NuVista Energy Ltd. (TSX:NVA) is pleased to announce its financial and operating
results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2010, as follows:

Corporate Highlights

                           Three months                  Six months        
                          ended June 30,      %       ended June 30,      %
                         2010      2009  Change      2010      2009  Change

($ thousands, except
 per share)
Production revenue     89,524    78,092      15   195,043   169,821      15
Funds from
 operations (1)        38,752    41,779      (7)   91,854    98,442      (7)
 Per share - basic       0.44      0.53     (17)     1.04      1.24     (16)
 Per share - diluted     0.44      0.53     (17)     1.03      1.24     (17)
Net earnings (loss)    (1,377)   (7,312)     81     4,453    (4,680)    195
 Per share - basic      (0.02)    (0.09)     78      0.05     (0.06)    183
 Per share - diluted    (0.02)    (0.09)     78      0.05     (0.06)    183
Total assets                                    1,593,021 1,429,854      11
Long-term debt, net of
 working capital                                  404,824   350,580      15
Long-term debt, net of
 adjusted working
 capital (1)                                      405,856   351,451      15
Shareholders' equity                              921,004   812,128      13
Net capital
 expenditures          41,069     8,322     394   116,887    89,546      31
Weighted average
 common shares
 Basic                 88,539    79,209      12    88,491    79,187      12
 Diluted               88,539    79,209      12    89,023    79,187      12
Cash dividends
 declared               4,427         -       -     8,853         -       -
 Per share               0.05         -       -      0.10         -       -

(Boe conversion
 - 6:1 basis)
 Natural gas (MMcf/d)   125.7     109.6      15     125.1     110.9      13
 Natural gas
  liquids (Bbls/d)      3,049     3,247      (6)    3,175     3,138       1
 Oil (Bbls/d)           4,512     4,269       6     4,458     4,358       2
  Total oil
   equivalent (Boe/d)  28,512    25,777      11    28,484    25,974      10
Product prices (2)
 Natural gas ($/Mcf)     4.34      4.52      (4)     4.87      5.53     (12)
 Natural gas liquids
  ($/Bbl)               49.96     32.00      56     52.02     35.46      47
 Oil ($/Bbl)            61.15     64.14      (5)    64.59     59.66       8
Operating expenses
 Natural gas and
  natural gas
  liquids ($/Mcfe)       1.18      1.05      12      1.18      1.11       6
 Oil ($/Bbl)            17.31     15.69      10     17.88     16.31      10
  Total oil
   equivalent ($/Boe)    8.71      7.84      11      8.79      8.27       6
General and
 expenses ($/Boe)        1.80      1.61      12      1.80      1.43      26
Funds from operations
 netback ($/Boe) (1)    14.93     17.81     (16)    17.81     20.95     (15)


(1) Funds from operations, funds from operations per share, funds from
    operations netback and adjusted working capital are not defined by GAAP
    in Canada and are referred to as non-GAAP measures. Funds from
    operations are based on cash flow from operating activities as per the
    statement of cash flows before changes in non-cash working capital and
    asset retirement expenditures. Funds from operations per share is
    calculated based on the weighted average number of common shares
    outstanding consistent with the calculation of net earnings (loss) per
    share. Funds from operations netback equals the total of revenues
    including realized commodity derivative gains/losses less royalties,
    transportation, general and administrative, restricted stock units,
    interest expenses and cash taxes calculated on a Boe basis. Adjusted
    working capital excludes the current portions of the commodity
    derivative asset or liability and the future income tax asset or
    liability. Total Boe is calculated by multiplying the daily production
    by the number of days in the period. For more details on non-GAAP
    measures, refer to "Management's Discussion and Analysis" section of
    this press release.
(2) Product prices include realized gains/losses on commodity derivatives. 

Trading Statistics                   Three months ended    Six months ended
(Cdn$, except volumes) based on                 June 30,            June 30,
 intra-day trading                       2010      2009      2010      2009
High                                    13.16     11.88     14.56     11.88
Low                                      9.65      5.85      9.65      4.90
Close                                   10.16     10.25     10.16     10.25
Average daily volume                  245,579   301,476   311,171   255,958


NuVista Energy Ltd. ("NuVista") is pleased to report to its shareholders the
financial and operating results for the three and six months ended June 30,
2010, and to update our shareholders on successful tests of proof of concept
wells in our Deep Basin core region. NuVista is in the second year of a three
year transition as we shift our corporate emphasis from an acquire and develop
business model to a model where growth on a per share basis results from the
successful implementation of repeatable development drilling projects on lands
that we currently control. With successful test wells in the Montney, and
subsequently in the Cardium in our Wapiti operating area, NuVista has moved
closer to validating our key resource plays. Over the next six months, with
extended production tests on our existing wells and new results from additional
proof of concept wells, the value of NuVista's focused strategy of positioning
the company in high resource-in-place plays through aggressive land purchases,
should become apparent.

After acquiring Rider Resources Ltd. in the spring of 2008, NuVista began
implementing a focused strategy of aggressively acquiring lands containing high
resource-in-place deposits in our Deep Basin core region. NuVista has spent
approximately $58 million on undeveloped land since acquiring Rider Resources
Ltd., culminating in the second quarter of 2010 with $11 million spent in the
quarter with a primary focus on completing our concentrated Nikanassin
landholdings in our Wapiti operating area. To date in 2010, NuVista has
continued to focus our efforts on testing horizontal wells with multi-stage
fracture completions in a number of play types in order to assess drilling,
completion, recovery and repeatability in projects where we possess enough
future potential for many years of development. Our 2011 capital program is
beginning to take shape and we intend to begin measured development of a number
of plays that are being tested in 2010.

The second quarter of 2010 was active, however efforts to complete and tie-in
production from wells drilled prior to break-up were hampered by wet conditions
in the field. Despite these conditions, NuVista was able to achieve record
production of 28,512 Boe/d during the quarter. One hundred percent of NuVista's
second quarter capital expenditures were directed to our exploration and
development program. In addition to the drilling and rig release of six wells in
the second quarter, we completed several wells drilled in the first quarter and
accelerated the timing of approximately $9 million of expenditures planned for
the third quarter. NuVista continues to plan for an active level of exploration
and development program through the second half of 2010, however, we will
continue to adapt our business plan to changes in natural gas prices and global
financial conditions.

Significant highlights for NuVista in the second quarter:

- Achieved record production of 28,512 Boe/d with a 73% natural gas weighting;

- Participated in the drilling and rig release of six horizontal wells (4.4 net)
resulting in five oil wells and one gas well for a 100% success rate;

- Began the completion of our first Montney horizontal well in Wapiti and
subsequent to the quarter end this well tested at rates in excess of 10 MMcf/d
with over 50 Bbls/MMcf of associated liquids;

- Began drilling our first operated Cardium horizontal well in Wapiti and
subsequent to quarter end tested this well at an initial swab rates of
approximately 140 Bbls/d of 41 degree API light oil over 12 hour swab periods,
after recovering all 4,500 barrels of injected load fluid;

- Completed a number of strategic land purchases, the most notable of which was
the purchase of the additional Nikanassin crown lands in our Wapiti operating
area creating a large contiguous block of lands where NuVista will drill our
first Nikanassin horizontal well in the third quarter of 2010; and

- Declared our second quarterly dividend of $0.05/share, which was paid on July
15, 2010, and implemented a DRIP program.

Update on the Testing of Recovery Concepts in Repeatable High Resource-in-Place

1. Wapiti Operating Area

Montney Formation

NuVista drilled its first of two planned Montney horizontal gas tests (100%
working interest) to evaluate a scalable resource play. This well encountered
1,400 meters of porous reservoir and was successfully completed over eleven
intervals with 100 tonnes of sand per interval and tested at rates in excess of
10 MMcf/d. Of equal significance to the natural gas test rate is the discovery
of significant associated liquids with the Montney production on the north block
of our landholdings. In addition to testing at over 25 Bbls/MMcf of free
condensate, the gas analysis on the well indicated incremental liquid recoveries
of 25 Bbls/MMcf in the gas stream with a shallow cut facility. With the
installation of a deep cut facility and increased propane recovery, liquids
extracted from the gas stream would be expected to climb to 50 Bbls/MMcf of C3+
and 40 Bbls/MMcf of ethane. Along with the free condensate, over one-half of the
present value of the Montney play is anticipated to be derived from liquids
production based on current commodity prices. The tie-in of this well was
completed in early August and the well has been recently brought on production
to third party facilities at a restricted rate of 7 MMcf/d and is producing
approximately 40 Bbls/MMcf of free condensate.

NuVista is currently drilling the horizontal portion on our second Montney
horizontal well which is located on the southern block of our landholdings. This
well is over 20 miles from the north block and is being drilled to prove
productivity on our large block of contiguous acreage to the south. In addition
to this well, NuVista anticipates accelerating the drilling of up to four
additional Montney wells in our north and south blocks and expects to have
results on these wells prior to spring break-up next year. Simultaneously with
our drilling activity, NuVista is initiating a preliminary evaluation of the
construction of our own sour gas processing facility with acid gas re-injection
in the Wapiti area. NuVista has 167 sections of Montney acreage in Wapiti with
an average working interest of 95%.

Cardium Formation

NuVista has over 90 contiguous net sections of Cardium lands for an emerging oil
resource play in Wapiti with similar log characteristics to those being
successfully exploited using horizontal wells in Pembina. NuVista has farmed-out
several low working interest sections to a third party who has drilled and
completed a Cardium horizontal test well with multi-stage fractures, in which
NuVista has a 22% carried working interest. This third party has announced a
light oil discovery and the expected on-stream date is mid-August 2010.

During the second quarter, NuVista began drilling its first 100% Cardium
horizontal well and subsequent to the end of the second quarter, completed
drilling its second 100% Cardium horizontal well and is participating in a
second non-operated horizontal well (22% working interest). The first well was
successfully completed with eleven 22 tonne fractures and tested at swab rates
of 140 Bbls/d of 41 degree API light oil over 12 hour swab periods. All 4,500
barrels of injected load fluid were recovered from the well prior to the swab
tests. This well is anticipated to be on production in mid-August. NuVista and
our partner are currently in the process of completing the remaining two
horizontal wells. NuVista intends to participate in up to four additional
Cardium horizontal wells immediately offsetting the Wapiti Cardium light oil
pool prior to the end of 2010.

Nikanassin Formation

With the completion of our land purchases in April 2010, we have increased our
net Nikanassin land position in Wapiti to approximately 180 gross sections with
an average working interest of 87%. NuVista now has a dominant Nikanassin land
position within our Wapiti operating area and has participated in nine vertical
wells during the last eighteen months with initial production rates of 0.5 - 2.0
MMcf/d per vertical well. Based upon the encouraging vertical production from
this program, NuVista plans to drill up to two Nikanassin horizontal wells prior
to the end of 2010, the first of which began in August.

2. Kaybob Operating Area

Montney Formation

To date, NuVista has drilled five Montney horizontal wells (100% working
interest) at our Kaybob property. Four of the five wells have been completed,
with initial test rates on the fourth well of 13 MMcf/d. The fifth well NuVista
drilled is awaiting completion and is on our southern four section land block
and will provide data on the prospectivity of these landholdings. NuVista has
approximately 20 (15 net) Montney horizontal locations remaining on our current
landholdings at Kaybob. NuVista and partners are currently drilling wells six
(100% working interest) and seven (50% working interest) as part of the 2010
program. A facility expansion from 9 MMcf/d to 20 MMcf/d is scheduled to be
completed in early October.

