Alexander Mining plc ("Alexander", the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AXD)(AIM:AXM),
the AIM and TSXV-listed mining and mineral processing technologies company,
announces its results for the six months ended 30 June 2012. 

The Company's objective is to become a low cost, highly profitable and
diversified mining technology company. This will be achieved by the
commercialisation of its proprietary mineral processing technologies,
partnerships in producing mines and the acquisition of equity positions in
advanced projects.


--  Continued strong interest from companies in using AmmLeach(R) for
    copper, cobalt and zinc oxide/non-sulphide projects 

--  Agreement with Metalvalue Limited 

--  Altona Mining to evaluate the mining and treatment of several of its
    deposits containing native copper ores for heap leaching using

--  Several important new patents granted 

Chairman's Review

I am pleased to report on Alexander Mining plc's results for the six months
ended 30 June 2012.

Although the world economy's travails mean that these are testing times for the
mining industry, we remain resolute about the value and benefits of our mineral
processing technology and its commercial adoption. Our progress during the
period has been steady, with several significant developments.

Notably, Alexander announced an agreement (the 'Agreement') with Metalvalue
Limited ('Metalvalue') for the use of the Company's mineral processing
technology ('Leaching Technology'). Metalvalue is a successful private business
focused on the commercialisation of leading edge technologies in the natural
resources industry. Under the Agreement, Metalvalue has been granted a
non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to use and sub-licence the Leaching
Technology. It is the intention that Metalvalue will identify new targets for
the Leaching Technology and will assist in bringing these into production, using
the Leaching Technology, thereby creating a new royalty stream for Alexander. 

The agreement with Metalvalue is a significant step for Alexander as it gives
the Company the opportunity to capitalise on Alain Honnart's (Metalvalue's
Managing Director), extensive industry expertise and a proven record in
commercialising intellectual property. In addition, we have been able to pursue
introductions to his worldwide contacts at the highest executive level and we
continue to work on significant opportunities with Metalvalue in three

The Democratic Republic of Congo ('DRC') continues to be a core target area for
our AmmLeach(R) technology, given the clear competitive advantage offered for
the production of cobalt through to metal cathode as well as offering a way to
treat high-acid-consuming carbonate copper ores that hitherto have been
uneconomic to treat. As such, the commissioning of our AmmLeach(R) copper/cobalt
demonstration pilot plant in South Africa, leading to the successful production
of copper and cobalt cathode metal, has been invaluable in advancing discussions
with third parties about a commercial scale AmmLeach(R) operation in the

In Australia, initial AmmLeach(R) testwork for Altona Mining Limited ('Altona')
on certain native copper samples from the Roseby Project gave excellent
recoveries. Subsequently, Altona has announced that an options study will be
undertaken to evaluate the mining and treatment of several of its deposits
containing native copper ores and that potential options for treatment include
heap leaching using AmmLeach(R). 

We have reported favourable AmmLeach(R) amenability testwork results for the
recovery of zinc from samples provided by Red Crescent Resources Limited ('RCR')
from its Hakkari Zinc Project in south-east Turkey. The Hakkari testwork has
shown that zinc recoveries of at least 80% should be possible once the
pre-treatment and leaching conditions are optimised. The findings of this
testwork and next steps are being considered by RCR.

The Company's core asset is its intellectual property ('IP') and know-how. In my
last statement, I said that we expected regular news about our suite of patents
as specific applications progressed. Pleasingly, there has been a steady flow of
patents granted or approved, encompassing copper, cobalt and zinc. The most
recent being a patent granted in Australia for a Method for leaching cobalt from
a non-lateritic oxidised cobalt ore, and for a Method for extracting zinc from
aqueous ammoniacal solutions granted in Australia and approved in the USA.


The company has sustained expenditures on research and development whilst
working on new patent applications to protect and broaden its IP. Management has
completed a comprehensive review of costs to reduce overheads and cut back
non-essential expenditure. Following discussions with potential industry
partners, funding requirements are under consideration to commercialise our
technology at a number of projects. In addition to the previously announced put
option with Metalvalue Limited, in recognition of corporate funding
requirements, management is currently reviewing a number of non-dilutive
financing options.


