RNS No 2568a
27 April 1999

                   ACORN GROUP PLC ("ACORN")

                       31 DECEMBER 1998

Chairman's Statement

Offer by MSDW Investment Holdings for Acorn

The  Board  of Acorn has today announced that it  has  reached
agreement  on  the  terms  of  a  recommended  offer  by  MSDW
Investment  Holdings  for Acorn, and I therefore  expect  that
this  will  be my last report to shareholders as  Chairman  of
Acorn.   The offer is being made on the basis of 2  shares  in
ARM  for  every 5 shares in Acorn, which (based on the closing
share  prices  immediately prior to the  announcement  of  the
offer)  values each Acorn share at 279 pence and represents  a
premium of approximately 14 per cent. to Acorn's closing share
price  yesterday.  I am delighted that we have  been  able  to
generate  a  value  enhancing  solution  which  enables  Acorn
shareholders  to  participate directly in ARM's  extraordinary

In  April  1998,  Acorn  supported and participated  in  ARM's
initial public offering.  During the year, the Group sold just
over  a  fifth  of  its  interest  in  ARM,  mostly  to  repay
borrowings  and to finance its own core operating  businesses.
Over  the  six  months prior to the date of this announcement,
Acorn's  share price has traded at an average discount  of  16
per  cent.  to  the  post-tax market value per  share  of  its
investment in ARM.

Recognising  that  many  shareholders  have  invested  in  the
Company  primarily because of its interest in ARM,  the  major
focus  for  your  Board has been to maximise  this  value  for
shareholders  either as a direct shareholding in  ARM,  or  as
cash.   Your  Board  believes that it  has  examined  all  the
options for achieving this objective.

The Acorn Board (other than Stan Boland, who is precluded from
expressing an opinion by virtue of his interest in the  option
agreement  described below) considers that the offer  by  MSDW
Investment Holdings represents the best available solution for
Acorn  shareholders and offers greater value than  that  which
would  be  achieved  in either a demerger or  distribution  in
specie  of  ARM shares or by any other practical  alternative.
The  offer  also  enables Acorn shareholders to  receive  this
value  as  a  direct holding in ARM shares.  It is  for  these
reasons   that  your  Board  (other  than  Stan  Boland)   has
recommended acceptance of the offer for Acorn.

Acorn's operating businesses

Acorn's  operating  businesses underwent  significant  changes
during the year.  In 1998 they collectively generated revenues
of  #11.5m  and  operating losses of #(10.0)m,  compared  with
revenues of #25.2m and operating losses of #(3.7)m in 1997.

In  June  1998,  Stan  Boland succeeded  David  Lee  as  Chief
Executive Officer of the Group.  Following his appointment the
operating   company   was   significantly   rationalised   and
redefined, focusing on the development of set-top boxes and on
silicon  and software development.  Shortly after the  end  of
the  year,  the  operating company sold its  50%  interest  in
Xemplar Education Limited to its joint venture partner, Apple,
providing further working capital for these businesses.

Both  the  set-top box business and the silicon  and  software
development  activity are at early stages of  development  and
there  is no certainty that either or both can be successfully
brought  into  sustainable profit and  growth.   In  order  to
remain  competitive, Acorn would need to fund the  development
of  next  generation digital set-top box designs, despite  the
current  relatively low revenue basis for such an  investment.
Successful  development of the silicon and  software  business
would  similarly require very significant investment in design
tools  and  in engineering resources over a sustained  period.
Furthermore, the grouping of these two businesses together  is
ultimately  unsatisfactory  from  a  market,  investment   and
management viewpoint.

Given  the  above,  your  Board  has  concluded  that  it   is
inappropriate for their development to be funded  through  the
public markets, either directly, or indirectly through further
disposals  of  ARM shares.  Your Board therefore entered  into
negotiations with a trade purchaser in respect of the  set-top
box business and agreed that Stan Boland, Chief Executive, and
certain  senior  management of Acorn should  be  permitted  to
explore  the  possibility  of obtaining  external  finance  in
respect of the silicon and software development activity.   In
the course of discussions with MSDW Investment Holdings, these
negotiations  were  accelerated to  minimise  any  liabilities
attaching  to  these  businesses  which  would  otherwise   be
reflected  in  the terms of the offer.  As a result  of  these
negotiations  your Board has agreed to sell  the  set-top  box
business  to Pace Micro Technology plc for net asset value  of
approximately #0.2 million and to grant an option to a company
owned by Stan Boland and certain senior management to purchase
(subject  to  obtaining external financing)  the  silicon  and
software  design activity for net asset value of approximately
#1.0   million.   The  offer  reflects  the  value  of   these
transactions, both of which are conditional on  the  offer  by
MSDW  Investment Holdings being declared unconditional in  all
respects.   The outcome of either transaction will not  affect
the terms of the offer.

