American Express Revenues and Earnings 
                 Rise on Strong Growth in Cardmember Spending 
    (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) 
                               Quarters   Percentage   Nine Months  Percentage 
                                Ended        Inc/         Ended         Inc/ 
                             September 30,  (Dec)      September 30,   (Dec)  
                            2005     2004             2005      2004 
    Revenues               $6,068   $5,476   10.8%  $17,830   $16,061   11.0% 
    Income From Continuing  
     Operations Before  
     Accounting Change       $865     $702   23.2%   $2,470    $2,017   22.5%  
    Income From  
     Operations              $165     $177   (6.8%)    $519      $603  (13.9%)  
    Net Income             $1,030     $879   17.1%   $2,989    $2,549*  17.3%  
    Earnings Per Common  
     Share - Basic:   
      Income From  
       Operations Before  
       Accounting Change    $0.70    $0.56   25.0%    $2.00     $1.60   25.0%  
      Income From  
       Operations           $0.14    $0.14      -     $0.42     $0.47  (10.6%)  
      Net Income            $0.84    $0.70   20.0%    $2.42     $2.02*  19.8%  
    Earnings Per Common  
     Share - Diluted:         
      Income From  
       Continuing Operations  
       Before Accounting  
       Change               $0.69    $0.55   25.5%    $1.96     $1.56   25.6%  
      Income From  
       Operations           $0.13    $0.14   (7.1%)   $0.42     $0.47  (10.6%)  
      Net Income            $0.82    $0.69   18.8%    $2.38     $1.98*  20.2%  
    Average Common Shares  
      Basic                 1,229    1,251   (1.8%)   1,233     1,264   (2.4%)  
      Diluted               1,254    1,275   (1.7%)   1,257     1,289   (2.5%)  
    Return on Average  
     Total Shareholders'        
     Equity**               24.2%    21.5%       -    24.2%     21.5%       -  
    *  Reflects a $109 million non-cash pre-tax charge ($71 million  
       after-tax), or $0.05 on both a basic and diluted per share basis,  
       associated with discontinued operations, relating to the January 1,  
       2004 adoption of Statement of Position 03-1, "Accounting and Reporting  
       by Insurance Enterprises for Certain Nontraditional Long-Duration  
       Contracts and for Separate Accounts" (SOP 03-1). 
    ** Computed on a trailing 12-month basis using Net Income and Total  
       Shareholders' Equity (including discontinued operations prior to   
       disposal) as included in the Consolidated Financial Statements prepared  
       in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles  
    NEW YORK, Oct. 25 -- American Express Company today reported third quarter 
income from continuing operations of $865 million, up 23 percent from $702 
million a year ago. Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations rose 
to $0.69, up 25 percent from $0.55 a year ago.   
    During the quarter the Company completed the spin-off of Ameriprise 
Financial, Inc. (formerly known as American Express Financial Corporation) and 
the sale of its Tax and Business Services unit (TBS).  Net income for the 
quarter, which includes those businesses as discontinued operations, totaled 
$1.0 billion, up 17 percent from $879 million a year ago.  Earnings per share 
on a diluted basis rose to $0.82, up 19 percent from $0.69. 
    The company's reported return on equity (ROE) was 24.2 percent, up from 
21.5 percent a year ago.  This ratio is determined on a trailing 12-month 
basis using net income and total average shareholders' equity (including 
discontinued operations prior to disposal).  Pro forma ROE, which is 
determined using trailing four quarters income from continuing operations 
(which excludes discontinued operations and the cumulative effect of 
accounting changes) over reported shareholders' equity at September 30, 2005 
was 31.7 percent. (For further information about pro forma ROE, see the "Pro 
Forma ROE" section below.) 
    Consolidated revenues rose 11 percent to $6.1 billion, up from  
$5.5 billion a year ago. 
    Consolidated expenses totaled $5.0 billion, up 12 percent from  
$4.5 billion a year ago. 
    "This quarter's performance underscores the strength and momentum of an 
American Express that is now focused on the global payments business," said 
Kenneth I. Chenault, chairman and chief executive.  "We exceeded our long-term 
targets for earnings and revenue growth and, on a pro forma basis, the return 
on equity targets set for the new American Express. 
    "Total spending on American Express cards grew 18 percent, reflecting a 
double digit rise in average cardmember spending and the addition of 5.7 
million cards during the last year.  We continued to outpace our major 
competitors with strong spending increases among our consumer, small business 
and corporate cardmembers globally.  The quarter also reflected a deepening of 
our relationships with bank partners issuing American Express cards in the 
U.S. and around the world. In addition, overall credit quality and our reserve 
levels remained strong." 
