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flooidCX Corporation (CE)

flooidCX Corporation (CE) (FLCX)

Closed September 19 4:00PM

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1776Rebel 1776Rebel 3 hours ago
He didn't offer a timeline regarding a completed audit. He just said back in February that FLCX will soon be offering an IPO at a share price of $6 to $8 dollars. And I would venture to say that he didn't mean that "soon" would mean seven months from now--and counting.
1776Rebel 1776Rebel 4 hours ago
Oh, no, I have been at these guys throats almost from day one when I invested in preferred shares. I have since sent them a horde of emails that served to request them to get their damn act together. I am pissed and they know it!
MagnetLover MagnetLover 12 hours ago
Did they offer any timeline on the audited financials? I would think this should predate a potential IPO.
PC retired PC retired 13 hours ago
1776Rebel, you seem to be coming around to the truth. It's painful, but it is better to know than to remain under an illusion.
1776Rebel 1776Rebel 23 hours ago
A 10.5, in fact. My wife and I were told by a senior representative that Quantum Energy will soon be offering an IPO (Initial Public Offering) of around $6 to $8 This was back in February. Hasn't happen. We were also told in February that a major stock marketing PR firm, Benzinga, was hired and would soon submit two major press releases not only to stock holders, but to the world. But up to now--crickets.
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MagnetLover MagnetLover 1 day ago
I think all your answers are on the website ! 🤪
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Curious Bystander Curious Bystander 1 day ago
What??? No responses to my questions below?

Come one folks. Surely someone knows something. Setting the efficacy of the technology aside and focusing strictly on the company’s ability to meet its own self-imposed deadlines, please don’t make me give them a 10 on the Pinocchio Scale…
Curious Bystander Curious Bystander 3 days ago
The following paragraphs are snippets from this year’s Quantum press releases. You can find them on Quantum’s website. I must have been asleep at the wheel because I genuinely don’t know the answer to my questions below. Anyone who does, please feel free to chime in.

—Ewert further stated, "The Company will continue to concentrate on its name change and branding efforts including a series of new Trademarks through the end of this month (June ‘24) ."

Anyone heard of new Trademarks?

—QREE will be announcing an annual meeting to elect a new Board of Directors no later than August 1, 2024. Shareholders of record will receive detailed information via their chosen contact method by that date.

Any shareholders receive info on this?

—Under the Agreement, the Company has also agreed to the development of manufacturing facilities in the Philippines for the Company’s equipment and products, including capacitor and battery storage systems. The first manufacturing facility is expected to open in September of this year and then to expand through 2025

It’s mid September. Any news on the manufacturing facility opening?

—As a part of the licensing agreement, Quantum will be opening a service and distribution office in the Tulsa area by early fall of this year to support BD Energy, which will include a Quantum mechanical and stocking warehouse operation.

It’s early fall. Any news on a Quantum service and distribution office having opened in Tulsa?

—As a part of the licensing agreement, Quantum will be opening a service and distribution office in the Tacoma area by early summer of this year to support Aesir.

We’re way past early summer. Any news of a Quantum service and distribution office in Tacoma?

—Viridis will be announcing its office and facility location within the month. Quantum will be announcing the opening of its first Michigan service facility and offices by the end of this month (March 2024).

I missed Quantum’s announcement. Anyone else hear it?
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PC retired PC retired 3 days ago
My posts are failing to show and when i try again i find i have double posted- sorry.
PC retired PC retired 3 days ago
Yes i had, but not being au fait with financial matters i don't know it's significance. Engineering/physics is my game.
PC retired PC retired 3 days ago
Yes i had but not being au fait with financial matters i don't know the significance. Engineering/physics is my game.
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MagnetLover MagnetLover 3 days ago
Anybody else noticed QREE hasn't issued audited financial statements since the feb 2022's 10K?

PC retired PC retired 4 days ago
Dennis ate the pudding, you can see his expanding waistline.
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MagnetLover MagnetLover 4 days ago
True. However, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Where is the proof? Where is the pudding?
Dorick Dorick 4 days ago
I'm pretty sure 1776Rebel has blocked me - maybe someone else could repost my reply to him?
PC retired PC retired 4 days ago
Thank you Dorick, you expressed that opinion and statement of fact better than i could have done. 1776rebel, you have a point, science does advance and ongoing experiments frequently clarify what we know. The conservation laws, however, have not changed one iota in ~150years and will not in the future- if the conservation of energy and momentum did not hold explicitly in all cases we would not have a stable universe and we would not exist.
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splintered sunlight splintered sunlight 5 days ago
So do people.

