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JRjr33 Inc (CE)

JRjr33 Inc (CE) (JRJRQ)

Closed September 20 4:00PM

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Following JR Following JR 2 years ago
Now Rochon forced to abandon the Longaberger homestead property? This is large property with several elegant structures with historic / sentimental status in Ohio. Gone? Does that basket shape office still exist?
Following JR Following JR 2 years ago
Rochon lawsuit update? (With the lender, JG Capital, to who, I believe, they had given a personal guaranty using their home as collateral - and then defaulted and judgement was declared against them.)
pete s pete s 2 years ago
Of the two main UK companies, Kleeneze the brand name and IP was bought by a large company who is using it on the high street to sell cleaning products such as brushes, dustpans and similar items.

A lot of the Kleeneze distributors split off into various other networking companies such as Avon and Oriflame although the original UK MD set up his own company and a number of people including myself joined that. 3 years later we are still going and IMO getting better all the time, but I'm biased.

Betterware the 2nd UK company, again someone bought the IP and set up their own catalogue company although they seem to have recently decided to change it from a catalogue company to mainly working online with only small special catalogues being printed. Personally I much prefer to work with catalogues but everyone to their own. I'm probably old fashioned.

No idea on Agel, the Australian Spice Company or the other UK company sorry, but as far as I am aware they are still shut down and probably never going to return.
Following JR Following JR 2 years ago
So Rochons could not do it. But Excel is? That must be a tough hit to the performance track record (and ego). Wonder how any of the other companies are doing .. The spice company, agel and the two UK companies.
pete s pete s 2 years ago
Sorry for the delay replying haven't been on here in a while, Longaberger was sold from bankruptcy to Xcel Brands and relaunched, they sell various high prices products now not just baskets. It's nothing to do with the Rochons or JRJR33 ant more.
Following JR Following JR 3 years ago
Longaberger has a new life! Rochons?
I see Longaberger ads on Google. Selling baskets but also other merch. Whats going on? Why is jrjr33 not benefitting?
Following JR Following JR 3 years ago
Repossess Rochon home? Yes. JGB Capital was reportedly successful in excluding itself from the other judgment. If true, then they are still on track to retrieve the money they gave the Rochons who had given their home as collateral against the loan. So, repossession action. Auction on the steps to the Sheriffs office? Texas style.
pete s pete s 3 years ago
I have just been told about this on a facebook group, very interesting, this is the only post I have found so far so i will keep looking and try to find more details. $3.2 million between 6 of them and it states no more action can be taken against them, which is the only downside.

Off topic but a number of former Kleeneze distributors are spamming people about CashFX, tellling everyone who will listen it's massive and they have taken out thousands of pounds, well they have stopped paying out now, it looks like they are about to collapse.
Following JR Following JR 3 years ago
John Rochon et al appeal against the judgement awarded to JGB Capital has been dismissed by Texas Supreme Court. Didn't JGB have a lien on the Rochon's personal home? Will they have to vacate their home now? How does that work? Can there be an appeal beyond the Supreme Court? Many former shareholders and business owners, vendors and employees want to know. And does Michael Bishop know?
pete s pete s 3 years ago
Racial discrimination that's a new one, the MD of Kleeneze and then Betterware in the UK was of asian origin so I can't see that getting anywhere but who knows.
I haven't been on here in a while, I have a few google alerts on the Rochon's and JRJR etc. that's usually where I find any interesting stories but nothing has come up for a while.

The following is the only recent one I've seen:
Following JR Following JR 3 years ago
Racial Discrimination Lawsuit? These people appear to be an interesting bunch. I am told there is a lawsuit against one or more of them alleging racial discrimination! The stories keep coming!
Following JR Following JR 3 years ago
Lest we forget ...
Following JR Following JR 3 years ago
Any further news on the repossession of the property pledged against the loan? (In canada?) And bankruptcy proceedings? And lawsuits with other board members (ActiTech)?? Lot of legal stuff was happening. I haven been able to follow. THANKS.
pete s pete s 4 years ago
Personally I can't see any company were they to receive an offer from Senior being even the slightest bit interested. They only need to do a little bit of research on him and they will see what he did to all the companies he bought. They only need to contact a couple of the former company directors, which should be easy to do, to get the story on what the Rochon's actually did whilst they owned those companies, rather than his story and surely they would run a mile from him.
It's all over the internet about the Rochon family so unless they are absolutely desperate or Rochon suggests he will share his ill gotten gains with any struggling company directors I can't see it. He would be better off retiring to some Caribbean Island with his money that he has allegedly hidden in Russia or other offshore tax havens.
wiretransfergcc wiretransfergcc 4 years ago
You seem to be very confused on Rachel and Tami's stock with regard to CVSL/JRJR.