3. Pembina and Ferrier Operating Areas

Cardium Formation

NuVista has now participated in five Cardium horizontal oil wells with
multi-stage fractures in the Pembina operating area. NuVista has operated three
of these wells. To date, our average working interest in the program is 62%. The
two wells that are on production had first month production rates averaging 140
Bbls/d and NuVista has internally evaluated expected reserve additions of
100,000-150,000 barrels per well. NuVista has approximately 70 net sections of
Cardium rights in its Pembina operating area and our sixth Cardium well (100%
working interest) is currently drilling.

In our Ferrier operating area, NuVista has farmed-out one section with a second
option section, while retaining a 30% carried working interest, in order to
assess the viability of a Cardium development program in the Ferrier operating
area in 2011. The first farm-out well has finished drilling and is awaiting
completion. NuVista has approximately 55 net sections of Cardium rights in the
Ferrier operating area.

Notikewin and Spirit River Formations

NuVista is currently drilling our first Notikewin horizontal well in our Pembina
operating area. NuVista intends to begin evaluating the use of horizontal wells
with multi-stage fractures in the Notikewin and Spirit River formations. NuVista
has over 180 net sections of rights in its Pembina and Ferrier operating areas
which are prospective for Notikewin or Spirit River horizontal drilling. With
the size and extent of NuVista's land base, and successful testing of concept
wells in the second half of 2010, the Notikewin-Spirit River formations have the
potential to become another focus zone for NuVista in 2011.

NuVista's 2010 and 2011 Exploration and Development Capital Programs

Although the current commodity and financial markets create considerable
uncertainty in the near term, NuVista is in a position to control and prudently
manage its capital program. Our capital program for the remainder of the year is
heavily weighted towards our internally generated and operated capital projects
where we control the pace of development and the timing of capital expenditures.
NuVista remains opportunity rich but must continue to ensure we test concepts
that can deliver an attractive return on capital and have significant leverage
to multi-year repeatable development projects on large contiguous blocks of land
while maintaining financial flexibility in an uncertain commodity price
environment. NuVista is currently positioned to spend between $240 million and
$280 million on our 2010 capital program with over 90% of this capital dedicated
to exploration and development expenditures. However, with weaker than initially
forecast commodity prices resulting in lower projected cash flow, NuVista is
reducing its planned capital program to between $220 million and $240 million
with approximately 85% of this capital dedicated to exploration and development

NuVista has closed one property acquisition and is pursuing a number of minor
property acquisitions in the third quarter that are expected to total
approximately $25 million.  All of these are tuck-in acquisitions in our Deep
Basin core region. These acquisitions will add approximately 800 Boe/d of
production, undeveloped lands with horizontal drilling potential, and some minor
infrastructure to an area where we plan an active drilling program for 2011.

For 2011, NuVista is currently positioning the company to be able to spend up to
$300 million on exploration and development activities, with up to 50% of
planned capital expenditures targeting oil projects in our Deep Basin and
W3M/W4M core regions and the remainder targeting liquids-rich natural gas
opportunities in our Deep Basin core region.  The primary focus areas for the
company are expected to include Cardium light oil (Wapiti/Pembina-Ferrier),
Nikanassin (Wapiti) and Notikewin-Spirit River (Pembina-Ferrier) gas development
and Montney (Wapiti) delineation. In each of these areas, NuVista's 2011
drilling program is being designed to provide the potential to book multiple
locations for each well drilled as part of a multi-year program targeting top
quartile reserve additions and value creation on lands purchased in 2008-2009
and concepts tested in 2010. Over the course of the next quarter, and with the
continued testing of concept wells, NuVista will refine its capital program for
2011 and anticipates providing updated 2011 guidance information in our November
2010 press release. With each successful test concept well, our plans for the
next five years are expected to become further defined.

Declaration of Dividend

On August 12, 2010, our Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of
$0.05 per common share, payable in cash, to shareholders of record on September
30, 2010 with the dividend payment on October 15, 2010.

Through challenging and at times difficult industry conditions, NuVista
continues to maintain a disciplined approach to its business. The NuVista team
has demonstrated its ability to protect and enhance the interests of our
stakeholders over the long term by focusing on increasing our production and
reserves on a per share basis while prudently managing our debt levels. We
closely manage capital spending levels and we control the timing of all
significant capital projects through our high level of operatorship. We pride
ourselves on being able to make effective business decisions based on timely and
accurate data. This approach has enabled us to adapt to rapidly changing
economic and market conditions. We look forward to sharing our future successes
with our shareholders as we continue to evaluate our high resource-in-place
plays in 2010.


Management's discussion and analysis ("MD&A") of financial conditions and
results of operations should be read in conjunction with NuVista's unaudited
consolidated financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30,
2010 and the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 2009. The following MD&A of financial condition and results of
operations was prepared at and is dated August 12, 2010. Our audited
consolidated financial statements, Annual Report, Annual Information Form and
other disclosure documents for 2009 are available through our filings on SEDAR
at or can be obtained from our website at

Basis of presentation - The financial data presented below has been prepared in
accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"). The
reporting and the measurement currency is the Canadian dollar. For the purpose
of calculating unit costs, natural gas is converted to a barrel of oil
equivalent ("Boe") using six thousand cubic feet of natural gas equal to one
barrel of oil, unless otherwise stated. In certain circumstances natural gas
liquid volumes have been converted to thousand cubic feet equivalent ("Mcfe") on
the basis of one barrel of natural gas liquids to six thousand cubic feet. Boes
and Mcfes may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A conversion
ratio of one barrel to six thousand cubic feet of natural gas is based on an
energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and
does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

Forward-looking statements - Certain information set forth in this document
contains forward-looking statements, including management's assessment of
NuVista's future plans and operations, forecast production and reserves growth,
drilling, completion and tie-in plans and results, plans regarding new drilling
and completion technology and the results therefrom, NuVista's planned capital
budget, targeted debt level, the timing, allocation and efficiency of NuVista's
capital program and the results therefrom, planned facility expansions and the
results therefrom, plans to pursue and complete acquisition opportunities,
forecast funds from operations, expectations regarding funds from operations
being sufficient to fund NuVista's planned 2010 capital program, targeted
operating costs and other expenses, benefits from the Alberta Government's
announcement of royalty incentives, expectations regarding the payment of future
taxes, NuVista's dividend policy and the timing and payment of dividends,
continuation and participation in Nuvista's dividend re-investment plan,
expectations regarding future commodity prices, netbacks and industry conditions
and expectations regarding NuVista's IFRS conversion project which are provided
to allow investors to better understand our business. In addition, statements
relating to "reserves" are deemed to be forward-looking statements as they
involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that
the reserves described can be profitably produced in the future.

By their nature, forward-looking statements are based upon certain assumptions
and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond
NuVista's control, including the impact of general economic conditions, industry
conditions, current and future commodity prices, currency and interest rates,
anticipated production rates, borrowing, operating and other costs and funds
from operations, the timing and amount of capital expenditures and the results
therefrom, anticipated reserves and the imprecision of reserve estimates,
competition from other industry participants, availability of qualified
personnel or management services and drilling and related equipment, stock
market volatility, effects of regulation by governmental agencies including
changes in environmental regulations, tax laws and royalties and the ability to
access sufficient capital from internal sources and bank and equity markets and
including, without limitation, those risks considered under "Risk Factors" in
our Annual Information Form. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in
the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time
of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should
not be placed on forward-looking statements. NuVista's actual results,
performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or
implied by, these forward-looking statements, or if any of them do so, what
benefits NuVista will derive therefrom. NuVista disclaims any intention or
obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by

Non-GAAP measurements - Within the MD&A, references are made to terms commonly
used in the oil and natural gas industry. Management uses funds from operations
to analyze operating performance and leverage. Funds from operations as
presented, does not have any standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian GAAP
and therefore it may not be comparable with the calculation of similar measures
for other entities. Funds from operations as presented is not intended to
represent operating cash flow or operating profits for the period nor should it
be viewed as an alternative to cash flow from operating activities, per the
statement of cash flows, net earnings (loss) or other measures of financial
performance calculated in accordance with Canadian GAAP. All references to funds
from operations throughout this report are based on cash flow from operating
activities before changes in non-cash working capital and asset retirement
expenditures. Funds from operations per share is calculated based on the
weighted average number of common shares outstanding consistent with the
calculation of net earnings (loss) per share. Funds from operations netbacks
equal total revenue including realized commodity derivative gains/losses less
royalties, transportation, operating costs, general and administrative,
restricted stock unit, interest expense and cash taxes. Management also uses
field netbacks to analyze operating performance and adjusted working capital to
analyze leverage. Field netbacks and adjusted working capital as presented, do
not have any standardized meaning prescribed by Canadian GAAP and therefore, may
not be comparable with the calculation of similar measures for other entities.
Field netbacks equal the total of revenue including realized commodity
derivative gains/losses less royalties, transportation and operating costs.
Adjusted working capital equals working capital excluding the current portion of
the commodity derivative asset or liability and the future income tax asset or
liability. Total Boe is calculated by multiplying the daily production by the
number of days in the period.

A reconciliation of funds from operations is presented in the following table:

                                     Three months ended    Six months ended
                                                June 30,            June 30,
($ thousands)                            2010      2009      2010      2009
Cash provided by operating activities  23,841    39,516    79,755    97,940
Add back:
 Asset retirement expenditures          1,042       614     6,313     1,189
 Change in non-cash working capital    13,869     1,649     5,786      (687)
Funds from operations                  38,752    41,779    91,854    98,442

Northeast British Columbia and Northwest Alberta property acquisition - On July
27, 2009, NuVista closed the acquisition of certain properties in northeast
British Columbia and northwest Alberta. The acquisition was financed through a
combination of bank debt and net proceeds from two equity offerings. NuVista
entered into an agreement to issue 7,500,000 subscription receipts at a price of
$11.00 per subscription receipt on a bought deal basis for gross proceeds of
$82.5 million. In addition, NuVista issued 1,500,000 subscription receipts at a
price of $11.00 per subscription receipt, by way of a private placement, to
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board ("OTPP") for gross proceeds of $16.5
million. The subscription receipt offerings closed on July 7, 2009. Each
subscription receipt was exchanged for one common share of NuVista for no
additional consideration on July 27, 2009 in accordance with its terms.

Operating activities - For the three months ended June 30, 2010, NuVista drilled
six (4.4 net) horizontal wells resulting in five oil wells and one natural gas
well, for an overall success rate of 100%. NuVista operated five of the wells
drilled. Four horizontal oil wells were drilled at our West Central Saskatchewan
heavy oil property and a non-operated Cardium horizontal oil well was drilled
and completed with multi-stage fractures in our Pembina operating area. During
the quarter, NuVista also drilled its fourth Kaybob Montney horizontal gas well
that was completed with multi-stage fractures and also completed several natural
gas wells that were drilled in the first quarter of 2010. For the six months
ended June 30, 2010, NuVista drilled 41 (29.9 net) wells resulting in 22 natural
gas wells and 19 oil wells for an overall success rate of 100%.

For the remainder of 2010, NuVista plans to drill approximately 26 wells (14 oil
and 12 gas), of which 19 are planned to be horizontal wells. NuVista will
continue to test the use of horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracture
technology on repeatable high resource-in-place deposits for the last half of
the year. Of the 26 wells, nine are located in our Wapiti core region primarily
targeting Montney gas, Nikinassin gas and Cardium oil. In addition, six wells
located in our Kaybob core region are targeting Montney gas. Ten oil wells are
planned in our Pembina and W3/W4 core regions. 


