Half Yearly Report 
31 January 2009 
The Directors announce the unaudited Half Yearly Report for the period from 1 
August 2008 to 31 January 2009 as follows:- 
Copies of the Half Yearly Report can be obtained from the following websites: 
www.angloandoverseasplc.com and www.edinburghpartners.com. 
Net asset value total return including dividends was -16.1%. While the 
Company's portfolio is not managed with reference to any stock market index, in 
difficult market conditions the Company performed better than its informal 
benchmark (the average of the FTSE All-Share Index and the FTSE All-World ex UK 
Index) which returned -19.4%. 
Interim dividend increased by 2.5% to 0.82p per share. The Directors intend to 
adopt a policy which, at least, maintains the level of dividends to 
shareholders during the current phase of the economic cycle. 
Financial summary 
                                   31 January    31 July 2008        Change 
Shareholders' funds             GBP67,821,000     GBP84,076,000         (19.3)% 
Net asset value ("NAV") per            86.17p         105.04p       (18.0)% 
Ordinary Share 
Mid-market price per Ordinary          79.00p          90.00p       (12.2)% 
Discount to NAV                          8.3%           14.3% 
Interim dividend per Ordinary           0.82p          0.80p          2.5 % 
                                       Period          Period          Year 
                                1 August 2008   1 August 2007 1 August 2007 
                                           to              to            to 
                               31 January 200 31 January 2008  31 July 2008 
Total return per Ordinary 
Capital                              (18.04)p        (13.60)p      (28.20)p 
Revenue                                1.07 p          0.96 p        3.41 p 
Total                                (16.97)p        (12.64p)      (24.79)p 
* Based on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period, 
excluding own shares held in treasury. 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to provide shareholders with above 
average returns over the longer term through both capital appreciation and 
income growth. 
Investment Policy 
Asset allocation 
The Company's investment policy is to invest in a focused portfolio comprising 
principally securities of publicly quoted companies worldwide which the 
Investment Manager considers to be undervalued on the basis of their earnings 
potential. The Company may also invest up to 5 per cent of its gross assets in 
unquoted securities and up to 10 per cent of its gross assets in other listed 
investment companies or funds, including investment trusts. The Company's 
portfolio will be constructed without reference to either the composition of 
any stock market index or any geographic, industrial or sectoral asset 
allocation limits. 
Where the Investment Manager believes market or economic conditions make equity 
investment unattractive or while seeking appropriate investment opportunities 
for the portfolio or to maintain liquidity, the Company may invest in bonds and 
other debt instruments, cash, cash equivalents or short-term deposits. The 
proportion of the Company's assets which may be invested in this way will vary 
according to the Investment Manager's view of market or economic conditions and 
the availability of suitable equity investment opportunities. In the unlikely 
event of very extreme conditions, 100 per cent of the portfolio could be so 
invested, although the use of such investments is not expected normally to 
exceed 30 per cent of gross assets. In addition, the Company may purchase 
derivatives for the purposes of efficient portfolio management (i.e. for the 
purpose of reducing, transferring or eliminating investment risk in its 
investments, including protection against currency risk). 
Risk diversification 
In order to spread risk, the portfolio will normally consist of between 40 and 
70 equity investments in publicly quoted companies. No single investment will 
represent more than 15 per cent of the Company's gross assets at the time of 
its acquisition. 
The Company's policy on gearing is not to have fixed or structural gearing, but 
the Company may from time to time, when deemed appropriate, borrow for 
investment purposes in various currencies to suit investment conditions. This 
gearing will not exceed 20 per cent of shareholders' funds at the time of 
borrowing. This is intended to enhance the Company's ability to take advantage 
of future investment opportunities identified by the Investment Manager, 
subject always to the Board's overall control in relation to borrowings. 
At the Company's half year end of 31 January 2009, the net asset value per 
share was 86.17p. Compared with the net asset value per share at the previous 
year end date of 31 July 2008 of 105.04p, this represents a reduction of 18.0%. 
After including the final dividend of 2.04p, which was paid in November 2008, 
the total net asset value return per share was -16.1% for the six month period. 
The Company's portfolio is not managed with reference to any stock market 
index, as your Directors have decided not to adopt a formal benchmark. 
