BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated October 30, 2009, has 
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the Ontario, 
Alberta and British Columbia Securities Commissions effective November 2, 
2009, pursuant to the provisions of the respective Securities Acts. The 
Common Shares of the Company will be listed on TSX Venture Exchange on the 
effective date stated below.

The gross proceeds to be received by the Company for the Offering are 
$270,390 (1,351,950 common shares at $0.20 per share).

Listing Date:                At the close of business (5:01 p.m. EDT) on 
                             Wednesday, January 27, 2010.

Commence Date:               The common shares will commence trading on 
                             TSX Venture Exchange at the opening Thursday, 
                             January 28, 2010, upon confirmation of 

The closing of the public offering is scheduled to occur before the market 
opening on January 28, 2010. A further bulletin will be issued upon 
receipt of closing confirmation.

Corporate Jurisdiction:      Ontario

Capitalization:              unlimited common shares with no par value of 
                             which 2,851,950 common shares are issued and 
Escrowed Shares:             1,500,000 common shares

Transfer Agent:              Capital Transfer Agency Inc.
Trading Symbol:              ACY.P
CUSIP Number:                004773 10 7
Agent:                       Integral Wealth Securities Limited

Agent's Options:             135,195 non-transferable stock options. One 
                             option to purchase one share at $0.20 per 
                             share for a period of 24 months from the date 
                             of listing.

For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated 
October 30, 2009.

Company Contact:             Paul Ankcorn
Company Address:             55 Adelaide Street East, Suite 410
                             Toronto, ON M5C 1K6

Company Phone Number:        (416) 360-8066
Company Fax Number:          (436) 361-1333


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to 
letter agreements (the "Agreements") dated December 3, 2009, December 22, 
2009 and January 12, 2010, between the wholly-owned subsidiary of Baymount 
Incorporated, Belleville Racetrack Development Corporation ("BRDC"), and 
Macallan Equity Inc. (the "Purchaser"). Pursuant to the Agreements, the 
Purchaser shall acquire a 50% equity interest in BRDC.

As consideration, the Purchaser must pay BRDC an aggregate of $4,000,000. 
The Company will also be entitled to a performance bonus of up to 
$2,000,000 over a four year period, subject to meeting annual EBITDA 
targets as outlined in the Agreements.

For further information, please refer to the Company's press release dated 
January 22, 2010.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement of non-convertible debentures with 
attached warrants announced December 3, 2009 and January 22, 2010:

Non-Convertible Debentures:  $500,000

Maturity Date:               January 22, 2013

Warrants:                    1,000,000 share purchase warrants to purchase 

Warrant Exercise Price/Term: $0.15 expiring on January 22, 2013

Number of Placees:           21 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /    Debenture    Warrants

Jeffrey Kendrick                Y        $35,000      70,000
Steve Bent                      Y         $5,000      10,000

Finder's Fee:                $33,750 payable to The Howard Group Inc.
                             $1,250 payable to Raymond James Ltd.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 10, 2009:

Number of Shares:            2,180,999 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.35 per share

Number of Placees:           14 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Shares

Peter Thiersch                  Y            25,000
Scott Weekes                    Y            50,000
Tony Frakes                     P            50,000
James G. Taylor                 P            50,000
Brian Butterworth               P            15,000
Dale Panteluk                   P            50,000

Finders' Fees:               $4,515 cash payable to Research Capital 
                             90,000 shares issuable to Axemen Resource 
                             Capital Ltd.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 21, 2009:

Number of Shares:            4,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.25 per share

Warrants:                    2,000,000 share purchase warrants to purchase 

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.33 for a one year period

Number of Placees:           41 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Shares

Alim Abdulla                    P            50,000
Michael W. Bruin                P           100,000
Kim Dunfield                    P           200,000
Gary Freeman                    Y           100,000
GF Consulting Corp. (Gary
 Freeman)                       Y           200,000
Dennis Hoesgen                  P            20,000
Eric Hoesgen                    P            20,000
Scott Hunter                    P           100,000
Lisa D. May                     P            25,000
Renee Patterson                 P            25,000
Monty Sutton                    P            50,000
Henk Van Alphen                 Y           900,000
Godfrey Walton                  Y           100,000
Bill Whitehead                  P           100,000

Finder's Fee:                $6,875 cash payable to PI Financial Corp.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend 
the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum 
permitted term.


(formerly Fibresources Corporation ("FB"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Transfer and New Addition to NEX, Symbol Change, Remain 
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with TSX Venture Policy 2.5, the Company has not maintained 
the requirements for a TSX Venture Tier 2 company. Therefore, effective 
the opening Thursday, January 28, 2010, the Company's listing will 
transfer to NEX, the Company's Tier classification will change from Tier 2 
to NEX, and the Filing and Service Office will change from Vancouver to 

As of January 28, 2010, the Company is subject to restrictions on share 
issuances and certain types of payments as set out in the NEX policies.

