AECI Limited 
("AECI" or "the Company" or "the Group") 
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) 
Registration number 1924/002590/06 
Tax reference number 9000008608 
ISIN NO: ZAE000000220 
for the year ended 31 December 2012 
The Group's underlying businesses delivered a creditable performance in an 
extremely challenging trading environment characterised by depressed global 
economic conditions, particularly in Europe, and protracted strike action in 
South Africa's mining, transport and agricultural sectors. The strikes had an 
adverse impact in excess of R100 million on the Group's profit from operations. 
Revenue increased by 11% to R14 916 million (2011: R13 397 million), largely as 
a result of the weaker exchange rate and increased selling prices to recover 
higher ammonia and chemical commodity prices. Overall volumes were flat. 
Headline earnings declined by 21% to R611 million (2011: R772 million), due 
mainly to non-cash IFRS charges of R168 million relating to the B-BBEE 
transactions concluded early in the year. Profit from operations of R1 341 
million was up 2% on the R1 316 million achieved in the prior year, the trading 
margin declined to 9,0% (2011: 9,8%), earnings per share were 564 cents (2011: 
724 cents) and headline earnings per share were 547 cents (2011: 720 cents). 
The Board has declared a final cash dividend of 185 cents per ordinary share 
(2011: 179 cents). 
The Group achieved its best ever safety performance in 2012, with the Total 
Recordable Incident Rate ("TRIR") improving to 0,53 (2011: 0,67). The TRIR 
measures the number of incidents per 200 000 hours worked. Safety is a key 
performance indicator for management and it is pleasing that the sustained 
efforts in this regard have had such a positive result. 
AEL Mining Services ("AEL") increased its revenue by 15% to R6 327 million 
(2011: R5 494 million). Volumes improved by 5%, mainly in markets outside South 
Africa. Profit from operations declined to R431 million (2011: R510 million). 
In the first half-year, supply chain constraints in respect of ammonia and 
plant shutdowns adversely impacted results by R50 million. In the second six 
months, AEL's results were marred by strikes at customers' sites in the local 
coal, gold and platinum sectors. The loss of profits due to these disruptions 
was estimated at R62 million. Higher priced ammonium nitrate in Indonesia also 
affected performance in the second half. 
The trading margin declined to 6,8% (2011: 9,3%). 
Significant growth was recorded in the coal and open pit mining sectors in 
Southern Africa. Strikes in South Africa's underground narrow reef gold and 
platinum mines as well as safety-related closures compounded the loss of 
revenue and profit for AEL's regional business. 
Good volume and revenue growth were recorded by the African business, 
especially in West Africa. AEL invested in three additional bulk emulsion 
explosives manufacturing plants to improve its supply capacity. The plants are 
in Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Egypt and these will be 
commissioned in 2013. 
The international business also grew, with four new contracts secured in 
Indonesia - three in the coal sector and one in underground gold mining. Supply 
to these will commence in 2013. 
During September 2012, AECI negotiated the acquisition of a 42% shareholding in 
an equity partnership with PT Black Bear Resources Indonesia ("BBRI") for US$23 
million. This three-phased investment, which is subject to certain conditions, 
will give AEL in-country access to a secure source of ammonium nitrate that 
will assist in sustaining the business' growth in the region. BBRI is currently 
erecting a 60 000 tonne per annum ammonium nitrate facility which is due to be 
commissioned by mid-2013. It is anticipated that the final phase of the 
acquisition will be completed by the first quarter of 2014, once the ammonium 
nitrate plant achieves name plate capacity. 
The Initiating Systems Automated Plant ("ISAP") produced 90 million detonators 
and 24 million automated shock tube assemblies. Production ramp-up in the first 
six months was disappointing and a focused intervention commenced in July to 
rectify problems and enhance efficiencies. The plant is now technically 
complete and the technology has been proved. Production volumes in the second 
half were adversely affected by market constraints owing to the mining strikes. 