Nonetheless, we continue to believe it is useful to highlight the performance 
of your Company against market indices for comparative purposes. In difficult 
market conditions the Company performed better than the average of the informal 
benchmarks described below. 
The total return from the FTSE All-Share Index over the half year to 31 January 
2009 was -23.0%, while the corresponding total return from the FTSE All-World 
ex UK Index was -15.7%. The total return from the average of these two indices 
over the period under review was -19.4%. 
Share Price and Discount 
The Company's share price decreased from 90.00p at 31 July 2008 to 79.00p at 31 
January 2009, a decrease of 12.2%. Over the period there has been a narrowing 
of the share price discount to net asset value from 14.3% to 8.3%. 
Your Board continues to believe that the shares of your Company should trade in 
a relatively narrow range around the net asset value. We recognise that there 
are many short-term influences over the level of discount, particularly in 
periods of high market volatility and limited liquidity. The Board continues to 
actively manage the discount and is pleased to note the reduction in the 
discount over the six month period. Shares will only be purchased when supply 
exceeds demand and where the Directors consider it to be in the best interests 
of shareholders, particularly in the enhancement to net asset value per share 
of continuing shareholders. During the period the Company purchased for 
cancellation 1,335,500 shares at a cost of GBP1,164,000. 
Revenue and Dividend 
The net revenue return per share in the six month period to 31 January 2009 was 
1.07p, an increase of 11.5% on the 0.96p return in the prior year period. 
I am pleased to report that the Board has decided to pay an interim dividend of 
0.82p per share on 13 May 2009 to shareholders on the register as at 14 April 
2009. The ex-dividend date will be 8 April 2009. This represents an increase of 
2.5% on the prior period interim dividend of 0.80p. Your Board has taken 
account of the importance of income to shareholders in deciding on the dividend 
After increasing the dividend in recent periods, the Board recognises that 
there is considerable pressure on investee companies to pay down debt and 
conserve cash, which may lead to lower dividend income. The Directors do not 
want to place unnecessary constraints on investment management decisions by 
adopting a policy to protect the income of the Company, as this may be at the 
expense of long-term shareholder value. However, recognising in particular that 
yields on other assets are reducing, the Directors intend to at least maintain 
the level of dividends to shareholders during the current phase of the economic 
Economic Overview 
Most of the major world economies are now in recession. Governments have 
responded by cutting interest rates to record low levels and are aiming to pump 
cash into the economy to kick-start economic growth. Given that the excesses of 
profligate borrowing from governments, corporations and households have built 
up over many years, it is unlikely that we will have a quick recovery, or 
indeed recover to previous growth rates for a considerable period of time. More 
likely, this will be a slow and long process that is being exacerbated by 
blockages in the banking system. 
Banks are being recapitalised both by issuing equity and through rebuilding 
profitability by high returns on traditional lending activities. Nevertheless 
there remains a lack of available liquidity, resulting in companies conserving 
cash by cutting investment and costs to pay down debt. The consequent downward 
spiral has hit almost all asset classes, including equities, which have fallen 
sharply. Against other major asset classes, such as cash and government bonds, 
equities appear attractive for the long-term investor. 
The Investment Manager has continued the strategy, set out in the Outlook 
statement in the 2008 Annual Report, of reinvesting the proceeds from the 
disposal of some holdings in utilities, telecommunication and healthcare, into 
more economically sensitive investments. In the six months to 31 January 2009 
this resulted in reductions in positions in GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, 
Novartis, Roche and KPN. While we remain cautious on the timing and strength of 
the economic recovery, it is our expectation that opportunities will arise to 
continue the shift towards more cyclical investments that offer better 
long-term value. We are probably no more than a quarter of the way through this 
While remaining cautious on earnings recovery in some of the more economically 
sensitive companies, valuations have been sufficiently attractive to initiate 
investments in companies such as Arriva and CRH. In addition, valuations in 
technology companies have fallen to attractive levels in many cases. While the 
short-term outlook looks challenging, businesses such as Baidu.com, China 
Mobile and Nokia are financially resilient enough to weather the storm and 
remain well placed to take advantage of longer-term growth opportunities. From 
a low base in the portfolio, we are increasingly finding value in emerging 
While we continue to believe that equities remain the most attractive 
investment for long-term investment, we took advantage of the relative weakness 
in corporate bonds by investing around 3% of the portfolio in this asset class. 
