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PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF


For the month of October 2018



ORIX Corporation

(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)



World Trade Center Bldg., 2-4-1 Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)



(Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.)

Form 20-F   ☒        Form 40-F  ☐

(Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.)

Yes  ☐        No  ☒




Table of Contents

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



ORIX Corporation

Date: October 26, 2018




/s/ Hitomaro Yano


Hitomaro Yano




Executive Officer


ORIX Corporation

Table of Contents


Consolidated Financial Results

April 1, 2018 – September 30, 2018


October 26, 2018

In preparing its consolidated financial information, ORIX Corporation (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries have complied with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America.

These documents may contain forward-looking statements about expected future events and financial results that involve risks and uncertainties. Such statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to uncertainties and risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, those described under “Risk Factors” in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

The Company believes that it may have been a “passive foreign investment company” for U.S. federal income tax purposes in the year to which these consolidated financial results relate by reason of the composition of its assets and the nature of its income. In addition, the Company may be a PFIC for the foreseeable future. Assuming that the Company is a PFIC, a U.S. holder of the shares or ADSs of the Company will be subject to special rules generally intended to eliminate any benefits from the deferral of U.S. federal income tax that a holder could derive from investing in a foreign corporation that does not distribute all of its earnings on a current basis. Investors should consult their tax advisors with respect to such rules, which are summarized in the Company’s annual report.

For further information please contact:

Investor Relations

ORIX Corporation

World Trade Center Building, 2-4-1 Hamamatsu-cho, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6135


Tel: +81-3-3435-3121 Fax: +81-3-3435-3154


Table of Contents

Consolidated Financial Results from April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018

(U.S. GAAP Financial Information for ORIX Corporation and its Subsidiaries)


Corporate Name:


ORIX Corporation

Listed Exchanges:


Tokyo Stock Exchange (Securities No. 8591)


New York Stock Exchange (Trading Symbol : IX)

Head Office:




Tel: +81-3-3435-3121



1. Performance Highlights as of and for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2018

(1) Performance Highlights - Operating Results (Unaudited)

(millions of yen)*1


    Income before
Income Taxes
    Net Income
Attributable to
ORIX Corporation


September 30, 2018

    1,262,014       (16.9 %)      195,094       3.2     220,945       (12.5 %)      155,050       (6.6 %) 

September 30, 2017

    1,517,796       24.3     189,027       13.6     252,612       15.2     165,970       16.8

“Comprehensive Income Attributable to ORIX Corporation Shareholders” was ¥167,820 million for the six months ended September 30, 2018 (year-on-year change was a 7.0% decrease) and ¥180,526 million for the six months ended September 30, 2017 (year-on-year change was a 108.3% increase).


Earnings Per  Share
Earnings Per  Share

September 30, 2018

     121.13        121.03  

September 30, 2017

     129.40        129.29  


*Note 1:

Unless otherwise stated, all amounts shown herein are in millions of Japanese yen, except for Per Share and dividend amounts which are in single yen.

(2) Performance Highlights - Financial Position (Unaudited)


Equity Ratio

September 30, 2018

     11,778,544          2,929,899        2,803,969        23.8

March 31, 2018

     11,425,982        2,798,874        2,682,424        23.5


*Note   2 :

“Shareholders’ Equity” refers to “Total ORIX Corporation Shareholders’ Equity.”

“Shareholders’ Equity Ratio” is the ratio of “Total ORIX Corporation Shareholders’ Equity” to “Total Assets.”

2. Dividends (Unaudited)






March 31, 2018

     —          27.00        —        39.00    66.00

March 31, 2019

     —          30.00        —        —      —  













March 31, 2019 (Est.)

     —          —          —        46.00    76.00


*Note 3:

For details of dividend forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, please refer to “Announcement Regarding Revision of Dividend Policy, Interim Dividend and Dividend Payout Ratio for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2019” announced today.

3. Targets for the Year Ending March 31, 2019 (Unaudited)

In order to facilitate a better understanding of our medium- and long- term growth projections by our shareholders and potential investors, we decided to include our medium-term strategic directions in this document. For details, refer to “1.Summary of Consolidated Financial Results (3) Medium-Term Strategic Directions FY2019-2021” on page 9.