Rachel refused to endorse the sale of the company to CVSL (the Rochons).
At that time Longaberger was privately held.
The sole share holders were Tami, Rachel and the estate of Dave Longaberger.

In order to force Rachel to sell her shares in TLC she was fired which per company by laws required her shares to be sold.
She did NOT receive shares of CVSL or JRJR.
Rachel was to be paid monthly over several years for her shares in TLC.

Tami's shares of TLC were converted to shares in CVSL which became JRJR.
Those shares had no voting rights and were not eligible to be sold for a certain period of years and only if trading volume was reached certain bench marks.

Rachel never owned any stake in CVSL/ JRJR and Tami's shares remained unsold due to the devaluation and bankruptcy.
ty7 ty7 4 years ago
I am not so certain that this share - JRJR33 or CVSL- whatever it ended up... is effectively over and done with. The sisters each gave theirs up under the condition of termination with the company as did many other employees. Then there was the condition that had to be met that you had a certain amount of stock in order to not have to forfeit it at a minimal price. Why would they care to do this if it's dead? And why did both sisters fight to retain their stock (and lose) if it was worthless and going to remain so?
Following JR Following JR 4 years ago
Is it not time to try this again? This strategy is what the SPACs are all about. And there should be deal flow with a lot of MLM companies in trouble. Looks like JR's 2 former partners are gone and his family members are otherwise occupied. He can execute better this time around.
pete s pete s 4 years ago
From what I understand the sisters are effectively skint, so IF true I suppose your principles are ignored if you can't pay the bills.

If I remember correctly the original sale of Longaberger was partly or fully paid for in JrJr shares rather than cash, so unless they sold them all, which they may not have been allowed to do so, they are now worthless.

It must have cost a fortune to take the Rochons / JrJr33 to court and even though they won, with the company going bankrupt I presume they will be at the back of the long list of creditors and have no chance of getting their costs paid, so presumably they have had to pay their side of the costs themselves.

Therefore the speculation and I'm not saying it's true, is one of if not both sisters had to do a deal to become the public face of XCel / Longaberger.
ty7 ty7 4 years ago
So as the best example of desperation, Longaberegr is now selling WINE. And they are a third party vendor of it. I think I know what Dave would say about selling booze, and I also find it a bit humorous that Tami Longaberger would be involved with a company that sells booze since she verbally opposed the consumption of alcohol. Hell, she bought and tire down a bar that was near her mansion upon building it! Maybe the Bern can join back in the company... he could sustain alcohol sales by himself. LOL! Pathetic family making money off the backs of people once again who falsely think the "company" today has anything to do with Dave Longaberger and his visionary leadership.
pete s pete s 4 years ago
Unfortunately it doesn't surprise me, from what I have seen the products Excel Brands are selling are overpriced and easily found cheaper elsewhere.

I suspect the court / lawyer fees they would have to pay have probably caused their financial problems. They would be left with all the costs of their side of the legal case even though they effectively won, as JRJR and all the other companies that Senior owned went bankrupt.

Meanwhile Rochon may allegedly have money squirreled away abroad seeing as he has links to Companies as far away as Russia.
ty7 ty7 4 years ago
If you haven't already, you must see the new Longaberger Company. The Rochon's really did a number on the Longaberger sisters! They look ridiculous: selling baskets on QVC and even Tammy is selling coffee. Rachel at least looks like she takes care of herself. Tammy looks like hell. Neither one of these women now own their father's company and are working for XCEL Brands peddling everything from other people's jewelry to candles to coffee to glassware... all from other brands the company owns! This is highly out of the ordinary for these two to do anything like this. Rachel has even stated that she was in no financial shape to buy the company after Rochon's asset stripped it. She sold her home as Tammy did! Visit them on FB and at
Following JR Following JR 4 years ago
Karma is a @#$*&.

