RNS Number : 9427K

Uzbek Ind & Construction Bank

10 May 2022

Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the full announcement text:


  Consolidated Financial Statements 
  and Independent Auditor's Report 
  For the Year Ended 31 December 








Consolidated statement of financial position 8

Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 9

Consolidated statement of changes in equity 10

Consolidated statement of cash flows 11

Notes to the consolidated financial statements 12-90






Management of Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Uzbek Industrial and Construction Bank" ("the Bank") and its subsidiaries ("the Group") is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements that present fairly the financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2021, and the related consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and of significant accounting policies and notes to the consolidated financial statements (the "consolidated financial statements") in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for:

   --    Properly selecting and applying accounting policies; 

-- Presenting information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;

-- Providing additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRSs are insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the Group's consolidated financial position and financial performance; and

   --    Making an assessment of the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. 

Management is also responsible for:

-- Designing, implementing and maintaining an effective and sound system of internal controls, throughout the Group;

-- Maintaining adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the Group's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group, and which enable them to ensure that the consolidated financial statements of the Group comply with IFRS;

   --    Maintaining accounting records in compliance with legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; 

-- Taking such steps as are reasonably available to them to safeguard the assets of the Group; and

   --    Preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities. 

The consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2021 were approved by the Management on 30 April 2022.

On behalf of the Management Board:

Annaklichev Sakhi              Vokhidov Oybek 
 Chairman of the Management     Chief Accountant 

30 April 2022 30 April 2022

Tashkent, Uzbekistan Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Independent Auditor's Report

To the Shareholders and Supervisory Board of JSCB "Uzbek Industrial and Construction Bank":

Our opinion

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of JSCB "Uzbek Industrial and Construction Bank" (tee "Bank") and its subsidiaries (together - tee "Group") as at 31 December 2021, and the Group's consolidated financial performance and consolidated cash flows for the year then ended In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

What we have audited

The Group's consolidated financial statements comprise:

   --      the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2021; 

-- the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive Income for the year teen ended;

   --      tee consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year then ended; 
   --      the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended; and 

-- the notes to the consolidated financial statements, which include significant accounting policies and other explanatory Information.

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit In accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements section of our report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained Is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.


We are Independent of the Group In accordance with the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Including International Independence Standards) Issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics for Auditors of Uzbekistan and auditor's independence requirements that are relevant to our audit of the consolidated financial statements In the Republic of Uzbekistan. We have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IESBA Code and the ethical requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics for Auditors of Uzbekistan.

Audit Organization "PricewaterhouseCoopers" LLC

88A, prospekt MustaqiHik, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Tashkent 100000, Republic of Uzbekistan T: +998 78120 6101, www.pwc.com/uz

Our audit approach


   --      Overall Group materiality: UZS 53,575 million, which represents 

5% of profit before tax.

   --     We have audited the financial statements of the Bank, as well as 

the material balances and transactions of subsidiaries Included in

the consolidated financial statements of the Group.

   --     Assessment of expected credit losses (ECL) provision for loans 

and advances to customers In accordance with IFRS 9, Financial Instruments.

As part of designing our audit, we determined materiality and assessed the risks of material misstatement in the consolidated financial statements. In particular, we considered where management made subjective judgements; for example, In respect of significant accounting estimates that involved making assumptions and considering future events that are Inherently uncertain. As in all of our audits, we also addressed the risk of management override of internal controls Including, among other matters, consideration of whether there was evidence of bias that represented a risk of material misstatement due to fraud.


The scope of our audit was influenced by our application of materiality. An audit is designed to obtain reasonable assurance whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. Misstatements may arise due to fraud or error. They are considered material If Individually or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the consolidated financial statements.

Based on our professional judgement, we determined certain quantitative thresholds for materiality, including the overall Group materiality for the consolidated financial statements as a whole as set out in the table below. These, together with qualitative considerations, helped us to determine the scope of our audit and the nature, timing and extent of our audit procedures and to evaluate the effect of misstatements, If any, both individually and in aggregate on the consolidated financial statements as a whole.

Overall Group materiality UZS 33,575 million How we determined It 5% of profit before tax

Rationale for the We chose profit before tax as the benchmark because, in our view, it

materiality benchmark Is the benchmark against which the performance of the Group Is most

applied commonly measured by users, and Is a generally accepted

benchmark. We chose 5% threshold as in our professional experience

this is a widely accepted quantitative measure for this benchmark.

Key audit matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance In our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed In the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

Key audit matter How our audit addressed the key audit ill

Assessment of expected credit losses (ECL) provision for loans and advances to customers in accordance with IFRS 9, Financial Instruments.

We considered impairment of loans and advances to customers as a key audit matter due to the significance of loans and advances to customer balance and a complex financial reporting standard, which requires significant judgement to determine the ECL provision.

Key areas of judgement included:

* Classification of loans and advances to customers into stages in accordance with IFRS 9;

-- Key estimates and modelling assumptions used to estimate key risk parameters - probability of default, toss given default and exposure at default.

Note 3 "Significant accounting policies", Note 4 "Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty", Note 9 'Loans and advances to customers' and Note 36 "Risk management policies" to the consolidated financial statements provide detailed information on the credit loss allowance.

In assessing the ECL provision we have performed, among others, the following audit procedures:

We assessed the methodology and models for ECL provision assessment developed by the Group in order to evaluate Its compliance with IFRS 9 requirements. We focused our procedures on: default definition, factors for determining a "significant increase in credit risk", classification of the loans and advances to customers to stages, and estimation of key risk parameters.

-- On a sample basis we evaluated and tested the design and operational effectiveness of the controls on the processes that identify overdue loans.

-- On a sample basis we analysed the significant loans and advances to corporate clients, including state and municipal organisations, which had not been identified by management as impaired and formed our own judgement as to whether that was appropriate.

-- On a sample basis we tested segmentation and allocation to stages of corporate loans and loans to Individuals.

-- On a sample basis, we assessed the Group's estimated future cash flows from various scenarios and key assumptions, including the timing of collateral collection. We assessed the relevance of the scenarios used and their probability, and calculated calculation of the present value of the cash flaws.

On a sample basis we tested the assumptions, inputs and formulae used In ECL models for collective provision assessment. This Included assessing the appropriateness of model design and formulae used, and recalculating the probability of default, loss given default and exposure at default.

To verify data accuracy and quality, on a sample basis, we tested the data used In the ECL calculation by reconciling to source data, i.e., loan portfolios, loan agreements, collateral agreements etc.

We performed detailed analytical procedures over ECL calculation disaggregated by stages, segments, currency and, years to maturity.

On overall basis we checked the Group's assessment of effect of forward-looking Information on the ECL level. In particular, we assessed whether forecasted macro- economic variables were appropriate, compared input data to the external sources and checked appropriateness of the model used.

We assessed the accuracy and appropriateness of the disclosures In accordance with IFRS.

How we tailored our Group audit scope

We tailored the scope of our audit In order to perform sufficient work to enable us to provide an opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole, taking into account the structure of the Group, the accounting processes and controls, and the Industry in which the Group operates.

The Group includes 12 entitles and accounting Is maintained by centralized accounting team for the entire Group. Our audit procedures included the audit of these entities together with the Bank. In establishing the overall approach to the Group audit, we determined the type of work that needed to be performed. These 12 entitles as a reporting unit represent approximately 0.26% of the Group's total assets as at 31 December 2021 and 0.19% of the Group's profit for the period. We focused our audit work on significant balances and transactions of each component.

Other Information

Management is responsible for the other Information. The other Information comprises the Annual Report (but does not include the consolidated financial statements and our auditor's report thereon).

Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we will not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility Is to read the other information Identified above when It becomes available and, In doing so, consider whether the other Information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed on the annual report, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report In this regard.

When we read the Annual Report, if we conclude that there is a material misstatement therein, we are required to communicate the matter to those charged with governance.

Responsibilities of management and Supervisory Board of the Group for the consolidated financial statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements In accordance with IFRS, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Group's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the Group's financial reporting process.

Auditor's responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

-- Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may Involve collusion, forgery, Intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

-- Obtain an understanding of Internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group's internal control.

-- Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.

-- Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention In our auditor's report to the related disclosures In the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.

-- Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

-- Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entitles or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the Group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with the Supervisory Board regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies In Internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide Supervisory Board with a statement that we have compiled with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, actions taken to eliminate threats or safeguards applied.

From the matters communicated with Supervisory Board, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated In our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public Interest benefits of such communication.

Otabek Abdukodlrov

Acting General Director

Certificate of auditor No. 05618 dated 28 July 2017 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan

Certificate of auditor No. 9/19

dated 27 August 2018 issued by

the Central Bank of Uzbekistan

Audit Organization 'PricewaterhouseCoopers' LLC

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

30 April 2022





(in millions of Uzbek Soums)

                                        Notes   31 December   31 December 
                                                       2021          2020 
-------------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents                7       8,196,652     5,601,186 
 Due from other banks                     8       1,956,303     1,859,192 
 Loans and advances to customers          9      42,537,051    38,959,958 
 Investment securities measured 
  at amortised cost                      10       1,067,512       540,222 
 Financial assets at fair value 
  through other comprehensive income      11         48,136        38,024 
 Investment in associates                12          29,726           993 
 Premises, equipment and intangible 
  assets                                 13       1,276,363       747,232 
 Deferred tax asset                      30         202,125       167,619 
 Insurance assets                        27          12,964         5,544 
 Other assets                            14         356,482       376,520 
 Non-current assets held for sale        15          48,602        27,355 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                    55,731,916    48,323,845 
 Due to other banks                      16       1,392,977     1,496,004 
 Customer accounts                       17      13,561,540    11,616,958 
 Debt securities in issue                18       3,317,817     3,273,048 
 Other borrowed funds                    19      30,130,776    25,683,457 
 Insurance liabilities                   27          84,813        44,887 
 Other liabilities                       20         197,421       128,627 
 Subordinated debt                       21         101,771             - 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                               48,787,115    42,242,981 
 Share capital                           22       4,640,011     4,640,011 
 Retained earnings                                2,284,458     1,427,469 
 Revaluation reserve of financial 
  assets at fair value through 
  other comprehensive income                         14,132        13,384 
 Net assets attributable to the 
  Bank's owners                                   6,938,601     6,080,864 
 Non-controlling interest                             6,200             - 
 TOTAL EQUITY                                     6,944,801     6,080,864 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                    55,731,916    48,323,845 

Approved for issue and signed on behalf of the Management Board on 30 April 2022.

Annaklichev Sakhi              Vokhidov Oybek 
 Chairman of the Management     Chief Accountant 





(in millions of Uzbek Soums, except for earnings per share which are in Soums)

                                                      Notes                 2021          2020 
---------------------------------------------------  -------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Continuing operations 
 Interest income calculated using the effective 
  interest method                                       24             4,155,398     3,267,739 
 Other similar income                                   24                32,024        21,893 
 Interest expense                                       24           (2,067,905)   (1,667,555) 
 Net interest income before provision on 
  loans and advances to customers                                      2,119,517     1,622,077 
 Provision for credit losses on loans and 
  advances to customers                                 9              (420,937)   (1,200,998) 
 Net interest income                                                   1,698,580       421,079 
 Fee and commission income                              25               386,074       401,784 
 Fee and commission expense                             25             (110,483)      (81,461) 
 Gain / (loss) on initial recognition on 
  interest bearing assets                                                  8,119      (19,285) 
 Gains less losses from modification of financial                       (52,339)             - 
  assets measured at amortised cost, that 
  did not lead to derecognition 
 Net (loss) / gain on foreign exchange translation                       (4,262)       100,467 
 Net gain from trading in foreign currencies                             170,935        72,569 
 Insurance operations income                            26                80,881        43,444 
 Insurance operations expense                           26              (36,331)      (17,713) 
 Change in insurance reserves, net                      27              (32,235)      (26,103) 
 Dividend income                                                          4,92 0         5,477 
 Other operating income                                                   40,866        29,773 
 Provision for credit losses on other assets 
  and contingent liabilities                                            (34,145)      (12,323) 
 Impairment of assets held for sale                     15               (5,586)         7,233 
 Administrative and other operating expenses            29           (1,044,146)     (790,447) 
 Share of result from associates                                             722          (12) 
 Profit before tax                                                             0       134,482 
 Income tax expense                                     30             (214,582)      (22,358) 
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS                              8       112,124 
 Discontinued operations 
 Profit for the period from discontinued 
  operations                                                                   -           889 
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                                         8       113,013 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Items that will not be subsequently reclassified 
  to profit or loss: 
 Fair value gain on equity securities at fair 
  value through other comprehensive income                                   935           935 
 Tax effect                                                                (187)       (1,745) 
 Other comprehensive income                                                  748         6,980 
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                                     6       119,993 
 Attributable to: 
  - Owners of the Bank                                                        89       113,013 
  - Non-controlling interest                                                 (1)             - 
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                                         8       113,013 
 Attributable to: 
 - Owners of the Bank                                                          7       119,993 
 - Non-controlling interest                                                  (1)             - 
 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                                     6       119,993 
 Total basic and diluted EPS per ordinary 
  share (expressed in UZS per share)                      32                3.51          1.00 

Approved for issue and signed on behalf of the Management Board on 30 April 2022.

Annaklichev Sakhi              Vokhidov Oybek 
 Chairman of the Management     Chief Accountant 



(in millions of Uzbek Soums)

                                   Share      Revaluation reserve   Retained earnings   Non-controlling   Total equity 
                                 capital      of financial assets                              interest 
                                            at fair value through 
                                              other comprehensive 
 1 January 2020                4,640,011                    6,404           1,669,225             4,928      6,320,568 
 Profit for the period                 -                        -             113,013                 -        113,013 
 Other comprehensive income 
  the period                           -                    6,980                   -                 -          6,980 
 Total comprehensive income 
  the period                           -                    6,980             113,013                 -        119,993 
 Dividends declared                    -                        -           (354 769)                 -      (354,769) 
 Decrease in non-controlling 
  from disposal of interest 
  in subsidiaries                      -                        -                   -           (4,928)        (4,928) 
 31 December 2020              4,640,011                   13,384           1,427,469                 -      6,080,864 
 Profit for the period                 -                        -             856,989               (1)        856,988 
 Other comprehensive income 
  the period                           -                      748                   -                 -            748 
 Total comprehensive income 
  the period                           -                      748             856,989               (1)        857,736 
 Non-controlling interest 
  on new established 
  (Note 1)                             -                        -                   -             6 201          6 201 
 31 December 2021              4,640,011                   14,132           2,284,458             6,200      6,944,801 
----------------------------  ----------  -----------------------  ------------------  ----------------  ------------- 

Approved for issue and signed on behalf of the Management Board on 30 April 2022.

Annaklichev Sakhi                Vokhidov Oybek 
 Chairman of the Management       Chief Accountant 




(in millions of Uzbek Soums)

                                                Notes          2021          2020 
---------------------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Interest received                                        3,763,742     2,763,220 
 Interest paid                                          (2,015,843)   (1,560,240) 
 Fee and commission received                                387,712       397,228 
 Fee and commission paid                                  (110,483)      (81,461) 
 Insurance operations income received                        80,881        43,444 
 Insurance operations expense paid                         (36,331)      (17,713) 
 Net gain from trading in foreign currencies                170,935        72,569 
 Other operating income received                             47,066        24,845 
 Staff costs paid                                         (642,027)     (498,746) 
 Administrative and other operating expenses paid         (331,545)     (208,624) 
 Income tax paid                                          (236,674)     (266,102) 
---------------------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from operating activities before 
  changes in operating assets and liabilities             1,077,433       668,420 
 Net decrease/(increase) in due from other banks           (93,429)       302,728 
 Net increase in loans and advances to customers        (3,185,279)   (6,747,581) 
 Net increase in investment securities measured 
  at amortised cost                                       (538,528)     (442,595) 
 Net increase in other assets                              (13,302)      (72,844) 
 Net increase in due to other banks                       (156,390)       817,814 
 Net increase in customer accounts                        1,731,312     1,918,644 
 Net decrease in other liabilities                           11,955       (7,790) 
 Net cash used in operating activities                  (1,166,228)   (3,563,204) 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Acquisition of financial assets at fair value 
  through other comprehensive income                        (7,593)      (12,857) 
 Proceeds from disposal of financial assets at 
  fair value through other comprehensive income                 341        72,272 
 Acquisition of premises, equipment and intangible 
  assets                                                  (536,628)     (421,255) 
 Proceeds from disposal of premises, equipment 
  and intangible assets                                       4,205        19,729 
 Proceeds from disposal of repossessed assets              (25,972)             - 
 Proceeds from disposal of subsidiary, net of 
  disposed cash                                                   -           889 
 Acquisition of investment in associates                   (28,011)       (1,005) 
 Dividend income received                                    4,92 0         5,477 
 Net cash used in investing activities                          8 )     (336,750) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from borrowings due to other banks                411,116       222,218 
 Repayment of borrowings due to other banks               (381,937)      (46,122) 
 Proceeds from other borrowed funds                      11,826,214    13,094,718 
 Repayment of other borrowed funds                      (8,391,815)   (6,488,852) 
 Proceeds from debt securities in issue                      10,000       168,310 
 Repayment of debt securities in issue                     (81,310)      (94,400) 
 Proceeds from other subordinated debt                      100,000             - 
 Repayment of other subordinated debt                             -      (80,000) 
 Dividends paid                                                27 4     (353,788) 
 Net cash from financing activities                               2     6,422,084 
 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash 
  and cash equivalents                                      857,890       216,482 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                2,595,466     2,738,612 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the period                                 7         5,601,186     2,862,574 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the period                                 7         8,196,652     5,601,186 

Approved for issue and signed on behalf of the Management Board on 30 April 2022.

Annaklichev Sakhi              Vokhidov Oybek 
 Chairman of the Management     Chief Accountant 


JSCB "Uzbek Industrial and Construction Bank" ("the Bank") was incorporated in 1991 and is domiciled in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is registered in Uzbekistan to carry out banking and foreign exchange activities and has operated under the banking license #17 issued by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan ("the CBU") on 21 October 2017 (succeeded the licenses #17 issued on 25 January 2003 and #25 issued on 29 January 2005 by the CBU for banking operations and general license for foreign currency operations, respectively).

Principal activity . The Bank's principal activity is commercial banking, retail banking, operations with securities, foreign currencies and origination of loans and guarantees. The Bank accepts deposits from legal entities and individuals, extended loans, and transfer payments. The Bank conducts its banking operations from its head office in Tashkent and 44 branches within Uzbekistan as of 31 December 2021 (31 December 2020: 45 branches).

The Bank participates in the state deposit insurance scheme, which was introduced by the Uzbek Law #360-II "Insurance of Individual Bank Deposit" on 5 April 2002. On 28 November 2008, the President of Uzbekistan issued the Decree #PD-4057 stating that in case of the withdrawal of a license of a bank, the State Deposit Insurance Fund guarantees repayment of 100% of individual deposits regardless of the deposit amount.

As at 31 December 2021, the number of Bank's employees was 3,841 (31 December 2020: 4,052).

Registered address and place of business. 3, Shakhrisabz street, Tashkent, 100000, Uzbekistan

At 31 December 2021 and 2020, the Group consolidated the following companies in these consolidated financial statements:

                                   Country       31 December   31 December       Type of 
                                      of             2021          2020 
                                                ------------  ------------ 
 Name                           incorporation         %             %           operation 
 SQB Capital, LLC                 Uzbekistan         100           100       Asset management 
 PSB Industrial Investments, 
  LLC                             Uzbekistan          0            100       Asset management 
 SQB Insurance, LLC               Uzbekistan         100           100          Insurance 
 SQB Securities, LLC              Uzbekistan         100           100       Asset management 
 SQB Construction, LLC            Uzbekistan         100           100         Construction 
 SQB Consulting, LLC              Uzbekistan         100            0           Consulting 

In 2021, the Group established a new subsidiary - "SQB Consulting". The subsidiary's business operations mainly aimed to provide consulting services for diversified business segments. The services include but not limited to the following: Preparation and collection of documents for loan process, valuation service, creation of a business plan and feasibility study, examination of import and export contracts and other service for business support.

The PSB Industrial Investments LLC operations were ceased at the beginning of 2020 and there were no balances at the date of its liquidation, hence there was no impact on the Group's financial results in 2021.

In 2021, in accordance with Presidential decree-6244 "On additional measures to increase industrial power of the regions", seven companies were established with ownership structure of more than 50% held by the Group in each company. All seven companies were consolidated in the Group's financial statements. These companies will serve the purpose of regions industrial power improvement. As of 31 December 2021, the total capital investment in newly established subsidiaries amounted to 40 000 million UZS.

The table below represents the interest of the shareholders in the Bank's share capital as at 31 December 2021 and 2020:

 Shareholders                                  31 December   31 December 
                                                      2021          2020 
--------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 The Fund of Reconstruction and Development 
  of the Republic of Uzbekistan                     82.09%        82.09% 
 The Ministry of Finance of the Republic 
  of Uzbekistan                                     13.06%        12.77% 
 Other legal entities and individuals 
  (individually hold less than 5%)                   4.85%         5.14% 
 Total                                                100%          100% 

According to the Presidential Decree #4487 dated 9 October 2019, shares of the State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Bank were transferred to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for effective transformation of the Bank's business model and introduction of modern corporate governance methods. The Ministry of Finance will retain the strategic control at least until 2022 as planned in the "Strategy for reforming of the banking system of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 2020 to 2025". This strategy envisages the plan to make State's shares in the Bank available for sale to strategic private investors.


The Uzbekistan economy displays characteristics of an emerging market, including but not limited to, a currency that is not freely convertible outside of the country and a low level of liquidity in debt and equity markets. Also, the banking sector in Uzbekistan is particularly impacted by local political, legislative, fiscal and regulatory developments. The largest Uzbek banks are state-controlled and act as an arm of Government to develop the country's economy. The Government distributes funds from the country's budget, which flow through the banks to various government agencies, and other state- and privately-owned entities.

Economic stability in Uzbekistan is largely dependent upon the effectiveness of economic measures undertaken by the Government, together with other legal, regulatory and political developments, all of which are beyond the Bank's control. The Bank's financial position and operating results will continue to be affected by future political and economic developments in Uzbekistan including the application and interpretation of existing and future legislation and tax regulations which greatly impact Uzbek financial markets and the economy overall.

On 12 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of COVID-19 a global pandemic. In response to the pandemic, in 2020 the Uzbekistan authorities implemented numerous measures attempting to contain the spreading and impact of COVID-19, such as travel bans and restrictions, quarantines, shelter-in-place orders and limitations on business activity, including closures. These measures have, among other things, severely restricted economic activity in Uzbekistan and have negatively impacted, and could continue to negatively impact businesses, market participants, clients of the Group, as well as the Uzbekistan and global economy for an unknown period of time.

Most of those measures were subsequently relaxed, however, as of 31 December 2021, the global infection levels remain high, vaccination rate is low.

From the beginning of 2021 Uzbekistan actively supported health care systems related to vaccination and as a result at 1 April 2022 41% of the whole population got fully vaccinated.

In 2021, Uzbekistan economy started to recover from the pandemic, largely due to an increase in households spending and public investments. This was also supported by the global economic recovery and high prices on global commodity markets. However, the prices on certain markets in Uzbekistan and globally are also growing in response to the economic recovery and prior monetary stimulus, contributing to the inflation in Uzbekistan.

In April 2022, Fitch Ratings affirmed its long- and short-term foreign and local currency ratings on Uzbekistan at 'BB-/B' with the outlook to remain stable.

The Group continues to monitor the situation and intends to adapt strategies as needed to continue to drive the business and meet obligations.

In 2021 business environment has gradually recovered after pandemic and begun actively developing its activities as it was before pandemic.

The future effects of the current economic situation and the above measures are difficult to predict, and management's current expectations and estimates could differ from actual results.

Management is taking necessary measures to ensure sustainability of the Group's operations and support its employees .

The Group's management monitors current changes in the economic situation and takes measures that it considers necessary to maintain the stability and development of the Group in the near future. However, the significance of the effect of COVID-19 on the Group's business largely depends on the duration and the incidence of the pandemic effects on the world and Uzbekistan economy. The impact of changes in the economic environment on the future results of operations and the financial position of the Group's is currently difficult to determine.


Basis of preparation . These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") under the historical cost convention, as modified by the initial recognition of financial instruments at fair value, and by the revaluation of financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income ("FVOCI"). The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements are set out below.

The Group is required to maintain its records and prepare its financial statements for regulatory purposes in accordance with Uzbekistan Accounting Legislation and related instructions ("UAL") which are in the process of harmonisation to reflect IFRS. These consolidated financial statements are based on the Group's UAL books and records, adjusted and reclassified in order to fully comply with IFRS.

These consolidated financial statements are presented in millions of Uzbek Soums ("UZS"), unless otherwise indicated.

Basis of consolidation . The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Bank and entities controlled by the Bank (its subsidiaries) made up to 31 December each year. Control is achieved when the Bank:

   --      has the power over the investee; 
   --      is exposed, or has rights, to variable return from its involvement with the investee; and 
   --      has the ability to use its power to affect its returns. 

When the Bank has less than a majority of the voting rights of an investee, it considers that it has power over the investee when the voting rights are sufficient to give it the practical ability to direct the relevant activities of the investee unilaterally. The Bank considers all relevant facts and circumstances in assessing whether or not the Bank's voting rights in an investee are sufficient to give it power, including:

-- the size of the Bank's holding of voting rights relative to the size and dispersion of holdings of the other vote holders;

   --      potential voting rights held by the Bank, other vote holders or other parties; 
   --      rights arising from other contractual arrangements; and 

-- any additional facts and circumstances that indicate that the Bank has, or does not have, the current ability to direct the relevant activities at the time that decisions need to be made, including voting patterns at previous shareholders' meetings.

Consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the Bank obtains control over the subsidiary and ceases when the Bank loses control of the subsidiary. Specifically, the results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated profit or loss account from the date the Bank gains control until the date when the Bank ceases to control the subsidiary.

Profit or loss and each component of OCI are attributed to the owners of the Bank and to the non-controlling interests (NCI). Total comprehensive income of the subsidiaries is attributed to the owners of the Bank and to the NCI even if this results in the NCI having a deficit balance.

Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with the Group's accounting policies.

All intragroup assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows relating to transactions between the members of the Group are eliminated on consolidation, with the exception of foreign currency gains and losses on intragroup monetary items denominated in a foreign currency of at least one of the parties.

NCI in subsidiaries are identified separately from the Group's equity therein. Those interests of non-controlling shareholders that are present ownership interests entitling their holders to a proportionate share of net assets upon liquidation may initially be measured at fair value or at the NCI's proportionate share of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets. The choice of measurement is made on an acquisition-by-acquisition basis. Other NCI are initially measured at fair value. Subsequent to acquisition, the carrying amount of NCI is the amount of those interests at initial recognition plus the NCI's share of subsequent changes in equity.

Changes in the Group's interests in subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amount of the Group's interests and the NCI are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests in the subsidiaries. Any difference between the amount by which the NCI are adjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is recognised directly in equity and attributed to the owners of the Bank.

When the Group loses control of a subsidiary, the gain/loss on disposal recognised in profit or loss is calculated as the difference between (i) the aggregate of the fair value of the consideration received and the fair value of any retained interest and (ii) the previous carrying amount of the assets (including goodwill), less liabilities of the subsidiary and any NCI. All amounts previously recognised in OCI in relation to that subsidiary are accounted for as if the Group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities of the subsidiary (i.e. reclassified to profit or loss or transferred to another category of equity as specified/permitted by applicable IFRSs). The fair value of any investment retained in the former subsidiary at the date when control is lost is regarded as the fair value on initial recognition for subsequent accounting under IFRS 9 when applicable, the cost on initial recognition of an investment in an associate or a joint venture.

Accounting for the effects of hyperinflation. The Republic of Uzbekistan has previously experienced relatively high levels of inflation and was considered to be hyperinflationary as defined by IAS 29 "Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies" ("IAS 29"). IAS 29 requires that the financial statements prepared in the currency of a hyperinflationary economy be stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the statement of financial position date. It states that reporting operating results and financial position in the local currency without restatement is not useful because money loses purchasing power at such a rate that the comparison of amounts from transactions and other events that have occurred at different times, even within the same accounting period, is misleading.

The characteristics of the economic environment of Uzbekistan indicated that hyperinflation had ceased effective from 1 January 2007. Restatement procedures of IAS 29 are therefore only applied to assets acquired or revalued and liabilities incurred or assumed prior to that date. For these balances, which are effectively share capital and premises and equipment, the amounts expressed in the measuring unit current as at 31 December 2006 are the basis for the carrying amounts in these consolidated financial statements. The restatement was calculated using the conversion factors derived from the Uzbekistan Consumer Price Index ("CPI"), provided by the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and from indices obtained from other sources for years prior to 1994.

Associates. Associates are entities over which the Group has significant influence (directly or indirectly), but not control, generally accompanying a shareholding of between 20 and 50 percent of the voting rights. Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting and are initially recognised at cost. The carrying amount of associates includes goodwill identified on acquisition less accumulated credit losses, if any. Dividends received from associates reduce the carrying value of the investment in associates. Other post-acquisition changes in Group's share of net assets of an associate are recognised as follows: (i) the Group's share of profits or losses of associates is recorded in the consolidated profit or loss for the year as share of result of associates, (ii) the Group's share of other comprehensive income is recognised in other comprehensive income and presented separately, (iii); all other changes in the Group's share of the carrying value of net assets of associates are recognised in profit or loss within the share of result of associates. However, when the Group's share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, including any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognise further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate.

Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group's interest in the associates; unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred.

The Group applies the impairment requirements in IFRS 9 to long-term loans, preference shares and similar long-term interest that in substance form part of the investment in associate before reducing the carrying value of the investment by a share of a loss of the investee that exceeds the amount of the Group's interest in the ordinary shares.

Disposals of subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures. When the Group ceases to have control or significant influence, any retained interest in the entity is remeasured to its fair value, with the change in carrying amount recognised in profit or loss. The fair value is the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity, are accounted for as if the Group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This may mean that amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income are recycled to profit or loss.

If the ownership interest in an associate is reduced but significant influence is retained, only a proportionate share of the amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss, where appropriate.

Financial instruments - key measurement terms . Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The best evidence of fair value is price in an active market. An active market is one in which transactions for the asset or liability take place with sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis. Fair value of financial instruments traded in an active market is measured as the product of the quoted price for the individual asset or liability and the quantity held by the entity. This is the case even if a market's normal daily trading volume is not sufficient to absorb the quantity held and placing orders to sell the position in a single transaction might affect the quoted price. The price within the bid-ask spread that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances was used to measure fair value, which management considers is the last trading price on the reporting date. The quoted market price used to value financial assets is the current bid price; the quoted market price for financial liabilities is the current asking price.

Valuation techniques such as discounted cash flow models or models based on recent arm's length transactions or consideration of financial data of the investees, are used to measure fair value of certain financial instruments for which external market pricing information is not available. Fair value measurements are analysed by level in the fair value hierarchy as follows: (i) level one are measurements at quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities, (ii) level two measurements are valuations techniques with all material inputs observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices), and (iii) level three measurements are valuations not based on solely observable market data (that is, the measurement requires significant unobservable inputs). Transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy are deemed to have occurred at the end of the reporting period. Refer to Note 34.

Transaction costs are incremental costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, issue or disposal of a financial instrument. An incremental cost is one that would not have been incurred if the transaction had not taken place. Transaction costs include fees and commissions paid to agents (including employees acting as selling agents), advisors, brokers and dealers, levies by regulatory agencies and securities exchanges, and transfer taxes and duties. Transaction costs do not include debt premiums or discounts, financing costs or internal administrative or holding costs.

Amortised cost ("AC") is the amount at which the financial instrument was recognised at initial recognition less any principal repayments, plus accrued interest, and for financial assets less any allowance for expected credit losses. Accrued interest includes amortisation of transaction costs deferred at initial recognition and of any premium or discount to maturity amount using the effective interest method. Accrued interest income and accrued interest expense, including both accrued coupon and amortised discount or premium (including fees deferred at origination, if any), are not presented separately and are included in the carrying values of related items in the statement of financial position.

The effective interest method is a method of allocating interest income or interest expense over the relevant period, so as to achieve a constant periodic rate of interest (effective interest rate) on the carrying amount. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts (excluding future credit losses) through the expected life of the financial instrument or a shorter period, if appropriate, to the gross carrying amount of the financial instrument.

The effective interest rate discounts cash flows of variable interest instruments to the next interest repricing date, except for the premium or discount, which reflects the credit spread over the floating rate specified in the instrument, or other variables that are not reset to market rates. Such premiums or discounts are amortised over the expected life of the instrument. The present value calculation includes all fees paid or received between parties to the contract that are an integral part of the effective interest rate. For assets that are purchased or originated credit impaired ("POCI") at initial recognition, the effective interest rate is adjusted for credit risk, i.e. it is calculated based on the expected cash flows on initial recognition instead of contractual payments.

Financial instruments - initial recognition . Financial instruments at FVTPL are initially recorded at fair value. All other financial instruments are initially recorded at fair value adjusted for transaction costs. Fair value at initial recognition is best evidenced by the transaction price. A gain or loss on initial recognition is only recorded if there is a difference between fair value and transaction price which can be evidenced by other observable current market transactions in the same instrument or by a valuation technique whose inputs include only data from observable markets. After the initial recognition, an ECL allowance is recognised for financial assets measured at AC and investments in debt instruments measured at FVOCI, resulting in an immediate accounting loss.

All purchases and sales of financial assets that require delivery within the time frame established by regulation or market convention ("regular way" purchases and sales) are recorded at trade date, which is the date on which the Group commits to deliver a financial asset. All other purchases are recognised when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

Financial assets - classification and subsequent measurement - measurement categories. The Group classifies financial assets in the following measurement categories: FVTPL, FVOCI and AC. The classification and subsequent measurement of debt financial assets depends on: (i) the Group's business model for managing the related assets portfolio and (ii) the cash flow characteristics of the asset.

Financial assets - classification and subsequent measurement - business model. The business model reflects how the Group manages the assets in order to generate cash flows - whether the Group's objective is: (i) solely to collect the contractual cash flows from the assets ("hold to collect contractual cash flows",) or (ii) to collect both the contractual cash flows and the cash flows arising from the sale of assets ("hold to collect contractual cash flows and sell") or, if neither of (i) and (ii) is applicable, the financial assets are classified as part of "other" business model and measured at FVTPL. Please refer to Note 4.

Business model is determined for a group of assets (on a portfolio level) based on all relevant evidence about the activities that the Group undertakes to achieve the objective set out for the portfolio available at the date of the assessment.

Financial assets - classification and subsequent measurement - cash flow characteristics. Where the business model is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows or to hold contractual cash flows and sell, the Group assesses whether the cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest ("SPPI"). Financial assets with embedded derivatives are considered in their entirety when determining whether their cash flows are consistent with the SPPI feature. In making this assessment, the Group considers whether the contractual cash flows are consistent with a basic lending arrangement, i.e. interest includes only consideration for credit risk, time value of money, other basic lending risks and profit margin.

Where the contractual terms introduce exposure to risk or volatility that is inconsistent with a basic lending arrangement, the financial asset is classified and measured at FVTPL. The SPPI assessment is performed on initial recognition of an asset and it is not subsequently reassessed. Refer to Note 4 for critical judgements applied by the Group in performing the SPPI test for its financial assets.

Financial assets - reclassification . Financial instruments are reclassified only when the business model for managing the portfolio as a whole changes. The reclassification has a prospective effect and takes place from the beginning of the first reporting period that follows after the change in the business model. The Group did not change its business model during the current and comparative period and did not make any reclassifications.

Financial assets impairment - credit loss allowance for ECL. The Group assesses, on a forward-looking basis, the ECL for debt instruments measured at AC and FVOCI and for the exposures arising from loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts. The Group measures ECL and recognises credit loss allowance at each reporting date. The measurement of ECL reflects: (i) an unbiased and probability weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes, (ii) time value of money and (iii) all reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost and effort at the end of each reporting period about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future conditions.

Debt instruments measured at AC are presented in the consolidated statement of financial position net of the allowance for ECL. For loan commitments and financial guarantees, a separate provision for ECL is recognised as a liability in the consolidated statement of financial position. For debt instruments at FVOCI, changes in amortised cost, net of allowance for ECL, are recognised in profit or loss and other changes in carrying value are recognised in OCI as gains less losses on debt instruments at FVOCI.

The Group applies a three stage model for impairment, based on changes in credit quality since initial recognition. A financial instrument that is not credit-impaired on initial recognition is classified in Stage 1. Financial assets in Stage 1 have their ECL measured at an amount equal to the portion of lifetime ECL that results from default events possible within the next 12 months or until contractual maturity, if shorter ("12 Months ECL"). If the Group identifies a significant increase in credit risk ("SICR") since initial recognition, the asset is transferred to Stage 2 and its ECL is measured based on ECL on a lifetime basis, that is, up until contractual maturity but considering expected prepayments, if any ("Lifetime ECL"). Refer to Note 41 for a description of how the Group determines when a SICR has occurred. If the Group determines that a financial asset is credit-impaired, the asset is transferred to Stage 3 and its ECL is measured as a Lifetime ECL. The Group's definition of credit impaired assets and definition of default is explained further. For financial assets that are purchased or originated credit-impaired ("POCI Assets"), the ECL is always measured as a Lifetime ECL. Note 41 provides information about inputs, assumptions and estimation techniques used in measuring ECL,

including an explanation of how the Group incorporates forward-looking information in the ECL models.

As an exception, for certain financial instruments, such as credit cards, that may include both a loan and an undrawn commitment component, the Group measures expected credit losses over the period that the Group is exposed to credit risk, that is, until the expected credit losses would be mitigated by credit risk management actions, even if that period extends beyond the maximum contractual period. This is because contractual ability to demand repayment and cancel the undrawn commitment does not limit the exposure to credit losses to such contractual notice period.

An ECL measurement is based on four components used by the Group:

-- Exposure at Default (EAD) - an estimate of exposure at a future default date, taking into account expected changes in exposure after the reporting date, including repayments of principal and interest, and expected drawdowns on committed facilities.

-- Probability of Default (PD) - an estimate of the likelihood of default to occur over a given time period.

-- Loss Given Default (LGD) - an estimate of a loss arising on default. It is based on the difference between contractual cash flows due and those that the lender would expect to receive, including from any collateral. It usually expressed as a percentage of EAD.

-- Discount Rate - a tool to discount an expected loss from the present value at the reporting date. The discount rate represents the effective interest rate (EIR) for the financial instrument or an approximation thereof.

Calculation of financial assets impairment was made taking into account the following factors:

-- In order to calculate the expected credit losses, the Group performs loan assessment on an individual basis and on a collective basis depending on general credit risk features.

-- Expected credit losses represent estimates of expected credit losses weighted at probability of a default and calculated as present value of all expected losses in amounts due. Calculations are based on justified and verified information, which may be received without any significant costs or efforts. Calculation of the present value of the expected future cash flows of the secured financial asset reflects the cash flow that may result from foreclosure, less the cost of obtaining and selling collateral, regardless of whether the recovery is probable or not. The allowance is based on the Group's own experience in assessing losses and the Management assumptions about the level of losses likely to be recognised on assets in each category of a credit risk, based on debt servicing capabilities and borrower's credit track record.

-- Impairment for treasury operations (investments in debt securities, reverse repurchase transactions, interbank loans and deposits, correspondent account transactions, accounts receivable under treasury transactions) is calculated taking into account the counterparty's rating, probability of default, duration of a transaction and the extent of loss in case of a default.

-- Assets classified at fair value through profit or loss are not subject to impairment under IFRS 9.

The estimated credit losses for treasury operations are estimated on an individual basis (except for individual claims in the form of receivables).

ECL for collective assessment of credit losses

For collective assessment of credit losses, loans and advances to customers are segmented by criteria for determining the transition between Stages 1, 2 and 3. The presence of at least one criterion is sufficient to lead to the change of transaction classifications, reflecting the increase in credit risk.

Stage 1: Loans without significant increase in credit risk (SICR)

-- All loans at initial recognition are classified into Stage 1 and remain in Stage 1 until the identification of factors that indicate a significant increase in credit risk, except for acquired or created loan-impaired loans.

Stage 2: Loans with significant increase in credit risk (SICR)

-- Loans in which the maximum number of days overdue on principal or interest ranges from 31 days to 90 days;

-- Loans in the category of "substandard" according to the Regulation on the classification procedure of the CBU;

-- Loans that were credit-impaired (Stage 3) as at the end of the previous quarter due to one or more transition criteria of Stage 3, and which as at the end of the current quarter have signs of Stage 1 or 2;

-- Loans that were credit-impaired (Stage 3) as at the end of the previous quarter due to restructuring and repaid 25% of principal from the date of restructuring.

-- In the absence of historical information about the number of overdue days for accrued interest, loans for which there is an amount of overdue interest at the end of the current quarter.

Stage 3: Financial asset is in default

-- Loans for which the maximum number of overdue days on principal or interest is more than 90 days;

-- Loans in the category of "unsatisfactory", "doubtful" and "bad" in accordance with the Regulation on the classification procedure of the CBU;

-- Loans that have been revised since initial recognition (loans with the status "Restructured in the loan portfolio, including loans for which the repayment was less than 25% of the principal debt since the date of the last restructuring or the last revision (except in cases of restructuring of loans, when the financial condition of the borrower is stable and allows the borrower to repay the debt to the Group and when restructuring occurs at the decision of higher authorities);

-- Loans for which there is a court decision or a trial is in progress (loans for which there are court decision dates in the loan portfolio);

-- Presence of debt on off-balance sheet accounts for the principal debt and accrued interest in accordance with the Regulation on the Classification Procedure of the CBU and the Regulation on Non-Accrual of Interest of the CBU;

-- Loans for which the contract has expired, but the borrower has not fully repaid the debt according to the payment schedule;

POCI: Purchased or created credit impaired financial asset.

ECL for individually significant borrowers

An asset is assessed for impairment on an individual basis if the total debt of the borrower at the reporting date exceeds the materiality level. The level of materiality is determined as 1% of arithmetic average of the Group's total regulatory capital per National accounting standards for the last two years. If the materiality of the Group for determining an individually significant asset increases by more than 2 times in the calculation for the next period (fiscal year), then the materiality level for this next period (fiscal year) shall not exceed the Group's materiality level for the previous period (fiscal year) more than 2 times, and it will be equal to the level of materiality multiplied by 2 (in the case of facts or circumstances that may significantly affect the Group's estimated materiality level, which, due to these facts or circumstances, may be at an unexpected or atypical level for the corresponding period, for example, large profits or losses of the Group may occur due to one-time general economic conditions / changes or other external conditions or non-typical operations for the Group, in this case it is possible to normalize the calculated amount of capital for the relevant period by excluding from the calculation the amount of such gains / losses).

For each individually significant borrower based on the results of the assessment at each reporting date, questionnaire with the necessary explanations and comments is filled out to identify signs of a significant increase in credit risk and credit impairment. The questionnaire is completed on the basis of the loan portfolio and the information contained in the monitoring reports, and other information in the credit folder.

After determining whether there is evidence of a significant increase in credit risk, as well as impairment, depending on the results of such analysis, the Group classifies the asset in question in one of the following stages:

Stage 1: "Loans with low credit risk"

-- All loans at initial recognition are classified in Stage 1 and remain in Stage 1 if no significant increase in the level of credit risk has been identified or until the factors indicating an increase in credit risk have been identified, except for loans acquired or created credit impaired;

Stage 2: "Loans with increased credit risk"

   --      Breach of contract terms, such as a delay of payment from 31 to 90 calendar days; 

-- The Group has information about overdue debts in other credit institutions (if information is available for the Group) on the principal debt and / or the borrower's remuneration from 31 to 90 calendar days;

-- Loans in the category of "substandard" according to the Regulation on the classification procedure of the CBU;

-- Actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the borrower. Examples include actual or expected decrease in revenues or margins, increased operational risks, working capital inefficiencies, management problems, or changes in the scale of business or organizational structure (for example, termination of a business segment), which lead to a significant change in the borrower's ability to repay debt liabilities. The criteria is reduction of the financial condition of the borrower by one class. Class of the financial condition of the borrower score based on the calculations of economic indicators (ratios of coverage, liquidity, autonomy, asset turnover and net sales profitability

-- Actual or expected (based on reasonable and corroborated information) reduction of the borrower's external credit rating by 2 or more notches;

-- Reduction of financial support from the state, the parent organization or another affiliated organization;

-- Significant deterioration in the quality or condition of the collateral according to the data of the last monitoring report, which is expected to reduce the economic incentive for the borrower to make the scheduled payments stipulated by the contract or otherwise affect the probability of a default. When the security is a guarantee of third parties, significant financial difficulties of the guarantor or surety;

-- Existing or projected adverse changes in commercial, financial or economic conditions (actual or expected increase in interest rates or actual or expected increase in unemployment) or actual or expected adverse change in regulatory, economic or technological conditions of the borrower's activity (for example, decrease in demand for the borrower of the product due to changes in technology);

-- Borrower who has no evidence of impairment or evidence of a significant increase in credit risk at the reporting date, but who has been classified as credit impaired (in Stage 3) based on the calculation of expected credit loss at the previous reporting date.

-- Expected breach of contract that could lead to the provision of exemptions for covenants or amendments to covenants, provision of temporary exemption from interest payments, increase in interest rates, introduction of requirements for additional security or guarantees or other changes to the contractual base of the instrument;

   --      Reasonable and corroborated information about one or more of the following factors: 

o the presence of uncertainty in respect of continuous operations in the auditor's report of the financial statements of the borrower;

o involvement in legal proceedings of the borrower (co-borrower), which may worsen its financial condition;

o violation of covenants 1 or more times within three months before the reporting date;

Stage 3: "Credit-impaired loans"

   --      Breach of contract terms, such as default or delay of payments for 90 days and more; 

-- Cross-default, the Group has information about overdue debts in other credit institutions (if the Group has information) on the principal debt and / or interest for 90 calendar days or more;

-- Loans in the category of "unsatisfactory", "doubtful" and "bad" in accordance with the Regulation on the classification procedure of the CBU.

-- Presence of significant financial difficulties of the borrower. The criteria is reduction of financial condition of the borrower by two or more classes. The class of the financial condition of the borrower is based on calculations of economic indicators (ratios of coverage, liquidity, autonomy, asset turnover and net sales margin);

-- Loans that have been revised since initial recognition (loans with the status "Restructured in the loan portfolio, including loans for which the repayment was less than 25% of the principal debt since the date of the last restructuring or the last revision (except in cases of restructuring of loans, when the financial condition of the borrower is stable and allows the borrower to repay the debt to the Group and when restructuring occurs at the decision of higher authorities);

-- Lack of communication with the borrower (co-borrower), as well as the lack of information to determine the financial condition of the borrower (co-borrower) for the last 12 months;

-- Decrease in the external credit rating of the borrower to the "CC" rating and below, assigned by the rating agencies Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Service and Fitch;

-- Write-off of part and / or the entire amount of debt on the principal debt and / or remuneration of the borrower during the previous 2 years;

-- Suspension of the accrual of interest on the loan due to the deteriorating financial condition of the borrower (non-accrual status) in accordance with the Regulation of the CBU, i.e, statutory accounting;

   --      Availability of information about the death of the borrower (co-borrower) of an individual; 

-- The borrower's appeal to the court with a statement of recognition of its bankruptcy or the filing of a claim by a third party to declare the borrower bankrupt in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and loans that have a court decision or are in court proceedings (loans that have court decision dates in the loan portfolio);

   --      Revocation of a license or other title document for the implementation of activities; 
   --      Disappearance of an active market for a given financial asset. 

POCI: Purchased or created credit impaired financial asset

-- Purchase or creation of a financial instrument with a large discount, which reflects the incurred credit losses;

The amount of expected credit losses for loans that are classified in Stage 1 and in Stage 2 is determined on a collective basis.

For each individually significant borrower in Stage 3, one of the following repayment strategies is determined:

-- "Restructuring" strategy: restructuring the loan, revising credit conditions and developing an action plan that can allow the borrower to repay the loan;

   --      Strategy "Realization of collateral": liquidation of a loan by selling collateral. 

The choice of the most appropriate strategy is determined based on the individual situation of the borrower, its availability and consent to cooperation, the availability of opportunities to restore activity, production or the possibility of eliminating the causes that caused losses and the inability to service the debt, the availability of funds from other business lines of the borrower, value, condition of pledges regarding debt and other factors.

In the event that the borrower incurs losses and the Group has no evidence of other sources of income and funds to service the debt, the strategy for selling collateral for the borrower is chosen.

Presentation of allowance for ECL in the statement of financial position . Loss allowances for ECL are presented in the statement of financial position as follows:

-- For financial assets measured at amortized cost: as a deduction from the gross carrying amount of the assets;

-- For debt instruments measured at FVTOCI: no loss allowance is recognized in the statement of financial position as the carrying amount is at fair value. However, the loss allowance is included as part of the revaluation amount in the investments revaluation reserve;

   --      For loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts: as a provision. 

Financial assets - write-off. Financial assets are written-off, in whole or in part, when the Group exhausted all practical recovery efforts and has concluded that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. The indicators of no recovery are not being able to collect contractual cash flow for the period exceeding one year, but write-off decision is subject to approval of Group credit committee. The write-off represents a derecognition event. The Group may write-off financial assets that are still subject to enforcement activity when the Group seeks to recover amounts that are contractually due, however, there is no reasonable expectation of recovery.

Collateral. The Group obtains collateral in respect of customer liabilities where this is considered appropriate. The collateral normally takes the form of a lien over the customer's assets and gives the Group a claim on these assets for both existing and future customer liabilities.

Financial assets - derecognition. The Group derecognises financial assets when (a) the assets are redeemed or the rights to cash flows from the assets otherwise expired or (b) the Group has transferred the rights to the cash flows from the financial assets or entered into a qualifying pass-through arrangement while (i) also transferring substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of the assets or (ii) neither transferring nor retaining substantially all risks and rewards of ownership, but not retaining control. Control is retained if the counterparty does not have the practical ability to sell the asset in its entirety to an unrelated third party without needing to impose restrictions on the sale.

Financial assets - modification. The Group sometimes renegotiates or otherwise modifies the contractual terms of the financial assets. The Group assesses whether the modification of contractual cash flows is substantial considering, among other, the following factors: any new contractual terms that substantially affect the risk profile of the asset (eg profit share or equity-based return), significant change in interest rate, change in the currency denomination, new collateral or credit enhancement that significantly affects the credit risk associated with the asset or a significant extension of a loan when the borrower is not in financial difficulties.

If the modified terms are substantially different, the rights to cash flows from the original asset expire and the Group derecognises the original financial asset and recognises a new asset at its fair value. The date of renegotiation is considered to be the date of initial recognition for subsequent impairment calculation purposes, including determining whether a SICR has occurred. The Group also assesses whether the new loan or debt instrument meets the SPPI criterion. Any difference between the carrying amount of the original asset derecognised and fair value of the new substantially modified asset is recognised in profit or loss, unless the substance of the difference is attributed to a capital transaction with owners.

In a situation where the renegotiation was driven by financial difficulties of the counterparty and inability to make the originally agreed payments, the Group compares the original and revised expected cash flows to assets whether the risks and rewards of the asset are substantially different as a result of the contractual modification. If the risks and rewards do not change, the modified asset is not substantially different from the original asset and the modification does not result in derecognition. The Group recalculates the gross carrying amount by discounting the modified contractual cash flows by the original effective interest rate (or credit-adjusted effective interest rate for POCI financial assets) and recognises a modification gain or loss in profit or loss.

Financial liabilities - measurement categories. Financial liabilities are classified as subsequently measured at AC, except for (i) financial liabilities at FVTPL: this classification is applied to derivatives, financial liabilities held for trading (e.g. short positions in securities), contingent consideration recognised by an acquirer in a business combination and other financial liabilities designated as such at initial recognition and (ii) financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments.

Financial liabilities - derecognition. Financial liabilities are derecognised when they are extinguished (i.e. when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expires).

An exchange between the Group and its original lenders of debt instruments with substantially different terms, as well as substantial modifications of the terms and conditions of existing financial liabilities, are accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability. The terms are substantially different if the discounted present value of the cash flows under the new terms, including any fees paid net of any fees received and discounted using the original effective interest rate, is at least 10% different from the discounted present value of the remaining cash flows of the original financial liability. [In addition, other qualitative factors, such as the currency that the instrument is denominated in, changes in the type of interest rate, new conversion features attached to the instrument and change in loan covenants are also considered.] If an exchange of debt instruments or modification of terms is accounted for as an extinguishment, any costs or fees incurred are recognised as part of the gain or loss on the extinguishment. If the exchange or modification is not accounted for as an extinguishment, any costs or fees incurred adjust the carrying amount of the liability and are amortised over the remaining term of the modified liability.

Modifications of liabilities that do not result in extinguishment are accounted for as a change in estimate using a cumulative catch up method, with any gain or loss recognised in profit or loss, unless the economic substance of the difference in carrying values is attributed to a capital transaction with owners.

Cash and cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents are items which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Cash and cash equivalents include deposits with the CBU except mandatory reserve deposits held with CBU and all interbank placements with original maturities of less than three months. Funds restricted for a period of more than three months on origination are excluded from cash and cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents are carried at amortised cost.

The payments or receipts presented in the statement of cash flows represent transfers of cash and cash equivalents by the Group, including amounts charged or credited to current accounts of the Group's counterparties held with the Group, such as loan interest income or principal collected by charging the customer's current account or interest payments or disbursement of loans credited to the customer's current account, which represents cash or cash equivalent from the customer's perspective.

Due from other banks . Amounts due from other banks are recorded when the Group advances money to counterparty banks with no intention of trading the resulting unquoted non-derivative receivable due on fixed or determinable dates. Amounts due from other banks are carried at amortised cost. The Group classifies and presents amounts due from other banks placements with original maturities of more than five years within cash flows from financing activities.

Loans and advances to customers. Loans and advances to customers are recorded when the Group advances money to purchase or originate an unquoted non-derivative receivable from a customer due on fixed or determinable dates and has no intention of trading the receivable. Loans and advances to customers are carried at amortised cost.

Investments in equity securities. Financial assets that meet the definition of equity from the issuer's perspective, i.e. instruments that do not contain a contractual obligation to pay cash and that evidence a residual interest in the issuer's net assets, are considered as investments in equity securities by the Group. Investments in equity securities are measured at FVTPL, except where the Group elects at initial recognition to irrevocably designate an equity investments at FVOCI. The Group's policy is to designate equity investments as FVOCI when those investments are held for strategic purposes other than solely to generate investment returns. When the FVOCI election is used, fair value gains and losses are recognised in OCI and are not subsequently reclassified to profit or loss, including on disposal. Impairment losses and their reversals, if any, are not measured separately from other changes in fair value. Dividends continue to be recognised in profit or loss when the Group's right to receive payments is established except when they represent a recovery of an investment rather than a return on such investment.

Investments in debt securities. Based on the business model and the cash flow characteristics, the Group classifies investments in debt securities as carried at AC, FVOCI or FVTPL. Debt securities are carried at AC if they are held for collection of contractual cash flows and where those cash flows represent SPPI, and if they are not voluntarily designated at FVTPL in order to significantly reduce an accounting mismatch.

Debt securities are carried at FVOCI if they are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling, where those cash flows represent SPPI, and if they are not designated at FVTPL. Interest income from these assets is calculated using the effective interest method and recognised in profit or loss. An impairment allowance estimated using the expected credit loss model is recognised in profit or loss for the year. All other changes in the carrying value are recognised in OCI. When the debt security is derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from OCI to profit or loss.

Investments in debt securities are carried at FVTPL if they do not meet the criteria for AC or FVOCI. The Group may also irrevocably designate investments in debt securities at FVTPL on initial recognition if applying this option significantly reduces an accounting mismatch between financial assets and liabilities being recognised or measured on different accounting bases.

Premises and equipment . Premises and equipment are stated at cost, restated to the equivalent purchasing power of the Uzbekistan Soum at 31 December 2006 for assets acquired prior to 1 January 2007, less accumulated depreciation and provision for impairment, where required.

Costs of minor repairs and maintenance are expensed when incurred. Cost of replacing major parts or components of premises and equipment items are capitalised and the replaced part is retired.

At the end of each reporting period the Management assesses whether there is any indication of impairment of premises and equipment. If any such indication exists, the Management estimates the recoverable amount, which is determined as the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. The carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount and the impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss for the year. An impairment loss recognised for an asset in prior years is reversed if there has been a change in the estimates used to determine the asset's value in use or fair value less costs to sell.

An item of property and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected to arise from the continued use of the asset. Any gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an item of property and equipment is determined as the difference between the sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in profit or loss.

Construction in progress is carried at cost, less any recognised impairment loss. Cost includes professional fees. Such construction in progress is classified to the appropriate categories of property and equipment when completed and ready for intended use. Depreciation of these assets, on the same basis as other property assets, commences when the assets are ready for their intended use.

Depreciation . Depreciation of premises and equipment is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost to their residual values over their estimated useful lives:

                                        Useful lives in years 
 Building and leasehold improvements                       33 
 Office and computer equipment                           5-10 

The residual value of an asset is the estimated amount that the Group would currently obtain from disposal of the asset less the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life. The residual value of an asset is nil if the Group expects to use the asset until the end of its physical life. The assets' residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each end of the reporting period.

Intangible assets . Intangible assets with finite useful lives carried at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses. Amortization is recognised on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. The estimated useful life and amortization method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, with the effect of any changes in estimate being accounted for on a prospective basis.

The Group's intangible assets primarily comprise capitalised computer software. Acquired computer software licenses are capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring them to use. All other costs associated with computer software, e.g. its maintenance, are expensed when incurred. Capitalised computer software is amortised on a straight line basis over expected useful lives of five years.

Finance lease receivables. Where the Group is a lessor in a lease which transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership to the lessee, the assets leased out are presented as a finance lease receivable and carried at the present value of the future lease payments. Finance lease receivables are initially recognised at commencement (when the lease term begins) using a discount rate determined at inception (the earlier of the date of the lease agreement and the date of commitment by the parties to the principal provisions of the lease).

The difference between the gross receivable and the present value represents unearned finance income. This income is recognised over the term of the lease by applying the rate implicit in the lease to (i) the gross book value of lease receivables in stage 1 and 2 and (ii) net carrying amount of lease receivables in stage 3 of the ECL model. Incremental costs directly attributable to negotiating and arranging the lease are included in the initial measurement of the finance lease receivable and reduce the amount of income recognised over the lease term. Finance income from leases is recorded within other similar income in profit or loss.

Credit loss allowance is recognised in accordance with the general ECL model. The ECL is determined in the same way as for loans and advances measured at AC and recognised through an allowance account to write down the receivables' net carrying amount to the present value of expected cash flows discounted at the interest rates implicit in the finance leases. The estimated future cash flows reflect the cash flows that may result from obtaining and selling the assets subject to the lease.

