
   *    Restructuring: instruments issued by institutions in 
        preparation or implementation of a restructuring 
        process (secondary market). 
   *    Special Situations: instruments issued by entities in 
        run-off, under a merger process or split between 
        several entities (secondary market). 
   *    Midcap Origination: instruments issued by small 
        institutions or small subsidiaries of larger 
        institutions (primary market). 
 3- Company Activity 
  The Company realised gains in Liquid Relative Value and Less Liquid 
  Relative Value to add part of the proceeds to Restructuring and 
  Midcap Origination. The Company took profits on AT1s issued by 
  FinecoBank, Permanent TSB and Aareal, as well as on MunRe and 
  Sainsbury Bank T2s. The Company increased its size in French-based 
  My Money Bank (formerly GE Money) as well as British lenders The 
  Co-Operative Bank and Shawbrook. The Company also bought some 
  of the recently issued Abanca AT1 in the secondary market below 
  par. In Midcap Origination, the Company sold its exposure in Van 
  Lanschot. In the insurance legacy space, it sold its Ageas Fresh 
  and Fortis Cashes. Finally, the Company added a limited allocation 
  to a basket of European bank equities to take advantage of attractive 
  valuations and positive momentum. 
  The Company closed the month with a slightly higher gearing of 
  109% and a slightly higher cash allocation of 4%, constructively 
  positioned in these conducive market conditions while maintaining 
  In what was a supportive environment for the Italian financial 
  sector, the Company followed the momentum by taking part in a 
  new T2 issue from Italian life insurer Amissima Vita with a 7% 
  coupon in Euros. 
  In Restructuring, the Company took a significant exposure to Grenke 
  AG senior bonds after the sell-off related to the departure of 
  the COO. The bonds had partially recovered since as additional 
  disclosure reassured investors. The Company remained invested 
  as Axiom AI were strongly convinced default risk was very remote 
  and that any loss would be fully recovered. The Company sold BCP's 
  AT1s due to the risk stemming from adverse legal developments 
  regarding FX loans extended by its Polish subsidiary. 
  In Midcap Origination, the Company took profits on eSure and Ecclesiastical 
  Insurance and added to its exposure to Nottingham Building Society's 
  The Company took advantage of attractive flows to make adjustments 
  to the Restructuring strategy. It reduced its exposure to Piraeus 
  Bank T2s after the bonds rallied on the back of the announcement 
  of the Sunrise risk reduction plan. The Company took profit on 
  Just Group T2s, sold Virgin Money short call AT1s and built a 
  small position on NDB T2s. The Company bought Provident Financial 
  seniors after the group reported its intention to cap losses in 
  its doorstep lending subsidiary through a Scheme of Arrangement 
  or an administrative wind-down if necessary. Both scenarios were 
  highly unlikely to lead to material losses at the group level. 
  In Restructuring, the Company took advantage of positive news 
  flows around the payment of the Contingent Capital Agreement to 
  sell long-dated Novo Banco seniors and reduce portfolio duration. 
  It participated in the tender of Bank of Cyprus EUR9.25 2027 T2s 
  at a 1.5pt premium. 
  In Midcap Origination, the Company took part in the first AT1 
  issuance for Kommunalkredit, a small IG-rated Austrian bank specialising 
  in infrastructure finance and lending to the public sector. 
  The Company also added to its Legacy sleeve as the regulatory 
  calendar around resolution and infection risk accelerated. It 
  bought IKB discos, BNP TMOs and UniCredit Cashes. 
  In Restructuring, the Company took some profits on Grenke seniors 
  following the issue of an unqualified audit opinion by KPMG. The 
  Company took part in a first T2 issue from Fidelidade, a leading 
  Portuguese insurer. It added to Anacap as NPL collection trends 
  remained robust in Europe. Finally, the Company closed its position 
  in Provident Financial Seniors following the adverse Court ruling 
  on Amigo's scheme of arrangement. 
  In Liquid Relative Value, after the May coupon was unexpectedly 
  skipped, the Company closed its position in Unicredit Cashes at 
  a loss as it could no longer trust that the management would not 
  try to activate the conversion clause in the future. 
  In Restructuring, the Company continued to reduce its exposure 
  to Grenke senior bonds as the credit normalised. It added to its 
  Piraeus T2 ahead of the issuance of their new AT1. Finally, the 
  Company increased its allocation to West Bromwich CCDS, betting 
  on further coupon increases. 
  In Liquid Relative Value, the Company bought OTP's SPV-issued 
  legacies, the Opus securities, which combined a decent yield to 
  perpetuity with early take-out optionality. 
 4 - Portfolio (as at 30 June 
 Strategy allocation (as a % 
  of total net assets)* 
 Liquid Relative Value     10.7% 
 Less Liquid Relative 
  Value                    19.3% 
 Restructuring             37.0% 
 Special Situations        1.0% 
 Midcap Origination        30.2% 
 Denomination (as a % of total 
  net assets)* 
 EUR                  51.6% 
 GBP                  45.7% 
 USD                  1.0% 
 Portfolio Breakdown (as a % of total net assets)* 
 By securities external               By country 
 A                           0.0%     UK             45.1% 
 BBB                         8.9%     Germany        13.3% 
 BB                         23.1%     France          8.5% 
 B                          11.0%     Italy           6.6% 
 Below B                    10.2%     Ireland         5.4% 
 NR                         43.4%     Austria         4.9% 
                                      Portugal        3.8% 
 By maturity                          Greece          3.5% 
 <1 year                    12.5%     Denmark         2.7% 
 1-3                        27.7%     Canada          1.9% 
 3-5                        30.1%     Netherlands     1.9% 
 5-7                         3.2%     Spain           1.2% 
 7-10                        1.3%     Luxembourg      1.0% 
 >10                        23.5%     South Africa    0.3% 
 By subordination 
 Additional Tier 1          34.1% 
 Legacy Tier 1              27.1% 
 Tier 2                     16.2% 
 Senior                     14.4% 
 Equity                      8.1% 
 * Splits adjusted for single assets 
 5 - Company metrics (as at 30 June 2021) 
 Share price and NAV information 
 Share price (mid) (GB pence)               94.00 
 NAV per share (daily) (GB pence)          103.03 
 Dividends paid over last 12 months 
  (GB pence)                                 6.00 
 Shares in issue                       91,852,904 
 Market capitalisation (GBP mn)            86.342 
 Total net assets (GBP mn)                 94.637 
 Premium/(Discount)                       (8.76)% 
 Portfolio information            30 June 2021   31 December   30 June 
                                                        2020      2020 
 Modified duration                        4.87          4.54      4.20 
 Sensitivity to credit                    5.64          5.51      6.00 
 Positions                                  80            85        89 
 Average price                          109.27        104.56     98.84 
 Running yield                           6.11%         5.76%     6.50% 
 Yield to perpetuity(1)                  7.03%         6.67%     7.69% 
 Yield to call(2)                        7.06%         8.51%    10.81% 
 Gross Assets                           114.6%        113.4%    120.0% 
 Net gearing = (Gross assets - 
  Collateral) / Net assets              107.6%        107.0%    108.0% 
 Investments / Net Assets               101.6%        104.0%    101.0% 
 Cash                                     6.0%          3.0%      7.0% 
 Collateral                               7.0%          6.4%     12.0% 
 Net Repo / Net Assets                   12.6%         -0.1%     -2.1% 
 CDS / Net Assets                        76.6%         56.7%     56.2% 
 Net Return(3) 
 1 month   3 months   6 months   1 year   3 years(4)   Since launch(4) 
  1.27%     5.14%      11.49%    23.09%     8.08%           5.76% 
 Monthly performance 
          Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun    Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec    Annual 
           %       %        %       %      %       %       %      %       %       %       %       %        % 
 2015                                                                                   0.19    -1.48   -1.29 
 2016    -4.02   -4.59    3.57    1.16   2.62    -1.97   2.83   1.69    -0.21   2.06    -1.60   1.91     2.92 
 2017    2.67    0.93     1.12    2.01   1.72    -1.41   1.86   0.58    1.76    2.72    1.31    2.92    16.14 
 2018    3.12    -0.70   -1.95    1.14   -5.84   -1.14   1.60   -1.26   2.43    -1.54   -2.68   -1.44   -8.00 
 2019    3.36    2.30     0.29    2.53   -1.59   2.29    0.30   0.75    0.97    2.22    1.77    1.12    16.98 
 2020    1.99    -0.87   -19.95   5.24   3.68    4.27    1.90   1.88    -0.32   0.53    5.03    1.48     1.73 
 2021    -0.16   3.78     2.45    2.15   1.65    1.27                                                   11.49 
 (1) The yield to perpetuity is the yield of the portfolio with 
  the hypothesis that securities are not reimbursed and kept to 
  perpetuity. (2) The yield to call is the yield of the portfolio 
  at the anticipated reimbursement date of the bonds. (3) Net return 
  has been calculated by comparing the NAV at the start of the period 
  with the NAV, plus dividends paid, at the period end. Past performance 
  does not guarantee future results. (4) Annualised performance. 
 6- Outlook 
 During the first half, extensive fiscal stimulus packages from 
  European Central Banks enabled consumers to save further, enhanced 
  liquidity and preserved corporate balance sheets and financing 
  conditions. This, together with the progress made in vaccination 
  campaigns across Europe, that led to the easing of various lockdown 
  restrictions and record consumer spending, created a very favourable 
  backdrop for bonds issued by financial institutions and helped 
  to drive our standout performance during the period. 
  Pent-up demand is, however, clashing with limited availability 
  of raw materials, low inventories, inflexible supply chains and 
  lower willingness to work, as evidenced by record high delivery 
  times and backlogs as well as discrepancies between job openings 
  and unemployment rates. In addition, acceleration in monetary 
  aggregates was causing financial stability concerns, with housing 
  markets posting dramatic price increases, especially in the US. 
  These developments have put inflation risk in the spotlight again, 
  causing volatility in the rates markets. 10 year treasuries yields 
  climbed from +0.94% to +1.44%. 
  Supply-side worries are unlikely to disappear soon. The cost of 
  managing the COVID-19 disruptions will remain elevated, while 
  new production capacity will take years to emerge. Though job 
  market imbalances will start to normalise with the phasing-out 
  of exceptional benefits, record savings and changes in lifestyle 
  preferences will likely result in a slow convergence to lower 
  employment rates. As a result, economic growth is likely to be 
  constrained and lag inflation. 
  Looking ahead, policymakers will need to address both rising financial 
  stability risks and an uncertain outlook for the health of businesses 
  across the Eurozone. While this is complicated further by the 
  additional constraint of maintaining moderate issuance spreads 
  across European countries, we believe that there are plenty of 
  opportunities ahead despite these uncertainties. 
  We anticipate lower but more flexible asset purchases, a tightening 
  of mortgage lending conditions, a shift in policies to support 
  businesses rather than consumers and, while interest margins remain 
  pressured by the excess of liquidity, the prospect of steeper 
  curves as inflationary pressures intensify, all of which will 
  support the ongoing performance of the fund. 
  On the regulatory front, supervisors confirmed the alignment of 
  grandfathering periods for MREL and capital eligibility. The EBA, 
  in its fourth AT1 Monitoring Report, reminded banks that all instruments 
  within the same capital bucket, whether legacy or new style, could 
  not have different rankings in resolution. Market activity was 
  high, with calls at par and tenders from several issuers, including 
  BBVA, DZ Bank, RBI, NatWest, Nationwide and Lloyds. We expect 
  this trend to intensify as we approach the end of the Basel III 
  grandfathering period by December 2021 and continue to see significant 
  value in this legacy universe. 