Here is the actual order granting summary judgment (including attorney fees):

John P. Rochon. John Rochon Jr. JRjr33 Inc. CVSL Rochon Capital Partners Ltd Heidi Rochon Hafer Tom Rochon Lauren Rochon Eidsvig Richmont Capital Partners VIP Michael Arthur Bishop (Teaxs Department of Criminal Justice ID: 02237957)
pete s pete s 4 years ago
So it seems JGB Collateral appealed against the earlier court decision not to allow them to repossess and sell Rochon Senior's house and they won.
Following JR Following JR 4 years ago
What an amazing saga. Sordid characters. Unbridled greed. Is Deutsche Bank involved in this? Roger Stone, perhaps? There seemed to be a connection to a Reagan staffer as I recall.
pete s pete s 4 years ago
Bishop was sentenced to 8 years in prison if you look at the top of this page below "crime" it tells you the category. I'm not sure if we can say what it was on a public forum.
Following JR Following JR 4 years ago
Pete: IS Bishop in prison for a business related issue or personal? Can you share a news or document link? Thank you
JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 4 years ago
Hey...the Rochons had to have a way to pay the rent on that penthouse in Dallas, right?
pete s pete s 4 years ago
So interesting news, it seems the Trustees of Longaberger have filed an Adversary Complaint against the Rochon's and all the previous directors of JrJr33 for "Thorough self dealing, gross incompetence and gross mismanagement, John P Rochon, with the help of his children, pillaged and decimated more than a dozen companies under his control. Exorbitant insider management fees and expenses destroyed any significant asset value of the Debtors and their affiliates........"

It includes Michael Bishop who allegedly filed a lawsuit against JrJr33 himself for $1 million. The interesting thing is Bishop is currently incarcerated in a Texas jail.

I suspect the Rochon's will still get away with it and this will fail but hopefully not.
pete s pete s 4 years ago
So interesting news, it seems the Trustees of Longaberger have filed an Adversary Complaint against the Rochon's and all the previous directors of JrJr33 for "Thorough self dealing, gross incompetence and gross mismanagement, John P Rochon, with the help of his children, pillaged and decimated more than a dozen companies under his control. Exorbitant insider management fees and expenses destroyed any significant asset value of the Debtors and their affiliates........"

It includes Michael Bishop who allegedly filed a lawsuit against JrJr33 himself for $1 million. The interesting thing is Bishop is currently incarcerated in a Texas jail.

I suspect the Rochon's will still get away with it and this will fail but hopefully not.
pete s pete s 4 years ago
So interesting news, it seems the Trustees of Longaberger have filed a lawsuit against the Rochon's and all the previous directors of JrJr33 for
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?.-85 32 1;5 54136> .0B 1;5/6 .22/-/.15 including Michael Bishop who allegedly filed a lawsuit against JrJr33 himself for $1 million. The interesting thing is Bishop is currently incarcerated in a Texas jail.
Chyna9 Chyna9 4 years ago
Is jrjrq ever going to come back?
Or cvsl I think is the name change they did right before bankruptcy. Can't find any new info. Jrjrq is still trading albeit minimal.
blinko777 blinko777 4 years ago
Anyone know much about JGB Collateral, LLC ?
JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 5 years ago
I would hope the Rochons are persona non grata in MLM circles, given how poorly they ran their businesses.
pete s pete s 5 years ago
At one stage I would have said yes they will be back but it's looking like maybe they pi...d off to many people this time because they still have to hide their profiles from the public even after all this time.

I think it was Junior who recently popped up on LinkedIn and he didn't last long before disappearing again from all the abuse he got.

So I have no idea, maybe they are up to something on the quiet or maybe they have decided they have enough money stashed away in the tax havens / Russia to tide them over for now, who knows.

I think it's Senior who comes up with the ideas anyway.
Following JR Following JR 5 years ago
John P. Rochon Bankruptcy.
Longaberger is on it's way back. Betterware is functioning smoothly.
Wonder why JRJR couldn't manage the business and had to declare insolvency.

Bankruptcies/failures on their record:

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition number: 18-32123-sgj7
JRJR33, Inc.

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition number: 18-32124-sgj7
The Longaberger Company