Repossessed collateral . Repossessed collateral represents financial and non-financial assets acquired by the Group in settlement of overdue loans. The assets are initially recognised at fair value when acquired and included in other financial assets, investment properties or inventories within other assets depending on their nature and the Group's intention in respect of recovery of these assets, and are subsequently remeasured and accounted for in accordance with the accounting policies for these categories of assets.

Non-current assets held for sale. Non-current assets and disposal groups, which may include both non-current and current assets, are classified in the statement of financial position as 'non-current assets held for sale' if their carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction, including loss of control of a subsidiary holding the assets, within twelve months after the end of the reporting period. Assets are reclassified when all of the following conditions are met: (a) the assets are available for immediate sale in their present condition; (b) the Group's Management approved and initiated an active programme to locate a buyer; (c) the assets are actively marketed for sale at a reasonable price; (d) the sale is expected within one year and (e) it is unlikely that significant changes to the plan to sell will be made or that the plan will be withdrawn. Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale in the current period's statement of financial position are not reclassified or re-presented in the comparative statement of financial position to reflect the classification at the end of the current period.

A disposal group is a group of assets (current or non-current) to be disposed of, by sale or otherwise, together as a group in a single transaction, and liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction. Goodwill is included if the disposal group includes an operation within a cash-generating unit to which goodwill has been allocated on acquisition.

Non-current assets are assets that include amounts expected to be recovered or collected more than twelve months after the end of the reporting period. If reclassification is required, both the current and non-current portions of an asset are reclassified.

Held for sale disposal groups as a whole are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Held for sale premises and equipment are not depreciated or amortised. Reclassified non-current financial instruments and deferred taxes are not subject to write down to the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.

Liabilities directly associated with disposal groups that will be transferred in the disposal transaction are reclassified and presented separately in the statement of financial position.

Discontinued operations. A discontinued operation is a component of the Group that either has been disposed of, or that is classified as held for sale, and: (a) represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; (b) is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; or (c) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale. Earnings and cash flows of discontinued operations, if any, are disclosed separately from continuing operations with comparatives being re-presented.

Due to other banks . Due to banks are initially recognised at fair value. Subsequently, amounts due are stated at amortised cost and any difference between net proceeds and the redemption value is recognised in the statement of profit or loss over the period of the borrowings, using the effective interest method as interest expense.

Customer accounts . Customer accounts are non-derivative liabilities to individuals, state or corporate customers and are carried at amortised cost.

Debt securities in issue. Debt securities in issue include bonds and certificates of deposit issued by the Group. Debt securities are stated at amortised cost.

Other borrowed funds . Other borrowed funds include borrowings from government and non-government funds and financial institutions. Other borrowed funds are carried at amortised cost.

Income taxes. Income taxes have been provided for in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with legislation enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period. The income tax charge comprises current tax and deferred tax and is recognised in profit or loss for the year, except if it is recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity because it relates to transactions that are also recognised, in the same or a different period, in other comprehensive income or directly in equity.

Current tax is the amount expected to be paid to, or recovered from, the taxation authorities in respect of taxable profits or losses for the current and prior periods. Taxable profits or losses are based on estimates if the consolidated financial statements are authorised prior to filing relevant tax returns. Taxes other than on income are recorded within administrative and other operating expenses.

Deferred tax is recognised on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are generally recognised for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which those deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Such deferred tax assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from the initial recognition (other than in a business combination) of assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor the accounting profit. In addition, deferred tax liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of goodwill.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, except where the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences associated with such investments and interests are only recognised to the extent that it is probable that there will be sufficient taxable profits against which to utilise the benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable future.

The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at the end of each reporting period and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered. Deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period in which the liability is settled or the asset realised, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period.

The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and assets reflects the tax consequences that would follow from the manner in which the Group expects, at the end of the reporting period, to recover or settle the carrying amount of its assets and liabilities.

Uncertain tax positions. The Group's uncertain tax positions are reassessed by the Management at the end of each reporting period. Liabilities are recorded for income tax positions that are determined by the Management as more likely than not to result in additional taxes being levied if the positions were to be challenged by the tax authorities. The assessment is based on the interpretation of tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period, and any known court or other rulings on such issues. Liabilities for penalties, interest and taxes other than on income are recognised based on the Management's best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligations at the end of the reporting period.

Large-scale tax system transformations are taking place in the Republic of Uzbekistan associated with the adoption of the Concept for Improving the Tax Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Its main reforms are implemented in the Tax Code, other regulatory acts, including the annual "budgetary" resolution and entered into force on 1 January 2019.

There were significant changes introduced in tax law of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the Presidential decree #PD-4086 on "Forecasting the main macroeconomic budget indicators and parameters for 2019 and budget guidelines for 2020-2021" dated 26 December 2018. Corporate income tax for credit organisations has been set at of 20%.

Provisions for liabilities and charges. Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made.

When the Group expects some or all of a provision to be reimbursed, for example, under an insurance contract, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset, but only when the reimbursement is virtually certain. The expense relating to any provision is presented in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income net of any reimbursement.

The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle the present obligation at the end of the reporting period, taking into account the risks and uncertainties surrounding the obligation. When a provision is measured using the cash flows estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amount is the present value of those cash flows (where the effect of the time value of money is material).

If the effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are discounted using a current pre-tax rate that reflects, when appropriate, the risks specific to the liability. When discounting is used, the increase in the provision due to the passage of time is recognised as a finance cost.

Loan commitments . The Group issues commitments to provide loans. These commitments are irrevocable or revocable only in response to a material adverse change. Such commitments are initially recognised at their fair value, which is normally evidenced by the amount of fees received. This amount is amortised on a straight line basis over the life of the commitment, except for commitments to originate loans if it is probable that the Group will enter into a specific lending arrangement and does not expect to sell the resulting loan shortly after origination; such loan commitment fees are deferred and included in the carrying value of the loan on initial recognition. At the end of each reporting period, the commitments are measured at (i) the remaining unamortised balance of the amount at initial recognition, plus (ii) the amount of the loss allowance determined based on the expected credit loss model, unless the commitment is to provide a loan at a below market interest rate, in which case the measurement is at the higher of these two amounts. The carrying amount of the loan commitments represents a liability. For contracts that include both a loan and an undrawn commitment and where the Group cannot separately distinguish the ECL on the undrawn loan component from the loan component, the ECL on the undrawn commitment is recognised together with the loss allowance for the loan. To the extent that the combined ECLs exceed the gross carrying amount of the loan, they are recognised as a liability.

Financial guarantees . Financial guarantees require the Group to make specified payments to reimburse the holder of the guarantee for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument. Financial guarantees are initially recognised at their fair value, which is normally evidenced by the amount of fees received. This amount is amortised on a straight line basis over the life of the guarantee. At the end of each reporting period, the guarantees are measured at the higher of (i) the amount of the loss allowance for the guaranteed exposure determined based on the expected loss model and (ii) the remaining unamortised balance of the amount at initial recognition. In addition, an ECL loss allowance is recognised for fees receivable that are recognised in the statement of financial position as an asset. Note 41 provides information about inputs, assumptions and estimation techniques used in measuring ECL, including an explanation of how the Group incorporates forward-looking information in the ECL models.

Trade payable and other liabilities . Trade payables and other liabilities are accrued when the counterparty has performed its obligations under the contract and are carried at amortised cost.

Share capital. Ordinary shares and non-redeemable preference shares with discretionary dividends are both classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. Any excess of the fair value of consideration received over the par value of shares issued is recorded as share premium in equity.

Preference shares which carry a mandatory coupon or are redeemable on a specific date or at the option of the shareholder are classified as financial liabilities and are presented in other borrowed funds. The dividends on these preference shares are recognised as interest expense on an amortised cost basis, using the effective interest method.

Treasury shares. Where the Group or its subsidiaries purchase the Group's equity instruments, the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental external costs, net of income taxes, is deducted from equity attributable to the owners of the Group until the equity instruments are reissued, disposed of or cancelled. Where such shares are subsequently disposed of or reissued, any consideration received is included in equity.

Dividends . Dividends are recorded in equity in the period in which they are declared. Any dividends declared after the end of the reporting period and before the consolidated financial statements are authorised for issue are disclosed in the subsequent events note. The statutory accounting reports of the Group are the basis for profit distribution and other appropriations. Uzbek legislation identifies retained earnings as the basis for profit distribution.

Interest income and expense recognition. Interest income and expense are recorded for all debt instruments on an accrual basis using the effective interest method. This method defers, as part of interest income or expense, all fees paid or received between the parties to the contract that are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and all other premiums or discounts. Interest income on lease receivables calculated at nominal interest rate is presented within 'other similar income' line in profit or loss.

Fees integral to the effective interest rate include origination fees received or paid by the entity relating to the creation or acquisition of a financial asset or issuance of a financial liability, for example fees for evaluating creditworthiness, evaluating and recording guarantees or collateral, negotiating the terms of the instrument and for processing transaction documents. Commitment fees received by the Group to originate loans at market interest rates are integral to the effective interest rate if it is probable that the Group will enter into a specific lending arrangement and does not expect to sell the resulting loan shortly after origination. The Group does not designate loan commitments as financial liabilities at FVTPL.

For financial assets that are originated or purchased credit-impaired, the effective interest rate is the rate that discounts the expected cash flows (including the initial expected credit losses) to the fair value on initial recognition (normally represented by the purchase price). As a result, the effective interest is credit-adjusted.

Interest income is calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of financial assets, except for (i) financial assets that have become credit impaired (Stage 3), for which interest revenue is calculated by applying the effective interest rate to their AC, net of the ECL provision, and (ii) financial assets that are purchased or originated credit impaired, for which the original credit-adjusted effective interest rate is applied to the AC.

If the credit risk on the financial asset classified in Stage 3 subsequently improves so that the asset is no longer credit-impaired and the improvement can be related objectively to an event occurring after the asset had been determined as credit-impaired (ie the asset becomes cured), the asset is reclassified from stage 3 and the interest revenue is calculated by applying the EIR to the gross carrying amount. The additional interest income, which was previously not recognised in P&L due to the asset being in stage 3 but it is now expected to be received following the asset's curing, is recognised as a reversal of impairment.

Fee and commission income . Fee and commission income is recognised over time on a straight line basis as the services are rendered, when the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Group's performance. Such income includes recurring fees for account maintenance, account servicing fees, account subscription fees, etc. Variable fees are recognised only to the extent that management determines that it is highly probable that a significant reversal will not occur.

Other fee and commission income is recognised at a point in time when the Group satisfies its performance obligation, usually upon execution of the underlying transaction. The amount of fee or commission received or receivable represents the transaction price for the services identified as distinct performance obligations. Such income includes fees for arranging a sale or purchase of foreign currencies on behalf of a customer, fees for processing payment transactions, fees for cash settlements, collection or cash disbursements, as well as, commissions and fees arising from negotiating, or participating in the negotiation of a transaction for a third party, such as the acquisition of loans, shares or other securities or the purchase or sale of businesses. Loan syndication fees are recognised as income when the syndication has been completed and the Group retains no part of the loan package for itself or retains a part at the same effective interest rate as for the other participants.

Basis of accounting for insurance activities

Insurance operations income primarily comprises of premiums written less provision for unearned premiums.

Premiums written. Premiums are recognized within insurance operations income upon inception of a contract for the full amount.

Provision for unearned premiums. The Group calculated Unearned Premium Reserve (UPR) according to legislation requirements, where insurance lines of business are divided into four accounting groups. For the first accounting group, the unearned premium is calculated separately for each insurance contract using the "pro rata temporis" method, which is in line with IFRS. The "pro rata temporis" method includes calculation of unearned premium in proportion to the remaining useful life of insurance contract at the balance sheet date. For the other accounting groups, UPR calculated differently, not in accordance with IFRS.

Claims. Claims and claims handling expenses are charged to the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as incurred based on the evaluated liability for compensation payable to policyholders or third parties, net of subrogation. Subrogation is a right to pursue third parties for payment of some or all costs related to the claims settlement process.

Loss provision. Loss provision represents the accumulation of estimates for ultimate losses and includes provision for losses reported but not settled ("RBNS") and incurred but not yet reported ("IBNR"). Estimates of claims handling expenses are included in both RBNS and IBNR. RBNS is provided in respect of claims reported, but not settled as at the reporting date. The IBNR is determined by summing the IBNR estimated for each line of business. The Group calculates IBNR of at least 10 percent of the base insurance premium under insurance contracts for the period twelve months prior to the reporting date, which is in accordance with the insurance legislation (Regulation on insurance reserves of insurers in accordance with Order of the Minister of Finance of 20 November 2008 N 107, registered by the Ministry of Justice on 15 December 2008 N 1882). Reserves for insurance contracts primarily comprises of provision for unearned premiums and insurance loss provisions.

Preventive measures reserve. The Group is restricted in its use of a portion of premiums received by the Group on certain types of insurance under terms established by insurance legislation (Regulation on insurance reserves of insurers in accordance with Order of the Minister of Finance of 20 November 2008 N 107, registered by the Ministry of Justice on 15 December 2008 N 1882). The reserve is calculated as a percentage of insurance premiums earned in reporting period. The purpose of the Preventive Measures Reserve ("PMR") is to provide funds for the cost of financing measures that prevent accidents, promote general safety, and prevent the loss of or damage to insured property, as well as to finance other measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of insurance events.

Stabilization reserve An additional reserve that a Group is required by regulation to establish (Regulation on insurance reserves of insurers in accordance with Order of the Minister of Finance of Republic of Uzbekistan dated 20 November 2008 N 107, registered by the Ministry of Justice on December 15 2008 N 1882) and is necessary for the Group to hold, over and above its insurance reserves and preventive measure reserve, to ensure that, under a prescribed change in financial conditions, the Group still has enough assets to cover its liabilities.

Liability adequacy test. At each reporting date, liability adequacy tests are performed to ensure the adequacy of the contract liabilities. In performing these tests, the current best estimates of the future contractual cash flows and claims handling and administration expenses are used. Any deficiency is immediately charged to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income by subsequently establishing a provision for losses arising from the liability adequacy tests.

Reinsurance. The Group assumes and cedes reinsurance in the normal course of business. Ceded reinsurance contracts do not relieve the Group from its obligations to policyholders. Amounts recoverable from or due to reinsurers are measured consistently with the amounts associated with the reinsured insurance contracts and in accordance with the term of each reinsurance contract. Reinsurance assets include balances due from reinsurance companies for paid claims, including claims handling expenses, reinsurers' share of loss provision and premiums ceded to the Group. Reinsurance payables are obligations of the Group for the transfer of reinsurance premiums to reinsurers.

The Group assesses its reinsurance assets for impairment on a regular basis. If there is objective evidence that the reinsurance asset is impaired, the Group reduces the carrying amount of the reinsurance asset to its recoverable amount and recognises that impairment loss in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

Capitalisation of borrowing costs. Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset that is not carried at fair value and that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale (a qualifying asset), form part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are recognised as an expense using the effective interest method. The Group capitalises borrowing costs that would have been avoided if it had not made capital expenditure on qualifying assets. The commencement date for capitalisation is when (a) the Group incurs expenditures for the qualifying asset; (b) it incurs borrowing costs; and (c) it undertakes activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale. Capitalisation ceases when all activities necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for its intended use or sale are complete.

Interest or other investment income is not deducted in arriving at the amount of borrowing costs available for capitalisation, except where the Group obtains specific borrowings for the purpose of acquiring a qualifying asset and has investment income on the temporary investment of funds obtained through such specific borrowings.

Foreign currency translation . The functional currency of the Group, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Group operates and the presentation currency is the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek Soum ("UZS").

Monetary assets and liabilities are translated into Group's functional currency at the official exchange rate of the CBU at the end of respective reporting period. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of the transactions and from the translation of monetary assets and liabilities into Group's functional currency at year-end official exchange rates of the CBU are recognised in profit or loss. Non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency, including equity investments, are translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined.

Effects of exchange rate changes on non-monetary items measured at fair value in a foreign currency are recorded as part of the fair value gain or loss.

As at 31 December 2021, the rate of exchange used for translating foreign currency balances was USD 1 =10,837.66 (2020: USD 1 = UZS 10,476.92) and EUR 1 = UZS 12,224.88 (2020: EUR 1 = UZS 12,786.03).

Offsetting. Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the consolidated statement of financial position only when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognised amounts, and there is an intention to either settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Earnings per share. Preference shares are not redeemable, and are considered to be participating shares. Earnings per share are determined by dividing the profit or loss attributable to owners of the Group by the weighted average number of participating shares outstanding during the reporting year.

Staff costs and related contributions. Wages, salaries, contributions to the state pension and social insurance funds, paid annual leave and sick leave, bonuses, and non-monetary benefits are accrued in the year in which the associated services are rendered by the employees of the Group. The Group has no legal or constructive obligation to make pension or similar benefit payments beyond the payments to the statutory defined contribution scheme.

Segment reporting . Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the Group's chief operating decision maker. Segments whose revenue, result or assets are ten percent or more of all the segments are reported separately.

Presentation of statement of financial position in order of liquidity. The Group does not have a clearly identifiable operating cycle and therefore does not present current and non-current assets and liabilities separately in the statement of financial position. Instead, assets and liabilities are presented in order of their liquidity. Refer to Note 36 for analysis of financial instruments by their maturity. The following table provides information on amounts expected to be recovered or settled before and after twelve months after the reporting period for items that are not analysed in Note 36.

                                     31 December 2021                           31 December 2020 
                                  Amounts expected to be                       Amounts expected to 
                                    recovered or settled                     be recovered or settled 
                         ----------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 31 December                Within         After          Total         Within           After         Total 
  2021                     12 months      12 months                    12 months        12 months 
                           after the        after                        after            after 
                           reporting    the reporting                the reporting    the reporting 
                            period         period                       period           period 
-----------------------  -----------  ---------------  ----------  ---------------  ---------------  -------- 
 Investment in 
  associates                       -           29,726      29,726                -              993       993 
 Premises, equipment 
  and intangible 
  assets                           -        1,276,363   1,276,363                -          747,232   747,232 
 Deferred tax 
  asset                            -          202,125     202,125                -          167,619   167,619 
 Insurance assets                  -           12,964      12,964                -            5,544     5,544 
 Other assets                      -          356,482     356,482                -          376,520   376,520 
 Non-current assets 
  held for sale               48,602                -      48,602           27,355                -    27,355 
 Insurance liabilities             -           84,813      84,813                -           44,887    44,887 
 Other liabilities                 -          197,421     197,421                -          128,627   128,627 


The preparation of the Group's consolidated financial statements requires the Management to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of income and expenses during the reporting year. The Management evaluates its estimates and judgements on an ongoing basis. The Management bases its estimates and judgments on historical experience and on various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. The following estimates and judgments are considered important to the portrayal of the Group's financial condition.

Critical accounting judgements

Business model assessment. The business model drives classification of financial assets. Management applied judgement in determining the level of aggregation and portfolios of financial instruments when performing the business model assessment. When assessing sales transactions, the Group considers their historical frequency, timing and value, reasons for the sales and expectations about future sales activity. Sales transactions aimed at minimising potential losses due to credit deterioration are considered consistent with the "hold to collect" business model. Other sales before maturity, not related to credit risk management activities, are also consistent with the "hold to collect" business model, provided that they are infrequent or insignificant in value, both individually and in aggregate. The Group assesses significance of sales transactions by comparing the value of the sales to the value of the portfolio subject to the business model assessment over the average life of the portfolio. In addition, sales of financial asset expected only in stress case scenario, or in response to an isolated event that is beyond the Group's control, is not recurring and could not have been anticipated by the Group, are regarded as incidental to the business model objective and do not impact the classification of the respective financial assets.

The "hold to collect and sell" business model means that assets are held to collect the cash flows, but selling is also integral to achieving the business model's objective, such as, managing liquidity needs, achieving a particular yield, or matching the duration of the financial assets to the duration of the liabilities that fund those assets.

The residual category includes those portfolios of financial assets, which are managed with the objective of realising cash flows primarily through sale, such as where a pattern of trading exists. Collecting contractual cash flow is often incidental for this business model.

ECL measurement. Measurement of ECLs is a significant estimate that involves determination of methodology, models and data inputs. Details of ECL measurement methodology are disclosed in Note 36.The following components have a major impact on credit loss allowance:

   -       segmentation of financial assets for the ECL assessment purposes as disclosed in Note 9; 

- determination of a level of ECL assessment on an individual instrument basis or on a collective basis;

   -       definition of default applied by the Group, as described in Note 3; 

- estimation of exposure at default ("EAD") for financial instruments and credit related commitments as described below;

- assessment of loss given default ("LGD"), including the judgments made in valuation of collaterals as described below;

- criteria for assessing if there has been a significant increase in credit risk as described below;

- selection of forward-looking macroeconomic scenarios and their probability weightings as described below.

The Group regularly reviews and validates the models and inputs to the models to reduce any differences between expected credit loss estimates and actual credit loss experience.

Establishing groups of assets with similar credit risk characteristics . When ECLs are measured on a collective basis, the financial instruments are grouped on the basis of shared risk characteristics. The Group monitors the appropriateness of the credit risk characteristics on an ongoing basis to assess whether they continue to be similar. This is required in order to ensure that should credit risk characteristics change there is appropriate re-segmentation of the assets.

The Group measures ECL on an individual basis, or on a collective basis for portfolios of loans that share similar risk characteristics. The measurement of the loss allowance is based on the present value of the asset's expected cash flows using the asset's original EIR, regardless of whether it is measured on an individual basis or a collective basis.

Significant increase of credit risk . As explained in Note 3, ECL are measured as an allowance equal to 12-month ECL for Stage 1 assets, or lifetime ECL assets for Stage 2 or Stage 3 assets. An asset moves to Stage 2 when its credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition. In assessing whether the credit risk of an asset has significantly increased the Group takes into account qualitative and quantitative reasonable and supportable forward-looking information.

For treasury operations, the Group calculates ECL on a financial asset based not only on the current estimates of the credit quality of the counterparty/issuer at the reporting date, but also taking into account possible deterioration of the financial condition due to the adverse macroeconomic factors of the counterparty's/issuer's environment in the future. In particular, the level of ECL for treasury operations is affected by the rating outlook (positive, stable, negative) assigned by international rating agencies, which affects the probability of default ("PD").

For bank loans, the calculation of ECL takes into account the possible estimated effects of changes in macroeconomic parameters on forecasted cash flows, migration of collective loans and collateral coverage.

Probability of default . PD constitutes a key input in measuring ECL. PD is an estimate of the likelihood of default over a given time horizon, the calculation of which includes historical data, matrices of migration within groups per each segment.

PD for treasury operations is determined according to the Default Study from international rating agencies (S&P, Fitch, Moody's), which publish tabular data with the values of the probabilities of default.

The probabilities of default are maintained up to date and are updated on a periodic basis as the default statistics are updated.

If probability of default (PD) increased by 10% for the stage 1 and 2 portfolio then ECL would have increased by 4% and amounted UZS 2,075,900 million as of 31 December 2021.

 Segments                        12 m PD 2021   12m PD 2020 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Oil and gas & Chemicals 
  and Energo                            4.59%         1.47% 
  Manufacturing                         6.92%         7.28% 
  Services                              7.76%        11.03% 
  Transport and communication           5.20%         7.15% 
  Trade                                 8.69%         9.11% 
  Agriculture                          13.82%        15.87% 
  Construction                          9.61%         8.73% 
 Individuals                            5.12%         4.01% 
------------------------------  -------------  ------------ 

Loss Given Default . LGD is an estimate of the loss arising on default. It is based on the difference between the contractual cash flows due and those that the lender would expect to receive, taking into account cash flows from collateral. LGD is an estimate of the loss arising on default. It is based on the difference between the contractual cash flows due and those that the lender would expect to receive, taking into account cash flows from collateral and integral credit enhancements.

LGD for treasury operations is determined according to the Default Study data from international rating agencies (S&P, Fitch, Moody's) and depends on the type of debt on the financial asset: senior secured/unsecured, subordinated, sovereign. In addition, LGD may be adjusted if collateral is provided for the asset, as well as if there are indications of impairment for the financial asset (Stage 2 or Stage 3).

LGD for collectively assessed loans is calculated based on an estimate of the recoverability of debt in case of the pledged collateral sale with a discount period that corresponds to the pledged collateral implementation terms.

If LGD increased by 10% for the whole loan portfolio then ECL would have increased by 9% and amounted UZS 2,172,090 million.

Exposure at Default. EAD is an estimate of the exposure at a future default date, taking into account expected changes in the exposure after the reporting date, including repayments of principal and interest, and expected drawdowns on committed facilities. The Group's modelling approach for EAD reflects expected changes in the balance outstanding over the lifetime of the loan exposure that are permitted by the current contractual terms, such as amortization profiles, early repayment or overpayment, changes in utilization of undrawn commitments and credit mitigation actions taken before default. The Group uses EAD models that reflect the characteristics of the portfolios.

The Group incorporates forward-looking information into a measurement of ECL when there is a statistically proven correlation between the macro-economic variables and defaults. As at the reporting date the Group has obtained quarterly values for macroeconomic variables: export, import, GDP, CPI, current account balances, unemployment rates, aligned them with quarterly default rates across all loan portfolios and performed statistical tests for correlation considering different time lags. The Management analysed forward-looking information and assessed that effect of macro is not significant. The Management updates its statistical tests for correlation as at each reporting date.

Other borrowed funds . The Group obtains long term financing from government, state and international financial institutions at interest rates at which such institutions ordinarily lend in emerging markets and which may be lower than rates at which the Group could source the funds from local lenders. As a result of this financing, the Group is able to advance funds to specific customers at advantageous rates. The Management has considered whether gains or losses should arise on initial recognition of these instruments and its judgment is that these funds and the related lending are at the market rates and no initial recognition gains or losses should arise. In making this judgment the Management also considered that these instruments are a separate market sector.

Fair value measurement and valuation process . In estimating the fair value of a financial asset or a liability, the Group uses market-observable data to the extent it is available. Where such Level 1 inputs are not available, the Group uses valuation models to determine the fair value of its financial instruments.


The following amendments became effective from 1 January 2021:

COVID-19-Related Rent Concessions Amendment to IFRS 16 (issued on 28 May 2020 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 June 2020). The amendment provides lessees with relief in the form of an optional exemption from assessing whether a rent concession related to COVID-19 is a lease modification. Lessees can elect to account for rent concessions in the same way as if they were not lease modifications. The practical expedient only applies to rent concessions occurring as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and only if all of the following conditions are met: the change in lease payments results in revised consideration for the lease that is substantially the same as, or less than, the consideration for the lease immediately preceding the change; any reduction in lease payments affects only payments due on or before 30 June 2021; and there is no substantive change to other terms and conditions of the lease. On 31 March 2021, in light of the on-going pandemic, the IASB published additional amendment to extend the date for the concessions from 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2022 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 April 2021).

Interest rate benchmark (IBOR) reform - phase 2 amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16 (issued on 27 August 2020 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021). The Phase 2 amendments address issues that arise from the implementation of the reforms, including the replacement of one benchmark with an alternative one. The amendments cover the following areas:

-- Accounting for changes in the basis for determining contractual cash flows as a result of IBOR reform: For instruments to which the amortised cost measurement applies, the amendments require entities, as a practical expedient, to account for a change in the basis for determining the contractual cash flows as a result of IBOR reform by updating the effective interest rate using the guidance in paragraph B5.4.5 of IFRS 9. As a result, no immediate gain or loss is recognised. This practical expedient applies only to such a change and only to the extent it is necessary as a direct consequence of IBOR reform, and the new basis is economically equivalent to the previous basis. Insurers applying the temporary exemption from IFRS 9 are also required to apply the same practical expedient. IFRS 16 was also amended to require lessees to use a similar practical expedient when accounting for lease modifications that change the basis for determining future lease payments as a result of IBOR reform.

-- End date for Phase 1 relief for non-contractually specified risk components in hedging relationships: The Phase 2 amendments require an entity to prospectively cease to apply the Phase 1 reliefs to a non-contractually specified risk component at the earlier of when changes are made to the non-contractually specified risk component, or when the hedging relationship is discontinued. No end date was provided in the Phase 1 amendments for risk components.

-- Additional temporary exceptions from applying specific hedge accounting requirements: The Phase 2 amendments provide some additional temporary reliefs from applying specific IAS 39 and IFRS 9 hedge accounting requirements to hedging relationships directly affected by IBOR reform.

-- Additional IFRS 7 disclosures related to IBOR reform: The amendments require disclosure of: (i) how the entity is managing the transition to alternative benchmark rates, its progress and the risks arising from the transition; (ii) quantitative information about derivatives and non-derivatives that have yet to transition, disaggregated by significant interest rate benchmark; and (iii) a description of any changes to the risk management strategy as a result of IBOR reform.

The Group has elected to early adopt Interest Rate Benchmark Reform - Phase 2 amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7 and IFRS 16. The amendments have been applied retrospectively, with effect of adoption, if any, recognised in opening retained earnings on 1 January 2020. Comparative amounts have not been restated.

Under these amendments, changes to the basis for determining the contractual cash flows are reflected by adjusting the effective interest rate. No immediate gain or loss is recognised. The same practical expedient exists for lease liabilities. These revisions of effective interest rate are only applicable when the change is necessary as a direct consequence of interest rate benchmark reform and the new basis for determining the contractual cash flows is economically equivalent to the previous basis. Where some or all of a change in the basis for determining the contractual cash flows of a financial asset and liability does not meet the above criteria, the above practical expedient is first applied to the changes required by interest rate benchmark reform, including updating the instrument's effective interest rate. Any additional changes result in a modification or derecognition gain or loss. If lease modifications are made in addition to those required by the IBOR reform, the normal requirements of IFRS 16 are applied to the entire lease modification, including the changes required by the IBOR reform.