The yield spread over Government bonds looked far too wide. We favoured 
investment grade bonds, trading below par, with a relatively short duration of 
less than five years. 
The point of maximum discomfort is traditionally associated with the point of 
maximum opportunity. Trying to spot the bottom of any market is fraught with 
difficulty: peaks and troughs are usually only apparent sometime after the 
event. The current environment is likely to provide many opportunities for the 
long-term investor. It is therefore likely that the portfolio will remain 
relatively fully invested. 
John Pearmund 
30 March 2009 
Interim Management Report 
The important events that have occurred during the period under review are set 
out in the Chairman's Statement. The key factors influencing the financial 
statements are also set out in the Chairman's Statement. 
The principal uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year 
are reviewed in the Outlook section of the Chairman's Statement. 
The principal risks facing the Company are substantially unchanged since the 
date of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 July 2008 and continue to be as 
set out in that report. 
Edinburgh Partners Limited, as Investment Manager of the Company, is considered 
to be a related party by virtue of its management contract with the Company. 
During the period, services with a total value of GBP229,000 (31 January 2008: GBP 
289,000; 31 July 2008: GBP539,000) were purchased by the Company from Edinburgh 
Partners Limited. At 31 January 2009, the amount due to Edinburgh Partners 
Limited, disclosed under creditors, was GBP111,000 (31 January 2008: GBP139,000; 31 
July 2008: GBP123,000). 
Responsibility Statement 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
with the Statement on Half Yearly Financial Reports issued by the UK Accounting 
Standards Board; and 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by: 
(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the 
financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; 
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 
six months of the year; and 
(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the Company during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
This Half Yearly Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 30 March 2009 
and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by John 
Pearmund, Chairman. 
for the period 1 August 2008 to 31 January 2009 
                Period 1 August 2008 to      Period 1 August 2007 to 
                    31 January 2009              31 January 2008 
               Revenue  Capital      Total   Revenue  Capital    Total 
                 GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Losses on           -  (14,269)   (14,269)        -  (11,763) (11,763) 
Exchange            -        7          7         -       69       69 
gains on 
Income          1,294        -      1,294     1,221        -    1,221 
Investment        (86)     (86)      (172)     (117)    (118)    (235) 
Other            (213)       -       (213)     (225)       -     (225) 
Net return        995  (14,348)   (13,353)      879  (11,812) (10,933) 
interest and 
Interest           (3)       -         (3)        -        -        - 
Net return        992  (14,348)   (13,356)      879  (11,812) (10,933) 
Taxation         (141)      24       (117)      (49)       -      (49) 
Net return        851  (14,324)   (13,473)      830  (11,812) (10,982) 
                 pence    pence      pence     pence    pence    pence 
Return per       1.07   (18.04)    (16.97)     0.96   (13.60)  (12.64) 
                 Year 1 August 2007 to 
                     31 July 2008 
               Revenue  Capital      Total 
                 GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000 
Losses on           -  (24,260)   (24,260) 
Exchange            -      476        476 
gains on 
Income          3,918        -      3,918 
Investment       (216)    (216)      (432) 
Other            (467)       -       (467) 
Net return      3,235  (24,000)   (20,765) 
interest and 
Interest           (5)       -         (5) 
Net return      3,230  (24,000)   (20,770) 
Taxation         (338)      63       (275) 
Net return      2,892  (23,937)   (21,045) 
                 pence    pence      pence 
Return per       3.41   (28.20)    (24.79) 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company. The capital and revenue return columns are prepared in accordance with 
guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
A separate Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as 
all such gains and losses are included in the Income Statement. 
*The return per Ordinary Share for the period from 1 August 2008 to 31 January 
2009 is based on the net revenue return after taxation of GBP851,000 (31 January 
2008: GBP830,000; 31 July 2008: GBP2,892,000) and the net capital return after 
taxation of GBP(14,324,000) (31 January 2008: GBP(11,812,000); 31 July 2008: GBP 
(23,937,000) and on 79,391,309 (31 January 2008: 86,838,031; 31 July 2008: 
84,870,031) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary 
Shares in issue during the period (excluding treasury shares). 