 Gildas Surry                           Antonio Roman 
  Axiom Alternative Investments          Axiom Alternative Investments 
  SARL                                   SARL 
  23 August 2021                         23 August 2021 
                             Principal Risks 
 Risk is inherent in the Company's activities, but it is managed 
  through an ongoing process of identifying and assessing risks 
  and ensuring that appropriate controls are in place. The key risks 
  faced by the Company, are set out below: 
   *    macroeconomic risk; 
   *    investment risk; 
   *    counterparty risk; 
   *    credit risk; 
   *    share price risk; 
   *    regulatory risk; and 
   *    reputational risk. 
 Further details of each of these risks and how they are mitigated 
  are discussed in the Principal Risks section of the Strategic 
  Report within the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 
  December 2020. The Board believes that these risks are applicable 
  to the six month period ended 30 June 2021 and the remaining six 
  months of the current financial year. 
  The COVID-19 pandemic was considered to be a risk to the global 
  economy when the 31 December 2020 Strategic Report was released 
  and it was very early in the vaccine roll-out. The impact of the 
  various vaccines has yet to be seen, but there is light at the 
  end of the COVID-19 pandemic tunnel, and it is expected that (as 
  vaccine programmes are rolled out globally) the risk to the Company 
  from the pandemic will continue to decrease throughout 2021. The 
  Investment Manager continues to monitor the effect on issuers 
  of investment instruments to ensure that the Company is as well-placed 
  as it can be to maintain its objective and to exploit the opportunities 
  that the evolving situation will continue to present. As a result, 
  the operations of the Company are and will be kept under constant 
  review to ensure the Company's liquid resources will be sufficient 
  to cover any working capital requirements. 
 On behalf of the Board. 
 William Scott 
  23 August 2021 
               Statement of Directors' Responsibilities 
 The Directors are responsible for preparing the unaudited half-yearly 
  report and condensed financial statements, which have not been 
  audited or reviewed by an independent auditor, and which include 
  the Chairman's Statement, Investment Manager's Report and Statement 
  of Principal Risks and Uncertainties) together with the unaudited 
  interim financial statements are required to: 
   *    prepare the unaudited half-yearly financial 
        statements in accordance with Disclosure and 
        Transparency Rules ("DTR") 4.2.4R and International 
        Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, 
        as adopted by the United Kingdom; 
   *    include a fair review of the information required by 
        DTR 4.2.7R, being important events that have occurred 
        during the period and their impact on the unaudited 
        half-yearly report and condensed financial statements 
        and a description of the principal risks and 
        uncertainties for the remaining six months of the 
        financial year; and 
   *    include a fair review of information required by DTR 
        4.2.8R, being related party transactions that have 
        taken place during the period which have had a 
        material effect on the financial position or 
        performance of the Company. 
 The Directors confirm that the unaudited half-yearly report and 
  condensed financial statements comply with the above requirements. 
 On behalf of the Board. 
 William Scott 
  23 August 2021 
                Unaudited Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                        for the six months ended 30 June 2021 
                                                          Period from    Period from 
                                                            1 January      1 January 
                                                           2021 to 30     2020 to 30 
                                                            June 2021      June 2020 
                                                  Note    (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                                              GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Capital instrument income                                      2,600          2,520 
 Credit default swap income                                       417            343 
 Bank interest receivable                                           3             13 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 Total income                                                   3,020          2,876 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 Investment gains and losses on investments 
  held at fair value through profit or 
 Realised gains/(losses) on disposal of 
  capital instruments and other investments        13           4,998          (775) 
 Movement in unrealised gains/(losses) 
  on capital instruments and other investments     13           1,504        (3,968) 
 Realised gains/(losses) on derivative 
  financial instruments                            16           2,268          (655) 
 Movement in unrealised losses on derivative 
  financial instruments                            16            (51)        (3,064) 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 Total investment gains and losses                              8,719        (8,462) 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 Loss on foreign currency                                       (595)          (886) 
 Investment management fee                         8a           (435)          (377) 
 Performance fee                                   8a           (406)              - 
 Administration fee                                8b            (65)           (65) 
 Directors' fees                                   8f            (47)           (47) 
 Interest payable and similar charges              9             (13)           (75) 
 Other expenses                                    10           (135)          (126) 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 Total expenses                                               (1,696)        (1,576) 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 Profit/(loss) for the period attributable 
  to the Owners of the Company                                 10,043        (7,162) 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 Earnings/(loss) per Ordinary Share - 
  basic and diluted                                12          10.93p        (7.80)p 
                                                         ------------   ------------ 
 All of the items in the above statement are derived from continuing 
  The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited 
  condensed half-yearly financial statements. 
  These financial statements are unaudited and are not the Company's 
  statutory financial statements. 
             Unaudited Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 
                    for the six months ended 30 June 2021 
                                                  Period from    Period from 
                                                    1 January      1 January 
                                                   2021 to 30     2020 to 30 
                                                    June 2021      June 2020 
                                          Note    (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                                      GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Distributable reserves and total: 
 At 1 January 2021                                     87,350         91,284 
 Profit/(loss) for the period                          10,043        (7,162) 
 Contributions by and distributions to 
  Dividends paid                           6          (2,756)        (2,756) 
                                                 ------------   ------------ 
 At 30 June 2021                                       94,637         81,366 
                                                 ------------   ------------ 
 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited 
  condensed half-yearly financial statements. 
  These financial statements are unaudited and are not the Company's 
  statutory financial statements. 
                   Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial Position 
                                    as at 30 June 2021 
                                                                 As at              As at 
                                                               30 June        31 December 
                                                                  2021     2020 (audited) 
                                              Note         (unaudited) 
                                                               GBP'000            GBP'000 
 Investments in capital instruments           13, 
  at fair value through profit or loss         17               89,030             83,466 
 Other investments at fair value through      13, 
  profit or loss                               17                3,987              4,766 
 Collateral accounts for derivative 
  financial instruments at fair value         14, 
  through profit or loss                       16                7,153              5,905 
 Derivative financial assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss                16                 1,018              5,257 
 Other receivables and prepayments            15                 2,446              1,995 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                       5,933              4,297 
                                                          ------------       ------------ 
 Total assets                                                  109,567            105,686 
                                                          ------------       ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Derivative financial liabilities 
  at fair value through profit or loss        16              (12,467)           (12,331) 
 Short positions covered by reverse 
  sale and repurchase agreements              13                     -            (1,881) 
 Collateral accounts for derivative 
  financial instruments at fair value         14, 
  through profit or loss                       16                (506)              (340) 
 Other payables and accruals                  18               (1,733)            (2,134) 
 Bank overdrafts                                                 (224)            (1,650) 
                                                          ------------       ------------ 
 Total liabilities                                            (14,930)           (18,336) 
                                                          ------------       ------------ 
 Net assets                                                     94,637             87,350 
                                                          ------------       ------------ 
 Share capital and reserves 
 Share capital                                19                     -                  - 
 Distributable reserves                                         94,637             87,350 
                                                          ------------       ------------ 
 Total equity holders' funds                                    94,637             87,350 
                                                          ------------       ------------ 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share: 
  basic and diluted                           20               103.03p             95.10p 
 These unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements were 
  approved by the Board of Directors on 23 August 2021 and were 
  signed on its behalf by: 
 William Scott                              John Renouf 
  Chairman                                   Director 
  23 August 2021                             23 August 2021 
 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited 
  condensed half-yearly financial statements. 
  These financial statements are unaudited and are not the Company's 
  statutory financial statements. 
                      Unaudited Condensed Statement of Cash Flows 
                         for the six months ended 30 June 2021 
                                                            Period from    Period from 
                                                              1 January      1 January 
                                                                2021 to     2020 to 30 
                                                                30 June      June 2020 
                                                                   2021    (unaudited) 
                                                    Note    (unaudited) 
                                                                GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Net profit/(loss) before taxation                               10,043        (7,162) 
 Adjustments for: 
   Foreign exchange movements                                       595            886 
   Total investment (gains)/losses at fair 
    value through profit or loss                                (8,719)          8,462 
   Capital instrument income                                    (2,600)        (2,520) 
   CDS income                                                     (417)          (343) 
   Interest on sale and repurchase agreements                       (9)             52 
 Cash flows relating to financial instruments: 
   Payment to collateral accounts for derivative 
    financial instruments                            14         (1,082)        (5,357) 
   Purchase of investments at fair value 
    through profit or loss                                     (57,686)       (26,431) 
   Sale of investments at fair value through 
    profit or loss                                               57,880         33,529 
  Premiums received from selling credit 
   default swap agreements                           16             274          3,871 
  Premiums paid on buying credit default 
   swap agreements                                   16            (83)        (3,715) 
  Purchase of foreign currency derivatives           16        (89,754)      (109,100) 
  Close-out of foreign currency derivatives          16          92,111        108,614 
  Purchase of bond futures                           16               -        (1,320) 
  Sale of bond futures                               16               -          1,314 
  Proceeds from sale and repurchase agreements       16          19,378         26,056 
  Payments to open reverse sale and repurchase 
   agreements                                        16               -        (4,763) 
  Payments for closure of sale and repurchase 
   agreements                                        16        (19,232)       (27,600) 
  Proceeds from closure of reverse sale 
   and repurchase agreements                         16           3,898          4,782 
  Opening of short positions                                          -          2,752 
  Closure of short positions                                    (1,932)        (2,315) 
  Opening of options                                 16               -              - 
  Closure of options                                 16               -              - 
  Cash paid during the period for interest                      (1,078)          (804) 
  Cash received during the period for interest                    4,188          4,208 
  Cash received during the period for dividends                     180            135 
                                                           ------------   ------------ 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities 
  before working capital changes                                  5,955          3,231 
 Increase in other receivables and prepayments                     (15)            (1) 
 Increase in other payables and accruals                            473             98 
                                                           ------------   ------------ 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities                        6,413          3,328 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Dividends paid                                      6          (2,756)        (2,756) 
                                                           ------------   ------------ 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities                     (2,756)        (2,756) 
                                                           ------------   ------------ 
 Increase in cash and cash equivalents 
  *                                                               3,657            572 
                                                           ------------   ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents brought forward                        2,647          6,102 
 Effect of foreign exchange on cash and 
  cash equivalents                                                (595)          (886) 
                                                           ------------   ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents carried forward 
  *                                                               5,709          5,788 
                                                           ------------   ------------ 
 * Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the period and at the 
  period end includes bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand 
  and form an integral part of the Company's cash management. 
   The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited 
   condensed half-yearly financial statements. 
   These financial statements are unaudited and are not the Company's 
   statutory financial statements. 
      Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Half-Yearly Financial Statements 
                     for the six months ended 30 June 2021 
 1. General information 
 The Company was incorporated as an authorised closed-ended investment 
  Company, under the Law on 7 October 2015 with registered number 
  61003. Its Ordinary Shares were admitted to trading on the Premium 
  Segment of the main market of the London Stock Exchange and to 
  the premium listing segment of the FCA's Official List on 15 October 
  2018 (prior to this, the Ordinary Shares traded on the SFS of 
  the London Stock Exchange). 
