RNS Number:2610O
20 December 2006

Press Announcement

20 December 2006

                                    ADL plc

            Interim Results for the six months to 30 September 2006

                              Financial Highlights

*       #290,179 Profit before Tax (before deducting #99,924 exceptional write 
        off of finance costs) (2005: #104,149) - an increase of 178.6%

*       1.35p Earnings per Ordinary Share (2005: 0.92p) - an increase of 46.7%

*       86.3p Net Assets per Ordinary Share (2005: 67.6p) - an increase of 27.6%

*       Interim dividend resumed - 1p per Ordinary Share paid on 20 October 2006

*       New #25 million bank facility partially used to repay previous bank 
        indebtedness and the acquisition of Solutions (Yorkshire) Limited

*       #15.75 million of the current bank facility remains available for 
        expansion of the Group's portfolio of care homes

*       Trading in the second half is showing a similar improvement to that 
        experienced in the first half

For further information please contact:

ADL plc
Jeremy Davies, Managing Director                    07860 717458

Corporate Synergy Plc
John Wakefield, Director                            0117 933 0020

Chairman's statement

Financial Results

As your new Chairman, I have great pleasure in presenting ADL's Interim Report
for the six months ended 30 September 2006.  Turnover was #2.74 million (2005:
#2.49 million and year to 31 March 2006: #4.92 million).  The profit on ordinary
activities before taxation increased 178.6% to #290,179 (2005: #104,149 and year
to 31 March 2006: #99,309). This profit was before deducting a #99,924 write off
of finance costs relating to the previous loan facility.  Earnings per share
increased 46.7% to 1.35p (2005: 0.92p and year to 31 March 2006: 1.38p).

Solutions (Yorkshire) Limited ("Solutions"), which was acquired on 4 July 2006,
contributed #94,081 to Group profit in the three months to 30 September 2006,
before attributed finance costs of approximately #30,000 - a very satisfactory

Shareholder's funds increased 27.6% to #8.53 million (30 September 2005: #6.68
million and 31 March 2006: #8.05 million).  This is after providing for the
interim dividend set out below.  Net assets per ordinary share amounted to 86.3p
(30 September 2005: 67.6p and 31 March 2006: 81.5p).  The principal reason for
the increase since September 2005 is the revaluation of the Group's portfolio in
March 2006.


After many years the Company returned to the dividend list by declaring a one
penny per share interim dividend, which was paid to Shareholders on 20 October


As reported in last year's accounts the Company signed a #25 million loan
facility with IXIS Corporate & Investment Bank S.A. ("IXIS") in May 2006.  In
July the Company drew #9.25 million of the IXIS facility to repay its
indebtedness to Fortis Bank and complete the acquisition of Solutions.  The new
facility reduces the Group's interest rate with no repayments until 30 October
2009.  The IXIS facility will allow the Group to acquire a further #15.75
million of care homes.

Review of Business

There has been a substantial improvement in profitability compared to the second
half of last year.  Early indications are that improved performance has
continued into the second half of the current year.  In addition, the
acquisition of Solutions on 4 July 2006 for #2.37 million, including the
assumption of #353,007 of Solution's net debt, has added to the profitability
illustrated in these Interim results.

Dividends from Newford Limited contributed #64,000 in the first half (2005:
nil).  Group occupancy has improved from 79%, announced at the Annual General
Meeting in September, to 84% today.  The closure of Nightingale contributes to
this uplift in Group occupancy (see below).

Property rationalisation

Morton Manor

The development of six flats at Morton Manor is nearing completion and four of
the flats are under offer.  The developer hopes to pay ADL #249,000 deferred
consideration early in 2007.  In addition ADL believes it will receive a profit
share by mid 2007.

Allambie Court

Negotiations relating to planning for the development of the surplus land and
the extension to Allambie Court continue.  We expect these to be successfully
concluded within six months at which time ADL will receive #225,000 sale
proceeds from the developer of the surplus land.

Newsham House

The land for four dwellings at Newsham House is under offer at #380,000 plus a
further #120,000 if planning consent is granted for a fifth dwelling.

The Knoll

ADL is currently in negotiations with the developer of Morton Manor to sell
surplus land at The Knoll subject to their successful application for planning.