4. Other Information


(1) Changes in Significant Consolidated Subsidiaries      Yes (    )    No ( x )  

Addition - None (                                )


Exclusion - None (                                    )

(2) Adoption of Simplified Accounting Method      Yes (    )    No ( x )  
(3) Changes in Accounting Principles, Procedures and Disclosures


1. Changes due to adoptions of new accounting standards

     Yes ( x )    No (    )  

2. Other than those above

     Yes (    )    No ( x )  

(4) Number of Issued Shares (Ordinary Shares)

1. The number of issued shares, including treasury stock, was 1,324,629,128 as of September 30, 2018, and 1,324,495,728 as of March 31, 2018.

2. The number of treasury stock was 42,843,573 as of September 30, 2018, and 42,843,413 as of March 31, 2018.

3. The average number of outstanding shares was 1,280,070,926 for the six months ended September 30, 2018, and 1,282,566,866 for the six months ended September 30, 2017.

The Company’s shares held through the Board Incentive Plan Trust (1,823,993 shares as of September 30, 2018 and 1,651,443 shares as of March 31, 2018) are not included in the number of treasury stock as of the end of the periods, but are included in the average number of shares outstanding as treasury stock shares that are deducted from the basis of the calculation of per share data.


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Table of Contents

1. Summary of Consolidated Financial Results

(1) Financial Highlights

Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2018


        Six months
September 30, 2017
     Six months
September 30, 2018
         Amount     Percent  

Total Revenues

  (millions of yen)     1,517,796        1,262,014        (255,782     (17 )% 

Total Expenses

  (millions of yen)     1,328,769        1,066,920        (261,849     (20 )% 

Income before Income Taxes

  (millions of yen)     252,612        220,945        (31,667     (13 )% 

Net Income Attributable to ORIX Corporation Shareholders

  (millions of yen)     165,970        155,050        (10,920     (7 )% 

Earnings Per Share (Basic)

  (yen)     129.40        121.13        (8.27     (6 )% 


  (yen)     129.29        121.03        (8.26     (6 )% 

ROE (Annualized) *1

  (%)     13.0        11.3        (1.7     —    

ROA (Annualized) *2

  (%)     2.93        2.67        (0.26     —    


*Note 1:

ROE is the ratio of Net Income Attributable to ORIX Corporation Shareholders for the period to average ORIX Corporation Shareholders’ Equity.

*Note 2:

ROA is calculated based on Net Income Attributable to ORIX Corporation Shareholders.

Overview of Business Performance (April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018)

Total revenues for the six months ended September 30, 2018 (hereinafter, “the second consolidated period”) decreased 17% to ¥1,262,014 million compared to ¥1,517,796 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year. Operating leases increased due to an increase in gains on sales of real estate under operating leases. In addition, services income increased due primarily to large gains from sales of property under facility operations, and an increase in service revenues generated by subsidiaries in the principal investment business. On the other hand, sales of goods and real estate decreased due primarily to a decrease in related revenues generated by a subsidiary in the principal investment business which recognized significant demand during the same period of the previous fiscal year. In addition, despite an increase in life insurance premiums in line with an increase in policies in force, life insurance premiums and related investment income decreased due to a decrease in investment income from assets under variable annuity and variable life insurance contracts, as compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year during which market conditions had improved significantly.

Total expenses decreased 20% to ¥1,066,920 million compared to ¥1,328,769 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year. Costs of operating leases and services expense increased in line with the aforementioned increase in revenues. Costs of goods and real estate sold decreased in line with the aforementioned decrease in revenues. In addition, life insurance costs decreased due to a decrease in a provision of liability reserve, despite the aforementioned increase in policies in force.

Equity in net income of affiliates decreased mainly due to the recognition of significant gains on sales of investments in real estate joint ventures during to the same period of the previous fiscal year, and the recognition of losses in an affiliate in India during the second consolidated period.