as at 31 January 2009 
                                   31 January      31 January           31 July 
                                         2009            2008              2008 
                                                    Restated*         Restated* 
                                       GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000 
Fixed asset investments 
Investments at fair value             67,320          88,003            82,987 
through profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                  787             270               474 
Cash at bank and short-term              729           10,199            2,352 
                                       1,516          10,469             2,826 
Creditors - amounts falling 
due within one year 
Creditors                              1,015             254             1,737 
                                       1,015             254             1,737 
Net current assets                       501          10,215             1,089 
Net assets                            67,821          98,218            84,076 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                8,745           8,972             8,894 
Special reserve                       69,344          73,920            70,508 
Capital redemption reserve               277              50               128 
Capital reserve                      (12,967)         13,482             1,357 
Revenue reserve                        2,422           1,794             3,189 
Totalequityshareholders' funds        67,821          98,218            84,076 
                                        pence           pence             pence 
Net asset value per 
Ordinary Share Note 4                   86.17          117.31            105.04 
* Previously the cost of own shares held in treasury was shown as a separate 
reserve. In accordance with the AIC Statement of Recommended Practice issued in 
January 2009, the cost of own shares held in treasury is now reflected as a 
deduction from the special reserve. 
for the period 1 August 2008 to 31 January 2009 
                                    Period 1        Period 1     Year 1 August 
                                      August          August 
                                      2008to         2007 to           2007 to 
                              31 January 200      31 January      31 July 2008 
                                           9            2008 
                                       GBP'000           GBP'000             GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Investment income received            1,302           1,350             3,619 
Bank deposit interest                     -               1                 9 
Investment management fees             (186)           (262)             (475) 
Administration and                      (55)            (53)             (106) 
secretarial fees paid 
Other cash payments                    (157)           (209)             (393) 
Net cash inflow from                    904             827             2,654 
operating activities 
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                            (3)              -                (5) 
Capital expenditure and 
financial investment 
Purchases of investments            (19,463)        (17,396)          (41,136) 
Sales of investments                 19,936          32,916            50,591 
Exchange gains on settlement              8             257               489 
Net cash inflow from capital            481          15,777             9,944 
expenditure and financial 
Net cash inflowbefore                 1,382          16,604            12,593 
financing and equity 
Equity dividends paid                (1,618)         (1,393)           (2,060) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow              (236)         15,211            10,533 
before financing 
Own shares purchased for             (1,387)              -              (375) 
Own shares purchased and held             -          (5,111)           (7,905) 
in treasury 
Net cash outflow from                (1,387)         (5,111)           (8,280) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash          (1,623)         10,100             2,253 
Note 6 
for the period 1 August 2008 to 31 January 2009 
                            Period 1 August     Period 1 August     Year 1 August 
                                    2008 to             2007 to           2007 to 
                            31 January 2009     31 January 2008      31 July 2008 
                                      GBP'000               GBP'000             GBP'000 
Opening equity                      84,076             115,705           115,705 
shareholders' funds 
Costs of own shares bought               -              (5,112)           (7,905) 
into treasury 
Cost of own shares bought           (1,164)                  -              (619) 
for cancellation 
Net return after taxation          (13,473)            (10,982)          (21,045) 
Dividends paid                      (1,618)             (1,393)           (2,060) 
Closingequityshareholders'          67,821               98,218           84,076 
1. Financial information 
The financial information contained in this report does not constitute full 
statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The 
financial information for the periods ended 31 January 2009 and 31 January 2008 
have not been audited or reviewed by the Company's Auditor pursuant to the 
Auditing Practices Board guidance on such reviews. 
The information for the year ended 31 July 2008 has been extracted from the 
latest published audited financial statements, which have been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditors on those financial 
statements contained no qualification or statement under Sections 237 (2) or 
(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The financial statements are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies 
set out in note 1 of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 July 
2008 except that the Directors have chosen to early adopt the AIC Statement of 
Recommended Practice issued in January 2009 regarding the Financial Statements 
of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts. The changes are 
mainly presentational and have no effect on the net assets of the Company. 
2.Tax charge on ordinary activities 
The tax charge for the period ended 31 January 2009 is GBP117,000 (31 January 
2008: GBP49,000; 31 July 2008: GBP275,000).  The tax charge comprised irrecoverable 
overseas withholding tax suffered for the period ended 31 January 2009 of GBP 
117,000 (31 January 2008: GBP49,000; 31 July 2008: GBP275,000) and corporation tax 
for the period ended 31 January 2009 of GBPnil (31 January 2008: GBPnil; 31 July 
2008: GBPnil). Investment gains are exempt from capital gains tax owing to the 
Company's status as an investment trust. 