Cost savings of R57 million were achieved during the year. The reduction in 
personnel at the conventional plants is underway, having been delayed by the 
industrial relations climate prevailing in South Africa. Section 189 notices 
were issued after year-end in terms of the Labour Relations Act, No. 66 of 
Capital investment, including BBRI, totalled R409 million (2011: R276 million). 
R205 million of this was for expansion projects. 
Specialty chemicals 
The specialty chemicals cluster's revenue increased by 11% to R8 397 million 
(2011: R7 558 million) due to sustained high chemical commodity prices as the 
ZAR/US$ exchange rate remained weaker in the year. Volumes were marginally 
negative largely due to the strike action at customers. Profit from operations 
was 7% higher at R944 million (2011: R881 million). As a result of the higher 
revenue value of traded commodity products at lower margins, the overall 
trading margin declined to 11,2% from 11,7% in 2011. 
This was a highly commendable performance in a depressed environment for the 
mining and manufacturing sectors. Particularly good results were achieved by 
Akulu Marchon, Chemical Initiatives, Industrial Oleochemical Products, Lake 
International Technologies and Nulandis. Senmin again delivered a solid result, 
notwithstanding the platinum mining industry's difficulties in respect of 
strike action and some product substitution due to high guar prices. 
The negative effect of the strikes on the cluster's overall profit from mining 
chemicals was estimated at R45 million. 
The weaker exchange rate had little effect on customers' output as export 
opportunities were curtailed by an adverse global economic climate, 
particularly in the Eurozone. 
The acquisition of General Electric's Chemical and Monitoring Solutions 
business in Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands was completed at the end of 
June, for a consideration of R167 million. The acquisition has been fully 
integrated into ImproChem and will enhance ImproChem's technology and service 
offering for water treatment and process chemicals markets. The realisation of 
the benefits are expected from 2013. 
AECI also acquired 80% of Afoodable which has been merged into Lake Foods, 
expanding the company's product and service offering to include liquid 
marinades and sauces. 
The acquisition of Cellulose Derivatives was approved by the Competition 
Tribunal, with conditions, late in the year. This business is a strategic 
addition to the mining chemicals portfolio. 
After a detailed strategic review AECI sold its 50% interest in Resitec in 
Brazil to its joint venture partner, the MeadWestvaco Corporation. Although 
investment in Brazil remains part of AECI's strategy, the review concluded that 
Resitec's business model and positioning was unlikely to contribute 
meaningfully to AECI's strategic objectives in the region. Net proceeds of R108 
million were received on the disposal and a profit on the sale of the 
investment of R10 million was realised. 
Capital expenditure for the cluster totalled R161 million (2011: R150 million), 
most of which was invested in expansion projects. 
Revenue of R400 million (2011: R476 million) from Heartland was comprised 
largely of income from rentals and operation services. Land sales totalled R47 
million. Operating profit decreased to R34 million (2011: R99 million) and 
development expenditure of R66 million (2011: R25 million) was incurred. 
Although the South African property development market remains weak overall, 
demand for land for industrial end uses is improving and sales are expected at 
Modderfontein in 2013. 
AECI continues to assess alternative models to accelerate value realisation 
from land surplus to its operational requirements. 
Specialty fibres 
SANS Technical Fibers ("STF") delivered revenue of R339 million (2011: R333 
million) and profit from operations declined to R40 million (2011: R53 
Although performance was tempered by depressed global economic conditions for 
most of the year, good results were delivered by STF's industrial business and 
sales to the automotive sector exceeded expectations as the US economy showed a 
level of recovery. 
STF's results were impacted by high raw material prices and uncompetitive 
two-stage technology. During 2013 new single-stage technology will be installed 
and this R80 million investment will improve global competitiveness and product 
STF's results will be reported as part of the specialty chemicals cluster in 
future. AECI continues to evaluate this business' long-term strategic fit in 
the Group. 