                                                 Three months ended June 30,
                                                 2010       2009   % Change
Natural gas (Mcf/d)                           125,711    109,564         15
Liquids (Bbls/d)                                3,049      3,247         (6)
Oil (Bbls/d)                                    4,512      4,269          6
Total oil equivalent (Boe/d)                   28,512     25,777         11

                                                   Six months ended June 30,
                                                 2010       2009   % Change
Natural gas (Mcf/d)                           125,101    110,870         13
Liquids (Bbls/d)                                3,175      3,138          1
Oil (Bbls/d)                                    4,458      4,358          2
Total oil equivalent (Boe/d)                   28,484     25,974         10

For the three months ended June 30, 2010, NuVista's average production was
28,512 Boe/d, comprised of 125,711 Mcf/d of natural gas, 3,049 Bbls/d of
associated natural gas liquids ("liquids") and 4,512 Bbls/d of oil. This is an
11% increase compared to the same period in 2009 and a slight increase compared
to the three months ended March 31, 2010 average production of 28,455 Boe/d. The
increase in NuVista's production during the three months ended June 30, 2010
compared to same period in 2009 was primarily due to the property acquisitions
in 2009 and new production at our Kaybob operating area. The second quarter of
2010 was the fourth consecutive quarter of record production for NuVista.

NuVista's production for the six months ended June 30, 2010 averaged 28,484
Boe/d comprised of 125,101 Mcf/d of natural gas, 3,175 Bbls/d of liquids and
4,458 Boe/d of oil, which represents a 10% increase over the same period in
2009. The increase in production for the six month period ended June 30, 2010
compared to the same period in 2009 is primarily due to the property
acquisitions in 2009 and our successful 2009/2010 winter drilling program.


                                       Three months ended June 30,         
($ thousands,except per
 unit amounts)                 2010              2009            % Change  
                          -------------     -------------     --------------
Natural gas                $     $/Mcf       $     $/Mcf       $      $/Mcf
  Revenue (1)         49,612      4.34  45,059      4.52      10         (4)
 Realized gain
  (loss) on
  derivatives            (25)        -      (2)        -  (1,150)         -
 Total                49,587      4.34  45,057      4.52      10         (4)

Liquids                    $     $/Bbl       $     $/Bbl       $      $/Bbl
 Production revenue   13,861     49.96   9,457     32.00      47         56
 Realized gain (loss)
  on commodity
  derivatives              -         -       -         -       -          -
 Total                13,861     49.96   9,457     32.00      47         56

Oil                        $     $/Bbl       $     $/Bbl       $      $/Bbl
 Production revenue   26,051     63.45  23,576     60.69      10          5
 Realized gain (loss)
  on commodity
  derivatives           (945)    (2.30)  1,341      3.45    (170)      (167)
 Total                25,106     61.15  24,917     64.14       1         (5)

Total                      $     $/Boe       $     $/Boe       $      $/Boe
 Production revenue   89,524     34.50  78,092     33.29      15          4
 Realized gain (loss)
  on commodity
  derivatives           (970)    (0.37)  1,339      0.57    (172)      (165)
 Total                88,554     34.13  79,431     33.86      11          1

(1) Natural gas revenue includes price risk management gains and losses on
    physical sale contracts. For the three months ended June 30, 2010, our
    physical sale contracts resulted in a gain of $3.2 million
    (2009 - $7.9 million).

                                         Six months ended June 30,         
($ thousands,except per
 unit amounts)                 2010              2009            % Change  
                          -------------     -------------     --------------
Natural gas                $     $/Mcf       $     $/Mcf       $      $/Mcf
  revenue (1)        110,364      4.87 109,613      5.46       1        (11)
 Realized gain
  (loss) on
  derivatives            (26)        -   1,421      0.07    (102)      (100)
 Total               110,338      4.87 111,034      5.53      (1)       (12)

Liquids                    $     $/Bbl       $     $/Bbl       $      $/Bbl
 Production revenue   29,895     52.02  20,141     35.46      48         47
 Realized gain
  (loss) on
  derivatives              -         -       -         -       -          -
 Total                29,895     52.02  20,141     35.46      48         47

Oil                        $     $/Bbl       $     $/Bbl       $      $/Bbl
 Production revenue   54,784     67.89  40,067     50.80      37         34
 Realized gain
  (loss) on
  derivatives         (2,663)    (3.30)  6,986      8.86    (138)      (137)
 Total                52,121     64.59  47,053     59.66      11          8

Total                      $     $/Boe       $     $/Boe       $      $/Boe
 Production revenue  195,043     37.83 169,821     36.12      15          5
 Realized gain
  (loss) on
  derivatives         (2,689)    (0.52)  8,407      1.79    (132)      (129)
 Total               192,354     37.31 178,228     37.91       8         (2)

(1) Natural gas revenue includes price risk management gains and losses on
    physical sale contracts. For the six months ended June 30, 2010, our
    physical sale contracts resulted in a gain of $3.5 million
    (2009 - $18.0 million).

For the three months ended June 30, 2010, revenues including realized commodity
derivative gains and losses were $88.6 million, an 11% increase from $79.4
million for the same period in 2009. The increase in revenues for the three
months ended June 30, 2010 compared to the same period of 2009 is primarily due
to the increase in realized prices for liquids and an 11% increase in total
production partially offset by the decrease in natural gas prices. Revenues were
comprised of $49.6 million of natural gas revenue, $13.9 million of liquids
revenue, and $25.1 million of oil revenue. The increase in average realized
commodity prices is comprised of a 4% decrease in the natural gas price to
$4.34/Mcf from $4.52/Mcf, a 56% increase in the liquids price to $49.96/Bbl from
$32.00/Bbl and a decrease of 5% in the oil price to $61.15/Bbl from $64.14/Bbl.

For the six months ended June 30, 2010, revenues including realized commodity
derivative gains and losses were $192.4 million, an 8% increase from $178.2
million for the same period in 2009. The increase in revenues for the first six
months of 2010 compared to the same period of 2009 is primarily due to the
increase in liquids and oil prices and a 10% increase in production partially
offset by the decrease in natural gas pricing. These revenues were comprised of
$110.3 million of natural gas revenue, $29.9 million of liquids revenue, and
$52.1 million of oil revenue. The decrease in average realized commodity prices
is comprised of a 12% decrease in the natural gas price to $4.87/Mcf from
$5.53/Mcf, a 47% increase in the liquids price to $52.02/Bbl from $35.46/Bbl,
and an increase of 8% in the oil price to $64.59/Bbl from $59.66/Bbl.

Commodity price risk management

                                       Three months ended June 30,         
                               Realized        Unrealized             Total
($ thousands)                Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)
Natural gas                         (25)            3,049             3,024
Oil                                (945)            2,491             1,546
Total gain (loss)                  (970)            5,540             4,570

                                       Three months ended June 30,
                               Realized        Unrealized             Total
($ thousands)                Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)
Natural gas                          (2)                -                (2)
Oil                               1,341            (7,478)           (6,137)
Total gain (loss)                 1,339            (7,478)           (6,139)

                                         Six months ended June 30,         
                               Realized        Unrealized             Total
($ thousands)                Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)
Natural gas                         (26)            3,359             3,333
Oil                              (2,663)            1,847              (816)
Total gain (loss)                (2,689)            5,206             2,517

                                         Six months ended June 30,         
                               Realized        Unrealized             Total
($ thousands)                Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)       Gain (Loss)
Natural gas                       1,421            (1,094)              327
Oil                               6,986           (14,226)           (7,240)
Total gain (loss)                 8,407           (15,320)           (6,913)

As part of our financial risk management strategy, NuVista has adopted a
disciplined commodity price risk management program. The purpose of this program
is to reduce volatility in our financial results, protect acquisition economics
and stabilize cash flow against the unpredictable commodity price environment.
NuVista's Board of Directors has approved a price risk management limit of up to
60% of forecast production, net of royalties, using fixed price, differential,
put option and costless collar contracts. To achieve NuVista's price risk
management objectives, we enter into both commodity derivative and physical sale

For the three months ended June 30, 2010, the commodity price risk management
program resulted in a gain of $4.6 million, consisting of realized losses of
$1.0 million and a $5.6 million unrealized gain on natural gas and oil
contracts. For the six months ended June 30, 2010, the commodity price risk
management program resulted in a gain of $2.5 million, consisting of realized
losses of $2.7 million and an unrealized gain of $5.2 million on natural gas and
oil contracts. As at June 30, 2010, the mark-to-market value of our financial
derivative commodity contracts was a gain of $2.6 million.

For the six months ended June 30, 2010, price risk management gains on our
physical sale contracts totaled $3.5 million. The physical sale contracts are
purchase and sale transactions entered into the normal course of business. As at
June 30, 2010, the mark-to-market value of our natural gas physical sale
contracts was a gain of $6.8 million. No asset or liability value has been
assigned to the physical sale contracts on the balance sheet at June 30, 2010.

The following is a summary of commodity price risk management contracts in place
as at June 30, 2010:

(a) Financial instruments

As at June 30, 2010, NuVista has the following crude oil put option contracts in

              Average Strike    Premium                                    
Volume       Price (Cdn$/Bbl) (Cdn$/Bbl)                               Term
1,000 Bbls/d    $80.30 - WTI      $9.75   July 1, 2010 - September 30, 2010
1,000 Bbls/d    $89.40 - WTI     $12.60 October 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010
1,000 Bbls/d    $86.00 - WTI      $7.85       July 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011
1,000 Bbls/d    $88.00 - WTI      $7.42    July 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

As at June 30, 2010, NuVista has the following NYMEX natural gas basis
differential contracts in place:

Volume          Differential (US$/MMbtu)                           Term
20,000 MMbtu/d                   ($0.34)    July 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010
15,000 MMbtu/d                   ($0.30)  November 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011
30,000 MMbtu/d                   ($0.45)    July 1, 2011 - October 31, 2011
30,000 MMbtu/d                   ($0.51)  November 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012

As at June 30, 2010, the mark-to-market value of the financial derivative
commodity contracts was an asset of $2.6 million (December 31, 2009 - a
liability of $2.6 million).

Subsequent to June 30, 2010, the following financial derivative crude oil put
option contract has been entered into:

              Average Strike    Premium                                    
Volume       Price (Cdn$/Bbl) (Cdn$/Bbl)                               Term
1,000 Bbls/d    $87.00 - WTI      $9.00 October 1, 2010 - December 31, 2011

(b) Physical sale contracts

    (i) As at June 30, 2010, NuVista has the following direct natural gas
        sale contracts in place:

                        Average Price   Premium
Volume                       (Cdn$/GJ) (Cdn$/GJ)                       Term
20,000 GJ/d        $5.97 - AECO Floor     $0.53              July 1, 2010 -
                                                           October 31, 2010
5,000 GJ/d   $4.21 - Fixed Price AECO                        July 1, 2010 -
                                                           October 31, 2010

    (ii) As at June 30, 2010, NuVista has the following fixed price
         contract for the purchase of electricity in place:

Volume          Price (Cdn$/Mwh)                                       Term
4.0 Mwh                  $65.64         January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2013

These physical sale contracts are documented as normal purchase and sale
transactions and as such are not considered financial instruments.


                                     Three months ended    Six months ended
                                                June 30,            June 30,
                                    --------------------  ------------------
Royalty rates (%)                        2010      2009      2010      2009
Natural gas and liquids                    17        10        16        15
Oil                                        20        13        18        11
Weighted average rate                      18        11        17        14

For the three months ended June 30, 2010, royalties were $16.1 million, 95%
higher than the $8.2 million for the same period of 2009. Royalties for the six
months ended June 30, 2010 were $32.9 million compared to $23.5 million reported
for the six months ended June 30, 2009. The increase in royalties is largely
attributed to a significant increase in production revenue, also in the second
quarter of 2010 NuVista had third party adjustments relating to prior periods
for freehold mineral taxes ($0.8 million) and gas cost allowance ($0.5 million).

