RNS Number : 4931E
  Arthro Kinetics plc
  29 September 2008

    Arthro Kinetics plc

             MONDAY, 29 September 2008 - Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2008

    Chief Executive's Statement

    The first half of 2008 has seen the Group continue to improve revenue growth and reduce costs with a significant contribution derived
from our core Biologics business.

    *     Biologics revenue of EUR988k, a 69% increase on the comparative period in 2007

    *     Closing cash balance of EUR3.5m

    *     Significant progress on both the CFI & spinal implant development programmes

    Revenues of EUR1.5m, 68% of which was derived from biologics, delivered a gross profit of EUR0.3m. Operating expenditure remained in
line with plan such that overall the Group reported a loss before taxation of EUR1.5m.

    Operational Review
    Sales of biologics and allograft processing revenues continued to grow in the first half of 2008 and were in line with our expectations.
Sales of spinal instruments were however disappointing. Consequently, and in line with the Group's strategic focus on biologics, we are
taking steps to dispose of this business unit.

    New Product Development
    The cell free implant "CFI" has been the priority development objective for the Group in 2008 and in this respect I am pleased to report
that all patients in whom a CFI has been implanted continue to progress well and all the remaining patients necessary for the filing of an
application for a CE Mark have been recruited.

    Finally, our spinal nucleus replacement implant has attained all of its in vitro and safety goals and has entered pre-clinical studies
in the second half of 2008 alongside our novel, annulus closure device. The Company is hopeful that both devices will enter human studies in

    Whilst the Group has achieved its targeted cash position of EUR3.5m, this provides insufficient funds to support the ongoing
requirements of the business and the further development of CFI and the nucleus implant through 2009. Consequently we are pursuing
negotiations to realise value from certain assets within the Group. The directors have reviewed the current status of these negotiations and
are confident that a transaction can be completed during the course of 2008 which would materially impact the Group's cash position so as to
support the preparation of the statements on a going concern basis.

Jason Loveridge    
    Chief Executive Officer

    Consolidated Income Statement
    for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                        Six months       Six months      Year ended
                                              ended           ended    31 December 
                                       30 June 2008    30 June 2007            2007
 In thousands of Euro            Note     unaudited       unaudited         audited
 Revenue                            3         1,455           1,127           2,691
 Cost of sales                              (1,123)           (798)         (1,496)
 Gross profit                                   332             329           1,195
 Distribution expenses                        (518)           (414)         (1,276)
 Administration expenses            4       (2,273)         (2,761)         (5,583)
 Other operating income                         292             265           1,187
 Other operating expenses                                            
   Investment impairment            6             -               -         (3,019)
   Other                                        (6)            (42)            (93)
 Total other operating expenses                 (6)            (42)         (3,112)
 Operating loss                             (2,173)         (2,623)         (7,589)
 Financial income                               795              96           1,031
 Financial expenses                           (123)           (137)           (132)
 Net financing income/(cost)                    672            (41)             899
 Share of loss of associate                       -            (68)            (33)
 Loss before taxation for                   (1,501)         (2,732)         (6,723)
 continuing operations                                               
 Income tax expense                               -               -             (2)
 Loss for the period/year                   (1,501)         (2,732)         (6,725)
 attributable to equity holders                                      
 of the parent for continuing                                        
     Basic loss per share (EUR)     5        (0.02)          (0.05)          (0.09)

      Consolidated Balance Sheet
    as at 30 June 2008

                                        Six months       Six months      Year ended
                                              ended           ended    31 December 
                                       30 June 2008    30 June 2007            2007
 In thousands of Euro            Note     unaudited       unaudited         audited
 Non current                                                         
 Property, plant & equipment                    430             607             498
 Intangible assets                              707             826             770
 Investment in associate            6             -           2,984               -
 Other non current assets                        69              70              70
 Total non current assets                     1,206           4,487           1,338
 Current assets                                                      
 Inventories                                    582             628             751
 Trade and other receivables                    768           1,013             795
 Current tax assets                              76             108             194
 Cash and cash equivalents                    3,519           7,196           5,577
 Total current assets                         4,945           8,945           7,317
 Total assets                                 6,151          13,432           8,655
 Equity and liabilities                                              
 Capital and reserves                                                
 Ordinary share capital                      12,552          12,552          12,552
 Share premium                                8,976           8,976           8,976
 Merger reserve                              30,753          30,753          30,753
 Currency translation reserve               (1,399)             185           (857)
 Accumulated losses                        (49,094)        (43,884)        (47,655)
 Total equity attributable to                 1,788           8,582           3,769
 equity holders of the parent                                        
 Non current liabilities                                             
 Interest bearing loans and                     349             123             354
 Total non current liabilities                  349             123             354
 Current liabilities                                                 
 Interest bearing loans and                       8             250              12
 Trade and other payables                     3,787           4,175           4,215
 Current tax liabilities                         44              61             104
 Provisions                                     175             241             201
 Total current liabilities                    4,014           4,727           4,532
 Total equity and liabilities                 6,151          13,432           8,655

