Preliminary Announcement of Unaudited Interim Results

for the six months ended 28 February 2003



During the first six months of the year the fully diluted net asset value of
our ordinary shares has fallen by 14.5% to 204.26p per share, a decline just a
little bit more than that of our benchmark (the FTSE All Share Index) which
fell by 14.0%. Over the period the market was weak and during February 2003 we
increased our borrowings by �5m, taking them to �25m because we felt that the
pessimism was overdone and that there were good investment opportunities for
our Manager to take advantage of. Although the portfolio itself outperformed
the benchmark, the net asset value slightly under-performed it, the gearing
being responsible for the difference.

The share price fell by 18.3% as the premium at which the shares sold in
relation to the net asset value narrowed from 6.0% to 1.8%.


At the beginning of this period markets were weak, suffering as they were from
a series of corporate scandal announcements in the United States. Investor
confidence in management integrity and the reporting of profits was badly
shaken by these revelations and the resulting weakness of US stock markets
affected markets in the rest of the world. By the beginning of October, markets
had fallen so far that a recovery took place in the weeks leading up to
Christmas. Since then, however, the prospect of war in Iraq made investors very
cautious and so the weakness of stock markets resumed. Until the war with Iraq
is finally over, it will not be possible to tell how much of the weakness was
caused by the fear of war and how much by the fear of another recession in the
United States.


There were no major changes at sector level during the period. The Manager
increased the Company's exposure to the shares of selected companies in the
non-life insurance sector, where the pricing environment continues to look
attractive. Insurance underwriters Wellington Underwriting performed well,
while Amlin's share price was boosted by news of a strong rise in premiums.
Elsewhere in the financial sector, the Company's holding in the French bank
Credit Lyonnais, which became the subject of intense takeover speculation
towards the end of 2002, was a strong contributor to overall performance. The
theme of corporate activity continued into early 2003 with the battle for food
retailer Safeway, the Company's largest holding.

Investments were made in some of the more high growth sectors, such as
biotechnology, support services and technology but reduced in the more
defensive sectors, such as tobacco and food producers. Paradoxically, the
current environment of uncertainty has thrown up a large number of undervalued


At the moment the UK's economy appears to be in rather better shape than those
of the other G7 countries. Although inflation has risen a little recently -
influenced by certain short term factors - the prospects for low inflation
remain good. Unemployment is low and the public sector is booming, aided and
abetted by massive increases in the Government's expenditures.

Investors' confidence however remains fragile, concerned as it is by the global
geopolitical situation generally and by the war in Iraq specifically, about the
global economy in the light of doubts about the American economy, about
consumer expenditure in the UK and about the effect of the increases in
taxation and regulation on corporate profits in the UK. At the time of writing
the worst of the war in Iraq appears to be over and investors can now focus on
economic and financial matters. Share prices have declined a long way over the
last three years, investors' expectations are low and the US Government is
taking strong measures to enhance growth in the US economy. Given these points,
we - both board and management - have assumed a rather more positive view about
the prospects of making money from a portfolio of carefully selected shares -
as our decision to increase our borrowings demonstrates.

By order of the Board

Fidelity Investments International

10 April 2003

Enquiries: Barbara Powley - Fidelity Investments International 01737 836883  


Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)

For the six months ended 28 February 2003

               for the six months ended      for the year ended       for the six months   
                       28.02.03                   31.08.02                 28.02.02        
                       Unaudited                  audited                  unaudited       
               revenue capital    total  revenue  capital    total  revenue capital  total 
                �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000    �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000 
Losses on            - (15,912) (15,912)        - (14,511) (14,511)       - (4,841) (4,841)
Dividend         1,282        -    1,282    3,595        -    3,595   1,291       -   1,291
Interest            35        -       35      149        -      149     101       -     101
Underwriting         7        -        7       15        -       15       4       -       4
Investment       (623)        -    (623)  (1,404)        -  (1,404)   (630)       -   (630)
management fee                                                                             
Other expenses   (200)        -    (200)    (388)        -    (388)   (158)       -   (158)
Exchange gains       -       61       61        -    (163)    (163)       -     (2)     (2)
Net return/        501 (15,851) (15,350)    1,967 (14,674) (12,707)     608 (4,843) (4,235)
(loss) before                                                                              
finance costs                                                                              
and taxation                                                                               
Interest         (715)        -    (715)  (1,409)        -  (1,409)   (682)       -   (682)
(Loss)/return    (214) (15,851) (16,065)      558 (14,674) (14,116)    (74) (4,843) (4,917)
on ordinary                                                                                
before tax                                                                                 
Tax on            (10)        -     (10)      (9)        -      (9)       5       -       5
(Loss)/return    (224) (15,851) (16,075)      549 (14,674) (14,125)    (69) (4,843) (4,912)
on ordinary                                                                                
after tax for                                                                              
the period,                                                                                
to equity                                                                                  
Dividends         (11)        -     (11)    (600)        -    (600)    (11)       -    (11)
Transferred      (235) (15,851) (16,086)     (51) (14,674) (14,725)    (80) (4,843) (4,923)
from reserves                                                                              
per ordinary                                                                               
Basic          (0.52)p (36.87)p (37.39)p    1.39p (37.08)p (35.69)p (0.18)p (12.60) (12.78)
                                                                                  p       p
Fully-diluted        -        -        -    1.35p (36.16)p (34.81)p       -       -       -

These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the AITC Statement of
Recommended Practice (SORP) issued in December 1995.


Balance Sheet

As at 28 February 2003

                                     28.02.03     31.08.02     28.02.02
                                                   audited    unaudited
                                       �'000        �'000        �'000 

Fixed assets                                                          
Investments                          117,616      125,652      126,081
Current assets                                                        
Debtors                                  369          446        2,896
Cash at bank                             947        1,917          583
                                       1,316        2,363        3,479
Creditors- amounts falling due                                        
within one year                                                       
Other creditors                      (1,273)      (2,640)      (1,237)
Net current assets/(liabilities)          43        (277)        2,242
Total assets less current            117,659      125,375      128,323
Creditors - amounts falling due                                       
after more than one year                                              
Fixed rate unsecured loan           (25,000)     (20,000)     (20,000)
Total net assets                      92,659      105,375      108,323
Capital and reserves                                                  
Called up share capital               10,919       10,526        9,920
Share premium account                 40,595       37,731       31,482
Capital redemption reserve               404          404          404
Other reserves                                                        
Warrant exercise reserve               1,741        1,586        1,586
Warrant reserve                          928          970          971
Capital reserve - realised            66,803       69,265       63,048
Capital reserve - unrealised        (29,777)     (16,388)        (340)
Revenue reserve                        1,046        1,281        1,252
Total equity shareholders' funds      92,659      105,375      108,323
Net asset value per ordinary                                          
Basic                                212.15p      250.28p      272.99p
Fully-diluted                        204.26p      238.87p      259.11p




Cash Flow Statement

For the six months ended 28 February 2003

                                      28.02.03    31.08.02     28.02.02
                                     unaudited     audited    unaudited
                                         �'000       �'000        �'000

Operating activities                                                   
Investment income received                  937      2,424          946
Underwriting commission received              7         15            4
Deposit interest received                    23        117           83
Investment management fee paid            (651)    (1,412)        (649)
Directors' fees paid                       (34)       (59)         (33)
Other cash payments                       (178)      (334)         (52)
Net cash inflow from operating              104        751          299
Returns on investments and                                             
servicing of finance                                                   
Interest paid                             (714)    (1,376)        (668)
Net cash outflow from servicing           (714)    (1,376)        (668)
of finance                                                             
UK income tax recovered                       -          9            9
Tax recovered                                 -          9            9
Financial investment                                                   
Purchase of investments                (41,184)   (78,730)     (35,724)
Exchange gains/(losses)                      59      (163)          (2)
Disposal of investments                  32,965     61,925       24,080
Net cash outflow from financial         (8,160)   (16,968)     (11,646)
Equity dividend paid                      (600)      (950)        (950)
Net cash outflow before financing       (9,370)   (18,534)     (12,956)
Exercise of warrants                        151        816          817
Fixed rate 6.42% unsecured loan               -     10,000       10,000
drawn down                                                             
Fixed rate 4.91% unsecured loan           5,000          -            -
drawn down                                                             
Repayment of fixed rate 5.65%                 -    (4,000)      (4,000)
unsecured loan                                                         
Repayment of fixed rate 5.9704%               -    (6,000)      (6,000)
unsecured loan                                                         
Issue of ordinary shares                  3,249     10,222        3,309
Net cash inflow from financing            8,400     11,038        4,126
Decrease in cash                          (970)    (7,496)      (8,830)

The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 August 2002 have
been extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do not
constitute the statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included the report of the
auditors, which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either
section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Copies of the interim report will be posted to shareholders as soon as
practicable. Copies will also be available to the public at the Company's
registered office Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey
KT20 6RP