Chief Executive's Review

During  the  first half of 1998, considerable management  time
was  devoted to achieving a successful initial public offering
of ARM Holdings plc.  ARM's IPO on 18th April 1998 allowed the
Group to repay its indebtedness and enabled the management  to
focus on the future strategic direction for the core operating
businesses and the Group as a whole.

In  June  1998, I was appointed CEO of the Group.   Management
changes were made immediately following my appointment  and  a
full-scale review of the core operating businesses commenced.

In  September 1998, the operating company cancelled  its  Risc
PC2  workstations  development  program,  and  cut  its  staff
numbers  by almost 40% to reduce on-going losses.  During  the
period  January  to  September  1998,  operating  losses   had
amounted  to #(9.0)m.  The operating company was redefined  as
encompassing  two  businesses: (i)  a  set-top  box  business,
targeting primarily the emerging interactive digital TV market
delivered  to the home via xDSL or cable, and (ii)  a  silicon
and  software development activity, targeting the  design  and
development  of  a  high  performance  media  digital   signal
processor (DSP).

Since  September,  the  set top-box  business  has  seen  some
success at gaining market acceptance.  After several years  of
annual  set  top  box  shipments being less  than  1,000,  the
operating company secured firm orders for over 3,000  set  top
boxes and two frame agreements, each for 10,000 set top boxes.
The   operating   company's  relationships   with   pioneering
companies  in  this  market have also been preserved,  notably
with Oracle and Funai Electric Co. Ltd.

The silicon and software development activity has been focused
on  building a new software and services relationship  with  a
major  US  silicon vendor and, for the longer-term,  has  been
targeted on developing a silicon and software platform  for  a
high  performance  media  DSP.  Revenues  from  this  activity
amounted  to  approximately #0.8m in 1998.  This business  was
strengthened in November 1998 with the recruitment of  a  team
of    seven   silicon   design   engineers   previously   with
STMicroelectronics.  These engineers will form the basis of  a
new silicon design centre in Bristol.

Despite  the  restructuring referred to above,  both  business
areas were lossmaking during the last quarter of 1998 and were
required to invest further capital in product development.  As
a  result, the operating company continued to lose money,  but
at  a lower rate of #(0.9)m, during this last quarter of 1998,
and  these  losses  have continued into the first  quarter  of

Although I believe we have put the operating businesses  in  a
stronger  position than at the start of this year,  given  the
strong desire of Acorn shareholders to enjoy direct access  to
the  ARM  shares, I do not believe their future plans  can  or
should be executed within the existing corporate structure.

Finance Director's Review

During  1998,  the Group generated revenues of  #11.5m  (1997:
#25.2m) and an operating loss of #(10.0)m (1997: #3.7m).

The  disposals  in  1998 of just over  one  fifth  of  Acorn's
holding  in  ARM generated a pre-tax profit of  #18.1m  (1997:
nil),  whilst the Group's share of associates pre-tax  profits
amounted to #3.1m (1997: #2.1m).

After  accounting  for  a small loss of  #(0.1)m  due  to  the
dilutive effect of the exercise of employee share options over
new  ARM  shares by ARM employees (1997: #(0.4)m),  the  Group
recorded  a  pre-tax profit in 1998 of #11.1m (1997:  loss  of

Interest  and  other finance charges for  the  year  were  nil
(1997: charge of #(0.5)m).  The Group suffered tax charges  in
1998  of #(2.9)m (1997: #(0.5)m).  The 1998 charge includes  a
liability  of #(1.9)m in respect of capital gains tax  on  the
ARM share disposals.  No dividend is proposed (1997:nil).

As  at  31 December 1998, the Group held net cash balances  of
#5.4m   (1997:   net   borrowings  of  #(6.6)m)   and   equity
shareholders' funds amounted to #18.8m (1997: #1.6m).

On  8th  January  1999, the Group sold  its  50%  interest  in
Xemplar  Education  Limited  to  Apple  Computer  for  a  cash
consideration   of  #3.0m.   This  investment  was   therefore
reclassified  as  a  current asset in  the  31  December  1998
balance sheet.

27th April 1999
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1998                   1998          1997
                                              #000          #000
Turnover                                    11,516        25,192
Cost of Sales                              (8,596)      (18,632)
Gross Profit                                 2,920         6,560
Distribution costs                         (3,238)       (4,496)
Administration expenses                    (5,058)       (2,892)
Research and development                   (4,608)       (2,858)
Operating loss                             (9,984)       (3,686)
Share  of  operating  profit  in                                
associated undertakings
ARM Holdings plc                             2,787         2,063
Xemplar Education Ltd                          331            80
Profit on disposal of shares                18,126             -
Loss incurred on dilution of                 (130)         (417)
shareholding in associate
Loss incurred on closure of                      -         (376)
overseas subsidiaries
Profit/(loss)    on     ordinary            11,130       (2,336)
activities    before     finance
Finance charges (net)                         (29)         (547)
Profit/(loss)    on     ordinary            11,101       (2,883)
activities before taxation
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary           (2,858)         (479)
Retained profit/(loss)  for  the             8,243       (3,362)
Earnings per share                                              
Basic                                3       8.9 p        (3.7)p
Diluted                              3       8.4 p             -
All operations of the Group continued throughout both periods.