Dorick Dorick 5 days ago
Mr. 1776Rebel: Mr. PC Retired's statement was perfectly correct. Laws of physics by definition cannot be broken. If something was ever said to be a law of physics, but it was later "broken," then it was never a law of physics in the first place, no matter what people said about it. Danzik's claims that his so-called "Photon Engine" can magically "amplify" energy actually require it to be able to violate the conservation of energy, and that's how we know without a doubt that his claims are false. Conservation of energy is indeed a law of physics, and just like every other law of physics, it has never evolved at all. Our understanding of the laws of physics certainly evolves - but not the laws of physics themselves, which are perfectly changeless and eternal.
1776Rebel 1776Rebel 5 days ago
"Technology does evolve but the laws of physics do not."

Oh, really? Well, then, may I suggest that prior to making such a clear and definitive declaration that you first conduct an elementary Google search on if the laws of physics (laws that have been created by imperfect people) have ever been broken. Had you done so, you would have learned that your statement is callow is and not supported by science--a discipline, in fact, that will be forever evolutionary to mankind.
MJ16 MJ16 5 days ago
What current news is relevant to IE/QE/FLCX's claims?
PC retired PC retired 5 days ago
Well Curious Bystander, it looks like Mr Szilard does not wish to talk about the "earth engine". Not surprising really as if i was in his position i would be rather short of words and deeply embarrassed. Five and a half years and a world changing tech has evaporated. Where will the "photon engine" be in five and a half years? In a dumpster somewhere, i believe.
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Dorick Dorick 6 days ago
Mr. S sounds like Kamala Harris. "Focus on what I'm promising now - not our horrible record for the past four years!"
Danzik's scam "evolved" because he found out that the Patent Office wouldn't grant a patent for the "Earth Engine" as he originally described it, which would have been a perpetual motion machine. So to have a chance of getting a patent he had to add the minor detail that it is powered by electricity. But apart from the Patent Office and the SEC, to whom he may give somewhat honest descriptions, he still lies his head off to the rest of the world, saying that the electricity that powers the "Photon Engine" is just a "control voltage," and that that energy "can be amplified" by means of his revolutionary Asymmetric Magnetic Propulsion.
PC retired PC retired 6 days ago
Technology does evolve but the laws of physics do not. I see nothing new with "magnetic propulsion" seemingly abandoned to be replaced with this photon nonsense. Is that the best Quantum can do?
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Mr.S Szilard Mr.S Szilard 6 days ago
Try understanding current news and statements, not something from five years ago. Technology evolves.
PC retired PC retired 7 days ago
Nonsense from the very beginning: "4000 pounds of inertia power" is an utterly meaningless abuse of scientific terms.
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Curious Bystander Curious Bystander 7 days ago
Mr Szilard - on a very sincere note, please read the company statements below (statements made FIVE+ years ago) and tell me why, if the statements are true, is photon lighting even necessary? Keep in mind that five years ago there was NO talk of any special technology that preceded the engine in Quantum’s energy-generating system. The engine alone (with its proprietary magnet configuration) was claimed to be the source that would free us from the power grid.

Once again, I’m being sincere. I am not trying to trap you. I am confused on the matter and hoping you will offer a logical explanation. I am also confused on where the installed engines are (besides Scottsdale and formerly Las Vegas). If you have any insight I would love to hear it.

“Earth Engine can generate electricity, operate liquid pumps, air compressors, and other mechanical devices 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, FULLY INDEPENDENT OF THE POWER GRID.”

“Earth Engine is the world’s first and only power source propelled by Asymmetrical Magnetic Propulsion. It can generate electricity, operate liquid pumps, air compressors, and other mechanical devices 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.”

“Earth Engine does not consume any fossil fuels, it does not run on the sun, wind, hydro, bio-fuels, or radioactive fuel sources. It can run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year producing constant energy unlike renewable technologies such as solar and wind.”