Capital expenditure totalled R557 million for the year (2011: R475 million), 
with R265 million of this committed to expansion projects at customer sites for 
explosives and mining chemicals. Cash was well maintained and gearing decreased 
to 32% of shareholders' interest (2011: 36%) despite an increase in working 
capital. Net working capital was 18,0% of revenue (2011: 17,7%) which reflects 
the longer working capital trade cycles in operations outside South Africa. 
The higher effective income tax rate of 35% related primarily to the 
non-deductibility of the B-BBEE transaction IFRS 2 charges of R168 million and 
the effects of tax on higher profits in geographies outside South Africa. 
Cash interest cover improved to 8,2 times (2011: 7,7 times). Net interest paid 
decreased to R205 million (2011: R226 million) as lower interest rates offset 
the longer working capital trade cycle. No interest was capitalised in the year 
(2011: R17 million). 
Fani Titi retired as a Non-executive Director and Chairman of the Board at the 
Annual General Meeting in May. He was succeeded as Chairman by Schalk 
Graham Edwards, Chief Executive, will retire from the Board on 28 February 
2013. Mark Dytor, who was appointed to the Board in an Executive capacity on 2 
January 2013, will assume the role of Chief Executive on 1 March 2013. 
The Board thanks both Fani and Graham for their dedicated service to the 
Strategic focus and outlook 
Management's focus in 2013 will be on improving internal efficiencies, 
including working capital, and on optimising its operating platforms. At the 
same time, AECI will continue to pursue its growth strategy in the rest of 
Africa and further afield. 
A number of factors external to the Company could affect its performance in the 
coming year. The platinum sector is likely to undergo restructuring. This could 
result in a contraction in South Africa's platinum mining industry which would 
impact AEL and Senmin. The industrial relations climate in South Africa could 
also be a determinant for AECI's local customers and operations. 
Mining volumes in other countries, where Group businesses have an established 
presence, are expected to increase in line with growth in emerging markets. 
Manufacturing growth in South Africa is expected to continue, albeit at a slow 
pace, owing to the prevailing global and local economic environments. 
Schalk Engelbrecht                      Graham Edwards 
Chairman                                Chief Executive 
Woodmead, Sandton 
26 February 2013 
Final ordinary cash dividend No. 158 
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, 25 February 2013 the Directors of AECI 
declared a gross final cash dividend of 185 cents per share, in respect of the 
financial year ended 31 December 2012, payable on Monday, 15 April 2013 to 
ordinary shareholders recorded in the books of the Company at the close of 
business on Friday, 12 April 2013. 
The last day to trade cum dividend will be Friday, 5 April 2013 and shares will 
commence trading ex dividend as from Monday, 8 April 2013. 
A South African dividend withholding tax of 15% will be applicable to all 
shareholders who are not either exempt or entitled to a reduction of the 
withholding tax rate in terms of a relevant Double Taxation Agreement resulting 
in a net dividend of 157,25 cents per share to those shareholders who are not 
exempt. Application forms for exemption or reduction may be obtained from the 
Transfer Secretaries and must be returned to them on or before Friday, 5 April 
The issued share capital at the declaration date is 128 241 140 listed ordinary 
shares and 10 117 951 unlisted redeemable convertible B ordinary shares. The 
dividend has been declared from the income reserves of the Company. No 
Secondary Tax on Companies' credits are available to be used. 
Any change of address or dividend instruction must be received on or before 
Friday, 5 April 2013. 
Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised from Monday, 8 
April 2013 to Friday, 12 April 2013, both days inclusive. 