As a percentage of production revenue, the reported average royalty rate for the
second quarter of 2010 was 18% compared to 11% for the comparative period of
2009. Royalty rates by product for the three months ended June 30, 2010 were 17%
for natural gas and liquids and 20% for oil compared to 10% for natural gas and
liquids and 13% for oil for the same period in 2009. For the six months ended
June 30, 2010, the average royalty rate as a percentage of production revenue
was 17% compared to 14% for the same period in 2009. Royalty rates by product
were 16% for natural gas and liquids and 18% for oil compared to 15% for natural
gas and liquids and 11% for oil for the same period in 2009. The increase in
royalty rates is primarily due to the impact of lower realized gains on physical
sale contracts, an 8% increase in oil pricing and prior period adjustments.

Our physical price risk management activities impact reported royalty rates as
royalties are based on government market reference prices and not our average
realized prices that include price risk management activities. As a result, the
gains on our price risk management activities included in production revenue
result in lower royalty rates as a percentage of production revenue than if no
price risk management activities had taken place. In addition, the timing and
receipt of gas cost allowance adjustments from the Government of Alberta and
third party adjustments relating to prior periods impacts our reported rates.
Excluding the impact of price risk management activities, third party
adjustments relating to prior periods and gas cost allowance adjustments,
natural gas and liquids royalty rates for the three months ended June 30, 2010
were approximately 20% compared to 20% for the same period in 2009 and the oil
royalty rates for the three months ended June 30, 2010 were approximately 14%
compared to 11% for the same period in 2009.

On March 11, 2010, the Government of Alberta announced amendments to its royalty
framework as a result of a competitiveness review. Effective January 1, 2011,
the maximum royalty rate is expected to be reduced from the current levels of
50% for both oil and natural gas to 40% for oil and 36% for natural gas. Other
changes include permanently instating a maximum 5% royalty rate on oil and
natural gas with the existing time and volume limits.

On May 27, 2010, the Government of Alberta announced its proposed changes to the
base royalty curves for oil and natural gas which are to take effect on January
1, 2011. The Government also announced further initiatives designed to spur
investment in Alberta's unconventional and deep resource pools. NuVista
continues to monitor the amendments and the impacts on NuVista's business.

Netbacks - The table below summarizes field netbacks by product for the three
months ended June 30, 2010:

                           Natural gas
                           and liquids               Oil              Total
                         144.0 MMcfe/d       4,512 Bbl/d       28,512 Boe/d
($ thousands, except
 per unit amounts)         $    $/Mcfe       $     $/Bbl        $          
Production revenue    63,473      4.84  26,051     63.45   89,524     34.50
Realized gain (loss)
 on commodity
 derivatives             (25)        -    (945)    (2.30)    (970)    (0.37)
                      63,448      4.84  25,106     61.15   88,554     34.13
Royalties            (10,923)    (0.83) (5,134)   (12.51) (16,057)    (6.19)
Transportation costs  (1,713)    (0.13)   (437)    (1.06)  (2,150)    (0.83)
Operating costs      (15,491)    (1.18) (7,105)   (17.31) (22,596)    (8.71)
Field netback         35,321      2.70  12,430     30.27   47,751     18.40

The following table summarizes field netbacks by product for the six months
ended June 30, 2010:

                           Natural gas
                           and liquids               Oil              Total
                         144.2 MMcfe/d       4,458 Bbl/d       28,484 Boe/d
($ thousands, except
 per unit amounts)         $    $/Mcfe        $    $/Bbl        $          
Production revenue   140,259      5.38   54,784    67.89  195,043     37.83
Realized gain (loss)
 on commodity
 derivatives             (26)        -   (2,663)   (3.30)  (2,689)    (0.52)
                     140,233      5.38   52,121    64.59  192,354     37.31
Royalties            (23,084)    (0.88)  (9,787)  (12.13) (32,871)    (6.38)
Transportation costs  (3,494)    (0.13)    (985)   (1.22)  (4,479)    (0.87)
Operating costs      (30,876)    (1.18) (14,426)  (17.88) (45,302)    (8.79)
Field netback         82,779      3.19   26,923    33.36  109,702     21.27

The tables below summarizes funds from operations netbacks for the three months
ended June 30, 2010 compared to the three months ended June 30, 2009, and the
six months ended June 30, 2010 compared to the six months ended June 30, 2009:

                                      Three months ended June 30,
                               2010              2009              % Change
($ thousands, except ------------------ -----------------    ---------------
 per unit amounts)         $     $/Boe        $    $/Boe        $     $/Boe
Production revenue    89,524     34.50   78,092    33.29       15         4
Realized gain (loss)
 on commodity
 derivatives            (970)    (0.37)   1,339     0.57     (172)     (165)
                      88,554     34.13   79,431    33.86       11         1
Royalties            (16,057)    (6.19)  (8,237)   (3.51)      95        76
Transportation        (2,150)    (0.83)  (2,381)   (1.02)     (10)      (19)
Operating costs      (22,596)    (8.71) (18,388)   (7.84)      23        11
Field netback         47,751     18.40   50,425    21.49       (5)      (14)
General and
 administrative       (4,658)    (1.80)  (3,777)   (1.61)      23        12
Restricted stock
 units                  (180)    (0.07)    (637)   (0.27)     (72)      (74)
Interest              (4,161)    (1.60)  (4,232)   (1.80)      (2)      (11)
Funds from
 operations netback   38,752     14.93   41,779    17.81       (7)      (16)

                                      Six months ended June 30,
                               2010              2009              % Change
($ thousands, except ------------------ -----------------   ----------------
 per unit amounts)         $     $/Boe        $    $/Boe        $     $/Boe
Production revenue   195,043     37.83  169,821    36.12       15         5
Realized gain (loss)
 on commodity
 derivatives          (2,689)    (0.52)   8,407     1.79     (132)     (129)
                     192,354     37.31  178,228    37.91        8        (2)
Royalties            (32,871)    (6.38) (23,461)   (4.99)      40        28
Transportation        (4,479)    (0.87)  (4,158)   (0.88)       8        (1)
Operating costs      (45,302)    (8.79) (38,900)   (8.27)      16         6
Field netback        109,702     21.27  111,709    23.77       (2)      (11)
General and
 administrative       (9,256)    (1.80)  (6,728)   (1.43)      38        26
Restricted stock
 units                  (485)    (0.09)    (598)   (0.13)     (19)      (31)
Interest              (8,107)    (1.57)  (5,941)   (1.26)      36        25
Funds from
 operations netback   91,854     17.81   98,442    20.95       (7)      (15)

Transportation - Transportation costs were $2.2 million ($0.83/Boe) for the
three months ended June 30, 2010 as compared to $2.4 million ($1.02/Boe) for the
same period of 2009. Transportation costs were $4.5 million ($0.87/Boe) for the
six months ended June 30, 2010 compared to $4.2 million ($0.88/Boe) for the same
period in 2009. The increase in year to date transportation costs, on a total
dollar basis, in 2010 compared to 2009 is primarily due to an increase in oil
and liquids production volumes and their higher associated transportation costs.

Operating - Operating expenses were $22.6 million ($8.71/Boe) for the three
months ended June 30, 2010 as compared to $18.4 million ($7.84/Boe) for the
three months ended June 30, 2009 and $22.7 million ($8.87/Boe) for the three
months ended March 31, 2010. The increase in per unit costs resulted primarily
from higher power and field costs related to acquisitions completed in 2009. For
the three months ended June 30, 2010, natural gas and liquids operating costs
averaged $1.18/Mcfe and oil operating expenses were $17.31/Bbl as compared to
$1.05/Mcfe and $15.69/Bbl respectively for the same period in 2009.

Operating expenses were $45.3 million ($8.79/Boe) for the six months ended June
30, 2010 as compared to $38.9 million ($8.27/Boe) for the six months ended June
30, 2009. This increase resulted from the 10% increase in production volumes and
a 6% increase in per unit costs. For the six months ended June 30, 2010, natural
gas and liquids operating expenses averaged $1.18/Mcfe and oil operating
expenses were $17.88/Bbl as compared to $1.11/Mcfe and $16.31/Bbl respectively
for the same period of 2009. NuVista is forecasting operating expenses to
average $8.75/Boe for the last half of 2010.

General and administrative - General and administrative expenses, net of
overhead recoveries, for the three months ended June 30, 2010 were $4.7 million
($1.80/Boe) compared to $3.8 million ($1.61/Boe) in the same period of 2009.
General and administrative expenses, net of overhead recoveries, for the six
months ended June 30, 2010 were $9.3 million ($1.80/Boe) as compared to $6.7
million ($1.43/Boe) for the six months ended June 30, 2009. This increase in
general and administrative costs in 2010 compared to 2009 is primarily a result
of increased staffing costs to support future growth. NuVista is forecasting
2010 general and administrative costs for the remainder of the year to average
approximately $1.70/Boe.

                                     Three months ended    Six months ended
                                                June 30,            June 30,
($ thousands, except                --------------------  ------------------
per unit amounts)                        2010      2009      2010      2009
Gross general and
 administrative expenses                6,198     4,889    12,350     9,359
Overhead recoveries                    (1,540)   (1,112)   (3,094)   (2,631)
Net general and
 administrative expenses                4,658     3,777     9,256     6,728
Per Boe                                  1.80      1.61      1.80      1.43

Stock-based compensation

                                     Three months ended    Six months ended
                                                June 30,            June 30,
                                    --------------------  ------------------
($ thousands)                            2010      2009      2010      2009
Stock-based compensation                1,622     1,313     3,108     3,354
Restricted stock units                    180       637       485       598
Total                                   1,802     1,950     3,593     3,952

NuVista recorded a stock-based compensation charge of $1.8 million for the three
months ended June 30, 2010 compared to $2.0 million for the same period in 2009.
For the six months ended June 30, 2010, NuVista recorded a stock-based
compensation charge of $3.6 million compared to $4.0 million for the same period
in 2009. The stock-based compensation charge relates to the amortization of the
value of stock option awards and the accrual for future payments under the
Restricted Stock Unit ("RSU") Incentive Plan.

Interest - Interest expense for the three months ended June 30, 2010 was $4.2
million ($1.60/Boe) compared to $4.2 million ($1.80/Boe) for the same period of
2009. For the six months ended June 30, 2010, interest expense was $8.1 million
($1.57/Boe) compared to $5.9 million ($1.26/Boe) in the same period of 2009. For
the three months ended June 30, 2010, borrowing costs averaged 3.40% compared to
3.25% in the same period of 2009. The revolving term of NuVista's credit
facility was extended on April 29, 2010, and as part of the terms of this
extension NuVista's borrowing margin was adjusted to current market rates.
Currently, NuVista's average borrowing rate is approximately 3.50%. Cash paid
for interest for the three and six months ended June 30, 2010 was $4.0 million
(2009 - $3.9 million) and $8.3 million (2009 - $5.5 million) respectively.

Depreciation, depletion and accretion - Depreciation, depletion and accretion
expenses were $43.6 million for the second quarter of 2010 as compared to $42.5
million for the same period in 2009. The average per unit cost was $16.80/Boe in
the second quarter of 2010 as compared to $18.12/Boe for the same period in
2009. Depreciation, depletion and accretion expenses for the six months ended
June 30, 2010 were $86.9 million as compared to $84.9 million for the same
period in 2009. The average per unit cost was $16.85/Boe in the first half of
2010 as compared to $18.06/Boe in the same period in 2009. The decrease in per
unit cost is primarily attributable to the low cost of reserves added from
acquisitions in the last twelve months.

Income taxes - For the three months ended June 30, 2010, the provision for
income and other taxes was an expense of $0.5 million compared to a recovery of
$2.2 million for the same period in 2009. For the six months ended June 30,
2010, the provision for income and other taxes was an expense of $2.6 million
compared to a recovery of $0.5 million in the same period of 2009. The effective
tax rate was 37% for the six months ended June 30, 2010.

