MIAMI, June 26, 2023 -- Carnival Corporation & plc (NYSE/LSE: CCL; NYSE: CUK) 
reports second quarter 2023 earnings and sets sights on 2026 SEA Change Program. 
  · U.S. GAAP net loss of $407 million, or $(0.32) diluted EPS, and adjusted net 
loss of $395 million, or $(0.31) adjusted EPS, above the better end of the March 
guidance range of $425 to $525 million net loss for the second quarter of 2023 
(see "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below). 
  · Adjusted EBITDAfor the second quarterof 2023 was $681 million, at the high 
end of the March guidance range of $600 million to $700 million (see "Non-GAAP 
Financial Measures" below). 
  · Record second quarter revenue of $4.9 billion. 
  · The company saw continued acceleration of demand, with total bookings made 
during the quarter reaching a new all-time high for all future sailings. 
  · Total customer deposits reached an all-time high of $7.2billion (as of May 
31, 2023), surpassing the previous record of $6.0 billion (as of May 31, 2019) 
by over $1 billion, a 26% increase compared to the prior quarter. 
  · Cash from operations and adjusted free cash flow were positive in the second 
quarter of 2023. The company expects continued growth in adjusted free cash flow 
to be the driver for paying down debt over time (see "Non-GAAP Financial 
Measures" below). 
  · Second quarter 2023 ended with $7.3 billionof liquidity following the 
prepayment of over $1 billion in near term variable rate debt. 
  · The company is introducing its SEA Change Program, a set of key performance 
targets designed to achieve important strategic goals over a three-year period 
ending in 2026. 
Carnival Corporation & plc's Chief Executive Officer Josh Weinstein commented, 
"We reached a meaningful inflection point for revenue this quarter, with net 
yields surpassing 2019's strong levels, and we achieved positive operating 
income, cash from operations and adjusted free cash flow." 
Weinstein continued, "We are already executing on our strategy to grow revenue 
by taking up ticket prices, even while maintaining record onboard spending 
levels, building occupancy and growing capacity." 
Weinstein added, "Based on continued strength in pricing, we delivered 
outperformance in the second quarter and raised our expectation for revenue in 
the second half, which coupled with the interest expense benefit we are 
capturing from deleveraging will bring another $275 million dollars to the 
bottom line for the year." 
Weinstein noted, "With bookings and customer deposits hitting all-time highs, we 
are clearly gaining momentum on an upward trajectory. We are focused on the 
durable revenue growth and margin improvement that will deliver on our SEA 
Change Program and propel us on the path to delevering and investment grade 
leverage metrics." 
Second Quarter 2023 Results and Statistical Information 
  · Operating income for the second quarter of 2023 was $120 million, turning 
positive for the first time since the resumption of guest cruise operations and 
marking a significant milestone. 
  · Adjusted EBITDAfor the second quarter of 2023 was $681 million, at the high 
end of the March guidance range of $600 million to $700 million. 
  · Record second quarter revenue of $4.9 billion. 
  · While gross margin yields were down compared to 2019, the company achieved a 
significant milestone of net yields in constant currency surpassing 2019 levels, 
above March guidance by 3.2% in constant currency (see "Non-GAAP Financial 
Measures" below). 
  · Cruise costs per available lower berth day ("ALBD") increased 8.3% as 
compared to the second quarter of 2019. 
  · In constant currency, adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel per ALBD (see 
"Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below) increased 13.5% compared to the second 
quarter of 2019 and were above the high end of March guidance primarily due to 
the timing of expenses between the quarters. Costs were higher as compared to 
2019 as a result of higher dry-dock related expenses, higher advertising 
investments to drive revenue for 2023 and beyond, incentive compensation 
increases reflecting expected improvements in the company's current and long 
-term performance, as well as partially mitigating the impacts of a high 
inflation environment. 
  · Total customer deposits reached an all-time high of $7.2billion (as of May 
31, 2023), surpassing the previous record of $6.0 billion (as of May 31, 2019) 
by over $1 billion, driven by strong demand, bundled package offerings and pre 
-cruise sales, and a 26% increase compared to the prior quarter. 
The company saw continued acceleration of demand, with total bookings made 
during the quarter reaching a new all-time high for all future sailings. Booking 
volumes for the second quarter exceeded the first quarter's booking volumes, 
which was the previous record high. 
Weinstein noted, "Our momentous wave period, typically a first quarter event, 
started in record breaking fashion at the end of the fourth quarter, set a 
record in the first quarter, actually accelerated in the second quarter and has 
continued into the third quarter. Booking volumes have been tremendous and we 
are gaining momentum with favorable pricing trends, which reflects improved 
commercial execution and returns on our advertising investments. The booking 
lead times for our North America and Australia ("NAA") segment are now further 
out than we have ever seen, while lead times for our Europe segment continue to 
lengthen and are now within 10 percent of 2019 levels, which is an improvement 
of 10 points from the last quarter. In fact, our European brands' bookings taken 
this past quarter for second half 2023 sailings for European deployments 
achieved double digit percentage increases in both volume and price compared to 
2019. Clearly the strength of our portfolio of world class brands is now 
shifting into high gear." 
The company's cumulative advanced booked position for the remainder of 2023 is 
at higher ticket prices in constant currency, despite headwinds from the loss of 
St. Petersburg as a marquee destination due to the suspension of cruises to 
Russia (normalized for future cruise credits), as compared to strong 2019 
pricing and a booked occupancy position that is near the high end of the 
historical range. (The company's current booking trends are compared to booking 
trends for 2019 as it is the most recent full year of guest cruise operations.) 