Mining and base metals markets have been subdued, reflecting uncertainties in
the world economy. Nevertheless, the inherent challenges that the industry faces
in replenishing resources, or optimising the economics of existing mining
operations, remain to the fore. Within this environment, Alexander is highly
optimistic about the value of its breakthrough mineral processing technologies
and achieving the commercial potential therein. Recent progress has been
significant, especially in securing patent protection for our IP, and we are
hopeful about material developments for several advanced business opportunities
in different parts of the world for copper, cobalt and zinc. 

As always, I would like to thank the Company's shareholders for their continuing
support and our employees, directors, consultants and advisors for their

Matt Sutcliffe, Executive Chairman

26 September 2012

Consolidated income statement                                               
                                     Six months    Six months               
                                  ended 30 June ended 30 June Year ended 31 
                                           2012          2011 December 2011 
                                       GBP '000      GBP '000      GBP '000 
Continuing operations                                                       
Revenue                                      23             -            20 
Cost of sales                                 -             -             - 
Gross profit                                 23             -            20 
Administrative expenses                    (655)         (789)       (1,386)
Research and development expenses          (291)         (230)         (464)
Operating loss                             (923)       (1,019)       (1,830)
Finance income                               26            48           150 
Finance cost                                 (7)          (26)            - 
Loss before taxation                       (904)         (997)       (1,680)
Income tax expense                            -             -             - 
Loss for the period from                                                    
 continuing operations                     (904)         (997)       (1,680)
Profit / (loss) for the period                                              
 from discontinued operations -                                             
 Note 2                                       -         1,487         1,487 
Profit / (loss) for the period             (904)          490          (193)
Basic and diluted profit / (loss)                                           
 per share (pence):from continuing                                          
 operations                              (0.66p)       (0.73p)       (1.24p)
from continuing and discontinued                                            
 operations                              (0.66p)        0.36p        (0.14p)
from discontinued operations                  -         1.09p         1.10p 
All components of profit or loss are attributable to equity holders of the  
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income                              
                                     Six months    Six months               
                                  ended 30 June ended 30 June Year ended 31 
                                           2012          2011 December 2011 
                                       GBP '000      GBP '000      GBP '000 
Profit / (loss) for the period             (904)          490          (193)
Other comprehensive income:                                                 
Exchange differences on                                                     
 translating foreign operations               -           (11)            - 
Exchange differences realised on                                            
 disposal of subsidiary                       -        (1,403)       (1,403)
Total comprehensive profit /                                                
 (loss) for the period                                                      
 attributable to equity holders of                                          
 the parent                                (904)         (924)       (1,596)
Consolidated balance sheet                                                  
                                  As at 30 June As at 30 June      As at 31 
                                           2012          2011 December 2011 
                                       GBP '000      GBP '000      GBP '000 
Property, plant & equipment                  22            36            29 
Total non-current assets                     22            36            29 
Trade and other receivables                 474           908           661 
Cash and cash equivalents                   557         1,655         1,257 
Total current assets                      1,031         2,563         1,918 
Total assets                              1,053         2,599         1,947 
Equity attributable to owners of                                            
 the parent                                                                 
Issued share capital                     13,599        13,599        13,599 
Share premium                            11,850        11,850        11,850 
Share option reserve                        552           590           535 
Translation reserve                         (60)          (71)          (60)
Accumulated losses                      (25,004)      (23,482)      (24,100)
Total equity                                937         2,486         1,824 
Total Current liabilities                                                   
Trade and other payables                    116           113           123 
Total liabilities                           116           113           123 
Total equity and liabilities              1,053         2,599         1,947 
Consolidated statement of cash flows                                        
                                     Six months    Six months               
                                  ended 30 June ended 30 June Year ended 31 
                                           2012          2011 December 2011 
                                                     GBP '000      GBP '000 
Cash flows from operating                                                   
Operating loss - continuing                                                 
 operations                                (923)       (1,019)       (1,830)
Depreciation and amortisation                                               
 charge                                       7             1             8 
Decrease in trade and other                                                 
 receivables                                 17            (9)           60 
(Decrease) in trade and other                                               
 payables                                    (7)         (166)         (229)
Expenses settled through issue of                                           
 equity                                       -            50            50 
Share option charge                          17            27            37 
Net cash outflow from operating                                             
 activities                                (889)       (1,116)       (1,904)
Cash flows from investing                                                   
Interest received                             3             3             5 
Acquisition of Property, Plant and                                          
 Equipment                                    -           (37)          (37)
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary            192           388           736 
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from                                            
 investing activities                       195           354           704 
Net decrease in cash and cash                                               
 equivalents                               (694)         (762)       (1,200)
Cash and cash equivalents at                                                
 beginning of period                      1,257         2,454         2,454 
Exchange differences                         (6)          (37)            3 
Cash and cash equivalents at end                                            
 of period                                  557         1,655         1,257 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                 
                               Share        Share       Merger       option 
                             capital      premium      reserve      reserve 
                            GBP '000     GBP '000     GBP '000     GBP '000 
At 1 January 2011             13,549       11,850      (2,487)          563 
Retained loss for                                                           
 period                            -            -            -            - 
Realisation of foreign                                                      
 exchange gains upon                                                        
 sale of subsidiary                -            -            -            - 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign                                                        
 operations                        -            -            -            - 
Total comprehensive                                                         
 income for the period                                                      
 attributable to equity                                                     
 holders of the parent             -            -            -            - 
Share option costs                 -            -            -           27 
Shares issued                     50            -            -            - 
Transfer between                                                            
 reserves                          -            -        2,487            - 
At 30 June 2011               13,599       11,850            -          590 
Retained loss for                                                           
 period                            -            -            -            - 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign                                                        
 operations                        -            -            -            - 
Total comprehensive                                                         
 income for the period                                                      
 attributable to equity                                                     
 holders of the parent             -            -            -            - 
Share option costs                 -            -            -           14 
Share options cancelled                                                     
 in period                         -            -            -          (69)
At 31 December 2011           13,599       11,850            -          535 
Retained loss for                                                           
 period                            -            -            -            - 
Exchange difference on                                                      
 translating foreign                                                        
 operations                        -            -            -            - 
Total comprehensive                                                         
 income for the period                                                      
 attributable to equity                                                     
 holders of the parent             -            -            -            - 
Share option costs                 -            -            -           17 
At 30 June 2012               13,599       11,850            -          552 