 Investment objective 
   The investment objective of the Company is to provide Shareholders 
    with an attractive return, while limiting downside risk, through 
    investment in the following financial institution investment instruments: 
     *    Regulatory Capital Instruments, being financial 
          instruments issued by a European financial 
          institution which constitute regulatory capital for 
          the purposes of Basel I, Basel II or Basel III or 
          Solvency I or Solvency II; 
     *    Other financial institution investment instruments, 
          being financial instruments issued by a European 
          financial institution, including without limitation 
          senior debt, which do not constitute Regulatory 
          Capital Instruments; and 
     *    Derivative Instruments, being CDOs, securitisations 
          or derivatives, whether funded or unfunded, linked or 
          referenced to Regulatory Capital Instruments or Other 
          financial institution investment instruments. 
 Investment policy 
 The Company seeks to invest in a diversified portfolio of financial 
  institution investment instruments. The Company focuses primarily 
  on investing in the secondary market although instruments may 
  also be subscribed in the primary market where the Investment 
  Manager, Axiom, identifies attractive opportunities. 
  The Company invests its assets with the aim of spreading investment 
 2. Statement of compliance 
 a) Basis of preparation 
 These unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements present 
  the results of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2021. 
  These unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements have 
  been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency 
  Rules of the FCA and International Accounting Standard 34, Interim 
  Financial Reporting, as adopted by the United Kingdom. 
  The unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements for the 
  period ended 30 June 2021 have not been audited or reviewed by 
  the Company's auditors and do not constitute statutory financial 
  statements. They have been prepared on the same basis as the Company's 
  annual financial statements. 
  These unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements were 
  authorised for issuance by the Board of Directors on 23 August 
 b) Going concern 
 After making reasonable enquiries, and assessing all data relating 
  to the Company's liquidity, including its cash resources, income 
  stream and Level 1 investments, the Directors have a reasonable 
  expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue 
  in operational existence for the foreseeable future and do not 
  consider there to be any threat to the going concern status of 
  the Company. Therefore, the unaudited condensed half-yearly financial 
  statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. 
 c) Basis of measurement 
 These unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements have 
  been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for certain financial 
  instruments, which are measured at fair value through profit or 
 d) Use of estimates and judgements 
 The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS 
  requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions 
  that affect the application of policies and the reported amounts 
  of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. 
  Judgements made by management in the application of IFRS that 
  have a significant effect on the unaudited condensed half-yearly 
  financial statements and estimates with a significant risk of 
  material adjustment are discussed in note 4. 
 3. Significant accounting policies 
 a) Income and expenses 
 Bank interest, bond income and credit default swap income is recognised 
  on a time-proportionate basis. 
  Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment 
  is established. Capital instrument income comprises bond interest 
  and dividend income. 
  All expenses are recognised on an accruals basis. All of the Company's 
  expenses (with the exception of share issue costs, which are charged 
  directly to the distributable reserve) are charged through the 
  Statement of Comprehensive Income in the period in which they 
  are incurred. 
 b) Foreign currency 
 Foreign currency transactions are translated into Sterling using 
  the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. 
  Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement 
  of such transactions and from the translation at period-end exchange 
  rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign 
  currencies are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
  The exchange rates used by the Company as at 30 June 2021 were 
  GBP1/EUR1.1667, GBP1/US$1.3831, GBP1/DKK8.6744, GBP1/CA$1.7145 
  and GBP1/SGD1.8605 (31 December 2020: GBP1/EUR1.1185, GBP1/US$1.3670, 
  GBP1/DKK8.3263, GBP1/CA$1.7422 and GBP1/SGD1.8061). 
 c) Taxation 
 Investment income is recorded gross of applicable taxes and any 
  tax expenses are recognised through the Statement of Comprehensive 
  Income as incurred. 
 d) Financial assets and liabilities 
      The financial assets and liabilities of the Company are investments 
       in capital instruments at fair value through profit or loss, other 
       investments at fair value through profit or loss, collateral accounts 
       for derivative financial instruments, cash and cash equivalents, 
       other receivables, derivative financial instruments and other 
       In accordance with IFRS 9, the Company classifies its financial 
       assets and financial liabilities at initial recognition into the 
       categories of financial assets and financial liabilities as discussed 
       In applying that classification, a financial asset or financial 
       liability is considered to be held for trading if: 
        *    It is acquired or incurred principally for the 
             purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term; 
        *    On initial recognition, it is part of a portfolio of 
             identified financial instruments that are managed 
             together and for which, there is evidence of a recent 
             actual pattern of short-term profit-taking; or 
        *    It is a derivative (except for a derivative that is a 
             financial guarantee contract or a designated and 
             effective hedging instrument). 
      Financial assets 
       The Company classifies its financial assets as subsequently measured 
       at amortised cost or measured at fair value through profit or 
       loss on the basis of both: 
        *    The business model for managing the financial assets; 
        *    The contractual cash flow characteristics of the 
             financial asset. 
       A financial asset is measured at fair value through profit or 
       loss if: 
        *    Its contractual terms do not give rise to cash flows 
             on specified dates that are solely payments of 
             principal interest ("SPPI") on the principal 
             outstanding amount; or 
        *    It is not held within a business model whose 
             objective is either to collect contractual cash flows, 
             or to both collect contractual cash flows and sell; 
        *    At initial recognition, it is irrevocably designated 
             as measured at fair value through profit or loss when 
             doing so eliminates or significantly reduces a 
             measurement or recognition inconsistency that would 
             otherwise arise from measuring assets or liabilities 
             or recognising the gains and losses on them on 
             different bases. 
       The Company includes in this category: 
        *    Instruments held for trading. This category includes 
             equity instruments and debt instruments which are 
             acquired principally for the purpose of generating a 
             profit from short-term fluctuations in price. This 
             category also includes derivative financial assets at 
             fair value through profit or loss. 
        *    Debt instruments. These include investments that are 
             held under a business model to manage them on a fair 
             value basis for investment income and fair value 
       Financial liabilities 
       A financial liability is measured at fair value through profit 
       or loss if it meets the definition of held for trading. 
       The Company includes in this category, derivative contracts in 
       a liability position and equity and debt instruments sold short 
       since they are classified as held for trading. 
       Derivative financial instruments, including credit default swap 
       agreements, foreign currency forward contracts, bond future contracts 
       and sale and repurchase agreements are recognised initially, and 
       are subsequently measured at, fair value. Sale and repurchase 
       agreements are recognised at fair value through profit or loss 
       as they are generally not held to maturity and so are held for 
       trading. Derivative financial instruments are classified as assets 
       when their fair value is positive or as liabilities when their 
       fair value is negative. Derivative assets and liabilities arising 
       from different transactions are offset only if the transactions 
       are with the same counterparty, a legal right of offset exists, 
       and the parties intend to settle the cash flows on a net basis. 
       These financial instruments are classified at fair value through 
       profit or loss upon initial recognition on the basis that they 
       are part of a group of financial assets which are managed and 
       have their performance evaluated on a fair value basis, in accordance 
       with investment strategies and risk management of the Company. 
  The Company recognises a financial asset or a financial liability 
  when, and only when, it becomes a party to the contractual provisions 
  of the instrument. Purchases and sales of financial assets that 
  require delivery of assets within the time frame generally established 
  by regulation or convention in the marketplace are recognised 
  on the trade date, i.e. the date that the Company commits to purchase 
  or sell the asset. 
       A financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial 
       asset or part of a group of similar assets) is derecognised where: 
        *    The rights to receive cash flows from the asset have 
             expired; or 
        *    The Company has transferred its rights to receive 
             cash flows from the asset or has assumed an 
             obligation to pay the received cash flows in full 
             without material delay to a third party under a 
             "pass-through" arrangement; and 
        *    Either (a) the Company has transferred substantially 
             all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) the 
             Company has neither transferred nor retained 
             substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, 
             but has transferred control of the asset. 
       When the Company has transferred its rights to receive cash flows 
       from an asset (or has entered into a pass-through arrangement) 
       and has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the 
       risks and rewards of the asset nor transferred control of the 
       asset, the asset is recognised to the extent of the Company's 
       continuing involvement in the asset. 
       The Company derecognises a financial liability when the obligation 
       under the liability is discharged, cancelled or expires. 
       Initial measurement 
       Financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through 
       profit or loss are recorded in the Statement of Financial Position 
       at fair value. All transaction costs for such instruments are 
       recognised directly in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 
       Subsequent measurement 
       After initial measurement, the Company measures financial assets 
       which are classified at fair value through profit or loss, at 
       fair value. Subsequent changes in the fair value of those financial 
       instruments are recorded in net gain or loss on financial assets 
       and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. Interest 
       and dividends earned or paid on these instruments are recorded 
       separately in interest income or expense and dividend income or 
       Net gain or loss on financial assets and financial liabilities 
       at fair value through profit or loss 
       The Company records its transactions in investments and the related 
       revenue and expenses on a trade date basis. Unrealised gains and 
       losses comprise changes in the fair value of financial instruments 
       at the period end. These gains and losses represent the difference 
       between an instrument's initial carrying amount and disposal amount, 
       or cash payment on, or receipts from derivative contracts. 
       Offsetting of financial instruments 
       Financial assets and financial liabilities are reported net by 
       counterparty in the Statement of Financial Position, provided 
       that the legal right of offset exists, and is not offset by collateral 
       pledged to or received from counterparties. 
 e) Collateral accounts for derivative financial instruments at 
  fair value through profit or loss 
 Collateral accounts for derivative financial instruments at fair 
  value through profit or loss comprises cash balances held at the 
  Company's depositary and the Company's clearing brokers and cash 
  collateral pledged to counterparties related to derivative contracts. 
  Cash that is related to securities sold, not yet purchased, is 
  restricted until the securities are purchased. Financial instruments 
  held within the margin account consist of cash received from brokers 
  to collateralise the Company's derivative contracts and amounts 
  transferred from the Company's bank account. 
 f) Receivables and prepayments 
 Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or 
  determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. 
  The Company includes in this category other short-term receivables. 
 g) Cash and cash equivalents 
 Cash in hand and in banks and short-term deposits which are held 
  to maturity are carried at cost. Cash and cash equivalents are 
  defined as cash in hand, demand deposits and short-term, highly 
  liquid investments readily convertible to known amounts of cash 
  and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value. 
 h) Payables and accruals 
 Trade and other payables are carried at payment or settlement 
  amounts. When payables are received in currencies other than the 
  reporting currency, they are carried forward, translated at the 
  rate prevailing at the period end date. 
 i) Share capital 
 Ordinary Shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly 
  attributable to the issue of Ordinary Shares are recognised as 
  a deduction from equity. 
  When share capital recognised as equity is repurchased, the amount 
  of the consideration paid, which includes directly attributable 
  costs, is recognised as a deduction from equity. Repurchased shares 
  that are classified as Treasury Shares are presented as a deduction 
  from equity. When Treasury Shares are sold or subsequently reissued, 
  the amount received is recognised as an increase in equity and 
  the resulting surplus or deficit is transferred to/from retained 
  Funds received from the issue of Ordinary Shares are allocated 
  to share capital, to the extent that they relate to the nominal 
  value of the Ordinary Shares, with any excess being allocated 
  to distributable reserves. 
 j) Distributable reserves 
 All income and expenses, foreign exchange gains and losses and 
  realised investment gains and losses of the Company are allocated 
  to the distributable reserve. 
 k) NAV per share and earnings per share 
 The NAV per share disclosed on the face of the Statement of Financial 
  Position is calculated by dividing the net assets by the number 
  of Ordinary Shares in issue at the period end. 
  Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings for 
  the period by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in 
  issue during the period. 
 l) Changes in accounting policy and disclosures 
 New and amended standards and interpretations 
  The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the 
  previous financial year. The Company adopted the following new 
  and amended relevant IFRS in the period: 
 IFRS      Financial Instruments: Disclosures - amendments regarding 
  7         pre-placement issues in the context of the IBOR reform 
 IFRS      Financial Instruments - amendments regarding pre-placement 
  9         issues in the context of the IBOR reform 
 IAS 1     Presentation of Financial Statements - amendments regarding 
            the definition of material 
 IAS 8     Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and 
            Errors - amendments regarding the definition of material 
 IAS 39    Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement - amendments 
            regarding replacement issues in the context of the IBOR 
   The adoption of the above standards did not have an impact on 
   the financial position or performance of the Company. 
 m) Accounting standards issued but not yet effective 
 The International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") has issued/revised 
  a number of relevant standards with an effective date after the 
  date of these financial statements. Any standards that are not 
  deemed relevant to the operations of the Company have been excluded. 
  The Directors have chosen not to early adopt these standards and 
  interpretations and they expect that they would not have a material 
  impact on the Company's financial statements in the period of 
  initial application. 
                                                                   Effective date 
 IFRS      Financial Instruments - amendments resulting            1 January 2022 
  9         from Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 
 IAS 1     Presentation of Financial Statements - amendments       1 January 2023 
            regarding the classification of liabilities 
 IAS 8     Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting              1 January 2023 
            Estimates and Errors - amendments regarding 
            the definition of accounting estimates 
 IAS 37    Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent       1 January 2022 
            Assets - amendments regarding the costs to 
            include when assessing whether a contract is 
  4. Use of judgements and estimates 
 The preparation of the Company's unaudited condensed half-yearly 
  financial statements requires the Directors to make judgements, 
  estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts recognised 
  in the unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements and 
  disclosure of contingent liabilities. The estimates and associated 
  assumptions are based on historical experience and various other 
  factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, 
  the results of which form the basis of making judgements about 
  carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily 
  apparent from other sources. However, uncertainty about these 
  assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that could 
  require a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the asset 
  or liability in future periods. 
  The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing 
  basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the 
  period in which the estimate is revised, if the revision affects 
  only that period, or in the period of the revision and future 
  periods, if the revision affects both current and future periods. 
  In the process of applying the Company's accounting policies, 
  management has made the following judgement which had a significant 
  effect on the amounts recognised in the unaudited condensed half-yearly 
  financial statements: 
  i) Determination of functional currency 
  The performance of the Company is measured and reported to investors 
  in Sterling. Although the majority of the Company's underlying 
  assets are held in currencies other than Sterling, because the 
  Company's capital is raised in Sterling, expenses are paid in 
  Sterling and the Company hedges substantially all of its foreign 
  currency risk back to Sterling the Directors consider Sterling 
  to be the Company's functional currency. 
  The Directors do not consider there to be any other judgements 
  which have had a significant impact on the unaudited condensed 
  half-yearly financial statements. 
  Estimates and assumptions 
  The Company based its assumptions and estimates on parameters 
  available when the unaudited condensed half-yearly financial statements 
  were approved. However, existing circumstances and assumptions 
  about future developments may change due to market changes or 
  circumstances arising beyond the control of the Company. Such 
  changes are reflected in the assumptions when they occur. 
 i) Valuation of financial assets and liabilities 
  The Company uses the expertise of the Investment Manager to assess 
  the prices of investments at the valuation date. The majority 
  of the prices can be independently verified with reference to 
  external data sources, however a minority of investments cannot 
  be verified by reference to an external source and the Investment 
  Manager secures an independent valuation with reference to the 
  latest prices traded within the market place. These independent 
  valuations take the form of quotes from brokers. 
  For further information on the assumptions and inputs used to 
  fair value the financial instruments, please see note 17. 
 5. Segmental reporting 
 In accordance with IFRS 8, Operating Segments, it is mandatory 
  for the Company to present and disclose segmental information 
  based on the internal reports that are regularly reviewed by the 
  Board in order to assess each segment's performance. 
  Management information for the Company as a whole is provided 
  internally for decision making purposes. The Company does compartmentalise 
  different investments in order to monitor compliance with investment 
  restrictions, however the performance of these allocations does 
  not drive the investment decision process. The Directors' decisions 
  are based on a single integrated investment strategy and the Company's 
  performance is evaluated on an overall basis. Therefore, the Directors 
  are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single economic 
  segment of business for all decision making purposes and no segmental 
  reporting is required. The financial results of this segment are 
  equivalent to the results of the Company as a whole. 
 6. Dividends 
 As set out in the Prospectus, the Company intends to distribute 
  all of its income from investments, net of expenses, by way of 
  dividends on a quarterly basis. The Company may retain income 
  for distribution in a subsequent quarter to that in which it arises 
  in order to smooth dividend amounts or for the purposes of efficient 
  cash management. 
  The Company declared the following dividends during the period 
  ended 30 June 2021: 
                                           Total dividend declared 
                                            in respect of earnings                   Amount per Ordinary 
                                                in the period                               Share 
                                          Period from         Period from              Period         Period from 
                                            1 January           1 January              from 1           1 January 
                                              2021 to             2020 to             January             2020 to 
                                              30 June             30 June             2021 to             30 June 
                                     2021 (unaudited)    2020 (unaudited)             30 June    2020 (unaudited) 
                                                                             2021 (unaudited) 
                                              GBP'000             GBP'000               pence               Pence 
 Dividends declared and paid 
  in the period                                 2,756               2,756                3.00                3.00 
 Less, dividend declared in 
  respect of the prior period 
  that was paid in the period                 (1,378)             (1,378)              (1.50)              (1.50) 
 Add, dividend declared out 
 of the profits for the period 
 but paid after the period 
 end:                                           1,378               1,378                1.50                1.50 
                                         ------------        ------------        ------------        ------------ 
 Dividends declared in respect 
  of the period                                 2,756               2,756                3.00                3.00 
                                         ------------        ------------        ------------        ------------ 
 In accordance with IFRS, dividends are only provided for when 
  they become a contractual liability of the Company. Therefore, 
  during the period a total of GBP2,756,000 (30 June 2020: GBP2,756,000) 
  was incurred in respect of dividends, none of which was outstanding 
  at the reporting date. The second dividend of GBP1,378,000 in 
  respect of the earnings during the period had not been provided 
  for at 30 June 2021 as, in accordance with IFRS, it was not a 
  liability of the Company at that date. 
 7. Related parties 
 Details of the relationships between the Company and its related 
  parties, being the Investment Manager and the Directors are disclosed 
  in notes 8a and 8f. 
  Details of the relationships between the Company and its other 
  advisers and service providers (the Administrator, the Broker, 
  the Registrar and the Depositary) are also disclosed in note 8. 
  As at 30 June 2021, the Company had holdings in the following 
  investments which were managed by the Investment Manager: 
                                         30 June 2021                  31 December 2020 
                                  Holding       Cost     Value    Holding      Cost     Value 
                                             GBP'000   GBP'000              GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Axiom Global CoCo UCIT ETF 
  USD-hedged                           35      2,984     3,096         35     2,984     3,011 
 Axiom Equity Class Z                 500        467       891        500       467       666 
 Axiom Global CoCo UCIT ETF 
  GBP-hedged                            -          -         -         10     1,000     1,089 
 During the period, the Company sold 10 units in Axiom Global CoCo 
  UCIT ETF GBP-hedged for GBP1,106,000, realising a gain of GBP106,000. 
  During the period ended 30 June 2020, the Company sold 2,450 units 
  in Axiom Contingent Capital - Class E for GBP2,150,000, realising 
  a loss of GBP312,000. 
  The Directors are not aware of any ultimate controlling party. 
 8. Key contracts 
 a) Investment Manager 
        The Company has entered into an Investment Management Agreement 
         with Axiom under which the Company receives investment advice 
         and management services. 
         Management fee 
         Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, a management 
         fee is paid to the Investment Manager quarterly in arrears. The 
         quarterly fee is calculated by reference to the following sliding 
         i. where NAV is less than or equal to GBP250 million, 1% per annum 
         of NAV; 
         ii. where NAV is greater than GBP250 million but less than or 
         equal to GBP500 million, 1% per annum of NAV on the first GBP250 
         million and 0.8% per annum of NAV on the balance; and 
         iii. where NAV is greater than GBP500 million, 0.8% per annum 
         of NAV, in each case, plus applicable VAT. 
         In respect of the management fee calculation above, any related 
         party holdings are deducted from the NAV. 
         If in any quarter (other than the final quarter) of any accounting 
         period the aggregate expenses of the Company (excluding management 
         fees, performance fees, interest charged on sale and repurchase 
         agreements, bank charges and withholding tax) during such quarter 
         exceed an amount equal to one-quarter of 1.5% of the average NAV 
         of the Company during such quarter (such amount being a "Quarterly 
         Expenses Excess"), then the management fee payable in respect 
         of that quarter shall be reduced by the amount of the Quarterly 
         Expenses Excess, provided that the management fee shall not be 
         reduced to an amount that is less than zero and no sum will be 
         payable by the Investment Manager to the Company in respect of 
         the Quarterly Expenses Excess. 
         If in the final quarter of any accounting period the aggregate 
         expenses of the Company during such accounting period exceed an 
         amount equal to 1.5% of the average NAV of the Company during 
         such accounting period (such amount being an "Annual Expenses 
         Excess"), then the management fee payable in respect of that quarter 
         shall be reduced by the amount of the Annual Expenses Excess. 
         If such reduction would not fully eliminate the Annual Expenses 
         Excess (the amount of any such shortfall being a "Management Fee 
         Deduction Shortfall"), the Investment Manager shall pay to the 
         Company an amount equal to the Management Fee Deduction Shortfall 
         (a "Management Fee Deduction Shortfall Payment") as soon as is 
         reasonably practicable. 
         During the period, a total of GBP435,000 (30 June 2020: GBP377,000) 
         was incurred in respect of Investment Management fees, of which 
         GBP228,000 (31 December 2020: GBP185,000) was payable at the reporting 
         Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, if at 
         any time there has been any deduction from the management fee 
         as a result of the Quarterly Expenses Excess or Annual Expenses 
         Excess (a "Management Fee Deduction"), and during any subsequent 
         i. all or part of the Management Fee Deduction can be paid; and/or 
         ii. all or part of the Management Fee Deduction Shortfall Payment 
         can be repaid, 
         by the Company to the Investment Manager without: 
         iii. in any quarter (other than the final quarter) of any accounting 
         period the aggregate expenses of the Company during such quarter 
         exceeding an amount equal to one-quarter of 1.5% of the average 
         NAV of the Company during such quarter; or 
         iv. in the final quarter of any accounting period the aggregate 
         expenses of the Company during such accounting period exceeding 
         an amount equal to 1.5% of the average NAV of the Company during 
         such accounting period, 
         then such payment and/or repayment shall be made by the Company 
         to the Investment Manager as soon as is reasonably practicable. 
         The Quarterly Expenses Excess for the period was GBP7,000 (30 
         June 2020: GBP16,000 of the Expenses Excess was paid to the Investment 
         Manager). At 30 June 2021, the Quarterly Expenses Excess and Annual 
         Expenses Excess which could be payable to the Investment Manager 
         in future periods was GBP744,000 (31 December 2020: GBP737,000) 
         (see note 25). 
        Performance fee 
         The Investment Manager is entitled to receive from the Company 
         a performance fee subject to certain performance benchmarks. 