The trading symbol for the Company will change from FB to FB.H. There is 
no change in the Company's name, no change in its CUSIP number and no 
consolidation of capital. The symbol extension differentiates NEX symbols 
from Tier 1 or Tier 2 symbols within the TSX Venture market.

Further to the Exchange Bulletin dated September 11, 2009, trading in the 
shares of the Company will remain suspended.

Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of the Company 
during the period of the suspension or until further notice.


BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

Effective at the opening, January 27, 2010, trading in the shares of the 
Company was halted pending delisting; this regulatory halt is imposed by 
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market 
Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of 
the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 23, 2009 and January 
19, 2010:

Number of Shares:            3,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.07 per share

Warrants:                    3,000,000 share purchase warrants to purchase 
                             1,000,000 shares. For every three warrants, 
                             the holder can choose to exercise to receive 
                             one share.

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.12 for a two year period

Number of Placees:           3 placees

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company has 
issued a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and 
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). Note that in certain 
circumstances the Exchange may later extend the expiry date of the 
warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted term.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to 
an asset purchase agreement (the "Agreement") dated December 1, 2009, 
between Greenock Resources Inc. (the "Company") and District Gold Inc. 
(the "Vendor"). Pursuant to the Agreement, Arrowhead Gold Inc. - a wholly-
owned subsidiary of the Company, will acquire 100% of the Needles Project 
(the "Property).

As consideration, the Company must pay the Vendor $30,000 and issue 
534,420 shares. The Vendor shall have a buy-back option whereby the Vendor 
has the option to purchase the Property for $30,000 or the Company can 
cancel the Vendor's buy-back option by paying the Vendor $1,000,000 at the 
end of the three years. The Property is subject to a 2% net smelter 
royalty ("NSR"), whereby the Company shall have the right to acquire 50% 
of the NSR by making a further payment of $750,000.

For further information, please refer to the Company's press releases 
dated December 14, 2009 and
January 26, 2010.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Amending Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an Amendment and Ratification 
of Assignment Agreement dated January 21, 2010 with respect to the Helmer 
Bovil Property between i-minerals inc. (the "Company"), Idaho Industrial 
Minerals, LLC ("IIM") and Northwest Kaolin Inc., whereby the Company has 
amended its original agreement that was accepted for filing by TSX Venture 
Exchange by way of a bulletin dated October 16, 2003. As a condition of a 
brokered financing, the Company received the consent of IIM to extend the 
agreement a further two years on the condition that the total number of 
shares to be issued to IIM over the three remaining milestones be 
condensed into two milestones: completion of a feasibility study; and 
completion of the permitting process. The total amount of shares to be 
issued to IIM remains unchanged.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to 
an option agreement between International Bethlehem Mining Corp. (the 
'Company") and 0847427 B.C. Ltd. (the "Vendor"), whereby the Company has 
the option to earn a 100% interest in 5 mineral claims located in the 
Revelstoke Mining Division of British Columbia. In consideration, the 
Company will issue 1,000,000 shares to the Vendor and expend $250,000 in 
exploration over a three year period.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 9, 2009 and December 
24, 2009:

Number of Shares:            937,500 flow-through shares and
                             12,279,737 non flow-through shares

Purchase Price:              $0.08 per flow-through share
                             $0.06 per non flow-through share

Warrants:                    6,608,618 share purchase warrants to purchase 

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.10 for a two year period

Number of Placees:           30 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Shares

American Resource Mgmt.
 Consultants Inc.               Y           650,000
 (John A. Versfelt) (Jackie D.
Cabo Drilling Corp.             Y         1,083,333
(TSX Venture listed Co.)
James M. Patterson              Y            50,000
D. Alex Caldwell                Y           100,000
John Edison                     Y         1,057,500
Greg McKenzie                   P           350,000

Finder's Fee:                An aggregate of CDN$25,822 in cash and 
                             414,112 finders' warrants payable to Varela 
                             Consulting Group S.A., Canaccord Financial 
                             Ltd., Integral Wealth Securities Ltd., Karela 
                             Giselle Pty Ltd. and Haywood Securities Inc. 
                             Each finder's warrant entitles the holder to 
                             acquire one unit at $0.06 for a two year 

Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend the 
expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted 

For further details, please refer to the Company's news releases dated 
January 20, 2010 and January 27, 2010.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced January 8, 2010:

Number of Shares:            4,000,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.25 per share

Warrants:                    2,760,000 share purchase warrants to purchase 

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.30 for a two year period

Number of Placees:           1 placee

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company has 
issued a news release announcing the closing of the private placement and 
setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). Note that in certain 
circumstances the Exchange may later extend the expiry date of the 
warrants, if they are less than the maximum permitted term.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to 
an Option Agreement (the "Agreement") dated October 26, 2009, between 
Mainstream Minerals Corp. (the "Company"), and Perry English (the 
"Vendor"), whereby the Company can acquire a 100% interest in 24 claim 
units (the "Hazard Lake Gold Property"), located in Uchi Lake Township, 
Red Lake Mining Division, Ontario.