3. Status of Company 
It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so 
that it continues to satisfy the conditions for approval as an investment trust 
company as set out in Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 
4. Net asset value per Ordinary Share 
The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on net assets at 31 January 
2009 of GBP67,821,000 (31 January 2008: GBP98,218,000; 31 July 2008: GBP84,076,000) 
and on 78,709,881 Ordinary Shares (31 January 2008: 83,724,381; 31 July 2008: 
80,045,381), being the issued share capital (excluding own shares held in 
treasury) at those dates. Net asset values include current period revenue. 
5. Dividends 
The Directors have declared an interim dividend in respect of the current 
financial year of 0.82p (2008: 0.80p) per Ordinary Share, to be paid on 13 May 
2009 to shareholders on the register as at 14 April 2009. The ex-dividend date 
will be 8 April 2009. 
Under FRS 21: `Events after the Balance Sheet Date', dividends are recognised 
within the period in which they are paid. Therefore the interim dividend of 
0.82p has not been accounted for within these half yearly financial statements. 
6. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash 
                                      Period 1       Period 1         Year 1 
                                        August         August         August 
                                        2008to        2007 to        2007 to 
                                    31 January     31 January        31 July 
                                          2009           2008           2008 
                                         GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
(Decrease)/increase in cash            (1,623)        10,100          2,253 
in period 
Change in net cash                     (1,623)        10,100          2,253 
Net cash at 31 July 2008                2,352             99             99 
Net cash at 31 January 2009               729         10,199          2,352 
7. Reconciliation of net return before finance costs and taxation to net cash i 
nflow from operating activities 
                                      Period 1       Period 1         Year 1 
                                        August         August         August 
                                        2008to        2007 to        2007 to 
                                    31 January     31 January        31 July 
                                          2009           2008           2008 
                                         GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Net return before finance             (13,353)       (10,933)       (20,765) 
costs and taxation 
Net losses on investments              14,262         11,694         23,784 
Decrease in creditors                     (25)           (72)           (73) 
Decrease in debtors and                   114            169             22 
accrued income 
Tax deducted from investment              (72)           (49)          (275) 
(Increase)/decrease in tax                (22)            18            (39) 
Net cash inflow from                      904            827          2,654 
operating activities 
as at 31 January 2009 
20 Largest Investments 
Company           Sector                      Country   Valuation        % of 
                                                            GBP'000  Net Assets 
BP                Oil & Gas            United Kingdom       2,472         3.6 
ENI               Oil & Gas                     Italy       2,394         3.5 
Sanofi-Aventis    Healthcare                   France       1,958         2.9 
Banque Cantonale  Financials              Switzerland       1,947         2.9 
Vodafone          Telecommunications   United Kingdom       1,945         2.9 
Provident         Financials           United Kingdom       1,943         2.9 
Rexam             Industrials          United Kingdom       1,747         2.6 
Deutsche Telekom  Telecommunications          Germany       1,709         2.5 
Anheuser-Busch    Consumer Goods              Belgium       1,603         2.4 
Centrica          Utilities            United Kingdom       1,596         2.4 
GlaxoSmithKline   Healthcare           United Kingdom       1,524         2.2 
E.ON              Utilities                   Germany       1,477         2.2 
Lloyds Banking    Financials           United Kingdom       1,419         2.1 
National Grid     Utilities            United Kingdom       1,296         1.9 
Novartis          Healthcare              Switzerland       1,291         1.9 
Mothercare        Consumer Services    United Kingdom       1,280         1.9 
Portugal Telecom  Telecommunications         Portugal       1,222         1.8 
China Mobile      Telecommunications        Hong Kong       1,179         1.7 
Sun Hung Kai      Financials - Real         Hong Kong       1,179         1.7 
Property          Estate 
McBride           Consumer Goods       United Kingdom       1,165         1.7 
Total-20 largest investments                               32,346        47.7 
Other Investments 
Company           Sector                      Country   Valuation        % of 
                                                            GBP'000  Net Assets 
KPN               Telecommunications      Netherlands       1,160         1.7 
Morrison (WM)     Consumer Services    United Kingdom       1,151         1.7 