Capital expenditures - Capital expenditures were $41.1 million during the second
quarter of 2010 compared to $8.3 million in the same period of 2009, with all
the 2010 capital expenditures directed at exploration and development spending.
Capital expenditures for the six months ended June 30, 2010 were $116.9 million,
consisting entirely of exploration and development spending. This compares to
$89.5 million incurred for the same period of 2009, consisting of $54.1 million
of acquisitions and exploration and development spending of $35.5 million.

                                  Three months ended       Six months ended
                                        June 30,                June 30,
                                 --------------------     ------------------
($ thousands, except per unit
 amounts)                             2010      2009         2010      2009
Exploration and development
 Land and retention costs           11,027       851       17,249     1,775
 Seismic                             4,194     1,906        8,734     4,490
 Drilling and completion            20,597     5,538       77,021    17,528
 Facilities and equipment            8,231     2,146       23,053    13,513
 Corporate and other                  (187)      203           57       491
  Subtotal                          43,862    10,644      126,114    37,797
Alberta drilling incentive
 credits                            (2,793)   (2,326)      (9,227)   (2,326)
  Subtotal                          41,069     8,318      116,887    35,471
Property acquisitions                    -         4            -    54,075
Net capital expenditures            41,069     8,322      116,887    89,546

Net earnings and funds from operations - For the three months ended June 30,
2010, the net loss decreased to $1.4 million ($0.02/share, basic) from a net
loss of $7.3 million ($0.09/share, basic) for the same period in 2009. NuVista's
net earnings for the six months ended June 30, 2010 were $4.5 million
($0.05/share, basic) compared to a net loss of $4.7 million ($0.06/share, basic)
in the same period in 2009. Net earnings in 2010 increased compared to the same
period in 2009 primarily due to the impact of higher production revenues.

For the three months ended June 30, 2010, NuVista's funds from operations were
$38.8 million ($0.44/share, basic), a 7% decrease from $41.8 million
($0.53/share, basic) for the three months ended June 30, 2009. Funds from
operations for the three months ended June 30, 2010 were lower than the same
period in 2009 primarily due to lower natural gas prices, increased royalties
and operating costs. For the six months ended June 30, 2010, NuVista's funds
from operations were $91.9 million ($1.04/share, basic), a 7% decrease from
$98.4 million ($1.24/share, basic) in the same period of 2009.

Liquidity and capital resources

                                                   June 30,     December 31,
($ thousands)                                         2010             2009
Common shares outstanding                           88,545           88,361
Share price(1)                                       10.16            12.48
Total market capitalization                        899,617        1,102,745
Adjusted working capital (surplus) deficit(2)       (5,207)         (16,876)
Bank debt                                          411,063          384,623
Debt, net of adjusted working capital ("Net
 Debt")                                            405,856          367,747
Funds from operations (annualized second
 quarter)(2)                                       155,008          201,996
Net Debt to total funds from operations                2.6              1.8
Net Debt as a percentage of total
 capitalization                                         45%              33%

(1) Represents the closing price on the TSX on June 30 and December 31.
(2) Refer to the "non-GAAP measurements" disclosure in the MD&A.

As at June 30, 2010, debt net of adjusted working capital was $405.9 million,
resulting in a net debt to annualized second quarter funds from operations ratio
of 2.6:1. As at June 30, 2010, the net debt to the trailing twelve months funds
from operations ratio was 2.2:1. At June 30, 2010, NuVista had an adjusted
working capital surplus of $5.2 million. Adjusted working capital excludes the
current portion of the fair value of the commodity derivative asset of $1.2
million and the current portion of future income tax liability of $0.2 million.
We believe it is appropriate to exclude these amounts when assessing financial
leverage. At June 30, 2010, NuVista had $99 million of unused bank borrowing
capacity based on the current credit facility of $510 million.

On April 29, 2010, NuVista completed the annual renewal of its credit facility.
NuVista's lenders approved a request for a revolving extendible credit facility
totaling $510 million. Borrowing under the credit facility may be made by prime
loans, bankers' acceptances and/or US libor advances. These advances bear
interest at the bank's prime rate and/or at money market rates plus a stamping
fee. The credit facility is secured by a first floating charge debenture,
general assignment of book debts and NuVista's oil and natural gas properties
and equipment. The credit facility has a 364-day revolving period and is subject
to an annual review by the lenders, at which time a lender can extend the
revolving period or can request conversion to a one year term loan. During the
revolving period, a determination of the maximum borrowing amount occurs
semi-annually on or before October 31. During the term period, no principal
payments would be required until April 28, 2012. As such, this credit facility
is classified as long-term. As at June 30, 2010, NuVista had drawn $411.1
million (March 31, 2010 - $385.0 million) on the facility.

At June 30, 2010, NuVista bank debt net of adjusted working capital increased to
$405.9 million compared to $398.3 million at March 31, 2010. This increase is
directly attributable to the capital expenditures incurred in the second quarter
which were greater than second quarter cash flow. NuVista plans to closely
monitor its 2010 business plan and adjust its capital program in the context of
commodity prices and access to bank and equity capital.

As at June 30, 2010, there were 88.5 million common shares outstanding. In
addition, there were 7.5 million stock options outstanding, with an average
exercise price of $12.79 per share.

Contractual obligations and commitments - NuVista enters into contract
obligations as part of conducting business. The following is a summary of
NuVista's contractual obligations and commitments as at June 30, 2010:

                    Total    2010    2011     2012   2013   2014 Thereafter
Transportation   $ 20,506 $ 2,956 $ 4,865 $  3,965 $3,783 $3,301     $1,636
Office lease        4,844   1,045   2,076    1,723      -      -          -
Physical sale
 premiums           1,304   1,304       -        -      -      -          -
 premiums           5,573   4,866     707        -      -      -          -
Drilling rig
 contract           2,063     938   1,125        -      -      -          -
Physical power
 contract           6,900       -   2,300    2,300  2,300      -          -
Long-term debt    411,063       -       -  411,063      -      -          -
 commitments     $452,253 $11,109 $11,073 $419,051 $6,083 $3,301     $1,636

Off balance sheet arrangements - NuVista has no off balance sheet arrangements
except for certain lease arrangements. NuVista has certain lease arrangements,
all of which are reflected in the contractual obligations and commitments table,
which were entered into in the normal course of operations. All leases have been
treated as operating leases whereby the lease payments are included in operating
expenses or general and administrative expenses depending on the nature of the
lease. No asset or liability value has been assigned to these leases in the
balance sheet at June 30, 2010.

Dividends - In the second quarter of 2010, our Board of Directors declared a
quarterly cash dividend of $0.05 per common share which was paid on July 15,
2010 to shareholders of record on June 30, 2010. On August 12, 2010 our Board of
Directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.05 per common share, payable in
cash, to shareholders of record on September 30, 2010, with the dividend payment
on October 15, 2010. Dividends paid to shareholders of common shares have been
designated as "eligible dividends" for Canadian tax purposes. NuVista
implemented a dividend re-investment plan ("DRIP") for Canadian shareholders in
early June 2010. A complete copy of the DRIP is available by following the
"Dividend Information" link on the "Investors" page of NuVista's website at or from Valiant Trust by calling 1-866-313-1872.

Relationship with Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. - NuVista and Bonavista Petroleum
Ltd. ("Bonavista") are considered related as two directors of NuVista, one of
whom is NuVista's chairman, are directors and officers of Bonavista and another
director of NuVista is also an officer of Bonavista. For the three months ended
June 30, 2010, overhead recoveries of $0.1 million were charged to Bonavista for
our jointly owned partnership (2009 - $0.3 million) which are included as a
reduction in general and administrative expenses. For the six months ended June
30, 2010 overhead recoveries of $0.2 million were charged to Bonavista for our
jointly owned partnership (2009 - $0.6 million). As at June 30, 2010, the amount
receivable from Bonavista was $0.5 million (2009 - $0.2 million). These
transactions are considered to be in the normal course of business and have been
measured at their exchange amounts, being the amounts agreed to by both parties.

Quarterly financial information - The following table highlights NuVista's
performance for the eight quarterly reporting periods from September 30, 2008 to
June 30, 2010:

                   2010                    2009                     2008
            ---------------- ------------------------------- ---------------
            Jun 30   Mar 31  Dec 31  Sep 30  Jun 30  Mar 31  Dec 31  Sep 30
 (Boe/d)    28,512   28,455  28,345  27,505  25,777  26,175  25,688  26,065
 except per
 revenue    89,524  105,519  95,957  79,494  78,092  91,729 106,982 149,596
 (loss)     (1,377)   5,830  10,498  (3,342) (7,312)  2,632  24,443  53,699
 Per share
  - basic    (0.02)    0.07    0.12   (0.04)  (0.09)   0.03    0.31    0.68
 Per share
  - diluted  (0.02)    0.07    0.12   (0.04)  (0.09)   0.03    0.31    0.68

NuVista has seen production volumes in a range of 25,688 Boe/d to 28,512 Boe/d
for the last eight quarters as incremental production from our exploration and
development capital program and acquisitions have more than offset normal
production declines. Over the prior eight quarters, quarterly revenue has been
in a range of $78.1 million to $149.6 million with revenue primarily influenced
by production volumes and commodity prices in the quarter. Net earnings have
been in a range of a net loss of $7.3 million to net earnings of $53.7 million
with earnings primarily influenced by production volumes, commodity prices and
realized and unrealized gains and losses on commodity derivatives.

Critical accounting estimates - The consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Certain accounting policies are critical to understanding the financial
condition and results of operations of NuVista.

(a) Proved oil and natural gas reserves - Proved oil and natural gas reserves,
as defined by the Canadian Securities Administrators in National Instrument
51-101 with reference to the Canadian Oil and Natural Gas Evaluation Handbook,
are those reserves that can be estimated with a high degree of certainty to be
recoverable. It is likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will
exceed the estimated proved reserves.

An independent reserve evaluator using all available geological and reservoir
data as well as historical production data has prepared NuVista's oil and
natural gas reserve estimates. Estimates are reviewed and revised as
appropriate. Revisions occur as a result of changes in prices, costs, fiscal
regimes, reservoir performance or a change in NuVista's development plans. The
effect of changes in proved oil and natural gas reserves on the financial
results and position of NuVista is described below.

(b) Depreciation, depletion and accretion expense - NuVista uses the full cost
method of accounting for exploration and development activities whereby all
costs associated with these activities are capitalized, whether successful or
not. The aggregate of capitalized costs, net of certain costs related to
unproved properties, and estimated future development costs is amortized using
the unit-of-production method based on estimated proved reserves. Changes in
estimated proved reserves or future development costs have a direct impact on
depreciation and depletion expense.

Certain costs related to unproved properties and major development projects may
be excluded from costs subject to depletion until proved reserves have been
determined or their value is impaired. These properties are reviewed quarterly
to determine if proved reserves should be assigned, at which point they would be
included in the depletion calculation, or for impairment, for which any
write-down would be charged to depreciation and depletion expense.

(c) Full cost accounting ceiling test - The carrying value of property, plant
and equipment is reviewed at least annually for impairment. Impairment occurs
when the carrying value of the asset is not recoverable by the future
undiscounted cash flows. The cost recovery ceiling test is based on estimates of
proved reserves, production rates, petroleum and natural gas prices, future
costs and other relevant assumptions. By their nature, these estimates are
subject to measurement uncertainty and the impact on the financial statements
could be material. Any impairment would be charged as additional depletion and
depreciation expense.

(d) Asset retirement obligation - The asset retirement obligations are estimated
based on existing laws, contracts or other policies. The fair value of the
obligation is based on estimated future costs for abandonments and reclamations
discounted at a credit adjusted risk free rate. The costs are included in
property, plant and equipment and amortized over its useful life. The liability
is adjusted each reporting period to reflect the passage of time, with the
accretion charged to earnings and for revisions to the estimated future cash
flows. By their nature, these estimates are subject to measurement uncertainty
and the impact on the financial statements could be material.