    The quarter's income from continuing operations included three significant 
items. A tax benefit of $105 million related to the resolution of a prior year 
tax item enabled the Company to accelerate various reengineering initiatives, 
primarily in business travel, finance and technology functions, and 
international operations.  These initiatives resulted in $86 million ($56 
million after-tax) in reengineering costs. The quarter also included a 
provision for losses and benefits of $49 million to cover costs associated 
with Hurricane Katrina. 
    Third quarter revenues and expenses 
    The increase in quarterly revenues reflected sharply higher discount 
revenue, up 16 percent as a result of an 18 percent increase in cardmember 
spending. Average cardmember spending rose 12 percent and total cards-in-force 
were up 9 percent.  The benefits of overall higher cardmember spending were 
partially offset by a slightly lower average discount rate that continued to 
reflect, in part, the change in the mix of business towards the retail and 
everyday spending categories. Net finance charge revenue increased 16 percent, 
driven by growth in average cardmember loan balances and a higher yield. 
Similarly, securitization income rose 20 percent, primarily reflecting a 
higher level of securitized loans.  
    Third quarter expenses reflected higher costs related to human resources, 
as well as for marketing, promotion, rewards and cardmember services. Human 
resources expenses rose 9 percent, driven by severance costs associated with 
restructuring activities and higher management incentives which included the 
impact of an additional year of incremental stock-based compensation expenses, 
merit increases and increased employee benefits costs. 
    Marketing, promotion, rewards and cardmember services expenses rose 16 
percent, primarily reflecting increased brand-related advertising, strong 
acquisition activities and higher rewards-related costs. 
    The provision for losses and benefits rose 33 percent, principally 
reflecting strong charge and lending growth, a higher provision rate, and the 
previously mentioned $49 million of costs associated with Hurricane Katrina. 
The year-ago provision included a charge of $115 million related to a 
securitization reconciliation, partially offset by the reduction of  
$60 million in certain merchant-related reserves. 
    Discontinued operations 
    Income from discontinued operations primarily includes results from 
Ameriprise and TBS, which are no longer part of American Express. Included in 
this item are also $71 million after-tax of total spin-off related costs - at 
both Ameriprise and American Express - and a net gain of $63 million after-tax 
from certain dispositions, including the sale of TBS. 
    Segment results 
    Starting this quarter, American Express will provide financial reports and 
selected statistical data for new segments.  They are: U.S. Card Services, 
International Card & Global Commercial Services, Global Network & Merchant 
Services, and Corporate & Other.  The Company manages its overall business to 
achieve - on average and over time - financial targets that include earnings 
per share growth of 12-15 percent, revenue growth of at least 8 percent and a 
return on shareholders' equity of 28-30 percent. Segment level results may 
vary significantly from period to period based on specific decisions to 
allocate investment dollars and marketing resources to capitalize on 
competitive opportunities. 
    The following discussion of third quarter results presents U.S. Card 
Services segment results on a "managed basis," as if there had been no 
cardmember lending securitization transactions and to reflect certain  
tax-exempt investment income as if it had been earned on a taxable basis.   
In addition, International Card & Global Commercial Services reflects a 
reclassification of certain foreign exchange services, as revenues on a 
managed basis.  For these business segments, this is the basis used by 
management to evaluate operations.  For further information about managed 
basis and reconciliation of GAAP and managed information, see the "Managed 
Basis" section below.  The Global Network & Merchant Services, and Corporate & 
Other segment results below are presented on a GAAP basis. 
    U.S. Card Services reported third quarter net income of $446 million, up 
25 percent from $356 million a year ago.   
    Total revenues for the third quarter increased 14 percent over the  
year-ago period to $3.3 billion, reflecting continued strong growth in 
spending and borrowing on U.S. consumer and small business cards.  
    Total expenses increased 12 percent. Marketing, promotion, rewards and 
cardmember services expenses increased 18 percent, reflecting both higher 
marketing and promotion expenses and greater rewards costs. Year-ago expenses 
included the securitization-related charges mentioned earlier. 
    International Card & Global Commercial Services reported third quarter net 
income of $254 million, up 14 percent from $224 million a year ago.   
    Total revenues for the third quarter increased 8 percent over the year-ago 
period to $2.3 billion, reflecting continued strong growth in spending on 
corporate cards and international consumer cards.  
    Total expenses increased 9 percent.  Marketing, promotion, rewards and 
cardmember services expenses increased 9 percent, reflecting both higher 
marketing and promotion expenses, and greater rewards costs.  The provision 
for losses and benefits rose 55 percent due to strong charge and lending 
volume growth, and higher provision rates. 
    Global Network & Merchant Services reported third quarter net income of 
$141 million, down 19 percent from $173 million a year ago.   
    Total revenues for the third quarter increased 9 percent over the year-ago 
period to $716 million, reflecting continued strong growth in merchant charge 
volume.  The year-ago period included revenues from the Company's ATM 
business, which was sold in 2004. Spending on cards issued by the Company's 
network partners increased more than 35% from a year ago.     
