Washington, D.C. 20549


Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 under the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2012

Commission File Number 1-8910


(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F   x     Form 40-F   ¨

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):             

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):             


On May 11, 2012, the registrant filed with the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other stock exchanges in Japan on which its securities are traded information as to the registrant’s financial condition and results of operations at and for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. Attached hereto is a copy of the press release and supplementary data relating thereto, both dated May 11, 2012, pertaining to such financial condition and results of operations, as well as forecasts for the registrant’s operations for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013. The consolidated financial information of the registrant and that of its subsidiary, NTT DOCOMO, INC., included in the press release and the supplementary data relating thereto was prepared on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The non-consolidated financial information of the registrant and that of each of the registrant’s three wholly-owned subsidiaries, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation and NTT Communications Corporation, as well as the consolidated financial information of its subsidiary, NTT DATA CORPORATION, included in the press release and the supplementary data relating thereto were prepared on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in Japan. The consolidated financial information of the registrant’s subsidiary, Dimension Data Holdings plc, included in the supplementary data related to the press release was prepared on the basis of International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 are currently being audited and the actual results could differ materially from those set forth in the press release.

The earnings projections of the registrant and its subsidiaries for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 included in the press release contain forward-looking statements. The registrant desires to qualify for the “safe-harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and consequently is hereby filing cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause the registrant’s actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the attachment.

The registrant’s forward-looking statements are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of the registrant in light of information currently available to it regarding the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and the telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements, as well as other risks included in the registrant’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

No assurance can be given that the registrant’s actual results will not vary significantly from any expectation of future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements included herein.

The attached material is a translation of the Japanese original. The Japanese original is authoritative.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.





  /s/ Koji Ito

  Name:   Koji Ito
  Title:   General Manager
    Finance and Accounting Department

Date: May 11, 2012

Financial Results Release      May 11, 2012   

For the Year Ended March 31, 2012

     [U.S. GAAP

Name of registrant: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (“NTT”)

Code No.: 9432

Stock exchanges on which the Company’s shares are listed: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Sapporo

(URL http://www.ntt.co.jp/ir/)

Representative: Satoshi Miura, President

Contact: Koji Ito, Head of IR, Finance and Accounting Department/ TEL(03) 5205-5581

Scheduled date of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders: June 22, 2012

Scheduled date of dividend payments: June 25, 2012

Scheduled date of filing securities report: June 29, 2012

Supplemental material on financial results: Yes

Presentation on financial results: Yes (for institutional investors and analysts)


1. Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)

Amounts are rounded off to nearest million yen.

(1) Consolidated Results of Operations


     (Millions of yen)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Income (Loss)
before Income Taxes
    Net Income (Loss)  

Year ended March 31, 2012

     10,507,362         2.0     1,222,966         0.7     1,239,330         5.4     467,701         (8.2 )% 

Year ended March 31, 2011

     10,305,003         1.2     1,214,909         8.7     1,175,797         5.0     509,629         3.5

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year.


     Earnings (Loss)
per Share
    Diluted Earnings
per Share
(Ratio of
Net Income to
(Ratio of
Income (Loss)
Income Taxes
to Total  Assets)
    Operating Income
(Ratio of
Operating Income
to  Operating

Year ended March 31, 2012

     366.67  (yen)      —  (yen)      5.9     6.3     11.6

Year ended March 31, 2011

     385.16  (yen)      —  (yen)      6.4     6.1     11.8



  Comprehensive income (loss):    For the year ended March 31, 2012:    413,566 million yen
     For the year ended March 31, 2011:    395,527 million yen
  Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies:    For the year ended March 31, 2012:    (2,986) million yen
     For the year ended March 31, 2011:    1,670 million yen

(2) Consolidated Financial Position


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Total Assets      Total Equity      Shareholders’
     Equity Ratio
(Ratio of Shareholders’
Equity to Total Assets)
     Shareholders’ Equity
per Share

March 31, 2012

     19,389,699         10,047,729         7,882,587         40.7%         6,441.26 (yen)   

March 31, 2011

     19,665,596         10,080,932         8,020,734         40.8%         6,061.92 (yen)   

(3) Consolidated Cash Flows


     (Millions of yen)  
     Cash Flows from
Operating Activities
     Cash Flows from
Investing Activities
    Cash Flows from
Financing Activities
    Cash and Cash Equivalents
at End of Year

Year ended March 31, 2012

     2,508,299         (1,971,246     (948,058     1,020,143   

Year ended March 31, 2011

     2,830,872         (2,052,212     (249,578     1,435,158   


2. Dividends


    Dividends per Share     Yearly
    Payout Ratio
    Ratio of
Dividends to
    End of
the First
    End of
the Second
  End of
the Third
    Year-end     Total        

Year ended March 31, 2011

    —        60.00 (yen)     —          60.00 (yen)        120.00 (yen)        158,779 (Millions of yen)        31.2     2.0

Year ended March 31, 2012

    —        70.00 (yen)     —          70.00 (yen)        140.00 (yen)        174,256 (Millions of yen)        38.2     2.2

Year ending March 31, 2013


    —        80.00 (yen)     —          80.00 (yen)        160.00 (yen)        —          34.1     —     


3 . Consolidated Financial Results Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013 (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Income before
Income Taxes
    Net Income
Attributable to NTT
per Share

Year ending March 31, 2013

     10,750,000         2.3     1,280,000         4.7     1,265,000         2.1     575,000         22.9     469.86  (yen) 

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year or period.


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4. Other


  (1) Change in reporting entities (change in significant consolidated subsidiaries): None


  (2) Change in significant accounting policy and reclassification


  1. Change caused by revision of accounting standard: Yes


  2. Others: None


     (For further details, please see “(7) Change in significant matters serving as a basis for the preparation of consolidated financial statements” on page 36.)


  (3) Number of shares outstanding (common stock)


1.      Number of shares outstanding (including treasury stock) at end of year:

   March 31, 2012: 1,323,197,235 shares
   March 31, 2011: 1,448,659,067 shares

2.      Number of treasury stock at end of year:


March 31, 2012: 99,431,812 shares


March 31, 2011: 125,524,000 shares

3.      Weighted average number of shares outstanding:


For the year ended March 31, 2012: 1,275,519,400 shares


For the year ended March 31, 2011: 1,323,173,389 shares

(Reference) Non-Consolidated Financial Results

For the Year Ended March 31, 2012

     [Japanese GAAP


1. Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)

Amounts are rounded off per 1 million yen.

(1) Non-consolidated Results of Operations


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Recurring Profit     Net Income  

Year ended March 31, 2012

     411,352         5.4     257,686         10.4     259,316         13.8     257,297         14.0

Year ended March 31, 2011

     390,373         3.0     233,478         9.3     227,837         5.7     225,705         4.6

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year.


     Earnings per Share    

Earnings per Share after
Potential Dilution Adjustments

Year ended March 31, 2012

     201.72  (yen)    — (yen)

Year ended March 31, 2011

     170.58  (yen)    — (yen)

(2) Non-consolidated Financial Position


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Total Assets      Net Assets      Equity Ratio
(Ratio of Shareholders’ Equity
to Total Assets)
    Net Assets
per Share

March 31, 2012

     7,524,765         4,703,028         62.5     3,843.08  (yen) 

March 31, 2011

     7,570,228         4,996,977         66.0     3,776.62  (yen) 


(Reference) Shareholder’s equity:

   For the year ended March 31, 2012:      4,703,028 million yen   
   For the year ended March 31, 2011:      4,996,977 million yen   


2. Non-consolidated Financial Results Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013 (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013)


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Recurring Profit     Net Income     Earnings
per Share

Year ending March 31, 2013

     433,000         5.3     278,000         7.9     275,000         6.0     277,000         7.7     226.35  (yen) 

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the previous year or period.

* Presentation on the status of quarterly audit process:

This financial results release is not subject to the audit process as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. As of the date when this financial results release was issued, the audit process on financial statements as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act had not been finished.

* Explanation for forecasts of operation and other notes:

With regard to the assumptions and other related matters concerning the above estimated results, please refer to page 54. As NTT evaluates the business performance on an annual basis, prospects on a half-year basis are not provided.

On Friday, May 11, 2012, NTT will hold a presentation on its financial results for institutional investors and analysts. Shortly thereafter, NTT plans to post on its website explanatory details, along with the materials used at the presentation.


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(1) Analysis Concerning Business Results

Overview of Consolidated Business Results (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2011
(April 1, 2010 –
March 31, 2011)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2012
(April 1, 2011 –
March 31, 2012)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     10,305.0         10,507.4         202.4        2.0

Operating expenses

     9,090.1         9,284.4         194.3        2.1

Operating income

     1,214.9         1,223.0         8.1        0.7

Income before income taxes

     1,175.8         1,239.3         63.5        5.4

Net income attributable to NTT

     509.6         467.7         (41.9     (8.2 )% 

With respect to the global economy, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, the European sovereign bond crisis caused further instability in the economies of developed countries, which when combined with the slow- down in the growth rates of emerging economies lead to an overall slow down in the pace of economic recovery. The Japanese economy, despite increased demand after the severe conditions following the Great East Japan Earthquake, experienced only a modest recovery due to the impact of the sluggish global economy, the protracted period of the strong yen, the damage from the flooding in Thailand and other factors.

In the information and telecommunications market, there has been a rapid shift towards broadband and ubiquitous services. In the fixed-line communications field, as optical broadband services expand, there has been a transition from conventional fixed line to optical IP telephones. In the mobile communications field, with the diversification and improvement of services and handsets, the competitive environment continues to intensify as a result of, among other things, the introduction of new rate plans. In addition, there have been substantial changes and developments, including customers’ growing interest in a safe and reliable telecommunications infrastructure in light of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the service integration between fixed-line and mobile communications and between telecommunications and broadcasting resulting from the shift to IP networks, and the introduction of new businesses, utilizing information and communications technologies (ICT), that transcend the existing business domains.

Under these circumstances, NTT Group worked to expand broadband and ubiquitous services pursuant to its Medium-Term Strategy, adopted in May 2008, entitled “Road to Service Creation Business Group.”



Broadband Services

In the fixed-line communications field, NTT Group continued to expand FLET’S Hikari services and improve its customer support services. In order to expand the number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers, NTT Group launched the two-tier fixed rate service, “FLET’S Hikari Light,” with lower basic monthly charges for customers who are just starting to use the Internet or have few opportunities to use the Internet.

In the mobile communications field, NTT Group worked to expand the lineup of smartphones, whose popularity is rapidly growing. In addition, the main services of i-mode were made compatible with smartphones and NTT Group started offering new services and functions such as “dmenu” for smartphones, which enables users to search various content. With respect to “Xi” (pronounced “crossy”), an LTE service with high-speed, large capacity and low latency features, NTT Group launched new voice services, added to data communications services, improved rate plans and expanded its service areas.

In order to increase Hikari use scenarios and to improve user convenience with respect to data communications by smartphones, NTT Group worked to expand the Wi-Fi environment. NTT Group actively developed and promoted the use of “FLET’s Hikari + Wi-Fi” at homes and the use of public wireless LAN outdoors by increasing the installation of public access points at public and retail facilities and by utilizing mobile Wi-Fi routers such as the “Hikari Portable.”


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Upper Layer Services·Solutions Businesses

Group-wide efforts were directed towards the creation of services that use broadband networks. With respect to “Hikari TV,” in addition to the existing service enabling the viewing of videos on TV through FLET’S Hikari, NTT Group launched “Hikari TV Dokodemo” for viewing “Hikari TV” videos on smartphones and tablet devices.

With respect to cloud services, NTT Group expanded its service menus for services such as “BizCity” and “BizXaaS,” and promoted the building and provision of customer systems using these services and otherwise endeavored to provide solutions tailored to the industries and categories of its customers. In addition, NTT launched “Mobile Groupware” and other services that provide web-based email and schedule functions that enable customer use without regard to differences in devices between smartphones and PCs.



Global Businesses

NTT Group acquired foreign companies with the aim of expanding the lineup of its services and gaining personnel with the expertise and know-how of business operations. In particular, with respect to global expansion of cloud services, Dimension Data Holdings plc, one of NTT’s overseas subsidiaries, worked to reinforce its ability to provide implementation consulting and formulation by acquiring OpSource, Inc., which has the technology to provide automatic cloud implementation, operation and restoration.

NTT Group established new overseas offices to strengthen ICT service support to Japanese businesses operating abroad and to local businesses. NTT Group also worked to enhance its service platforms by, among other things, increasing the connection speed of the IP backbone between Japan and the U.S., where a high volume of data is exchanged, to 600Gbps.

NTT Group worked to strengthen its global strategy development framework through the maximization of synergies and promotion of cross-selling between its group companies, including overseas subsidiaries, and established committees formed from each group company on global strategy and personnel administration for the entire NTT Group.



Research and Development (R&D)

As part of its efforts to create new services, NTT Group engaged in R&D directed at the advancement of cloud services, video services, Home ICT and mobile services, on network platforms that support these services, and on the fourth-generation mobile communications systems that will succeed LTE. In addition, NTT Group also conducted R&D on the optical device technology that realizes low-power information telecommunications and quantum information processing as initiatives to develop advanced technologies for the future, while continuing R&D to develop new markets and services by the integration of industries and ICT, solutions for societal issues and disaster-resistant network services.



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

NTT Group took group-wide CSR initiatives to contribute to the continuous development of society. Especially with respect to the vision of “creating a low-carbon society,” one of the themes of NTT Group’s environmental vision, “The Green Vision 2020,” NTT Group as a whole adopted the “Green NTT” measure as means of promoting natural energy. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, NTT Group commenced the operation of three new solar power facilities and the total size of installed solar capacity reached approximately 4.4 megawatts. NTT will likely reach its initial target of 5.0 megawatts before the end of next fiscal year.


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Restoration and Disaster Countermeasures Commenced at the Beginning of the Fiscal Year (ended March 31, 2012)

The Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred in March 2011, caused service outages to approximately 1.5 million fixed-line related services, approximately 4,900 mobile base stations, and approximately 15,000 data communications services. As a result of NTT Group committing a total of 10,000 members to the restoration efforts, at the end of May 2011, NTT Group restored the function of all damaged exchange offices and base stations, except for certain areas where restoration work is difficult, such as areas surrounding the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

In terms of facility-related countermeasures against disaster, in addition to the existing efforts to enhance the durability of exchange offices and increasing the number of transmissions lines, NTT Group carried out further measures to install emergency power generators and make available batteries that last up to 24 hours, secure fuel and prepare for potentially long and geographically dispersed blackouts. Moreover, NTT Group installed large- zone base stations (mobile base stations which cover 360-degrees with a radius of about 7 km) to widely and efficiently ensure communications in densely populated areas and increased the number of deployed disaster countermeasure equipment, including satellite mobile base stations.

As an initiative in services, for times when it is difficult to connect to voice-message services due to a disaster, NTT Group launched the “Disaster Voice Messaging Service,” a service through which voice messages are sent as data files, and expanded its “Area Mail” function, which is used with emergency earthquake information, for example, by adding a new compatibility enhancement to provide tsunami information. Also, as a measure to ensure communication for disaster victims, including those who are stranded, NTT Group launched initiatives for convenience stores to be used as “information stations” such as by installing special public telephones and making public wireless LAN spots free-of-charge during disasters.

As a result, NTT Group’s consolidated operating revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 10,507.4 billion yen (an increase of 2.0% from the previous fiscal year). Consolidated operating expenses were 9,284.4 billion yen (an increase of 2.1% from the previous fiscal year). As a result, consolidated operating income was 1,223.0 billion yen (an increase of 0.7% from the previous fiscal year), consolidated income before income taxes was 1,239.3 billion yen (an increase of 5.4% from the previous fiscal year), and consolidated net income attributable to NTT was 467.7 billion yen (an decrease of 8.2% from the previous fiscal year).

The forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 is as follows: operating revenues of 10,750 billion yen (an increase of 2.3% from the fiscal year under review), operating income of 1,280 billion yen (an increase of 4.7% from the fiscal year under review), income before income taxes of 1,265 billion yen (an increase of 2.1% from the fiscal year under review), and net income attributable to NTT of 575 billion yen (an increase of 22.9% from the fiscal year under review).

The business results for NTT (Holding Company) and each segment for the consolidated fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 are as follows.


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Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Holding Company)

Overview of Non-consolidated Business Results (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2011
(April 1, 2010 –
March 31, 2011)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2012
(April 1, 2011 –
March 31, 2012)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     390.3         411.3         20.9        5.4

Operating expenses

     156.8         153.6         (3.2     (2.1 )% 

Operating income

     233.4         257.6         24.2        10.4

Recurring profit

     227.8         259.3         31.4        13.8

Net income

     225.7         257.2         31.5        14.0

In its capacity as the holding company of the NTT Group companies, NTT continued working on the planning of group-wide strategies and a redistribution of managerial resources in line with changes in the business environment. NTT also conducted fundamental R&D and provided the results to each group company so they could be broadly disseminated, while planning and promoting the commercialization of fundamental technologies. Furthermore, NTT exercised voting and other shareholder rights at the general shareholders’ meetings of each group company.

NTT acquired 57,513,600 shares of its common stock on July 5, 2011, pursuant to a resolution passed at its board of directors’ meeting held on May 13, 2011. In addition, pursuant to resolutions passed at its board of directors’ meeting held on November 9, 2011, NTT cancelled 125,461,832 shares on November 15, 2011, and acquired 41,820,600 shares of its common stock on February 8, 2012. The aggregate cost of acquiring its common stock for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 was 381.7 billion yen.

[1] Provision of Advice and Intermediary Services to Group Companies

NTT provided appropriate and timely advice and intermediary services to group companies to facilitate the performance of business activities in line with group policies and objectives. Specifically, NTT proceeded with the full-scale development of ubiquitous broadband services in line with its Medium-Term Management Strategy, “Road to Service Creation Business Group,” and provided advice and intermediary services for global businesses. In addition, NTT provided support to promote the promulgation of upper-layer services utilizing optical broadband services in particular, through its administration of the Next-Generation Services Joint Development Forum and joint operation of a start-up company whose investors include NTT Investment Partners Fund, L.P. As compensation for these services, NTT received 19.1 billion yen in group management and administration revenues for the fiscal year under review (same as the previous fiscal year).

[2] Fundamental R&D Activities

NTT has conducted R&D on basic technologies that could contribute to realizing an enriched broadband and ubiquitous society and solving societal issues, such as enhancing convenience of public administration, education and medical services, and environmental issues, based on the objectives set out in its Medium-Term Management Strategy, “Road to Service Creation Business Group.”

Commercialization of the results of R&D was carried out through the “General Produce System” under which R&D achievements were integrated into marketing and planning activities for key business lines, in consideration of global developments, and through collaboration with other businesses. NTT was also engaged in R&D to develop disaster-resistant networks and services by utilizing lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake and research on advanced technologies for the future.


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R&D Contributing to Service Creation



R&D for Promotion of Broadband and Ubiquitous Services

- NTT conducted R&D directed to realize the provision of safe and secure cloud services as social infrastructure. For example, NTT established security technology to improve user confidentiality, including an encryption method, and performed experiments to transfer functions between data centers without disconnecting services. NTT further developed a technology that creates new value in obtained information, by enabling the immediate analysis of high volumes of data (big data) collected in cloud networks.

- NTT developed a contents administration platform necessary for “NOTTV,” a dedicated broadcasting station for smartphones and tablet devices.

- NTT provided technical support on “FLET’S Joint,” a home ICT service and achieved its commercialization.

- In order to promote the expansion of optical broadband services, in areas that are difficult to conduct wiring installation, such as multi-unit apartment complexes, NTT developed an optical fiber that can be wired through spaces in doorways.



R&D Corresponding to Societal Challenges

- NTT developed and started to conduct field trials on a mutual platform for medical institutions and home-care patients which can safely distribute medical and health information, towards ICT use for the home medical care services. NTT also conducted an experiment of its Secure Computation, which enables statistical processing while protecting the privacy of diagnostic information in clinical research.

- With an aim to achieve efficient use of energy and to contribute to community development, NTT carried out technology development through smart communities (next generation energy, social systems) and worked towards the “visualization of energy consumption” and home appliance energy control.

- In the field of education, in order to support communications at school with hearing-impaired students, NTT conducted an experiment on technology that converts the words spoken by teachers into readable text on devices.



R&D to Provide Disaster Resistant Network Services



In preparation for the disruption of communication services due to a disaster, NTT built transportable Small Satellite Earth Stations for Disaster Recovery Operations capable of immediately securing temporary telecommunications circuits and developed a technology of automatic measurement and elimination of the distorted ultrafast optical signals, which enables the quick setup of temporary routes.



NTT implemented measures to provide network control technology that will allow large numbers of customers to access important communications during disasters, by re-establishing flexible communication lines throughout the entire network.



In order to improve the convenience of the Disaster Emergency Broadband Message Board, NTT developed a function of notifying registration information through e-mail and voice messages and dedicated research efforts towards developing an easy-to-use user interface.


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Advanced Research



NTT worked towards the drastic reduction of energy consumption in the ICT field, and succeeded in building a laser operated by ultralow electricity current, and the world’s first optical random access memory chip, which allows storage of information without converting data into an electric signal.



NTT worked to produce innovative quantum computers with respect to information processing technology, and discovered an electron state that leads to a new method of inputting and reading quantum information.



In order to provide natural communication, NTT focused its research on the mechanics of signal control and processing within human brains.

As a result of these R&D activities, NTT’s total expenditures on R&D during the fiscal year under review were 125.5 billion yen (a decrease of 1.3% from the previous fiscal year), and NTT received basic R&D revenues of 120.9 billion yen (a decrease of 2.4% from the previous fiscal year) as compensation for these R&D activities.

[3] Share Ownership and Exercise of Voting Rights

NTT exercises its rights as a shareholder based on the principle that each group company should conduct its business activities in line with NTT Group’s policies and objectives, while maintaining their independence and autonomy. When exercising voting rights as a shareholder at the general shareholders meetings of each group company in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, NTT determined that the business practices, financial conditions, retained profits, and other conditions during the previous consolidated fiscal year (the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011) were appropriate and, accordingly, NTT voted to approve the disposition of unappropriated retained earnings based on proposals from each group company as well as the election of directors and other matters. As a result, NTT received 261.1 billion yen in dividends (an increase of 10.8% from the previous fiscal year).

As a result of the above activities, NTT’s operating revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 411.3 billion yen (an increase of 5.4% from the previous fiscal year), recurring profit was 259.3 billion yen (an increase of 13.8% from the previous fiscal year), and net income was 257.2 billion yen (an increase of 14.0% from the previous fiscal year).


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Regional Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2011

(April 1, 2010 –
March 31, 2011)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2012

(April 1, 2011 –
March 31, 2012)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     4,027.2         3,764.8         (262.4     (6.5 )% 

Operating expenses

     3,900.0         3,677.9         (222.1     (5.7 )% 

Operating income

     127.3         86.9         (40.3     (31.7 )% 

Number of Subscriptions


     March 31, 2011      March 31, 2012      Change      Percent Change  

FLET’S Hikari

     15,059         16,564         1,506         10.0

NTT East

     8,511         9,353         842         9.9

NTT West

     6,547         7,211         664         10.1

Hikari Denwa

     12,113         13,900         1,788         14.8

NTT East

     6,446         7,402         956         14.8

NTT West

     5,667         6,498         831         14.7



1. The figures for “FLET’S Hikari include NTT East’s B FLET’S and FLET’S Hikari Next (launched in March 2008) and NTT West’s B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next (launched in March 2008).
2. The figures for Hikari Denwa indicate the number of channels (in thousands).

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (NTT East) and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT West), which are the main subsidiaries of NTT in the regional communications business segment, worked to secure solid revenue structures by collaborating with other business operators, expanding FLET’S Hikari service menus, promoting fiber-optic and IP related services through expansion of Hikari use scenarios utilizing Wi-Fi, and improving support services that lead to customer retention.

[1] Number of Subscriptions for Major Services



FLET’S Hikari: 16.56 million subscriptions (an increase of 1.51 million subscriptions from the same period of the previous fiscal year)



Hikari Denwa: 13.90 million channels (an increase of 1.79 million channels from the same period of the previous fiscal year)



FLET’S TEREBI: 0.86 million subscriptions (an increase of 0.27 million subscriptions from the same period of the previous fiscal year)


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[2] Promotion of Fiber-optic and IP Services

Major Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review


Service or Product



FLET S Hikari Light

(NTT East • NTT West)

   Optical broadband service providing a two-tier fixed rate system with low basic monthly charges for customers who are just starting to use the Internet or have few opportunities to use the Internet.

FLET’S Joint

(NTT East • NTT West)

   A service of delivering software (remote control system of digital electronics or surveillance cameras, etc.) held in a software delivery server on behalf of service providers, to home gateways of FLET S Hikari Next users.

Hikari Portable “Wi-Fi Cradle”

(NTT East)

   A desktop holder equipped with high-speed wireless LAN available for rent as an option for the mobile Wi-Fi router, “Hikari Portable.” Allows the use of wireless LAN at home even while taking “Hikari Portable” outside.

Hikari Station

(NTT East)

   A service offered for FLET S Hikari Next” customers operating chain stores, stores in shopping arcades and public facilities, etc., that provides an Internet connection environment for visitors by installing Wi-Fi access points, and distributes store information and coupons.


(NTT East)

   A discount plan for single-unit family type of FLET S Hikari Next and B FLET’S services, conditioned on the user staying subscribed for a period of 2 years.

Hikari BOX

(NTT West)

   A device that enables the viewing of video services on the Internet by connecting to the TV, easily operated via remote control.

Major Collaborative Projects with Other Businesses Relating to Provision of Services Entered into During the Fiscal Year Under Review


Business Partner



OMRON Corporation

(NTT West)

   Established NTT Smile Energy, a joint venture providing energy-saving support services to households, utilizing the combined business know-how of OMRON Corporation’s advanced sensing and control technology (an automatic control technology of devices using sensors) and NTT West’s network technology. Began providing “Eco-Megane,” a service of “visualizing” domestic power consumption and power generation of solar power systems.

Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.

(“Seven & i”)

(NTT East)

   Entered into a comprehensive business collaboration agreement to utilize resources of both Seven & i and NTT East, including Seven & i Group’s store locations and NTT East’s optical broadband services. In addition to the development of Wi-Fi bases at store locations and the provision of shopping support, NTT East and Seven & i started working to prepare information stations (offering free public wireless LAN spots during disasters and installing special public telephones) for emergency situations in the 23 wards of the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Gurunavi, Inc.

(NTT East)

   Began collaboration of services, by utilizing Gurunavi, Inc.’s relationships with restaurants, in making suggestions to install “FLET’S Hikari + Wi-Fi” at such restaurants and combining invoices of Gurunavi’s shopping sites with FLET’S Hikari’s invoice.


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[3] Improving Customer Service

Expanding and Enhancing Customer Support



Subscriptions for “Remote Support Service,” which provides remote responses to a broad range of customer inquiries concerning all aspects of broadband services, reached 4.30 million. (NTT East/NTT West).



Subscriptions to the “FLET’S Hikari Members Club,” (for NTT East) and “CLUB NTT-West” (for NTT West), membership privilege programs that offer points based on monthly usage and special content, reached a total of 7.76 million.

Major Collaborative Projects with Other Businesses Relating to Support Services Entered into During the Fiscal Year Under Review


Business Partner



Canon Marketing Japan Inc.

(NTT East • NTT West)

   Call centers and maintenance support departments of each business partner. NTT East and NTT West are collaborating to establish a system for providing one-stop customer support (for breakdowns and other troubleshooting) to their respective customers in order to handle the increased variety of office ICT equipment, including network connectable PCs and business phones, and to respond to the increasingly complex user environment.