(e) Income taxes - The determination of income and other tax liabilities
requires interpretation of complex laws and regulations often involving multiple
jurisdictions. All tax filings are subject to audit and potential reassessment
after the lapse of considerable time. Accordingly, the actual income tax
liability may differ significantly from that estimated and recorded.

(f) Financial Instruments - NuVista utilizes financial instruments to manage the
exposure to market risks relating to commodity prices. Fair values of derivative
contracts fluctuate depending on the underlying estimate of future commodity
prices and foreign currency exchange rates.

(g) Goodwill - Goodwill is recorded on a business combination when the total
purchase consideration exceeds the fair value of the net identifiable assets and
liabilities of the acquired entity. The goodwill balance is not amortized,
however, and must be assessed for impairment at least annually. Impairment is
initially determined based on the fair value of a reporting unit compared to its
book value. Any impairment must be charged to earnings in the period the
impairment occurs. NuVista has one reporting unit, being the entity as a whole,
and as at June 30, 2010, we have determined there was no goodwill impairment.

Update on regulatory matters

Information regarding environmental and climate change regulations, the
Government of Alberta's New Royalty Framework and other current provincial
royalty and incentive programs are contained in our Annual Information Form for
the year ended December 31, 2009 under the Industry Conditions Section.

Update on financial reporting matters

International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") - On January 1, 2011,
International Financial Reporting Standards will become the generally accepted
accounting principles in Canada. The adoption date of January 1, 2011, will
require the restatement, for comparative purposes, of amounts reported by
NuVista for the year ended December 31, 2010, including the opening balance
sheet as at January 1, 2010.

In order to meet the requirement to transition to IFRS, NuVista has appointed
internal staff to lead the conversion project along with sponsorship from an
executive steering committee. NuVista will involve external auditors and
external consultants, as required, during the conversion project. Regular
progress reporting to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors on the
status of the IFRS conversion has been implemented. NuVista has held two special
Audit Committee update meetings on IFRS in 2010 and anticipates further meetings
in the second half of 2010. NuVista is continuing the process of training key
personnel within the accounting and finance functions as well as the management
team. NuVista is on schedule with its conversion project and expects to be
completed in time to meet its 2011 financial reporting requirements.

As of June 30, 2010, NuVista has made significant progress on its conversion
project. NuVista has analyzed accounting policy alternatives and drafted the
majority of our IFRS accounting policies. Process and system changes have been
implemented for significant areas of impact, while adhering to existing internal
control requirements. Information system changes have been tested and
implemented to capture the required 2010 comparative data.

NuVista is in the process of completing its January 1, 2010, IFRS opening
balance sheet based on its draft accounting policies. In addition, NuVista is
preparing the March 31, 2011, comparative IFRS financial information. NuVista's
external auditors have started reviewing NuVista's draft IFRS accounting
policies and the IFRS opening balance sheet. Management is continuing to
finalize its accounting policies and as such is unable to quantify the impact on
the financial statements of adopting IFRS. Communication of the quantitative
impacts to external stakeholders is expected to occur in the latter half of
2010. NuVista will continue to update its IFRS conversion project to reflect new
and amended accounting standards issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board.

In July 2009, the International Accounting Standards Board issued amendments to
IFRS 1 - First-Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
("IFRS 1"). IFRS 1 provides entities adopting IFRS for the first time with a
number of optional exemptions and mandatory exceptions in certain areas to the
general requirement for full retrospective application of IFRS. Management
continues to analyze the various accounting policy choices available and will
implement those determined to be the most appropriate for NuVista which include:

- Business Combinations - IFRS 1 would allow NuVista to use the IFRS rules for
business combinations on a prospective basis rather than re-stating all business
combinations. The IFRS business combination rules converge with the new CICA
Handbook section 1582 that is also effective for NuVista on January 1, 2011.

- Property, Plant and Equipment ("PP&E") - IFRS 1 provides the option to value
the PP&E assets in the Exploration and Evaluation ("E&E") and development and
production ("D&P") phases at their deemed cost being the Canadian GAAP net book
value assigned to these assets as at the date of transition, January 1, 2010,
rather than retroactively restating these balances from inception. This
amendment is permissible for entities, such as NuVista, who currently follow the
full cost accounting guideline under Canadian GAAP that accumulates all oil and
gas assets into one cost centre. Under IFRS, NuVista's PP&E assets in the D&P
phases must be divided into cash generating units ("CGUs"). The net book value
of the assets on the date of transition will be allocated to the CGUs underlying
assets on the basis of the NuVista's reserve values at that point in time. These
values will be subject to an impairment test at transition.

The transition from Canadian GAAP to IFRS is a significant undertaking that may
materially affect NuVista's reported financial position and results of
operations. At this time, NuVista has identified key differences that will
impact the financial statements as follows:

- Re-classification of E&E expenditures from PP&E - Upon transition to IFRS,
NuVista will re-classify all E&E expenditures that are currently included in the
PP&E balance on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. This will consist of the book
value for NuVista's undeveloped land that relates to exploration properties and
other exploration related activities. E&E assets will not be depleted and must
initially be assessed for impairment when indicators suggest the possibility of
impairment as well as upon transition.

- Calculation of depletion expense for PP&E assets - Upon transition to IFRS, in
addition to calculating depletion at a more detailed level, NuVista has the
option to calculate depletion using a reserve base of proved reserves or both
proved and probable reserves, as compared to the Canadian GAAP method of
calculating depletion using only proved reserves. NuVista plans to determine its
depletion expense using proved plus probable reserves as its depletion base.

- Impairment of PP&E assets - Under IFRS, impairment of PP&E must be calculated
at a more detailed level than what is currently required under Canadian GAAP.
Impairment calculations will be performed at the CGU level using either total
proved or proved plus probable reserves. NuVista has determined its CGUs for the
purpose of impairment testing and anticipates using proved plus probable
reserves values for impairment tests.

- Provisions - The major difference between the current Canadian standard and
IFRS appears to be the discount rate used to measure the Asset Retirement
Obligation ("ARO"). Under the current Canadian standard a credit adjusted risk
free rate is used, whereby IFRS allows the use of a risk free rate when expected
future cash flows are risked. A lower discount rate will increase the ARO
liability and, on adoption, that increase will be charged to Retained Earnings.

- Interests in joint ventures - Under IFRS, interests in joint ventures must be
accounted for by an entity either using the equity method or proportionate
consolidation. The current exposure draft issued on IAS 31 may eliminate the
ability to use proportionate consolidation. NuVista's jointly owned partnership
with Bonavista may be affected. NuVista is currently reviewing this exposure
draft and its potential impact on its IFRS transition.

- Calculation of Income Taxes - In transitioning to IFRS, NuVista's future tax
liability will be impacted by the tax effects resulting from the IFRS changes
discussed above. Due to the recent withdrawal of the exposure draft on IAS 12
Income Taxes in November 2009 and the issuance of the exposure draft on IAS 37
Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets in January 2010,
management is still determining the impact of these revised standards on its
IFRS transition.

In addition to the accounting policy differences, NuVista's transition to IFRS
will impact the internal controls over financial reporting, disclosure controls
and procedures, certain of NuVista's business activities and information
technology ("IT") systems as follows:

- Internal controls over financial reporting - As the review and analysis of
NuVista's accounting policies is completed, an assessment will be made to
determine changes required to internal controls over financial reporting. This
will be an ongoing process in 2010 to ensure that changes in accounting policies
include the appropriate additional controls and procedures for future IFRS
reporting requirements.

- Disclosure controls and procedures - NuVista has assessed the impact of
transition to IFRS on its disclosure controls and procedures and has not
identified any material changes required in its control environment. It is
expected that there will be increased note disclosure around certain financial
statement items than what is currently required under Canadian GAPP. Management
will draft its IFRS note disclosure in accordance with current IFRS standards
and will continue to monitor requirements put forth by the IASB in discussion
papers and exposure drafts for future disclosure requirements. Throughout the
transition process, NuVista has been assessing its stakeholders' information
requirements and will ensure that adequate and timely information is provided to
meet these needs.

- Business activities - NuVista expects that IFRS will not have a major impact
on our operations or strategic decisions. Management has been cognizant of the
upcoming transition to IFRS and as such has worked with its lenders to ensure
any references to Canadian GAAP financial statements in the lending agreement
have been modified to allow for IFRS statements. Based on the expected changes
to NuVista's accounting policies at this time, there are no foreseen issues with
the existing wording of the agreement as a result of the conversion to IFRS.
NuVista will continue to work with its other counterparties to ensure that any
agreements that contain references to Canadian GAAP financial statements are
modified to allow for IFRS statements.

- IT Systems - NuVista has completed most of the system updates required in
order to prepare NuVista for IFRS reporting. The modifications while not
significant, were deemed critical in order to allow for reporting of both
Canadian GAAP and IFRS statements in 2010 as well as the modifications required
to track PP&E costs and E&E costs in more detail for IFRS reporting. NuVista
continues to assess other system modifications that may be required based on
final accounting policy choices, in order to perform ongoing calculations and
analysis under IFRS. These changes are not considered to be significant.

Internal control reporting

NuVista's President and Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and Vice President,
Finance and Chief Financial Officer ("CFO") are responsible for establishing and
maintaining disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over
financial reporting as defined in National Instrument 52-109. NuVista's CEO and
CFO have designed disclosure controls and procedures, or caused them to be
designed under their supervision, to provide reasonable assurance that
information required to be disclosed by NuVista in its annual filings, interim
filings or other reports filed or submitted by it under securities legislation
is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods
specified in the securities legislation and include controls and procedures
designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by NuVista in its
annual filings, interim filings or other reports filed or submitted under
securities legislation is accumulated and communicated to Nuvista's management,
including its certifying officers, as appropriate to allow timely decisions
regarding required disclosure.

The CEO and CFO have also designed internal controls over financial reporting,
or caused them to be designed under their supervision, to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of NuVista's financial reporting and the
preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with
NuVista's GAAP and includes those policies and procedures that: (a) pertain to
the maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly
reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of NuVista; (b) are
designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as
necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with
NuVista's GAAP, and that receipts and expenditures of NuVista are being made
only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of NuVista;
and (c) are designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or
timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of NuVista's
assets that could have a material effect on the annual financial statements or
interim financial statements. NuVista has designed its internal controls over
financial reporting based on the framework in "Internal Control Over Financial
Reporting - Guidance for Smaller Public Companies" issued by the Committee of
Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission ("COSO"). During the quarter
ended June 30, 2010, there have been no changes to NuVista's internal control
over financial reporting that have materially or are reasonably likely to
materially affect the internal control over financial reporting.

Because of their inherent limitations, disclosure controls and procedures and
internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect
misstatements, error or fraud. Control systems, no matter how well conceived or
operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute assurance, that the
objectives of the control system are met.

Assessment of business risks

Information regarding risk factors associated with the business of NuVista and
how NuVista seeks to mitigate these risks are contained in our Annual
Information Form under the Risk Factors Section and in our Annual Report for the
year ended December 31, 2009.


In 2010, NuVista is in a position to control its own destiny. Our capital
program is heavily weighted to our internally generated and operated capital
projects where we control the pace of development and the capital expenditures.
Although the current commodity and financial markets create considerable
uncertainty in the near term, NuVista will be responsive to economic conditions
and continue with its disciplined business model. Our 2010 capital program will
be reviewed continually throughout the remainder of the year in the context of
commodity prices and financial markets.