“Currently, Inductance Energy has developed, manufactured, and is INSTALLING 7.5 to 25-kilowatt engines, capable of driving up to 4,000 pounds of inertia power and delivering in excess of 25 kilowatts.”
Curious Bystander Curious Bystander 7 days ago
“…by some miracle”

miracle = an inexplicable, highly improbable event

Yep…I’m hoping for a miracle
Dorick Dorick 7 days ago
Mr. Bystander: You're not the only one who's embarrassed by your admission - I'm embarrassed by it too. Quantum doesn't have any "magic ingredient." They have a big fat shameless con artist named Dennis M. Danzik, whose whole stupid scam is going to come unravelled before before very long. Eventually Mr. S will apologize to us for all his insults.
Curious Bystander Curious Bystander 7 days ago
I honestly don’t think he’s a Quantum insider posing as an investor. He’s the real deal. He invested. Just go back to his initial posts and you can see how things evolved for him.

When I used the term “deaf ears” I never meant that in any derogatory way. I’m simply making the point that statements made by Dorick and PC Retired can’t be heard by someone who has written a fat check and who is excited about that investment. Heck, I’m embarrassed to admit that even after witnessing years of bizarre business “twists and turns,” spending hours reading explanations from the likes of Dorick and PC Retired, watching promised dates for installations and other less critical things (videos, emails, filed reports) come and go…I’m still hoping by some miracle Quantum has a magic ingredient that will eventually, and convincingly, manifest itself.
PC retired PC retired 1 week ago
I have an interest in the science and none in commercial aspects. I see no possible use whatsoever for "photon power" or "magnetic propulsion". Zero, nada, diddley squat.
MagnetLover MagnetLover 1 week ago
I haven't witnessed people insulting Mr. S and don't think anybody should. What I see however is Mr. S gaslighting incredibly knowledgeable people asking the right questions.
At this stage, I am unconvinced both on the science and the commercial side of the enterprise.

I would be happy to see the cashflow in the next financial statements prove me wrong. What I need is 1/ income from operations 2/ number of customers installs 3/ customer reviews. What I don't need is : Mr. S stating that he saw incredible tech after signing NDAs with the company. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. If those tech really exist (A), it will invariably translate into 1/ and 2/ and 3/ (B)

If A=>B then non B => non A
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PC retired PC retired 1 week ago
Mr Szilard, don't give me that bullshit: i made my living through the manipulation of magnetic and electric fields in power engineering, telecommunications and electronics over the course of over 50 years. Danzik does not understand the terms he uses and cannot possibly be an engineer. Even a first year engineering student would not utter the meaningless word salad that Danzik comes out with.
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Dorick Dorick 1 week ago
MsRoxanne: But if Mr. S were a shill, he wouldn't have blocked me - he would have wanted to respond to every one of my comments and give rebuttals. I think he'll eventually see the light, and then he'll be on our side - that's why I don't really like to see people insult him, even though he likes to insult us.
PC retired PC retired 1 week ago
It is hard to know, he may be an insider or he could just be someone who refuses to listen to bad news, hoping that if they ignore it long enough the problem will go away. If it is the latter then this is a sad situation. Either way he is in for a helluva shock when the excrement finally hits the impeller.
MsRoxanne MsRoxanne 1 week ago
The more I read about Quantum, the more I don’t believe that Mr. S is just an investor who is too dumb to see through the baloney. I think he is a shill.
Dorick Dorick 1 week ago
Mr. Bystander: Yes - Mr. S has indeed been completely fooled by Danzik's rubbish pseudophysics and shiny "engines." Danzik has spent millions of dollars creating impressive-looking machinery, that had no other use or purpose than to fool people like Mr. S. Actually Mr. S made it a lot harder for me by blocking me, and I'm afraid Mr. PC will grow tired of arguing with him very quickly. It's very frustrating to see someone so totally fooled by a con artist and not be able to correct the situation, but I admit that it seems beyond my power at the moment. On the other hand, I believe I will actually succeed in causing the SEC to bring charges against FlooidCX and Quantum Energy. That's when Mr. S will start to see the light.
Curious Bystander Curious Bystander 1 week ago
Dorick — while you appear to have a deep understanding of scientific matters, you do not understand the psychology of this situation. Just read Mr S’s responses to yours and PC Retired’s explanations and you will see that I am correct when I say “deaf ears.”

