Pulitzer Inc. Reports Fourth-Period Revenue for Five Weeks Ended
May 1, 2005 ST. LOUIS, May 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Pulitzer
Inc. (NYSE:PTZ) today announced that revenue increased 1.2 percent
for the five-week accounting period ended May 1, 2005, and 2.7
percent for the eighteen-week year-to-date period when compared to
the respective 2004 periods. April 2005 advertising revenue in St.
Louis and at the 12 Pulitzer Newspapers, Inc. ("PNI") markets
increased 2.1 percent. Advertising revenue was unchanged at the St.
Louis operations and increased 7.0 percent at PNI. On a comparable
basis, excluding the results of PNI acquisitions absent in the
comparable periods of 2004, total revenue increased 0.7 percent for
the five-week period ended May 1, 2005, and increased 2.2 percent
for the eighteen-week year-to-date period. Comparable advertising
revenue increased 1.5 percent for the five-week period ended May 1,
2005, and increased 3.5 percent for the eighteen-week year-to-date
period. Fourth-period 2005 comparable advertising revenue was flat
at the St. Louis operations and increased 5.1 percent at PNI.
Comparable advertising revenue increased 1.8 percent at the St.
Louis operations and 7.8 percent at PNI for the eighteen- week
year-to-date period. The principal components of the fourth-period
comparable advertising revenue results for St. Louis and PNI were:
-- Comparable retail advertising revenue, including preprints,
decreased 2.4 percent. Comparable retail ROP revenue decreased 3.3
percent, principally due to weakness in the department store and
financial categories. St. Louis local territory revenues increased
0.5 percent. Comparable retail ROP revenue decreased 5.2 percent in
St. Louis and increased 0.2 percent at PNI. Comparable retail
preprint revenue decreased 0.3 percent in St. Louis and decreased
1.2 percent at PNI. -- Comparable fourth-period national
advertising revenue, including preprints, increased 10.4 percent
versus the respective 2004 period. This increase was principally
due to strength in the financial and national automotive and
technology categories, partially offset by weakness in the
entertainment, telecommunication and pharmaceutical categories.
Comparable national preprint revenue increased 30.4 percent for the
period and comparable national ROP revenue increased 5.5 percent.
Comparable national advertising revenue, including preprints,
increased 12.0 percent in St. Louis and decreased 8.2 percent at
PNI. -- Comparable fourth-period classified revenue increased 4.9
percent versus the respective 2004 period. Comparable Classified
Advertising Revenue Percentage Change 2005 Versus 2004 Total
Pulitzer, including Tucson Tucson Period 4 Total Newspaper
Newspaper St. Louis PNI Pulitzer Agency Agency Help Wanted 3.7%
34.0% 11.8% 12.5% 11.9% Automotive (5.8%) (6.0%) (5.8%) 2.5% (4.9%)
Real Estate 9.4% 11.4% 10.0% (9.3%) 8.5% Total Classified Revenue
1.2% 14.6% 4.9% 6.2% 5.1% Comparable Classified Advertising Revenue
Percentage Change 2005 Versus 2004 Total Pulitzer, including Tucson
Tucson Year-To-Date Total Newspaper Newspaper St. Louis PNI
Pulitzer Agency Agency Help Wanted 4.5% 34.1% 11.8% 19.3% 12.9%
Automotive (5.4%) (6.9%) (5.8%) 3.7% (4.7%) Real Estate (2.8%)
13.8% 2.4% (8.6%) 1.5% Total Classified Revenue (0.9%) 14.3% 3.3%
8.5% 3.8% April 2005 revenue associated with the Company's 50
percent interest in the Tucson Newspaper Agency ("TNI") increased
4.1 percent and total advertising revenue increased 4.5 percent.
