Washington, D.C. 20549


Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 under the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of November, 2011

Commission File Number 1-8910


(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F   x     Form 40-F   ¨

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):             

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):             

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes   ¨     No   x

If “Yes” is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-              .


On November 9, 2011, the registrant filed with the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other stock exchanges in Japan on which its securities are traded information as to the registrant’s financial condition and results of operations at and for the three and six months ended September 30, 2011. Attached hereto is a copy of the press release and supplementary data thereto, both dated November 9, 2011, pertaining to such financial condition and results of operations, as well as forecasts for the registrant’s operations for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012. The consolidated financial information of the registrant and that of its subsidiary, NTT DOCOMO, INC., included in the press release and the supplementary data thereto was prepared on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The non-consolidated financial information of the registrant and that of each of the registrant’s three wholly-owned subsidiaries, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation and NTT Communications Corporation, as well as the consolidated financial information of its subsidiary, NTT DATA CORPORATION, included in the press release and the supplementary data relating thereto were prepared on the basis of accounting principles generally accepted in Japan. The consolidated financial information of the registrant’s subsidiary, Dimension Data Holdings plc, included in the supplementary data related to the press release was prepared on the basis of International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The financial information for the three and six months ended September 30, 2011 in the press release is unaudited.

The earnings projections of the registrant and its subsidiaries included in the press release contain forward-looking statements. The registrant desires to qualify for the “safe-harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, and consequently is hereby filing cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause the registrant’s actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the attachment.

The registrant’s forward-looking statements are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of the registrant in light of information currently available to it regarding the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and the telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of the registrant and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements, as well as other risks included in the registrant’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

No assurance can be given that the registrant’s actual results will not vary significantly from any expectation of future results that may be derived from the forward-looking statements included herein.

The attached material is a translation of the Japanese original. The Japanese original is authoritative.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.





  /s/ Koji Ito

  Name:   Koji Ito
  Title:   General Manager
    Finance and Accounting Department

Date: November 9, 2011

Financial Results Release



November 9, 2011



For the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011


Name of registrant: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (“NTT”)

Code No.: 9432 (URL http://www.ntt.co.jp/ir/)

Stock exchanges on which the Company’s shares are listed: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo and Fukuoka

Representative: Satoshi Miura, President and Chief Executive Officer

Contact: Koji Ito, Head of IR, Finance and Accounting Department / TEL (03) 5205-5581

Scheduled date of filing quarterly securities report: November 10, 2011

Scheduled date of dividend payments: December 12, 2011

Supplemental material on quarterly results: Yes

Presentation on quarterly results: Yes (for institutional investors and analysts)


1. Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011 (April 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)

Amounts are rounded off to the nearest million yen.

(1) Consolidated Results of Operations


     (Millions of yen)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Income (Loss)
before Income Taxes
    Net Income
Attributable to NTT

Six months ended September 30, 2011

     5,154,580         3.1     685,472         (5.7 )%      681,715         (4.0 )%      296,437         (6.0 )% 

Six months ended September 30, 2010

     4,999,067         0.0     726,958         12.4     710,295         10.4     315,236         11.7

Note: Percentages above represent changes from the corresponding previous period.


     Basic Earnings per Share
Attributable to NTT
    Diluted Earnings per Share
Attributable to NTT

Six months ended September 30, 2011

     228.66  (yen)      —  (yen) 

Six months ended September 30, 2010

     238.24  (yen)      —  (yen) 


Notes: Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to NTT:  

For the six months ended September 30, 2011: 287,314 million yen 0.7%

For the six months ended September 30, 2010: 285,402 million yen (9.6)%

(2) Consolidated Financial Position


     (Millions of yen, except per share amounts)  
     Total Assets      Total Equity      NTT  Shareholders’
     Equity Ratio
(Ratio of NTT Shareholders’
Equity to Total Assets)
Equity per Share

September 30, 2011

     19,264,720         10,128,349         8,003,961         41.5     6,324.22  (yen) 

March 31, 2011

     19,665,596         10,080,932         8,020,734         40.8     6,061.92  (yen) 


2. Dividends


     Annual Dividends  
     End of
the first
     End of
the second
    End of
the third
     Year-end     Total  

Year Ended March 31, 2011

     —           60.00  (yen)      —           60.00  (yen)      120.00  (yen) 

Year Ending March 31, 2012

     —           70.00  (yen)      —           —          —     

Year Ending March 31, 2012 (Forecasts)

     —           —          —           70.00  (yen)      140.00  (yen) 

Note: Change in forecasts of dividends during the six months ended September 30: None


3. Consolidated Financial Results Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2012 (April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Operating Revenues     Operating Income     Income
before  Income
    Net Income
Attributable to
    Basic Earnings per Share
Attributable to

Year Ending March 31, 2012

     10,540,000         2.3     1,250,000         2.9     1,240,000         5.5     545,000         6.9     425.48         (yen



   1.    Percentages above represent changes from the previous period.
   2.    Change in consolidated financial results forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 during the six months ended September 30, 2011: Yes


- 1 -

4. Others


  (1) Change in significant consolidated subsidiaries during the six months ended September 30, 2011, which resulted in changes in the scope of consolidation: None


  (2) Adoption of accounting which is simplified or exceptional for quarterly consolidated financial statements: None


     Note: This refers to the application of simplified or exceptional accounting for quarterly consolidated financial statements.


  (3) Change in significant accounting principles, procedures and presentation in quarterly consolidated financial statements


  (i) Change due to revision of accounting standards and other regulations: Yes


  (ii) Others: None
     (For further details, please see “Others” on page 8.)


  (4) Number of shares outstanding (common stock)


1.      Number of shares outstanding (including treasury stock):

September 30, 2011 : 1,448,659,067 shares


March 31, 2011 : 1,448,659,067 shares

2.      Number of treasury stock:

September 30, 2011 : 183,054,423 shares


March 31, 2011 : 125,524,000 shares

3.      Weighted average number of shares outstanding:

For the six months ended September 30, 2011:


For the six months ended September 30, 2010:


* The figures for earnings per share for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 (forecasts) are based on the assumption that NTT will buy back all of the 99.33 million shares that the government has budgeted for sale, and make them its treasury stock.


* Presentation on the status of quarterly review process:

This earnings release is not subject to the quarterly review process as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan. As of the date when this earnings release was issued, the review process on quarterly financial statements as required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act had not been finished.


* Explanation for forecasts of operation and other notes:

Forward-looking statements in this earnings release, such as forecasts of results of operations, are based on the information currently available and certain assumptions that we regard as reasonable and therefore actual results may differ materially from those contained in or suggested by any forward-looking statements. With regard to the assumptions and other related matters concerning forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012, please refer to pages 7 and 22.

On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, NTT will hold a presentation on its financial results for institutional investors and analysts. Shortly thereafter, NTT plans to post on its website explanatory details, along with the materials used at the presentation.


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1. Qualitative Information


(1) Qualitative Information Relating to Consolidated Business Results


 Consolidated results

Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2011 (April 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2010
(April 1, 2010 –
September 30, 2010)
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2011
(April 1, 2011 –
September 30, 2011)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     4,999.1         5,154.6         155.5        3.1

Operating expenses

     4,272.1         4,469.1         197.0        4.6

Operating income

     727.0         685.5         (41.5     (5.7 )% 

Income before income taxes

     710.3         681.7         (28.6     (4.0 )% 

Income attributable to NTT

     315.2         296.4         (18.8     (6.0 )% 

During the six months ended September 30, 2011, NTT Group worked to expand broadband and ubiquitous services pursuant to its Medium-Term Management Strategy adopted in May 2008, entitled “Road to Service Creation Business Group.”

Broadband Services

In the fixed communications field, NTT Group continued its efforts to enhance “FLET’S Hikari” service and to improve its customer support services. NTT Group expanded the service area of the two-tier fixed rate service “FLET’S Hikari Light,” a service for customers without any previous experience with using, or with few opportunities to use, the Internet, at low and affordable rates, to 17 prefectures in eastern Japan, further expanding the range of “FLET’S Hikari” users. In addition, NTT worked to expand the ways in which “FLET’S Hikari” is used by launching in August its “FLET’S Joint” service, which distributes software of service providers enabling the remote control of household appliances, for Home Gateway (*1) and other devices which “FLET’S Hikari Next” customers have installed in their homes.

In the mobile communications field, NTT Group improved its services and enhanced its handset lineup with the launch of 27 mobile device models, including smartphones such as the “GALAXY S II” and the “Xperia acro.” NTT Group also expanded the service area for “Xi” services, which were launched in December 2010, to six major urban areas nationwide, in addition to Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. NTT Group also unveiled new billing plans, including a flat-rate option, and our first Xi-enabled tablet devices.

Upper Layer Services/Solutions Business

NTT Group continued to expand the content and its video and e-learning services, and worked to enhance the service menu of its cloud computing services. In particular, with regards to Hikari TV, which enables users to access TV through FLET’S Hikari, NTT Group launched “Hikari-TV dokodemo,” which will enable users to access movies and other VOD (*2) content on their smartphones and tablet devices anytime and anywhere, in August.

Global Businesses

NTT Group expanded the service area for “Arcstar Universal One,” a VPN (*3) service with four different plans with varying quality levels and costs that enables corporate customers to deploy a cloud-based network, to 159 countries worldwide, and also acquired OpSource, Inc. to promptly respond to cloud computing service needs. NTT Group also worked to enhance its service infrastructure by increasing the speed of the Japan-U.S. backbone to 500Gbps, the highest level in the industry, in addition to establishing overseas subsidiaries in order to enhance its ability to provide services to Japanese and local companies doing business overseas and commencing the construction of new data centers overseas.


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As a result of these efforts, NTT Group’s consolidated operating revenues for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 were ¥5,154.6 billion (an increase of 3.1% from the same period of the previous fiscal year), consolidated operating expenses were ¥4,469.1 (an increase of 4.6% from the same period of the previous fiscal year), consolidated operating income was ¥685.5 billion (a decrease of 5.7% from the same period of the previous fiscal year), income before income taxes was ¥681.7 billion (a decrease of 4.0% from the same period of the previous fiscal year), and net income attributable to NTT was ¥296.4 billion (a decrease of 6.0% from the same period of the previous fiscal year).


Note: The consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.


  (1) An in-home device linking certain digital information media, including Internet connections, digital broadcasting, and IP telephones, and various devices such as PC’s, digital home appliances and phone terminals.
  (2) Video on Demand: A service that allows users to view the video content of their choice on demand.
  (3) Virtual Private Network: A communication service that enables the creation of a virtual private network for exclusive use by a specified person, which third parties cannot access.


Segment results

Results by business segment are as follows.



Regional telecommunications business segment

Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2011 (April 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2010
(April 1, 2010 –
September 30, 2010)
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2011
(April 1, 2011 –
September 30, 2011)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     1,936.2         1,860.5         (75.7     (3.9 )% 

Operating expenses

     1,850.4         1,807.4         (43.1     (2.3 )% 

Operating income

     85.8         53.2         (32.6     (38.0 )% 

Consolidated operating revenues for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 were ¥1,860.5 billion (a decrease of 3.9% from the same period of the previous fiscal year), due to the situation where a moderate increase in IP-related revenues as a result of slowing FLET’S Hikari subscription could not cover the decrease in fixed voice-related service revenue. Consolidated operating expenses for the second quarter fell to ¥1,807.4 billion (a decrease of 2.3% from the same period of the previous fiscal year), due to a decrease in personnel expenses as a result of a decline in the number of employees and other factors, including a decrease in depreciation and amortization. As a result, consolidated operating income for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 was ¥53.2 billion (a decrease of 38.0% from the same period of the previous fiscal year).

Number of subscriptions


     (Thousands of subscriptions)  
     As of March 31, 2011      As of September 30, 2011      Change      Percent Change  

FLET’S Hikari (1)

     15,059         15,963         904         6.0

NTT East

     8,511         9,040         529         6.2

NTT West

     6,547         6,923         375         5.7

Hikari Denwa (2)

     12,113         13,023         910         7.5

NTT East

     6,446         6,945         499         7.7

NTT West

     5,667         6,078         411         7.3



   (1)    FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari Light provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown, and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.
   (2)    The figures for Hikari Denwa indicate the number of channels (in thousands).


- 4 -


Long-distance and international communications business segment

Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2011 (April 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2010
(April 1, 2010 –
September 30, 2010)
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2011
(April 1, 2011 –
September 30, 2011)
     Change      Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     612.6         822.8         210.2         34.3

Operating expenses

     570.6         762.5         191.9         33.6

Operating income

     42.0         60.3         18.3         43.6

Consolidated operating revenues for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 were ¥822.8 billion (an increase of 34.3% from the same period of the previous fiscal year). Although fixed-voice related services revenues declined, IP-related revenues increased and operating revenues increased due to, among other things, the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries, including the addition of Dimension Data Holdings plc. Consolidated operating expenses for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 increased to ¥762.5 billion (an increase of 33.6% from the same period of the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, increased expenses attributable to the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries. As a result, consolidated operating income for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 was ¥60.3 billion (an increase of 43.6% from the same period of the previous fiscal year).



Mobile communications business segment

Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2011 (April 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2010
(April 1, 2010 –
September 30, 2010)
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2011
(April 1, 2011 –
September 30, 2011)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     2,138.2         2,113.0         (25.2     (1.2 )% 

Operating expenses

     1,609.6         1,606.7         (2.9     (0.2 )% 

Operating income

     528.6         506.3         (22.3     (4.2 )% 

Consolidated operating revenues for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 were ¥2,113.0 billion (a decrease of 1.2% from the same period of the previous fiscal year) despite the increase in packet communication revenues from the expansion of smartphone users and other factors. This decrease was the result of a decrease in voice related revenues and a decrease in revenues from the sale of mobile devices resulting from the decrease in the wholesale price per unit. Consolidated operating expenses for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 decreased to ¥1,606.7 billion (a decrease of 0.2% from the same period of the previous fiscal year) as a result of, among other things, efficiency of expenses and a decrease in network expenses through efficiency of capital expenditures. As a result, consolidated operating income for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 was ¥506.3 billion (a decrease of 4.2% from the same period of the previous fiscal year).

Number of subscriptions


     (Thousands of subscriptions)  
     As of March 31, 2011      As of September 30, 2011      Change     Percent Change  

Mobile phone services

     58,010         58,993         983        1.7


     56,746         57,862         1,116        2.0


     26         389         363        1,419.1


     48,141         46,183         (1,957     (4.1 )% 


     2,095         5,375         3,280        156.6


(1) The numbers for mobile phone service subscriptions, FOMA service subscriptions, and Xi service subscriptions include communications module service subscriptions.
(2) Effective March 3, 2008, FOMA service subscriptions became mandatory for subscriptions to “2in1” services. Such FOMA service subscriptions to “2in1” services are included in the above numbers of mobile phone service subscriptions and FOMA service subscriptions.
* Partial listing only.


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Data communications business segment

Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2011 (April 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2010

(April 1, 2010 –
September 30, 2010)
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2011

(April 1, 2011 –
September 30, 2011)
     Change      Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     535.8         571.4         35.6         6.6

Operating expenses

     509.2         536.5         27.3         5.4

Operating income

     26.6         34.9         8.3         31.3

Consolidated operating revenues for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 increased to ¥571.4 billion (an increase of 6.6% from the same period of the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, increased revenues resulting from the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries. Consolidated operating expenses for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 rose to ¥536.5 billion (an increase of 5.4% from the same period of the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, an increase in expenses attributable to the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries. As a result, consolidated operating income for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 was ¥34.9 billion (an increase of 31.3% from the same period the previous fiscal year).



Other segments

Six-Month Period Ended September 30, 2011 (April 1, 2011 – September 30, 2011)


     (Billions of yen)  
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2010

(April 1, 2010 –
September 30, 2010)
     Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2011

(April 1, 2011 –
September 30, 2011)
     Change     Percent Change  

Operating revenues

     513.3         499.9         (13.4     (2.6 )% 

Operating expenses

     487.2         476.2         (11.0     (2.3 )% 

Operating income

     26.1         23.6         (2.5     (9.4 )% 

Consolidated operating revenues for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 fell to ¥499.9 billion (a decrease of 2.6% from the same period of the previous fiscal year) as a result of a decrease of revenues in each of the other business segments, including the construction and electricity segments. Consolidated operating expenses fell to ¥476.2 billion (a decrease of 2.3% from the same period of the previous fiscal year) due to, among other things, lower revenue-linked expenses. As a result, consolidated operating income for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 was ¥23.6 billion (a decrease of 9.4% from the same period of the previous fiscal year).


- 6 -

(2) Qualitative Information Relating to Consolidated Financial Standing

Consolidated cash flows from operating activities for the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 were ¥1,259.3 billion (a decrease of ¥97.3 billion (7.2%) compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year). This decrease in cash flows was due to, among other factors, a decrease in net income in addition to an increase in payments of accounts payable.

Consolidated cash flows from investing activities showed outlays of ¥1,276.8 billion (an increase of ¥286.8 billion (29.0%) compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year). This increase was due to, among other factors, an increase in short-term investments with cash management activities relating to short-term investments exceeding three months in duration.

Consolidated cash flows from financing activities amounted to cash outlays of ¥462.8 billion (an increase of ¥172.8 billion (59.6%) compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year). This increase was due to, among other factors, the repurchase of treasury stock by NTT.

As a result of the above, NTT Group’s consolidated cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2011 were ¥954.5 billion, a decrease of ¥480.6 billion (33.5%) from the end of the previous fiscal year.


     (Billions of yen)  
       Six-Month Period  Ended
September 30, 2010
(April 1, 2010 –
September 30, 2010)
    Six-Month Period Ended
September 30, 2011

(April 1, 2011 –
September 30, 2011)
    Change     Percent Change  

Cash flows from operating activities

     1,356.5        1,259.3        (97.3     (7.2 )% 

Cash flows from investing activities

     (990.0     (1,276.8     (286.8     (29.0 )% 

Cash flows from financing activities

     (290.0     (462.8     (172.8     (59.6 )% 

(3) Qualitative Information Relating to Consolidated Results Forecasts

The Japanese economy is steadily recovering despite the difficult market conditions arising from the lingering effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, there may be a further downturn in the economy from the impact of electricity use restrictions, the unstable global economy and hollowing out of industries from the appreciating yen.

Due to such factors as the drop in consumer confidence, delays in capital investments as a result of poor corporate profitability, and the increasingly fierce competitive environment, NTT Group forecasts that the market environment will continue to be difficult.

In light of this market environment, NTT Group has revised its results forecast as follows.

Despite an expected decrease in revenues from NTT East, NTT West and NTT Communications, there was no change from the initial forecast for operating revenues as a result of anticipated increases in revenues from Dimension Data Holdings plc and packet communications and higher mobile handsets sales from the increase in smartphone sales by NTT DOCOMO.

On the other hand, due to, among other things, NTT DOCOMO’s and NTT Communications’ upward revision of their respective initial forecasts for operating income, the forecast for NTT Group’s operating income was revised upward by ¥10.0 billion from the initial forecast to ¥1,250.0 billion.

For assumptions used in these results forecasts and other related matters, please see page 22.


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(1) Change in significant consolidated subsidiaries during the six months ended September 30, 2011, which resulted in changes in the scope of consolidation: None


(2) Adoption of accounting which is simplified or exceptional for quarterly consolidated financial statements: None


(3) Change in significant accounting principles, procedures and presentation in quarterly consolidated financial statements

Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements

Effective April 1, 2011, NTT Group adopted ASU 2009-13 “Multiple-Deliverable Revenue Arrangements.” This ASU addresses the accounting for multiple-deliverable arrangements to enable vendors to account for products or services (deliverables) separately rather than as a combined unit. This ASU eliminates the residual method of allocation and requires that arrangement consideration in multiple-deliverable arrangements be allocated to deliverables using the estimated selling price, if a vendor does not have vendor-specific objective evidence or third-party evidence of the selling price. The adoption of this ASU did not have a material impact on the results of operations and financial position of NTT Group.

Certain Revenue Arrangements That Include Software Elements

Effective April 1, 2011, NTT Group adopted ASU 2009-14 “Certain Revenue Arrangements That Include Software Elements.” This ASU amends the accounting model for revenue arrangements that include both tangible products and software elements. This ASU also provides guidance on how a vendor should allocate arrangement consideration to deliverables in an arrangement that includes both tangible products and software, and further guidance on how to allocate arrangement consideration when an arrangement includes deliverables both included and excluded from the scope of the software revenue guidance. The adoption of this ASU did not have a material impact on the results of operations and financial position of NTT Group.


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(1) Consolidated Balance Sheets


     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    September 30,



Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

   ¥ 1,435,158      ¥ 954,515      ¥ (480,643

Short-term investments

     167,175        512,254        345,079   

Notes and accounts receivable, trade

     2,072,011        1,786,213        (285,798

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (45,907     (46,938     (1,031

Accounts receivable, other

     265,668        247,759        (17,909


     314,983        406,584        91,601   

Prepaid expenses and other current assets

     316,328        390,849        74,521   

Deferred income taxes

     244,881        246,571        1,690   










Total current assets

     4,770,297        4,497,807        (272,490










Property, plant and equipment:


Telecommunications equipment

     14,606,718        14,584,079        (22,639

Telecommunications service lines

     14,527,349        14,668,249        140,900   

Buildings and structures

     5,855,282        5,886,840        31,558   

Machinery, vessels and tools

     1,806,355        1,804,472        (1,883


     1,133,675        1,146,302        12,627   

Construction in progress

     312,480        319,698        7,218   









     38,241,859        38,409,640        167,781   

Accumulated depreciation

     (28,341,219     (28,643,198     (301,979










Net property, plant and equipment

     9,900,640        9,766,442        (134,198










Investments and other assets:


Investments in affiliated companies

     581,073        575,499        (5,574

Marketable securities and other investments

     276,178        268,774        (7,404


     747,526        786,299        38,773   


     1,330,085        1,331,159        1,074   

Other intangibles

     287,400        279,141        (8,259

Other assets

     885,444        875,017        (10,427

Deferred income taxes

     886,953        884,582        (2,371










Total investments and other assets

     4,994,659        5,000,471        5,812   










Total assets

   ¥ 19,665,596      ¥ 19,264,720      ¥ (400,876











- 9 -

     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    September 30,



Current liabilities:


Short-term borrowings

   ¥ 341,567      ¥ 118,677      ¥ (222,890

Current portion of long-term debt

     698,476        599,718        (98,758

Accounts payable, trade

     1,379,279        1,032,350        (346,929

Accrued payroll

     475,226        429,509        (45,717

Accrued interest

     12,189        11,330        (859

Accrued taxes on income

     208,363        232,913        24,550   

Accrued consumption tax

     37,835        39,101        1,266   

Advances received

     206,572        215,796        9,224   

Deposit received

     81,997        78,721        (3,276


     247,568        252,289        4,721   









     3,689,072        3,010,404        (678,668










Long-term liabilities:


Long-term debt

     3,494,198        3,717,667        223,469   

Obligations under capital leases

     34,818        33,035        (1,783

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     1,535,964        1,555,878        19,914   


     830,612        819,387        (11,225










Total long-term liabilities

     5,895,592        6,125,967        230,375   












NTT shareholders’ equity


Common stock, no par value

     937,950        937,950        —     

Additional paid-in capital

     2,834,029        2,834,144        115   

Retained earnings

     5,155,596        5,371,323        215,727   

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

     (303,708     (312,831     (9,123

Treasury stock, at cost

     (603,133     (826,625     (223,492










Total NTT shareholders’ equity

     8,020,734        8,003,961        (16,773










Noncontrolling interests

     2,060,198        2,124,388        64,190   










Total equity

     10,080,932        10,128,349        47,417   










Total liabilities and equity

   ¥ 19,665,596      ¥ 19,264,720      ¥ (400,876











- 10 -

(2) Consolidated Statements of Income



     Millions of yen  
     2010     2011     Increase

Operating revenues:


Fixed voice related services

   ¥ 1,101,687      ¥ 988,948      ¥ (112,739

Mobile voice related services

     1,041,620        956,023        (85,597

IP / packet communications services

     1,647,520        1,772,728        125,208   

Sale of telecommunication equipment

     281,969        270,715        (11,254

System integration

     572,504        824,804        252,300   


     353,767        341,362        (12,405









     4,999,067        5,154,580        155,513   










Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     1,179,979        1,155,019        (24,960

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     366,931        359,200        (7,731

Cost of system integration (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     366,745        556,642        189,897   

Depreciation and amortization

     964,376        932,099        (32,277

Impairment loss

     344        98        (246

Selling, general and administrative expenses

     1,393,734        1,466,050        72,316   









     4,272,109        4,469,108        196,999   










Operating income (loss)

     726,958        685,472        (41,486










Other income (expenses):


Interest and amortization of bond discounts and issue costs

     (26,956     (28,675     (1,719

Interest income

     10,879        10,188        (691

Other, net

     (586     14,730        15,316   









     (16,663     (3,757     12,906   










Income (loss) before income taxes and equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     710,295        681,715        (28,580










Income tax expense (benefit):



     274,215        262,864        (11,351


     6,526        10,136        3,610   









     280,741        273,000        (7,741










Income (loss) before equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     429,554        408,715        (20,839










Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     853        (1,626     (2,479










Net income (loss)

     430,407        407,089        (23,318










Less – Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (115,171     (110,652     4,519   










Net income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 315,236      ¥ 296,437      ¥ (18,799










Summary of total comprehensive income (loss):


Net income (loss)

   ¥ 430,407      ¥ 407,089      ¥ (23,318

Other comprehensive income (loss)

     (40,896     (18,389     22,507   

Comprehensive income (loss)

     389,511        388,700        (811

Less – Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (104,109     (101,386     2,723   










Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 285,402      ¥ 287,314      ¥ 1,912   











     Shares or yen  
     2010      2011  

Per share of common stock:


Weighted average number of shares outstanding

     1,323,188,617         1,296,413,064   

Net income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 238.24       ¥ 228.66   








- 11 -




     Millions of yen  
     2010     2011     Increase

Operating revenues:


Fixed voice related services

   ¥ 547,345      ¥ 487,763      ¥ (59,582

Mobile voice related services

     523,815        473,881        (49,934

IP / packet communications services

     831,827        899,312        67,485   

Sale of telecommunication equipment

     115,829        141,703        25,874   

System integration

     297,673        435,013        137,340   


     183,665        179,556        (4,109









     2,500,154        2,617,228        117,074   










Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     600,968        577,138        (23,830

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     160,394        190,612        30,218   

Cost of system integration (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     196,147        297,587        101,440   

Depreciation and amortization

     482,224        470,332        (11,892

Impairment loss

     98        9        (89

Selling, general and administrative expenses

     673,019        745,353        72,334   









     2,112,850        2,281,031        168,181   










Operating income (loss)

     387,304        336,197        (51,107










Other income (expenses):


Interest and amortization of bond discounts and issue costs

     (13,299     (14,520     (1,221

Interest income

     5,243        5,012        (231

Other, net

     (10,566     3,198        13,764   









     (18,622     (6,310     12,312   










Income (loss) before income taxes and equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     368,682        329,887        (38,795










Income tax expense (benefit):



     146,708        138,710        (7,998


     438        (7,212     (7,650









     147,146        131,498        (15,648










Income (loss) before equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     221,536        198,389        (23,147










Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliated companies

     153        (1,547     (1,700










Net income (loss)

     221,689        196,842        (24,847










Less – Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (62,391     (53,475     8,916   










Net income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 159,298      ¥ 143,367      ¥ (15,931










Summary of total comprehensive income (loss):


Net income (loss)

   ¥ 221,689      ¥ 196,842      ¥ (24,847

Other comprehensive income (loss)

     (32,604     (34,698     (2,094

Comprehensive income (loss)

     189,085        162,144        (26,941

Less – Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (52,474     (42,832     9,642   










Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 136,611      ¥ 119,312      ¥ (17,299











     Shares or yen  
     2010      2011  

Per share of common stock:


Weighted average number of shares outstanding

     1,323,181,855         1,269,982,031   

Net income (loss) attributable to NTT

   ¥ 120.39       ¥ 112.89   








- 12 -

(3) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows



    Millions of yen  
    2010     2011     Increase

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income (loss)

  ¥ 430,407      ¥ 407,089      ¥ (23,318

Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities -


Depreciation and amortization

    964,376        932,099        (32,277

Impairment loss

    344        98        (246

Deferred taxes

    6,526        10,136        3,610   

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

    33,167        28,266        (4,901

Equity in (earnings) losses of affiliated companies

    (853     1,626        2,479   

(Increase) decrease in notes and accounts receivable, trade

    240,387        290,775        50,388   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

    (64,695     (88,839     (24,144

(Increase) decrease in other current assets

    (82,186     (56,884     25,302   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable, trade and accrued payroll

    (248,127     (312,261     (64,134

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

    3,422        816        (2,606

Increase (decrease) in accrued interest

    (1,157     515        1,672   

Increase (decrease) in advances received

    28,524        8,678        (19,846

Increase (decrease) in accrued taxes on income

    (7,284     23,893        31,177   

Increase (decrease) in other current liabilities

    (8,916     8,344        17,260   

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

    20,655        24,124        3,469   

Increase (decrease) in other long-term liabilities

    30,578        (16,621     (47,199


    11,341        (2,599     (13,940










Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

  ¥ 1,356,509      ¥ 1,259,255      ¥ (97,254











- 13 -

     Millions of yen  
     2010     2011     Increase

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

   ¥ (746,588   ¥ (684,708   ¥ 61,880   

Payments for intangibles

     (228,314     (228,012     302   

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     7,963        3,865        (4,098

Payments for purchase of non-current investments

     (16,449     (29,155     (12,706

Proceeds from sale and redemption of non-current investments

     12,035        6,289        (5,746

Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired

     (21,541     (40,219     (18,678

Payments for purchase of short-term investments

     (384,818     (594,793     (209,975

Proceeds from redemption of short-term investments

     370,794        252,288        (118,506


     16,888        37,609        20,721   










Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (990,030     (1,276,836     (286,806










Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     181,278        429,306        248,028   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (186,083     (310,418     (124,335

Proceeds from issuance of short-term debt

     1,519,921        860,152        (659,769

Payments for settlement of short-term debt

     (1,658,408     (1,085,188     573,220   

Dividends paid

     (79,392     (79,388     4   

Proceeds from sale of (payments for acquisition of) treasury stock, net

     (63     (223,506     (223,443

Acquisition of treasury stock by subsidiary

     (6,380     (2,168     4,212   


     (60,838     (51,602     9,236   










Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (289,965     (462,812     (172,847










Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (2,013     (250     1,763   










Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     74,501        (480,643     (555,144

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     911,062        1,435,158        524,096   










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

   ¥ 985,563      ¥ 954,515      ¥ (31,048










Cash paid during the period for:



   ¥ 28,115      ¥ 29,534      ¥ 1,419   

Income taxes, net

   ¥ 281,626      ¥ 228,671      ¥ (52,955


- 14 -

(4) Going Concern Assumption


(5) Business Segments


1. Sales and operating revenues


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months  ended
September 30, 2010
    Six months  ended
September 30, 2011

Regional communications business



     1,693,466        1,636,358        (57,108


     242,768        224,174        (18,594











     1,936,234        1,860,532        (75,702

Long-distance and international communications business



     561,740        772,268        210,528   


     50,839        50,496        (343











     612,579        822,764        210,185   

Mobile communications business



     2,116,873        2,096,775        (20,098


     21,279        16,207        (5,072











     2,138,152        2,112,982        (25,170

Data communications business



     471,905        507,144        35,239   


     63,897        64,275        378   











     535,802        571,419        35,617   




     155,083        142,035        (13,048


     358,206        357,825        (381











     513,289        499,860        (13,429


     (736,989     (712,977     24,012   









Consolidated total      4,999,067        5,154,580        155,513   

2. Segment profit


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months  ended
September 30, 2010
     Six months  ended
September 30, 2011

Segment profit


Regional communications business

     85,789         53,157         (32,632

Long-distance and international communications business

     41,985         60,273         18,288   

Mobile communications business

     528,572         506,278         (22,294

Data communications business

     26,568         34,877         8,309   


     26,089         23,628         (2,461











     709,003         678,213         (30,790


     17,955         7,259         (10,696










Consolidated total

     726,958         685,472         (41,486











- 15 -


1. Sales and operating revenues


     (Millions of yen)  
     Three months  ended
September 30, 2010
    Three months  ended
September 30, 2011

Regional communications business



     856,699        823,073        (33,626


     122,431        112,881        (9,550











     979,130        935,954        (43,176

Long-distance and international communications business



     283,603        393,102        109,499   


     26,250        24,224        (2,026











     309,853        417,326        107,473   

Mobile communications business



     1,039,317        1,056,676        17,359   


     9,591        9,017        (574











     1,048,908        1,065,693        16,785   

Data communications business



     238,578        266,572        27,994   


     32,851        33,779        928   











     271,429        300,351        28,922   




     81,957        77,805        (4,152


     183,998        190,377        6,379   











     265,955        268,182        2,227   


     (375,121     (370,278     4,843   










Consolidated total

     2,500,154        2,617,228        117,074   

2. Segment profit


     (Millions of yen)  
     Three months  ended
September 30, 2010
     Three months  ended
September 30, 2011

Segment profit


Regional communications business

     44,258         28,517         (15,741

Long-distance and international communications business

     20,802         29,248         8,446   

Mobile communications business

     289,503         239,677         (49,826

Data communications business

     12,468         20,964         8,496   


     15,447         14,469         (978











     382,478         332,875         (49,603


     4,826         3,322         (1,504










Consolidated total

     387,304         336,197         (51,107











- 16 -

(6) NTT Shareholders’ Equity


Cash dividends paid



   The shareholders’ meeting on June 23, 2011

Class of shares

   Common stock

Source of dividends

   Retained earnings

Total cash dividends paid

   ¥79,388 million

Cash dividends per share


Date of record

   March 31, 2011

Date of payment

   June 24, 2011

Cash dividends declared



   The Board of Directors’ meeting on November 9, 2011

Class of shares

   Common stock

Source of dividends

   Retained earnings

Total cash dividends declared

   ¥88,592 million

Cash dividends per share


Date of record

   September 30, 2011

Date of payment

   December 12, 2011

Significant Changes in NTT Shareholders’ Equity


(7) Subsequent events

Cancellation of Treasury Stock and Repurchase of Shares

On November 9, 2011, the board of directors resolved that NTT will cancel 125,461,832 shares held as treasury stock on November 15, 2011, and that NTT may acquire up to a total not exceeding 44 million outstanding shares of its common stock at an amount in total not exceeding ¥220 billion from November 16, 2011 through March 30, 2012.


- 17 -

4. (Reference)


(1) Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


       Millions of yen  
     March 31,
     September 30,



Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     13,642         7,326   

Accounts receivable, trade

     1,284         340   


     245         347   

Subsidiary deposits

     91,950         247,075   


     394,972         411,370   







Total current assets

     502,096         666,459   







Fixed assets:


Property, plant and equipment

     179,759         175,126   

Intangible fixed assets

     49,055         45,728   

Investments and other assets


Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     5,072,805         5,072,805   

Long-term loans receivable to subsidiaries

     1,727,465         1,685,657   


     39,047         40,640   







Total investments and other assets

     6,839,318         6,799,103   







Total fixed assets

     7,068,132         7,019,958   








     7,570,228         7,686,417   









   1.    These quarterly financial statements are exempt from auditor’s review in the legal disclosure.
   2.    These quarterly financial statements are prepared based on “Regulation for Terminology, Forms and Preparation of Quarterly Financial Statements.”


- 18 -



     Millions of yen  
     March 31,
    September 30,



Current liabilities:


Accounts payable, trade

     264        103   

Current portion of corporate bonds

     227,924        261,695   

Current portion of long-term borrowings

     74,240        72,720   

Accrued taxes on income

     210        8,979   

Deposit received from subsidiaries

     61,862        47,854   


     39,871        26,278   







Total current liabilities

     404,373        417,631   







Long-term liabilities:


Corporate bonds

     1,183,193        1,181,487   

Long-term borrowings

     953,530        1,183,430   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     29,584        30,284   

Asset retirement obligations

     1,162        1,175   


     1,406        1,387   







Total long-term liabilities

     2,168,877        2,397,764   








     2,573,251        2,815,395   









Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     937,950        937,950   

Capital surplus

     2,672,826        2,672,826   

Earned surplus

     1,987,997        2,085,079   

Treasury stock

     (603,132     (826,624







Total shareholders’ equity

     4,995,640        4,869,230   







Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     1,336        1,791   







Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     1,336        1,791   








     4,996,977        4,871,021   








     7,570,228        7,686,417   









   1.    These quarterly financial statements are exempt from auditor’s review in the legal disclosure.
   2.    These quarterly financial statements are prepared based on “Regulation for Terminology, Forms and Preparation of Quarterly Financial Statements.”


- 19 -


(2) Non-Consolidated Statements of Income


(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     2010      2011  

Operating revenues

     231,015         249,729   

Operating expenses

     71,023         71,625   







Operating income

     159,992         178,103   







Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     15,289         13,968   

Lease and rental income

     6,104         6,098   

Miscellaneous income

     1,512         862   







Total non-operating revenues

     22,906         20,928   







Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     5,254         7,716   

Corporate bond interest expenses

     11,544         10,257   

Miscellaneous expenses

     9,682         3,825   







Total non-operating expenses

     26,481         21,798   







Recurring profit

     156,417         177,233   







Special losses

     757         —     







Income before income taxes

     155,660         177,233   







Income taxes

     360         750   







Net income

     155,299         176,483   








(Reference) Major components of operating revenues


Dividends received

     155,245         174,934   

Revenues from group management

     9,575         9,575   

Revenues from basic R&D

     61,999         60,499   




These quarterly financial statements are exempt from auditor’s review in the legal disclosure.

   2.    These quarterly financial statements are prepared based on “Regulation for Terminology, Forms and Preparation of Quarterly Financial Statements.”


- 20 -


(3) Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     Millions of yen  
     2010     2011  

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     155,660        177,233   

Depreciation and amortization

     22,849        20,624   

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     325        223   

Dividends received

     (155,245     (174,934

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     845        699   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     (4,614     (930

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (8,418     (10,752

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     198        85   

(Increase) decrease in other current assets

     2,662        42   

(Increase) decrease in subsidiary deposits

     (27,000     (9,000

Increase (decrease) in deposit received from subsidiaries

     (4,118     (14,007


     2,747        2,267   








     (14,107     (8,448







Interest and dividends received

     170,710        189,183   

Interest paid

     (16,903     (17,157

Income taxes received (paid)

     6,330        23,867   







Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     146,030        187,444   







Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (22,268     (16,764

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (1,800     (998

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     3,827        2   

Payments for long-term loans

     (20,000     (70,000

Proceeds from long-term loans receivable

     62,552        79,570   


     (4,468     (283







Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     17,842        (8,474







Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     20,000        339,960   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (62,552     (79,570

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (24     (20

Dividends paid

     (79,391     (79,388

Proceeds from sale of (payments for acquisition of) treasury stock, net

     (63     (223,505







Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (122,031     (42,524







Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     41,841        136,445   







Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     121,157        118,580   







Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

     162,999        255,026   










These quarterly financial statements are exempt from auditor’s review in the legal disclosure.



   These quarterly financial statements are prepared based on “Regulation for Terminology, Forms and Preparation of Quarterly Financial Statements.”


- 21 -





The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.





- 22 -


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

November 9, 2011

NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (as of September 30, 2011)


1. Classification of Shareholders



   NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (1 unit = 100 shares)      Shares
Less Than
One Unit
and Public
     Foreign Corporations, etc.      Domestic

Total Holders

     3         310         78         7,755         1,109         973         926,235         936,463         —     

Total Shares (Units)

     4,730,537         2,005,370         109,479         171,784         3,379,325         7,912         4,064,609         14,469,016         1,757,467   


     32.69         13.86         0.76         1.19         23.36         0.05         28.09         100.00         —     


(1) “Domestic Individuals, etc.” includes 1,830,547 units of treasury stock, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 23 shares of treasury stock. 183,054,723 shares of treasury stock represents the number of shares of treasury stock recorded in the shareholders’ register; the actual number of treasury stock shares at the end of September 30, 2011 was 183,054,423.
(2) “Other Domestic Corporations” includes 163 units under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 72 shares under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.
(3) The number of shareholders who only own shares representing less than one unit is 225,238.


2. Classification by Number of Shares



   NTT’s Shares and Shareholders (1 unit = 100 shares)      Shares
Less Than
One Unit
   At Least
1,000 Units
     At Least
500 Units
     At Least
100 Units
     At Least
50 Units
     At Least
10 Units
     At Least
5 Units
     At Least
1 Unit

Number of Holders

     414         176         936         1,077         25,828         60,154         847,878         936,463         —     


     0.04         0.02         0.10         0.12         2.76         6.42         90.54         100.00         —     

Total Shares (Units)

     12,017,439         121,159         192,060         69,297         396,026         364,763         1,308,272         14,469,016         1,757,467   


     83.06         0.84         1.33         0.48         2.74         2.52         9.04         100.00         —     


(1) “At Least 1,000 Units” includes 1,830,547 units of treasury stock, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 23 shares of treasury stock.
(2) “At Least 100 Units” includes 163 units under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center, and “Shares Representing Less Than One Unit” includes 72 shares under the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.


3. Principal Shareholders



   Share Holdings
(in  thousands of
     Percentage of
Total Shares
Issued (%)

The Minister of Finance

     473,053         32.65   

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account)

     51,897         3.58   

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account)

     34,959         2.41   

Moxley and Company

     28,040         1.94   

The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. London Secs Lending Omnibus Account

     19,513         1.35   

SSBT OD05 Omnibus Account – Treaty Clients

     16,415         1.13   

Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account 9)

     14,724         1.02   

NTT Employee Share-Holding Association

     11,644         0.80   

State Street Bank and Trust Company 505224

     10,775         0.74   

Mellon Bank, N.A. as Agent for its Client Mellon Omnibus US Pension

     10,430         0.72   








     671,454         46.35   







Note: The Company’s holdings of treasury stock (183,054,423 shares) are not included in the above table.



Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011

November 9, 2011

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation



Disclaimer Information

The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

* “E” in this material represents that the figure is a plan or projection for operation.

** “FY” in this material indicates the fiscal year ending March 31 of the succeeding year.

*** “2Q” in this material represents the 6-month period beginning on April 1 and ending on September 30.

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




FY2011/2Q Highlights

Consolidated Operating Income

(Billions of yen)








Operating Revenue increased for two consecutive years, recovering 5 trillion yen. Operating Income steadily progressed.

Revised 0 initial forecast for operating income upward to 1.25 trillion yen.

Mobile Business Remains Strong zNo. of smartphones sold: 3.63 million; annual target revised upwards to 8.50 million. zImprovement in Packet ARPU: 150 yen increase compared to the same 3-month period ending September 30 of the prior fiscal year; annual target revised upwards to 2,700 yen.

Expansion of Global Business Revenues z5.4 billion USD; tripled compared to FY2010/2Q zAnnual target of 10 billion USD to be accomplished this year, one year earlier than previously planned.

Return to Shareholders zBuy back of 58 million shares for 220 billion yen. (buy back #1) zResolutions adopted for cancellation of 125 million shares of treasury stock and for a buy back of up to an additional 44 million shares.

(buy back #2) zEPS for the current fiscal year is expected to improve significantly.

(425.48 yen, an increase of 10.5% year-on-year)

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Consolidated Results and Forecasts (U.S. GAAP)

FY2011/2Q Highlights

Operating Revenues increased for two consecutive years, recovering 5 trillion yen. Operating Income steadily progressed.

(Billions of yen)



Change year-on-year


Operating Revenues

5,154.6 +155.5 +3.1% 4,999.1

Operating Expenses

4,469.1 +197.0 +4.6% 4,272.1

Operating Income

685.5 (41.5) (5.7)% 727.0

Net Income

296.4 (18.8) (6.0)% 315.2

FY2011 Initial Forecasts

% progress compared to FY2011 Initial Forecasts

10,540.0 48.9%

9,300.0 48.1%

1,240.0 55.3%

540.0 54.9%

Net income represents net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Major Subsidiaries’ Forecasts for FY2011

Initial Forecast for Operating Income revised 10.0 billion yen upward to 1,250.0 billion yen.

Initial Forecast for Operating Revenues remained unchanged.

(Billions of yen)


(U.S. GAAP) <Non-Consolidated> <Non-Consolidated> <Non-Consolidated> <Consolidated> <Consolidated>


FY2011 FY2011 FY2011 FY2011 FY2011 FY2011

Change Change Change Change Change Change

Revised Revised Revised Revised Revised Revised

from Initial from Initial from Initial from Initial from Initial from Initial

Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts Forecasts

Operating Revenues 10,540.0 0.0 1,895.0 (5.0) 1,687.0 (17.0) 1,003.0 (10.0) 1,200.0 0.0 4,240.0 10.0

Operating Expenses 9,290.0 (10.0) 1,825.0 (5.0) 1,632.0 (17.0) 908.0 (18.0) 1,120.0 0.0 3,370.0 (10.0)

Operating Income 1,250.0 10.0 70.0 0.0 55.0 0.0 95.0 8.0 80.0 0.0 870.0 20.0

Net Income 545.0 5.0 47.0 3.0 49.0 0.0 61.0 4.0 39.0 0.0 514.0 12.0

Net income represents net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.


Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation



Effects from the Earthquake

NTT Group’s consolidated loss due to effects from the earthquake was 20.0 billion yen and Capital Investment was 8.0 billion yen.

The Revised Forecasts for loss and for Capital Investment remained at the same level as the Initial Forecast: 30.0 billion yen.

(Billions of yen)

FY2011 Revised Forecasts FY2011/2Q FY2011 Initial


Capital Capital Capital

Profit/loss Change from Change from Profit/loss Profit/loss

Initial Investment Initial Investment Investment

Forecasts Forecasts


East Approx.

18.0 *

(2.0) Approx.

25.0 5.0 9.0 6.0 Approx.

20.0 Approx.


Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.

NTT 10.0 — 5.0 (5.0) 9.0 1.0 10.0 10.0



others 2.0 2.0 2.0 — — — — —

Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx.

NTT 30.0 — 30.0 — 20.0 8.0 30.0 30.0


* Includes the effects of the decrease in base rates of 3.0 billion yen and a decrease in special losses of 5.0 billion yen.

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Progress of Broadband Services



Operation Data

Number of Subscribers for Fixed Broadband Services

Annual target will be reached by, among other things, working to increase the number of new subscribers by promoting FLET’S Hikari Light Plan and further use of Wi-Fi, and by limiting subscription cancellations.

Number of subscribers


FLET’S ADSL FLET’S Hikari Hikari Denwa

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000


17,092 17,376 17,728 17,916 18,310 18,542 19,561

3,253 3,136 3,004 2,858 2,715 2,579 2,403

13,839 14,240 14,724 15,059 15,595 15,963 17,159

10,648 11,104 11,641 12,113 12,565 13,023 14,363

2010.6 2010.9 2010.12 2011.3 2011.6 2011.9 FY2011E



Optical video service 1,433 1,606 1,837 2,005 2,194 2,429 2,834

Changes from the preceding quarter


FY2010 FY2011

FY2010 FY2011E

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9 4-9

FLET’S Hikari(2) 588 401 484 335 536 368 904 1,808 2,100

Number of



opened 1,018 809 897 849 1,019 874 1,894 3,573 4,100


FLET’S ADSL (129) (117) (132) (147) (142) (136) (279) (524) (455)

Hikari Denwa4 506 457 537 472 453 457 910 1,971 2,250



Number of Optical video services includes Hikari TV and FLET’S TV.

(2) Number of FLET’S Hikari subscriptions includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown,and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.



Number of opened connections excludes openings due to relocations.



Number of Hikari Denwa subscriptions is calculated by number of thousand channels.

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Operation Data

Number of Subscribers for Mobile Broadband Services

Annual target will be reached by, among other things, working to bolster the sales of smartphones and to further improve customer satisfaction.

Number of subscribers


60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0

mova FOMA+Xi














2010.6 2010.9 2010.12 2011.3 2011.6 2011.9


Total number of increase in subscribers for the 6-month period during Apr.-Sept.: 983 (thousands)

Change from the preceding quarter


mova (Thousands)

FY2010 FY2011 FY2010 FY2011E

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9

959 778 633 1,197 674 805 3,568 3,440

(526) (398) (318) (398) (269) (227) (1,640) (1,240)

Note: The number of communication module service subscribers is included in total mobile broadband services subscribers.

—7— Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation



Operation Data

ARPU of Fixed Broadband Services (FLET’S Hikari)

We will strive to increase ARPU by continuing sales of value-added services, such as Hikari Denwa, and by creating new use scenarios.

NTT East

Excluding effects from the earthquake *

Optional Service Basic Monthly Charge



4,000 2,000 0

5,820 5,900 5,900 5,880 5,850 5,900* 5,890 * 5,900 * 5,880 * 5,890 5,880 5,940

1,520 1,550 1,580 1,610 1,600 1,620 1,570 1,670

4,300 4,350 4,320 4,270 4,250 4,270 4,310 4,270

FY2010 FY2011

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9



NTT West


6,000 4,000 2,000 0 5,830
























FY2010 FY2011

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9

FY2010 FY2011E

Note: FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West. Please see page 26 regarding the calculation of ARPU.

*Figures were calculated by deducting the number of subscriptions which have not been billed due to damages by the Great East Japan Earthquake, from the subscription base used for calculating ARPU. These figures are for reference purposes only. Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Operation Data

ARPU of Mobile Broadband Services (FOMA, Xi)

Packet ARPU increased due to increased sales of smartphones.

Total ARPU, including voice ARPU, as in the previous quarter, continued to increase in the three-month period ended September 30, 2011.

Voice ARPU Packet ARPU


8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0



























FY2010 FY2011

FY2010 FY2011E

4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 4-6 7-9

Voice ARPU 2,680 2,660 2,590 2,190 2,340 2,280 2,530 2,170

Packet ARPU 2,510 2,540 2,540 2,570 2,620 2,690 2,540 2,700

Note: Communication module service subscribers and the revenues thereof are not included in the calculation of mobile broadband services ARPU.

Revenues and subscriptions from mova services, which are scheduled to be phased out by the end of March 2012, are included in the calculation of ARPU. Please see page 26 regarding the calculation of ARPU.


Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation



Operation Data

Number of Subscribers for Video Services

Primarily for fixed broadband

In the first half of the fiscal year, multiscreen viewing and other new services were provided, and the number of subscribers

increased to 2.43 million as of the end of September.

Going forward, we will continue to endeavor to expand content and services to expand our customer base.

(10,000 subscribers)

300 250 200 150 100 50 0



















2010.6 2010.9 2010.12 2011.3 2011.6 2011.9

*1. “FLET’S TV requires a subscription to “FLET’S TV Transmission Service” Provided by NTT East and NTT West, and a subscription to Opticast Inc.’s broadcast service,”Opticast Facility Use Services”.

*2.”BeeTV” is a service provided by Avex Broadcasting and Communications, Inc., a joint venture between Avex Entertainment and NTT DOCOMO.

*3.”d Market” is the content market that NTT DOCOMO provides for smartphones, divided into the four categories of “Video Store”, “Bookstore”, “Music Store” and “Apps and Reviews”.

*4. “NOTTV” is a service provided by mmbi, in which NTT DOCOMO has an ownership stake.

Primarily for mobile broadband

In the first half of the fiscal year, “BeeTV”* 2 for smartphones was provided, and the number of subscribers increased to 1.84 million as of the end of September.

Going forward, we will further stimulate demand 4 by providing services such as “d Market”* 3 and “NOTTV” *4 .

(10,000 subscribers)






126 144 152 155 157 184 2010.6 2010.9 2010.12 2011.3 2011.6 2011.9

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Financial Information



FY2011/2Q Contributing Factors by Segment

Regional communications business: Decrease in Operating Revenues and Operating Income due to a fall in voice transmission services revenues, etc.

Long distance and international communications business: Increase in Operating Revenues and Operating Income due to the acquisition of Dimension Data, etc.

Mobile communications business: Decrease in Operating Revenues and Operating Income due to a fall in voice transmission services revenues, etc.

Data communications business: Increase in Operating Revenues and Operating Income due to the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries.

Operating Revenues


Long distance and international communications business

Data communications business


Elimination of intersegment/Others

(Billions of yen)









Regional communications business

Mobile communications business



Operating Expenses

[year-on-year+197.0 ]

Long distance and international communications business

Data communications business


Elimination of intersegment/Others









Regional communications business

Mobile communications business



Operating Income

[year-on-year(41.5) ]

Regional Long distance and Mobile Data Other business Elimination of

FY2010/2Q communications business communications international communications business communications business intersegment/ Others FY2011/2Q


727.0 (32.6) +18.3 (22.3) +8.3 (2.5) (10.7) 685.5

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT East Financial Results

Operating Revenues and Operating Income decreased due to, among other things, the negative effect on revenues due to the earthquake and the blunting of revenue increases from IP Services.

The Initial Forecast for Operating Revenues was revised downward 5.0 billion yen, while the Initial Forecast for Operating Income remained unchanged.



Operating Revenues



Progress 48.4%



(Billions of yen)

Decrease of 5.0 from Initial Forecasts


Voice Transmission Services IP Services Others

(43.7) +25.6 (17.0)



Voice Transmission Services IP Services Others

(93.2) +74.5 (43.3)






Operating Expenses



Progress 48.5%



Decrease of 5.0 from Initial Forecasts


Personnel expenses

Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets

(3.3) (10.1) (7.1)



Personnel expenses

Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets

(4.7) (39.6)







Operating Income

Progress 45.1%

Same as Initial Forecasts









Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT West Financial Results

Operating Revenues and Operating Income decreased due to, among other things, the blunting of revenue increases from IP Services.

The Initial Forecast for Operating Revenues was revised downward 17.0 billion yen, while the Initial Forecast for Operating Income remained unchanged.



Operating Revenues



Progress 49.3%



(Billions of yen)

Decrease of 17.0 from Initial Forecasts


Voice Transmission Services IP Services Others

(41.2) +25.5 (19.9)



Voice Transmission Services IP Services Others

(81.0) +53.9 (43.8)






Operating Expenses



Progress 49.5%



Decrease of 17.0 from Initial Forecasts


Personnel expenses

Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets

(2.3) (18.8) (4.6)



Personnel expenses

Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets

(4.7) (55.2)







Operating Income

Progress 44.6%

Same as Initial Forecasts









Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

IP-related Revenues and Voice Revenues of NTT EAST and NTT WEST

In the second quarter, NTT East’s IP-related Revenues surpassed Voice Revenues for the first time.


Billions of yen



Voice Revenues



380.0 380.6


IP-related Revenues 312.5






165.4 6,953



FTTH 2,605



FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011

/2Q /2Q /2Q /2Q /2Q /2Q


(Billions of yen)



Voice Revenues





IP-related Revenues 284.2











FTTH 2,118



FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011

/2Q /2Q /2Q /2Q /2Q /2Q

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Non-Consolidated)

NTT Communications Financial Results

While the trend of decreasing Operating Revenues continued, Operating Income increased due to extensive cost reductions, etc.

The Initial Forecast for Operating Revenues was revised downward 10.0 billion yen, while the Initial Forecast for Operating Income was revised upward 8.0 billion yen.

FY2011/2Q FY2011E

Operating Revenues





(Billions of yen)

Decrease of 10.0 from Initial Forecasts


Voice Transmission Service IP Services Others

(13.9) (3.9) (5.5)

Progress 48.4%



Voice Transmission Services IP Services Others

(31.3) 1.7 +2.6








Progress 47.6%



Decrease of 18.0 from Initial Forecasts


Personnel expenses

Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets






Personnel expenses

Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets

2.3 (22.7)







Operating Income




Progress 56.6%





Increase of 8.0 from Initial Forecasts


Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP Consolidated)

NTT DATA Financial Results

Increase in Operating Revenues and Operating Income due to the increase in the number of consolidated subsidiaries and improvement in cost of sales ratio, etc.

Initial Forecasts remained unchanged as there are uncertainties heading into the second half of the fiscal year, including the declining state of the economy and the appreciating yen.

FY2011/2Q FY2011E

Operating Revenues




Progress 47.6%





(Billions of yen)

Same as Initial Forecasts






Operating Expenses




Progress 48.3%





Same as Initial Forecasts






Operating Income




Progress 38.4%





Same as Initial Forecasts


Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

—16 —



Subsidiaries’ Results (U.S. GAAP Consolidated)

NTT DOCOMO Financial Results

Excluding the effects of the revision of the point program/handset repair program implemented during the last fiscal year, Operating Income increased substantially.

Initial Forecasts were revised upward, taking into account the strong sales of smartphones and the increase in packet ARPU.


Operating Revenues





Progress 49.8%




(Billions of yen)

Increase of 10.0 from Initial Forecasts







Operating Expenses





Progress 47.6%







Decrease of 10.0 from Initial Forecasts



Operating Income




Progress 58.4%





Increase of 20.0 from Initial Forecasts


Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Subsidiaries’ Results (JPN GAAP/U.S. GAAP)

Details of Difference Between Consolidated Operating Income and Total Operating Income of 5 Major Subsidiaries

(Billions of yen)



Total operating income of 5 major subsidiaries (JPN GAAP)


NTT (Holding Company): 4.7

NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT (Consolidated): 14.3 NTT COMWARE: 3.4 NTT FINANCE (Consolidated): 6.0 Outsourcing companies (East): 5.7 Outsourcing companies (West): (1.0) Other companies: 7.8

Total operating income of subsidiaries other than the 5 major ones (excluding the effect of dividends received by NTT (Holding Company))


Pension (actuarial difference, etc.): +4.5 Depreciation of engineering facilities: (19.9) Adjustments between operating and non-operating items, including eliminations, etc.

Elimination and U.S. GAAP adjustments


Consolidated operating income (U.S. GAAP)



Total of operating income of 5 major subsidiaries (JPN GAAP)


NTT (Holding Company): 3.1

NTT URBAN DEVELOPMENT (Consolidated): 13.2 NTT COMWARE: (1.1) NTT FINANCE (Consolidated): 7.4 Outsourcing companies (East): 3.9 Outsourcing companies (West): (3.6) Other companies: 19.6

Total operating income of subsidiaries other than the 5 major ones (excluding the effect of dividends received by NTT (Holding Company))


Pension (actuarial difference, etc): (2.6) Depreciation of engineering facilities: (17.4) Adjustments between operating and non-operating items, including eliminations, etc.

Elimination and U.S. GAAP adjustments


Consolidated operating income (U.S. GAAP)

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Capital Investment

Capital Investments during the six-month period ended September 30, 2011 remained at the same level as the same period of the previous fiscal year.

Initial Forecasts were revised upward 20.0 billion yen to 1,970.0 billion yen.

(Billions of yen)


































NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

NTT DATA (Consolidated)

NTT (Holding Company)

NTT Communications

NTT West NTT East

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Details of Consolidated Cash Flows

Cash flows from operating activities decreased due to a decrease in net income in addition to an increase in payments of accounts payable. In cash flows from investing activities, cash outlays increased due to an increase in short-term investments exceeding three months in duration.

While showing a negative number, FCF would have been in the 300.0 billion range if not for the effect of fund operations. Cash flows from financing activities amounted to increased cash outlays due to the buy back of shares.

(Billions of yen)

Cash flows from operating activities (A)

Cash flows from investing activities (B)

Cash flows from financing activities

FCF (A) + (B)


2,000 1,000 0 (1,000) (2,000)

1,356.5 1,259.3

1,724.5 1,645.8












FY2010/2Q FY2011/2Q

Increase/Decrease from same period of the previous fiscal year

*EBITDA = Operating Income + Depreciation, Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation




Transformation of Business Structure

Consolidated Revenue Composition Image

Solution & New Business, etc. IP business Legacy business

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

New Solution Business, & etc.


IP business


Legacy business















IP, solution & new business account for roughly two-thirds






70% 37%


FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011/2Q FY2011E

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation








Shareholders Returns

Dividends per share


150 100 50 0

Dividends per share Pay-out ratio

50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Pay-out ratio

60 17.1%

80 23.0%


Approx. *1


110 27.5%

120 32.3%

120 31.2%


32.9% *2

FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011E

(Billions of yen)


400.0 200.0 0.0

Share buy backs

539.4 94.4 200.0 223.4 *2

• Resolution for 2nd buy back up to 44 million shares, 220.0 billion yen

FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011E

*1 Excludes special factors such as the transfer of the substitutional portion of the Employee Pension Fund.

*2 Based on the assumption that NTT will buy back all of the 99.33 million shares that the government has budgeted for sale, and make them its treasury stock.

(Note) The basic policy on cancellation of all treasury stock owned by NTT as of March 31, 2010 (approx. 250 million shares) was resolved in May 2010, and one-half of such shares was cancelled in November 2010. The remaining half is expected to be cancelled in November 2011.

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





FY2011/2Q Details of Financial Results (Per Item)


Revenues [year-on-year+155.5]

Other (12.4) revenues

(Billions of yen)

Voice related services revenues


SI revenues and sales of telecommunications equipment


Fixed IP/packet

Mobile IP/packet


Fixed voice

Mobile voice

Fixed voice : (112.7) Mobile voice : (85.6)

Systems Integration

Telecommunications equipment

IP/packet communications services revenues


Fixed IP/packet : +56.0 Mobile IP/packet: +69.2



Systems Integration : +252.3 Telecommunications equipment (Fixed-line) : (7.5) Telecommunications equipment (Mobile) : (3.7)



Expenses [year-on-year+197.0]




Depreciation expenses and loss on disposal of assets


Expenses for purchase of goods and services and other expenses


Personnel expenses


Other expenses



Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Details of Consolidated Balance Sheet

March 31, 2011


(Billions of yen)

September 30, 2011



Depreciable Assets (property, plant and equipment)


Deferred Tax Assets (non-current) 887.0



Interest-Bearing Debt 4,553.5 Liability for Employees’ Retirement Benefits 1,536.0



Treasury Stock (603.1)




Depreciable Assets (property, plant and equipment)


Deferred Tax Assets (non-current) 884.6 [(2.4)]


9,136.4[(448.3)] Interest-Bearing Debt 4,455.3[(98.2)] Liability for Employees’ Retirement Benefits 1,555.9[+19.9]


10,128.3[+47.4] Treasury Stock (826.6) [(223.5)]

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Consolidated and Main Subsidiaries’ Financial Results for FY2011/2Q

(Billions of yen)




NTT East NTT West NTT Com NTT DATA NTT DOCOMO Consolidated (Holding Company)

Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Non-Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated (U.S. GAAP) (JPN GAAP) (JPN GAAP) (JPN GAAP) (JPN GAAP) (JPN GAAP) (U.S. GAAP)

Operating Revenues

Change year-on-year (% change)

Opetating Expenses

Change year-on-year (% change)

Operating Income

Change year-on-year (% change)

Income Before (2) Income Taxes

Change year-on-year (% change)

Net Income

Change year-on-year (% change)

5,154.6 249.7 916.5 832.3 485.5 571.7 2,113.0

155.5 18.7 (35.1) (35.7) (23.4) 38.0 (25.2) 3.1% 8.1% (3.7)% (4.1)% (4.6)% 7.1% (1.2)%

4,469.1 71.6 885.0 807.7 431.7 540.9 1,604.5

197.0 0.6 (20.5) (25.7) (35.6) 32.6 (2.2) 4.6% 0.8% (2.3)% (3.1)% (7.6)% 6.4% (0.1)%

685.5 178.1 31.5 24.5 53.7 30.7 508.5

(41.5) 18.1 (14.5) (9.9) 12.1 5.3 (23.0) (5.7)% 11.3% (31.6)% (28.8)% 29.2% 21.1% (4.3)%

681.7 177.2 43.6 31.1 64.3 28.7 511.9

(28.6) 20.8 (13.2) (13.6) 13.7 5.6 (15.1) (4.0)% 13.3% (23.2)% (30.5)% 27.0% 24.6% (2.9)%



296.4 176.4 26.7 23.6 38.3 12.4 299.0 (4)

(18.8) 21.1 (9.5) (10.1) 11.9 0.3 (10.7) (6.0)% 13.6% (26.4)% (29.9)% 45.5% 2.8% (3.5)%

(1) The number of consolidated subsidiaries is 776 and the number of companies accounted for under the equity method is 98.

(2) “Income Before Income Taxes” for NTT (Holding Company), NTT East, NTT West, NTT Communications and NTT DATA represent their recurring profits. (3) “Net Income” for NTT Consolidated represents “Net income attributable to NTT, excluding noncontrolling interests.” (4) “Net Income” for NTT DOCOMO represents “Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, excluding noncontrolling interests.”

Copyright (c) 2011 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation





Calculation of ARPU

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to designated services on a per user basis. In the case of our fixed line business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of our Regional Communications Business, that is, telephone subscriber lines, INS-NET and FLET’S Hikari, by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services. In the case of our mobile business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues from our Mobile Communications Business, such as revenues from Mobile (FOMA) services, revenues from Mobile (mova) services, and revenues from Mobile (Xi) services, which are incurred consistently each month (i.e., basic monthly charges and voice/packet communication charges), by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services. The calculation of these figures excludes revenues that are not representative of monthly average usage such as equipment sales, activation fees and universal service charges. We believe that our ARPU figures calculated in this way provide useful information regarding the monthly average usage of our subscribers. The revenue items included in the numerators of our ARPU figures are based on our financial results comprising our U.S. GAAP results of operations.

Notes :



We compute the following four categories of ARPU for business conducted by each of NTT East and NTT West:

Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines): Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and INS-NET Subscriber Lines, which are included in operating revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP Services), and revenues from FLET’S ADSL and FLET’S ISDN, which are included in operating revenues from IP Services.

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ADSL. INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for INS-NET Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ISDN.

FLET’S Hikari ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from FLET’S Hikari (including FLET’S Hikari optional services), which are included in operating revenues from IP Services, revenues from monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges for Hikari Denwa, and revenues from FLET’S Hikari optional services, which are included in Supplementary Business revenues.

-FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East, and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.

(2) Revenues from interconnection charges are excluded from the calculation of Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU, INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, and FLET’S Hikari ARPU.

(3) For purposes of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, the number of subscribers is determined using the number of subscriptions for each service.

(4) In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, for the purpose of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions.

(5) For purposes of calculating FLET’S Hikari ARPU, number of subscribers is determined based on number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers including B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.

(6) We separately compute the following three categories of ARPU for mobile business conducted by NTT DOCOMO.Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) = Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) + Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi).

-Our Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges attributable to our FOMA and mova services, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges attributable to our FOMA, mova and Xi services.

- As Xi service does not provide voice services as of September 30, 2011, the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi). Only the number of Xi service subscriptions are included in the calculation.

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA) = Voice ARPU (FOMA) + Packet ARPU (FOMA).

-Our Voice ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our FOMA services.

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova) = Voice ARPU (mova) + Packet ARPU (mova).

-Our Voice ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our mova services.

(7) Communications module service, phone number storage service and mail address storage service subscribers and the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Mobile Aggregate ARPU.

(8)Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT East and NTT West are as below. -1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun.

-2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept. -3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec. -4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar.

-Six Months Results: Sum of Number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Sept. -FY Results : Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.

-FY (Forecast when previous annual results were announced): Average expected active Number of subscribers ((Number of subscribers at end of previous Mar. + Number of expected subscribers at end of following Mar.)/2)x12 -FY (Revised forecast): Sum of the sum of actual Number of active subscribers at the end of each month from Apr. to Sept. and the average expected active Number of subscribers during the second half of the fiscal year ((Number of subscribers at end of Sept. + Number of expected subscribers at end of the following Mar.)/2)x6 (9)Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT DOCOMO are as below.

-1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun. -2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept. -3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec. -4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar.

-Six Months Results: Sum of Number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Sept. -FY Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.

-FY (Forecast when previous annual results were announced) and FY (Revised forecast): Sum of expected number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.

**active subscribers = (number of subscribers at end of previous month + number of subscribers at end of the current month)/2


November 9, 2011


Financial Statements for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (NTT East) for the six months ended September 30, 2011 are presented in the following attachments.



1. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


3. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


4. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

For inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Hiroshi Niitsu or Mr. Takayuki Arita

Accounting Section, Finance Division

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation

Tel: +81-3-5359-3331

E-mail: kessan_info@sinoa.east.ntt.co.jp

1. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     September 30, 2011     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     518,747        504,672        (14,074

Antenna facilities

     5,456        5,259        (197

Terminal equipment

     73,253        69,295        (3,957

Local line facilities

     801,071        807,028        5,956   

Long-distance line facilities

     3,921        3,560        (360

Engineering facilities

     628,723        621,534        (7,188

Submarine line facilities

     2,213        1,998        (215


     474,115        461,742        (12,373

Construction in progress

     42,344        37,139        (5,204


     259,472        254,664        (4,807

Total property, plant and equipment

     2,809,318        2,766,894        (42,423

Intangible fixed assets

     104,987        94,529        (10,458

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     2,914,306        2,861,423        (52,882

Investments and other assets


Other investments and assets

     254,992        254,459        (533

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (1,063     (1,039     24   

Total investments and other assets

     253,929        253,420        (508

Total fixed assets

     3,168,235        3,114,844        (53,391

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     172,498        87,815        (84,683

Notes receivable

     7        221        214   

Accounts receivable, trade

     323,537        265,054        (58,483


     35,259        42,044        6,785   

Other current assets

     69,587        108,633        39,045   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (4,073     (3,383     690   

Total current assets

     596,816        500,386        (96,430











     3,765,052        3,615,230        (149,822











– 1 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     September 30, 2011     Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     666,055        641,885        (24,169

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     254,054        251,681        (2,373

Reserve for point services

     2,944        4,021        1,076   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     15,101        15,016        (84

Asset retirement obligations

     629        636        7   

Other long-term liabilities

     10,056        12,810        2,754   

Total long-term liabilities

     948,842        926,052        (22,789

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     122,687        144,038        21,350   

Accounts payable, trade

     104,534        60,140        (44,393

Short-term borrowings

     30,000        —          (30,000

Accrued taxes on income

     1,661        6,222     4,561   

Allowance for loss on disaster

     5,500        4,518        (982

Asset retirement obligations

     70        70        0   

Other current liabilities

     421,985        351,182        (70,803

Total current liabilities

     686,438        566,172        (120,265











     1,635,281        1,492,225        (143,055












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     335,000        335,000        —     

Capital surplus

     1,499,726        1,499,726        —     

Earned surplus

     295,308        288,548        (6,760

Total shareholders’ equity

     2,130,035        2,123,275        (6,760

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     (263     (270     (6

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     (263     (270     (6











     2,129,771        2,123,004        (6,766











     3,765,052        3,615,230        (149,822











Note:   *NTT East participates in a consolidated tax return system, which has been adopted by NTT (Holding Company) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in Japan. However, except for a portion of the calculation of taxes, income taxes have not been calculated on a consolidated basis in the quarterly financial statements.


– 2 –

2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
    Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31,  2011

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     888,411        858,122        (30,288     1,776,085   

Operating expenses

     843,126        829,708        (13,417     1,706,911   

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     45,284        28,413        (16,870     69,173   

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     63,325        58,471        (4,853     181,061   

Operating expenses

     62,482        55,324        (7,158     173,080   

Operating income from supplementary businesses

     842        3,147        2,304        7,981   

Operating income

     46,127        31,561        (14,566     77,155   

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     66        55        (11     141   

Dividends received

     1,796        2,633        836        1,817   

Lease and rental income

     22,799        22,057        (742     45,112   

Miscellaneous income

     4,191        2,680        (1,511     6,823   

Total non-operating revenues

     28,855        27,425        (1,429     53,894   

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     5,587        5,021        (565     10,969   

Lease and rental expenses

     10,591        9,541        (1,050     21,457   

Miscellaneous expenses

     1,953        781        (1,172     2,556   

Total non-operating expenses

     18,132        15,344        (2,788     34,983   

Recurring profit

     56,850        43,642        (13,207     96,066   

Special profits

     —          4,393        4,393        —     

Special losses

     —          7,985        7,985        19,190   

Income before income taxes

     56,850        40,051        (16,799     76,876   

Income taxes

     20,538     13,311     (7,226     24,572   

Net income

     36,312        26,739        (9,572     52,303   



  *NTT East participates in a consolidated tax return system, which has been adopted by NTT (Holding Company) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in Japan. However, except for a portion of the calculation of taxes, income taxes have not been calculated on a consolidated basis in the quarterly financial statements.


– 3 –

3. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
     Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Voice transmission services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     380,027         336,300         (43,727     (11.5     742,278   

Monthly charge revenues*

     260,718         235,496         (25,221     (9.7     509,204   

Call rates revenues*

     36,832         30,952         (5,880     (16.0     71,160   

Interconnection call revenues*

     51,024         42,421         (8,603     (16.9     99,854   

IP services revenues

     355,035         380,669         25,634        7.2        724,493   

Leased circuit services revenues
(excluding IP services revenues)

     75,676         68,567         (7,108     (9.4     149,488   

Telegram services revenues

     9,406         8,315         (1,090     (11.6     18,869   

Other telecommunications services revenues

     68,265         64,270         (3,995     (5.9     140,956   
















Telecommunications total revenues

     888,411         858,122         (30,288     (3.4     1,776,085   
















Supplementary business total revenues

     63,325         58,471         (4,853     (7.7     181,061   
















Total operating revenues

     951,736         916,594         (35,141     (3.7     1,957,147   

















* Partial listing only


– 4 –

4. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
    Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     56,850        40,051        (16,799     76,876   

Depreciation and amortization

     202,616        197,940        (4,676     403,510   

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     11,522        9,649        (1,872     26,826   

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (1,092     (2,373     (1,281     (26,595

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     20,105        58,793        38,687        (30,084

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     399        (5,477     (5,876     2,939   

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (63,341     (92,101     (28,759     39,504   

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     3,523        (2,017     (5,540     3,460   


     19,159        (3,528     (22,687     50,117   














     249,743        200,936        (48,806     546,554   

Interest and dividends received

     1,863        2,688        825        1,959   

Interest paid

     (5,770     (5,176     593        (11,071

Income taxes received (paid)

     (19,194     (4,764     14,430        (23,043













Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     226,641        193,684        (32,957     514,399   

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (189,172     (197,876     (8,704     (395,380

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     3,105        569        (2,535     5,530   

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (553     —          553        (3,047

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     2,040        217        (1,822     2,201   


     (154     308        463        1,742   













Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (184,735     (196,781     (12,046     (388,953

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     —          20,000        20,000        30,000   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (35,297     (22,818     12,478        (90,595

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     1,000        (30,000     (31,000     30,000   

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (1,674     (1,663     10        (3,289

Dividends paid

     (33,500     (33,500     —          (33,500













Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (69,471     (67,982     1,488        (67,385

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (27,565     (71,080     (43,514     58,060   

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     144,764        202,824        58,060        144,764   













Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

     117,199        131,744        14,545        202,824   














– 5 –

November 9, 2011


Financial Statements for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011

The results of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT West) for the six months ended September 30, 2011 are presented in the following attachments.



1. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


3. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


4. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

For inquiries, please contact:

Takashi Sasaki or Takehisa Maegawa

Accounting Section, Finance Division

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation

Tel: +81-6-4793-3141

E-mail: kessan-info@west.ntt.co.jp

1. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     September 30, 2011     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     512,794        491,201        (21,593

Antenna facilities

     7,607        7,319        (288

Terminal equipment

     21,343        21,231        (111

Local line facilities

     862,726        863,359        632   

Long-distance line facilities

     2,984        2,973        (10

Engineering facilities

     580,930        574,206        (6,724

Submarine line facilities

     1,977        1,854        (123


     417,342        404,996        (12,346

Construction in progress

     25,001        35,189        10,187   


     229,855        225,722        (4,133

Total property, plant and equipment

     2,662,564        2,628,054        (34,509

Intangible fixed assets

     83,872        76,225        (7,646

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     2,746,436        2,704,280        (42,156

Investments and other assets


Other investments and assets

     184,655        186,091        1,436   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (393     (381     11   

Total investments and other assets

     184,261        185,709        1,447   

Total fixed assets

     2,930,698        2,889,989        (40,708

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     130,313        99,870        (30,443

Notes receivable

     198        43        (154

Accounts receivable, trade

     272,994        234,008        (38,986


     29,935        34,369        4,434   

Other current assets

     45,810        64,716        18,905   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (2,220     (1,967     253   

Total current assets

     477,032        431,041        (45,991











     3,407,731        3,321,030        (86,700











– 1 –

       (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     September 30, 2011     Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     954,099        978,283        24,184   

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     258,049        252,635        (5,414

Reserve for point services

     4,815        5,708        893   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     14,280        14,200        (80

Asset retirement obligations

     436        421        (15

Other long-term liabilities

     15,383        14,878        (504

Total long-term liabilities

     1,247,064        1,266,128        19,063   

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     142,428        113,530        (28,898

Accounts payable, trade

     70,297        54,343        (15,954

Short-term borrowings

     23,000        30,000        7,000   

Accrued taxes on income

     674        782     108   

Other current liabilities

     392,674        332,057        (60,616

Total current liabilities

     629,073        530,713        (98,360











     1,876,137        1,796,841        (79,296












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     312,000        312,000        —     

Capital surplus

     1,170,054        1,170,054        —     

Earned surplus

     49,611        42,095        (7,516

Total shareholders’ equity

     1,531,665        1,524,149        (7,516

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     (72     39        111   

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     (72     39        111   











     1,531,593        1,524,189        (7,404











     3,407,731        3,321,030        (86,700












  *NTT West participates in a consolidated tax return system, which has been adopted by NTT (Holding Company) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in Japan. However, except for a portion of the calculation of taxes, income taxes have not been calculated on a consolidated basis in the quarterly financial statements.


– 2 –

2. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
    Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     798,792        771,010        (27,781     1,597,362   

Operating expenses

     764,973        749,141        (15,831     1,548,824   

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     33,818        21,868        (11,950     48,537   

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     69,240        61,312        (7,928     160,696   

Operating expenses

     68,601        58,646        (9,954     159,587   

Operating income from supplementary businesses

     639        2,665        2,026        1,108   

Operating income

     34,457        24,534        (9,923     49,646   

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     3        2        (1     5   

Dividends received

     2,140        1,150        (990     2,151   

Lease and rental income

     22,428        19,504        (2,923     43,495   

Miscellaneous income

     2,005        1,640        (365     4,183   

Total non-operating revenues

     26,578        22,297        (4,281     49,835   

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     8,208        7,926        (282     16,383   

Lease and rental expenses

     6,868        6,660        (208     14,648   

Miscellaneous expenses

     1,196        1,126        (70     5,379   

Total non-operating expenses

     16,273        15,712        (561     36,412   

Recurring profit

     44,762        31,118        (13,643     63,069   

Income before income taxes

     44,762        31,118        (13,643     63,069   

Income taxes

     10,967     7,434     (3,532     13,983   

Net income

     33,795        23,683        (10,111     49,085   



  *NTT West participates in a consolidated tax return system, which has been adopted by NTT (Holding Company) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in Japan. However, except for a portion of the calculation of taxes, income taxes have not been calculated on a consolidated basis in the quarterly financial statements.


– 3 –

3. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
     Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Voice transmission services revenues (excluding IP services revenues)

     373,302         332,009         (41,293     (11.1     729,085   

Monthly charge revenues*

     256,511         233,598         (22,912     (8.9     502,703   

Call rates revenues*

     32,445         26,935         (5,510     (17.0     61,884   

Interconnection call revenues*

     55,977         46,825         (9,152     (16.3     108,696   

IP services revenues

     284,209         309,774         25,564        9.0        582,095   

Leased circuit services revenues (excluding IP services revenues)

     67,112         62,784         (4,328     (6.4     133,103   

Telegram services revenues

     10,744         9,935         (809     (7.5     22,161   

Other telecommunications services revenues

     63,421         56,506         (6,914     (10.9     130,916   
















Telecommunications total revenues

     798,792         771,010         (27,781     (3.5     1,597,362   
















Supplementary business total revenues

     69,240         61,312         (7,928     (11.5     160,696   
















Total operating revenues

     868,032         832,322         (35,709     (4.1     1,758,058   

















* Partial listing only


– 4 –

4. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
    Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     44,762        31,118        (13,643     63,069   

Depreciation and amortization

     188,946        183,476        (5,470     376,998   

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     7,769        7,988        218        18,635   

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     (5,776     (5,414     362        (37,951

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     31,870        42,249        10,379        6,646   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     (4,436     (4,472     (36     (4,829

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (61,973     (71,853     (9,879     (6,626

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     939        608        (331     521   


     (9,334     (4,958     4,375        27,149   














     192,767        178,741        (14,025     443,614   

Interest and dividends received

     2,145        1,153        (992     2,157   

Interest paid

     (8,228     (8,065     162        (16,423

Income taxes received (paid)

     (3,025     6,474        9,500        (3,082













Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     183,658        178,304        (5,354     426,266   

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (199,227     (166,808     32,418        (379,393

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     1,261        673        (588     3,434   

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     —          (614     (614     (250

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     13        14        1        13   


     (1,023     (713     310        (436













Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (198,976     (167,448     31,528        (376,631

Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt

     20,000        50,000        30,000        130,000   

Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (25,085     (54,714     (29,628     (151,170

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     999        (5,000     (5,999     (3,999

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (918     (852     65        (1,868

Dividends paid

     (25,003     (31,200     (6,196     (25,003













Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (30,007     (41,767     (11,759     (52,043

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (45,325     (30,911     14,414        (2,409

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     133,522        131,113        (2,409     133,522   













Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

     88,196        100,202        12,005        131,113   














– 5 –

November 9, 2011


NTT Com Announces Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011

TOKYO, JAPAN — NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) announced today its financial results for the six months ended September 30, 2011. Please see the following attachments for further details:


I. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets


II. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income


III. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)


IV. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows


V. Financial Results of NTT Communications Group

#    #    #

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications provides a broad range of global networks, management solutions and IT services to customers worldwide. The company is renowned for reliable, high-quality security, hosting, voice, data and IP services, as well as expertise in managed networks and leadership in IPv6 transit technology. NTT Communications’ extensive infrastructure includes Arcstar™ Global IP-VPN and Global e-VLAN, as well as a Tier-1 IP backbone reaching more than 150 countries in partnership with major Internet service providers, and secure data centers in Asia, North America and Europe. NTT Communications is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, one of the world’s largest telecoms with listings on the Tokyo, London and New York stock exchanges. Please visit www.ntt.com/index-e.html.

For more information

(Ms.) Naomi Komoda or (Mr.) Takashi Ikai

Accounting and Taxation, Finance, NTT Communications

Tel: +81 3 6700 4311

Email: info-af@ntt.com

I. Non-Consolidated Comparative Balance Sheets

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011     September 30, 2011     Increase



Fixed assets:


Fixed assets - telecommunications businesses


Property, plant and equipment


Machinery and equipment

     148,965        150,556        1,591   

Antenna facilities

     1,688        1,643        (44

Terminal equipment

     1,134        1,020        (113

Local line facilities

     840        823        (17

Long-distance line facilities

     8,299        7,721        (578

Engineering facilities

     55,813        55,014        (799

Submarine line facilities

     11,128        10,061        (1,066


     133,473        131,598        (1,874

Construction in progress

     17,829        17,900        71   


     87,700        89,498        1,797   

Total property, plant and equipment

     466,872        465,839        (1,033

Intangible fixed assets

     73,165        85,533        12,367   

Total fixed assets - telecommunications businesses

     540,038        551,372        11,334   

Investments and other assets


Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies

     182,233        187,258        5,024   

Other investments and assets

     173,332        164,834        (8,497

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (266     (256     10   

Total investments and other assets

     355,300        351,836        (3,463

Total fixed assets

     895,338        903,209        7,870   

Current assets:


Cash and bank deposits

     54,796        46,155        (8,641

Notes receivable

     12        216        204   

Accounts receivable, trade

     185,255        159,667        (25,588


     7,035        9,389        2,354   

Other current assets

     23,696        30,901        7,205   

Allowance for doubtful accounts

     (2,340     (2,162     177   

Total current assets

     268,455        244,167        (24,287











     1,163,793        1,147,377        (16,416











– 1 –

     (Millions of yen)  
     March 31, 2011      September 30, 2011     Increase



Long-term liabilities:


Long-term borrowings from parent company

     107,309         65,488        (41,821

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     79,372         81,871        2,498   

Reserve for point services

     3,684         4,103        418   

Reserve for unused telephone cards

     6,318         6,283        (35

Asset retirement obligations

     619         661        42   

Other long-term liabilities

     15,187         14,909        (278

Total long-term liabilities

     212,493         173,317        (39,175

Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term borrowings from parent company

     37,073         76,858        39,784   

Accounts payable, trade

     28,834         20,721        (8,112

Short-term borrowings

     65         4,226        4,160   

Accounts payable, other

     165,741         131,547        (34,193

Accrued taxes on income

     664         1,774     1,109   

Allowance for losses on construction

     —           58        58   

Allowance for loss on disaster

     957         611        (345

Asset retirement obligations

     16         8        (8

Other current liabilities

     29,572         29,505        (67

Total current liabilities

     262,926         265,311        2,384   











     475,420         438,629        (36,790












Shareholders’ equity:


Common stock

     211,763         211,763        —     

Capital surplus

     131,615         131,615        —     

Earned surplus

     313,022         336,336        23,314   

Total shareholders’ equity

     656,401         679,715        23,314   

Unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others:


Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities

     31,972         29,032        (2,939

Total unrealized gains (losses), translation adjustments, and others

     31,972         29,032        (2,939











     688,373         708,747        20,374   











     1,163,793         1,147,377        (16,416











Note: *NTT Com participates in a consolidated tax return system, which has been adopted by NTT (Holding Company) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in Japan. However, except for a portion of the calculation of taxes, income taxes have not been calculated on a consolidated basis in the quarterly financial statements.


– 2 –

II. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Income

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
    Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Telecommunications businesses:


Operating revenues

     437,069        412,719        (24,350     868,467   

Operating expenses

     394,542        358,108        (36,433     772,624   

Operating income from telecommunications businesses

     42,527        54,611        12,083        95,842   

Supplementary businesses:


Operating revenues

     71,932        72,831        898        164,948   

Operating expenses

     72,841        73,655        814        167,522   

Operating losses from supplementary businesses

     (908     (823     84        (2,574

Operating income

     41,619        53,787        12,168        93,268   

Non-operating revenues:


Interest income

     31        31        (0     66   

Dividends received

     8,097        8,089        (7     8,839   

Lease and rental income

     6,947        6,613        (334     13,699   

Miscellaneous income

     568        906        338        1,133   

Total non-operating revenues

     15,645        15,640        (4     23,739   

Non-operating expenses:


Interest expenses

     1,517        1,159        (357     2,999   

Lease and rental expenses

     4,058        3,649        (408     8,221   

Miscellaneous expenses

     1,015        239        (775     2,102   

Total non-operating expenses

     6,590        5,048        (1,542     13,322   

Recurring profit

     50,673        64,379        13,706        103,684   

Special losses

     3,262        —          (3,262     3,545   

Income before income taxes

     47,411        64,379        16,968        100,139   

Income taxes

     21,085     26,064     4,979        31,174   

Net income

     26,325        38,314        11,989        68,964   


Note: *NTT Com participates in a consolidated tax return system, which has been adopted by NTT (Holding Company) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries in Japan. However, except for a portion of the calculation of taxes, income taxes have not been calculated on a consolidated basis in the quarterly financial statements.


– 3 –

III. Business Results (Non-Consolidated Operating Revenues)

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
     Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Voice transmission services revenues (excluding IP services revenues)

     178,862         164,902         (13,960     (7.8     353,322   

IP services revenues

     191,105         187,126         (3,979     (2.1     381,772   

Open computer network services revenues*

     81,398         79,567         (1,830     (2.2     162,141   

IP-Virtual private network services revenues*

     37,509         34,862         (2,646     (7.1     74,296   

Wide-Area Ethernet services revenues*

     28,026         26,984         (1,042     (3.7     55,138   

Data communications revenues (excluding IP services revenues)

     46,095         40,284         (5,810     (12.6     90,751   

Leased circuit services revenues*

     32,374         28,903         (3,470     (10.7     64,295   

Solution services revenues

     79,751         80,701         950        1.2        181,471   


     13,187         12,536         (651     (4.9     26,096   
















Total operating revenues

     509,002         485,551         (23,451     (4.6     1,033,415   

















Notes: 1.

  Certain amounts of “Leased circuit services revenues” have been reclassified to “IP services revenues” from the three months ended June 30, 2011. Accordingly, part of the prior year’s amounts has been reclassified.


  Partial listing only


– 4 –

IV. Non-Consolidated Comparative Statements of Cash Flows

(Based on accounting principles generally accepted in Japan)


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
    Six months ended
September 30, 2011
    Year ended
March 31, 2011

Cash flows from operating activities:


Income before income taxes

     47,411        64,379        16,968        100,139   

Depreciation and amortization

     57,126        50,251        (6,874     109,822   

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     1,481        1,164        (316     4,031   

Gains on sales of fixed assets

     (0     (441     (441     (26

Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts

     (131     (187     (56     678   

Increase (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     1,901        2,498        597        2,530   

(Increase) decrease in accounts receivable

     22,711        24,399        1,688        7,606   

(Increase) decrease in inventories

     (2,115     (3,313     (1,197     (2,035

Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued expenses

     (20,259     (16,160     4,098        (30,576

Increase (decrease) in accrued consumption tax

     (634     673        1,307        (1,908


     897        (15,111     (16,009     15,274   














     108,387        108,152        (234     205,536   

Interest and dividends received

     8,128        8,114        (13     8,904   

Interest paid

     (1,054     (1,159     (104     (3,021

Income taxes received (paid)

     (34,163     (25,311     8,852        (34,243













Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities

     81,297        89,795        8,498        177,177   

Cash flows from investing activities:


Payments for property, plant and equipment

     (60,991     (78,783     (17,792     (89,203

Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment

     331        784        453        740   

Payments for purchase of investment securities

     (22,045     (5,054     16,991        (32,989

Proceeds from sale of investment securities

     10,246        50        (10,196     10,330   

Payments for short-term loans

     —          (550     (550     (928


     (1,196     (1,551     (355     (3,602













Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities

     (73,655     (85,104     (11,449     (115,653

Cash flows from financing activities:


Payments for settlement of long-term debt

     (2,168     (2,036     132        (44,337

Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings

     (57     4,160        4,218        (310

Payments for settlement of lease obligations

     (2,279     (1,900     379        (4,568

Dividends paid

     (15,000     (15,000     —          (15,000













Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (19,506     (14,777     4,729        (64,217

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (199     (566     (367     (102

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (12,064     (10,652     1,412        (2,796

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period

     60,755        57,958        (2,796     60,755   













Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

     48,690        47,306        (1,383     57,958   














– 5 –

V. Financial Results of NTT Communications Group


     (Millions of yen)  
     Six months ended
September 30, 2010
     Six months ended
September 30, 2011

Operating revenues

     612,579         593,170         (19,409     (3.2

Operating expenses

     570,594         536,193         (34,401     (6.0

Operating income

     41,985         56,977         14,992        35.7   


– 6 –

November 9, 2011

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Supplementary Data for

the Six Months Ended September 30, 2011



1.      Number of Subscribers      1   
2.      Number of Employees      2   
3.      Capital Investment      2   
4.      Financial Results and Projections      3~6   
5.      Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU)      7   
6.      Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Consolidated)      8   
7.      Indices (Consolidated)      8   
8.      Reconciliation of Financial Indices (Consolidated)      8   

The projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained herein, as well as other risks included in NTT’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

1. Number of Subscribers


     (in thousands except for Public Telephones)  
As of
Mar. 31, 2011
As of
Jun. 30, 2011
As of
Sept. 30, 2011
As of
Mar. 31,
2012 (Revised
As of
Mar. 31, 2012

(Forecast when
previous annual
results were
                   E            F        
                          Change     Progress            Change        
                          C-A     E/F            D-A        

Telephone Subscriber Lines

     30,271         29,563         28,856         (1,415     46.0     27,196         (3,075     27,199   

NTT East

     14,929         14,600         14,232         (697     42.8     13,299         (1,630     13,299   

NTT West

     15,342         14,963         14,624         (718     49.7     13,897         (1,445     13,900   


     4,613         4,488         4,370         (243     51.1     4,137         (475     4,134   

NTT East

     2,390         2,328         2,262         (128     47.5     2,120         (270     2,120   

NTT West

     2,222         2,160         2,107         (115     56.0     2,017         (205     2,014   

Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-Net

     34,884         34,051         33,225         (1,658     46.7     31,334         (3,550     31,334   

NTT East

     17,319         16,928         16,494         (825     43.4     15,419         (1,900     15,419   

NTT West

     17,564         17,123         16,731         (833     50.5     15,914         (1,650     15,914   

Public Telephones

     252,775         248,673         241,910         (10,865     36.5     222,975         (29,800     222,975   

NTT East

     121,508         119,377         116,134         (5,374     33.6     105,508         (16,000     105,508   

NTT West

     131,267         129,296         125,776         (5,491     39.8     117,467         (13,800     117,467   


     193         179         168         (25     62.9     154         (39     154   

NTT East

     94         86         81         (14     68.2     74         (20     74   

NTT West

     99         92         88         (11     57.4     79         (19     79   


     2,858         2,715         2,579         (279     61.3     2,403         (455     2,403   

NTT East

     1,418         1,347         1,273         (146     58.2     1,168         (250     1,168   

NTT West

     1,439         1,368         1,306         (133     65.0     1,234         (205     1,234   

FLET’S Hikari

     15,059         15,595         15,963         904        43.1     17,159         2,100        17,159   

NTT East

     8,511         8,832         9,040         529        42.3     9,761         1,250        9,761   

NTT West

     6,547         6,762         6,923         375        44.2     7,397         850        7,397   

FLET’S Hikari Next*

     4,596         5,291         5,925         1,329        44.3     7,596         3,000        7,596   

NTT East

     2,963         3,338         3,677         714        39.6     4,763         1,800        4,763   

NTT West

     1,633         1,953         2,248         616        51.3     2,833         1,200        2,833   


     —           27         106         106        15.2     700         700        700   

NTT East

     —           27         106         106        15.2     700         700        700   

Hikari Denwa

     12,113         12,565         13,023         910        40.5     14,363         2,250        14,363   

NTT East

     6,446         6,692         6,945         499        39.9     7,696         1,250        7,696   

NTT West

     5,667         5,874         6,078         411        41.1     6,667         1,000        6,667   

Conventional Leased Circuit Services

     281         279         277         (4     26.4     265         (16     265   

NTT East

     139         138         137         (2     28.0     132         (7     132   

NTT West

     142         141         140         (2     25.2     133         (9     133   

High Speed Digital Services

     171         167         165         (6     44.4     157         (14     157   

NTT East

     91         89         88         (3     49.2     84         (7     84   

NTT West

     80         78         77         (3     39.5     73         (7     73   

NTT Group Major ISPs

     11,662         11,779         11,866         203        64.0     11,980         318        12,000   


     8,234         8,349         8,431         196        64.2     8,540         306        8,560   


     3,101         3,106         3,111         10        50.9     3,120         19        3,120   

Video Services

     —           —           —           —          —          —           —          —     

Hikari TV

     1,413         1,512         1,651         238        48.9     1,900         487        1,900   

FLET’S TV Transmission Services

     592         683         778         186        54.3     934         342        934   

NTT East

     475         533         595         120        54.3     695         220        695   

NTT West

     117         149         183         66        54.3     239         122        239   


     58,010         58,415         58,993         983        44.7     60,210         2,200        59,960   


     56,746         57,324         57,862         1,116        52.1     58,890         2,140        58,930   


     26         121         389         363        27.9     1,330         1,300        1,030   


     48,141         47,450         46,183         (1,957     40.5     43,300         (4,830     44,440   


     2,095         3,296         5,375         3,280        44.6     9,450         7,360        7,230   


Notes:    (1)   Number of Telephone Subscriber Lines is the total of individual lines and central station lines (Subscriber Telephone Light Plan is included).
   (2)   INS-Net includes INS-Net 64 and INS-Net 1500. In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions (INS-Net 64 Lite Plan is included).
   (3)   Number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers includes subscribers to B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East, and subscribers to B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.
   (4)   NTT Group Major ISPs includes WAKWAK and InfoSphere, in addition to OCN and Plala.
   (5)   Number of communication module service subscribers is included in the number of mobile subscribers.
   (6)   Changes in the number of Mobile (FOMA*, Xi* are included), i-mode and sp-mode subscribers as of Mar. 31, 2012 (Forecast) are forecasted net-increases.
   (7)   Effective Mar. 3, 2008, FOMA services subscriptions became mandatory for subscription to “2in1” services. Such FOMA services subscriptions to “2in1” services are included in the above numbers of Mobile phone service subscriptions and FOMA* service subscriptions.
* Partial listing only


- 1 -

2. Number of Employees


As of
Sept. 30, 2010
As of
Sept. 30, 2011
As of

Mar. 31, 2012
(Revised Forecast) (1)
As of
Mar. 31, 2012
(Forecast when
previous annual results
were announced) (1)

NTT Consolidated

     206,300         234,200         27,900        224,800         219,650   

Core Group Companies


NTT (Holding Company)

     2,950         2,950         0        2,900         2,900   

NTT East

     6,350         6,400         50        5,950         5,950   

NTT West

     5,750         5,450         (300     5,250         5,500   

NTT Communications

     8,400         8,100         (300     8,000         8,050   

NTT DATA (Consolidated)

     38,900         57,500         18,600        57,350         53,300   

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

     23,050         23,750         700        23,350         23,400   

(Reference) Outsourcing Companies (2)


East Outsourcing Companies

     38,200         35,850         (2,350     33,100         33,050   

West Outsourcing Companies

     40,550         37,650         (2,900     34,300         34,200   


Notes :

     (1   Figures do not include the number of employees who retired or will retire at the end of a fiscal year and who were rehired or will be rehired at the beginning of the following fiscal year.
     (2   Figures for East Outsourcing Companies include the consolidated prefectural outsourcing companies (NTT EAST-TOKYO and others), NTT-ME and NTT EAST SOLUTIONS, while figures for West Outsourcing Companies include the consolidated regional outsourcing companies (NTT WEST-KANSAI and others), NTT MARKETING ACT, NTT NEOMEIT and NTT WEST-HOMETECHNO. Figures for those companies include the number of employees who retired or will retire at the end of a fiscal year and who were rehired or will be rehired at the beginning of the following fiscal year, as described below:

—     As of Mar. 31, 2012 (Forecast when previous annual results were announced) (East Outsourcing Companies: 1,100 employees; West Outsourcing Companies: 1,300 employees)


—     As of Mar. 31, 2012 (Revised Forecast): (East Outsourcing Companies: 1,100 employees; West Outsourcing Companies: 1,300 employees)


3. Capital Investment


       (Billions of yen)  
Six Months
Ended Sept. 30,
Six Months

Ended Sept. 30,
Year Ending

Mar. 31, 2012
(Revised Forecast)
Year  Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Forecast when
previous annual results
were announced)
                   Change     Progress               
                   B-A     B/C               

NTT Consolidated

     839.0         828.2         (10.8     42.0     1,970.0         1,950.0   

Core Group Companies


NTT (Holding Company)

     13.0         13.4         0.3        39.5     34.0         34.0   

NTT East

     171.2         157.0         (14.2     36.5     430.0         430.0   

NTT West

     171.3         154.9         (16.4     42.4     365.0         365.0   

NTT Communications

     39.6         61.3         21.6        47.9     128.0         136.0   

NTT DATA (Consolidated)

     72.7         67.5         (5.2     50.0     135.0         135.0   

NTT DOCOMO (Consolidated)

     309.8         311.6         1.8        42.8     728.0         705.0   


Notes :

     (1   Capital Investments of NTT East, NTT West, and NTT Communications for fiscal year ending Mar. 31, 2012 (Revised Forecast) include: 173.0 billion yen for voice transmission, 48.0 billion yen for data transmission, 182.0 billion yen for leased circuit, 1.0 billion yen for telegraph, 3.0 billion yen for R&D facilities, and 23.0 billion yen for joint facilities and others for NTT East; 153.0 billion yen for voice transmission, 44.0 billion yen for data transmission, 155.0 billion yen for leased circuit, 2.0 billion yen for telegraph, 2.0 billion yen for R&D facilities, and 9.0 billion yen for joint facilities and others for NTT West; and 54.0 billion yen for voice transmission, 13.0 billion yen for data transmission, 6.0 billion yen for leased circuit, 1.0 billion yen for R&D facilities, and 54.0 billion yen for joint facilities and others for NTT Communications.
     (2   Capital Investments of NTT East and NTT West for fiscal year ending Mar. 31, 2012 (Revised Forecast) include approximately 170.0 billion yen and 130.0 billion yen for optical fiber related investment in NTT East and in NTT West respectively. Coverage rates of optical fiber are expected to be 93% for NTT East and 90% for NTT West as of Mar. 31, 2012.


- 2 -

4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT Consolidated, NTT (Holding Company))


     (Billions of yen)  
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2010
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2011
Year Ending
Mar. 31,  2012
(Revised Forecast)
Year Ending
Mar.  31, 2012
(Forecast when
previous annual
results were
            Change     Progress               
            B-A     B/C               

NTT Consolidated (US GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     4,999.1         5,154.6         155.5        48.9     10,540.0         10,540.0   

Fixed Voice Related Services

     1,101.7         988.9         (112.7     —          —           —     

Mobile Voice Related Services

     1,041.6         956.0         (85.6     —          —           —     

IP/Packet Communications Services

     1,647.5         1,772.7         125.2        —          —           —     

Sales of Telecommunications Equipment

     282.0         270.7         (11.3     —          —           —     

System Integration

     572.5         824.8         252.3        —          —           —     


     353.8         341.4         (12.4     —          —           —     

Operating Expenses

     4,272.1         4,469.1         197.0        48.1     9,290.0         9,300.0   

Cost of Services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     1,180.0         1,155.0         (25.0     —          —           —     

Cost of Equipment Sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     366.9         359.2         (7.7     —          —           —     

Cost of System Integration (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     366.7         556.6         189.9        —          —           —     

Depreciation and Amortization

     964.4         932.1         (32.3     —          —           —     

Impairment Loss

     0.3         0.1         (0.2     —          —           —     

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     1,393.7         1,466.1         72.3        —          —           —     

Write-Down of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

     —           —           —          —          —           —     

Operating Income

     727.0         685.5         (41.5     54.8     1,250.0         1,240.0   

Income Before Income Taxes

     710.3         681.7         (28.6     55.0     1,240.0         1,230.0   

Net Income Attributable to NTT

     315.2         296.4         (18.8     54.4     545.0         540.0   

(Ref.) Details of “Cost of Services”, “Cost of Equipment Sold”, “Cost of System Integration” and “Selling, General and Administrative Expenses”



     985.1         1,051.2         66.1        —          —           —     

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     2,155.4         2,325.0         169.6        —          —           —     

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     54.3         49.2         (5.1     —          —           —     

Other Expenses

     112.6         111.5         (1.1     —          —           —     


     3,307.4         3,536.9         229.5        —          —           —     

NTT (Holding Company) (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     231.0         249.7         18.7        60.6     412.0         412.0   

Operating Expenses

     71.0         71.6         0.6        46.2     155.0         155.0   

Operating Income

     159.9         178.1         18.1        69.3     257.0         257.0   

Non-Operating Revenues

     22.9         20.9         (1.9     49.8     42.0         43.0   

Non-Operating Expenses

     26.4         21.7         (4.6     49.3     44.0         45.0   

Recurring Profit

     156.4         177.2         20.8        69.5     255.0         255.0   

Net Income

     155.2         176.4         21.1        68.9     256.0         256.0   


- 3 -

4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT East, NTT West)


     (Billions of yen)  
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2010
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2011
Year Ending
Mar. 31,  2012
(Revised Forecast)
Year Ending
Mar.  31, 2012
(Forecast when
previous annual
results were
            Change     Progress               
            B-A     B/C               



Operating Revenues

     951.7         916.5         (35.1     48.4     1,895.0         1,900.0   

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)

     380.0         336.3         (43.7     51.8     649.0         650.0   

IP Services (2)

     355.0         380.6         25.6        47.6     799.0         801.0   

Leased Circuit (excluding IP)

     75.6         68.5         (7.1     50.8     135.0         135.0   


     9.4         8.3         (1.0     46.2     18.0         18.0   


     68.2         64.2         (3.9     41.7     294.0         296.0   

Supplementary Business

     63.3         58.4         (4.8       

Operating Expenses

     905.6         885.0         (20.5     48.5     1,825.0         1,830.0   


     58.4         55.1         (3.3     48.8     113.0         114.0   

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     591.6         581.4         (10.1     48.3     1,203.0         1,205.0   

Depreciation and Amortization

     198.9         194.4         (4.4     50.0     389.0         391.0   

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     19.2         17.3         (1.9     37.7     46.0         46.0   

Taxes and Public Dues

     37.3         36.6         (0.7     49.5     74.0         74.0   

Operating Income

     46.1         31.5         (14.5     45.1     70.0         70.0   

Non-Operating Revenues

     28.8         27.4         (1.4     54.9     50.0         50.0   

Non-Operating Expenses

     18.1         15.3         (2.7     43.8     35.0         35.0   

Recurring Profit

     56.8         43.6         (13.2     51.3     85.0         85.0   

Net Income

     36.3         26.7         (9.5     56.9     47.0         44.0   



Operating Revenues

     868.0         832.3         (35.7     49.3     1,687.0         1,704.0   

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)

     373.3         332.0         (41.2     51.2     648.0         652.0   

IP Services (2)

     284.2         309.7         25.5        48.7     636.0         641.0   

Leased Circuit (excluding IP)

     67.1         62.7         (4.3     50.2     125.0         129.0   


     10.7         9.9         (0.8     49.7     20.0         20.0   


     63.4         56.5         (6.9     45.7     258.0         262.0   

Supplementary Business

     69.2         61.3         (7.9       

Operating Expenses

     833.5         807.7         (25.7     49.5     1,632.0         1,649.0   


     54.9         52.5         (2.3     49.6     106.0         109.0   

Cost of Services and Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     541.3         522.5         (18.8     49.3     1,059.0         1,066.0   

Depreciation and Amortization

     185.8         180.5         (5.3     50.4     358.0         361.0   

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     17.1         18.1         0.9        43.1     42.0         46.0   

Taxes and Public Dues

     34.2         34.0         (0.2     50.9     67.0         67.0   

Operating Income

     34.4         24.5         (9.9     44.6     55.0         55.0   

Non-Operating Revenues

     26.5         22.2         (4.2     50.7     44.0         41.0   

Non-Operating Expenses

     16.2         15.7         (0.5     46.2     34.0         31.0   

Recurring Profit

     44.7         31.1         (13.6     47.9     65.0         65.0   

Net Income

     33.7         23.6         (10.1     48.3     49.0         49.0   


Notes:   (1)   Operating Revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) of NTT East and NTT West for the six months ended Sept. 30, 2011 include monthly charges, call charges and interconnection charges of 235.4 billion yen, 30.9 billion yen and 42.4 billion yen for NTT East, and 233.5 billion yen, 26.9 billion yen and 46.8 billion yen for NTT West, respectively.
  (2)   Operating Revenues from IP Services of NTT East and NTT West for the six months ended Sept. 30, 2011 include FLET’S Hikari and Hikari Denwa charges (including monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges) of 228.3 billion yen and 72.8 billion yen for NTT East, and 176.3 billion yen and 60.3 billion yen for NTT West, respectively.

—   FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East, and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.


- 4 -

4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT Communications, Dimension Data)


     (Billions of yen)  
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2010
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2011
Year Ending
Mar. 31,  2012
(Revised Forecast)
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Forecast when
previous annual
results were
                   Change     Progress               
                   B-A     B/C               

NTT Communications (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     509.0         485.5         (23.4     48.4     1,003.0         1,013.0   

Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)

     178.8         164.9         (13.9     51.2     322.0         322.0   

IP Services (1)(2)

     191.1         187.1         (3.9     49.2     380.0         383.0   

Data Transmission Services (excluding IP) (1)(2)

     46.0         40.2         (5.8     51.0     79.0         81.0   

Leased Circuit *(1)(2)

     32.3         28.9         (3.4     50.7     57.0         60.0   

Solutions Business

     79.7         80.7         0.9        41.4     195.0         200.0   


     13.1         12.5         (0.6     46.4     27.0         27.0   

Operating Expenses

     467.3         431.7         (35.6     47.6     908.0         926.0   


     47.1         45.6         (1.4     49.6     92.0         94.0   

Cost of Services, Cost of Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     217.2         206.4         (10.7     47.3     696.0         711.0   

Communication Network Charges

     138.0         122.4         (15.5       

Depreciation and Amortization

     55.9         49.1         (6.8     49.6     99.0         101.0   

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     3.0         2.1         (0.9     23.4     9.0         8.0   

Taxes and Public Dues

     5.9         5.9         0.0        49.8     12.0         12.0   

Operating Income

     41.6         53.7         12.1        56.6     95.0         87.0   

Non-Operating Revenues

     15.6         15.6         0.0        74.5     21.0         21.0   

Non-Operating Expenses

     6.5         5.0         (1.5     45.9     11.0         11.0   

Recurring Profit

     50.6         64.3         13.7        61.3     105.0         97.0   

Net Income

     26.3         38.3         11.9        62.8     61.0         57.0   

Dimension Data (IFRS)


Operating Revenues

     —           229.9         —          49.9     461.0         429.0   

Operating Expenses (3)

     —           221.5         —          49.7     446.0         414.0   

Operating Income (4)

     —           8.4         —          56.1     15.0         15.0   

Net Income Attributable to NTT

     —           5.5         —          —          —           —     


Notes:    (1)   Operating Revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP) of NTT Communications for the six months ended Sept. 30, 2011 include revenues from telephone subscriber lines (86.6 billion yen). Operating Revenues from IP Services include revenues from OCN (79.5 billion yen), IP-VPN (34.8 billion yen) and Wide-area Ethernet (26.9 billion yen). Operating Revenues from Data Transmission Services (excluding IP) include Frame Relay / Cell Relay (1.2 billion yen), and Operating Revenues from Leased Circuit include conventional leased circuits (1.7 billion yen) and high-speed digital (10.6 billion yen).
   (2)   NTT Communications is recategorizing a portion of its Operating Revenues from Leased Circuit into Operating Revenues from IP Services beginning in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012. As for the six months ended Sept. 30, 2010, Operating Revenues reflecting the recategorization are shown for reference. The recategorization amount of Operating Revenues from Leased Circuit into Operating Revenues from IP Services for the six months ended Sept. 30, 2010, six months ended Sept. 30, 2011 and year ending Mar. 31, 2012 (Forecast) are (10.0 billion yen), (10.3 billion yen) and (20.0 billion yen), respectively.
   (3)   Operating Expenses includes costs associated with the acquisition of Dimension Data by NTT.
   (4)   Operating Income under US GAAP is 3.3 billion yen.
   (5)   Since Dimension Data’s statements of income from January 1 to December 31 are consolidated into NTT’s consolidated statements of income from April 1 to March 31, Dimension Data’s financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2011 is stated under “B. Six Months Ended Sept. 30, 2011” and Dimension Data’s forecast for the twelve months ending December 31, 2011 is stated under “C. Year Ending Mar. 31, 2012 (Forecast).”
   (6)   Conversion Rate USD1.00 = JPY82.01
* Partial listing only


- 5 -

4. Financial Results and Projections (NTT DATA, NTT DOCOMO)


     (Billions of yen)  
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2010
Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2011
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Revised Forecast)
Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012

(Forecast when
previous annual
results were
                 Change     Progress               
                 B-A     B/C               

NTT DATA Consolidated (JPN GAAP)


Operating Revenues (1)

     533.7        571.7        38.0        47.6%         1,200.0        1,200.0   

Public & Financial IT Services

     351.8        360.3        8.5        46.4%         777.0        777.0   

Global IT Services

     161.6        190.0        28.3        49.9%         381.0        381.0   

Solutions & Technologies

     79.5        78.5        (0.9     47.3%         166.0        166.0   

Elimination or Corporate

     (59.2     (57.2     2.0        46.2%         (124.0     (124.0

Cost of Sales

     412.0        432.0        19.9        48.3%         895.0        895.0   

Gross Profit

     121.6        139.6        18.0        45.8%         305.0        305.0   

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     96.2        108.9        12.6        48.4%         225.0        225.0   

Operating Income

     25.3        30.7        5.3        38.4%         80.0        80.0   

Non-Operating Income (Loss)

     (2.3     (2.0     0.3        28.9%         (7.0     (7.0

Recurring Profit

     23.0        28.7        5.6        39.4%         73.0        73.0   

Net Income

     12.1        12.4        0.3        31.9%         39.0        39.0   

NTT DOCOMO Consolidated (US GAAP)


Operating Revenues

     2,138.2        2,113.0        (25.2     49.8%         4,240.0        4,230.0   

Wireless Services

     1,899.0        1,877.8        (21.2     50.2%         3,742.0        3,737.0   

Mobile Services

     1,735.5        1,708.8        (26.6     50.7%         3,373.0        3,368.0   


     898.5        802.4        (96.1     53.0%         1,514.0        1,538.0   

Packet Communications

     837.0        906.5        69.5        48.8%         1,859.0        1,830.0   

Other revenues

     163.5        168.9        5.4        45.8%         369.0        369.0   

Equipment sales

     239.2        235.2        (4.0     47.2%         498.0        493.0   

Operating Expenses

     1,606.7        1,604.5        (2.2     47.6%         3,370.0        3,380.0   


     129.4        135.5        6.1        49.6%         273.0        275.0   

Cost of Services, Cost of Equipment Sold, and Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

     982.1        990.8        8.7        47.0%         2,106.0        2,102.0   

Depreciation and Amortization

     322.0        318.4        (3.6     46.5%         684.0        687.0   

Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment

     12.6        11.6        (1.0     23.6%         49.0        54.0   

Communication Network Charges

     141.1        128.9        (12.2     58.9%         219.0        223.0   

Taxes and Public Dues

     19.5        19.3        (0.2     49.4%         39.0        39.0   

Operating Income

     531.5        508.5        (23.0     58.4%         870.0        850.0   

Non-Operating Income (Loss)

     (4.5     3.4        7.8        84.3%         4.0        4.0   

Income Before Income Taxes

     527.0        511.9        (15.1     58.6%         874.0        854.0   

Net Income Attributable to NTT DOCOMO

     309.7        299.0        (10.7     58.2%         514.0        502.0   


Notes:    (1)   NTT DATA is recategorizing a portion of its Operating Revenues within its segments, in conjunction with the readjustment of the classification of customer fields for a portion of its overseas subsidiaries, beginning the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012. Figures for Operating Revenues for the six months ended Sept. 30, 2010 reflect the recategorization.


- 6 -

5. Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU)

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to designated services on a per user basis. In the case of our fixed line business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues of our Regional Communications Business, that is, telephone subscriber lines, INS-NET and FLET’S Hikari, by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services.

In the case of our mobile business, ARPU is calculated by dividing revenue items included in the operating revenues from our Mobile Communications Business, such as revenues from Mobile (FOMA) services, revenues from Mobile (mova) services and revenues from Mobile (Xi) services which are incurred consistently each month (i.e., basic monthly charges and voice/packet communication charges), by the number of active subscribers to the relevant services. The calculation of these figures excludes revenues that are not representative of monthly average usage such as equipment sales, activation fees and universal service charges.

We believe that our ARPU figures calculated in this way provide useful information regarding the monthly average usage of our subscribers. The revenue items included in the numerators of our ARPU figures are based on our financial results comprising our U.S. GAAP results of operations.


    Three Months

Jun. 30, 2011
(From Apr. to
Jun., 2011)
    Three Months

Sept. 30, 2011
(From Jul. to
Sept., 2011)
    Six Months
Sept. 30, 2010
(From Apr.
to Sept., 2010)
    Six Months
Sept. 30, 2011
(From Apr.
to Sept., 2011)
    Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
    Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Revised forecast)
    Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Forecast when
previous annual
results were

NTT East


Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Line + INS-NET Subscriber Line)

    2,870        2,870        2,940        2,870        2,930        2,850        2,860   

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU

    2,510        2,520        2,580        2,510        2,570        2,490        2,500   

INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU

    5,090        5,090        5,180        5,090        5,170        5,100        5,110   


    5,850        5,890        5,860        5,870        5,880        5,940        5,960   

NTT West


Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Line + INS-NET Subscriber Line)

    2,770        2,770        2,810        2,770        2,800        2,770        2,770   

Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU

    2,460        2,460        2,490        2,460        2,490        2,450        2,460   

INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU

    4,930        4,930        4,980        4,930        4,970        4,920        4,900   


    5,920        5,940        5,860        5,930        5,890        5,960        6,000   



Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi)

    4,960        4,970        5,190        4,960        5,070        4,870        4,890   

Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi)

    2,340        2,280        2,670        2,310        2,530        2,170        2,220   

Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi)

    2,620        2,690        2,520        2,650        2,540        2,700        2,670   

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA)

    4,980        5,000        5,260        4,990        5,120        4,890        4,910   


    2,340        2,290        2,670        2,310        2,520        2,180        2,220   

Packet ARPU (FOMA)

    2,640        2,710        2,590        2,680        2,600        2,710        2,690   

Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova)

    3,230        3,260        3,320        3,240        3,280        3,280        3,250   

Voice ARPU (mova)

    2,680        2,700        2,760        2,690        2,720        2,730        2,680   

Packet ARPU (mova)

    550        560        560        550        560        550        570   


Notes:    (1)      We compute the following four categories of ARPU for business conducted by each of NTT East and NTT West.
         Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines): Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and INS-NET Subscriber Lines, which are included in operating revenues from Voice Transmission Services (excluding IP Services), and revenues from FLET’S ADSL and FLET’S ISDN, which are included in operating revenues from IP Services.
         Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for Telephone Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ADSL.
         INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from monthly charges and call charges for INS-NET Subscriber Lines and revenues from FLET’S ISDN.
         FLET’S Hikari ARPU: Calculated based on revenues from FLET’S Hikari (including FLET’S Hikari optional services), which are included in operating revenues from IP Services, revenues from monthly charges, call charges and connection device charges for Hikari Denwa, and revenues from FLET’S Hikari optional services, which are included in Supplementary Business revenues.
         FLET’S Hikari includes B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East, and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.
   (2)    Revenues from interconnection charges are excluded from the calculation of Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU, INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, and FLET’S Hikari ARPU.
   (3)    For purposes of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines), Telephone Subscriber Lines ARPU and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, the number of subscribers is determined using the number of subscriptions for each service.
   (4)    In terms of number of channels, transmission rate, and line use rate (base rate), INS-Net 1500 is in all cases roughly ten times greater than INS-Net 64. For this reason, for the purpose of calculating Aggregate Fixed Line ARPU (Telephone Subscriber Lines + INS-NET Subscriber Lines) and INS-NET Subscriber Lines ARPU, one INS-Net 1500 subscription is calculated as ten INS-Net 64 subscriptions.
   (5)    For purposes of calculating FLET’S Hikari ARPU, number of subscribers is determined based on number of FLET’S Hikari subscribers including B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Next and FLET’S Hikari LIGHT provided by NTT East and B FLET’S, FLET’S Hikari Premium, FLET’S Hikari Mytown and FLET’S Hikari Next provided by NTT West.
   (6)    We separately compute the following three categories of ARPU for mobile business conducted by NTT DOCOMO.
         Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) = Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) + Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi).
            Our Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges attributable to our FOMA and mova services, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges attributable to our FOMA, mova and Xi services.
            As Xi service does not provide voice services as of September 30, 2011, the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Voice ARPU (FOMA+mova+Xi). Only the number of Xi service subscriptions are included in the calculation.
         Mobile Aggregate ARPU (FOMA) = Voice ARPU (FOMA) + Packet ARPU (FOMA).
            Our Voice ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (FOMA) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our FOMA services.
         Mobile Aggregate ARPU (mova) = Voice ARPU (mova) + Packet ARPU (mova).
            Our Voice ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to voice services, such as basic monthly charges and voice communication charges, and our Packet ARPU (mova) is based on operating revenues related to packet services, such as basic monthly charges and packet communication charges, in each case attributable to our mova services.
   (7)    Communications module service, phone number storage service and mail address storage service subscribers and the revenues therefrom are not included in the calculations of Mobile Aggregate ARPU.
   (8)    Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT East and NTT West are as below.
            1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun.
            2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept.
            3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec.
            4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar.
            Six Months Results: Sum of Number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Sept.
            FY Results : Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.
            FY (Forecast when previous annual results were announced): Average expected active Number of subscribers ((Number of subscribers at end of previous Mar. + Number of expected subscribers at end of following Mar.)/2)x12
            FY (Revised forecast): Sum of the sum of actual Number of active subscribers at the end of each month from Apr. to Sept. and the average expected active Number of subscribers during the second half of the fiscal year ((Number of subscribers at end of Sept. + Number of expected subscribers at end of the following Mar.)/2)x6
   (9)    Number of active subscribers used in the ARPU calculation of NTT DOCOMO are as below.
            1Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Jun.
            2Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jul. to Sept.
            3Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Oct. to Dec.
            4Q Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Jan. to Mar.
            Six Months Results: Sum of Number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Sept.
            FY Results: Sum of number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.
            FY (Forecast when previous annual results were announced) and FY (Revised forecast): Sum of expected number of active subscribers** for each month from Apr. to Mar.
      **active subscribers = (number of subscribers at end of previous month + number of subscribers at end of the current month)/2


- 7 -

6. Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Consolidated)


     (Billions of yen)  
     As of
Mar. 31, 2011
     As of
Sept. 30, 2011
     As of
Mar. 31, 2012

(Revised Forecast)
     As of
Mar. 31, 2012

(Forecast when previous annual
results were announced)

Interest-Bearing Liabilities

     4,553.5         4,455.3         4,600.0         4,600.0   


7. Indices (Consolidated)


     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
     Six months Ended
Sept. 30, 2011
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Revised Forecast)
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Forecast when previous annual
results were announced)


     3,282.2 billion yen         1,645.8 billion yen         3,247.0 billion yen         3,263.0 billion yen   


     31.9%                        31.9%                        30.8%                        31.0%                  

Operating FCF

     1,412.1 billion yen         817.6 billion yen         1,277.0 billion yen         1,313.0 billion yen   


     5.8%                        3.2%                        5.9%                        5.8%                  


Notes :

   Reconciliation of Indices are as follows.


8. Reconciliation of Financial Indices (Consolidated)


          Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
     Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2011
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Revised Forecast)
     Year Ending
Mar. 31, 2012
(Forecast when previous annual
results were announced)

EBITDA (a+b)

     3,282.2 billion yen         1,645.8 billion yen         3,247.0 billion yen         3,263.0 billion yen   


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         685.5 billion yen         1,250.0 billion yen         1,240.0 billion yen   


   Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment      2,067.3 billion yen         960.4 billion yen         1,997.0 billion yen         2,023.0 billion yen   

EBITDA Margin [(c/d)X100]

     31.9%                        31.9%                        30.8%                        31.0%                  


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         685.5 billion yen         1,250.0 billion yen         1,240.0 billion yen   


   Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment      2,067.3 billion yen         960.4 billion yen         1,997.0 billion yen         2,023.0 billion yen   


   EBITDA (a+b)      3,282.2 billion yen         1,645.8 billion yen         3,247.0 billion yen         3,263.0 billion yen   


   Operating Revenues      10,305.0 billion yen         5,154.6 billion yen         10,540.0 billion yen         10,540.0 billion yen   
Operating FCF [(c-d)]      1,412.1 billion yen         817.6 billion yen         1,277.0 billion yen         1,313.0 billion yen   


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         685.5 billion yen         1,250.0 billion yen         1,240.0 billion yen   


   Depreciation and Amortization, and Loss on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment      2,067.3 billion yen         960.4 billion yen         1,997.0 billion yen         2,023.0 billion yen   


   EBITDA (a+b)      3,282.2 billion yen         1,645.8 billion yen         3,247.0 billion yen         3,263.0 billion yen   


   Capital Investment      1,870.1 billion yen         828.2 billion yen         1,970.0 billion yen         1,950.0 billion yen   

ROCE [(b/c)X100]

     5.8%                        3.2%                        5.9%                        5.8%                  


   Operating Income      1,214.9 billion yen         685.5 billion yen         1,250.0 billion yen         1,240.0 billion yen   
   (Normal Statutory Tax Rate)      41%                        41%                        41%                        41%                  


   Operating Income X (1 - Normal Statutory Tax Rate)      717.8 billion yen         405.0 billion yen         738.5 billion yen         732.6 billion yen   


   Operating Capital Employed      12,427.0 billion yen         12,516.7 billion yen         12,596.1 billion yen         12,599.6 billion yen   


Note :    Figures for capital investment are the accrual-based amounts required for acquisition of Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets. The differences from the figures for “Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment” and “Payments for Acquisition of Intangible Assets” in the consolidated statements of cash flows are as described in the reconciliation below.


     (Billions of yen)  
     Year Ended
Mar. 31, 2011
     Six Months Ended
Sept. 30, 2011

Payments for Property, Plant and Equipment

     1,410.8         684.7   

Payments for Acquisition of Intangible Assets

     484.2         228.0   


     1,895.0         912.7   

Difference from Capital Investment

     24.9         84.5   


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