Texas Eastern Bankruptcy Court in Tyler Texas
Case number 4:2018bk41178

Marketing Specialties

NuKote International

Chyna9 Chyna9 5 years ago
Given that the case was converted to chapter 7, that may make it less likely anything emerges someday. Though I don't think it's impossible. Before the conversion, they did seem to indicate via the reverse split & name change that the company would survive in some form. But who knows. It's still trading & has been all over the map this year from trips to penny & back again. Even if just as a shell, it has value though. Jmho. AS is 2.5M after the split, don't know but doubt OS is the full 2.5. So current market cap is tiny for being publicly traded.
Chyna9 Chyna9 5 years ago
Do you think they will still emerge from bankruptcy?
They said the name change was for that purpose, but I find no recent information. Tia
Chyna9 Chyna9 5 years ago
Yes, I saw a story on that. Good for them.
Is JRJR going to emerge from the bankruptcy?
There was a reverse split right around time of bankruptcy & a name change.
JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 5 years ago
Karma, baby!
Following JR Following JR 5 years ago
Without the Rochons, Longaberger is making a comeback! Hiring basket weavers back and sold first producy already on QVC.
This must make for some interesting family dinners over Christmas! (Who killed JRJR?)
Following JR Following JR 5 years ago
So Rochon Home Was Repossessed by JGCapital? Wow. That must be quite a big blow to the status and reputation. I am sure there are many out there who feel like justice was done, but, it is still a big OUCH.
pete s pete s 5 years ago
Rochon Senior has got to keep at least one of his houses, the one in Ontario County, after JGB Collateral tried to repossess it as part of the bankruptcy. It was in his wife's name only and the judge decided she signed the loan documents under "undue influence" and didn't know what she was signing.
Details here, you may need to register, if so there is nothing to say you have to put your details.
Following JR Following JR 5 years ago
John Rochon Bankruptcy.
Longaberger is on it's way back. Betterware is functioning smoothly.
Wonder why JRJR couldn't manage the business and had to declare insolvency.

Look at all these bankruptcies/failures on their record:

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition number: 18-32123-sgj7
JRJR33, Inc.

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition number: 18-32124-sgj7
The Longaberger Company

Texas Eastern Bankruptcy Court in Tyler Texas
Case number 4:2018bk41178
Following JR Following JR 5 years ago
CEO David Hall was named among the world’s 10 Most Reputable CEOs per News article about Mary Kay. Why is there no mention of John Rochon or John Rochon Jr (NYSE: CVSL: Now bankrupt) on their web site?
JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 5 years ago
It’s a sad story...for PURE investors...but unavoidable given Rochon’s track record.
Following JR Following JR 5 years ago
Natura bought Avon. It is hard to believe that John Rochon thought he (CVSL) could buy Avon. Looking back, that is so laughable.
Look at all these bankruptcies/failures on their record:
U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition number: 18-32123-sgj7
JRJR33, Inc.

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Texas (Dallas)
Bankruptcy Petition number: 18-32124-sgj7
The Longaberger Company

Texas Eastern Bankruptcy Court in Tyler Texas
Case number 4:2018bk41178

Did JGB Collateral, LLC, recover their money?

NuKote, Marketing Specialists, Richmont Direct, Pure, Rochon Brands. The list goes on.
ty7 ty7 5 years ago
So how interesting THIS is... Heidi Hafer's maiden name is Rochon! She currently leases the 2950 N. Harwood Suite 2200 in the Frost Tower in Dallas. Just this year, she registered NxGN LLC which is related to medical and surgical apparatus. She also has registered Axa LP LLC. So the Rochon family is NOT out of Frost Tower after all! So they wanted to switch their name back to CVSL to accommodate the "new vision/path they had for the company!?" Well sure. If NxGN is mecical and CVSL began as Computer Vision Systems Laboratories, it makes since. NxGN will come to operate under the ticker CVSL!
Following JR Following JR 5 years ago
Rochon: PURE/IV-7, Nukote, and CVSL/JRJR
Didnt the investors already lose everything? Is Rochon shopping another project which will change peoples lives?
You forgot Marketing Specialists and Richmont Direct.
How has JGB Collateral fared? And Argus Capital? TVT Capital? Gracin Marlowe? NYSE?
Even the Texas Alcohol and Beverage commission and the SEC?
Meanwhile their competitor YGYI has gone from $4 a year ago to a recent high of $16. Wonder why Rochon could not compete?
JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 5 years ago
PURE/IV-7, Nukote, and CVSL/JRJR

When will investors learn to RUN in the opposite direction of Rochon?
ty7 ty7 6 years ago
So much CRAZY *hit is happening. Betterware had their "big comeback" only to shiyt down in about 5 days. Rachel Longaberger is posting on social n=media that she wants to re-start the Longaberger Company. People are alegedly working again at Longaberger and nobody know WTH they are even working for. Youngevity is looking more and more like a more long, drawn out version of JRJR Networks and there is speculatin that the Rochons are still involved with it. All the stull JGB got as a result of their secured loan has been shut down with the exception of John Rochons SIL who has Happenings Magazine- very curious to see that JGB has sued and positioned ownership over everything, but choos to let John's relative just go ahead and run HER business. This is all a HUGE scam of which we all atill know nothing. It is far from over. The Rochons ripped off many people and amassed a huge fortune. They are going back in soon, and when they do, you are going to see shares of CVSL rise from .007 to 38 bucks, just like it did from Computer Visions Systems Laboratories when they acquired Longaberger and became Channel Value Systems Leadership.

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