RNS No 7394c
8 October 1999

                      ALLIED LEISURE PLC
                   ("Allied" or "the Group")

-     Merger  with European Leisure completed 11 June  1999  -
      three weeks trading consolidated into 1998/99 results
-     1998/9  results  show a 25% growth in  turnover  and  5%
      growth  in operating profit from ordinary activities  before
      exceptional items
-     Profit before tax #1.4 million (1998: #4.4 million) after
      #3.3 million exceptional charge
-     Exceptional profit of #618,000 on disposal of two Burger
      King  franchises illustrates inherent value of  Burger  King
-     Operating  cash flow up 14% to #9.6 million (1998:  #8.4
      million),  equivalent to 7.6p per share  (1998:  7.1p),  and
      dividend up 10% to 1.15p (1998: 1.05p)
-     Merged  group  focusing  on market  leading  Rileys  and
      Megabowl brands - 27 new units to open in current year
-     Joint venture with Duke Street announced 16 August  1999
      will  create  clear  market leader in bowling  based  family
-     Non-core assets identified for disposal

Ken  Scobie,  Chairman  of the Group, said,  "We  are  in  the
process of delivering on a number of key strategic initiatives
which will totally transform the Group.  Once this process  is
complete  Allied will be a far larger business with  a  strong
balance sheet, enhanced growth prospects, excellent underlying
cash flows and a strong management team.  We will be very well
positioned for both organic growth and further acquisitions as
the consolidation of the leisure sector gathers pace."


Allied Leisure PLC                 (08/10/99)     0171 601 1000
Ken Scobie, Chairman             (Thereafter)      01509 414422
Neil Goulden, Chief Executive

Square Mile Communications                        0171 601 1000
Kevin Smith

                      ALLIED LEISURE PLC
                   ("Allied" or "the Group")
                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT
The  last  few months have been exciting times for Allied  and
the  strategy  we have in progress will totally transform  the

On  11  June  1999 we successfully completed our  merger  with
European Leisure PLC ("European") and this effectively doubled
the  size  of the Group.  Subsequent to the year  end,  on  16
August 1999, we announced our participation in a joint venture
with  Duke  Street  Capital ("Duke Street")  to  purchase  the
Family  Entertainment  Division of First  Leisure  Corporation
PLC,  which includes 28 ten-pin bowling centres trading  under
the  Superbowl brand, with a further three centres due to come
on  stream in 2000.  It is our intention to merge our Megabowl
business into the joint venture, which will then be owned on a
50/50  basis by Allied and Duke Street and run by  the  Allied
management team.  The transaction will create the largest ten-
pin bowling operator in the UK.

As  the merger with European did not occur until the last  few
weeks  of the 1998/9 financial year and the joint venture  was
agreed  after  the  year end, these transactions  have  had  a
minimal  impact  on  the  1998/9  results  reported  in  these
accounts.  The full results of this radical transformation  of
Allied will be seen in the 1999/2000 accounts.

The  joint  venture  with  Duke  Street  is  an  exciting  and
innovative  approach by Allied and will  allow  the  Group  to
deliver the benefits of a trade buyer without having to resort
to  our  shareholders  for funding.   Following  the  proposed
merger  of Megabowl and Superbowl we will have 50% of  a  much
larger  bowling business, with significant long-term gains  to
come  through  greater  critical mass.  The  anticipated  cash
proceeds  from  this transaction, other planned disposals  and
the  sale  of our trade investments will leave Allied  with  a
strong  balance  sheet, negligible debt  and  enhanced  growth
prospects  both  in  the joint venture and within  our  wholly
owned Rileys and Burger King restaurant businesses.

Financial Results
Turnover  rose  by 25% to #61.2 million (1998: #48.9  million)
and   operating   profit  from  ordinary   activities   before
exceptional items increased by 5% to #6.1 million (1998:  #5.8
million).  The Group also achieved a profit of #618,000 on the
sale  of  two  Burger  King  franchises  in  the  South  East,
illustrating the inherent value of our restaurant estate.   An
exceptional  charge of #3.3 million (1998:  nil)  reduced  the
post-exceptional profit before tax to #1.4 million (1998: #4.4
million) and the earnings per share to 1.07p (1998: 3.61p).