Epson Sales Japan Corp.

(NTT East)



RICOH JAPAN Corporation

(NTT West)




(NTT West)



Allied Telesis K.K

(NTT West)


As a result of the above activities, and despite an increase in IP / packet communications revenues attributable to the increase in “FLET’S Hikari” and “Hikari Denwa” subscriptions, consolidated operating revenues in the regional communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 decreased to 376.48 billion yen (a decrease of 6.5% from the previous fiscal year) due to a decrease in fixed voice related revenues resulting from the decline in fixed-line telephone subscriptions and the effect of an increase in revenues from the construction of fiber-optic facilities commissioned by local governments, which were recorded in system integration revenues for the previous fiscal year. On the other hand, due to a decrease in expenses in conjunction with the decline in commissioned revenues, as well as a decrease in personnel expenses and depreciation and amortization expenses, consolidated operating expenses were 3,677.9 billion yen in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 (a decrease of 5.7% from the previous fiscal year). As a result, consolidated operating income was 86.9 billion yen (a decrease of 31.7% from the previous fiscal year).


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Long-distance and International Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2011
(April 1, 2010 –
March 31, 2011)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2012
(April 1, 2011 –
March 31, 2012)
     Change      Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     1,332.7         1,678.7         346.0         26.0

Operating expenses

     1,235.6         1,562.0         326.4         26.4

Operating income

     97.1         116.7         19.6         20.2

NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Communications), NTT’s main subsidiary in the long-distance and international communications business segment, aiming to become a partner considered by customers around the world as a truly leading global player with the “Global ICT Partner – Innovative. Reliable. Seamless –” slogan, developed the “Global Cloud Vision” in response to customers’ requests for cloud migration and worked towards the “development of end-to-end, one-stop, global and seamless services to provide cloud to network, applications, and security services.” The main initiatives in this segment are as follows.

[1] Number of Subscriptions for Major Services



Hikari TV: 2.00 million subscriptions (an increase of 0.59 million subscriptions from the same period of the previous fiscal year)



OCN: 8.44 million subscriptions (an increase of 0.20 million subscriptions from the same period of the previous fiscal year)



Plala: 3.12 million subscriptions (an increase of 20,000 subscriptions from the same period of the previous fiscal year)

[2] Development of Services for Individual Customers

Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year





050 plus

   Service that enables 050 IP phones to be used on smartphones and tablet devices, by installing dedicated applications. Telephone numbers starting with 050 can be obtained, and phone calls between “050 plus” users and users of “OCN Dot Phone” or 050 IP phones of mobile providers are free of charge.

Hikari TV Dokodemo

(NTT Plala Inc.)

   Service that enables “Hikari TV” users to view videos on smartphones or tablet devices by installing a dedicated application.

Hikari TV Mobile

(NTT Plala Inc.)

   Dedicated service for mobile devices that enables viewing of videos on smartphones or tablet devices by installing a dedicated application.


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[3] Development of Services for Corporate Customers

Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review







Biz Hosting E-Mail and Web

   Hosting service that specializes in e-mail and Web server functions, with three types of plans depending on usage fees, server space and customizations.

Biz Simple Disk

   Hard disk service that specializes in storage and saving of large amounts of data, such as IT system backup data and video data. Data capacity of up to 3 petabytes, depending on the user’s scale of use. (One petabyte equals one million gigabytes.)

Cloud n

   New public cloud service to allow customers to flexibly and cost efficiently increase or decrease data capacity, equipped with a variety of APIs compatible with the industry leader Amazon Web Services LLC.

Arcstar Universal One

   VPN service optimized for cloud use with high quality and high reliability features. Four types of plans available according to reliability and price. Service is provided in 159 countries and regions worldwide.

050 plus for Biz

   Expanded service with convenient functions of 050 plus for corporate customers. The functions include usage of the 050 IP phone, a subscription for 050 IP phone with multiple IDs, comprehensive billing of fees, and online billing statements for calls.

Arcstar Unified Communications Service

   Integrated voice services for corporate customers developing businesses overseas. Offers three types of plans: services for internal extension communications service between their offices in Japan and overseas; external line services from their overseas offices; and cloud based services equipped with the messages and conference call functions.


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[4] Development of Global Business

Main Activities during the Fiscal Year Under Review



Network Expansion

- Efforts were made to increase IP backbone capacity in order to provide speedy and stable distribution of Internet data around the world. NTT increased the connection speed of the IP backbone between Japan and the U.S., where the highest volume of data in the world is exchanged, to 600Gbps.



Business Site Development

- NTT Com Asia Ltd. opened a branch in Macau Special Administrative Region.

- NTT Communications (Thailand) Co., Ltd. opened an office in Vientiane, Lao PDR.



Strengthening of Service Provision Systems

- NTT Communications acquired Frontline Systems Australia Pty Ltd. which provides ICT services centered in Australia, such as IT infrastructure and sales, IT consulting, data centers and managed services.

- NTT Communications reached an agreement with Netmagic’s shareholders for the acquisition of Netmagic Solutions Private Limited, which provides data center related services in India.

As a result of these developments, and despite a decline in fixed voice related revenues, consolidated operating revenues in the long-distance and international communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 1,678.7 billion yen (an increase of 26.0% from the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, an increase in system integration revenues resulting from the consolidation of Dimension Data Holdings plc for the entire fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. On the other hand, despite a decrease in operating expenses by improving operating efficiency, consolidated operating expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 1,562.0 billion yen (an increase of 26.4% from the previous fiscal year) due in part to an increase in operating expenses resulting from the consolidation of Dimension Data Holdings plc. As a result, consolidated operating income was 116.7 billion yen (an increase of 20.2% from the previous fiscal year).


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Mobile Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2011

(April 1, 2010 –
March 31, 2011)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2012

(April 1, 2011 –
March 31, 2012)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     4,224.3         4,240.0         15.7        0.4

Operating expenses

     3,385.2         3,363.6         (21.6     (0.6 )% 

Operating income

     839.1         876.4         37.3        4.4
Number of Subscriptions           
     March 31, 2011      March 31, 2012      Change     Percent Change  

Mobile phone services

     58,010         60,129         2,120        3.7

FOMA services

     56,746         57,905         1,159        2.0

Xi services

     26         2,225         2,199        —     

i-mode services

     48,141         42,321         (5,819     (12.1 )% 

sp-mode services

     2,095         9,586         7,492        357.7


1. Figures for mobile phone service subscriptions, FOMA service subscriptions and mova service subscriptions include communications module service subscriptions.
2. Effective March 3, 2008, the use of the “2-in-1” service, in principle, requires a “FOMA” subscription; the number of mobile phone service subscriptions and the number of “FOMA” service subscriptions include such “FOMA” subscriptions.
3. The number of i-mode service subscriptions is the total of FOMA service subscriptions and mova service subscriptions.

NTT DOCOMO, INC. (NTT DOCOMO), the main subsidiary of NTT in the mobile communications business segment, developed the “Medium-Term Vision 2015: Shaping a Smart Life” as its medium-term management policy with a goal of becoming an “integrated service company placing mobile services at the core.” Based on this medium-term vision, NTT DOCOMO worked towards new value creation through the convergence of various industries and services, while aiming for further development of handsets and services with a focus on smartphones, in order to offer enhanced safety and security and deliver more convenient and efficient solutions to people’s everyday lives and businesses. The measures being undertaken are as follows:

[1] Number of Subscriptions to Main Services

Number of mobile phone service subscriptions: 60.13 million (Compared to March 31, 2011: 2.12 million increase)

(Partial listing only) FOMA service subscriptions: 57.90 million (Compared to March 31, 2011: 1.16 million increase)

(Partial listing only) Xi service subscriptions: 2.23 million (Compared to March 31, 2011: 2.20 million increase)

(Note) Number of subscriptions to mobile phone services, FOMA services and Xi services include communication module service subscriptions. The “mova” service has been terminated as of March 31, 2012.

[2] Expansion of Smartphone Sales

With respect to smartphones, NTT DOCOMO launched a new portal site for smartphones, “dmenu,” and the content market that NTT DOCOMO operates, “dmarket,” while expanding its handset lineup. NTT DOCOMO enhanced customer convenience by providing services for smartphone use such as the main services for i-mode, including “i-channel,” “i-concier,” and “Keitai Data Oazukari Service,” and by offering discount services for customers who subscribe to more than one tablet device. As a result of these efforts, smartphone sales showed a significant increase, with handset sales of 8.82 million for the fiscal year.


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[3] Development of “Xi” Services

With respect to Xi, the high-speed, large capacity and low latency LTE service that launched in December 2010, NTT DOCOMO launched voice services in addition to data transmission services and expanded the Xi- compatible handset lineup and enhanced rate plans. Further, in December 2011, NTT DOCOMO increased the communication speed in limited areas (75 Mbps) when outdoors, and from January 2012, expanded the coverage area to major cities of prefectural capitals, and increased the number of base stations for Xi services to over 7,000 stations.

[4] Enhancement of Services

Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year


Service, etc.




   Portal site for smartphones that enables easy searches of diverse content provided by content providers, and of services provided by NTT DOCOMO.


   Contents marketplace for smartphones managed by NTT DOCOMO comprising the “Video Store,” “Book Store,” and “Music Store,” and “Applications and Reviews” content store, which introduces recommended applications.

Shabette Concier

   Voice-agent application that searches for and provides information, as well as handling mobile phone functions, just by talking into the smartphone (free-of-charge).

DOCOMO Anshin Scan

   Anti-virus service for smartphones (free-of-charge).

Mobile Groupware

   Cloud service for corporate customers with various functions enabling the sharing of internal company information, accessing webmail and scheduling from outside the company via smartphones.

Prepaid data plan

   Special data communications prepaid plan that can be used on the PlayStation ® Vita released by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Two fee rate plans depending on use time (20 hours and 100 hours).

After-sales Support Effort



NTT DOCOMO launched “Smartphone Anshin Remote Support” to provide customers with professional assistance concerning the operation or settings of smartphones or tablet devices from its call center staff who can monitor the handset operations from remote locations.


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[5] Activities for New Value Creation



In conjunction with the April 2012 launch of “Mobacas” (mobile-dedicated broadcasting) services, NTT DOCOMO increased its investment in mmbi, Inc., an approved key terrestrial broadcasting business operator for the mobile reception of “Mobacas,” prepared for the launch of the broadcasting station for smartphones, “NOTTV,” and started sales of two compatible handsets compatible with such services.



With the expansion of business synergies as a goal, NTT DOCOMO acquired Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd. (“Radishbo-ya”), which provides membership-based home-delivery of organic and low-pesticide vegetables and additive-free foods, through a tender offer, and executed a basic agreement of business and capital alliance between Radishbo-ya and Lawson, Inc.



NTT DOCOMO has executed a basic agreement for a capital and business alliance with OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. based on the premise of founding a new company for the purpose of developing and providing health and medical support services.

[6] Series of Service Interruptions

With respect to the series of service interruptions of the “sp-mode” (an ISP service for smartphones) and packet switching, NTT DOCOMO received administrative guidance from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on January 26, 2012. NTT DOCOMO submitted a report on March 30, 2012 summarizing the measures it has taken to prevent mobile communications service interruptions, protect the confidentiality of communications and appropriately manage personal information. NTT DOCOMO extends its deepest apologies to customers for any inconvenience caused by these service interruptions.

NTT DOCOMO takes these matters very seriously. After the service interruptions on December 25, 2011, NTT DOCOMO established the “Task Force for Improvement of Network Infrastructure,” headed by the president and CEO, to promptly identify and rectify the cause of these problems and implemented drastic measures to improve the reliability for customers. In addition, NTT DOCOMO will make every effort to ensure that customers can continue to use its services safely and with peace of mind going forward by implementing measures to improve trust and expandability toward the creation of a network infrastructure that can support as many as 50 million smartphones. NTT DOCOMO will continually work to strengthen its facilities.

As a result of the above developments, and despite a decline in voice revenues due to the impacts from the penetration of “Monthly Support” discount programs in conjunction with the expansion of smartphone sales, consolidated operating revenues for the mobile communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 4,240 billion yen (an increase of 0.4% from the previous fiscal year) due to an increase of IP/packet communications revenues and communications handset sales revenues as a result of NTT DOCOMO’s efforts to strengthen sales of smartphones. On the other hand, despite an increase in distributor commissions resulting from the increase in smartphone sales and an increase in wholesale unit prices of handsets, consolidated operating expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 3,363.6 billion yen (a decrease of 0.6% from the previous fiscal year) as a result of a decrease in handset repair fees and telecommunications facilities usage fees. As a result, consolidated operating income was 876.4 billion yen (an increase of 4.4% from the previous fiscal year).


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Data Communications Business Segment

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     Billions of yen  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2011
(April 1, 2010 –
March 31, 2011)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2012
(April 1, 2011 –
March 31, 2012)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     1,163.2         1,251.8         88.6        7.6

Operating expenses

     1,086.2         1,180.3         94.1        8.7

Operating income

     77.0         71.5         (5.4     (7.1 )% 

NTT DATA Corporation (NTT DATA), the main subsidiary in the data communications business segment, pursued the pillars of its Medium-term Management Policy, “Strengthening of Service Provision Capability,” “Group Business Enhancement and Expansion,” and “Environment-Oriented Management” with the goal of being ranked “No. 1 in customer satisfaction” as a leading-edge innovator. NTT DATA’s main activities are discussed below.

[1] Management Policies

Strengthening of Service Provision Capability



NTT DATA set up “M2M Cloud Promotion Office” as an organization to promote the provision of new services centered on M2M (Machine to Machine), which is necessary to improve the further use of ICT in society and to realize a variety of services.



NTT DATA acquired Mathematical Systems, Inc., a company that mainly engages in the development and sales of software packages and a consulting business for application development and analysis, with advanced data analysis technology and personnel.

Group Business Enhancement and Expansion



NTT DATA has announced changes to the uniform corporate logo design, in response to accelerating customer needs for global business, with the goals of building a structure that provides an operational system supported on a global scale with speedy service, and of strengthening the NTT DATA brand abroad. NTT DATA incorporated plans for the integration and reorganization of business at overseas group companies, and started a new organizational structure, with a focus on NTT DATA, Inc. in the U.S. region, NTT DATA EMEA Ltd. in the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions, and NTT DATA (CHINA) Co., LTD. in the China region.



NTT DATA acquired Value Team S.p.A. (the corporate name was changed to “NTT DATA Italia S.p.A.” as of April 2, 2012), which has strengths in IT consulting and system development in the areas of telecommunications, manufacturing, energy and finance in Italy, and has significantly growing businesses in Brazil and Turkey.

Environment-Oriented Management



NTT DATA started collaborating with NEC Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., KANEMATSU CORPORATION and Saitama City for the standardization of an ID card system for an authentication service using IC cards at electric vehicle charging stations.



NTT DATA built the first commercial-use system to use a high-voltage DC power supply in Japan, which is a next-generation power supply method with greater power efficiency compared to AC, and commenced its operation as the internal system at Japan Radio Co., Ltd..


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[2] Status of Business Activity Measures

Main Activities During the Fiscal Year



The Regional Bank Integrated Services Center, a shared use format center for regional banks (member banks of the Regional Banks Association of Japan and The Second Association of Regional Banks) began providing services to Ashikaga Bank, Ltd. and system integration services to The Senshu Ikeda Bank, Ltd. In addition, the “STELLA CUBE,” a shared core center for regional banks (member banks of the Regional Banks Association of Japan and The Second Association of Regional Banks) began providing services to The Tokyo Tomin Bank, Limited.



NTT DATA decided to launch “BeSTAcloud,” a shared core service for new financial institutions, and entered into a basic agreement regarding its usage with FIDEA Holdings Co. Ltd.



In order to respond to distributed needs of data centers for the BCP (business continuity plans) of Japanese companies and for disaster countermeasures, NTT DATA entered into a basic agreement with LG CNS Co., Ltd. of South Korea concerning joint businesses in the area of data centers, including cross-servicing of data centers in Japan and South Korea and related solutions.

Main Services Launched in the Fiscal Year Under Review







BizXaaS Contact (Fast Help)

   Cloud service to provide necessary functions for contact centers (call centers). A contact system with call management functions, which can be used with CRM for customer inquiries and applications. The system can be ready for use within as short as 72 hours.

BizXaaS EC

   Service providing over 150 e-trading functions on cloud networks. A website with e-trading functions can be created in as little as 72 hours.

BizXaaS Office

   Service that provides employees’ PC environment through cloud networks, such as desktop services, file server services using Microsoft products, e-mail services, document management services, etc.

BizXaaS BCP/DR Consulting Services

   Service enabling the development of BCP in a short period of time (as few as five meetings) using the BCP methodology developed by NTT DATA. The service also analyzes financials and calculates the optimal investment amounts for disaster recovery measures.


   An operation and maintenance service for the customer’s own business applications, developed by combining NTT DATA’s areas of strengths in advanced operations and maintenance know-how, and overseas operating structures, methodologies and tools.

As a result of these efforts, and due to an increase in revenues resulting from the increase in the number of overseas consolidated subsidiaries, consolidated operating revenues from the data communications business segment for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 1,251.8 billion yen (an increase of 7.6% from the previous fiscal year). On the other hand, consolidated operating expenses were 1,180.3 billion yen (an increase of 8.7% from the previous fiscal year) due to an increase in revenue-linked expenses and selling and administrative expenses resulting from the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries, and an increase in impairment losses resulting from a decrease in fixed assets. As a result, consolidated operating income was 71.5 billion yen (a decrease of 7.1% from the previous fiscal year).


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Other Business Segments

Overview of Business Results by Business Segment (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2011
(April 1, 2010 –
March 31, 2011)
     Fiscal Year Ended
March 31, 2012
(April 1, 2011 –
March 31, 2012)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     1,120.3         1,089.0         (31.2     (2.8 )% 

Operating expenses

     1,075.4         1,032.2         (43.2     (4.0 )% 

Operating income

     44.9         56.9         12.0        26.8

In other business segments, due to the decrease in the number of apartments delivered in the real estate business, consolidated operating revenues for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 1,089.0 billion yen (a decrease of 2.8% from the previous fiscal year). On the other hand, due to a drastic decrease in loan loss expenses within selling and administrative expenses in the financing business, consolidated operating expenses for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 were 1,032.2 billion yen (a decrease of 4.0% from the previous fiscal year). As a result, consolidated operating income was 56.9 billion yen (an increase of 26.8% from the previous fiscal year).


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(2) Analysis of Financial Standing

Consolidated cash flow from operating activities for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 was 2,508.3 billion yen in revenues. Compared to the previous fiscal year, cash flow decreased 322.6 billion yen (11.4%) due to, among other factors, an increase in accounts receivable, as the last day of the fiscal year was a bank holiday and the collection of telephone charges was carried over to the following month.

Consolidated cash flow from investment activities amounted to 1,971.2 billion yen in cash outlays. Compared to the previous fiscal year, cash outlays decreased 81.0 billion yen (3.9%) despite an increase in short-term investments associated with cash management activities exceeding three months in duration, due to a decrease in cash outlays for the acquisition of newly consolidated subsidiaries.

Consolidated cash flow from financing activities amounted to cash outlays of 948.1 billion yen. Compared to the previous fiscal year, cash outlays increased 698.5 billion yen (279.8%). This increase was due to, among other factors, a repurchase of treasury stock by NTT and decreases in the issuance of both long-term and short-term debt.

As a result of the above, NTT Group’s consolidated cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 totaled 1,020.1 billion yen, a decrease of 415.0 billion yen (28.9%) compared with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011.


     (Billions of yen)  
     Consolidated totals
for the year ended
March 31, 2011
    Consolidated totals
for the year ended
March 31, 2012
    Change     Percent

Cash flow from operating activities

     2,830.9        2,508.3        (322.6     (11.4 )% 

Cash flow from investment activities

     (2,052.2     (1,971.2     81.0        3.9

Cash flow from financing activities

     (249.6     (948.1     (698.5     (279.8 )% 

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year

     1,435.2        1,020.1        (415.0     (28.9 )% 

(3) Basic Policy Concerning Profit Distribution; Dividends in the Current Term and Next Term

In addition to increasing corporate value over the medium- and long-term, NTT has identified the return of profits to shareholders as an important management goal. In determining the level of dividends, NTT, while giving consideration to stability and sustainability, takes into account a full range of factors, including business performance, financial standing and dividend payout ratio.

It is planned that dividends for the current annual period will be 140 yen per share, comprising a 70-yen end-of-term dividend and a 70-yen interim dividend. For the next annual period, dividends are planned to be 160 yen for the full year.

While maintaining a good financial standing and as part of a capital policy to improve capital efficiency, NTT intends to use internal funds for investments in new business opportunities.


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NTT Group consists of NTT (Holding Company), its 772 subsidiaries and 106 affiliated companies (as of March 31, 2012). The principal businesses of NTT Group are its regional communications business, long-distance and international communications business, mobile communications business, and data communications business.

The principal elements of NTT Group’s businesses and the main consolidated subsidiaries in each business are as follows.

Among NTT’s main consolidated subsidiaries, NTT DOCOMO, INC. (NTT DOCOMO), NTT DATA CORPORATION (NTT DATA), NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NTTUD), XNET Corporation and JBIS Holdings, Inc. are listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, NJK Corporation is listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd. is listed on the JASDAQ of the Osaka Securities Exchange.

(1) Regional Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are intra-prefectural communications services and related ancillary services pertaining to domestic communications services.


(2) Long-distance and International Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are inter-prefectural communications services, international communications services, solution services and related services thereof.

The consolidated subsidiaries in the long-distance and international communications business are NTT COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION (NTT Communications), Dimension Data Holdings plc, NTT PC Communications Incorporated, NTT Plala Inc., NTT Resonant Inc., NTT America, Inc., NTT EUROPE LTD., NTT COM ASIA LIMITED, NTT AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD., Verio Inc., Integralis AG, NTT WORLD ENGINEERING MARINE CORPORATION, NTT WORLDWIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, Spectrum Holdings Inc, Dimension Data Commerce Centre Ltd, Dimension Data (US) II Inc, Dimension Data (US) Inc, Dimension Data North America, Inc, Datacraft Australia Pty Ltd, NTT Com CHEO CORPORATION, NTT Com Technology Corporation, NTT BizLink, Inc., NTT Com Solution & Engineering Corporation(*1), and 231 other companies.


- 22 -

(3) Mobile Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are mobile telephone services and related services.

The consolidated subsidiaries in the mobile communications business are NTT DOCOMO, DOCOMO Service Inc., DOCOMO Engineering Inc., DOCOMO Mobile Inc., DOCOMO Support Inc., DOCOMO Systems, Inc., DOCOMO Technology, Inc., DOCOMO Business Net, Inc., DOCOMO PACIFIC, INC., net mobile AG, OAK LAWN MARKETING, INC., D2 Communications Inc., DOCOMO.COM, Inc., mmbi, Inc., Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd., DOCOMO interTouch Pte. Ltd., and 112 other companies.

(4) Data Communications Business

The principal elements in this business are systems integration services and network system services.


(5) Other Business

The principal elements in this business are the real estate business, financing business, construction and electricity business, system development business and advanced technology development business.

Other consolidated subsidiaries of NTT are NTTUD, UD EUROPE LIMITED, NTT FINANCE CORPORATION, NTT FACILITIES, INC., NTT COMWARE CORPORATION, NTT ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, NTT Electronics Corporation, NTT Software Corporation, NTT ADVERTISING, INC., InfoCom Research, Inc., NTT Human Solutions Corporation, NTT LEARNING SYSTEMS CORPORATION, NTT BUSINESS ASSOCIE Corporation, NTT LOGISCO Inc., NTT Investment Partners, Inc., and 66 other companies.

*1:    NTT FANET SYSTEMS Corp. changed its name to NTT Com Solution & Engineering Corporation on November 1, 2011.


*3:    Keane International, Inc. changed its name to NTT DATA International Services, Inc. on January 31, 2012.

*4:    Keane, Inc. changed its name to NTT DATA, Inc. on January 31, 2012.

*5:    Value Team S.p.A. changed its name to NTT DATA Italia S.p.A. on April 2, 2012.

A group organizational chart appears on the following page.


- 23 -




- 24 -


(1) Basic Business Operation Policy and Medium-Term Management Objectives

For over 100 years, NTT Group has been the mainstay behind the growth and development of Japanese telecommunications; this track record, the confidence that comes with it, and one of the world’s leading R&D capabilities serve as the foundation from which we will “continue to provide safe and secure services, and continue to always earn the trust of our customers and stakeholders.” With these words as our guide, we will fulfill the legal responsibilities and social mission demanded of each of our businesses in a market environment characterized by intense competition, and at the same time move proactively to develop our businesses to meet the needs of the ubiquitous broadband society of the 21st century. Our aim is for sustainable development backed always by a high level of trust from both our customers and our shareholders.

In furtherance of this basic business operation policy and in order to respond to the increasingly diversified and complex needs of customers in the wake of the rapid developments taking place in the information and telecommunications market, in November 2004 NTT Group announced “NTT Group’s Medium-Term Management Strategy” which articulates NTT Group’s strategic plan for providing greater convenience to its customers and contributing to overcoming social issues through the combination of NTT Group companies’ strengths to proactively build a broadband and ubiquitous services market. Since that time, NTT Group has made steady progress in the construction and commercialization of the NGN (Next-Generation Network) in line with these objectives. In May 2008, NTT also formulated a new medium-term strategy entitled “Road to Service Creation Business Group – full-scale rollout of broadband and ubiquitous service,” which outlines the next steps for the development of broadband and ubiquitous services following the deployment of both fixed and mobile full- IP network infrastructure, which was targeted for completion in 2010.

Pursuant to this business strategy, NTT Group will continue to focus its efforts on the creation and full- scale deployment of broadband and ubiquitous services through the utilization of NTT Group’s full-IP network platform, and on the transitional reform of its business and organizational structures from fixed line telephone and other legacy businesses towards a model centered around IP-related businesses, solution businesses and new business lines.

(2) Issues Facing the Corporate Group

Although the economy in Europe is stagnant, the global economy is expected to continue to steadily grow due in part to economic growth in developing countries. For the Japanese economy, while there are risks relating to the protracted period of the strong yen in Japan and the concomitant increased cost of resources, it is expected that economic conditions will gradually improve due to increased demand as a result of the restoration efforts in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake.

In the information and telecommunications market, though ICT expenditures for companies that had continued to face adverse economic conditions are expected to gradually recover, fierce competition is likely to continue as globalization continues to rapidly progress together with a shift towards broadband and ubiquitous services, and further expansion of cloud services and the development of new business models through the entry into the market of a diverse range of businesses is expected.

Pursuant to the Medium-Term Management Strategy, “Road to Service Creation Business Group,” adopted in May 2008, NTT Group has been promoting the transformation of its business structure with a focus on revenues from IP businesses and solutions businesses. The next fiscal year (fiscal year ending March 31, 2013) will be the last year of this medium-term management strategy.

With respect to NTT Group’s transformation of its business structure, NTT had aimed for revenues from its IP businesses and solutions business to represent 75% of consolidated operating revenues during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013, and was able to raise the percentage to 70% during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. Further, with respect to earnings and expenses for Hikari services, such as “FLET’S Hikari,” while NTT Group had been experiencing deficits due to build-out investments, it has also realized solid improvements year by year. As planned, NTT Group expects to make a profit from Hikari services on a single-year basis for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.

Sales in global businesses, which have been rapidly expanding in recent years, exceeded US$10 billion in the current fiscal year, thus achieving its target one year ahead of schedule.

