INVESCO Recovery 2005 Trust plc                        

                           Preliminary Announcement                            

                            Unaudited Final Results                            

                      For the Year Ended 31 October 2003                       

Chairman's Statement

In my first interim report as Chairman I was disappointed to have to report a
fall in the total assets less current liabilities of the Trust of 2.6% during
the period, so I am now very pleased to be able to report a rise in the second
half of the Trust's year of 26.7%, which results in a rise during the year as a
whole of 23.4%.

There is no single benchmark against which the Company's investment performance
should be measured. However, the Board considers the performance of the FTSE
All-Share Index, the FTA Government All Stock Index and the Merrill Lynch
Sterling High Yield Index when assessing the performance of the Trust's
portfolio. The Board considers the Merrill Lynch Sterling High Yield Index
normally to be more relevant to the fixed interest component of the Trust's
portfolio for comparison purposes rather than the FTA Government All Stock
Index. The total returns for those indices for the year are respectively 13.6%,
1.3% and 43.1% which compare with the total return on the portfolio of 29.9%.

The Board considers this to be a very satisfactory performance achieved over a
difficult year and results both from the rise in the UK equity market and the
good performance of the Trust's portfolio. The Trust's declared net asset value
of the Ordinary Shares at the end of its financial year, after deducting prior
charges at par, was 107.4p and the middle market share price at the close of
business that day was 82.0p which was a discount of 23.7% to the net asset

The gearing of the Trust means that the change in the net asset value of the
Ordinary Shares will be greater than the change in total assets less current
liabilities. In assessing the future value of both the Zero Dividend Preference
Shares and Ordinary Shares, I have had tabulated what would happen in a number
of different scenarios.

Projected Net Asset Value of Ordinary Shares

% Growth per annum in Total           -16.0  -10.0   -5.0    Nil    5.0   10.0
Assets less Current Liabilities                                               
Approximate NAV per share (pence)       Nil   29.1   54.9   82.2  110.9  141.2

The above projected net asset values show the estimates of capital repayments
which could be made to the Ordinary Shareholders assuming a variety of
different growth rates in the Trust's total assets less current liabilities to
wind-up in November 2005.

Projected Net Asset Value of Zero Dividend Preference Shares

% Growth per annum in Total             -50.9    -40.0    -30.0    -20.0    -16.0
Assets less Current Liabilities                                                  
Approximate NAV per share (pence)         Nil     44.4     93.2    150.0    174.7

If the total assets less current liabilities of the Trust remain at the 31
October 2003 level, then the Zero Dividend Preference Shareholders would
receive their pre-determined final capital entitlement of 174.7p. However, the
table above illustrates what would happen if the total assets less current
liabilities fell.

The Directors approved the payment of a final dividend per Ordinary Share of
2.4p. This, when taken together with the third quarterly dividend already
declared at the same level, makes a total of 4.8p per Ordinary Share for the
second half of the financial year. This compares with a total of 4.525p
declared for the first half of the financial year and makes a total of 9.325p
per Ordinary Share declared for the financial year as a whole. This represents
an increase of 3.0% on the total dividend paid for the Trust's previous
financial year. The final dividend will be paid on 30 January 2004 to
shareholders on the register on 30 December 2003.


The UK equity market has made a recovery from the low levels reached in March.
Statistics indicate that there is a positive economic recovery underway in the
US. The UK economy is encouraging. The UK equity market is supported by an
unusually high dividend yield relative to UK government bond yields. Following
a year during which the declared net asset value of the Ordinary Shares after
deducting prior charges at par rose above their issue price of 100 pence and in
which the dividend was increased, I am hopeful that the Trust can make further
progress during its current financial year.

Lord Naseby


18 December 2003

Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account) (unaudited)

for the year ended 31 October

                               2003                    2002          
                      Revenue Capital   Total Revenue Capital   Total
                        �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000
Gains/(losses) on           -  10,078  10,078       - (7,450) (7,450)
Income                  2,286       -   2,286   1,978       -   1,978
  management fee            -   (831)   (831)       -       -       -
Other expenses          (273)     (3)   (276)   (273)     (5)   (278)
Net return before                                                    
finance costs                                                        
  and taxation          2,013   9,244  11,257   1,705 (7,455) (5,750)
Interest payable and                                                 
  charges               (128)   (510)   (638)   (127)   (508)   (635)
Return on ordinary                                                   
  before taxation       1,885   8,734  10,619   1,578 (7,963) (6,385)
Tax on ordinary          (16)      16       -       -       -       -
Return on ordinary                                                   
  after taxation for                                                 
  financial year        1,869   8,750  10,619   1,578 (7,963) (6,385)
Appropriations in                                                    
respect of non-                                                      
  equity shares             - (1,441) (1,441)       - (1,330) (1,330)
Dividends in respect                                                 
of equity                                                            
  shares              (1,615)       - (1,615) (1,567)       - (1,567)
Transfer to/(from)        254   7,309   7,563      11 (9,293) (9,282)
Basic return per       10.79p  42.20p  52.99p   9.11p (53.65) (44.54)
Ordinary Share                                              p       p
Basic return per Zero                                                
  Preference Share          -  11.36p  11.36p       -  10.49p  10.49p