Investors hear what they want to hear and see what they want to see, and it’s only after about three years of witnessing unfulfilled promises that they finally wake up one morning and wonder “WTF?????!!!!”

I believe Mr S became an investor about 18 months ago. With that in mind, if nothing meaningful has happened with Quantum after about another 1.5 years, he may then ask you and PC Retired a few sincere questions.
Mr.S Szilard Mr.S Szilard 1 week ago
It is very clear that you do not understand a magnetic propulsion unit, and have never seen one (and you could not without signing an NDA and doing a laboratory tour). What they call an "MPU" speeds up the next section of the engine WITHOUT CONTACT. You do not understand what you are writing about.
PC retired PC retired 1 week ago
As regards the "magnetic propulsion", soon to be released, i have a question myself: how soon is soon? The issue is that magnetic fields, as well as the gravitational field and the electric field, are conservative fields, as are any fields that are the gradient of a potential. In a conservative field there is no change in energy in a cyclic process that returns to it's starting point. For example in a magnetic interaction(attraction or repulsion) the energy obtainable is 100% nullified by the energy to return to the initial position. Magnets do not supply energy.
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MsRoxanne MsRoxanne 1 week ago
In all fairness CB, Mr. S has claimed A LOT of things on this forum. Pretty convenient to hide behind a supposed ‘confidentiality agreement’ when people have questions. $5 bucks says when he was in high school, he indeed had a girlfriend…she just went to a different school! 🤭
Dorick Dorick 1 week ago
Mr. Bystander: Maybe you should let Mr. S speak for himself, instead of accusing him of having deaf ears, even if it seems that way. As I've said before, I'm sure he'll realize the truth of the matter eventually. Actually I'm sure he has blocked me, but that doesn't stop me from addressing comments to him, which are really for the benefit of others as well as Mr. S.
Mr. PC Retired has the ability to state the crucial fact of a matter very concisely, as you can see, and I have no doubt that his comments will be helpful to many others besides Mr. S.
Curious Bystander Curious Bystander 1 week ago
If you’re wanting it explained to Mr S., it’s really not necessary. Last year he shared in this forum that after signing a confidentiality agreement he was shown three separate installations at the site of happy customers (at least one of them being Quantum). It is for this reason that your words fall on deaf ears, and that he truly thinks you are a high school dropout living in your mother’s basement.
Dorick Dorick 1 week ago
Mr. PC: Thanks! Could you also please explain how you know that the so-called "Photon Engine" cannot "amplify" the electrical energy it consumes, by means of a revolutionary use of Magnetic Propulsion, as Danzik has claimed in videos and press releases, etc?
PC retired PC retired 1 week ago
Indeed i can: the maximum efficiency of the best current light sources and photovoltaic panels is around 20% for both so that the efficiency of power collected from lighting is 20%x20%, ie 4%. To get that 4% return the entire room, floor walls and ceiling would have to be covered in panels. I rest my case.
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Dorick Dorick 2 weeks ago
Mr. S: Why do you need to keep insulting everybody? Nobody's doing that to you. I've tried sincerely many times to explain to you how we know that Danzik's "Earth Engine" "Photon Engine" claims are false and fraudulent. But maybe you'll only accept this fact after his company finally gets charged by the SEC. I'm not exactly "uneducated" in physics, which I've studied for 50 years in one way or another, and PC Retired actually knows far more than I do when it comes to electrical engineering. I'm sure he'd be happy to explain to you how he knows the "Photon Engine" is a fraud, if you just asked him. The sooner you realize the truth about Danzik and his scams, the better it will be for you. If you took advantage of people's knowledge and understanding by asking questions, instead of insulting us, you would probably realize the truth of the matter a lot sooner.
MJ16 MJ16 2 weeks ago
Does that mean 70 people who get a regular paycheck, or just signed on as distributors or sales? How many people get a salary from QE/IE/FLCX?
MagnetLover MagnetLover 2 weeks ago
That company
Which one? FLCX?
Mr.S Szilard Mr.S Szilard 2 weeks ago
You are all so uneducated. That company has about 70 employees in I think 8 states? 7? 4? Comical.
PC retired PC retired 2 weeks ago
I was thinking along those lines too, but you beat me to it.
MJ16 MJ16 2 weeks ago
I wouldn't be surprised if Szilard = Dennis Danzik.

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