RNS Number:7049N
18 July 2003

                                                                   July 18, 2003

                          First Quarter Orders & Sales
                          (1st April - 30th June 2003)

*        Orders received down 22% on a comparable basis, on record first quarter
of fiscal year 2002/03, but marked recovery (+17%) from final quarter of fiscal
year 2002/03

*        Sales down 9% on a comparable basis on first quarter of fiscal year

(in Euro million)                  FY 2002/03                           FY 2003/  % Variation     % Q4 FY02/03 vs
                                                                               Q1 FY02/03 vs   Q4 FY02/03 vs
                                                                               Q1 FY03/04      Q1 FY03/04
                                Q1        Q2        Q3     Q4        Q1
Orders Received Actual figures  5,675     4,863     4,953  3,632     4,035     -29%            11%
Orders Received Comparable      5,173     4,450     4,597  3,457     4,035     -22%            17%
Sales Actual                    5,269     5,499     5,132  5,451     4,341     -18%            -20%
Sales Comparable figures        4,762     5,054     4,804  5,249     4,341     -9%             -17%

Commenting on the first quarter's Orders and Sales announced this morning
Patrick Kron, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ALSTOM, stated:

"As we signalled at our Annual General Meeting earlier this month, order intake
in the first quarter was down on the very high level achieved in the comparable
period of fiscal year 2002/03, but we are encouraged by the  improvement
compared with the final quarter of last year. In particular, Power orders show a
strong recovery from the depressed level of the preceding three months.

The decrease in sales reflects, as expected, the lower order intake of last
year. "

Reported Figures (Unaudited)

Orders Received          FY 2002/03                               FY 2003/04  % Variation       % Variation

Actual figures                                                                Q1 FY02/03 vs     Q4 FY02/03 vs
(in Euro million)                                                                Q1 FY03/04        Q1 FY03/04
                         Q1        Q2        Q3         Q4        Q1
Power Turbo-Systems      987       381       405        48        514         -48%              971%
Power Environment        686       783       499        615       476         -31%              -23%
Power Service            934       752       757        491       814         -13%              66%
T&D                      1,092     976       703        961       922         -16%              -4%
Transport                1,624     1,676     1,900      1,212     884         -46%              -27%
Marine                   19        6         110        28        105         453%              275%
Corporate and others *   333       289       579        277       320         -4%               16%
Total Group              5,675     4,863     4,953      3,632     4,035       -29%              11%

* Including Industrial turbines

Sales                  FY 2002/03                              FY 2003/04    % Variation      % Variation    
Actual figures                                                                Q1 FY02/03 vs    Q4 FYO2/03 vs  
(in Euro million)                                                             Q1 FY03/04       Q1 FY03/04     

                          Q1            Q2       Q3       Q4       Q1                                            

Power Turbo-Systems    1,241         1,171      694      751      584               -53%             -22%           
Power Environment        715           742      749      892      624               -13%             -30%           
Power Service            721           629      749      579      705                -2%              22%            
T&D                      824           954      916      911      747                -9%             -18%           
Transport              1,116         1,224    1,278    1,454    1,060                -5%             -27%           
Marine                   343           382      341      502      441                29%             -12%           
Corporate and others *   309           397      405      362      180               -42%              -50%           

Total Group            5,269         5,499    5,132    5,451    4,341               -18%              -20%           

* Including Industrial turbines 

Orders and sales, as reported, were impacted during the first three months of
fiscal year 2003/04 by currency translation effects, particularly versus the US
dollar (impact of approximately 5% on orders and 6% on sales), and by the
disposal of our small industrial gas turbine business, on April 30, 2003.
Comparable figures below adjust the figures for these impacts.

Both reported and comparable figures include for the first time orders and sales
for the three new Power Sectors established in 2003.

Comparable Figures (Unaudited)

Orders Received            FY 2002/03                      FY 3003/04   % Variation     % Variation    
comparable figures                                                       Q1 FY02/03 vs    Q4 FY02/03 vs  
(in Euro million)                                                        Q1 FY03/04       Q1 FY03/04     
                           Q1       Q2       Q3       Q4       Q1                                            

PowerTurbo-Systems        940      363      387       57      514           -45%             802%           
Power Environment         629      719      488      608      476           -24%             -22%           
Power Service             849      706      708      479      814            -4%              70%            
T&D                       975      902      684      931      922            -5%              -1%            
Transport               1,555    1,570    1,818    1,148      884           -43%             -23%           
Marine                     19        6      110       28      105           453%             275%           
Corporate and others *    206      184      402      206      320            55%              55%            

Total Group             5,173    4,450    4,597    3,457    4,035           -22%              17%            

*  Including Medium-sized turbines and industrial steam turbines not already transferred to Siemens

Orders received: -22%

Trading conditions continued to be difficult in the first three months of fiscal
year 2003/04, with a weak global economy and tightening financial markets.

On a comparable basis, the order intake for the quarter declined by 22% compared
with the high level registered during Q1 2002/03.

However, it shows a marked improvement on Q4 2002/03, increasing by 17% (from
Euro3,457m to Euro4,035m) on a comparable basis, primarily due to higher orders in
Power Service and Power Turbo-Systems.

The backlog, at around Euro30 billion, is equivalent to 20 months of sales.