Effect of IBOR reform . Reform and replacement of various inter-bank offered rates ('IBORs') has become a priority for regulators. Many IBOR rates stopped being published on 31 December 2021, while certain USD LIBOR rates would stop being published by 30 June 2023.

The table below discloses amounts of non-derivative financial assets and liabilities and derivative contracts at 31 December 2021 that would be transitioned to alternative interest rate benchmarks:

 In millions of Uzbek Soums              USD LIBOR     Total 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Loans and advances to customers         4 491 877   4 491 877 
  ASSETS                                 4 491 877   4 491 877 
 Other borrowed funds                    4 620 099   4 620 099 
  LIABILITIES                            4 620 099   4 620 099 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

The Group is exposed to a risk that the liquidity of the above financial instruments would start to decrease, as the volume of operations with traditional IBOR-based financial instruments is shrinking. The Group is also exposed to a risk of the potential arbitrage differences between IBOR interest rates and the applicable alternative rates.

The Group is working with its customers and other counterparties, such as international financial institutions to perform a transition of legacy IBOR-based financial instruments to alternative benchmark interest rates and develop new financial products for its customers. The Group is also enhancing its IT systems and internal processes to ensure smooth transition from IBOR to alternative benchmark interest rates.

New Accounting Pronouncements

Certain new standards and interpretations have been issued that are mandatory for the annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022 or later, and which the Group has not early adopted.

IFRS 17 "Insurance Contracts" (issued on 18 May 2017 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023). IFRS 17 replaces IFRS 4, which has given companies dispensation to carry on accounting for insurance contracts using existing practices. As a consequence, it was difficult for investors to compare and contrast the financial performance of otherwise similar insurance companies. IFRS 17 is a single principle-based standard to account for all types of insurance contracts, including reinsurance contracts that an insurer holds. The standard requires recognition and measurement of groups of insurance contracts at: (i) a risk-adjusted present value of the future cash flows (the fulfilment cash flows) that incorporates all of the available information about the fulfilment cash flows in a way that is consistent with observable market information; plus (if this value is a liability) or minus (if this value is an asset) (ii) an amount representing the unearned profit in the group of contracts (the contractual service margin). Insurers will be recognising the profit from a group of insurance contracts over the period they provide insurance coverage, and as they are released from risk. If a group of contracts is or becomes loss-making, an entity will be recognising the loss immediately.

Amendments to IFRS 17 and an amendment to IFRS 4 (issued on 25 June 2020 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023). The amendments include a number of clarifications intended to ease implementation of IFRS 17, simplify some requirements of the standard and transition. The amendments relate to eight areas of IFRS 17, and they are not intended to change the fundamental principles of the standard. The following amendments to IFRS 17 were made:

-- Effective date: The effective date of IFRS 17 (incorporating the amendments) has been deferred by two years to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023; and the fixed expiry date of the temporary exemption from applying IFRS 9 in IFRS 4 has also been deferred to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023.

-- Expected recovery of insurance acquisition cash flows: An entity is required to allocate part of the acquisition costs to related expected contract renewals, and to recognise those costs as an asset until the entity recognises the contract renewals. Entities are required to assess the recoverability of the asset at each reporting date, and to provide specific information about the asset in the notes to the financial statements.

-- Contractual service margin attributable to investment services : Coverage units should be identified, considering the quantity of benefits and expected period of both insurance coverage and investment services, for contracts under the variable fee approach and for other contracts with an 'investment-return service' under the general model. Costs related to investment activities should be included as cash flows within the boundary of an insurance contract, to the extent that the entity performs such activities to enhance benefits from insurance coverage for the policyholder.

-- Reinsurance contracts held - recovery of losses: When an entity recognises a loss on initial recognition of an onerous group of underlying insurance contracts, or on addition of onerous underlying contracts to a group, an entity should adjust the contractual service margin of a related group of reinsurance contracts held and recognise a gain on the reinsurance contracts held. The amount of the loss recovered from a reinsurance contract held is determined by multiplying the loss recognised on underlying insurance contracts and the percentage of claims on underlying insurance contracts that the entity expects to recover from the reinsurance contract held. This requirement would apply only when the reinsurance contract held is recognised before or at the same time as the loss is recognised on the underlying insurance contracts.

-- Other amendments: Other amendments include scope exclusions for some credit card (or similar) contracts, and some loan contracts; presentation of insurance contract assets and liabilities in the statement of financial position in portfolios instead of groups; applicability of the risk mitigation option when mitigating financial risks using reinsurance contracts held and non-derivative financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss; an accounting policy choice to change the estimates made in previous interim financial statements when applying IFRS 17; inclusion of income tax payments and receipts that are specifically chargeable to the policyholder under the terms of an insurance contract in the fulfilment cash flows; and selected transition reliefs and other minor amendments.

Sale or Contribution of Assets between an Investor and its Associate or Joint Venture - Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 (issued on 11 September 2014 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after a date to be determined by the IASB). These amendments address an inconsistency between the requirements in IFRS 10 and those in IAS 28 in dealing with the sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture. The main consequence of the amendments is that a full gain or loss is recognised when a transaction involves a business. A partial gain or loss is recognised when a transaction involves assets that do not constitute a business, even if these assets are held by a subsidiary.

Classification of liabilities as current or non-current - Amendments to IAS 1 (issued on 23 January 2020 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022). These narrow scope amendments clarify that liabilities are classified as either current or non-current, depending on the rights that exist at the end of the reporting period. Liabilities are non-current if the entity has a substantive right, at the end of the reporting period, to defer settlement for at least twelve months. The guidance no longer requires such a right to be unconditional. Management's expectations whether they will subsequently exercise the right to defer settlement do not affect classification of liabilities. The right to defer only exists if the entity complies with any relevant conditions as of the end of the reporting period. A liability is classified as current if a condition is breached at or before the reporting date even if a waiver of that condition is obtained from the lender after the end of the reporting period. Conversely, a loan is classified as non-current if a loan covenant is breached only after the reporting date. In addition, the amendments include clarifying the classification requirements for debt a company might settle by converting it into equity. 'Settlement' is defined as the extinguishment of a liability with cash, other resources embodying economic benefits or an entity's own equity

instruments. There is an exception for convertible instruments that might be converted into equity, but only for those instruments where the conversion option is classified as an equity instrument as a separate component of a compound financial instrument.

Classification of liabilities as current or non-current, deferral of effective date - Amendments to IAS 1 (issued on 15 July 2020 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023). The amendment to IAS 1 on classification of liabilities as current or non-current was issued in January 2020 with an original effective date 1 January 2022. However, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the effective date was deferred by one year to provide companies with more time to implement classification changes resulting from the amended guidance.

Proceeds before intended use, Onerous contracts - cost of fulfilling a contract, Reference to the Conceptual Framework - narrow scope amendments to IAS 16, IAS 37 and IFRS 3, and Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2018-2020 - amendments to IFRS 1, IFRS 9, IFRS 16 and IAS 41 (issued on 14 May 2020 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2022). The amendment to IAS 16 prohibits an entity from deducting from the cost of an item of PPE any proceeds received from selling items produced while the entity is preparing the asset for its intended use. The proceeds from selling such items, together with the costs of producing them, are now recognised in profit or loss. An entity will use IAS 2 to measure the cost of those items. Cost will not include depreciation of the asset being tested because it is not ready for its intended use. The amendment to IAS 16 also clarifies that an entity is 'testing whether the asset is functioning properly' when it assesses the technical and physical performance of the asset. The financial performance of the asset is not relevant to this assessment. An asset might therefore be capable of operating as intended by management and subject to depreciation before it has achieved the level of operating performance expected by management.

The amendment to IAS 37 clarifies the meaning of 'costs to fulfil a contract'. The amendment explains that the direct cost of fulfilling a contract comprises the incremental costs of fulfilling that contract; and an allocation of other costs that relate directly to fulfilling. The amendment also clarifies that, before a separate provision for an onerous contract is established, an entity recognises any impairment loss that has occurred on assets used in fulfilling the contract, rather than on assets dedicated to that contract.

IFRS 3 was amended to refer to the 2018 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, in order to determine what constitutes an asset or a liability in a business combination. Prior to the amendment, IFRS 3 referred to the 2001 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. In addition, a new exception in IFRS 3 was added for liabilities and contingent liabilities. The exception specifies that, for some types of liabilities and contingent liabilities, an entity applying IFRS 3 should instead refer to IAS 37 or IFRIC 21, rather than the 2018 Conceptual Framework. Without this new exception, an entity would have recognised some liabilities in a business combination that it would not recognise under IAS 37. Therefore, immediately after the acquisition, the entity would have had to derecognise such liabilities and recognise a gain that did not depict an economic gain. It was also clarified that the acquirer should not recognise contingent assets, as defined in IAS 37, at the acquisition date.

The amendment to IFRS 9 addresses which fees should be included in the 10% test for derecognition of financial liabilities. Costs or fees could be paid to either third parties or the lender. Under the amendment, costs or fees paid to third parties will not be included in the 10% test.

Illustrative Example 13 that accompanies IFRS 16 was amended to remove the illustration of payments from the lessor relating to leasehold improvements. The reason for the amendment is to remove any potential confusion about the treatment of lease incentives.

IFRS 1 allows an exemption if a subsidiary adopts IFRS at a later date than its parent. The subsidiary can measure its assets and liabilities at the carrying amounts that would be included in its parent's consolidated financial statements, based on the parent's date of transition to IFRS, if no adjustments were made for consolidation procedures and for the effects of the business combination in which the parent acquired the subsidiary. IFRS 1 was amended to allow entities that have taken this IFRS 1 exemption to also measure cumulative translation differences using the amounts reported by the parent, based on the parent's date of transition to IFRS. The amendment to IFRS 1 extends the above exemption to cumulative translation differences, in order to reduce costs for first-time adopters. This amendment will also apply to associates and joint ventures that have taken the same IFRS 1 exemption.

The requirement for entities to exclude cash flows for taxation when measuring fair value under IAS 41 was removed. This amendment is intended to align with the requirement in the standard to discount cash flows on a post-tax basis.

Amendments to IAS 8: Definition of Accounting Estimates (issued on 12 February 2021 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023). The amendment to IAS 8 clarified how companies should distinguish changes in accounting policies from changes in accounting estimates.

Deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction - Amendments to IAS 12 (issued on 7 May 2021 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023). The amendments to IAS 12 specify how to account for deferred tax on transactions such as leases and decommissioning obligations. In specified circumstances, entities are exempt from recognising deferred tax when they recognise assets or liabilities for the first time. Previously, there had been some uncertainty about whether the exemption applied to transactions such as leases and decommissioning obligations - transactions for which both an asset and a liability are recognised. The amendments clarify that the exemption does not apply and that entities are required to recognise deferred tax on such transactions. The amendments require companies to recognise deferred tax on transactions that, on initial recognition, give rise to equal amounts of taxable and deductible temporary differences.

Covid-19-Related Rent Concessions - Amendments to IFRS 16 (issued on 31 March 2021 and effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 April 2021). In May 2020 an amendment to IFRS 16 was issued that provided an optional practical expedient for lessees from assessing whether a rent concession related to COVID-19, resulting in a reduction in lease payments due on or before 30 June 2021, was a lease modification. An amendment issued on 31 March 2021 extended the date of the practical expedient from 30 June 2021 to 30 June 2022.

Unless otherwise described above, the new standards and interpretations are not expected to affect significantly the Group's consolidated financial statements.


Operating segments are components of the Group that engage in business activities that may earn revenues or incur expenses, whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision makers (CODM) and for which discrete financial information is available. The CODM of the group is the Management Board. The Management Board regularly uses financial information based on IFRS for operational decision-making and resource allocation.

   (a)   Description of products and services from which each reportable segment derives its revenue 

The Group is organized on the basis of two main business segments - corporate banking which represents direct debit facilities, current accounts, deposits, overdrafts, loan and other credit facilities, foreign currency and derivative products and retail banking which represents private banking services, private customer current accounts, savings, deposits and debit cards, consumer loans.

   (b)   Information about reportable segment profit or loss, assets, and liabilities 

Segment information for the reportable segments for the period ended 31 December 2021 is set out below:

                                                              31 December 2021 
                                             Corporate                  Individuals            Total 
---------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------  ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents                             8,138,305                   58,347      8,196,652 
 Loans and advances to customers                      38,370,977                4,166,074     42,537,051 
 Due from other banks                                  1,956,303                        -      1,956,303 
 Investment securities measured 
  at amortised cost                                    1,067,512                        -      1,067,512 
 Total reportable segment 
  assets                                              49,533,097                4,224,421     53,757,518 
---------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------  ------------- 
 Due to other banks                                    1,392,977                        -      1,392,977 
 Customer accounts                                    10,257,754                3,303,786     13,561,540 
 Other borrowed funds                                 30,120,024                   10,752     30,130,776 
 Debt securities in issue                              3,317,817                        -      3,317,817 
 Total reportable segment 
  liabilities                                         45,088,572                3,314,538     48,403,110 
---------------------------------  -----------------------------  -----------------------  ------------- 

Segment information for the reportable segments for the year ended 31 December 2020 is set out below:

                                                             31 December 2020 
                                              Corporate                Individuals          Total 
---------------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               5,601,186                  -        5,601,186 
 Loans and advances to customers                        34,821,532          4,138,426       38,959,958 
 Due from other banks                                    1,859,192                  -        1,859,192 
 Investment securities measured 
  at amortised cost                                        540,222                  -          540,222 
 Total reportable segment 
  assets                                                42,822,132          4,138,426       46,960,558 
---------------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Due to other banks                                      1,496,004                  -        1,496,004 
 Customer accounts                                       9,475,904          2,141,054       11,616,958 
 Other borrowed funds                                   25,673,513              9,944       25,683,457 
 Debt securities in issue                                3,273,048                  -        3,273,048 
 Total reportable segment 
  liabilities                                           39,918,469          2,150,998       42,069,467 
---------------------------------  -------------------------------  -----------------  --------------- 

The cash management is performed by Treasury Department to support liquidity of the Bank as a whole.

                                                 Corporate               Individuals              Total 
-----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------ 
 Interest income 
 Interest on Loans and advances 
  to customers                                               3,311,860                  578,566           3,890,426 
 Interest on balances Due 
  from other banks                                             142,770                        -             142,770 
 Interest on investment securities 
  measured at amortised cost                                   154,226                        -             154,226 
 Interest expense 
 Interest on balances Due 
  to other banks                                              (70,794)                        -            (70,794) 
 Interest on Customer accounts                               (252,500)                (317,864)           (570,363) 
 Interest on Other borrowed 
  funds                                                    (1,219,611)                        -         (1,219,611) 
 Interest on Debt securities 
  in issue                                                   (201,107)                        -           (201,107) 
 Interest on subordinated 
  debt                                                         (6,030)                        -             (6,030) 
 Segment results                                             1,858,814                  260,702           2,119,516 
-----------------------------------  ---------------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------ 
                                                 Corporate              Individuals 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 Interest income 
 Interest on Loans and advances 
  to customers                                              2,446,596            603,030           3,049,626 
 Interest on balances Due 
  from other banks                                            137,503                  -             137,503 
 Interest on investment securities 
  measured at amortised cost                                  102,504                  -             102,504 
 Interest expense 
 Interest on balances Due 
  to other banks                                            (130,266)                  -           (130,266) 
 Interest on Customer accounts                              (248,195)          (141,775)           (389,970) 
 Interest on Other borrowed 
  funds                                                     (913,496)                  -           (913,496) 
 Interest on Debt securities 
  in issue                                                  (220,716)                  -           (220,716) 
 Interest on subordinated 
  debt                                                       (13,106)                  -            (13,106) 
 Segment results                                            1,160,822            461,255           1,622,077 
-----------------------------------  --------------------------------  -----------------  ------------------ 
   (c)   Reconciliation of income and expenses, assets, and liabilities for reportable segments: 
                                         31 December 
                                                2021   31 December 2020 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 Total reportable segment assets          53,757,518         46,960,558 
 Financial assets at fair value 
  through other comprehensive income          48,136             38,024 
 Investment in associates                     29,726                993 
 Premises, equipment and intangible 
  assets                                   1,276,363            747,232 
 Deferred tax asset                          202,125            167,619 
 Insurance assets                             12,964              5,544 
 Other assets                                356,482            376,520 
 Non-current assets held for sale             48,602             27,355 
 Total assets                             55,731,916         48,323,845 
 Total reportable segment liabilities     48,403,110         42,069,467 
 Insurance liabilities                        84,813             44,887 
 Other liabilities                           197,421            128,627 
 Subordinated debt                           101,771                  - 
 Total liabilities                        48,787,115         42,242,981 
                                                        2021          2020 
----------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Segment results                                   2,119,516     1,622,077 
 Recovery of / (provision) for credit 
  losses on loans and advances to customers        (420,937)   (1,200,998) 
 Gain / (loss) on initial recognition 
  on interest bearing assets                           8,119      (19,285) 
 Gains less losses from modification 
  of financial assets measured at amortised 
  cost, that did not lead to derecognition          (52,338)             - 
 Fee and commission income                           386,074       401,784 
 Fee and commission expense                        (110,483)      (81,461) 
 Net gain on foreign exchange translation            (4,262)       100,467 
 Net gain from trading in foreign currencies         170,935        72,569 
 Insurance operations income                          80,881        43,444 
 Insurance operations expense                       (36,331)      (17,713) 
 Change in insurance reserves, net                  (32,235)      (26,103) 
 Dividend income                                       4,921         5,477 
 Other operating income                               40,866        29,773 
 Provision for credit losses on other 
  assets                                            (34,145)      (12,323) 
 Impairment of assets held for sale                  (5,586)         7,233 
 Administrative and other operating 
  expenses                                       (1,044,146)     (790,447) 
 Share of result from associates                         722            12 
 Profit before tax                                 1,071,571       134,482 
 Income tax expense                                (214,582)      (22,358) 
  OPERATIONS                                         856,989       112,124 
 Discontinued operations 
 Gain/(Loss) for the period from discontinued 
  operations                                               -           889 
 PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                               856,989       113,013 


                                           31 December   31 December 
                                                  2021          2020 
----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Correspondent accounts and placements 
  with other banks 
  with original maturities of less than 
  three months                               5,154,254     1,954,225 
 Cash balances with the CBU (other than 
  mandatory reserve deposits)                2,181,792     2,624,648 
 Cash on hand                                  861,313     1,022,474 
 Less: Allowance for expected credit 
  losses                                         (707)         (161) 
 Total cash and cash equivalents             8,196,652     5,601,186 

Cash balances with the CBU are maintained at a level to ensure compliance with the CBU liquidity ratio. The credit quality of cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2021 is as follows:

                                          Cash balances          Correspondent         Total 
                                           with the CBU           accounts and 
                                            (other than        placements with 
                                      mandatory reserve       other banks with 
                                              deposits)    original maturities 
                                                                  of less than 
                                                                  three months 
----------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 
 - Central Bank of Uzbekistan                 2,181,792                      -     2,181,792 
 - Rated AA- to A+                                    -              4,022,030     4,022,030 
 - Rated Baa                                          -                 56,186        56,186 
 - Rated Ba                                           -              1,076,038     1,076,038 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                                    (50)                  (657)         (707) 
 Total cash and cash equivalents, 
  excluding cash on hand                      2,181,742              5,153,597     7,335,339 

The credit quality of cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2020 is as follows:

                                          Cash balances              Correspondent         Total 
                                           with the CBU    accounts and placements 
                                            (other than           with other banks 
                                      mandatory reserve              with original 
                                              deposits)              maturities of 
                                                                   less than three 
----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------------  ------------ 
 - Central bank of Uzbekistan                 2,624,648                          -     2,624,648 
 - Rated AA to A-                                     -                  1,666,788     1,666,788 
 - Rated Baa                                          -                     50,901        50,901 
 - Rated Ba                                           -                    228,007       228,007 
 - Rated B                                            -                      8,529         8,529 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                                    (69)                       (92)         (161) 
 Total cash and cash equivalents, 
  excluding cash on hand                      2,624,579                  1,954,133     4,578,712 

The credit rating is based on the rating agency Moody's (if available) or the rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Fitch, which are converted to the nearest equivalent value on the Moody's rating scale.

Interest rate analysis of cash and cash equivalents is disclosed in Note 36. Information on related party balances is disclosed in Note 37.

As at 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020, for the purpose of ECL measurement cash and cash equivalents balances are included in Stage 1. There were no transitions between stages in 2021 and 2020. Refer to Note 31 for the ECL measurement approach.


                                              31 December   31 December 
                                                     2021          2020 
-------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Placements with other banks with original 
  maturities of more than three months          1,688,653     1,458,096 
 Mandatory cash balances with CBU                 184,209       141,437 
 Restricted cash                                  118,888       278,088 
                                                        -             - 
-------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                        -             - 
 Less: Allowance for expected credit 
  losses                                         (35,447)      (18,429) 
 Total due from other banks                     1,956,303     1,859,192 

Mandatory deposits with the CBU include non-interest bearing reserves against client deposits. The Group does not have the right to use these deposits for the purposes of funding its own activities.

Restricted cash represents balances on correspondent accounts with foreign banks placed by the Group on behalf of its customers. The Group does not have the right to use these funds for the purpose of funding its own activities.

Analysis by credit quality of due from other banks outstanding at 31 December 2021 is as follows:

                                 Mandatory        Placements          Restricted   Total 
                                  cash balances    with other banks    cash 
                                  with CBU         with original 
                                                   maturities of 
                                                   more than three 
------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 - Central Bank of Uzbekistan           184,209                   -            -     184,209 
 - Rated A- to A+                             -                   -            -           - 
 - Rated BBB+                                 -                   -      117,257     117,257 
 - Rated Ba2                                  -                   -            -           - 
 - Rated BB-                                  -           1,119,053            -   1,119,053 
 - Rated B+                                   -                   -            -           - 
 - Rated B1                                   -             101,141            -     101,141 
 - Rated B2                                   -               2,641            -       2,641 
 - Rated B3                                   -               2,662            -       2,662 
 - Rated B                                    -             418,386            -     418,386 
 - Rated B-                                   -              36,419            -      36,419 
 - Rated C                                    -               8,351        1,631       9,982 
 Less: Allowance for 
  expected credit losses                      -            (35,406)         (41)    (35,447) 
 Total due from other 
  banks                                 184,209           1,653,247      118,847   1,956,303 

Analysis by credit quality of due from other banks outstanding at 31 December 2020 is as follows:

                    Mandatory cash        Placements with   Restricted         Total 
                     balances with       other banks with         cash 
                               CBU    original maturities 
                                       of more than three 
-----------------  ---------------  ---------------------  -----------  ------------ 
 - Central bank 
  of Uzbekistan            141,437                      -            -       141,437 
 - Rated AA to 
  A-                             -                      -        5,268         5,268 
 - Rated Baa                     -                  3,101      272,820       275,921 
 - Rated Ba2                     -                339,281            -       339,281 
 - Rated BB-                     -                145,701            -       145,701 
 - Rated B+                      -                704,271            -       704,271 
 - Rated B1                      -                  6,229            -         6,229 
 - Rated B2                      -                225,518            -       225,518 
 - Rated B                       -                 29,140            -        29,140 
 - Rated C                       -                  4,854            -         4,854 
 Less: Allowance 
  for expected 
  credit losses                  -               (18,155)        (274)      (18,429) 
 Total due from 
  other banks              141,437              1,439,941      277,814     1,859,192 

The credit rating is based on the rating agency Moody's (if available) or the rating agencies Standard & Poor's and Fitch, which are converted to the nearest equivalent value on the Moody's rating scale. The financial instruments with not available credit quality i.e., unrated, as per provision methodology were rated C by the Group.

Refer to Note 34 for the disclosure of the fair value of due from banks and interest rate analysis is disclosed in Note 36. Information on related party balances is disclosed in Note 37.

As at 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020, for the purpose of ECL measurement due from banks balances are included in Stage 1 and Stage 3. Refer to Note 31 for the ECL measurement approach.


The Bank uses the following classification of loans:

-- Loans to state and municipal organisations - loans issued to clients wholly owned by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and budget organisations;

-- Corporate loans - loans issued to clients other than government entities and private entrepreneurs;

-- Loans to individuals - loans issued to individuals for consumption purposes, for the purchase of residential houses and flats and loans issued to private entrepreneurs without forming legal entity.

Loans and advances to customers comprise:

                                      31 December   31 December 2020 
-----------------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 Corporate loans                       25,902,022         21,938,171 
 State and municipal organisations     14,278,451         14,562,532 
 Loans to individuals                   4,349,321          4,361,970 
 Total loans and advances to 
  customers, gross                     44,529,794         40,862,673 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                       (1,992,743)        (1,902,715) 
 Total loans and advances to 
  customers                            42,537,051         38,959,958 

As at 31 December 2021, the Group granted loans to 13 (31 December 2020: 12) borrowers in the amount of UZS 15,396,167 million (31 December 2020: UZS 12,563,610 million), which individually exceeded 10% of the Group's equity.

In 2021 improvement in the quality of the loan portfolio is observed due to decreased COVID 19 effects on the Group borrowers. During 2020, the Group provided forbearances to customers via restructuring of interest payments by accruing of interest to the loan outstanding principal with final maturities predominantly extended by six months. Such restructuring increased the number of loans being classified in Stage 3 as a result significantly increasing the allowance for expected credit losses. During 2021 no additional major restructuring was made by the Group and prior year restructured amounts were mostly repaid influencing the loan and advances to customers balance staging.

The table below represents loans and advances to customer's classification by stages:

                                           31 December   31 December 2020 
----------------------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 Originated loans to customers              44,273,101         40,423,399 
 Overdrafts                                    256,693            439,274 
 Total loans and advances to customers, 
  gross                                     44,529,794         40,862,673 
 Stage 1                                    32,680,532         26,201,628 
 Stage 2                                     9,071,322         11,970,209 
 Stage 3                                     2,777,940          2,690,836 
 Total loans and advances to customers, 
  gross                                     44,529,794         40,862,673 
 Less: Allowance for expected credit 
  losses                                   (1,992,743)        (1,902,715) 
 Total loans and advances to customers      42,537,051         38,959,958 

The following tables discloses the changes in the credit loss allowance and gross carrying amount for loans and advances to customers between the beginning and the end of the reporting period:

The following tables disclose the changes in the credit loss allowance and gross carrying amount for loans and advances to customers between the beginning and the end of the reporting period:

                                   Credit Loss Allowance                              Gross Carrying Amount 
                     ------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
                        Stage 1        Stage       Stage        TOTAL          Stage       Stage      Stage          TOTAL 
                                           2           3                           1           2          3 
 State and             12-month     Lifetime    Lifetime                    12-month    Lifetime   Lifetime 
 municipal                  ECL          ECL         ECL                         ECL         ECL        ECL 
 As at 1 January 
  2021                   57,409       61,835       9,713      128,957      7,866,977   6,658,143     37,412     14,562,532 
 Movements with 
 impact on credit 
 loss allowance 
 charge for the 
 Changes in the 
 gross carrying 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 1                  (19)            -          19            -       (25 941)           -     25 941              - 
 - Transfer from                                                                          (5 327 
  stage 2                51,435     (51,435)           -            -      5 327 666        666)          -              - 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 3                 1,309            -     (1,309)            -          1 674           -    (1 674)              - 
 - Change in EAD 
  and risk                                                                    (1 104                                (1 192 
  parameters*          (22,458)      (1,260)       4,413     (19,305)           933)    (73 172)   (14 545)           650) 
 New assets issued                                                                                                   3 258 
  or acquired            27,164                                27,164      3 258 046                                   046 
 Matured or 
  (except for write                                                           (1 307      (1 330                    (2 672 
  off)                  (4,990)     (10,400)     (7,799)     (23,189)           340)        477)   (34 563)           380) 
 Total movements 
  with impact on 
  credit loss 
  allowance charge 
  for                                                                          6 149      (6 731        (24 
  the period             52,441     (63,095)     (4,676)     (15,330)            172        315)       841)      (606 984) 
 Movements without impact on 
 credit loss allowance 
 charge for the period: 
 Recovery of assets           -            -           -            - 
 previously written 
 off                                                                               -           -          -              - 
 Written off assets           -            -           -            -              -           -          -              - 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences             1,578        1,260           -        2,838        230 131      73 172     19 600        322 903 
 Loss allowance for 
  ECL and Gross 
  Carrying as at 31 
  December 2021         111,428            -       5,037      116,465     14,246,280           -     32,171     14,278,451 
                                    Credit Loss Allowance                                Gross Carrying Amount 
                     --------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
                          Stage       Stage         Stage         TOTAL         Stage         Stage         Stage        TOTAL 
                              1           2             3                           1             2             3 
 Corporate loans       12-month    Lifetime      Lifetime                    12-month      Lifetime      Lifetime 
                            ECL         ECL           ECL                         ECL           ECL           ECL 
 As at 1 January 
  2021                  113,170     134,583     1,302,461     1,550,214    14,751,901     4,950,505     2,235,765   21,938,171 
 Movements with 
 impact on credit 
 loss allowance 
 charge for the 
 Changes in the 
 gross carrying 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 1              (29,292)      20,152         9,140             -   (3,863,755)     2,686,846     1,176,909            - 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 2                31,101    (59,515)        28,414             -       934,919   (1,699,391)       764,472            - 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 3                75,976     761,008     (836,984)             -       112,400     1,230,420   (1,342,820)            - 
 - Change in EAD 
  and risk                                                                     (4 168                                   (1 021 
  parameters*         (252,694)   (377,789)     1,082,857       452,374          431)     2 608 458       538 287         686) 
 New assets issued                                                                                                       9 933 
  or acquired           273,146                                 273,146     9 933 457                                      457 
 Matured or 
  (except for write                                                            (3 218                                   (4 712 
  off)                 (21,367)    (11,064)     (263,708)     (296,139)          934)     (915 822)     (577 873)         629) 
 Total movements 
  with impact on 
  credit loss 
  allowance charge 
  for                                                                                         3 910                      4 199 
  the period             76,870     332,792        19,719       429,381     (270 344)           511       558 975          142 
 Movements without impact on 
 credit loss 
 allowance charge 
 for the period: 
 Recovery of assets 
  off                         -           -         5,707         5,707             -             -         5 707        5 707 
 Written off assets           -           -     (346,110)     (346,110)             -             -     (346 110)    (346 110) 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences             3,822      14,169        35,848        53,839        74 913        23 819         6 380      105 112 
 Loss allowance for 
  ECL and Gross 
  Carrying as at 31 
  December 2021         193,862     481,544     1,017,625     1,693,031    14,556,470     8,884,835     2,460,717   25,902,022 
                            Credit Loss Allowance                              Gross Carrying Amount 
                ---------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
                    Stage       Stage       Stage       TOTAL         Stage         Stage        Stage         TOTAL 
                        1           2           3                         1             2            3 
 Loans to        12-month    Lifetime    Lifetime                  12-month      Lifetime     Lifetime 
 individuals          ECL         ECL         ECL                       ECL           ECL          ECL 
 As at 1 
  January 2021     21,179      19,047     183,318     223,544     3,582,749       361,561      417,660     4,361,970 
 with impact 
 on credit 
 charge for 
 the period: 
 Changes in 
 the gross 
 - Transfer 
  from stage 1    (1,278)         616         662           -     (215,002)       103,543      111,459             - 
 - Transfer 
  from stage 2     11,377    (15,290)       3,913           -       217,446     (285,998)       68,552             - 
 - Transfer 
  from stage 3     53,719      19,413    (73,132)           -       124,708        45,260    (169,968)             - 
 - Changes in 
  EAD and risk 
  *              (70,210)    (12,026)     138,413      56,177     (374,211)       (8,641)       58,303     (324,549) 
 New assets 
  issued or 
  acquired         23,930                              23,930     1,303,052                                1,303,052 
 Matured or 
  for write 
  off)            (4,524)     (1,206)    (67,491)    (73,221)     (760,960)      (29,238)    (153,771)     (943,969) 
  with impact 
  on credit 
  charge for 
  the period       13,014     (8,493)       2,365       6,886       295,033     (175,074)     (85,425)        34,534 
 Movements without impact 
 on credit loss allowance 
 charge for the period: 
 Recovery of 
  off                   -           -       1,270       1,270             -             -        1,270         1,270 
 Written off 
  assets                -           -    (48,453)    (48,453)             -             -     (48,453)      (48,453) 
 Foreign                -           -           -           -             -             -            -             - 
  for ECL and 
  as at 31 
  2021             34,193      10,554     138,500     183,247     3,877,782       186,487      285,052     4,349,321 

*The line "Changes in EAD and risk parameters" under columns related to Gross Carrying Amount represents changes in the gross carrying amount of loans issued in prior periods which have not been fully repaid during 2021 and transfers of new issued loans between stages.