Cash  flow from operating activities increased by 14% to  #9.6
million (1998: #8.4 million), which was equivalent to 7.6p per
share  (1998: 7.1p) which again demonstrates the exceptionally
strong cash flow underpinning Allied's trading activities.

The  Board  conducted a full review of the  European  property
portfolio at the year-end and decided to write down the  value
of these assets by #35.2 million as part of a post acquisition
fair  value exercise.  Adjusted year end net assets were #59.6
million  (1998:  #24.9 million) and year-end gearing  was  87%
(1998: 75%).

The Board is recommending a 10% increase in the final dividend
to  0.77p  per share bringing the total for the year to  1.15p
(1998:  1.05p).  The final dividend will be paid on 14 January
2000 to shareholders on the register on 10 December 1999.

Following the merger with European I was pleased to welcome to
the  Board John Casey, as Group Services Director and  Company
Secretary,  and Charles Levison, as a non-executive  Director.
David  Barrett  has  now  become Group Property  Director  and
Malcolm   Nicholls  has  stepped  down  from  the   Board   to
concentrate on his expanded operational responsibilities.

The  last  financial year was again one of significant  change
for Allied and I would like to extend a particular welcome  to
the new employees who have joined the Group through our merger
with European and the expansion of our Burger King estate.  On
behalf  of  the Board I would like to thank all employees  for
the tremendous efforts that have made over the year.

Group Name
At  the  time  of  our  merger with European  we  indicated  a
possible name change for the Group.  After a review, involving
employees of the enlarged group, your Board has concluded that
Allied  Leisure remains an appropriate name for  the  enlarged

Trading  in  the first quarter of the new financial  year  has
been  adversely affected by the hot weather.  However this  is
traditionally the quietest period of our year, accounting  for
less  than  10%  of budgeted annual profit. Strong  underlying
trading  when weather conditions are in our favour  leaves  us
optimistic  regarding  the year ahead as  we  enter  our  peak
trading period.

In  last  year's Report and Accounts I stated that Allied  was
well placed to accelerate the pace of its expansion plans in a
rapidly  consolidating leisure sector.   Significant  progress
has  been  made towards these objectives in recent months  and
Allied  is  now  a  substantial leisure group  with  a  strong
underlying  cash  flow,  enhanced  growth  prospects  and   an
excellent management team.  In addition we soon expect to have
a significantly stronger balance sheet and negligible debt.

We are now firmly focused on integrating the European business
into  Allied,  concluding the joint venture  transaction  with
Duke  Street and delivering cash from our disposal  programme.
The  anticipated consolidation in the leisure sector continues
to  gather  pace and the strategic initiatives outlined  above
will  leave  Allied  in  a very strong  position  to  actively
participate in, and benefit from, the consolidation process.

I  look forward to updating shareholders on progress as events
unfold over the next few months.

Ken Scobie                                      8 October 1999

                   CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW


Following the merger with European, Allied is now a much  more
significant  leisure business.  The enlarged Group  trades  in
four  sectors  of  the leisure market - bowling  based  family
entertainment  centres under the Megabowl  brand,  cue  sports
under the Rileys brand, Burger King franchised restaurants and
bars and discotheques.

Allied  now has over 200 venues nationwide, up from 56 at  the
1998  year end.  The joint venture with Duke Street  will  add
another 28 bowling centres to the estate, and a number of  new
bowling and cue sports units are due to come on stream  during
the current financial year.

Family Entertainment Centres
During  the year to 30 June 1999 Megabowl sales fell to  #35.3
million  following the disposal of six ten-pin bowling centres
to  XS Leisure in April 1998.  This however, represents a 2.1%
growth on a like-for-like basis.

Megabowl  continues  to  grow in a  mature  profile  and  with
maintenance capital now running significantly below  the  rate
of depreciation, delivers an excellent return on capital and a
very strong cash flow.