The revenue column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from
continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited)

for the year ended 31                  2003                       2002        
                                       Non-                       Non-        
                           Equity    equity           Equity    equity        
                        interests interests  Total interests interests   Total
                            �'000     �'000  �'000     �'000     �'000   �'000
Opening Shareholders'      11,043    17,380 28,423    20,325    16,050  36,375
Revenue return for the        254         -    254        11         -      11
Capital return for the      8,750         -  8,750   (7,963)         - (7,963)
Appropriations in         (1,441)     1,441      -   (1,330)     1,330       -
respect of non-equity                                                         
Closing Shareholders'      18,606    18,821 37,427    11,043    17,380  28,423

Balance Sheet (unaudited)

at 31 October

                                               2003        2002
                                               �'000      �'000
Fixed assets                                                   
  Investments                                   44,589   37,077
Current assets                                                 
  Debtors                                          300    1,007
  Cash at bank                                   4,413    1,478
                                                 4,713    2,485
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year   1,875    1,139
Net current assets                               2,838    1,346
Total assets less current liabilities           47,427   38,423
Creditors: amounts falling due after one year   10,000   10,000
                                                37,427   28,423
Capital and reserves                                           
  Called-up share capital                          300      300
  Share premium account                         29,100   29,100
  Other reserves                                               
    Capital reserve - realised                   6,191   11,392
    Capital reserve - unrealised               (5,506) (18,016)
    Redemption reserve                           6,141    4,700
  Revenue reserves                               1,201      947
Shareholders' funds                             37,427   28,423
Analysis of Shareholders' funds                                
  Equity interests (Ordinary Shares)            18,606   11,043
  Non-equity interests (Zero Dividend           18,821   17,380
Preference Shares)                                             
                                                37,427   28,423
Net asset value per share                                      
  Ordinary Share - basic                        107.4p    63.8p
  Zero Dividend Preference Shares               148.4p   137.1p

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 18
December 2003.

Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)

for the year ended 31 October

                                                    2003    2002
                                                   �'000   �'000
Cash inflow from operating activities              2,071   1,645
Servicing of finance                               (638)   (635)
Taxation                                               -     141
Capital expenditure and financial investment       3,093     830
Equity dividends paid                            (1,591) (1,775)
Net cash inflow before management of liquid                     
  resources and financing                          2,935     206
Management of liquid resources                   (2,909)   (217)
Increase/(decrease) in cash                           26    (11)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in                  
net debt                                                        
Increase/(decrease) in cash                           26    (11)
Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources     2,909     217
Change in net funds/(debt) resulting from cash     2,935     206
Net debt at beginning of year                    (8,522) (8,728)
Net debt at end of year                          (5,587) (8,522)

Notes (unaudited)

1. Income

                                                    2003     2002
                                                    �'000   �'000
Income from investments                                          
UK dividends                                         1,833  1,625
UK unfranked investment income - interest              373    198
                                                     2,206  1,823
Other income                                                     
Deposit interest                                        76    155
Underwriting commissions and sundry income               4      -
                                                        80    155
Total income                                         2,286  1,978
Total income comprises:                                          
Dividends                                            1,833  1,625
Interest                                               449    353
Other income                                             4      -
                                                     2,286  1,978

2. Return per share

Basic revenue return per Ordinary Share is based on the net revenue return on
ordinary activities after tax and on 17,320,000 (2002: 17,320,000) Ordinary
Shares in issue throughout the year.

Basic capital return per Ordinary Share is based on net capital return on
ordinary activities after tax and on 17,320,000 (2002: 17,320,000) Ordinary
Shares in issue throughout the year.

Capital return per Zero Dividend Preference Share is the increase in the
calculated value per Zero Dividend Preference Share for the year.

3. Net asset value per share

The net asset value per Ordinary Share and the net assets attributable at the
year-end were as follows:

                               Net asset value      Net assets   
                               per share           attributable  
                               2003         2002 2003        2002
                               pence       pence �'000      �'000
Ordinary Shares - Basic           107.4     63.8   18,606  11,043
Zero Dividend Preference          148.4    137.1   18,821  17,380

Basic net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on the net assets
attributable at the year-end and on 17,320,000 (2002: 17,320,000) Ordinary
Shares, being the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at the year-end.

Net asset value per Zero Dividend Preference Share is based on the net assets
attributable at the year-end and on 12,680,000 (2002: 12,680,000) Zero Dividend
Preference Shares being the number of Zero Dividend Preference Shares in issue
at the year-end.

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 October 2003 or the year ended 31
October 2002. The financial information for 2002 is derived from the statutory
accounts for 2002, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
auditors have reported on the 2002 accounts; their report was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act
1985. The financial information for the year ended 31 October 2003 is
unaudited. The statutory accounts for 2003 will be finalised on the basis of
the financial information presented by the Directors in this preliminary
announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the
Company's Annual General Meeting.

The audited Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly. Copies
may be obtained during normal business hours from the Company's Registered
Office, 30 Finsbury Square, London, EC2A 1AG.

The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Company's Registered Office on
28 January 2004 at 12 noon.

By order of the Board

INVESCO Asset Management Limited - Secretaries 18 December 2003