*The line "Changes in EAD and risk parameters" under columns related to Credit Loss Allowance represents changes in risk parameters (PD, LGD), changes in EAD and adjustment of ECL due to transfer to new stages, as well as transfers of ECL on new loans originated during the reporting period from Stage 1 to other stages. The information on transfers above reflects the migration of loans from their initial stage (or the stage as at the beginning of the reporting date) to the stage they were in as at the reporting date. This information does not reflect the intermediate stage that the loans could be assigned to throughout the reporting period.

The following tables disclose the changes in the credit loss allowance and gross carrying amount for loans and advances customers between the 1 January 2020 and

31 December 2020:

                                                     Credit Loss Allowance                                  Gross Carrying Amount 
                                        ----------------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------------------------- 
                                            Stage        Stage      Stage        TOTAL          Stage         Stage        Stage               TOTAL 
                                                1            2          3                           1             2            3 
 State and municipal organisations       12-month     Lifetime   Lifetime                    12-month      Lifetime     Lifetime 
                                              ECL          ECL        ECL                         ECL           ECL          ECL 
 As at 1 January 2020                      48,654       90,841      8,173      147,668      7,473,287     5,499,817       57,264          13,030,368 
 Movements with impact on credit loss 
 charge for the period: 
 Changes in the gross carrying amount 
 - Transfer from stage 1                 (23,714)       23,614        100            -    (4,581,565)     4,560,441       21,124                   - 
 - Transfer from stage 2                   75,525     (75,861)        336            -      4,473,720   (4,526,145)       52,425                   - 
 - Transfer from stage 3                        -            -          -            -              -             -            -                   - 
 - Changes in EAD and risk parameters 
  *                                      (48,945)       17,779      7,044     (24,122)    (1,543,313)       728,500     (62,795)           (877,608) 
 New assets issued or acquired              8,515                                8,515      2,076,195                                      2,076,195 
 Matured or derecognized assets 
  for write off)                          (5,979)      (2,460)    (5,940)     (14,379)      (911,524)     (131,211)     (53,324)         (1,096,059) 
 Total movements with impact on credit 
  loss allowance charge for the period      5,402     (36,928)      1,540     (29,986)      (486,487)       631,585     (42,570)             102,528 
 Movements without impact on credit loss 
 charge for the period: 
 Recovery of assets previously written          -            -          -            -              -             -            -                   - 
 Written off assets                             -            -          -            -              -             -            -                   - 
 Foreign exchange differences               3,353        7,922          -       11,275        880,177       526,741       22,718           1,429,636 
 Loss allowance for ECL and Gross 
  as at 31 December 2020                   57,409       61,835      9,713      128,957      7,866,977     6,658,143       37,412   14,562,532 
                                                     Credit Loss Allowance                                  Gross Carrying Amount 
                                      --------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------------------- 
                                           Stage       Stage         Stage         TOTAL          Stage         Stage         Stage          TOTAL 
                                               1           2             3                            1             2             3 
 Corporate loans                        12-month    Lifetime      Lifetime                     12-month      Lifetime      Lifetime 
                                             ECL         ECL           ECL                          ECL           ECL           ECL 
 As at 1 January 2020                     85,175      84,741       298,478       468,394     11,026,737     2,740,116       765,282     14,532,135 
 Movements with impact on credit 
 allowance charge for the period: 
 Changes in the gross carrying 
 - Transfer from stage 1                (17,847)      15,589         2,258             -    (2,386,392)     2,155,114       231,278              - 
 - Transfer from stage 2                  11,797    (27,277)        15,480             -        311,307     (748,411)       437,104              - 
 - Transfer from stage 3                   6,982      70,531      (77,513)             -         54,638        77,497     (132,135)              - 
 - Changes in EAD and risk 
  *                                     (49,269)       2,486     1,052,431     1,005,648    (1,954,023)     1,198,062       882,523        126,562 
 New assets issued or acquired            83,207           -             -        83,207      9,073,058                                  9,073,058 
 Matured or derecognized assets 
  for write off)                        (15,755)    (18,891)      (16,249)      (50,895)    (2,424,067)     (785,306)      (78,044)    (3,287,417) 
 Total movements with impact on 
  loss allowance charge for the 
  period                                  19,115      42,438       976,407     1,037,960      2,674,521     1,896,956     1,340,726      5,912,203 
 Movements without impact on credit loss 
 charge for the period: 
 Recovery of assets previously 
  off                                                                7,476         7,476                                      7,476          7,476 
 Written off assets                            -           -             -             -                                                         - 
 Foreign exchange differences              8,880       7,404        20,100        36,384      1,050,643       313,433       122,281      1,486,357 
 Loss allowance for ECL and Gross 
  as at 
  31 December 2020                       113,170     134,583     1,302,461     1,550,214     14,751,901     4,950,505     2,235,765     21,938,171 
                               Credit Loss Allowance                            Gross Carrying Amount 
                   --------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
                       Stage      Stage       Stage       TOTAL         Stage        Stage       Stage         TOTAL 
                           1          2           3                         1            2           3 
 Loans to           12-month   Lifetime    Lifetime                  12-month     Lifetime    Lifetime 
 individuals             ECL        ECL         ECL                       ECL          ECL         ECL 
 As at 1 January 
  2020                 3,162     18,246       8,947      30,355     2,675,382      406,065      42,252     3,123,699 
 Movements with 
 impact on credit 
 allowance charge 
 for the period: 
 Changes in the 
 gross carrying 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 1              (305)        120         185           -     (236,061)      105,606     130,455             - 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 2              7,578   (14,035)       6,457           -       164,772    (295,594)     130,822             - 
 - Transfer from 
  stage 3                689      1,429     (2,118)           -         4,060        7,851    (11,911)             - 
 - Changes in EAD 
  and risk 
  *                 (77,434)     15,065     172,210     109,841     (658,958)      183,799     134,091     (341,068) 
 New assets 
  issued or 
  acquired            88,364                             88,364     2,478,091                              2,478,091 
 Matured or 
  assets (except 
  for write off)       (875)    (1,778)     (2,527)     (5,180)     (844,537)     (46,166)     (8,213)     (898,916) 
 Total movements 
  with impact on 
  loss allowance 
  charge for the 
  period              18,017        801     174,207     193,025       907,367     (44,504)     375,244     1,238,107 
 Movements without impact on 
 credit loss allowance 
 charge for the period: 
 Recovery of 
  off                      -          -         164         164             -            -         164           164 
 Written off               -          -           -           -             -            -           -             - 
 Foreign exchange          -          -           -           -             -            -           -             - 
 Loss allowance 
  for ECL and 
  Carrying as at 
  31 December 
  2020                21,179     19,047     183,318     223,544     3,582,749      361,561     417,660     4,361,970 

Economic sector risk concentrations within the loans and advances to customer are as follows:

                                  31 December              31 December 
                                         2021                     2020 
                               --------------  -------  --------------  ------- 
                                       Amount        %          Amount        % 
-----------------------------  --------------  -------  --------------  ------- 
 Manufacturing                     15,849,755      36%      12,165,253      30% 
 Oil and gas & chemicals           10,704,331      24%       9,999,561      25% 
 Trade and Services                 4,441,329      10%       4,338,733      11% 
 Individuals                        4,349,321      10%       4,361,970      11% 
 Agriculture                        3,745,481       8%       3,616,095       9% 
 Energy                             2,176,801       5%       3,396,794       8% 
 Transport and communication        2,367,542       5%       2,198,157       5% 
 Construction                         895,234       2%         786,110       2% 
 Total loans and advances 
  to customers, gross              44,529,794     100%      40,862,673     100% 
 Less: Allowance for 
  expected credit losses          (1,992,743)              (1,902,715) 
 Total loans and advances 
  to customers                     42,537,051               38,959,958 

As at 31 December 2021, the Group granted loans to 13 (31 December 2020: 11 borrowers in the amount of UZS 15,615,941 million (31 December 2020: UZS 12,563,610 million), which individually exceeded 10% of the Group's equity.

Information about loans and advances to individuals as at 31 December 2021 and 2020 are as follows:

                                 31 December   31 December 2020 
------------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 Mortgage                          3,314,059          2,867,127 
 Car Loan                            448,949            536,708 
 Microloan                           464,727            628,107 
 Consumer Loans                      110,161            256,592 
 Other                                11,425             73,436 
 Total loans and advances to 
  individuals, gross               4,349,321          4,361,970 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                    (183,247)          (223,544) 
 Total loans and advances to 
  individuals                      4,166,074          4,138,426 

Information about collateral as at 31 December 2021 are as follows:

 31 December 2021                   State and       Corporate          Loans   31 December 20212 
                                    municipal           loans             to 
                                organisations                    individuals 
----------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------  ------------------ 
 Loans guaranteed 
  by letters of surety              2,504,049       8,983,059        599,578          12,086,687 
 Loans guaranteed 
  by state guarantees               7,314,269               -              -           7,314,269 
 Loans collateralised 
  Real estate                         136,130       7,334,729      2,844,909          10,315,768 
  Equipment                           679,990       4,459,284              -           5,139,274 
  Inventory and receivables         2,213,930       1,657,871        181,651           4,053,451 
  Insurance policy                     11,817       3,040,375        263,635           3,315,826 
  Cash deposits                       993,410          22,440          3,246           1,019,096 
  Vehicles                             88,134         404,264        135,967             628,365 
  Equity securities                   150,973               -              -             150,973 
  Not collateralised                  185,749               -        320,336             506,085 
 Total loans and 
  advances to customers, 
  gross                            14,278,451      25,902,022      4,349,321          44,529,794 
 Less: Allowance for 
  expected credit losses            (116,465)     (1,693,031)      (183,247)         (1,992,743) 
 Total loans and 
  advances to customers            14,161,986      24,208,991      4,166,074          42,537,051 

Information about collateral as at 31 December 2020 are as follows:

 31 December 2020                     State and      Corporate          Loans    31 December 
                                      municipal          loans             to           2020 
                                  organisations                   individuals 
------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Loans guaranteed by letters 
  of surety                           2,230,264      7,748,268        804,776     10,783,308 
 Loans guaranteed by state 
  guarantees                          7,871,577          2,179              -      7,873,756 
 Loans collateralised by: 
  Real estate                           137,576      6,980,088      2,544,451      9,662,115 
  Equipment                             957,259      4,231,746              -      5,189,005 
  Inventory and receivables           2,055,641        717,007          1,151      2,773,799 
  Insurance policy                       15,016      1,912,279        348,154      2,275,449 
  Vehicles                               73,101        290,185        236,322        599,608 
  Equity securities                     164,181              -              -        164,181 
  Cash deposits                       1,054,919         52,955          4,623      1,112,497 
  Not collateralised                      2,998          3,464        422,493        428,955 
 Total loans and advances 
  to customers, gross                14,562,532     21,938,171      4,361,970     40,862,673 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                       (128,957)    (1,550,214)      (223,544)    (1,902,715) 
 Total loans and advances 
  to customers                       14,433,575     20,387,957      4,138,426     38,959,958 

Analysis by credit quality of loans to State and municipal organisations, Corporate and Individual customers that are collectively and individually assessed for impairment as at 31 December 2021 are as follows:

 31 December 2021                       State and     Corporate             Loans          Total 
                                        municipal         loans    to individuals 
--------------------------------  ---------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 Loans assessed for impairment 
  on a collective basis (gross) 
                                                         23 156                           41 243 
 Not past due loans                    14 246 999           242         3 840 673            914 
 Past due loans                                 -             -                 - 
                                                                                           1 162 
 - less than 30 days overdue               27 616       949 697           185 401            714 
 - 31 to 90 days overdue                    2 471       539 388            87 801        629 660 
 - 91 to 180 days overdue                       -       271 438            72 755        344 193 
 - 181 to 360 days overdue                  1 365       376 143           128 524        506 032 
 - over 360 days overdue                        -        40 486            34 167         74 653 
 Total loans assessed for 
  impairment on a collective 
  basis, gross                         14,278,451    25,333,394         4,349,321     43,961,166 
 Loans individually determined 
  to be impaired (gross): 
 Restructured loans                             -       568 628                 -        568 628 
 Not past due loans                             -       422 936                 -        422 936 
 Past due loans                                 -             -                 -              - 
 1-30 days                                      -             -                 -              - 
 31-90 days                                     -        72 759                 -         72 759 
 91-180 days                                    -        72 933                 -         72 933 
 181-360 days                                   -             -                 -              - 
 Total loans individually 
  determined to be impaired, 
  gross                                         -       568,628                 -        568,628 
 - Impairment provisions for 
  individually impaired loans                   -     (182,745)                 -      (182,745) 
 - Impairment provisions 
  assessed on a collective 
  basis                                 (116,465)   (1,510,286)         (183,247)    (1,809,998) 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                         (116,465)   (1,693,031)         (183,247)    (1,992,743) 
 Total loans and advances 
  to customers                         14,161,986    24,208,991         4,166,074     42,537,051 

Analysis by credit quality of loans to State and municipal organisations, Corporate and Individual customers that are collectively and individually assessed for impairment as at 31 December 2020 are as follows:

 31 December 2020                       State and      Corporate             Loans             Total 
                                        municipal          loans    to individuals 
--------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Loans assessed for impairment 
  on a collective basis (gross) 
 Not past due loans                    14,228,723     17,897,823         3,826,146        35,952,692 
 Past due loans 
 - less than 30 days overdue                    -        593,668           279,244           872,912 
 - 31 to 90 days overdue                   59,829      1,927,487           193,959         2,181,275 
 - 91 to 180 days overdue                       -         81,407            33,325           114,732 
 - 181 to 360 days overdue                      -         93,052            27,906           120,958 
 - over 360 days overdue                        -         31,439             1,390            32,829 
 Total loans assessed for 
  impairment on a collective 
  basis, gross                         14,288,552     20,624,876         4,361,970        39,275,398 
 Loans individually determined 
  to be impaired (gross): 
 Restructured loans                       273,980      1,313,295                 -         1,587,275 
 Not past due loans                       273,980      1,230,685                 -         1,504,665 
 Past due loans 
 31-90 days                                     -         82,610                 -            82,610 
 91-180 days                                    -              -                 -                 - 
 Total loans individually 
  determined to be impaired, 
  gross                                   273,980      1,313,295                 -         1,587,275 
 - Impairment provisions for 
  individually impaired loans                   -      (758,997)                 -         (758,997) 
 - Impairment provisions 
  assessed on a collective 
  basis                                 (128,957)      (791,217)         (223,544)       (1,143,718) 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                         (128,957)    (1,550,214)         (223,544)       (1,902,715) 
 Total loans and advances 
  to customers                         14,433,575     20,387,957         4,138,426        38,959,958 

The credit quality of loans to customers carried at amortised cost is as follows at 31 December 2021:

                                          Stage 1       Stage         Stage      Total 
                                                            2             3 
                                       (12-months   (lifetime     (lifetime 
                                             ECL)     ECL for       ECL for 
                                                        SICR)        credit 
 31 December 2021                                                im-paired) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
  Corporate loans 
                                                        6 984 
 Standard                              14 556 470         900       138 149    21 679 519 
                                                        1 899 
 Substandard                                    -         935       741 772     2 641 707 
 Unsatisfactory                                 -           -       890 792       890 792 
 Doubtful                                       -           -       187 119       187 119 
 Loss                                           -           -       502 886       502 886 
                                           14 556       8 884         2 460 
 Gross carrying amount                        470         835           718    25 902 022 
                                                         (481        (1 017 
 Credit loss allowance                  (193 862)        544)          625)   (1 693 031) 
                                           14 362       8 403         1 443 
 Carrying amount                              608         291           093    24 208 991 
  State and municipal organisations 
 Standard                              14 246 280           -         4 414    14 250 694 
 Substandard                                    -           -             -             - 
 Unsatisfactory                                 -           -        22 256        22 256 
 Doubtful                                       -           -         4 136         4 136 
 Loss                                           -           -         1 365         1 365 
                                           14 246 
 Gross carrying amount                        280           -        32 171    14 278 451 
 Credit loss allowance                  (111 428)           -       (5 037)     (116 465) 
                                           14 134 
 Carrying amount                              852           -        27 134    14 161 986 
 Loans to individuals 
 Standard                               3 877 782     106 616        49 809     4 034 207 
 Substandard                                    -      79 871        55 966       135 837 
 Unsatisfactory                                 -           -        40 105        40 105 
 Doubtful                                       -           -        34 015        34 015 
 Loss                                           -           -       105 158       105 158 
 Gross carrying amount                  3 877 782         487       285 053     4 349 321 
 Credit loss allowance                   (34 193)    (10 554)     (138 500)     (183 247) 
 Carrying amount                        3 843 589         933       146 553     4 166 074 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 

The credit quality of loans to customers carried at amortised cost is as follows at 31 December 2020:

                                          Stage 1       Stage         Stage      Total 
                                                            2             3 
                                       (12-months   (lifetime     (lifetime 
                                             ECL)     ECL for       ECL for 
                                                        SICR)        credit 
 31 December 2020                                                im-paired) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
  Corporate loans 
                                                        1 139 
 Standard                              14 340 153         151       186 209    15 665 512 
                                                        3 811 
 Substandard                              411 749         354     1 700 656     5 923 759 
 Unsatisfactory                                 -           -       181 839       181 839 
 Doubtful                                       -           -        46 868        46 868 
 Loss                                           -           -       120 193       120 193 
                                           14 751       4 950         2 235 
 Gross carrying amount                        901         505           765    21 938 171 
                                                         (134        (1 302 
 Credit loss allowance                  (113 170)        583)          461)   (1 550 214) 
                                           14 638       4 815 
 Carrying amount                              731         922       933 304    20 387 957 
  State and municipal organisations 
                                                        1 746 
 Standard                               7 866 977         664         3 745     9 617 387 
                                                        4 911 
 Substandard                                    -         479         6 163     4 917 642 
 Unsatisfactory                                 -           -             -             - 
 Doubtful                                       -           -             -             - 
 Loss                                           -           -        27 503        27 503 
                                                        6 658 
 Gross carrying amount                  7 866 977         143        37 411    14 562 532 
 Credit loss allowance                   (57 409)    (61 835)       (9 713)     (128 957) 
                                                        6 596 
 Carrying amount                        7 809 568         308        27 698    14 433 575 
 Loans to individuals 
 Standard                               3 575 973     271 406       166 509     4 013 888 
 Substandard                                6 776      90 155       133 817       230 749 
 Unsatisfactory                                 -           -        73 309        73 309 
 Doubtful                                       -           -        23 522        23 522 
 Loss                                           -           -        20 502        20 502 
 Gross carrying amount                  3 582 749         561       417 660     4 361 970 
 Credit loss allowance                   (21 179)    (19 047)     (183 318)     (223 544) 
 Carrying amount                        3 561 570         514       234 342     4 138 426 

The extent to which collateral and other credit enhancements mitigate credit risk for financial assets carried at amortised cost that are credit impaired, is presented by disclosing collateral values separately for (i) those assets where collateral and other credit enhancements are equal to or exceed carrying value of the asset ("over-collateralised assets") and (ii) those assets where collateral and other credit enhancements are less than the carrying value of the asset ("under-collateralised assets"). The effect of collateral on credit impaired assets at 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020 are as follows.

                                            31 December 2021                              31 December 2020 
                                          Under-collateralised                          Under-collateralised 
                            ------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------- 
                                 Carrying Value of the   Value of Collateral       Carrying Value of the      Value of 
                                                Assets                                            Assets    Collateral 
--------------------------  --------------------------  --------------------  --------------------------  ------------ 
 Credit Impared Assets 
 Loans to Corporate and 
 State Companies carried 
 at AC 
 Manufacturing                               1 180 611               625 964                   1 167 110       456 105 
 Agriculture                                   472 300               210 571                     383 766       200 333 
 Trade                                         278 063               187 710                     146 481        80 423 
 Services                                      229 670                81 102                     127 454        55 384 
 Oil and gas & Chemicals                       142 065               120 948                     327 403       224 181 
 Construction                                  129 769                68 944                     100 917        51 766 
 Transport and 
  communication                                 60 411                44 826                      20 044         9 374 
 Loans to Individuals 
 carried at AC 
 Mortgage                                      212 408               165 451                     187 559       153 697 
 Microloan                                      28 729                     2                      87 472           111 
 Consumer Loans                                 26 616                 2 917                      70 109         2 193 
 Car Loan                                       16 346                 6 768                      55 804        23 232 
 Other                                             953                   348                      16 715        16 715 

The components of net investment in finance lease as at 31 December 2021 and 2020 are as follows:

                                    31 December 2021   31 December 2020 
 Not later than one year                     165,948             79,270 
 From one year to five years                 351,752            111,817 
 More than five years                              -                  - 
 Minimum lease payments                      517,700            191,087 
 Less: unearned finance income              (67,402)           (36,713) 
                                             450,298            154,374 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                              (8,002)            (1,406) 
 Net investment in finance lease             442,296            152,968 
 Current portion                             125,532             56,146 
 Long-term portion                           316,764             96,822 
 Net investment in finance lease             442,296            152,968 

As at 31 December 2021, finance lease receivables include four lease agreements for the total amount of UZS 527,297 million (31 December 2020: UZS 172,320 million) with one-year grace period for repayment of principal amounts.

Refer to Note 34 for the disclosure of the fair value of loans and advances to customers. Interest rate analysis of loans and advances to customers is disclosed in Note 36. Information on related party balances is disclosed in Note 37.

                      Currency   Annual coupon/    EIR           Maturity   31 December   31 December 
                                       interest      %    date month/year          2021          2020 
                                         rate % 
------------------  ----------  ---------------  -----  -----------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                                 Jan 2022 
 Government                                       14 -            - March 
  Bonds                    UZS          14 - 16     16               2024       289,361       365,319 
                                                                 Jan 2022 
                                                                  - April 
 CBU Bonds                 UZS               14     14               2022       771,384       174,089 
                                                                June 2023 
 Corporate                                        18 -             - July 
  bonds                    UZS          18 - 22     22               2026         8,400         2,503 
 Less: Allowance 
  for expected 
  credit losses                                                                 (1,633)       (1,689) 
 Total investment 
  measured at 
  cost                                                                        1,067,512       540,222 

As at 31 December 2021, the Group holds government bonds of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the quantity of 288,970 (31 December 2020: 370 000) with nominal value of UZS 1,000,000 and coupon rate of 14-16% p.a. (31 December 2020: 13-16% p.a.).

As at 31 December 2021, the Group holds bonds of the CBU in the amount of UZS 780,830 million at 14% p.a. coupon rate.

On 29 December 2021 the Group acquired 10 000 bonds of Uzmetkombinat with nominal value of UZS 5,000,000.

As at 31 December 2020, the subsidiary PSB Insurance LLC holds corporate bonds of JSCB "Asia Alliance Bank" in quantity 2,500 with nominal value of UZS 1,000,000 and coupon rate of CBU refinancing rate (14%) + 4% p.a.

 31 December 2021                  CBU     Government   Corporate     Total 
                                  Bonds       Bonds       Bonds 
------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 - Rated BB-                     289,361      771,384       5,789   1,060,745 
 - Rated B2                            -            -       2,611       2,611 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                  (1,071)        (453)       (109)     (1,633) 
 Total investment securities 
  measured at amortised cost     288,290      770,931       8,291   1,067,512 
 31 December 2020                CBU       Government   Corporate   Total 
                                  Bonds     Bonds        Bonds 
------------------------------  --------  -----------  ----------  -------- 
 - Rated BB-                     174,089      365,319           -   539,408 
 - Rated B2                            -            -       2,503     2,503 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                    (543)      (1,139)         (8)   (1,689) 
 Total investment securities 
  measured at amortised cost     173,546      364,180       2,495   540,222 

As at 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020, for the purpose of ECL measurement investment in debt securities measured at amortised cost balances are included in Stage 1. There were no transitions between stages in 2021 and 2020. Refer to Note 31 for the ECL measurement approach.

Refer to Note 34 for the disclosure of the fair value of investment securities measured at amortised cost. Interest rate analysis of investment securities measured at amortised cost is disclosed in Note 36. Information on related party balances is disclosed in Note 37.

                               Ownership   31 December 2021   31 December 2020 
----------------------------  ----------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Visa Inc.                          0.0%             13,613             13,203 
 JSC "Mortgage 
  Refinancing Company 
  of Uzbekistan"                    8.0%              8,000              8,000 
 JSC "O'zbekiston 
  pochtasi"                         4.4%              7,500                  - 
 JSC "Republican 
  Currency Exchange"               11.1%              6,109              4,734 
 JSC "Qurilishmashlizing"           6.5%              5,842              5,577 
 LLC "Yagona Umumrespublika 
  Protsessing Markazi"              5.9%              2,530              2,530 
 LLC "Credit information 
  Service CRIF"                     8.7%              2,081              2,081 
 LLC "Credit Information 
  Analytical Center"                3.2%              1,695                  - 
 JSC "Tashkent" 
  Stock Exchange                    6.7%                501                478 
 JSC "UzMed-Leasing"                0.0%                  -                357 
 Other                              3.0%                265              1,064 
 Total financial 
  assets at FVTOCI                                   48,136             38,024 

Financial assets at FVTOCI as at 31 December 2021, other than Visa Inc., include equity securities registered in Uzbekistan and not actively traded. The Group elects at initial recognition to irrevocably designate the above disclosed equity investments at FVOCI which is in line with the Group accounting policy.

As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, Visa Inc. is measured using level 1 hierarchy and investment securities other than Visa Inc. are measured using level 3 hierarchy of fair value measurement.

Starting from 1 January 2018, the fair value of the financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income were determined as the present value of future dividends by assuming dividend growth rate of zero per annum. The Management built its expectation based on previous experience of dividends received on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income over multiple years, and accordingly calculated the value using the average rate of return on investments. The Management believes that this approach accurately reflects the fair value of these securities. A significant unobservable input used in determining the fair value of financial assets at FVTOCI is WACC. The higher the WACC the lower the fair value of the financial assets at FVTOCI.

Investments to which the dividends valuation approach is not applicable, i.e. dividends were not paid during the period, Management may use the Assets based valuation approach focused on the investment company's net assets value (NAV), or fair market value of its total assets minus its total labilities, to determine what would cost to recreate the business. The Management believes that such approach accurately reflects the fair value of these securities.