Aligned with the company's yield management strategy, and while still early, the 
cumulative advanced booked position for full year 2024 is above the high end of 
the historical range at strong prices. 
2023 Outlook 
For the full year 2023, the company expects: 
  · Adjusted EBITDA of $4.10 billion to $4.25 billion, above March guidance's 
range and with a midpoint increase of $175 million 
    · Includes approximately $0.5 billion unfavorable impact from fuel price and 
currency compared to 2019 
    · Continued sequential improvement in each quarter in adjusted EBITDA per 
ALBD as compared to 2019, driven by maintaining net per diems above 2019 levels 
while closing the gap in occupancy to 2019 levels (see "Non-GAAP Financial 
Measures" below) 
  · Occupancy of 100% or higher 
  · Net per diems of 5.5% to 6.5% (in constant currency) two and a half points 
higher than March guidance, based on the acceleration of its strong demand 
  · Adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel per ALBD (in constant currency) one and 
a half points higher than March guidance, due to a slower expected ramp down in 
inflationary pressures than previously estimated, incentive compensation 
increases reflecting expected improvements in the company's current and long 
-term performance and continued increases in advertising investments 
For the third quarter of 2023, the company expects: 
  · Adjusted EBITDA of $2.05 billion to $2.15 billion, a significant improvement 
compared to the second quarter of 2023 and adjusted net income of $0.95 billion 
to $1.05 billion 
  · Occupancy of 107% or higher 
The company expects net yields compared to 2019 (in constant currency) to be 
positive for the second half of the year, despite the headwinds from the loss of 
St. Petersburg as a marquee destination due to the suspension of cruises to 
See "Guidance" and "Reconciliation of Forecasted Data" for additional 
information on the company's 2023 outlook. 
SEA Change Program 
Carnival Corporation & plc is introducing its SEA Change Program, a set of key 
performance targets designed to reflect the achievement of important strategic 
goals over a three-year period ending in 2026, including: 
  · Sustainability - More than 20% reduction in carbon intensity compared to 
2019, improving upon the company's industry leading fuel-efficiency and pulling 
forward its stated 2030 carbon intensity reduction goal by several years 
  · EBITDA - 50% increase in adjusted EBITDA per ALBD compared to 2023 June 
guidance,representing the highest level in almost two decades 
  · Adjusted ROIC - 12% adjusted Return on Invested Capital ("ROIC"), more than 
doubling adjusted ROIC from 2023 to 2026, and representing the highest level in 
almost two decades. Adjusted ROIC excludes goodwill and intangibles to compare 
against historical performance (see "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below) 
By the end of 2026, the company is expecting to approach investment grade 
leverage metrics. 
The company's targets are built on measured net capacity growth of less than 
2.5% compounded annually from 2023. To achieve these three-year targets, the 
company will continue with its focus across the portfolio on a range of 
initiatives to drive net yield growth while maintaining its industry leading 
cost base and fuel efficiency to continue to improve margins and grow adjusted 
free cash flow, which the company believes will enable further debt reduction 
over time. 
Weinstein noted, "These financial targets are anchored on optimizing capital 
allocation through measured capacity growth and will set our course back to 
strong profitability and investment grade leverage metrics. We are gaining 
momentum with continued strength in demand. We are excited about all the 
opportunities ahead and the potential to create outsized value for our 
shareholders as we work towards our 2026 targets." 
Financing and Capital Activity 
Carnival Corporation & plc Chief Financial Officer David Bernstein noted, "We 
reached a meaningful turning point this quarter as we began deleveraging our 
balance sheet and are already $1.4 billion dollars off our peak debt. We believe 
with over $7 billion of liquidity, our improving EBITDA and our return to 
profitability in the second half of 2023, we are very well positioned to pay 
down debt maturities for the foreseeable future. We remain disciplined in making 
capital allocation decisions, and our lowest orderbook in decades provides a 
pathway for further deleveraging." 
Cash from operations and adjusted free cash flow were positive in the second 
quarter of 2023 and both are expected to be positive for the second half of the 
year. The company expects continued growth in adjusted free cash flow to be the 
driver for paying down debt over time. 
The company has taken the following actions to address its debt portfolio since 
February 28, 2023: 
  · Opportunistically paid down over $1 billion of variable rate debt mostly 
with 2023 and 2024 maturities, that carried above average rates compared to the 
rest of its debt portfolio 
  · In June, paid down $300 million of 2024 maturities 
  · Aligned its interest coverage covenant at a ratio of not less than 2.0:1.0 
for testing dates from May 31, 2024 until May 31, 2025, across substantially all 
its debt instruments with an interest coverage covenant 
Following these actions, fixed rate debt now represents approximately 80% of the 
company's debt portfolio, which provides protection from rising interest rates. 
During the second quarter, the company repaid $1.8 billion of debt principal 
including the remaining $0.2 billion outstanding under its revolving credit 
facility. The company ended the second quarter of 2023 with $7.3 billion of 
liquidity, including cash and borrowings available under the revolving credit 
Simplifying Structure, Removing Senior Layers and Aligning Around Its Brands 
with Rejuvenated Leadership 
The company continues its drive to return to strong profitability by optimizing 
its organizational and leadership structure to ensure continued momentum and to 
help expedite the achievement of its long-term goals. The company realigned 
around a simplified structure that removes layers between Corporate and its 
brands. The leadership of its six largest brands, representing over 90% of the 
company's expected capacity at year-end, now report directly to Weinstein (up 
from one brand representing less than a third of the company's capacity 
reporting directly to Weinstein), with three of the six brands continuing to 
support smaller-capacity brands for scale and efficiency. The enhanced structure 
enables its brands to operate with greater speed and responsiveness to market 
demands and opportunities. Additionally, building on the company's leadership 
rejuvenation efforts, 7 of Weinstein's 12 direct reports are new to the role 
(since the pause in guest cruise operations). 
Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") 
Expanding shore power capabilities to improve fleet energy efficiency 
In April 2023, AIDA Cruises reached a milestone when AIDAsol became the first 
cruise ship in its fleet to connect to shore power facilities in four out of the 
five ports during its voyage. Additionally, AIDAmar and AIDAsol were the first 
two cruise ships to be supplied simultaneously with renewable shore power in a 
German port. As of year end, based on the company's itineraries, less than 5% of 
the ports it calls on offer shore power connections while 57% of the fleet is 
shore power enabled. The company continues to work with local port authorities 
in many locations to support their shore power development efforts. 
Advancing Sustainability Initiatives 
In April 2023, the company released its 13th annual sustainability report, 
"Sustainable from Ship to Shore," detailing industry-leading initiatives and 
momentum across environmental, social and governance focus areas. The report 
describes significant progress made by the company toward its aspirations of 
carbon neutral operations by 2050 and a circular economy model focused on waste 
reduction, recycling and management. Having peaked in absolute carbon emissions 
in 2011 despite 31% capacity growth since that time, the company is on track to 
achieve a 40% reduction in carbon intensity by 2030 vs 2008, and has pulled 
forward its stated 2030 carbon intensity reduction goal by several years, now 
targeting more than a 20% reduction in carbon intensity by the end of 2026 vs 
2019. This is the result of its four-part decarbonization strategy: fleet 
optimization; energy efficiency; itinerary efficiency; and new technologies and 
alternative fuels. Collectively, these strategic initiatives are expected to 
drive a 15% reduction in fuel consumption per available lower berth day in 2023, 
along with a 15% reduction in emissions per ALBD, both relative to 2019. The 
company has continued to deliver on its commitment to advancing a circular 
economy, achieving a 30% decrease in food waste per person in 2022 and is making 
significant progress towards its interim goal to achieve 40% per person food 
waste reduction by 2025 relative to its 2019 baseline. 
Additionally, the company completed its first inventory of Scope 3 "value-chain" 
emissions associated with purchased goods and services, fuel and energy 
distribution/delivery, and waste management, among others. Using the Greenhouse 
Gas ("GHG") Protocol standard, in the future, the company will track these 
emissions annually vs a full-year 2019 operations baseline, which will support 
the company's decarbonization efforts and provide transparency on its progress. 
Other Recent Highlights 
  · Carnival Corporation was recognized on Forbes' annual listing of Best 
Employers for Diversity for the fifth consecutive year. 
  · Carnival Cruise Line was voted Best Ocean Cruise Line in USA Today's 10Best 
Readers' Choice Awards, and named one of America's Best Brands for Social Impact 
by Forbes and recognized for its overall trustworthiness and values, social 
stances, sustainability and community support. 
  · Carnival Veneziaofficially joined the Carnival Cruise Line fleet, becoming 
the first ship to feature "Fun Italian Style," combining Italian themes with 
Carnival's signature fun with Jay Leno as the brand's very first godfather. 
  · Holland America Line celebrated its 150th anniversary and Costa Cruises 
celebrated its 75th anniversary. 
  · Costa Cruises signed an agreement to start using bio-liquefied natural gas 
("LNG") powered trucks to transport supplies needed by its cruise ships. 
  · Carnival Corporation continues to expand next generation internet across its 
fleet with the installation of SpaceX's Starlink on both Seabourn expedition 
ships and Holland America's Koningsdam, following its introduction on Carnival 
Cruise Line and AIDA ships. 
"Reconciliation of 
                       3Q 2023                Full 
Change compared to     Current    Constant    Current     Constant 
2019                   Dollars    Currency    Dollars     Currency 
Net per diems          2.0% to    3.5% to     4.0% to     5.5% to 
                       3.0%       4.5%        5.0%        6.5% 
Adjusted cruise        12.5%      14.5% to    8.0% to     10.0% to 
costs excluding        to         15.5%       9.0%        11.0% 
fuel                   13.5% 
per ALBD 
                                              3Q 2023     Full Year 
ALBDs (in millions)                           23.8        91.3 
Capacity growth vs                            4.6%        4.5% 
Occupancy                                     107% or     100% or 
percentage (a)                                higher      higher 
Fuel consumptionin                            0.7         2.9 
metric tons (in 
Fuel cost per                                 $ 620       $ 660 
metric ton consumed 
Fuel expense (in                              $ 0.5       $ 1.9 
Depreciation and                              $ 0.6       $ 2.4 
amortization (in 
Interest expense,                             $ 0.5       $ 1.95 
net of capitalized 
interest and 
interest income (in 
Adjusted EBITDA (in                           $2,050      $4,100 to 
millions)                                     to          $4,250 
Adjusted net income                           $950 to     $(250) to 
(loss) (in                                    $1,050      $(100) 
Adjusted earnings                             $0.70 to    $(0.20) 
per share                                     $0.77       to 
Weighted-average                              1,390       1,263 
shares outstanding 
Currencies (USD to 
AUD                                           $ 0.68      $ 0.68 
CAD                                           $ 0.76      $ 0.76 
EUR                                           $ 1.09      $ 1.09 
GBP                                           $ 1.28      $ 1.25 
(a) See "Notes to 
Sensitivities                                 3Q 2023     Remainder 
(impact to adjusted                                       of 2023 
income (loss) in 
1% change in net                              $ 51        $ 90 
per diems 
1% change in                                  $ 22        $ 45 
adjusted cruise 
excluding fuel per 
1% change in                                  $ 7         $ 11 
currency exchange 
10% change in fuel                            $ 46        $ 89 
100 basis point                               -           $ 38 
change in variable 
debt (including 
The company's 
which include 
actuals for 
2023, are as 
(in billions)  2023     2024     2025     2026 
Contracted     $ 1.8    $ 2.4    $ 0.9    $ - 
Non-newbuild   1.5      1.7      1.7      1.7 
Total (a)      $ 3.3    $ 4.1    $ 2.6    $ 1.7 
(a)  Future capital expenditures will fluctuate with foreign currency 
     movements relative to the U.S. Dollar. These figures do not include 
     potential ship additions that the company may elect in the future. 