                              lation   Accumulated         Total 
                             reserve        losses        equity 
                            GBP '000      GBP '000      GBP '000 
At 1 January 2011              1,343      (21,485)         3,333 
Retained loss for                                                
 period                                       (913)         (913)
Realisation of foreign                                           
 exchange gains upon                                             
 sale of subsidiary           (1,403)         1403             - 
Exchange difference on                                           
 translating foreign                                             
 operations                      (11)            -           (11)
Total comprehensive                                              
 income for the period                                           
 attributable to equity                                          
 holders of the parent        (1,414)          490          (924)
Share option costs                 -             -            27 
Shares issued                      -             -            50 
Transfer between                                                 
 reserves                          -        (2,487)            - 
At 30 June 2011                  (71)      (23,482)        2,486 
Retained loss for                                                
 period                            -          (687)         (687)
Exchange difference on                                           
 translating foreign                                             
 operations                       11             -            11 
Total comprehensive                                              
 income for the period                                           
 attributable to equity                                          
 holders of the parent            11          (687)         (676)
Share option costs                 -             -            14 
Share options cancelled                                          
 in period                         -            69             - 
At 31 December 2011              (60)      (24,100)        1,824 
Retained loss for                                                
 period                            -          (904)         (904)
Exchange difference on                                           
 translating foreign                                             
 operations                        -             -             - 
Total comprehensive                                              
 income for the period                                           
 attributable to equity                                          
 holders of the parent             -          (904)         (904)
Share option costs                 -             -            17 
At 30 June 2012                  (60)      (25,004)          937 

Notes to the interim financial information

1. Basis of preparation 

The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union (EU) and implemented in the
UK. The accounting policies, methods of computation and presentation used in the
preparation of the interim financial information are the same as those used in
the Group's audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011. 

The financial information in this statement does not constitute full statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The
financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2012 and 30 June 2011 is
unaudited. The comparative information for the year ended 31 December 2011 was
derived from the Group's audited financial statements for that period as filed
with the Registrar of Companies. It does not constitute the financial statements
for that period. Those accounts received an unqualified audit report. 