    * see note 6  

    Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
    for the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                        Six months       Six months      Year ended
                                              ended           ended    31 December 
                                       30 June 2008    30 June 2007            2007
 In thousands of Euro            Note     unaudited       unaudited         audited
 Cash flows from operating                                           
 Loss for the period/year                   (1,501)         (2,732)         (6,725)
 Adjustments for:                                                    
 Depreciation and amortisation                  144             144             328
 Investment impairment                            -               -           3,019
 Movement on investment in                        -              68              33
 Loss on disposal of property,                    -               -              45
 plant and equipment                                                 
 Finance income                               (795)            (96)         (1,031)
 Finance expenses                               123             137             132
 Income tax expenses                              -               -               2
 Decrease/(Increase) in                         169              47            (76)
 Decrease/(Increase) in trade                   145           (215)           (687)
 and other receivables                                               
 (Decrease)/Increase in trade                 (514)           (886)           (842)
 and other payables                                                  
 Equity settled share based                      62             260             482
 payment transactions                                                
 Cash used in operations                    (2,167)         (3,273)         (5,320)
 Interest paid                                    -           (131)           (109)
 Interest received                               81              72             211
 Taxes paid                                       -               -             (2)
 Net cash used in operating                 (2,086)         (3,332)         (5,220)
 Cash flows from investing                                           
 Purchase of property, plant                   (13)            (24)            (90)
 and equipment                                                       
 Net cash used in investing                    (13)            (24)            (90)
 Cash flow from financing                                            
 Proceeds from issue of                           -           8,891           8,891
 ordinary shares                                                     
 Costs from issue of ordinary                     -           (298)           (298)
 Proceeds from loans                              -             693             693
 Repayment of loans from third                    -               -             604
 Repayment of loans                             (9)         (2,009)         (2,017)
 Net cash generated from                        (9)           7,277           7,873
 finance activities                                                  
 Net (Decrease)/Increase in                 (2,108)           3,921           2,563
 cash and cash equivalents                                           
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 5,577           3,199           3,199
 beginning of period/year                                            
 Currency translation                            50              76           (185)
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 3,519           7,196           5,577
 end of period/year                                                  
 Consisting of:                                                      
 Cash at bank                                 3,519           7,196           5,577
                                              3,519           7,196           5,577

     Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

    for the six months ended 30 June 2008 unaudited
 In thousands of Euro              Ordinary
                                      Share  Share  Merger Reserve  Currency  Accumulated
                                    Capital  Premi                  Translat       Losses
                                                um                       ion                 Total
 Balance at 31 December 2007         12,552  8,976          30,753     (857)     (47,655)    3,769
 Net loss for the period                  -      -               -         -      (1,501)  (1,501)
 Currency translation reserve             -      -               -     (542)            -    (542)
 Total recognised income and              -      -               -     (542)      (1,501)  (2,043)
 Share based payments                     -      -               -         -           62       62
 Balance at 30 June 2008             12,552  8,976          30,753   (1,399)     (49,094)    1,788

    for the six months ended 30 June 2007 unaudited
 In thousands of Euro              Ordinary
                                      Share  Share  Merger Reserve  Currency  Accumulated
                                    Capital  Premi                  Translat       Losses
                                                um                       ion                 Total
 Balance at 31 December 2006          8,106  5,284          30,753       112     (41,867)    2,388
 Net loss for the period                  -      -               -         -      (2,732)  (2,732)
 Currency translation reserve             -      -               -        73            -       73
 Total recognised income and              -      -               -        73      (2,732)  (2,659)
 Net proceeds from placing and        4,446  3,692                         -          455    8,593
 subscription                                                    -
 Share based payments                     -      -               -         -          260      260
 Balance at 30 June 2007             12,552  8,976          30,753       185     (43,884)    8,582