As a result of the foregoing, income before income taxes for the second consolidated period decreased 13% to ¥220,945 million compared to ¥252,612 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year, and net income attributable to ORIX Corporation shareholders decreased 7% to ¥155,050 million compared to ¥165,970 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year.


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Segment Information

Total segment profits for the second consolidated period decreased 11% to ¥223,316 million compared to ¥249,750 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year. Segment profits increased in Maintenance Leasing, Real Estate and Retail segments, while segment profits decreased in Corporate Financial Services, Investment and Operation and Overseas Business segments.

Segment information for the second consolidated period is as follows:

Corporate Financial Services Segment : Loan, leasing and fee business



Six months ended

September 30, 2017

(millions of yen)

   Six months ended
September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Revenues

        54,059           51,067        (2,992     (6

Segment Profits

   22,049      16,788            (5,261     (24

As of March 31, 2018

(millions of yen)

   As of September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of yen)

Segment Assets

      991,818         966,357        (25,461     (3

Segment revenues decreased 6% to ¥51,067 million compared to ¥54,059 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year due to a decrease in finance revenues in line with decreases in average investment balances of direct financing leases and installment loans and a decrease in gains on sales of securities, despite an increase in services income resulting from our stable fee businesses provided to domestic small- and medium-sized enterprise customers.

Segment expenses decreased due to a decrease in selling, general and administrative expenses.

As a result of the foregoing and due to the recognition of gains on sales of affiliates during the same period of the previous fiscal year, segment profits decreased 24% to ¥16,788 million compared to ¥22,049 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Segment assets decreased 3% to ¥966,357 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year due to decreases in investment in direct financing leases and installment loans despite an increase in investment in securities.


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Table of Contents

Maintenance Leasing Segment : Automobile leasing and rentals, car-sharing, and test and measurement instruments and IT-related equipment rentals and leasing



Six months ended

September 30, 2017

(millions of yen)

   Six months  ended
September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Revenues

      137,156         141,642             4,486           3   

Segment Profits

   20,438      20,583        145       1  

As of March 31, 2018

(millions of yen)

   As of September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Assets

      847,190         859,007           11,817           1   

Segment revenues increased 3% to ¥141,642 million compared to ¥137,156 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year due to an increase in operating leases revenues.

Segment expenses increased in line with the aforementioned revenue increase.

As a result of the foregoing, segment profits increased 1% to ¥20,583 million compared to ¥20,438 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Segment assets increased 1% to ¥859,007 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year due to an increase of new executions in investment in operating leases.

Real Estate Segment : Real estate development and rental, facility operation, REIT asset management, and real estate investment and advisory services



Six months ended

September 30, 2017

(millions of yen)

   Six months  ended
September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Revenues

        95,755         113,527           17,772         19   

Segment Profits

   43,991      44,183        192       0  

As of March 31, 2018

(millions of yen)

   As of September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Assets

   620,238         577,414        (42,824       (7

Segment revenues increased 19% to ¥113,527 million compared to ¥95,755 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year due to increases in services income from facilities operations which resulted from sales of property under facility operations and in operating leases revenues in line with an increase in gains on sales of rental property.

Segment expenses decreased due to a decrease in write-downs of long-lived assets.

As a result of the foregoing and a decrease in equity in net income of affiliates due to significant gains on sales of investments in real estate joint ventures that were recognized during the same period of the previous fiscal year, segment profits were ¥44,183 million, a slight increase over the ¥43,991 million recorded during the same period of the previous fiscal year.


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Table of Contents

Segment assets decreased 7% to ¥577,414 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year due primarily to sales of property under facility operations and rental properties.

Investment and Operation Segment : Environment and energy, principal investment, loan servicing (asset recovery), and concession



Six months ended

September 30, 2017

(millions of yen)

   Six months  ended
September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Revenues

      774,474         499,007        (275,467     (36

Segment Profits

   38,927      24,871        (14,056     (36

As of March 31, 2018

(millions of yen)

   As of September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Assets

   856,348         893,067          36,719           4   

Segment revenues decreased 36% to ¥499,007 million compared to ¥774,474 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year due to decreases in sales of goods by a subsidiary in the principal investment business which recognized significant demand during the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Segment expenses decreased compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year in line with the aforementioned revenues decreases.