Meanwhile, with respect to the ratio of capital expenditures to sales (“Capex Ratio”), because NTT Group had to strengthen its networks due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and the expansion of smartphones, it will be extremely difficult to reach the target of 15% in the next fiscal year (Capex Ratio for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 was 18.5%). NTT Group aims to make significant improvements by enhancing the efficiency of capital expenditures. With respect to operating income, NTT Group achieved 1,223 billion yen for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, while its target for the next fiscal year is 1,300 billion yen. NTT Group will continue to increase revenues by working to further reduce costs and addressing the following issues.


- 25 -

- Enhancement of ICT Services for Corporations and Government

To respond to the increasing diversification of customer needs, NTT will promote the development of integrated cloud services that combine the strengths of NTT Group for its applications, platforms, networks and terminals.

NTT Group will offer a service platform that can create new added value by organizing and collecting large-scale data called “big data” and by processing and analyzing the accumulated data through introducing M2M (machine-to-machine) technology into cloud services, which allows various devices, including smartphones, automobiles and home appliances to autonomously communicate with each other.

In cloud services, NTT Group will respond to needs in Business Continuity Plans (“BCP”), which has been a focus since the Great East Japan Earthquake, and which, for example, allows data centers around the world to function as if they were a single data center by enabling the flexible transfer of data within and between data centers.

To respond to such societal issues as the enhancement of convenience in government, education and medical services, environmental protection, the aging population and the declining birthrate, NTT Group will promote widespread ICT use. For example, with respect to “Education Square x ICT” in the education field, under which field trials are held in collaboration with local governments, NTT Group is accumulating knowledge by connecting schools to homes and schools to the world through educational cloud services. NTT will continue to work to expand the ICT use scenarios.

- Enhancement of Consumer Services

NTT Group will work to enhance ICT services that utilize fixed and mobile broadband, by promoting the further use of mobile broadband services through enhancing the lineup of “Xi”-compatible terminals and expanding service areas, and by expanding use scenarios of optical services through providing the two-tier fixed rate “FLET’S Hikari Light.”

In response to the diversification and expansion of handsets that can connect to networks, such as smartphones and tablets, NTT Group will make efforts to create and provide new services, such as by enhancing “dmenu,” “dmarket” and other platform functions, by providing “Hikari TV Dokodemo” for viewing videos on a smartphone, and by launching services such as the “NOTTV” broadcast station for smartphones.

In response to an increase in the amount of mobile communications data, NTT Group has been developing initiatives, such as expanding “Xi,” which is characterized by highly efficient radio frequencies, promoting the use of “FLET’S Hikari + Wi-Fi” in homes utilizing “Hikari Portable” and decentralizing the network burden by increasing the installation of public wireless LAN access points at public and retail facilities.

With the goal of not only acquiring new customers but promoting long-term use by existing customers, NTT Group will work to create a system that retains customers for the long-term, such as through long-term user discounts and membership programs.

- Strengthening of the Framework for Promotion of Global Businesses and the Enhancement of Services

With respect to NTT Group’s customer base of approximately 10,000 companies, which grew with the acquisition of Dimension Data Holdings plc during the last fiscal year, NTT Group will strengthen its efforts to develop new customers by utilizing group company synergies and cross-selling efforts. Further, NTT Group will accelerate the growth of its global businesses, both in terms of strategy and in terms of personnel administration.

Companies that promote business on a global scale are focused on flexible and swift management and risk distribution that understands the conditions at each of their operations that are located in various regions. Therefore, NTT Group will make efforts to provide comprehensive cloud services from applications to terminals, and in particular will work to strengthen its ability to provide applications and managed services.

- Responding to Environmental Issues

With respect to environmental issues, which are a global concern, NTT Group will bolster its efforts to reduce its environmental burden through the three initiatives below.


- 26 -


“Green of ICT”

This initiative is aimed at reducing the environmental burden resulting from ICT, through measures such as energy conservation at NTT Group’s data centers and communication facilities, and promoting natural energy generation.



“Green by ICT”

This initiative promotes the use of ICT, such as telecommuting and teleconferencing, to help reduce the environmental burden on society as a whole.



“Green with Team NTT”

Under this initiative, each NTT Group employee’s action will help reduce the environmental burden at the workplace, at home and in the community.

Through the adept use of ICT, NTT will contribute to the realization of environmentally friendly and smart communities by promoting a power visualization service for customers’ power consumption in office buildings and condominium complexes to support reduction of electric power consumption and energy saving.

- Initiatives for Secure and Safe Networks

With respect to disaster countermeasures, NTT Group will continue to work on initiatives in the areas of facilities and services, which were launched during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. Further, in anticipation of earthquakes with an epicenter in the Tokyo metropolitan area, NTT Group has been working to set up alternate base stations for its disaster countermeasure headquarters. In addition, with respect to support services such as the Disaster Emergency Message Dial (171), NTT Group will provide opportunities for periodic trial use and participate in drills aimed at helping individuals who are stranded after a disaster, hosted by local governments.

With respect to the improvement of networks in response to the increase in smartphone use, NTT Group will continue to work to improve reliability and expandability and to prevent the recurrence of network failures.


- 27 -




     Millions of yen  
     March  31,
    March  31,



Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

   ¥ 1,435,158      ¥ 1,020,143      ¥ (415,015

Short-term investments

     167,175        306,921        139,746   

Notes and accounts receivable, trade

     2,072,011        2,287,986        215,975   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (45,907     (48,356     (2,449

Accounts receivable, other

     265,668        277,277        11,609   


     314,983        329,373        14,390   

Prepaid expenses and other current assets

     316,328        315,566        (762

Deferred income taxes

     244,881        223,021        (21,860










Total current assets

     4,770,297        4,711,931        (58,366










Property, plant and equipment:


Telecommunications equipment

     14,606,718        14,425,252        (181,466

Telecommunications service lines

     14,527,349        14,830,873        303,524   

Buildings and structures

     5,855,282        5,915,743        60,461   

Machinery, vessels and tools

     1,806,355        1,820,648        14,293   


     1,133,675        1,133,077        (598

Construction in progress

     312,480        363,201        50,721   









     38,241,859        38,488,794        246,935   

Accumulated depreciation

     (28,341,219     (28,682,438     (341,219










Net property, plant and equipment

     9,900,640        9,806,356        (94,284










Investments and other assets:


Investments in affiliated companies

     581,073        543,273        (37,800

Marketable securities and other investments

     276,178        295,254        19,076   


     747,526        771,420        23,894   


     1,330,085        1,344,356        14,271   

Other intangibles

     287,400        263,964        (23,436

Other assets

     885,444        863,852        (21,592

Deferred income taxes

     886,953        789,293        (97,660










Total investments and other assets

     4,994,659        4,871,412        (123,247










Total assets

   ¥ 19,665,596      ¥ 19,389,699      ¥ (275,897











- 28 -

     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    March 31,



Current liabilities:


Short-term borrowings

   ¥ 341,567      ¥ 83,507      ¥ (258,060

Current portion of long-term debt

     698,476        656,963        (41,513

Accounts payable, trade

     1,379,279        1,482,594        103,315   

Current portion of obligations under capital leases

     21,353        18,709        (2,644

Accrued payroll

     475,226        476,442        1,216   

Accrued interest

     12,189        9,832        (2,357

Accrued taxes on income

     208,363        198,281        (10,082

Accrued consumption tax

     37,835        46,255        8,420   

Advances received

     206,572        189,007        (17,565


     308,212        332,663        24,451   










Total current liabilities

     3,689,072        3,494,253        (194,819










Long-term liabilities:


Long-term debt

     3,494,198        3,509,820        15,622   

Obligations under capital leases

     34,818        36,919        2,101   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     1,535,964        1,534,885        (1,079

Accrued liabilities for point programs

     211,306        187,432        (23,874

Deferred income taxes

     183,810        169,591        (14,219


     435,496        409,070        (26,426










Total long-term liabilities

     5,895,592        5,847,717        (47,875












NTT shareholders’ equity


Common stock, no par value

     937,950        937,950        —     

Additional paid-in capital

     2,834,029        2,832,165        (1,864

Retained earnings

     5,155,596        4,888,746        (266,850

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

     (303,708     (357,843     (54,135

Treasury stock, at cost

     (603,133     (418,431     184,702   










Total NTT shareholders’ equity

     8,020,734        7,882,587        (138,147










Noncontrolling interests

     2,060,198        2,165,142        104,944   










Total equity

     10,080,932        10,047,729        (33,203










Total liabilities and equity

   ¥ 19,665,596      ¥ 19,389,699      ¥ (275,897











* Certain items for the prior year’s financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the presentation as of March 31, 2012.


- 29 -




     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012     Increase

Operating revenues:


Fixed voice related services

   ¥ 2,180,778      ¥ 1,949,557      ¥ (231,221

Mobile voice related services

     2,021,579        1,870,064        (151,515

IP / packet communications services

     3,341,112        3,602,541        261,429   

Sale of telecommunication equipment

     565,874        580,900        15,026   

System integration

     1,382,195        1,776,941        394,746   


     813,465        727,359        (86,106









     10,305,003        10,507,362        202,359   










Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     2,458,029        2,379,388        (78,641

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     760,832        787,681        26,849   

Cost of system integration (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     915,018        1,209,870        294,852   

Depreciation and amortization

     1,962,534        1,910,698        (51,836

Impairment losses

     1,094        9,555        8,461   

Selling, general and administrative expenses

     2,989,814        2,981,734        (8,080

Goodwill and other intangible assets impairments

     2,773        5,470        2,697   









     9,090,094        9,284,396        194,302   










Operating income (loss)

     1,214,909        1,222,966        8,057   










Other income (expenses):


Interest and amortization of bond discounts and issue costs

     (55,267     (56,326     (1,059

Interest income

     21,600        19,298        (2,302

Other, net

     (5,445     53,392        58,837   









     (39,112     16,364        55,476   










Income (loss) before income taxes and equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     1,175,797        1,239,330        63,533   










Income tax expense (benefit):



     448,813        451,222        2,409   


     26,779        136,571        109,792   









     475,592        587,793        112,201   










Income (loss) before equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     700,205        651,537        (48,668










Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     1,670        (2,986     (4,656










Net income (loss)

     701,875        648,551        (53,324










Less – Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

     192,246        180,850        (11,396










Net income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 509,629      ¥ 467,701      ¥ (41,928









     Shares or Yen        
     2011     2012    

Per share of common stock:


Weighted average number of common shares outstanding

     1,323,173,389        1,275,519,400     

Net income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 385.16      ¥ 366.67     








- 30 -




    Millions of yen  
    NTT shareholders’ equity              
income (loss)
stock, at cost
    Total     Noncontrolling

At beginning of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,838,927      ¥ 5,406,726      ¥ (189,606   ¥ (1,205,844   ¥ 7,788,153      ¥ 1,982,726      ¥ 9,770,879   

Comprehensive income (loss):


Net income (loss)

        509,629            509,629        192,246        701,875   

Other comprehensive income (loss):


Unrealized gain (loss) on securities

          (4,155       (4,155     (2,136     (6,291

Unrealized gain (loss) on derivative instruments

          (1,643       (1,643     110        (1,533

Foreign currency translation adjustments

          (32,770       (32,770     (11,346     (44,116

Pension liability adjustments

          (75,534       (75,534     (4,969     (80,503










Total other comprehensive income (loss)

              (114,102     (18,341     (132,443










Total comprehensive income (loss)

              395,527        173,905        569,432   










Cash dividends

        (158,783         (158,783     (86,063     (244,846

Changes in NTT’s ownership interest in subsidiaries

      (3,929           (3,929     (10,370     (14,299

Acquisition of treasury stocks

            (417     (417       (417

Resale of treasury stocks

      (53         236        183          183   

Cancellation of treasury stock

      (916     (601,976       602,892        —            —     

At end of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,834,029      ¥ 5,155,596      ¥ (303,708   ¥ (603,133   ¥ 8,020,734      ¥ 2,060,198      ¥ 10,080,932   


























- 31 -



    Millions of yen  
    NTT shareholders’ equity              
income (loss)
stock, at cost
    Total     Noncontrolling

At beginning of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,834,029      ¥ 5,155,596      ¥ (303,708   ¥ (603,133   ¥ 8,020,734      ¥ 2,060,198      ¥ 10,080,932   

Comprehensive income (loss):


Net income (loss)

        467,701            467,701        180,850        648,551   

Other comprehensive income (loss):


Unrealized gain (loss) on securities

          6,626          6,626        1,612        8,238   

Unrealized gain (loss) on derivative instruments

          (935       (935     (1,296     (2,231

Foreign currency translation adjustments

          (54,924       (54,924     (14,445     (69,369

Pension liability adjustments

          (4,902       (4,902     (3,640     (8,542










Total other comprehensive income (loss)

              (54,135     (17,769     (71,904










Total comprehensive income (loss)

              413,566        163,081        576,647   










Cash dividends

        (167,980         (167,980     (87,440     (255,420

Changes in NTT’s ownership interest in subsidiaries

      (1,864           (1,864     29,303        27,439   

Acquisition of treasury stocks

            (381,978     (381,978       (381,978

Resale of treasury stocks

        (20       129        109          109   

Cancellation of treasury stock

        (566,551       566,551        —            —     

At end of year

  ¥ 937,950      ¥ 2,832,165      ¥ 4,888,746      ¥ (357,843   ¥ (418,431   ¥ 7,882,587      ¥ 2,165,142      ¥ 10,047,729   


























- 32 -




     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012     Increase

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income (loss)

   ¥ 701,875      ¥ 648,551      ¥ (53,324

Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities -


Depreciation and amortization

     1,962,534        1,910,698        (51,836

Impairment losses

     1,094        9,555        8,461   

Deferred taxes

     26,779        136,571        109,792   

Goodwill and other intangible assets impairments

     2,773        5,470        2,697   

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     104,730        85,452        (19,278

Gains on sales of property, plant and equipment

     (4,716     (31,083     (26,367

Equity in (earnings) losses of affiliated companies

     (1,670     2,986        4,656   

(Increase) decrease in notes and accounts receivable, trade

     24,299        (175,606     (199,905

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     (11,745     (13,353     (1,608

(Increase) decrease in other current assets

     (53,605     (9,877     43,728   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable, trade and accrued payroll

     (28,533     23,499        52,032   

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     512        7,975        7,463   

Increase (decrease) in accrued interest

     841        (973     (1,814

Increase (decrease) in advances received

     26,392        (17,330     (43,722

Increase (decrease) in accrued taxes on income

     (56,536     (10,883     45,653   

Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities

     (12,355     17,873        30,228   

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (32,312     (19,382     12,930   

Increase (decrease) in other long-term liabilities

     68,856        (36,923     (105,779


     111,659        (24,921     (136,580










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

   ¥ 2,830,872      ¥ 2,508,299      ¥ (322,573











- 33 -

     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012     Increase

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

   ¥ (1,410,827   ¥ (1,395,087   ¥ 15,740   

Payments for intangibles

     (484,159     (458,176     25,983   

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     13,445        64,789        51,344   

Payments for purchase of non-current investments

     (43,017     (59,400     (16,383

Proceeds from sale and redemption of non-current investments

     23,921        14,756        (9,165

Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired

     (382,780     (47,632     335,148   

Payments for purchase of short-term investments

     (768,594     (1,181,657     (413,063

Proceeds from redemption of short-term investments

     988,780        1,048,024        59,244   


     11,019        43,137        32,118   










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (2,052,212     (1,971,246     80,966   










Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     801,185        680,055        (121,130

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (782,512     (719,232     63,280   

Proceeds from issuance of short-term debt

     2,554,569        1,261,125        (1,293,444

Payments for settlement of short-term debt

     (2,524,709     (1,520,909     1,003,800   

Dividends paid

     (158,783     (167,980     (9,197

Proceeds from sale of (payments for acquisition of) treasury stock, net

     (234     (381,869     (381,635

Acquisition of treasury stocks by subsidiary

     (30,092     (2,914     27,178   


     (109,002     (96,334     12,668   










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (249,578     (948,058     (698,480










Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (4,986     (4,010     976   










Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     524,096        (415,015     (939,111

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     911,062        1,435,158        524,096   










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

   ¥ 1,435,158      ¥ 1,020,143      ¥ (415,015)   










Cash paid during the year for:



   ¥ 54,483      ¥ 58,683      ¥ 4,200   

Income taxes, net

     519,205        449,405        (69,800

Noncash investing and financing activities:


Capital lease obligations incurred during the year

     21,969        20,299        (1,670

Cancellation of treasury stock

     602,892        566,551        (36,341


* Certain items for the prior year’s financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the presentation for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.


- 34 -

(5) Going Concern Assumption


(6) Significant Matters Serving as a Basis for the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements of NTT have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”), etc.).

Principal Accounting Policies, etc.

Marketable Securities

ASC320, “Investments – Debt and Equity Securities” applies.


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. The cost of telecommunications equipment to be sold is determined by the first-in first-out method.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant, and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation is computed principally using the declining-balance method with the exception of buildings for which the straight-line method is used.

Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

ASC350, “Intangibles – Goodwill and Other” applies.

Liability for Employees’ Retirement Benefits

ASC715, “Compensation – Retirement Benefits” applies.

Derivative Financial Instruments

ASC815, “Derivatives and Hedging” applies.

Income Taxes

Income taxes are computed based on income (loss) before income taxes in the consolidated statements of income. According to the asset and liability approach, the expected future tax consequences of temporary differences between the carrying amounts and the tax basis of assets and liabilities and of operating loss carryforward are recognized as deferred tax assets or liabilities.


- 35 -

(7) Change in Significant Matters Serving as a Basis for the Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements

Effective April 1, 2011, NTT Group adopted ASU 2009-13 “Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements.” This ASU addresses the accounting for multiple-deliverable arrangements to enable vendors to account for products or services (deliverables) separately rather than as a combined unit. This ASU eliminates the residual method of allocation and requires that arrangement consideration in multiple-deliverable arrangements be allocated to deliverables using the estimated selling price, if a vendor does not have vendor-specific objective evidence or third-party evidence of the selling price. The adoption of this ASU did not have a material impact on the results of operations and financial position of NTT Group.

Certain Revenue Arrangements That Include Software Elements

Effective April 1, 2011, NTT Group adopted ASU 2009-14 “Certain Revenue Arrangements That Include Software Elements.” This ASU amends the accounting model for revenue arrangements that include both tangible products and software elements. This ASU also provides guidance on how a vendor should allocate arrangement consideration to deliverables in an arrangement that includes both tangible products and software, and further guidance on how to allocate arrangement consideration when an arrangement includes deliverables both included and excluded from the scope of the software revenue guidance. The adoption of this ASU did not have a material impact on the results of operations and financial position of NTT Group.


- 36 -

(8) Business Segments

1. Sales and operating revenue


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Regional communications business



     3,529,551        3,306,656        (222,895


     497,657        458,115        (39,542











     4,027,208        3,764,771        (262,437










Long-distance and international communications business



     1,223,429        1,573,150        349,721   


     109,223        105,506        (3,717











     1,332,652        1,678,656        346,004   










Mobile communications business



     4,191,795        4,211,099        19,304   


     32,478        28,904        (3,574











     4,224,273        4,240,003        15,730   










Data communications business



     1,031,107        1,108,212        77,105   


     132,081        143,598        11,517   











     1,163,188        1,251,810        88,622   













     329,121        308,245        (20,876


     791,146        780,794        (10,352











     1,120,267        1,089,039        (31,228











     (1,562,585     (1,516,917     45,668   










Consolidated total

     10,305,003        10,507,362        202,359   











- 37 -

2. Segment profit


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Segment profit


Regional communications business

     127,252         86,906         (40,346

Long-distance and international communications business

     97,089         116,669         19,580   

Mobile communications business

     839,102         876,406         37,304   

Data communications business

     76,978         71,542         (5,436


     44,857         56,857         12,000   











     1,185,278         1,208,380         23,102   


     29,631         14,586         (15,045










Consolidated total

     1,214,909         1,222,966         8,057   










3. Segment assets


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012     Increase

Segment assets


Regional communications business

     7,659,004        7,456,797        (202,207

Long-distance and international communications business

     1,770,589        1,770,522        (67

Mobile communications business

     6,945,024        7,090,883        145,859   

Data communications business

     1,502,352        1,515,686        13,334   


     10,009,775        9,924,722        (85,053











     27,886,744        27,758,610        (128,134


     (8,221,148     (8,368,911     (147,763










Consolidated total

     19,665,596        19,389,699        (275,897











- 38 -

4. Other significant items


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Depreciation and amortization


Regional communications business

     847,483         816,307         (31,176

Long-distance and international communications business

     134,423         137,176         2,753   

Mobile communications business

     698,690         688,518         (10,172

Data communications business

     148,404         140,075         (8,329


     127,419         122,728         (4,691











     1,956,419         1,904,804         (51,615


     6,115         5,894         (221










Consolidated total

     1,962,534         1,910,698         (51,836









     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Capital investments for segment assets(*)


Regional communications business

     806,953         811,803         4,850   

Long-distance and international communications business

     135,452         152,348         16,896   

Mobile communications business

     668,476         726,833         58,357   

Data communications business

     139,070         133,966         (5,104


     120,155         121,660         1,505   










Consolidated total

     1,870,106         1,946,610         76,504   











(*) The figures for capital investments are the accrual-based amounts required for acquisition of property, plant and equipment, and intangibles. The differences from the figures for “Payments for property, plant and equipment” and “Payments for intangibles” in the consolidated statements of cash flows are as follows:


     Millions of yen  
       Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Payments for property, plant and equipment

     1,410,827         1,395,087        (15,740

Payments for intangibles

     484,159         458,176        (25,983











     1,894,986         1,853,263        (41,723

Difference from the total of capital investments

     24,880         (93,347     (118,227


- 39 -

(9) Income Taxes

Significant components of deferred tax assets and liabilities:


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012  

Deferred tax assets:


Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     627,346        558,175   

Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets principally due to differences in depreciation

     437,054        386,961   

Operating loss carryforwards

     175,472        149,813   

Foreign currency translation adjustments

     21,809        36,812   


     486,919        435,320   







Total gross deferred tax assets

     1,748,600        1,567,081   







Less – Valuation allowance

     (274,559     (242,158







Total deferred tax assets

     1,474,041        1,324,923   







Deferred tax liabilities:


Issuance of subsidiaries common stock etc.

     (347,597     (303,363


     (178,642     (178,840







Total gross deferred tax liabilities

     (526,239     (482,203







Net deferred tax assets

     947,802        842,720   







“The Act to Amend Sections of the Income Tax Act for Tax Reform in Accordance with Changes to the Economic Social Structure” and “The Act on Special Measures for Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake” were enacted on November 30, 2011. Income tax rates will be adjusted from consolidated accounting periods that begin on or after April 1, 2012. As a result of the decrease in the effective tax rate used in deferred tax expenses, when compared with the effective tax rate applied before this revision, net deferred tax assets decreased ¥89,936 million and net income attributable to NTT decreased ¥80,232 million for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012.


- 40 -

(10) Employees’ Retirement Benefits

Retirement Benefits and Contract-type Corporate Pension Plan

1. Benefit obligations


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012  

Benefit obligation, end of year

     (2,094,807     (2,037,901

Fair value of plan assets, end of year

     1,086,800        1,072,879   

Under funded status

     (1,008,007     (965,022

The following table provides the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets:


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012  

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (1,008,046     (965,068

Other assets

     39        46   

Accumulated other comprehensive loss (income)

     310,145        330,090   

Net amount recognized

     (697,862     (634,932

The following table provides the amounts recognized as accumulated other comprehensive loss (income):


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012  

Net actuarial loss

     351,345        356,081   

Transition obligation

     1,112        943   

Prior service cost

     (42,312     (26,934








     310,145        330,090   







2. Cost for employees’ retirement benefits


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Service cost

     75,251        72,542   

Interest cost on projected benefit obligation

     43,854        40,840   

Expected return on plan assets

     (24,819     (21,562

Net amortization and deferral

     (10,174     1,055   








     84,112        92,875   







3. Assumptions in determination of benefit obligations and costs


     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Discount rate

   Projected benefit obligation      2.0     1.9
   Net pension cost      2.1     2.0

Rate of compensation increase

     2.4-3.4     2.4-3.4

Expected long-term return on plan assets

     2.3     2.0


- 41 -

The NTT Kigyou-Nenkin-Kikin (Employee Pension Fund)

1. Benefit obligations


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012  

Benefit obligation, end of year

     (1,426,059     (1,467,064

Fair value of plan assets, end of year

     898,141        897,247   

Under funded status

     (527,918     (569,817

The following table provides the amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets:


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012  

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (527,918     (569,817

Accumulated other comprehensive loss (income)

     182,711        178,539   

Net amount recognized

     (345,207     (391,278

The following table provides the amounts recognized as accumulated other comprehensive loss (income):


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012  

Net actuarial loss

     191,578        183,549   

Prior service cost

     (8,867     (5,010








     182,711        178,539   







2. Cost for employees’ retirement benefits


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Service cost

     36,591        37,896   

Interest cost on projected benefit obligation

     27,866        27,980   

Expected return on plan assets

     (22,858     (21,901

Net amortization and deferral

     7,962        13,375   

Employee contributions

     (3,615     (3,567








     45,946        53,783   







3. Assumptions in determination of benefit obligations and costs


     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Discount rate

   Projected benefit obligation      2.0     1.9
   Net pension cost      2.1     2.0

Rate of compensation increase

     3.4     3.4

Expected long-term return on plan assets

     2.5     2.5


- 42 -

(11) Investment Property

1. Investment Property

NTT Group maintains investment properties including office buildings.

2. Fair value of Investment Property


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Amount included in the consolidated balance sheets


Balance at beginning of year (1)

     760,675         800,519   

Increase (Decrease)

     39,844         1,350   

Balance at end of year (1)

     800,519         801,869   

Fair value at end of year (2)

     1,504,341         1,433,427   


(1) “Amount included in the consolidated balance sheets” represents the original acquisition cost reduced by the accumulated depreciation amount and the accumulated impairment loss.
(2) “Fair value at end of year” is calculated primarily through real estate appraisal standards.