    for the year ended 31 December 2007 audited
 In thousands of Euro              Ordinary
                                      Share  Share  Merger Reserve  Currency  Accumulated
                                    Capital  Premi                  Translat       Losses
                                                um                       ion                 Total
 Balance at 31 December 2006          8,106  5,284          30,753       112     (41,867)    2,388
 Net loss for the year                    -      -               -         -      (6,725)  (6,725)
 Currency translation reserve             -      -               -     (969)            -    (969)
 Total recognised income and              -      -               -     (969)      (6,725)  (7,694)
 Net proceeds from placing and        4,446  3,692               -         -          455    8,593
 Share based payments                     -      -               -         -          482      482
 Balance at 31 December 2007         12,552  8,976          30,753     (857)     (47,655)    3,769

    Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

    1. Reporting Entity
    Arthro Kinetics Plc ("the Company") is a company incorporated in the UK. The Group is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale
of orthopedic products. The Group was formed on 24 February 2006 through the reverse acquisition of Arthro Kinetics Plc by Arthro Kinetics
AG (formerly known as Ars Arthro AG) and the acquisition by Arthro Kinetics Plc of Arthro Kinetics UK Limited (formerly known as Endospine
Kinetics Limited). The Group financial statements consolidate those of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the
"Group"). The Group is listed on AIM.

    The address of the Company's registered office is 7 Silk House, Park Green, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK.

    2. Basis of Preparation 

    a) Statement of Consistency
    The interim statement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the annual report and accounts for the year
to 31 December 2007 and in accordance with those accounting policies expected to be followed in the year end statements. The Group has
chosen not to adopt IAS 34 "Interim Financial Statements" in preparing the interim statement since the adoption as a standard is not

    The financial information contained in this report does not amount to statutory financial statements within the meaning of section 240
Companies Act 1985. The financial information contained in this report is unaudited. The balance sheet comparative data for 30 June 2007 has
been restated to reflect a change in the accounting treatment for the investment in an associate as detailed in note 6. The financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, from which data has been extracted, were prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU ("Adopted IFRSs") and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors
was unqualified in accordance with section 235 of the Companies Act 1985 and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985. The interim statements were approved by the board of directors on 26 September 2008.

    b) Business Combination
    Arthro Kinetics Plc acquired all the equity and financial instruments of Arthro Kinetics AG and Arthro Kinetics UK Limited on 24
February 2006. Arthro Kinetics AG was the significantly larger partner and in line with IFRS 3 is deemed to be the acquirer. Consequently,
the business combination has been accounted for using reverse acquisition accounting principles. Subsequent to the reverse acquisition,
Arthro Kinetics Plc acquired Arthro Kinetics UK Limited. 

    In accordance with IFRS 3:

    The pre-combination results are those of Arthro Kinetics AG and subsidiaries.

    The accumulated loss of the Group is based on the pre-combination reserves of Arthro Kinetics AG and subsidiaries and the post
combination reserves of all Group companies.

    Arthro Kinetics Plc and Arthro Kinetics UK Limited have been consolidated from the date of acquisition at the fair values as at that

    c) Functional and Presentational Currency
    The financial statements are presented in euros, which is the Group's presentational currency. All financial information presented in
euros has been rounded to the nearest thousand. 

    d) Going Concern
    The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis which the directors believe to be appropriate for the following reasons.
Based on current projected cash flows for the business the directors forecast that the Group has sufficient cash to support its operations
through the first quarter of 2009. As detailed in the Chief Executive's statement the directors have initiated negotiations for the sale of
certain assets from within the Group. The directors have reviewed the current status of these negotiations and are confident that a
transaction can be completed during the course of 2008 which would materially impact the Group's cash position so as to support the
preparation of the statements on a going concern basis. There can however be no certainty that a transaction will be concluded and within
the required timeframe. This uncertainty may cast doubt on the Company's and Group's ability to continue as a going concern. The Company and
Group may, therefore, be unable to continue realising their assets and discharging their liabilities in the normal course of business but the financial statements do not include any adjustments that
would result from the basis of preparation being inappropriate.