         The fee is payable as a share of the Total Shareholder Return 
         ("TSR") where TSR for this purpose is defined as: 
         i. the NAV (on a per share basis) at the end of the relevant accounting 
         period; plus 
         ii. the total of all dividends and other distributions made to 
         Shareholders since 5 November 2015 (being the date of the Company's 
         original admission to the SFS) divided by the number of shares 
         in issue during the period from 5 November 2015 to the end of 
         the relevant accounting period. 
         The performance fee, if any, is equal to 15% of the TSR in excess 
         of a weighted average hurdle equal to a 7% per annum return. The 
         performance fee is subject to a high water mark. The fee, if any, 
         is payable annually and calculated on the basis of audited annual 
         50% of the performance fee will be settled in cash. The balance 
         will be satisfied in shares, subject to certain exceptions where 
         settlement in shares would be prohibited by law or would result 
         in the Investment Manager or any person acting in concert with 
         it incurring an obligation to make an offer under Rule 9 of the 
         City Code, in which case the balance will be settled in cash. 
         Assuming no such requirement, the balance of the performance fee 
         will be settled either by the allotment to the Investment Manager 
         of such number of new shares credited as fully paid as is equal 
         to 50% of the performance fee (net of VAT) divided by the most 
         recent practicable NAV per share (rounded down to the nearest 
         whole share) or by the acquisition of shares in the market, as 
         required under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement. 
         All shares allotted to (or acquired for) the Investment Manager 
         in part satisfaction of the performance fee will be subject to 
         a lock-up until the date that is 12 months from the end of the 
         accounting period to which the award of such shares related. 
         At 30 June 2021, a performance fee of GBP406,000 was payable in 
         respect of the period then ended (31 December 2020: GBP1,000 was 
         payable in respect of the year ended 31 December 2019 and was 
         due at 31 December 2020, and no performance fee was payable in 
         respect of the six months ended 30 June 2020 or the year ended 
         31 December 2020). During the period, the Company paid the Investment 
         Manager GBP1,000, in settlement of the remainder of the 2019 performance 
         fee, which was subsequently used to purchase shares in the Company. 
 b) Administrator and Company Secretary 
 Elysium Fund Management Limited has been appointed by the Company 
  to provide day to day administration services to the Company, 
  to calculate the NAV per share as at the end of each calendar 
  month and to provide company secretarial functions required under 
  the Law. 
  Under the terms of the Administration Agreement, the Administrator 
  is entitled to receive a fee of GBP110,000 per annum, which is 
  subject to an annual adjustment upwards to reflect any percentage 
  change in the retail prices index over the preceding year. In 
  addition, the Company pays the Administrator a fee for any work 
  undertaken in connection with the daily NAV, subject to a maximum 
  aggregate amount of GBP10,000 per annum. 
  During the period, a total of GBP65,000 (30 June 2020: GBP65,000) 
  was incurred in respect of Administration fees and GBP33,000 (31 
  December 2020: GBP33,000) was payable to the Administrator at 
  the reporting date. 
 c) Broker 
 Winterflood Securities Limited ("Winterflood") has been appointed 
  to act as Corporate Broker ("Broker") for the Company, for which 
  the Company pays Winterflood an annual retainer fee of GBP35,000 
  per annum. 
  For the period ended 30 June 2021, the Company incurred Broker 
  fees of GBP19,000 (30 June 2020: GBP18,000) of which GBP6,000 
  was payable at the period end date (31 December 2020: GBP6,000). 
 d) Registrar 
 Link Market Services (Guernsey) Limited is Registrar of the Company. 
  Under the terms of the Registrar Agreement, the Registrar is entitled 
  to receive from the Company certain annual maintenance and activity 
  fees, subject to a minimum fee of GBP5,500 per annum. 
  During the period, a total of GBP10,000 (30 June 2020: GBP10,000) 
  was incurred in respect of Registrar fees, of which GBP3,000 was 
  payable at 30 June 2021 (31 December 2020: GBP3,000). 
 e) Depositary 
        CACEIS Bank France has been appointed by the Company to provide 
         depositary, settlement and other associated services to the Company. 
         Under the terms of the Depositary Agreement, the Depositary is 
         entitled to receive from the Company: 
         i. an annual depositary fee of 0.03% of NAV, subject to a minimum 
         annual fee of EUR25,000; 
         ii. a safekeeping fee calculated using a basis point fee charge 
         based on the country of settlement and the value of the assets; 
         iii. an administration fee on each transaction, together with 
         various other payment/wire charges on outgoing payments. 
         During the period, a total of GBP17,000 (30 June 2020: GBP21,000) 
         was incurred in respect of depositary fees, and GBP14,000 (31 
         December 2020: GBP6,000) was payable to the Depositary at the 
         reporting date. 
        CACEIS Bank Luxembourg is entitled to receive a monthly valuation 
         agent fee from the Company in respect of the provision of certain 
         accounting services which will, subject to a minimum monthly fee 
         of EUR2,500, be calculated by reference to the following tiered 
         sliding scale: 
         i. where NAV is less than or equal to EUR50 million, 0.05% per 
         annum of NAV; 
         ii. where NAV is greater than EUR50 million but less than or equal 
         to EUR100 million, 0.04% per annum of NAV; and 
         iii. where NAV is greater than EUR100 million, 0.03% per annum 
         of NAV, in each case, plus applicable VAT. 
         During the period, a total of GBP22,000 (30 June 2020: GBP20,000) 
         was incurred in respect of fees paid to CACEIS Bank Luxembourg, 
         of which GBP32,000 was payable at 30 June 2021 (31 December 2020: 
 f) Directors' remuneration 
 William Scott (Chairman) is paid GBP35,000 per annum, John Renouf 
  (Chairman of the Audit Committee) is paid GBP32,500 per annum, 
  and Max Hilton is paid GBP27,500 per annum. 
  The Directors are also entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable 
  travelling and other expenses properly incurred in the performance 
  of their duties. 
  During the period, a total of GBP47,000 (30 June 2020: GBP47,000) 
  was incurred in respect of Directors' fees, of which GBPnil (31 
  December 2020: GBPnil) was payable at the reporting date. No bonus 
  or pension contributions were paid or payable on behalf of the 
 9. Interest payable and similar charges 
                                              Period from    Period from 
                                                1 January      1 January 
                                               2021 to 30     2020 to 30 
                                                June 2021      June 2020 
                                              (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                                  GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Bank interest                                         22             23 
 Interest payable on sale and repurchase 
  agreements                                          (9)             52 
                                             ------------   ------------ 
                                                       13             75 
                                             ------------   ------------ 
  10. Other expenses 
                                      Period from    Period from 
                                        1 January      1 January 
                                       2021 to 30     2020 to 30 
                                        June 2021      June 2020 
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited) 
                                          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 PR expenses                                   30             20 
 Valuation agent fees (note 8e)                22             20 
 Broker fees (note 8c)                         19             18 
 Audit fees                                    18             21 
 Depositary fees (note 8e)                     17             21 
 Registrar fees (note 8d)                      10             10 
 Other expenses                                19             16 
                                     ------------   ------------ 
                                              135            126 
                                     ------------   ------------ 
  11. Taxation 
 The Company is exempt from taxation in Guernsey, and it is the 
  intention to conduct the affairs of the Company to ensure that 
  it continues to qualify for exempt company status for the purposes 
  of Guernsey taxation. The Company pays a fixed fee of GBP1,200 
  per annum to maintain exempt company status. 
 12. Earnings per Ordinary Share 
 The earnings per Ordinary Share of 10.93p (30 June 2020: loss 
  of 7.80p) is based on a profit attributable to owners of the Company 
  of GBP10,043,000 (30 June 2020: loss of GBP7,162,000) and on a 
  weighted average number of 91,852,904 (30 June 2020: 91,852,904) 
  Ordinary Shares in issue since 1 January 2021. There is no difference 
  between the basic and diluted loss per share. 
 13. Investments at fair value through profit or loss 
 Movements in gains/(losses) in the period 
                                  30 June 2021 (unaudited)                     30 June 2020 (unaudited) 
                           Unrealised       Realised          Total     Unrealised       Realised          Total 
                              GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Investments in 
  instruments                   1,272          4,955          6,227        (3,691)          (811)        (4,502) 
 Other investments                220            106            326          (303)          (312)          (615) 
 Short positions 
  by reverse sale and 
  agreements                       12           (63)           (51)             26            348            374 
                         ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
                                1,504          4,998          6,502        (3,968)          (775)        (4,743) 
                         ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Closing valuations 
                                                                                                     31 December 
                                                                      30 June 2021 
                                                                       (unaudited)                     (audited) 
                                                                           GBP'000                       GBP'000 
 Investments in capital instruments                                         89,030                        83,466 
 Other investments                                                           3,987                         4,766 
 Short positions covered by reverse 
  sale and repurchase agreements                                                 -                       (1,881) 
                                                                      ------------                  ------------ 
 Investments at fair value through profit 
  or loss                                                                   93,017                        86,351 
                                                                      ------------                  ------------ 
 Investments in capital instruments at fair value through profit 
  or loss comprise mainly of investments in bonds, and also preference 
  shares, structured notes and other securities that have a similar 
  income profile to that of bonds. The other investments at fair 
  value through profit or loss consist of investments in open ended 
  funds managed by the Investment Manager (see note 7) to obtain 
  diversified exposure on bank equities. 
  As at 30 June 2021, the Company had eleven (31 December 2020: 
  fourteen) open sale and repurchase agreements, and no (31 December 
  2020: four) reverse sale and repurchase agreements (see note 16). 
  The previously held reverse sale and repurchase agreements were 
  open ended and were used to cover the sale of capital instruments 
  (the short positions noted above). 
  The fair value of the capital instruments subject to sale and 
  repurchase agreements (excluding the short positions) at 30 June 
  2021 was GBP25,831,000 (31 December 2020: GBP19,582,000). The 
  fair value net of the short positions as at 31 December 2020 was 
  14. Collateral accounts for derivative financial instruments at 
   fair value through profit or loss 
                                                      30 June 2021    31 December 
                                                       (unaudited)           2020 
                                                           GBP'000        GBP'000 
 JP Morgan                                                   6,842          4,896 
 Goldman Sachs International                                   202            410 
 Credit Suisse                                                 109            599 
                                                      ------------   ------------ 
                                                             7,153          5,905 
 CACEIS Bank France - negative balance                       (506)          (340) 
                                                      ------------   ------------ 
 Net balance on collateral accounts held 
  by brokers                                                 6,647          5,565 
                                                      ------------   ------------ 
 With respect to derivatives, the Company pledges cash and/or other 
  liquid securities ("Collateral") to third parties as initial margin 
  and as variation margin. Collateral may be transferred either 
  to the third party or to an unaffiliated custodian for the benefit 
  of the third party. In the case where Collateral is transferred 
  to the third party, the third party pursuant to these derivative 
  arrangements will be permitted to use, reuse, lend, borrow, hypothecate 
  or re-hypothecate such Collateral. The third parties will have 
  no obligation to retain an equivalent amount of similar property 
  in their possession and control, until such time as the Company's 
  obligations to the third party are satisfied. The Company has 
  no right to this Collateral but has the right to receive fungible, 
  equivalent Collateral upon the Company's satisfaction of the Company's 
  obligation in respect of the derivatives. 
