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China Teletech Holding Inc (PK)

China Teletech Holding Inc (PK) (CNCT)

( 0.00% )
Updated: 09:33:29

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Cash Flow

Year End December 30 2022 201620172019202020212022
USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)USD ($)
Total Assets 200k00000
Total Current Assets 200k00000
Cash and Equivalents 000000
Total Non-Current Assets -267k-544k00-15k-24k
Total Liabilities 467k544k0015k24k
Total Current Liabilities 467k544k0015k24k
Total Non-Current Liabilities 000000
Total Equity -267k-544k00-15k-24k
Common Equity 1.48M2.03M23k45k45k45k
Retained Earnings -7.63M-8.06M-7.52M-7.52M-7.53M-7.54M