NuVista initially forecast 2010 funds from operations of between $180 million
and $185 million based on pricing assumptions of $4.30/Mcf for AECO natural gas,
US$78 for WTI crude oil, and a USD/CDN foreign exchange rate of 0.96. In late
2009 our Board of Directors approved a 2010 capital budget of $240-280 million,
although lower than initially planned cash flow will now result in capital
expenditures being curtailed to between $220 million and $240 million. Over 90%
of capital expenditures will be focused in our Deep Basin core region. Over
one-third of exploration and development expenditures will target oil and up to
one-half of expenditures will be directed to horizontal wells. In total, we
expect to drill 75-85 wells in 2010 and this is forecast to result in 2010
production averaging between 29,000-29,500 Boe/d. With the implementation of our
reduced capital spending program of between $220 million and $240 million, our
2010 exit rate is now anticipated to be between 30,500-31,500 Boe/d.
Approximately 85% of the capital program will be allocated to exploration and
development activities with the flexibility to either accelerate or defer
expenditures based upon market conditions. Our goal is to be successful in
testing recovery concepts in areas where we have procured the upside in terms of
large contiguous blocks of high working interest lands and the zone has been
identified in vertical wells. The Wapiti Cardium, Nikanassin and Montney and the
Pembina-Ferrier Notikewin-Spirit River are examples of plays where successful
concept wells could lead to multi-year development.

We continue to look at 2010 as a pivotal year that will redefine NuVista as a
company. Although our plans for 2011 and beyond are dependent upon commodity
prices, by the end of the year we anticipate that the focus of our capital
program should be clear and only the timing and pace of development are expected
to remain uncertain. NuVista is transitioning to become a company built on a
stable low operating cost asset base with an internally generated portfolio of
high quality, high resource-in-place plays, and optionality in an ongoing
business plan expected to provide superior relative performance. Our success in
2010 is a team effort and is only achieved with the successful execution of our
capital program by the dedicated and talented people at NuVista. On behalf of
all of us, we look forward to reporting our progress to our stakeholders
throughout the remainder of the year.


Alex G. Verge                                              Robert F. Froese
President & CEO                               Vice-President, Finance & CFO

August 12, 2010


Consolidated Balance Sheets

($ thousands)                            June 30, 2010    December 31, 2009

Current assets
 Cash and cash equivalents                $          -        $           -
 Commodity derivative asset (note 6)             1,201                    -
 Accounts receivable and prepaids               67,644               69,238
 Future income taxes                                 -                1,336
                                                68,845               70,574

Commodity derivative asset (note 6)              1,412                    -
Oil and natural gas properties and
 equipment                                   1,439,048            1,401,453
Goodwill                                        83,716               83,716
                                             1,593,021            1,555,743

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities
 Accounts payable and accrued
  liabilities                                   58,010               52,362
 Dividends payable (note 5)                      4,427                    -
 Commodity derivative liability
  (note 6)                                           -                2,593
 Future income taxes                               169                    -
                                                62,606               54,955

Long-term debt (note 4)                        411,063              384,623
Compensation liability (note 5)                    579                  604
Asset retirement obligations (note 3)           62,422               61,816
Future income taxes                            135,347              134,052
Shareholders' equity
 Share capital and contributed
  surplus (note 5)                             709,670              703,959
 Retained earnings                             211,334              215,734
                                               921,004              919,693
                                          $  1,593,021        $   1,555,743

Contractual obligations and commitments (note 8)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Earnings (Loss), Comprehensive Income (Loss) and
 Retained Earnings

                                  Three months               Six months
                                 ended June 30,            ended June 30,
($ thousands)                  2010         2009          2010         2009

 Production               $  89,524    $  78,092    $  195,043    $ 169,821
 Royalties                  (16,057)      (8,237)      (32,871)     (23,461)
 Realized gain
  (loss) on commodity
  derivatives                  (970)       1,339        (2,689)       8,407
 Unrealized gain
  (loss) on commodity
  derivatives                 5,540       (7,478)        5,206      (15,320)
                             78,037       63,716       164,689      139,447

 Operating                   22,596       18,388        45,302       38,900
 Transportation               2,150        2,381         4,479        4,158
 General and
  administrative (note 7)     4,658        3,777         9,256        6,728
 Interest                     4,161        4,232         8,107        5,941
  compensation (note 5)       1,802        1,950         3,593        3,952
 Depreciation, depletion
  and accretion              43,595       42,495        86,853       84,918
                             78,962       73,223       157,590      144,597
Earnings (loss) before 
 income and other taxes        (925)      (9,507)        7,099       (5,150)
 Future income tax
  expense (recovery)            452       (2,195)        2,646         (470)
Net earnings (loss)
 and Comprehensive
 income (loss)               (1,377)      (7,312)        4,453       (4,680)

Retained earnings,
 beginning of period        217,138      215,890       215,734      213,258
Dividends (note 5)           (4,427)           -        (8,853)           -
Retained earnings,
 end of period            $ 211,334    $ 208,578    $  211,334    $ 208,578
Net earnings per
 share - basic            $   (0.02)   $   (0.09)   $     0.05    $   (0.06)
Net earnings per
 share - diluted          $   (0.02)   $   (0.09)   $     0.05    $   (0.06)

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

                                  Three months               Six months
                                 ended June 30,            ended June 30,
($ thousands)                  2010         2009          2010         2009

Cash provided by (used
Operating Activities
 Net earnings (loss)      $  (1,377)   $  (7,312)   $    4,453    $  (4,680)
 Items not requiring
  cash from operations
   depletion and
   accretion                 43,595       42,495        86,853       84,918
   compensation               1,622        1,313         3,108        3,354
  Unrealized (gain) loss
   on commodity
   derivatives               (5,540)       7,478        (5,206)      15,320
  Future income tax
   expense (recovery)           452       (2,195)        2,646         (470)
 Asset retirement
  expenditures               (1,042)        (614)       (6,313)      (1,189)
 Change in non-cash
  working capital items     (13,869)      (1,649)       (5,786)         687
                             23,841       39,516        79,755       97,940

Financing Activities
 Issue of share
  capital, net of share
  issuance costs                215          801         1,707          801
 Increase in long-term
  debt                       26,068            -        26,440       20,898
 Repayment of long-term
  debt                            -      (15,202)            -            -
 Cash dividends              (4,426)           -        (4,426)           -
                             21,857      (14,401)       23,721       21,699

Investing Activities
 Oil and natural gas
  properties and
  equipment                 (41,069)      (8,318)    (116,887)      (35,471)
 Property acquisition
  (note 2)                        -           (4)            -      (54,075)
 Deposit on property
  acquisition (note 2)            -      (18,084)            -      (18,084)
 Change in non-cash
  working capital items      (4,629)       1,115        13,411      (12,148)
                            (45,698)     (25,291)    (103,476)     (119,778)
Change in cash and
 cash equivalents                 -         (176)            -         (139)
Cash and cash
 equivalents, beginning
 of period                        -          176             -          139
Cash and cash
 equivalents, end of
 period                   $       -    $       -  $          -    $       -

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Three and six months ended June 30, 2010. 

The unaudited consolidated financial statements of NuVista Energy Ltd.
("Nuvista" or "the Company") have been prepared by management in accordance with
Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"), using the same
accounting policies as those set out in note 1 to the consolidated financial
statements for the year ended December 31, 2009.  The consolidated financial
statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2010, should be read in
conjunction with the annual audited consolidated financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 2009.  Certain amounts have been reclassified to conform
with the current year's presentation.  All tabular amounts are in thousands,
except per share amounts, unless otherwise stated. 

1. Accounting changes

(a) Business Combinations

In January 2009, the CICA issued Section 1582, "Business Combinations".  This
section is effective January 1, 2011 and applies prospectively to business
combinations for which the acquisition date is on or after the first annual
reporting period beginning on or after January 1, 2011.  Early adoption is
permitted.  This section replaces Section 1581, "Business Combinations" and
harmonizes the Canadian standards with IFRS.

(b) Consolidated Financial Statements and Non-Controlling Interests

In January 2009, the AcSB issued Section 1601, "Consolidated Financial
Statements", and Section 1602, "Non-Controlling Interests", which together
replace Section 1600, "Consolidated Financial Statements", and harmonize the
Canadian standards with IFRS.  Section 1601 establishes standards for the
preparation of consolidated financial statements.  Section 1602 provides
guidance on accounting for a non-controlling interest in a subsidiary in
consolidated financial statements subsequent to a business combination.  These
sections are effective for the first reporting period beginning on or after
January 1, 2011.  Early adoption is permitted.  

2. Acquisitions

(a) Ferrier, Sunchild, Wapiti and Northwest Saskatchewan Properties

On January 29, 2009, the Company acquired certain natural gas properties and
related facilities in the Ferrier/Sunchild, Wapiti and northwest Saskatchewan
operating areas.  The cash purchase price was $55.6 million, net of final
adjustments.  The results of operations of these properties have been included
in the consolidated financial statements of the Company since the acquisition

(b) Northeast British Columbia and Northwest Alberta Properties

On July 27, 2009, the Company acquired certain natural gas properties and
related facilities in the Martin Creek area of northeast British Columbia and
northwest Alberta for a cash purchase price of $174 million, net of asset
retirement obligations.  The purchase price is subject to change as a result of
any final closing adjustments.  The results of operations of these properties
have been included in the consolidated financial statements of the Company since
the acquisition date.

3. Asset retirement obligations

Total asset retirement obligations are based on estimated costs to reclaim and
abandon ownership interests in oil and natural gas assets including well sites,
gathering systems and processing facilities.  At June 30, 2010, the estimated
total undiscounted amount of cash flows required to settle the Company's asset
retirement obligations is $263 million (2009 - $262 million), which will be
incurred over the next 51 years.  The majority of the costs will be incurred
between 2011 and 2039.  A credit-adjusted risk-free rate of 8% (2009 - 8%) and
an inflation rate of 2% (2009 - 2%) were used to calculate the fair value of the
asset retirement obligations.  

A reconciliation of the asset retirement obligations is provided below:

                                                     June 30,   December 31,
                                                        2010           2009
Balance, beginning of period                          61,816         46,296
 Accretion expense                                     2,327          4,100
 Liabilities incurred                                  4,592          4,050
 Liabilities acquired                                      -          9,985
 Liabilities settled                                  (6,313)        (2,615)
Balance, end of period                                62,422         61,816

4. Long-term debt 

On April 29, 2010, the Company completed the annual renewal of its credit
facility.  The Company's lenders approved a request for a revolving extendible
credit facility totaling $510 million.  Borrowing under the credit facility may
be made by prime loans, bankers' acceptances and/or US libor advances.  These
advances bear interest at the bank's prime rate and/or at money market rates
plus a stamping fee.  The credit facility is secured by a first floating charge
debenture, general assignment of book debts and the Company's oil and natural
gas properties and equipment.  The credit facility has a 364-day revolving
period and is subject to an annual review by the lenders, at which time a lender
can extend the revolving period or can request conversion to a one year term
loan.  During the revolving period, a determination of the maximum borrowing
amount occurs semi-annually on or before October 31.  During the term period, no
principal payments would be required until April 28, 2012.  As such, this credit
facility is classified as long-term.  As at June 30, 2010, the Company had drawn
$411.1 million (December 31, 2009 - $384.6 million) on the facility.  Cash paid
for interest expense for the three months ended June 30, 2010 was $4.0 million
(2009 - $3.9 million) and for the six months ended June 30, 2010 was $8.3
million (2009 - $5.5 million).