As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, none of the financial assets at FVTOCI were pledged.

The table below represents the movement of financial instruments at FVTOCI for the year ended 31 December 2021:

                        31 December   Additions   Disposal   FV Adjustments   31 December 
                               2020                                                  2021 
 Financial assets at 
  FVTOCI                     38,024       7,593      (341)            2,860        48,136 
---------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ---------------  ------------ 
                        31 December   Additions   Disposal   FV Adjustments   31 December 
                               2019                                                  2020 
 Financial assets at 
  FVTOCI                     88,714      12,857   (72,272)            8,725        38,024 
---------------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ---------------  ------------ 
 Name                 Principal           Country              Ownership interest and carrying 
                                                                     amount of investment 
                      activity                              31 December 2021       31 December 2020 
-------------------  ------------------  --------------  ----------------------  ------------------- 
 LLC "SQB Consult"    Consulting          Uzbekistan           0%             -        40%        14 
                                                                              -                    - 
 LLC "Khorezm 
  Invest Project"     Asset management      Uzbekistan        34%        29,726        34%       979 
 Total investment 
  in associates                                                          29,726                  993 
 31 December 2021          LLC "SQB Consult"       LLC "Khorezm   Total associates 
                                                Invest Project" 
------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Current assets                            -             34,635              2,792 
 Non-current assets                        -             53,041                172 
 Current liabilities                       -              (244)               (51) 
                                           -                  -                  - 
------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                           -                  -                  - 
 Revenue                                   -            (3,961)                147 
 Net (loss)/ profit 
  for the year                             -              2,140               (92) 
                                           -                  -                  - 
------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                           -                  -                  - 
 Total comprehensive 
  (loss)/ income 
  for the year                             -              2,140               (92) 
 Net assets of 
  the associate                            -             87,431             87,431 
 Proportion of 
  the Group's ownership 
  interest                                0%                34%                34% 
 Carrying amount 
  of the Group's 
  Interest in Associate                    -             29,726             29,726 
 31 December 2020          LLC "SQB Consult"       LLC "Khorezm   Total associates 
                                                Invest Project" 
------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Current assets                           52              2,740              2,792 
 Non-current assets                        3                169                172 
 Current liabilities                    (20)               (31)               (51) 
                                           -                  -                  - 
------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
                                           -                  -                  - 
 Revenue                                 104                 43                147 
 Net (loss)/ profit 
  for the year                            26              (117)               (92) 
------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  (loss)/ income 
  for the year                            26              (117)               (92) 
 Net assets of 
  the associate                           35              2,878              2,913 
 Proportion of 
  the Group's ownership 
  interest                                0%                34%                34% 
 Carrying amount 
  of the Group's 
  Interest in Associate                   14                979                993 
                                  Buildings          Office   Construction            Total   Intangible         Total 
                               and Premises    and computer    in progress         premises       assets 
                                                  equipment                   and equipment 
---------------------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ---------------  -----------  ------------ 
 Carrying amount 
  as at 
  1 January 2020                    131,624         163,221        137,756          432,601        2,679       435,280 
 Additions                              306          89,005        269,065          358,376       25,632       384,008 
 Disposals (net 
  of depreciation)                 (13,156)         (1,204)        (5,091)         (19,451)        (278)      (19,729) 
 Transfers                           87,706          48,544      (135,964)              286        (286)             - 
  charge                            (6,472)        (45,355)              -         (51,827)        (500)      (52,327) 
 Carrying amount 
  as at 
  31 December 2020                  200,008         254,211        265,766          719,985       27,247       747,232 
 Cost as at 31 
  December 2019                     243,493         393,924        265,766          903,183       37,125       940,308 
  depreciation/amortisation        (43,485)       (139,713)              -        (183,198)      (9,878)     (193,076) 
 Carrying amount 
  as at 
  31 December 2020                  200,008         254,211        265,766          719,985       27,247       747,232 
 Additions                                -         115,163        462,375          577,538       28,458       605,996 
 Disposals (net 
  of depreciation)                     (29)         (1,555)        (2,023)          (3,607)        (598)       (4,205) 
 Transfers                           84,334        (64,914)       (30,719)         (11,299)       11,299             - 
  charge                            (9,915)        (61,343)              -         (71,258)      (1,402)      (72,660) 
 Carrying amount 
  as at 
  31 December 2021                  274,398         241,562        695,399        1,211,359       65,004     1,276,363 
 Cost as at 31 
  December 2021                     327,798         442,618        695,399        1,465,815       76,284     1,542,099 
  depreciation/amortisation        (53,400)       (201,056)              -        (254,456)     (11,280)     (265,736) 
 Carrying amount 
  as at 
  31 December 2021                  274,398         241,562        695,399        1,211,359       65,004     1,276,363 

The increase in PPE was mainly driven by increase in construction in progress. In 2019, the Group has arranged a contract with construction company Shanghai Construction Group Co. Ltd on design and construction of the Headquarters for Group in the amount of USD 136.5 million. As at 31 December 2021, in accordance with the contract, the Group invested USD 63.414 million (equivalent to UZS 703,091 million) of which UZS 589,849 million was recorded in construction in progress.

As at 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020, premises and equipment of the Group were not pledged.

   14.        OTHER ASSETS 
                                   31 December 2021   31 December 
--------------------------------  -----------------  ------------ 
 Other financial assets 
 Security deposit on money 
  transfer systems                           10,017           213 
 Commission income receivable                 9,386        11,024 
 Other receivables                            1,057         6,380 
 Less: Allowance for expected 
  credit losses                               (211)       (1,409) 
 Total other financial assets                20,249        16,208 
 Other non-financial assets 
 Prepayment for construction 
  of building                               171,256       245,903 
 Inventory                                    7,108         5,716 
 Prepaid income tax                          45,778        58,379 
 Prepaid expenses and advances               95,299        30,144 
 Prepayments for equipment 
  and property                                7,305         2,026 
 Tax settlements, other than 
  income tax                                  4,116        17,907 
 Repossessed collateral                         770           617 
 Other                                        4,601         1,259 
                                                  -             - 
--------------------------------  -----------------  ------------ 
                                                  -             - 
 Less: Provision for impairment                   -       (1,639) 
 Total other non-financial 
  assets                                    336,233       360,312 
 Total other assets                         356,482       376,520 

As at 31 December 2021, the prepayment for construction of building comprises prepayment to Shanghai Construction company in the amount of 107,131 million (equivalent USD 9.88 million) (31 December 2020: UZS 171,227 million (equivalent USD 17.4 million) for construction of Head office in Tashkent city in accordance with the Decree of Cabinet of Ministers #961 dated 27 November 2018. The construction works have started on 20 June 2019 and expected to be completed by the end of 2022.

                                          31 December   31 December 
                                                 2021          2020 
---------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Repossessed assets: 
 - Buildings held for sale                     48,602        27,355 
 Total repossessed assets                      48,602        27,355 
 Total non-current assets (or disposal 
  groups) held for sale                        48,602        27,355 

As of 31 December 2021, buildings held for sale include the repossessed property of "Namanganulgurjisavdoinvest" LLC (UZS 25,303 million) and "Beltepa Master Story" LLC (UZS 18,944 million). In December 2021 and 2020, the Group's management approved and initiated active customer search programs within one year. The assets received were measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. As of 31 December 2021, an impairment of reacquired assets classified as held for sale was recognized in the amount of UZS 9,868 million (31 December 2020: UZS 5,255 million).

   16.        DUE TO OTHER BANKS 
                                            31 December   31 December 
                                                   2021          2020 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Short term placements of other banks           613,405       279,438 
 Long term placements of other banks            492,583       584,783 
 Correspondent accounts and overnight 
  placements of other banks                     286,989       372,618 
 Payable to the CBU under repo agreement              -       259,165 
 Total due to other banks                     1,392,977     1,496,004 

Refer to Note 34 for the disclosure of the fair value of due to other banks. Interest rate analysis of due to other banks is disclosed in Note 36. Information on related party balances is disclosed in Note 37.

   17.        CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS 
                                   31 December 2021   31 December 2020 
--------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 State and public organisations 
 - Current/settlement accounts            4,148,013          3,171,211 
 - Term deposits                          3,019,115          2,705,206 
 Other legal entities 
 - Current/settlement accounts            2,378,852          3,360,112 
 - Term deposits                            711,774            239,375 
 - Current/demand accounts                  949,191            925,599 
 - Term deposits                          2,354,595          1,215,455 
 Total customer accounts                 13,561,540         11,616,958 

Economic sector concentrations within customer accounts are as follows:

                              31 December 2021     31 December 2020 
                           -------------------  ------------------- 
                                 Amount      %        Amount      % 
-------------------------  ------------  -----  ------------  ----- 
 Individuals                  3,303,786    24%     2,141,054    18% 
 Public administration        3,120,451    23%     2,744,161    24% 
 Oil and gas                  2,615,793    19%     2,348,720    20% 
 Manufacturing                1,592,246    12%     1,363,581    12% 
 Energy                         768,794     6%     1,324,435    11% 
 Finance                        631,942     5%       181,740     2% 
 Services                       336,840     2%       347,780     3% 
 Construction                   299,667     2%       246,051     2% 
 Trade                          291,532     2%       318,599     3% 
 Communication                  261,931     2%       260,275     2% 
 Engineering                    135,083     1%       155,739     2% 
 Agriculture                     79,929     1%        57,036     0% 
 Transportation                  52,233     1%        87,060     1% 
 Mining                          48,056     0%        17,414     0% 
 Medicine                        17,679     0%        16,015     0% 
 Other                            5,578     0%         7,298     0% 
 Total customer accounts     13,561,540   100%    11,616,958   100% 

As at 31 December 2021, the Group had two (31 December 2020: two) customers with a total balance UZS 4,208,043 million (31 December 2020: UZS 4,291,575 million), which individually exceeded 10% of the Group's equity.

Significant change in balances of State and public organizations is associated with payments made by two large state-owned enterprises operating in Oil and gas sector to their counterparties.

Significant change in Other legal entities is associated with increase in balances of the Group's clients operating in Oil an gas sector within their normal course of the business activities.

Significant change in balances of Individuals is associated with implementation of new mobile application "Joyida", which allows the Group's clients to place or withdraw their funds online. Such mobile application is getting popular and the Group's number of clients is significantly increasing.

Refer to Note 34 for the disclosure of the fair value of customer accounts. Information on related party balances is disclosed in Note 37.

                                    31 December 2021                    31 December 2020 
                           ----------------------------------  ---------------------------------- 
                             Amount      Nominal    Maturity,    Amount      Nominal    Maturity, 
                                         interest      year                  interest      year 
-------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Eurobonds                  3,235,127        5.75   2019-2024   3,118,189        5.75   2019-2024 
 Certificates of deposit       58,749       14-16   2021-2024      76,293       14-16   2021-2024 
 Bonds                         23,941       14-16   2020-2022      78,566       14-16   2020-2022 
 Total debt securities 
  issued                    3,317,817                           3,273,048 

In December 2019, the Group has issued Eurobonds in London Stock Exchange with nominal value of USD 300,000 thousand with a discount of USD 3,198 thousand and five years maturity. Amortised cost of Eurobonds equivalent to UZS 3,118,189 million represent the present value of future cash payments discounted using effective interest rate of 6.193%. The present value calculation includes all costs directly associated with the issuance and form an integral part of the effective interest rate.

The debt securities issued do not stipulate financial covenants except for Eurobonds, which stipulate the Group is required to comply with certain financial covenants, non-compliance of which may give the lender a right to demand repayment.

                                            31 December   31 December 2020 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 International financial institutions 
 China EXIMBANK                               5,102,508          5,167,808 
 CREDIT Suisse                                2,912,645          2,122,431 
 ICBC (London) plc                            1,482,801            671,172 
 Commerzbank AG                               1,480,096          1,632,046 
 International Bank of Reconstruction 
  and Development                             1,430,444          1,298,161 
 Promsvyazbank PJSC                           1,122,664            540,737 
 European Bank for Reconstruction 
  and Development                             1,112,670            517,297 
 VTB BANK EUROPE                                990,079            436,654 
 Russia EXIMBANK                                986,473            995,354 
 Daryo Finance B.V.                             965,082            770,900 
 Landesbank Baden -- Wuerttemberg               833,390            967,246 
 China Development Bank                         715,507            886,739 
 Asian Development Bank                         631,199            584,938 
 International Development Association 
  of World Bank                                 592,900            602,590 
 Raiffeisen Bank International AG               495,013            819,035 
 Credit Bank of Moscow                          472,254            263,233 
 Citibank N.A. ADGM                             442,321                  - 
 Japan International Cooperation 
  Agency (JICA)                                 347,869            323,180 
 AK Bars Bank                                   291,701            162,298 
 Gazprombank                                    255,774            789,796 
 Turk EXIMBANK                                  218,224            216,946 
 UniCredit                                      216,711                  - 
 AKA Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft 
  mbH                                           195,044             13,811 
 Baobab Securities Limited                      166,135            162,180 
 OPEC Fund for International Development        131,115            208,719 
 Sberbank Europe AG                             108,598             18,342 
 OJSB Transcapitalbank                          108,402            187,908 
 Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan 
  JSC                                            74,637            179,788 
 Korea EXIMBANK                                  94,936            141,464 
 JPMorgan Chase                                  67,802                  - 
 KfW IPEX-Bank                                   48,516             57,417 
 PJSC "Sovcombank"                               44,692                  - 
 The Export-Import Bank of the Republic          35,699                  - 
  of China 
 John Deere                                      29,389             42,822 
 ODDO BHF                                        28,247             21,442 
 European Merchant Bank UAB                      25,066                  - 
 Sberbank Kazakhstan                              7,183              5,942 
 International Fund for Agricultural 
  Development                                     2,138              2,320 
 International Finance Corporation                1,603                  - 
 Citibank Europe PLC                                  -             46,110 
 Aktif Bank                                           -             54,298 
 Jusan Bank JSC                                       -              2,682 
 The Taipei EXIMBANK                                  -              2,647 
 Financial institutions of Uzbekistan                 - 
 Long term borrowings from Ministry 
  of Finance                                  3,498,702          3,233,042 
 Fund for Reconstruction and Development 
  of Uzbekistan                               1,778,851          1,384,626 
 Uzbekistan Mortgage Refinancing 
  Company (UzMRC)                               225,058             61,213 
 Export Promotion Agency under MIFT             174,623                  - 
 KDB Bank Uzbekistan                             93,197                  - 
 Long term borrowings from CBU                   63,314             68,358 
 Preference Shares                               10,752              9,944 
 Young Entrepreneurs Support Fund                 7,538                  - 
  under MIFT 
 Khokimiyat of Tashkent Region                    5,793              5,927 
 Other                                            5,421              3,894 
 Total other borrowed funds                  30,130,776         25,683,457 

On 17 March 2021 the Group and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed an Agreement on attracting a synthetic credit line in the amount of USD 25 million. These loan funds are denominated in the national currency equivalent and are aimed at financing projects and supporting business initiatives implemented by small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) of the country, thereby providing access to financing and stimulating sustainable growth in the development of the SME segment, in particular, modernizing the business infrastructure, especially during a pandemic caused by the spread of coronavirus infection.

On 19 March 2021 the Group and JSC "KDB Bank Uzbekistan" signed a General Agreement for provision of long-term credit lines to the Group" for the subsequent financing of projects of small and medium-sized businesses in Uzbekistan.

On 19 March 2021 the Group and Citibank N.A. ADGM signed an Agreement in the amount of USD 40 million to finance purchase of busses from China, equipment for textile manufacturing.

On 24 March 2021 the Group and AKA Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft mbH signed an Agreement in the amount of EUR 15 million to finance investment projects of small and medium-sized businesses (SME) of Uzbekistan.

On 18 May 2021 the Group and UniCredit signed an Agreement in the amount of EUR 14 million to finance purchase of equipment from Italy for package manufacturing.

On September 14 2021, the Group and International Finance Corporation (IFC) signed a loan agreement in the amount of USD 75 million to finance climate change mitigation projects (green financing), to increase lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Uzbekistan and to support the bank's further privatization process.

On September 30, 2021 in order to expand funding opportunities of trade financing, the Group signed an agreement with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) "On the provision of a revolving credit line" in the amount of USD 16.6 million.

On October 8, 2021 the loan agreement was signed on the project of Samarkand England Eco-Medical JV LLC within the framework of the Risk Sharing Facility (RSF) Program of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The aim of the project is to expand the production of tablets and capsules, as well as infusion solutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan.(amount)

December 13, 2021 the Group strengthened cooperation with financial institutions of the Islamic Development Bank group and signed an agreement with the International Islamic Trade and Finance Corporation (a subsidiary of the Islamic Development Bank) Agreement on the allocation of a new financing line in the amount of USD 15 million.

As of 31 December 2020 the Group was not in compliance with the following covenants:

- In 2017 and 2018, the ADB advanced two loans to the Republic of Uzbekistan (the "Republic") in connection with the financing of horticulture projects in Uzbekistan (the "Project"). The Republic on-lent a portion of these loans to the Bank under tripartite subsidiary loan agreements No. 3471-UZB dated April 2017 and No. 3673-UZB dated November 2018 between the Republic, the Rural Restructuring Agency and the Bank (the "Subsidiary Loan Agreements"). In November 2019, the ADB advanced another Subsidiary Loan Agreement to the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the financing of livestock value chain development projects in Uzbekistan (the "Project"). The Republic on-lent a portion of this loan to the Bank under subsidiary loan agreements No. L3823 (COL)-UZB dated 10 February 2020 between the Republic, the Agro Industries and Food Security Agency and the Bank. As at 31 December 2020, the Bank was not in compliance with return on average assets ratio stipulated in the Subsidiary Loan Agreements. The Management has received a letter from the Ministry of Finance dated 31 December 2020 confirming that this breach of the covenant is not considered to be an event of default.

- As at 31 December 2020, the Bank was not in compliance with following covenants stipulated in Master Trade Finance Loan Agreement (the 'Master Agreement') dated 15 October 2019 between the Bank and VTB Bank Europe: the percentage of problem loans (Stage 3 loans) in relation to loans and advances to customers (gross), loan loss reserves to problem loans (Stage 3 loans). On 24 March 2021, the Bank received a letter form VTB Bank Europe giving their consent to waive above mentioned financial covenant as of the end of the financial year 2020 with the decision to grant the waiver reached during December 2020. Hence, liquidity has not been adjusted.

As of 31 December 2021, the Group was in compliance with all covenants.

The maturity analysis is disclosed in Note 36. Refer to Note 34 for disclosure of the fair value of other borrowed funds and Note 37 for information on related party balances.

   20.        OTHER LIABILITIES 
                                          31 December   31 December 2020 
---------------------------------------  ------------  ----------------- 
 Other financial liabilities 
 Trade payables                               102,958             29,152 
 Provision for Bank's guarantees 
  and letters of credit                        43,203             22,845 
 Payable to other creditors                     6,562              6,231 
 Dividends payable                              3,032              2,758 
 Total other financial liabilities            155,755             60,986 
 Other non-financial liabilities 
 Taxes payable other than income 
  tax                                          25,408             15,852 
 Unearned income                                1,366              3,412 
 Payable to employees                           1,070             35,485 
 Other                                         13,822             12,892 
 Total other non-financial liabilities         41,666             67,641 
 Total other liabilities                      197,421            128,627 

As at 31 December 2021, trade payables comprise payables on amount of UZS 61,906 million to Shanghai Construction Group building the Tashkent City office for the Group in accordance to construction contract terms and conditions.

The Group pays income tax on a consolidated basis as a single tax payer at a single rate of 20%. Thus income tax payable and prepayment for income tax are presented on a net basis as at 31 December 2021.

   21.        SUBORDINATED DEBT 

Subordinated debt issued by Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan of UZS 100,000 million on 9 April 2021 carries a fixed interest rate of 9.22 % and matures on 15 April 2041. The debt ranks after all other creditors' claims are fully settled in the case of liquidation.

                              Currency    Maturity     Nominal   Effective   31 December   31 December 
                                              date    interest    interest          2021          2020 
                                                          rate        rate 
                                                             %           % 
--------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Subordinated debt 
  Fund for Reconstruction 
  and Development                         15 April 
  of Uzbekistan                    UZS        2041          9%       9.22%       101,771             - 
 Total subordinated 
  debt                                                                           101,771             - 

Refer to Note 34 for the disclosure of the fair value of subordinated debt and Note 37 for information on related party balances.

   22.        SHARE CAPITAL 
                               Number of          Ordinary       Total 
                      outstanding shares    and preference 
------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 1 January 2020                  243,922         4,640,011   4,640,011 
 31 December 2020                243,922         4,640,011   4,640,011 
 31 December 2021                243,922         4,640,011   4,640,011 

As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, the nominal registered amount of the Bank's issued share capital was UZS 4,634,514 million, prior to restatement of capital contributions to the purchasing power of the UZS in the amount of UZS 12,527 million (effects of hyperinflation in accordance with IAS 29) and UZS 7,030 million adjustment for liability component of preference shares.

As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, the total authorised number of ordinary shares is 243,552 million with a par value of UZS 19 per share. Each share carries one vote. Dividends on preference shares will not be less than dividends on ordinary shares.

The number of ordinary shares issued but not fully paid in 2021 was Nil (31 December 2020: Nil).

As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, the total authorised number of preference shares is 370 million, with a par value of UZS 19 per share in the amount of UZS 7,030 million.

The preference shares are not redeemable and rank ahead of the ordinary shares in the event of the Group's liquidation. The preference shares give the holders the right to participate in general shareholders' meetings without voting rights, except in instances where decisions are made in relation to reorganisation and liquidation of the Group, and where changes and amendments to the Group's charter which restrict the rights of preference shareholders are proposed.

In 2020 and 2021, the minimum rate of return of 20% on preference shares remains unchanged.


The table below sets out movement in the Group's liabilities from financing activities for each of periods presented. The items of these liabilities are those that are reported as financing activities in the condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows.

                                      Liabilities from financing activities                Total 
                                Other                         Due to 
                               borrowed    Debt securities     other     Subordinated 
 In million                     funds           issue          banks         debt 
 Uzbekistan Soums 
--------------------------  ------------  ----------------  ----------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net debt at 
 1 January 2020               16,803,214         2,920,894     465,109         83,332    20,272,549 
 Proceeds from the 
  issue                       13,094,718           168,310     222,218              -    13,485,246 
 Redemption                  (6,488,852)          (94,400)    (46,122)       (80,000)   (6,709,374) 
 Foreign currency 
  translation                  2,199,354           278,819      36,111              -     2,514,284 
 Other non-cash movements         75,023             (575)     818,688        (3,332)       889,804 
 Net debt at 
 31 December 2020             25,683,457         3,273,048   1,496,004              -    30,452,509 
 Proceeds from the 
  issue                       11,826,214            10,000     411,116        100,000    12,347,330 
 Redemption                  (8,391,815)          (81,310)   (381,937)              -   (8,855,062) 
 Foreign currency 
  translation                    992,957           126,637      22,932              -     1,142,526 
 Other non-cash movements         19,963          (10,558)   (155,138)          1,771     (143,962) 
 Net debt at 31 
  December 2021               30,130,776         3,317,817   1,392,977        101,771    34,943,341 
                                                           2021          2020 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Interest income calculated using the effective 
  interest method 
 Interest income on assets recorded at amortised 
  cost comprises: 
    Interest on loans and advances to customers       3,858,402     3,027,732 
    Interest on investment securities measured 
     at amortised cost                                  154,226       102,504 
    Interest on balances due from other banks           142,770       137,503 
 Total interest income calculated using 
  the effective interest method                       4,155,398     3,267,739 
 Other similar income 
 Finance lease receivables                               32,024        21,893 
 Total other similar income                              32,024        21,893 
-------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Interest expense 
 Interest expense on liabilities recorded 
  at amortised cost comprises: 
    Interest on other borrowed funds                (1,219,611)     (913,496) 
    Interest on customer accounts                     (570,363)     (389,970) 
    Interest on debt securities in issue              (201,107)     (220,716) 
    Interest on balances due to other banks            (70,794)     (130,267) 
    Interest on subordinated debt                       (6,030)      (13,106) 
 Total interest expense                             (2,067,905)   (1,667,555) 
 Net interest income before provision on 
  loans and advances to customers                     2,119,517     1,622,077 

Significant change in interest income on loan and advances to customers is associated with the increase in the Group's loan portfolio during the year 2021, which in its turn is associated with the gradual improvements of the economic situation and business activity in Uzbekistan caused by COVID-19.

Significant change in interest income on investment securities measured at amortised cost is associated with the significant investments made by the Group in bonds of CBU and Ministry of Finance during the year 2021.

Significant change in interest income on other borrowed funds is associated with the attraction of additional funds from local and international financial institutions.

Significant change in interest income on balances due to other banks is associated with repayments made by the Group to local banks towards borrowings received.

                                              2021       2020 
--------------------------------------  ----------  --------- 
 Fee and commission income 
 Settlement transactions                   220,904    240,987 
 Foreign currency exchange                  64,946     62,945 
 International money transfers              56,071     41,055 
 Guarantees issued                          30,058     36,746 
 Letters of credit                          10,368     10,879 
 Services of engineers for conducting 
  control measurements                       3,727      8,146 
 Other                                           -      1,026 
 Total fee and commission income           386,074    401,784 
 Fee and commission expense 
 Settlement transactions                  (60,567)   (27,803) 
 Transactions with plastic cards          (31,877)   (25,429) 
 Foreign currency exchange                (13,217)   (13,919) 
 Cash collection                           (2,760)    (8,195) 
 Other                                     (2,062)    (6,115) 
 Total fee and commission expense        (110,483)   (81,461) 
 Net fee and commission income             275,591    320,323 
                          Insurance     Reinsurance      Total        Insurance     Reinsurance       Total 
----------------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Insurance operations 
 Loan insurance                35,305         5,357         40,662         18,493           761          19,254 
 Property insurance            24,135         4,332         28,467         20,260         1,402          21,662 
 Civil liability 
  insurance                       581         1,159          1,740            346           866           1,212 
 Obligatory insurance 
  of third party 
  liability of motor 
  vehicle owners 
  (OMTPL)                       1,214            40          1,254            455             8             463 
 Accident insurance               781             8            789            586            11             597 
 Insurance from 
  other financial 
  risks                         7,938            31          7,969            171            85             256 
                                                                 ,                                            , 
----------------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Total insurance 
  operations income            69,954        10,927         80,881         40,311         3,133          43,444 
                                                                 ,                                            , 
----------------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Insurance operations 
 Loan insurance              (15,242)       (5,668)       (20,910)        (7,529)             -         (7,529) 
 Property insurance           (8,826)         (280)        (9,106)        (5,290)             -         (5,290) 
 Obligatory insurance 
  of third party 
  liability of motor 
  vehicle owners 
  (OMTPL)                       (664)         (515)        (1,179)          (544)             -           (544) 
 Civil liability 
  insurance                     (783)             -          (783)        (4,340)             -         (4,340) 
 Accident insurance             (270)             -          (270)           (10)             -            (10) 
 Insurance from 
  other financial 
  risks                       (4,083)             -        (4,083)              -             -               - 
                                                                 ,                                            , 
----------------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Total insurance 
  operations expense         (29,868)       (6,463)       (36,331)       (17,713)             -       ( 17,713) 
                                                                 ,                                            , 
----------------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  -------------  ------------  -------------- 
                                                                 ,                                            , 
 Net insurance 
  operations income            40,086         4,464         44,550         22,598         3,133          25,731 
                           Reinsurance  Insurance  Change in insurance 
                               reserve    reserve        reserves, net 
31 December 2019                 2 391     15 631                    - 
Unearned premium reserve         2 903     26 884             (23 981) 
Reserves for incurred 
 but not reported losses           250      2 372              (2 122) 
31 December 2020                 5 544     44 887             (26 103) 
Unearned premium reserve         5 745     30 759             (24 742) 
Reserves for incurred 
 but not reported losses         1 675      9 168              (7 493) 
31 December 2021                12 964     84 813             (58 338) 
                                                            2021    2020 
Gain on disposal of inventory                             32,706   1,036 
Income from rent of POS terminals                            790     776 
Gain on disposal of subsidiaries of 
 investment entity                                             -  25,741 
Other                                                      7,370   2,220 
Total other operating income                              40,866  29,773 

The significant increase in gain on disposal of inventory is mainly explained by SQB Construction realized building income on the amount of UZS 27,843 million.

                                          2,021    2,020 
Staff costs                             607,612  479,119 
Social security costs                    68,335   53,090 
Total staff costs                       675,947  532,209 
Depreciation and amortisation            72,660   52,327 
Charity expenses                         56,517   15,914 
Security services                        41,210   30,304 
Taxes other than income tax              30,029   40,219 
Membership fees                          26,390   14,784 
Stationery and other low value 
 items                                   28,167   18,080 
Communication expenses                   11,243    6,894 
Repair and maintenance of buildings      11,021    7,273 
Rent expenses                             9,971    4,506 
Advertising expenses                      9,286    8,056 
Legal and audit fees                      8,394    6,282 
Consultancy fee                           7,785   18,689 
Travel expenses                           7,040    3,265 
Utilities expenses                        5,844    4,998 
Representation and entertainment          2,617      941 
Fuel                                      2,230    1,594 
Medical, Dental and Hospitalization       1,079    6,244 
Other operating expenses                 36,716   17,868 
Total administrative and other 
 operating expenses                   1,044,146  790,447 

Significant change in staff costs is associated with the overall increase of salary rates as well as due to increase in bonuses and other stimulation payments.