2. Discontinued operations

Components of discontinued operations in the Income Statement and Balance Sheet
are in respect of the Company's subsidiary Alexander Gold Group Limited, sold
during 2011, as follows:

                                    Six months     Six months               
                                 ended 30 June  ended 30 June  Year ended 31
Income Statement:                         2012           2011  December 2011
Gain on disposal of                                                         
 discontinued operation                      -             84             84
Realisation of translation                                                  
 reserve, transferred to Income                                             
 Statement on disposal of the                                               
 subsidiary (IAS 21).                        -          1,403          1,403
Profit for the period from                                                  
 discontinued operation                      -          1,487          1,487

Balance Sheet:

Other receivables at 30 June 2012 includes GBP 365,000 (June 2011: GBP 780,000
and December 2011: GBP 534,000) in respect of the remaining instalments due from
the sale of Alexander Gold Group Limited.

3. Loss per share

The calculation of loss per share is based on the weighted average number of
shares in issue in the six months to 30 June 2012 of 135,986,542 (six months to
30 June 2011: 135,605,327 and year to 31 December 2011: 135,797,501) and
computed on the respective profit and loss figures as follows:

                      6 months 2012      6 Months 2011      Full year 2011  
                    GBP '000 Per share GBP '000 Per share GBP '000 Per share
(Loss) - continuing                                                         
 operations             (904)  (0.66)p     (997)  (0.73)p   (1,680)  (1.24)p
Profit / (Loss) -                                                           
 continuing and                                                             
 operations             (904)  (0.66)p      490     0.36p     (193)  (0.14)p
Profit -                                                                    
 operations                -         -    1,487     1.09p    1,487     1.10p

There is no difference between the diluted loss per share and the basic loss per
share presented. Share options granted to employees could potentially dilute
basic earnings per share in the future, but were not included in the calculation
of diluted earnings per share as they are anti-dilutive for the period

At 30 June 2012 there were 10,175,000 (30 June 2011: 10,225,000; at 31 December
2011: 10,175,000) share options in issue that could have a potentially dilutive
effect on the basic earnings per share in the future.

4. Share Capital

In June 2012, at a General Meeting of the Company, shareholders approved capital
restructure proposals whereby each of the existing issued shares of 10p each in
the capital of the Company were subdivided and converted into one new ordinary
share of 0.1 p and one deferred share of 9.9p.

The new ordinary shares have the same rights and benefits of the previously
existing ordinary shares. The number of new ordinary shares in issue following
the capital re-organisation was unchanged from the number of existing ordinary
shares in issue immediately prior to the capital re-organisation.

The deferred shares will not be admitted to trading on AIM, have only very
limited rights on a return of capital and are effectively valueless and
non-transferable. The Directors consider that the deferred shares have no effect
on the respective economic interests of the shareholders. No share certificates
have been issued for the deferred shares.

The change in the Company's share capital structure during the reporting period
occurred as follows:

                                    Number of                               
Ordinary shares                        shares          Share           Share
                                                     capital         premium
                                                         GBP             GBP
Balance at 01 January 2012        135,986,542     13,598,654      11,849,590
Value transferred to deferred                                               
 share capital                              -    (13,462,667)              -
Balance at 30 June 2012           135,986,542        135,987      11,849,590
                                    Number of Deferred share                
Deferred shares               deferred shares        capital                
Balance at 01 January 2012                  -              -                
Transferred from share capital                                              
 account                          135,986,542     13,462,667                
Balance at 30 June 2012           135,986,542     13,462,667                

Copies of this announcement are available to view at the Company's website at


This news release may contain forward looking statements, being statements which
are not historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding
potential mineralization, exploration results, resource or reserve estimates,
anticipated production or results, sales, revenues, costs, "best-efforts"
financings or discussions of future plans and objectives. There can be no
assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Such statements are
necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that are subject to
numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and future
events to differ materially from those anticipated or projected. Important
factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's
expectations are in Company documents filed from time to time with the TSX
Venture Exchange and provincial securities regulators, most of which are
available at The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to
revise or update such statements unless required by law.

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