(12) Subsequent Events



- 43 -



(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
     March 31,



Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     13,642         10,490   

Accounts receivable, trade

     1,284         1,613   


     245         251   

Advance payment

     798         727   

Deferred income taxes

     927         946   

Short-term loans receivable

     320,177         328,019   

Accounts receivable, other

     66,291         55,486   

Subsidiary deposits

     91,950         152,327   


     6,778         5,196   







Total current assets

     502,096         555,058   







Fixed assets:


Property, plant and equipment



     123,844         119,251   


     4,575         4,696   

Machinery, equipment and vehicles

     498         440   

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     18,999         18,047   


     29,674         29,674   

Lease assets

     429         399   

Construction in progress

     1,737         1,940   







Total property, plant and equipment

     179,759         174,450   







Intangible fixed assets

     49,055         46,672   

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     13,626         8,719   

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     5,072,805         5,072,933   

Other securities of subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     6,737         6,884   

Contributions to affiliated companies

     148         168   

Long-term loans receivable to subsidiaries

     1,727,465         1,642,330   

Deferred income taxes

     16,898         15,362   


     1,635         2,183   







Total investments and other assets

     6,839,318         6,748,584   







Total fixed assets

     7,068,132         6,969,706   








     7,570,228         7,524,765   








- 44 -

     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    March 31,



Current liabilities:


Accounts payable, trade

     264        273   

Current portion of corporate bonds

     227,924        293,422   

Current portion of long-term borrowings

     74,240        151,700   

Lease obligations

     34        26   

Accounts payable, other

     28,971        28,643   

Accrued expenses

     9,148        9,010   

Accrued taxes on income

     210        4,208   

Advance received

     1,024        924   

Deposit received

     524        453   

Deposit received from subsidiaries

     61,862        98,261   

Unearned revenue

     1        1   


     167        4   







Total current liabilities

     404,373        586,930   







Long-term liabilities:


Corporate bonds

     1,183,193        1,059,780   

Long-term borrowings

     953,530        1,141,830   

Lease obligations

     753        734   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     29,584        30,675   

Asset retirement obligations

     1,162        1,152   


     653        633   







Total long-term liabilities

     2,168,877        2,234,806   








     2,573,251        2,821,737   









Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     937,950        937,950   

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     2,672,826        2,672,826   







Total capital surplus

     2,672,826        2,672,826   







Earned surplus


Legal reserve

     135,333        135,333   

Other earned surplus


Other reserve

     1,131,000        531,000   

Accumulated earned surplus

     721,664        844,410   







Total earned surplus

     1,987,997        1,510,743   







Treasury stock

     (603,132     (418,431







Total shareholders’ equity

     4,995,640        4,703,088   







Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     1,336        (60







Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     1,336        (60








     4,996,977        4,703,028   








     7,570,228        7,524,765   








- 45 -



(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012  

Operating revenues:


Dividends received

     235,720        261,182   

Revenues from group management

     19,149        19,150   

Revenues from basic R&D

     123,999        120,999   

Other services

     11,503        10,019   







Total operating revenues

     390,373        411,352   







Operating expenses:



     20,696        21,500   

Experiment and research

     89,043        90,610   

Depreciation and amortization

     41,942        37,649   

Retirement of fixed assets

     1,280        1,070   

Miscellaneous taxes

     3,932        2,834   







Total operating expenses

     156,895        153,665   







Operating income

     233,478        257,686   







Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     30,229        27,495   

Lease and rental income

     12,282        11,943   

Miscellaneous income

     2,449        6,044   







Total non-operating revenues

     44,961        45,483   







Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     11,287        16,216   

Corporate bond interest expenses

     23,184        20,161   

Lease and rental expenses

     5,983        6,001   

Miscellaneous expenses

     10,147        1,475   







Total non-operating expenses

     50,602        43,853   







Recurring profit

     227,837        259,316   







Special losses:


Loss on adjustment for changes of accounting standard for asset retirement obligations

     757        —     

Special loss on disaster

     226        —     







Total special losses

     983        —     







Income before income taxes

     226,853        259,316   







Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes

     (3,571     (448

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     4,719        2,467   







Total income taxes

     1,148        2,019   







Net income

     225,705        257,297   








- 46 -



(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012  

Shareholders’ equity


Common stock:


At beginning of year

     937,950        937,950   

Net change during the annual period


Total net change during the annual period

     —          —     







At end of year

     937,950        937,950   







Capital surplus:


Additional paid-in capital


At beginning of year

     2,672,826        2,672,826   

Net change during the annual period


Total net change during the annual period

     —          —     







At end of year

     2,672,826        2,672,826   







Other capital surplus:


At beginning of year

     968        —     

Net change during the annual period


Resale of treasury stock

     (52     —     

Cancellation of treasury stock

     (915     —     







Total net change during the annual period

     (968     —     







At end of year

     —          —     







Total capital surplus:


At beginning of year

     2,673,794        2,672,826   

Net change during the annual period


Resale of treasury stock

     (52     —     

Cancellation of treasury stock

     (915     —     







Total net change during the annual period

     (968     —     







At end of year

     2,672,826        2,672,826   







Earned surplus:


Legal reserve


At beginning of year

     135,333        135,333   

Net change during the annual period


Total net change during the annual period

     —          —     







At end of year

     135,333        135,333   







Other earned surplus:


Other reserve


At beginning of year

     1,131,000        1,131,000   

Net change during the annual period


Return of other reserve

     —          (600,000







Total net change during the annual period

     —          (600,000







At end of year

     1,131,000        531,000   








- 47 -

     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012  

Accumulated earned surplus:


At beginning of year

     1,256,717        721,664   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

     (158,782     (167,980

Net income

     225,705        257,297   

Return of other reserve

     —          600,000   

Resale of treasury stock

     —          (20

Cancellation of treasury stock

     (601,976     (566,550







Total net change during the annual period

     (535,053     122,746   







At end of year

     721,664        844,410   







Total earned surplus:


At beginning of year

     2,523,050        1,987,997   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

     (158,782     (167,980

Net income

     225,705        257,297   

Resale of treasury stock

     —          (20

Cancellation of treasury stock

     (601,976     (566,550







Total net change during the annual period

     (535,053     (477,253







At end of year

     1,987,997        1,510,743   







Treasury stock:


At beginning of year

     (1,205,843     (603,132

Net change during the annual period


Payments to acquire treasury stock

     (416     (381,978

Resale of treasury stock

     236        129   

Cancellation of treasury stock

     602,891        566,550   







Total net change during the annual period

     602,711        184,701   







At end of year

     (603,132     (418,431







Total shareholders’ equity:


At beginning of year

     4,928,951        4,995,640   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

     (158,782     (167,980

Net income

     225,705        257,297   

Payments to acquire treasury stock

     (416     (381,978

Resale of treasury stock

     183        108   







Total net change during the annual period

     66,689        (292,552







At end of year

     4,995,640        4,703,088   








- 48 -

     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012  

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities


At beginning of year

     2,777        1,336   

Net change during the annual period


Others, net

     (1,441     (1,396







Total net change during the annual period

     (1,441     (1,396







At end of year

     1,336        (60







Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


At beginning of year

     2,777        1,336   

Net change during the annual period


Others, net

     (1,441     (1,396







Total net change during the annual period

     (1,441     (1,396







At end of year

     1,336        (60







Total net assets:


At beginning of year

     4,931,728        4,996,977   

Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

     (158,782     (167,980

Net income

     225,705        257,297   

Payments to acquire treasury stock

     (416     (381,978

Resale of treasury stock

     183        108   

Others, net

     (1,441     (1,396







Total net change during the annual period

     65,248        (293,949







At end of year

     4,996,977        4,703,028   








- 49 -



(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     2011     2012  

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     226,853        259,316   

Depreciation and amortization

     44,710        40,433   

Loss on adjustment for changes of accounting standard for asset retirement obligations

     757        —     

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     963        701   

Dividends received

     (235,720     (261,182

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     1,487        1,091   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     1,155        (4,034

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     3,406        737   

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     (148     (45

(Increase) decrease in other current assets

     (104     210   

(Increase) decrease in subsidiary deposits

     (5,000     (5,000

Increase (decrease) in deposit received from subsidiaries

     1,321        36,399   


     13,500        5,192   








     53,183        73,819   







Interest and dividends received

     266,164        289,863   

Interest paid

     (33,356     (36,435

Income taxes received (paid)

     (22,772     18,897   







Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     263,219        346,144   







Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (39,592     (34,537

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (286,313     (1,014

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     4,147        7,134   

Payments for long-term loans

     (160,000     (240,000

Proceeds from long-term loans receivable

     286,104        302,190   

(Increase) decrease in long-term subsidiary deposits

     35,000        —     


     (4,912     (670







Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (165,567     33,102   







Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     469,951        509,946   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (411,104     (302,190

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (60     (31

Dividends paid

     (158,782     (167,980

Proceeds from sale of (payments for acquisition of) treasury stock, net

     (233     (381,869







Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (100,229     (342,125







Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (2,577     37,121   







Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     121,157        118,580   







Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     118,580        155,702   








- 50 -

6. Other


(1) Candidates for Directors


Yoshikiyo Sakai

   (Senior Vice President, NTTDOCOMO, INC.)

Mitsuyoshi Kobayashi

   (Senior Vice President, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation)

Akira Shimada

   (Senior Vice President, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation)

Hiroshi Tsujigami

   (Senior Manager, Corporate Strategy Planning Department)

Tsunehisa Okuno

   (General Manager, Global Business Office)

Katsuhiko Shirai

   (Chairperson, The Foundation for the Open University of Japan)

Sadayuki Sakakibara

   (Chairman of the Board and Representative Member of the Board, Toray Industries, Inc.)

(2) Candidates for Corporate Auditors


Kiyoshi Kousaka    (Representative Director and President, NTT BUSINESS ASSOCIE Corporation)

Seiichi Ochiai

   (Professor, Chuo Law School)

(3) Directors scheduled to resign from office


Norio Wada

   (Director and Chairman; scheduled to take office as Executive Advisor)

Noritaka Uji

   (Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President; scheduled to take office as Advisor)

Kaoru Kanazawa

   (Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President); scheduled to take office as Advisor)

Toshio Kobayashi

   (Director and Senior Vice President; the next position is to be determined)

Tetsuya Shoji

   (Director and Senior Vice President; scheduled to take office as Representative Director and Executive Vice President, NTT Communications Corporation)

Takashi Imai

   (Outside Director and Senior Vice President)

Yotaro Kobayashi

   (Outside Director and Senior Vice President)

(4) Corporate Auditors scheduled to resign from office


Shunsuke Amiya

   (Full-time Corporate Auditor)

Shigeru Iwamoto

   (Corporate Auditor)


- 51 -

(5) Candidates for Representative Directors and other Directors

 Candidate scheduled to take office as Director and Chairman


Satoshi Miura


(Representative Director and President, Chief Executive Officer)

Candidate scheduled to take office as Representative Director and President, Chief Executive Officer


Hiroo Unoura


(Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President)

ƒ Candidates scheduled to take office as Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President


Yasuyoshi Katayama


(Director and Executive Vice President)

Hiroki Watanabe


(Director and Executive Vice President)

Candidate scheduled to take office as Executive Vice President (Director)


Hiromichi Shinohara



(6) New Executive Positions and Organizational Responsibilities


New Position(s) and

Organizational Responsibilities


Current Position(s) and

Organizational Responsibilities

Representative Director and

Senior Executive Vice President,

In charge of technical strategy and risk


   Yasuyoshi Katayama   

Director and Executive Vice President,

Director of Technology Planning


Director of Next Generation Network


Representative Director and Senior

Executive Vice President,

In charge of Business Strategy

   Hiroki Watanabe   

Director and Executive Vice President,

Director of Corporate Strategy Planning Department

Director and Executive Vice President,

Director of Research and Development,

Planning Department

In charge of international standardization

   Hiromichi Shinohara   

Director and Senior Vice President,

Director of Research and Development

Planning Department

Director and Senior Vice President,

Director of Finance and Accounting


   Yoshikiyo Sakai   

Director and Senior Vice President,

Director of Technology Planning


In charge of strategic Business

Development Division

   Mitsuyoshi Kobayashi   

Director and Senior Vice President,

Director of General Affairs Department,

Director of Internal Control Office

   Akira Shimada   

Director and Senior Vice President,

Director of Corporate Strategy

Planning Department

   Hiroshi Tsujigami   

Director and Senior Vice President,

In charge of Global Business Office

   Tsunehisa Okuno   


   Katsuhiko Shirai   


   Sadayuki Sakakibara   


- 52 -


The following candidates shall assume responsibilities as follows:

Satoshi Miura as Chairman of Board Directors, Hiroo Unoura as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Yasuyoshi Katayama as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Hiroki Watanabe as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Compliance Officer (CCO).

Of the candidates for Directors, Katsuhiko Shirai and Sadayuki Sakakibara are candidates for external directors.

The candidate for Corporate Auditor, Seiichi Ochiai, is a candidate for external auditor.

The Corporate Auditors scheduled to resign from office will resign at the close of the 27th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (to be held on June 22, 2012).


- 53 -





The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.





- 54 -


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

May 11, 2012

NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (as of March 31, 2012)


1. Classification of Shareholders



   NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (1 unit =100 shares)      Shares
Less Than

One Unit
and Public
     Foreign Corporations, etc.      Domestic

Total Holders

     3         302         81         7,555         1,083         962         908,334         918,320         —     

Total Shares (Units)

     4,312,329         2,197,371         131,262         175,073         3,188,860         7,915         3,201,861         13,214,671         1,730,135   


     32.63         16.63         0.99         1.32         24.13         0.06         24.23         100.00         —     


(1) “Domestic Individuals, etc.” includes 994,321 units of treasury stock, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 12 shares of treasury stock. 99,432,112 shares of treasury stock represents the number of shares of treasury stock recorded in the shareholders’ register; the actual number of treasury stock shares at the end of March 31, 2012 was 99,431,812.
(2) “Other Domestic Corporations” includes 161 units under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 72 shares under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.
(3) The number of shareholders who only own shares representing less than one unit is 223,438.


2. Classification by Number of Shares


       NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (1 unit =100 shares)      Shares
Less Than
One Unit


   At Least
1,000 Units
     At Least
500 Units
     At Least
100 Units
     At Least
50 Units
     At Least
10 Units
     At Least
5 Units
     At Least
1 Unit

Number of Holders

     414         173         907         1,080         25,622         59,186         830,938         918,320         —     


     0.05         0.02         0.10         0.12         2.79         6.45         90.48         100.00         —     

Total Shares (Units)

     10,802,920         121,066         186,328         69,586         393,529         359,039         1,282,203         13,214,671         1,730,135   


     81.75         0.92         1.41         0.53         2.98         2.72         9.70         100.00         —     


(1) “At Least 1,000 Units” includes 994,321 units of treasury stock, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 12 shares of treasury stock.
(2) “At Least 100 Units” includes 161 units under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 72 shares under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.


3. Principal Shareholders



   Share Holdings
(in thousands
of shares)
     Percentage of
Total Shares
Issued (%)

The Minister of Finance

     431,232         32.59   

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account)

     55,524         4.20   

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account)

     38,195         2.89   

Moxley and Co LLC

     23,561         1.78   

The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. London Secs Lending Omnibus Account

     18,539         1.40   

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 9)

     17,902         1.35   

SSBT OD05 Omnibus Account – Treaty Clients

     16,979         1.28   

State Street Bank and Trust Company 505224

     12,234         0.92   

NTT Employee Share-Holding Association

     12,048         0.91   

State Street Bank and Trust Company 505225

     9,952         0.75   








     636,170         48.08   







Note: The Company’s holdings of treasury stock (99,431,812 shares) are not included in the above table.



Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013

May 11, 2012

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation



Disclaimer Information

The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

* “E” in this material represents that the figure is a plan or projection for operation.

** “FY” in this material indicates the fiscal year ending March 31 of the succeeding year.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Operating Revenue and Operating Income increased for two consecutive years.

Expansion of Global Revenues

Achieved target of 10 billion USD one year earlier than previously planned (double the revenues of FY 2010)

Expansion of Mobile Business

No. of smartphones sold: 8.82 million (3.5 times the amount in FY2010) No. of Xi services sold: 2.30 million (88 times the amount in FY2010)

Expansion of Video Business No. of Hikari TV subscriptions exceeded 2 million

The structural reform of NTT’s business structure steadily progressed. IP Business and Solution & New Business accounted for 70% of all revenue

FY2012 Forecast: Continued increase of Operating Revenue and Operating Income

Increase in Return to Shareholders

Buy back of 99 million shares for 381.7 billion yen. Dividends increased for two consecutive years.

(FY2010: 120 yen FY2011: 140 yen FY2012E: 160 yen)

Consolidated Operating Income

(Billions of yen) 1,280.0

1,223.0 1,214.9 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Global Revenues (Billions of USD)

13.0 11.6 4.8

FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Consolidated Results and Forecasts (U.S. GAAP)

FY2011 Highlights

Operating Revenue and Operating Income increased for two consecutive years. Compared to the FY2011 forecast: Operating Income was not achieved, but Net Income was achieved as forecasted.

(Billions of yen)


FY2011 Revised


FY2010 (Disclosed

Change Change from the on February

[%] Revised

year-on-year Forecasts 6, 2012)


Revenues 10,507.4 +202.4 +2.0% (32.6) 10,305.0 10,540.0


Expenses 9,284.4 +194.3 +2.1% (5.6) 9,090.1 9,290.0

Operating 1,223.0 +8.1 +0.7% (27.0) 1,214.9 1,250.0


Net Income* 467.7 (41.9) (8.2)% +2.7 509.6 465.0

*Net income represents net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




FY2011 Contributing Factors by Segment

Regional communications business: Operating Revenues and Operating Income decreased due to, among other things, a decrease in voice revenues and the blunting of IP services revenue increase.

Long distance and international communications business: Increase in Operating Revenues and Operating Income due to, among other things, the acquisition of Dimension Data.

Mobile communications business: Operating Revenues and Operating Income increased due to, among other things, an increase in packet service revenues.

Data communications business: Despite an increase in Operating Revenues from the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries, Operating Income decreased due to, among other things, unprofitable transactions.

Operating Revenues

[year-on-year: +202.4] Long distance and international communications business

(Billions of yen) 10,305.0 (262.4) +346.0 +15.7 +88.6 (31.2) +45.7

Regional communications business

Mobile communications business

Data communications business

Other business Elimination of intersegment/Others 10,507.4

FY2010 [year-on-year: +194.3] Long distance and international communications business

Operating Expenses

Data communications business

Other business

Elimination of intersegment/Others

FY2011 9,090.1 (222.1) +326.4 (21.6) +94.1 (43.2) +60.7 9,284.4

Regional communications business

Mobile communications business

FY2011 FY2010 Operating Income

[year-on-year: +8.1]

Regional Long distance and Mobile Data Other business Elimination of

FY2010 communications business communications international communications business communications business intersegment/ Others FY2011


1,214.9 (40.3) +19.6 +37.3 (5.4) +12.0 (15.0) 1,223.0

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services



Progress of Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Fixed Broadband Services

Although there was a 1.5 million net increase in subscribers from the previous year, the net increase slowed as a result of intensifying industry competition and the spread of mobile broadband access.

Number of subscribers


FLET’S ADSL FLET’S Hikari Hikari Denwa

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0

18,542 18,761 18,886 17,916 18,310 17,376 17,728 17,092 2,451 2,322 2,715 2,579 3,004 2,858 3,253 3,136 16,564 15,963 16,310 15,595 15,059 14,724 13,839 14,240 13,900 13,023 13,470 12,565 11,641 12,113 10,648 11,104


1,872 18,014


Changes from the preceding quarter


FY2010 FY2011

FY2011 FY2012E

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3

FLET’S Hikari (1) 588 401 484 335 536 368 347 254 1,506 1,450

Number of


opened 1,018 809 897 849 1,019 874 848 903 3,644 3,700


FLET’S ADSL (129) (117) (132) (147) (142) (136) (128) (129) (536) (450)

Hikari Denwa 3 506 457 537 472 453 457 447 431 1,788 1,650

2010.6 2010.9 2010.12 2011.3 2011.6 2011.9 2011.12 2012.3 FY2012E

(1) Number of FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT West.

(2) Number of opened connections excludes openings due to relocations.

(3) Number of Hikari Denwa subscriptions is calculated by number of thousand channels.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Mobile Broadband Services

NTT was able to secure a net increase in subscribers over the previous fiscal year as a result of smartphone and data plan sales, among other things.

Number of subscribers


60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0

mova FOMA+Xi

743 523 1,239 969 2,352 1,954 1,636

58,251 59,101 60,129 54,940 55,574 56,771 57,445 54,162


2010.6 2010.9 2010.12 2011.3 2011.6 2011.9 2011.12 2012.3 FY2012E

Change from the preceding quarter

Net increase in subscribers for the twelve-month period Apr.-Mar.: 212 (thousands)


FY2010 FY2011

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 FY2011 FY2012E

FOMA+Xi 959 778 633 1,197 674 805 851 1,029 3,358 2,800

mova(526)(398)(318)(398)(269)(227)(220)(523)(1,239) -

Note: The number of communication module service subscribers is included in total mobile broadband services subscribers.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

ARPU of Fixed Broadband Services (FLET’S Hikari)

ARPU increased year-on-year, due to the increase of optional services, such as remote support.

NTT East


6,000 4,000 2,000 0

Excluding effects from the earthquake *

Optional Service Basic Monthly Charge

5,900* 5,890 * 5,900* 5,940* 5,960 * 5,920*

5,820 5,900 5,900 5,880 5,850 5,890 5,930 5,940 5,900 5,800 1,520 1,550 1,580 1,610 1,600 1,620 1,630 1,640 1,620 1,690

4,300 4,350 4,320 4,270 4,250 4,270 4,300 4,300 4,280 4,110

FY2010 FY2011

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3

FY2011 FY2012E

NTT West


6,000 4,000 2,000 0

5,830 5,890 5,910 5,930 5,920 5,940 5,940 5,940

1,540 1,570 1,590 1,610 1,620 1,650 1,650 1,670

4,290 4,320 4,320 4,320 4,300 4,290 4,290 4,270

5,930 5,870

1,650 1,670

4,280 4,200



4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3

FY2011 FY2012E

Note: Number of FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT West. Please see page 34 regarding the calculation of ARPU.

*Figures were calculated by deducting the number of subscriptions which have not been billed due to damages by the Great East Japan Earthquake, from the subscription base used for calculating ARPU. These figures are for reference purposes only.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

ARPU of Mobile Broadband Services (FOMA, Xi)

Packet ARPU increased year-on-year, due to the increase in smartphone and data plan service subscriptions, as well as the expansion of various contents.


8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

5,190 5,200 5,130

4,760 4,960 4,970 4,880 4,870

4,680 4,570 2,680 2,660 2,590 2,190 2,340 2,280 2,190 1,980 2,200 1,690

2,510 2,540 2,540 2,570 2,620 2,690 2,690 2,700 2,670 2,880

Voice ARPU Packet ARPU



4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3

FY2011 FY2012E

Note: Communication module service subscribers and the revenues thereof are not included in the calculation of mobile broadband services ARPU. Revenues and subscriptions from mova services, by the end of March 2012, are included in the calculation of ARPU.

Please see page 34 regarding the calculation of ARPU.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Video Services

The number of subscribers for video services reached 2.87 million as a result of enhanced content, among other things.

(1,000 subscribers)

4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0

FLET’S tv* Hikari tv




2,640 2,429 2,194 861

2,005 778 821


1,606 683 592

1,433 505 403

335 2,550 1,818 2,004 1,512 1,651 1,331 1,413 1,098 1,204

2010.6 2010.9 2010.12 2011.3 2011.6 2011.9 2011.12 2012.3


* “FLET’S TV” requires a subscription to “FLET’S TV Transmission Service,” provided by NTT East and NTT West, and a subscription to Opticast Inc.’s broadcast service, “Opticast Facility Use Services.”

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Financial Information



Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT East Financial Results

FY2011 Results: Operating Revenues and Operating Income decreased due to, among other things, the blunting of IP services revenue increase.

FY2012 Forecasts: Increase in Operating Income of 14.6 billion yen from FY2011 results to

65.0 billion yen.

(Billions of yen)

Operating Revenues



Change from the revised forecasts (43.4)




Voice Transmission Services (88.4) IP Services +53.0 Others (70.2)


Voice Transmission Services (71.8)

IP Services +82.4

Others +5.8


FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Expenses


Personnel expenses (6.8)

Expenses for purchase of goods

and services and other expenses (52.1)

Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (19.8)


Personnel expenses +1.1

Expenses for purchase of goods and

services and other expenses +2.4

Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (1.7)




Change from the revised forecasts (23.7)



FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Income



Change from the revised forecasts (19.6)






Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT West Financial Results

FY2011 Results: Operating Revenues and Operating Income decreased due to, among other things, blunted revenue increases from IP Services.

FY2012 Forecasts: Increase in Operating Income of 2.9 billion yen from FY2011 results to 40.0 billion yen.

Operating Revenues



Change from the revised forecasts (10.6)



Change from forecasts disclosed in March (10.0 )


Voice Transmission Services (82.2)

IP Services +47.3

Others (46.7)


Voice Transmission Services (65.8)

IP Services +40.5

Others (6.1)


FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Expenses



Change from the revised forecasts +7.3




Personnel expenses (5.4)

Expenses for purchase of goods

and services and other expenses (46.5)

Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (17.1)


Personnel expenses +3.6

Expenses for purchase of goods and

services and other expenses (22.6)

Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (15.2)


FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Income



Change from the revised forecasts (17.9)



Change from forecasts disclosed in March





Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT Communications Financial Results

FY2011 Results: While the trend of decreasing Operating Revenues continued, Operating Income increased due to, among other things, extensive cost reductions.

FY2012 Forecasts: Decrease in Operating Income of 5.7 billion yen from FY2011 results to 100.0 billion yen.

(Billions of yen)

Operating Revenues



Change from the revised forecasts (21.9)




Voice Transmission Services (29.0)

IP Services (7.3)

Others (15.9)


Voice Transmission Services (29.2)

IP Services +0.5

Others +2.6


FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Expenses



Change from the revised forecasts (32.7)




Personnel expenses (2.7)

Expenses for purchase of goods

and services and other expenses (52.6)

Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets (9.4)


Personnel expenses (1.6)

Expenses for purchase of goods and

services and other expenses (26.0)

Depreciation expenses and loss

on disposal of assets +7.4


FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Income



Change from the revised forecasts +10.7






Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Consolidated)

NTT DATA Financial Results

FY2011 Results: Operating Revenues and Operating Income increased due to effects from the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries.

FY2012 Forecasts: Increase in Operating Income of 4.5 billion yen from FY2011 results to 85.0 billion yen.

Operating Revenues



Change from the revised forecasts +51.1



(Billions of yen)




FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Expenses



Change from the revised forecasts +50.7






FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Income



Change from the revised forecasts +0.4






Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (U.S. GAAP Consolidated)

NTT DOCOMO Financial Results

FY2011 Results: Operating Revenues and Operating Income increased due to, among other things, increased packet services revenues.

FY2012 Forecasts: Increase in Operating Income of 25.5 billion yen from FY2011 results to 900.0 billion yen.

Operating Revenues



Change from the revised forecasts +0.0



(Billions of yen)




FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Expenses



Change from the revised forecasts (4.5)






FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Operating Income



Change from the revised forecasts +4.5






Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP/U.S. GAAP)

Details of Difference Between Consolidated Operating Income and Total Operating Income of 5 Major Subsidiaries


(Billions of yen)




NTT (Holding Company): (2.2)

NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT (Consolidated): 24.3 NTT COMWARE: 4.2 NTT FINANCE (Consolidated): 9.3 Outsourcing companies (East): 5.9 Outsourcing companies (West): 4.4 Other companies: 45.0

Pension (actuarial difference, etc.): +9.4 +9.4 Depreciation of engineering facilities: (38.0) Adjustments between operating and non—operating items, including eliminations, etc.


Total operating income of 5 major subsidiaries (JPN GAAP)

Total operating income of subsidiaries other than the 5 major ones (excluding the effect of dividends received by NTT (Holding Company))

Elimination and U.S. GAAP adjustments

Consolidated operating income (U.S. GAAP)





NTT (Holding Company): 3.4

NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT (Consolidated): 25.3 NTT COMWARE: 3.0 NTT FINANCE (Consolidated): 19.0 Outsourcing companies (East): 5.8 Outsourcing companies (West): 1.6 Other companies: 49.9

Pension (actuarial difference, etc): (3.6) Depreciation of engineering facilities: (33.0) Adjustments between operating and non—operating items, items, including eliminations, etc. etc.


Total of operating income of 5 major subsidiaries (JPN GAAP)

Total operating income of subsidiaries other than the 5 major ones (excluding the effect of dividends received by NTT (Holding Company))

Elimination and U.S. GAAP adjustments

Consolidated operating income (U.S. GAAP)

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Details of Consolidated Cash Flows

Cash flows from operating activities decreased due to, among other things, an increase in accounts receivable (the last day of the fiscal year was a bank holiday).

Cash flows from investing activities decreased due to a decrease in cash outlays for M&A, despite an increase in cash management activities exceeding three months in duration.

FCF decreased due to the impact of fund operations and year end bank holidays.

Cash flows from financing activities increased due to, among other things, a repurchase of treasury stock by NTT and a decrease in the issuance of debt.

Cash flows from operating activities (A)

Cash flows from investing activities (B)

FCF (A) + (B)

Cash flows from financing activities


(Billions OF YEN)


4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 (1,000) (2,000) (3,000)



3,282.2 3,219.1





(322.6) (241.6) (249.6)



FY2010 FY2011

Increase/Decrease from same period of the previous fiscal year

5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 4,553.5



FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

*EBITDA = Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




FY2012 Forecast Summary

Plan to achieve year-on-year increase in Operating Revenues and Operating Income for the third consecutive year.

Operating Income: 1,280 billion yen (Compared with FY2011 Results: an increase of 57 billion yen).

(Billions of yen)


FY2011 Change

Forecasts [% change]


Operating Revenues 10,507.4 10,750.0 +242.6 2.3%

Operating Expenses 9,284.4 9,470.0 +185.6 2.0%

Operating Income 1,223.0 1,280.0 +57.0 4.7%

Net income* 467.7 575.0 +107.3 22.9%

*Net income represents net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.

Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Capital Investment

Capital investment

Change from the forecasts (23.4)

(Billions of yen)


+76.5 (1.4)% 1,920.0 +4.1% 1,946.6 1,870.1

Other companies NTT DATA (Consolidated) NTT Communications

NTT West

NTT East

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

167.5 139.0 115.3




Fiber -optic Investment 295.0

185.4 133.9 116.1




Fiber -optic Investment 304.0

192.0 133.0 110.0




Fiber-optic Investment 300.0

FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Capex to Sales

Change from the forecasts (0.2)%




Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Approach of Medium-Term Management Strategy and Future Prospects



Approach of Medium-Term Management Strategy and Future Prospects

Medium-Term Management Strategy Achievements


Transformation of Business Structure

[IP Business / Solution ratio


Hikari Service Earnings and Expenses

[Make profits on a single-year basis (FY2011) ]

Proceeds from Global Business

[10.0 billion USD]

Capex to Sales


Operating Income

[1.3 trillion yen]





(192.4) billion yen

2 billion USD


1.1 trillion yen

Excludes special factors such as the transfer of the substitutional portion of the Employee Pension Fund.

Make profits on a single-year basis (Forecast)

11.6 billion USD


13.0 billion USD


1.28 trillion yen

Achieved target

Achieved target

Achieved target

(One year ahead of schedule)

Continued to decrease

Almost Achieved target

[FY2012 Target (FY2011 for Hikari service earnings and expenses)]

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Approach of Medium-Term Management Strategy and Future Prospects

Market Trends and Future Prospects



Social Networking (SNS)


Multi-devices (Mobilization)


For Consumers

For Corporate Customers*

Application / contents

Big Data/M2M

(Machine to Machine)

Data Centers / Cloud Businesses

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

* Other medical than / services health, environmental for general business, / energy focus and on the administrative services fields

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Approach of Medium-Term Management Strategy and Future Prospects

Future Focus Areas


Sales Volume

Approx. 680 billion JPY


30% increase

Approx. 860 billion JPY

FY2011 FY2012E

For consumers

For Corporate Customers

Application / contents

Big Data / M2M Solutions

Data Centers / Cloud Businesses

Provision of applications markets (dmarket), media content (Hikari TV, NOTTV) and storage Enhancement of payment, and settlement method (collection service, iD/DCMX, etc.) for the above features and security support services (virus check, Mobile Phone Protection, etc.)

Promoting the use of M2M for solutions, which increase added value of corporate value chains by high-speed data processing of large-scale and complicated data, and for censors and monitors.

Provide comprehensive service, from large-capacity, high-speed data processing, Business Analytics and network services to solutions.

One of the world’s largest server rooms (360 thousand square kilometers) Connecting over 200 data centers worldwide via large capacity and low-latency transmission network.

Promoting the migration to local government, medical and global business clouds and total ICT outsourcing, among other things.

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Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Approach of Medium-Term Management Strategy and Future Prospects

Approach to Big Data


Characteristics of Big Data

Large volumes of data

Complicated data

[Non-database “unstructured data” SNS]

Real-time distribution

Sophistication of needs

Forward-looking feedback to users

Trend recognition and analysis

Aggregate analysis “Visualization”

BA (Business Analytics) Visualization

NTT Group’s Strengths

Large-scale data / real time processing technology

BA (Business Analytics) ability

Ability to provide comprehensive services from network services to solutions services.


Comprehensive disaster prevention information system, including the monitoring of bridges Customer trend analysis system through the analysis of multiple website logs Mobile spatial statistics

Meet user needs with respect to latency and data volume and utilize in hybrid format the most appropriate technology.

Utilize Hadoop when the analysis of large-scale data is required and CEP when real-time analysis with an focus on low-latency is required.

Hadoop - an open source software framework that enables efficient decentralized processing of large-scale data (petabyte-levels) through multiple computers Complex Event Processing - a technology that enables ultra low-latency analysis, calculation and response by continuously processing data that enters the system

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Review of Medium-Term Management Strategy and Future Prospects

Future Development of Global Cloud Business


With respect to the implementation of cloud networks, corporate customers say…



“Supports speedy and flexible operation” “Reduces ICT cost” “Security, quality and reliability”

NTT Group will work to dispel customers’ concerns associated with the implementation of cloud networks, and become a “strategic partner for cloud migration” to resolve customers’ management issues

Strengths of NTT Group

Provision of “applications” and “Laas, DC and NW” in each global region. Implement the latest cloud technology by utilizing NTT Group’s R&D ability.

“Security technology” that enables safe storage and utilization of data on cloud networks. A “network virtualization technology” that is far more scalable and flexible and enables the reduction of operational costs.

“One-stop management” including “applications,” “Laas, DC and NW,” “devices,” and “other mobile carriers’ cloud networks.” Integrate the above and provide a high-quality global cloud network.

Provide phased migration consulting.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Approach of Medium-Term Management Strategy and Future Prospects

Enhancing Share Value



Dividends per share

150 100 50 0


Dividends per share

Pay-out ratio

90 110 120 120 140 160

Approx. 23.0%* 27.5% 32.3% 31.2% 38.2% 34.1%

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Pay-out ratio

FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

Share buy backs

400 300 200 100 0

(Billions of yen)

94.4 200.0 381.7

FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E


EPS growth of more than 60% in the medium term.

*Excludes special factors such as the transfer of the substitutional portion of the Employee Pension Fund.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation








Transformation of Business Structure


Consolidated Revenue Composition Image

Solution & New Business, etc. IP business Legacy business

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

Solution & New Business, etc.


IP business


Legacy business
























IP, solution & new business account for three-quarters

FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

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Shift of Global Business Results and M&A Development






cirquent NTT DATA Group






dimension data


Keane an NTT DATA Company



2.0 billion USD

2.6 billion USD

2.9 billion USD

4.8 billion USD

11.6 billion USD






* Dates that the companies became subsidiaries of NTT

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Effects from the Earthquake


As previously forecasted, NTT Group’s consolidated loss due to the effects of the earthquake was 33.0 billion yen and Capital Investment was 30.0 billion yen.

(Billions of yen)

NTT East



NTT Consolidated

FY2011 Results


Capital Investment

19.0 12.0 2.0 33.0

25.0 5.0 – 30.0

(partial listing only) Three months ended March 31, 2012 (January-March)


Capital Investment

6.0 3.0 (1.0) 8.0

17.0 3.0 – 20.0

FY2011 Forecasts


Capital Investment

















Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





FY2011 Details of Financial Results (Per Item)


Operating Revenues

[ year-on-yea:r+202.4]



Voice related services revenues


Fixed voice

Mobile voice

Fixed voice : (231.2) . Mobile voice : (151.5) .

SI revenues and sales of telecommunications equipment


Systems Integration

Telecommunications equipment

Fixed IP/packet

Mobile IP/packet

IP/packet communications services revenues


Fixed IP/packet : +112.7 Mobile IP/packet: +148.7

Other revenues


(Billions of yen)


Systems Integration : +394.7

Telecommunications equipment (Fixed-line) : (7.(7.1)

Telecommunications equipment (Mobile) : +22.1


Operating Expenses




Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets


Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses


Personnel expenses


Other expenses




Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Details of Consolidated Balance Sheet


March 31, 2011




Depreciable Assets (property, plant and equipment)


Deferred Tax Assets (non-current) 887.0



Interest-Bearing Debt 4,553.5 Liability for Employees’ Retirement Benefits 1,536.0



Treasury Stock (603.1)

(Billions of yen)

March 31, 2012



19,389.7 (275.9)

Depreciable Assets (property, plant and equipment)

8,310.1 (144.4)

Deferred Tax Assets (non-current) 789.3 (97.7)


9,342.0 (242.7) Interest-Bearing Debt 4,274.0 (279.4) Liability for Employees’ Retirement Benefits 1,534.9 (1.1)


10,047.7 (33.2) Treasury Stock (418.4) [+184.7]

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Consolidated and Main Subsidiaries’ Financial Results for FY2011


(Billions of yen)




Consolidated (Holding Company)

Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated


Operating Revenues 10,507.4 411.3 1,851.5 1,676.3 981.0 1,251.1 4,240.0

Change year-on-year 202.4 20.9 (105.6) (81.7) (52.3) 89.2 15.7

(% change) 2.0% 5.4% (5.4)% (4.6)% (5.1)% 7.7% 0.4%

Opetating Expenses 9,284.4 153.6 1,801.2 1,639.3 875.2 1,170.7 3,365.5

Change year-on-year 194.3 (3.2) (78.7) (69.1) (64.8) 87.1 (14.0)

(% change) 2.1% (2.1)% (4.2)% (4.0)% (6.9)% 8.0% (0.4)%

Operating Income 1,223.0 257.6 50.3 37.0 105.7 80.4 874.5

Change year-on-year 8.1 24.2 (26.8) (12.6) 12.4 2.1 29.7

(% change) 0.7% 10.4% (34.8)% (25.4)% 13.4% 2.7% 3.5%

Income Before (2) 1,239.3 259.3 75.2 42.3 118.9 75.5 877.0

Income Taxes

Change year-on-year 63.5 31.4 (20.8) (20.7) 15.3 (0.1) 41.6

(% change) 5.4% 13.8% (21.7)% (32.8)% 14.8% (0.3)% 5.0%




Net Income 467.7 257.2 32.1 20.4 58.3 30.4 463.9

Change year-on-year (41.9) 31.5 (20.1) (28.5) (10.6) (6.8) (26.6)

(% change) (8.2)% 14.0% (38.5)% (58.2)% (15.5)% (18.4)% (5.4)%

(1) The number of consolidated subsidiaries is 772 and the number of companies accounted for under the equity method is 106.

(2) “Income Before Income Taxes” for NTT (Holding Company), NTT East, NTT West, NTT Communications and NTT DATA represent their recurring profits. (3) “Net Income” for NTT Consolidated represents “Net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.” (4) “Net Income” for NTT DOCOMO represents “Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, excluding noncontrolling interests.”

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Consolidated and Main Subsidiaries’ Financial Forecasts for FY2012


(Billions of yen)


Consolidated (Holding Company)

Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated


Operating 10,750.0 433.0 1,868.0 1,645.0 955.0 1,280.0 4,450.0


Change year-on-year 242.6 21.6 16.4 (31.3) (26.0) 28.8 210.0

(% change) 2.3% 5.3% 0.9% (1.9)% (2.7)% 2.3% 5.0%


Expenses 9,470.0 155.0 1,803.0 1,605.0 855.0 1,195.0 3,550.0

Change year-on-year 185.6 1.3 1.7 (34.3) (20.2) 24.2 184.5

(% change) 2.0% 0.9% 0.1% (2.1)% (2.3)% 2.1% 5.5%

Operating Income 1,280.0 278.0 65.0 40.0 100.0 85.0 900.0

Change year-on-year 57.0 20.3 14.6 2.9 (5.7) 4.5 25.5

(% change) 4.7% 7.9% 29.2% 8.0% (5.4)% 5.7% 2.9%

Income Before(1)

Income Taxes 1,265.0 275.0 85.0 50.0 110.0 78.0 903.0

Change year-on-year 25.7 15.6 9.7 7.6 (8.9) 2.4 26.0

(% change) 2.1% 6.0% 13.0% 18.0% (7.6)% 3.2% 3.0%




Net Income 575.0 277.0 53.0 40.0 67.0 38.0 557.0

Change year-on-year 107.3 19.7 20.8 19.5 8.6 7.5 93.1

(% change) 22.9% 7.7% 64.8% 95.2% 14.9% 24.8% 20.1%

*1. “Income Before Income Taxes” for NTT (Holding Company), NTT East, NTT West, NTT Communications and NTT DATA represent their recurring profits. *2. “Net Income” for NTT Consolidated represents “Net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests”.

*3. “Net Income” for NTT DOCOMO represents “Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, excluding noncontrolling interests”.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Financial Indices


FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 E

EBITDA 3,282.2 billion yen 3,219.1 billion yen 3,273.0 billion yen

EBITDA Margin 31.9% 30.6% 30.4%

Operating Free 1,412.1 billion yen 1,272.5 billion yen 1,353.0 billion yen

Cash Flow

ROCE 5.8% 5.8% 6.5%

EPS 385 yen 367 yen 470 yen


1. EBITDA = Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

2. EBITDA Margin = (Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment)/Operating Revenues

3. Operating Free Cash Flow = Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment – Capital Investments

4. ROCE = Operating Income×(1 – Normal Statutory Tax Rate)/Operating Capital Employed

[Note] Please see next page for reconciliation of financial indices.

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Reconciliation of Financial Indices

(Billions of yen)



Operating Free Cash Flow


Items FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E

(1) Operating Income 1,214.9 1,223.0 1,280.0

(2) Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 2,067.3 1,996.2 1,993.0

EBITDA [ (1)+(2) ] 3,282.2 3,219.1 3,273.0

(1) Operating Income 1,214.9 1,223.0 1,280.0

(2) Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 2,067.3 1,996.2 1,993.0

(3) EBITDA [ (1)+(2) ] 3,282.2 3,219.1 3,273.0

(4) Operating Revenues 10,305.0 10,507.4 10,750.0

EBITDA Margin [ (3)/(4)×100 ] 31.9% 30.6% 30.4%

(1) Operating Income 1,214.9 1,223.0 1,280.0

(2) Depreciation, Amortization and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment 2,067.3 1,996.2 1,993.0

(3) EBITDA [ (1)+(2) ] 3,282.2 3,219.1 3,273.0

(4) Capital Investment * 1,870.1 1,946.6 1,920.0

Operating Free Cash Flow [ (3)-(4) ] 1,412.1 1,272.5 1,353.0

(1) Operating Income 1,214.9 1,223.0 1,280.0

Normal Statutory Tax Rate 41% 41% 38%

(2) Operating Income×(1-Normal Statutory Tax Rate) 717.8 722.5 790.3

(3) Operating Capital Employed 12,427.0 12,365.4 12,215.3

ROCE [ (2)/(3)×100 ] 5.8% 5.8% 6.5%

* “Capital investment” is the accrual-based amount required for acquisition of property, plant and equipment, and intangibles. The differences from the amounts of “Payments for property, plant and equipment” and “Payments for intangibles” in the consolidated statements of cash flows are as follows:

FY2010 FY2011

Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment 1,410.8 1,395.1

Payments of Intangible and Other Assets 484.2 458.2

Total 1,895.0 1,853.3

Difference from the Total Capital Investments 24.9 (93.3)

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Calculation of ARPU


Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to designated services on a per user basis. In the case of our fixed line business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of our Regional Communications Business, that is, telephone subscriber lines, INS-NET and FLET’S Hikari, by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services. In the case of our mobile business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues from our Mobile Communications Business, such as revenues from Mobile (FOMA) services, revenues from Mobile (mova) services, and revenues from Mobile (Xi) services, which are incurred consistently each month (i.e., basic monthly charges and voice/packet communication charges), by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services. The calculation of these figures excludes revenues that are not representative of monthly average usage such as equipment sales, activation fees and universal service charges. We believe that our ARPU figures calculated in this way provide useful information regarding the monthly average usage of our subscribers. The revenue items included in the numerators of our ARPU figures are based on our financial results comprising our U.S. GAAP results of operations.

Notes :



We compute the following four categories of ARPU for business conducted by each of NTT East and NTT West:

Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines): Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and INS-NET Subscriber Lines, which are included in operating revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP Services), and revenues from FLET’S ADSL and FLET’S ISDN, which are included in operating revenues from IP Services.

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ADSL.INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for INS-NET Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ISDN.

FLET’S Hikari ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from FLET’S Hikari (including FLET’S Hikari optional services), which are included in operating revenues from IP Services, revenues from monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges for Hikari Denwa, and revenues from FLET’S Hikari optional services, which are included in Supplementary Business revenues.

-FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East, and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT West.

(2) Revenues from interconnection charges are excluded from the calculation of Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU, INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, and FLET’S Hikari ARPU.

(3) For purposes of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, the number of subscribers is determined using the number of subscriptions for each service.

(4) In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, for the purpose of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions.

(5) For purposes of calculating FLET’S Hikari ARPU, number of subscribers is determined based on number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers including B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT West.

(6) We separately compute the following three categories of ARPU for mobile business conducted by NTT DOCOMO. Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) = Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) + Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi).

-Our Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges.

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA) = Voice ARPU (FOMA) + Packet ARPU (FOMA).

-Our Voice ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our FOMA services.

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova) = Voice ARPU (mova) + Packet ARPU (mova).

-Our Voice ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our mova services.

(7) mova services were terminated as of March 31, 2012. Therefore, forecasts for Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi), Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) and Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) for the twelve months ending March 31, 2013 do not include mova service subscriptions. In addition, forecasts for Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova), Voice ARPU (mova) and Packet ARPU (mova) for the twelve months ending March 31, 2013 are not provided.

(8) Communications module service, phone number storage service and mail address storage service subscribers and the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Mobile Aggregate ARPU.

(9) Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT East and NTT West are as below. -1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun.

-2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept. -3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec. -4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar. -FY Results : Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.

-FY Forecast: Sum of the average expected active Number of subscribers during the fiscal year ((Number of subscribers at Mar. 31, 2012 + Number of expected subscribers at Mar. 31, 2013)/2)x12

(10) Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT DOCOMO are as below. -1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun.

-2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept. -3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec. -4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar.

-FY Results/FY Forecast: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.

**active subscribers = (number of subscribers at end of previous month + number of subscribers at end of the current month)/2

Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2012 and Financial Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2013

Copyright (c) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation


May 11, 2012


Settlement for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (NTT East) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 are presented in the following attachments.



1.   Summary of Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012


2.   Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


3.   Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


4.   Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets


5.   Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


6.   Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows


7.   Changes in Directors

For inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Hiroshi Niitsu or Mr. Takayuki Arita

Accounting Section, Finance Division

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation

Tel: +81-3-5359-3331

E-mail: kessan_info@sinoa.east.ntt.co.jp

1. Summary of Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012

With respect to the global economy, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, the European sovereign bond crisis caused further instability in the economies of developed countries, which when combined with the slow-down in the growth rates of emerging economies, led to an overall slow down in the pace of economic recovery globally. The Japanese economy, despite improvements in supply and demand after the severe conditions following the Great East Japan Earthquake, is experiencing only a modest recovery due to the effects of the sluggish global economy, the protracted period of the strong yen, the damage from the flooding in Thailand and other factors.

The information and communications sector is growing due to increased Internet usage in conjunction with the increasing shift to IP and broadband services. The market is undergoing structural changes, including telecommunications and broadcasting convergence, fixed-mobile convergence, cloud computing ( * 1) development, and the rapid spread of high-speed wireless and Wi-Fi ( * 2) compatible devices, such as smartphones and tablet devices.

With respect to regional telecommunications markets, the market environments are also changing dramatically, with growing competition in broadband service facilities and services centered around the shift to fiber-optic access services, and the introduction of other new services that leverage various wireless devices.

Amidst such a difficult and volatile business environment, NTT East will continue to work as an “accessible all-around ICT ( * 3) corporation” that provides high quality and stable universal services, allowing customers to rely on its services with peace of mind, and to develop a disaster-resistant information and communications network and ensure reliability as a social infrastructure through activities such as prompt restoration of services in times of large-scale natural disasters and other calamities. In line with NTT Group’s Medium-Term Management Strategy “Road to Service Creation Business Group” (the “Medium-Term Management Strategy”) adopted by NTT in May 2008, NTT East has devoted its energy to promoting and enhancing the reliable and appealing broadband services that meet the needs of customers and local communities through the provision of new services and products, as well as the provision of price menus that are customer-friendly and for a longer term.

With respect to the Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred in March 2011, as a result of company-wide efforts and with the support from NTT Group companies and telecommunications engineering companies to restore telecommunications services and facilities, exchange office functions were restored for customers’ residential areas by the end of April 2011, approximately one month after the earthquake. Further, NTT East has worked towards the full-fledged restoration of communication facilities in the affected areas, to improve the reliability of service above pre-earthquake levels, as well as to fulfill its mission of maintaining service connections.


– 1 –

(1) Efforts to Promote Fiber-optic and IP Services

In line with the Medium-Term Management Strategy, NTT has been expanding the service area for FLET’S Hikari ( * 4) , and while sales activities were temporarily affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the number of subscribers surpassed 9 million in September 2011.

In its efforts to promote the spread and use of FLET’S Hikari, NTT East launched FLET’S Hikari Light, an optical broadband service providing a two-tier fixed rate system with low basic monthly charges for customers who are just starting to use the Internet or have few opportunities to use the Internet. NTT East also launched a new rate plan called “Ninen-wari,” with respect to “FLET’S Hikari Next” and “B FLET’S” services for single housing, a monthly charge discount service conditioned on the users staying subscribed for a period of 2 years.

In addition, in response to greater needs to use Wi-Fi outside the home or office due to the rapid increase in smartphones, tablet devices and other Wi-Fi-compatible devices, NTT East launched “Hikari Station,” a service that provides customers subscribed to FLET’S Hikari Next with an Internet environment via “FLET’S SPOT” at chain stores, retail shops, and public facilities and that enables such stores to distribute original content to their visitors. It also provides “FLET’S SPOT” at group stores of Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. (Seven & i) within the 23 wards of the Tokyo metropolitan area, allowing customers in Seven & i stores to comfortably use wireless LAN Internet on their Wi-Fi-compatible smartphones and other tablet devices.

NTT East also launched the “Hikari iFrame 2” tablet terminal for FLET’s Hikari users, which is compatible with the information distribution service, “FLET’S Market,” and is equipped with improved operability, upgraded memory, a water-resistant feature, a longer battery life, and new functions including Flash and PDF file compatibility. NTT East also launched the “Wi-Fi Cradle” for high-speed wireless LAN communications (up to 300 Mbps) as an option for the “Hikari Portable” service, which enables indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi use. Also, in light of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the need for more effective and long-term initiatives at corporations and at home for saving more energy than before, NTT East launched “FLET’s Miruene” for FLET’S Hikari users, a service that supports energy-saving at home and reduction of CO 2 by visualizing household electricity consumption and electricity supply data provided by power companies.

Meanwhile, NTT East is collaborating with a wide range of businesses. For example, in collaboration with Sumitomo Corporation, which provides “SUMMIT Netsuper” ( * 5) services, and Sharp System Products Co., Ltd., which proposes new solutions through use of LCD TVs, NTT East launched an Internet-based supermarket service to enable users to enjoy shopping via TVs, with the aim of enhancing lifestyle convenience for the elderly and those in “food desert” areas, areas of increasing concern where shopping is inconvenient even in metropolitan areas. Also, in collaboration with Gurunavi, Inc. (“Gurunavi”), which provides promotional services to attract customers to restaurants, NTT East is promoting the installation of “FLET’S Hikari + Wi-Fi” at Gurunavi connected restaurants and consolidating the invoices of Gurunavi’s shopping sites with FLET’S Hikari’s invoice.

With respect to the membership program “FLET’S Hikari Member’s Club” intended for FLET’S Hikari subscribers, memberships surpassed 2 million in August 2011. Moreover, from March 2012, NTT East began providing a new monthly points service, calculated based on the number of years of continued membership, and also launched “Ninen-wari Renewal Points” intended for customers subscribed to the “Ninen-wari” plan, which rewards customers with 1,000 points at the time of the “Ninen-wari” plan renewal.

To enhance customer services, NTT East continued to make efforts to shorten the time for installation for fiber-optic access by promoting immediate decision-making with regards to scheduling installation dates using the “optical wiring method” ( * 6) for multi-dwelling units and by promoting remote installations.


– 2 –

(2) Measures Relating to the Solutions Business

NTT East engaged in efficient and effective ICT-based marketing activities tailored to regional customers, focusing on industry-specific solutions that incorporate industry characteristics and trends in such areas as local government, medical institutions, and education.

In the area of local government, NTT took active measures towards the elimination of the digital divide, by participating in the construction of fiber-optic facilities for local governments in disadvantaged areas ( * 7) , leasing the fiber-optic facilities of local governments under IRU ( * 8) contracts, and providing broadband services. NTT East also took active measures directed towards the provision of broadband service environments tailored to regional needs. In particular, through its restoration support activities following the Great East Japan Earthquake, in response to numerous requests from local governments for the ability to back-up important data at remote sites, NTT East has been engaging in a trials on the structure of storing its customers’ data through its data centers and network services in collaboration with Minamisanriku City in Miyagi Prefecture. Going forward, NTT East will develop solutions for reliably storing customers’ data to contribute to decreasing the risk of data loss in an emergency. In the field of medical care, due to the increasing need for health guidance that connects remote regions through ICT, NTT East introduced the “Hikari Health Consultation,” a cloud-based remote health consultation service that enables health consultations to be carried out via videophone between remote locations, and commenced live trials in health clinics in the Matsumoto region in Nagano Prefecture, and a trial run of “Timeline Link System,” which enables information sharing among regional medical institutions by connecting electronic medical records of different manufacturers and vendors.

With respect to its efforts to expand corporate VPN ( * 9) services for “FLET’S VPN Gate,” which enables the structuring of private corporate networks, NTT East began offering a “User authentication agent function,” that makes the building and operation of a private network easier by eliminating the need for an authentication server ( * 10) which conventionally had to be installed by the customer.

In its efforts to expand services for businesses, NTT East continued to seek alliances with businesses across a broad range of fields, including collaborating with Canon Marketing Japan Inc. on “OFFICE MARUGOTO SUPPORT,” which provides customers with one-stop support for equipment failures and other service trouble and will transmit information to Canon Marketing Japan Inc. if it determines that a malfunction of a Canon brand device is the cause of the trouble, and with Epson Sales Japan Corp. with respect to sales of ICT devices, maintenance, and other customer support within the office.

(3) Status of Business Operation Structures

With respect to the business operation structure, in May 2011, NTT East established the “Tohoku Future Network Design and Reconstruction Office” that directly reports to the President of NTT East in order to centralize its efforts to promote the full-fledged recovery of communication facilities in the Tohoku Area that suffered damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake in coordination with the recovery plans of local governments.


– 3 –

(4) Corporate Social Responsibility Activities

NTT East considers Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) activities to be one of the most important pillars in the management of the company. NTT East believes that it is the social responsibility of a company to contribute to the environmentally-friendly, healthy and sustainable development of society. To this end, pursuant to the NTT Group CSR Charter (adopted in June 2006), NTT East sought not only to comply with the law and address its efforts towards reducing the environmental burden of its operations, but also to maintain and gain the trust of its customers by providing a safe and secure communication infrastructure.

Furthermore, NTT East continued to direct its efforts towards compliance with laws and regulations with respect to protecting customer confidentiality, appropriate advertisement disclosure and worker dispatch, and also worked to strengthen its efforts towards ensuring fair competition. In addition to the efforts undertaken to date, and in conjunction with the amendment of the Telecommunications Business Act (enacted on November 30, 2011), NTT East clearly identified the organizations and subsidiaries responsible for the management and operation of information relating to other businesses and documented the rules for such management, including the management of such subsidiaries. In addition, NTT East’s efforts to ensure the enforcement of its compliance efforts included the setting up of a “compliance month” and hosting intensive training programs for each layer of its employees.

In response to the electricity shortage in the summer due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, NTT East set up an Electricity Emergency Countermeasure Headquarters and implemented plans to reduce electricity consumption both at exchange offices and office buildings to the maximum extent possible. For buildings that use large volumes of electricity (500 kw or more), pursuant to the “Restrictions on Use based on Article 27 of the Electricity Business Act” released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, NTT East implemented joint use restrictions and restrictions mitigation applications, utilizing the “Joint Use Restrictions Scheme” jointly with the NTT Group companies (nine companies held under NTT Group). In addition, NTT East provided all “FLET’S Hikari” subscribers with the “PC Energy Saving Support” tool free of charge, a PC power-saving tool that enables reduction of electricity consumption at homes and offices.

In addition, in order to promote efforts to reduce the environmental burden at the office, at home, in local communities, and in a variety of other locations and situations, NTT East continued to execute the “NTT East Group Act Green 21” campaign, which encourages employees and others to raise environmental awareness by taking the “eco-Test” ( * 11) certification and by participating in local cleanup activities.

Furthermore, due to changes in the market environment and diversified customer needs, and in order to achieve future growth as an “accessible all-around ICT corporation,” NTT East positioned its diversity management ( * 12) as an important corporate strategy, and worked to foster and use diverse personnel, to promote various working styles and a work-life balance. In March 2012, in its efforts to further advance the promotion of diversity, NTT East set forth “diversity vision,” “diversity commitment,” and “three policies” as its slogans. In addition, as its current initiative, NTT East announced a plan to “double the number of female managers in 5 years (end of fiscal year 2016)” as its goal, and plans to establish “DAI « KIDS Hatsudai,” an in-office child care center utilizing ICT.

To promote the principles of the NTT Group CSR Charter and group-wide CSR activities, NTT East enhanced its CSR management by setting the “NTT East Group CSR Goals” and issued the NTT East Group CSR Report 2011 to proactively disclose relevant information to its stakeholders.

We deeply regret the arrest and indictment of one of our employees for the alleged crime of bribery under the “Act concerning Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, etc.” We will implement measures centered around thorough employee training to prevent the recurrence of such incidents in the future.


– 4 –

(5) Status of Full-fledged Restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Status of Our Commitment to Improve Reliability

In order to improve the reliability level of communications networks that suffered damage from the Great East Japan Earthquake to above pre-earthquake levels, and to work towards the full-fledged recovery of exchange offices in the affected areas, NTT East has been taking measures to relocate damaged exchange offices to higher ground, relocate relay transmission lines underground in bridge areas and below waterways for sections that were washed away, and establish temporary relay transmission lines in the nuclear power plant areas. Furthermore, in order to further improve service reliability in eastern Japan, NTT East is implementing various measures to secure communications immediately after a disaster, such as building disaster-resistant facilities as countermeasures against blackouts and flooding at exchange offices, setting up disaster countermeasure equipment for the rapid restoration of communications services, promoting the preparation of free information stations during emergencies with emergency telephones and public wireless LAN, and providing “Hikari Mobile Battery”, a battery that can supply power through Hikari Denwa routers during blackouts to FLET’S Hikari and Hikari Denwa subscribers.

Meanwhile, for crisis management, based on the lessons learned from Great East Japan Earthquake, NTT East launched the “Large-scale Disaster Countermeasure Committee,” which evaluated measures to be taken upon the occurrence of disasters and converted action plans into policies. In order to improve its ability to continue its business operations after large-scale disasters and to test its disaster countermeasures, NTT East implemented a large-scale disasters drill in February 2012 in anticipation of an earthquake with an epicenter in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

(6) Financial Standing

As a result of these and other cost reduction efforts during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, operating revenues totaled 1,851.5 billion yen (a decrease of 5.4% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011), operating income totaled 50.3 billion yen (a decrease of 34.8% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011), recurring profit was 75.2 billion yen (a decrease of 21.7% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011), and net income totaled 32.1 billion yen (a decrease of 38.5% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011).


*1: A computing method in which software and data that were managed and used by personal computers can be accessed on demand in the form of a service via the Internet and other networks.


*2: An abbreviation for Wireless Fidelity. This is a brand name for ensuring compatibility, so that when IEEE802.11a/b/g/n used in wireless communications is loaded onto a product, it can operate reciprocally with devices having a different IEEE802.11a/b/g/n.


*3: ICT: Information and Communication Technology.


*4: A collective name for FLET’S Hikari Next, B FLET’S and FLET’S Hikari Light.


*5: A network-based supermarket operated by Sumitomo Corporation, through its 100% subsidiary SC Netsuper Corporation, for 8 million households in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area.


*6: “All Hikari” optical fiber cable installation method that allows optical fiber cables to be directly connected to subscriber’s residences from NTT East’s office building to each residence through common areas in apartment buildings.


*7: This refers to areas where, given the conditions of the broadband infrastructure, it is not feasible for a private business to engage in business for profitability reasons.


*8: IRU: Indefeasible Right of User. Irrevocable right of user.


*9: VPN: Virtual Private Network. A communications service that creates a virtual private network from a public network, such as the Internet, as if it were for exclusive use.


*10: A server that is used to receive end-users’ interconnection requests and to determine if they are authorized users (user authentication).


*11: Certification test for Environmental Specialists, sponsored by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


*12: A management strategy to create new innovation and reinforce corporate competitiveness by accepting and employing diverse human resources.


– 5 –

2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     518,747        506,301        (12,445

Antenna facilities

     5,456        5,068        (388

Terminal equipment

     73,253        64,544        (8,709

Local line facilities

     801,071        825,330        24,259   

Long-distance line facilities

     3,921        3,899        (21

Engineering facilities

     628,723        621,274        (7,449

Submarine line facilities

     2,213        1,899        (313


     474,115        464,198        (9,917


     14,675        15,052        376   

Other machinery and equipment

     2,762        3,388        625   

Vehicles and vessels

     139        327        187   

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     40,682        41,820        1,137   


     199,039        197,512        (1,527

Lease assets

     2,172        1,030        (1,141

Construction in progress

     42,344        57,651        15,307   

Total property, plant and equipment

     2,809,318        2,809,299        (19

Intangible fixed assets

     104,987        99,472        (5,515

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     2,914,306        2,908,771        (5,535

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     7,119        7,283        163   

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     48,253        48,253        —     

Other investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     7,737        4,204        (3,532

Investment in capital

     545        458        (86

Long-term loans receivable to subsidiaries

     400        200        (200

Long-term prepaid expenses

     3,841        3,520        (321

Deferred income taxes

     178,619        146,441        (32,177

Other investments and assets

     8,476        6,580        (1,895

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (1,063     (994     68   

Total investments and other assets

     253,929        215,947        (37,981

Total fixed assets

     3,168,235        3,124,719        (43,516

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     172,498        179,674        7,175   

Notes receivable

     7        —          (7

Accounts receivable, trade

     323,537        314,174        (9,362

Accounts receivable, other

     8,453        10,829        2,376   


     10        10        —     


     35,259        43,596        8,337   

Advance payment

     2,168        2,326        158   

Prepaid expenses

     7,399        8,008        608   

Deferred income taxes

     9,702        5,999        (3,702

Other current assets

     41,854        15,962        (25,891

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (4,073     (3,829     244   

Total current assets

     596,816        576,753        (20,063











     3,765,052        3,701,473        (63,579











– 6 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012     Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     666,055        617,715        (48,339

Lease obligations

     2,057        1,515        (541

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     254,054        227,464        (26,589

Reserve for point services

     2,944        5,074        2,129   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     15,101        14,255        (846

Asset retirement obligations

     629        643        13   

Other long-term liabilities

     7,999        10,967        2,968   

Total long-term liabilities

     948,842        877,636        (71,205

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     122,687        148,339        25,651   

Accounts payable, trade

     104,534        104,056        (477

Short-term borrowings

     30,000        30,000        —     

Lease obligations

     2,945        1,059        (1,885

Accounts payable, other

     254,810        239,415        (15,394

Accrued expenses

     17,943        16,284        (1,658

Accrued taxes on income

     1,661        488        (1,172

Advance received

     6,373        6,348        (25

Deposit received

     127,263        136,738        9,475   

Unearned revenue

     195        271        76   

Allowance for loss on disaster

     5,500        1,535        (3,965

Asset retirement obligations

     70        —          (70

Other current liabilities

     12,453        10,698        (1,755

Total current liabilities

     686,438        695,237        8,798   











     1,635,281        1,572,873        (62,407












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     335,000        335,000        —     

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     1,499,726        1,499,726        —     

Total capital surplus

     1,499,726        1,499,726        —     

Earned surplus


Other earned surplus


Reserve for special depreciation

     —          1,818        1,818   

Reserve for reduction entry

     6,099        6,927        827   

Accumulated earned surplus

     289,209        285,216        (3,992

Total earned surplus

     295,308        293,962        (1,346

Total shareholders’ equity

     2,130,035        2,128,689        (1,346

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     (263     (90     173   

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     (263     (90     173   











     2,129,771        2,128,599        (1,172











     3,765,052        3,701,473        (63,579











– 7 –

3. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


       (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     1,776,085         1,719,239        (56,845

Operating expenses


Business expenses

     473,250         478,953        5,702   


     12,748         11,881        (867

Maintenance expenses

     423,681         414,725        (8,955

Overhead expenses

     91,876         93,135        1,259   


     108,651         100,969        (7,682

Experiment and research

     51,053         50,127        (926

Depreciation and amortization

     390,417         379,973        (10,443

Retirement of fixed assets

     49,709         42,856        (6,852

Access charges

     33,143         32,427        (716

Miscellaneous taxes

     72,380         70,967        (1,412

Total operating expenses

     1,706,911         1,676,016        (30,895

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     69,173         43,223        (25,950

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     181,061         132,287        (48,774

Operating expenses

     173,080         125,186        (47,894

Operating income from supplementary businesses

     7,981         7,101        (879

Operating income

     77,155         50,324        (26,830

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     132         85        (46

Interest on securities

     9         17        8   

Dividends received

     1,817         3,069        1,252   

Lease and rental income

     45,112         43,582        (1,530

Miscellaneous income

     6,823         11,693        4,869   

Total non-operating revenues

     53,894         58,448        4,553   

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     10,969         9,814        (1,154

Lease and rental expenses

     21,457         20,590        (867

Miscellaneous expenses

     2,556         3,137        581   

Total non-operating expenses

     34,983         33,542        (1,441

Recurring profit

     96,066         75,230        (20,835

Special profits:


Reversal of special loss on disaster

     —           4,473        4,473   

Total special profits

     —           4,473        4,473   

Special losses:


Special loss on disaster

     19,190         12,645        (6,544

Total special losses

     19,190         12,645        (6,544

Income before income taxes

     76,876         67,058        (9,817

Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes

     10,607         (902     (11,510

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     13,965         35,807        21,842   

Net income

     52,303         32,153        (20,149


– 8 –

4. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


Year ended March 31, 2011

  (Millions of yen)  
    Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and
    Total net
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
and others
    Other earned surplus     Total

April 1, 2010

    335,000        1,499,726        1,499,726        —          5,152        271,352        276,505        2,111,231        (4     (4     2,111,227   


































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (33,500     (33,500     (33,500         (33,500

Net income

              52,303        52,303        52,303            52,303   

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            947        (947             —     

Others, net

                    (259     (259     (259


































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          —          947        17,856        18,803        18,803        (259     (259     18,544   


































March 31, 2011

    335,000        1,499,726        1,499,726        —          6,099        289,209        295,308        2,130,035        (263     (263     2,129,771   



































Year ended March 31, 2012

  (Millions of yen)  
    Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and
    Total net
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
and others
    Other earned surplus     Total

April 1, 2011

    335,000        1,499,726        1,499,726        —          6,099        289,209        295,308        2,130,035        (263     (263     2,129,771   


































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (33,500     (33,500     (33,500         (33,500

Net income

              32,153        32,153        32,153            32,153   

Provision of reserve for special depreciation

          1,818          (1,818             —     

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            827        (827             —     

Others, net

                    173        173        173   


































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          1,818        827        (3,992     (1,346     (1,346     173        173        (1,172


































March 31, 2012

    335,000        1,499,726        1,499,726        1,818        6,927        285,216        293,962        2,128,689        (90     (90     2,128,599   



































– 9 –

5. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Voice transmission services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     742,278         653,844         (88,434     (11.9

Monthly charge revenues*

     509,204         461,246         (47,957     (9.4

Call rates revenues*

     71,160         57,777         (13,382     (18.8

Interconnection call revenues*

     99,854         81,873         (17,980     (18.0

IP services revenues

     724,493         777,556         53,062        7.3   

Leased circuit services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     149,488         136,160         (13,327     (8.9

Telegram services revenues

     18,869         17,098         (1,770     (9.4

Other telecommunications services revenues

     140,956         134,579         (6,376     (4.5













Telecommunications total revenues

     1,776,085         1,719,239         (56,845     (3.2













Supplementary business total revenues

     181,061         132,287         (48,774     (26.9













Total operating revenues

     1,957,147         1,851,527         (105,619     (5.4














* Partial listing only.


– 10 –

6. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     76,876        67,058        (9,817

Depreciation and amortization

     403,510        392,054        (11,456

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     26,826        22,447        (4,378

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (26,595     (26,589     5   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     (30,084     8,623        38,708   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     2,939        (5,345     (8,285

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     39,504        (23,029     (62,534

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     3,460        (5,185     (8,645


     50,117        13,193        (36,923











     546,554        443,227        (103,327

Interest and dividends received

     1,959        3,173        1,214   

Interest paid

     (11,071     (10,252     819   

Income taxes received (paid)

     (23,043     (6,750     16,292   










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     514,399        429,397        (85,001

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (395,380     (394,425     954   

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     5,530        2,010        (3,520

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (3,047     (1,993     1,054   

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     2,201        5,020        2,819   


     1,742        2,303        560   










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (388,953     (387,085     1,868   

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     30,000        100,000        70,000   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (90,595     (122,687     (32,092

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     30,000        —          (30,000

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (3,289     (3,023     266   

Dividends paid

     (33,500     (33,500     —     










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (67,385     (59,210     8,174   

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     58,060        (16,898     (74,959

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     144,764        202,824        58,060   










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     202,824        185,925        (16,898











– 11 –

7. Changes in Directors


(1)    Directors scheduled to resign from office

Koichi Maeda      Current Position:
     Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President (scheduled to take office at NTT FINANCE CORPORATION)
Fuminori Kozono      Current Position:
     Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President (scheduled to take office at KYOWA EXEO CORPORATION)

(2)    Candidates for Representative Directors

        Representative Director and President, Chief Executive Officer

Masayuki Yamamura      Current Position:
     Director and Executive Vice President

       Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President

Hiroshi Nakagawa      Current Position
     Director and Executive Vice President
Masahide Oka      Current Position



1: The current President, Tsutomu Ebe, is scheduled to become an Advisor of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation.


2: The changes in directors noted above are only those that have been decided. Other changes will be announced once determined.


– 12 –

May 11, 2012


Settlement for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT West) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 are presented in the following attachments.



1. Summary of Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012


2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


3. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


4. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets


5. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


6. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows


7. Changes in Directors

For inquiries, please contact:

Takashi Sasaki or Takehisa Maegawa

Accounting Section, Finance Division

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation

Tel: +81-6-4793-3141

E-mail: kessan-info@west.ntt.co.jp

1. Summary of Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012

With respect to the global economy, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, the European sovereign bond crisis caused further instability in the economies of developed countries, which when combined with the slow-down in the growth rates of emerging economies, lead to an overall slow down in the pace of economic recovery globally. The Japanese economy, despite improvements in supply and demand after the severe conditions following the Great East Japan Earthquake, is experiencing only a modest recovery due to the effects of the sluggish global economy, the protracted period of the strong yen, the damage from the flooding in Thailand and other factors.

Information and communications services are expected to make significant contributions to increasing the efficiency of and invigorating social and economic activities and to improving lifestyle convenience by creating the foundations for a ubiquitous (*1) broadband network society where information communication technology (“ICT”) use is highly developed. The government and the private sector are working in partnership to achieve such goals. The information and telecommunications market is undergoing a structural change through the shift to broadband and globalization, and the spread of smartphones, tablet and other devices. This market is catering to increasingly sophisticated and diversified needs by, among other things, expanding cloud services and platform services, including video and music distribution. Regional telecommunications markets are experiencing an increase in competition for fiber-optic access services and cable television-based broadband. Regional telecommunications markets are also undergoing significant changes, such as the convergence of fixed and mobile services, and of telecommunications and broadcasting, caused by the shift to IP and use of a diverse range of wireless devices.

Within this challenging and dramatically changing business environment, NTT West is striving to be a “customer-oriented corporate group” that meets customer expectations, contributes to society and provides high quality, stable universal service. In line with NTT Group’s Medium-Term Management Strategy, “Road to Service Creation Business Group – full-scale rollout of broadband and ubiquitous service ” (the “Medium-Term Management Strategy”) adopted by NTT in May 2008, NTT West has devoted its energy to promoting and expanding safe, secure, reliable, and appealing broadband and ubiquitous services that meet customers’ needs, through new services and products that utilize the framework of NGN (*2) and its networks.

(1) Efforts to Promote Fiber-optic and IP Services

In line with the Medium-Term Management Strategy, NTT West is working towards the realization of broadband and ubiquitous networks that enable customers to connect “anytime, anywhere and with anything” “in comfort, safety and peace of mind.” At the current ten-year anniversary of its launch, FLET’S Hikari subscriptions (*3) surpassed 7 million. NTT West is expanding opportunities to use FLET’S Hikari in a wide variety of applications while developing and expanding services that can support a broad range of customers, from individuals to businesses, in their day-to-day lives and business activities.


– 1 –

With respect to FLET’S Hikari Next, to address the problem of IPv4 address depletion (*4), NTT West began providing IPv6 address (*5) Internet (IPv6 PPPoE and IPv6IPoE) connection functions (*6). With respect to Hikari Denwa services, NTT West enhanced its services, including enabling transmissions to the “Teledome” service provided by NTT Communications, Inc.

To increase use of FLET’S Hikari, NTT West introduced FLET’S Hikari Light, a two-tier fixed rate service with monthly charges starting from 2,940 yen, with a price cap of 5,880 yen no matter how much customers use the service. NTT West also continued its expansion of the FLET’S TV (*7) service area, launched “EHIME-CATV and FLET’S Hikari,” a collaboration with EHIME-CATV, INC., in addition to other measures to enhance video services.

With the rapid increase in smartphones, tablet devices and other Wi-Fi-enabled devices, there is a growing need for Wi-Fi capabilities outside the home and office. To address these needs, and to provide greater convenience to customers, NTT West lowered its monthly rates for FLET’S Spot, a public wireless LAN service, began offering the essentially free use of Wi-Fi through the Club NTT-West (*8) points exchange program, and, starting in February 2012, began expanding the service areas for “Web Authentication Protocols,” (*9) to which access is available with a broad range of handsets, including smartphones and tablet devices.

The “ie deji” concept (referring to the complete digitalization of the home) seeks to make day-to-day living and data sharing easier, more convenient, and more comfortable by linking all digital devices at the home through a network. It also seeks to enable customers to share and enjoy activities that they had until now enjoyed on their own with distant family and friends. As a support service, NTT West began providing the “Hikari Device Warranty,” enabling customers, by paying a flat monthly rate, to apply for an extended warranty of up to five years from the date of purchase of the device covering problems with their PC or television even after the time of purchase.

In addition, with respect to support services that are vital for the promotion of the “ie deji” business, NTT West prepared environments enabling the latest “ie deji” services and devices to be experienced from the perspective of a customer, constructed a research environment within the NTT West Research Center for the purpose of developing technical and customer service skills, and commenced research on wiring methods and new services and devices.

Further, NTT West carried out tests with Daiichikoushou Co., Ltd. and Yamaha Corporation to test the possibility of remote karaoke duets, by utilizing the technologies of “NETDUETTO” of Yamaha Corporation and of FLET’S Hikari and Hikari Denwa of NTT West with the online karaoke machine “LIVE DAM.”

(2) Measures Relating to the Solutions Business

As an initiative for large-scale and medium- to small-scale businesses, on April 1, 2011 NTT West launched a project in the Corporate Marketing Headquarters to make cloud-based business an integral part of the growth strategy for the entire NTT West group.


– 2 –

As part of its initiative to enhance its cloud-based services, NTT West aims to bolster its lineup of “Biz Hikari Cloud” services for local governments and medical and health institution (community) groups, and has begun providing “Biz Hikari Cloud Community Remote Health Consultations,” which enable health consultations in remote areas via videophone. NTT West also launched a cloud-based school support service for boards of education and school employees in elementary and middle schools that do not have servers or other IT resources, enabling them to carry out school-related business over a network.

As an initiative to collaborate with local governments, NTT West launched the Smart Hikari Town Kumamoto Project, as an opportunity to collaborate on the “comprehensive tie-up agreement relating to stimulating areas through the use of ICT” in Kumamoto Prefecture and Kumamoto City, and began looking into town-based cloud networks and services on the premise of participating in actual projects of governments, local companies and residents.

Other measures to expand business services included enhancing support services in order to build a framework of mutual cooperation to achieve one-stop (*10) customer support (for breakdowns and other troubleshooting) for information equipment in the office, by, among other things, forming new partnerships with Canon Marketing Japan, Inc., RICOH JAPAN Corporation, TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION and Allied Telesis K.K.

(3) Status of Business Operation Structures

With respect to NTT West’s business operation structure, pursuant to the revision of the Telecommunications Business Law (enacted November 30, 2011), NTT West implemented structures for ensuring fair competition.

Further, based on lessons learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake, NTT West has been carrying out disaster training in anticipation of the possibility of a series of earthquakes hitting Japan, for example in the Tokai, Tonan, and Nankai areas. As a countermeasure to the increase in third-party accidents caused by low-hanging telephone lines, NTT West implemented “planned facility inspections” and set priority conditions in determining the order of inspection areas.

In order to strengthen the operations and functions of the Remote Support Service, a service that has been well received for the provision of various forms of support by specialized operators in response to customer inquiries, NTT West made remote support services available on the same day as subscription.

Comprehensive cost controls intended to maintain profitable operations included efforts to raise the efficiency of fiber-optic service installation, such as promoting remote installation work for multi-unit dwelling orders (VDSL system), and NTT West was able to eliminate the need to dispatch personnel in over 90% of service terminations and more than 80% of service starts.


– 3 –

(4) Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) Activities

The NTT Group CSR Charter (adopted in June 2006) stipulates that, as responsible members of the information and communication industry, NTT Group companies will provide services of the highest quality and trust and contribute to the development of a safe, secure and prosperous society where people, society and the earth are connected through communications. Based on the CSR Charter, NTT West set up three new core CSR principles – thorough compliance, development of a safe and secure society, and creation of value through business activities – and set a “visualization” benchmark. Each NTT West employee takes part in CSR activities, including working to maintain legal compliance, providing safe and reliable communication services and reducing the burden on the environment.

In particular, with respect to thorough compliance, NTT Group has promoted groupwide initiatives in five high risk areas that could shake consumer trust in NTT West group companies, namely “misconduct in performing services,” “driving under the influence,” “information security breaches,” “power harassment” and “respect for human rights.”

In order to achieve its environmental grand design (new self-determined action plan targets) based on the NTT Group Environmental Vision (The Green Vision 2020) established in November 2010, NTT West has been working to decrease its power usage, amount of paper used, and the waste it produces. In addition, NTT West has set up model offices in Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka that demonstrate and propose a new work style that makes use of ICT solutions helpful in decreasing the burden on the environment.

To promote the principles of the NTT Group CSR Charter and group-wide CSR activities, NTT West enhanced its CSR management and issued the NTT West Group CSR Report 2011 to proactively disclose relevant information to its stakeholders.

With respect to the Great East Japan Earthquake which occurred in March 2011, NTT West, in collaboration with NTT Group, took immediate action after the earthquake to provide support in supplying power to communications facilities that used mobile power supply vehicles in blackout areas, set up special public phones using portable satellite phones, secured communications for important institutions such as the city halls of local governments, and was active in support activities to restore facilities in areas requested by NTT East, with a focus on the southern part of Iwate Prefecture, such as Kamaishi City and Ofunato City. Approximately 2,000 employees took an active role in restoration and support activities.

In addition, despite record-setting heavy rains in the Kinki and Tokai regions, and major damage caused by Typhoons 12 and 15 to NTT West’s communications facilities, communications services were quickly restored due to close cooperation with local governments and the Self Defense Force and restoration efforts were carried out around the clock by employees from companies throughout NTT Group.

Also, in response to power shortages resulting from the effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake, NTT West implemented the maximum power saving measures possible at both its exchange offices and office buildings.


– 4 –

(5) Financial Standing

As a result of these efforts during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, operating revenues totaled 1,676.3 billion yen (a decrease of 4.6% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011), operating income was 37.0 billion yen (a decrease of 25.4% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011), recurring profit was 42.3 billion yen (a decrease of 32.8% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011), and net profit totaled 20.4 billion yen (a decrease of 58.2% from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011).


*1: A term, derived from Latin, that means “present in all places at all times.” Environments that provide access to the Internet and other information networks, anytime, anywhere.


*2: NGN: Next-Generation Network.


*3: A collective name for FLET’S Hikari Next, FLET’S Hikari Premium and B FLET’S.


*4: Due to the increase of internet users in recent years, the availability of IPv4 addresses, the current Internet standard protocol, are declining, preventing new customers from connecting to the Internet.


*5: Abbreviation for Internet Protocol Version 6, the next version of the protocol after IPv4, the current internet standard protocol.


*6: Method of using PPPoE and IPoE protocols to carry out communications from an adapter newly installed in a customer’s home to NTT West facilities connected to an Internet service provider.


*7: A service available to subscribers of NTT West’s telecommunication services FLET’S Hikari Next, FLET’S Hikari Premium or FLET’S TEREBI Transmission Service, as well as the broadcasting service Opticast Facility Usage Service offered by Opticast Inc., that enables reception of terrestrial broadcasts (digital/analog) and BS broadcasts (digital/analog).


*8: Membership style program (no entry fee or annual fee) of NTT West, under which in addition to receiving Internet support information or Internet troubleshooting via mail or phone, users can also collect points every month that they can exchange for benefits.


*9: Authentication method using an ID (FLET’S Spot Authentication ID) and password (FLET’S Spot Authentication PW) issued by NTT West, which can be accessed by general Wi-Fi compatible devices and is compatible with the IEEE 802.11 a/b/g wireless standard.


*10: Various procedures are processed together at one location.


– 5 –

2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     512,794        485,967        (26,827

Antenna facilities

     7,607        7,158        (449

Terminal equipment

     21,343        21,188        (154

Local line facilities

     862,726        892,312        29,585   

Long-distance line facilities

     2,984        2,858        (125

Engineering facilities

     580,930        571,763        (9,166

Submarine line facilities

     1,977        2,427        449   


     417,342        397,185        (20,157


     15,119        14,507        (611

Other machinery and equipment

     1,074        1,237        163   

Vehicles and vessels

     180        204        23   

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     33,244        35,065        1,821   


     177,288        176,435        (852

Lease assets

     2,947        1,581        (1,365

Construction in progress

     25,001        31,147        6,146   

Total property, plant and equipment

     2,662,564        2,641,042        (21,521

Intangible fixed assets

     83,872        77,024        (6,847

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     2,746,436        2,718,066        (28,369

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     3,742        3,870        127   

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     43,981        39,852        (4,128

Investment in capital

     252        396        143   

Long-term prepaid expenses

     3,193        3,133        (60

Deferred income taxes

     125,120        99,121        (25,999

Other investments and assets

     8,364        8,119        (245

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (393     (352     40   

Total investments and other assets

     184,261        154,140        (30,121

Total fixed assets

     2,930,698        2,872,207        (58,490

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     130,313        103,362        (26,951

Notes receivable

     198        19        (179

Accounts receivable, trade

     272,994        291,480        18,485   

Accounts receivable, other

     23,066        24,601        1,534   


     6        6        —     


     29,935        35,212        5,276   

Advance payment

     2,497        1,273        (1,224

Prepaid expenses

     6,049        6,291        241   

Deferred income taxes

     4,031        3,519        (511

Other current assets

     10,160        9,273        (886

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (2,220     (2,840     (619

Total current assets

     477,032        472,199        (4,832











     3,407,731        3,344,407        (63,323











– 6 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012      Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     954,099        960,947         6,848   

Lease obligations

     3,972        2,370         (1,602

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     258,049        224,695         (33,354

Reserve for point services

     4,815        5,093         278   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     14,280        13,480         (800

Asset retirement obligations

     436        305         (131

Other long-term liabilities

     11,410        11,266         (143

Total long-term liabilities

     1,247,064        1,218,158         (28,906

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     142,428        133,151         (9,276

Accounts payable, trade

     70,297        74,124         3,826   

Short-term borrowings

     23,000        30,000         7,000   

Lease obligations

     1,838        1,836         (2

Accounts payable, other

     233,818        218,531         (15,286

Accrued expenses

     17,334        15,783         (1,551

Accrued taxes on income

     674        838         164   

Advance received

     3,431        3,134         (297

Deposit received

     96,908        122,084         25,176   

Unearned revenue

     107        105         (2

Asset retirement obligations

     —          39         39   

Other current liabilities

     39,235        5,636         (33,599

Total current liabilities

     629,073        605,265         (23,808











     1,876,137        1,823,423         (52,714












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     312,000        312,000         —     

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     1,170,054        1,170,054         —     

Total capital surplus

     1,170,054        1,170,054         —     

Earned surplus


Other earned surplus


Accumulated earned surplus

     49,611        38,905         (10,706

Total earned surplus

     49,611        38,905         (10,706

Total shareholders’ equity

     1,531,665        1,520,959         (10,706

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     (72     24         96   

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     (72     24         96   











     1,531,593        1,520,983         (10,609











     3,407,731        3,344,407         (63,323











– 7 –

3. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     1,597,362        1,537,887        (59,474

Operating expenses


Business expenses

     409,385        408,299        (1,086


     15,268        14,014        (1,254

Maintenance expenses

     399,729        390,886        (8,842

Overhead expenses

     70,842        64,719        (6,123


     93,669        89,085        (4,583

Experiment and research

     49,257        48,412        (844

Depreciation and amortization

     367,052        354,326        (12,726

Retirement of fixed assets

     44,973        41,811        (3,161

Access charges

     32,379        30,613        (1,765

Miscellaneous taxes

     66,267        65,899        (367

Total operating expenses

     1,548,824        1,508,068        (40,756

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     48,537        29,819        (18,717

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     160,696        138,460        (22,235

Operating expenses

     159,587        131,236        (28,351

Operating income from supplementary businesses

     1,108        7,223        6,115   

Operating income

     49,646        37,043        (12,602

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     4        6        1   

Interest on securities

     1        2        1   

Dividends received

     2,151        1,160        (990

Lease and rental income

     43,495        38,660        (4,834

Miscellaneous income

     4,183        4,826        642   

Total non-operating revenues

     49,835        44,656        (5,179

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     16,383        15,732        (650

Lease and rental expenses

     14,648        17,032        2,383   

Miscellaneous expenses

     5,379        6,572        1,192   

Total non-operating expenses

     36,412        39,337        2,925   

Recurring profit

     63,069        42,361        (20,708

Income before income taxes

     63,069        42,361        (20,708

Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes

     (6,564     (4,595     1,969   

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     20,548        26,463        5,914   

Net income

     49,085        20,493        (28,592


– 8 –

4. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


Year ended March 31, 2011

   (Millions of yen)  
     Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
    Total net
     Capital surplus      Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
and others

April 1, 2010

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         25,529        25,529        1,507,583        56        56        1,507,640   




























Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (25,003     (25,003     (25,003         (25,003

Net income

              49,085        49,085        49,085            49,085   

Others, net

                    (129     (129     (129




























Total net change during the annual period

     —           —           —           24,082        24,082        24,082        (129     (129     23,953   




























March 31, 2011

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         49,611        49,611        1,531,665        (72     (72     1,531,593   





























Year ended March 31, 2012

   (Millions of yen)  
     Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
    Total net
     Capital surplus      Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
and others

April 1, 2011

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         49,611        49,611        1,531,665        (72     (72     1,531,593   




























Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (31,200     (31,200     (31,200         (31,200

Net income

              20,493        20,493        20,493            20,493   

Others, net

                    96        96        96   




























Total net change during the annual period

     —           —           —           (10,706     (10,706     (10,706     96        96        (10,609




























March 31, 2012

     312,000         1,170,054         1,170,054         38,905        38,905        1,520,959        24        24        1,520,983   





























– 9 –

5. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Voice transmission services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     729,085         646,816         (82,268     (11.3

Monthly charge revenues*

     502,703         457,610         (45,092     (9.0

Call rates revenues*

     61,884         51,162         (10,721     (17.3

Interconnection call revenues*

     108,696         90,242         (18,454     (17.0

IP services revenues

     582,095         629,402         47,307        8.1   

Leased circuit services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     133,103         125,491         (7,612     (5.7

Telegram services revenues

     22,161         20,282         (1,879     (8.5

Other telecommunications services revenues

     130,916         115,894         (15,021     (11.5













Telecommunications total revenues

     1,597,362         1,537,887         (59,474     (3.7













Supplementary business total revenues

     160,696         138,460         (22,235     (13.8













Total operating revenues

     1,758,058         1,676,348         (81,710     (4.6














* Partial listing only.


– 10 –

6. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     63,069        42,361        (20,708

Depreciation and amortization

     376,998        363,579        (13,418

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     18,635        17,637        (998

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (37,951     (33,354     4,596   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     6,646        (21,705     (28,352

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     (4,829     (4,546     282   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (6,626     (18,947     (12,320

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     521        (72     (594


     27,149        46,428        19,278   











     443,614        391,379        (52,234

Interest and dividends received

     2,157        1,169        (988

Interest paid

     (16,423     (16,346     76   

Income taxes received (paid)

     (3,082     6,418        9,500   










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     426,266        382,619        (43,646

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (379,393     (349,576     29,816   

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     3,434        1,660        (1,774

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (250     (1,454     (1,204

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     13        48        35   


     (436     201        638   










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (376,631     (349,120     27,511   

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     130,000        140,000        10,000   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (151,170     (142,428     8,742   

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     (3,999     (25,000     (21,000

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (1,868     (1,836     32   

Dividends paid

     (25,003     (31,200     (6,196










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (52,043     (60,464     (8,421

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (2,409     (26,964     (24,555

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     133,522        131,113        (2,409










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     131,113        104,148        (26,964











– 11 –

7. Changes in Directors


(1) Director scheduled to resign from office


Noriaki Ito

   Current Position:
   Senior Executive Vice President
   (Scheduled to join COMSYS Holdings Corporation / Nippon COMSYS Corporation)


(2) Candidates for Representative Directors


     Candidate scheduled to take office as President


Kazutoshi Murao

   Current Position:
   Senior Executive Vice President


     Candidates scheduled to take office as Senior Executive Vice President


Toshikatsu Ogura

   Current Position:
   Executive Vice President

Kouichi Takahatake

   Current Position:
   Executive Vice President



The current President, Shinichi Otake, is scheduled to become an Advisor of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation.


The changes in directors noted above are only those that have been decided. Other changes will be announced once determined.


– 12 –

May 11, 2012


NTT Com Announces Financial Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012

TOKYO, JAPAN – NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today its financial results for Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2012. Please see the following attachments for further details:


I. Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012


II. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


III. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


IV. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets


V. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


VI. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows


VII. Financial Results of NTT Communications Group

VIII. Changes in NTT Communications Directors (Subject to Shareholders’ Approval)

#    #    #

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company’s worldwide infrastructure, including IPv4/IPv6 Global Tier-1 IP Network, Arcstar Universal One™ VPN network reaching over 150 countries, and over 120 secure data centers. NTT Communications’ solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.

Further information:  www.ntt.com  |  www.twitter.com/nttcom  |  www.facebook.com/nttcomtv

For more information

(Ms.) Naomi Komoda or (Mr.) Takashi Ikai

Accounting and Taxation, Finance, NTT Communications

Tel: +81 3 6700 4311

Email: info-af@ntt.com

I. Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012

NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today that its non-consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 saw net income decrease 15.5% year on year to 58.3 billion yen, operating revenues decrease 5.1% to 981.0 billion yen and operating income increase 13.4% to 105.7 billion yen. Operating expenses shrank 6.9% to 875.2 billion yen. All results are based on Japanese accounting principles.


Although some observers suggested that Japan’s economy gradually recovered from the effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake and floods in Thailand during the year, the outlook remained uncertain due to the slowdown in global economic growth, the European debt crisis, the continuing strength of the yen, the downturn in consumer confidence and the restrictive effect on economic activities caused by Japan’s limited supply of electricity. At the same time, ICT needs became increasingly sophisticated and diverse due to factors such as the accelerated global expansion of corporate activities, the market for cloud services shifting into high gear, the increasingly ubiquitous environment resulting from the rapid popularization of smartphone and tablet devices, and the popularization of social media. Furthermore, the structure of the ICT market rapidly evolved and global competition both intensified and diversified.


NTT Com is striving to become a global ICT services leader that customers worldwide choose as their optimal partner, and the company also aims to further improve its strengths, especially in Asia. Both objectives are central pillars of the company’s Vision 2015 growth strategy and corporate slogan “Global ICT Partner – Innovative. Reliable. Seamless.” By FY 2015 NTT Com aims to achieve group operating revenues of 1.5 trillion yen, including more than double the FY 2010 level of global sales.

In FY 2011, the first year of Vision 2015, NTT Com fundamentally re-examined its business processes and upgraded on-site (field) capabilities, aiming to return to the growth track by leveraging inherent strengths. Changes were implemented rapidly and boldly, and were focused on providing services that enable customers to achieve enhanced value. In addition, measures were taken group-wide to achieve more seamless services, user coverage, operations and human resources.


– 1 –

In August 2011, resources and know-how dispersed throughout the company were restructured into three aggregated functions – sales, services and operations – placing a special emphasis on the keywords “service-orientation” and “seamlessness.” The goal has been to optimize these functions under a restructured organization to realize greater competitive advantages.

In sales, the top priority was placed on sales skills and the development of new markets by proposing services that enable customers to enhance their value. Also, to offer greater value through more seamless global operations, innovative new changes were introduced in frameworks and procedures, such as establishing a structure for global account management and increasing the use of sales force automation for greater effectiveness and efficiency.

In services, related technologies as well as services were strengthened, structures were created for unified operations in all stages, from planning and technical evaluation to development and support, and new services were launched by leveraging development resources from the perspective of total optimization.

In accordance with the company’s Global Cloud Vision, total ICT outsourcing offerings were expanded to cover everything from networks and data centers to servers, applications and security, all on a seamless, end-to-end, one-stop basis to meet the needs of cloud customers. Also, cooperation among service units was strengthened for improved service development and delivery.

Specific measures taken by type of service were as follows:



System Integration

In response to trends in the ICT field and changes in customers’ business models, NTT Com upgraded its global network to connect customer offices worldwide and migrated customers’ on-premise systems to cloud services. As a result, globally seamless, one-stop operations were realized and customers were offered total outsourcing services that helped them to improve their productivity and efficiency.



Cloud Platforms

Cloud n was launched as a new public cloud service offering abundant APIs and priced attractively within the industry’s lower pricing tier. The Tokyo 5 Data Center began operating as a highly eco-minded facility with advanced disaster preparedness features. Construction started on the Tokyo 6 Data Center, which will become the metropolitan area’s largest data center, and the Cyberjaya 3 Data Center in Malaysia.


– 2 –


Applications and Content

New services, such as Biz Mail and Biz Desktop, met customer needs for ICT outsourcing and telecommuting. Group subsidiary NTT Plala saw contracts for its Hikari TV fiber-optic cable service reach two million in March 2012, and the company launched its Hikari TV Dokodemo and Hikari TV Mobile services for smartphone and tablet users.



Data Networks

In response to increased market demand for cloud and global services, NTT Com launched Arcstar Universal One, a new network service for corporate clients, and expanded overall service coverage to 159 countries. Two new services were launched to meet rapidly expanding mobile needs: the mobile data communication service OCN Mobile Entry D and the closed mobile service Arcstar Universal One Mobile.



Voice Communication

Two new IP phone services compatible with smartphones and tablet devices were started: 050 plus and 050 plus for Biz. Also, the Arcstar Unified Communication Service offering globally seamless voice communication for multinational companies was enhanced with the launch of the UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) Plan, which provides access to multiple means of communication on a flexible cloud-basis, and the expansion of the SIP Trunking Plan for wider external dialing.

And finally, in the area of operations, productivity was enhanced through total optimization. For example, operations in which all procedures had been handled on a service/product basis were standardized and simplified for improved efficiency. In addition, global operations were optimized by reorganizing territories by language, platform equipment was simplified by introducing new methods and internal IT systems were aggregated through elimination and consolidation.

In addition, NTT Com enhanced its capabilities to provide value-added ICT services and meet the demands of multinational companies by acquiring Frontline Systems, an Australian provider of IT infrastructure, IT consulting and managed services. Also, an agreement was reached to acquire a stake in Netmagic Solutions, a leading provider of datacenter services in India.


Operating revenues declined again in the 2011 fiscal year. Voice transmission services revenues decreased 8.2% to 324.2 billion yen, IP services revenues were down 1.9% to 374.4 billion yen, data communications services revenues decreased 13.7% to 78.3 billion yen and solution services revenues declined 1.0% to 179.7 billion yen. Total operating revenues decreased 5.1% to 981.0 billion yen.

On the positive side, tighter cost controls lowered expenses for purchases of goods and services by 5.5% to 429.5 billion yen. Access charges decreased 10.4% to 236.5 billion yen due to lower voice transmission service charges. Total operating expenses declined 6.9% to 875.2 billion yen.

As a result, operating income increased 13.4% to 105.7 billion yen and net income decreased 15.5% to 58.3 billion yen, which included the booking of special profits of 3.7 billion yen on sales of real estate and special losses of 9.5 billion yen on reduced stock valuations.


– 3 –

II. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     March 31, 2012     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     148,965        146,728        (2,236

Antenna facilities

     1,688        1,569        (118

Terminal equipment

     1,134        929        (204

Local line facilities

     840        836        (3

Long-distance line facilities

     8,299        7,497        (801

Engineering facilities

     55,813        54,861        (952

Submarine line facilities

     11,128        8,974        (2,153


     133,473        127,910        (5,563


     3,066        2,779        (287

Other machinery and equipment

     86        81        (5

Vehicles and vessels

     32        25        (7

Tools, furniture and fixtures

     32,516        33,379        862   


     47,660        47,349        (310

Lease assets

     4,337        6,268        1,931   

Construction in progress

     17,829        30,479        12,650   

Total property, plant and equipment

     466,872        469,671        2,798   

Intangible fixed assets

     73,165        84,055        10,890   

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     540,038        553,727        13,689   

Investments and other assets


Investment securities

     102,993        118,969        15,976   

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     182,233        178,550        (3,683

Investment in capital

     213        210        (3

Contributions to affiliated companies

     2,559        2,274        (284

Long-term prepaid expenses

     2,244        2,072        (171

Deferred income taxes

     36,475        20,403        (16,071

Other investments and assets

     28,846        30,789        1,943   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (266     (219     47   

Total investments and other assets

     355,300        353,053        (2,246

Total fixed assets

     895,338        906,780        11,442   

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     54,796        23,863        (30,932

Notes receivable

     12        446        434   

Accounts receivable, trade

     185,255        192,630        7,374   

Accounts receivable, other

     2,302        3,617        1,314   

Lease investment assets

     888        636        (251


     10        10        —     


     7,035        9,424        2,389   

Advance payment

     2,061        1,627        (433

Prepaid expenses

     3,313        4,346        1,032   

Deferred income taxes

     4,373        5,953        1,580   

Subsidiary deposits

     1,704        43,671        41,966   

Other current assets

     9,042        11,575        2,533   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (2,340     (2,294     45   

Total current assets

     268,455        295,509        27,054   











     1,163,793        1,202,290        38,496   











– 4 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011      March 31, 2012      Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     107,309         63,666         (43,643

Lease obligations

     5,597         6,801         1,204   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     79,372         82,533         3,160   

Reserve for point services

     3,684         3,957         273   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     6,318         5,964         (354

Asset retirement obligations

     619         669         49   

Other long-term liabilities

     9,590         8,836         (754

Total long-term liabilities

     212,493         172,430         (40,063

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     37,073         43,643         6,569   

Accounts payable, trade

     28,834         26,063         (2,771

Short-term borrowings

     65         —           (65

Lease obligations

     3,165         3,749         583   

Accounts payable, other

     165,741         173,342         7,601   

Accrued expenses

     5,770         5,581         (189

Accrued taxes on income

     664         9,533         8,869   

Advance received

     7,541         6,004         (1,537

Deposit received

     12,568         14,568         2,000   

Unearned revenue

     76         73         (2

Allowance for losses on construction

     —           105         105   

Allowance for loss on disaster

     957         506         (451

Asset retirement obligations

     16         —           (16

Other current liabilities

     450         1,974         1,523   

Total current liabilities

     262,926         285,145         22,218   











     475,420         457,575         (17,845












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     211,763         211,763         —     

Capital surplus


Additional paid-in capital

     131,615         131,615         —     

Total capital surplus

     131,615         131,615         —     

Earned surplus


Other earned surplus


Reserve for special account for property replacement

     —           1,921         1,921   

Reserve for reduction entry

     2,163         2,347         183   

Accumulated earned surplus

     310,859         352,056         41,197   

Total earned surplus

     313,022         356,324         43,302   

Total shareholders’ equity

     656,401         699,703         43,302   

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     31,972         45,010         13,038   

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     31,972         45,010         13,038   











     688,373         744,714         56,341   











     1,163,793         1,202,290         38,496   











– 5 –

III. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     868,467        817,556        (50,910

Operating expenses


Business expenses

     223,102        203,341        (19,761

Maintenance expenses

     87,012        82,303        (4,709

Overhead expenses

     10,794        11,784        990   


     72,000        71,438        (561

Experiment and research

     15,171        13,870        (1,301

Depreciation and amortization

     97,134        87,520        (9,613

Retirement of fixed assets

     7,113        6,819        (293

Access charges

     249,190        222,392        (26,798

Miscellaneous taxes

     11,103        10,930        (173

Total operating expenses

     772,624        710,400        (62,224

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     95,842        107,156        11,313   

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     164,948        163,464        (1,483

Operating expenses

     167,522        164,872        (2,650

Operating losses from supplementary businesses

     (2,574     (1,407     1,166   

Operating income

     93,268        105,748        12,480   

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     66        96        30   

Dividends received

     8,839        9,033        194   

Lease and rental income

     13,699        13,021        (677

Miscellaneous income

     1,133        1,563        429   

Total non-operating revenues

     23,739        23,715        (23

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     2,999        2,196        (803

Lease and rental expenses

     8,221        7,546        (674

Miscellaneous expenses

     2,102        726        (1,375

Total non-operating expenses

     13,322        10,469        (2,852

Recurring profit

     103,684        118,994        15,309   

Special profits:


Gains on sales of fixed assets

     —          3,728        3,728   

Total special profits

     —          3,728        3,728   

Special losses:


Write-off of investments in affiliated companies

     2,402        9,599        7,196   

Special loss on disaster

     1,142        —          (1,142

Total special losses

     3,545        9,599        6,053   

Income before income taxes

     100,139        113,123        12,984   

Corporation, inhabitant, and enterprise taxes

     25,694        43,279        17,585   

Deferred tax expenses (benefits)

     5,480        11,540        6,060   

Net income

     68,964        58,303        (10,661


– 6 –

IV. Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity and Other Net Assets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


Year ended
March 31, 2011

  (Millions of yen)  
    Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
gains or
losses on
and others
    Other earned surplus     Total
account for

April 1, 2010

    211,763        131,615        131,615        2,457        —          256,600        259,058        602,437        35,057        (113     34,943        637,381   





































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (15,000     (15,000     (15,000           (15,000

Net income

              68,964        68,964        68,964              68,964   

Return of reserve for special account for property replacement

          (2,457       2,457                  —     

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            2,163        (2,163               —     

Others, net

                    (3,085     113        (2,971     (2,971





































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          (2,457     2,163        54,258        53,964        53,964        (3,085     113        (2,971     50,992   





































March 31, 2011

    211,763        131,615        131,615        —          2,163        310,859        313,022        656,401        31,972        —          31,972        688,373   





































Year ended
March 31, 2012

  (Millions of yen)  
    Shareholders’ equity     Unrealized gains
(losses), translation
adjustments, and others
    Capital surplus     Earned surplus     Total
(losses) on
gains or
losses on
and others
    Other earned surplus     Total
account for

April 1, 2011

    211,763        131,615        131,615        —          2,163        310,859        313,022        656,401        31,972        —          31,972        688,373   





































Net change during the annual period


Cash dividends

              (15,000     (15,000     (15,000           (15,000

Net income

              58,303        58,303        58,303              58,303   

Provision of reserve for special account for property replacement

          1,921          (1,921               —     

Provision of reserve for reduction entry

            183        (183               —     

Others, net

                    13,038          13,038        13,038   





































Total net change during the annual period

    —          —          —          1,921        183        41,197        43,302        43,302        13,038        —          13,038        56,341   





































March 31, 2012

    211,763        131,615        131,615        1,921        2,347        352,056        356,324        699,703        45,010        —          45,010        744,714   






































– 7 –

V. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Voice transmission services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     353,322         324,268         (29,054     (8.2

IP services revenues

     381,772         374,420         (7,352     (1.9

Open computer network services revenues*

     162,141         158,804         (3,337     (2.1

IP-Virtual private network services revenues*

     74,296         69,580         (4,715     (6.3

Wide-Area Ethernet services revenues*

     55,138         54,094         (1,044     (1.9

Data communications revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     90,751         78,332         (12,419     (13.7

Leased circuit services revenues*

     64,295         56,708         (7,586     (11.8

Solution services revenues

     181,471         179,729         (1,742     (1.0


     26,096         24,271         (1,824     (7.0













Total operating revenues

     1,033,415         981,021         (52,393     (5.1














1. Certain amounts of “Leased circuit services revenues” have been reclassified to “IP services revenues” from the three months ended June 30, 2011. Accordingly, part of the prior year’s amounts has been reclassified.


2. Partial listing only.


– 8 –

VI. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2012

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     100,139        113,123        12,984   

Depreciation and amortization

     109,822        100,821        (9,000

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     4,031        4,713        681   

Gains on sales of fixed assets

     (26     (4,256     (4,230

Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts

     678        (93     (771

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     2,530        3,160        629   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     7,606        (9,088     (16,695

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     (2,035     (1,999     36   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (30,576     1,265        31,841   

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     (1,908     2,314        4,223   


     15,274        5,170        (10,103











     205,536        215,132        9,595   

Interest and dividends received

     8,904        9,107        203   

Interest paid

     (3,021     (2,330     690   

Income taxes received (paid)

     (34,243     (24,980     9,262   










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     177,177        196,929        19,751   

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (89,203     (123,025     (33,821

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     740        4,938        4,197   

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (32,989     (5,727     27,261   

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     10,330        136        (10,194

Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans

     (928     (2,781     (1,852


     (3,602     (2,008     1,594   










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (115,653     (128,468     (12,815

Cash flows from financing activities:


Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (44,337     (37,073     7,264   

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     (310     (65     244   

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (4,568     (4,110     458   

Dividends paid

     (15,000     (15,000     —     










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (64,217     (56,250     7,966   

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (102     290        393   

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (2,796     12,500        15,296   

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year

     60,755        57,958        (2,796










Cash and cash equivalents at end of year

     57,958        70,459        12,500   











– 9 –

VII. Financial Results of NTT Communications Group


     (Millions of yen)  
     Year ended
March 31, 2011
     Year ended
March 31, 2012

Operating revenues

     1,254,198         1,213,157         (41,041     (3.3

Operating expenses

     1,156,326         1,102,548         (53,778     (4.7

Operating income

     97,872         110,609         12,737        13.0   


– 10 –

VIII. Changes in NTT Communications Directors (Subject to Shareholders’ Approval)


(1) Candidate scheduled to take office as Senior Vice Presidents


Tetsuya Shoji   Current position:


(2) Senior Executive Vice Presidents scheduled to resign


Shinobu Umino   Current position:
  Senior Executive Vice President (scheduled to take office as President of NTT COMWARE CORPORATION)
Sadao Maki   Current position:
  Senior Executive Vice President (scheduled to take office as Senior Executive Vice President of NTT Urban Development Corporation)


(3) Candidates scheduled to take office as Representative Directors

Candidate scheduled to take office as President and CEO


Akira Arima   Current position:
  President and CEO

Candidates scheduled to take office as Senior Executive Vice Presidents


Tetsuya Shoji  
Jun Sawada   Current position:
  Executive Vice President




The changes in directors noted above are only those that have been decided. Other changes will be announced once determined.



Tetsuya Shoji will resign from NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION on June 22 and take office as Senior Vice President of NTT Com on the same day.