Two  new Megabowls will open during the current financial year
and  we  are  actively pursuing a number of other  development
opportunities,  which meet our demanding  site  selection  and
return  on capital criteria.  We will also continue to  invest
in   the   existing  estate,  where  our  capital  expenditure
programme continues to show strong returns.

The proposed merger of Megabowl and Superbowl, outlined in the
Chairman's Statement, will bring significant benefits  to  the
joint venture partners.  Cost savings and purchasing gains are
only  the starting point.  The major opportunity lies  in  the
enhanced  growth prospects.  With nearly 70%  of  the  British
population living within a 30 minute drive of one of our bowls
we  can look, for the first time, at advertising on a national
basis.  In addition, there remain significant opportunities to
develop  new  sites  both in the UK and  in  mainland  Europe.
Final negotiations with Duke Street, and their debt providers,
are  progressing  and we anticipate being  in  a  position  to
circulate  full details of the transaction to shareholders  in
the  near future.  We are also delighted to welcome Nick Irens
to the Board of the joint venture as independent Chairman.

Cue Sports
At  the  end  of June 1999 Allied operated from 87 cue  sports
venues, predominantly trading under the Rileys brand.

The  Rileys American pool and snooker club concept  is  highly
popular, especially among the 18-24 age group and the  growing
student population.  Rileys provides American pool tables in a
lively themed sports bar environment, as well as a quiet  area
for  snooker, and as a private members club it offers a secure
environment with extended, and in some cases, 24 hour, trading
and access to highly profitable jackpot gaming machines.

During the year to 30 June 1999 Rileys increased its sales  by
over  20% to #25.1 million.  Like-for-like sales rose by  6.4%
and 17 new venues were opened.

Rileys is the clear market leader in cue sports, with 65% more
venues than its main competitor, yet still controls less  than
10%  of  a  highly fragmented cue sports market.   New  Rileys
units  continue to perform strongly and we intend to  step  up
the  rate  of  expansion, with 25 new units  planned  for  the
current  financial year.  We are already well on  the  way  to
meeting this target - since the year-end we have opened four new
units, with eleven more under development and a further 14 sites
in the pipeline.

With  strong like-for-like sales growth and a high  return  on
capital the prospects for Rileys are exciting.

Branded Food
Allied  added 10 new Burger King restaurants to its  portfolio
during  the year, seven coming from an acquisition from  brand
owner  Burger  King  and three new builds.   In  addition,  we
disposed  of  two  restaurants in the  South  East  which  lay
outside  our  East Midlands/Yorkshire Tyne-Tees trading  area.
The  price achieved on the disposal significantly exceeded the
net  book value of the units and this underlines the value  of
our  Burger  King  estate.  We now trade from  35  restaurants
stretching from Northampton to Newcastle.

During  the  year to 30 June 1999 our restaurants  sales  more
than doubled to #22.4 million (1998: #10.9 million).  Like-for-
like  sales  were  a disappointing 2.2% down on  the  previous
year.    However  we  remain  optimistic  that  the  strategic
initiatives recently announced by Burger King in the  UK  will
produce  above inflation growth, enhanced margins and  reduced
development costs.  These initiatives would enable  Allied  to
accelerate  the  development  of  its  restaurant  chain  with
enhanced returns to shareholders.

Bars and Discotheques
Following  the merger, the Group now operates 30 discotheques,
21  bars  and a hotel as well as a number of leased  pubs  and
other related leisure assets.

The  business continues to be impacted by competitor activity,
and  in  particular  the increased number  of  late  licences.
Turnover  for  the year ended 30 June 1999 was  down  9.0%  to
#40.8  million (1998: #44.8 million), reflecting a  number  of
closures  and  disposals, with like-for-like sales  down  5.4%
over the year.

The licensed estate is a collection of unbranded venues, which
is  not currently producing the return on capital targets  set
by  the  Board.  Whilst this division is currently the largest
part of the Group in turnover terms, the low return on capital
and   negative  like-for-like  sales  performance  which   has
continued  into  the  new  financial  year,  mitigate  against
significant  investment in the business.   Although  the  Bars
and Discotheques business generates significant profits and is
also   highly  cash  generative,  Allied  clearly  has  better
opportunities, and higher priorities, elsewhere, most  notably
within its Megabowl and Rileys estates.