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1998            1998      1997
                                       #000      #000
Profit/(loss) for the  financial                     
Group                                 6,083   (4,814)
Associates                            2,160     1,452
Gain on increase in share of          8,397         -
associate's net assets on
Tax credit in relation to                36         -
associate's employee stock
Loss    on    foreign   currency        (2)      (53)
Total recognised gains and           16,674   (3,415)
losses relating to the year
Consolidated Balance Sheet


                                      1998         1997
                                      #000         #000
Fixed assets                                           
Intangible assets                      249          969
Tangible assets                      1,094        1,267
Investments                         12,078        6,602
Current assets                      13,421        8,838
Stocks                                 837          775
Debtors                              3,176        3,905
Investments                          2,214            -
Cash at bank and in hand             5,409        1,325
                                    11,636        6,005
Amounts falling due within one     (6,079)     (13,019)
Net current                          5,557      (7,014)
Total assets less current           18,978        1,824
Amounts falling due after  more      (204)        (204)
than one year
Net assets                          18,774        1,620
Capital and reserves                                   
Called-up share capital              9,261        9,204
Share premium account               13,684       13,261
Other reserves                       7,923         (58)
Profit and loss account           (12,094)     (20,787)
Equity shareholders' funds          18,774        1,620

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1998  Notes      1998        1997
                                       #000        #000
Net cash outflow from        4      (8,748)     (2,858)
operating activities
Returns on investment and                              
servicing of finance
Interest received                       205          67
Interest paid                         (234)       (249)
Net cash outflow from                                  
returns on investment
and servicing of finance               (29)       (182)
Capital expenditure and                                
financial investment
Purchase of intangible                (182)       (971)
fixed assets
Purchase of tangible fixed            (453)       (659)
Net cash outflow from                 (635)     (1,630)
capital expenditure
Net cash outflow before             (9,412)     (4,670)
Financing activities                                   
Issue of ordinary shares                480       1,684
Redemption of loan stock                  -        (26)
Net proceeds on disposal of                            
      in associated                  19,403           -
Repayment of unsecured loan         (7,883)           -
Dividend received                     1,496           -
Net cash inflow from                 13,496       1,658
Increase/(decrease) in cash  5        4,084     (3,012)


1.   The figures for the year ended 31 December 1998 do not
  comprise full statutory accounts within the meaning of Section
  240 of the Companies Act 1985.

2.   The accounting policies have been applied consistently
  throughout the year and the preceding year.

3.  Profit/(loss) per Ordinary Share

The  calculation of profit/(loss) per Ordinary Share is  based
on  a  profit of #8,243,000 (1997:loss of #3,362,000)  and  on
92,488,000  (1997:90,837,500) ordinary 10p shares,  being  the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.

The  fully  diluted earnings per share is calculated  allowing
for  the  full  exercise of outstanding share options  in  the
Company  and its subsidiaries and associates at the  beginning
of  the year or date of grant if later.  The adjusted weighted
average number of shares is 92,656,000.  No comparative figure
has been given for the fully diluted earnings per share due to
losses generated in 1997.

4.conciliation  of  Operating  Loss  to  Cash   Outflow   from
Operating Activities

                                         1998            1997
                                         #000            #000
Operating loss                        (9,984)         (3,686)
Depreciation and amortisation             818           1,223
Loss on disposal of fixed                 710             106
(Increase)/decrease in stock             (62)           1,344
Decrease in debtors                       729           3,468
Decrease in creditors                   (957)         (4,548)
Profit on redemption of loan                -           (336)
Loss incurred on closure of                 -           (376)
New Zealand subsidiary
Foreign exchange losses                   (2)            (53)
                                      (8,748)         (2,858)

5.Reconciliation  of  Net  Cash  Flow  to  Movement   in   Net

                                         1998            1997
                                         #000            #000
Increase/(decrease) in cash             4,084         (3,012)
for the year
Cash outflow from redemption                -              26
of loan stock
Cash outflow from repayment             7,883               -
of unsecured loan
Change in net funds from cash          11,967         (2,986)
Non-cash changes:                                            
Profit on redemption of loan                -             336
Interest on unsecured loan                  -           (365)
Movement in net funds in the           11,967         (3,015)
Net cash/(debt) at start of           (6,762)         (3,747)
Net cash/(debt) at end of               5,205         (6,762)



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