As a result of the foregoing and the recognition of significant gains on sales of shares of a subsidiary during the same period of the previous fiscal year, segment profits decreased 36% to ¥24,871 million compared to ¥38,927 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Segment assets increased 4% to ¥893,067 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year due primarily to increases in inventories and property under facility operations in the environment and energy business.


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Table of Contents

Retail Segment : Life insurance, banking and card loan



Six months ended

September 30, 2017

(millions of yen)

   Six months  ended
September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Revenues

      219,505         221,735             2,230           1   

Segment Profits

   42,950      49,175        6,225       14  

As of March 31, 2018

(millions of yen)

   As of September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Assets

   3,174,505      3,368,956         194,451           6   

Segment revenues increased 1% to ¥221,735 million compared to ¥219,505 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year due to increases in life insurance premiums in line with an increase in policies in force and in finance revenues in the banking business, which was partially offset by a decrease in investment income from assets under variable annuity and variable life insurance contracts because of the significant market improvement that had occurred during the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Segment expenses decreased due to a decrease in life insurance costs as a provision of liability reserve declined.

As a result of the foregoing, segment profits increased 14% to ¥49,175 million compared to ¥42,950 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Segment assets increased 6% to ¥3,368,956 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year due primarily to an increase in investment in securities in the life insurance business and an increase in installment loans in the banking business, despite the surrender of variable annuity and variable life insurance contracts.


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Table of Contents

Overseas Business Segment : Leasing, loan, bond investment, asset management and aircraft- and ship-related operations



Six months ended

September 30, 2017

(millions of yen)

   Six months  ended
September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Revenues

      240,242         238,763        (1,479     (1

Segment Profits

   81,395      67,716          (13,679     (17

As of March 31, 2018

(millions of yen)

   As of September 30, 2018
(millions of yen)
(millions of  yen)

Segment Assets

   2,608,819      2,955,727         346,908        13   

Segment revenues decreased 1% to ¥238,763 million compared to ¥240,242 million during the same period of the previous fiscal year mainly due to a decrease in sales of goods and real estate because of sales of shares of subsidiaries, despite increases in finance revenues and operating leases.

Segment expenses increased due to an increase in selling, general and administrative expenses.

As a result of the foregoing and a decrease in equity in net income of affiliates due to the recognition of losses in an affiliate in India, segment profits decreased 17% to ¥67,716 million compared to ¥81,395 million in the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Segment assets increased 13% to ¥2,955,727 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year due primarily to an increase in installment loans because of an acquisition of loan and asset management company in the Americas and an increase in investment in operating leases of aircraft-related operations.


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Table of Contents

(2) Consolidated Financial Condition

Summary of Assets, Liabilities, Shareholders’ Equity



As of March 31,


   As of September 30,
   Amount      Percent  

Total Assets

     (millions of yen)     11,425,982      11,778,544        352,562        3

(Segment Assets)

     9,098,918      9,620,528        521,610        6

Total Liabilities

     (millions of yen)     8,619,688      8,840,932        221,244        3

(Long- and Short-term Debt)

     4,133,258      4,185,501        52,243        1


     1,757,462      1,857,879        100,417        6

Shareholders’ Equity

     (millions of yen)   2,682,424      2,803,969        121,545        5

Shareholders’ Equity Per Share

     (yen)     2,095.64      2,190.67        95.03        5




1. Shareholders’ Equity refers to ORIX Corporation Shareholders’ Equity based on U.S. GAAP.


2. Shareholders’ Equity Per Share is calculated using total ORIX Corporation Shareholders’ Equity.

Total assets increased 3% to ¥11,778,544 million compared to ¥11,425,982 million at the end of the previous fiscal year. Installment loans increased due primarily to the acquisition of a loan and asset management company in the Americas. Investment in securities increased due primarily to the purchase of investment in securities in the life insurance business. Segment assets increased 6% to ¥9,620,528 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year.