    Total expenses increased 30 percent.  The total provision for losses 
increased significantly from year ago levels, primarily reflecting last year's 
reduction of merchant-related reserves that was mentioned earlier.  Marketing 
and promotion increased 55 percent, primarily reflecting higher company-wide 
brand-related advertising. 
    Corporate & Other reported third quarter net income of $24 million, 
compared with net expenses of $51 million a year ago.  The results reflect the 
$105 million tax benefit mentioned earlier.  
    Managed Basis 
    For U.S. Card Services, managed basis means the presentation assumes there 
have been no securitization transactions, i.e. all securitized cardmember 
loans and related income effects are reflected as if they were in the 
Company's balance sheet and income statements, respectively.  The Company 
presents U.S. Card Services information on a managed basis because that is the 
way the Company's management views and manages the business.  Management 
believes that a full picture of trends in the Company's cardmember lending 
business can only be derived by evaluating the performance of both securitized 
and non-securitized cardmember loans.  Asset securitization is just one of 
several ways for the Company to fund cardmember loans. Use of a managed basis 
presentation, including non-securitized and securitized cardmember loans, 
presents a more accurate picture of the key dynamics of the cardmember lending 
business, avoiding distortions due to the mix of funding sources at any 
particular point in time.  The Company does not currently securitize 
international loans. 
    Irrespective of the funding mix, it is important for management and 
investors to see metrics, such as changes in delinquencies and write-off 
rates, for the entire cardmember lending portfolio because they are more 
representative of the economics of the aggregate cardmember relationships and 
ongoing business performance and trends over time. It is also important for 
investors to see the overall growth of cardmember loans and related revenue in 
order to evaluate market share. These metrics are significant in evaluating 
the Company's performance and can only be properly assessed when all non-
securitized and securitized cardmember loans are viewed together on a managed 
    The managed basis presentation for U.S. Card Services also reflects an 
increase to interest income recorded to enable management to evaluate tax 
exempt investments on a basis consistent with taxable investment securities.  
On a GAAP basis interest income associated with tax exempt investments is 
recorded based on amounts earned.  Accordingly, information presented on a 
managed basis assumes that tax exempt securities earned income at rates as if 
the securities produced taxable income with a corresponding increase in the 
provision for income taxes. 
    The managed basis presentation for International Card & Global Commercial 
Services reflects a foreign exchange services reclassification for revenue 
earned related to the sale and purchase of foreign currencies as part of the 
foreign exchange business.  On a GAAP basis, these revenues are included with 
other foreign exchange items that are reflected in other operating expenses.  
Accordingly, information presented on a managed basis assumes that the amounts 
earned are included in other revenue with a corresponding increase in other 
operating expenses. 
    The following table reconciles the GAAP-basis U.S. Card Services and 
International Card & Global Commercial Services income statements to the 
managed-basis information. 
    U.S. Card Services 
    Selected Financial Information 
    (preliminary, millions)                         GAAP Basis  
    Quarters Ended September 30,             2005       2004       (Dec) 
                                          --------   --------   ---------- 
     Discount revenue, net card 
      fees and other                      $ 2,224    $ 1,982         12.2% 
     Cardmember lending: 
      Finance charge revenue                  614        445         38.1 
      Interest expense                        156        104         50.9 
                                          --------   -------- 
       Net finance charge revenue             458        341         34.2 
     Securitization income, net               353        295         19.8   
                                          --------   -------- 
         Total revenues                     3,035      2,618         15.9 
                                          --------   -------- 
     Marketing, promotion, rewards     
       and cardmember services              1,003        854         17.5 
     Provision for losses                     458        438          4.4 
     Human resources and                                
       other operating 
       expenses                               936        824         13.5 
                                          --------   -------- 
         Total expenses                     2,397      2,116         13.2 
                                          --------   -------- 
    Pretax segment income                     638        502         27.5 
    Income tax provision                      192        146         33.3 
                                          --------   -------- 
    Segment income                        $   446    $   356         25.1 
                                          ========   ======== 
    U.S. Card Services 
    Selected Financial Information 
                              Securitization  Equivalent        Managed    
     (preliminary, millions)      Effect        Effect           Basis 
                              --------------  -----------   --------------- 
    Quarters Ended                                                        Inc/ 
     September 30,          2005   2004     2005   2004    2005   2004   (Dec) 
                           ------ ------   ------ ------  ------ ------  ----- 
     Discount revenue,  
      net card fees  
      and other              $53    $53      $56    $57  $2,333  $2,092  11.6% 
     Cardmember lending: 
      Finance charge  
       revenue               721    573                   1,335   1,018  31.1 
      Interest expense       209    108                     365     212  71.9  
                           ------- -------               ------- ------- 
       Net finance  
        charge revenue       512    465                     970     806  20.4  
      income, net           (353)  (295)                      -       -     - 
                            -----  ----- -------  ------- ------ ------ 
          revenues           212    223      56      57   3,303   2,898  14.0 
                            -----  -----  ------   -----  ------  ------ 
      promotion, rewards 
       and cardmember  
       services               (2)    (6)                  1,001     848  18.1 
     Provision for losses    215    232                     673     670   0.4 
     Human resources and                   
       other operating                       
       expenses               (1)    (3)                    935     821  13.8 
                            -----  -------               ------  ------- 
     Total expenses       $212     $223                   2,609   2,339   11.5 
                         ------   ------   ------  ----- ------- ------ 
     Pretax segment  
      income                                  56     57     694     559   24.6 
     Income tax  
      provision                              $56    $57    $248    $203   23.5 
                                            -----  -----   -----  ------ 
    International Card & Global Commercial Services 
    Selected Financial Information 
    (preliminary, millions)                          GAAP Basis  
    Quarters Ended September 30,             2005       2004         (Dec) 
                                           -------    -------      -------- 
     Discount revenue, net card 
      fees and other                      $ 2,067    $ 1,902          8.6% 
     Cardmember lending: 
      Finance charge revenue                  259        222         16.3 
      Interest expense                         88         65         34.9 
                                          --------   -------- 
       Net finance charge revenue             171        157          8.6 
                                          --------   -------- 
         Total revenues                     2,238      2,059          8.6 
                                          --------   -------- 
     Marketing, promotion, rewards     
       and cardmember services                310        285          8.6 
     Provision for losses 
       and benefits                           270        174         54.5 
     Human resources and 
       other operating 
       expenses                             1,333      1,286          3.8 
                                          --------   -------- 
         Total expenses                     1,913      1,745          9.7 
                                          --------   -------- 
    Pretax segment income                     325        314          3.2 
    Income tax provision                       71         90        (22.7) 
                                          --------   -------- 
    Segment income                        $   254    $   224         13.7 
                                          ========   ======== 
    International Card & Global Commercial Services 
    Selected Financial Information 
                                 Foreign Exchange 
     (preliminary, millions)       Reclassification       Managed Basis 
                                  ----------------   ------------------------ 
    Quarters Ended                                                        Inc/ 
     September 30,                2005     2004       2005      2004     (Dec) 
                                --------  ------    -------   -------  ------- 
     Discount revenue, net card 
      fees and other              $   36   $   47    $ 2,103   $ 1,949    7.9% 
     Cardmember lending: 
      Finance charge revenue       
      Interest expense                
       Net finance charge revenue     
                                 -------  -------   --------  -------- 
           Total revenues             36       47      2,274     2,106    7.9 
                                 -------  -------   --------  -------- 
     Marketing, promotion, rewards 
       and cardmember services         
     Provision for losses 
       and benefits 
     Human resources and 
       other operating                   
       expenses                       36       47      1,369     1,333    2.8 
                                  -------  -------   --------  -------- 
           Total expenses         $   36   $   47    $ 1,949   $ 1,792    8.7 
                                  -------  -------   --------  -------- 
    Pro Forma ROE 
    The Company's consolidated return on equity (ROE) is calculated on a 
trailing 12-month basis using reported net income over average total 
shareholder's equity (including discontinued operations).  The Company also 
reports pro forma ROE, which is determined using trailing four quarters income 
from continuing operations (which excludes discontinued operations and the 
cumulative effect of accounting changes) over reported shareholders' equity at 
period end.  Management believes pro forma ROE is an important measure because 
it reflects performance of the Company's continuing businesses by excluding 
the impact of Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and American Express Tax and Business 
Services, Inc., which were disposed of as of September 30, 2005. 
    ROE                                    Pro Forma ROE 
    Trailing 12-months net income:         Trailing four quarters income from 
    $3.9 billion                           continuing operations: $3.1 billion 
    Trailing 12-months average             Total shareholders' equity at 
    total shareholders' equity:            September 30, 2005: 
    $16.0 billion                          $9.9 billion 
    ROE:  24.2%                            Pro forma ROE: 31.7% 
    American Express Company ( is a leading global 
payments, network, travel, and banking company founded in 1850. 
    Note:  The 2005 Third Quarter Earnings Supplement, as well as CFO Gary 
Crittenden's presentation from the investor conference call referred to below, 
will be available today on the American Express web site at  An investor conference call to discuss third 
quarter earnings results, operating performance and other topics that may be 
raised during the discussion will be held at 5:00 p.m. (EST) today.  Live 
audio of the conference call will be accessible to the general public on the 
American Express web site at  A replay of the 
conference call also will be available today at the same web site address. 
    This release includes forward-looking statements, which are subject to 
risks and uncertainties.  The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," 
"optimistic," "intend," "plan," "aim," "will," "may," "should," "could," 
"would," "likely," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-
looking statements.  Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on 
these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which 
they are made.  The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any 
forward-looking statements.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ 
materially from these forward-looking statements include, but are not limited 
to, the following:  the Company's ability to grow its business and meet or 
exceed its return on shareholders' equity target by reinvesting approximately 
35% of annually-generated capital, and returning approximately 65% of such 
capital to shareholders, over time, which will depend on the Company's ability 
to manage its capital needs and the effect of business mix, acquisitions and 
rating agency requirements; consumer and business spending on the Company's 
credit and charge card products and Travelers Cheques and other prepaid 
products and growth in card lending balances, which depend in part on the 
ability to issue new and enhanced card and prepaid products, services and 
rewards programs, and increase revenues from such products, attract new 
cardmembers, reduce cardmember attrition, capture a greater share of existing 
cardmembers' spending, sustain premium discount rates on its card products in 
light of regulatory and market pressures, increase merchant coverage, retain 
cardmembers after low introductory lending rates have expired, and expand the 
Global Network & Merchant Services business; the Company's ability to 
introduce new products, reward program enhancements and service enhancements 
on a timely basis during the latter half of 2005 and the first half of 2006; 
the success of the Global Network & Merchant Services business in partnering 
with banks in the United States, which will depend in part on the extent to 
which such business further enhances the Company's brand, allows the Company 
to leverage its significant processing scale, expands merchant coverage of the 
network, provides Global Network & Merchant Services' bank partners in the 
United States the benefits of greater cardmember loyalty and higher spend per 
customer, and merchant benefits such as greater transaction volume and 
additional higher spending customers; the continuation of favorable trends, 
including increased travel and entertainment spending, and the overall level 
of consumer confidence; successfully cross-selling financial, travel, card and 
other products and services to the Company's customer base, both in the United 
States and abroad; the Company's ability to generate sufficient revenues for 
expanded investment spending, and the ability to capitalize on such 
investments to improve business metrics; the costs and integration of 
acquisitions; the success, timeliness and financial impact (including costs, 
cost savings and other benefits including increased revenues), and beneficial 
effect on the Company's operating expense to revenue ratio, both in the short-
term and over time, of reengineering initiatives being implemented or 
considered by the Company, including cost management, structural and strategic 
measures such as vendor, process, facilities and operations consolidation, 
outsourcing (including, among others, technologies operations), relocating 
certain functions to lower-cost overseas locations, moving internal and 
external functions to the Internet to save costs, and planned staff reductions 
relating to certain of such reengineering actions; the ability to control and 
manage operating, infrastructure, advertising and promotion expenses as 
business expands or changes, including the ability to accurately estimate the 
provision for the cost of the Membership Rewards program; the Company's 
ability to manage credit risk related to consumer debt, business loans, 
merchant bankruptcies and other credit trends and the rate of bankruptcies, 
which can affect spending on card products, debt payments by individual and 
corporate customers and businesses that accept the Company's card products and 
returns on the Company's investment portfolios; bankruptcies, restructurings 
or similar events affecting the airline or any other industry representing a 
significant portion of the Company's billed business, including any potential 
negative effect on particular card products and services and billed business 
generally that could result from the actual or perceived weakness of key 
business partners in such industries; the triggering of obligations to make 
payments to certain co-brand partners, merchants, vendors and customers under 
contractual arrangements with such parties under certain circumstances; a 
downturn in the Company's businesses and/or negative changes in the Company's 
and its subsidiaries' credit ratings, which could result in contingent 
payments under contracts, decreased liquidity and higher borrowing costs; 
risks associated with the Company's agreements with Delta Air Lines to prepay 
$350 million for the future purchases of Delta SkyMiles rewards points; 
fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; fluctuations in interest 
rates, which impact the Company's borrowing costs, return on lending products 
and spreads in the insurance, annuity and investment certificate products; 
accuracy of estimates for the fair value of the assets in the Company's 
investment portfolio and, in particular, those investments that are not 
readily marketable, including the valuation of the interest-only strip 
relating to the Company's lending securitizations; the potential negative 
effect on the Company's businesses and infrastructure, including information 
technology, of terrorist attacks, disasters or other catastrophic events in 
the future; political or economic instability in certain regions or countries, 
which could affect lending and other commercial activities, among other 
businesses, or restrictions on convertibility of certain currencies; changes 
in laws or government regulations, including changes in tax laws or 
regulations that could result in the elimination of certain tax benefits; 
outcomes and costs associated with litigation and compliance and regulatory 
matters; deficiencies and inadequacies in the Company's internal control over 
financial reporting, which could result in inaccurate or incomplete financial 
reporting; and competitive pressures in all of the Company's major businesses.  
A further description of these and other risks and uncertainties can be found 
in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 
2004, and its other reports filed with the SEC. 
    All information in the following tables is presented on a basis prepared 
in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 
unless otherwise indicated. The information presented herein reflects 
discontinued operations presentation for the spin-off of Ameriprise effective 
as of September 30, 2005 and certain dispositions, and is revised from 
previously reported results.  
                           AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                       Quarters Ended    
                                        September 30,    
                                     ------------------      Percentage   
                                      2005        2004        Inc/(Dec)   
                                     ------      ------      ----------   
      Discount revenue                  $ 2,945     $ 2,535      16.2 %     
      Cardmember lending net  
         finance charge revenue             648         562      15.6   
      Net card fees                         511         474       7.9   
      Travel commissions and fees           421         426      (1.0)  
      Other commissions and fees            628         574       7.7  
      Securitization income, net            353         295      19.7    
      Other investment and  
         interest income                    246         248      (1.0)  
      Other                                 316         362     (10.9)     
                                         ------      ------         
        Total                             6,068       5,476      10.8   
                                         ------      ------           
      Human resources                     1,197       1,098       8.9     
      Marketing, promotion, rewards  
         and cardmember services          1,492       1,286      16.0    
      Provision for losses and benefits  
         Charge card                        299         206      45.3  
         Cardmember lending                 364         233      56.0  
         Investment certificates  
           and other                         76         117     (35.0)  
                                         ------      ------  
         Total                              739         556      32.9  
      Professional services                 563         534       5.5  
      Occupancy and equipment               346         328       5.6  
      Interest                              238         201      18.3  
      Communications                        112         114      (1.9)    
      Other                                 301         345     (12.7)  
                                         ------      ------      
        Total                             4,988       4,462      11.8     
                                         ------      ------     
    Pretax income from continuing  
      operations                          1,080       1,014       6.5     
    Income tax provision                    215         312     (30.9)     
                                         ------      ------  
    Income from continuing operations       865         702      23.2  
    Income from discontinued operations,  
       net of tax                           165         177      (6.8)  
                                         ------     ------  
    Net income                          $ 1,030     $   879      17.1   
                                         ======      ======    
                           AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                          Nine Months Ended    
                                            September 30,   
                                         ------------------    Percentage   
                                          2005        2004     Inc/(Dec)   
                                         ------      ------   ----------   
      Discount revenue                  $ 8,558     $ 7,432      15.1 %     
      Cardmember lending net  
         finance charge revenue           1,877       1,664      12.9   
      Net card fees                       1,515       1,418       6.9   
      Travel commissions and fees         1,345       1,311       2.7  
      Other commissions and fees          1,816       1,668       8.4  
      Securitization income, net            965         807      19.6    
      Other investment and  
         interest income                    776         736       5.5  
      Other                                 978       1,025      (4.2)     
                                         ------      ------         
        Total                            17,830      16,061      11.0   
                                         ------      ------           
      Human resources                     3,652       3,306      10.4     
      Marketing, promotion, rewards  
         and cardmember services          4,260       3,545      20.2    
      Provision for losses and benefits  
         Charge card                        748         593      26.1  
         Cardmember lending                 934         834      12.0  
         Investment certificates  
           and other                        278         230      20.4  
                                         ------      ------  
         Total                            1,960       1,657      18.2  
      Professional services               1,594       1,494       6.8  
      Occupancy and equipment             1,038         974       6.6  
      Interest                              671         592      13.3  
      Communications                        342         354      (3.2)    
      Other                               1,024       1,228     (16.7)  
                                         ------      ------      
        Total                            14,541      13,150      10.6     
                                         ------      ------     
    Pretax income from continuing  
       operations before accounting  
       change                             3,289       2,911      13.0     
    Income tax provision                    819         894      (8.4)     
                                         ------      ------  
    Income from continuing operations  
       before accounting change           2,470       2,017      22.5  
    Income from discontinued operations,  
       net of tax                           519         603     (13.9)  
                                         ------      ------  
    Income before cumulative effect  
       of accounting change               2,989       2,620      14.1  
    Cumulative effect of accounting  
       change                                 -         (71) (A)  #  
                                         ------      ------  
    Net income                          $ 2,989     $ 2,549      17.3   
                                         ======      ======   
    #    Denotes a variance of more than 100%  
    (A)  Reflects a $109 million non-cash pretax charge ($71 million   
         after-tax) associated with discontinued operations related   
         to the January 1, 2004 adoption of SOP 03-1.  
                           AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                                       September 30,   December 31,  
                                           2005            2004  
                                       ------------    ------------  
      Cash and cash equivalents        $          8    $          8  
      Accounts receivable                        33              32  
      Investments                                22              22  
      Loans                                      37              34  
      Other assets                                9              11  
      Assets of discontinued operations           -              87  
                                       ------------    ------------  
        Total assets                   $        109    $        194  
                                       ============    ============  
    Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity  
      Short-term debt                  $         15    $         14  
      Long-term debt                             29              33  
      Other liabilities                          55              50  
      Liabilities of discontinued  
        operations                                -              81  
                                       ------------    ------------  
        Total liabilities                        99             178  
                                       ------------    ------------  
      Shareholders' Equity*                      10              16  
                                       ------------    ------------  
        Total liabilities and  
            shareholders' equity       $        109    $        194  
                                       ============    ============  
    *    Total Shareholders' Equity at December 31, 2004   
         includes discontinued operations reflected in the  
         Company's historical consolidated Financial Statements.  
                           AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                              FINANCIAL SUMMARY 
                                              Quarters Ended                     
                                               September 30,                     
                                            ------------------     Percentage    
                                             2005        2004      Inc/(Dec)     
                                            ------      ------     ----------    
      U.S. Card Services                   $ 3,035     $ 2,618        15.9 %  
      International Card & Global   
         Commercial Services                 2,238       2,059         8.6  
      Global Network & Merchant Services       716         659         8.9  
                                            ------      ------    
                                             5,989       5,336        12.3  
      Corporate & Other,  
        including adjustments  
        and eliminations                        79         140       (43.6)  
                                            ------      ------                  
    CONSOLIDATED REVENUES                  $ 6,068     $ 5,476        10.8  
                                            ======      ======                  
      U.S. Card Services                   $   638     $   502        27.5 %  
      International Card & Global   
         Commercial Services                   325         314         3.2  
      Global Network & Merchant Services       214         272       (20.8)    
                                            ------      ------         
                                             1,177       1,088         8.2      
      Corporate & Other                        (97)        (74)       32.2     
                                            ------      ------       
      OPERATIONS                           $ 1,080     $ 1,014         6.5  
                                            ======      ======       
      U.S. Card Services                   $   446     $   356        25.1 %  
      International Card & Global   
         Commercial Services                   254         224        13.7  
      Global Network & Merchant Services       141         173       (18.6)      
                                            ------      ------           
                                               841         753        11.7     
      Corporate & Other                         24         (51)          #    
                                            ------      ------       
      Income from continuing operations        865         702        23.2    
      Income from discontinued operations,  
         net of tax                            165         177        (6.8)  
                                            ------      ------  
    NET INCOME                             $ 1,030     $   879        17.1   
                                            ======      ======         
     #    Denotes a variance of more than 100%.  
                           AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                        FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) 
                                             Nine Months Ended                     
                                               September 30,                     
                                            ------------------     Percentage    
                                             2005        2004      Inc/(Dec)     
                                            ------      ------     ----------    
      U.S. Card Services                   $ 8,772     $ 7,584        15.7 %  
      International Card & Global   
         Commercial Services                 6,698       6,164         8.7  
      Global Network & Merchant Services     2,097       1,936         8.4  
                                            ------      ------    
                                            17,567      15,684        12.0  
      Corporate & Other,  
        including adjustments  
        and eliminations                       263         377       (31.4)  
                                            ------      ------                  
    CONSOLIDATED REVENUES                  $17,830     $16,061        11.0  
                                            ======      ======                  
      U.S. Card Services                   $ 2,066     $ 1,641        25.9 %  
      International Card & Global   
         Commercial Services                   846         880        (3.6)  
      Global Network & Merchant Services       628         693        (9.4)    
                                            ------      ------         
                                             3,540       3,214        10.2        
      Corporate & Other                       (251)       (303)      (16.6)     
                                            ------      ------       
      CHANGE                               $ 3,289     $ 2,911        13.0  
                                            ======      ======       
      U.S. Card Services                   $ 1,423     $ 1,155        23.2 %  
      International Card & Global   
         Commercial Services                   693         597        16.3  
      Global Network & Merchant Services       405         440        (8.1)      
                                            ------      ------           
                                             2,521       2,192        15.0      
      Corporate & Other                        (51)       (175)      (71.2)    
                                            ------      ------       
      Income from continuing operations  
         before accounting change            2,470       2,017        22.5    
      Income from discontinued operations,  
         net of tax                            519         603       (13.9)  
      Cumulative effect of accounting   
         change                                  -         (71) (A)      #  
                                            ------      ------  
    NET INCOME                             $ 2,989     $ 2,549        17.3   
                                            ======      ======         
    #    Denotes a variance of more than 100%.  
    (A)  Reflects a $109 million non-cash pretax charge ($71 million   
         after-tax) associated with discontinued operations related to  
         the January 1, 2004 adoption of SOP 03-1.  
                           AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                        FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) 
                                             Quarters Ended         
                                              September 30,        
                                            ----------------    Percentage  
                                             2005      2004     Inc/(Dec)  
                                            ------    ------    ----------   
      Income from continuing operations     $ 0.70    $ 0.56        25.0 %  
      Income from discontinued operations     0.14      0.14          -  %  
                                            ------    ------  
      Net income                            $ 0.84    $ 0.70        20.0 %    
                                            ======    ======      
    Average common shares outstanding   
      (millions)                             1,229     1,251        (1.8)%   
                                            ======    ======     
      Income from continuing operations     $ 0.69    $ 0.55        25.5 %  
      Income from discontinued operations     0.13      0.14        (7.1)%  
                                            ------    ------              
      Net income                            $ 0.82    $ 0.69        18.8 %    
                                            ======    ======           
    Average common shares outstanding   
      (millions)                             1,254     1,275        (1.7)%  
                                            ======    ======           
    Cash dividends declared  
      per common share                      $ 0.12    $ 0.12          -  %    
                                            ======    ======   
                                             Quarters Ended   
                                              September 30,        
                                            ----------------    Percentage  
                                             2005      2004      Inc/(Dec)  
                                            ------    ------    ----------   
    Return on average total shareholders'  
      equity (A)                             24.2%      21.5%             
    Common shares outstanding (millions)    1,239      1,255       (1.3)%   
    Book value per common share*          $  7.99    $ 12.62      (36.7)%   
    Shareholders' equity (billions)*      $   9.9    $  15.8      (37.3)%    
     (A)  Computed on a trailing 12-month basis using net income and   
          total shareholders' equity (including discontinued operations)   
          as included in the Consolidated Financial Statements prepared   
          in accordance with GAAP.  
      *   Total Shareholders' Equity and book value per common share   
          amounts prior to September 30, 2005 include discontinued  
          operations reflected in the Company's historical Consolidated  
          Financial Statements.  
                           AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 
                        FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) 
                                            Nine Months Ended         
                                              September 30,        
                                            ----------------    Percentage  
                                             2005      2004     Inc/(Dec)  
                                            ------    ------    ----------   
      Income from continuing operations     $ 2.00    $ 1.60        25.0 %  
      Income from discontinued operations     0.42      0.47       (10.6)%  
      Cumulative effect of accounting             
         change                                  -     (0.05) (A)      #   
                                            ------    ------      
      Net income                            $ 2.42    $ 2.02        19.8 %    
                                            ======    ======      
    Average common shares outstanding   
      (millions)                             1,233     1,264        (2.4)%   
                                            ======    ======     
      Income from continuing operations     $ 1.96    $ 1.56        25.6 %  
      Income from discontinued operations     0.42      0.47       (10.6)%  
      Cumulative effect of accounting             
         change                                  -     (0.05) (A)      #  
                                            ------    ------      
      Net income                            $ 2.38    $ 1.98        20.2 %    
                                            ======    ======           
    Average common shares outstanding   
      (millions)                             1,257     1,289        (2.5)%  
                                            ======    ======           
    Cash dividends declared  
      per common share                      $ 0.36    $ 0.32        12.5 %    
                                            ======    ======   
                                            Nine Months Ended  
                                              September 30,          
                                            ----------------    Percentage  
                                             2005      2004      Inc/(Dec)  
                                            ------    ------    ----------   
    Return on average total shareholders'  
      equity (B)                             24.2%      21.5%           
    Common shares outstanding (millions)     1,239      1,255        (1.3)%   
    Book value per common share*           $  7.99    $ 12.62       (36.7)%   
    Shareholders' equity (billions)*       $   9.9    $  15.8       (37.3)%    
    #    Denotes a variance of more than 100%.  
     (A)  Reflects a $109 million non-cash pretax charge ($71 million  
          after-tax), or $0.05 on a basic and diluted per share basis,  
          associated with discontinued operations related to the   
          January 1, 2004 adoption of SOP 03-1.  
     (B)  Computed on a trailing 12-month basis using net income and   
          total shareholders' equity (including discontinued operations)  
          as included in the historical Consolidated Financial   
          Statements prepared in accordance with GAAP.  
    *     Total Shareholders' Equity and book value per common share   
          amounts prior to September 30, 2005 include discontinued  
          operations reflected in the Company's historical Consolidated  
          Financial Statements.  
    To view additional business segment financials go to:   
SOURCE  American Express Company  
    -0-                             10/25/2005 
    /CONTACT:  Robert Glick, +1-212-640-1041,, or 
Michael J. O'Neill, +1-212-640-5951, mike.o' 
    /FCMN Contact: / 
    /Web site:  / 


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