TNI retail revenue, including preprints, increased 3.9 percent,
with an 8.0 percent increase in retail ROP and a 4.6 percent
decrease in retail preprint revenue. Local territory revenues
increased 3.0 percent for the period. TNI national revenue,
including preprints, decreased 3.8 percent. April classified
revenue increased 6.2 percent at TNI. Easter occurred in March of
2005 and April of 2004. Generally an increase in retail advertising
and a decrease in classified advertising is associated with the
Easter holiday. Pulitzer Inc., through various subsidiaries and
affiliated entities, is engaged in newspaper publishing and related
new media activities. The Company's newspaper operations include
two major metropolitan dailies, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the
Arizona Daily Star in Tucson, Ariz., and, through its Pulitzer
Newspapers, Inc. ("PNI") subsidiary, 12 other dailies and more than
75 weekly newspapers, shoppers, and niche publications. The PNI
dailies are The Pantagraph, Bloomington, Ill.; The Daily Herald,
Provo, Utah; the Santa Maria Times, Santa Maria, Calif.; The Napa
Valley Register, Napa, Calif.; The World, Coos Bay, Ore.; The
Sentinel, Hanford, Calif.; the Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, Ariz.;
The Daily Chronicle, DeKalb, Ill.; The Garden Island, Lihue,
Hawaii; the Daily Journal, Park Hills, Mo.; The Lompoc Record,
Lompoc, Calif.; and The Daily News, Rhinelander, Wis. The Company's
newspaper operations also include the Suburban Journals of Greater
St. Louis, a group of 36 weekly papers and various niche
publications. The Company's new media and interactive initiatives
include STLtoday.com in St. Louis, azstarnet.com in Tucson, and Web
sites for all of its other dailies. Pulitzer Inc. is the successor
to the company originally founded by Joseph Pulitzer in St. Louis
in 1878. For further information, visit our Web site at
http://www.pulitzerinc.com/ . NOTES: This press release contains
forward-looking statements based on current management
expectations. Numerous factors may cause events to differ
materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements
including regulatory and other factors. Many of the factors that
will determine those events are beyond our capability to control or
predict. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties
and therefore actual events may differ materially. Readers should
not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements which
reflect management's view only as of the date hereof. We undertake
no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements,
or to make any other forward-looking statements, whether as a
result of new information, future events or otherwise. PULITZER
(Revenue in thousands--Unaudited) Five Five Eighteen Eighteen Weeks
Weeks Weeks Weeks Ended Ended Ended Ended May 1, May 2, May 1, May
2, 2005 2004 Change 2005 2004 Change (Note 3) (Note 3) Consolidated
Operating Revenue (Note 1): Advertising: Retail $11,800 $12,130
(2.7%) $ 39,637 $ 39,959 (0.8%) National 2,417 2,291 5.5% 8,626
8,452 2.1% Classified 14,071 13,308 5.7% 47,408 45,555 4.1% Total
28,288 27,729 2.0% 95,671 93,966 1.8% Preprints 7,086 6,932 2.2%
24,180 21,150 14.3% Total Advertising 35,374 34,661 2.1% 119,851
115,116 4.1% Circulation 7,823 7,941 (1.5%) 27,739 28,509 (2.7%)
Other 705 797 (11.5%) 2,454 2,509 (2.2%) Total $43,902 $43,399 1.2%
$150,044 $146,134 2.7% Operating Revenue of Consolidated
Subsidiaries: St. Louis Operations (Note 2): Advertising $24,572
$24,565 0.0% $ 83,598 $ 82,110 1.8% Circulation 5,830 5,929 (1.7%)
20,651 21,317 (3.1%) Other 181 265 (31.7%) 593 714 (16.9%) Total
$30,583 $30,759 (0.6%) $104,842 $104,141 0.7% Pulitzer Newspapers,
Inc. Advertising $10,802 $10,096 7.0% $ 36,253 $ 33,006 9.8%
Circulation 1,993 2,012 (0.9%) 7,088 7,192 (1.4%) Other 524 532
(1.5%) 1,861 1,795 3.7% Total $13,319 $12,640 5.4% $ 45,202 $
41,993 7.6% Operating Revenue of Unconsolidated Newspaper Joint
Venture: Pulitzer's 50% share of Tucson Newspaper Agency:
Advertising $ 4,445 $ 4,253 4.5% $ 15,645 $ 14,631 6.9% Circulation
1,121 1,123 (0.2%) 4,095 4,151 (1.3%) Other 55 23 139.1% 217 140
55.0% Total $ 5,621 $ 5,399 4.1% $ 19,957 $ 18,922 5.5% Note 1
Year-to-year comparisons are affected by acquisitions of weekly
newspapers, shoppers, and niche publications within the last 12
months that complement the Company's newspapers in several markets.