Outstanding Debt Maturities 
As of May 31, 2023, the company's outstanding debt maturities are as follows: 
(in billions)                                   2023     2024     2025     2026 
First Lien                                      $ 0.0    $ 0.1    $ 2.6    $ 0.0 
Second Lien                                     -        -        -        1.2 
Export Credits                                  0.6      1.2      1.1      1.1 
All other (a)                                   0.2      1.2      0.5      2.1 
Total Principal payments on outstanding debt    $ 0.8    $ 2.4    $ 4.3    $ 4.5 
(a)  Subsequent to May 31, 2023, the company 
     repaid $300 million of 2024 maturities. 
Committed Ship Financings 
(in billions)                                      2023     2024     2025 
Future export credit facilities at May 31, 2023    $ 0.1    $ 2.2    $ 0.7 
Refer to Financial Information within the Investor Relations section of the 
corporate website for further details on the company's Debt Maturities, which 
will be available upon filing the Form 10-Q: 
-schedules (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=3904213 
Conference Call 
The company has scheduled a conference call with analysts at 10:00 a.m. EDT 
(3:00 p.m. BST) today to discuss its earnings release. This call can be listened 
to live, and additional information can be obtained, via Carnival Corporation & 
plc's website at www.carnivalcorp.com and www.carnivalplc.com. 
Carnival Corporation & plc is the largest global cruise company, and among the 
largest leisure travel companies, with a portfolio of world-class cruise lines - 
AIDA Cruises, Carnival Cruise Line, Costa Cruises, Cunard, Holland America Line, 
P&O Cruises (Australia), P&O Cruises (UK), Princess Cruises, and Seabourn. 
Additional information can be found on www.carnivalcorp.com, www.aida.de, 
www.carnival.com, www.costacruise.com, www.cunard.com, www.hollandamerica.com, 
www.pocruises.com.au, www.pocruises.com, www.princess.comand www.seabourn.com. 
For more information on Carnival Corporation's industry-leading sustainability 
initiatives, visit www.carnivalsustainability.com. 
Jody Venturoni     Beth Roberts 
+1 469 797 6380    +1 305 406 4832 
Cautionary Note Concerning Factors That May Affect Future Results 
Some of the statements, estimates or projections contained in this document are 
"forward-looking statements" that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions 
with respect to us, including some statements concerning future results, 
operations, outlooks, plans, goals, reputation, cash flows, liquidity and other 
events which have not yet occurred. These statements are intended to qualify for 
the safe harbors from liability provided by Section 27A of the Securities Act of 
1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All 
statements other than statements of historical facts are statements that could 
be deemed forward-looking. These statements are based on current expectations, 
estimates, forecasts and projections about our business and the industry in 
which we operate and the beliefs and assumptions of our management. We have 
tried, whenever possible, to identify these statements by using words like 
"will," "may," "could," "should," "would," "believe," "depends," "expect," 
"goal," "aspiration," "anticipate," "forecast," "project," "future," "intend," 
"plan," "estimate," "target," "indicate," "outlook," and similar expressions of 
future intent or the negative of such terms. 
Forward-looking statements include those statements that relate to our outlook 
and financial position including, but not limited to, statements regarding: 
· Pricing                    · Adjusted net income (loss) 
· Booking levels             · Adjusted EBITDA 
· Occupancy                  · Adjusted earnings per share 
· Interest, tax and fuel     · Adjusted free cash flow 
· Currency exchange rates    · Net per diems 
· Goodwill, ship and         · Net yields 
trademark fair values 
· Liquidity and credit       · Adjusted cruise costs per ALBD 
· Investment grade leverage  · Adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel per ALBD 
· Estimates of ship          · Adjusted return on invested capital 
depreciable lives and 
residual values 
Because forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, there are 
many factors that could cause our actual results, performance or achievements to 
differ materially from those expressed or implied by our forward-looking 
statements. This note contains important cautionary statements of the known 
factors that we consider could materially affect the accuracy of our forward 
-looking statements and adversely affect our business, results of operations and 
financial position. Additionally, many of these risks and uncertainties are 
currently, and in the future may continue to be, amplified by our substantial 
debt balance as a result of the pause of our guest cruise operations. There may 
be additional risks that we consider immaterial or which are unknown. These 
factors include, but are not limited to, the following: 
  · Events and conditions around the world, including war and other military 
actions, such as the invasion of Ukraine, inflation, higher fuel prices, higher 
interest rates and other general concerns impacting the ability or desire of 
people to travel have led, and may in the future lead, to a decline in demand 
for cruises, impacting our operating costs and profitability. 
  · Pandemics have in the past and may in the future have a significant negative 
impact on our financial condition and operations. 
  · Incidents concerning our ships, guests or the cruise industry have in the 
past and may, in the future, negatively impact the satisfaction of our guests 
and crew and lead to reputational damage. 