  15. Other receivables and prepayments 
                                                                 30 June    31 December 
                                                        2021 (unaudited)           2020 
                                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Due from sale of capital instrument                               1,188            484 
 Accrued capital instrument income receivable                      1,187          1,468 
 Interest due on credit default swaps                                 39             26 
 Prepayments                                                          32             17 
                                                            ------------   ------------ 
                                                                   2,446          1,995 
                                                            ------------   ------------ 
  16. Derivative financial instruments 
 Credit default swap agreements 
  A credit default swap agreement represents an agreement that one 
  party, the protection buyer, pays a fixed fee, the premium, in 
  return for a payment by the other party, the protection seller, 
  contingent upon a specified credit event relating to an underlying 
  reference asset. If a specified credit event occurs, there is 
  an exchange of cash flows and/or securities designed so the net 
  payment to the protection buyer reflects the loss incurred by 
  holders of the referenced obligation in the event of its default. 
  The International Swaps and Derivatives Association ("ISDA") establishes 
  the nature of the credit event and such events include bankruptcy 
  and failure to meet payment obligations when due. 
                                                                                                           Year ended 
                                                                                                          31 December 
                                                                            Period             Period 
                                                                            from 1             from 1 
                                                                           January            January 
                                                                           2021 to            2020 to 
                                                                           30 June            30 June 
                                                                  2021 (unaudited)   2020 (unaudited)       (audited) 
                                                                           GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Opening balance                                                               448              1,016           1,016 
 Premiums received from selling credit 
  default swap agreements                                                    (274)            (3,871)         (4,293) 
 Premiums paid on buying credit default 
  swap agreements                                                               83              4,021           4,511 
 Movement in unrealised losses in the 
  period                                                                     (353)              (861)           (465) 
 Realised losses in the period                                                (57)               (28)           (321) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Outstanding (liabilities)/assets due 
  on credit default swaps                                                    (153)                277             448 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Credit default swap assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss                                                 330                639             595 
 Credit default swap liabilities at 
  fair value through profit or loss                                          (483)              (362)           (147) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Outstanding (liabilities)/assets due 
  on credit default swaps                                                    (153)                277             448 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Interest paid or received on the credit default swap agreements 
  has been accounted for in the Unaudited Condensed Statement of 
  Comprehensive Income as it has been incurred or received. At the 
  period end, GBP39,000 (31 December 2020: GBP26,000) of interest 
  on credit default swap agreements was due to the Company. 
  Collateral totalling GBP7,153,000 (31 December 2020: GBP5,905,000) 
  was held in respect of the credit default swap agreements. 
 Foreign currency forwards 
  Foreign currency forward contracts are used to hedge the Company's 
  exposure to changes in foreign currency exchange rates on its 
  foreign portfolio holdings. A foreign currency forward contract 
  is a commitment to purchase or sell a foreign currency on a future 
  date and at a negotiated forward exchange rate. 
                                                                            Period             Period 
                                                                            from 1             from 1 
                                                                           January            January 
                                                                           2021 to            2020 to 
                                                                           30 June            30 June 
                                                                  2021 (unaudited)   2020 (unaudited) 
                                                                                                           Year ended 
                                                                                                          31 December 
                                                                           GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Opening balance                                                               775              1,219           1,219 
 Purchase of foreign currency derivatives                                   89,754            109,100         204,876 
 Closing-out of foreign currency derivatives                              (92,111)          (108,614)       (204,573) 
 Movement in unrealised losses in the 
  period                                                                     (104)            (1,951)           (444) 
 Realised gains/(losses) in the period                                       2,357              (486)           (303) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Net assets/(liabilities) on foreign 
  currency forwards                                                            671              (732)             775 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Foreign currency forward assets at 
  fair value through profit or loss                                            688                126             775 
 Foreign currency forward liabilities 
  at fair value through profit or loss                                        (17)              (858)               - 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Net assets/(liabilities) on foreign 
  currency forwards                                                            671              (732)             775 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Bond futures 
  A bond future contract involves a commitment by the Company to 
  purchase or sell bond futures for a predetermined price, with 
  payment and delivery of the bond future at a predetermined future 
                                                                            Period             Period 
                                                                            from 1             from 1 
                                                                           January            January 
                                                                           2021 to            2020 to 
                                                                           30 June            30 June 
                                                                  2021 (unaudited)   2020 (unaudited) 
                                                                                                           Year ended 
                                                                                                          31 December 
                                                                           GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Opening balance                                                                 -                  -               - 
 Purchase of bond futures                                                        -              1,320           1,751 
 Sale of bond futures                                                            -            (1,314)         (1,735) 
 Movement in unrealised gains in the 
  period                                                                         -                  -               - 
 Realised losses in the period                                                   -                (6)            (16) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Balance payable on bond futures                                                 -                  -               - 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Bond future assets at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                                 -                  -               - 
 Bond future liabilities at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                                         -                  -               - 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Balance payable on bond futures                                                 -                  -               - 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Sale and repurchase agreements 
  Under the terms of a sale and repurchase agreement one party in 
  the agreement acts as a borrower of cash, using a security held 
  as collateral, and the other party in the agreement acts as a 
  lender of cash. Almost any security may be employed in the sale 
  and repurchase agreement. Interest is paid by the borrower for 
  the benefit of having funds to use until a specified date on which 
  the effective loan needs to be repaid. 
                                                                                                           Year ended 
                                                                                                          31 December 
                                                                            Period             Period 
                                                                            from 1             from 1 
                                                                           January            January 
                                                                           2021 to            2020 to 
                                                                           30 June            30 June 
                                                                  2021 (unaudited)   2020 (unaudited)       (audited) 
                                                                           GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Opening balance                                                           (8,304)           (14,760)        (14,760) 
 Opening of sale and repurchase agreements                                (19,378)           (26,056)        (34,679) 
 Opening of reverse sale and repurchase 
  agreements                                                                     -              4,763          11,999 
 Closing-out of sale and repurchase 
  agreements                                                                19,231             27,600          38,953 
 Closing-out of reverse sale and 
  repurchase agreements                                                    (3,898)            (4,782)         (9,329) 
 Movement in unrealised gains/(losses) 
  in the period                                                                385              (252)           (415) 
 Realised losses in the period                                                 (3)              (135)            (73) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Total liabilities on sale and repurchase 
  agreements                                                              (11,967)           (13,622)         (8,304) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Sale and repurchase assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss                                                   -              1,447           3,877 
 Sale and repurchase liabilities 
  at fair value through profit or 
  loss                                                                    (11,967)           (15,069)        (12,181) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Total liabilities on sale and repurchase 
  agreements                                                              (11,967)           (13,622)         (8,304) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Interest paid on sale and repurchase agreements has been accounted 
  for in the Unaudited Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income 
  as it has been incurred. At 30 June 2021 GBPnil (31 December 2020: 
  GBPnil) interest on sale and repurchase agreements was payable 
  by the Company. 
  An option offers the buyer the opportunity to buy or sell an underlying 
  asset at a stated price within a specified timeframe. 
                                                                            Period             Period 
                                                                            from 1             from 1 
                                                                           January            January 
                                                                           2021 to            2020 to 
                                                                           30 June            30 June 
                                                                  2021 (unaudited)   2020 (unaudited) 
                                                                                                           Year ended 
                                                                                                          31 December 
                                                                           GBP'000            GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Opening balance                                                                 7                  -               - 
 Opening of options                                                              -                  -              29 
 Closure of options                                                              -                  -               - 
 Movement in unrealised losses in the 
  period                                                                        22                  -            (22) 
 Realised losses in the period                                                (29)                  -               - 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Balance receivable on options                                                   -                  -               7 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Option assets at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                                 -                  -              10 
 Option liabilities at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                                                 -                  -             (3) 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Balance receivable on options                                                   -                  -               7 
                                                                      ------------       ------------    ------------ 
 Offsetting of derivative financial instruments 
  The Company presents the fair value of its derivative assets and 
  liabilities on a gross basis, no such assets or liabilities have 
  been offset in the Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial 
  Position. Certain derivative financial instruments are subject 
  to enforceable master netting arrangements, such as ISDA master 
  netting agreements, or similar agreements that cover similar financial 
  The similar agreements include derivative clearing agreements, 
  global master repurchase agreements, global master securities 
  lending agreements, and any related rights to financial collateral. 
  The similar financial instruments and transactions include derivatives, 
  sale and repurchase agreements, reverse sale and repurchase agreements, 
  securities borrowing, and securities lending agreements. 
  The Company's agreements allow for offsetting following an event 
  of default, but not in the ordinary course of business, and the 
  Company does not intend to settle these transactions on a net 
  basis or settle the assets and liabilities on a simultaneous basis. 
  The table below sets out the carrying amounts of recognised capital 
  instruments and short position(s) which could be offset under 
  the applicable derivative agreements (as described above): 
                                                                                  Effect of remaining 
                                                                                     rights of offset 
                                                                                          that do not 
                                                     Net amount                     meet the criteria 
                                        Amounts       presented                        for offsetting 
                          Gross          offset    in Unaudited                      in the Unaudited 
                       carrying   in accordance       Condensed                   Condensed Statement 
                         amount            with       Statement                          of Financial 
                         before      offsetting    of Financial                       Position - Cash 
                     offsetting        criteria        Position                    held as collateral    Net exposure 
                        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000                               GBP'000         GBP'000 
 30 June 2021 (unaudited) 
  (note 16)               1,018               -           1,018                                     -           1,018 
  (note 14)               7,153               -           7,153                                 (483)           6,670 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
 Total assets             8,171               -           8,171                                 (483)           7,688 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
  (note 16)            (12,467)               -        (12,467)                                11,324         (1,143) 
  (note 14)               (506)               -           (506)                                     -           (506) 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
  liabilities          (12,973)               -        (12,973)                                11,324         (1,649) 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
 31 December 2020 (audited) 
  (note 16)               5,257               -           5,257                               (1,792)           3,465 
  (note 14)               5,905               -           5,905                                 (147)           5,758 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
 Total assets            11,162               -          11,162                               (1,939)           9,223 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
  (note 16)            (12,331)               -        (12,331)                                11,760           (571) 
  (note 14)               (340)               -           (340)                                     -           (340) 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
  liabilities          (12,671)               -        (12,671)                                11,760           (911) 
                   ------------    ------------    ------------                          ------------    ------------ 
 17. Fair value of financial instruments at fair value through 
  profit or loss 
    The following table shows financial instruments recognised at 
     fair value, analysed between those whose fair value is based on: 
      *    Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets 
           or liabilities (Level 1); 
      *    Those involving inputs other than quoted prices 
           included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset 
           or liability, either directly (as prices) or 
           indirectly (derived from prices) (Level 2); and 
      *    Those with inputs for the asset or liability that are 
           not based on observable market data (unobservable 
           inputs) (Level 3). 
 At the period end, the financial assets and liabilities designated 
  at fair value through profit or loss were as follows: 
                                                   Level        Level 2          Level          Total 
                                                       1                             3 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 30 June 2021 (unaudited) 
 Listed capital instruments at fair 
  value through profit or loss                    88,816            214              -         89,030 
 Other investments at fair value through 
  profit or loss (note 7)                          3,987              -              -          3,987 
 Credit default swap assets (note 
  16)                                                  -            330              -            330 
 Credit default swap liabilities (note 
  16)                                                  -          (483)              -          (483) 
 Other derivative financial assets                     -            688              -            688 
 Other derivative financial liabilities                -       (11,984)              -       (11,984) 
 Short position covered by sale and                    -              -              -              - 
  repurchase agreements 
                                            ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
                                                  92,803       (11,235)              -         81,568 
                                            ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 31 December 2020 (audited) 
 Listed capital instruments at fair 
  value through profit or loss                    83,018            448              -         83,466 
 Other investments at fair value through 
  profit or loss (note 7)                          4,766              -              -          4,766 
 Credit default swap assets (note 
  16)                                                  -            595              -            595 
 Credit default swap liabilities (note 
  16)                                                  -          (147)              -          (147) 
 Other derivative financial assets                     -          4,662              -          4,662 
 Other derivative financial liabilities                -       (12,184)              -       (12,184) 
 Short positions covered by sale and 
  repurchase agreements                                -        (1,881)              -        (1,881) 
                                            ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
                                                  87,784        (8,507)              -         79,277 
                                            ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Level 1 financial instruments include listed capital instruments 
  at fair value through profit or loss, unlisted open ended funds 
  and bond future contracts which have been valued at fair value 
  by reference to quoted prices in active markets. No unobservable 
  inputs were included in determining the fair value of these investments 
  and, as such, alternative carrying values for ranges of unobservable 
  inputs have not been provided. 