Due to assets increase, long-term debt and short-term debt, and deposits in liabilities increased compared to the end of the previous fiscal year.

Shareholders’ equity increased 5% to ¥2,803,969 million compared to the end of the previous fiscal year due primarily to an increase in retained earnings.


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(3) Medium-Term Strategic Directions FY2019-2021

ORIX Group manages its business portfolio by dividing it into six segments: Corporate Financial Services, Maintenance Leasing, Real Estate, Investment and Operation, Retail, and Overseas Business. Furthermore, taking risk and capital requirements into account, ORIX Group categorizes these six segments into three categories: “Finance,” “Operation” and “Investment” to describe its mid-term strategic directions.

The “Finance” business is ORIX Group’s customer base and source of information. However, given that the low interest rate environment makes growth difficult in the financial business, ORIX Group will continue to focus on “Operation” and “Investment” to grow stable earnings and will proactively enter new markets to nurture its next core businesses.

The “Operation” business for which operational risk is taken by ORIX Group is positioned as ORIX Group’s growth driver and source for new and stable earnings. ORIX Group will engage in M&A and expand new investment with a focus on the environment and energy business, asset management business, concession business and life insurance business as well as other new business areas coming from the change in society and the market.

The “Investment” business provides ORIX Group with opportunities to develop new businesses. ORIX Group focuses mainly on private equity businesses in Japan and overseas, aircraft- and ship-related operations and will expand the scale of those businesses.

From the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, ORIX Group aims to achieve annual net income attributable to ORIX Corporation shareholders growth of between 4% and 8%, and to maintain ROE above 11%.

Although forward-looking statements in this document are attributable to current information available to ORIX Corporation and are based on assumptions deemed reasonable by ORIX Corporation, actual financial results may differ materially due to various factors. Readers are urged not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

Factors causing a result that differs from forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, those described under “Risk Factors” in our Form 20-F submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


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Table of Contents

2. Financial Information

(1) Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)

(millions of yen)


     As of March 31,
    As of September 30,

Cash and Cash Equivalents


     1,321,241       1,140,901  

Restricted Cash


     83,876       113,872  

Investment in Direct Financing Leases


     1,194,888       1,178,913  

Installment Loans


     2,823,769       3,079,787  

The amounts which are measured at fair value by electing the fair value option are as follows:



March 31, 2018

   ¥17,260 million        

September 30, 2018

   ¥31,196 million                                                             

Allowance for Doubtful Receivables on Direct Financing Leases and Probable Loan Losses


     (54,672     (55,840

Investment in Operating Leases


     1,344,926       1,380,494  

Investment in Securities


     1,729,455       1,869,854  

The amounts which are measured at fair value by electing the fair value option are as follows:



March 31, 2018

   ¥37,631 million        

September 30, 2018

   ¥23,960 million        

Property under Facility Operations


     434,786       451,017  

Investment in Affiliates


     591,363       592,822  

Trade Notes, Accounts and Other Receivable


     294,773       275,520  



     111,001       131,375  

Office Facilities


     112,962       112,446  

Other Assets


     1,437,614       1,507,383  

The amounts which are measured at fair value by electing the fair value option are as follows:



March 31, 2018

   ¥15,008 million        

September 30, 2018

   ¥11,121 million        







Total Assets


     11,425,982       11,778,544  







Liabilities and Equity


Short-term Debt


     306,754       324,464  



     1,757,462       1,857,879  

Trade Notes, Accounts and Other Payable


     262,301       229,467  

Policy Liabilities and Policy Account Balances


     1,511,246       1,522,746  

The amounts which are measured at fair value by electing the fair value option are as follows:



March 31, 2018

   ¥444,010 million        

September 30, 2018

   ¥405,705 million        

Current and Deferred Income Taxes


     366,947       404,878  

Long-term Debt


     3,826,504       3,861,037  

Other Liabilities


     588,474       640,461  







Total Liabilities


     8,619,688       8,840,932  







Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests


     7,420       7,713  







Commitments and Contingent Liabilities



Common Stock


     220,961       221,111  

Additional Paid-in Capital


     267,291       267,033  

Retained Earnings


     2,315,283       2,427,424  

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


     (45,566     (35,696

Treasury Stock, at Cost


     (75,545     (75,903







Total ORIX Corporation Shareholders’ Equity


     2,682,424       2,803,969  

Noncontrolling Interests


     116,450       125,930  







Total Equity


     2,798,874       2,929,899  







Total Liabilities and Equity


     11,425,982       11,778,544  








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Table of Contents
Note :

Breakdowns of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


     As of March 31,
    As of September 30,

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


Net unrealized gains on investment in securities

     10,465       5,609  

Debt valuation adjustments

     0       270  

Defined benefit pension plans

     (20,487     (20,688

Foreign currency translation adjustments

     (31,806     (17,802

Net unrealized losses on derivative instruments

     (3,738     (3,085








     (45,566     (35,696








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Table of Contents

(2) Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

(millions of yen)

     Six months
September 30, 2017
    Six months
September 30, 2018

Revenues :


Finance revenues

     113,346       117,352  

Gains on investment securities and dividends

     20,477       11,735  

Operating leases

     197,958       208,975  

Life insurance premiums and related investment income

     181,210       180,604  

Sales of goods and real estate

     616,568       330,761  

Services income

     388,237       412,587  







Total Revenues

     1,517,796       1,262,014  







Expenses :


Interest expense

     37,921       41,848  

Costs of operating leases

     125,225       127,366  

Life insurance costs

     131,715       125,734  

Costs of goods and real estate sold

     579,565       305,313  

Services expense

     236,615       247,572  

Other (income) and expense, net

     (1,464     (503

Selling, general and administrative expenses

     209,299       210,646  

Provision for doubtful receivables and probable loan losses

     7,998       8,210  

Write-downs of long-lived assets

     1,472       26  

Write-downs of securities

     423       708  







Total Expenses

     1,328,769       1,066,920  







Operating Income

     189,027       195,094  

Equity in Net Income of Affiliates

     38,613       6,819  

Gains on Sales of Subsidiaries and Affiliates and Liquidation Losses, net

     24,972       19,032  







Income before Income Taxes

     252,612       220,945  

Provision for Income Taxes

     83,211       64,326  







Net Income

     169,401       156,619  







Net Income Attributable to the Noncontrolling Interests

     3,283       1,484  







Net Income Attributable to the Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests

     148       85  







Net Income Attributable to ORIX Corporation Shareholders

     165,970       155,050  








Note :

Revenues from guarantees in the consolidated statements of income have been reclassified from “Services income” to “Finance revenues” starting from the three months ended June 30, 2018. The change aims to reflect revenue structure of the Company and its subsidiaries more appropriately accompanying the adoption of ASC606 (“Revenue from Contracts with Customers”). Corresponding to the change, the presented amounts in the consolidated statements of income for the previous fiscal year have been reclassified retrospectively to conform to the presentation for the six months period ended September 30, 2018.


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Table of Contents

(3) Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Unaudited)


(millions of yen)  
     Six months
September 30, 2017
    Six months
September 30, 2018

Net Income :

     169,401       156,619  







Other comprehensive income, net of tax:


Net change of unrealized gains (losses) on investment in securities

     (3,027     (1,606

Net change of debt valuation adjustments

     0       (81

Net change of defined benefit pension plans

     (447     (201

Net change of foreign currency translation adjustments

     18,655       14,789  

Net change of unrealized gains (losses) on derivative instruments

     76       690  

Total other comprehensive income

     15,257       13,591  







Comprehensive Income

     184,658       170,210  







Comprehensive Income Attributable to the Noncontrolling Interests

     3,950       1,803  







Comprehensive Income Attributable to the Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests

     182       587  







Comprehensive Income Attributable to ORIX Corporation Shareholders

     180,526       167,820  







(4) Assumptions for Going Concern

There is no corresponding item.

(5) Significant Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

There is no corresponding item.


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Table of Contents

(6) Changes in Accounting Policies

(Adoption of New Accounting Standards)

In May 2014, Accounting Standards Update 2014-09 (“Revenue from Contracts with Customers”—ASC 606 (“Revenue from Contracts with Customers”)) was issued, and related amendments were issued thereafter. The core principle of these Updates requires that an entity should recognize revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. The Company and its subsidiaries adopted these Updates on April 1, 2018, using the cumulative-effect method, for only those contracts that are not completed at the date of initial adoption. The adoption primarily resulted in changes in the timing of revenue recognition for performance fees received from customers regarding asset management business, and certain project-based orders in real estate business for which the Company and its subsidiaries currently apply the percentage-of-completion or completed contract method. The effect of adopting these Updates on the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial position at the adoption was mainly an increase of ¥405 million in retained earnings in the consolidated balance sheets.

In January 2016, Accounting Standards Update 2016-01 (“Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities”—ASC 825-10 (“Financial Instruments—Overall”)) was issued. This Update requires an entity to measure equity investments at fair value, and requires recognizing the changes in fair value through earnings or using alternative method that requires carrying value to be adjusted by subsequent observable transactions. Additionally, this Update revises the presentation of certain fair value changes for financial liabilities measured at fair value. The Company and its subsidiaries adopted this Update on April 1, 2018. The effect of adopting this Update on the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial position at the adoption date was mainly a decrease of ¥2,899 million in accumulated other comprehensive income and an increase of ¥2,899 million in retained earnings in the consolidated balance sheets, due to reclassification of unrealized changes in fair value of equity investments from accumulated other comprehensive income to retained earnings, and reclassification of changes in fair value of financial liabilities resulting from a change in the instrument-specific credit risk when the Company and its subsidiaries have elected to measure the liabilities at fair value in accordance with the fair value option, from retained earnings to accumulated other comprehensive income.

In October 2016, Accounting Standards Update 2016-16 (“Intra-Entity Transfers of Assets Other Than Inventory”—ASC 740 (“Income Taxes”)) was issued. This Update eliminates the exception to defer the income tax consequences of intra-entity transfers of assets other than inventory until the assets are ultimately sold to an outside party and requires the recognition of the current and deferred tax consequences when those transfers occur. The Company and its subsidiaries adopted this Update on April 1, 2018. The effect of adopting this Update on the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial position at the adoption date was mainly an increase of ¥3,772 million in retained earnings in the consolidated balance sheets.


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Table of Contents

(7) Segment Information (Unaudited)

1. Segment Information by Sector


     (millions of yen)  
     Six Months ended
September 30, 2017
     Six Months ended
September 30, 2018
    March 31,
     September 30,

Corporate Financial Services

     54,059       22,049        51,067       16,788       991,818        966,357  

Maintenance Leasing

     137,156       20,438        141,642       20,583       847,190        859,007  

Real Estate

     95,755       43,991        113,527       44,183       620,238        577,414  

Investment and Operation

     774,474       38,927        499,007       24,871       856,348        893,067  


     219,505       42,950        221,735       49,175       3,174,505        3,368,956  

Overseas Business

     240,242       81,395        238,763       67,716       2,608,819        2,955,727  



















Segment Total

     1,521,191       249,750        1,265,741       223,316       9,098,918        9,620,528  



















Difference between Segment Total and Consolidated Amounts

     (3,395     2,862        (3,727     (2,371     2,327,064        2,158,016  



















Consolidated Amounts

     1,517,796          252,612        1,262,014          220,945       11,425,982        11,778,544  




















Note 1:   

The Company evaluates the performance of segments based on income before income taxes, adjusted for net income attributable to the noncontrolling interests and net income attributable to the redeemable noncontrolling interests before applicable tax effect. Tax expenses are not included in segment profits.

Note 2:   

From the three months ended June 30, 2018, consolidated VIEs for securitizing financial assets such as lease receivables and loan receivables, which had been excluded from segment revenues, segment profits and segment assets until the previous fiscal year, are included in segment revenues, segment profits and segment assets of each segment. As a result of this change, the presented amounts in the financial information of the segments for the previous fiscal year have been retrospectively reclassified to conform to the presentation for the six months ended September 30, 2018.

Note 3:   

Inter-segment transactions are included in segment revenues, and eliminations of inter-segment transactions are included in difference between segment total and consolidated amounts.

2. Geographic Information


     (millions of yen)  
     Six Months Ended September 30, 2017  
     Japan      The Americas*1      Other*2      Consolidated

Total Revenues

     1,270,724        107,847        139,225        1,517,796  

Income before Income Taxes

     168,992        40,427        43,193        252,612  












     (millions of yen)  
     Six Months Ended September 30, 2018  
     Japan      The Americas*1      Other*2      Consolidated

Total Revenues

     1,025,293        99,000        137,721        1,262,014  

Income before Income Taxes

            154,142        43,964                 22,839               220,945  














*Note 1:   

Mainly the United States

*Note 2:   

Mainly Asia, Europe, Australasia and Middle East

*Note 3:   

From the three months ended June 30, 2018, regarding ORIX Corporation Europe N. V., both total revenues and income before income taxes, previously disclosed in Other, are disclosed separately in the above areas, and the information about geographic areas for the previous fiscal year has been retrospectively reclassified as a result of this change.

(8) Subsequent Events

There are no material subsequent events.


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Announcement Regarding Revision of Dividend Policy, Interim Dividend and Year End Dividend Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2019

TOKYO, Japan — October 26, 2018 — ORIX Corporation (“ORIX”) announced that the Board of Directors, at a meeting held today, resolved the revision of the dividend policy, the interim dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019(“FY2019.3”) and the year-end dividend forecast for the FY2019.3 as follows:



Revision of Dividend Policy

To enhance the returns to shareholders, ORIX decided to raise the dividend payout ratio from 27%, that was expected earlier, to 30% from the FY2019.3.

ORIX will continue to distribute dividends in consideration of the optimal balance of securing of capital for investment in future profit growth and the making of stable and sustainable distribution of dividends to shareholders.



Details of Interim Dividend


     Amount      Most Recent Dividend

(Announced on
May 9, 2018)
     Dividend Paid for the
Previous Fiscal Year

Record Date

     September 30, 2018        September 30, 2018        September 30, 2017  

Dividend Per Share

     30.00 yen        30.00 yen        27.00 yen  

Total Dividend Amount

     38,453 million yen        —          34,595 million yen  

Effective Date

     December 4, 2018        —          December 4, 2017  

Source of Dividend

     Retained earnings        —          Retained earnings  



Details of Year-End Dividend Forecast for the FY2019.3

The year-end dividend for FY2019.3 is forecasted at 46 yen per share.



     Dividend Per Share  

Record Date

   Interim      Year-End      Yearly  

Dividend Forecast

     —          46.00 yen        76.00 yen  

FY2019.3 Actual Dividend (ending March 31, 2019)

     30.00 yen        —          —    

FY2018.3 Actual Dividend (ended March 31, 2018)

     27.00 yen        39.00 yen        66.00 yen  

Table of Contents

Contact Information:

ORIX Corporation

Corporate Planning Department

Tel: +81-3-3435-3121

About ORIX:

ORIX Corporation (TSE: 8591; NYSE: IX) is an opportunistic, diversified, innovation-driven global powerhouse with a proven track record of profitability. Established in 1964, ORIX at present operates a diverse portfolio of businesses in the operations, financial services, and investment spaces. ORIX’s highly complementary business activities span industries including: energy, private equity, infrastructure, automotive, ship and aircraft, real estate and retail financial services. ORIX has also spread its business globally by establishing locations in a total of 38 countries and regions across the world. Through its business activities, ORIX has long been committed to corporate citizenship and environmental sustainability. For more details, please visit our website: (As of September 30, 2018)

Caution Concerning Forward Looking Statements:

These documents may contain forward-looking statements about expected future events and financial results that involve risks and uncertainties. Such statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to uncertainties and risks that could cause actual results that differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, those described under “Risk Factors” in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and under “(4) Risk Factors” of the “1. Summary of Consolidated Financial Results” of the “Consolidated Financial Results April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018.”

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