ADL has spent considerable time and expenditure in refurbishing Nightingale.
This has not led to the expected improvement in occupancy.  Therefore the
Directors decided to close the home, which has been successfully achieved,
thereby reducing the Group's operational beds under management by 45 to 369.
Earlier this year the Company was approached by the developer of an adjacent
site to convert Nightingale into apartments.  I am pleased to announce that we
have exchanged contracts for the sale of Nightingale for #800,000, which is the
same as the valuation assessed by our valuers and reported in the 2006 Annual
Report and Accounts.


The Group's policy is to continue the expansion of its portfolio of care homes
both organically and by acquisition with negotiations continuing on both fronts
which could lead to a significant expansion in the Group's activities in the not
too distant future.

Trading in the second half is showing a similar improvement to that experienced
in the first half and therefore I believe that I shall be able to report a
satisfactory outcome for the year.

Sir William Wells


19 December 2006

Group profit and loss account                                       Six months       Six months          Year to
                                                                 to 30 Sept 06    to 30 Sept 05        31 Mar 06
                                                                     Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited
                                                                         #'000            #'000            #'000

Continuing operations                                                    2,491            2,494            4,917
Acquisitions                                                               250                -                -
                                                                         2,741            2,494            4,917
Cost of sales

Continuing operations                                                    1,577            1,598            3,231
Acquisitions                                                               137                -                -
                                                                         1,714            1,598            3,231

Gross profit                                                             1,027              896            1,686

Administrative expenses - continuing operations                          (576)            (599)          (1,212)
Administrative expenses - acquisitions                                    (19)                -                -
Exceptional loss                                                             -                -             (15)
Other operating income                                                      97               34               83
                                                                         (498)            (565)          (1,144)
Operating profit

Continuing operations                                                      435              331              542
Acquisitions                                                                94                -                -
                                                                           529              331              542

Costs of restructuring the company's debt                                (100)                -                -
Interest receivable                                                          4                1                3
Interest payable                                                         (243)            (228)            (446)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                              190              104               99

Tax (charge)/credit on profit on ordinary activities                      (57)             (22)               31

Retained profit for the period                                             133               82              130

Earnings per ordinary share                                              1.35p            0.92p            1.38p

Group balance sheet                                                30 Sept 06      30 Sept 05          31 Mar 06
                                                                    Unaudited       Unaudited            Audited
                                                                        #'000           #'000              #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                       1,013             588                981
Tangible assets                                                        16,339          13,085             13,507
Investments                                                                 2               -                  2
                                                                        _____           _____              _____
Total fixed assets                                                     17,354          13,673             14,490

Current assets
Stocks                                                                     11              11                 11
Debtors and Prepayments                                                   908             414                816
Cash at bank and in hand                                                  538                                  8
                                                                        1,457             434                835

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                        (1,144)         (1,615)            (1,626)

Net current assets/(liabilities)                                          313         (1,181)              (791)

Total assets less current liabilities                                  17,667          12,492             13,699

amounts falling due after more than one year                          (9,137)         (5,809)            (5,646)
                                                                         ____            ____               ____
Net assets                                                              8,530           6,683              8,053

Capital and reserves
Called up equity share capital                                          1,522           1,522              1,522
Share premium account                                                   3,712           3,712              3,712
Revaluation reserve                                                     3,194           1,429              2,751
Profit and loss account                                                   102              20                 68

Total equity shareholders' funds                                        8,530           6,683              8,053

Net assets per ordinary share                                           86.3p           67.6p              81.5p

Group cash flow statement                                            Six months       Six months         Year to
                                                                  to 30 Sept 06    to 30 Sept 05       31 Mar 06
                                                                      Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                                                                          #'000            #'000           #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                   666              481             352

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
     Interest paid                                                        (243)            (228)           (446)
     Interest received                                                        4                1               3

Net cash outflow from returns on investment
and servicing                                                             (239)            (227)           (443)

    UK Corporation Tax received                                               -                -              21

Capital expenditure and financial investment
    Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                 -             (64)            (64)
    Purchase of Solutions (Yorkshire) Limited                           (2,245)                -               -
    Sale of Morton Manor/Investment in Newford Limited                        -                -             498

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital expenditure
and financial investment                                                (2,245)             (64)             434

Cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                                  (1,818)              190             364

    New secured loans                                                     9,137                -               -
    Repayment of amounts borrowed                                       (6,789)            (150)           (300)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing                                  2,348            (150)           (300)

Increase in cash in the six months/year                                     530               40              64

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
    Increase in cash in the six months/year                                 530               40              64
    Amortisation of finance costs                                         (106)                -            (21)
    Repayments of amounts borrowed                                        6,789              150             300
    New secured loans                                                   (9,137)                -               -

(Increase)/decrease in net debt                                         (1,924)              190             343

Net debt at beginning of period                                         (6,675)          (7,018)         (7,018)
Net debt at end of period                                               (8,599)          (6,828)         (6,675)

Group statement of total                                               Six months        Six months      Year to
recognised gains and losses                                                    to                to       31 Mar
                                                                       30 Sept 06        30 Sept 05           06
                                                                        Unaudited         Unaudited      Audited
                                                                            #'000             #'000        #'000
Profit attributable to shareholders                                           133                82          130
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties                               443               100        1,032
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of Newford dividend rights                    -                 -          390
                                                                              ___               ___         ____
Total gains recognised since the last report                                  576               182        1,552

Reconciliation of movements                                            Six months        Six months      Year to
in shareholders' funds                                                         to                to    31 Mar 06
                                                                       30 Sept 06        30 Sept 05      Audited
                                                                        Unaudited         Unaudited        #'000
                                                                            #'000             #'000
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                  133                82          130
Dividends payable on 20 October 2006                                         (99)                 -            -
New equity share capital subscribed                                             -                50           50
Premium on new share capital subscribed                                         -               350          350
Increase in revaluation reserve                                               443               100        1,422
                                                                              ___               ___         ____
Net addition to funds                                                         477               582        1,952
Opening shareholders' funds                                                 8,053             6,101        6,101
                                                                             ____              ____         ____
Closing shareholders' funds                                                 8,530             6,683        8,053

Included within the shareholder's funds is #1,027,540 (30 September 2005 and 31
March 2006: #1,027,540) relating to non-equity interests.

Reconciliation of operating profit                                     Six months        Six months      Year to
to operating cash flow                                              to 30 Sept 06     to 30 Sept 05    31 Mar 06
                                                                        Unaudited         Unaudited      Audited
                                                                            #'000             #'000        #'000
Operating profit                                                              529               331          542
Amortisation                                                                   65                23           19
Depreciation                                                                   12                11           22
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                               (86)                66        (284)
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                              146                50           38
Exceptional item - loss on sale of fixed assets                                 -                 -           15
                                                                              ___               ___          ___
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                     666               481          352

Group statement of historical cost profits and losses                  Six months        Six months      Year to
                                                                    to 30 Sept 06     to 30 Sept 05    31 Mar 06
                                                                        Unaudited         Unaudited      Audited
                                                                            #'000             #'000        #'000
Reported profit on ordinary activities before taxation                        133               104          130
Difference between an historical cost amortisation charge and                   -                 6            -
the actual amortisation charge for the period
                                                                              ___                 _        _____
Historical cost profit on ordinary activities before taxation                 133               110          130

Notes to the unaudited financial statements

1.         The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  It has
been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's
2006 statutory accounts.  The results for the year ended 31 March 2006 have been
extracted from the Group's published accounts for that period which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' report on the full
statutory accounts of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2006 was

            The financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2006
and 30 September 2005 has not been audited.

2.                  The earnings per ordinary share have been calculated on the
profit on ordinary activities after taxation of #133,255 (30 September 2005:
#81,925, 31 March 2006: #130,309) using the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the six months 9,885,694 (30 September 2005: 8,945,803,
31 March 2006: 9,414,461).

3.                  Net assets per ordinary share have been calculated on net
assets of #8,529,641 (30 September 2005: #6,683,322, 31 March 2006: #8,053,706)
divided by 9,885,694 ordinary shares in issue at 30 September 2006, 30 September
2005 and 31 March 2006.

4.                  This announcement is being sent to all shareholders on the
register at 19 December 2006 and copies are available to the general public free
of charge during office hours for one month from the date of this announcement
at Corbie Steps, 89 Harehills Lane, Leeds LS7 4HA (the registered office).

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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