  · Changes in and non-compliance with laws and regulations under which we 
operate, such as those relating to health, environment, safety and security, 
data privacy and protection, anti-corruption, economic sanctions, trade 
protection, labor and employment, and tax have in the past and may, in the 
future, lead to litigation, enforcement actions, fines, penalties and 
reputational damage. 
  · Factors associated with climate change, including evolving and increasing 
regulations, increasing global concern about climate change and the shift in 
climate conscious consumerism and stakeholder scrutiny, and increasing frequency 
and/or severity of adverse weather conditions could adversely affect our 
  · Inability to meet or achieve our sustainability related goals, aspirations, 
initiatives, and our public statements and disclosures regarding them, may 
expose us to risks that may adversely impact our business. 
  · Breaches in data security and lapses in data privacy as well as disruptions 
and other damages to our principal offices, information technology operations 
and system networks and failure to keep pace with developments in technology may 
adversely impact our business operations, the satisfaction of our guests and 
crew and may lead to reputational damage. 
  · The loss of key team members, our inability to recruit or retain qualified 
shoreside and shipboard team members and increased labor costs could have an 
adverse effect on our business and results of operations. 
  · Increases in fuel prices, changes in the types of fuel consumed and 
availability of fuel supply may adversely impact our scheduled itineraries and 
  · We rely on supply chain vendors who are integral to the operations of our 
businesses. These vendors and service providers may be unable to deliver on 
their commitments, which could negatively impact our business. 
  · Fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates may adversely impact our 
financial results. 
  · Overcapacity and competition in the cruise and land-based vacation industry 
may negatively impact our cruise sales, pricing and destination options. 
  · Inability to implement our shipbuilding programs and ship repairs, 
maintenance and refurbishments may adversely impact our business operations and 
the satisfaction of our guests. 
  · Failure to successfully implement our business strategy following our 
resumption of guest cruise operations would negatively impact the occupancy 
levels and pricing of our cruises and could have a material adverse effect on 
our business. We require a significant amount of cash to service our debt and 
sustain our operations. Our ability to generate cash depends on many factors, 
including those beyond our control, and we may not be able to generate cash 
required to service our debt and sustain our operations. 
The ordering of the risk factors set forth above is not intended to reflect our 
indication of priority or likelihood. 
Forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as a prediction of actual 
results. Subject to any continuing obligations under applicable law or any 
relevant stock exchange rules, we expressly disclaim any obligation to 
disseminate, after the date of this document, any updates or revisions to any 
such forward-looking statements to reflect any change in expectations or events, 
conditions or circumstances on which any such statements are based. 
Forward-looking and other statements in this document may also address our 
sustainability progress, plans and goals (including climate change and 
environmental-related matters). In addition, historical, current and forward 
-looking sustainability- and climate-related statements may be based on 
standards and tools for measuring progress that are still developing, internal 
controls and processes that continue to evolve, and assumptions and predictions 
that are subject to change in the future and may not be generally shared. 
(in millions, except 
per share data) 
                       Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended 
                       May 31,                  May 31, 
                       2023        2022         2023         2022 
Passenger ticket       $ 3,141     $ 1,285      $ 6,011      $ 2,158 
Onboard and other      1,770       1,116        3,332        1,866 
                       4,911       2,401        9,343        4,024 
Operating Expenses 
Commissions,           619         325          1,274        576 
transportation and 
Onboard and other      549         314          1,033        523 
Payroll and related    601         533          1,183        1,038 
Fuel                   489         545          1,024        910 
Food                   325         191          636          327 
Ship and other         -           -            -            8 
Other operating        875         774          1,619        1,331 
Cruise and tour        3,457       2,683        6,768        4,713 
operating expenses 
Selling and            736         619          1,448        1,149 
Depreciation and       597         572          1,179        1,126 
                       4,791       3,874        9,394        6,988 
Operating Income       120         (1,473)      (52)         (2,964) 
Nonoperating Income 
Interest income        69          6            124          9 
Interest expense, net  (542)       (370)        (1,082)      (738) 
of capitalized 
Gain (losses) on debt  (31)        -            (31)         - 
extinguishment, net 
Other income           (17)        6            (47)         (26) 
(expense), net 
                       (522)       (358)        (1,036)      (755) 
Income (Loss) Before   (402)       (1,831)      (1,087)      (3,719) 
Income Taxes 
Income Tax Benefit     (5)         (3)          (13)         (6) 
(Expense), Net 
Net Income (Loss)      $ (407)     $ (1,834)    $ (1,100)    $ (3,726) 
Earnings Per Share 
Basic                  $ (0.32)    $ (1.61)     $ (0.87)     $ (3.27) 
Diluted                $ (0.32)    $ (1.61)     $ (0.87)     $ (3.27) 
Weighted-Average       1,263       1,140        1,261        1,139 
Shares Outstanding - 
Weighted-Average       1,263       1,140        1,261        1,139 
Shares Outstanding - 
(in millions, except par values) 
                                                      May 31,     November 30, 
                                                      2023        2022 
Current Assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                             $ 4,468     $ 4,029 
Restricted cash                                       18          1,988 
Trade and other receivables, net                      449         395 
Inventories                                           438         428 
Prepaid expenses and other                            833         652 
Total current assets                                  6,206       7,492 
Property and Equipment, Net                           39,584      38,687 
Operating Lease Right-of-Use Assets, Net              1,310       1,274 
Goodwill                                              579         579 
Other Intangibles                                     1,163       1,156 
Other Assets                                          3,030       2,515 
                                                      $ 51,873    $ 51,703 
Current Liabilities 
Short-term borrowings                                 $ -         $ 200 
Current portion of long-term debt                     1,789       2,393 
Current portion of operating lease liabilities        161         146 
Accounts payable                                      1,042       1,050 
Accrued liabilities and other                         1,951       1,942 
Customer deposits                                     6,892       4,874 
Total current liabilities                             11,835      10,605 
Long-Term Debt                                        31,921      31,953 
Long-Term Operating Lease Liabilities                 1,208       1,189 
Other Long-Term Liabilities                           1,044       891 
Shareholders' Equity 
Common stock of Carnival Corporation, $0.01 par       12          12 
value; 1,960 shares authorized; 1,250 shares at 2023 
and 1,244 shares at 2022 issued 
Ordinary shares of Carnival plc, $1.66 par value;     361         361 
217 shares at 2023 and 2022 issued 
Additional paid-in capital                            16,684      16,872 
Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)               (841)       269 
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)         (1,903)     (1,982) 
Treasury stock, 130 shares at 2023 and 2022 of        (8,449)     (8,468) 
Carnival Corporation and 73 shares at 2023 and 72 
shares at 2022 of Carnival plc, at cost 
Total shareholders' equity                            5,865       7,065 
                                                      $ 51,873    $ 51,703 
OTHER BALANCE SHEET INFORMATION(in millions)  May 31, 2023    November 30, 2022 
Liquidity (a)                                 $ 7,336         $ 8,635 
Debt (current and long-term)                  $ 33,710        $ 34,546 
Customer deposits (current and long-term)     $ 7,161         $ 5,089 
(a)  November 30, 2022 liquidity includes restricted cash from the 2028 Senior 
     Priority Notes which became unrestricted in December. 
                           Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended 
                           May 31,               May 31, 
STATISTICAL INFORMATION    2023      2022        2023      2022 
Passenger cruise days      21.8      11.4        42.0      18.7 
("PCDs") (in millions) 
ALBDs (in millions) (b)    22.3      16.7        44.3      30.0 
Occupancy percentage (c)   98%       69%         95%       62% 
Passengers carried (in     3.0       1.7         5.7       2.7 
Fuel consumption in        0.7       0.6         1.5       1.2 
metric tons (in millions) 
Fuel consumption in        32.5      37.9        33.0      40.0 
metric tons per thousand 
Fuel cost per metric ton   $ 677     $ 869       $ 704     $ 765 
Currencies (USD to 1) 
AUD                        $ 0.67    $ 0.73      $ 0.68    $ 0.72 
CAD                        $ 0.74    $ 0.79      $ 0.74    $ 0.79 
EUR                        $ 1.08    $ 1.08      $ 1.08    $ 1.11 
GBP                        $ 1.23    $ 1.29      $ 1.23    $ 1.32 
Notes to 
(a)  PCD represents the number of cruise passengers on a voyage 
     multiplied by the number of revenue-producing ship operating days 
     for that voyage. 
(b)  ALBD is a standard measure of passenger capacity for the period 
     that we use to approximate rate and capacity variances, based on 
     consistently applied formulas that we use to perform analyses to 
     determine the main non-capacity driven factors that cause our 
     cruise revenues and expenses to vary. ALBDs assume that each 
     cabin we offer for sale accommodates two passengers and is 
     computed by multiplying passenger capacity by revenue-producing 
     ship operating days in the period. 
(c)  Occupancy, in accordance with cruise industry practice, is 
     calculated using a numerator of PCDs and a denominator of ALBDs, 
     which assumes two passengers per cabin even though some cabins 
     can accommodate three or more passengers. Percentages in excess 
     of 100% indicate that on average more than two passengers 
     occupied some cabins. 
                               Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended 
                               May 31,                  May 31, 
(in millions)                  2023        2022         2023         2022 
Net income (loss)              $ (407)     $ (1,834)    $ (1,100)    $ (3,726) 
(Gains) losses on ship sales   (45)        (5)          (54)         1 
and impairments 
(Gains) losses on debt         31          -            31           - 
extinguishment, net 
Restructuring expenses         15          1            15           1 
Other                          11          (29)         23           (29) 
Adjusted net income (loss)     $ (395)     $ (1,867)    $ (1,085)    $ (3,752) 
Interest expense, net of       542         370          1,082        738 
capitalized interest 
Interest income                (69)        (6)          (124)        (9) 
Income tax (expense), benefit  5           3            13           6 
Depreciation and amortization  597         572          1,179        1,126 
Adjusted EBITDA                $ 681       $ (928)      $ 1,063      $ (1,891) 
                               Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended 
                               May 31,                  May 31, 
                               2023        2022         2023         2022 
Earnings per share             $ (0.32)    $ (1.61)     $ (0.87)     $ (3.27) 
(Gains) losses on ship sales   (0.04)      -            (0.04)       - 
and impairments 
(Gains) losses on debt         0.02        -            0.02         - 
extinguishment, net 
Restructuring expenses         0.01        -            0.01         - 
Other                          0.01        (0.03)       0.02         (0.03) 
Adjusted earnings per share    $ (0.31)    $ (1.64)     $ (0.86)     $ (3.30) 
Weighted-average shares        1,263       1,140        1,261        1,139 
outstanding - diluted (in 
                               Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended 
                               May 31,                  May 31, 
(in millions)                  2023        2022         2023         2022 
Cash from (used in)            $ 1,136     $ 4          $ 1,525      $ (1,209) 
Capital expenditures           (697)       (491)        (1,772)      (3,221) 
(Purchases of Property and 
Proceeds from export credits   186         -            1,016        2,343 
Adjusted free cash flow        $ 625       $ (487)      $ 769        $ (2,086) 
(See Non-GAAP Financial 
Data in the below table is compared against 2019 as it is the most recent year 
of full operations due to the pause and resumption of guest cruise operations. 
Gross margin per diems and net per diems were computed by dividing the gross 
margin and adjusted gross margin by PCDs. Gross margin yields and net yields 
were computed by dividing the gross margin and adjusted gross margin by ALBDs as 
              Three                               Six 
              Months                              Months 
              Ended                               Ended 
              May 31,                             May 31, 
(in           2023        2023        2019        2023        2023        2019 
except                    Constant                            Constant 
per diems 
and yields                Currency                            Currency 
Total         $ 4,911                 $ 4,838     $ 9,343                 $ 
Less: Cruise  (3,457)                 (3,159)     (6,768) 
and tour 
Depreciation  (597)                   (542)       (1,179) 
Gross margin  856                     1,136       1,397                   2,151 
Less: Tour    (35)                    (71)        (44)                    (99) 
and other 
Add: Payroll  601                     566         1,183                   1,123 
Fuel          489                     423         1,024                   804 
Food          325                     269         636                     538 
Ship and      -                       -           -                       - 
Other         875                     803         1,619                   1,562 
Depreciation  597                     542         1,179                   1,059 
Adjusted      $ 3,708     $ 3,782     $ 3,669     $ 6,992     $ 7,148     $ 
gross margin 
PCDs          21.8        21.8        22.8        42.0        42.0        45.1 
Gross margin  $ 39.21                 $ 49.87     $ 33.26                 $ 
per diems 
(per PCD) 
Net per       $ 169.77    $ 173.15    $ 161.04    $ 166.50    $ 170.21    $ 
diems (per 
ALBDs         22.3        22.3        21.6        44.3        44.3        42.9 
Gross margin  $ 38.43                 $ 52.50     $ 31.49                 $ 
(per ALBD) 
Net yields    $ 166.38    $ 169.69    $ 169.52    $ 157.67    $ 161.18    $ 
(per ALBD) 
(See Non 
Data in the below table is compared against 2019 as it is the most recent year 
of full operations due to the pause and resumption of guest cruise operations. 
Cruise costs per ALBD, adjusted cruise costs per ALBD and adjusted cruise costs 
excluding fuel per ALBD were computed by dividing cruise costs, adjusted cruise 
costs and adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel by ALBDs as follows: 
                Three                            Six 
                Months                           Months 
                Ended                            Ended 
                May                              May 31, 
(in millions,   2023       2023        2019      2023        2023        2019 
costs per ALBD             Constant                          Constant 
                           Currency                          Currency 
Cruise and      $ 3,457                $ 3,15    $ 6,768                 $ 6,301 
operating                              9 
Selling and     736                    621       1,448                   1,250 
Less: Tour and  (54)                   (68)      (77)                    (103) 
Cruise costs    4,140                  3,712     8,139                   7,448 
Less:           (619)                  (613)     (1,274)                 (1,322) 
Onboard and     (549)                  (485)     (1,033)                 (952) 
Gains (losses)  45                     16        54                      14 
on ship 
sales and 
Restructuring   (15)                   -         (15)                    - 
Other           -                      (20)      -                       (20) 
Adjusted        3,002      3,045       2,610     5,871       5,968       5,168 
cruise costs 
Less: Fuel      (489)      (489)       (423)     (1,024)     (1,024)     (804) 
Adjusted        $ 2,513    $ 2,557     $ 2,18    $ 4,847     $ 4,944     $ 4,364 
cruise costs 
excluding fuel                         7 
ALBDs           22.3       22.3        21.6      44.3        44.3        42.9 
Cruise costs    $ 185.7                $ 171.    $ 183.51                $ 
per ALBD 
                4                      1 
% increase      8.3%                             5.8% 
vs 2019 
Adjusted        $ 134.6    $ 136.64    $ 120.    $ 132.37    $ 134.56    $ 
cruise costs 
per ALBD                               6 
                9                      0 
% increase      12%        13%                   10%         12% 
vs 2019 
Adjusted        $ 112.7    $ 114.71    $ 101.    $ 109.29    $ 111.48    $ 
cruise costs 
excluding fuel                         0 
per             6                      5 
% increase      12%        14%                   7.5%        10% 
vs 2019 
(See Non-GAAP 
Non-GAAP Financial Measures 
We use non-GAAP financial measures and they are provided along with their most 
comparative U.S. GAAP financial measure: 
Non-GAAP Measure      U.S. GAAP         Use Non-GAAP Measure to Assess 
· Adjusted net        · Net income      · Company Performance 
income (loss) and     (loss) 
adjusted EBITDA 
· Adjusted            · Earnings per    · Company Performance 
earnings per share    share 
· Adjusted free       · Cash from       · Impact on Liquidity Level 
cash flow             (used in) 
· Net per diems       · Gross margin    · Cruise Segments Performance 
                      per diems 
· Net yields          · Gross margin    · Cruise Segments Performance 
· Adjusted cruise     · Gross cruise    · Cruise Segments Performance 
costs per ALBD        costs per ALBD 
and adjustedcruise 
costs excluding 
fuel per ALBD 
· Adjusted return     -                 · Company Performance 
on invested 
The presentation of our non-GAAP financial information is not intended to be 
considered in isolation from, as a substitute for, or superior to the financial 
information prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. It is possible that our non 
-GAAP financial measures may not be exactly comparable to the like-kind 
information presented by other companies, which is a potential risk associated 
with using these measures to compare us to other companies. 
Adjusted net income (loss)and adjusted earnings per share provide additional 
information to us and investors about our future earnings performance by 
excluding certain gains, losses and expenses that we believe are not part of our 
core operating business and are not an indication of our future earnings 
performance. We believe that gains and losses on ship sales, impairment charges, 
gains and losses on debt extinguishments, restructuring costs and certain other 
gains and losses are not part of our core operating business and are not an 
indication of our future earnings performance. 