Following  a  strategic review of this business, it  is  clear
that  a sale of part or all of the estate will both strengthen
the Group's balance sheet and enhance future growth prospects.

As  part of the merger with European, Allied acquired a  23.8%
stake  in  Waterfall  Holdings  PLC,  which  was  acquired  by
European  at  an  average price of 44p per  share.   Waterfall
operates  cue  sports  venues,  ten-pin  bowling  centres  and

Allied  also  holds 15% of XS Leisure PLC (formerly  Sanctuary
Leisure plc), which was part of the consideration for the sale
of  six  bowling  centres to XS Leisure in  April  1998.   The
shares  are  held in our books at the issue price of  45p  and
currently  trade on AIM at a significant premium to the  issue

Merger Integration
The  post  merger integration of Allied and European continues
to progress smoothly.

At   1   October  1999,  all  accounting  functions  had  been
consolidated  into  the  Poole accounts  centre  whilst  other
corporate and operational functions had been rationalised  and
transferred   to   the   former  European   head   office   in
Leicestershire.   New, and improved, bank  facilities  are  in
place  and purchasing agreements are being aggregated and  re-
negotiated as they fall due.

The  enlarged group is on course to deliver annualised  merger
benefits of #3.0 million per annum.

Management, Employees and Training
Allied  and  European were both fully accredited Investors  in
People  providing  an  excellent  cultural  fit  as  the  best
practices  of  each  business are adopted  across  the  Group.
Allied  remains  firmly  committed to effective  training  and
human  resource management.  Our aim is to provide  a  quality
service,  in  a focused and cost efficient manner,  from  well
trained,  highly  motivated and incentivised  staff  and  thus
produce  the very best returns from the businesses  under  our

In my review last year I stated that Allied had the management
resources  and  operational systems  in  place  to  support  a
significantly  larger  business.  Following  the  merger  with
European,  and with negotiations with Duke Street  continuing,
these resources are now being fully deployed to the benefit of

Our focus is on consolidating our market leading positions  in
both bowling based Family Entertainment Centres and cue sports
whilst  expanding  both these businesses organically.   Rileys
continues  to  show  strong  underlying  growth  as  well   as
significant  new  build opportunities whilst  Megabowl's  more
mature growth profile provides an exceptionally strong base of
cash  generation.   We  envisage rationalising  our  bars  and
discotheques, whilst our Burger King business will continue to
be developed on a selective basis.

Allied  is  now positioned for the next stage of its strategic
development.   We  are  the  market leader  in  two  important
leisure sectors and our strong cash generation will facilitate
the  continued growth of the Group.  Allied is a well  managed
and  resourced Group and we hope that our increased  size  and
enhanced  growth  prospects will now enable us  to  attract  a
wider  range of institutional support and play a leading  role
in a rapidly consolidating leisure sector.

Neil Goulden                                    8 October 1999
Chief Executive
In  my report last year I referred to the significant progress
made  by the Group since the restructuring in 1994.  The  last
few   months   have  again  demonstrated  our  commitment   to
delivering  shareholder  value through  a  clear  and  focused
strategy for growth.

Trading performance
Turnover increased by 25% to #61.2 million, principally due to
the  full  year  effect of the enlarged Burger  King  division
offset  by  the  disposal of six bowls  in  April  1998.   The
European business contributed turnover of #3.4 million  (1998:
nil).   Burger  King  accounted for 36.7% of  turnover  (1998:
22.3%)  and  this  increase  in income  from  a  lower  margin
business resulted in operating margins falling to 9.9%  (1998:

Net  interest payable increased by 28% to #2.0 million  (1998:
#1.6  million) as a result of the expansion of the Burger King
estate.  Interest cover remains a comfortable 3.1 times (1998:
3.8 times).