    3. Segmental Reporting
    Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business and geographical segments. The primary format, geographic segments,
is based on the Group's management and internal reporting structure.

    Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a
reasonable basis. Unallocated items comprise mainly investments, loans and borrowings and related expenses, corporate assets and head office
expenses and income tax assets and liabilities.

    Geographic Segments
    The Group operates in three geographical areas: Asia Pacific, North and Latin America, and Europe. In Europe manufacturing and
distribution facilities are located in Austria and Germany respectively. The Group has sales and marketing operations in Germany, the UK and
the United States covering the geographical areas noted above.

    In presenting information on the basis of geographic segments, segment revenue is based on the geographic location customers are
serviced from. Segment assets are based on the geographic location of the assets.

    Business Segments
    The Group operates in the following three business segments

    *     Biologics - the research, development and manufacture of biological implants.
    *     Surgical - the sale of endoscopic instrumentation for spinal surgery.
    *     Allografts - a bone processing service to produce allograft material.

    Primary Reporting Format - Geographic Segments

 In thousands of Euro               Europe   North & Latin America   Group
 Six months ended 30 June 2008
 Revenue                              1,286                    169    1,455
 Segment result and operating loss  (1,827)                  (346)  (2,173)
 Financial income                                                       795
 Financial expense                                                    (123)
 Loss before tax                                                    (1,501)

 Segment assets                       2,817                    171    2,988
 Unallocated assets                                                   3,163
 Group assets                                                         6,151
 Segment liabilities                  3,903                    111    4,014
 Unallocated liabilities                                                349
 Group liabilities                                                    4,363

 Capital expenditure                     11                      2       13
 Depreciation & amortisation            144                      -      144

 In thousands of Euro            Europe   North & Latin America  Asia Pacific   Group
 Six months ended 30 June 2007
 Revenue                             776                    181           170    1,127
 Segment result and operating    (2,265)                  (238)         (120)  (2,623)
 Financial income                                                                   96
 Financial expense                                                               (137)
 Share of loss of equity
 accounted joint venture                                                          (68)
 Loss before tax                                                               (2,732)

 Segment assets                    2,983                    272           133    3,388
 Unallocated assets                                                             11,595
 Group assets                                                                   14,983
 Segment liabilities                 887                    206            43    1,136
 Unallocated liabilities                                                         5,265
 Group liabilities                                                               6,401

 Capital expenditure                  17                      -             7       24
 Depreciation & amortisation         138                      -             6      144

 In thousands of Euro            Europe   North & Latin America  Asia Pacific   Group
 Year ended 31 December 2007
 Revenue                           1,913                    422           356    2,691
 Operating loss before           (4,029)                  (299)         (174)  (4,502)
 Impairment charges              (3,019)                   (68)             -  (3,087)
 Segment result and operating    (7,048)                  (367)         (174)  (7,589)
 Financial income                                                                1,031
 Financial expense                                                               (132)
 Share of loss of associate                                                       (33)
 Loss before tax                                                               (6,723)

 Segment assets                    2,907                    298           106    3,311
 Unallocated assets                                                              5,344
 Group assets                                                                    8,655
 Segment liabilities               4,357                    144            36    4,537
 Unallocated liabilities                                                           349
 Group liabilities                                                               4,886

 Capital expenditure                  51                     32             7       90
 Depreciation & amortisation         284                     32            12      328

    Unallocated assets consist of cash and other centrally held assets.

    Secondary Reporting Format - Business Segments

 In thousands of Euro                              Revenue                                                        Segment Assets
                        Six months ended 30   Six months ended 30         Year ended 31   Six months ended 30   Six months ended 30        
Year ended 31
                                  June 2008             June 2007         December 2007             June 2008             June 2007        
December 2007
 Biologics                              988                   585                 1,596                 1,719                 6,289         
 Allografts                             155                    90                   187                   225                   181         
 Surgical                               312                   452                   908                   286                   607         
 Unallocated                              -                     -                     -                 3,921                 7,906         
                                      1,455                 1,127                 2,691                 6,151                14,983         

                                      Capital Expenditure
 In thousands of Euro                              Tangible Assets
                        Six months ended 30   Six months ended 30  Year ended 31 December 2007
                                  June 2008             June 2007
 Biologics                                5                    15                           39
 Surgical                                 2                     3                           37
 Unallocated                              6                     6                           14
                                         13                    24                           90

    Unallocated assets consist of cash and other centrally held assets.