On a comparable basis, excluding the impact of the acquisitions for
comparable ownership periods in each year, advertising and total
revenues would have increased as follows: Five Weeks Eighteen Weeks
Comparable Change Comparable Change Total Total Pulitzer PNI
Pulitzer PNI Advertising Revenue 1.5% 5.1% 3.5% 7.8% Total Revenue
0.7% 3.8% 2.2% 5.9% Note 2 Includes revenues of the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, Suburban Journals of Greater St. Louis, St. Louis
e-media operations, and STL Distribution Services. Note 3 Certain
reclassifications have been made to the 2004 financial statements
and statistical data to conform with the presentation made in 2005.
Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Ended Ended Ended Ended May 1, May 2, May
1, May 2, 2005 2004 Change 2005 2004 Change (Note 3) (Note 3)
Advertising Linage (in thousands of inches): ST. LOUIS
POST-DISPATCH: Advertising Inches Full run (all zones) Retail 64.5
74.0 (12.8%) 209.8 246.4 (14.9%) National 15.3 15.5 (1.3%) 55.5
57.5 (3.5%) Classified 92.3 97.3 (5.1%) 316.3 327.1 (3.3%) Total
172.1 186.8 (7.9%) 581.6 631.0 (7.8%) Part run (Retail/ Classified)
35.9 53.9 (33.4%) 129.7 184.3 (29.6%) Total Inches 208.0 240.7
(13.6%) 711.3 815.3 (12.8%) TUCSON NEWSPAPER AGENCY: Star/Citizen
advertising inches Full run (all zones) Retail 141.1 140.4 0.5%
495.5 503.4 (1.6%) National 6.9 6.3 9.5% 29.6 27.9 6.1% Classified
151.9 166.4 (8.7%) 527.2 560.2 (5.9%) Total 299.9 313.1 (4.2%)
1,052.3 1,091.5 (3.6%) Part run (Retail/ Classified) 3.1 1.9 63.2%
9.2 7.2 27.8% Total Inches 303.3 315.0 (3.8%) 1,061.5 1,098.7
(3.4%) Circulation (Note 4): Five Five Eighteen Eighteen Weeks
Weeks Weeks Weeks Ended Ended Ended Ended May 1, May 2, May 1, May
2, 2005 2004 Change 2005 2004 Change ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH: Daily
283,745 279,985 1.3% 284,705 281,119 1.3% Sunday 443,217 445,179
(0.4%) 445,283 453,688 (1.9%) COMBINED PULITZER NEWSPAPERS, INC.:
Daily 193,098 194,533 (0.7%) 192,319 192,393 (0.0%) Sunday 190,543
189,627 0.5% 188,287 188,801 (0.3%) TUCSON NEWSPAPER AGENCY: Star
Daily 114,259 109,980 3.9% 114,989 112,519 2.2% Citizen Daily
30,864 32,274 (4.4%) 30,953 32,900 (5.9%) Combined Daily 145,123
142,254 2.0% 145,942 145,419 0.4% Star Sunday 173,352 171,478 1.1%
177,590 177,927 (0.2%) Online Page Views (in thousands): Five Five
Eighteen Eighteen Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks Ended Ended Ended Ended
May 1, May 2, May 1, May 2, 2005 2004 Change 2005 2004 Change (Note
3) (Note 3) St. Louis 45,679 38,003 20.2% 157,337 133,717 17.7%
Combined PNI Web sites 10,741 9,031 18.9% 41,935 35,282 18.9%
Combined Tucson Web sites 11,074 6,435 72.1% 38,974 26,775 45.6%
Totals 67,494 53,469 26.2% 238,246 195,774 21.7% Note 4
Year-to-date circulation levels represent averages (unaudited) for
the current ABC annual audit periods ending September 30 and
December 31 for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Tucson Newspaper
Agency, respectively. Year-to-date PNI amounts represent combined
averages (unaudited) for the annual periods ending December 31.
DATASOURCE: Pulitzer Inc. CONTACT: James V. Maloney, Director of
Shareholder Relations, of Pulitzer Inc., +1-314-340-8402
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