  Level 2 financial instruments include broker quoted bonds, credit 
  default swap agreements, foreign currency forward contracts, sale 
  and repurchase agreements and options. Each of these financial 
  investments are valued by the Investment Manager using market 
  observable inputs. The fair value of the other investments are 
  based on the market price of the underlying securities. 
  The model used by the Company to fair value credit default swap 
  agreements prices a credit default swap as a function of its schedule, 
  deal spread, notional value, credit default swap curve and yield 
  curve. The key assumptions employed in the model include: constant 
  recovery as a fraction of par, piecewise constant risk neutral 
  hazard rates and default events being statistically independent 
  of changes in the default-free yield curve. 
  The fair values of the derivative financial instruments are based 
  on the forward foreign exchange rate curve. 
  The sale and repurchase agreements have been valued by reference 
  to the notional amount, expiration dates and rates prevailing 
  at the valuation date. 
  The options were valued using the relevant options prices curve. 
  Transfers between levels 
  Transfers between levels during the period are determined and 
  deemed to have occurred at each financial reporting date. There 
  were no investments classified as Level 3 during the period, and 
  no transfers between levels in the period. See notes 13, 14 and 
  16 for movements in instruments held at fair value through profit 
  or loss. 
 18. Other payables and accruals 
                                                                   30 June    31 December 
                                                          2021 (unaudited)           2020 
                                                                   GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Due on purchase of capital instruments                                964          1,833 
 Performance fee (note 8a)                                             406              1 
 Investment management fee (note 8a)                                   228            185 
 Administration fee (note 8b)                                           33             33 
 Valuation agent fees (note 8e)                                         32             10 
 Audit fees                                                             18             22 
 Other accruals                                                         15             16 
 Share issue costs                                                      14             14 
 Depositary fees (note 8e)                                              14              6 
 Broker fee (note 8c)                                                    6              6 
 Registrar fee (note 8d)                                                 3              3 
 Accrued interest payable on capital instrument 
  short position                                                         -              5 
                                                              ------------   ------------ 
                                                                     1,733          2,134 
                                                              ------------   ------------ 
 19. Share capital 
                                      30 June 2021 (unaudited)      31 December 2020 (audited) 
                                           Number        GBP'000          Number        GBP'000 
 Ordinary shares of no par 
  value                                 Unlimited              -       Unlimited              - 
                                     ------------   ------------    ------------   ------------ 
 Allotted, called up and fully 
 Ordinary Shares of no par 
  value                                91,852,904              -      91,852,904              - 
                                     ------------   ------------    ------------   ------------ 
 Issued share capital 
                                                       Number of 
 Shares in issue as at 30 June 
  2020, 31 December 2020, 30 June 
  2021 and 23 August 2021                             91,852,904 
 The Ordinary Shares carry the right to receive all dividends declared 
  by the Company. Shareholders are entitled to all dividends paid 
  by the Company and, on a winding up, provided the Company has 
  satisfied all of its liabilities, the Shareholders are entitled 
  to all of the surplus assets of the Company. Shareholders will 
  be entitled to attend and vote at all general meetings of the 
  Company and, on a poll, will be entitled to one vote for each 
  Ordinary Share held. 
  20. Net asset value per Ordinary Share 
 The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets 
  attributable to owners of the Company of GBP94,637,000 (31 December 
  2020: GBP87,350,000), and on 91,852,904 (31 December 2020: 91,852,904) 
  Ordinary Shares in issue at the period end. 
 21. Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities 
 The Company did not raise any capital from the placing of new 
  shares in the period. At the period end GBP14,000 (31 December 
  2020: GBP14,000) of share issue costs in relation to previous 
  placings were outstanding, resulting in cash flows in relation 
  to share issue costs in the period of GBPnil (30 June 2020: GBPnil). 
  22. Financial instruments and risk management 
 The Company invests its assets with the aim of spreading investment 
  Risk is inherent in the Company's activities, but it is managed 
  through a process of ongoing identification, measurement and monitoring. 
  The Company is exposed to market risk (which includes currency 
  risk, interest rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity 
  risk from the financial instruments it holds. Risk management 
  procedures are in place to minimise the Company's exposure to 
  these financial risks, in order to create and protect Shareholder 
 Risk management structure 
 The Investment Manager is responsible for identifying and controlling 
  risks. The Board of Directors supervises the Investment Manager 
  and is ultimately responsible for the overall risk management 
  approach within the Company. 
  The Company has no employees and is reliant on the performance 
  of third party service providers. Failure by the Investment Manager, 
  Administrator, Depositary, Registrar or any other third party 
  service provider to perform in accordance with the terms of its 
  appointment could have a significant detrimental impact on the 
  operation of the Company. 
  The market in which the Company participates is competitive and 
  rapidly changing. 
 Risk concentration 
 Concentration indicates the relative sensitivity of the Company's 
  performance to developments affecting a particular industry or 
  geographical location. Concentrations of risk arise when a number 
  of financial instruments or contracts are entered into with the 
  same counterparty, or where a number of counterparties are engaged 
  in similar business activities, or activities in the same geographic 
  region, or have similar economic features that would cause their 
  ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly affected 
  by changes in economic, political or other conditions. Concentrations 
  of liquidity risk may arise from the repayment terms of financial 
  liabilities, sources of borrowing facilities or reliance on a 
  particular market in which to realise liquid assets. Concentrations 
  of foreign exchange risk may arise if the Company has a significant 
  net open position in a single foreign currency, or aggregate net 
  open position in several currencies that tend to move together. 
  Within the aim of maintaining a diversified investment portfolio, 
  and thus mitigating concentration risks, the Company has established 
  the following investment restriction in respect of the general 
  deployment of assets: 
  No more than 15% of NAV, calculated at the time of investments, 
  will be exposed to any one financial counterparty. This limit 
  will increase to 20% where, in the Investment Manager's opinion 
  (having informed the Board in writing of such increase) the relevant 
  financial institution investment instrument is expected to amortise 
  such that, within 12 months of the date of the investment, the 
  expected exposure (net of any hedging costs and expenses) will 
  be equal to or less than 15% of NAV, calculated at the time of 
  the investment. 
 Market risk 
 i) Price risk 
 Price risk exposure arises from the uncertainty about future prices 
  of financial instruments held. It represents the potential loss 
  that the Company may suffer through holding positions in the face 
  of price movements. The investments in capital instruments, unlisted 
  open ended funds and bond futures at fair value through profit 
  or loss (see notes 13, 16 and 17) are exposed to price risk and 
  it is not the intention to mitigate the price risk. 
  At 30 June 2021, if the valuation of these investments at fair 
  value through profit or loss had moved by 5% with all other variables 
  remaining constant, the change in net assets would amount to approximately 
  +/- GBP4,651,000 (31 December 2020: GBP4,318,000). The fair value 
  of financial instruments exposed to price risk at 30 June 2021 
  was GBP93,017,000 (31 December 2020: GBP86,351,000). 
 ii) Foreign currency risk 
 Foreign currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial 
  instrument will fluctuate because of changes in foreign currency 
  exchange rates. Currency risk arises when future commercial transactions 
  and recognised assets and liabilities are denominated in a currency 
  that is not the Company's functional currency. The Company invests 
  in securities and other investments that are denominated in currencies 
  other than Sterling. Accordingly, the value of the Company's assets 
  may be affected favourably or unfavourably by fluctuations in 
  currency rates and therefore the Company will necessarily be subject 
  to foreign exchange risks. 
  In order to limit the exposure to foreign currency risk, the Company 
  entered into hedging contracts during the period. At the period 
  end, the Company held the following foreign currency forward contracts: 
 30 June 2021 (unaudited) 
 Maturity date                                Amount to be                       Amount to be purchased 
 29 July 2021                                EUR52,000,000                                GBP44,603,000 
 29 July 2021                                 US$7,000,000                                 GBP5,063,000 
 31 December 2020 (audited) 
 Maturity date                                Amount to be                       Amount to be purchased 
 21 January 2021                             EUR43,000,000                                GBP38,889,000 
 21 January 2021                             US$10,500,000                                 GBP8,047,000 
 As at the period end a proportion of the net financial assets 
  of the Company were denominated in currencies other than Sterling, 
  as follows: 
                     at fair 
                       value                                                     Foreign 
                     through                      Cash and                      currency 
                   profit or                          cash                       forward 
                        loss    Receivables    equivalents       Exposure      contracts   Net exposure 
                     GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 30 June 2021 (unaudited) 
 Euro                 40,573          1,858          5,539         47,970       (44,603)          3,367 
 US Dollar             4,275             11          (224)          4,062        (5,063)        (1,001) 
                ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
                      44,848          1,869          5,315         52,032       (49,666)          2,366 
                ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 31 December 2020 (audited) 
 Euro                 45,147            936          1,665         47,748       (38,473)          9,275 
 US Dollar             4,694              2          2,632          7,328        (7,687)          (359) 
                ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
                      49,841            938          4,297         55,076       (46,160)          8,916 
                ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Other future foreign exchange hedging contracts may be employed, 
  such as currency swap agreements, futures contracts and options. 
  There can be no certainty as to the efficacy of any hedging transactions. 
  At 30 June 2021, if the exchange rates had strengthened/weakened 
  by 5% against Sterling with all other variables remaining constant, 
  net assets at 30 June 2021 would have decreased/increased by GBP118,000 
  (31 December 2020: GBP446,000). 
 ii) Interest rate risk 
 Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in 
  interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair values 
  of financial instruments. The Company is exposed to risks associated 
  with the effects of fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market 
  interest rates on its financial instruments and cash flow. A large 
  number of the capital instruments bear interest at a fixed rate, 
  but capital instruments to the value of GBP56,880,000 (31 December 
  2020: GBP59,355,000), cash and cash equivalents, net of overdrafts, 
  of GBP5,709,000 (31 December 2020: GBP2,647,000), collateral account 
  balances of GBP6,648,000 (31 December 2020: GBP5,565,000) and 
  short positions of GBPnil (31 December 2020: GBP1,881,000) were 
  the only interest bearing financial instruments subject to variable 
  interest rates at 30 June 2021. Therefore, if interest rates had 
  increased/decreased by 50 basis points, with all other variables 
  remaining constant, the change in the value of interest cash flows 
  of these assets in the period would have been GBP361,000 (31 December 
  2020: +/- GBP309,000). 