Sales                FY 2002/03                               FY 2003/04    % Variation     % Variation
Comparable figures                                                         Q1 FY02/03 vs    Q4 FY02/03 vs  
(in Euro million)                                                          Q1 FY03/04       Q1 FY03/04     
                         Q1            Q2       Q3       Q4       Q1                                            

Power Turbo-Systems   1,160         1,107      669      744      584           -50%             -22%           
Power Environment       626           683      708      879      624             0%             -29%           
Power Service           643           583      702      563      705            10%              25%            
T&D                     745           876      890      893      747             0%             -16%           
Transport             1,043         1,191    1,240    1,436    1,060             2%             -26%           
Marine                  343           382      341      502      441            29%             -12%           
Corporate and others*   202           232      254      232      180           -11%             -22%           

Total Group           4,762         5,054    4,804    5,249    4,341            -9%             -17%           

*  Including Medium-sized gas turbines and industrial steam turbines not already transferred to Siemens

Sales: -9%

Sales for the quarter, on a comparable basis, show a decline of 9% on Q1 2002/
03. This reflects a stable performance in Transport, T&D and Power Environment,
strong sales in Power Service and Marine and a decline in Power Turbo-Systems
sales reflecting the low order intake of last year.

Geographic Breakdown

Reported Figures (Unaudited)

In Euro million                    Actual Orders Received                   Actual Sales                     
                   Q1                   Q1                      Q1           Q1               
                   FY2002/03            FY2003/04      change   FY2003/04    FY2003/04  change  

Europe                 2,860                1,957        -32%       1,918        2,036      6%      
North America          1,202                  648        -46%       1,390          721    -48%    
Latin America            324                  147        -54%         398          277    -30%    
Africa/Middle East       413                  707         71%         550          303    -45%    
Asia/Pacific             876                  576        -34%       1,013        1,003     -1%     

Total                  5,675                4,035        -29%       5,269        4,341    -18%    

In Q1 2003/04, the geographic breakdown of orders received was broadly
equivalent to that in Q1 2002/03. Europe remains the most important market. On
an actual basis, orders decreased in this region by 32%, driven by Power
Turbo-Systems and Transport. Americas decreased in all Sectors but Power Service
due to currency translation effects and difficult market conditions. Africa/
Middle East improved significantly, notably in Power Turbo-Systems with a major
order recorded in Bahrain, and in T&D. Asia/Pacific decreased by 34% driven by
Transport, Power Service and Power Turbo-Systems. This decrease was partly
offset by an improvement of Power Environment in this region.

Sector Reviews

Power Turbo-Systems

The main order received in Q1 2003/04 is a turnkey extension of a gas power
plant in Bahrain.

On a comparable basis, this quarter was below the exceptional high level of Q1
2002/03, when several gas turnkey and steam contracts were booked, but it was
much higher than Q4 2002/03 when no major orders were registered.

The level of sales in Q1 2003/04 reflects the lower order volumes over the last
few years.

Power Environment

The main orders received in Q1 2003/04 are contracts for heat recovery in
Germany and for utility boiler in China.

Compared to Q1 2002/03, the decrease in orders was due to the postponement of
several projects in Environmental Control and a slowdown in Hydro, partly offset
by a good performance in Heat Recovery systems.

The sales registered in Q1 2003/04 remain stable versus the same period last

Power Service

Major orders booked in Q1 2003/04 include two long-term gas turbine maintenance
contracts in the US and in Brazil.

Orders remain stable versus Q1 2002/03 and show a marked recovery as compared to
Q4 2002/03, which was generally slow in all regions.

The sales increase in Q1 2003/04 versus both Q1 and Q4 2002/03 reflects a good
performance in US boiler service and gas turbine service.

Transmission & Distribution (T&D)

The level of orders received in Q1 2003/04 remained globally stable versus Q1

This quarter was marked by the booking of an HVDC project between Sweden and
Denmark. Globally, the Transmission market continues to be sound and a number of
orders have been registered in the African/Middle-Eastern market. This offset
continuous difficult market conditions in Western Europe, notably in
Distribution products.

On a comparable basis, Q1 2003/04 sales were in line with Q1 2002/03 but below
Q4 2002/03. The decline versus Q4 reflects a low order intake in the second half
of last year and a generally slower first quarter in T&D.


The main orders received in Q1 2003/04 were Lausanne metro infrastructure,
CORADIA "Minuetto" trains for Trenitalia in Italy and metro cars for the Jubilee
Line to London Underground. While the level of orders during this quarter was
unusually low, several contracts have been secured but not yet booked, e.g.
Grenoble Tram and Barcelona Metro.

2002/03 orders included a high level of booking in North America (Euro1Bn) where we
expect orders for the current year to be very limited. Excluding North America,
we expect the 2003/04 order intake to be of the same magnitude as last year's.

Q1 2003/04 sales are in line with the same period last year.


Q1 2003/04 orders included a ferry for Seafrance.

Sales reflected the delivery of the frigate 'Hassan II' for the Royal Moroccan
Navy, the 1,000-cabin cruise-ship 'Island Princess' for P&O Princess (Carnival
group) and the 550-cabin cruise-ship 'Crystal Serenity' for the Japanese
Shipping Group NYK during the first quarter.


We expect the 2003/04 orders and sales to be down around 5% versus last year on
a comparable basis.

                                    - ends -


Press enquiries: Gilles Tourvieille
(Tel. +33 1 47 55 23 15)

Investor relations: Emmanuelle Chatelain
(Tel. +33 1 47 55 25 78)

Internet: http://www.alstom.com

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange