Notice to the Annual General
Meeting of Nordea Bank Abp
Nordea Bank Abp
Stock exchange release - Notice to general meeting
21 February 2024 at 09.00 EET
Nordea Bank
Abp's shareholders are hereby summoned to the Annual General
Meeting to be held on Thursday 21 March 2024 at 12.00 EET at
Scandic Marina Congress Center in Helsinki.
Nordea Bank Abp's ("Nordea" or the "Company")
Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 21 March 2024 at
12.00 EET at Scandic Marina Congress Center, Katajanokanlaituri 6,
00160 Helsinki, Finland. The reception of persons who have
registered for the meeting will commence at 10.30 EET.
Shareholders may also exercise their voting
rights in the Annual General Meeting by voting in advance.
Instructions on advance voting are set out in Section "C.
Instructions for the participants in the Annual General Meeting" of
this notice.
The meeting may be followed online via a live
webcast on Nordea's website. It will be possible to submit
questions to the Q&A session with senior management before and
during the webcast. Such questions do not constitute questions
referred to in Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Finnish Companies Act,
and following the meeting via webcast is not
considered as participation in the Annual General
Meeting. Instructions on how to join the webcast and
submit questions are set out in Section "C. Instructions for the
participants in the Annual General Meeting" of this notice and can
also be found on Nordea's website at
A. Matters on the agenda of the
Annual General Meeting
Information and proposals concerning the formal
organisational matters in agenda items 1 to 5 are included in a
separate organisational document published on Nordea's website
which document also constitutes a part of this notice. The document
will be supplemented as needed at the meeting with such information
that is not available before the Annual General Meeting.
At the Annual General Meeting, the following
matters will be considered:
1. Opening of the
2. Calling the meeting to order and related
3. Election of persons to scrutinise the
minutes and to supervise the counting of votes
4. Recording the legality of the
5. Recording the attendance at the meeting and
adoption of the list of votes
6. Presentation of the annual accounts, the
report of the Board of Directors and the Auditor's report for the
year 2023
Review by the President and Group CEO
Q&A session with senior management
7. Adoption of the annual accounts
8. Resolution on the use of the profit shown
in the annual accounts and related authorisation of the Board of
The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual
General Meeting authorise the Board of Directors to decide on a
dividend payment of a maximum of EUR 0.92 per share based on the
annual accounts to be adopted for the financial year ended on 31
December 2023. The authorisation will remain in force and effect
until the opening of the next Annual General Meeting of the
It is intended that the Board of Directors
decides on a dividend payment in a single instalment based on this
authorisation immediately after the Annual General Meeting. The
intended record date for such dividend payment would be 25 March
2024 whereby the earliest dividend payment date would be 3 April
2024 or as soon as possible after that day.
The dividend will be paid to shareholders who on
the applicable record date for the dividend payment are recorded in
the Company's shareholders' register maintained by Euroclear
Finland Oy in Finland, Euroclear Sweden AB in Sweden and VP
Securities A/S in Denmark. Dividend will not be paid to shares held
by the Company on the dividend record date.
9. Resolution to discharge the members of the
Board of Directors and the President and Group CEO from
10. Advisory resolution on the adoption of the
Company's remuneration report for governing bodies
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual
General Meeting that the Company's remuneration report for
governing bodies for the year 2023 is adopted through an advisory
11. Advisory resolution on the adoption of the
Company's remuneration policy for governing bodies
The Board of Directors, following a review by
the Shareholders' Nomination Board in respect of the remuneration
of the members of the Board of Directors, presents to the Annual
General Meeting for adoption through an advisory resolution the
Company's remuneration policy for governing bodies, which was last
presented to the Annual General Meeting held on 28 May 2020. The
presented remuneration policy for governing bodies is intended to
be applied until the Annual General Meeting in 2028.
The remuneration policy for governing bodies
provides a framework of the remuneration for the members of the
Board of Directors, the President and Group CEO and the Deputy
Managing Director. There are no material changes in the presented
remuneration policy for governing bodies, as compared to the
remuneration policy adopted by the 2020 Annual General Meeting. The
amendments are mainly to cover the used terminology and minor
updates connected to the variable pay plans and the alignment to
long-term shareholder value.
12. Resolution on the remuneration for the
members of the Board of Directors
The Shareholders' Nomination Board proposes to
the Annual General Meeting that the following annual remuneration
is paid to the members of the Board of Directors elected by the
Annual General Meeting:
2024 proposed
Vice Chair
Other members of the Board of
The Shareholders' Nomination Board also proposes
the following additional annual remuneration for committee chairs
and committee members:
2024 proposed
Board Audit Committee, Board Risk Committee, and
Board Operations and Sustainability Committee chairs
Board Audit Committee, Board Risk Committee, and
Board Operations and Sustainability Committee members
Board Remuneration and People Committee
Board Remuneration and People Committee
No remuneration is paid to members of the Board
of Directors employed by the Nordea Group.
In addition, Nordea covers or reimburses the
members of the Board of Directors all costs and expenses related to
or arising from the Board membership, including travel, logistics
and accommodation as well as consultative, legal and administrative
costs. The legal costs can e.g. include required costs of legal
defence and claims made (during and after their period of office)
against Board members in cases where Board members are not found
liable or guilty of any intentional wrongdoing or grossly negligent
13. Resolution on the number of members of the
Board of Directors
The Shareholders' Nomination Board proposes to
the Annual General Meeting that for a period until the end of the
next Annual General Meeting, the number of members of the Board of
Directors to be elected by the Annual General Meeting is set at
ten. However, should any number of the candidates proposed by the
Shareholders' Nomination Board for any reason not be available for
election to the Board of Directors, the proposed number of Board
members shall be decreased accordingly.
Furthermore, the Board of Directors has three
ordinary members and one deputy member elected by the employees of
the Nordea Group.
14. Election of the members of the Board of
Directors and the Chair of the Board of Directors
The Shareholders' Nomination Board proposes to
the Annual General Meeting that for a period until the end of the
next Annual General Meeting, the following persons are elected to
the Board of Directors so that each proposed member of the
Board of Directors is considered separately in an
a. Sir Stephen Hester (present member), also to
be re-elected as Chair of the Board of Directors
b. Petra van
Hoeken (present member)
John Maltby
d. Risto Murto
(present member)
e. Lene Skole
(present member)
f. Per
Strömberg (present member)
g. Jonas
Synnergren (present member)
h. Arja Talma
(present member)
Kjersti Wiklund (present member)
j. Lars Rohde (new member)
Birger Steen is not available for
Rohde (69), a Danish citizen, is recognised as
a leading banking professional with a profound understanding of the
Danish financial sector and society. During his 40-year career in
the banking industry, Lars Rohde has held positions both as a
commercial finance executive and financial services official. For
the last 10 years, he was the Governor of the National Bank of
Denmark until stepping down from the role in 2023. Prior to this,
he was the CEO of ATP, the largest pension company in Denmark. Lars
Rohde was recently appointed a board member of the Aarhus
The biographical details of the current Board
members are available at
The CV of the proposed new member of the Board of Directors is
available at
Should any of the candidates presented above for
any reason not be available for election to the Board of Directors,
the remaining available candidates are proposed to be elected in
accordance with the proposal by the Shareholders' Nomination
All proposed Board members have given their
consent to being elected as members of the Board of Directors and
Sir Stephen Hester has given his consent to being re-elected as
Chair of the Board of Directors.
Relevant authority approval for the proposed new
Board member is pending.
In addition to the above proposed Board members,
the Board of Directors has three ordinary members and one deputy
member elected by the employees of the Nordea Group. As of the end
of the Annual General Meeting on 21 March 2024 and until the end of
the next Annual General Meeting, the employees have elected Joanna
Koskinen, Gerhard Olsson and Kasper Skovgaard Pedersen as ordinary
members of the Board of Directors and Jørgen Lønnquist
as a deputy member of the Board of Directors. Relevant
authority approval for Jørgen Lønnquist is pending.
It is the collective opinion of the
Shareholders' Nomination Board and Nordea Bank Abp that the
proposed Board of Directors and its members are suitable for the
assignment both collectively and individually and that Sir Stephen
Hester is suitable for the position as Chair of the Board of
All proposed Board members are, in accordance
with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code, independent of Nordea's
significant shareholders and, excluding Board members elected by
the employees, also considered independent of the company. The
ordinary members and the deputy member of the Board of Directors
elected by the employees are employed by the Nordea Group and,
therefore, they are not independent of the company.
15. Resolution on the remuneration of the
The Board of Directors proposes, on the
recommendation of the Board Audit Committee, to the Annual General
Meeting that the remuneration of the auditor is to be paid
according to the invoice approved by the Company.
16. Election of the auditor
The Board of Directors proposes, on
the recommendation of the Board Audit Committee, to the Annual
General Meeting that authorised public accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy be re-elected as the Company's auditor
until the end of the following Annual General Meeting.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy has notified the
Company that the authorised public accountant Jukka Paunonen would
act as the responsible auditor.
17. Resolution on the
remuneration of the sustainability reporting assurer
Pursuant to the legislative amendment that
entered into force on 31 December 2023, the Annual General Meeting
must, in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 6a of the Finnish
Companies Act, elect an assurer of the Company's sustainability
reporting. The assurance of the sustainability reporting can be
carried out by an authorised sustainability auditor or an
authorised sustainability audit firm as referred to in the Finnish
Auditing Act.
The Board of Directors proposes, on the
recommendation of the Board Audit Committee, to the Annual General
Meeting that the remuneration of the sustainability reporting
assurer to be elected is to be paid according to the invoice
approved by the Company.
18. Election of the
sustainability reporting assurer
The Board of Directors proposes, on the
recommendation of the Board Audit Committee, to the Annual General
Meeting that the authorised sustainability audit firm
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy is elected as the assurer of the
Company's sustainability reporting until the end of the following
Annual General Meeting.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy has notified the
Company that the authorised sustainability auditor Jukka Paunonen
would act as the responsible sustainability reporting
19. Resolution on the authorisation for the
Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of special rights
entitling to shares (convertibles) in the Company
Nordea Bank Abp is required to satisfy certain
capital requirements pursuant to EU and Finnish legislation. Within
this legislative framework, capital instruments that absorb losses
by converting into shares can be used to meet parts of the capital
requirements. The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual
General Meeting authorises the Board of Directors to decide on the
issuance of such capital instruments.
The purpose of the authorisation is to
facilitate a flexible and efficient adjustment of the Company's
capital structure to the capital requirements. The authorisation
enables the Board of Directors to swiftly carry out issuances
without first holding an Extraordinary General Meeting, which the
Board of Directors considers appropriate given that these capital
instruments are principally intended to be issued in the
international capital markets. The Board of Directors intends to
use the authorisation if the Board of Directors determines that the
capital trigger level at which conversion shall take place is at
such a level that gives the shareholders and the Board of Directors
the possibility to act in good time and propose alternatives to
In light of the above, the Board of Directors of
the Company proposes to the Annual General Meeting to resolve to
authorise the Board of Directors to decide, on one or several
occasions, on the issuance of special rights entitling to either
new shares in the Company or treasury shares, against payment
(convertibles) in accordance with or in deviation from the
shareholder's pre-emptive subscription rights. The maximum number
of shares that may be issued based on this authorisation shall be
340,000,000 shares, which corresponds to approximately 9.7% of all
the shares in the Company on the date of this notice to the Annual
General Meeting.
The Board of Directors shall be authorised to
decide on all other matters relating to the issuance of the special
rights entitling to shares in the Company. The issuance of the
special rights entitling to shares by virtue of this authorisation
shall be made on market terms and principally be issued in the
international capital markets.
The authorisation shall remain in force and
effect until the earlier of (i) the end of the next Annual General
Meeting of the Company or (ii) 18 months from the resolution of the
Annual General Meeting of the Company.
If this authorisation is granted, it will revoke
the authorisation to decide on the issuance of special rights
entitling to shares (convertibles) in the Company granted to the
Board of Directors by the Annual General Meeting on 23 March
20. Resolution on the repurchase of the
Company's own shares in the securities trading business
In its securities trading business, Nordea Bank
Abp, among other things, acts as a market maker in its own shares
on the relevant stock exchanges and in indices in which the
Company's shares form a significant part, as well as offers
share-related products. Should the Company not be able to trade in
its own shares, the Company would not be able to provide a full
range of products in the same manner as its competitors, which
would lead to the Company losing market shares, and it would not be
able to fulfil its current market maker undertakings towards
relevant stock exchanges and the financial markets at
The Company's holdings of its own shares in the
trading book shall not at any time exceed the applicable limits
decided by the European Central Bank.
In light of the above, the Board of Directors of
the Company proposes to the Annual General Meeting to resolve that
the Company, for the purpose of the ordinary course of its
securities trading business as a credit institution, may repurchase
its own shares as follows.
The Company's own shares are repurchased
otherwise than in proportion to the existing shareholdings of the
Company's shareholders (directed repurchases). The facilitation of
the Company's securities trading business, in which the ability to
also trade in the Company's own shares is required, forms a weighty
financial reason for directed repurchases.
The maximum number of the Company's own shares
to be repurchased shall not exceed 175,000,000 shares, which
corresponds to approximately 5.0% of all the shares in the Company
on the date of this notice to the Annual General Meeting. The
Company's own shares may be repurchased on any trading venue or in
transactions with counterparties of the securities trading business
outside of a trading venue or through the use of derivative
instruments, in each case, at arms-length market terms and price
prevailing at the time of the repurchase or the time of entry into
the relevant derivative instrument, as the case may be. The
Company's own shares to be repurchased shall be offered to the
Company no later than at the time of the repurchase and shall be
paid for no later than upon the delivery of such shares. The
Company's own shares are repurchased using the unrestricted equity
of the Company.
The Company's own shares under this resolution
shall be repurchased before the end of the next Annual General
Meeting of the Company.
21. Resolution on the transfer of the
Company's own shares in the securities trading business
In its securities trading business, Nordea Bank
Abp, among other things, acts as a market maker in its own shares
on the relevant stock exchanges and in indices in which the
Company's shares form a significant part, as well as offers
share-related products. Should the Company not be able to trade in
its own shares, the Company would not be able to provide a full
range of products in the same manner as its competitors, which
would lead to the Company losing market shares, and it would not be
able to fulfil its current market maker undertakings towards
relevant stock exchanges and the financial markets at
In light of the above, the Board of Directors of
the Company proposes to the Annual General Meeting to resolve that
the Company, for the purpose of the ordinary course of its
securities trading business as a credit institution, may transfer
its existing own shares for consideration as follows.
The Company may transfer its own shares in the
ordinary course of its securities trading business in deviation
from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights by way of a
directed share issuance. The facilitation of the Company's
securities trading business, in which the ability to also trade in
the Company's own shares is required, forms a weighty financial
reason for a directed issuance.
The maximum number of the Company's own shares
to be transferred shall not exceed 175,000,000 shares, which
corresponds to approximately 5.0% of all the shares in the Company
on the date of this notice to the Annual General Meeting. The
Company's own shares may be transferred through any trading venue
or in transactions with counterparties of the securities trading
business outside of a trading venue or through the use of
derivative instruments, in each case, at arms-length market terms
and price prevailing at the time of the transfer or at the time of
the entry into the relevant derivative instrument, as the case may
be. The Company's own shares that may be transferred shall be
subscribed for no later than at the time of the transfer and shall
be paid for no later than upon the delivery of such shares. The
subscription price shall be recorded in the invested unrestricted
equity of the Company.
The Company's own shares shall be transferred
before the subscription period expires, which will be at the end of
the next Annual General Meeting of the Company.
It is proposed that the Annual General Meeting
resolves to approve all subscriptions that will be made in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the directed
22. Resolution on the authorisation for the
Board of Directors to decide on the repurchase of the Company's own
Pursuant to its dividend policy Nordea Bank Abp
will continuously assess the opportunity to use share buy-backs as
a tool to distribute excess capital. In line with these
considerations, the Board of Directors of the Company proposes to
the Annual General Meeting to resolve to authorise the Board of
Directors, on one or several occasions, to decide on the repurchase
of an aggregate of not more than 340,000,000 shares in the Company,
which corresponds to approximately 9.7% of all the shares in the
Company on the date of this notice to the Annual General Meeting,
subject to the condition that the number of own shares held by the
Company together with its subsidiaries at any given time may not
exceed 10% of all the shares in the Company.
The Company's own shares may be repurchased as
Not more than 340,000,000 shares may be repurchased to distribute
excess capital in order to optimise the capital structure of the
Company. The purpose of such repurchase is to optimise the capital
position and to increase sustainable shareholder return to the
benefit of all shareholders.
Not more than 8,000,000 shares may be repurchased to be used in the
Company's variable pay plans in accordance with regulatory
requirements and/or as required for new variable pay plans for
executive officers, senior management, other material risk takers
and other employees, as appropriate.
The Company's own shares may only be repurchased
using the unrestricted equity of the Company. The shares may be
repurchased either through an offer to all shareholders on equal
terms or through other means and otherwise than in proportion to
the existing shareholdings of the Company's shareholders (directed
repurchases). The highest purchase price per share shall be no more
than the higher of (i) the highest price paid for the Company's
shares in public trading on the day of repurchase or alternatively
(ii) the average of the share prices (volume weighted average price
on the regulated markets where the Company's share is admitted to
trading) during the five trading days preceding the repurchase or
the offer to repurchase own shares, and the lowest purchase price
per share shall be the price that is 20% lower than the lower of
(i) the lowest price paid for the Company's shares in public
trading on the day of repurchase or alternatively (ii) the average
of the share prices (volume weighted average price on the regulated
markets where the Company's share is admitted to trading) during
the five trading days preceding the repurchase or the offer to
repurchase own shares. Furthermore, in connection with the
repurchases of its own shares, the Company may enter into
derivative, share lending or other similar arrangements.
The Board of Directors shall be authorised to
decide on all other terms relating to the repurchases of the
Company's own shares.
The authorisation shall remain in force and
effect for 18 months from the resolution of the Annual General
Meeting of the Company. If this authorisation is granted, it will
not revoke the authorisation to decide on the repurchase of the
Company's own shares granted to the Board of Directors by the
Annual General Meeting on 23 March 2023 which, in accordance with
that authorisation, will remain in effect until 23 September
In addition to the above terms, it is noted that
any resolution by the Board of Directors to repurchase shares based
on the proposed authorisation will also be subject to the condition
that the Company has obtained the necessary regulatory permissions
from the European Central Bank.
23. Resolution on the authorisation for the
Board of Directors to decide on share issuances or transfers of the
Company's own shares
The Board of Directors of the Company proposes
to the Annual General Meeting to resolve to authorise the Board of
Directors, on one or several occasions, to decide on the issuance
of new shares or transfer of the Company's own shares of not more
than 30,000,000 shares in the Company, which corresponds to
approximately 0.9% of all the shares in the Company on the date of
this notice to the Annual General Meeting.
The shares may be issued or transferred in
proportion to the Company's shareholders' existing shareholdings in
the Company or in deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive
subscription right by way of a directed issuance. The shares to be
issued or transferred in this way may be used (a) to implement the
Company's variable pay plans in accordance with regulatory
requirements and/or as required for new variable pay plans for
executive officers, senior management, other material risk takers
and other employees, as appropriate, or (b) as payment in
connection with corporate acquisitions.
The Board of Directors shall be authorised to
decide on all other terms relating to the issuance of new shares in
the Company or transfers of the Company's own shares. The
authorisation shall remain in force and effect until the earlier of
(i) the end of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company or
(ii) 18 months from the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of
the Company.
If this authorisation is granted, it will revoke
the authorisation to decide on share issuances or transfers of the
Company's own shares granted to the Board of Directors by the
Annual General Meeting on 23 March 2023.
24. Shareholder proposal for amendment of the
Company's Articles of Association
Nordea has received a shareholder proposal set
out below for a matter to be addressed in the Annual General
Meeting pursuant to Chapter 5 Section 5 of the Finnish Limited
Liability Companies Act. After thorough review and consideration of
the proposal with regard to the Company's strategy, business, and
good governance, the Board of Directors concluded that it does not
recommend adoption of the proposed amendment to the Company's
Articles of Association. The Board believes that the proposed
amendment would be problematic to Nordea because of, among other
things, the forced curtailing of customer relationships and
potentially being contradictory to other applicable banking
regulation. This would impact not only Nordea's ability to serve
its customers and the society as a whole but also limit its ability
to encourage a more impactful climate transition for the customers
and society. The Board of Directors therefore recommends the
rejection of the proposed amendment.
It is important to stress that Nordea shares the
strong sentiment on climate change that motivates the proposed
amendment and agrees with the importance of reducing emissions and
mitigating negative climate and nature effects, as well as focusing
on related transition plans and reporting. The societal transition
is of utmost importance and a key priority for Nordea. The proposed
amendment would not help us create a positive impact in the real
economy but rather limit our ability to do so. The Board of
Directors does not consider that the Company's Articles of
Association are an appropriate mechanism for stipulating on such
matters - this is because Nordea is subject to extensive and
detailed banking regulation that includes also climate and related
reporting and because the corporate governance model and related
legislation applicable to Nordea defines that the Company's
strategy and monitoring its implementation is one of the most
essential tasks of the Board of Directors, not the
The starting point for Nordea in relation to
climate and nature policies is our commitment to align our business
strategy with key conclusions in the Paris agreement. Our
commitment was approved by the Board of Directors early 2020, and
implies that our emissions by 2050 should be net zero, taking into
consideration both own operations and value chain. In addition, we
have made the industry leading commitment to reduce emissions by
2030 by 40-50%, to be on the right trajectory towards the 2050
objective. These commitments cover all lending and investment
portfolios. These are ambitious targets and Nordea is currently the
only Nordic bank that has committed to such an overarching emission
reduction target.
Concretely, Nordea's 2030 objective is supported
by sector-specific climate targets aligned with science-based
pathways and regional sector roadmaps. Specifically regarding the
oil & gas industry, we have taken firm decisions to ensure that
our policies for this sector are aligned with the Group targets for
2030 and 2050 respectively. One key decision was to update our
fossil fuel sector guideline to explicitly state that we do not
provide project financing with the purpose to expand extraction of
oil and/or gas.
These sector targets and policies are steering
how we develop our business plan and set the direction for how we
interact and engage with customers. Our engagement strategy implies
that we support corporates that have ambitious transition plans,
and share Nordea's views on the long-term target to limit the
temperature increase by 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial level. We
believe that it is better to engage and influence customers to
contribute to the transition, rather than to stop supporting
customers with a challenging transition pathway. This implies that
we are having close dialogue with our corporate customers to verify
the maturity of their transition plans and targets to reduce
emissions. In the short term, our target for 2025 is that 90% of
our exposure to large corporates in climate vulnerable sectors is
to be covered by transition plans. For smaller companies the
process will take more time, reflecting the maturity and data
availability for this customer segment. If customers do not share
our view on the need to transition, the relationship will
Specifically for our oil and gas portfolio this
has led to a significant drop in the total number of oil & gas
customers we continue doing business with. Our financed emissions
from lending to oil & gas companies are down by 85% since 2019.
This demonstrates that we are executing on our policies and
commitments. More details on our roadmap to reach our emission
targets are described in Nordea's new progress report on climate
actions and targets published on 14 December 2023 which is
available at
The report is our first step to provide further details on our
targets and the actions taken to achieve them. Nordea's aim is to
continuously develop the scope and details in how we report on the
overall transition progress.
Nordea is still engaging with a small number of
oil and gas clients to support and encourage a transition away from
fossil fuels towards renewables. However, the transition is not
without challenges and there are individual cases that require
special attention to navigate, e.g. to ensure a balanced and just
transition and stable energy supply in our neighbouring region in
the current geopolitical climate. Nordea's current position is that
an even more radical exit from the sector could lead to other
adverse effects, including issues related to social sustainability.
Therefore the Board of Directors believes that Nordea has the right
targets, a credible plan towards the medium and long-term targets,
and a progressive engagement strategy that balances different
sustainability targets. Abruptly curtailing relationships with
customers before they have time to develop transition plans would
be a damaging alternative path which the Board strongly
Sustainability is at the core of Nordea's
business strategy - integrated into all aspects of our business,
from the product offering and investment decisions to internal
operations. Adopting the Company's strategy and overseeing its
proper implementation are integral duties of the Board of
Directors. Stipulating on the Company's strategy in the Articles of
Association, even in key areas such as sustainability, is not in
line with widely recognised corporate governance practices. The
proposed amendment to the Articles of Association contains room for
interpretation creating undue uncertainty on the proper application
thereof. Further, such provision guiding very specific areas of the
Company's strategy would result in unclarity in the established
division of duties and responsibilities between the shareholders'
meeting and the Board of Directors. Moreover, Nordea will publish
its first Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
report as part of the Annual Report 2024 and will continue to
publish its progress report on climate actions and targets in the
coming years.
Therefore, the Board of Directors does not
recommend the adoption of the proposed amendment to the Company's
Articles of Association.
Shareholders Greenpeace Nordic, Swedish Society
for Nature Conservation (Naturskyddsföreningen) and Mellemfolkeligt
Samvirke / Action Aid Denmark propose that the Articles of
Association are amended by adding a new article 4, worded a
"4. Business
activities aligned with the Paris Agreement
The company's
strategy shall fully align with the Paris Agreement to limit global
warming to 1.5 degrees. The company will therefore not provide
lending and underwriting to companies and projects that expand
fossil fuel extraction and/or lack Paris-aligned phase-out
The proposal submitted by the shareholders is
available on the Company's website
25. Closing of the meeting
B. Documents of the Annual General Meeting
This notice, which includes the
agenda of the Annual General Meeting, the resolution proposals, and
the organisational document of the Annual General Meeting, are
available on the Company's website at
The annual report, containing the annual accounts, the Board of
Directors' report and the Auditor's report, and the remuneration
report for governing bodies as well as the amended
remuneration policy for governing bodies are
available on said website as of 29 February 2024
at the latest. These documents will also be viewable at the
meeting. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting will be
available on the above-mentioned website as of 4 April 2024 at the
C. Instructions for the participants in the Annual
General Meeting
The registration for the Annual General Meeting
and the advance voting will commence on 29 February 2024 and end
on 13 March 2024 at 23.59 EET. Instructions
on registration for the Annual General Meeting for shareholders
wishing to participate in the meeting at the meeting venue are set
out in subsections 1, 2 and 3 below. The instructions for advance
voting are set out in subsection 4 below.
In connection with the registration and advance
voting, at least the following information is requested: the
shareholder's name, national identification number (except for
shareholders with shares registered with VP Securities A/S in
Denmark) or business ID, email address, address, telephone number
and information on a possible authorised representative. Strong
electronic identification of private persons for registration on
the Company's website requires the use of Finnish, Swedish or
Danish online banking IDs or mobile certificates. Instructions for holders of nominee registered shares are set
out below under subsection "6. Holders of nominee registered
shares". For shareholders that are Finnish legal persons,
electronic registration requires providing the entity's business ID
and that the relevant authorised person uses strong electronic
identification for the registration. For shareholders that are
legal persons with shares registered with Euroclear Sweden AB in
Sweden or with shares registered with VP Securities A/S in Denmark,
registration requires providing the entity's business ID, name of
the shareholder, name and birthdate of the authorised
representative, and an email address, address and telephone number
as contact information. Information on proxy documents and
authorisations is set out in subsection 5 below.
The personal data provided by the shareholders
to the Company is only used in connection with the Annual General
Meeting and the processing of related registrations. For further
information on how Nordea processes your personal data, please
More information on registration for
the meeting and advance voting is available until 13 March 2024 by
phone from Innovatics Ltd at +358 10 2818 909 from Monday to Friday
between 9.00 and 12.00 EET and between 13.00 and 16.00
The meeting can also be followed online via a
live webcast on Nordea's website. It is possible to submit
questions to the Q&A session with senior management before and
during the webcast. Such questions do not constitute questions
referred to in Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Finnish Companies Act,
and following the meeting via webcast does not constitute official
participation in the Annual General Meeting. More information on
the webcast and submitting questions before the Annual General
Meeting is set out in subsection 7 below.
1. Shareholders with shares registered with Euroclear
Finland Oy in Finland
Each shareholder who is registered in
the shareholders' register of the Company
maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy on
11 March 2024 has the right to participate in the Annual General
Meeting. A shareholder whose shares are registered on the
shareholder's personal Finnish book-entry account is registered in
the shareholders' register of the Company.
A shareholder who is registered in
the Company's shareholders' register and who wishes to participate
in the Annual General Meeting shall notify the Company thereof
according to the instructions set out below.
Notification of participation shall
be made no later than by 23.59 EET on 13 March 2024
· electronically on the Company's website:
· by
email to
· by
regular mail: Innovatics Ltd, AGM/Nordea, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A,
FI-00520 Helsinki, Finland.
2. Shareholders with shares registered with Euroclear
Sweden AB in Sweden
Each shareholder who is registered in the
shareholders' register of the Company maintained by Euroclear
Sweden AB on 11 March 2024 has the right to participate in the
Annual General Meeting. Such shareholders are re-registered by the
Company in the shareholders'
register maintained by
Euroclear Finland Oy provided that the shareholder has notified the
Company thereof in accordance with the instructions set out
Notification of participation shall
be made no later than by 23.59 EET on 13 March 2024
· electronically on the Company's website:
· by
email to
· by
regular mail: Innovatics Ltd, AGM/Nordea, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A,
FI-00520 Helsinki, Finland.
Shareholders whose shares are held in trust in
Sweden must instruct the trustee to re-register their shares in the
shareholders' own name in the shareholders' register maintained by
Euroclear Sweden AB in good time prior to 13 March 2024, which
is the deadline for re-registration.
3. Shareholders with shares registered with VP Securities
A/S in Denmark
Each shareholder who is registered in the
shareholders' register of the Company maintained by VP Securities
A/S on 11 March 2024 has the right to participate in the Annual
General Meeting. Such shareholders are re-registered by the Company
in the shareholders' register
maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy
provided that the shareholder has notified the Company thereof in
accordance with the instructions set out below.
Notification of participation shall
be made no later than by 23.59 EET on 13 March 2024
· electronically on the Company's website:
· by
email to
· by
regular mail: Innovatics Ltd, AGM/Nordea, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A,
FI-00520 Helsinki, Finland.
Shareholders whose shares are held in trust in
Denmark must instruct the trustee to re-register their shares in
the shareholders' own name in the shareholders' register maintained
by VP Securities A/S in good time prior to 11 March 2024,
which is the deadline for re-registration.
4. Advance voting
Shareholders may vote in advance on
certain items on the agenda of the Annual General
Meeting. Advance voting commences on 29
February 2024 and ends on 13 March 2024 at
23.59 EET.
Each shareholder who is registered in
the shareholders' register of the Company
maintained by Euroclear Finland Oy as
described in subsection 1 above, in the shareholders'
register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB as
described in subsection 2 above, or in the
shareholders' register maintained by VP Securities A/S as
described in subsection 3 above may vote in
· electronically on the Company's website:
· by emailing the
advance voting form available on the
Company's website to:
· by
regular mail by sending the advance voting form
available on the Company's website to:
Innovatics Ltd, AGM/Nordea, Ratamestarinkatu 13 A, FI-00520
Helsinki, Finland.
Shareholders whose shares are held in trust in
Sweden or Denmark and who wish to vote in advance are advised to
instruct the trustee to vote in advance
on behalf of such shareholders by
23.59 EET on 13 March 2024 at the latest according to
the instructions set out in this notice.
A shareholder who has voted in advance may
request information under the Finnish Companies Act, request a vote
at the Annual General Meeting or vote on a possible counterproposal
if they are present or represented at the Annual General Meeting at
the meeting venue.
Further instructions for advance voting will be
available on the Company's website at
on 29 February 2024 at the latest.
5. Proxy representative and powers of
A shareholder of the Company may participate in
the Annual General Meeting and exercise their shareholders' rights
at the meeting and/or vote in advance through a proxy
representative. A proxy representative shall produce a dated proxy
document or otherwise in a reliable manner demonstrate their right
to represent the shareholder at the Annual General Meeting and/or
vote in advance. When a shareholder participates in the Annual
General Meeting or votes in advance through several proxy
representatives representing the shareholder with shares on
different securities accounts, the shares by which each proxy
representative represents the shareholder shall be identified in
the proxy documents. The proxy documents shall be delivered
primarily as attachments in connection with registering
on the Company's website at,
or by email to, or
mailed or delivered as originals to: Innovatics Ltd, AGM/Nordea,
Ratamestarinkatu 13 A, FI-00520 Helsinki, Finland, in good time and
they must arrive by 23.59 EET on 13 March 2024 at
the latest.