5. Shareholders' equity

(a) Share capital and contributed surplus

                                                     June 30,   December 31,
                                                        2010           2009
Share capital                                        687,486        685,269
Contributed surplus                                   22,184         18,690
Total                                                709,670        703,959

(b) Authorized

Unlimited number of voting Common Shares and 1,200,000 Class B Performance

(c) Common shares issued

                                        June 30, 2010     December 31, 2009
                                     Number    Amount      Number    Amount
Balance, beginning of period     88,360,757 $ 685,269  79,164,582 $ 587,460
 Issued for cash                          -         -   9,000,000    99,016
 Exercise of stock options          183,883     1,751     196,175     1,430
 Stock-based compensation                 -       499           -       432
 Cost associated with shares
 issued, net of future tax
 benefit of $0.01 million (2009
  - $1.1 million)                         -       (33)          -    (3,069)
Balance, end of period           88,544,640 $ 687,486  88,360,757 $ 685,269

On June 15, 2009, the Company entered into an agreement to issue 7,500,000
subscription receipts at a price of $11.00 per subscription receipt on a bought
deal basis for gross proceeds of $82.5 million.  In addition, the Company issued
1,500,000 subscription receipts at a price of $11.00 per subscription receipt,
by way of a private placement to Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board for gross
proceeds of $16.5 million.  The subscription receipt offerings closed on July 7,
2009.  Each subscription receipt was exchanged for one common share of NuVista
for no additional consideration on July 27, 2009.

(d) Dividends 

In the second quarter of 2010, NuVista's Board of Directors declared a quarterly
cash dividend of $0.05 per common share to shareholders of record on June 30,
2010.  Dividends paid to shareholders of common shares have been designated as
"eligible dividends" for Canadian tax purposes.  

On August 12, 2010, our Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of
$0.05 per common share, payable in cash, to shareholders of record on September
30, 2010, with the dividend payment on October 15, 2010.

(e) Contributed surplus

                                                     June 30,   December 31,
                                                        2010           2009
Balance, beginning of period                          18,690          7,128
 Stock-based compensation                              3,993          8,540
 Exercise of stock options                              (499)          (432)
 Expired warrants                                          -          3,454
Balance, end of period                                22,184         18,690

(f) Per share amounts

During the three months ended June 30, 2010, there were 88,539,199 (2009 -
79,209,242) weighted average shares outstanding.  On a diluted basis, there were
88,539,199 (2009 - 79,209,242) weighted average shares outstanding after giving
effect for dilutive stock options.  For the six months ended June 30, 2010,
there were 88,491,426 (2009 - 79,187,032) weighted average shares outstanding
and 89,023,228 (2009 - 79,187,032) weighted average shares outstanding on a
dilutive basis.  The number of anti-dilutive options totaled 5,034,155 at June
30, 2010 (2009 - 5,462,467).  

(g) Stock options

The Company has established a stock option plan whereby officers, directors,
employees and service providers may be granted options to purchase common
shares.  Stock options are granted with an exercise price equal to the market
price at the date of grant.  Options granted prior to December 2008 vest at the
rate of 1/4 per year and expire two years from the vest date.  The terms of
future stock options grants were amended in December 2008.  Pursuant to the
amendment, options subsequently granted will vest at the rate of 1/3 per year
and expire 2.5 years after the vest date.  The total stock options outstanding
plus the Class B Performance Shares cannot exceed 10% of the outstanding common
shares.  The summary of stock option transactions is as follows:

                                         June 30, 2010    December 31, 2009
                                              Weighted             Weighted
                                               Average              Average
                                              Exercise             Exercise
                                     Number      Price    Number      Price
Balance, beginning of period      6,574,823      13.16 6,111,945      13.69
 Granted                          1,429,120      10.99 1,600,953      11.01
 Exercised                         (183,883)      9.52  (196,175)      7.29
 Forfeited                         (238,365)     13.87  (566,950)     14.17
 Expired                            (69,275)     14.93  (374,950)     14.29
Balance, end of period            7,512,420      12.79 6,574,823      13.16

The Company uses the fair value based method for the determination of the
stock-based compensation costs.  The fair value of each option granted during
the six months ended June 30, 2010 was estimated on the date of grant using the
Black-Scholes option pricing model. In the pricing model, the risk-free interest
rate used was 2.4% (2009 - 2%); volatility of 40% (2009 - 52%); an average
expected life of 4.4 years (2009 - 4.5 years); an estimated forfeiture rate of
10% (2009 - 10%); and dividends of $0.20 per share (2009 - nil).  The weighted
average fair value of stock options granted during the six months ended June 30,
2010 was $3.51 per option (2009 - $4.73 per option).  For the six months ended
June 30, 2010, the Company capitalized $0.9 million (2009 - $1.4 million) in
stock based compensation.

(h) Restricted stock units

In January 2008, the Board of Directors approved a RSU Incentive Plan for
employees and officers.  Each RSU entitles participants to receive cash equal to
the market value of the equivalent number of shares of the Company.  Until
November 2009, the RSUs became payable as they vested over three years.  In
November 2009, the Board of Directors amended the Plan.  All RSUs granted
subsequent to November 2009 vest two years after the date the RSUs are issued.

The following table summarizes the change in outstanding RSUs:

                                                     June 30,   December 31,
                                                        2010           2009
                                                      Number         Number
Balance, beginning of period                         414,791        351,543
 Vested                                             (182,585)      (122,314)
 Granted                                             136,910        204,154
 Forfeited                                           (11,717)       (18,592)
Balance, end of period                               357,399        414,791

The following table summarizes the change in compensation liability relating
to the RSUs:

                                                     June 30,   December 31,
                                                        2010           2009
                                                      Amount         Amount
Balance, beginning of period                           2,744          1,461
 Change in accrued compensation liability             (1,564)         1,283
Balance, end of period                                 1,180          2,744
Compensation liability - current (included in
 accounts payable and accrued liabilities)               601          2,140
Compensation liability - long-term                       579            604

The change in the liability at June 30, 2010 is primarily due to a reduction in
the number of RSUs outstanding.  For the six months ended June 30, 2010, cash
payments of $2.1 million (2009 - $0.7 million) were made relating to the RSU
Incentive Plan, of which $0.5 million (2009 - $0.2 million) was capitalized to
oil and natural gas properties and equipment.

6. Risk management activities

(a) Financial instruments

The Company's financial instruments recognized in the consolidated balance sheet
consists of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, commodity derivative
contracts, dividend payable, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and
long-term debt.  Unless otherwise noted, carrying values reflect the current
fair value of the Company's financial instruments due to their short-term
maturities.  The estimated fair values of recognized financial instruments have
been determined based on the Company's assessment of available market
information and appropriate methodologies, through comparisons to similar
instruments, or third party quotes.

As at June 30, 2010, the Company has the following crude oil put option 
contracts in place:

             Average Strike Price  Option Premium
Volume                  (Cdn$/Bbl)      (Cdn$/Bbl)                     Term
                                                             July 1, 2010 -
1,000 Bbls/d         $80.30 - WTI           $9.75        September 30, 2010
                                                          October 1, 2010 -
1,000 Bbls/d         $89.40 - WTI          $12.60         December 31, 2010
                                                             July 1, 2010 -
1,000 Bbls/d         $86.00 - WTI           $7.85            March 31, 2011
                                                             July 1, 2010 -
1,000 Bbls/d         $88.00 - WTI           $7.42         December 31, 2010

As at June 30, 2010, the Company has the following NYMEX natural gas basis 
differential contracts in place:

Volume           Differential (US$/MMbtu)                              Term
20,000 MMbtu/d                    ($0.34)   July 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010
15,000 MMbtu/d                    ($0.30) November 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011
30,000 MMbtu/d                    ($0.45)   July 1, 2011 - October 31, 2011
30,000 MMbtu/d                    ($0.51) November 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012

As at June 30, 2010, the mark-to-market value of the financial derivative
commodity contracts was an asset of $2.6 million (2009 - liability of $2.6

Subsequent to June 30, 2010, the following financial derivative crude oil put
option contract has been entered into:

                          Average Strike   Option Premium    
Volume                   Price (Cdn$/Bbl)       (Cdn$/Bbl)             Term
                                                          October 1, 2010 -
1,000 Bbls/d                 $87.00 - WTI           $9.00 December 31, 2011

(b) Physical sale contracts

 (i) As at June 30, 2010, the Company has the following direct natural gas 
sale contracts in place:

                  Average Price         Premium                       
Volume                 (Cdn$/GJ)       (Cdn$/GJ)                       Term
                                                             July 1, 2010 -
20,000 GJ/d  $5.97 - AECO Floor           $0.53            October 31, 2010
5,000 GJ/d   $4.21 - Fixed Price AECO                        July 1, 2010 -
                                                           October 31, 2010

(ii) As at June 30, 2010, the Company has the following fixed price contract
     for the purchase of electricity in place:

Volume               Price (Cdn$/Mwh)                                  Term
4.0 Mwh                       $65.64     January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2013

These physical sale contracts are documented as normal purchase and sale
transactions and as such are not considered financial instruments.

7. Relationship with Bonavista Petroleum Ltd.

NuVista and Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. ("Bonavista") are considered related as two
directors of NuVista, one  of whom is NuVista's chairman, are directors and
officers of Bonavista and another director of NuVista is also an officer of
Bonavista.  For the three months ended June 30, 2010, overhead recoveries of
$0.1 million were charged to Bonavista for our jointly owned partnership (2009 -
$0.3 million) which are included as a reduction in general and administrative
expenses.  For the six months ended June 30, 2010, overhead recoveries of $0.2
million were charged to Bonavista for our jointly owned partnership (2009 - $0.6
million).  As at June 30, 2010, the amount receivable from Bonavista was $0.5
million (2009 - $0.2 million).  These transactions are considered to be in the
normal course of business and have been measured at their exchange amounts,
being the amounts agreed to by both parties.  

8. Contractual obligations and commitments

The following is a summary of the Company's contractual obligations and
commitments as at June 30, 2010:

                                    Total        2010       2011       2012
Transportation                  $  20,506    $  2,956   $  4,865  $   3,965
Office lease                        4,844       1,045      2,076      1,723
Physical sale contract premiums     1,304       1,304          -          -
Financial contract premiums         5,573       4,866        707          -
Drilling rig contract               2,063         938      1,125          -
Physical power contract             6,900           -      2,300      2,300
Long-term debt                    411,063           -          -    411,063
Total commitments               $ 452,253    $ 11,109   $ 11,073  $ 419,051

                                                2013        2014 Thereafter
Transportation                               $ 3,783     $ 3,301     $1,636
Office lease                                       -           -          -
Physical sale contract premiums                    -           -          -
Financial contract premiums                        -           -          -
Drilling rig contract                              -           -          -
Physical power contract                        2,300           -          -
Long-term debt                                     -           -          -
Total commitments                            $ 6,083     $ 3,301     $1,636

Corporate Information

Keith A. MacPhail, Chairman
W. Peter Comber, Barrantagh Investment Management Inc.
Pentti O. Karkkainen, KERN Partners
Ronald J. Poelzer, Bonavista Energy Trust
Alex G. Verge, President and CEO
Clayton H. Woitas, Range Royalty Management Ltd.
Grant A. Zawalsky, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP

Keith A. MacPhail, Chairman
Alex G. Verge, President and CEO
Robert F. Froese, Vice President, Finance and CFO and Corporate Secretary
Ross L. Andreachuk, Vice President and Controller
Kevin Asman, Vice President, Marketing
Kevin J. Christie, Vice President, Exploration
Steven J. Dalman, Vice President, Business Development
D. Chris McDavid, Vice President, Operations
Daniel B. McKinnon, Vice President, Engineering
Joshua T. Truba, Vice President, Land

Auditors                                     Legal Counsel
KPMG LLP                                     Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP
Chartered Accountants                        Calgary, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta

Bankers                                      Registrar and Transfer Agent
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce           Valiant Trust Company
Bank of Montreal                             Calgary, Alberta
Royal Bank of Canada
Toronto Dominion Bank
Bank of Nova Scotia
Alberta Treasury Branches
Union Bank, Canada Branch

Engineering Consultants                      Stock Exchange Listing
GLJ Petroleum Consultants Ltd.               Toronto Stock Exchange
Calgary, Alberta                             Trading Symbol "NVA"

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