Baidu.com         Technology                    China       1,135         1.7 
UBS               Financials              Switzerland       1,123         1.7 
Balfour Beatty    Industrials          United Kingdom       1,077         1.6 
CRH               Industrials                 Ireland       1,057         1.6 
Home Depot        Consumer Services     United States       1,030         1.5 
SK Telecom        Telecommunications           Korea,       1,018         1.5 
                                          Republic of 
Nokia             Technology                  Finland         995         1.5 
Telefonica        Telecommunications            Spain         990         1.5 
Reed Elsevier     Consumer Services    United Kingdom         988         1.5 
Pfizer            Healthcare            United States         980         1.4 
Sage Group        Technology           United Kingdom         978         1.4 
Unilever          Consumer Goods          Netherlands         975         1.4 
Teliasonera       Telecommunications           Sweden         945         1.4 
William Hill      Consumer Services    United Kingdom         944         1.4 
Ericsson          Technology                   Sweden         943         1.4 
Gazprom           Oil & Gas                    Russia         941         1.4 
Scottish &        Utilities            United Kingdom         908         1.3 
Southern Energy 
Intel             Technology            United States         895         1.3 
Roche             Healthcare              Switzerland         877         1.3 
Aviva             Financials           United Kingdom         852         1.3 
General Dynamics  Industrials           United States         851         1.2 
Arriva            Consumer Services    United Kingdom         801         1.2 
Cisco Systems     Technology            United States         799         1.2 
Home Depot 5.25%  Corporate Bonds       United States         778         1.1 
Lenovo            Technology                Hong Kong         768         1.1 
LDK Solar         Energy                        China         764         1.1 
Intesa Sanpaolo   Financials                    Italy         746         1.1 
First Group       Corporate Bonds      United Kingdom         711         1.0 
6.875% 15/04/2013 
BT                Telecommunications   United Kingdom         682         1.0 
T Is Bankasi      Financials                   Turkey         672         1.0 
MacFarlane        Industrials          United Kingdom         659         1.0 
National Grid     Corporate Bonds      United Kingdom         659         1.0 
4.125% 21/03/2013 
Close Brothers    Financials           United Kingdom         649         1.0 
General Electric  Industrials           United States         622         0.9 
Siemens           Industrials                 Germany         584         0.9 
C&C               Consumer Goods              Ireland         545         0.8 
Brammer           Industrials          United Kingdom         459         0.7 
Hyder Consulting  Industrials          United Kingdom         433         0.6 
Collins Stewart   Financials           United Kingdom         321         0.5 
Bank of America   Financials            United States         305         0.4 
SIG               Industrials          United Kingdom         204         0.3 
Total-63 investments                                       67,320        99.3 
Cash and other net assets                                     501         0.7 
Net assets                                                 67,821       100.0 
distribution of investments 
as at 31 January 2009 (% of net assets) 
Sector distribution 
as at 31 January 2009 
Financials                       16.6 
Telecommunications               16.0 
Industrials                      11.4 
Healthcare                        9.7 
Technology                        9.6 
Consumer Services                 9.2 
Oil & Gas                         8.5 
Utilities                         7.8 
Consumer Goods                    6.3 
Corporate Bonds                   3.1 
Energy                            1.1 
Cash and other net assets         0.7 
Net assets                      100.0 
Geographical distribution 
as at 31 January 2009 
UK                               42.7 
Europe                           38.8 
USA                               9.0 
Asia Pacific                      8.8 
Cash and other net assets         0.7 
Net assets                      100.0 
Investing in the Company 
The Company's Ordinary Shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange. You can 
buy or sell shares through your stockbroker, bank or other professional 
investment adviser. Shares in the Company may also be bought and held in an ISA 
or Share Plan through the Edinburgh Partners Investment Trust Savings Scheme. 
Further information is available on the Company's website: 
www.angloandoverseasplc.com and on the Edinburgh Partners' website: 
www.edinburghpartners.com or by telephone on 0845 850 0181. 
Share price 
The Company's Ordinary Shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The 
mid-market price is quoted daily in the Financial Times under `Investment 
Companies' and under `Investment Trusts' in the Daily Telegraph. Previous day 
closing price, net asset value and other portfolio information is published on 
the Company's website: www.angloandoverseasplc.com and on the Edinburgh 
Partners' website: www.edinburghpartners.com. 