The original proxy documents shall be presented
to the Company upon request. Further instructions, including a
proxy template, will be available on the Company's website
Shareholders that are legal entities can also
use the electronic authorisation service for authorising
proxies. For such authorisation, a shareholder authorises a
representative in the service at (using the authorisation topic
"Representation at the General Meeting"). When registering, the
representative must identify themselves with strong electronic
identification using their personal Finnish online banking IDs or a
mobile certificate, after which the electronic mandate is
automatically checked. For more information, see
6. Holders of nominee registered shares
A holder of nominee registered shares has the
right to participate in the Annual General
Meeting by virtue of the shares based on which they on the record
date of the Annual General Meeting on 11 March 2024 would be
entitled to be registered in the shareholders' register of the
Company maintained by Euroclear Finland
Oy. The right to participate in the Annual
General Meeting requires, in addition, that the shareholder on the
basis of such shares has been registered in the temporary
shareholders' register maintained by
Euroclear Finland Oy by 10.00 EET on 18 March 2024 at the latest.
In terms of nominee registered shares, this constitutes due
registration for the Annual General Meeting.
A holder of nominee registered shares is advised
to request, without delay, the relevant instructions regarding the
registration in the temporary shareholders' register of the
Company, the issuing of proxy documents and registration for the
Annual General Meeting from their custodian bank. The account
management organisation of the custodian bank shall register a
holder of nominee registered shares who wants to participate in the
Annual General Meeting in the temporary shareholders' register of
the Company and vote in advance on behalf of the nominee registered
shareholder by 10.00 EET on 18 March 2024 at the latest.
For the avoidance of doubt, instructions for
shareholders whose shares are held in trust in Sweden or Denmark
are set out above in subsection "2. Shareholders with shares
registered with Euroclear Sweden AB in Sweden" and in subsection
"3. Shareholders with shares registered with VP Securities A/S in
Denmark", respectively.
Further instructions are available on the
Company's website at
7. Webcast of the Annual General Meeting and other
The meeting can be followed online via a live
webcast. Detailed instructions on following the webcast will be
available on the Company's website at before
the Annual General Meeting.
It will be possible to submit questions in
writing to the Q&A session with senior management before and
during the webcast. Before the meeting, questions can be
submitted by email to or
by regular mail to Nordea AGM / Group Legal SATA V5A,
Satamaradankatu 5, FI-00020 Nordea, Finland. The Company will
strive to answer all questions that are received before the Annual
General Meeting. Questions submitted before the
meeting or through the webcast will not constitute
questions referred to in Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Finnish
Companies Act. Following the meeting via webcast is
not considered as participation in the Annual General Meeting.
Shareholders following the meeting via webcast may exercise their
voting rights by voting on the matters on the agenda in advance in
accordance with the instructions provided in subsection 4
Shareholders are kindly asked to take into
account that there is no reserved parking space available at the
Annual General Meeting venue or in its vicinity and that the
Company will not cover any parking fees. The Company therefore
encourages shareholders who wish to attend the Annual General
Meeting at the venue to arrive with public transport, or
alternatively make use of the advance voting and webcast.
The Annual General Meeting will be conducted mainly in
Swedish, and partly in Finnish and English. Simultaneous
interpretation will be available into Swedish, Finnish and
Shareholders, assistants and proxy
representatives must be able to prove their identity and/or right
of representation at the meeting venue upon request.
Information on the Annual General Meeting
required by the Finnish Companies Act and the
Securities Markets Act is available on the Company's website
Pursuant to Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Finnish
Companies Act, a shareholder who is present at the Annual General
Meeting has the right to ask questions and request
information with respect to the matters to be considered at the
Changes in shareholding after the record date do
not affect the right to attend the Annual General Meeting or the
number of votes. On the day of this notice to the Annual General
Meeting, 21 February 2024, the total number of shares in the
Company is 3,521,499,960, which equals 3,521,499,960
Helsinki on 21 February
Nordea Bank Abp
Board of
This notice is published in English, Swedish and
Finnish. In the event of any inconsistencies between the language
versions, the Swedish version shall prevail.
For further information:
Ilkka Ottoila, Head of Investor Relations, +358
9 5300 7058
Media inquiries, +358 10 416 8023 or
information provided in this stock exchange release was submitted
for publication, through the agency of the contact set out above,
at 9.00 EET on 21 February 2024.