Balance Sheet
Following  the  merger we conducted a thorough review  of  the
European  property  portfolio.  At  the  time  of  the  merger
European's  shares were trading at a significant  discount  to
stated  net  asset  value  and  we  effectively  acquired  the
business on this basis.  The fair value exercise resulted in a
property  asset  write-down  of #35.2  million  which  relates
predominately  to  the  bars  and  discotheques  estate.   The
Directors believe that the restated value brings the  enlarged
property portfolio into line with current market values.  As a
result  of  the  asset write-down net assets at  the  year-end
totalled #59.6 million (1998: #24.9 million) and gearing  rose
to 87% (1998: 75%).

Depreciation policy
The  Board  has also reviewed the accounting policies  of  the
enlarged  group.  The only significant change is to bring  the
depreciation of European's freehold and leasehold assets  into
line  with Allied's existing policy.  Depreciation in the year
totalled #3.4 million (1998: #2.8 million).

Capital expenditure
Capital  expenditure  in  the  year,  excluding  acquisitions,
totalled  #3.8  million  (1998: #3.8 million).   This  related
predominately  to  the  refurbishment  to  our  Megabowls   in
Liverpool,  York and Poole and the development  of  three  new
Burger Kings in Sheffield, York and Mansfield. Expenditure  on
acquisitions  totalled  #1.3  million,  excluding  stocks  and
working  capital  (1998:  #8.0 million)  and  related  to  the
acquisition of seven Burger King restaurants from Burger  King
(UK)  Limited  in October 1998 for #1.3 million cash,  with  a
balance   of  #1.05  million  to  be  paid  in  three   annual
instalments of #350,000 on each anniversary of completion.

Bank facilities
As  a  result  of the merger with European the  Group  assumed
additional  debt of #34.1 million, giving total net borrowings
of  #51.9  million  (1998: #18.6 million)  at  30  June  1999.
Following  the merger the Group has successfully  renegotiated
its  banking  facilities and now has a new facility  totalling
#65.0 million, comprising a #35.0 million five year term loan,
a  #20.0  million five year revolving loan and a #10.0 million
overdraft.  These facilities have been provided on terms  more
favourable  than  those  previously  enjoyed  by   Allied   or
European.  The new syndicate, led by NatWest, also consists of
the  Bank  of  Scotland, HSBC Midland and the  Royal  Bank  of

The  Group continues to benefit from a tax shield relating  to
previous   tax  losses,  carried  forward  ACT   and   capital
allowances  and there was no tax charge in the year  ended  30
June 1999 (1998: #93,000).

The  full year dividend of 1.15p (1998: 1.05p) is covered  1.6
times  (1998:  3.4 times).  The fall in dividend  cover  is  a
direct   result   of  the  new  shares  issued   to   European
shareholders  within three weeks of the  year  end  without  a
corresponding   consolidation  of  full  year   profits   from
European.   The  Board is confident that the Group's  dividend
will be adequately covered going forward.

Accounting and controls
European's  accounting centre in Leicestershire has  now  been
closed and this will result in significant cost savings.   The
accounting  systems, reporting and internal controls  will  be
based   on  Allied's  existing  systems  which  will   provide
significantly  enhanced  management  information  and  control
processes to the European businesses.  I would like  to  thank
all  our  accounting staff, in both Poole and  Leicestershire,
for  their  hard  work and commitment during  the  integration

Year 2000 compliance
The  Group  has  completed its risk assessment resulting  from
Year 2000 and believes that all its key operating systems  are
now  Year  2000 compliant.  This has been achieved  at  little
additional cost to the Group.