    4. Expenses 
    Included in administration expenses is the following;

 In thousands of Euro        Six months  Six months           Year
                               ended 30    ended 30       ended 31
                                   June        June       December
                                   2008        2007           2007
 Research and development           840         911          1,963

    5. Loss per Share

 In thousands of shares                   Six months  Six months         Year 
                                            ended 30    ended 30      ended 31
                                                June        June      December
                                                2008        2007          2007
 Net loss for the period/year                (1,501)     (2,732)       (6,725)
 Weighted average no. of shares in                                      74,433
 issue (Basic, 000 of shares)                 88,003      60,638
 Basic loss per share (EUR per share)         (0.02)      (0.05)        (0.09)

    The movement in the weighted average number of shares in issue is a consequence of the timing of the share issue in 2007. The balance at
30 June 2008 reflects the total number of ordinary shares in issue. The effect of the full exercise of share options in the money is
anti-dilutive as the Group made a loss in all periods. 

    6. Investment in Associate

 In thousands of Euro                     Six months  Six months         Year 
                                            ended 30    ended 30      ended 31
                                                June        June      December
                                                2008        2007          2007
 Investment in associate at fair value         3,052       3,052         3,052
 Share of loss of associate                     (33)        (68)          (33)
 Impairment                                  (3,019)           -       (3,019)
 Investment in associate                           -     (2,984)             -

    On 22 May 2007 Arthro Kinetics Plc and Tianjin Anda Group Holding Company ratified the establishment of Arthro-Anda Tianjin Biologic
Technology Company Limited (AABT), a company established for the manufacture and distribution of CaReS in China. Arthro Kinetics contributed
intellectual property to the business in exchange for a 25% holding in the entity. Arthro Kinetics is obliged to transfer 40% of this
holding (ie 10% of the 25%) to external parties. As at 30 June 2008 Arthro Kinetics remained the legal and beneficial owner of the 25%
holding and has accounted on this basis.

    Based on an assessment of the company the directors have decided to treat it as an associate and account for its consolidation on an
equity basis.

    The comparative numbers for the six months ended 30 June 2007 have been restated to reflect the agreed accounting treatment at 31
December 2007 reducing the investment in associate at fair value from EUR4,603k to EUR3,052k with corresponding adjustments to provisions of
EUR1,556k and trade & other payables of EUR236k.

    The impairment review of the company based on the net present value of future cash flows with a discount rate of 15% resulted in the
Group and the Company fully impairing its holding as at 31 December 2007. 

    7. Group entities

    Group Undertakings at 30 June 2008

                                                        % of voting share
                                      Country of           capital held
           Group name                                                                         Principal activity
 Arthro Kinetics AG              Germany               100                   Development and sale of orthopedic products
 Arthro Kinetics Biotechnologie  Austria               100
 GmbH                                                                        Manufacture of orthopedic products
 Arthro Kinetics Medical Ltd     UK                    100                   Holding of intellectual property
 Arthro Kinetics UK Limited      UK                    100                   Dormant company
 Arthro Kinetics Pty Limited     Australia             100                   Dormant company
 Arthro Kinetics Inc.            USA                   100                   Marketing of orthopedic products
 Cell and Tissue Bank Austria    Austria               -                     Special purpose vehicle for the sale and
 (CTBA)                                                                      distribution of orthopedic products

    As at 30 June 2008 Arthro Kinetic Plc was deemed through its subsidiary companies to have control over the Cell and Tissue Bank Austria
(CTBA). The Group controls the finance and operating policies of the CTBA as a result of it being the sole supplier of allograft processing
services to the CTBA and a consequence of key members of Arthro Kinetics management residing on the management board of the CTBA.

 Arthro Kinetics Plc                  Tel: +49 (0)711 305 110 70
 Jason Loveridge, Chief Executive
 Doug Quinn, Chief Financial Officer


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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