   30.        INCOME TAXES 
                                                 2021       2020 
Current income tax expense                    250,804    205,602 
Deferred tax (benefit)/expense: 
- Deferred tax (benefit)/expense             (35,078)  (183,244) 
- Deferred tax expense relating to the 
 components of other comprehensive income         572      1,745 
Total income tax expense through profit 
 or loss and other comprehensive income       215,154     24,103 

Reconciliation between the expected and the actual taxation charge is provided below:

                                                         2021      2020 
IFRS profit before tax                              1,071,571   134,482 
Theoretical tax charge at the applicable 
 statutory rate - 20% (2019: 20%)                     214,314    26,896 
- Non deductible expenses (employee compensation, 
 representation and other non-deductible 
 expenses)                                             21,865    24,451 
- Tax exempt income                                  (28,251)  (23,185) 
- Other                                                 6,654   (5,804) 
Income tax expense for the year                       214,582    22,358 

On 1 January 2021 preferential income tax rates for branches with long-term investment financing in the structure of the loan portfolio which considered taxable ranges from 14% till 20% for each branch as a separate tax payer, has expired and in accordance with the new tax legislation, the bank pays income tax on a consolidated basis as a single tax payer at a single rate of 20%.

Tax exempt income includes interest income on government bonds and the CBU bonds.

Differences between IFRS and Uzbekistan statutory taxation regulations give rise to certain temporary differences between the carrying amount of certain assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and for their tax bases. The tax effect of the movements on these temporary differences is detailed below, and is recorded at the rate of 20% (2020: 20%).

                                (Debited)/                                      (Debited)/ 
                                 credited      Charged                           credited      Charged 
                                    to        to other        31                    to        to other        31 
                                  profit    comprehensive  December               profit    comprehensive  December 
                         2021     or loss      income        2020       2020      or loss      income        2019 
Tax effect of 
Cash and cash 
 equivalents               141         145              -        (4)       (4)       (123)              -        119 
Due from other banks       527     (3,159)              -      3,686     3,686         265              -      3,421 
Loans and advances to 
 customers             196,362      31,703              -    164,659   164,659     181,967              -   (17,308) 
Financial assets at 
 value through other 
 income                (3,533)           -          (572)    (2,961)   (2,961)         (0)        (1,745)    (1,216) 
Property, equipment 
 intangible assets     (4,483)     (9,967)              -      5,484     5,484       5,130              -        354 
Investments in 
 and subsidiaries      (1,896)       (472)              -    (1,424)   (1,424)       4,981              -    (6,405) 
Investment securities 
 at amortised cost         452     (2,603)              -      3,055     3,055       2,865              -        190 
Other assets            16,158      12,284              -      3,874     3,874       2,104              -      1,770 
Non-current assets 
 for sale              (9,721)    (10,579)              -        858       858     (1,640)              -      2,498 
Customer accounts            -           -              -          -         -         458              -      (458) 
Debt securities in 
 issue                 (2,201)         337              -    (2,538)   (2,538)         738              -    (3,276) 
Other borrowed funds   (3,990)       7,653              -   (11,643)  (11,643)    (12,704)              -      1,061 
Other liabilities       14,330       9,757              -      4,573     4,573       (131)              -      4,704 
Subordinated debt         (21)        (21)              -          -         -       (666)              -        666 
Net deferred tax 
 asset/(liability)     202,125      35,078          (572)    167,619   167,619     183,244        (1,745)   (13,880) 
Recognised deferred 
 asset                 206,603      20,418              -    186,185   182,048     182,048              -     14,783 
Recognised deferred 
 liability             (4,478)      14,660          (572)   (18,566)     1,196       1,196        (1,884)   (28,663) 
Net deferred tax 
 asset/(liability)     202,125      35,078          (572)    167,619   183,244     183,244        (1,884)   (13,880) 

The tables below analyse information about the changes in the gross amount of financial assets other than loans and advances to customers, commitments and other non-financial assets during 2021 and 2020:

                   Other financial                    Cash and    Due from other     Investment           Letters of Credit and                   Other 
                      assets (Note            cash equivalents      Banks (Note      securities                      Guarantees           non-financial 
                               14)                    (Note 7)           8)                  at                       (Note 33)                  assets 
                                                                                     cost (Note 
                   Stage     Stage                       Stage      Stage     Stage     Stage 1      Stage      Stage     Stage    TOTAL 
                       2         3                           1          1         3                      1          2         3 
                Lifetime  Lifetime                    12-month   12-month  Lifetime    12-month   12-month   Lifetime  Lifetime 
                     ECL       ECL                         ECL        ECL       ECL         ECL        ECL        ECL       ECL 
31 December                                              5 601      1 877                            2 367 
 2020             15 779     1 838                         347        621         -     541 911        521    850 710         -    3 244          1 639 
- Transfer 
 stage 1               -         -                           -   (31 731)    31 731           -   (42 601)     42 601         -        -             - 
- Transfer 
 stage 2            (81)        81                           -          -         -           -     15 017   (15 017)         -        -              - 
- Transfer 
 stage 3             806     (806)                           -          -         -           -          -          -         -        -              - 
- Changes due 
 did not 
 derecognition   (2 790)       (6)                           -          -         -           -  (357 043)    148 820         -    (211)        (1 639) 
New assets 
 issued                                                             1 023                            2 011 
 or acquired      17 384        69                   2 839 884        303         -   1 014 946        365    503 762         -    2 538              - 
Matured or 
 for write                                                                                          (1 147 
 off)           (11 135)     (680)                     (3 557)  (714 632)         -   (489 645)       617)  (632 717)         -  (1 798)              - 
 differences         (0)       (0)                   (240 315)  (195 625)     1 082       1 933    (2 022)      (860)         -      (2)              - 
31 December                                              8 197      1 958                            2 844                        15 020 
 2021             19 964       496                         359        937    32 813   1 069 145        620    897 300         -      633              - 
                     Other financial                        Cash and                                               Due from  Investment            Letters of Credit and                       Other 
                              assets                cash equivalents                                            other Banks  securities                       Guarantees               non-financial 
                           (Note 14)                        (Note 7)                                               (Note 8)          at                        (Note 33)                      assets 
                                                                                                                             cost (Note 
                    Stage      Stage                           Stage                                                  Stage     Stage 1      Stage      Stage      Stage       TOTAL 
                        2          3                               1                                                      1                      1          2          3 
                 Lifetime   Lifetime                        12-month                                               12-month    12-month   12-month   Lifetime   Lifetime 
                      ECL        ECL                             ECL                                                    ECL         ECL        ECL        ECL        ECL 
                ---------  ---------                                  -----------------------------------------------------                         ---------  --------- 
31 December                                                    2 862                                                  2 053                  1 870                             6 879 
 2019               6 404      1 037                             675                                                    256      85 598        953          -          -         924           1 639 
- Transfer 
 from stage 
 1                      -          -                          -                                                           -           -  (532 917)    532 917                      -               - 
- Transfer 
 from stage 
 2                (1 546)      1 546                               -                                                      -           -          -          -          -           -               - 
- Transfer 
 from stage 
 3                     60       (60)                               -                                                      -           -          -          -          -           -               - 
- Changes due 
did not result 
derecognition       (820)      (436)                               -                                                      -           -  (193 231)     20 109          -   (174 379)               - 
New assets 
 issued                                                                                                                                                                        5 141 
 or acquired       15 193        248                       1 945 098                                                805 190     539 408  1 540 552    295 401          -         089               - 
Matured or 
 (except for                                                  (1 164                                                                                                          (2 413 
 write off)       (3 500)      (457)                            498)                                              (724 941)    (83 095)  (437 092)          -          -        500)               - 
 exchange                                                                                                                                                                      1 823 
 differences         (11)       (41)                       1 958 073                                              (255 885)           -    119 256      2 283          -         675               - 
31 December                                                    5 601                                                  1 877                  2 367        850                 11 256 
 2020              15 779      1 838                             347                                                    621     541 911        521        710          -         809           1 639 
                ---------  ---------                                                                                                                           ---------              -------------- 

The tables below analyse information about the changes in the ECL amount of financial assets other than loans and advances to customers, commitments and other non-financial assets during 2021 and 2020:

                   Other financial     Cash and    Due from other     Investment             Letters of Credit                    Other 
                      assets (Note         cash      Banks (Note      securities                and Guarantees            non-financial 
                               14)  equivalents           8)                  at                     (Note 33)                   assets 
                                       (Note 7)                        amortised 
                                                                      cost (Note 
                   Stage     Stage        Stage      Stage     Stage       Stage     Stage     Stage     Stage     TOTAL 
                       2         3            1          1         3           1         1         2         3 
                Lifetime  Lifetime     12-month   12-month  Lifetime    12-month  12-month  Lifetime  Lifetime 
                     ECL       ECL          ECL        ECL       ECL         ECL       ECL       ECL       ECL 
Loss allowance 
 for ECL 
 as at 31 
 2020                306     1,103          161     18,429         -       1,689    15,651     7,194         -    44,533          1,639 
- Transfer 
 stage 1               -         -            -    (4,149)     4,149           -     (358)       358         -         -              - 
- Transfer 
 stage 2             (2)         2            -          -         -           -        55      (55)         -         -              - 
- Transfer 
 stage 3             550     (550)            -          -         -           -         -         -         -         -              - 
- Changes due 
 did not 
 derecognition     (629)     (171)           52    (1,536)    16,519       (331)   (2,462)     8,514         -    19,956        (1,639) 
New assets 
 or acquired         144         4          602      7,935         -       1,540     6,640     2,833         -    19,698              - 
Matured or 
 for write 
 off)              (185)     (361)        (116)    (6,854)         -     (1,266)   (7,496)   (4,823)         -  (21,101)              - 
 differences           -         -            8        954         -           -      (27)      (51)         -       884              - 
Loss allowance 
 for ECL as at 
 December 2021       184        27          707     14,779    20,668       1,633    12,003    13,970         -    63,971              - 
                            Other financial                                                             Cash and    Due from     Investment           Letters of Credit                     Other 
                                     assets                                                     cash equivalents       other     securities              and Guarantees             non-financial 
                                  (Note 14)                                                             (Note 7)       Banks   at amortised                   (Note 33)                    assets 
                                                                                                                    (Note 8)     cost (Note 
                            Stage     Stage                                                                Stage      Stage    Stage 1        Stage     Stage     Stage      TOTAL 
                                2         3                                                                    1          1                       1         2         3 
                         Lifetime  Lifetime                                                             12-month   12-month   12-month     12-month  Lifetime  Lifetime 
                              ECL       ECL                                                                  ECL        ECL        ECL          ECL       ECL       ECL 
Loss allowance for 
 as at 31 December 2019     1,236     1,043                                                                  101     16,166        950       12,077         -         -     31,573            1,639 
- Transfer from stage 
 1                              -         -                                                                    -          -          -        (126)       126         -          -                - 
- Transfer from stage 
 2                          (369)       369                                                                    -          -          -            -         -         -          -                - 
- Transfer from stage 
 3                             65      (65)                                                                    -          -          -            -         -         -          -                - 
- Changes due 
to modifications that 
did not result in           (169)        30                                                                    9    (2,002)         30      (4,755)     3,347         -    (3,510)                - 
New assets issued or          296       141                                                                   92      6,808      1,629        9,607     3,341         -     21,914                - 
Matured or derecognized 
 assets (except for         (764)     (457)                                                                 (48)    (3,728)      (920)      (1,674)         -         -    (7,591)                - 
 write off) 
Foreign exchange 
 differences                   11        42                                                                    7      1,185          -          522       380         -      2,147                - 
Loss allowance for 
 as at 31 December 2020       306     1,103                                                                  161     18,429      1,689       15,651     7,194         -     44,533            1,639 
   32.        EARNINGS PER SHARE 

Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary shares by the weighted average number of ordinary shares.

The Group has no dilutive potential ordinary shares; therefore, the diluted earnings per share equal basic earnings per share.

According to the charter of the Group, and as described in Note 21, dividend payments per ordinary share cannot exceed the dividends per share on preferred shares for the same period and the minimum dividends payable to the owners of preference shares comprise not less than 20%. Therefore, net profit for the period is allocated to the ordinary shares and the preferred shares in accordance with their legal and contractual dividend rights to participate in undistributed earnings.

                                                    2021     2020 
Profit for the year attributable to ordinary 
 shareholders                                    856,988  111,362 
Loss for the year from discontinued operations 
 attributable to ordinary shareholders                 -      889 
Earnings used in calculation of earnings 
 per ordinary share from continuing operations   856,988  110,507 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
 for the purpose of basic and diluted earnings 
 per share (millions)                            243,922  243,922 
From continuing operations 
Basic and diluted EPS per ordinary share 
 in UZS                                             3.51     0.45 
From discontinued operations 
Basic and diluted EPS per ordinary share 
 in UZS                                                -     0.00 
Total basic and diluted earnings per ordinary 
 share (expressed in UZS per share)                 3.51     0.46 

Legal proceedings . From time to time and in the normal course of business, claims against the Group are received. On the basis of its own estimates and both internal and external professional advice the Management is of the opinion that no material losses will be incurred in respect of claims and accordingly no provision has been made in these consolidated financial statements.

Tax legislation . Uzbek tax, currency and customs legislation is subject to varying interpretations, and changes, which can occur frequently. The Management's interpretation of such legislation as applied to the transactions and activity of the Group may be challenged by the relevant regional and state authorities. Recent events within Uzbekistan suggest that the tax authorities may be taking a more assertive position in their interpretation of the legislation and assessments, and it is possible that transactions and activities that have not been challenged in the past, may be challenged. As a result, significant additional taxes, penalties and interest may be assessed. Fiscal periods remain open to review by the authorities in respect of taxes for five calendar years preceding the year of review. Under certain circumstances reviews may cover longer periods.

The Management believes that its interpretation of the relevant legislation is appropriate and the Bank's tax, currency legislation and customs positions will be sustained. Accordingly, as at 31 December 2021, no provision for potential tax liabilities had been recorded (2020: Nil). The Group estimates that it has no potential obligations from exposure to other than remote tax risks.

Capital expenditure commitments. As at 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020, the Group had contractual capital expenditure commitments for the total amount of UZS 1,033,849 million and UZS 1,033,849 million in respect of premises and equipment, respectively.

Credit related commitments . The primary purpose of these instruments is to ensure that funds are available to a customer as required. Guarantees and standby letters of credit, which represent irrevocable assurances that the Group will make payments in the event that a customer cannot meet its obligations to third parties, carry the same credit risk as loans. Documentary and commercial letters of credit, which are written undertakings by the Group on behalf of a customer authorising a third party to draw drafts on the Group up to a stipulated amount under specific terms and conditions, are collateralised by the underlying shipments of goods to which they relate or cash deposits and therefore carry less risk than a direct borrowing. Commitments to extend credit represent unused portions of authorisations to extend credit in the form of loans, guarantees or letters of credit. With respect to credit risk on commitments to extend credit, the Group is potentially exposed to loss in an amount equal to the total unused commitments. However, the likely amount of loss is less than the total unused commitments since most commitments to extend credit are contingent upon customers maintaining specific credit standards. The Group monitors the term to maturity of credit related commitments because longer-term commitments generally have a greater degree of credit risk than shorter-term commitments.

                                         31 December  31 December 
                                                2021         2020 
Guarantees issued                          1,834,214    2,424,042 
Letters of credit, non post-financing        398,886      336,446 
Letters of credits, post-financing 
 with commencement after reporting 
 period end                                1,508,819      457,743 
Undrawn credit lines                         831,415      518,506 
Total gross credit related commitments     4,573,334    3,736,737 
Less - Cash held as security against 
 letters of credit and guarantees          (275,863)    (155,267) 
Less - Provision for expected credit 
 losses                                     (43,203)     (22,845) 
Total credit related commitments           4,254,268    3,558,625 

The total outstanding contractual amount of letters of credit, guarantees issued and undrawn credit lines does not necessarily represent future cash requirements as these financial instruments may expire or terminate without being funded.


IFRS defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at a measurement date.

Fair value measurements are analysed by level in the fair value hierarchy as follows:

-- Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

-- Level 2 fair value measurements are those derived from inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).

-- Level 3 fair value measurements are those derived from valuation techniques that include inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

The Management applies judgement in categorising financial instruments using the fair value hierarchy. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs that require significant adjustment, that measurement is a Level 3 measurement. The significance of a valuation input is assessed against the fair value measurement in its entirety.

Financial assets and financial liabilities are classified in their entirety based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurements. The Management's assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement requires judgment, and may affect the valuation of the assets and liabilities being measured and their placement within the fair value hierarchy.

The Group considers that the accounting estimate related to the valuation of financial instruments where quoted markets prices are not available is a key source of estimation uncertainty because: (i) it is highly susceptible to changes from year to year, as it requires the Management to make assumptions about interest rates, volatility, exchange rates, the credit rating of the counterparty, valuation adjustments and specific features of transactions and (ii) the impact that recognising a change in the valuations would have on the assets reported on the consolidated statement of financial position, as well as, the related profit or loss reported on the consolidated statement of profit or loss, could be material.

Some of the Group's financial assets and financial liabilities are measured at fair value at the end of each reporting year. The following table gives information about how the fair values of these financial assets and financial liabilities are determined (in particular, the valuation technique(s) and inputs used).

               Fair value 
                  as at 
               31 December  31 December        Fair          Valuation    Significant      Relationship 
  Financial           2021         2020       value           model(s)   unobservable   of unobservable 
  assets/                                 hierarchy   and key input(s)       input(s)         inputs to 
  financial                                                                                  fair value 
                                                            Quoted bid 
                                                             prices in 
- Visa                                        Level          an active 
 Inc.               13,613       13,203           1            market.            N/A               N/A 
                                                           cash flows. 
                                                              Discount                      The greater 
                                                        rate estimated                        discount- 
                                              Level           based on       Discount       the smaller 
- Other             34,523       24,821           3               WACC           rate        fair value 

The fair value of the equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income disclosed in Note 11 were determined as the present value of future dividends by assuming dividend growth rate of zero per annum. The Management built its expectation based on previous experience of dividends received on financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income over multiple years, and accordingly calculated the value of using the average rate of return on investments. A significant unobservable input used in determining the fair value of equity securities at FVTOCI is the Group's WACC. The higher the WACC the lower the fair value of the equity securities at FVTOCI. The Management believes that this approach accurately reflects the fair value of these securities, given they are not traded. Such financial instruments were categorised as Level 3.

Investments to which the dividends valuation approach is not applicable, i.e. dividends were not paid during the period, Management may use the Assets based valuation approach focused on the investment company's net assets value (NAV), or fair market value of its total assets minus its total liabilities, to determine what would cost to recreate the business. The Management believes that such approach accurately reflects the fair value of these securities.

Below is presented the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value on a recurring basis (but fair value disclosures are required). Except as detailed in the following table, the Management considers that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities recognised in the consolidated financial statements approximate their fair values.

                          31 December 2021        31 December 2020 
                        Carrying   Fair value   Carrying   Fair value 
                          value                   value 
Loans and advances 
 to customers          42,537,051  39,773,366  38,959,958  34,401,244 
Due from other banks    1,956,303   1,726,508   1,859,192   1,739,931 
Debt securities in 
 - Eurobonds (Note 
  18)                   3,235,127   3,280,385   3,118,189   3,312,173 
Other borrowed funds   30,130,776  31,751,605  25,683,457  26,703,457 
Subordinated debt         101,771      97,338           -           - 
                                 31 December 2021 
                        Level 1       Level        Level 3         Total 
Loans and advances 
 to customers                  -      39,773,366           -  39,773,366 
Due from other banks           -       1,726,508           -   1,726,508 
Debt securities in 
- Eurobonds (Note 
 18)                   3,280,385               -           -   3,280,385 
Other borrowed funds           -               -  31,751,605  31,751,605 
Subordinated debt              -          97,338                       - 
                                31 December 2020 
                         Level 1     Level       Level       Total 
                                        2           3 
Loans and advances 
 to customers                   -  34,401,244           -  34,401,244 
Due from other banks            -           -   1,739,931   1,739,931 
Debt securities in 
 - Eurobonds (Note18)   3,312,173           -           -   3,312,173 
Other borrowed funds            -           -  26,703,457  26,703,457 
Subordinated debt               -           -           -           - 

The fair values of the financial assets and financial liabilities included in the level 2 and level 3 categories above have been determined in accordance with generally accepted pricing models based on a discounted cash flow analysis, with the most significant inputs being the discount rate that reflects the credit risk of counterparties.

As at 31 December 2021 and 2020, the Group determined fair value for some of its financial assets and liabilities using the discounted cash flow model by applying CBU statistical bulletin, which became open to public starting 2019. Such financial instruments were categorised as Level 2.

For those financial instruments where interest rates were not directly available in the CBU's Statistical bulletin, the Management uses discounted cash flow model by applying market interest rates based on the rates of the deals concluded towards the end of the reporting period. Due to the absence of an active market or observable inputs for instruments with characteristics similar to the Bank's financial instruments, the Management considered the latest rates as the most appropriate input from all available data for calculation of the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities. Therefore, these long-term financial instruments that are not measured at fair value on a recurring basis but where fair value disclosures are required, are categorised within Level 3.


The Group manages regulatory capital as Group's capital. The Group's objectives when managing capital are to comply with the capital requirements set by the CBU, and to safeguard the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. Compliance with capital adequacy ratios set by the CBU is monitored monthly with reports outlining their calculation reviewed and signed by the Chairman and Chief Accountant.

Under the current capital requirements set by the CBU, banks have to maintain ratios of (actual ratios given below are unaudited):

-- Ratio of regulatory capital to risk weighted assets ("Regulatory capital ratio") above a prescribed minimum level of 13% (31 December 2020: 13%). Actual ratio as at 31 December 2021: 15.8% (31 December 2020: 17%);

-- Ratio of Group's tier 1 capital to risk weighted assets ("Capital adequacy ratio") above a prescribed minimum level of 10% (31 December 2020: 10%). Actual ratio as at 31 December 2021: 11.9% (31 December 2020: 13.1%); and

-- Ratio of Group's tier 1 capital to total assets less intangibles ("Leverage ratio") above a prescribed minimum level of 6% (31 December 2020: 6%). Actual ratio as at 31 December 2021: 10% (31 December 2020: 10.3%).

The Group and the Bank have complied with all externally imposed capital requirements throughout 2021 and 2020.

Total capital is based on the Group's reports prepared under Uzbekistan Accounting Legislation and related instructions and comprises:

                                31 December 2021  31 December 2020 (unaudited) 
Tier 1 capital                         6,223,703                     5,543,925 
Less: Deductions from capital          (149,023)                      (46,485) 
Tier 1 capital adjusted                6,074,680                     5,497,440 
Tier 2 capital                         2,024,893                     1,619,786 
Total regulatory Capital               8,099,573                     7,117,226 

Regulatory capital consists of Tier 1 capital, which comprises share capital, share premium, preference shares, retained earnings excluding current year profit and less intangible assets. The other component of regulatory capital is Tier 2 capital, which includes current year profit.


The risk management function within the Group is carried out in respect of financial risks, operational risks and legal risks. Financial risk comprises market risk (including currency risk, interest rate risk and other price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The primary objectives of the financial risk management function are to establish risk limits, and then ensure that exposure to risks stays within these limits. The operational and legal risk management functions are intended to ensure proper functioning of internal policies and procedures, in order to minimise operational and legal risks.

Credit risk . The Group takes on exposure to credit risk which is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge an obligation. Exposure to credit risk arises as a result of the Group's lending and other transactions with counterparties giving rise to financial assets.

Clients of the Group are segmented into five rating classes. The Group's rating scale, which is shown below, reflects the range of default probabilities defined for each rating class. This means that, in principle, exposures migrate between classes as the assessment of their probability of default changes.

Group's internal ratings scale :

Timely repayment of these loans is not in doubt. The borrower is a financially stable company, which has an adequate capital level, high level profitability and sufficient cash flow to meet its all existing obligations, including present debt. When estimating the reputation of the borrower such factors as the history of previous repayments, marketability of collateral (movable and immovable property guarantee) are taken into consideration.

"Sub-standard" loans are loans, secured with a reliable source of secondary repayment (guarantee or collateral). On the whole, the financial situation of borrower is stable, but some unfavourable circumstances or tendencies are in the present, which raise doubts on the ability of the borrower to repay on time. "Standard" loans with insufficient information in the credit file or missed information on collateral could be also classified as "sub-standard" loans.

Unsatisfactory loans have obvious deficiencies, which make for doubtful repayment of the loan on the conditions, envisaged by the initial agreement. As for "unsatisfactory" loans, the primary source of repayment is not sufficient and the Group has to seek additional loan repayment sources, which in case of non-repayment is a sale of collateral.

Doubtful loans are those loans, which have all the weaknesses inherent in those classified as "unsatisfactory" with the added characteristic that the weakness makes collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions and values, highly questionable.

Loans classified as "loss" are considered uncollectible and have such little value that their continuance as bankable assets of the Group is not warranted. This classification does not mean that the loans have absolutely no likelihood of recovery, but rather means that it is not practical or desirable to defer writing off these essentially worthless assets even though partial recovery may be effected in the future and the Group should make efforts on liquidation such debts through selling collateral or should apply all forces for its repayment.

Risk limits control and mitigation policies . The Group manages, limits and controls concentrations of credit risk wherever they are identified - in particular, to individual counterparties and groups, and to industries.

The Group structures the levels of credit risk it undertakes by placing limits on the amount of risk accepted in relation to one borrower, or groups of borrowers, and to geographical and industry segments. Such risks are monitored on a revolving basis and subject to an annual or more frequent review, when considered necessary. Limits on the level of credit risk by product, industry sector and by country are approved quarterly by the Group's Council.

Where appropriate, and in the case of most loans, the Group obtains collateral and corporate and personal guarantee. However, a significant portion of loans is personal lending, where no such facilities can be obtained. Such risks are monitored on a continuous basis and subject to annual or more frequent reviews.

Exposure to credit risk is managed through regular analysis of the ability of borrowers and potential borrowers to meet interest and capital repayment obligations and by changing these lending limits where appropriate. Some other specific control and mitigation measures are outlined below.

(a) Limits . The Group manages and controls credit risk by setting limits on the amount of risk it is willing to accept for individual counterparties and for geographical and industry concentrations, and by monitoring exposures in relation to such limits.

Loan applications, along with financial analysis of loan applicant which includes liquidity, profitability, interest coverage and debt service coverage ratios, originated by the relevant client relationship managers are passed on to the relevant credit committee or Bank Council for approval of credit limit.

(b) Collateral . The Group employs a range of policies and practices to mitigate credit risk. The most traditional of these is the taking of security for funds advances, which is common practice. The Group implements guidelines on the acceptability of specific classes of collateral or credit risk mitigation.

Collateral before being accepted by the Group is thoroughly analysed and physically verified, where applicable. Debt securities, treasury and other eligible bills are generally unsecured.

The principal collateral types for loans and advances as well as finance lease receivables are:

   -           State guarantees 
   -           Cash deposits; 
   -           Motor vehicle; 
   -           Inventory; 
   -           Letter of surety; 
   -           Residential house; 
   -           Equipment; 
   -           Building; and 
   -           Other assets 

(c) Concentration of risks of financial assets with credit risk exposure . The Group's Management focuses on concentration risk:

- The maximum risk to single borrower or group of affiliated borrowers shall not exceed 25 percent of the Group's tier 1 capital;

- Total amount of unsecured credits to single borrower or group of affiliated borrowers shall not exceed 5 percent of Group's tier 1 capital;

- Total amount of all large credits shall not exceed Group's tier 1 capital by more than 8 times; and

   -           Total loan amount to related party shall not exceed Group's tier 1 capital. 

The Bank is required to prepare and submit stand-alone financial information of the Bank to the Central Bank of Uzbekistan on a monthly basis. The consolidated financial statements are prepared under IFRS only once in a year.

In order to monitor credit risk exposures, weekly reports are produced by the credit department's officers based on a structured analysis focusing on the customer's business and financial performance, which includes overdue balances, disbursements and repayments, outstanding balances and maturity of loan and as well as grade of loan and collateral. Any significant exposures against customers with deteriorating creditworthiness are reported to and reviewed by the Management daily. The Management monitors and follows up past due balances.

Impairment and provisioning policies . The internal and external rating systems described above focus on credit-quality mapping from the inception of the lending and investment activities. In contrast, impairment provisions are recognised for financial reporting purposes only for losses incurred at the balance sheet date based on objective evidence of impairment. Due to the different methodologies applied, the amount of incurred credit losses provided for in the financial statements are usually lower than the amount determined from the expected loss model that is used for internal operational management and banking regulation purposes.

The Group's policy requires the review of individual financial assets that are above certain materiality thresholds at least annually or more regularly when individual circumstances require. Impairment allowances on individually assessed accounts are determined by an evaluation of the incurred loss at balance-sheet date on a case-by-case basis, and are applied to all individually significant accounts. The assessment normally encompasses collateral held (including re-confirmation of its enforceability) and the anticipated receipts for that individual account.

Collectively assessed impairment allowances are provided for: (i) portfolios of homogenous assets that are individually below materiality thresholds; and (ii) individual financial assets in stage 1 and 2 that are above certain materiality thresholds, by using the available empirical data, experienced judgment and statistical techniques.

The Group monitors the term to maturity of off balance sheet contingencies because longer term commitments generally have a greater degree of credit risk than short-term commitments.