Martin Scott                                    8 October 1999
Group Finance Director


Allied Leisure PLC                       (08/10/99) 0171 601 1000
Ken Scobie, Chairman                    (Thereafter) 01509 414422
Neil Goulden, Chief Executive

Square Mile Communications                          0171 601 1000
Kevin Smith
                        ALLIED LEISURE PLC
        Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 1999
               Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                                             Before             Year     Year
                                              excep    Excep-     to       to
                      Continuing  Acquisi-    tional   tional     30       30
                      operations    tions      items    items   June     June
                                                                 1999    1998
                            #000     #000       #000     #000    #000    #000
Turnover                  54,117    7,097     61,214        -  61,214  48,876
Cost of sales            (22,017)  (2,994)   (25,011)       - (25,011)(18,072)
Gross profit              32,100    4,103     36,203        -  36,203  30,804
Net operating                
  expenses               (26,672)  (3,456)   (30,128)  (3,352)(33,480)(25,002)
Operating profit                                                   
  Ordinary activities      5,428      647      6,075        -   6,075   5,802
  Exceptional costs            -        -          -   (3,352) (3,352)      -
Total operating profit     5,428      647      6,075   (3,352)  2,723   5,802

Profit on sale of           
  operations                                       -      618     618     136
Profit on ordinary                                                 
  activities before                                                
  interest and tax                             6,075   (2,734)  3,341   5,938
Net interest payable                          (1,989)       -  (1,989) (1,551)
Profit on ordinary                                                 
  activities before tax                        4,086   (2,734)  1,352   4,387
Tax on profit on                                                   
  ordinary activities                              -        -       -     (93)

Profit for the                          
financial year                                 4,086   (2,734)  1,352   4,294
Dividends                                          -        -  (2,531) (1,258)
Transfer (from)/to                                                 
  profit and loss                                                    
  account in respect of                                        
  current year                                               
  activities                                                   (1,179)  3,036
Earnings per share                                                 
  exceptional items                                              3.22p   3.50p
Earnings per share                                                 
  exceptional items                                              1.07p   3.61p
Diluted earnings per share                                       1.06p   3.59p
                        ALLIED LEISURE PLC
        Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 1999
              Group Balance Sheet as at 30 June 1999
                                    1999      1999      1998      1998
                                    #000      #000      #000      #000
Fixed assets                                                 
Intangible assets                              383                 134
Tangible assets                             85,104              46,805
Investments                                  5,122                 800
                                            90,609              47,739
Current assets                                               
Stocks                            2,014                1,180     
Debtors                          10,215                3,838     
Assets held for resale           43,514                    -         
Cash at bank and in hand          1,628                  197       
                                 57,371                5,215     
Creditors due within one year   (42,649)             (13,653)  
Net current assets/(liabilities)            14,722              (8,438)
Total assets less current               
  liabilities                              105,331              39,301
Creditors due after more than   
  one year                      (41,069)             (13,821) 
Provisions for liabilities      
  and charges                    (4,709)                (601)    
                                           (45,778)            (14,422)
Net assets                                  59,553              24,879
Capital and reserves                                         
Called up share capital                     13,504               5,945
Share premium account                       42,706              14,412
Profit and loss account                      3,343               4,522
Group shareholders' funds -                                  
  equity interests                          59,553              24,879
                        ALLIED LEISURE PLC
        Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 June 1999
     Group Cash Flow statement for the year ended 30 June 1999
                                               1999   1999   1998    1998
                                               #000   #000   #000    #000
Net cash inflow from operating activities            9,620          8,424
Returns on investment and servicing of                            
Interest paid                                (2,046)       (1,399) 
Interest received                                58            32    
Interest element of finance lease payment       (36)          (75)  
Net cash outflow from returns on                                  
  investment and  servicing of finance              (2,024)        (1,442)
Advanced corporation tax paid                         (104)          (284)
Capital expenditure and financial                                 
Purchase of tangible fixed assets            (3,750)       (3,767) 
Sale of tangible fixed assets                   282         1,101 
Purchase of intangible fixed assets             (60)          (26)  
Sale of intangible fixed assets                   -            20    
                                                    (3,528)        (2,672)
Acquisitions and disposals                                        
Purchase of Burger Kings                     (1,499)       (7,972)            
Costs associated with acquisition of Burger  
  Kings                                         (91)         (511) 
Net cash acquired with Burger Kings              17            36    
Costs associated with the acquisition of    
  European Leisure                             (271)            -     
Net cash acquired with European Leisure         412             -     
Disposal of operating units                      61         1,225 
Costs associated with disposal                    -          (109) 
Net cash disposed of with operating units        (3)            -     
Net cash outflow from acquisitions and                      
  disposals                                         (1,374)       (7,331)
Equity dividends paid                               (1,284)       (1,213)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use of                           
  liquid  resources and financing                    1,306        (4,518)
New term borrowings                              -           4,905 
Repayment of term borrowings                (2,320)         (2,805) 
Capital element of finance lease borrowings   (207)           (248) 
New finance leases                             682               -     
Issue of ordinary share capital                  -             117   
Share issue costs                             (150)              -     
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing           (1,995)          1,969
Decrease in cash in the year                         (689)         (2,549)