Under the terms of the Agreement, the Company can earn a 100% interest in 
the Property by making aggregate cash payments of CDN$96,000 over a four 
year period and issuing 200,000 common shares over a two year period.

For further details, please refer to the Company's news release dated 
November 16, 2010.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Amendment
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated January 18, 2010, please 
note the following amendment:

Finder's Fee
should have read:            An aggregate of $97,776 in cash and 738,737 
                             finders' warrants payable to Dundee 
                             Securities Corp., Castle Communications Inc., 
                             Limited Market Dealer Inc., Accilent Capital 
                             Management Inc., David McDonald, All Group 
                             Financial Services Inc. and Trinity Wood 
                             Capital Corp. Each finder's warrant entitles 
                             the holder to acquire one common share at 
                             $0.25 for an eighteen (18) month period. 

All other terms and conditions remain the same.


BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated January 22, 2010, effective 
at 10:11 a.m. PST, January 27, 2010 trading in the shares of the Company 
will remain halted pending receipt and review of acceptable documentation 
regarding the Qualifying Transaction pursuant to Listings Policy 2.4.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated January 26, 2010, the 
Bulletin should have read as follows:

The Company will also advance royalty payments starting in the fourth year 
in the amount of $10,000 per year until production is obtained.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to 
an Option and Joint Venture Agreement (the "Agreement") dated January 21, 
2010, between United Reef Limited (the "Company"), and Casey Enterprises 
Inc. (the "Vendor"), whereby the Company can earn up to a 70% interest in 
4 patented and 15 unpatented mining claims (the "Property"), located in 
Keefer and Hillary Townships, Porcupine Mining Division, Ontario.

Under the terms of the Agreement, the Company can earn a 70% interest in 
the Property by making aggregate cash payments of CDN$50,000 over a two 
year period, issuing 2,300,000 common shares over a two year period and 
incurring aggregate exploration expenditures of CDN$150,000 over a three 
year period.

For further details, please refer to the Company's news release dated 
January 25, 2010.


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for expedited filing documentation of an 
Acquisition Agreement dated January 7, 2010 between the Company and 
Richard Billingsley and Dwayne Kress (the "Vendors") whereby the Company 
has acquired a 100% interest in 10 mineral claims totaling approximately 
2,175.7 acres, located in the Liard Mining Division, British Columbia.

The total consideration payable to the Vendors consists of $40,000 cash 
and the issuance of 2,000,000 common shares of the Company.

A finder's fee is payable to MineGate Resources Capital Group (M. 
Townsend) in the amount of 250,000 common shares of the Company.

The Vendors will retain a 2% net smelter return royalty.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 18, 2009, December 29, 
2009 and January 13, 2010:

Number of Shares:            18,263,647 flow-through shares
                             4,303,000 non flow-through shares

Purchase Price:              $0.085 per share

Warrants:                    22,566,647 share purchase warrants to 
                             purchase 22,566,647 shares

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.10 for a two year period for warrants 
                             under flow-through units

                             $0.10 in the first two years, $0.15 in the 
                             third year and $0.20 in the fourth and fifth 
                             year for warrants under non flow-through 

Number of Placees:           42 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Shares

Teepy Tang                      P         50,000 FT
Harley Mayers                   P        500,000 FT
Gordon Lam                      P        100,000 FT
Richard W. Hughes               Y        375,000 FT
                                        375,000 NFT
Hastings Management Corp.       Y        375,000 FT
 (Richard W. Hughes)                    375,000 NFT
Alan D. Campbell                Y        100,000 FT
7-15 Entertainment Inc. (Lisa
 Fromer)                        P       200,000 NFT

Finders' Fees:               $7,222 cash payable to Research Capital Corp.
                             $96,000 cash payable to Limited Market 
                             $8,262 cash payable to PI Financial 
                             $680 cash payable to Frank Durant

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend 
the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum 
permitted term.



BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: January 27, 2010
NEX Company

Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated January 15, 2010, effective 
at 11:31 a.m. PST, January 27, 2010 trading in the shares of the Company 
will remain halted pending receipt and review of acceptable documentation 
regarding the Change of Business and/or Reverse Takeover pursuant to 
Listings Policy 5.2.


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