Commitments to extend credit represent unused portions of credit in the form of loans, guarantees or letters of credit. The credit risk on off-balance sheet financial instruments is defined as a probability of losses due to the inability of counterparty to comply with the contractual terms and conditions. With respect to credit risk on commitments to extend credit, the Group is potentially exposed to a loss in an amount equal to the total unused commitments.

However, the likely amount of the loss is less than the total unused commitments since most commitments to extend credit are contingent upon customers maintaining specific credit standards. The Group applies the same credit policy to the contingent liabilities as it does to the balance sheet financial instruments, i.e. the one based on the procedures for approving the grant of loans, using limits to mitigate the risk, and current monitoring.

Maximum exposure of credit risk. The Group's maximum exposure to credit risk varies significantly and is dependent on both individual risks and general market economy risks.

The Group's maximum exposure to credit risk under contingent liabilities and commitments to extend credit, in the event of non-performance by the other party where all counterclaims, collateral or security prove valueless, is represented by the contractual amounts of those instruments.

Off-balance sheet risk. The Group applies fundamentally the same risk management policies for off-balance sheet risks as it does for its on-balance sheet risks. In the case of commitments to lend, customers and counterparties will be subject to the same credit management policies as for loans and advances. Collateral may be sought depending on the strength of the counterparty and the nature of the transaction.

Market risk . The Group takes on exposure to market risks. Market risks arise from open positions in interest rate, currency and equity products, all of which are exposed to general and specific market movements. The Group manages its market risk through risk-based limits established by the Bank Supervisory Board on the value of risk that may be accepted. The risk-based limits are subject to review by the Bank Council on a quarterly basis. Overall Group's position is split between Corporate and Retail banking positions. The exposure of Corporate and Retail banking operations to market risk is managed through the system of limits monitored by the Treasury Department on a daily basis. However, the use of this approach does not prevent losses outside of these limits in the event of more significant market movements.

Currency risk . The Group takes on exposure to the effect of fluctuations in the prevailing foreign currency exchange rates on its financial position and cash flows. In respect of currency risk, the Council sets limits on the level of exposure by currency and in total for both overnight and intra-day positions, which are monitored daily. The Group's Treasury Department measures its currency risk by matching financial assets and liabilities denominated in same currency and analyses effect of actual annual appreciation/depreciation of that currency against Uzbekistan Soum to the profit and loss of the Group.

The Group measures its currency risk by:

   -        Net position on each currency should not exceed 10% of Group's total equity; 
   -        Total net position on all currencies should not exceed 15% of Group's total equity. 

The table below summarises the Group's exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk at the end of reporting period:

Non-derivative monetary assets and liabilities:

31 December 2021                        USD             EUR             Other currencies           UZS        Total 
Cash and cash equivalents         5,058,478         480,056                      130,815     2,527,303    8,196,652 
Due from other banks                843,913          43,387                       65,131     1,003,872    1,956,303 
Loans and advances 
 to customers                    20,739,057       6,883,573                        3,305    14,911,116   42,537,051 
Investment securities 
 measured at 
 amortised cost                           -               -                            -     1,067,512    1,067,512 
Other financial assets               10,766           6,175                        3,308             -       20,249 
Total monetary assets            26,652,214       7,413,191                      202,559    19,509,803   53,777,767 
Due to other banks                1,012,647          44,171                            -       336,159    1,392,977 
Customer accounts                 6,411,546         424,540                      114,676     6,610,778   13,561,540 
Debt securities in 
 issue                            3,235,127               -                            -        82,690    3,317,817 
Other borrowed funds             16,014,520       7,179,169                        3,443     6,933,644   30,130,776 
Other financial liabilities         101,305             399                            4        54,047      155,755 
Subordinated debt                         -               -                            -       101,771      101,771 
Total monetary liabilities       26,775,145       7,648,279                      118,123    14,119,089   48,660,636 
Net Balance sheet 
 position                         (122,931)       (235,088)                       84,436     5,390,714    5,117,131 
31 December 2020                     USD        EUR  Other currencies         UZS       Total 
Cash and cash equivalents      3,768,254    138,176           138,499   1,556,257   5,601,186 
Due from other banks             944,034     61,634           149,885     703,639   1,859,192 
Loans and advances 
 to customers                 20,391,586  6,290,620                 -  12,277,752  38,959,958 
Investment securities 
 measured at 
 amortised cost                        -          -                 -     540,222     540,222 
Other financial assets               646      5,058                 -      10,504      16,208 
Total monetary assets         25,104,520  6,495,488           288,384  15,088,374  46,976,766 
Due to other banks               857,428        180                 -     638,396   1,496,004 
Customer accounts              6,991,777    237,180           198,854   4,189,147  11,616,958 
Debt securities in 
 issue                         3,118,189          -                 -     154,859   3,273,048 
Other borrowed funds          14,643,855  6,147,006                 -   4,892,596  25,683,457 
Other financial liabilities       21,430          -                29      39,527      60,986 
Subordinated debt                      -          -                 -           -           - 
Total monetary liabilities    25,632,679  6,384,366           198,883   9,914,525  42,130,453 
Net Balance sheet 
 position                      (528,159)    111,122            89,501   5,173,849   4,846,313 

Changes of the possible movement of the currency rates from 2020 to 2021 were associated with the increase in the volatility of the exchange rate. The following table presents sensitivities of profit and loss to reasonably possible changes in exchange rates applied at the end of reporting period, with all other variables held constant:

                             As at 31 December  As at 31 December 2020 
                           Impact on profit or     Impact on profit or 
                                          loss                    loss 
US Dollars strengthening 
 by 20% (31 December 
 2020: 20%)                           (24,586)               (105,632) 
US Dollars weakening 
 by 20% 
 (31 December 2020: 
 20%)                                   24,586                 105,632 
EUR strengthening by 
 20%                                  (47,018)                  22,224 
 (31 December 2020: 
EUR weakening by 20%                    47,018                (22,224) 
 (31 December 2020: 

The above sensitivity analysis include limitations in terms of the use of hypothetical market movements to demonstrate potential risk that only represent the Group's view of possible near-term market changes, based on historical change in foreign currency rates, and which cannot be predicted with any certainty.

The exposure was calculated only for monetary balances denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the Group. Impact on equity would be the same as impact on statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.

Interest rate risk . The Group takes on exposure to the effects of fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market interest rates on its financial position and cash flows. Interest margins may increase as a result of such changes but may reduce or create losses in the event that unexpected movements arise.

The Management monitors on a daily basis and sets limits on the level of mismatch of interest rate repricing that may be undertaken.

The table below summarises the Group's exposure to interest rate risks. The table presents the aggregated amounts of the Group's financial assets and liabilities at carrying amounts, categorised by the earlier of contractual interest repricing or maturity dates.

31 December          Demand       From       From         From       From       Over       Total 
 2021              and less     1 to 6    6 to 12       1 to 3     3 to 5    5 years 
                     than 1     months     months        years      years 
Cash and 
 equivalents        650,234          -          -            -    650,234          -   1,300,468 
Due from 
 other banks         14,083     24,092    446,058      208,950    257,745    374,560   1,325,488 
Loans and 
 to customers     2,301,142  7,688,643  5,408,590   11,541,556  7,905,947  7,638,652  42,484,530 
 at amortised 
 cost               442,290    493,401          -      125,664      2,442          -   1,063,797 
Total % 
 assets           3,407,749  8,206,136  5,854,648   11,876,170  8,816,368  8,013,212  46,174,283 
Due to other 
 banks              164,573    433,506      2,469       40,078    401,151     41,480   1,083,257 
 accounts           310,218  1,818,168  1,350,402    1,802,731    216,880    717,595   6,215,994 
Debt securities 
 in issue             3,002      8,600     70,000    3,211,014          -          -   3,292,616 
Other borrowed 
 funds              514,743  3,323,382  4,698,344   12,384,059  2,849,198  5,584,698  29,354,424 
 debt                     -          -          -            -      3,226     96,774     100,000 
Total financial 
 liabilities        992,536  5,583,656  6,121,215   17,437,882  3,467,229  6,343,773  40,046,291 
Net interest 
 gap              2,415,213  2,622,480  (266,567)  (5,561,712)  5,349,139  1,669,439   6,127,992 
31 December               Demand       From       From         From       From       Over       Total 
 2020                   and less       1 to    6 to 12       1 to 3       3 to    5 years 
                            than   6 months     months        years    5 years 
                         1 month 
Cash and cash 
 equivalents             897,254          -          -            -          -          -     897,254 
Due from 
 other banks               4,895    117,251    303,659      621,215          -    392,812   1,439,832 
Loans and 
 to customers          2,140,336  6,622,391  4,328,945    9,866,727  7,611,236  7,964,099  38,533,734 
 at amortised 
 cost                          -    405,524     69,561       47,800          -      2,440     525,325 
Total % bearing 
 assets                3,042,485  7,145,166  4,702,165   10,535,742  7,611,236  8,359,351  41,396,145 
Due to other 
 banks                   259,165    315,200          -       19,898    449,146      9,534   1,052,943 
Customer accounts        151,475    436,199    237,271      574,422  1,787,025    600,521   3,786,913 
Debt securities 
 in issue                 30,063     38,750     13,500       70,599  3,095,382          -   3,248,294 
Other borrowed 
 funds                 1,029,301  3,618,683  4,257,476    9,103,108  2,139,086  4,783,069  24,930,723 
 debt                          -          -          -            -          -          -           - 
Total financial 
 bearing liabilities   1,470,004  4,408,832  4,508,247    9,768,027  7,470,639  5,393,124  33,018,873 
Net interest 
 gap                   1,572,481  2,736,334    193,918      767,715    140,597  2,966,227   8,377,272 

As at 31 December 2021, if interest rates at that date had been 165 basis points lower (2020: 165 basis points lower) with all other variables held constant, profit for the year would have been UZS 101,012 million higher (2020: UZS 114,093 million higher).

If interest rates had been 165 basis points higher (2020: 165 basis points higher) with all other variables held constant, profit for the year would have been UZS 101,012 million lower (2020: UZS 114,093 million lower).

The Group monitors interest rates for its financial instruments. The table below summarizes interest rates based on reports reviewed by key management personnel:

Other price risk . The Group is exposed to prepayment risk through providing loans, including mortgages, which give the borrower the right to early repay the loans. The Group's current year profit or loss and equity at the current reporting date would not have been significantly impacted by changes in prepayment rates because such loans are carried at amortised cost and the prepayment right is at or close to the amortised cost of the loans and advances to customers. The Group has no significant exposure to equity price risk.

Geographical risk concentration . The geographical concentration of the Group's financial assets and liabilities at 31 December 2021 is set out below:

31 December 2021                     Uzbekistan          OECD     Non-OECD        Russia       Total 
Cash and cash equivalents             4,007,434     4,124,590            -        64,628   8,196,652 
Due from other banks                  1,837,456       117,215        1,632             -   1,956,303 
Loans and advances to customers      42,537,051             -            -             -  42,537,051 
Investment securities measured 
 at amortised cost                    1,067,512             -            -             -   1,067,512 
Financial assets at fair 
 value through other comprehensive 
 income                                  34,523        13,613            -             -      48,136 
Other financial assets                   10,270         9,979            -             -      20,249 
Total financial assets               49,494,246     4,265,397        1,632        64,628  53,825,903 
Due to other banks                    1,050,532       271,622       70,410           413   1,392,977 
Customer accounts                    13,171,330             -      390,210             -  13,561,540 
Debt securities in issue                 82,690     3,235,127            -             -   3,317,817 
Other borrowed funds                  5,863,247    13,976,515    7,009,055     3,281,959  30,130,776 
Other financial liabilities              54,452             -      101,303             -     155,755 
Subordinated debt                       101,771             -            -             -     101,771 
Total financial liabilities          20,324,022    17,483,264    7,570,978     3,282,372  48,660,636 
Net balance sheet position           29,170,224  (13,217,867)  (7,569,346)   (3,217,744)   5,165,267 
Credit related commitments 
 (Note 33)                            4,254,268             -            -             -   4,254,268 

The geographical concentration of the Group's financial assets and liabilities at 31 December 2020 is set out below:

31 December 2020                     Uzbekistan          OECD      Non-OECD       Russia       Total 
Cash and cash equivalents             3,658,933     1,875,324             -       66,929   5,601,186 
Due from other banks                  1,581,319       272,594         5,219           60   1,859,192 
Loans and advances to 
 customers                           38,959,958             -             -            -  38,959,958 
Investment securities 
 measured at amortised 
 cost                                   540,222             -             -            -     540,222 
Financial assets at fair 
 value through other comprehensive 
 income                                  24,821        13,203             -            -      38,024 
Other financial assets                   16,130             -            78            -      16,208 
Total financial assets               44,781,383     2,161,121         5,297       66,989  47,014,790 
Due to other banks                    1,221,829       262,437         2,505        9,233   1,496,004 
Customer accounts                    11,616,958             -             -            -  11,616,958 
Debt securities in issue                154,859     3,118,189             -            -   3,273,048 
Other borrowed funds                  4,767,006    11,146,580     6,830,545    2,939,326  25,683,457 
Other financial liabilities              39,556             -        21,430            -      60,986 
Subordinated debt                             -             -             -            -           - 
Total financial liabilities          17,800,208    14,527,206     6,854,480    2,948,559  42,130,453 
Net balance sheet position           26,981,175  (12,366,085)   (6,849,183)  (2,881,570)   4,884,337 
Credit related commitments 
 (Note 33)                            3,558,625             -             -            -   3,558,625 

Liquidity risk . Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that an entity will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities. The Group is exposed to daily calls on its available cash resources from overnight deposits, current accounts, maturing deposits, loan draw downs, guarantees. The Group does not maintain cash resources to meet all of these needs as experience shows that a minimum level of reinvestment of maturing funds can be predicted with a high level of certainty. Liquidity risk is managed by the Resources Management Committee of the Group.

The Group seeks to maintain a stable funding base comprising primarily amounts due to other banks, corporate and retail customer deposits and invest the funds in inter-bank placements of liquid assets, in order to be able to respond quickly and smoothly to unforeseen liquidity requirements.

The liquidity management of the Group requires considering the level of liquid assets necessary to settle obligations as they fall due; maintaining access to a range of funding sources; maintaining funding contingency plans and monitoring balance sheet liquidity ratios against regulatory requirements. The Group calculates liquidity ratios on a monthly basis in accordance with the requirement of the CBU. These ratios are calculated using figures based on National Accounting Standards.

The Treasury Department receives information about the liquidity profile of the financial assets and liabilities. The Treasury Department then provides for an adequate portfolio of short-term liquid assets, largely made up of short-term liquid trading securities, deposits with banks and other inter-bank facilities, to ensure that sufficient liquidity is maintained within the Group as a whole.

The daily liquidity position is monitored and regular liquidity stress testing under a variety of scenarios covering both normal and more severe market conditions is performed by the Treasury Department.

When the amount payable is not fixed, the amount disclosed is determined by reference to the conditions existing at the reporting date. Foreign currency payments are translated using the spot exchange rate at the statement of financial position date.

The undiscounted maturity analysis of financial instruments at 31 December 2021 is as follows:

31 December            Demand       From       From        From       From       Over       Total 
 2021                and less       1 to    6 to 12      1 to 3       3 to    5 years 
                       than 1   6 months     months       years    5 years 
Due to other 
 banks                473,736    460,908     28,335     142,257    437,562     48,173   1,590,971 
ustomer accounts    7,628,416  1,989,658  2,312,751     917,524    219,074    721,434  13,788,857 
Debt securities 
 issue                 20,964    120,246    174,614   3,593,482          -          -   3,909,306 
Other borrowed 
 funds                664,752  4,185,661  5,449,195  13,934,192  3,305,437  6,493,697  34,032,934 
Other financial 
 liabilities          155,755          -          -           -          -          -     155,755 
 debt                       -          -          -      18,025     21,472    164,089     203,586 
Undrawn credit 
 lines                831,415          -          -           -          -          -     831,415 
 issued             1,676,260          -          -           -          -          -   1,676,260 
Letters of 
 credit                35,013  1,622,819     48,777      60,264          -          -   1,766,873 
Total potential 
 future payments 
 for financial 
 obligations       11,486,311  8,379,292  8,013,672  18,665,744  3,983,545  7,427,393  57,955,957 

The undiscounted maturity analysis of financial instruments at 31 December 2020 is as follows:

31 December             Demand       From       From        From       From       Over       Total 
 2020                 and less       1 to    6 to 12      1 to 3       3 to    5 years 
                        than 1   6 months     months       years    5 years 
Due to other 
 banks                 653,958    397,187     27,093     124,181    524,047     10,924   1,737,390 
Customer accounts    5,925,986    689,463    418,200   2,727,185  1,933,544    819,946  12,514,324 
Debt securities 
 issue                  48,120    149,083    116,301     463,862  3,272,377          -   4,049,743 
Other borrowed 
 funds               1,153,167  4,202,521  4,788,640  10,750,559  2,490,447  5,607,441  28,992,775 
Other financial 
 liabilities            60,986          -          -           -          -          -      60,986 
Undrawn credit 
 lines                 518,506          -          -           -          -          -     518,506 
 issued              2,399,195          -          -           -          -          -   2,399,195 
Letters of 
 credit                  9,946    619,743     11,235           -          -          -     640,924 
                        32,734    279,741     94,552       1,950          -          - 
Total potential 
 future payments 
 for financial 
 obligations        10,769,864  6,057,997  5,361,469  14,065,787  8,220,415  6,438,311  50,913,843 

Liquidity requirements to support calls under guarantees and standby letters of credit are considerably less than the amount of the commitment disclosed in the above maturity analysis, because the Group does not generally expect the third party to draw funds under the agreement.

The total outstanding contractual amount of commitments to extend credit as included in the above maturity table does not necessarily represent future cash requirements, since many of these commitments will expire or terminate without being funded.

The table below shows the maturity analysis of non-derivative financial assets at their carrying amounts and based on their contractual maturities, except for assets that are readily saleable if it should be necessary to meet cash outflows on financial liabilities. Such financial assets are included in the maturity analysis based on their expected date of disposal. Impaired loans are included at their carrying amounts net of impairment provisions, and based on the expected timing of cash inflows.

The Group does not use the above undiscounted maturity analysis to manage liquidity. Instead, the Group monitors expected maturities which may be summarised as follows at 31 December 2021:

31 December              Demand       From       From         From       From       Over       Total 
 2021                  and less       1 to    6 to 12       1 to 3       3 to    5 years 
                         than 1   6 months     months        years    5 years 
Cash and cash 
 equivalents          8,196,652          -          -            -          -          -   8,196,652 
Due from other 
 banks                  208,322     24,092    877,224      208,950    257,745    379,970   1,956,303 
Loans and advances 
 to customers         2,303,397  7,692,692  5,415,340   11,550,168  7,910,452  7,665,002  42,537,051 
 measured at 
 amortised cost         446,005    493,401          -      125,664      2,442          -   1,067,512 
Financial assets 
 at fair value 
 through other 
 income                       -          -          -       48,136          -          -      48,136 
Other financial 
 assets                  20,249          -          -            -          -          -      20,249 
Total financial 
 assets              11,174,625  8,210,185  6,292,564   11,932,918  8,170,639  8,044,972  53,825,903 
Due to other 
 banks                  467,396    435,292      2,469       42,430    401,151     44,239   1,392,977 
Customer accounts     7,588,430  1,897,559  2,264,066      877,011    216,880    717,594  13,561,540 
Debt securities 
 in issue                 3,002     33,801     70,000    3,211,014          -          -   3,317,817 
Other borrowed 
 funds                  560,328  3,670,762  4,931,885   12,437,283  2,875,810  5,654,708  30,130,776 
Other financial 
 liabilities            155,755          -          -            -          -          -     155,755 
 debt                         -      1,771          -            -      3,226     96,774     101,771 
Total financial 
 liabilities          8,774,911  6,039,185  7,268,420   16,567,738  3,497,067  6,513,315  48,660,636 
Net liquidity 
 gap                  2,399,714  2,171,000  (975,856)  (4,634,820)  4,673,572  1,531,657   5,165,267 
 liquidity gap        2,399,714  4,570,714  3,594,858  (1,039,962)  3,633,610  5,165,267 

The analysis by remaining contractual maturities may be summarised as follows at 31 December 2020:

31 December            Demand       From       From         From       From       Over       Total 
 2020                and less     1 to 6    6 to 12       1 to 3       3 to    5 years 
                         than     months     months        years    5 years 
                      1 month 
Cash and cash 
 equivalents        5,601,186          -          -            -          -          -   5,601,186 
Due from other 
 banks                148,127    324,311    372,726      621,215          -    392,813   1,859,192 
Loans and 
 advances to 
 customers          2,147,523  6,647,182  4,350,766    9,953,937  7,766,068  8,094,482  38,959,958 
 measured at 
 amortised cost        14,897    405,524     69,561       47,800          -      2,440     540,222 
Financial assets 
 at fair value 
 through other 
 income                     -          -          -       38,024          -          -      38,024 
Other financial 
 assets                16,208          -          -            -          -          -      16,208 
Total financial 
 assets             7,927,941  7,377,017  4,793,053   10,660,976  7,766,068  8,489,735  47,014,790 
Due to other 
 banks                646,684    370,728         14       19,898    449,146      9,534   1,496,004 
Customer accounts   5,900,846    585,060    299,983    2,443,524  1,787,025    600,520  11,616,958 
Debt securities 
 in issue              30,095     63,471     13,500       70,600  3,095,382          -   3,273,048 
Other borrowed 
 funds              1,066,290  3,798,602  4,386,007    9,392,454  2,164,228  4,875,876  25,683,457 
Other financial 
 liabilities           60,986          -          -            -          -          -      60,986 
 debt                       -          -          -            -          -          -           - 
Undrawn credit 
 lines                 48,534    108,872     51,981      164,553    136,384      8,182     518,506 
 issued                48,230    729,985     55,229            -    246,240  1,319,511   2,399,195 
Letters of 
 credit                 9,946    619,743     11,235            -          -          -     640,924 
Total financial 
 liabilities        7,811,611  6,276,461  4,817,949   12,091,029  7,878,405  6,813,623  45,689,078 
Net liquidity 
 gap                  116,330  1,100,556   (24,896)  (1,430,053)  (112,337)  1,676,112   1,325,712 
 gap                  116,330  1,216,886  1,191,990    (238,063)  (350,400)  1,325,712 

The above analysis is based on remaining contractual maturities.

Although the Group does not have the right to use the mandatory deposits held in the CBU for the purposes of funding its operating activities, the Management classifies them as demand deposits in the liquidity gap analysis on the basis that their nature is inherently to fund sudden withdrawal of customer accounts.

The matching and/or controlled mismatching of the maturities and interest rates of assets and liabilities is fundamental to the Management of the Group. It is unusual for banks ever to be completely matched since business transacted is often of an uncertain term and of different types. An unmatched position potentially enhances profitability, but can also increase the risk of losses. The maturities of assets and liabilities and the ability to replace, at an acceptable cost, interest-bearing liabilities as they mature, are important factors in assessing the liquidity of the Group and its exposure to changes in interest and exchange rates.

The Management believes that in spite of a substantial portion of customer accounts being on demand, the fact that significant portion of these customer accounts are of large state controlled entities which are either the Group's shareholders or its entities under common control and the past experience of the Group, indicate that these customer accounts provide a long-term and stable source of funding for the Group.

As part of liquidity risk management, the Group maintains a contingency plan, periodically reviewed and adjusted, to be able to withstand any unexpected outflow of customers and to respond to financial stress. The contingency plan is developed primarily on the basis of the Group's ability to access the State resources due to its state ownership and strategic importance to the national banking system of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

As at 31 December 2021, the contingency plan of the Group consisted of the following:

- Attraction of long-term deposits of State funds under the Ministry of Finance - Pension Fund, State Deposit Insurance Fund and others;

- Attraction of budgetary funds up to one year through weekly electronic bidding platform run by the State Treasury under the Ministry of Finance;

   -     Utilization of the CBU's short-term liquidity loans; 

- Attraction of deposits from inter-bank money markets within the limits set by the local commercial banks.

Due to the effects of the pandemic on the Uzbek economy and banking sector, the State has announced and adopted various measures to combat its negative impact. Among the measures taken by the CBU, the following had direct and indirect impact on the Bank's liquidity:

- The commercial banks were provided with additional liquid resources as a result of easing the requirements for mandatory reserves with the CBU. This measure has allowed the Bank to enjoy additional liquidity;

- The CBU made available for the commercial banks a credit line collateralized with mortgage loans and/or loans classified as "standard";

- For regulatory and statutory purposes, the commercial banks were allowed not to reduce the quality classification of the loans restructured as a result of pandemic, which in turn allowed the banks not to increase their impairment allowances;

- The CBU postponed the introduction of more stringent liquidity requirements (in particular, liquidity coverage ratio - LCR) from mid-2020 to 2021;

- Quarterly contributions to the State Deposit Insurance Fund have been reduced from 0.25% to 0.05% starting from 1 July 2020.

The Management of the Group is of the view that through their contingency plans the Group will be able to attract resources sufficient to cover any potential negative liquidity gap as at 31 December 2021.


Parties are generally considered to be related if the parties are under common control or one party has the ability to control the other party or can exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational decisions. In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship, not merely the legal form.

-- "Significant shareholders" - legal entities-shareholders which have a significant influence to the Group through Government;

-- "Key management personnel" - members of the Management Board and the Council of the Bank;

   --            "Entities under common control" - entities that are controlled, jointly controlled or significantly influenced by the Government. 

Details of transactions between the Group and related parties are disclosed below:

                                          31 December 2021                    31 December 2020 
                                Related     Total category  Related party       Total category 
                         party balances   as per financial       balances     as per financial 
                                                statements                  statements caption 
Cash and cash 
- entities under 
 common control               1 746 320                21%      2,636,460                  47% 
Due from other 
- entities under 
 common control               1 483 268                76%      1,327,746                  71% 
Loans and advances 
 to customers 
- key management 
 personnel                        1 176                 0%            269                   0% 
- significant 
 shareholders                 3 678 666                 9%      6,011,991                  15% 
- entities under 
 common control               8 157 239                19%      8,550,541                  22% 
Investment securities 
 measured at 
 amortised cost 
- significant 
 shareholders                   288 290                27%        364,378                  67% 
- entities under 
 common control                 770 932                72%        173,401                  32% 
Financial assets 
 at fair value 
 through other 
- entities under 
 common control                  19 952             41,45%         10,788                  28% 
Other Assets 
- significant 
 shareholders                    13 270                 4%          9,814                   3% 
Due to other 
- entities under 
 common control                 963 175                69%      1,194,253                  80% 
Customer accounts 
- key management 
 personnel                           63                 0%          1,204                   0% 
- significant 
 shareholders                 4 258 100                31%      4,698,047                  40% 
- entities under 
 common control               2 891 164                21%      1,178,370                  10% 
Debt securities 
 in issue 
- entities under 
 common control                  12 604                 0%         21,180                   1% 
- significant 
 shareholders                         -                 0%              -                   0% 
Other borrowed 
- significant 
 shareholders                 5 277 553                18%      4,617,668                  18% 
- entities under 
 common control                     476                 0%        145,443                   1% 
Other liabilities 
- significant 
 shareholders                       163                 0%             71                   0% 
- entities under 
 common control                  26 774                14%         22,128                  17% 
- entities under 
 common control                 101 771               100%              -                   0% 
                                              2021                          2020 
                                    Related     Total category    Related     Total category 
                                      party   as per financial      party   as per financial 
                                   balances         statements   balances         statements 
                                                       caption                       caption 
Interest income 
- key management personnel               48                 0%          9                 0% 
- significant shareholders          226 419                 5%    125,212                 8% 
- entities under common control     332 970                 8%    208,791                14% 
Interest expense 
- key management personnel              (1)                 0%       (24)                 0% 
- significant shareholders        (364 671)                18%  (128,251)                17% 
- entities under common control    (85 088)                 4%  (135,667)                18% 
Provision for/(recovery of) 
 credit losses on loans and 
 advances to customers 
- significant shareholders         (38 049)                 9%   (14,116)                 3% 
Fee and commission income 
- significant shareholders           15 332                 4%     17,083                11% 
- entities under common control      15 163                 4%     24,430                15% 
Net gain from trading in 
 foreign currencies 
- significant shareholders                -                 0%         17                 0% 
- entities under common control           -                 0%      2,035                 8% 
Other operating income 
- significant shareholders              246                 1%          -                 0% 
- entities under common control          78                 0%         75                 4% 
Administrative and other 
 operating expenses 
- key management personnel         (10 465)                 1%    (1,540)                 1% 
- entities under common control   (110 189)                11%   (38,142)                14% 

The Group enters into transaction with other government related entities in the normal course of business.

Key management compensation is presented below:

                                            2021   2020 
Salaries and other benefits                5,813  2,240 
Bonuses                                    2,519  3,054 
State pension and social security costs    2,133  1,353 
Total                                     10,465  6,647 

In February 2022, due to geopolitical events around Ukraine and Russia, sanctions have been imposed against a number of Russian banks. As of 31 December 2021 and subsequently, the Bank does not have significant assets with these banks (UZS 65 million cash balances, please see note 36). Due to these events, the exchange rate of the national currency, Uzbekistan Soum (UZS) against the US dollar began to weaken. On 18 March 2022, the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan decided to raise the base rate by 3 percentage points and set it equal to 17%. As of 30 April 2022, the exchange rate of the US dollar against the UZS is 11,162 or the exchange rate of the USD dollar against the UZS has increased by 3% since 31 December 2021 (2021: 3.4% annual). At the same time, the Management of the Bank believes that events after the reporting date do not have significant negative impact on Bank's operations.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 10, 2022 06:23 ET (10:23 GMT)

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