1     Financial information
      The  above  financial  information  does  not  constitute  statutory
      accounts  within  the meaning of Section 240 of  the  Companies  Act
      1985.   The  financial information for the year ended 30  June  1999
      and  the  year to 30 June 1998 has been extracted from  the  Group's
      financial  statements  at  those dates  which  received  unqualified
      auditors' reports.  The financial statements for the year  ended  30
      June 1998 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
2     Earnings per share
      Earnings  per  share  have been calculated on the  weighted  average
      number  of  shares  in issue during the relevant financial  periods.
      The   number  of  equity  shares  in  issue  at  30  June  1999  was
      270,084,000  (1998: 118,901,000).  The weighted average  shares  for
      the period was 126,770,000 (1998: 118,816,000)
      The  earnings  per  share before exceptional items  is  based  on  a
      profit for the year of #4,086,000 (1998: #4,158,000).  Earnings  per
      share  after  exceptional items is based on a profit  after  tax  of
      #1,352,000 (1998: #4,294,000).
      The diluted earnings per share figure is based on a profit for the
      year of #1,352,000 (1998: #4,294,000) and on 127,259,000 (1998:
      119,541,000) ordinary shares, calculated as follows:
                                                            Year      Year
                                                           ended     ended
                                                         30 June   30 June
                                                            1999      1998
                                                            #000      #000
      Basic weighted average number of shares           126,771   118,816
      Dilutive potential ordinary shares:                         
                            Executive share options         482       725
                            Employee share options            6         -
                                                        127,259   119,541
3  a Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
                                                            1999      1998
                                                            #000      #000
      Decrease in cash in the year                          (689)   (2,549)
      Cash outflow/(inflow) from decrease/(increase)    
        in debt and lease financing                        1,845    (1,852)
      Change in net debt resulting from cash flows         1,156    (4,401)
      Loans acquired with European Leisure               (34,500)        -
      Net debt at 1 July 1998                            (18,568)  (14,167)
      Net debt at 30 June 1999                          (51,912)   (18,568)
   b Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from
     operating activities
                                                            1999      1998
                                                            #000      #000
      Operating profit                                     2,723     5,959
      Depreciation and amortisation charges                3,430     2,818
      Profit on disposal of fixed assets                     (64)     (261)
      Increase in stocks                                      (1)     (125)
      Increase in debtors                                 (1,213)     (453)
      Increase in creditors                                3,544     1,698
      Net cash inflow pre-restructuring and          
        exceptional costs                                  8,419     9,636
      Provision for vacant properties                      2,049         -
      Provisions utilised                                   (848)   (1,055)
      Discontinued business costs                              -      (157)
      Net cash inflow from operating activities            9,620     8,424
4     Reconciliation of movements in reserves and shareholders' funds
                            Called up       Share    Profit          Total
                                share     premium  and loss   shareholders'
                              capital     account   account          funds
                                 #000        #000      #000           #000
      As at 1 July 1998         5,945      14,412     4,522         24,879
      Profit for the year           -           -     1,352          1,352
      Dividends                     -           -    (2,531)        (2,531)
      Issue of ordinary shares  7,559      28,725         -         36,284
      Expenses of share issues      -        (431)        -           (431)
      As at 30 June 1999       13,504      42,706     3,343         59,553
5     Report and Accounts
      Copies  of the 1999 Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders
      in  due  course and further copies will be available to  the  public
      from  the  Group's registered office, Charnwood Mill,  Sileby  Road,
      Barrow-Upon-Soar, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 8LR.



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