                                                     Fixed       Variable   Non interest 
                                                  interest       interest        bearing          Total 
 30 June 2021 (unaudited)                          GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Financial assets 
 Investments at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                    21,631         56,880         14,506         93,017 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               -          5,933              -          5,933 
 Collateral accounts for derivative 
  financial instruments at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                 -          7,153              -          7,153 
 Derivative financial assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss                       1,018              -              -          1,018 
 Other receivables                                       -              -          2,446          2,446 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total financial assets                             22,649         69,966         16,952        109,567 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Financial liabilities 
 Bank overdrafts                                         -          (224)              -          (224) 
 Collateral accounts for derivative 
  financial instruments at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                 -          (506)              -          (506) 
 Derivative financial liabilities 
  at fair value through profit or loss            (12,450)              -           (17)       (12,467) 
 Other payables and accruals                             -              -        (1,733)        (1,733) 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total financial liabilities                      (12,450)          (730)        (1,750)       (14,930) 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total interest sensitivity gap                     10,199         69,236         15,202         94,637 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 31 December 2020 (audited) 
 Financial assets 
 Investments at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                    16,001         59,355         12,876         88,232 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               -          4,297              -          4,297 
 Collateral accounts for derivative 
  financial instruments at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                 -          5,905              -          5,905 
 Derivative financial assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss                       4,472              -            785          5,257 
 Other receivables                                       -              -          1,995          1,995 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total financial assets                             20,473         69,557         15,656        105,686 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Financial liabilities 
 Bank overdrafts                                         -        (1,650)              -        (1,650) 
 Collateral accounts for derivative 
  financial instruments at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                 -          (340)              -          (340) 
 Derivative financial liabilities 
  at fair value through profit or loss            (12,328)              -            (3)       (12,331) 
 Short positions covered by sale and 
  repurchase agreements                                  -        (1,881)              -        (1,881) 
 Other payables and accruals                             -              -        (2,134)        (2,134) 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total financial liabilities                      (12,328)        (3,871)        (2,137)       (18,336) 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 Total interest sensitivity gap                      8,145         65,686         13,519         87,350 
                                              ------------   ------------   ------------   ------------ 
 It is estimated that the fair value of the fixed interest and 
  non-interest bearing capital instruments of GBP36,137,000 (31 
  December 2020: GBP28,887,000) at 30 June 2021 would increase/decrease 
  by +/-GBP882,000 (0.95%) (31 December 2020: +/-GBP656,000 (0.74%)) 
  if interest rates were to change by 50 basis points. 
  The Investment Manager manages the Company's exposure to interest 
  rate risk, paying heed to prevailing interest rates and economic 
  conditions, market expectations and its own views as to likely 
  movements in interest rates. 
  Although it has not done so to date, the Company may implement 
  hedging and derivative strategies designed to protect investment 
  performance against material movements in interest rates. Such 
  strategies may include (but are not limited to) interest rate 
  swaps and will only be entered into when they are available in 
  a timely manner and on terms acceptable to the Company. The Company 
  may also bear risks that could otherwise be hedged where it is 
  considered appropriate. There can be no certainty as to the efficacy 
  of any hedging transactions. 
 Credit risk 
 Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument 
  will fail to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has 
  entered into with the Company, resulting in a financial loss to 
  the Company. 
  At 30 June 2021, credit risk arose principally from investment 
  in capital instruments of GBP89,030,000 (31 December 2020: GBP83,466,000), 
  cash and cash equivalents of GBP5,933,000 (31 December 2020: GBP4,297,000), 
  balances held as collateral for derivative financial instruments 
  at fair value through profit or loss of GBP7,153,000 (31 December 
  2020: GBP5,905,000) and investments in sale and repurchase assets 
  of GBPnil (31 December 2020: GBP3,877,000). The Company seeks 
  to trade only with reputable counterparties that the Investment 
  Manager believes to be creditworthy. 
 The Investment Manager manages the Company's credit risk by investing 
  in a diverse portfolio of capital instruments, in line with the 
  Prospectus. At 30 June 2021, the capital instrument rating profile 
  of the portfolio was as follows: 
                                                                                            31 December 
                                                             30 June 2021                          2020 
                                                              (unaudited)                     (audited) 
                                                               Percentage                    Percentage 
 A                                                                      -                             - 
 BBB                                                                 9.09                         20.07 
 BB                                                                 23.52                         32.28 
 B                                                                  11.22                         12.11 
 Below B                                                            10.38                          7.56 
 No rating                                                          45.79                         27.98 
                                                             ------------                  ------------ 
                                                                   100.00                        100.00 
                                                             ------------                  ------------ 
 The investments without a credit rating correspond to issuers 
  that are not rated by an external rating agency. Although no external 
  rating is available, the Investment Manager considers and internally 
  rates the credit risk of these investments, along with all other 
  investments. The internal risk score is based on the Investment 
  Manager's fundamental view (stress test, macro outlook, solvency, 
  liquidity risk, business mix, and other relevant factors) and 
  is determined by the Investment Manager's risk committee. The 
  risk grades are mapped to an external Baseline Credit Assessment, 
  and any discrepancy of more than two notches is monitored closely. 
  The cash pending investment may be held without limit with a financial 
  institution with a credit rating of A-1 (Standard & Poor's) or 
  P-1 (Moody's) to protect against counterparty failure. 
 The Company may implement hedging and derivative strategies designed 
  to protect against credit risk. Such strategies may include (but 
  are not limited to) credit default swaps and will only be entered 
  into when they are available in a timely manner and on terms acceptable 
  to the Company. The Company may also bear risks that could otherwise 
  be hedged where it is considered appropriate. There can be no 
  certainty to the efficacy of hedging transactions. 
  Due to the Company's investment in credit default swap agreements 
  the Company is exposed to additional credit risk as a result of 
  possible counterparty failure. The Company has entered into ISDA 
  contracts with Credit Suisse, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, all 
  rated A+. At 30 June 2021, the overall net exposure to these counterparties 
  was 5.84% of NAV (31 December 2020: 5.11%). The collateral held 
  at each counterparty is disclosed in note 14. 
 Liquidity risk 
 Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Company will encounter 
  difficulties in realising assets or otherwise raising funds to 
  meet financial commitments. The principal liquidity risk is contained 
  in unmatched liabilities. The liquidity risk at 30 June 2021 was 
  very low since the ratio of cash and cash equivalents (net of 
  overdrafts) to unmatched liabilities was 7:1 (31 December 2020: 
 In addition, the Company diversifies the liquidity risk through 
  investment in capital instruments with a variety of maturity dates, 
  as follows: 
                                                                                            31 December 
                                                             30 June 2021                          2020 
                                                              (unaudited)                     (audited) 
                                                               Percentage                    Percentage 
 Less than 1 year                                                   12.72                          7.99 
 1 to 3 years                                                       28.16                         29.24 
 3 to 5 years                                                       30.64                         30.62 
 5 to 7 years                                                        3.28                          9.62 
 7 to 10 years                                                       1.33                          4.15 
 More than 10 years                                                 23.87                         18.38 
                                                             ------------                  ------------ 
                                                                   100.00                        100.00 
                                                             ------------                  ------------ 
 As at 30 June 2021, the Company's liquidity profile was such that 
  63.7% of investments were realisable within one day (31 December 
  2020: 67.4%), 30.7% was realisable between two days and one week 
  (31 December 2020: 29.5%) and 3.9% was realisable between eight 
  days and one month (31 December 2020: 3.1%). 
 As at 30 June 2021, the Company's liabilities fell due as follows: 
                                                                                            31 December 
                                                             30 June 2021                          2020 
                                                              (unaudited)                     (audited) 
                                                               Percentage                    Percentage 
 0 to 3 months                                                      78.37                         93.55 
 3 to 6 months                                                       0.15                             - 
 6 to 12 months                                                         -                             - 
 1 to 3 years                                                       21.48                          6.45 
 3 to 5 years                                                           -                             - 
                                                             ------------                  ------------ 
                                                                   100.00                        100.00 
                                                             ------------                  ------------ 
 23. Capital management policy and procedures 
 The Company's capital management objectives are: 
   *    to ensure that it will be able to meet its 
        liabilities as they fall due; and 
   *    to maximise its total return primarily through the 
        capital appreciation of its investments. 
  Pursuant to the Company's Articles of Incorporation, the Company 
  may borrow money in any manner. However, the Board has determined 
  that the Company should borrow no more than 20% of direct investments. 
  The Company uses sale and repurchase agreements to increase the 
  gearing of the Company. As at 30 June 2021 the Company had eleven 
  (31 December 2020: fourteen) open sale and repurchase agreements, 
  none (31 December 2020: four) being reverse sale and repurchase 
  agreements, committing the Company to make a total repayment of 
  GBP11,967,000 post the period end (31 December 2020: GBP12,182,000). 
  As a result of the reverse sale and repurchase agreements the 
  Company was due to receive GBPnil after the period end (31 December 
  2020: GBP3,877,000). 
  The raising of capital through the placing programme forms part 
  of the capital management policy. See note 19 for details of the 
  Ordinary Shares issued since incorporation. 
  As disclosed in the Unaudited Condensed Statement of Financial 
  Position, at 30 June 2021, the total equity holders' funds were 
  GBP94,637,000 (31 December 2020: GBP87,350,000). 
 24. Capital commitments 
      The Company holds a number of derivative financial instruments 
       which, by their very nature, give rise to capital commitments 
       post 30 June 2021. These are as follows: 
        *    At the period end, the Company had sold eleven credit 
             default swap agreements for a total of GBP910,000, 
             each receiving quarterly interest (31 December 2020: 
             twelve agreements for GBP677,000). The fair value of 
             these agreements at the period end date was 
             GBP(98,000) (31 December 2020: GBP571,000). 
             Collateral of GBP7,153,000 for these agreements was 
             held at 30 June 2021 (31 December 2020: 
        *    At the period end the Company had committed to two 
             (31 December 2020: two) foreign currency forward 
             contracts dated 29 July 2021 (see note 22), giving 
             rise to a total loss of GBP671,000 (31 December 2020: 
             gain of GBP775,000). 
        *    At the period end, the Company held eleven open sale 
             and repurchase agreements (31 December 2020: ten, 
             excluding the one open sale and repurchase agreement) 
             committing the Company to make a total repayment of 
             GBP12,279,000 (31 December 2020: GBP12,255,000). 
 25. Contingent assets and contingent liabilities 
 In line with the terms of the Investment Management Agreement, 
  as detailed in note 8a, should the Company's NAV reach a level 
  at which the TER reduced to less than 1.5% of the average NAV 
  in a future accounting period then the Quarterly Expenses Excess 
  and Annual Expenses Excess totalling GBP744,000 at 30 June 2021 
  (31 December 2020: GBP737,000) would become payable to the Investment 
  Manager, to the extent that the total expenses including any repayment 
  did not exceed 1.5% of the average NAV for that period. 
  For a significant amount of the GBP744,000 (31 December 2020: 
  GBP737,000) Expenses Excess to become payable within the foreseeable 
  future, the NAV would have to increase considerably. The Directors 
  consider that it is possible, but not probable, that an increase 
  in the NAV leading to a significant payment of the Expenses Excess 
  will be achieved in the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the possible 
  payment to the Investment Manager has been treated as a contingent 
  liability in the financial statements. 
  There were no other contingent assets or contingent liabilities 
  in existence at the year end. 
 26. Events after the financial reporting date 
 On 19 July 2021, the Company declared a dividend of 1.50p per 
  Ordinary Share for the period from 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021, 
  out of the profits for the period ended 30 June 2021, which (in 
  accordance with IFRS) was not provided for at 30 June 2021 (see 
  note 6). This dividend will be paid on 27 August 2021. 

-- ENDS --

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 24, 2021 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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