– 11 –

May 11, 2012

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Supplementary Data for

the Annual Results for Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2012




1.     Number of Subscribers


2.     Number of Employees


3.     Capital Investment


4.     Financial Results and Projections


5.     Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU)


6.     Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Consolidated)


7.     Indices (Consolidated)


8.     Reconciliation of Financial Indices (Consolidated)


The projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

1. Number of Subscribers


     (in thousands except for Public Telephones)  
As of
Mar. 31, 2011
As of
Mar. 31, 2012
As of
Mar. 31, 2013
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

Telephone Subscriber Lines

     30,271         27,521         (2,750     24,977         (2,544

NTT East

     14,929         13,554         (1,375     12,277         (1,277

NTT West

     15,342         13,968         (1,374     12,701         (1,267


     4,613         4,150         (462     3,744         (406

NTT East

     2,390         2,142         (248     1,919         (223

NTT West

     2,222         2,008         (214     1,825         (183

Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-Net

     34,884         31,672         (3,212     28,722         (2,950

NTT East

     17,319         15,695         (1,624     14,195         (1,500

NTT West

     17,564         15,976         (1,588     14,526         (1,450

Public Telephones

     252,775         231,038         (21,737     207,556         (23,482

NTT East

     121,508         110,242         (11,266     99,242         (11,000

NTT West

     131,267         120,796         (10,471     108,314         (12,482


     193         152         (41     116         (36

NTT East

     94         71         (23     51         (20

NTT West

     99         81         (18     65         (16


     2,858         2,322         (536     1,872         (450

NTT East

     1,418         1,135         (284     885         (250

NTT West

     1,439         1,187         (252     987         (200

FLET’S Hikari

     15,059         16,564         1,506        18,014         1,450   

NTT East

     8,511         9,353         842        10,153         800   

NTT West

     6,547         7,211         664        7,861         650   

FLET’S Hikari Next*

     4,596         7,106         2,510        9,706         2,600   

NTT East

     2,963         4,275         1,312        5,475         1,200   

NTT West

     1,633         2,831         1,198        4,231         1,400   


     —           297         297        697         400   

NTT East

     —           261         261        561         300   

NTT West

     —           36         36        136         100   

Hikari Denwa

     12,113         13,900         1,788        15,550         1,650   

NTT East

     6,446         7,402         956        8,352         950   

NTT West

     5,667         6,498         831        7,198         700   

Conventional Leased Circuit Services

     281         269         (12     262         (6

NTT East

     139         134         (5     132         (2

NTT West

     142         135         (7     130         (4

High Speed Digital Services

     171         158         (12     143         (16

NTT East

     91         84         (7     80         (4

NTT West

     80         74         (5     62         (12

NTT Group Major ISPs

     11,662         11,882         220        12,009         127   


     8,234         8,437         203        8,555         118   


     3,101         3,122         21        3,122         (0

Video Services

     —           —           —          —           —     

Hikari TV

     1,413         2,004         591        2,550         546   

FLET’S TEREBI Transmission Services

     592         861         269        1,035         174   

NTT East

     475         642         167        719         77   

NTT West

     117         219         102        316         97   


     58,010         60,129         2,120        62,930         2,800   


     56,746         57,905         1,159        52,640         (5,270


     26         2,225         2,199        10,290         8,070   


     48,141         42,321         (5,819     34,170         (8,150


     2,095         9,586         7,492        19,130         9,540   


Notes :    (1)   Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines is the total of individual lines and central station lines (Subscriber Telephone Light Plan is included).
   (2)   INS-Net includes “INS-Net 64” and “INS-Net 1500”. In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), “INS-Net 1500” is in all cases roughly ten times greater than “INS-Net 64”. For this reason, one “INS-Net 1500” subscription is calculated as ten “INS-Net 64” subscriptions (INS-Net 64 Lite Plan is included).
   (3)   Number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers includes subscribers to “B FLET’S”, “FLET’S Hikari Next” and “FLET’S Hikari LIGHT” provided by NTT East, and subscribers to “B FLET’S”, “FLET’S Hikari Premium”, “FLET’S Hikari Mytown”, “FLET’S Hikari Next” and “FLET’S Hikari LIGHT” provided by NTT West.
   (4)   NTT Group Major ISPs includes WAKWAK and InfoSphere, in addition to OCN and Plala.
   (5)   Number of communication module service subscribers is included in the number of mobile subscribers.
   (6)   Changes in the number of Mobile (“FOMA”*, “Xi”* are included), “i-mode” and “sp-mode” subscribers as of Mar. 31, 2013 (Forecast) are forecasted net-increases.
   (7)   Effective Mar. 3, 2008, “FOMA” services subscriptions became mandatory for subscription to “2 in 1” services. Such FOMA services subscriptions to “2 in 1” services are included in the above numbers of Mobile phone service subscriptions and “FOMA”* service subscriptions.

* Partial listing only



2.      Number of Employees


As of
Mar. 31, 2011
As of
Mar. 31, 2012
As of
Mar. 31, 2013
(Forecast) (1)
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

NTT Consolidated

     219,350         224,250         4,900        222,800         (1,450

Core Group Companies


NTT (Holding Company)

     2,900         2,900         0        2,900         0   

NTT East

     5,900         5,900         0        5,800         (100

NTT West

     5,550         5,300         (250     5,150         (150

NTT Communications

     8,150         8,000         (150     7,100         (900

NTT DATA (Consolidated)

     50,000         58,650         8,650        61,050         2,400   

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

     22,950         23,300         350        22,800         (500

(Reference) Outsourcing Companies (2)


East Outsourcing Companies

     35,650         33,150         (2,500     30,500         (2,650

West Outsourcing Companies

     37,250         34,350         (2,900     30,250         (4,100


Notes :

     (1   Figures do not include the number of employees who retired or will retire at the end of a fiscal year and who were rehired or will be rehired at the beginning of the following fiscal year.
     (2   Figures for East Outsourcing Companies include the consolidated prefectural outsourcing companies (NTT EAST-TOKYO and others), NTT-ME and NTT EAST SOLUTIONS, while figures for West Outsourcing Companies include the consolidated regional outsourcing companies (NTT WEST-KANSAI and others), NTT MARKETING ACT, NTT NEOMEIT and NTT WEST-HOMETECHNO. Figures for those companies include the number of employees who retired or will retire at the end of a fiscal year and who were rehired or will be rehired at the beginning of the following fiscal year, as described below:

-As of Mar. 31, 2011 (East Outsourcing Companies: 1,300 employees; West Outsourcing Companies: 1,500 employees)


-As of Mar. 31, 2012 (East Outsourcing Companies: 1,100 employees; West Outsourcing Companies: 1,300 employees)


-As of Mar. 31, 2013 (Forecast) (East Outsourcing Companies: 1,300 employees; West Outsourcing Companies: 1,450 employees)


3.      Capital Investment


   (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31,  2011
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013
                 Change           Change  
                 B-A           C-B  

NTT Consolidated

     1,870.1        1,946.6        76.5        1,920.0        (26.6

Core Group Companies


NTT (Holding Company)

     36.2        33.9        (2.2     33.0        (0.9

NTT East

     406.5        420.3        13.7        390.0        (30.3

NTT West

     373.1        363.8        (9.2     360.0        (3.8

NTT Communications

     115.3        116.1        0.8        110.0        (6.1

NTT DATA (Consolidated)

     139.0        133.9        (5.1     133.0        (0.9

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

     668.5        726.8        58.4        735.0        8.2   

Details of Capital Investment


NTT (Holding Company)

     36.2        33.9        (2.2     33.0        (0.9

R&D Facilities

     31.9        29.9        (2.0     29.0        (0.9

Joint Facilities

     4.2        4.0        (0.2     4.0        0.0   

NTT East

     406.5        420.3        13.7        390.0        (30.3

Service Expansion and Improvement

     378.6        386.5        7.9        366.0        (20.5

Voice Transmission

     159.3        163.6        4.3        160.0        (3.6

Data Transmission

     47.9        41.7        (6.2     28.0        (13.7

Leased Circuit

     170.8        179.7        8.9        177.0        (2.7


     0.5        1.3        0.8        1.0        (0.3

R&D Facilities

     2.4        2.8        0.4        3.0        0.2   

Joint Facilities

     25.5        30.9        5.3        21.0        (9.9

NTT West

     373.1        363.8        (9.2     360.0        (3.8

Service Expansion and Improvement

     357.5        348.3        (9.2     346.0        (2.3

Voice Transmission

     161.5        163.8        2.2        161.0        (2.8

Data Transmission

     35.4        34.7        (0.7     33.0        (1.7

Leased Circuit

     159.7        147.8        (11.8     151.0        3.2   


     0.7        1.8        1.1        1.0        (0.8

R&D Facilities

     2.1        1.9        (0.2     2.0        0.1   

Joint Facilities

     13.4        13.6        0.2        12.0        (1.6

NTT Communications

     115.3        116.1        0.8        110.0        (6.1

Service Expansion and Improvement

     82.9        71.8        (11.0     69.0        (2.8

Voice Transmission

     65.1        55.4        (9.7     54.0        (1.4

Data Transmission

     14.5        10.2        (4.2     13.0        2.8   

Leased Circuit

     3.1        6.2        3.0        2.0        (4.2

R&D Facilities

     1.2        3.2        2.0        1.0        (2.2

Joint Facilities

     31.1        40.9        9.8        40.0        (0.9

Optical Access Network Investment


NTT East

     161.0        170.0        9.0        Approx. 170.0        0.0   

coverage rate (%) 

     93     93       93  

NTT West

     134.0        134.0        0.0        Approx. 130.0        (4.0

coverage rate (%)

     90     91       91  


Note :

     Figures for NTT East and NTT West include figures for Optical Access Network Investment.



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT Consolidated, NTT (Holding Company))


       (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

NTT Consolidated (US GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     10,305.0         10,507.4         202.4        10,750.0         242.6   

Fixed Voice Related Services

     2,180.8         1,949.6         (231.2     —           —     

Mobile Voice Related Services

     2,021.6         1,870.1         (151.5     —           —     

IP/Packet Communications Services

     3,341.1         3,602.5         261.4        —           —     

Sales of Telecommunications Equipment

     565.9         580.9         15.0        —           —     

System Integration

     1,382.2         1,776.9         394.7        —           —     


     813.5         727.4         (86.1     —           —     

Operating Expenses

     9,090.1         9,284.4         194.3        9,470.0         185.6   

Cost of Services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     2,458.0         2,379.4         (78.6     —           —     

Cost of Equipment Sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     760.8         787.7         26.8        —           —     

Cost of System Integration (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     915.0         1,209.9         294.9        —           —     

Depreciation and Amortization

     1,962.5         1,910.7         (51.8     —           —     

Impairment Loss

     1.1         9.6         8.5        —           —     

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     2,989.8         2,981.7         (8.1     —           —     

Write-Down of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

     2.8         5.5         2.7        —           —     

Operating Income

     1,214.9         1,223.0         8.1        1,280.0         57.0   

Income Before Income Taxes

     1,175.8         1,239.3         63.5        1,265.0         25.7   

Net Income Attributable to NTT

     509.6         467.7         (41.9     575.0         107.3   

(Ref.) Details of “Cost of Services”, “Cost of Equipment Sold”, “Cost of System Integration” and “Selling, General and Administrative Expenses”



     2,026.6         2,126.5         99.9        —           —     

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     4,707.9         4,868.6         160.7        —           —     

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     165.4         143.4         (21.9     —           —     

Other Expenses

     223.8         220.1         (3.7     —           —     


     7,123.7         7,358.7         235.0        —           —     

NTT (Holding Company) (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     390.3         411.3         20.9        433.0         21.6   

Operating Expenses

     156.8         153.6         (3.2     155.0         1.3   

Operating Income

     233.4         257.6         24.2        278.0         20.3   

Non-Operating Revenues

     44.9         45.4         0.5        40.0         (5.4

Non-Operating Expenses

     50.6         43.8         (6.7     43.0         (0.8

Recurring Profit

     227.8         259.3         31.4        275.0         15.6   

Net Income

     225.7         257.2         31.5        277.0         19.7   



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT East, NTT West)


       (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31,  2011
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  



Operating Revenues

     1,957.1         1,851.5         (105.6     1,868.0         16.4   

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)

     742.2         653.8         (88.4     582.0         (71.8

IP Services (2)

     724.4         777.5         53.0        860.0         82.4   

Leased Circuit (excluding IP)

     149.4         136.1         (13.3     126.0         (10.1


     18.8         17.0         (1.7     16.0         (1.0


     140.9         134.5         (6.3     284.0         17.1   

Supplementary Business

     181.0         132.2         (48.7     

Operating Expenses

     1,879.9         1,801.2         (78.7     1,803.0         1.7   


     117.7         110.8         (6.8     112.0         1.1   

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     1,242.6         1,190.5         (52.1     1,193.0         2.4   

Depreciation and Amortization

     396.1         385.0         (11.0     379.0         (6.0

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     50.0         42.9         (7.0     45.0         2.0   

Taxes and Public Dues

     73.3         71.6         (1.6     74.0         2.3   

Operating Income

     77.1         50.3         (26.8     65.0         14.6   

Non-Operating Revenues

     53.8         58.4         4.5        53.0         (5.4

Non-Operating Expenses

     34.9         33.5         (1.4     33.0         (0.5

Recurring Profit

     96.0         75.2         (20.8     85.0         9.7   

Net Income

     52.3         32.1         (20.1     53.0         20.8   



Operating Revenues

     1,758.0         1,676.3         (81.7     1,645.0         (31.3

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)

     729.0         646.8         (82.2     581.0         (65.8

IP Services (2)

     582.0         629.4         47.3        670.0         40.5   

Leased Circuit (excluding IP)

     133.1         125.4         (7.6     111.0         (14.4


     22.1         20.2         (1.8     18.0         (2.2


     130.9         115.8         (15.0     265.0         10.6   

Supplementary Business

     160.6         138.4         (22.2     

Operating Expenses

     1,708.4         1,639.3         (69.1     1,605.0         (34.3


     110.7         105.3         (5.4     109.0         3.6   

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     1,114.2         1,067.6         (46.5     1,045.0         (22.6

Depreciation and Amortization

     370.9         357.6         (13.2     344.0         (13.6

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     45.3         41.9         (3.4     40.0         (1.9

Taxes and Public Dues

     67.1         66.6         (0.4     67.0         0.3   

Operating Income

     49.6         37.0         (12.6     40.0         2.9   

Non-Operating Revenues

     49.8         44.6         (5.1     44.0         (0.6

Non-Operating Expenses

     36.4         39.3         2.9        34.0         (5.3

Recurring Profit

     63.0         42.3         (20.7     50.0         7.6   

Net Income

     49.0         20.4         (28.5     40.0         19.5   


Notes :

     (1   Operating Revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) of NTT East and NTT West for the fiscal year ended Mar. 31, 2012 include monthly charges, call charges and interconnection charges of 461.2 billion yen, 57.7 billion yen and 81.8 billion yen for NTT East, and 457.6 billion yen, 51.1 billion yen and 90.2 billion yen for NTT West, respectively.
     (2   Operating Revenues from IP Services of NTT East and NTT West for the fiscal year ended Mar. 31, 2012 include FLET’S Hikari and Hikari Denwa charges (including monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges) of 469.1 billion yen and 149.8 billion yen for NTT East, and 360.4 billion yen and 124.3 billion yen for NTT West, respectively.

—    FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East, and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT West.



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT Communications, Dimension Data)


       (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31,  2011
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013
                   Change            Change  
                   B-A            C-B  

NTT Communications (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     1,033.4         981.0         (52.3     955.0         (26.0

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)

     353.3         324.2         (29.0     295.0         (29.2

IP Services (1)(2)

     381.7         374.4         (7.3     375.0         0.5   

Data Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)(2)

     90.7         78.3         (12.4     65.0         (13.3

Leased Circuit *(1)(2)

     64.2         56.7         (7.5     48.0         (8.7

Solutions Business

     181.4         179.7         (1.7     195.0         15.2   


     26.0         24.2         (1.8     25.0         0.7   

Operating Expenses

     940.1         875.2         (64.8     855.0         (20.2


     94.3         91.6         (2.7     90.0         (1.6

Cost of Services, Cost of Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     454.7         429.5         (25.1     640.0         (26.0

Communication Network Charges

     263.9         236.5         (27.4     

Depreciation and Amortization

     107.6         98.4         (9.1     107.0         8.5   

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     7.4         7.2         (0.1     6.0         (1.2

Taxes and Public Dues

     11.9         11.8         (0.1     12.0         0.1   

Operating Income

     93.2         105.7         12.4        100.0         (5.7

Non-Operating Revenues

     23.7         23.7         (0.0     21.0         (2.7

Non-Operating Expenses

     13.3         10.4         (2.8     11.0         0.5   

Recurring Profit

     103.6         118.9         15.3        110.0         (8.9

Net Income

     68.9         58.3         (10.6     67.0         8.6   

Dimension Data (IFRS)


Operating Revenues

     78.5         466.7         388.2        485.0         18.3   

Operating Expenses (3)

     76.1         450.3         374.2        468.5         18.2   

Operating Income (4)

     2.4         16.4         14.0        16.5         0.1   

Net Income Attributable to NTT

     1.4         12.0         10.5        —           —     



   (1)   Operating Revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) of NTT Communications for the fiscal year ended Mar. 31, 2012 include revenues from telephone subscriber lines (168.9 billion yen). Operating Revenues from IP Services include revenues from OCN (158.8 billion yen), IP-VPN (69.5 billion yen) and Wide-area Ethernet (54.0 billion yen). Operating Revenues from Data Transmission Services (excluding IP) include Frame Relay / Cell Relay (2.0 billion yen), and Operating Revenues from Leased Circuit include conventional leased circuits (3.3 billion yen) and high-speed digital (21.7billion yen).
   (2)   NTT Communications is recategorizing a portion of its Operating Revenues from Leased Circuit into Operating Revenues from IP Services beginning in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012. As for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011, Operating Revenues reflecting the recategorization are shown for reference. The recategorization amount of Operating Revenues from Leased Circuit into Operating Revenues from IP Services for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011, fiscal year ended March 31, 2012 are (20.6 billion yen) and (19.5 billion yen), respectively.
   (3)   Operating Expenses includes costs associated with the acquisition of Dimension Data by NTT.
   (4)   Operating Income under US GAAP is 6.1 billion yen.
   (5)   Since Dimension Data’s statements of income from January 1 to December 31 are consolidated into NTT’s consolidated statements of income from April 1 to March 31, Dimension Data’s financial results for the twelve months ended December 31, 2011 is stated under “B. Year Ended Mar. 31, 2012” and Dimension Data’s forecast for the twelve months ending December 31, 2012 is stated under “C. Year Ending Mar. 31 2013 (Forecast).”
   (6)   Conversion Rate USD1.00 = JPY79.8

* Partial listing only



4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT DATA, NTT DOCOMO)


       (Billions of yen)  
Year Ended
Mar. 31,  2011
Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013
                 Change           Change  
                 B-A           C-B  

NTT DATA Consolidated (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues (1)

     1,161.9        1,251.1        89.2        1,280.0        28.8   

Public & Financial IT Services

     767.2        783.5        16.2        816.0        32.4   

Global IT Services

     353.3        427.0        73.7        414.0        (13.0

Solutions & Technologies

     163.0        169.2        6.1        176.0        6.7   

Elimination or Corporate

     (121.7     (128.6     (6.9     (126.0     2.7   

Cost of Sales

     882.3        941.8        59.5        956.0        14.1   

Gross Profit

     279.6        309.2        29.6        324.0        14.7   

Selling and General Expense

     201.3        228.8        27.5        239.0        10.1   

Operating Income

     78.3        80.4        2.1        85.0        4.5   

Non-Operating Income (Loss)

     (2.5     (4.8     (2.3     (7.0     (2.1

Recurring Profit

     75.7        75.5        (0.1     78.0        2.4   

Net Income

     37.3        30.4        (6.8     38.0        7.5   

NTT DOCOMO Consolidated (US GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     4,224.3        4,240.0        15.7        4,450.0        210.0   

Wireless Services

     3,746.9        3,741.1        (5.8     3,725.0        (16.1

Mobile Services

     3,407.1        3,385.7        (21.4     3,304.0        (81.7


     1,712.2        1,541.9        (170.3     1,233.0        (308.9

Packet Communications

     1,694.9        1,843.9        148.9        2,071.0        227.1   

Other revenues

     339.7        355.4        15.7        421.0        65.6   

Equipment sales

     477.4        498.9        21.5        725.0        226.1   

Operating Expenses

     3,379.5        3,365.5        (14.0     3,550.0        184.5   


     264.6        272.9        8.3        278.0        5.1   

Cost of Services, Cost of Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     2,077.6        2,117.6        40.0        2,245.0        127.4   

Depreciation and Amortization

     693.1        684.8        (8.3     695.0        10.2   

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     44.3        40.3        (4.0     71.0        30.7   

Communication Network Charges

     261.3        211.2        (50.1     223.0        11.8   

Taxes and Public Dues

     38.7        38.8        0.1        38.0        (0.8

Operating Income

     844.7        874.5        29.7        900.0        25.5   

Non-Operating Income (Loss)

     (9.4     2.5        11.9        3.0        0.5   

Income Before Income Taxes

     835.3        877.0        41.6        903.0        26.0   

Net Income Attributable to NTT DOCOMO

     490.5        463.9        (26.6     557.0        93.1   



   (1)   NTT DATA is recategorizing a portion of its Operating Revenues within its segments, in conjunction with the readjustment of the classification of customer fields for a portion of its overseas subsidiaries, beginning the fiscal year ended Mar. 31, 2012. Figures for Operating Revenues for the fiscal year ended Mar. 31, 2011 reflect the recategorization.

* Partial listing only



5. Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU)

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to designated services on a per user basis. In the case of our fixed line business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of our Regional Communications Business, that is, telephone subscriber lines, INS-NET and FLET’S Hikari, by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services.

In the case of our mobile business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues from our Mobile Communications Business, such as revenues from Mobile (FOMA) services, revenues from Mobile (mova) services and revenues from Mobile (Xi) services which are incurred consistently each month (i.e., basic monthly charges and voice/packet communication charges), by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services. The calculation of these figures excludes revenues that are not representative of monthly average usage such as equipment sales, activation fees and universal service charges.

We believe that our ARPU figures calculated in this way provide useful information regarding the monthly average usage of our subscribers. The revenue items included in the numerators of our ARPU figures are based on our financial results comprising our U.S. GAAP results of operations.


    Three Months
Jun. 30, 2011
(From Apr. to
Jun., 2011)
    Three Months
Sept. 30, 2011
(From Jul. to
Sept., 2011)
    Three Months
Dec. 31, 2011
(From Oct. to
Dec., 2011)
    Three Months
Mar. 31, 2012
(From Jan. to
Mar., 2012)
    Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
    Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
    Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013

NTT East


Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Line + INS-NET Subscriber Line)

    2,870        2,870        2,860        2,830        2,930        2,860        2,810   

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU

    2,510        2,520        2,510        2,480        2,570        2,500        2,450   

INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU

    5,090        5,090        5,080        5,070        5,170        5,080        5,030   


    5,850        5,890        5,930        5,940        5,880        5,900        5,800   

NTT West


Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Line + INS-NET Subscriber Line)

    2,770        2,770        2,770        2,740        2,800        2,760        2,720   

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU

    2,460        2,460        2,450        2,430        2,490        2,450        2,410   

INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU

    4,930        4,930        4,930        4,900        4,970        4,920        4,880   


    5,920        5,940        5,940        5,940        5,890        5,930        5,870   



Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi)

    4,960        4,970        4,880        4,680        5,070        4,870        4,570   

Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi)

    2,340        2,280        2,190        1,980        2,530        2,200        1,690   

Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi)

    2,620        2,690        2,690        2,700        2,540        2,670        2,880   

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA)

    4,980        5,000        4,910        4,690        5,120        4,890        —     


    2,340        2,290        2,210        2,010        2,520        2,210        —     

Packet ARPU (FOMA)

    2,640        2,710        2,700        2,680        2,600        2,680        —     

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova)

    3,230        3,260        3,290        3,860        3,280        3,320        —     

Voice ARPU (mova)

    2,680        2,700        2,730        3,250        2,720        2,760        —     

Packet ARPU (mova)

    550        560        560        610        560        560        —     


Notes:    (1)      We compute the following four categories of ARPU for business conducted by each of NTT East and NTT West.
         Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines): Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and INS-NET Subscriber Lines, which are included in operating revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP Services), and revenues from FLET’S ADSL and FLET’S ISDN, which are included in operating revenues from IP Services.
         Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ADSL.
         INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for INS-NET Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ISDN.
         FLET’S Hikari ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from FLET’S Hikari (including FLET’S Hikari optional services), which are included in operating revenues from IP Services, revenues from monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges for Hikari Denwa, and revenues from FLET’S Hikari optional services, which are included in Supplementary Business revenues.
         FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East, and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT West.
   (2)    Revenues from interconnection charges are excluded from the calculation of Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU, INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, and FLET’S Hikari ARPU.
   (3)    For purposes of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, the number of subscribers is determined using the number of subscriptions for each service.
   (4)    In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, for the purpose of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions.
   (5)    For purposes of calculating FLET’S Hikari ARPU, number of subscribers is determined based on number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers including B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT West.
   (6)    We separately compute the following three categories of ARPU for mobile business conducted by NTT DOCOMO.
         Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) = Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) + Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi).
            Our Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges.
         Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA) = Voice ARPU (FOMA) + Packet ARPU (FOMA).
            Our Voice ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our FOMA services.
         Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova) = Voice ARPU (mova) + Packet ARPU (mova).
            Our Voice ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our mova services.
   (7)    mova services were terminated as of March 31, 2012. Therefore, forecasts for Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi), Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) and Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) for the twelve months ending March 31, 2013 do not include mova service subscriptions. In addition, forecasts for Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova), Voice ARPU (mova) and Packet ARPU (mova) for the twelve months ending March 31, 2013 are not provided.
   (8)    Communications module service, phone number storage service and mail address storage service subscribers and the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Mobile Aggregate ARPU.
   (9)    Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT East and NTT West are as below.
            1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun.
            2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept.
            3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec.
            4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar.
            FY Results : Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.
            FY Forecast: Sum of the average expected active Number of subscribers during the fiscal year ((Number of subscribers at Mar. 31, 2012 + Number of expected subscribers at Mar. 31, 2013)/2)x12
   (10)    Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT DOCOMO are as below.
            1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun.
            2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept.
            3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec.
            4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar.
            FY Results/FY Forecast: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.
      ** active subscribers = (number of subscribers at end of previous month + number of subscribers at end of the current month)/2



6. Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Consolidated)


       (Billions of yen)  
     As of
Mar. 31, 2011
     As of
Mar. 31, 2012
     As of
Mar. 31, 2013

Interest-Bearing Liabilities

     4,553.5         4,274.0         4,000.0   


7. Indices (Consolidated)


     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013


     3,282.2 billion yen         3,219.1 billion yen         3,273.0 billion yen   


     31.9 %                        30.6 %                        30.4 %                  

Operating FCF

     1,412.1 billion yen         1,272.5 billion yen         1,353.0 billion yen   


     5.8 %                        5.8 %                        6.5 %                  


Note  :

   Reconciliation of Indices are as follows.


8. Reconciliation of Financial Indices (Consolidated)


          Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2013


EBITDA (a+b)

     3,282.2 billion yen         3,219.1 billion yen         3,273.0 billion yen      


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         1,223.0 billion yen         1,280.0 billion yen      



Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     2,067.3 billion yen         1,996.2 billion yen         1,993.0 billion yen      

EBITDA Margin [(c/d)X100]

     31.9 %                        30.6 %                        30.4 %                     


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         1,223.0 billion yen         1,280.0 billion yen      



Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     2,067.3 billion yen         1,996.2 billion yen         1,993.0 billion yen      


   EBITDA (a+b)      3,282.2 billion yen         3,219.1 billion yen         3,273.0 billion yen      


   Operating Revenues      10,305.0 billion yen         10,507.4 billion yen         10,750.0 billion yen      

Operating FCF [(c-d)]

     1,412.1 billion yen         1,272.5 billion yen         1,353.0 billion yen      


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         1,223.0 billion yen         1,280.0 billion yen      



Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     2,067.3 billion yen         1,996.2 billion yen         1,993.0 billion yen      


   EBITDA (a+b)      3,282.2 billion yen         3,219.1 billion yen         3,273.0 billion yen      


   Capital Investment      1,870.1 billion yen         1,946.6 billion yen         1,920.0 billion yen      

ROCE [(b/c)X100]

     5.8 %                        5.8 %                        6.5 %                     


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         1,223.0 billion yen         1,280.0 billion yen      

(Normal Statutory Tax Rate)

     41 %                        41 %                        38 %                     


   Operating Income X (1 - Normal Statutory Tax Rate)      717.8 billion yen         722.5 billion yen         790.3 billion yen      


   Operating Capital Employed      12,427.0 billion yen         12,365.4 billion yen         12,215.3 billion yen      


Note  :

   Figures for capital investment are the accrual-based amounts required for acquisition of Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets. The differences from the figures for “Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment” and “Payments for Acquisition of Intangible Assets” in the consolidated statements of cash flows are as described in the reconciliation below.


     (Billions of yen)  
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2012

Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment

     1,410.8         1,395.1   

Payments for Acquisition of Intangible Assets

     484.2         458.2   


     1,895.0         1,853.3   

Difference from Capital Investment

     24.9         (93.3



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