The Company's unaudited Ordinary Share net asset value is released daily to the 
London Stock Exchange and published on the Company's website: 
www.angloandoverseasplc.com and on the Edinburgh Partners' website: 
Share register enquiries 
The register for the Ordinary Shares is maintained by Computershare Investor 
Services PLC. In the event of queries regarding your holding, please contact 
the Registrar on 0870 889 3190 or email web.queries@computershare.co.uk. 
Changes of name and/or address must be notified in writing to the Registrar at 
the address shown below. 
Key dates 
Company's year end                      July 
Annual results announced                October 
AGM and final dividend                  November 
Company's half year end                 January 
Interim results announced               March 
Interim dividend                        May 
In accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the Company will be 
releasing Interim Management Statements ("IMS") for the quarters ending 30 
April 2009 and 31 October 2009. These will be released to the London Stock 
Exchange and may be viewed at the Company's website. 
Sources of further information 
Other useful information on investment trusts, such as prices, net asset values 
and company announcements, can be found on the websites of the London Stock 
Exchange: www.londonstockexchange.com and the Association of Investment 
Companies ("AIC"): www.theaic.co.uk. 
Risk Factors 
This document is not a recommendation, offer or invitation to buy, sell or hold 
shares of the Company. If you wish to deal in shares of the Company, you may 
wish to contact an authorised professional investment adviser. 
An investment in the Company should be regarded as long term and is only 
suitable for investors who are capable of evaluating the risks and merits of 
such investment and who have sufficient resources to bear any loss which might 
result from such investment. 
The market value of, and the income derived from, the Ordinary Shares can 
fluctuate. The Company's share price may go down as well as up. Past 
performance is not a guide to future performance. There is no guarantee that 
the market price of the Ordinary Shares will fully reflect their underlying net 
asset value. Fluctuations in exchange rates will affect the value of overseas 
investments (and any income received) held by the Company. Investors may not 
get back the full value of their investment. There can be no guarantee that the 
investment objective of the Company will be met. The levels of, and reliefs 
from, taxation may change. 
This Half Yearly Report contains "forward looking statements" with respect to 
the Company's plans and its current goals and expectations relating to its 
future financial condition, performance and results. By their nature, all 
forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to 
future events that are beyond the Company's control. As a result, the Company's 
actual future financial condition, performance and results may differ 
materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in the Company's 
forward looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update the 
forward looking statements contained within this Half Yearly Report or any 
other forward looking statements it makes. 
The Company is a public company. It is registered in England and its shares are 
listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company is not regulated or authorised 
by the Financial Services Authority. 
Employees of Edinburgh Partners Limited may (subject to applicable laws and 
regulations) hold shares in the Company and may buy, sell or offer to deal in 
the Company's shares from time to time. 
Directors (all            John Pearmund (Chairman) 
                          Christopher Duffett 
                          John Sussens 
                          Giles Weaver 
Secretary and Registered  Kenneth J Greig 
                          Beaufort House 
                          51 New North Road 
                          Exeter EX4 4EP 
Investment Manager        Edinburgh Partners Limited 
                          12 Charlotte Square 
                          Edinburgh EH2 4DJ 
Registrar and Transfer    Computershare Investor Services PLC 
                          The Pavilions 
                          Bridgwater Road 
                          Bristol BS99 6ZY 
Stockbroker               JPMorgan Cazenove Limited 
                          20 Moorgate 
                          London EC2R 6DA 
Auditors                  KPMG Audit PLC 
                          1 Canada Square 
                          Canary Wharf 
                          London E14 5AG 
Solicitor                 Norton Rose LLP 
                          3 More London Riverside 
                          London SE1 2AQ 
Bankers and Custodian     The Bank of New York Mellon 
                          One Canada Square 
                          Canary Wharf 
                          London E14 5AL 
Registered in England No. 5451176 
An investment company as defined under Section 833of the Companies Act 2006 
The Company is a member of the Association of Investment Companies 
Graham Campbell     0131 270 3800 
Kenneth Greig       0131 270 3800 
Edinburgh Partners Ltd 
12 Charlotte Square 
Edinburgh EH2 4DJ 
30 March 2009 

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