Adjusted EBITDAprovides additional information to us and investors about our 
core operating profitability by excluding certain gains, losses and expenses 
that we believe are not part of our core operating business and are not an 
indication of our future earnings performance as well as excluding interest, 
taxes and depreciation and amortization. In addition, we believe that the 
presentation of adjusted EBITDA provides additional information to us and 
investors about our ability to operate our business in compliance with the 
covenants set forth in our debt agreements. We define adjusted EBITDA as 
adjusted net income (loss) adjusted for (i) interest, (ii) taxes and (iii) 
depreciation and amortization. There are material limitations to using adjusted 
EBITDA. Adjusted EBITDA does not take into account certain significant items 
that directly affect our net income (loss). These limitations are best addressed 
by considering the economic effects of the excluded items independently and by 
considering adjusted EBITDA in conjunction with net income (loss) as calculated 
in accordance with U.S. GAAP. 
Adjusted free cash flowprovides additional information to us and investors to 
assess our ability to repay our debt after making the capital investments 
required to support ongoing business operations and value creation as well as 
the impact on the company's liquidity level. Adjusted free cash flow represents 
net cash provided by operating activities adjusted for capital expenditures 
(purchases of property and equipment) and proceeds from export credits that are 
provided for related capital expenditures. Adjusted free cash flow does not 
represent the residual cash flow available for discretionary expenditures as it 
excludes certain mandatory expenditures such as repayment of maturing debt. 
Net per diemsand net yields enable us and investors to measure the performance 
of our cruise segments on a per PCD and per ALBD basis. We use adjusted gross 
margin rather than gross margin to calculate net per diems and net yields. We 
believe that adjusted gross margin is a more meaningful measure in determining 
net per diems and net yields than gross margin because it reflects the cruise 
revenues earned net of only our most significant variable costs, which are 
travel agent commissions, cost of air and other transportation, certain other 
costs that are directly associated with onboard and other revenues and credit 
and debit card fees. 
Adjusted cruise costs per ALBDand adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel per ALBD 
enable us and investors to separate the impact of predictable capacity or ALBD 
changes from price and other changes that affect our business. We believe these 
non-GAAP measures provide useful information to us and investors and expanded 
insight to measure our cost performance. Adjusted cruise costs per ALBD and 
adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel per ALBD are the measures we use to monitor 
our ability to control our cruise segments' costs rather than cruise costs per 
ALBD. We exclude gains and losses on ship sales, impairment charges, 
restructuring costs and certain other gains and losses that we believe are not 
part of our core operating business as well as excluding our most significant 
variable costs, which are travel agent commissions, cost of air and other 
transportation, certain other costs that are directly associated with onboard 
and other revenues and credit and debit card fees. We exclude fuel expense to 
calculate adjusted cruise costs without fuel. The price of fuel, over which we 
have no control, impacts the comparability of period-to-period cost performance. 
The adjustment to exclude fuel provides us and investors with supplemental 
information to understand and assess the company's non-fuel adjusted cruise cost 
performance. Substantially all of our adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel are 
largely fixed, except for the impact of changing prices once the number of ALBDs 
has been determined. 
Adjusted ROICprovides additional information to us and investors about our 
operating performance relative to the capital we have invested in the company. 
We define adjusted ROIC as the twelve-month adjusted net income (loss) before 
interest expense and interest income divided by the monthly average of debt plus 
equity minus construction-in-progress, excess cash, goodwill and intangibles. 
Reconciliation of Forecasted Data 
We have not provided a reconciliation of forecasted non-GAAP financial measures 
to the most comparable U.S. GAAP financial measures because preparation of 
meaningful U.S. GAAP forecasts would require unreasonable effort. We are unable 
to predict, without unreasonable effort, the future movement of foreign exchange 
rates and fuel prices. We are unable to determine the future impact of gains and 
losses on ship sales, impairment charges, gains and losses on debt 
extinguishments, restructuring costs and certain other non-core gains and 
Constant Currency 
Our operations primarily utilize the U.S. dollar, Australian dollar, euro and 
sterling as functional currencies to measure results 
and financial condition. Functional currencies other than the U.S. dollar 
subject us to foreign currency translational risk. Our operations also have 
revenues and expenses that are in currencies other than their functional 
currency, which subject us to foreign currency transactional risk. 
Constant currency reporting removes the impact of changes in exchange rates on 
the translation of our operations plus the transactional impact of changes in 
exchange rates from revenues and expenses that are denominated in a currency 
other than the functional currency. 
We report adjusted gross margin, net per diems, adjusted cruise costs excluding 
fuel and adjusted cruise costs excluding fuel per ALBD on a "constant currency" 
basis assuming the 2023 periods' currency exchange rates have remained constant 
with the 2019 periods' rates. These metrics facilitate a comparative view for 
the changes in our business in an environment with fluctuating exchange rates. 
  · The translation of our operations with functional currencies other than U.S. 
dollar to our U.S. dollar reporting currency results in decreases in reported 
U.S. dollar revenues and expenses if the U.S. dollar strengthens against these 
foreign currencies and increases in reported U.S. dollar revenues and expenses 
if the U.S. dollar weakens against these foreign currencies. 
  · Our operations have revenue and expense transactions in currencies other 
than their functional currency. If their functional currency strengthens against 
these other currencies, it reduces the functional currency revenues and 
expenses. If the functional currency weakens against these other currencies, it 
increases the functional currency revenues and expenses. 
This information was brought to you by Cision http://news.cision.com 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 26, 2023 09:15 ET (13:15 GMT)

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