By order of the Board 
EN Rapoo 
Company Secretary 
Woodmead, Sandton 
26 February 2013 
Directors: S Engelbrecht (Chairman), GN Edwards (Chief Executive)+, RMW Dunne*, 
MA Dytor|, Z Fuphe, 
KM Kathan (Financial Director)|, MJ Leeming, LL Mda, AJ Morgan, LM Nyhonyha, R 
+Executive *British 
Company Secretary: EN Rapoo 
Transfer Secretaries 
Computershare Investor Services         Computershare Investor Services plc 
Proprietary Limited 
70 Marshall Street                      PO Box 82 
Johannesburg                            The Pavilions 
2001                                    Bridgwater Road 
                                        Bristol BS 99 7NH 
Registered Office: 
1st floor, AECI Place 
24 The Woodlands 
Woodlands Drive 
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited) 
Income statement 
R millions                                change    2012           2011 
Revenue (2)                               +11       14 916         13 397 
Net operating costs                                 (13 575)       (12 081) 
Profit from operations                    +2        1 341          1 316 
CST share-based payment (3)                         (138)          - 
Net income from pension fund employer 
surplus accounts                                    8              29 
Net (loss)/income from plan assets for 
post-retirement medical aid liabilities             (6)            5 
                                                    1 205          1 350 
Interest expense (4)                                (262)          (234) 
Interest received                                   40             27 
Share of profit of associate companies              *              1 
Profit before tax                                   983            1 144 
Income tax expense (5)                              (345)          (306) 
Profit for the year                                 638            838 
Profit for the year attributable to: 
- ordinary shareholders                             630            777 
- preference shareholders                           2              2 
- non-controlling interest                          6              59 
                                                    638            838 
Headline earnings are derived from: 
Profit attributable to ordinary                     630            777 
Impairment of goodwill                              9              - 
Impairment of property, plant and                   3              - 
Profit on disposal of businesses, joint 
ventures and 
subsidiaries                                        (15)           (1) 
Profit on disposal of property, plant 
and equipment                                       (18)           (7) 
Tax effects of the above items                      2              3 
Headline earnings                                   611            772 
Per ordinary share (cents): 
Headline earnings                         -24       547            720 
Diluted headline earnings                           521            719 
Basic earnings                            -22       564            724 
Diluted basic earnings                              537            723 
Dividends declared                        +3        185            179 
Dividends paid                                      257            213 
*Nominal amount 
R millions                                          2012           2011 
Profit for the year                                 638            838 
Other comprehensive income net of tax: 
Foreign currency translation differences net of     41             182 
deferred tax 
Total comprehensive income for the year             679            1 020 
Total comprehensive income attributable to: 
- ordinary shareholders                             672            954 
- preference shareholders                           2              2 
- non-controlling interest                          5              64 
                                                    679            1 020 
R millions                                          2012           2011 
Total comprehensive income for the year             679            1 020 
Dividends paid                                      (297)          (237) 
Acquisition of subsidiary                           1              (37) 
Issue of ordinary shares: 
- at par value (3)                                  4              - 
- at market value (6)                               393            - 
Net effect of acquisition of non-controlling        (393)          - 
interest to equity (6) 
Share-based payment reserve                         30             - 
Transfer to retained earnings for CST share-based   138            - 
Equity at the beginning of the year                 5 214          4 468 
Equity at the end of the year                       5 769          5 214 
Made up as follows: 
Ordinary share capital                              116            107 
Share premium (6)                                   496            108 
Reserves                                            406            344 
Property revaluation surplus                        237            237 
Foreign currency translation reserve                143            101 
Share-based payment reserve                         30             - 
Other                                               (4)            6 
Retained earnings (6)                               4 697          4 439 
Preference share capital                            6              6 
Non-controlling interest (6)                        48             210 
                                                    5 769          5 214 
Millions                                            2012           2011 
Listed ordinary shares 
At the beginning of the year                        119,1          119,1 
Issued during the period for CST and KTH            9,1            - 
transactions (3) (6) 
At the end of the year                              128,2          119,1 
Treasury shares held by subsidiary company          (11,9)         (11,9) 
                                                    116,3          107,2 
Unlisted redeemable convertible ordinary shares 
At the beginning of the year                        -              - 
Issued during the period for EST transaction (3)    10,1           - 
At the end of the year                              10,1           - 
Treasury shares held by consolidated EST (3)        (10,1)         - 
                                                    -              - 
Ordinary shares in issue                            116,3          107,2 
Millions                                            2012           2011 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares at the   119,1          119,1 
beginning of the year 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares issued   17,4           - 
during the year 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares held by  (9,0)          - 
consolidated EST 
Weighted average number of contingently returnable 
ordinary shares 
held by CST                                         (3,9)          - 
Weighted average number of shares held by           (11,9)         (11,9) 
consolidated subsidiary 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for      111,7          107,2 
basic earnings per share 
Dilutive adjustment for potential ordinary shares   5,6            - 
Dilutive adjustment for share options under the 
AECI share option 
scheme(7)                                           0,1            0,2 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for 
diluted earnings 
per share                                           117,4          107,4 
R millions                                          2012           2011 
Non-current assets                                  6 314          6 024 
Property, plant and equipment                       3 733          3 721 
Investment property                                 445            436 
Intangible assets                                   214            77 
Goodwill                                            1 124          1 078 
Pension fund employer surplus accounts              267            259 
Investments                                         86             22 
Loans receivable                                    11             24 
Deferred tax                                        434            407 
Current assets                                      6 752          6 433 
Inventories                                         2 867          2 584 
Accounts receivable                                 2 737          2 772 
Assets classified as held for sale                  -              16 
Cash                                                1 148          1 061 
Total assets                                        13 066         12 457 
Equity and liabilities 
Ordinary capital and reserves                       5 715          4 998 
Non-controlling interest                            48             210 
Preference share capital                            6              6 
Total equity                                        5 769          5 214 
Non-current liabilities                             2 488          2 702 
Deferred tax                                        232            179 
Non-current borrowings                              1 251          1 507 
Non-current provisions                              1 005          1 016 
Current liabilities                                 4 809          4 541 
Accounts payable                                    2 912          2 987 
Current borrowings                                  1 738          1 421 
Tax payable                                         159            133 
Total equity and liabilities                        13 066         12 457 
R millions                                          2012           2011 
Cash generated by operations                        1 867          1 883 
Interest paid                                       (245)          (253) 
Interest received                                   40             27 
Income tax paid                                     (308)          (319) 
Changes in working capital                          (326)          (598) 
Expenditure relating to non-current provisions      (98)           (78) 
Cash available from operating activities            930            662 
Dividends paid                                      (297)          (237) 
Cash flows from operating activities                633            425 
Cash flows from investing activities                (645)          (615) 
Net investment expenditure                          (144)          (173) 
Net capital expenditure                             (501)          (442) 
Net cash utilised                                   (12)           (190) 
Cash flows from financing activities                75             424 
Non-current loans receivable                        14             (3) 
Borrowings                                          61             427 
Increase in cash                                    63             234 
Cash at the beginning of the year                   1 061          732 
Translation gain on cash                            24             95 
Cash at the end of the year                         1 148          1 061 
R millions                                          2012           2011 
Capital expenditure(4)                              557            475 
- expansion                                         265            182 
- replacement                                       292            293 
Capital commitments                                 225            360 
- contracted for                                    73             116 
- not contracted for                                152            244 
Future rentals on property, plant and equipment     178            173 
- payable within one year                           58             43 
- payable thereafter                                120            130 
Net borrowings                                      1 841          1 867 
Gearing (%)*                                        32             36 
Current assets to current liabilities               1,4            1,4 
Net asset value per ordinary share (cents)          4 912          4 660 
Depreciation and amortisation                       475            395 
ZAR/US$ closing exchange rate (rand)                8,49           8,15 
ZAR/US$ average exchange rate (rand)                8,20           7,25 
Per ordinary share (cents) 
(excluding B-BBEE transactions): 
- headline earnings                                 697            720 
- diluted headline earnings                         664            719 
* Borrowings less cash as a percentage of total equity. 
               Revenue                Profit from           Net assets 
R millions     2012         2011      2012         2011     2012       2011 
Explosives     6 327        5 494     431          510      2 837      2 569 
Specialty      8 397        7 558     944          881      4 470      4 048 
Property       400          476       34           99       808        762 
Specialty      339          333       40           53       187        175 
fibres (USA) 
Group services (547)        (464)     (78)         (227)    (94)       143 
EST            (30)         - 
payment (3) 
               14 916       13 397    1 341        1 316    8 208      7 697 
Net assets consist of property, plant, equipment, investment property, 
intangible assets, goodwill, inventory, accounts receivable and assets 
classified as held for sale less accounts payable. 
(1) Basis of preparation and accounting policies: The reviewed condensed 
consolidated financial results are prepared in accordance with the recognition 
and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards 
("IFRS"), the presentation and disclosure requirements of IAS 34 - Interim 
Financial Reporting, the AC500 series issued by the Accounting Practices Board, 
the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited and the requirements of the 
Companies Act of South Africa, No. 71 of 2008, as amended. Accounting policies 
have been applied consistently by all entities in the Group and are consistent 
with those applied in the previous financial year. The preparation of these 
reviewed condensed consolidated financial results for the year ended 31 
December 2012 was supervised by the Financial Director, Mr KM Kathan CA(SA) AMP 
(Harvard). The condensed consolidated financial results have been reviewed by 
the Company's auditors, KPMG, who have issued an unqualified review opinion. A 
copy of the review opinion is obtainable from AECI's registered office. 
(2) Includes foreign and export revenue of R4 527 million (2011: R3 859 
(3) Share-based payments 
CST share-based payment: The 3,5% AECI Community Education and Development 
Trust ("CST") transaction became effective on 13 February 2012. The CST 
subscribed for 4 426 604 ordinary shares at par value in the Company. The 
shares vested immediately and a share-based payment expense of R138 million was 
recognised in full in the income statement. 
These shares are contingently returnable and, as a result, are excluded from 
EPS and HEPS. 
EST share-based payment: The 8% AECI Employees Share Trust ("EST") transaction 
took effect on 9 February 2012, with the EST subscribing for 10 117 951 
unlisted B ordinary shares of the Company. The dividend payable on these shares 
may not exceed that for ordinary shares. Employees of the Group were allocated 
7 569 669 of these shares with a grant date of 30 April 2012. The total cost is 
estimated at R143 million of which R30 million was recognised in the income 
statement in the year ended 31 December 2012. The remainder of the expense will 
be recognised in future periods over the respective vesting periods. 
(4) No interest was capitalised in the year (2011: R17 million). 
(5) The higher effective income tax rate of 35% related primarily to the 
non-deductibility of the B-BBEE transaction IFRS 2 charges of R168 million and 
the effects of tax on higher profits in geographies outside South Africa. 
(6) The Kagiso Tiso Holdings Proprietary Limited (RF) ("KTH") transaction took 
effect on 18 January 2012 and involved the purchase by AECI of the 25,1% 
interest held in AEL Holdco Limited by a KTH-led consortium in exchange for 4 
678 667 ordinary shares in AECI. The transaction is recognised as a change in 
ownership interest in terms of IAS 27 and the carrying amounts of controlling 
and non-controlling interests have been adjusted. The transaction has been 
measured at the fair value of the consideration paid and is based on the 
closing price of R83,98 of the Company's shares on 17 January 2012. The shares 
issued have been recognised in equity, with R5 million allocated to share 
capital and R388 million allocated to share premium. The non-controlling 
interest has been reduced by the carrying amount of R172 million, with the 
balance of R221 million recognised directly in retained earnings. 
(7) Calculated in accordance with IAS 33. The Company has purchased call 
options over AECI shares which will obviate the need for the Company to issue 
new shares in terms of the AECI share option scheme. In practice, therefore, 
there will be no future dilution. 
(8) The reviewed condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all 
of the disclosures required for full annual financial statements and should be 
read in conjunction with the consolidated annual financial statements for the 
year ended 31 December 2011. 
(9) The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make 
judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies 
and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The 
estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and 
various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the 
circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making the judgements 
about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent 
from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates. 

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